#this was a nice challenge?? like mping girlie is super extroverted so it was fun to imagine it swapped around xx
Do u think mpind Matty would ever go for a more introverted girl/what would that be like
I feel like it'd be super different but still amazing in its own special way!!
Introverted girlie might not feel all that great at parties, clinging to corners and spending most of the time there watching matty in his element, animatedly chatting to people before noticing the absence of his girl next to him.
Immediately he'd ask if you want to leave/go somewhere else, knowing how stressful large groups of people can be for you. But he is still human after all, and there have been a few fights where he had wanted to stay at the event, but you wanted to go home. You're no stranger to the odd domestic, and it usually ends on a compromise (e.g, you leave in an hour// you go to a different club/party/whatever)
Even if you are a bit more on the introverted/shy side, its still incredibly amusing watching Matty do outrageous things in public, drawing attention to himself and by proximity, you. You eventually do get used to it, but matty notices when you get uncomfortable and cuts it out most of the time, latching on to your side and dragging you away.
There'd be a lot more one on one time, especially at home. Lazy days spent in the sitting room, lounging around for hours kissing, cuddling, fucking. Those are your favourite, bottles of liquor and packets of cigarettes littering the coffee table, ignored by both of you.
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