#this was a strange request but not the most weirdest one
pupyuj · 2 months
→ “your colorful secrets.” || jang wonyoung x reader fic.
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— weeks after the event which you call "the weirdest thing that's ever happened all year", wonyoung approaches you about your 'strange' behavior towards her in the most 'wonyoung' way possible...
word count: 10.6k
dynamic: dom!mean girl!jang wonyoung x sub!nerd!reader.
content warnings: smut, fingering, clit play, nipple play, masturbation (for like, a minute lmao), overstimulation, mommy kink, degradation.
requested? : kind of!
a/n: well, we finally made it ya'll! 😭😭💞 i feel like i'm gonna say this about every fic i write here from now on but PHEWWW THIS QUITE LITERALLY TOOK FOREVER?? but i was more than happy to flesh this little universe out more and revisit our favorite mean girl and her awkward nerd <33 just like you guys, "magic words" is one of my favorite things that i have written so even though this kinda took me wayyy too long to finish, I WAS SO HAPPY THAT I STILL DID IT UEUEUE MEAN GIRL WONY MY BELOVED 🥺💓 anyhow, i really, really hope you guys enjoy this and here's to more mean girl wonys in the future hehehe
p.s. i hope ya'll don't get bored too easily bcs wow there's a shit ton of talking in the first half of this fic—
previous: magic words.
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jang wonyoung was late. 
to class.
which wasn’t exactly all that surprising considering she thinks she can do whatever she wants. but she was never late to class. you would know—you were always waiting until she entered the room. it was like you were never calm until she appeared, but that was because you have had the biggest, lamest crush on her all year. even the professor took a pause when he called wonyoung’s name for attendance and nobody was there to respond with “i’m here, professor~” and a cheeky smile. you stared at the empty seat in the middle of the classroom, wonyoung’s seat, and wondered what could’ve been in her way for her to— 
“just hold on for mommy, ‘kay?”
you dropped your pen, covering your red face with your hands. your seatmate gave you a brief look before going back to reading her notes. did you really have to think about that first thing in the morning? well, it wasn’t as if it was all you have been thinking about for the past two weeks: wonyoung’s lips on yours, her hands all over you, her sweet voice soothing you, and her eyes looking at you like you were her last meal… you still couldn’t believe that entire thing even happened!
ever since then, things have been really weird. a lot of people looked at you more when before wonyoung fucked you, you were usually ignored which you liked. and you knew everybody whispered about you and wonyoung too. neither of you were being discreet in that room in the library that day so you heard all sorts of things from your fellow students the day after. usually about how they didn’t think you were that kind of girl, or how they never thought wonyoung would ever consider fucking ‘someone like you’. see, other people would be mad if they heard some strangers say all those things about them but actually, you agreed with them.
everything about that day went against a lot of things that you thought about yourself. well, you weren’t planning on staying a virgin forever but you really didn’t expect for it to be taken by jang wonyoung of all people!
“come on, baby. give me a show.”
you squeezed your thighs together, your heart hammering inside your chest. god, it almost felt like wonyoung was right up against your ear—talking to you and berating you for thinking about her 24/7 after she fucked you. you felt your core clench upon remembering how warm wonyoung’s hands were, how her fingers felt ramming inside you… god, you wanted it all again. but there was no way she would agree to that, right? knowing wonyoung and the kind of girl that she was, that would be the only time she would fuck you, right?
a pink jacket catches your attention, making you look up from your thighs. jang wonyoung has finally arrived. she was talking to the professor as she sat in her seat, all smiles and giggles as usual. she throws a brief glance over her shoulder, sharp eyes meeting yours. you didn’t miss the way the corner of her mouth lifted up, smirking at you as she eyed you down. you didn’t even know how the fuck she was able to do that within a millisecond of looking at you, but she did it anyway and it only made you squirm in your seat.
oh, how pathetic you were. you’ve been feeling all sorts of things after wonyoung fucked you, but you never knew what to do about them. for now, you just wanted to get through another day of being in wonyoung’s presence despite everything that’s happened. she hasn’t spoken much to you since that day and you doubted that anything was going to change—she’s jang wonyoung after all. you were probably just another hook-up to her, something she’s bound to forget about in a week or so.
(see, that was just all kinds of wrong because right at this moment, all the nosy people who were staring at wonyoung can clearly see how she spared your pitiful figure by the window little glances every other minute with a sly smile on her face. she didn’t make an effort to be discreet. she never does. when jang wonyoung likes something, she is going to let people know—she has to! or else they’ll all just think you’re up for grabs.
no. wonyoung was going to show them only she can really pull all the nice girls in this school. especially you—(y/n) (l/n), the campus’ adorably awkward bookworm who’s very endearingly clumsy despite her well-put appearance. god, how wonyoung had become obsessed with you and you had absolutely no idea.
but it was more than just your character too. for a while now, actually ever since she fucked you, something about you has been bothering her mind. it’s made her unable to stop thinking about you and truthfully, it fucking pissed her off so much that she had to brainstorm a plan, a solution, for it. which became the reason why she was late today. will wonyoung actually execute it? who knows! for now, she can stare at you scribbling on your notes and laugh to herself because she knew, oh she so knew, that every time you paused, shut your eyes, and shook your head—you were thinking about her.)
thankfully, the class ended after another hour and a half. halfway through it all, you got bored and opted to stare out the window. so much so that you didn’t realize class was over until the familiar scent of money and local fame wafted into your nose—wonyoung had walked past you, and she winked at you. you found yourself freezing up in your seat, so fucking pathetic. nobody seemed to notice what wonyoung had just done which was fortunate for you! with bright red cheeks and ears, you packed up our belongings in record time and swiftly power-walked your way out of the classroom.
the attention that was put on you as you walked along the hallways of the building was annoying, for the lack of a better word. it seems like everybody was looking at you as if this was the very first instance of a loser somehow ‘getting’ the popular girl to sleep with her. sometimes, you wish it never happened. as good as it felt, the aftermath was almost not worth it. you’ve heard cruel things being said about you after that day and to save your enrollment, you kept yourself quiet and pretended like you were unaware. except that you weren’t, so every time you make eye contact with someone and they start whispering to their friend or something, it only adds up to that pool of anger that was slowly building up from the pit of your stomach.
still, you couldn’t bring yourself to blame wonyoung for it all. you were part of the act as much as she was but you also can’t say that you brought all this attention and rumors to yourself. you blamed the other girl’s stupid reputation, actually. but it’s not like you can rewind time and make yourself leave that goddamn room when you thought wonyoung was never going to come. there was no point in dwelling on it now. it happened and you have to live with the consequences. being talked about isn’t half as bad as the threat of your scholarship getting revoked anyway.
you were right on the other side of the building when you realized you had no idea where you wanted to go. you just wanted to get out of that classroom, away from wonyoung’s sights so she can’t have you acting up in front of everybody. not that you would actually be able to make stable eye contact with her anyway. naturally, you found yourself marching towards the washroom. you were nearing to the door when you heard a few girls chattering lively.
you entered the washroom and there stood in front of the mirror were kim jiwon and shim jayoon—your acquaintances and wonyoung’s super smart best friends from one of the science programs. they were the last people you wanted to see face-to-face and for good reason! as soon as they saw you, they squealed and grabbed your arm, yanking you to stand in front of the mirror with them. “there’s the woman of the hour!” jiwon teased, lightly pinching your cheek.
“more like woman of the week—literally nobody is shutting up about you! this must feel like heaven.” jayoon nudges your arm, firmly believing that you liked all of the attention you were getting when you really didn’t. you would do anything to be invisible again.
“is this really what it feels like to be popular? i hate it,” you grumbled, earning a sigh from jayoon. “i don’t know how you guys ever manage.”
“you have an outdated opinion about all of this, baby girl! don’t you like having everyone’s eyes on you? now they’ll see how much of a pretty little thing you are—it’s great!” jiwon said. no, she was not very successful in convincing you that this wasn’t the worst thing that’s ever happened in your academic life so far. but you decided that you wouldn’t fight her on it and instead, stand idly between the two girls while they gossiped and twirled and played with your hair.
you were completely signed off from the conversation; the only thing in your mind was the feeling of wonyoung’s hands in your hair while she kissed you. unconsciously, you touched your lips with your fingers. fuck.
“oh, you’ve got it bad, huh?” jiwon teases.
“hey, don’t blame (y/n)! wonyoung’s a good kisser—i’d miss her lips too,” jayoon sighs dreamily. then she gasps and grips your forearm tightly. “do you want to fuck her again?” she asked with shiny eyes.
“where’d you get your information from, jayoon? wonyoung fucked her.”
“oh, right!”
you covered your face with your hands, “please stop talking.”
jayoon forcefully pries your hand off your face, “listen, gaeul-sunbae is having a party next week and we’ll be there with wonyoung! you should come! we’ll make sure to get you guys a room.” jayoon says with a wink. god, they’d let the two of you fuck in a house full of your schoolmates?! that would just add onto your world of troubles.
“i’m not going to any party and i’m never sleeping with wonyoung again, okay? i just—i want this all to end. i hate it when i’m looked at.” you gently wiggled yourself out of the two girls’ hold and once again marched towards the door.
“you shouldn’t have fucked her then.” jayoon says with a shrug as you reach for the handle, making you pause.
“she fucked me.” you corrected your friend before swinging the door open and exiting the washroom.
“yeah jayoon get your facts straight!” you heard jiwon laugh as you bolted out of the washroom. you rolled your eyes, shaking your head, and glaring at the first person you saw in the hallway. the person in question raised an eyebrow before turning to talk with his friend, eyes lingering on your leaving figure.
gosh, this school was a nightmare.
nevertheless, you survive the long walk back to your classroom without sparing another person a glance. did you bump into people because you absolutely refused to look up? yes! did you care? not at all. it was much, much better than dealing with the scrutiny in everyone’s eyes. apparently, sex was only a problem when the girl who wanted nothing to do with it actually did it. every time you remembered how everyone in the library looked at you after you and wonyoung left that private room, you wanted to scream. literally. all of the negative things that came after the event made you forget about the sweet stuff. like the way wonyoung insisted on driving you home, how she walked you to a bus stop when you refused to ride with her, how she patiently and wordlessly waited for your bus with you, and how she gave you a kiss on the cheek when your bus did arrive.
but what good was having wonyoung’s attention if everybody was also going to look at you, but in a worse light?
you knew it probably wasn’t fair, but you grew a tiny bit of resentment towards the popular girl.
you entered your classroom after a deep breath—eyes glued to the ground and hands hidden under the straps of your backpack. it felt like you were back in high school all over again. this sucked so bad. but unfortunately, getting to your seat was only a bumpy road! all you had to do was not look up and start reading material once you’ve sat down. it should be so easy. of course, fate had other ideas.
wonyoung had bumped into you while walking towards her own seat, forcing you to tear your gaze from the ground to look at her. oh, she was so pretty—no, (y/n)! “sorry.” wonyoung says with a cheeky smile. (she was excited that she finally got you to look at her. and as expected…) you blushed, merely looking away from the other girl before rushing to your seat. you heard a few giggles behind you which only confirmed your suspicions—it was definitely planned. it didn’t help that your cheeks and ears were flushed red… gosh, even your neck felt warm. you know what also didn’t help? how wonyoung’s intense gaze didn’t leave your figure for a while. you could feel her staring at you like you were some piece of meat for her to devour and you weren’t even exaggerating by saying all that!
it was the same kind of look she was giving you right before she kissed you that day. despite your resistance, you met wonyoung’s stare. you noticed that she was surprised to see you raise your head, but it looked like it pleased her more than anything. wonyoung tilts her head and smiles slyly at you while her eyes travel from your hands, your exposed thighs, to your legs… now who knew jang wonyoung could be such a pervert? you squeezed your thighs together, glaring slightly at wonyoung who merely giggled before finally turning around and facing the front.
things like that—wonyoung’s attention, her interest, her affection—were the only good to come out from that hook-up. the rest? the side-eyes, the rumors, the whispers, the unwanted popularity spike? you wanted nothing to do with it. but, again, it wasn’t like you could reverse time.
so, you were going to do what you’ve always been good at: hide yourself to the point of invisibility. it’s never failed you before, and it shouldn’t now.
the only challenge was jang wonyoung herself—will she let you out of her sight?
you didn’t want to think about the most obvious answer. instead, you tried your damned hardest to not think about her at all for the rest of the day. you poured all of your attention to the lectures, the coursework, and the notes. basically anything just to avoid hearing her voice in your head again. at least it wasn’t as bad as the first few days after she fucked you. during those times, you quite literally replayed the entire thing in your head every minute. it wasn’t surprising that you ended up failing a few small quizzes around that time.
when you’ve put every belonging you had in your backpack, you practically rushed to get up from your seat and headed to the door. avoiding every eye that latched onto your figure. you successfully passed wonyoung’s seat without trouble until…
“ah, (y/n)! finally, i can talk to you.”
ms. lim, the professor for your last class of the day, calls you. you turned around with a tight-lipped smile on your face, reluctantly walking closer to the teacher’s desk while most of your classmates walked out of the door. wonyoung was still in the room. she was staring. fuck, why is she always staring?!
“i wanted to thank you for all the help you gave last week for jiyoung’s little… ‘art for amateurs’ club.” ms. lim sighed at the name (she has always hated it but ms. kim jiyoung, her fiancé, loved it too much to change it) and smiled up at you.
“no need for thanks, ma’am. i was passing by the art room that day and i just thought i’d help.” you hear a few people shuffle behind you. more students walking out. a flash of pink walks by behind you. wonyoung. you blinked and smiled at the professor, acting as normal as you could.
“if you don’t mind, i need you to do another favor for me,” ms. lim opens up one of her drawers and carefully takes out a lunch bag from it. the professor smiles sheepishly at you. “i hate to ask my students to do little chores like this. but i’m going to be preoccupied with grading and lesson plans for the rest of the day and that idiot jiyoung forgot to grab her food from me.”
you chuckled lightly, “hard to imagine ms. kim of all people would forget about her food. i’ll take it to her, no worries.” you carefully held the lunch bag in your hands and smiled at your professor.
“thank you, (y/n). she’s been all over the place lately! worrying about this one special pupil of hers that she’s practically begging to put up a piece of her work in the walls of the art building. it’s a whole thing, i won’t bore you about it. run along.” ms. lim waves you off with a laugh. you bowed to the professor before happily exiting the classroom with ms. kim’s lunch bag in hand. when you left the room, you saw that the hallways were still quite full with students lounging about—looks like it wasn’t going to be an easy walk to the fine arts building but oh well.
the first hurdle was squeezing through a crowd of jocks from different teams creating a ruckus in the middle of the hallway. the second struggle was nearly getting picked on by said jocks when they just so happened to notice you sneaking by. thankfully, a nice cheerleader with red hair diverted their attention so you could slip away. it was a quiet and pleasant walk along the school courtyard towards the fine arts building from there, with only the wind and soft rustling of leaves accompanying you.
the building was quiet, save for your own footsteps. usually, the hallways would be filled with sounds of casual chatter and the muffled voices of instructors and students alike. you had to say though, you much rather preferred the silence. it was comforting. you were usually surrounded with a lot of yelling, hollering, and laughing which sometimes wasn’t all that bad but considering everything that’s been happening the fast few days… yeah, this was preferable.
it didn’t take long for you to reach ms. kim’s classroom, and there you were met with a vast empty room littered with half-finished paintings and beautiful illustrations created by the students and ms. kim herself. there was a backpack and a big canvas set near the back of the classroom but you pay it no mind. it was common for students to stay after school hours just to kill time or work on their projects. you put down the lunch bag on ms. kim’s desk, all the more ready to turn around and leave when a particular painting caught your eye.
it wasn’t anything special by any means. in fact, it was buried behind more colorful paintings and you could only see half of it. you approached the painting, looking around the other canvases just to see it in full. it didn’t look finished, but then again maybe that was part of the appeal. the painting was that of an arrangement of beautiful flowers in a jar, they were wilting. or maybe they were just coming to life, looking at the soft streams of sunlight that shone down on them.
regardless, you didn’t have the luxury to analyze the painting any further when you heard shuffling behind you. alarmed, you turned your head quickly and… well, fuck.
the tall girl clad in pinks and blues smiles at you. it wasn’t a very comforting smile.
“the one and only,” well, that sounded familiar. you watched as wonyoung threads the ends of her hair using her dainty little fingers. a smirk dances on her lips while she stares you down, very much liking how she has rendered you speechless with her mere presence. a bit of a dramatic statement but it was true! “how’d you like my work?” wonyoung asked, eyes quickly flickering over to the flower painting behind you.
you followed her stare, but quickly looked back at her in shock. “you painted that?” you gasped.
“you make me sound like i’m just a stupid bimbo,” wonyoung sighs dramatically. “of course, i painted it. would anyone else’s work look as gorgeous?” ‘charming’ as ever, wonyoung flips her hair over her shoulder with a smug look on her pretty face. you turned away, very quickly rolling your eyes before settling them back on the painting. you were impressed. you wouldn’t have guessed that wonyoung of all people would have that kind of talent, but then again, she is one of the class-toppers and nobody knows who she is exactly.
“it’s beautiful.” you admitted. you heard wonyoung chuckle, but she doesn’t say much else. you don’t look back at her, choosing to stare at her painting instead. again, something stopped you from looking further into it. wonyoung stood beside you, briefly looking at her painting with a somber look on her face before quickly covering it up with her usual cheeky, queen bitch smile. it was dead silent. did you even want to speak to her? for two weeks, you’ve resented all the attention that was given to you because of her. you’ve glared at the back of her head, cursed her in your mind whenever some students whispered about you… but somehow, you’re the one who’s tongue-tied now that you were actually alone with her.
it was confusing—feelings, that is. hell, the last real face-to-face interaction you’ve had with her was on that day. when she kissed your cheek before you got on your bus.
“wasn’t expecting you to be here, (y/n),” wonyoung unzips her pink jacket, slowly taking it off before putting it on an empty seat. you watched her from the corner of your eye, she was taking deep breaths and you could hear her. then she fixes her hair and turns around wearing a glowing smile. “but this is just perfect.” she steps towards you and instinctively, you jolted backwards.
“i-i just dropped something off for ms. kim… from ms. lim, i mean. i should get going.” well, it wasn’t going to be easy! what with wonyoung being inside your personal bubble and your heart beating so fast that you can’t quite hear your own thoughts. it didn’t help that she towered over you, and again, her perfume was a fucking weapon—rendering you immobile.
“don’t be like that, (y/n). i’m upset with you.” wonyoung says with a pout. cute, but you really shouldn’t let your stupid crush on her stop you from just getting the hell away! wonyoung was fascinated with the way your eyes wandered. she knew that no matter how angry you were with her, she was always going to have the same effect on you. and it was delicious. being able to have that much of an impact on someone. 
“you never called or texted me. i was waiting, especially after i sent you home,” wonyoung stands even closer and for a second, you actually saw some kind of emotion in her eyes. dissatisfaction, perhaps. “didn’t know you were like that, (y/n).”
“i d-didn’t even think you’d want me to contact you after… after all of that.”
“i wouldn’t have given you my number if i didn’t want you begging for more of me over the phone, dumbass.” wonyoung bumps your shoulder with her own as she walks past you. the way you looked (confused and… so fucking stupid) must’ve made her pissed, judging by the way she started dragging her equipment around with her eyebrows furrowed and eyes glaring at you every now and then. you stood there awkwardly, fiddling with the hem of your uniform. you should really leave. you had things to do at home! this wasn’t a time to waste with someone who was mad at you and someone you were mad with.
all it takes was a period of silence to remind of how much wonyoung affected your life. and suddenly all the anger was back. the longer you stood there and looked at her, the more it boiled up and threatened to tip over. but you were going to be mature. you were going to leave the classroom and go on with your life, leaving it all (wonyoung) behind.
“i have a few ideas on how you can make it up to me though.” wonyoung averts her gaze from the empty canvas in front of her to you.
given the way she was looking at you—or rather, has been looking at you, wonyoung was up to no good. and if you wanted any chance to redeem the little reputation you had in this academy, you had to be strong and not get swayed by her and her pretty little face and those soft lips and that mesmerizing pair of eyes. you shook your head, “i am not fucking with you again, wonyoung.”
the taller girl laughed, “what? did it look like i was going to make you do that? gee, (y/n), it takes one hook-up to corrupt you, huh?” wonyoung laughs, a smirk making its way to her face when she sees you glaring daggers at her. “you’re going to be my muse.” she says, crossing her arms and scanning you up and down. gosh, she didn’t even bother to hide the lust behind her stare… but you could tell that her statement wasn’t a joke.
“you’re… going to paint me?” you asked. wonyoung hums, staring right at you as she pulled her hair up to a ponytail, quietly anticipating your answer while you stood idly by the windows.
“only reason i’m here is because ms. kim has been begging for me to put something of my own up in the hallways. usually i would just refuse but the lady’s been nice to me since i stepped a foot in this school so why not? plus, what’s a better subject than my latest and possibly most popular fling?” wonyoung gives you a very sarcastic smile that makes you roll your eyes. you seriously needed to get out of here.
you were more than ready to leave until you remembered the way wonyoung’s eyes looked when she confronted you about the silence you gave her. then a pang of guilt hits you the more you think about her actions after the two of you hooked up. the walking together, the waiting together, and the kiss on the cheek. maybe attempting to cut her off was a dick move on your part…
wonyoung’s face visibly lights up. adorable.
“where do you want me?” you asked, blushing at the sight of the cute look on her face. all of your activities can wait. you wouldn’t have been able to live with yourself knowing that you were potentially hurting someone. albeit unintentionally and the person in question being your best slash worst nightmare.
“just sit in front of me and we’ll figure it out from there.” and so, you and wonyoung get to work. well, of course it was mostly her doing the work while you just sat on a stool and listened carefully to whatever she told you. 
oddly enough, the weight of her stare wasn’t as intimidating or nerve-wracking like it usually was. wonyoung had a certain softness in her eyes as she studied your features closely, and every time you figured that she saw something she liked, something would sparkle behind those beautiful brown eyes. watching wonyoung in what seems to be her natural environment… well, ‘unexpected’ would be the understatement of the year. you figured it would be parties and social clubs and outlet malls but then again, nobody really knew wonyoung.
getting so much as a glimpse of the untouchable popular girl was truly something. and despite everything that’s happened you find yourself feeling the way you did the first time you laid eyes on her on campus during freshman year. awestruck, with your heart nearly beating out of your chest as you desperately tried to look at something that isn’t her but ultimately failing. wonyoung gives you a smile, and it wasn’t her usual cheeky-teasing one. she looked… bashful? and is that a hint of pink on her cheeks?
it was strange to see, but you ended up smiling a little at the sight of a rare cute wonyoung. the tall girl’s cheeks show a deeper shade of pink as soon as your lips curled up in a smile, making you giggle a little. not a lot of words were shared between the two of you after that as wonyoung completely immerses herself in her work. and during that entire time you just stared at her, admiring her focused state. you wondered if she was concerned at all about making a mistake—her hand moved skillfully across the canvas with the attitude of someone that was sure about their abilities. you would hear an occasional tut partnered with a quick hum and followed by a quiet, satisfied laugh, giving you the impression that wonyoung was confident about the picture she was painting of you.
you��ve never been more curious in your life. you wanted to know how wonyoung sees you. it would be from an artist’s perspective but maybe you’ll see even a spot of how wonyoung truly sees you deep inside. especially after everything that has gone down between the two of you, and especially after her reaction to you forcing yourself to forget her existence for two weeks. it’s not like you were looking for any chance of the popular girl returning your feelings, you just wanted to know if you were anything to her at all. maybe you’ll get to know it here.
“(y/n),” wonyoung snaps you back into reality. she beckons you over with a proud look on her face. “come over here. see if you like it.”
soon enough, you were standing beside wonyoung, staring at the most impressive painting in the room. it was you; sitting on that stool wearing a gentle smile, but almost half of your entire form was covered by a slightly see-through curtain and the tiniest streams of sunlight. at first glance, the painting looks incomplete or rather, abruptly finished but it looks perfect in your eyes. and on wonyoung’s eyes too, judging by the way she looked at her own work with approval.
“it’s beautiful, wonyoung.” you said with a grateful smile.
“mhm. it’s y—” wonyoung pauses, and clears her throat. “obviously.” she said, chuckling awkwardly and flipping her hair over her shoulder with less flair than usual. you did not know what the hell that was all about. (“it’s you.” wonyoung wanted to say. but she bit her tongue real quick. why? well, jang wonyoung was not one to try to woo a nerd of all things like that! but really though—it’s you. of course it’s beautiful.)
you were admiring the painting some more and the longer you did, the more you noticed just how many details wonyoung put into it. from the slight crinkle of your eyes while you’re smiling down to that tiny little scar you had on your right cheek. amazing.
“w-wait, you’re going to put this up in this building?” you asked, now blushing wildly. it’s not even that you were embarrassed of having your face put up in the fine hallways of this campus (there have been many instances of your face being plastered everywhere because of your very impressive achievements as an honor student). it’s the fact that wonyoung was involved in all of this that makes it all complicated.
surprised, you looked at wonyoung with slightly widened eyes. she worked hard for this painting for the sole reason of putting it up, and now she won’t? maybe she sensed your discomfort at the thought of putting up a painting of you made by wonyoung, which you know would just repeat the never-ending nightmare of being surrounded by rumors all over again. you would ask the tall girl to give you a reason why, but you noticed that she was standing closer to you now, eyes darkened and very much drawing you in.
just like last time.
“for my eyes only.” wonyoung says quietly. she was referring to the painting, sure, but she was looking at you the entire time. the implication makes your face heat up, and suddenly you’re finding it hard to do anything else except to just stand there. obnoxiously close to wonyoung with your eyes constantly flickering up and down from her eyes to her lips. you remember what those lips taste like, how they feel moving against yours. what you would give to feel and taste them all over again.
“i need a break,” wonyoung’s gaze pierces through your own, inviting you in. “don’t you?”
and all it took was the slightest nod of your head for wonyoung to lock your lips in a searing kiss with her own.
god, it felt like your chest collapsed within itself. your hands immediately cup wonyoung’s cheeks, and having learned a few things from the last time you kissed her, you were much, much better at keeping up with her despite your heartbeat running a mile a minute. wonyoung’s own hands were on your hips, pulling you closer until she started undoing the ribbon on your uniform. then, she unbuttoned your shirt, forcing herself out of the kiss and putting her lips on your neck as she did so. it was hard trying to keep yourself quiet with the way wonyoung nibbled and softly sucked on your skin… which was why you just stopped trying.
“ahh… mhm, wonyoung…” your moans were met with a hum from the taller girl, whose kisses now reached your chest.
“you missed me, didn’t you?” wonyoung whispers against your skin, leaving a mark just below your collarbone where she likes it best. she tilts her head up, lips hovering over your own, only touching slightly. “you missed mommy?”
fuck, that was gonna do you in.
too embarrassed to truly admit it all, you nodded, which earned you a pout mixed with a glare from wonyoung. “i’m gonna let that go once. you’re lucky i missed you more.” eventually, you found your waist pressed against a lone desk while wonyoung continues to kiss you. you were topless now, what with wonyoung discarding your white shirt somewhere on the floor.
“w-what if ms. kim comes in…?” you asked when you felt wonyoung’s hand sliding up your thigh. surely she won’t be as careless as last time, right? the two of you were barely hiding! the curtains didn’t leave much to the imagination and the door was only halfway closed… if you weren’t careful with your mouth, some unlucky soul passing by will catch the two of you and you really don’t know if you can handle more of that. maybe you were naive to expect wonyoung to change within two weeks, because right after you asked your stupid little question, wonyoung had pulled down your panties and unclasped your bra from behind. goodness, she works fast.
the tall girl decided not to waste time and completely disregarded your question. “up.” she taps your hip, urging you to sit on top of the desk behind you. as you were getting yourself settled, wonyoung takes the opportunity to stare at you. you were as cute as ever—flushed cheeks, messy hair, lips quivering, and pretty eyes glossy with anticipation, even though you tried to disguise it with uncertainty. wonyoung couldn’t believe how easy it has been to knock down your defenses. she was so sure that even she, the jang wonyoung, was going to get rejected and embarrassed for the very first time in that library, given your reputation as a hardass.
but alas, she always gets what she wants in the end. as she should!
you pull wonyoung closer, eager to feel her lips on yours again. then she allows you to kiss her, doing the same exact thing as last time—staying still and letting you do what you want. wonyoung noticed that your kiss was softer, more careful. you were holding her face so gently, caressing her cheek with your thumb before letting your hands fall to her shoulders, giving the control back to her. it warmed her heart in a way that took her by surprise, but that was nothing compared to the pure amusement she felt when she caught you untying her ribbon.
“you’re brave today, hm?” wonyoung whispered with a smirk. she doesn’t stop you, though! she holds your stare as you let her ribbon drop to the ground, and then you start unbuttoning her shirt so excruciatingly slow. you stopped halfway through, only getting to see a little bit of wonyoung’s crimson red bra before putting your lips on her neck. and finally, for the first time, you heard her whimper.
you couldn’t see it as you were busy kissing her neck, but wonyoung was a blushing mess. she never whimpers! but with your sudden courage and the way you left the softest and sweetest kisses on her neck, wonyoung couldn’t hide it. “are you… marking me up?” wonyoung asked with a giggle.
immediately, you stopped, staring at her with half-widened eyes. “is that okay…?”
wonyoung would’ve called you stupid if the sound of her own loud heartbeat didn’t render her speechless. “don’t tell me you’re going to ask for permission if you so much as want to put your hand on my waist or something.” wonyoung said. she can imagine it clearly in her head, actually! you were too polite for your own good.
“well, consent is important—”
“yeah, yeah. how about you use that pretty mouth of yours for something worth my time, dummy?” wonyoung urges you to kiss her again, craning her neck to give you access. and you did it happily! you were so obviously excited that even wonyoung thought it was endearing, laughing lightly as you gently sucked on her soft skin. you did that for a while. how could you stop, anyway? the mix of wonyoung’s sighs, feeling her thin, dainty fingers smoothly threading your hair, and her other hand laying still on your thigh, squeezing ever so often when you do something she likes… well, suffice to say that it was almost impossible to stop.
leaning back, you stare at your work. the sight of your marks on wonyoung’s neck only made your core buzz, making you not-so-subtly close your legs. wonyoung regains her composure, eyes darkened once again before she forces her legs open, one hand slowly sliding deeper up your inner thighs while the other keeps your legs apart. “since you’ve had your fun… naturally, it’s my turn now, correct?” and of course you were nodding your head eagerly like an obedient pet, just how she likes it.
your breath gets caught in your throat when wonyoung cups one of your breasts in her hand, her face dangerously close to the other one, more than ready to pleasure you. “i was thinking of being nice since i missed you… but you made me upset with your stupid tantrum over the last time we fucked,” wonyoung feigns a smile and a shiver runs down your spine. “so, to truly make it up to me… you’re going to take  everything i’m giving to you today.”
scary. terrifying even, but how could you say no? the (y/n) of two hours ago would be really disappointed of you but fuck it. wonyoung’s got you wrapped around her finger once again and you’re going to let it happen again.
only moans escape your lips as wonyoung’s warm mouth closes around your nipple. a new sensation, and it was wonderful. you found yourself hugging wonyoung’s neck, pushing her face impossibly closer while she licked and sucked as she pleases. your cunt clenches around nothing, and you buck your hips slightly just to urge wonyoung to touch you down there even a little bit but you should’ve expected that she wouldn’t care about that. her hands were rather busy! one played with your other nipple while the other held your thigh in a grip so tight that it almost hurt.
wonyoung releases your nipple from her mouth, her lips now attacking your chest area with little bites. you weren’t opposed to it. in fact, the frustrated look on wonyoung’s face was a delight to see! “should’ve known you were going to be a pussy about it all… wouldn’t have waited up all night for your text if i did.” wonyoung tightens her grip on your thigh, making you wince. but the pain was quickly overshadowed by pleasure as the tall girl pulled on your nipple.
“how was i supposed to accept that you didn’t want anything to do with me anymore…? you were screaming my name so sweetly in the library… and i was in your head after all of that, right?” wonyoung briefly lets go of your thigh to pull your hair down, forcing you to meet her eyes. “i know you did… in the end, the campus’ smart goody-two-shoes is just a fucking slut in the making, isn’t she?”
wonyoung’s eyes shine with excitement upon seeing you look at her so desperately. she knew that you’d never take any insult if you were in your right mind… and it only turned her on when you said nothing to her, your head so clouded that you’d allow wonyoung to say anything she wants to you. the tall girl spreads your legs apart, staring at your glistening pussy before her hungry eyes pierce back into your own. “and to think that you wanted to leave when you’re all drenched like this! what would you have done if i let you go? surely not touch yourself,” wonyoung laughs, but it was a cold and mocking one. your cheeks flush with embarrassment since she was right—you can’t bear to touch yourself, which is why you’re so desperate to have her fuck you already. “you need me, and i want a pretty doll i can play with however i like. let’s help each other out, (y/n)-ah.”
wonyoung doesn’t wait for you to say anything (of course she doesn’t) and starts massaging your clit with her thumb. you gasped at the sensation, holding onto her arms and almost closing your legs up. you try to control your sounds this time around, all that left your mouth were the usual pathetic whimpering and panting but at least you weren’t loud! wonyoung didn’t like that, though. she presses her thumb harder against your clit, making you whine loudly. “that’s more like it.” the tall girl muttered under her breath. the longer she pleasured your clit, the sooner you were losing control of yourself. and eventually you were just giving into what your body wants—grinding against wonyoung’s hand, pulling her closer so you can kiss her…
you gasped sharply as wonyoung plunged her two fingers inside your cunt, and she was giggling at how you were wrinkling her shirt up due to how tight you were holding onto her. fuck did it feel good to be filled up. when wonyoung curls her long fingers inside you, you clamped your hand over your mouth, afraid of alerting anyone who may be lurking around. annoyed, wonyoung swats your hand away, “come on, i don’t want to punish you so early.” none of what she was saying went through to your head. and it wasn’t even because you were trying to be a disobedient brat but because of her pace.
she snaps her wrist with each thrust, enough to make sure that you feel every inch of her fingers inside you before pulling out. it was hard to focus on anything, even more so when wonyoung’s pretty brown eyes were raking all over your body, getting familiar with your features once again. it wasn’t everyday something catches her eye so easily, but when she entered that secluded room in the library and had the luxury of staring at you while you were asleep, she was charmed. not even she thought that she would have you on top of this table merely two weeks later—writhing under her touch and moaning her name, but wonyoung quite liked this outcome.
why, after you were so good for her the first time she fucked you, you’ve been on her mind!
“a-ah..! wonyoung…” your sweet voice snaps the tall girl back to reality. you’ve completely wrapped your arms around her neck now, how precious. wonyoung puts her lips to work, wanting to taste your skin once again. and that she does! giving you kisses from your cheek, to your jawline, to the crook of your neck and all that the way down to your chest. conveniently, the desk was long enough for wonyoung to be able to pull you down so you’d be lying back comfortably. she towers above you, a grin on her lips as she watches you try to hold on to your climax.
it was so glaringly obvious that you were close. with the way your walls clenched around wonyoung’s fingers, a few more thrusts should do it. and that made wonyoung way more upset than you can imagine. there was no way you were going to make this so short, right? but she feels it. not only have you dug your nails on her free wrist trying to hold onto her, you’ve also started whining very loudly. wonyoung, annoyed, wriggles out of your painful hold and shoves her thumb inside your mouth, effectively shutting you up. drool starts dripping down along your jawline—wonyoung wasn’t going to let you off easy judging by how she pressed her thumb flat and hard down on your tongue.
“we’re gonna make this last, baby,” wonyoung says. she sees the tears pooling in your eyes and it only makes her feel warm inside. she was getting so excited to have her way with you, and a few tears wouldn’t stop her. “and everyone’s going to know again. i know you don’t like that but this time… they’ll know you’re mine.”
wonyoung didn’t plan on saying that last part out loud but thankfully enough, you were way too busy moaning her name to even hear it. a knot tightens in your stomach and you gasp, the sensation becoming all too familiar with you now. wonyoung pulls her thumb out of your mouth and slowly slides a third finger inside your cunt—and then there it was.
“aww…” wonyoung cooed as you came all over her hand. but she doesn’t stop any of her movements. instead, she leans down, catching one of your nipples with her mouth and continuing on fingering you through your orgasm.
“f-fuck..! wonyoung, w-wait…!!” you clawed helplessly at her back. amidst your hopeless whining and moaning, wonyoung just giggles. her eyes flicker up to get a brief glance of your face, her own core clenching at how tight you’ve closed your eyes, how you’ve bitten your lower lip to the point of it hurting. she absolutely loved getting to see you undone piece by piece… even more so when you allow it to happen. which is what you finally do as you bury your hands in wonyoung’s hair, pushing her further down your chest and whimpering sweetly at every flick of her tongue on your nipples.
wonyoung wasn’t letting her hand rest, however. she keeps fingering you in a semi-fast pace, hoping to edge you closer to another orgasm. clearly, she was taking advantage of your dazed state and in all honesty, of her own adrenaline-driven state. in her right mind, she would have let you cum the first time and stop there since she knew you can’t handle too much of what she can really give you but god… wonyoung just has to see you fall apart completely under her.
“someone learned a few things from last time, hm?” wonyoung teased as she gently massaged your clit in circles with her thumb. “you’re taking it so well. good.”
you gasped loudly as she plunges her fingers knuckle-deep inside your walls again, now thrusting faster than ever. wonyoung completely gets lost at the feeling of your warmth around her fingers. with her towering above you, she was distracting enough for your mind to wander elsewhere. every so often you’d notice the way she slightly bit her lower lip, whimper quietly, and huff as she fucked you… and as your eyes trail down lower (as low as you could, anyway), you saw that the tall girl had been clenching her thighs together. gods, wonyoung looked so hot being desperate like this.
it made you blush, how much she wanted to feel as good as she was making you feel good. next time, you are going to make sure to return the favor. it was what she deserves, as much of a pain in the ass she was.
“are you okay, (y/n)…?” wonyoung, concerned that you have spaced out, asked. her thrusts have slowed and her eyes are now softer.
you nodded meekly, “yes, mommy.” the nickname slipped out so naturally that it caught wonyoung off guard. and was she… blushing? flustered, even?
(wonyoung wouldn’t even know where to start if someone were to ask about the hold you have on her. it almost sucks that you don’t know about it, but wonyoung’s pride wouldn’t let her admit it outright. not yet, anyway.)
“we’re almost done.” wonyoung regains her composure. she completely pins one of your wrists down with her free hand, the other ramming inside your walls out of control, and her forehead nearly touching yours while you moaned helplessly. with your one hand, you clutched the edge of the desk, refusing to hurt wonyoung any further because you knew you would make her blood had you decided to hold onto her with the way she was abusing your pussy. wonyoung chuckles slightly at how smoothly her fingers went in and out of you—her hand was completely drenched in your cum and wetness. she was practically drooling at the thought of getting to taste you.
wonyoung would rather do it from the source, but she knew you wouldn’t be able to handle her mouth. not at this state. and not with all the things she wants to do to you with her tongue alone.
she feels you clenching around her again, and she watches as tears squeeze out of your eyes. she kisses them away, whispering some comforting words in your ear before she thrusts her fingers knuckle-deep inside you. wonyoung intertwines your fingers since she knew you’d need it as you came all over her hand once again. unlike last time, wonyoung makes sure her hand is still, only pulling out as you’ve started to calm down a little. your eyes wandered all over the ceiling, still trying to get a sense of things. you could feel wonyoung’s eyes on you though, but you couldn’t tell what she was doing.
so ‘surprised’ would be an understatement when you feel her clothed, wet cunt pressed against your knee. wonyoung smiles bashfully as she slightly grinds her clit on your knee. hell, she nearly fucked you into unconsciousness—she shouldn’t have anything to be afraid of doing now. even if she has to become this spectacle for you.
“j-just need to… do something about this.” wonyoung says. her voice was a bit higher from her whines, obviously feeling so good that she can’t help but show this new side of herself. underneath her, you were a bit rattled but completely flustered and quite confused as to what you should do. not that you could do anything, anyway. you couldn’t really feel your legs and your head was still getting itself situated. you were basically watching wonyoung grind herself into you… and it was heaven.
wonyoung meets your stare and grins, “liking the show, babe?” she teased. she giggled when you covered your face with your other hand, you were so red. but you were brazen enough to raise your knee slightly and pressed it against her clit, making her moan out loud for the first time. a smile of satisfaction spreads on your face—you finally heard wonyoung make that kind of sound!
“cheeky little doll.” wonyoung says before leaning down and kissing you. she stops her grinding, having had enough for now and slowly pulls you to sit up, carefully.
much like the last time this happened, nothing much was said afterwards. you were merely hugging wonyoung while you recovered, and you’d smile every time you felt her leave feathery-light kisses across your shoulder and draw random circles on your lower back. wonyoung allowed you to hold her for as long as you needed, never worrying about how the sky has turned orange or the supposed project she was assigned to start today for ms. kim. a gust of wind seeps through the slightly open windows and you shiver. 
finally, wonyoung pulled away. “let’s get you dressed up. ms. kim should be on her way anyway.” she helps you stand on both feet and picks up the random pieces of clothing scattered around the area, almost scolding herself for throwing them around haphazardly. wonyoung was the one who buttons up your shirt, makes sure your skirt is all nice and tidy, ties up your ribbon perfectly, and styles your hair as if it was never a mess. and then she decides that you would look cute with a bit of lip tint—but also because you needed a good excuse to give people if they so happen to ask you why your lips were so red and fucked up.
you stayed still as wonyoung dolled you up. it was strange though, because at this point, she has fucked you three times and you’ve bravely looked at her in the eye then but now you can’t. every time her eyes flicker over to yours, you blink and set them elsewhere. you can’t tell her about how your pussy clenches under her gaze. you can’t tell her that if she does something so simple as this, helping a fellow girl to look presentable, it turns you on. and it probably wasn’t even because nice-and-friendly wonyoung was a rarity! it was because of that damn crush. and how you can still feel her hands all over you but ugh, you’re so tired of coming to that conclusion. 
you get it: you are morbidly obsessed with how wonyoung makes you feel! god, can i be any more pathetic?
“you’ll text me this time, right?” wonyoung asks after she is done. she has also gotten herself look as perfect as she always does. 
“i can’t exactly escape you now, can i?”
“mhm! glad you’re aware of that.” wonyoung puts on an exaggerated smile, but really, she was excited. 
you then pulled out your phone and sent wonyoung a simple ‘hi’ text message. “there. happy?” you mimicked her fake smile.
“ecstatic, actually.” wonyoung replied with a straight face as she stared blankly at your useless message. she saves your number and suddenly snaps a quick photo of you without warning, setting it as her contact photo for you. when you tried to sneak a peek, wonyoung moved away from you with a laugh, and saved your name as ‘dum’ on her phone, even waving it all over your face and laughing even more at your disgruntled reaction. how mature… and endearing.
when silence started to fill the air, you almost wanted to ask wonyoung a few things about this whole… thing. whatever it was. as much as you liked the whole doll talk earlier, you didn’t exactly understand it. were the two of you going to be friends-with-benefits now? well, more like barely-acquaintances-with-benefits. was wonyoung going to make a habit of cornering you at some isolated place and fuck you? because really, you‘d prefer a small warning before she starts using you. confused as you were, you didn’t let a word slip. you just stood there, watching wonyoung as she put up an empty canvas on the easel.
“is it okay if i rest for a bit before leaving?” you asked in a quiet voice. wonyoung nods as she pulls her hair up for a half-ponytail, only briefly looking at your figure as you walk past her to sit on the instructor’s chair at the front of the classroom.
“i’d insist on taking you home but you seem to adore public transportation.” wonyoung quipped from behind her canvas.
“you’d only find some excuse to touch me again in your car so yes, maybe i prefer taking the bus rather than that.” you replied. attempting to avoid thinking about wonyoung’s hands all over you while you sat on the passenger seat of her car was futile, thank goodness she was focused on whatever project she was working on.
“thanks for the idea.” oh you just knew wonyoung had a stupid smile on her face thinking about it all. that pervert!
although you would be lying if you said you weren’t into the idea, but that was something the two of you should save for much, much later.
for the rest of your time there, you merely sat on ms. kim’s chair. sometimes you watched wonyoung even though you couldn’t see much of her face. occasionally, however, she would peek from above the canvas to check on you and you wouldn’t look away like you usually would. you would hold her gaze, smiling softly before gazing at the setting sun outside. the only thing that was on your mind was how everything has changed now. whether it was for the better or for worse, you couldn’t tell yet.
there was no use dwelling on it. you simply have to see where things go. one thing was for sure though: jang wonyoung wasn’t going to be out of your life so easily.
you pondered on that chair for a while before you finally decided to leave. you promised wonyoung that you would text her as soon as you got home, and you knew that even though she barely gave you a glance since she was so focused, she was happy that you promised that. while you headed for the door, you felt wonyoung’s eyes follow you until you were completely gone. but even as you walked through the empty hallways once again the hair on the back of your neck stood on end and you found yourself stopping in your tracks completely on top of a flight of stairs.
“that… really all just happened. again.” you mumbled. ugh, your ears felt hot. your cheeks too. matter of fact, your entire body was just warm.
“what happened?” a chipper voice nearly makes you jump out of your skin. ms. kim has suddenly appeared beside you. you hadn’t noticed that she was already there when you turned to the corner.
“o-oh! ms. kim, hello,” you greeted, hand clutching your chest. “ah, right. i dropped off your lunch bag. ms. lim said you forgot it earlier.”
“really? thank you, (y/n). she must be very busy if she couldn’t visit me herself. i’ll make sure to tell her that you did well delivering my food.” the art teacher pats your shoulder. her smile was striking and infectious—no wonder ms. lim always looked so lovesick around her!
“no need. it’s no problem at all,” you glanced at the giant clock on the other side of the wall and felt panic rise from the bottom of your stomach. “my bus should be making its way to the stop now. have a good day, ms. kim!” and so you were off to running as fast as you could to catch your ride, leaving the art teacher baffled but quite amused at the stairs.
“never seen (y/n) a bit loose in the head like that before.”
inside the art room, wonyoung has gotten busy. the tiniest specks of paint decorated her face, her hands had become quite the mess but what mattered was the picture she was creating. she was quite surprised with herself. only earlier did she feel that familiar rush of creating something with efficiency—when she was painting you. she was feeling it again, and it was great. it has been quite some time before she felt that rush. as rich her mind was with concepts, wonyoung found it hard to materialize them in a painting for some reason. maybe she was just lazy. maybe the pictures in her head just weren’t clear enough.
but somehow you of all people—of all things, really—made it all so very clear.
“ah, the things a good pussy does to the human mind.” wonyoung laughs at her own words. she couldn’t wait to bother you all night long later.
“i knew it!”
once again, ms. kim has surprised a student. fortunately enough, wonyoung didn’t make a mistake and only flinched slightly. “hello, ms. kim.” the tall girl greeted. she doesn’t take her eyes off her canvas since she knew that the teacher was already sauntering towards her with that contagious energy she always has.
“wow. i half expected you to be struggling for inspiration as usual but you actually got somewhere!” ms. kim pats wonyoung’s head, very much satisfied at wonyoung’s progress with her work. oddly enough, wonyoung found herself blushing deeply letting ms. kim look at a personal piece from her so freely. not that she gave a fuck about keeping up her reputation even with the teachers, but jang wonyoung was nothing if not so stubbornly prideful.
because no! she cannot bear being teased about painting (y/n) (l/n) for the second time in the same day!
“is that…”
wonyoung’s blush get deeper. here it comes.
“she did say she came by this room… i see!” ms. kim laughs and nudges wonyoung’s arm, teasing the girl as if she was some kid who was having a crush for the first time in her life. incorrect, by the way! because jang wonyoung doesn’t do crushes. 
the art teacher leans back and allows herself to fully take in her student’s work. it was a beautiful painting of you, surrounded by orange and yellow colors, looking lost in thought as you gazed out the window. your face was slightly obscured by the curtain, similar to the previous painting of you that she has done. perhaps a clue as to how wonyoung truly sees you.
“never thought you’d want a muse, wonyoung! but she’s not just that, is she?”
wonyoung settles her palette and paintbrush on an empty stool, exhaling and stretching her sore shoulders. now, she wasn’t the one getting fucked but damn, did you exhaust her too! it was in the good way at least, so wonyoung can’t really be mad at you. with you in her sick little head, wonyoung offers a mischievous smile to her teacher, “my cute little secret is what she is.”
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islandofsages · 6 months
Hey ! I wanted to request a Ignihyde!Male!Reader that look like a little like Grim ? Like, they have the same ears and tail, the same fire (even if the reader controls his fire better than Grim) and people think they are from the same family/are connect ?
Just Grim and Reader looking at each other and asking to themselves if they have just meet their secret brother, and Ace, Deuce, Ortho, Idia and parental figure!Trein being confused to their friend (Grim for Adeuce, Reader for Ortho and Idia) having (a possible) brother.
(Ignore it if you don't want to write it)
Have a good day.
characters: ace, deuce, the shroud brothers and trein x male ignihyde reader
tags: platonic, fluff, imagines + scenario format; implication of yuu, mention of azul
warnings: nothing
author's notes: sorry this took a while! and that i strayed a bit again help. hope you like this <3
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You’re one of the only beastmen in Ignihyde - and you’re okay with that. It gets a little lonely at times but that’s nothing new for an Ignihyde student. People mind their own business, you mind yours. And the only friends you have, in this case the Shroud brothers, basically forget that you’re different from the others. Days are hardly interesting, despite the college’s many atrocities - or maybe because, and now you’re desensitized.
Until one day, you spot a creature, all feline-like and sitting on someone’s shoulder. Okay, not the weirdest thing you’ve seen at NRC so far, so you’re about to shrug it off. Then you see it; a tail and a pair of ears that are eerily similar to your own. What’s next, it can manipulate fire as freely as you do?
“Hey guys, I’ve got a new trick up my sleeve. Watch this!”
One thing you didn’t expect for it to have something in common with you is that it can talk. Though maybe you should be less surprised, considering even the paintings on the walls can talk in this place. But still. You forget that you should be expecting something from the words it just spouted and are caught off guard when it starts spewing fire next. This creature is way too talented at throwing out stuff from its mouth, you think as you jump out of the way just in time to avoid being burnt to a crisp.
“Grim, you can’t just spit fire whenever you want to! We’ve been over this!”
A redheaded student in front of you starts to scold the creature whose name is Grim apparently. He looks familiar but you can’t quite put your finger on it-
“You’re just jealous, Ace.”
Oh, you feel like Idia’s talked about this Ace person before. He described him as “crafty” and seemed to think of him as some sneaky extrovert but you’ve learnt to not put much faith in Idia’s descriptions of other people. No offense to your friend but at least he’s somewhat self-aware of how anxious he gets around others.
“I definitely am not??? This is the same thing that almost got us expelled, you know!”
You feel like you may also have heard of a group of first years almost getting expelled until they somehow got their hands on a magestone the headmage told them to get, as if you can just swing by a store and buy one. You know how hopeless Headmage Crowley and dumping a lot of work on a bunch of freshmen is in character but you can't help but feel disappointed anyway.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this but I agree. You really have to learn how to keep your pride in check…”
Another student, blue-haired and you assume is Ace’s friend, chimes in on the scolding. The student whose shoulder Grim has made himself at home only shook their head, most likely accustomed to his behavior. You watch them bicker as you ruminate on the resemblance of that strange creature to you.
After a few minutes of thinking (and walking so that you don't lose them), you decide that the fact that you were almost a victim of Grim’s flames is strong enough of an excuse to allow you to approach the friend group.
“Hey. You four.”
They turn around to notice you finally (though you can hardly blame them – save for Idia and his glow-in-the-dark-esque hair, Ignihyde students are not noticed as much). It takes them a second to realize that you're no ordinary student. When they do, their jaws fall open, letting out a wild “Huh?!”.
Grim himself jumps off the quiet student's shoulder and stands on his two feet. The day is getting crazier and crazier the longer you entertain this coincidence. He then points at you and begins his bullshit-spewing again.
“W-Who are you?! And why do you look like me?!”
You should be asking the same questions right now but the lack of answers for them makes any word on the tip of your tongue die before they can escape. Plus, the way he's saying his words sound more accusatory than you’d like to admit.
“Don’t look at me! I'm just like this!”
Grim doesn't seem satisfied by your answer and honestly, you can't blame him. You both are quite confused by what's happening at the moment. You two resort to unconsciously recreating the two-Spidermen-pointing-at-each-other meme. The other three students also seem to be at a loss from what they're witnessing.
Ace Trappola
He would laugh at Grim and point out how he's not special anymore but he's too stunned to even say anything (at least for now)
He looks you up and down again then pinches himself to make sure he’s not hallucinating
He feels like he should be less surprised and that the uncanny resemblance could just be passed off as a coincidence but he has to admit, seeing you two as not brothers may prove to be a little difficult for him
He gets used to you two over time and stops questioning it altogether. Sometimes he even forgets
At times, he’d poke fun at Grim and say how you two are way too different personality-wise to even be correlated in some way
But deep down, he’s happy for Grim he found someone similar to him 
He won’t say that aloud obviously.
Deuce Spade
His eyes dart from you to Grim then you again. This goes on for a minute
He almost asks you if you can also breathe fire so recklessly
He ends up interrogating you, like a parent doing a background check on the friend you just brought home
Sooner or later, he concludes that you two are “bros”, despite not having the same feline characteristics
He’s glad Grim found his long-lost brother (he gets a smack from Grim for this)
He would notice how Grim’s smiles oftentimes are wider when you’re around, probably feeling some kind of kinship with you
And he gets that - since you all are “bros” now, he’s more than willing to have your backs now
After sorting things out with the freshmen, you return to your cave like the nerd that you are, feeling more exhausted than usual. To your surprise, you also return to two nerds being in said cave. A Shroud brothers ambush is not something that happens too often.
“Hey (Y/N). We decided that your place needs trashing. Also Ortho wants to try out this new game he found but it needs at least three players.”
Sounds about right. The geeks are geeking out as usual, just at your place this time. But you need them to hear about how crazy today was. You open your mouth to say something-
“I tried to convince him to get Azul but you know how stubborn my brother is.”
Ortho cuts you off and you force a nervous chuckle as a response. You agree but you should really get this off your chest-
“Hm? Did you guys hear something~?”
Idia teases and it brings a genuine laugh out of you and Ortho. Then you take a deep breath and release it. Third time’s the charm, right? You try again.
“Listen, you two. You wouldn’t believe what happened today.”
They perk right up at the promise of gossip (specifically, gossip related to you). You jump a bit from the excitement, finally glad you got their attention. Your hands start to gesture while you tell today’s story.
“I found this… cat. His name is Grim? He has the exact same ears and tail that I do! And he can breathe fire too! Except he does it with no regards to his surroundings whatsoever. That’s kinda concerning.”
Idia Shroud
“You saw wittle Gwimmy??? Man, I’m so jealous… I’ve been in need of some cat therapy for a while now…”
By the sound of it, he already knows who he is. You gasp dramatically at this, feeling betrayed at the fact he never told you about him
He tells you to chill and simply excuse that he didn’t think it was that important or anything
Of course, at first he was shocked but then he pondered about the coincidence - concluded that weirder things have happened and can happen
You’re unamused by this but it is very Idia. You suppose if you have a curse where it burns blot in your body nothing can really be seen as weird
Still, he entertains the possibility of you having a non-human distant cousin
If he isn’t already so nerdy, it feels like he’s growing a second brain trying to theorize what your relation to Grim is…
Ortho Shroud
Also already knows who he is. This truly is a Shroud brothers ambush… of betrayal at that
Theatrics aside, you try to pry him for further information and maybe explain how you and Grim may be related
“Sorry (Y/N), I’d love to help but Grim has been avoiding both of us for a while now. Whether that’s intentional or not, I’m not sure, but I sure wish I was with you when you ran into him. I’m sure I could’ve gotten some valuable information from him!”
You have your doubts about that.
While you keep things to yourself, Ortho provides you with Grim’s surface level information - which is basically nothing
So you two vow to get closer to Grim; even with the ulterior motive, it doesn’t hurt to have more friends Idia would beg to differ
Grim-like traits aside, it’ll be eye-opening to him to see if you two are similar in any regard at all - whether it be from your healing presence to your dazzling smile.
The next morning, you walk to your first class of the day: History of Magic. A fairly interesting class regardless of your stance on the subject. Professor Trein goes on and on about something, you write things down in your notebook. Your eyes are on Lucius for half of the class too. Your mind is still stuck on the events of yesterday. You feel like you’d be reminded of Grim any time you lay your eyes on anything feline - including yourself.
At last, class is dismissed. As much as you enjoy the class and genuinely like Professor Trein, you can’t help but feel that classes are dragged out way too much in this college. You pack up your things and you leave around the same time the professor does. So when Grim comes running and tackles you to the hallway floor, he’s there to witness it all.
“Hey twin! Wanna have lunch with us later? You’ll be seating with us cool kids!”
As you try to regain your composure over being literally knocked over and the fact that Grim has already warmed up to you, Professor Trein attempts to comprehend the scene unfolding before him.
Mozus Trein
Yes, of course he needs to scold Grim over misbehaving for the umpteenth time that week, but he’s also in awe of how… similar you and Grim look.
If he’s seen either of you before, whether in vicinity of each other or not, he’s never noticed blame it on the old grandpa eyes
People (and creatures now too, accounting for Grim’s being here) of your traits and abilities are far and few between
As much as he’d like to inquire you two on your ancestries (and their possible connection), he does respect your privacy
He always liked having you in his class but now, he finds himself looking out for you more often, a way to put his energy from his curiosity about you into something else
He’d ask you about your day and jokingly ask how your relationship with your long-lost brother is doing as if he’s not acting like a dad himself
Needless to say, he’s definitely your favorite teacher now.
You accept Grim’s offer for whatever reason and have lunch with the “cool kids”. You feel a little out of place at first, hanging out with people who aren’t the Shrouds, but then you start having lunch with them every other day. Then you start visiting Ramshackle Dorm where Grim is staying and spend time with the others there. At some point, you brought the Shrouds along and they would bring their games.
Suddenly, you know a lot of people. You think to yourself how crazy friendships start. You go from not knowing their name to knowing what they named their pet rock when they were a child. And in Grim’s case, you went from pointing at each other confusingly to pointing at each other for stealing each other’s food.
For the record, he definitely stole your pudding first.
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fatale-distraction · 6 months
BG3 NPC Social Media Headcanons
This is the final part, but I might do a part 4 if I get requests for other NPCs!
Barcus - King of tutorial vids. He has tutorials for everything. He's so smart but so humble and makes things so easy to understand. Almost no selfies, but he has a few with Tav if they're dating.
Rolan - even more pretentious than Gale. They're social media rivals. Constantly making response vids to each other "well actually-ing." Lots of selfies. He's pretty and he knows it. Sibling shenanigans. Lifestyle king. Selfies with Tav if they're dating that are surprisingly sweet and tender. His siblings tease him endlessly. Lots of vomit and eggplant emojis from them. For how smart he is, he can't figure out how to delete them or block them.
Kar'niss - Horror king. Super weird content. Heavy metal and punk music. Fashion advice for drider. Anti-drow propaganda and drider advocacy. Unintelligible comments. If he's dating Tav, there's a LOT of solo Tav pics, mostly candid. He also has the advantage of 8 extra legs so he gets a lot of awesome angles for selfies. Captions are disturbingly devoted, really verging on creepy. Also a million fibre-craft videos and pictures. He goes through a sweater phase three times a year. It's strangely wholesome compared to everything else.
Raphael - OnlyFans. That's it.
Orin - body horror. Constantly being suspended for TOS violations and harassing people with weirdly sexual threats.
Gortash - Worse than Gale, Astarion, and Rolan COMBINED. MLM (multi-level marketing, you animals) mastermind.
Ketheric - exclusively passive-aggressive "parent of a no-contact child" memes.
Aylin and Isobel - That weird couple that shares social media accounts. Just the most disgustingly adorable coupley posts. Everyone hates them but is also super jealous. Power-couple goals.
Mol - She's too young to even have a social media account but somehow has one and it's a thriving online business????????????????? How?????? Go play outside.
The Emperor - Only MLM content. Occassional weird thirst traps. Mindflayer advocacy but make it toxic af.
Nere - he has one follower and its his mom.
Withers - the weirdest shit you've ever seen. All caps grandpa poster. He's the WORST at selfies. None of his pictures are in focus or centered. Constantly trashing on the Dead Three and responds to criticism with "get thee good" or some archaic bullshit.
Volo - tabloid central. Nothing he says can be trusted, yet he has a million followers who all believe his word to be gospel.
Elminster - total foodie blogger, especially cheese. He has an entire video series dedicated to cheese. Wrecks Gale at every opportunity. Shockingly good at photo-editing, will occasionally leave comments on other people's pictures of the SAME picture, but touched up better. It would be more insulting if he weren't actually really good.
Part 1 here!
Part 2 here!
Part 4
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lovelybrooke · 1 year
I don't suppose you wanna do an isekai reader for jjk too? I /loved/ the one you did for one piece and would love to see your take on it with jjk characters too!
I swear, some of you read my mind. I wanted to write for Isekai reader but didn't know if anyone would want to read it, since people mostly seem to want to read The Last of Us stuff (I'm not complaining, I love your support). Though, I couldn't resist writing my thoughts below. I would love to write more of this, so feel free to request.
The reader being transported to the world of Jujutsu Kaisen would be fundamentally different than let's say, One Piece or Genshin Impact since the world of Jujutsu Kaisen is mostly the same to modern day Japan, minus the curses. So, when the reader gets transported there, they're not really going to know the difference until they see one of the characters.
The smartest decision in this case would to be to avoid them at all costs, since it's likely that if you mingle with their affairs, you could end up in big trouble. This would work for a while, since I don't imagine you would have high curse energy due to the fact that you're from another world.
However, your presence alone raises suspicion, as some sorcerers are able to tell that you just don't belong. Like I said however, you're able to mask it easily, playing off your aloof and strange behavior as due to the fact that you're a foreigner.
Gojo is definitely the first one you officially meet, him befriending you because he finds you interesting. It isn't until a few weeks of knowing you that he starts to pick up on how weird your presence is.
He starts to think you're some weirdo kid, because when he investigates you, he can't seem to find anything about you. No parents, no friends, no education. It like you just appeared out of nowhere. He knows you can't be a curse, so who are you. He struggles for a while before just asking you.
Gojo doesn't believe you when you explain your situation. Though, it wouldn't be the weirdest thing in the world. He's surprised that a world without curses exists, but kind of disappointed that it's fundamentally the same to his world. Gojo wants to believe you're crazy but can't really come up with a better explanation for why you irk him so much. You choose not to tell Gojo about the fact that you knew him already, or the fact that you knew him at all, since that would only complicate things.
Gojo agrees to help you find a way back home, his explanation being that he's bored and you're interesting, which doesn't make you feel better about your chances returning home. Gojo's idea of "help" is acclimating you to curses and his job as a sorcerer, since you'd have to get used to it eventually if you plan on being here for a while. He's not all bad, he lets you stay at him home while you find a place to live and work. He's not always around, his teaching position taking up most of his time.
When he is with you, he goofs around a lot, gossiping about his students with you. Your time with him allows you both to build a nice friendship, Gojo happy that there's someone who actually likes him, even if it's because you've never seen someone as strong as him. He likes how carefree of a kid you are, gleefully unaware of the dangers of this world.
Eventually Gojo does introduce you to his students, who absolutely love you. Gojo doesn't lie to them about your situation, telling they straight out that you're from another world. Most of them don't believe him, however some, namely Yuji, want to believe it's real. Yuji is fascinated with the idea of you being some insanely strong Jujutsu sorcerer from another world, even when you tell him that's not the case. Eventually, the others warm up to you and the idea that you come from another world.
The students absolutely love you and encourage you to move into the dorms with them. Gojo is against it, since you technically aren't and a student. It's definitely not because he doesn't want you to move out with him. You also decline, saying you need to find your own place since you're on your own. Gojo knows that isn't happening. You're just a kid, you don't need to live on your own.
You spend a lot of time with the students, mostly the first years, however they all like being with you. Yuji and Nobara love asking you questions about your world, only stopping when Megumi forces them to leave you alone so he can hang out with you in peace. Speaking of Megumi, he doesn't really ever believe that you're from another world, but he can't deny the feeling of pride he gets when you see how strong he is during training.
The second years also love you and are sad they didn't get to meet you sooner. The only one who really believes you is Toge, Panda and Maki both thinking it’s bull. However, they find you interesting, so they don't mind it. The all hate that they can't spend as much time with you, since your closer to the first years, and there definitely a little rivalry between them.
The whole time you're there you haven't really had to deal with any curses, Gojo being there to protect you at all times. However, that doesn't mean they aren't aware of you. Sukuna, sadly, is one of the first curses you meet since Yuji's his vessel. You don't really worry about him, since Yuji has him under control, but you never know how he's feeling, which makes you kind of nervous. You try to avoid talking about your world around Yuji, since you're afraid of how Sukuna might react.
Sukuna himself goes through an emotional roller-coaster when it comes to you. At first, he sees you as nothing as a crazy human who is vessel is obsessed with. However, as Yuji spends more time with you, he starts to warm up to you. You intrigue him, and he eventually starts to view you as his crazy human. If you ever get caught up in battle and Gojo isn't there to protect you, Sukuna is demanding Yuji get you to safety. He denies that he cares about you, but his behavior says it all.
You meet Getou and his followers later, Getou being surprised that Gojo is so obsessed with some week human. I image that he knows about you, stalking you when he's in Tokyo. Like Sukuna, he doesn't really care about you at first, however as he continues to learn about you, he starts to understand why Gojo is so obsessed with you. He sees you as someone who needs protection, and he's the only one who can provide that. You don't see him often, but when you do, he's trying to convince you to leave the sorcerers and gone him, so he can protect you.
When Getou can't watch over you, he's getting one of his lackies to watch you for him. Usually, Mahito watches over you, much to Getou's hatred. Getou knows how spontaneous Mahito is, and so he really dislikes whenever he messes with you. However, Mahito finds you absolutely adorable. You're just some small, defenseless, human who he could destroy in one blow. Not that he would do so! He just finds you so interesting. So many strong sorcerers and curses are obsessed with you, even though you're nothing special. Maybe it's your soul? He doesn't know. He'll have to wait until Getou's ready to take you to find out.
You're never going home. That's for curtain. With the strongest curses and sorcerers obsessed with you, you're never going to get the opportunity. Gojo constantly tries to get you to forget about leaving, claiming that his students would be devastated if you left, which is true. Gojo works with his students to make sure that you never have the opportunity to leave, since one of them are constantly with you. It gets overwhelming; however, they always claim that it's for your protection. Honestly, their possessiveness might just push you towards the curses, though it's not likely since Gojo won't allow it.
A/n: I'm going to scream, Jujutsu Kaisen 0 isn't free on Crunchyroll.
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noemilivv · 4 months
Request: You know that scene from The Show must go on with Charlie and Vaggie singing the reprise of "More Than Anything" On the night before the battle? Well can you do that but with Husk and his s/o with the two either singing or talking about how much has happened but they’ll always stand by each other’s side even if they’re freaking terrified about the outcome of it all and saying the word “I love you” for the first time in the process
ofc i can do that!! this is so cute and husk has my heart so haha
Warnings: Reader basically takes Angel’s place in this, Mentions of Drinking, Mentions of Death, Mentions of War
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“More Than Anything”
“I guess you really have changed.” Husk said, giving you a soft smile.
“Hey.. Charlie said we could live tonight however we wanted.” You started, smiling back at him, “So pour me a fresh one, and let’s get to living!”
You watched as Husk crossed over to the other side of the bar to prepare your drink, you let out a dreamily sigh that felt like it was being held in forever.
Husk had only entered your life a few mere months ago, but you don’t think you’ve ever cared for someone so…lovingly.
Truth be told, you didn’t know how far this would go, if he even felt the same, hell, if you both even survived tomorrow. But you didn’t care.
When you were with Husk, it felt like you could be the weirdest, saddest, happiest, angriest, silliest, and most fucked up version of yourself without judgement. And…it was a little strange.
Hell wasn’t the kindest place to you, and neither was your life on Earth, but that didn’t matter.
Husk would be there to put all the broken pieces of your heart back together, sure, they were only binded by mere pieces of figurative glue or tape, but even with the most crappy materials that belonged in a kindergarten classroom, Husk would be able to put it together good as new.
After a short conversation with Husk, you went over to Charlie and hugged her, thanking her for everything the hotel has given you. It looked like she was about to cry right then and there.
While you were at it, you went over to Pentious, thanking him for being one of your closest friends while at the hotel, and wished him good luck in the battle, and good luck winning Cherri’s heart, patting him on the back before you left.
Then… you snuck off. You stood against the wall, feeling tears prick in your eyes, little did you know a certain cat approached you.
“You snuck away.” He stated. “What happened?” He asked, coming over to your side, leaning against the wall.
Neither of you made eye contact, instead you both just stared at the other side of the wall.
“I’m just so scared…” You mumble, your voice cracking, the water works spilling out of your eyes.
You wiped your eyes, trying to stop hiccups from escaping your lips, “What if we lose?”
Husk sighed, bitting his lip, he wasn’t ready to say this, but this could possibly be the last chance he had to do so, “Then at least I’ll die with you by my side.”
Your head whipped around to face him, surely you heard him wrong! “Huh? Wha— What do you mean?”
He took a breath in, turning to his body completely to face you, “I… I know this is sudden, but if I die tomorrow, if you die tomorrow, I need you to know that you made me a better man.” Husk said, looking into your eyes, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“If tomorrow, one of us is gone, you need to know I love you more than anything.” Husk whispered, holding your face in his paws.
Your foreheads connected, feeling eachothers hot breath on your face, and all you could do, is lean in, and kiss the man who made you feel whole again.
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oddballwriter · 3 months
Moon Boys with an S/O with a Collection of Earrings
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Warnings: none just a silly goofy post 
Author’s Snip: I have a bunch of weird earrings and recently saw a video of someone showing off their collection of weird and strange earrings and so I made this.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
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Taglist: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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Steven Grant
Steven loves all of them and thinks that they are all so cute and nice but he's honestly blown away with just how much you have
You have all types for basically any outfit you could wear. You just have a pair for every possible look
He has favorite earrings. As in ones that he likes to see on you and ones that are just so silly and unique
And he loves it when you show him new ones
One day you showed him your new pair which were little alligators before going on a date and he thought that it was so funny and cute. You bought a new pair just to match his saying
He loves it when you show him photos of ones you're thinking of buying simply because it's a nice moment of "look at this" which he likes
Don't ask him if he thinks their cute, he always says yes no matter what
He's being honest when he says their nice but if you really want an opinion on if you should get them then you need Marc or Jake because Steven is just lovingly your yes-man because to him you'd look good in anything and pull it off. No matter how ridiculous the earrings are
Marc Spector
He understands having a collection of things but he doesn't really get your need to collect all kinds of earrings
Yeah sure you could create an outfit from your wardrobe that goes with the earrings but you probably can't with all of them
"How the hell do you make an outfit that goes with denture earrings?"
Eventually he stops asking these questions because SOMEHOW you find a way
He likes to look through your collection and just ask why. Why did you buy baby doll head earrings? Why do you have cheese earrings? How did you get your hands on ear earrings?! Their actual ears! These earrings are shaped like human ears!
Marc is your voice of reason sometimes. You will show him a pair and ask for his thoughts and he'll ask you how you're going to make an outfit to go with them
That usually stops you from buying earrings that you do not need
That's not to say he doesn't like it when you wear your earrings. He honestly loves waiting to see what earrings you're pairing with your outfit when you go out and will make a list in his head of all the possible ones
Jake Lockley
He is an enabler
He loves ALL of your earrings and especially loves your weirdest ones. He wants to see how bizarre they get
Will give his honest opinions on earrings that you're interested in but he never tells you not to buy them because he knows that there is no use. matter of fact telling you not to makes you want them more
If you buy a pair but don't have an idea for an outfit he will help you concoct one
Buys you weird earrings himself
He will see the most bizarre earrings ever and immediately think "They need this for their collection." just as any good boyfriend should when seeing jewelry. Except instead of it being shiny gem earrings it's fucking eyeball earrings that have an effect that make it look like the eyes follow you
Has called you "Miss Frizzle" every once in a while to mess with you
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Hey! Hope you're having a good day.
I would like to know if you would write a short one shot about the moon boys.
Prompt: reader and the moon boys are friends and they are telling reader about their past and how Marc was married to Layla. Reader goes on a rant about how they're stupid because they let such a wonderful woman get away from them and the boys are like "we made a mistake, and now we're trying not to repeat it. We love you, and we want you in our lives forever"
~Second Chances Don't Wait~
Pairing: Moonknight trio x Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: none really, brief mention of a random guy being a creep but nothing big
Genre: fluff of course
Summary: Finding out your friend has an ex-wife is probably the weirdest segway to a confession
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A/N: Hello dear~! Thank you for requesting! It's- not as short as I planned it to be but I hope it's to your liking anyway. Have a lovely day &lt;3
"Marc don't burn the popcorn!" You shout from the bathroom as you change your clothes.
"I can handle a microwave y/n!" He shouts back and you can practically see him rolling his eyes from the kitchen.
You smile to yourself, switching your work clothes for a hoodie and some comfortable shorts. Marc, Jake, and Steven are over at your place pretty often these days but tonight they insisted you come to theirs for your weekly movie night. You came straight from work, only because to get to your place you would pass his first so you simply brought a change of clothes to work today. Your friendship with Marc and his alters is one for the books for sure but whenever you think about how you got here, it makes you laugh.
You'd met Jake first which is somewhat hilarious considering how much he hates people. You'd been picking up some snacks from a corner store and some guy got way too close just as Jake walked in. The dude had cornered you in a part of the shop that was out of sight of the store owner but Jake came over and told him to leave me alone so menacingly that his words chased the guy right out before he even bought anything. You'd tried to thank him for it but he walked off before you could even get the words out. So with your items in hand, you walked to the register, and upon checking out you thought of a new way to thank him.
"Hey Louie, whatever that gentleman in the cap buys, it's on me. If this doesn't cover it somehow- I'll be back 'round later in case I owe you more for it, okay?" You quietly slipped Louie an extra 10 bucks assuming that should cover it.
"Got it, dear." He nods and you walked out with your items, thoroughly pleased with yourself. Until a few moments later a voice shouted after you.
"Hey!" You spun around to find Jake stomping towards you.
"What the hell do you think you're doing? I can pay for my own stuff."
"I don't doubt that, I'm just saying thank you. For taking care of that guy."
"You could have just said thank you."
"I would've but you stomped off before I could say anything. I figured you didn't wanna be bothered so I found another way." You shrugged. "I don't see why you're angry. Who gets made at free stuff?" You'd frowned. He shot you a glare that most people would've withered against but for some reason, you didn't back down.
"Whatever." He eventually muttered and stormed off. 
"What a grump." You'd muttered to yourself shaking off the icy chill of his stare. If you asked Jake today why he bothered to help you back then he'd probably deny there being any real reason for it.
It was a few weeks later that you'd met Steven and what a strange day that was. You'd gone to the museum he worked at and after a couple hours of wandering, you hit the gift shop hoping to find something to memorialize your visit. When you'd picked out a few items and dropped them on the counter you couldn't believe the face staring back at you.
"Woah! It's you again." You'd said before you could stop yourself.
"I- I beg your pardon?" Steven had blinked at you with such confusion on his face that you stepped back.
"We- we met a couple of weeks ago. At a corner store- don't you remember?"
"I- I apologize you must have me confused with someone else." He'd shook his head very hard and it was then that you realized the accent in his speech. The guy from the convenience store did not have a British accent.
"Well I'll be damned. Guess so. My mistake, you look scarily similar to a guy I met a few weeks ago. He talks very differently though. You might wanna talk to your parents about a long lost twin though- the resemblance is- uncanny." You'd told him as he rang up your items.
"Statistically every person has 7 doppelgangers. It's- though unlikely, possible this man you met and I are one of those statistical 7 for each other." Steven had told you in response.
"Ya don't say." You muttered. You wrapped up that transaction and left rather quickly, still a bit unsettled by the fact that this Steven looked just like the man from the corner store. Whose name you still didn't know at the time.
Marc you met the next day. On the bus. You had gotten on and ended up standing right next to him.
"Oh hey- you work at the museum, Steven, right?" You'd said to him.
"What are you talking about?" He'd frowned at you. A different accent this time.
"Okay. Wait you have got to be punking me."
"Do I know you?" He'd looked at you like you had two heads.
"We have met twice already! Except yesterday at the museum, you were British and three weeks ago at the corner store, you were a grumbly Latino and today you're a New Yorker. I know you said that everyone has 7 doppelgangers but I refuse to believe that in London only there are 3 people walking around with identical faces all sounding like they're from 3 different continents!" You'd huffed out. Marc had blinked at you very unsure of what to do. After all, somehow they'd accidentally revealed themselves to you and you didn't even realize it.
"How about we grab some coffee?" He'd asked after a moment.
"What?" That is not what you expected him to do.
"Coffee. Or tea if you prefer that. I'm Marc by the way. We should- talk, about what you think is going on here." He'd offered.
Reluctantly he told you about his situation, he was surprised they'd been reckless enough to get caught by a stranger but you took the information better than he expected. After all how often does someone you don't know share their medical conditions before they know your name? It made friendship kind of inevitable though, I mean- he could've lied, but you appreciated the honesty and quickly proved to be quite the confidante for the trio.
"What are you doing in there y/n?! Sewing a hoodie from scratch?!" Marc's voice from the living room ends your reminiscing.
"Shut up you impatient loser!" You roll your eyes as you grab your phone and pull open the bathroom door to join him.
"You're postponing movie night I am well within my rights to complain." He shrugs.
"We watch a movie together every week, don't whine." You take the bowl from his lap and grab a handful of popcorn as you sit down. "What's the genre for tonight again?" You ask grabbing his remote to queue up a movie.
"I think tonight is romance."
"You're actually going to watch a romance movie?!" You blink at him.
"Don't start." Marc points at you.
"Okay well- do you want to watch an intentionally bad one? We can laugh at all the Twilight films, or any Netflix original, or like something from the early 2000s. Or we can watch one of my favorites."
"You have a favorite romance movie?"
"It's only a romance movie by technicality." You shrug.
"What does that mean? Is it a Disney movie?"
"I don't like the way you said that first of all. No it's not a Disney movie. The main characters are married but it's more of an action movie than a romance."
"You've intrigued me." He hums.
"Then we'll watch that." You say finding and starting the movie before he can change his mind. When the movie ends it's Steven who's fronting.
"So they're spies and they're married but they're told to kill each other?!" Steven asks.
"Correct." You nod.
"Only you would pick something like that as your favorite 'romance' movie." He laughs.
"Hey! It's a great movie!"
"I mean we liked it, Jake especially- it's just- barely a romance really. Don't you like any of the normal ones? The notebook, princess bride, aren't those romances?"
"Well yeah but- the notebook is boring. Princess Bride, I like though, but I didn't think Marc would like something like that." You shrug.
"Oh he hates it. But if you asked him to I'm sure he'd sit through one." Steven shrugs taking the empty popcorn bowl to the sink.
"Now why do you want him to suffer?" You giggle standing from the couch to stretch your legs.
"I'm not saying make him suffer I'm saying watch a normal romance movie." He says.
"Fine. Next time we're doing romance I'll pick a 'normal' one, or you can pick one." You say just before your foot kicks a little box peaking out from under the coffee table. "Yo yall have got to get better at organizing, why is this box under your table?" You bend over to pick it up and check what's inside of it. A ring and some old photos it looks like but before you can do any more digging someone is at your side grabbing the box from you. You're not sure until they speak who it is.
"Don't." Marc says hiding the box behind his back.
"What is it?" You ask. There's a stretched period of silence and you're sure he's arguing with Jake and Steven over something so you snap a few times. "Hello! Earth to the system. I asked you something?" You frown.
"It's nothing." Marc says quickly.
"You're- keeping secrets now."
"No." He shakes his head.
"But you won't tell me what's in the box?" You quirk an eyebrow at him.
"Why not?"
"Because... it's not important." 
"People typically don't feel the need to hide things that aren't important." You mutter. It's not like Marc's not allowed to have his secrets but he could at least be honest and simply say it's something he's not ready to share.
"Aye this is getting ridiculous the box is about Layla, his ex-wife." Jake interrupts your back and forth with an exasperated sigh.
"Ex-wife?! Marc, you were married?!"
"It was years ago okay? It didn't work out and I never brought it up because it's- not a fun story so thanks for that Jake." Marc huffs out.
"Well sucks to suck Marc now you have to tell me about her. I can't believe you were married and never said anything?!"
"Can we maybe not?"
"Not an option." You say pulling Marc onto the couch beside you. "Start talking." You tell him. Marc sighs heavily but tells the story from start to finish. He details how they met and how impossible she was to win over at first, he talks about their wedding and their time as husband and wife, and how he up and left her like a crazy man. Steven even chimes in several details because apparently, she was part of how he found out he was an alter- Steven's review of her is glowing, almost saddeningly so. It seems like he started to love her as Marc had and you try not to let it get to you. When the storytime is over and your questions are answered you lean forward to smack Marc on the side of the head.
"Ouch! Hey, what the fuck!?" He hisses.
"You're a fucking moron!" You tell him.
"Excuse me!?"
"She sounds amazing and I can't believe you were stupid enough to let her get away. Not only that you pushed her away. What is wrong with you?"
"A lot of things! Hence the fractured conscious thanks." He huffs.
"Marc I'm being serious. Why would you walk away from her?"
"Y/n you don't need to lecture me I'm very well aware that I fucked up with her I'm trying very hard to make sure I don't make the same mistake twice."
"Wait are you going to try and get her back?" You ask. It's genuine curiosity, you're his friend before anything else.
"What? No. That door is long closed. I'm talking about you."
"Me?" You blink at him.
"Yes, you. I screwed things up with Layla obviously and I have no interest in fixing that at this point but I won't let it happen again. I'm in love with you- we all are and we really can't live without you so- yeah, there's that."
"You have such interesting timing Marc Spector." You muse.
"Look we're sorry if you don't feel the same and this makes things-" You lean forward and press your lips to Marc's gently, cutting him off.
"Don't get all twisted up, of course I feel the same. Telling me about your ex-wife is just a weird way to confess your feelings." You laugh sitting backwards again.
"Well to be fair this wasn't how I planned to tell you and I tried to tell you not to worry about the box." Marc says pulling you back towards him.
"You know better than to do that I'm far too curious." You muse.
"You're lucky you're cute." He smirks.
"I'm lucky? You're the one that gets to date me."
"Do I?"
"If you ever get to the part where you ask me on a date then yes."
"How about we go to dinner tomorrow night then? It'll be our first date." He suggests.
"Now you're the lucky one." You nod.
"Without a doubt." He says kissing the top of your head as he simply lays with you on the couch. He was never one to think everyone deserved a second chance, but if the universe was kind enough to grant him this one he was not going to be stupid enough to waste it.
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
We really should round out the Halo RVB Blood Gulch gang. Might I request a concept for my beloved Donut? Feels like he’d be one of the least dangerous yet most unbearable yanderes from the original crew.
-📸 Anon
I agree all of his yandere behavior is just put into suffocating. I looked at the wiki and there is not much to go off of for my boy-
Yandere! Franklin Delano "Donut" Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Clingy behavior, Manipulation, Delusional behavior, Forced companionship.
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Donut's personality is certainly not the most complex thing out there.
He is similar to Caboose but is significantly smarter.
He's also rather flamboyant, a common joke for the character in the show.
You are right that he wouldn't be an issue violence-wise.
It's how overbearing he ends up being when he finds his favorite person.
Many people in both Red and Blue team like Donut but find him... strange.
He certainly almost always gets himself into odd arrangements or says the weirdest things.
But he is an extrovert at heart and does manage to be a friendly face to others.
He is a pain to you without even really meaning it.
It's just his character.
Donut's obsession is very similar no matter his intentions.
He's a delusional yandere who is oblivious to the fact what he does may be considered overwhelming.
Donut is definitely a clingy and physical yandere.
Expect hugs all the time.
He comes at you for affection with the velocity of a freight train-
He gets so excited over you when he sees you.
You may even have to ask others to hide you from him so you can have a bit of mercy and time to yourself.
He just wants to do everything with you.
He's a bit too delusional for jealousy but does have some pause when you're with others.
He definitely thinks he and his obsession are besties.
No matter how he loves you he just likes being in your presence.
He likes to ramble to you and drag you off for activities.
Expect to be dragged by him to decorate a base or compare skin care routines or something when it comes to him.
Definitely shines your armor and does things for you to get your approval.
The first time surprised you as Donut rambles about the shine he gave your armor in all the important areas.
He's more likely to be accidentally manipulative than on purpose.
He's very demanding with all his tasks.
If you say you want to rest he insists on helping.
He knows all sorts of bedtime routines and he's sure he can help!
The most dangerous part of him would be his overbearing nature.
But hey, that's probably better than a yandere who clicks to murder instantly... right?
Even if you try to rest alone, Donut manages to sneak in to sit beside you.
Would do just about anything for except leave you alone.
While he doesn't typically have jealousy he has a tendency to drive others away from you.
Oh, it appears Donut needs time with you, they'll just back away slowly.
Wants more than anything for you to admit you like him.
Can be as a best friend or lover, he doesn't care.
Even if you don't like him he refuses to believe you hate him.
You could shoot him in the leg and he'd believe it was an accident... even if it was point blank.
In a way he appears as a worship yandere at times but he isn't.
He's just overbearing and clingy.
For the most part he'd be harmless as a yandere.
He'd be more likely to accidentally isolate you from others.
Him trapping you in rooms with him is just him being caught up in delusions!
It doesn't even seem like he's doing any of his behavior on purpose...
... or is he?
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cherryxblossxms · 9 months
Hello there sorry to bother please can I request for Dark Keith the letters A B E F G H K P O U ? Thank you have a nice day :D
You absolutely can!! Thank you for requesting some Keith content ❤️
A for Aphrodisiac (What always turns them on?)
He loves it when you praise him, especially if you address him by name while doing it. In general, when you address him by name directly makes him feel good, feel seen by the most important person to him, but admittedly it's very indulgent for him to know if he made you feel good or happy.
B for Bondage (Who gets tied up and how?)
His partner gets tied up, for sure. Not that he won't indulge you once, maybe twice, only after strong trust has been established. But he gets particularly tickled by restricting your movements, leaving you victim to his actions and unable to escape the pleasure he'll make sure to deliver to you. He enjoys using ribbons mostly, but if he wants to leave some marks on your skin, he might use rope instead. The level of effort depends on how much he wants to tease you, but he's capable of some very good knots. So if he wants a long session, he may go all out and tie you completely up with pretty ropework.
E for Exposed (What is the most daring place they’ve had sex?)
In the woods. You made the mistake of being alone with him one pleasant afternoon in the woods. What started as a nice stroll looking for nearby herbs and enjoying the scenery, became a dirty, heated exchange of deep grunts and soft cries, clothes shoved just enough out of the way for access to each other. You were still finding flowers and leaves in each other's hair and clothes many hours after your outdoor quickie, making sure to leave a lasting memory with you.
F for Favorite (What do they find sexiest about their partner?)
He loves how direct and honest you are with him. Even if it causes you to freeze up and get all flustered, he loves when you speak your mind and tell him directly what you want him to do.
G for Graceful (What is the weirdest position they’ve tried?)
This also involved the woods, and particularly some strange angling over a fallen tree trunk. As things got more heated and Keith started to take over, you found yourself in a strange kind of right-side-up wheelbarrow, hips held up higher than your head and all you could see was the canopy of trees above you.
H for Hands (What do they do with their hands during sex?)
Keith loves holding your face or chin to keep your eyes on him during sex. He loves nothing more than being acknowledged by you, making sure you remember exactly who is making you feel this good, and enjoys doing that through eye contact, or at least being face to face. He also loves to just watch your composure crumble as your orgasm approaches; he won't let you turn away from him, not until he's satisfied with what he's seen. If he's not holding your face, then he likes to hold onto your waist or hips as leverage while fucking you.
K for Kink (What’s their secret kink?)
He has a bit of a corruption kink. He doesn't care about virginity or total lack of experience, but he does love the idea of breaking you down and rewiring your brain until all you can think of is him, the way he fits inside you, reaches all of your most sensitive spots, and ruins you for absolutely anyone else.
O for Oral (Giving or receiving? Why?)
Receiving. He's happy to give to his partner at all times, he's always eager to show you the ways he can bring you to shambles in bed. But it's incredibly satisfying for him to direct you on how to please him, how to flick your tongue over him, trace the lines of the veins, the sensitive junction under the head. He's a big man in more ways than one, so it's especially sexy watching you struggle with his size as you try to pleasure him.
P for Position (What is their favorite position(s) and why?)
He loves to have you on his lap. More often than not, he likes having you face him when you do this, straddling his hips as you take him. He loves to see your expression twist and your body bounce as he moves you on his cock. But he doesn't mind having you face the other direction, especially if there's a mirror involved, so he gets the benefit of both seeing your body under the effects of his pleasure as well as see how scandalized you are being exposed like this.
U for Under (Who’s in charge and how?)
Mostly, he's in charge. He might give you an opportunity or two to attempt taking charge, but he prefers being in control of the direction of things, telling you how he wants you, what he wants, and where. He knows he can trust you, but he still enjoys his security in being able to take charge in more delicate matters. Of course, he's still extremely receptive to you and your comfort, and would never push you to do something you're not interested or comfortable in. But he will be the one to suggest things otherwise.
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duchess-kyuupid · 11 months
Doors or Wheels? [TWST]
It's time for the TWST gang to answer one of life's most weirdest questions. Are there more doors or wheels in the world?
[Not even a fic, just some crack on how everyone would react if you asked them this question]
Riddle: "What a silly question. Of course there's more wheels. "
Trey: "Uhm... Wheels, probably? When you add in gears, it makes sense."
Cater: "Oh? Hmm... I think it's gotta be doors, right? Hold on, let me go ask my Magicam followers!"
Deuce + Ace: Do NOT get them started on this again. They were already arguing about this last week and they STILL haven't gotten over it.
Leona: "Did you really wake me up to ask that? Well, herbivore, why don't you go find out for yourself with that smart brain of yours? Go count them."
Jack: "Doors, probably? Like kitchen cabinet doors. And there's a lot of doors around campus too."
Ruggie: "If you give me 500,000 Thaumarks, I'll go find out for you."
Azul: "Neither doors nor wheels are used very often in the sea, and yet you expect me to know which are more common on land? ... You can leave the VIP room now." The next day he walks up to you in full confidence and says, "Doors."
Floyd: "Don't know. Don't care. Not in the mood. Now go away, shrimpy, before I squeeze you to death."
Jade: "Oh, please excuse his rudeness. Azul just rejected his idea to refurnish the Lounge with string lights. In any case, I believe the answer would be wheels."
Kalim: "Doors! No- wait, wheels! Oh, but what about- AH! I can't pick! There's so many of both! How can there be so many??"
Jamil: "Have you been drinking?"
Vil: "What sort of absolutely nonsensical question is that? Don't tell me you've been spending too much time around those Heartslabyul troublemakers, have you? You're better than that, little potato."
Epel: "Erhm... Why are you even asking that?"
Rook: He doesn't even answer the question. He instead goes into a long tangent about the beauty of figuring out the answer. He ends up writing an award-winning poem titled, 'The Real Wheel Before the Door' in which he lists every single item that contains either a wheel or a door in perfect rhyme (with some French mixed in).
Idia: "I don't know, ask Ortho. Now go away, I'm trying to grind for this limited-time gacha..."
Ortho: "Processing request... Counting all available doors and wheels within 300 meters.... Processing complete. There are approximately 3,247 of wheels and 2,489 doors on campus. With that in mind, I have computed that there are approximately 46.2% more wheels than doors in the world."
Malleus: "Child of man, are you asking me to go count them for you?" He thinks for a moment before nodding with a smile, "This must be one of those 'friend' activities that Lilia told me about. Of course I'll go count them. Hopefully I'll be back with an answer that will satisfy you, my dear friend." And he disappears. You feel bad that you asked him.
Lilia: "Oya? You wanna bet some money on it?" He says as if he hasn't already counted them before... Don't ask me why he did it, because I don't know either.
Silver: "There is an equal number of both. Probably."
Grim: "I'd rather there be more tuna than either one."
Crowley: "My! You clearly have a bit too much time on your hands to be asking me such a strange question! Could you spare some of that precious time to do this thing for me- I mean us! For the benefit of the whole school, no- the WORLD! Thank you in advance, Prefect, I knew you were just as generous as I."
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italoniponic · 2 years
Hello, I have a request for Malleus, Leona, Jamil, Azul and Riddle. The Tsum Tsum event gave me this idea. Reader, like the Tsum Tsums, falls from the sky out of the glowing portal and falls hundreds of feet to the ground. Reader bangs on the floor (we're ignoring physics and Reader stays alive xD) and as the boys look at Reader, as they walk towards Reader, Reader just has an "I'm so fucking done with this shit" expression on the face xD
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
| Notes: Hi, dear!
As we spoke before, I only made this for Malleus, Jamil and Riddle this time (but I’ll do Leona and Azul some other time). And I’ll admit that I gave up on doing this in hc format and actually made 550 words mini-scenarios with it since it’s a very simple plot. This is basically a silly crack fic at this point, situated before the main story as a way of Reader falling into Twisted Wonderland but there’s some mild explanation for that in the story. But I really hope you like it~
Thanks for the request <3 |
Riddle Rosehearts, Jamil Viper, Malleus Draconia x g!n reader that fell from the sky / crack-fic / mini-scenarios / 550 words each / comedy / small dose of angst / use of “you” pronouns
Cherry’s Harvesting event 🍒 Masterlist
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It was a beautiful night full of stars. Riddle was able to identify each of the constellations above him, the result of all the intensive study that his mother forced him to do. But what people normally looked upon with delight, Riddle repeated the stars’ names automatically to himself and without much emotion.
Until then, Riddle’s day had been quiet and normal. He had done the daily duties of a dorm leader, finished the homework scheduled for that day, checked the garden of hedgehogs and finally, he was walking around the school, heading in the direction of the Mystery Shop to buy some more ingredients for the tea stock. 
What was there to search for more? He already had the crown of Heartslabyul, was feared and respected by his students and colleagues, his grades were perfect, and he followed all the rules. Riddle’s life was straight as a line, every step marked like card numbers.
But in a way, this just took some of the joy out of him. Riddle didn't know how to put it into words, but it was his heart felt. How long would he be able to live in this labyrinth that suffocated him? After all, was he in the wonderland he wanted for himself or was he forever awake in the greyest, saddest reality?
“In a world of my own… w-what is that?!,” Riddle exclaimed loudly.
In the middle of the sky, a strong white light appeared and a large hole opened up. Riddle covered his eyes a little to protect himself from the blinding light, but gradually he began to hear a noise. In fact, a continuous scream that seemed to get louder and louder. He moved a little closer to the supposed portal and managed to see something coming out of it.
Too late, Riddle didn't run from there in time to stop the unknown thing from landing on top of him at an absurd speed. There was another big noise, a lot of pain and confusion. Riddle felt a certain weight and it was then that he noticed a person sitting on top of him, one hand on his torso as you gave a vague look around, as confused as he was.
You looked up, seeing the portal close at last. You sighed.
“I'm so tired of this shit…,” you grumbled, defeated. “I won't be able to find that ‘old hag’ to at least thank for the spell. O-oh, hi!”
Suddenly, you seemed to notice the boy literally below you, his face painted in the most beautiful, intense red you've ever seen.
“I'm sorry, Ri... I mean, unknown person I don't know at all!,” you stood up quickly, one hand protecting your neck and the other offering to help him.
“Who are you?!,” Riddle questioned nervously.
“A dream, a nightmare. People don’t know.”
You chuckled, giving him a kind and good-natured smile. That disarmed Riddle a bit. Despite the strange way you got there — you were the weirdest person he'd ever seen before — you didn't seem dangerous. He even dared to observe you better and reflect that you were even pretty, but this thought was soon put behind .
“I think I should report this to Headmaster Crowley,” Riddle said after clearing his throat. “Come with me.”
“As you wish, Your Majesty.”
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Jamil was tired and the day hadn’t even come to an end. All he wanted was some peace and silence. It wasn't even a matter of finding a moment to dance and get rid of all the tension that dominated him. If Jamil could disappear into thin air, he would. He just didn’t want to see or hear Kalim suggesting a new feast and causing more trouble.
Would this be the way Jamil would live out the rest of his days? Solving the problems of others while living on the fringe of shadows? He didn’t know how long he would endure this pressure. 
The temptation to do something about it haunted him, whispering in his ear like a venomous snake that salivates just at the thought of its master’s revenge. Controlled and subtle, a grin formed on Jamil’s face. He would have no problem planning any of this. He was smarter than people imagined.
No one would know where the hit would have come from. Would anyone be able to accuse Scarabia’s always careful, compassionate, and trustworthy vice leader? Never.
Jamil paused for a moment in the courtyard, watching the sun slowly walk down to the horizon, preparing to give its way to the darkest evening. There was no one around and he could laugh very softly, his mood a little better suddenly. 
“One jump ahead... but what the fuck is that?!,” he got suddenly frightened by a great light appearing from the sky.
The light seemed to come from a hole that opened up above. Jamil had no idea what it was, so he stayed away from it as much as possible. Still, he remained on alert for any sign of danger.  
After some time, he began to hear a continuous screaming sound and then a person fell out of the mystical hole, like a genie coming out of the lamp. Such an unknown figure landed flat on the Main Street floor, but after all, you seemed safe and well — even if it was a physically lethal fall for a normal person.
Jamil heard you howl in the direction of the closing portal, annoyed and exhausted at something. He looked around, undecided whether he should approach you or call some teacher to deal with the situation. Lucky for him that Kalim was far away or he would have run towards you without a second thought.
What would he do if you were dangerous? Probably fry you just in case like an insect. 
“Huh, that's a good plan,” Jamil thought to himself, cautiously.
“Hey, Ja… t-the guy with nice hair!,” you waved in his direction. “A little help here, if possible?”
This really shocked Jamil. He even ran his fingers through one of his braids before shaking his head and pulling himself together. He carefully watched you get up — realizing he was too apprehensive to get close to you — and realized he'd never seen anyone like you before. 
“Where am I?,” you asked calmly.
“Twisted Wonderland. Who on earth are you?,” Jamil was still holding his magical wand, not wanting to give in to the feeling of familiarity you had. He understood enough about it to fall for that old trick.
“A diamond in the rough... I'm kidding!”
You started laughing, making Jamil's heart race. “Oh, shit. I’m in love.”
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Malleus was feeling lonely again. Partly because he was indeed alone on the roof of a dusty, old and forgotten dormitory in the school, but deep down, it was because he had felt this way forever. Malleus was aware that he was loved and cherished by many people, but somehow he always ended up alone at some point.
It was late morning, the sun slowly rising to dawn. Malleus let out a deep sigh, wondering if it was really worth going to Night Raven College anyway. 
How could he better understand humans if he wasn’t close friends with any? He knew Silver, but not even the sleepy human boy knew much of his own kind outside the Valley of Thorns. Malleus wanted to be a good future king for his people. He wanted to get closer to others, to form the much-talked-about “connections that last a lifetime.” 
Who knows, even fall in love. But, apparently, he was not rated for any of this. He was bound to be as hard and lonely as the gargoyles he admired so much. Maybe that's what he liked about them. This feeling that someone understood him perfectly in his essence. 
“I wonder... huh?,” Malleus interrupted himself when he noticed something strange in the sky.
Suddenly, a hole had opened and revealed a large, bright light coming out of it. Malleus floated over to check what was happening, while remaining very careful as he approached. He seemed to be hearing someone’s screams and wondered if this person was trapped inside.
But after some time, his questions were answered — with more to come. 
You had nothing to do but scream at your fate. You fell at full speed towards the ground and although the sight of a scenery formed below you, this wasn’t very reassuring. But suddenly you stopped in the air and felt a kind of greenish magic envelop you.
“Well, well, what do we have here?,” you heard a voice ask.
“Damn!,” you exclaimed, surprise. “Ma...!”
Without realizing it, you landed on the ground again, but Malleus had floated you there and softened your fall a little. It made you a little upset but it didn't shake your excitement to recognize him. The spell that strange woman taught you really transported you to Twisted Wonderland afterall!
“Ma... ah, never mind... hi,” you got up, tired, and greeted him. 
If Malleus hadn’t seen you just fall from an unknown portal — which, by the way, was closing above you — he would have thought you were suffering from chronic insomnia by your state and your expression. He approached you, curious.
“You're a human, by any chance?”
“Huh, yeah. Kind of. Ah, thank you for helping me land,” you thanked and retorted at the end. “Help.”
Malleus didn't understand why you moved your index and middle fingers together in the air, but you made him smile anyway. You didn't seem like a threat or dangerous being, something he would need to fight against. But in fact, someone very nice, with a good mood and a decent appearance. He couldn't help but study you with his eyes.
“Unknown human, would you like to be my friend?,” Malleus suggested, a wide grin on his face.
“I can be whatever you want, horn-boi.”
And then began the most beautiful love story.
| Special notes: Also, as you can notice: the first sentence the boy’s spoke are the chorus of the protagonist's songs in their movies. Why? My theory is that I'm slowly losing sanity... |
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dallina17 · 2 months
Angelic Vogue wedding headcanons?
Cute cute cute! Thank you for the ask!!
I don't think that Velvette would have thought that much about getting married. Not because she had something against it, or doesn't want to be with Emily, she just doesn't see it as something necessary.
At this point, Emily and Velvette would have dated for many years already. They live together in their own house. They know each other perfectly, their quirks, their embarrassing habits, their fears, their dreams. Velvette is basically another daughter to Lucifer and a sister to Vaggie and Charlie (and a family member to the rest of the hotel). Emily gets along well with Vox and he is always there for her. Emily and Velvette are deeply in love and don't have any intention of breaking up. They are practically married.
Emily knows that Velvette isn't that interested in a wedding. Unlike her, Velvette didn't grow up hearing stories about big weddings, with songs, and a beautiful ceremony. Unlike her, Velvette has not officiated wedding ceremonies, dreaming, looking forward to the day she would have her own. And this is hell, wedding ceremonies are not common either. So is something that she just left aside.
When Velvette asked her about it, to see if that is something she wanted, Emily always said that it was not something to worry about, because she accepted that now things were different and honestly, a wedding was something childish and one of the things she should stop thinking about. And because Velvette didn't see it as necessary, she didn't insist.
Until one day they attend a wedding (Chaggie? Stolitz? HuskerDust?) and Emily, even thou she is happy the whole ceremony, when she comes back home with Velvette she feels... strange. As if something is missing. And she can't sleep that night.
So Velvette wakes up and asks her what is going on. And Emily tells her. How she dreamed about getting married in Heaven, and how she thought it was something she didn't want anymore... but maybe she was wrong? Maybe she was lying to herself? Maybe, deep down, she still wanted it? And she knows it is a ceremony and their lives practically won't change because they are basically a married couple already. But still...
And Velvette, being so practical, is just like... "Okay. Then let's get married. Have our own ceremony.t"
Emily will be like "Wait? Are you serious? You don't care a lot about weddings" and Velvette like "Yes, but you do, and I want you to have this dream come true so... let's get fucking married!"
It has to be the weirdest way to ask someone to marry you, but Emily says YES and hugs her amazing girlfriend, giving her a lot of kisses.
And that easy... it's time to prepare a wedding!
Honestly, the Hotel gang would be like... FINALLY! WE HAVE LIKE 50 BOOKS WITH IDEAS AND PLANS FOR YOUR WEDDING NOW CHOOSE WHICH DO YOU LIKE THE MOST!!! (not literally but basically yes)
Lucifer and Alastor would have a huge fight about who is going to take Emily to the altar (Both will do it, as Emily requested, so no need to fight but they are BABIES)
As a matter of fact, it would be Chaggie's wedding 2.0, because Lucifer and Alastor would constantly be fighting for how to organize the wedding. They think they know better than the other what the girls want. But that was expected.
What wasn't expected, was that the fights would become thousands of times worse when Vox arrives. Because of course, no one but Vox is going to take Velvette to the altar and FIGHT HIM FOR IT.
So we will have Vox's point of view, Alastor's point of view, and Lucifer's point of view, the three of them fighting about how the wedding should be like. And even Alastor and Lucifer teaming up to shush Vox.
But of course, it is just for fun and these three idiots being.... idiots. Angelic Vogue has the last word.
They decide to make something big... but intimate. With only their family and closest friends. Which are more on Emily's side than Velvette's. Even some friends of Heaven will be there, because I think that by this point, it will be more common for Heaven to visit Hell and vice-versa. So Pentious, Saint Peter, and Molly will be there. Maybe even Sera and Lute, depending on what terms they are. Ah, and some of the sins like Bee and Ozzie too. The Goetia, like Stolas and Octavia. And Blitz, Loona, Moxxie, Millie, etc, Emily is friends practically with everyone.
Vaggie would be in charge of the decorations and cleaning alongside Niffty.
Angel is in charge of the invitations. He also helps Cherry organize the party (with some help from auntie Bee)
Vox is in charge of the music, and delivering the invitations.
Alastor and Husk would be in charge of the food and drinks.
Pentious would come from Heaven sometime before the wedding, to help with everything he can.
As for Velvette and Emily? They just make sure that the wedding is exactly as they want, but they let everyone help them make it. Charlie is the one directing them. She already manages a hotel and she organized her own wedding! Piece of cake! (It isn't because Luci, Al, and Vox are a mess)
The only thing that Velvette doesn't allow anyone else to do is the dresses for her and Emily. She designs alongside Emily some special, matching dresses for the occasion, and she stitches them, with Emily alongside her at every moment. Singing. Telling her a story. Talking. Or just laying her head on Velvette's knees or shoulder.
They agreed to not have a bachelorette party. Instead, they decided to spend the day together. Emily takes Velvette flying to the clouds. And they talk, cuddling each other, whispering soft things to the other, caressing each other hair, talking about their life, how they met, and what they want from since then, until they fall asleep.
The ceremony would be in a crystal room and will be something very elegant. With a lot of flowers (especially Vrieseas), fireworks, water fountains, and music.
Alastor helps Emily to get ready (who will say that a serial killer was good with hair?), while Vox helps Velvette.
I think that it would be a sweet detail if Charlie officiated the ceremony. Being the one marrying her sisters, as princess of Hell, and the one who started the bridge between Hell and Heaven.
Vaggie and Cherry would be the bridesmaids
Niffty would be the girl of the flowers. And yes, she would be throwing flowers at the guest. (Like that one Peridot scene... FLOWERS FOR YOU. FLOWERS FOR YOU)
Angel and Pentious would be the bestmen. And Pentious would be crying the whole ceremony with Angel giving him tissues at every moment.
Before leaving her on the altar, Vox would hug Velvette and tell her how proud he is of her, wishing her happiness forever.
Alastor, on the other hand, ruffles Emily's hair. Doesn't tell her anything, but his smile conveys his love for her.
When Lucifer takes Emily to the altar, he places a kiss on her forehead, like he did with Charlie at her wedding. And then he places a kiss on Velvette's forehead like he did with Vaggie. A blessing, for them to be together forever, be happy, be loyal, and never split up, despite the problems that may arise.
Velvette's vows are these: "All my life I grew up believing that fame, wealth, being popular, were the most important things in the world. I spent so many years chasing them, trying to fill the hole in my heart with them. And then you came, my sapphire, and filled that hole with your words, with your sweetness, with your love. Each day since I met you, has been like a fairytale, our tale. And my sweetiebelle, I have made a lot of mistakes, but I will make them over and over again, because they led me to meet you. It is you I want, and no one else. I wanted you yesterday, I want you now, and I want you to the end of times"
Emily's vows are these: "Before meeting you, I only saw the light and the sun. Then, I met the darkness. I was afraid and lonely. And in that moment, you took my hand and became the ray of sunshine I needed. Not because you pushed the darkness away, but because you taught me how to guide through it. You were there. First than anyone. Gave me the hope I thought I had lost. And, even after all these years, you are still that light that guides me through the difficult times. There is no one in Heaven and Hell like you, Velvette. The most beautiful, brave woman I have ever met. And I am glad to give you a piece of my heart every morning, because you deserve every bit of it"
They exchange rings. But also, brooches. Emily's one has a Vriesea, and Velvette's one has feathers of a blue and black tanager bird.
When kissing, Emily takes Velvette, and they fly together, spinning around.
Then they have a party. A very fun one. Just like someone would expect from Emily and Velvette.
But, even if they spend some time with their friends and family, all they really want to do is be alone and enjoy some time together. So they leave the party pretty early. After all, who says that you can't have two honeymoons?
And yes, Emily would call Velvette "her amazing wife" at every opportunity she has.
So that is it! Sorry if it is too long, but I got excited. I hope you liked it!
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jasontoddiefor · 2 years
For your writing prompt, I am begging for some more of that beautiful gender mdzs fic of yours. Or even just mdzs, I beg
No need to start begging, anon, I’m glad for any and all mdzs prompts!
Prompt context: trans woman WWX nopes out of canon and NHS does his scheme on his own.
Lan Jingyi’s had a rough couple months. Sure, admittedly, Lan Sizhui and Jin Ling had it worse as they’d both gained a dead uncle – in the former’s case of a very nice corpse and in the latter’s as a very stabbed to death Jin Guangyao – but it’s been rough for Lan Jingyi too, okay?
Now he had to share Lan Sizhui with Jin Ling because they were somehow cousins of a sort in a way nobody was allowed to ask the Real Adults about, which was also kind of insulting. Lan Jingyi did not nearly die in the Burial Mounds to be left uninformed about the Yiling Patriarch’s scandalous affairs that gained Lan Jingyi a standing invitation to Lotus Pier now.
Well, he wasn’t invited, but Lan Sizhui was and if he was visiting Sect Leader Jiang then Jin Ling was also bound to be there and Lan Jingyi wasn’t going to be left out.
On the bright side, they did a lot more night hunting together, which most definitely was a bonus. One of those night hunts saw them victorious over a group of vicious guai whose defeat just had to be celebrated in an inn. It was in that establishment that they met Lady Mo. She was plain sort of pretty but her playing was wonderful enough that Jin Ling boasted of the Yunmeng songs entertaining them for the night. So of course Jingyi had to request something from Gusu and somehow that led to Lan Sizhui of all people inviting her to Gusu.
Over the course of the next week traveling home, Lan Jingyi discovered a few things about Lady Mo. Namely that she didn’t have a lunatic as a brother, so any similarities to Mo Xuanyu were just coincidence, but she did have a hothead as a younger brother. He was apparently in charge of the family business back home somewhere in Yunmeng and doing very well. She’d nearly started crying at that so Lan Sizhui had quickly distracted her with stories of their past night hunts.
Lan Jingyi also learned that Lady Mo was also not really that much of a proper Lady, for all that the address delighted her.
She traveled on her own, which was scandalous enough, and also didn’t mind sleeping rough. Her explanation for the latter was that busking didn’t earn her that much money, but Lan Jingyi thought it was her frankly speaking terrifying competence with talismans.
“You didn’t tell us you were a cultivator!” Lan Jingyi accused, pointing at the remains of the corpse she’d blasted away.
Lady Mo snorted, another one of her not very ladylike gestures. “Was I supposed to?”
“If you can do that, yeah!”
She laughed, bright and loud, and firmly cemented her position as the weirdest woman Lan Jingyi had ever met. Lady Mo was just odd, and that unapologetically so, which kind of was its own charm. She said whatever she wanted and forgot all senses of propriety unless they suited her or she derived some kind of joy in dressing up in their inn of the night, face painted artfully, and playing a steadily growing supply of Gusu songs they were funneling her on their journey.
And somehow, despite knowing all her oddities — including the strange way she seemed out of the loop on what exactly was going on in the sects — Lan Jingyi was incredibly unprepared for their arrival at the Cloud Recesses.
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abyssal-ali · 8 months
She's A Knockout
Pairing: Jason Todd x Stephanie Brown, minor Bill the Henchman x Goon Named Jeff
Rating: T
WC: 2.7k Ao3 Masterlist
A/N: Inspired by this reel. Beta'd by Bambi<3
Steph blinked in confusion as the waiter appeared beside her with a pair of boxing gloves and what looked like a ring girl.
All she’d asked for was a box for her leftover chicken and waffles.
“Alright folks! This lovely lady right here will be squaring off against the reigning champion, Bill the Brute! I’m Jeff, your announcer for this fight. Round one!”
Steph slipped off her bar stool, the gloves an appropriate tightness and her hair swept back in a hasty ponytail by the helpful ring girl.
She wasn’t going to let anything get between her and her waffles. If that meant fighting a random Gothamite who thought it would be funny to let her waffles sog, so be it.
Feigning reluctance, she let Jeff guide her hands into a protective guard for her face as she swayed nervously on her feet.
“I’m not gonna punch him!” she protested, sizing up Bill the Brute. He was fairly lean, dressed only in shorts and a black pair of gloves to match her white ones. 
“Stick to your jab,” Jeff encouraged her, dropping his hand. “Fight!”
“I’m not gonna punch him!” she repeated, stepping marginally closer.
Steph gingerly landed a left hook, eyeing up his reflexes and how serious this situation (which she assumed to be a prank, considering the laughter and cheers of the other patrons) was.
“Harder!” boomed Jeff. “Knock him out! Hit ‘im in the head!”
“No! That’s mean!” she cried, bouncing a little closer, pretending to ham up the fight for the audience.
“Do it!” they began cheering, along with Jeff.
Bill the Brute ducked the first slow jab, but he missed her surprise right hook, collapsing at Jeff’s feet dramatically.
Steph’s mouth dropped in horror, thinking his decent boxing skills would have protected him from the full force of her blow.
The server behind Jeff banged his fork against his skillet, signalling the entire fight was over. 
Jeff seemed to think Bill was hamming it up for the show, raising her hand in victory as the ring girl wrapped the fake championship belt around her torso.
“And after one hard round, we have the winner by TKO, the new champion of the Hood and Dagger Pub!” Jeff and the patrons cheered.
Steph frantically piled her waffles and chicken into the box that the girl behind the bar had provided while she fought Bill the Brute, ducked her head, and fled the pub, ignoring his sales pitch for a boxing gym(?).
Steph mourned the loss of her new favourite pub as she ran down the street, waffle box tucked under her arm to help her aerodynamics.
They’d always had good food when she went, usually at the weirdest hours (which was strange that the pub was open that late–or early, if you preferred–but she didn’t dare go digging into its ownership or management lest she be conscience-bound to shut down her new haven). 
Her musings were cut short by the sound of someone pursuing her. She glanced back, seeing Jeff running behind her. 
Dang, what did he want? She’d paid before she requested the box. Had he found out she’d knocked out Jeff for reals and it wasn’t for show?
It was noon, and there were several other people out and about on the fairly well-travelled street, so Steph made the executive decision to confront him here, and not accidentally acquire a stalker and expose her new Batgirl-haven. 
“Yeah?” she twirled her ponytail.
Jeff bent over a decent distance away. “You’re almost as fast as Boss,” he gasped. “That was amazing!”
Steph blinked at him. “Excuse me?”
“Your moves, miss,” Jeff panted out an explanation. “Boss saw you and wants to talk to you. You wouldn’t be needing a job, would you?”
“Excuse me?” she repeated, shriller this time.
Steph reluctantly entered the back room of the Hood and Dagger. It was a lot different from most back rooms she’d been in, and that wasn’t even counting the daytime and front door entrance she was unaccustomed to.
Jeff cleared his throat. “Boss, I got the lady!” he said proudly.
“Thanks, Jeff. I do hope you didn’t use your uh…work…tactics?”
The only thing she could see was the black-and-white hair of a man behind a computer setup so large Babs would be jealous, but just his voice sounded nice.
“Of course not, Boss! I can be subtle!”
Aw, poor Jeff sounded genuinely hurt.
Mentally preparing herself for another middle-age, morally dubious at best, sleazebag, Steph was entirely unprepared for the Boss who actually stood up, arm outstretched for her to shake.
He was young, though the jury was still out on his morals, but was inclined to acquit him on account of his face, which was handsome and graced with a gorgeous smile and– he had dimples?! 
Steph had clearly been knocked out by Bill the Beast and this was what her concussion-wracked brain had conjured while she was unconscious.
“Uh, hi. Um. Steph.” She shook his hand, which was large, warm but not sweaty, and had neatly trimmed nails. Steph was a sucker for nice hands.
He withdrew his hand after the shake, twisting it in a way that meant his veins were highlighted for her to drool over.
“Jason. Hi, I’m the owner of Hood and Dagger Pub. I apologize if Bill and Jeff’s little promotional stunt scared you off,” he smiled warmly, teal eyes meeting hers familiarly. “They’re a bit passionate about the boxing and all-round gym opening a couple blocks over, and when I gave them the greenlight to promote it, I didn’t quite expect such…creativity in the way they went about it.”
“Better creative and original than dull and mainstream, right?” laughed Steph. “It was fine. I thought I actually knocked Bill out.”
“His skull’s taken worse, I assure you,” chuckled Jason. “He likes to ham up his performance when pretty ladies are around…even if he’s happily in a relationship with Jeff,” he shook his head at the duo’s antics. Jeff had left to gossip with inform the other employees about the potential interview taking place, so he wasn’t there to defend himself from his boss’s slandering.
“I’m just relieved I can show my face here again,” Steph smiled. “I was so sad at the thought that I’d be banned for knocking out one of your employees, just when it’s become my new favourite restaurant and haven. The hours are a godsend for someone with weird hours like me.”
Jason inclined his head, silently requesting she continue her hot-guy-induced ramblings.
Steph would just like to state for the record that it wasn’t her fault he was almost as hot as she imagined Red Hood was behind the mask. He was her celebrity crush; sue her. She’d seen girls thirsting over Ghostface; this wasn’t any stranger.
“Yeah? What draws you to the Hood and Dagger, if I may ask?”
“The food is amazing; I love the privacy between the booths, so I can study in relative peace even at the height of the rush; it’s seemingly open 24/7, so I can get food when I’m too tired to cook, and I’ve even been able to have a nap after I stumbled in here for breakfast after pulling an all-nighter–in short, have you considered renaming this Steph’s Heaven?” she joked.
Jason grinned at her. “I will now. I’m glad you’re so pleased with my establishment. It’s my goal to have it open as much as I can, so people have a safe space to rest, study, sleep, just like you said. It’s a pub, but it’s not just for food and drink. I want to make this a safe haven for everyone as long as I can.”
“That’s really commendable,” Steph nodded. Her curiosity about Jason was urging her Bat-research (aka stalking) skills on, but now she really didn’t want to ruin this illusion he’d woven around her. He was the perfect guy, she could overlook some tax evasion or him secretly being Kite-Man.
“You look really familiar, though. Have we met somewhere before?”
“I…don’t think so? I’m fairly sure I’d remember a face like yours.”
He raised an eyebrow at her comment.
“I’m usually in the back cooking when I’m working here, so I wouldn’t have seen you here before as a patron,” he mused. “You’re at Gotham Gen?” he waved a hand at the hospital intern badge hanging off her shirt.
She nodded.
He frowned. “I haven’t been there in ages. Probably not. Hm, maybe I just need some sleep.”
“Long night? I can go,” Steph took a half-step towards the door.
“No, please stay. I asked Jeff to bring you here so I could meet you. I was going to ask you if you needed or wanted a job.”
“A job?” She raised her eyebrow. So far Jason had been quite decent, but if he suggested-
“At my new boxing gym. You look like you know how to fight–that’s a compliment, I assure you. I think a female employee would really help draw more female clientele.”
“A boxing gym and a restaurant? Wow, Jason, you’re sure not one-dimensional.”
He shrugged, dropping his head in a pitiful attempt to hide his grin. “I’m a well-rounded guy, or so my mom says when she tries to marry me off.”
Steph snorted. “What type of job were you thinking about at your gym? ‘Cause depending on how well you sell this, I just may quit the scourge of med school.”
“And the pressure is on,” laughed Jason. “Do you have formal training in any martial art or physical activity?”
Steph considered her Cass-mandated and Bat-supervised training. “Yep, although I don’t have any certificate to show for it.”
“Would you say good enough to be a trainer or coach?”
“Confidence, I like that. Barely took you a second to reply. Thoughts on Red Hood?”
Steph blinked at the non sequitur. “Smash?”
Jason choked. “Sorry?”
“Uh…morally I don’t support him, but as a Gothamite?” Steph glanced around, leaning in. “And as someone attracted to men? Absolutely.”
Jason blinked again. “I…see. Well, if you want a job at Jill’s Gym, just talk to Jeff or Bill. And yes, they’re the ‘Jill’ in ‘Jill’s Gym’.”
Steph snickered. “That’s a clever name.”
“It’s apparently their ‘ship name’ or whatever,” Jason air quoted. 
At that, Steph outright guffawed, tears running down her cheeks while Jason eyed her stiffly. “You’re such a grandpa! ‘What’s a ship name? Kids these days and their newfangled names for each other’.”
Jason opened his mouth, but he didn’t retort Steph’s teasing, much to her surprise. What came out was much worse.
“Uh. No? I’m Steph.”
And why hadn’t she used an alias, maybe Minnie Malone, she bemoaned with all the clarity of hindsight.
“Yeah, but you’re also Batgirl, aren’t you? I’d know that mocking laugh anywhere,” Jason said. “It’s okay, I’m Red Hood.”
She’d just thirsted over the guy to his face! About his alter ego! Steph debated just making another mad dash from the Hood and Dagger–wow, what a subtle name. Well, he literally wore bright red over his head and heart; she supposed that was on her for expecting subtlety from the man, who’d clearly never heard the word.
“Please tell me you’re lying, not the least of which because I just told you I’d smash your alter ego to your face,” she gritted past her hands covering her face in shameful horror.
Jason snickered. “No can do, BG. If it’s any consolation, I’d say the newest Batgirl is pretty smash-worthy.”
His teal eyes were right in front of hers. Was it hot in here? It was hot in here. 
“Can I maybe get your number?”
Steph looked up at him, worrying her lip between her teeth. “Sure, as long as you don’t give me one of your burner numbers.”
“Deal.” Jason fished his phone out of his back pocket. 
Steph typed in her contact information and texted herself, then handed it back to him.
“Best Gotham Blonde Girl <3?” Jason read off her self-appointed contact name and laughed. “Cute.”
“I am,” she batted her lashes at him. “So, I hear you know the owner of this really great restaurant?”
“I’m not taking you to my own restaurant for our first date, Steph. Give Alfred’s teachings a little more credit, please.”
“First date?” Steph asked. “Sounds good. In that case, I enjoy the Italian restaurant opposite Wayne Enterprises, the churro truck by Amusement Mile, and the diner in Robinson Park.”
“I’m aware,” Jason said dryly. “I've seen you demolishing a stack of waffles after patrol several times.”
Steph flushed. “Yeah, well, you stay up way too late reading on the gargoyle overlooking the Harbour!”
Jason’s hand gently settled on her cheek. “Been stalking me, have you?”
“I see you on my way to my much-too-early classes at Gotham U,” she retorted, leaning into his touch. “Kiss me.”
“Whatever the lady says.”
Steph’s arms wrapped around his neck as he kissed her sweetly, drawing him in and deepening the kiss.
His free hand ran up and down her side before settling on her hip and pulling her flush with him.
They broke apart at the knock on his door, where Jeff stood.
“Uh, I’ll come back later. Congrats, Boss!”
Jason looked up, waving Jeff and Bill into his office.”’Sup?”
“Uh, we’re really happy you’ve found this girl, but…we thought you liked the new Batgirl?” Bill was brave enough to say what the whole Goonion had been wondering since Jeff breathlessly updated them on Boss’s love life an hour ago.
Jason considered them. “I do. She kind of looks like Batgirl, though, don’t you think?”
Bill and Jeff exchanged looks.
“They’re both…blonde…”
“As long as you’re happy, Boss,” they assured him. “Does she know about Red Hood?” “Yep, she’s cool with it.”
“Okay, thanks for telling us, Boss.”
Jeff and Bill left to update the Goonion. “She knows he’s Hood and she’s cool with it, and he still likes BG but he’s dating her because she reminds him of the girl he can’t get.”
Bill blinked the moistness in his eyes away. “I hope she doesn’t break Boss’s heart.”
Bonus Bonus:
“Move over, I can’t see,” hissed Jeff, nudging Gary with his bony elbow until he could peer through the window at Boss’s date with Steph.
They seemed to be having a good time, laughing and chatting, but the Goonion still secretly rooted for their OTP, RedGirl (unfortunately, the two vigilantes’ names weren’t the most conducive to ship names). Steph wasn’t bad as a second-place contender for Boss’s heart, though, and they’d rather see him happy than with a vigilante who didn’t see their Boss for the good man that he was (duffle bags with dubious contents notwithstanding).
Boss and Ms Boss stood to leave the restaurant, and the Goonion started their car to be ready to follow the couple to their next destination.
Interestingly, Boss took Ms Boss to his warehouse headquarters. They were sure moving fast, but if Boss trusted her, so did they.
“It’s usually a lot busier at this time,” Boss was telling Ms Boss when the Goonion entered the building through the back entrance, pretending they’d been out on a mission.
“Oh, there you are. I’d like to introduce you to Steph.”
The Goonion shook her hand and introduced themselves, taking her measure personally and agreeing that she seemed to fit Boss well.
They nodded at him approvingly before they tactfully peeled themselves away to their respective tasks, where they could more surreptitiously keep an eye on the couple, who were chuckling about something as they continued the tour.
They disappeared into Boss’s office and the Goonion winked at each other, preparing to give Boss some privacy, when the door swung open and out walked Boss in his work uniform…hand in hand with Batgirl.
Well, that explained some things. 
Jeff pulled out his phone to gather evidence for the other lieutenants. Too bad they were out on patrols and couldn’t see this for themselves. Dennis and Alicia weren’t going to believe this without his proof! 
Now seemed like a good time to revive the Boss Dating bets they’d had running…
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beanz5 · 2 months
A continuation of my past story, hope you guys enjoy.
<Shikamaru X Ino>
Ino enthusiastically calls his name, for the umpteenth time of the day.
Yet once again, he replies, annoyingly.
Hold me!
This is an infinite loop of the inevitable snuggle.
In the weight of her silent anticipation, Shikamaru eventually surrenders to his fate, he sighs deeply, unwillingly rises from his comfortable lying position, sluggishly drags his butt to her side and surrounds Ino in a gentle embrace that has no urgency, as she cheerily returns with a tighter grasp.
According to the medical report, his body was pierced with innumerable shuriken(s) and barely survived from his severe injuries, which happened only one second before Shikamaru successfully captured the hidden scroll. Ino lost her mind crying over his unconscious body, even desperately requested the head chief to put her in charge of his nurse and agreed to do the double work just to be near him as much as possible. To this day, he still wonders if the sound of her constant weeping and crying dragged his soul back to life, for believe it or not, when Shikamaru was aimlessly falling down a dark bottomless hole, how strangely painful he felt as its reverberation resonated in his unconsciousness.
Thus, to satisfy Ino's endless need for his warmth, in the meantime, he will have her body snuggled tightly against his at any time she calls like a child cries out for her mother's attention. Or even worse, Shikamaru sinks into silence as a resemblance suddenly dawns on him. Seriously, he feels like a slut, coming and going as she pleases.
She spells his name every day, melts into his warm embrace every minute, and sinks into his kiss every second – and still, she finds his presence bears such a miraculous effect on her just the same.
Hard as it was to admit, the embrace and the kiss have been comforting, Shikamaru thinks as he draws her toward even more. Just when their lips are about to seek each other for a pleasant collision, at the most appropriate moment, his goddamn door opens to welcome the appearance of their nosy teammate, a horrible doppelgänger of Naruto though even worse than Naruto himself.
Guys, it's just 8 in the morning!
And is there a rule of time for their kiss? Returning to the not-so-comfortable bed- anymore for his moment with Ino has been disrupted, Shikamaru annoyingly crosses his arm while Ino looks at their uninvited guest in curiosity.
Why are you here?
Despite his friends’ utter lack of interest in whatever he is about to spill, Kiba, being such a boisterous man he has always been, seems to be unaffected. Though Kiba is abashedly blushing with shame - arises out of his teammates' intimate scene, his determination is unshakable, seeing that he is all ready for the big reveal.
Taking a deep breath, Kiba eventually bursts with excitement.
Hinata is pregnant with a second child.
Shikamaru does not even bother to ask how and why the man got the news since he and Naruto are so thick as thieves that they share the weirdest hobbies like meddling in other's affairs and such. Regardless of everything that was wrong about this announcement, and yet finding it unhealthy, Ino remains optimistic as she always is.
Well, send my congratulations and tell Hinata I'll visit her family soon!
She says in a sweet but even-toned voice and Shikamaru mumbles "troublesome" as the news is something to which he feels indifferent. Kiba excitedly nods his head while raising his thumb to give a sign of "Input complete". After causing a scene with his disturbing loud voice just to announce the news, the third wheeler even has the nerve to excuse himself and leave shortly after that, since he has a long list of people waiting for his announcement. One second the room was filled with their friend’s cheerful voice and now returns to its normal peace.
It's only 8 in the morning and he is already exhausted both emotionally and physically.
Our friends are so weird!
Ino tosses over her shoulder a large grin as she utters an exclaim, then leaves the chair to join the small-sized bed and put her arm around his waist while comfortably leaning her head on his shoulder. It goes without saying – or even his consent – that Ino is his 4-years girlfriend and his nurse, this hard-mouthed woman has every right to do everything as she pleases.
So Shikamaru braves her scrutiny with small boredom in his eye, one hand gently smoothing away her golden hair while the other plays with her fingers.
I want to marry you, let's get married!
A pause.
Shikamaru, being a genius as he is, is unarmed under her attack and suddenly lost his verbal control.
W…what… what… did you just say?
He stammers, knowing his face must be flushed.
Marry! Let's get married, Shika!
Well, that is something, coming from Ino, on the hospital bed out of everywhere! He knows she has become more and more impulsive as she got older, but to the point of bringing out such serious matter in the not-so-sacred place, was never her style. Yet, Ino seems so straight-faced that it's even harder for him to study her mood.
When she promptly turns her face around and then leans forward, his eyes slowly blink and open, hesitating as her serene, expressive gaze proceeds to run over his face. Neither the hand nor a single muscle of Shikamaru’s face stirs.
A wisp of blond hair hangs over one eye and Ino quickly brushes it back, her eyes stay on him the entire time. The irony of the situation is that no matter how many times she tries to reassure herself of that, she remains terrified. Yes, he is alive. Yes, she can sense his chakra, feel the rhythm of his breath, and the beating of his heart. Despite all the proofs that prove his survival, Ino cannot dismiss the hallucination of Shikamaru’s darkened eye, his bloodied lip, and his unconscious body. She starts to wonder what kind of future it would be if he had gone forever. Because she might live on, she might forget about him, might build a family with another person then in the end, might fall into madness and kill herself out of agony…
For, she might not be able to move forward as the future begins gradually, and more importantly, Ino has never dared to think about the possibility among thousands of other possibilities.
I’ll move into your apartment or we can buy a new one, it doesn’t matter. I’ll let you stay in bed a little longer and won’t bother your nap. I’ll cook you good food, prepare your lunch, warm your bath, and if you want to watch the sky alone, I will never trouble you. I’ll try and try and try to make our life better, so please… stay with me…
Ino has cried in his unconsciousness, every night and over a thousand times before that. And then, once again, he finds himself holding her as she sobs in his arm.
They will never do enough deduction to find out how much they mean to each other, for it’s like God’s will, which transcends the blue horizon, goes beyond the Earth, reaches the sky, and flows amongst his favorite pool of clouds.
I’m sorry, Ino.
Being sorry and saying sorry, except for the fact that no one is at fault. Yet knowing the truth doesn’t mean anyone is right either.
I’m sorry!
Shikamaru knows nothing but running around the circle. As Ino knows nothing but wanting him to stop running around like a fighting moron then ends up getting hurt and hurting her.
Because, in the irony of war, they know nothing but hanging their life on a thread, and desperately keep on loving each other. . . Time goes by quickly, and her sob slowly weakens as Ino withdraws from the warm embrace, leaving a funny wet patch on his shoulder, something that is troublesome on his part yet Shikamaru decides to brush the matter aside. With all that is going on, he does not have the nerve to even budge.
So instead, he says.
If you want to marry me that much, then let’s do it.
And realizes how cringy it sounds as he puts it into words. Though Ino doesn’t seem to care about whatever happens here. For a moment, she sits still, waiting for Shikamaru to take the initiative and give her the appropriate line, which embraces four words and fourteen letters, no more, no less.
Sure enough, he rolls his eyeballs once he recognizes the message of her silent expectation. What’s done is done. Though Shikamaru is – to be accurate, the second to suggest this whole troublesome thing, he’s the first one to pull the trigger, he should fulfill his role as a once-in-the-while gentleman.
Ino, will you marry me?
He adds, with an undecipherable look – the kind of mysterious expression she favors the most as she calls him darkly handsome – lurks in his eyes.
It only takes her one second to beam at him with a brilliant smile and God knows for that, he can never turn a blind eye to her.
Yes, I will Shika, I definitely will!
Well, that’s it. The end of every love story. A troublesome wedding and a vow accompanied by lifetime commitment.
As he comes to consider it, marriage is only an occasion, that commences another milestone of their relationship, and in light of everything, he has known Ino for too long to stress over whatever stuns she holds up in her sleeve. On the contrary, he doesn’t find the thought troublesome the slightest bit, considering their mutual appreciation that she has been his consistent companion, his long-term comrade, his wonderful sweetheart and so far, the sound of “his wife” wasn’t half bad either.
Anyway, why did you make it sound like I’m the only one who wants to tie you down if you even went as far as buying me a wedding ring?
The expression on Ino’s face reflects both humor and mischief as she retrieves a couple of silver rings from her cardigan’s pocket and flaunts them in his dumbfounded face.
Humph, that is troublesome, indeed. Shikamaru is stunned, not by the rings themselves – since he’s born with a rare intellect, he does not need to check the words carved inside each one to recognize them – but by the reason behind her discovery.
I found it in your jacket!
As if Ino could read his mind, bluntly answering the unspeakable question.
Duh, I’m your nurse, I washed it.
She justifies the circumstance loud and clear. But still…
Well, you should have other…
Dude, there is no way I would let them touch my boyfriend’s underwear!
The last blow is logically reasonable though.
Well, can’t refute that. He calmly shrugs, waving his incorporeal flag of defeat, at which Ino lovingly smiles as she jokingly consoles his loss with one of her head-pat skills.
They sit on his white bed for a while, silently enjoying each other company. As Ino silently puts the golden ring on her finger, she smiles expressively at him.
You know, I’m satisfied with this, throwing a wedding would be too troublesome for you.
With that, Shikamaru raised his questioning eyebrow.
What about your dream? Wedding of the century and stuff?
So you still remember what I said huh?
The thought of his concern brings her to laughter.
I meant I told you about that when we were 10, and now we’re 28! Since when did Mr. Strategist like you take into account the nonsense of a 10-year-old girl?
Shikamaru catches Ino, with a large grin splitting her face, he looks at a small twinkle in her eye scrutinizingly and since his girlfriend's smile is infectious, a genuine smile plays at the corner of his mouth too.
I do not unless it’s necessary.
Ino puffs at his reply.
And 10-year-old you told me it’s too cheesy.
He simply shrugs.
I do not hold any responsibility for my past self.
And Ino snorts her disbelief.
Yeah, you and your damn past self! You get yourself injured again and I swear to God I’ll have your past self f***…
Shikamaru chuckles loudly as she begins reciting a poem of curse words which sounds like a healing ASMR session to him.
He’s not the kind of man who is into sentimental things until he meets a humanoid object named Ino. This woman is the parent set that includes all the subsets that have no inclusive relationship with Shikamaru and for some unknown reason, he has always been caught up in the idea of her.
Gosh, he loves the idea of her! Ino Yamanaka!
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lunatic-pudge · 2 months
Mpreg Postal Dude (Requested by Norman Reedus)
Started playing Postal Brain Damaged. Turns out I still suck at shooter games. Oh well. I'll be playing Postal Redux after I finish Brain Damaged. Also, God is trying to Nerf me.
-Now, you're gonna have to forgive me for not being the most educated on mpreg stuff. But this is such an interesting request (and I keep getting mpreg Dude art on my Insta feed) I had to take this request. Plus, like, why not? Let's get creative with this >:)
-I'm gonna leave some stuff up to interpretation, like this could be some sort of A/B/O scenario, or through some mysterious circumstances Dude became pregnant, or you somehow knocked him up, I'm letting you the reader decide how that happens
-Now, Dude didn't know he could get pregnant. He figured that since he's a guy, that was something he didn't have to worry about. So he didn't think much of it when he would start getting sick more often. Yeah, he was confused on why he seemed to have these random moments of sickness, but he just assumed it was his on and off drug use and his horrible diet
-You, being Dude's beloved partner, was there for him. Forcing him to rest, drink water, "No Dude, you can't have that, you're sick. Now go to bed." "But babe!" He be so whiny and adorable. He'd try to pick a "fight" about it but it so quick to accept defeat
-But then, you jokingly ask if he's pregnant, since he was sick, moody, was starting to get cravings, etc. Cue Dude staring at you blankly as he seriously considers it as a possibility. A very strange one, but still.
-It then leads to you both huddle around the computer looking to see if men can get pregnant. Turns out, it's a very real posibility. So cue the doctor's appointment!
-It seemed weird going to the doctor and being like, "Hey, my boyfriend and I think he's pregnant. Is he?" But the doctor actually considered it and had a blood test done, and it turned out DUDE REALLY WAS PREGNANT?!
-How could you knock my boy up like that?
-I'm just playing, but yeah. Our beloved gangly ginger is with child, somehow. And now it's time to figure out what to do. First thing is no more drugs and alcohol. It was a big fight at first but obviously Dude learned to deal with it
-Man, he'd be so needy while pregnant. Like constantly wanting more attention and affection from you. He'd be so distraught if you have to leave his general vicinity (you literally just had to pee). But he's so hard to be mad at
-The way he'd look so cute as his baby bump starts to show. You know you'd be rubbing your hands all over his bump. He'd let it cause it means getting lovins from you and that's really all he wants in life
-His craving are so weird. He's the type to wake up at 3am and want McDonald's. So get used to that. He'll also want to eat some of the weirdest food combos. Like, he'd probably eat that stuff when not pregnant, but the prenancy makes it worse
-You'll have to stop him from wanting to go out and cause chaos. He's even more quick to rush to violence if someone pisses him off. His jealousy is also worse than usual. Imagine getting murdered by a pregnant man cause you looked at his partner the wrong way. The baby craves the blood of the people that live in Paradise
-Don't have a gender reveal party. Just don't. He will somehow involve some Napalm into it
-CLOTHES SHOPPING FOR THE BABY!!!!! He doesn't care if he's having a girl or boy, they WILL be wearing dinosaur themed outfits. Dinosaurs are freaking awesome and he wants to show that his kid is the coolest. You two might've gone a little crazy with baby shopping. Oops
-I feel this is all jumbled, I think I'm transcreding to a new universe. But before that, I wanna leave you with one last scenario to picture. You and Dude laying in bed, his back pressed against you chest as you have his arms wrapped around him, rubbing his baby bump as you two talk about things such as what you two will be naming the baby. You just know this man is gonna be a sobbing mess when the baby takes their first steps and says their first words <3
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