#this was a fun question anon thanks skdjskd
kosmo-mckogane · 2 years
Who would sleep in the top bunk and who would sleep in the bottom bunk for romellura klance and shadam because i have opinions
i have no clue what context this is within where they're somehow sleeping on bunk beds instead of shared beds, however this is the only top/bottom discourse im here for so here's how it'd go:
romellura - romelle sleeps on the bottom bunk bc that girl is an absolutely chaotic sleeper and would definitely end up falling off if she took the top bunk lol. plus, allura is royalty, ofc romelle insists that she takes the higher ground
klance - they fight almost to the death over who gets the top bunk and eventually end up sharing the bed out of stubbornness
adashi - shiro takes the bottom bunk, passing it off as him "letting" adam take the top, however it's actually because he's more worried about the bed collapsing and crushing adam if he'd slept on the bottom bunk than he is about adam somehow falling off, and we're all aware of takashi's protective instinct
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bernietaylors · 5 years
eleanorrrr my bby!! for the gif questions: 3, 7, 21, 37 and 45
ellie!! hello love thank you for the q’s x
3. which set of yours has the most notes?
it’s a ballum one which i can’t believe skdjskd i was well shocked when i went to check
7. who are your top three gif makers?
i wanna give love to everyone who makes gifs bc they all work so hard!! but top three… @/drewsbarrymcre who makes the most beautiful gifs!! they’re always so colourful and pretty!! @/dinglecharity who makes some of the most gorgeous gifs ive ever seen. and last but not least, there’s a gif maker, idk if you’ve ever heard of them? @/ashpanesars, goes by ellie, and makes some amazing & super creative gifsets, also always seems to have perfect colouring.
21. psds or original colouring for each gif?
psds all the way. i have a base psd that i use for everything (like basic brightness, contrast & levels), and then i’ll do like a few more adjustments for the show, then chuck that on all the gifs and usually add curves & edit the other layers if i need to. so i guess its kind of. a mix actually skdsjkdjsk.
37. what sets, if any, do you have planned to make in the future?
im in the process of making a christmas one with fun colouring n shit, im excited for that, and im hoping to start properly working on a few gif memes soon (the ee one for starters), so those will be made hopefully soon.
45. ever gotten hate over a set?
not so much hate but one of the first sets i ever made was like a get to know thing for aaron dingle, it fucking sucks looking back on it, but i got a few people in the tags like “husband: robert sugden!!!” and like a couple of anons telling me i forgot about robert skdjsdkjs i remember being super petty over it lmao
questions for gif makers
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