#this was heavily inspired by the codex of love heheh
00nutritionalvalue · 5 months
It is not time nor space that I fear, for Love transcends them It is not possession of your heart I yearn for, but to fill it with my love and my being It is not the jewels of this world from you I seek, but that of your mind and the tenderness of your touch It is not your freedom I wish to take, but your sovereignty maintain It is not distress, but peace that I pray to descend upon you Only truth do I long to hear, for my ears are  now deafened to the cries of falsehood Only truth do I intend to speak, for my tongue is the sword that will cut the ties of deception Only truth do my eyes now behold, for in it, illusion cannot be Only love it is I wish to give, Only love it is I wish for you to know For only in Love is ecstasy found In the depth of your eyes, destiny I have glimsped In the sweetness of your kiss, intimacy I have known In the beat of your heart, compassion I have heard In the safety of your arms, refuge I have taken In the closeness of our flesh, flames of passion I have fanned If, in my silence, it is solace you have found, then no more words to you from my lips shall part If in my absence it is joy you feel, then far from you I will remain But if in my words you have found resonance, then my truth I will continue to utter If in my company, it is comfort you have felt, then by your side I will always be Do you see now how I love you, Unconditionally Beauty lies in what is real I say to you now, this is real. Faith and hope are the bridge to my love, Would you cross it? Millions of stars watch over you, Shining rays of fortune, Casting out the darkness of fear I pray their Light illuminates each and every step of your way Guiding you night and day Hear my words Deny them if you please But in me, love you will always find Only Love, for you there will be
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