#this was prob written by joão batista de queirós bc of the language but idk it could be ezequiel dos santos too. based as always rip kings
drinkthemlock · 6 months
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BASED brazilian dude from the 1800s??????
Generally speaking one calls People the reunion of all the inhabitants that form society, and inhabit a country under the same government. This word people constitutes all individuals without exception, from the King to the poorest, most wretched citizen [...] among us there is but people, and slaves; and he who is not People knows immediately he’s enslaved. See how among the people who constitute civil society, where there are a few bad behaved men, very foolish, and full of vices, and baseness, some who are sometimes slothful, and dishonorable, and also don’t put in an effort to educate themselves, to diminish their crassness, and poor manners, it has come into fashion to call these bad people rabble; and lower rabble those who, among the rabble, are incorrigible, and nearly worse than bad slaves. Consequently the lower rabble is the meaner, the silly little nobleman, or the rich merchant, or the high public servant, whose manners, schooling, honor, and customs are as bad as we’ve just described. Is therefore ignorant, ridiculous and insolent every boaster with an air of Lord nobody that disdainfully calls – People the people of society who labor and produce riches with a hoe, or with an adze. Despicable are the people who consume the riches others produce, and on top of that disdain the true citizen, producer of riches; and more, only work in betraying the People, enslaving it against the orders of God Himself, whom, when he created Adam, did not create the Count, the Friar, or the Marquess. He who says “People” disdainfully is a despicable aristocrat [...] the government should come from everyone, and hang from everyone en masse; 
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