#this took waaay too long to make for some reason but its worth it for them
lesbianjamies · 2 years
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1.08 // 2.02
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ryuichirou · 3 years
Can you make your top 10 aot characters that have a good development? Like Eren and Reiner are considered to be the best characters as 'characters' themselves
Anon… dear Anon, you’ve been waiting for like a month I think, I’m so sorry. I took this ask waaay too seriously lol, but yeah, I can’t postpone it for any longer…
I know you asked for top 10, and this is a numbered list, but I wouldn’t call it a proper ranking, so the place doesn’t really matter all that much. Otherwise this list would’ve taken even longer, I’m very serious about lists, it seems lol
Before I start I want to mention (just in case): I feel like “character development” isn’t always about becoming better at something. Sometimes you can become “worse”; sometimes you can get “better” and then fall back to your old ways. It’s just how the character changes, and the trajectory of that change can be very different for different characters.
1. Eren. I can talk about Eren for hours and hours, and I have talked about him a lot, so I’ll try to be quick this time.
Eren’s journey is very interesting and enjoyable to read. He’s such an unusual main character. So aggressive at first, unlikable to some (not to us lol we adored him since day one), loud and stubborn. But it’s super cool to watch this hurricane of a person, especially as he gets calmer, starts controlling his emotions little by little, learns more stuff and understands the situation around him better.
I think I’ll talk about how perspective and knowing a bigger picture change the way character acts a lot in this post, but Eren is an ultimate example of this. He got every single thing: past, present, future, drilled in his head at one fucking moment. He didn’t get a bigger picture, he got the biggest 5d picture with special effects. And he had no one to share that with: he had to deal with it himself, knowing that he himself is the reason for everything that’s happening. It makes my head hurt to even think about that lol It’s cool and unnerving to watch Eren, who’s used to be such a fireball of a character, to just get… quiet and apathetic. We don’t know what he’s thinking about, we don’t know what’s going on anymore, even though his emotions were always the most obvious thing about him. It’s almost scary.
And the interesting thing about it is that nothing really changed about his feelings, at least I think so. Ultimately, the only thing he wanted is for his friends to be happy and live long lives, and who knows, maybe he saw that the “freedom” he was initially seeking for himself doesn’t really exist. This is up to debate and definitely not for this post though lol
2. Reiner. Ohh Reiner. He was one of the characters who wasn’t all that interesting to me personally at first, but as he got more and more complex and emotional, I fell in love with him more and more. This isn’t a numbered list, but he is definitely one of the best written characters. And what’s cool about him is that we see the reason for him being the way he is throughout the story: why he wanted to become a hero, why his mental state got so bad, why he was conflicted, why he got so depressed and why he was able to take responsibility for his actions. I love it when the story breaks its characters, and Reiner is certainly one of the most broken ones. His lower point (when he almost killed himself + cried and asked Eren to kill him) was very beautiful and painful to read, because we know why he feels that way and we know how smug and brave he was at the very beginning of the show/manga. And we know that it was all a lie, which makes everything even tastier.
And as much as I love broken characters, I’m kind of glad Reiner found strength to continue fighting and to take responsibility for his actions (to some degree, at least). Not only he saw a bigger picture, he actually learned how to live with it. I’m so happy they discussed the Marco incident with Jean, and that after Annie told that it was her who took his gear, Reiner stood up and said that Annie was following his orders. He also apologized to Annie for everything he did to her and Bert.
Basically, Reiner went from wanting to be a hero to acting like a hero, then to being an actual hero to Marley and feeling like shit anyways, then to just being a human being, something like that. And that scene with his mom hugging him and being happy for him being alive is actually a very sweet and satisfying moment. Especially considering how much Reiner wanted to die lol
3. Zeke. I’ve talked about it in one of the replies about ch137, but I love how Zeke went from “I shouldn’t have been born” to “maybe small moments of happiness make everything worth it” at the very end of his life (what a cruel irony to realise that just before you die). Not only the character develops and changes, our view of him changes as well: I think Zeke was universally hated when he first appeared, but then he became more fun (dude’s too charismatic), and then he became sympathetic and vulnerable. All of this was always inside Zeke, but it was hidden since Zeke is a lying snake. See, Zeke is smart, but he’s super sure that his views are the only valid ones and that his idea of freeing Eldians is the only solution. His views are surprisingly black and white: I suffered, Eren suffered and our dad is bad. And no one challenged his beliefs until they walk through Grisha’s memories with Eren in ch120-121, and then he realized that Eren didn’t suffer at all and their dad is actually just a person who really regretted being a horrible father to his first son. I love that he got some closure with Grisha because he held that grudge for his entire life.
4. Grisha. He has a rollercoaster ride of a development lol: at first he was an innocent boy, then he became an angry boy, and then he kind of calmed his anger down for some time? But after learning what actually happened to Faye, his emotional wounds got open and all that rage blinded him again. And then, after being outed by Zeke, he lost everything, but had a harsh realization that by being driven by his anger only, he completely forgot not to be a shitty dad. He basically had a second chance in life, with a much better perspective about what’s going on, but now he has his younger son’s ghost haunting him and telling him to do thing he never thought he’d do. At different points of the story Grisha feels both like a mastermind behind things and like a pawn who doesn’t have a choice even if he just wants to live a peaceful and happy life with his wife and kids. The irony of him killing a bunch innocent kids when this whole story started because he got his little sister killed? Delicious. Oh, and I really love the fact that he realised that he screwed up as dad and apologized to Zeke. He loved his kids a lot: Zeke, Eren and Mikasa too (he called her his daughter after all).
5. Erwin. Way more interesting than people give him credit for. He’s mostly adored for being a badass, but he also has his own flaws that he had to deal with. He’s like a moth that’s drawn to the light, but right after burning himself and dying he kind of did “the right thing” that he had to do as a commander. Now, for me it isn’t really about Erwin ending up doing “the right thing” to be honest: we would probably adored him is he ditched everyone and ran to the basement because his selfish desires ended up being more important to him. But that scene where he confessed to Levi that he really wanted to find that basement and just told him everything about his capricious and selfish childish desires, talked about how he lied to everyone including Levi basically just to prove his dad’s point… it was beautiful, because it was basically “I have to do it, haven’t I? But I really don’t want to”. His character development is interesting in a sense that at first he was getting gradually more and more psychotic about his dream, doing crazy things even when he knows it might not be the best choice possible (like him risking his life instead of staying behind), but at the very end he stopped to think and… well we know the rest lol
6.  Armin. I remember people saying that Armin is just a narrator-like character who is here to explain thing (I probably thought so too at first), but this is so unfair. It’s easy to make someone like Armin into this trope, and to leave him being a very one-dimensional dreamer who’s smart but naive. And Armin is so much more than that. Throughout the story he has a lot of “I should have been the one who died” moments, and I love that this is such a prominent issue for him, but he still got over it somehow. Armin was kind of lost at the beginning, but found his role. And wow, he had to go through it again after he was chosen instead of Erwin, because the burden on his shoulders just got 100 kg heavier lol He also got less naïve and more cunning with time and got much better at emotional manipulation, I think. While preferring a dialogue over violence, Armin still isn’t pure, and he acknowledges that constantly, especially after his first kill, and things got even worse since that point, which definitely changed him. But his violence-loathing (kind of…) core is still there.
Armin ended up playing a much bigger role in the story than I thought he would be, I really love it. He has his moments of weakness, but he still pushes forward and takes responsibility and does his best. Oh and let’s pretend that the Annie thing never happened, it doesn’t contribute anything to his character anyway.
7.  Jean. I think Jean is the first character who starts showing character growth, and I believe his development is the reason he was Isayama’s favourite for some time. Tbh, I don’t find Jean annoying even at the very beginning: yeah he’s selfish, but he’s self-aware about it, he’s a realist. And he’s still a realist, but his conscience wouldn’t let him just have an easy life while everyone else’s suffering. I always feel like Jean is a spoiled mamaboy, so it’s great to see him showing that he can put others before himself. He also had an inner conflict similar to Armin’s: is it right to kill innocent people if you have to? Is it ok to kill not-so-innocent people because they’re against you? I really like this theme in SnK just in general.
8.  Gabi. It’s no secret that I adore Gabi lol, and I think her character development is great. She was in her element when we first met her: she was confident, she was doing her best and succeeding, she knew the world around her so well, and then Eren took everything from her. People like to hate Gabi for killing Sasha and for being aggressive on Paradis, but I think it’s great that she didn’t have an overnight change of heart. It’s great that Isayama showed us her shock and her raw emotions, it’s more than natural for a child with her upbringing, even if it’s messed up. But I love it when stories take characters that are great at what they do, and they take them out of their element, to show them at their worst: lost, angry, broken and confused. I love that she understood everything herself and not because Falco told her “hey they’re people too” that one time. She had to go through this hell to figure everything out, and I think it’s great.
9.  Historia. Historia was one of the least interesting characters for me (and for a lot of people, Yams included) at the beginning, and tbh I think it’s brilliant: we never saw anything in her; she was just a waifu material who’s nice to others. It felt fake and boring, well, because it was indeed fake and boring, and to this day I cannot believe that that was the entire point. I love how Ymir made Historia realise that she needs to think for herself, but what’s interesting about all that is that after Ymir left, she almost came back to her old habits. Which is also a development, and a very interesting one. The end of S2 was a high point for her (when she told Ymir that she isn’t scared of anything when they’re together), and then there was a very low point (when Ymir left), and then a high point again (when she remembered Ymir and Frieda and decided to act upon her own desires). She’s one of my faves now because of all that… It’s sad she didn’t have a bigger role post-timeskip, but I still appreciate her story for what it is.
10.  Oh god this is so hard to pick one and this post is already so long… can I just give you a bunch of quick honorable mentions?
Annie (who was a loner that couldn’t really trust anyone but ended up showing her vulnerable and emotional side), Hange (started out enthusiastic and eager to learn more only to meet more pain and disappointment, crumbling under the pressure, but ultimately remembering her amusement with titans), Levi (granted it’s very subtle, but him going through Kenny’s death, Erwin’s death and his promise to him, realization that he’s been killing people all this time and other stuff fascinating and huge leaving a mark on him), Ymir (who got hurt and decided not to trust anyone anymore and to act selfishly, but ended up sacrificing herself anyway lol)…. God, these short description sucks, they can’t describe them properly. Also there are so much of them that I think have good development, and I’m 100% missing someone… but I think I’m done for now. Katsu I’m sorry for making you read all this.
That you for this ask, Anon <3 and sorry again for being so late
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andromedarune · 4 years
wassup queen timer ball fast ball repeat ball go go go
Hoooo SHIT HELLO THERE! Lolol, aight, fam, here we go!
Timer Ball (PKMN that took the longest to catch)
Ooo, man. Gotta think about this one. Hrmm...
... Okay, there was a few times where I spent waaay too long trying to catch legendaries (especially when searching for roaming ones like in DPP). But there is a story of the time it took me over a couple hours just to catch ONE legendary in battle.
Right, so I don’t remember all the details exactly. I’m really reaching back through every dusty synapse to find this memory, lol, so bare with me here. I THINK it was Entei in HGSS (I had Heart Gold). He was roaming around, making my life a living hell as I spent a majority of the day trying and failing to catch him. This is dumb 12yo me (or however old I was when that game came out - awesome game, really), so I’m just the worst at catching these stubborn legendaries for whatever reason. So finally I get into an encounter with him, and it’s late at night I think, so I’m in bed, desperate trying to catch this fuck before my parents discover me playing past my bedtime. I was being super careful, though, because in my idiocracy, I had neglected to save before getting into the encounter, and had made a lot of progress that would make doing a restart from last save totally not worth it if I screwed up and KOd it. So, I’m nicking down its health, bit by bit, and eventually it gets to the red and I hit him with something like Sleep Powder or whatever. It falls asleep. I use a Great Ball. He escapes (bullshit, but whatever). So I do it again. Escape. Again. Escape. He eventually wakes up to beat my ass some more. We played a lovely game of Roofie and Punchie for quite a long time before eventually some deity decided that they’d had enough of this shit-show and I eventually caught Entei in a regular Pokeball. I was very happy for all of two minutes before my DS died, having gone several hours of nonstop play for several hours, and I threw it.
The DS was totally fine, but my soul was totally crushed for weeks, lol. Never did re-capture that Entei, though...
Fast Ball (fav method of transportation in-game)
Definitely flying on Latios/Latias in ORAS. It was SUCH an awesome mechanic, where, for those who might not know, you play the eon flute and get to navigate over the region atop of Latios/Latias (for me, it was Latios, my bb boi~). And with the chance of having battle encounters (even sometimes LEGENDARY encounters) and performing cool tricks mid-air, it really made the traditional Fly mechanic waaaay more fun. I really wish they would bring back that mechanic for another game, maybe with another region exclusive flying type (like if SWSH had it, make that mechanic available for like Corviknight or something) just to add another fun mini game amid the natural progression of the story. 
Repeat Ball (PKMN raised more than once)
Another toughie...
Have to say Eevee. I used to do A LOT of breeding back during my Platinum days (I was trying to get shinies with perfect IVs, but I had literally no idea how to do that bc I didn’t understand all the technical junk. I still don’t lol). But like a lot of people, I’ve always been super partial to the Eeveelution line-up and have raised multiples of every evolution (most notably Vaporeon, Sylveon, and Leafeon). Not all that impressive since most everyone ends up raising a sizable number of Eevees in their games, but still.
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Does she like me or am I reading too much into it?
So I’m a 21 year old lesbian and I’ve basically been in love with my best friend (let’s call her Q) for like four or five years now and I have taken great pains to ensure that she never ever finds out. I just never wanted to put our friendship at risk (among other reasons)
I took her out to a bar recently (so she could rant about this girl who basically broke her heart) and the alcohol made us both recklessly honest. Told her that I almost asked her out in High School on several occasions. Learned that she would have said yes if I asked her out at that time AND that she was super jealous of most of my female friends. We had this period in the conversation where we were just complimenting each other on how attractive the other was and I thought we were flirting, but then Q hit me with a, “But I would NEVER date you NOW. Its not like that anymore.” And I had to backtrack a little like, “haha yea….same.”
Now the thing that’s confusing me is that…she crashed at my place that night and was like, “Why are you sleeping on the floor? Sleep in the bed with me?” as if that’s something we normally do?? (and no, I did not crawl into bed with her. My ass stayed on the FLOOR)  And ever since that night, we have been texting and calling waaay more often than we did before. She sends me a message basically every night asking how my day was, and not even my ex did that when we were together!! Its making me feel so many things and I cant tell if:
1. She’s clinging to me right now because I’m the only other person on the planet earth that knows she’s getting her heart broken by this girl and she really needs my support as a friend
2. She’s on the rebound from the aforementioned heartbreak
3. IM the one reading too much into it because I just want her to like me so so much
4. She likes me and I like her and we’re both being enormous idiots
This is all very low stakes and melodramatic but its been taking up most of my thoughts recently. My question is basically, what do you think is happening on her end and how should I proceed? Thank you <3
It's hard to say what exactly may be going on here with your situation. I would imagine it's some sort of situation in between the various examples that you have provided here. Is she clinging to her best friend due to heartbreak? Seems likely, especially when y'all are getting drunk and being heartfelt to each other. No shame in that.
Is she on a rebound? It's POSSIBLE. You know her better than I do. Is she the sort of person to rebound off people? The vibe I'm getting off you is not necessarily, but it's not out of the realm of possibility. I generally advise against assuming people are just rebounding, but I'm also a slightly gullible person, so take what I say right here with regards to this particular issue with a grain of salt and as an opinion rather than advice.
Beyond that singular issue, are you reading into this? Almost DEFINITELY. You're invested, you love this person, so you're going to nitpick whether you want to or not. You're biased. That's not a bad thing; just be aware that you're biased so that you don't spin yourself around in circles by accident looking at all the details in favour of the bigger picture. This also applies to whether or not she likes you.
I can't tell you what's going on in her position, as I'm no mind-reader. But from our perspective, here looking at her actions, I would say that you're pretty free to experiment here! You're great friends with her, and you know the stakes. You also know that in her drunken, vulnerable state, that she said she wouldn't date you. That's an important note! But perhaps she was just being drunk or shy. There's no real way to know, because again, we lack awesome mind-reading abilities. It's also possible that she just doesn't see you as an option now. She could be saying, "I would do that now!" assuming you have your own romantic things going on, or that you couldn't possibly like her that way anymore, or that she's just completely oblivious. We have no way to confirm or deny anything with those regards. But we do know that she did say, veritably, that she wouldn't date you. Just bear that to mind.
Okay, but what about all this vaguely romantic behaviour from her? Well, it definitely SEEMS vaguely romantic. Again, maybe you just have a really good rapport, and she's comfortable doing all this stuff. Maybe she also feels happy that you took care of her while she wasn't in a fantastic state, and she's treating you like a romantic partner because it's helping her cope with the break-up. Remember, not too long ago, she was likely doing this exact same thing with her now ex. Maybe you're just filling a void.
What do? You really have two options: continue as normal or ask her out. If you're happy with this status quo, and there's no shame in that, then just be a great friend with her and change nothing. Yeah, you might always pine for this girl. But at the end of the day, if you don't want to risk the friendship and are happy with things how they are, you can let her do her own thing and just have a great time as a bestie.
However, if you think the risk is worth the reward, you can approach her again! This time, do it while not drunk, ideally in person. You can even reference the exact moment she said she wouldn't date you. "Hey, remember what we were talking about when we were drunk? I was curious how seriously you meant that, because I definitely do have some feelings for you." If she says she was serious, and she wouldn't date you, just let her know you got confused and didn't mean to make things awkward, and you can move on! And hey, if she's willing to consider the option legitimately and soberly, well that only works in both of your favours!
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dragonagethistle · 5 years
Into the Breach Ch. 3 - Martin and McCallum
Hiiiii! I know it’s been waaay too long, I’m sorry, At least this chapter is almost 5k words? Thanks for reading.
Read on AO3 here
Edit: I forgot to re-copy the text after I proof-read it and made some changes so here I am re-pasting the text. Not gonna bother going through to add the italics again.
Ch. 3
Rylen held his breath for only a moment before letting out a shaky sigh of relief as the soldiers cheered around him. The breach may not have been sealed, but it appeared much more stable after whatever the mage below had done to it. Men and women around him cheered and embraced one another, some dropped to their knees and thanked the maker for the reprieve from the demons that had been raining down from the skies.
“Andraste sent her, she must have.”
“A mage?”
“Who else could wield the power to stop the breach from expanding? The Maker’s Bride must have sent her!”
Rylen sheathed his sword as the murmurs filled the air around him and looked down from his ledge towards the mysterious women below. The mage had collapsed after exerting whatever ability allowed her to stabilize the rift. Her long, brown hair had come undone from its braid and much of it hung around her face, obscuring her features from Rylen’s view.
The woman who held her was even more unusual however. Rylen had watched as she lunged forward to catch the mage as she fainted and slowly fell to her knees, as if she couldn’t hold the other woman up alone. Her face was turned up towards the rift, it’s sickly green light tinting her pale skin from proximity. Even from a distance Rylen could see the smudged remnants of the kohl the woman had worn before all this, could see the tears that left tracks down her cheeks as she looked up at the rift. 
He noticed with curiosity that she did not appear to be wearing armor, and in fact her garments were like none he had seen in Thedas. One of her sleeves had been shredded and blood stained, her tight-fitting trousers were not of a material that he could identify from this distance, and she wore odd specticals rimmed in pink.
Rylen watched as Cassandra and another soldier moved to help life the mage and carry her away towards Haven and shook himself. There was still work to be done, bodies to collect and names to document, patrols to set, fortifications to renew. He sheathed his sword and went to work, eager to find his cot and some reprieve from days of fighting.
He felt like his head had only just hit the pillow when the voices of some of his men broke through the relative silence of his tent. 
“Oiy, Captain! Come and have a pint with us!”
Rylen groaned and pushed his head further into his pillow. From the sounds of it, the men were already a few pints in as they called to him. He folded his pillow over his head, trying to block out the sound but it seemed his men weren't leaving without him and he soon threw the covers off with a growl before stalking to the entrance of the tent and throwing the flap open to shoot a withering glare at the jovial men.
“Maker's Balls, haven't you ever heard of letting a man rest?” He demanded.
“Captain!” One of Cullen's personal runners - Jim, wasn't it - rocked back on his heels and clapped the back of the man nearest him. “Told you he'd come out! The world's either ending or being saved by the Herald. Either reason is worth a drink!”
Rylen crossed his arms and stared at the small group before him. They had a point and he was already awake now…
“Aye, all right, just let me throw my boots on. And you're all buying my drinks.”
He threw on his boots and a cloak to protect from the cold before joining the men and making their way towards the tavern Flissa had been running. The building was packed with more soldiers celebrating the day's victory. Varric sat on the bar top recounting the story of their battle to a group of eager young troops. A Bard stood off to one side, quietly singing a new song she had composed after the recent events of the conclave. The air was warm and the room felt comforting after days of fighting. Rylen felt some of the tension leave his shoulders as he downed his first mug of ale and leaned his back against the bar to observe the people around him.
His gaze soon fell on the stranger at the back of the room. She had tucked herself into a corner near the fire, sitting with her knees pulled up to her chest as she stared ahead at nothing. The odd, green garment she had been wearing before was now opened and draped over her shoulders, revealing a red plaid shirt beneath it. 
“They say she fell out of the breach, along with the Herald,” one of the men said as he noticed Rylen staring. “James says she's got pink hair. He thinks she's a demon.”
“Maker's Breath, man, d’you really think Cassandra would've taken her as far as the gates without realizing if she was a demon!”
“Maybe not,” the man shrugged and placed more coins on the bar top, signaling Flissa for two more drinks. “But whatever she is, Captain she's definitely not normal.”
Rylen eyed the stranger from across the room again. She had managed to remove most of the smudged kohl that had marked her face when he saw her at the temple, but she seemed haunted as she hugged her knees and stared into the flames. 
“Whatever she is,” Rylen echoed as Flissa placed two more mugs on the counter and he quickly plucked both of them. “She looks like she's in need of this more than you, mate,” and he set off towards her corner, ignoring the protests of the man behind him.
“You look like you could use this. Ah, sorry,” she hadn’t looked up at this approach and jerked in surprise as he spoke, green eyes flying wide in her surprise.
“No, it’s not you. I’ve always been jumpy as fuck, even before I got here,” she said. She settles back into her seat as she spoke but Rylen noticed almost none of the tension bled from her shoulders.
Rylen used a foot to pull out the chair across from her and offered one of the pints out to her. She glanced at it wearily and Rylen shrugged before setting it on the table between them and taking a pull from his own mug.
“Before you got here? And where were you before Haven?”
She rolled her eyes and leaned back in her seat but her lips quirked upwards as she answered. “Not Haven. Look, I thought I was done with the interrogation portion of today.”
Rylen chucked and held up his hands in surrender. “All right, lass. I’ll lay off. Can I at least get a name from you?”
“Any name?” she answered with another smirk and Rylen laughed.
“Yours would be preferable, unless you’d rather be called ‘lass’ all night,” he winked and she looked away, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. “My name is Rylen McCallum.”
“I know who you are, Captain. I’m Farrada Martin - call me Farra.”
“Well then, Farra, how is it that you already know who I am?” he took another drink of his ale and nodded toward her tankard. “If you’re not going to drink that, I really ought to return it to the soldier that paid for it.”
She stuck her tongue out at him before she answered. Spirited lass, this one.
“One, interrogating again. Two, I just pay attention, sir. There can’t be too many Captains walking around with tattoos on their face,” she drew two fingers down his chin for emphasis as she spoke. “And three, I don’t drink on an empty stomach.”
Rylen raised a brow at that. “Y’know, Farra, that last one is easily solved in the tavern.”
She frowned, avoiding his gaze again as her cheeks flushed slightly in embarrassment. “Not um… Not without the proper currency. I told you, I’m not from here.”
“Where then? Orlais perhaps?”
She laughed at that. “Oh, fuck no! Do I look or sound Orlesian? And know that if you don’t say no I’ll be insulted.”
“No, you’re right there, lass. So then I take it you came to the tavern in search of some poor fool who would be so enchanted by your beauty, he would empty his coin purse to fill your belly?”
She shot a glare at him before scrunching her eyes shut and sticking out her tongue at his teasing.
“You should really put that away if you don’t intend to use it, lass,” he warned with another wink and this time she blushed in earnest.
“If I really wanted someone to take pity on my poor, unfed self, don’t you think I would be at the bar instead of hiding at the back of the room? I just needed to get away from Solas and Adan’s bickering.”
Rylen frowned at that. “Has the mage not woken still?”
“Selina. And no, she won’t for a couple days,” Farrada muttered as she shook her head. “Anyway, you mentioned food? I believe I recall someone mentioning food.”
Rylen chucked and downed the rest of his ale before standing. “Aye, I suppose I could be moved to find you some supper. Stay here?” his voice rose in tone as he spoke, half worried if he let her out of his sight she would disappear.
Farra’s whole face seemed to light as she smiled up at him, but he was struck most by her eyes, vibrantly green like moss after rain.
“I promise.”
He moved through the semi-crowded tavern back to the bar. One of the men who had convinced him to leave his tent rushed up before he could catch Flissa’s attention and spoke quickly under his breath.
“Captain, what is she? What did she say? Does she really have pink hair? Did she try to offer you anything? Sir, you should really Silence her-”
“Jim!” Rylen cut the man off, unsure if he wanted to laugh or berate the man. “She’s just some poor soul misplaced by this Maker-damned war just like any other refugee. There’s no need to break out the pitchforks and call in the Templars.”
Jim looked skeptical but turned back to his fellow soldiers, leaving Rylen in peace to order two servings of the stew the tavern was serving for supper. He hadn’t realized how starved he was until ordering their food. After all, in all the chaos following the Conclave and the days of fighting the demons that poured from the Breach, when was the last time he had stopped to eat?
Flissa soon brought out two steaming servings of lamb stew with two generous portions of bread. With a few extra coins and a “thanks, love” for her troubles, Rylen turned to find his way back to Farra.
She had completely shed her coat and partially unbuttoned the red plaid shirt she wore, revealing a low-cut black shirt underneath and a generous amount of the pale curves beneath. She still wore her black knitted cap but even in the low light of the tavern he could see the color in her cheeks from her warmth.
“Y’know, lass, you’d be a lot more comfortable if you took off your cap,” Rylen said as he set their food on the table and resumed his seat across from her. 
“Less warm, maybe, but definitely not more comfortable. And I thought the whole point of you convincing me to tell your my name was so that you wouldn’t have to call me ‘lass’ all night,” she said with a smirk.
“I could stop if you like,” Rylen offered.
“I never said that…”
They fell into a comfortable silence as they both started on their suppers, Farrada occasionally humming happily as she ate. Rylen fought to ignore the exhaustion creeping into his mind as the warm stew filled his empty stomach. Farrada’s face suddenly lit in another grin as she caught sight of something over his shoulder.
‘Well, if it isn’t our own little Seer,” Varric’s deep voice booked over the lull of the tavern noise. “And Rylen! I’m surprised you’re still upright after the days you’ve had.”
“Oh, I never have a problem staying upright,” Rylen said with another wink towards Farrada, who giggled in response. He found himself smiling at the almost musical quality of her laughter.
“What brings you two together this evening?” Varric asked as he slung himself into a seat next to Farrada.
“My men claimed there was a demon in our midst, I had to investigate for myself of course,” Rylen said, but Farra’s face paled and fear was in her eyes. He frowned and quickly apologized but Varric paid him no attention.
“Speaking of, kid, I need you to settle a bet for me,” he said, leaning towards Farrada with one eyebrow raised. She turned to give him her full attention and he continued. “You don’t actually have pink hair, do you?”
Farrada matched his wry smirk and reached for the tankard Rylen had set out for her, taking a gulp before answering. “Tell you what. I’ll settle your bet if you tell me about the Champion.”
“Y’know, there’s conveniently a book all about her exploits so you don’t have to bother the dwarf for answers.”
“Yes, but then I would be deprived of your wonderfully unique voice, master dwarf,” she said with a grin.
Varric cast a glance to Rylen and shot back with a smirk, “I’m sure if you asked nicely you could get someone with a lovely brogue to tell you the story.”
“Oh, I suppose,” Rylen sighed theatrically. “But I am not doing the voices.”
Farrada turned pink and shot flashed a glare towards both men. “Shut up, I didn’t… Just, shut up. Varric, c’mon. You know hearing about Hawke from you is vastly superior to reading about her.”
Varric smiled and leaned back in his seat. “Fine, but about that bet…”
Farrada nodded and took a larger pull of her ale, grimacing as she did. “Ugh. I think I would’ve preferred mead. And fine, it’s not like I can keep it hidden forever.”
She pulled her knitted cap from her head before quickly running her fingers through her short hair in an attempt to re-fluff her flattened locks. It was indeed bright pink, but as odd as the unnatural color was it was undeniably suited to her. It nearly matched the blush in her cheeks, and somehow the vivid pink surrounding her face emphasized her pale green eyes even more.
‘Well, I’ll be a nug’s uncle,” Varric said, chuckling and shaking his head in disbelief.
“Sorry, Varric,” Farrada said with a shrug. “With all the weird shit you saw today, you really should’ve known better than to bet against more weirdness. At least where it involves me.”
“You’re right. This still doesn’t top your whole ‘seeing the future’ shit though.”
“Ah, what’s this?” Rylen asked but Farrada shushed him, waving a hand in his direction as she glared at Varric.
“Nothing, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Now - bet settled, I believe that makes it story time!”
“I suppose I’ll take my leave then,” Rylen said as he started to rise from his seat. 
“Cap - Rylen… Stay, please?” Farrada’s brows furrowed as she looked up at him. Varric raised an eyebrow and glanced between the two as Rylen shrugged and sat back down.
“As you wish.”
“Well then, if we’re all settled in?” Varric asked. Farrada nodded eagerly and wiggled as she sank back further into her chair.
“Marian Hawke was one of the wittiest, most sarcastic Apostates I had ever met. Even from the first time I laid eyes on her, she seemed to permanently have a smirk fixed on her face and her bright blue eyes always sparkled with an unspoken joke…”
As Varric went on about his adventures with Marian Hawke and how they recruited their merry band of misfits, Rylen continually found his gaze pulled to the woman seated across from him. She became more animated as she got further into her ale and began to let some of her guard down. She laughed more, and she was so engrossed in the dwarf’s story telling that she never noticed Rylen simply sitting back and taking in every detail of her.
Her short hair was flattened from spending the day concealed under her knitted cap, but sections remained almost stubbornly wavy. Rylen found his gaze pulled down once more to the hint of curves revealed by her unbuttoned shirt, but frowned once he spotted the thin scar curving over her heart. She moved her right hand up and ran her fingers through her hair, a copper ring on her third finger glinting in the firelight. He glanced at her left hand for a matching ring announcing that she was married, but none of the three rings she bore on that hand were on her ring finger. He wondered what their significance was to her. Commoners did not tend to wear jewelry, and while she did not appear to be a noble she wore four rings between both hands: copper and silver rings with intricate, braided knotwork, a gold fox wrapped around her thumb, and a small, silver ring set with a gem he did not recognize.
So much of her was pink: her flower-pink hair, her unusually large glasses, her small lips… Even her cheeks were easy to flush with the color. She may be human, but the more Rylen took her in the more he felt sure she was not a creature of this world.
By the time Varric reached the moment Hawke recruited the elf Fenris into her merry band of misfits, Farrada was visibly struggling to keep her eyes open. Varric let out a deep chuckle and clapped a broad hand on her back, causing her to jerk up with a quiet “shit!”
“I think we’ll leave it there tonight, Farra,” he said as he picked up his own drink and stood from the table. “I trust you can see her home, Rylen?”
“Aye, I’m long overdue for bed myself,” Rylen said as he stretched and stood, body aching from the prolonged battle. “Shall we?”
She hesitated before placing a hand on his outstretched arm to help her up. The moment she was fully off her seat her hand was gone as she reached both arms up and arched her back, wincing at her own aches and pains. She wordlessly buttoned her shirt closed before wrapping herself in her green coat and a long, blue and gray scarf he hadn’t seen before. 
“Not a fan of the cold, I take it?” Rylen asked as they walked out of the tavern and into the night.
“Nope,” Farrada replied before sighing heavily, shoulders sagging as she did. “But I guess I’m gonna have to suck it up as long as I’m stuck here.”
“Stuck? Oh, c’mon now lass. It can’t be all that bad now can it?” She shot a cynical look towards him, one eyebrow raised. “Well, the company isn’t all that terrible is it?”
He caught a glimpse of the small smile he’d earned before she turned away. It was a short walk to the cabin she shared with the Herald. She unlocked the door and turned to say goodnight but froze as Rylen closed the gap between them.
“Farra…” He murmured her name as he reached up with one hand to thread his fingers in her hair. He was surprised to feel a section of her hair had been buzzed near the nape of her neck, but his fingers found purchase and her eyelids fluttered shut as a shudder ran through her.
But before he could close the remaining space between them, her green eyes opened again and her felt her shift as one hand reached behind her for the door.
“Good night, Captain,” she said. 
Before he could reply she stepped out of his grasp and through the door to her quarters, shutting it behind her quickly and leaving Rylen alone in the night with the faint smell of vanilla and honey in the air.
Rylen woke alone and sore in his tent the following morning, simultaneously thankful for and cursing his own internal alarm. He knew it wouldn’t do for the Commander’s second to be late to morning drills, but after the prolonged fight following the explosion at the Conclave his entire body ached.
He sat up with a sigh, dragging a rough hand down the stubble on his face. Sunlight had yet to break through the opening of his tent so he went through his morning routine at a slower pace that his usual, taking the extra time to apply elfroot salve to the worst of his bruises.
Exhaustion still hung heavily over Rylen, and he found himself clinging to routine as the day progressed. Drills at dawn, a quick breakfast before more drills through noon, lunch with Commander Cullen as he helped the man pour over seemingly endless reports. Things had become more tense leading up to the events of the Conclave but Rylen suddenly found himself grateful for the long hours they had all been running before the explosion. The day was easier for him with the established routine he could practically walk through without thought.
That routine was disrupted partially through the afternoon when she came into view again. He nearly failed to recognize her as she walked by him. She had changed out of her odd, foreign clothes into light leather armor that clung to her curves in a way that all too unfairly emphasized the flare of her hips and her small waist. But she still wore the same sage green boots and black knit cap as she had when they met the night before.
Rylen had nearly forgotten about his encounter with Farrada. In his state of exhaustion he had simply thrown himself into his duties as Captain without a thought. But as she walked past the rows of Inquisition soldiers and out of sight over the hill, he felt drawn to seek her out, if only to see what the woman was doing with the staff she had been carrying.
He turned back to his men and corrected the technique of several of the newer soldiers before approaching the Commander.
“Commander Cullen,” Rylen said with a salute. “Permission to go check on our visitor, ser?”
Cullen’s brows furrowed at his clipboard as he frowned. “I believe the Herald’s quarters are cramped enough with Solas and Adam looking after them. And last I heard they were still unconscious from their efforts with the breach.”
“Aye, that she is. But I meant her civilian friend that just strode down to the lake.”
Cullen quirked an inquisitive eyebrow at his friend but did not prod. “All right,” he agreed, rolling his head in an attempt to loosen muscles that ached from hours bent over a clipboard. “In all honestly I could use a break from staring at these reports. I’ll send a runner if I have need of you.”
“Much appreciated,” Rylen said.
He pivoted away and crested the hill, stopping to watch Farrada as he decided if he should approach. Her back was towards him as she twirled an unadorned staff over each hand before, catching it and flipping it back the other way. She didn’t seem to be using the staff to channel any magic - in fact, the staff itself was plain wood that did not seem capable of such uses. He frowned and cautiously used Silence on her.
She was completely unaffected.
Seemingly satisfied with the weight of the weapon, Farrada began to go through the movements of an unfamiliar form. She thrust the staff forward, then stepped back and moved it downwards to block some imaginary strike.
Rylen started down the hill in her direction, calling out when she didn’t look up at his approach. “Y’know, lass, if you’re hoping to fight in this war you’re going to want something better than a staff.”
“Mother fu-” Farrada’s shoulders instantly stiffened as she turned to face him, swinging her staff up in a maneuver that would have caught him between the legs had he been any closer.
“Stand down, lass” Rylen chuckled as he threw his palms up in surrender. “Didn’t I see you with a sword yesterday? You’d stand a better chance in the army with a blade.”
“I’m not enlisting,” She spun the staff and tucked it behind her but her posture remained tense - was she always so rigid?
“All right, no one’s saying you have to. So then why are you out here training by yourself?”
“Your… Things are more dangerous here than they are where I’m from,” Farrada said with a frown. “I picked up that sword because it was the only thing in reach and I didn’t want to die. But if the worst happens and I have to fight with a person rather than a demon… Hurt rather than maim, maim rather than kill.”
Her frown deepened as she spoke, and the change in her cadence made Rylen wonder what exactly she had been reciting.
“Well, if you really want to stand a chance in a fight, you need to spar with a real person and not just the wind.”
Farrada hesitated, glancing up the hill in the direction of the Inquisition’s soldiers still running their own drills. “Are they using sharp or dulled blades?”
“Oh, I wasn’t offering you a recruit. You’ll hardly be able to learn anything there. And I assure you, this is a training blade - it won’t draw blood unless you try really hard.”
Farrada gave him a dry smirk as she swung her staff back out to a ready position. “You’d be surprised, Captain. I’ve had my skin broken by a dull blade before.”
“I guess you’ll just have to block me first then,” Rylen said as he drew the dulled shortsword he used for sparring with the troops.
He started out easy on her, telegraphing his moves and swinging wide on his attacks to give her more time to react. She was timid in her defense and focused too much on blocking his strikes without returning any of her own. She knew to watch his center for movements rather than his sword though, and soon Rylen stopped telegraphing to see if she could still keep up.
“You’re pulling your punches, Farra. Every block should feel like a strike of its own.”
She glared at him, green eyes flashing in irritation but she followed his instructions and suddenly every strike she blocked made his sword hilt vibrate in his palm. 
As the sound of the soldiers training died down, Farrada began to wince in pain with every move. Her jaw tightened and her whole stance became more rigid until Rylen finally took a step back and sheathed his sword.
“You did well, lass. Next time it would do you well to strike back, you can’t just defend all… Farra?”
Her knuckles were white against her staff and she was staring down. Her shoulders were stiff and high as always, but her right shoulder was jerking in a way that looked both uncomfortable and involuntary. He stepped closer and placed a hand on her shoulder and for once she didn’t shy away. 
He could feel it now - the joint slipping in and out of its socket, the unsettling crunch of bone against bone, the slight tremor running through her as the pain set in.
“Maker’s breath, Farrada… Why didn’t you say something?”
“If you were my enemy you wouldn’t stop just because I’m already broken,” her voice was strained as she spoke.
Slowly, gingerly, Rylen placed his hands on either side of her right shoulder. He laced his fingers together over the joint and applied pressure until the spasms started to calm down with the joint trapped in place. Tears sprang to Farrada’s eyes as she sagged against him, burying her face against his shoulder.
“My mom is the only other person who’s ever managed to stop it. Thank you.”
“Next time you get this bad in training, you stop and go to a healer. Understood?”
“They’re all busy with Selina and the soldiers wounded after the breach, I can’t just -”
Rylen cut her off, placing a hand on either shoulder and pushing her an arms length away to better meet her gaze. “You stop and go see a healer or I drag you to one myself. Am I understood?”
His tone left no room for arguing so Farrada simply nodded in answer. Rylen sighed and dragged a hand down his face.
“I should get back to my duties. If you’re serious about wanting to defend yourself, you know where to find a sparring partner.”
“Thank you,” she murmured before turning and heading back up the hill towards Haven.
Rylen moved back towards the Commander’s tent to ensure his friend had eaten and made a mental note to ask Adan what he could do for whatever put Farrada in so much pain as soon as the Herald was up and about. Even as he drifted off that night, he found himself thinking of the pain in Farrada’s face and worrying how long she would last in this war pushing herself the way she had today. He hoped he wouldn’t have to find out soon and for the second time in as many nights, Rylen drifted off into the Fade picturing her green eyes and playful smirk.
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The Marshmallow Chronicles (Ch. 13: Hunting for Love)
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Author’s notes: Hi! Sorry this took so long! As I told a lovely anon, I had been working on it for a while and it was deleted so I had to recover from the frustration. 
Thanks to the people who like, reblog and/or comment. You guys are the reason I’ve kept going <3 Huge thanks to @starstruckzonkoperatorbat, @notoriouscs, @simplyaiden-blog, @snyggflicka, @asprankle, @speedyoperarascalparty, @mirivalencia, @mymandrake and @asobigokoro2018 for asking me to tag them!
Love you guys <3
Rating: T
Pairing: Drake x MC
Words: 5,943
Drake retired to his room early, not feeling up to enjoying the festivities. 
God, this sucks. I have to get this under control. Am I just gonna feel like shit all the time now?
Out of a sense of self-preservation he reflected he should probably keep his distance from Riley for the foreseeable future. He was shocked to realize that the thought of not being around her was more painful than seeing her with Liam. 
I guess I do want Adams to be a part of my life...
He flopped down unto his bed, trying to think of something that could distract him, when he felt his phone vibrate twice in his pocket. 
He pulled it out and read, “Hey, Drake! Where did you run off to?”
And then a separate message, “It’s Addams 😊”
His stomach did a somersault, seeing her call herself the nickname he called her. He’d already known it was her; Liam had given him her number “just in case”, as he put it, but Drake could never bring himself to text her. It would have felt like an even greater betrayal of Liam’s friendship. He had, however, spent more time than he cared to admit with his fingers hovering over the keyboard, staring at her picture and holding himself back from typing. 
“You know me, Addams, always sneaking off”
“Yeah, but you could’ve asked me to come with you ☹️“
Right, like she wasn’t having fun with Liam. 
He was wondering whether there was a way to phrase that so it was less obvious how bitter he was and then she texted again.
“You’re welcome btw”
“For what?”
He noticed she was already typing the moment he sent it. He was glad she didn’t play games with texting, didn’t wait long to reply, didn’t mind double-texting.
“For not making you my court jester! You would’ve looked cute in that cap tho lol”
“Funny. So why didn’t you?”
“Well, you only made that bet to motivate me”
The three dots were still on the screen so he waited. She seemed to be thinking especially hard about this text, as she took inordinately long typing it. Drake’s palms were sweating.
“And... tbh, as soon as they said a cup-bearer is someone you trust I knew I had to say you”
Drake was thankful he couldn’t choke or stutter through texts. He threw his phone on the bed and put his head under his pillow, completely overwhelmed. He couldn’t stop smiling, yet he felt close to tears at the same time. 
Pull it together, man.
He took a few breaths to steady himself and grabbed his phone. He caught a glimpse of his dopey smile reflected on his phone’s dark screen before he unlocked it. 
“You’re making me blush, Addams”
“You’re going soft on me, Drake ;)”
“Hey, thanks. I trust you too”
“No prob, I’ll have plenty of chances to beat your ass lol”
He could practically see her smirk.
“Ha, we’ll see about that”
“Well, I'd better go to bed, my alarm clock is waaay too chipper in the mornings”
“Is being queen even worth Maxwell waking you up every day?”
“I’m starting to doubt it haha”
He knew she was kidding, but he still couldn’t help the stupid, senseless hope he felt at that.
She texted once more, “Thanks for everything, Drake, I mean it. See you tomorrow?”
“Any time :) see you tomorrow”
He set his alarm for the next morning feeling a little more optimistic. That was it, he just had to find the right balance with Riley. He could give her a break, for starters. Since his feelings would not be ignored, he could use them to be nicer and act like a real friend to her, for a change. Yes, instead of wallowing in his unrequited crush, he would try to grow and improve through this. 
With this in mind, he turned the lights off and went to sleep.
The next day he got up unusually early, determined to be a better version of himself. He started by finding Liam, who was enjoying a rare quiet moment in the stables.
“Hey, Liam!”
“Drake! This is a pleasant surprise! What brings you here so early?”
“I don’t know, we haven’t hung out in a while and I thought...” he trailed off. 
I really have to get better at this friendship thing.
Liam looked touched, so much so that Drake felt his embarrassment grow.
“I’d like nothing better! How are you? Any news of Savannah?”
“Nothing. Radio silence. And her trail’s gone cold so...” he sighed.
Liam put a supportive hand on his shoulder, “Listen, if there’s anything I can do, all you have to do is ask. I’ve asked Bastien to look into it, but he seems to have a lot on his plate lately.”
“Oh, so it’s not just me?”
“That he’s been short with?”
“Short? More like a dick! Do you know he yelled at me yesterday for no reason?”
Liam raised a skeptical eyebrow, “No reason?”
“Okay, so I teased him a little but Liam, I swear, it was nothing compared to the pranks we used to pull on him!”
Liam chuckled. “Remember when we locked him out of the training room?”
“Or when we put those balloons behind the door?” Drake snorted.
“He was so startled when they popped he pulled out his gun!”
“Yeah, in retrospect I can see how that was actually pretty dangerous and not super fun for him,” admitted Drake, though he was still chuckling.
“It was very irresponsible,” agreed Liam. “We should really show him some sort of appreciation soon, especially if he is under pressure.”
“Good idea, but you should leave that to me; you’ve got enough shit to do.”
“Do I? Other than choosing a queen for Cordonia and my lifelong partner, my schedule is wide open,” Liam joked.
They heard footsteps getting nearer and Drake peeked out to see King Constantine approaching the stables. That’s my cue.
“I’d better take Morello, then.” He strode to one of the stalls, where a jet black horse whinnied excitedly. “Hey, boy.” He led him gently outside, grabbing a saddle on his way back to Liam. “Well, if there’s any way I can help you, just say the word.” Drake clapped his back.
“I know, Drake, thank you.”
Drake waved goodbye and exited, his horse walking behind him. He briefly stopped to give the King a perfunctory bow. He ambled around the grounds, at peace for the first time in what seemed like ages. He’d missed Liam’s company. He was used to long periods of only seeing each other for quick conversations, but lately, his once-easy friendship had felt anything but. Now, with a clearer mind and knowing what he intended to do about his silly crush, it all seemed as simple as it used to be. 
In a secluded spot, he saddled Morello. He caressed its muzzle and the horse nickered affectionately. “I missed you, too, buddy. It’s been busy around here, you know? Busier than usual. New people and everything.”
He scratched behind its ears, lost in thought. He looked back towards the stables and saw most of the group already mounted. “All right, seems like everyone’s on their horses. You ready?” 
Morello neighed, which Drake took as a yes. He swung expertly onto his saddle and took the reins. “Now listen, if there’s ever been a time when we gotta look good, it’s this one, okay?”
The horse snorted and Drake patted its neck. 
Nothing wrong with trying to impress the suitors. It’s not like I’m making a move or anything. I just want her to know I’m good at something.
He directed Morello at a slow gait toward the others. He’d decided to stay in the back, should anyone need any help. 
Nobles don’t tend to be good at much. 
He smiled a little, remembering when Tariq had gotten his foot tangled in the stirrup a few years ago and sighed contentedly. 
Yeah, today might be a good day.
He saw Riley up ahead and had already raised his hand to urge Morello forward with the reins, then thought better of it. 
You’ll go up to her if it’s natural. Stop forcing it.
He settled in the last spot. After a few minutes of riding at a ridiculously slow pace, his gaze started drifting more and more often towards Riley, until he was fully staring at her. 
I’m such a creep. 
Try as he might, though, he couldn’t help looking at her, the shapes her lips made when she talked or smiled, how beautifully her hair moved in the breeze... 
I’m gonna make myself sick.
She was currently having what looked like a surprisingly civil conversation with Olivia. 
Yuck. She’s such a better person than I am.
A few minutes later, Hana was the one to approach her.
Lovesick idiots that we are. 
He shook his head fondly at Hana. 
God, I hope you come out of this better than me, kid.
Hana moved back to talk to the rest of the suitors. At the same time, Drake noticed Lady Kiara trying to catch his eye and ignored her as politely as he could. 
Out of desperation – fine, and also because I really, really want to talk to her – he called out to Riley, “Addams!”
She turned towards him, grinning. He returned her smile and waved her over. She immediately slowed down and let others pass her until she was at the back with Drake. He was pleasantly surprised at how well she commanded her horse. 
Okay, here we go. Friends. We’re gonna be friends.
“There you are. You look like you actually know how to ride a horse.” 
That’s something a friend would say, right?
One of Riley’s hands flew to her mouth in mock surprise. “Oh my gosh, opening with a compliment?”
“Careful, don’t want you falling off your horse now.” Drake smirked, though he still regarded her uneasily. 
Friends worry about their friends!
“I’m surprised you’re out here with all the nobles today.” It was phrased like a statement, but there was a question behind it. 
Well, obviously the truth is out of the question. 
“Turns out, I had an opening in my schedule today.” He grinned. “And there’s something oddly satisfying about watching nobles fuss over their stuffy blazers.”
Riley giggled. “Is this why you’re not frowning... as much as usual, anyway.”
Drake didn’t know whether to shake her or kiss her. 
It’s you! You’re the reason! Okay, how do I make that friend-appropriate? 
“It has more to do with the company I keep.” That was probably the most sincere he’d been in the past year.
“A second compliment!” This time, Riley didn’t pretend to be shocked, she actually was. Her eyes shone as she looked at Drake, delighted.
“One more and you win the jackpot,” he winked. 
If only I could actually give her anything.
“I hope it’s all your whiskey,” she teases.
It was Drake’s turn to act horrified. She pushed his shoulder and he smiled with a sigh.
“You know, when we first met, I wanted to dislike you so badly...” He was not sure why he was saying this. 
I guess I want our friendship to start on a clean slate.
Riley’s eyes were wide. “You WANTED to dislike me? Why?”
Of course she finds it unbelievable that anyone could dislike her, cocky jerk. 
He smiled to himself.
“You were crashing Liam’s bachelor party! It was supposed to be our last night out together before all of this... We’ve always been like brothers, doing everything together...” He thought of that morning, how spending a few minutes with him had felt like a privilege. 
“Now I’m lucky to see him for five minutes without a noble girl throwing herself in front of him,” he finished bitterly. 
After a moment of silence, he realized she might think he meant her and hurriedly apologized, “Sorry. I didn’t mean...”
She put her hand on his for a second, her eyes understanding, “I know what you meant.”
Drake could not comprehend how the smallest of her gestures could calm him, make him feel better, like he mattered. 
I have to stop getting so pathetically emotional over every little thing she does. 
He cleared his throat. “Anyway, I know we got off to a bad start, but somewhere along the way... things changed.” 
Okay, stop it right there or you might go too far. 
“Hell, Addams, I don’t even know why I’m telling you any of this.” He rubbed a hand on his face, embarrassed at this outpouring of honesty.
Riley spoke, “Drake, I wanted to dislike you too.”
He looked up from his hands, taken by surprise, although he had no reason to be. “You did?”
“Yeah, I mean, you were a total jerk to me!” 
Understatement of the year.
“But now...”
Drake hated how his voice practically trembled with hope, “Now?”
“It took time... but I figured out that you’re actually human under all those scowls,” she poked him.
Of course. She barely even sees me as a friend, how could I have thought... Well, it doesn’t matter, being friends is already more than I deserve after the way I treated her.
He spotted Liam with his parents ahead. 
There’s someone else I need to be better to.
“This has all been touching, but I need to rescue Liam from his family for a couple minutes.”
He heard Riley utter a small “Oh” as he rode ahead, and felt a twinge of guilt coupled with that insufferable emotion he’d been feeling constantly as of late, hope.
He reached them just in time to hear Queen Regina sing the praises of Madeleine, much to Liam’s apparent chagrin.
“Do you see what I am saying, Liam? Wouldn’t you agree that she is the superior choice?”
“She would certainly make an excellent monarch, son,” chimed in the King.
“She is a lady with many merits, yes,” replied Liam diplomatically.
“So is she the suitor you are most leaning towards, then?” prodded the Queen.
“Liam!” Drake called, startling the three monarchs, who had been so absorbed in their conversation they had not noticed his arrival. “Wanna race ahead?”
“Loser does 30 push-ups!” Liam exclaimed, already urging his horse forward.
Liam was, of course, an accomplished rider. There really weren’t any rich people things you could afford to be bad at when you were a royal. However, Drake had spent more time in the stables than he had. And so, despite Liam’s exceptional instruction, he didn’t share the bond that Drake and Morello did. 
All this to say, by the time Liam caught up with him, Drake had time to pretend to be looking at an imaginary watch on his wrist.
“Liam, Liam, Liam,” he said, with shakes of his head. “You’ve really got me to thank for your abs, you know that, right?”
Liam chuckled. “That’s my secret; I lose on purpose so I can stay in shape.”
Drake snorted. “You keep telling yourself that, buddy.”
“Drake, thanks for that.” Liam’s relief was palpable.
Drake sobered. “No problem. You looked like you’d rather be at the bottom of the canyon so...”
Liam gave a humorless laugh. “Not quite, but almost. I don’t think they understand that I’m conflicted enough as it is.”
Drake perked up at this, “Are you? I... thought it was a done deal. That you were choosing Riley, that is.”
Liam shushed him. “Not so loud!” He ran his fingers through his hair. “What can I say? In my heart, it is, but unfortunately that is not nearly enough.”
Drake’s heart sank. 
Even if he doesn’t choose her, he’s in love with her. And he’s your best friend.
“Stop worrying so much, man, what’s that gonna do? Look, let’s just enjoy the feast today, huh? You still have a few events left to decide. Not to mention a Beaumont party to look forward to!”
“I’ll try. Although I must say, I am definitely looking forward to that! Their parties are really unparalleled.”
“That they are.”
He and Liam rode on in companionable silence until they reached the mountain village. It was charming and rustic, with its little cabins and huts surrounding a vast filed in which long tables had been set out, laden with food.
Once everyone had gathered round, King Constantine welcomed them, “Everyone, we’ve reached our hunting lodges. Our forebears would dine on the day’s hunt here, and though we no longer hunt, we will still have a great feast. But first, we race to celebrate our ancestors. The first to reach Prince Liam will be served first at the feast! Begin!”
Drake was torn between wishing he could participate – he was starving – and excitement at seeing the suitors race and possibly make a fool out of themselves. Except Hana, obviously. And Riley, he hoped... though that would provide an incredible opportunity to tease her.
No. Friends don’t want their friends to look dumb. 
He needn’t have chided himself, for Riley did well. She didn’t win – predictably, it was Hana who did – but she did a good job for her first time, in Drake’s opinion.
An image popped up in his mind, uninvited, of himself teaching Riley how to ride properly. They were all smiles and laughter... 
Stop it, brain.
He forced himself to concentrate on what King Constantine was saying, “That’s superb horsemanship in action. Servants, prepare the first plate for Lady Hana. Now, then. Let’s all take some time to rest. Dinner will begin shortly.”
The crowd broke into smaller, more relaxed groups. He dismounted Morello and tied him to the hitching rail where all the other horses were drinking water and chewing on oats or grazing. He saw Riley talking to Tariq, weirdly. Liam was engaged in conversation with Olivia – no, thanks – and then he spotted Maxwell and Hana.
“Congratulations, Hana! That was some riding,” he admired as he approached them.
“Yeah, you kicked ass!” Maxwell agreed enthusiastically.
She blushed, “Thank you. I am glad I could put something my parents made me learn to use. If only to eat first.” 
“I think that’s the best prize you could get, I’m starving! Right, Maxwell?”
Maxwell was looking out at Riley, who was talking to Liam, with an uncharacteristically pensive expression on his face.
Drake waved a hand in front of his face. “Maxwell? Everything okay, man?”
“Wha–? Oh. Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine.”
“Sure.” Drake eyed him suspiciously and shared a puzzled look with Hana, who broke the tension.
“Why don’t we go see what they’re up to?” 
The three of them walked over to Liam and Riley. Liam was, as Drake had come to expect, smiling widely, completely engrossed in whatever Riley was saying.
“Hey, the feast is being put out.” Drake pointed out when they’d joined the pair.
“And they’ve got dishes supposedly blessed by the spirits of the nearby ruins,” Maxwell informed them.
Hana’s face instantly lit up. “Oooh! I’ve heard legends about those ruins! They sound magical. People travel from all around just to see them.”
“It’s a shame we’re not scheduled to see them,” Liam frowned.
Thank God! Bunch of old rocks.
Hana’s face fell as fast as it had brightened before. “We aren’t? I was so hoping to...”
Maxwell put a comforting arm around her shoulders and suggested, “Why don’t we just go anyway? Sounds like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!”
A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to miss out on delicious food, maybe. 
“Are you sure we should?” Hana asked, cautiously eager.
“It’d be nice to spend some time together without this crowd around,” Liam said. As always, he turned directly to Riley and asked, “What do you say, Riley?”
Riley had that familiar mischievous look she got when she was ready to break the rules. “Let’s have an adventure!”
Drake came close to protesting this decision, until he noticed that her face was practically glowing with excitement. 
Fiiine, I’ll go. Crushes are so stupid. 
He shook his head at himself but kept quiet, not wanting to spoil the others’ fun.
“Alright!” Maxwell fist-pumped.
“I’m excited to visit another piece of Cordonian history,” gushed Hana.
Liam took the lead and gestured for them to come. “Follow me. I know how to get there.”
They walked away from the crowded field and into the adjacent forest. At least this I can enjoy. Drake took in the lush trees, the leave-strewn path they were following and the mysteriously soothing sounds of nature surrounding them. He tried to see if he could spot any forest creatures, but aside from a few shuddering bushes, he didn’t see any; they had probably been spooked by the humans’ presence.
He breathed in deeply, feeling a bit better, despite the hunger. He realized he’d been walking next to Maxwell, who had been quiet the whole time. 
What the hell?!
“Hey, Maxwell, you know I’m not buying that ‘everything’s fine’ bullshit, right?”
“What? Why? Everything is–”
“Stop it. Tell me what’s wrong.”
Maxwell sighed. “Okay. I need someone’s opinion on this, anyway. You know how I’m sponsoring Riley?”
“You can skip the intro, Maxwell, I am the same guy who’s been here for everything,” Drake rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, sorry.” Maxwell was cracking his knuckles nonstop at this point. Drake grabbed his arms and forced him to stop.
“What is it? It can’t be that bad.”
“It’s not bad, it’s complicated. Riley might not be sure about this whole thing anymore.”
Maxwell looked so conflicted that Drake put an arm around his shoulders and said, “Well, being queen is a big deal, dude! Don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll come around!”
“It’s not that. Or at least, not just that. It’s... it’s Liam, too.”
Drake almost stopped walking and had to remind his feet to keep going.
Maxwell kept talking and Drake listened to him half-heartedly. “So I don’t know what to because on the one hand, she’s my friend now. I don’t want to force her to do anything she doesn’t want to! Especially something so big! And I know she feels pressured... I mean, who wouldn’t, with Bertrand? But on the other hand, House Beaumont desperately needs a win, now more than ever... er, for no particular reason.”
Drake was busy trying to calm his buzzing thoughts. 
She’s not sure about Liam! Could it be that–? 
No. There’s no way it’s because of you!
You can’t know that!
So what? Even if it is, you think she’s gonna give up a kingdom? 
His internal argument was interrupted by Maxwell taking a huge breath and continuing, “And then there’s Liam; he really, really likes her and he probably thinks she likes him back and I know it’s not my place to tell him but I feel terrible.”
Right. Liam. You couldn’t do that to your best friend, either way.
There was no argument there.
“Drake? Are you going to say anything or...?”
“Oh, uh, yeah! I don’t think there’s that much to say except, Addams is going to choose whatever she chooses, okay? Even if Bertrand is pressuring her, she’ll do whatever she wants; she’s stubborn like that,” he smiled fondly. “And I guess you gotta trust that she knows.”
“Knows what?”
“Well, that she understands both the reason you brought her here in the first place and that you’re her friend. I’m sure she’ll do whatever she can to help House Beaumont and be happy. She’s one of those people that always finds a way, you know what I mean?”
“I do and I hope you’re right.”
“Psh, when am I not?”
Maxwell pushed him away. “When you said I wouldn’t dare ask the Queen to breakdance with me.”
Drake snorted, “You got me there. I underestimated how inappropriate you can be. And this is from a commoner.”
“I still think she secretly wanted to.”
“Right, maybe she just needed a few more glasses of champagne. Why don’t you try again at the next Beaumont party?”
“Don’t think I won’t.”
They spent the rest of the way laughing and coming up with stupid plans to get the Queen to breakdance.
“Here we are,” Liam announced from ahead of them.
The group moved forward out of the trees and into a clearing. Imposing, mossy stone ruins littered the place, most of them unrecognizable as buildings after so long.
“It’s so beautiful and serene,” Hana breathed out.
Without distractions, Drake’s hunger had returned with a vengeance. “Yep... sure are a bunch of old things here,” he shrugged.
Liam shook his head at him. “It’s so much more than that. There’s something so calm about this place. Can’t you sense it?”
They stood there for a few seconds, their own silence swallowed by the noises made by thousands of bugs and other small critters accustomed to their solitude.
As he’d come to expect, Maxwell broke their silence first, “The only thing I sense is about a million snakes and probably a couple of rock monsters getting ready to attack us.”
Hana’s eyes widened. “Rock monsters? Do you have any rock monsters in Cordonia?”
“It was a joke... just forget it.” Maxwell sighed in defeat.
“I want to find some ghosts,” said Riley, putting her arms up in a “spooky” stance.
“Ghosts?” Hana looked worried, again.
“Maybe one will tell me my future,” piped up Maxwell
That’s not how ghosts work.
“Or devour your soul,” Drake replied in a creepy voice.
Riley shot him a look, “Drake.”
He smiled at her and shrugged. “I’m just saying, that is the likelier outcome!”
“Since some of us,” said Riley pointedly, “seem determined not to take this seriously, why don’t we split up? That way we can all explore however we want.”
“Or not explore,” grumbled Drake.
Riley rolled her eyes at him.
They went their separate ways. Too hungry to be curious, Drake found a rock that looked like it might be halfway comfortable and slumped against it. 
Hana’s already quiet footsteps were further muffled by the leaves and dirt, so he jumped when she addressed him, “Hi, Drake.”
“Hana! You scared the crap outta me!”
She giggled, “Sorry! I didn’t mean to.”
“Yeah, well, next time clear your throat or something.”
She slumped – somehow making it look graceful – next to him. 
“So how are you?”
“Same old. Acting like a dumb teenager with a crush, you?”
“Me too... although I never got to be a ‘dumb teenager’ so I wouldn’t know.”
“What are you gonna do about it? I just... I have no idea how to act or what to say or not to say.”
“I don’t think I’ll do anything about it at all. I am here as a suitor and that is something I must keep in mind. Not only that, but she’s my best friend... I don’t think I am prepared to risk our friendship.”
“Well, at least you have some sort of claim, you know? She’s your best friend. I’m... what? Her boyfriend’s best friend?” He scoffed.
They settled into a gloomy silence until Drake spoke again. “For what it’s worth, I don’t think you’d be risking your friendship. If she doesn’t... feel the same way, I’m sure she’ll understand.”
Hana thought about it for a long moment. “You may be right. I’m not certain I’ll have the courage, though.”
“Are you kidding? You came here from so far away and you’ve tried so many new things; of course you do! You have more guts that Liam, Maxwell and I combined. With Addams you might be evenly matched,” he chuckled.
Hana smiled. “Thank you, Drake. I only wish there was a way this could end favorably for everybody.”
Drake didn’t think that needed an answer. They all wished that. Hana patted his shoulder and left as quietly as she’d come.
Almost as soon her barely audible footsteps receded, Drake heard somebody else approach.
“Hey, Addams,” he greeted her.
She stood in front of him. “You look like you’re having a good time exploring,” she said with an arched eyebrow.
Drake grimaced. “Archaeology isn’t really my thing.” 
Plus, I’m fucking hungry. Bordering on hangry.
“You could at least look around.” Riley gestured at the ruins. “It’s not like you come here often.”
“I looked around. There’s some old buildings. That’s about it.”
What happened to being friendlier, dammit?
“Hmm...” Riley considered what he’d said as if he’d actually made and interesting point instead of just sarcastic whining. 
“Don’t you want to know where you come from? And what about insight into how people lived long ago?” 
She sounded so fascinated it was almost enough to get Drake interested. Almost. “They could’ve ridden dragons for all I care. It doesn’t mean much now.” 
There’s enough shit going on in the present, and shit to worry about in the future. Why look at the past?
He could see Riley was getting tired of his attitude. 
Hell, so am I. 
She put her hands on her hips. “So why did you come out here if you don’t really care for these sorts of things?”
Because you looked adorably excited about it? 
As had become common for him, he went with a different version of the truth, “I don’t think we’re going to get many more times like this.”
Riley tilted her head, “Like what?”
“I mean... Liam is going to be king soon.” He swallowed painfully. “And you could very well be his queen. Everything’s going to change.” He bit the inside of his cheek and looked down. What was he going to do the day of the Coronation if he could barely handle the thought?
To his surprise, Riley’s next words were, “You know, you’re right.” 
He looked up to see a fierce look on her face, “We don’t need to associate with the riff-raff. I mean, really, what could you even provide for us? A sense of grounding and humility?”
Drake shook his head but couldn’t help smiling a little. “I see what you’re trying to do here. It’s not going to work.”
“Or maybe someone to sneak us out of the palace? Why would we want that when we’re drinking champagne and shaking ambassadors’ hands?”
She sounds so sure. There’s no way Maxwell’s right, he probably misunderstood. She’s gonna be queen. 
His stomach clenched and he had to make an effort to focus on their back and forth.
“Yeah, yeah. Keep on punching down.”
Riley’s voice softened and she stepped closer. “Or maybe we’ll need a reminder that no matter how tough someone may seem on the outside, there’s a big, lovable softie on the inside.”
She put her hands on both his shoulders and gave him a goofy smile. “Come on, Drake. There’s a smile inside you somewhere.”
Drake gave up and smiled with a laugh. “You’re the worst, Addams.”
“Would you have me any other way?”
She’s gonna make me say something I’ll regret if she keeps asking those questions. Fuck no, I wouldn’t have you any other way. You’re amazing.
“Addams... We may have had some ups and downs between us, but I want you to know that I’ve enjoyed this little adventure with you. Not just the ruins, but the whole thing since I walked into your bar in New York.” 
He looked her straight in the eyes and tried to say something nice in the least romantic way possible. “You’re... you’re not bad.”
Riley seemed more moved by that than he’d expected. 
Maybe she understands I mean so much more than that. 
“Awww, Drake, I care for you too.”
Goddamn. I care so fucking much and I can’t stop.
“Addams... I...”
Don’t say anything. Think of Liam.
He shook his head and sighed. He let himself meet her eyes; there was such an intense, yet soft look in them. He felt his gaze slowly make its involuntary way down to her lips. He couldn’t remember wanting anything as badly.
“You’re something else...” he choked out. 
He heard her inhale sharply through her lips. She blushed, breaking their eye contact and putting her arms down.
I went too far.
“Now, we really need to get you out of here before you completely lose it.” The conversation was light-hearted again. “All this reflecting isn’t healthy for you.”
“You’re right. If I stay much longer, I might melt into a big ball of mush,” he shuddered. He had to stop putting himself in these situations; he’d come so close to saying or doing something he shouldn’t...
“Let’s go find the others.” He started walking towards the edge of the forest without looking back. Everyone else was already there.
“That was lovely,” said Liam.
“There weren’t any ghosts,” Maxwell complained.
“Why are you sad about that?” Hana seemed to grow more confused by Maxwell the more she knew him.
He shrugged, “I don’t know, I’m kind of curious what a ghost would have to say. Would’ve made a good story.”
“You can always lie. I’ll back you up,” offered Drake.
“There’s an idea!” he exclaimed.
Unexpectedly, Riley wrung her hands nervously, “Maxwell, please don’t tell me any ghost stories.”
“I won’t tell it to you. You’ll be a supporting character in the story.” 
“Do I survive?” she asked with hope.
“Hah,” Drake mocked her.
Maxwell put an arm around Riley and reassured her, “Drake is the first to die, though.”
Liam chuckled along with everyone but Drake, and then said, “Alright, everyone. It’s time to head out.”
Riley took one last look at the ruins, sounding resigned, “These ruins were bigger than I thought.”
“Could’ve used an open bar in my opinion,” muttered Drake.
Maxwell, who apparently was almost as hungry as Drake, urged them on, “The feast is waiting for us back at the village! Let’s go!”
“That’s the best idea you’ve ever had. Including sponsoring Addams,” said Drake, earning him a push from Riley.
The walk back to the field seemed much longer to Drake, eager as he was for something to eat. 
When they eventually reached the banquet tables, he was relieved to find them still heaping with food; he’d been anxious it would all be gone by the time they returned.
“Wow... That’s a lot of meat!” Riley’s mouth was watering as she looked at the many cloches piled with different types of roasted meats.
“It’s not exactly a feast without it.” Drake said this as he loaded his plate with everything he could reach.
“A little more fruit couldn’t hurt,” Hana murmured, eyeing the comparatively few options a little sadly.
“I wouldn’t mind putting a bunch of fruit on a stake and waving it around like a sword.” Maxwell was already looking around the tables, trying to find something stake-like.
“Alright, let’s grab our food before Maxwell gets any other crazy ideas,” Drake interrupted.
Maxwell spotted a watermelon and grinned. “And then I could wear a watermelon as a helmet...” He smirked. “I’d be unstoppable.”
Drake had to forcibly remove Maxwell from the table before he could carry out any of his plans. Riley got him a bit of everything – except for watermelon – and brought both her and Maxwell’s plates to where Liam and Hana were already sitting. 
Maxwell revealed a champagne bottle he’d managed to swipe from the table before Drake took him away. 
“I’ll go get glasses!” Hana volunteered, and darted to the table to get five of them.
Maxwell popped the champagne and poured some for everyone. He then stood up and raised his glass.
“A toast to all of us and to our friendship!”
“To friendship!” chirped Hana.
“Ugh... to friendship,” agreed Drake reluctantly. 
It’s only all I’ve thought about today.
Liam smiled at them all and said, “To friendship.”
“To friendship!” exclaimed Riley.
They clinked their glasses and drank. 
Damn, if I didn’t get lucky with these people.
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cheriemelody · 7 years
How Demons might be Satisfied
Grace was humming and wandering around in the deserted city when she heard a commotion in the distance. There wasn’t really anything else to do, and she was curious, so she used her magic to form feathery wings to fly there quickly. She couldn’t remember the last time that there was anything worth checking out.
Before long, she arrived. What was being surrounded by the other demons? Oh, a human! Quite a scared and confused human. In fact, they looked like they had just woken up from a nightmare and didn’t realize yet that, yes, their nightmare was still going to continue for a while. (Grace couldn’t tell from her location what their gender was. Grace flew closer. She looked at their facial features and body type and still couldn’t tell. Hmm, it would be nice to know their gender. Grace peered into and examined their mind.) He noticed Grace and stared back at her with even more confusion.
“Are you flying?!”
Oh. Right. Humans can’t fly naturally.
“Why’s he payin’ attention to you, Grace?”
One of the demons from below glared at Grace.
“I’m the demon who deserves the most attention, you know!” Grace giggled. “I’m the prettiest of you all.”
As annoyance grew on some demons’ faces, the young man’s face grew paler.
“Wait, demons?!”
He took a step back, and then another. Grace noticed, and giggled. Wouldn’t he make very nice prey? It had been a while since she had last hunted for a fresh soul. Wait, he’s actually trying to run away. Grace giggled again. She flew down, and before he even had time to turn his head around when he heard her approaching, she grabbed him underneath his arms and pulled him upwards into the air. She ignored both the demon’s indignant cries and the cries of the poor man she was carrying.
After a while, he quieted down. Grace hummed again, and not from boredom. Eventually, they arrived at the Tyler mansion. When they reached the front door, Gloria, Grace’s sister, called out from a window.
“Grace, did you actually bring something useful this time?”
“Gloria, I brought a human!”
“Wow, you did something useful for once.”
“Oh, come on!”
Gloria looked out of her window. She almost smiled at Grace’s exasperated expression.
“Well, you might as well get in through this window.”
It took some time for him to calm down. It required cookies and milk.
After some hesitation, he finally asked, “You’re demons, right? You still eat human food?”
“Yes, in a way,” Grace answered. “Most demons should actually eat some human food to be fully healthy. But.”
Oh, dear, he was back to not being calm. She did need to explain this, though.
“But all demons need to consume human souls to survive.”
He paled. “Was… Was that why you took me?”
Grace started to stare at him intensely. “Not necessarily for that reason.”
“I saw through your mind, you know.”
“Yuya. Sakaki Yuya, the entertainer. Planning to pursue professional Entertainment Dueling after graduating from high school. You’re currently finishing up the last year of high school, if I remember correctly.”
Grace continued to stare at him. He’s actually pretty cute when this surprised. Adorable, even. Unfortunately, he was speechless after this revelation.
“Do you know what this city of demons needs? More than just one human soul?”
Yuya didn’t respond.
“Do you know how bored we are?”
Gloria interrupted, “Just you, Grace. I’m perfectly fine with just eating him right here and now.”
Poor Yuya. He paled again. Grace wasn’t sure if she could stand eating him if he actually did fail.
“Gloria! I’m not the only demon bored out of my mind. The entire city population would gather around him if they could because what human ends up in the middle of a demon city out of nowhere?” Grace whined.
“Anyways,” Grace continued, “even if I had the heart of an angel and tried to help you escape back into your own world, the entire city would be out to get you. But don’t fear just yet! There’s an alternative!”
Gloria rolled her eyes. Yuya, however, seemed to catch on very quickly.
“I just have to entertain them, and then I’ll be free?”
How is he sooo adorable when he says that?! Grace was practically squealing in her seat and didn’t even try to prevent herself from standing up from her seat. She didn’t even notice Gloria rolling her eyes up at her. Yuya had just pendulum summoned Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon along with an Entermate companion.
“Since an Entermate monster was pendulum summoned, Entermate Pendulum Sorcerer’s pendulum effect adds 1000 ATK to all of my Entermate monsters!”
The audience of demons stared in wonder as the sorcerer enhanced Entermate Odd-Eyes Light Phoenix on the field, increasing its attack to 3000 ATK. You can never go wrong with sparkles~ Grace giggled at her own thought.
“Grace, please,” Gloria grumbled. She didn’t bother asking Grace to sit back down, though. Once Grace was this excited, whether it be from having a crazed duel or sucking someone’s soul dry, nothing could be done to contain her excitement.
“Battle! Odd-Eyes Light Phoenix will attack Ojama Blue!”
Ojama Blue was in ATK position, but due to the Ojama country field spell, it had 1000 ATK.
The opponent’s life points went down to 2000.
“Hmph! Since Ojama Blue was destroyed by battle, I can add two Ojama cards from my deck to my hand.”
The opponent oh so happened to be the one demon to be the most annoyed at Grace’s antics (except for Gloria). That was one of the reasons why Grace didn’t offer to duel Yuya herself, as tempting as that sounded. She wanted Yuya to defeat this stupid demon.
As strange as it sounded, though, the main reason was so that she could be part of the audience itself. As much as she enjoyed dueling, she wanted to experience this Entertainment Duel from the audience’s perspective.
That won’t be enough to stop Yuya’s attack, and you know that. Even though Ojama King currently has 3000 ATK, and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon only has 2500 ATK, there must have been a reason why he didn’t choose to crash Odd-Eyes Light Phoenix with Ojama King. More importantly, it’s just that Yuya looks like he will win this turn. His confidence. He’s so...
Grace screamed again, and Gloria wondered why her sister had to have a crush on Sakaki Yuya out of everyone. Why did it have to be a human and not a proper demon? Stupid Grace...
“Battle! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon will attack Ojama King! Spiral Strike Burst!”
Nico Smiley, the announcer, exclaimed, “Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon currently has less ATK than Ojama King! What is Yuya Sakaki planning to do?”
“The fun has just begun!”
Grace screamed yet again, and Gloria just wanted this duel to end.
Yuya jumped on top of Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and then rode it towards Ojama King.
“I activate Entermate Odd-Eyes Unicorn’s pendulum effect! I target Odd-Eyes Light Phoenix and add its original attack to Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!”
A rainbow road formed underneath the dragon and led to Ojama King. The audience gaped, amazed at the sheer brilliance of the color palette that the rainbow offered to the stage. With 4500 ATK, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon battled Ojama King.
Grace was looking at heaven itself.
Yuya continued, “Since Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon is battling a LV 5 or higher monster, the battle damage is doubled! Go, Reaction Force!”
With only 2000 life points left, the opponent took 3000 damage.
Nico Smiley proclaimed, “The winner of this duel is, the Entertainment Duelist, Sakaki Yuya!!!”
The audience resounded throughout the stadium like a thunderstorm.
“Congratulations, Yuya!”
Yuya turned around from his new demon fans who visited them at the Tyler mansion and faced Grace.
“Thanks, I wouldn’t have gotten this far without you. If it wasn’t for your idea-”
“No need! That duel was spectacular! I couldn’t believe my own eyes! It was incredible!”
Yuya laughed sheepishly. “Thanks! I’m so glad to hear that!”
He paused, however, when Grace approached his fans and told them that she wanted to talk to Yuya privately before he left for the human world. After they left, Yuya still had one question to ask.
“I’m honestly surprised that the demons would let me go after just one duel. Actually, I’m surprised that they would let me go at all.”
Grace giggled. “I told you, didn’t I? That this city is waaay too boring. Your entertainment was worth far more than one human soul.”
Yuya supposed that he could live with that compliment.
“But if you still feel indebted to me…”
Before Yuya knew it, Grace pushed him down on the sofa and straddled him. Yet again, Yuya’s mind wasn’t working, but for completely different reasons. Grace leaned down and whispered in his ear, “I don’t know if I told you this, but I’m a succubus.”
Yuya flinched, his face becoming even redder. “Oh, I guess I didn’t. Well, hehe, now you might have an idea how I suck human souls dry from their bodies…”
Yuya really wasn’t sure how to feel about this situation. Grace’s voice lowered. “Don’t worry. I’m still never going to harm you. I just want to offer… hmm… my company if you return to visit. Or what about right now?”
She nibbled on his ear. Yuya yelped and slid his way out of the couch, face red as a tomato. And stumbled.
“Grace, I- I really appreciate it, b- but I want some time to think about it.”
Grace chuckled, still lying down on her side on the couch. Shy, wasn’t he? He didn’t seem that opposed to it, fortunately.
“Take your time~”
Yuya looked down in embarrassment. Grace rose from her couch and stood in front of him. And tenderly held his face in her hands and looked into his crimson eyes.
And then kissed him.
For once, Yuya didn’t flinch away. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her.
“Grace, why is it that the first thing I see when I enter is you and that human kissing?”
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ok, i’m rewatching TST and writing down everything that bothers me. part 3
1:00:00 onwards
part 1: [X]  part 2: [X] 
long post
-sherlock is easy to follow apparently. aj was not able to follow mary, but he found her through sherlock. is that sherlock blaming himself?
-john watson always wanting to talk about everything. john?!
-when mary tries that “it was always the four of us” spiel aj responds very cynically. not that much of a family then?
-considering her earlier outburst, mary looks pretty chill after being told someone out of her ‘family’ was tortured to death
-his captors forgot about him for six years, but he didn’t starve or died of thirst? and was still able to pick up ‘whispers’? why didn’t they kill him after he wasn’t “fun to torture” anymore? i’m calling psychological reconditioning.
-”every day as they tore into me. amo amo amo” yeah, reconditioning.
-was all of this based on a misunderstanding or was it conscious misdirection to make aj act like this?
-mycroft, walking wikipedia, not picking up a word in latin?
-john obviously sees that he’s being hypocritical about the ‘so many lies’ thing.
-john is always so much more smug, cocky and flirty in sherlock’s mind. is sherlock really making all of this up?
-btw who took the pic from john’s lockscreen? it wasn’t mrs hudson, bc they’re not looking into the camera. did sherlock take the pic with his phone and sent it to john?
-what is that smug little playa grin supposed to mean? john is NOT like that.
-e... eeeeee... are there any female characters from doyle canon starting with e?
-he sends hey, not hi.
-the texts from bed don’t start with ‘hi’ either. but sherlock usually ends his with SH. maybe it really is harry watson? then again the ‘miss you’ reminds me of moriarty’s ‘miss me’
-i don’t think it’s sherlock sending these, but maybe they’re something he wishes he could send?
-the texts he sends from the bus sound waaay guiltier and not playful at all. but ‘it was nice to get to know you a little’ implies at least some correspondence. so maybe the texts in bed really were from the woman?
-she looks dejected and understanding even before he sends the last text, she couldn’t possibly have read it yet.
-also the big bad of this season LITERALLY looms from the poster behind her. can’t ignore this
-what doesn the poster say? HE’S BACK; Business; it’s murder (?) in the...???
-mary is the key to solving the case, “They know eeeeverything”
-was john going to tell mary about the bus woman before they got the texts? also: why did they get the textx almost simultaneously??
-sherlock send a riddle to mary, only john got the exact location? but both knew where to go? how did mary know?
-so the old lady also has an obsession with sharks and just so happens to be sitting there waiting for agents all the time. what a feckeng coincidence.
-the lady sees agents as sharks. sherlock sees sharks as predators. agents are predators?
-”couldn’t have chosen it better myself. then i never could resist a touch of the dramatic.” sherlock is calling himself out. is this the confirmation that all of this is just happening in his head?
-how many times does someone say “i knew this would happen someday” this ep? the destiny thing again.
-”you are very sure of yourself aren’t you?” “with GOOD reason” ouch this hurts when you know what he’s going to say later on.
-and again the samarra thing. to me that’s the biggest proof for the mind palace/coma/dream theory. they cannot possibly all have this story at the tip of their tongues at any given moment. that just makes no sense.
-sherlock is too cocky in thinking he can manipulate the secretary and it ends badly.
-”maybe i can still surprise you” this is either sherlock @ himself: don’t be to sure of yourself or it is the authors telling us to suspect a big twist.
-”come on, be sensible!” “nah, don’t think so.” boy, they gonna do something big.
-why is sherlock not moving? mary had the time to jump, why didn’t sherlock move? is that him scolding himself for hesitating?
-norbury says “surprise”, but doesn’t look surprised at all that mary would do something like this.
-john didn’t see anything and doesn’t have any context.
-mary’s goodbye sounds incredibly textbook. like she practiced it.
-what is she saying? “hey sherlock, i still like you, did I ever say?” is she saying that?
-look, i love mary, but this death doesn’t make me sad, because i knew it would happen and it just feels so..... weird? idk how to explain it.
-”you were my whole world. mary watson was the only life worth living.” i’m sorry but ive heard that exact sentence in different versions at least 20 in different movies. its so ...fake?
-I needn’t say how ooc john blaming sherlock is to me, there have been a lot of posts about this
-lestrade’s and mycroft’s looks though. we know from tab that sherlock instinctively knows that the both of them will always be there for him, i think you can see this here as well
-we don’t see the funeral, just a coffin burning (blue flames) and john walking across a graveyard, pacing in his home, ignoring his phone
-then, almost like waking up, we hear ella’s voice while still seeing john’s face. maybe we are just now waking up from the ‘reoccuring dream’
-so i have two theories. either most of what we see in the ep was a dream or mindpalace and ella is real or it’s the other way round and sherlock is hallucinating her in his mindpalace, trying to help himself cope with everything (would explain why the office looks different). it looks like they’re in an attic, maybe a metaphor for ‘head’?
-mycroft’s fridge is pretty empty, but he has lots of stuff sticking to it, what’s ‘13th’ supposed to mean? or is it 13.00, can’t read it
-yay sherrinford. who may be a girl.
-the baloon john is still there, but deflated, hanging from the table
-ouch, sherlock using ‘norbury’ to keep himself in check, bc he’s so afraid of fucking up again
-miss me? is moriarty’s catchphrase and mary knew that. was kind of cruel to use it.
-judging by mary’s hair this video is not very old at all
-telling that we do’t get to see john’s note, but molly’s ‘you don’t need to read it now’ makes me think that the content is either hurtful or should be kept a secret
-the way molly repeats ‘anyone’ makes it sound like john also stressed it when he told her what to tell sherlock. maybe it’s a clue? or maybe im just grasping straws here
-again samarra and sharks
-idk, but her ‘go to hell, sherlock’ doesn’t sound all that hateful to me.
soooooooo, in conclusion. the major motifs of this ep were: sherlock feeling insecure and hating himself for his arrogance, is destiny inevitable? and an upcoming plot twist. oh and that everything is impostant, but should be taken with a grain of salt.
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adambstingus · 7 years
24 People Share The Grossest, Most Unsettling Thing They Ever Experienced While Hooking Up
1.Sixty Two Stitches
Girl beneath me, rolls me over onto my back – in the process we roll off the bed and we land on the floor, me on the bottom and her still straddling me. Her leg went straight through a big glass of water. Blood everywhere. She had lacerated her leg straight to the bone in a clean cut: I could see her muscle. Within ten minutes of our initial playing around there were 6 firemen and 3 policemen in the room (she was mental and shouted down the phone that I had a gun so they would come sooner). I was high and drunk and so her roomie took control. Paralysed by shock and weed, I had to hide while they took her in the ambulance as she was THAT crazy that I was expecting her to call rape.
She required 62 stitches, 40 on the muscle covering her shin.
This is the singular most traumatic experience of my life.
2. Bless You
He pulled it out to come on my face, I was unprepared and snorted his semen up my nose. We started making out and I sneezed his semen onto his own face.
Probably grosser for him than for me, but not by much.
3. Love Conquers All
My story probably doesn’t compare to any of these but here goes:
I had recently found a new girlfriend. A cute, blonde girl with lots of curves in all the right places. We had been together for a little while (this was back when I was a Jr. in college and she was a freshman) when we went to this huge party. We both ended up getting totally trashed and wound up back at my place. Needless to say I was waaay to drunk to get any bidnass done that night. The next morning we woke up and started to get it on. For some reason, Im always really randy after a night of heavy drinking. Anyway…midway through the sex, we are doing it doggy style with her on all 4 at the edge of the bed and me standing behind her on the floor. I am hammering away like a rabid jackrabbit when, all of a sudden, i get that sour food, extra saliva feeling in my mouth. I knew what was coming but it was too late. As the puke surged up my esophagus, I clenched my hands over my mouth in a death grip, but to no avail. I spun around and tried to aim for my waste bin….but it was no use. I ended up projectile vomiting in about a ¾ circle. I managed to go from her right side, across that wall, across the wall behind me (and the bookcase that was there), all over the waste bin, and i over spun and went passed the waste bin and got it on my floor and the bed on her left side. Luckily, only some puke flak got on her back….
She’s a great girl though, that was 3 years ago and we are still together…
4.Legit Upsetting
Three words.
Anal sex. Pinworms.
It’s fucking nasty to pull your dick out and see a dozen or so worms writhing around on the condom.
5.Butt Stuff Isn’t For The Timid
So, the boy and I like some backdoor fun from time to time. We talk about it more than we do it because it’s tiresome to get ready and clean up after… usually worth it though ;). One Saturday afternoon, the boy is performing some world class cuminonumbulus when I feel a pressure at my nether orifice. I soon realised he was using some beads on me. We had some filthy and very very satisfying sex, then I went to the bathroom to clean up without removing the beads.
I’m so glad I did that.
I sat on the toilet to get the beads out.
I’m so glad I did that.
Those beads were solidly embedded in a great big turd.
I just stared at it dumbly for a moment before the smell hit me.
6. Definitely Karma At Work
I accidentally shit once while fucking a girl.
I was pretty drunk and had to fart.
I had the runs, and well. You know… I pooped. It was especially runny, it felt weird landing on the back of my thighs. It really sucked, but I kept on at it for a few more minutes.. Then I felt the bubble guts. I was torn. I was drunk, so I was debating if I wanted to just shit and keep going or get up and run away. Some how those were my only two options.
My body had a third option.
I decided to get up and just leave but I didn’t want get my pants all covered in shit.
So I did a quick wipe with the boxers, threw my jeans on.. and pretty much just walked out.
I was really upset at myself for how I handled it.
I started to walk home and I fell down and shit myself.
I think it could have been karma.
We were messing around in the car waiting for the class to start where I had to write my midterm exam. So to relieve some pressure I suggested a quick one. She agreed. We were in the school parking lot and right when I finished and was about to pull the condom (my gf was in the front seat already) our prof parks right next to us. I was terrified to say the least.
He said/gestured if I was coming to class and soI rolled my window down with my hand on my crotch and said yes. He said, “Do you mind helping me with these papers?” with the best poker face ever! I had no other choice but to say yes. So I pulled my pants up and walked with him with the cum filled condom still on my penis.
I was in the class for one hour and 45 mins and had to write the test with the condom on my dick. Every time I moved I died a little inside.
8.Banjo String
I split my ‘banjo string’ if you know what I mean. Blood EVERYWHERE.
9. “Deaf Girl Down”
I went to college at a school with a large deaf population, so there a couple thousand deaf kids running around campus at any given time. First big party night of the fall, and everyone is getting shitfaced. Two of my roommates and I had returned to the apt for a quick smoke session.
So in barges our other roommate with a girl of clearly questionable virtue, and immediately they run upstairs to his bedroom without another word. Our roommate was a lanky ginger with a scruffy red beard and mustache… we used to call him brother Hezekiah.
So about 5-10 minutes go by, and all of a sudden this girl comes bounding down the stairs half dressed at best and runs out the door. Our roommate closely follows jumps down the last stair to the landing, and starts yelling “deaf girl down! deaf girl down!”.
We start laughing hysterically and as I’m about to ask him wtf happened, i notice the blood running down his redbearded chin to his neck and chest. It was truly a vulgar site…at that point I literally fell to the floor laughing.
Long story short, she was deaf and couldn’t seem to communicate to him not to go down on her because she was on her period. She fled the scene in mortified embarrassment.
My roommate, despite our advice to the contrary, splashed some water on his face and went back out to party.
10. Cheesy
Going down on a guy can be like being locked in the trunk of a car with old cheese. WASH YOUR BALLS! And it wouldn’t hurt to trim a lil. The grossest sexual encounter I’ve had was a guy who sweat so profusely it was dripping on me, then he flipped his sweaty ass around into my face to attempt what I can only assume was a 69 position but was more like being force fed a butt sandwich and I could see the sweat glistening on his ass/ball hair, that, and the cheese smell coming from his balls made my eyes water and I threw him off me and ran to the shower. 30 minutes of soap and hot water and I still didn’t feel clean.
11. Drank A Drugged Drink Intended For A Girl
I once got drugged, no shit.
Went to a swingers club with my chick at the time, was hanging out and having a great time. At some point I figure I must have picked up the wrong champagne glass that was meant for this hot ukranian girl next to me.
About an hour later we were going in the taxi back to our apt with another girl my gf had met there at the club when I was violently sick and started to black out, in the front of the cab. Barely made it home, then collapsed for about 15 hours. Aparently my gf and the chick had to pay the taxi guy like 100 bucks and it was a big mess. Of course my 3some was off, thanks asshole.
I totally didn’t think that ‘date rape drug in your drink’ urban legend was true until that night.
12. The Most Horrible Of Horror Stories
So this one time I’m having sex with my girlfriend right, and it was all good and sexy so we finish up and everything seems cool.
Then about 9 months later a fucking little comes out of her pussy! I mean just like pops out and I saw that shit with my own eyes!
The little fucker is still living with us.
13. What A Trooper
A girl I had been dating for awhile climbed on me for 69. As she scooted back, I saw something white, realized too late that it was a clump of toilet paper, and got it in my mouth. Pretty nasty, but I spit it out and kept going.
14. Cats Hate You
Last summer my husband and I were living with roommates who had a cat. We were drinking and started getting hot and heavy, he stripped down and jumped on the bed, said something about it being wet and jumped back up. One of us had left our bedroom door cracked and the cat had gotten stuck in the room, and pooped all over our bed. Worse is that apparently this cat was sick with worms. My poor husband was covered in kitty diarrhea, blood and worms.
15. The Mystery Throat Infection
I went down on my girlfriend when neither of us had realized she had a yeast infection. I knew something was off, but kept going anyway. Two days later I had a sore throat and when I looked at it in the mirror it was all white and nasty. Then, she went to the doctor, got her diagnosis, and when she told me about it I put 2 and 2 together and realized that I had a yeast infection in my throat. Ugh. It went away pretty quickly on its own though.
16. She Needed Help…
Having sex with my wife, and then noticing that something didn’t feel quite right, she still had a tampon in from 4 days prior…and i had to help pull it out….
17. Roommate Walked In And Immediately Regretted It
Freshman year of college, I met this guy and brought him back to my dorm (I’m also a guy). He seemed nice and everything, and he was cute, and we started to fuck around. Eventually he decided he wanted to bottom (i.e. get fucked), and so we started having intercourse…
I started to smell the distinct smell of fecal matter very soon. I thought “whatever, I guess you should expect a little smell when having anal sex.” I continued, and the smell continued to get worse.
Eventually, we finish, and I pull out – only to see a of shit spew out of his ass. It was everywhere. I mean, fucking everywhere. It was explosive diarrhea-type shit, on my bed, on me, on the wall even.
… and then my roomate walked in.
I found out later that the dude had a severe bowel problem of some kind, and really shouldn’t have bottomed. My ex-roomate is still a friend of mine, and I still have to assure him that that’s not what gay sex generally looks like.
18. The Most Polite Lady Ever
I have to steal a friend’s story here, so here’s to you Nate!
So Nate was in South Carolina for the summer, and he went out for a night of drinking. He met an older lady (Nate was 21, she was in her 40’s) and apparently hit it off. They left together, but since Nate was staying with his aunt and uncle, and she was married, they didn’t have a proper place to go have a fuck. They decide to just pull over and have at it right there in some random field.
So, Nate get’s off, they get back in the car, he drops her off, and he goes home to get some rest. He went to the bathroom to piss out some of the beer he drank that night and looked down at his dick. It was GREEN. So, naturally, he freaks out and calls the girl up immediately (apparently they had exchanged numbers).
She answers and he immediately demands to know what the fuck is up with his dick being all green. To which the random older woman replies:
I guess it isn’t that gross, but I thought it was worth noting.
19. This Is A Girl That Fears Nothing
I was going down on this guy that I had just started seeing. He is uncircumcised so I pull the skin down around the tip and see *shudder… cottage cheese. I just could not go on but being the resourceful girl that I am, I stood up, walked over to the sink, ran some warm water on a wash cloth, came back, playfully cleaned him up and went back at it.
20.Seems An Overreation
First year of university. I’m escorted back to my domicile by a young gallant. Once we get in, I’m naked, admiring his rather lovely body and ignoring his rather stilted pillow talk. All was going well… until my period started.
That pretty much killed the mood, and I can understand. But I thought it was a bit disproportionate when he got his phone out and CALLED HIS MUM FOR A RIDE HOME. Especially since he was STILL NAKED AND ERECT. I watched this punk rock dude, naked but for mohawk and piercings, stiffy gently bouncing, politely tell his mother where he was and that yes, he’d submitted his coursework.
That was a bit wrong.
21. Like Drinking From A Latex Cup
In Beijing, I hooked up with this woman I met at a bar. Right after we finished going at it, She asks me, in Chinese, if she can drink my water. I couldn’t understand what she meant. I didn’t have a bottle of water or anything. It turns out the word for ‘water’ actually means ‘liquid’ in general. She point towards the used condom I was still holding, took it from my hand, tipped it up, and drank it down–sucking the condom inside out to get every last drop. I died a little on the inside.
It was the most disgusting thing I’d ever seen. What made it worse was when I tried to share my gross story with a co-worker. Instead of sharing my revulsion, he asked for her phone number.
I’m sure condoms taste nasty. I don’t know why she couldn’t have just told me ahead of time. I would have been perfectly happy to pull out, remove the condom, and finish in her mouth without having to use the condom as a nasty, latex cup.
22. Class Act All The Way
I did hook up with a girl once who’s “pubic area” smelled of death itself, but what can you say about a 22 yr old girl (who’s man is in jail) that you pick up in a Jewish cemetery at 2 am, get head from 5 min later and then try and fuck in a ditch behind her house… We went back to her house, I passed out, and woke up to realise I was sleeping on a dog turd on her bed room floor. I was amazed it was the ONLY turd I slept on. I was classy people at 16.
23. With Friends Like These…
It wasn’t gross for me personally:
My buddy and I met these 2 chicks. Way leads on to way and we’re in the hotel room, all four of us. It’s very “dear penthouse” in there – switching back and forth and such – and then we go for the epic DP. I’m pretty fucked up, but draw backdoor duty. My buddy’s got a girl on his face (straddling his shoulders) and one on his hips. I feel myself getting ready, so I pull out, walk around and… uh… come on my buddy’s face because I thought it would be hilarious.
The fallout – I’m laughing maniacally, and both girls end up laughing. My friend is pissed off, but finishes, but then punches me in the face, several times. I was laughing the whole time, but had a pretty nasty black eye.
The fallout, part the second: a few days later at lunch another friend asked how I got the black eye. My buddy just slammed his lunch tray down on the table and stormed off as I start laughing uncontrollably again.
24. Man Endures The Unendurable…Gets Blamed For It
This is the sad case of Carrie “fisher”. I met this lovely Canadian girl at a dive bar in Sydney and in my drunken suave state managed to procure her phone number. SO I called and 6 days later on the Friday I went over to her flat for dinner. I ended up talking to her gay flatmate most of the time, mostly about planes and didn’t really hit it off with the Canadian named Carrie.
Finally everyone went to bed and Carrie and I were left alone to talk in the kitchen. The kitchen talk led to kitchen kissing and before you know it I had found out that she was not wearing any panties. But through my Holmes like deductive skills I knew that something wasn’t quite right and so I sheepishly asked her: “Do you have something inside?” to which I received an unprovoked: “No, I’ve just got a shallow pussy”. My prudishness set in. And let me say I am one of those conservative looking inwardly extreme people. Suffice it to say I kept on and again was met with “resistance”. I plucked up the courage to say: “No , I really think you have something in there” and with deft and nimble fingers, proceeded to slide out and uncork a hard, 7 day old, mucous encrusted tampon.
“The Silver Slug Incident” as Carrie’s house would later call it as though it was all a big joke and not remotely gross. It flopped to the floor with a “flop” and it was kind of like Alladin’s lamp, except that the genie was the worst smell. Kind of like when you walk pass a plot of land and turn to your friend and say: “wow, smells like something is dead in there”. It was the stench of something so putrid and rotten and it went deep inside me. After seeing smelling it she immediately stated: “Oh, my god I am sooo embarrassed.” I, of course, was embarrassed for her and nervously asked if she wanted a bath. “What do you mean?” Not knowing what to say I said with a question: “with me?” Cut to having a bath Cut from bath to spending the night and actually having sex with her because I was to wimpy to say: “That’s gross and I am outta here!”
Cut to the next week in the dvd store that I worked at. She comes in and rents Spiderman. We talk in that “I’m not acknowledging what happened” way. Her flatmate-a girl comes in and also gets Spiderman and with a tiny dvd store full of customers yells out as she leaves: “Oh and by the way…you gave Carrie a yeast infection!”
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/24-people-share-the-grossest-most-unsettling-thing-they-ever-experienced-while-hooking-up/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/169088351967
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samanthasroberts · 7 years
24 People Share The Grossest, Most Unsettling Thing They Ever Experienced While Hooking Up
1.Sixty Two Stitches
Girl beneath me, rolls me over onto my back – in the process we roll off the bed and we land on the floor, me on the bottom and her still straddling me. Her leg went straight through a big glass of water. Blood everywhere. She had lacerated her leg straight to the bone in a clean cut: I could see her muscle. Within ten minutes of our initial playing around there were 6 firemen and 3 policemen in the room (she was mental and shouted down the phone that I had a gun so they would come sooner). I was high and drunk and so her roomie took control. Paralysed by shock and weed, I had to hide while they took her in the ambulance as she was THAT crazy that I was expecting her to call rape.
She required 62 stitches, 40 on the muscle covering her shin.
This is the singular most traumatic experience of my life.
2. Bless You
He pulled it out to come on my face, I was unprepared and snorted his semen up my nose. We started making out and I sneezed his semen onto his own face.
Probably grosser for him than for me, but not by much.
3. Love Conquers All
My story probably doesn’t compare to any of these but here goes:
I had recently found a new girlfriend. A cute, blonde girl with lots of curves in all the right places. We had been together for a little while (this was back when I was a Jr. in college and she was a freshman) when we went to this huge party. We both ended up getting totally trashed and wound up back at my place. Needless to say I was waaay to drunk to get any bidnass done that night. The next morning we woke up and started to get it on. For some reason, Im always really randy after a night of heavy drinking. Anyway…midway through the sex, we are doing it doggy style with her on all 4 at the edge of the bed and me standing behind her on the floor. I am hammering away like a rabid jackrabbit when, all of a sudden, i get that sour food, extra saliva feeling in my mouth. I knew what was coming but it was too late. As the puke surged up my esophagus, I clenched my hands over my mouth in a death grip, but to no avail. I spun around and tried to aim for my waste bin….but it was no use. I ended up projectile vomiting in about a 3/4 circle. I managed to go from her right side, across that wall, across the wall behind me (and the bookcase that was there), all over the waste bin, and i over spun and went passed the waste bin and got it on my floor and the bed on her left side. Luckily, only some puke flak got on her back….
She’s a great girl though, that was 3 years ago and we are still together…
4.Legit Upsetting
Three words.
Anal sex. Pinworms.
It’s fucking nasty to pull your dick out and see a dozen or so worms writhing around on the condom.
5.Butt Stuff Isn’t For The Timid
So, the boy and I like some backdoor fun from time to time. We talk about it more than we do it because it’s tiresome to get ready and clean up after… usually worth it though ;). One Saturday afternoon, the boy is performing some world class cuminonumbulus when I feel a pressure at my nether orifice. I soon realised he was using some beads on me. We had some filthy and very very satisfying sex, then I went to the bathroom to clean up without removing the beads.
I’m so glad I did that.
I sat on the toilet to get the beads out.
I’m so glad I did that.
Those beads were solidly embedded in a great big turd.
I just stared at it dumbly for a moment before the smell hit me.
6. Definitely Karma At Work
I accidentally shit once while fucking a girl.
I was pretty drunk and had to fart.
I had the runs, and well. You know… I pooped. It was especially runny, it felt weird landing on the back of my thighs. It really sucked, but I kept on at it for a few more minutes.. Then I felt the bubble guts. I was torn. I was drunk, so I was debating if I wanted to just shit and keep going or get up and run away. Some how those were my only two options.
My body had a third option.
I decided to get up and just leave but I didn’t want get my pants all covered in shit.
So I did a quick wipe with the boxers, threw my jeans on.. and pretty much just walked out.
I was really upset at myself for how I handled it.
I started to walk home and I fell down and shit myself.
I think it could have been karma.
We were messing around in the car waiting for the class to start where I had to write my midterm exam. So to relieve some pressure I suggested a quick one. She agreed. We were in the school parking lot and right when I finished and was about to pull the condom (my gf was in the front seat already) our prof parks right next to us. I was terrified to say the least.
He said/gestured if I was coming to class and soI rolled my window down with my hand on my crotch and said yes. He said, “Do you mind helping me with these papers?” with the best poker face ever! I had no other choice but to say yes. So I pulled my pants up and walked with him with the cum filled condom still on my penis.
I was in the class for one hour and 45 mins and had to write the test with the condom on my dick. Every time I moved I died a little inside.
8.Banjo String
I split my ‘banjo string’ if you know what I mean. Blood EVERYWHERE.
9. “Deaf Girl Down”
I went to college at a school with a large deaf population, so there a couple thousand deaf kids running around campus at any given time. First big party night of the fall, and everyone is getting shitfaced. Two of my roommates and I had returned to the apt for a quick smoke session.
So in barges our other roommate with a girl of clearly questionable virtue, and immediately they run upstairs to his bedroom without another word. Our roommate was a lanky ginger with a scruffy red beard and mustache… we used to call him brother Hezekiah.
So about 5-10 minutes go by, and all of a sudden this girl comes bounding down the stairs half dressed at best and runs out the door. Our roommate closely follows jumps down the last stair to the landing, and starts yelling “deaf girl down! deaf girl down!”.
We start laughing hysterically and as I’m about to ask him wtf happened, i notice the blood running down his redbearded chin to his neck and chest. It was truly a vulgar site…at that point I literally fell to the floor laughing.
Long story short, she was deaf and couldn’t seem to communicate to him not to go down on her because she was on her period. She fled the scene in mortified embarrassment.
My roommate, despite our advice to the contrary, splashed some water on his face and went back out to party.
10. Cheesy
Going down on a guy can be like being locked in the trunk of a car with old cheese. WASH YOUR BALLS! And it wouldn’t hurt to trim a lil. The grossest sexual encounter I’ve had was a guy who sweat so profusely it was dripping on me, then he flipped his sweaty ass around into my face to attempt what I can only assume was a 69 position but was more like being force fed a butt sandwich and I could see the sweat glistening on his ass/ball hair, that, and the cheese smell coming from his balls made my eyes water and I threw him off me and ran to the shower. 30 minutes of soap and hot water and I still didn’t feel clean.
11. Drank A Drugged Drink Intended For A Girl
I once got drugged, no shit.
Went to a swingers club with my chick at the time, was hanging out and having a great time. At some point I figure I must have picked up the wrong champagne glass that was meant for this hot ukranian girl next to me.
About an hour later we were going in the taxi back to our apt with another girl my gf had met there at the club when I was violently sick and started to black out, in the front of the cab. Barely made it home, then collapsed for about 15 hours. Aparently my gf and the chick had to pay the taxi guy like 100 bucks and it was a big mess. Of course my 3some was off, thanks asshole.
I totally didn’t think that ‘date rape drug in your drink’ urban legend was true until that night.
12. The Most Horrible Of Horror Stories
So this one time I’m having sex with my girlfriend right, and it was all good and sexy so we finish up and everything seems cool.
Then about 9 months later a fucking little comes out of her pussy! I mean just like pops out and I saw that shit with my own eyes!
The little fucker is still living with us.
13. What A Trooper
A girl I had been dating for awhile climbed on me for 69. As she scooted back, I saw something white, realized too late that it was a clump of toilet paper, and got it in my mouth. Pretty nasty, but I spit it out and kept going.
14. Cats Hate You
Last summer my husband and I were living with roommates who had a cat. We were drinking and started getting hot and heavy, he stripped down and jumped on the bed, said something about it being wet and jumped back up. One of us had left our bedroom door cracked and the cat had gotten stuck in the room, and pooped all over our bed. Worse is that apparently this cat was sick with worms. My poor husband was covered in kitty diarrhea, blood and worms.
15. The Mystery Throat Infection
I went down on my girlfriend when neither of us had realized she had a yeast infection. I knew something was off, but kept going anyway. Two days later I had a sore throat and when I looked at it in the mirror it was all white and nasty. Then, she went to the doctor, got her diagnosis, and when she told me about it I put 2 and 2 together and realized that I had a yeast infection in my throat. Ugh. It went away pretty quickly on its own though.
16. She Needed Help…
Having sex with my wife, and then noticing that something didn’t feel quite right, she still had a tampon in from 4 days prior…and i had to help pull it out….
17. Roommate Walked In And Immediately Regretted It
Freshman year of college, I met this guy and brought him back to my dorm (I’m also a guy). He seemed nice and everything, and he was cute, and we started to fuck around. Eventually he decided he wanted to bottom (i.e. get fucked), and so we started having intercourse…
I started to smell the distinct smell of fecal matter very soon. I thought “whatever, I guess you should expect a little smell when having anal sex.” I continued, and the smell continued to get worse.
Eventually, we finish, and I pull out – only to see a of shit spew out of his ass. It was everywhere. I mean, fucking everywhere. It was explosive diarrhea-type shit, on my bed, on me, on the wall even.
… and then my roomate walked in.
I found out later that the dude had a severe bowel problem of some kind, and really shouldn’t have bottomed. My ex-roomate is still a friend of mine, and I still have to assure him that that’s not what gay sex generally looks like.
18. The Most Polite Lady Ever
I have to steal a friend’s story here, so here’s to you Nate!
So Nate was in South Carolina for the summer, and he went out for a night of drinking. He met an older lady (Nate was 21, she was in her 40’s) and apparently hit it off. They left together, but since Nate was staying with his aunt and uncle, and she was married, they didn’t have a proper place to go have a fuck. They decide to just pull over and have at it right there in some random field.
So, Nate get’s off, they get back in the car, he drops her off, and he goes home to get some rest. He went to the bathroom to piss out some of the beer he drank that night and looked down at his dick. It was GREEN. So, naturally, he freaks out and calls the girl up immediately (apparently they had exchanged numbers).
She answers and he immediately demands to know what the fuck is up with his dick being all green. To which the random older woman replies:
I guess it isn’t that gross, but I thought it was worth noting.
19. This Is A Girl That Fears Nothing
I was going down on this guy that I had just started seeing. He is uncircumcised so I pull the skin down around the tip and see *shudder… cottage cheese. I just could not go on but being the resourceful girl that I am, I stood up, walked over to the sink, ran some warm water on a wash cloth, came back, playfully cleaned him up and went back at it.
20.Seems An Overreation
First year of university. I’m escorted back to my domicile by a young gallant. Once we get in, I’m naked, admiring his rather lovely body and ignoring his rather stilted pillow talk. All was going well… until my period started.
That pretty much killed the mood, and I can understand. But I thought it was a bit disproportionate when he got his phone out and CALLED HIS MUM FOR A RIDE HOME. Especially since he was STILL NAKED AND ERECT. I watched this punk rock dude, naked but for mohawk and piercings, stiffy gently bouncing, politely tell his mother where he was and that yes, he’d submitted his coursework.
That was a bit wrong.
21. Like Drinking From A Latex Cup
In Beijing, I hooked up with this woman I met at a bar. Right after we finished going at it, She asks me, in Chinese, if she can drink my water. I couldn’t understand what she meant. I didn’t have a bottle of water or anything. It turns out the word for ‘water’ actually means ‘liquid’ in general. She point towards the used condom I was still holding, took it from my hand, tipped it up, and drank it down–sucking the condom inside out to get every last drop. I died a little on the inside.
It was the most disgusting thing I’d ever seen. What made it worse was when I tried to share my gross story with a co-worker. Instead of sharing my revulsion, he asked for her phone number.
I’m sure condoms taste nasty. I don’t know why she couldn’t have just told me ahead of time. I would have been perfectly happy to pull out, remove the condom, and finish in her mouth without having to use the condom as a nasty, latex cup.
22. Class Act All The Way
I did hook up with a girl once who’s “pubic area” smelled of death itself, but what can you say about a 22 yr old girl (who’s man is in jail) that you pick up in a Jewish cemetery at 2 am, get head from 5 min later and then try and fuck in a ditch behind her house… We went back to her house, I passed out, and woke up to realise I was sleeping on a dog turd on her bed room floor. I was amazed it was the ONLY turd I slept on. I was classy people at 16.
23. With Friends Like These…
It wasn’t gross for me personally:
My buddy and I met these 2 chicks. Way leads on to way and we’re in the hotel room, all four of us. It’s very “dear penthouse” in there – switching back and forth and such – and then we go for the epic DP. I’m pretty fucked up, but draw backdoor duty. My buddy’s got a girl on his face (straddling his shoulders) and one on his hips. I feel myself getting ready, so I pull out, walk around and… uh… come on my buddy’s face because I thought it would be hilarious.
The fallout – I’m laughing maniacally, and both girls end up laughing. My friend is pissed off, but finishes, but then punches me in the face, several times. I was laughing the whole time, but had a pretty nasty black eye.
The fallout, part the second: a few days later at lunch another friend asked how I got the black eye. My buddy just slammed his lunch tray down on the table and stormed off as I start laughing uncontrollably again.
24. Man Endures The Unendurable…Gets Blamed For It
This is the sad case of Carrie “fisher”. I met this lovely Canadian girl at a dive bar in Sydney and in my drunken suave state managed to procure her phone number. SO I called and 6 days later on the Friday I went over to her flat for dinner. I ended up talking to her gay flatmate most of the time, mostly about planes and didn’t really hit it off with the Canadian named Carrie.
Finally everyone went to bed and Carrie and I were left alone to talk in the kitchen. The kitchen talk led to kitchen kissing and before you know it I had found out that she was not wearing any panties. But through my Holmes like deductive skills I knew that something wasn’t quite right and so I sheepishly asked her: “Do you have something inside?” to which I received an unprovoked: “No, I’ve just got a shallow pussy”. My prudishness set in. And let me say I am one of those conservative looking inwardly extreme people. Suffice it to say I kept on and again was met with “resistance”. I plucked up the courage to say: “No , I really think you have something in there” and with deft and nimble fingers, proceeded to slide out and uncork a hard, 7 day old, mucous encrusted tampon.
“The Silver Slug Incident” as Carrie’s house would later call it as though it was all a big joke and not remotely gross. It flopped to the floor with a “flop” and it was kind of like Alladin’s lamp, except that the genie was the worst smell. Kind of like when you walk pass a plot of land and turn to your friend and say: “wow, smells like something is dead in there”. It was the stench of something so putrid and rotten and it went deep inside me. After seeing smelling it she immediately stated: “Oh, my god I am sooo embarrassed.” I, of course, was embarrassed for her and nervously asked if she wanted a bath. “What do you mean?” Not knowing what to say I said with a question: “with me?” Cut to having a bath Cut from bath to spending the night and actually having sex with her because I was to wimpy to say: “That’s gross and I am outta here!”
Cut to the next week in the dvd store that I worked at. She comes in and rents Spiderman. We talk in that “I’m not acknowledging what happened” way. Her flatmate-a girl comes in and also gets Spiderman and with a tiny dvd store full of customers yells out as she leaves: “Oh and by the way…you gave Carrie a yeast infection!”
Source: http://allofbeer.com/24-people-share-the-grossest-most-unsettling-thing-they-ever-experienced-while-hooking-up/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/12/29/24-people-share-the-grossest-most-unsettling-thing-they-ever-experienced-while-hooking-up/
0 notes
allofbeercom · 7 years
24 People Share The Grossest, Most Unsettling Thing They Ever Experienced While Hooking Up
1.Sixty Two Stitches
Girl beneath me, rolls me over onto my back – in the process we roll off the bed and we land on the floor, me on the bottom and her still straddling me. Her leg went straight through a big glass of water. Blood everywhere. She had lacerated her leg straight to the bone in a clean cut: I could see her muscle. Within ten minutes of our initial playing around there were 6 firemen and 3 policemen in the room (she was mental and shouted down the phone that I had a gun so they would come sooner). I was high and drunk and so her roomie took control. Paralysed by shock and weed, I had to hide while they took her in the ambulance as she was THAT crazy that I was expecting her to call rape.
She required 62 stitches, 40 on the muscle covering her shin.
This is the singular most traumatic experience of my life.
2. Bless You
He pulled it out to come on my face, I was unprepared and snorted his semen up my nose. We started making out and I sneezed his semen onto his own face.
Probably grosser for him than for me, but not by much.
3. Love Conquers All
My story probably doesn’t compare to any of these but here goes:
I had recently found a new girlfriend. A cute, blonde girl with lots of curves in all the right places. We had been together for a little while (this was back when I was a Jr. in college and she was a freshman) when we went to this huge party. We both ended up getting totally trashed and wound up back at my place. Needless to say I was waaay to drunk to get any bidnass done that night. The next morning we woke up and started to get it on. For some reason, Im always really randy after a night of heavy drinking. Anyway…midway through the sex, we are doing it doggy style with her on all 4 at the edge of the bed and me standing behind her on the floor. I am hammering away like a rabid jackrabbit when, all of a sudden, i get that sour food, extra saliva feeling in my mouth. I knew what was coming but it was too late. As the puke surged up my esophagus, I clenched my hands over my mouth in a death grip, but to no avail. I spun around and tried to aim for my waste bin….but it was no use. I ended up projectile vomiting in about a 3/4 circle. I managed to go from her right side, across that wall, across the wall behind me (and the bookcase that was there), all over the waste bin, and i over spun and went passed the waste bin and got it on my floor and the bed on her left side. Luckily, only some puke flak got on her back….
She’s a great girl though, that was 3 years ago and we are still together…
4.Legit Upsetting
Three words.
Anal sex. Pinworms.
It’s fucking nasty to pull your dick out and see a dozen or so worms writhing around on the condom.
5.Butt Stuff Isn’t For The Timid
So, the boy and I like some backdoor fun from time to time. We talk about it more than we do it because it’s tiresome to get ready and clean up after… usually worth it though ;). One Saturday afternoon, the boy is performing some world class cuminonumbulus when I feel a pressure at my nether orifice. I soon realised he was using some beads on me. We had some filthy and very very satisfying sex, then I went to the bathroom to clean up without removing the beads.
I’m so glad I did that.
I sat on the toilet to get the beads out.
I’m so glad I did that.
Those beads were solidly embedded in a great big turd.
I just stared at it dumbly for a moment before the smell hit me.
6. Definitely Karma At Work
I accidentally shit once while fucking a girl.
I was pretty drunk and had to fart.
I had the runs, and well. You know… I pooped. It was especially runny, it felt weird landing on the back of my thighs. It really sucked, but I kept on at it for a few more minutes.. Then I felt the bubble guts. I was torn. I was drunk, so I was debating if I wanted to just shit and keep going or get up and run away. Some how those were my only two options.
My body had a third option.
I decided to get up and just leave but I didn’t want get my pants all covered in shit.
So I did a quick wipe with the boxers, threw my jeans on.. and pretty much just walked out.
I was really upset at myself for how I handled it.
I started to walk home and I fell down and shit myself.
I think it could have been karma.
We were messing around in the car waiting for the class to start where I had to write my midterm exam. So to relieve some pressure I suggested a quick one. She agreed. We were in the school parking lot and right when I finished and was about to pull the condom (my gf was in the front seat already) our prof parks right next to us. I was terrified to say the least.
He said/gestured if I was coming to class and soI rolled my window down with my hand on my crotch and said yes. He said, “Do you mind helping me with these papers?” with the best poker face ever! I had no other choice but to say yes. So I pulled my pants up and walked with him with the cum filled condom still on my penis.
I was in the class for one hour and 45 mins and had to write the test with the condom on my dick. Every time I moved I died a little inside.
8.Banjo String
I split my ‘banjo string’ if you know what I mean. Blood EVERYWHERE.
9. “Deaf Girl Down”
I went to college at a school with a large deaf population, so there a couple thousand deaf kids running around campus at any given time. First big party night of the fall, and everyone is getting shitfaced. Two of my roommates and I had returned to the apt for a quick smoke session.
So in barges our other roommate with a girl of clearly questionable virtue, and immediately they run upstairs to his bedroom without another word. Our roommate was a lanky ginger with a scruffy red beard and mustache… we used to call him brother Hezekiah.
So about 5-10 minutes go by, and all of a sudden this girl comes bounding down the stairs half dressed at best and runs out the door. Our roommate closely follows jumps down the last stair to the landing, and starts yelling “deaf girl down! deaf girl down!”.
We start laughing hysterically and as I’m about to ask him wtf happened, i notice the blood running down his redbearded chin to his neck and chest. It was truly a vulgar site…at that point I literally fell to the floor laughing.
Long story short, she was deaf and couldn’t seem to communicate to him not to go down on her because she was on her period. She fled the scene in mortified embarrassment.
My roommate, despite our advice to the contrary, splashed some water on his face and went back out to party.
10. Cheesy
Going down on a guy can be like being locked in the trunk of a car with old cheese. WASH YOUR BALLS! And it wouldn’t hurt to trim a lil. The grossest sexual encounter I’ve had was a guy who sweat so profusely it was dripping on me, then he flipped his sweaty ass around into my face to attempt what I can only assume was a 69 position but was more like being force fed a butt sandwich and I could see the sweat glistening on his ass/ball hair, that, and the cheese smell coming from his balls made my eyes water and I threw him off me and ran to the shower. 30 minutes of soap and hot water and I still didn’t feel clean.
11. Drank A Drugged Drink Intended For A Girl
I once got drugged, no shit.
Went to a swingers club with my chick at the time, was hanging out and having a great time. At some point I figure I must have picked up the wrong champagne glass that was meant for this hot ukranian girl next to me.
About an hour later we were going in the taxi back to our apt with another girl my gf had met there at the club when I was violently sick and started to black out, in the front of the cab. Barely made it home, then collapsed for about 15 hours. Aparently my gf and the chick had to pay the taxi guy like 100 bucks and it was a big mess. Of course my 3some was off, thanks asshole.
I totally didn’t think that ‘date rape drug in your drink’ urban legend was true until that night.
12. The Most Horrible Of Horror Stories
So this one time I’m having sex with my girlfriend right, and it was all good and sexy so we finish up and everything seems cool.
Then about 9 months later a fucking little comes out of her pussy! I mean just like pops out and I saw that shit with my own eyes!
The little fucker is still living with us.
13. What A Trooper
A girl I had been dating for awhile climbed on me for 69. As she scooted back, I saw something white, realized too late that it was a clump of toilet paper, and got it in my mouth. Pretty nasty, but I spit it out and kept going.
14. Cats Hate You
Last summer my husband and I were living with roommates who had a cat. We were drinking and started getting hot and heavy, he stripped down and jumped on the bed, said something about it being wet and jumped back up. One of us had left our bedroom door cracked and the cat had gotten stuck in the room, and pooped all over our bed. Worse is that apparently this cat was sick with worms. My poor husband was covered in kitty diarrhea, blood and worms.
15. The Mystery Throat Infection
I went down on my girlfriend when neither of us had realized she had a yeast infection. I knew something was off, but kept going anyway. Two days later I had a sore throat and when I looked at it in the mirror it was all white and nasty. Then, she went to the doctor, got her diagnosis, and when she told me about it I put 2 and 2 together and realized that I had a yeast infection in my throat. Ugh. It went away pretty quickly on its own though.
16. She Needed Help…
Having sex with my wife, and then noticing that something didn’t feel quite right, she still had a tampon in from 4 days prior…and i had to help pull it out….
17. Roommate Walked In And Immediately Regretted It
Freshman year of college, I met this guy and brought him back to my dorm (I’m also a guy). He seemed nice and everything, and he was cute, and we started to fuck around. Eventually he decided he wanted to bottom (i.e. get fucked), and so we started having intercourse…
I started to smell the distinct smell of fecal matter very soon. I thought “whatever, I guess you should expect a little smell when having anal sex.” I continued, and the smell continued to get worse.
Eventually, we finish, and I pull out – only to see a of shit spew out of his ass. It was everywhere. I mean, fucking everywhere. It was explosive diarrhea-type shit, on my bed, on me, on the wall even.
… and then my roomate walked in.
I found out later that the dude had a severe bowel problem of some kind, and really shouldn’t have bottomed. My ex-roomate is still a friend of mine, and I still have to assure him that that’s not what gay sex generally looks like.
18. The Most Polite Lady Ever
I have to steal a friend’s story here, so here’s to you Nate!
So Nate was in South Carolina for the summer, and he went out for a night of drinking. He met an older lady (Nate was 21, she was in her 40’s) and apparently hit it off. They left together, but since Nate was staying with his aunt and uncle, and she was married, they didn’t have a proper place to go have a fuck. They decide to just pull over and have at it right there in some random field.
So, Nate get’s off, they get back in the car, he drops her off, and he goes home to get some rest. He went to the bathroom to piss out some of the beer he drank that night and looked down at his dick. It was GREEN. So, naturally, he freaks out and calls the girl up immediately (apparently they had exchanged numbers).
She answers and he immediately demands to know what the fuck is up with his dick being all green. To which the random older woman replies:
I guess it isn’t that gross, but I thought it was worth noting.
19. This Is A Girl That Fears Nothing
I was going down on this guy that I had just started seeing. He is uncircumcised so I pull the skin down around the tip and see *shudder… cottage cheese. I just could not go on but being the resourceful girl that I am, I stood up, walked over to the sink, ran some warm water on a wash cloth, came back, playfully cleaned him up and went back at it.
20.Seems An Overreation
First year of university. I’m escorted back to my domicile by a young gallant. Once we get in, I’m naked, admiring his rather lovely body and ignoring his rather stilted pillow talk. All was going well… until my period started.
That pretty much killed the mood, and I can understand. But I thought it was a bit disproportionate when he got his phone out and CALLED HIS MUM FOR A RIDE HOME. Especially since he was STILL NAKED AND ERECT. I watched this punk rock dude, naked but for mohawk and piercings, stiffy gently bouncing, politely tell his mother where he was and that yes, he’d submitted his coursework.
That was a bit wrong.
21. Like Drinking From A Latex Cup
In Beijing, I hooked up with this woman I met at a bar. Right after we finished going at it, She asks me, in Chinese, if she can drink my water. I couldn’t understand what she meant. I didn’t have a bottle of water or anything. It turns out the word for ‘water’ actually means ‘liquid’ in general. She point towards the used condom I was still holding, took it from my hand, tipped it up, and drank it down–sucking the condom inside out to get every last drop. I died a little on the inside.
It was the most disgusting thing I’d ever seen. What made it worse was when I tried to share my gross story with a co-worker. Instead of sharing my revulsion, he asked for her phone number.
I’m sure condoms taste nasty. I don’t know why she couldn’t have just told me ahead of time. I would have been perfectly happy to pull out, remove the condom, and finish in her mouth without having to use the condom as a nasty, latex cup.
22. Class Act All The Way
I did hook up with a girl once who’s “pubic area” smelled of death itself, but what can you say about a 22 yr old girl (who’s man is in jail) that you pick up in a Jewish cemetery at 2 am, get head from 5 min later and then try and fuck in a ditch behind her house… We went back to her house, I passed out, and woke up to realise I was sleeping on a dog turd on her bed room floor. I was amazed it was the ONLY turd I slept on. I was classy people at 16.
23. With Friends Like These…
It wasn’t gross for me personally:
My buddy and I met these 2 chicks. Way leads on to way and we’re in the hotel room, all four of us. It’s very “dear penthouse” in there – switching back and forth and such – and then we go for the epic DP. I’m pretty fucked up, but draw backdoor duty. My buddy’s got a girl on his face (straddling his shoulders) and one on his hips. I feel myself getting ready, so I pull out, walk around and… uh… come on my buddy’s face because I thought it would be hilarious.
The fallout – I’m laughing maniacally, and both girls end up laughing. My friend is pissed off, but finishes, but then punches me in the face, several times. I was laughing the whole time, but had a pretty nasty black eye.
The fallout, part the second: a few days later at lunch another friend asked how I got the black eye. My buddy just slammed his lunch tray down on the table and stormed off as I start laughing uncontrollably again.
24. Man Endures The Unendurable…Gets Blamed For It
This is the sad case of Carrie “fisher”. I met this lovely Canadian girl at a dive bar in Sydney and in my drunken suave state managed to procure her phone number. SO I called and 6 days later on the Friday I went over to her flat for dinner. I ended up talking to her gay flatmate most of the time, mostly about planes and didn’t really hit it off with the Canadian named Carrie.
Finally everyone went to bed and Carrie and I were left alone to talk in the kitchen. The kitchen talk led to kitchen kissing and before you know it I had found out that she was not wearing any panties. But through my Holmes like deductive skills I knew that something wasn’t quite right and so I sheepishly asked her: “Do you have something inside?” to which I received an unprovoked: “No, I’ve just got a shallow pussy”. My prudishness set in. And let me say I am one of those conservative looking inwardly extreme people. Suffice it to say I kept on and again was met with “resistance”. I plucked up the courage to say: “No , I really think you have something in there” and with deft and nimble fingers, proceeded to slide out and uncork a hard, 7 day old, mucous encrusted tampon.
“The Silver Slug Incident” as Carrie’s house would later call it as though it was all a big joke and not remotely gross. It flopped to the floor with a “flop” and it was kind of like Alladin’s lamp, except that the genie was the worst smell. Kind of like when you walk pass a plot of land and turn to your friend and say: “wow, smells like something is dead in there”. It was the stench of something so putrid and rotten and it went deep inside me. After seeing smelling it she immediately stated: “Oh, my god I am sooo embarrassed.” I, of course, was embarrassed for her and nervously asked if she wanted a bath. “What do you mean?” Not knowing what to say I said with a question: “with me?” Cut to having a bath Cut from bath to spending the night and actually having sex with her because I was to wimpy to say: “That’s gross and I am outta here!”
Cut to the next week in the dvd store that I worked at. She comes in and rents Spiderman. We talk in that “I’m not acknowledging what happened” way. Her flatmate-a girl comes in and also gets Spiderman and with a tiny dvd store full of customers yells out as she leaves: “Oh and by the way…you gave Carrie a yeast infection!”
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/24-people-share-the-grossest-most-unsettling-thing-they-ever-experienced-while-hooking-up/
0 notes
knight-gwaine · 7 years
i keep talkin bout you bc youre my only real way of measuring my progress. you were the best and worst. yesterday or honestly whenever, i made posts along the lines of some shit like you suck ass, which ya do, but if you got your life together we could be friends or sum. but i mean. that’s a concept. what i’m realising is that every day, i’m getting further away from you. and that is a GOD DAMN BLESSING. i say all these nice things but thats for the fake fun and great version of you that exists in my head as just a comforting thought when i feel like thinking about love. but damn, i keep forgetting until i really think about it that, i literally am so fucking happy to be away. i am so happy we never have to be friends again and talk and shit. because you /seem/ cool, especially when we barely talk but if i had to actually deal with you. id rather punch myself in the god damn face. also wow it sucks that id still be down for your dick bc you be lookin like a god damn mess like eww??? i barely /actually/ see you and then when i do i realise oh yeah this b for real aint shit. like i wonder what he is actually getting done w his life. and okay, any progress is great. like if you on your own are trying. great. thats fantastic like im proud of you. everyobe works at their own pace. but in terms of me being friends w you. nah b, you lame as fuck. i aint got time for that. i have been meeting waaayy too many incredible peoole this year and have done waaay to many incredible things to be settlin for someone like you. idk dude. i see you. i hear things about you. i see the shit you do and say and i know you cant judge someone really unless you really get to know em or whatever but sometimes peoples social media and their friends can say a looooottt about them. a lot. and i do not. ever. wanna. fuck. w. you. HEEELLL NOOO.
as much as i wish for myself to never speak of you again and all that. i dont think thats going to happen for a long time. three years is a long time. even if this one seems to have lasted forever, three years is longer. and thinking back on all of it helps me realise how much ive progressed. and how much i keep progressing every day. i literally can only remember one. one. bad day. through this whole year. only one. maybe two? i remember one bad moment? but ive only ever had one bad day.
it is such a feeling. to finally. be free. all my emotions are controlled by me. i never feel depressed and alone on a cloudy quiet sunday. i never feel dreary when its pouring rain out. i never feel affected by the mundane weather. because i have done so much and i honestly will never stop. because what is the point in not trying to have fun and live your best life every moment of your life? fr that one song by anderson paak, i aint never comin down. i spent too much time bein scared and believing i was incapable and antisocial and no one likes me or whatever. but how do people get rid of their fears? you go out and face it. i feel like i can do almost anything now, im not gonna lie. like, if i really want to. because thats genuinely all it takes. if you WANT to do something, you will find a way to do it. so you will succeed. if you WANT to, even if theres everything stopping you, you find a way around it. once you realise that, nothing fucking stops you. i say this same old stuff over and over again but it just took me so long to learn and you hear about it but you never believe it. i still am amazed every day by how my life is now.
i have met some of the most phenomenal and successful people this year. i never would’ve thought first of all that they would even like me or want to talk to me but you would be damn well surprised by people’s kindness. growing up sheltered and being called annoying, dumb, and all other things, you end up believeing no one will like you its just automatic. this year, got to become friends with my favourite people that i always wanted to hang out with. i got to befriend amazing artists and photographers that are huge in my town. everyone who meets me automatically wants to be my friend. even strangers?? random people that sit next to me in class. doing leads you to meet people. and meeting people leads you to doing. its a fantastic cycle if you think about it. life is never boring. i appreciate all the small little things in my life so much more now. everything. if you arent happy with your life, find a way to make yourself happy. you arent stuck unless you give up and stop trying to change yourself. these. are the reasons why i wouldnt want you back in my life. my life is too phenomenal now. my life is too fantastic for you to be in you wouldnt fit. plus, i think im way too positive for you now. and i unapologetically love myself and every aspect of who i am now and i am constantly working on bettering me that i feel like itd just be too much? id be obnoxious to you i feel like?? and youd be boring. you would be boring. i like your interests. i love hearing what you have to say about music and movies and weird random facts but. i also dont trust you to be a good person. after all that you did too, nah. i dont need that negativity. it would be outrageous for me to believe we are connected in anyway. i hope. i mean this in all honesty with my whole being. i hope youre happy w your girl or whateva bc i want you outta mine. she better be takin fuckin care of your dumbass though i stg. i dont care when my boys get w other girls as long as i know their taken care of. vasya when he got w chelsea? immediately got over my crush for him and was happy af bc she was better than me. max, if he gets w anyone aside from cheyenne i will beat his ass. that b better fuckin be pushing you to strive for the best. she better be pushin you to realise your worth and what youre capable of and pushin you to try new things because LIFE IS TOO FUN TO NOT GO OUT AND HAVE FUN. COOK SHIT TOGETHER. GO HIKE. GO DANCE. DO SHIT. GROW UP. THINK SMART.
i fr dont know what the point of this post is im really out here just writin whatever comes to mind. bc one day i’m gonna go back through all my personal posts and ill remember how my life was rn and ill be like damn. that shit was sick as fuck. life was lit as fuck. tbh i think i was just really shook by that photo of you. ive been writing gay shit bout you for a while and then i saw that and i was like OH FUCK ABORT MISSION THAT B UGLY AS HELL AND HAS NO LIFE BACK OUT BACK OUT and now im here. straight shook. yeah. i dont want you in my life. my life is way better without you. i really am an unstoppable force right now. school is a motherfuckin one. friends are fucking precious and successful amazing wholesome human beings that are also out here doin the motherfuckin most im so proud i love all my friends we are all such successful people with amazing futures ahead of us god im so proud im 😭😭😭 we really out here chasin our dreams n shit. aND SUCCEEDIN. and money situation is L I T. ya baby’s got a fine ass mercedes w the best dad in the world getting me AUTOSTART for this cold winter???? ya baby be workin out and doin yoga everyday, abs comin in HOT. ya gurl developin as an artist with her dream school hittin her the FUCK up for her portfolio?? i am a for real artist now but i refuse to realise my big stuff. only sketches for now, dear world. the public eye doesnt need to see me as an artist yet. no. because they always will bc its always me. but no. i gotta act chill. this isnt the artist years of your life yet. you aint settled down yet no. now is time for fun, life, school, that grind 😤😤, and ecology. BE THAT SICK ASS SCIENTIST BITCH. BE SMART AS FUCK AND SAVE THE EARTH.
2017 got three more months left. i already know that im gonna have the funnest fucking time. fam is leavin for xmas and my sister’s moving out?? ff got house parties like wild?? EVERY MONTH??? northern lights are comin out??? you dont have to wake up early for school so you can go chase them??? A N D YOU HAVE A BUNCHA FRIENDS NOW TO GO WITH??? AND WINTER IS COMING SO THERES GONNA BE MORE EVENTS INSIDE TO GO TO??? AND MEET PEOPLE?? AND YA GETTIN MORE HIGHER PAYING JOBS WITH HELLA TIPS??? YES. i said i was gonna make 2017 my bitch. boy the fuck did i and i am gonna end it with a muthafuckin bang.
0 notes
meanwhileinoz · 7 years
People Share The Grossest Things That Have Ever Happened To Them During Sex That’ll Make You Barf
Let’s face it. Everybody love sex. The experience of sex is distinct and truly one of its own kind. Honestly, life would be so boring without it. However, even though sex is as great as it can get, it does “come” with some situations that can sometimes get awkward and very unpleasant. Here are some of the stories from Reddit that people have shared.
#1 Reading this by fineblushlane will make you want to think TWICE before randomly giving head to someone you don’t know.
So a few years ago I had brought a new girl back to my apartment after being out drinking all evening. We were too drunk to make the beast with two backs so we passed out until morning.
When we awoke we started kissing and canoodling and I decided to go down on her. This is one of my favorite things and generally will do it as long as it takes to make a girl orgasm…
Anyway, I head down south and pull down her panties to see the hairiest bush i’ve ever seen in my life. Not only is it hairy but the hair is very long and also messy looking, kind of bedraggled. Like a homeless guys beard or an abandoned birds nest.
Slightly less enthused but still determined I plunged in face-first and started getting busy. The taste of this beaver, if possible, was worse than it looked. It was fetid and bitter and to make matters worse I had numerous pubic hairs caught in my throat which were tickling me and making me cough.
I decided to pull back for a second to regain my composure. I thought if I pulled open her lady-bits I might be able to have a better angle of attack on her clit. I opened up her pussy to a terrible sight. There were multiple lumps of what looked like cottage cheese dotted around her pussy lips and clit.Each lump ranged from a few millimeters in width to half a centimeter in size. It looked like some sort of fungus was growing there.
Needless to say I was fucking revolted and started gagging. I knew that despite my love of pussy I could not go down on her again without puking my guts up. I mumbled some excuse about a headache and not feeling good and fled to the bathroom, whereupon I spent ten minutes washing my mouth out and brushing my teeth.
Even now I shudder when I think back upon “cottage cheese pussy girl”.
Edit: A friend just pointed out to me that the girl from my story is now the Lehman Bros of spank bank material. Perhaps if you ever have a boner and want to lose it sharpishly you can think of cottage cheese?
#2 This story by SisterNamedJan took the famous phrase “Giving someone the taste of their own medicine” to a whole new level.
  He pulled it out to come on my face, I was unprepared and snorted his semen up my nose. We started making out and I sneezed his semen onto his own face.
Probably grosser for him than for me, but not by much.
  #3 Aaaaaa667’s girl is definitely a keeper
  I had recently found a new girlfriend. A cute, blonde girl with lots of curves in all the right places. We had been together for a little while (this was back when I was a Jr. in college and she was a freshman) when we went to this huge party. We both ended up getting totally trashed and wound up back at my place. Needless to say I was waaay to drunk to get any bidnass done that night. The next morning we woke up and started to get it on. For some reason, Im always really randy after a night of heavy drinking. Anyway…midway through the sex, we are doing it doggy style with her on all 4 at the edge of the bed and me standing behind her on the floor. I am hammering away like a rabbid jackrabbit when, all of a sudden, i get that sour food, extra saliva feeling in my mouth. I knew what was coming but it was too late. As the puke surged up my esophagus, I clenched my hands over my mouth in a death grip, but to no avail. I spun around and tried to aim for my waste bin….but it was no use. I ended up projectile vomiting in about a 3/4 circle. I managed to go from her right side, across that wall, across the wall behind me (and the bookcase that was there), all over the waste bin, and i over spun and went passed the waste bin and got it on my floor and the bed on her left side. Luckily, only some puke flak got on her back….
She’s a great girl though, that was 3 years ago and we are still together…
  #4 This one by kidmonsters almost made me puke.
  I was in a band in college and we played a show this one weekend. I was pretty smashed after drinking for free all night, and this surprisingly cute chick saunters up and started with the whole, “oh my god, you like write songs and stuff?” Despite the fact that I am usually a bit shy in situations like this, she had her arm around me and is doing all the work. “Fuck it, let’s do this,” I think to myself. While she is mid-sentence, I grabbed her hand and started walking her out the door.
We headed back to her apartment, and things started to heat up. We were on her bed, ripping off eachother’s clothes. Suddenly, in one swift move, she pounced me, knocked me onto my back, jumped on top of me, spun around and started sucking me off, 69 style. I was totally into it, and started reciprocating. Only a few moments pass before I felt a tap on my forehead. My face was fully between her legs, yet there was this tap tap tap on my forehead. Every couple of seconds, tap tap tap. This tapping continued and started to take me out of the moment. I pried my face from between her legs to get a better view of what was going on. To my horror, I witnessed, dangling from her asshole, a fucking tape worm, bouncing like a fettuccine noodle with every excited movement she made. I was totally disgusted, but kind of in shock, and she had no idea what is going on, just gobbling away down there. Before I knew it, I had thrown her off of me and I was stringing together a long series of “fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck” as I put on my pants and ran out the door.
  So, the boy and I like some backdoor fun from time to time. We talk about it more than we do it because it’s tiresome to get ready and clean up after… usually worth it though ;). One Saturday afternoon, the boy is performing some world class cuminonumbulus when I feel a pressure at my nether orifice. I soon realised he was using some beads on me. We had some filthy and very very satisfying sex, then I went to the bathroom to clean up without removing the beads.
I’m so glad I did that.
I sat on the toilet to get the beads out.
I’m so glad I did that.
Those beads were solidly embedded in a great big turd.
I just stared at it dumbly for a moment before the smell hit me.
  #6 That has got to hurt. _NetWorK_ hope its ok now.
I had this happen to me too, got home from working a night shift 8pm to 8am went at it with the wife then noticed a bit of blood, figured oh she started her period got off went to the washroom to clean up then noticed blood on the bathroom floor figured I must of have not wiped the underside, my stomach churned when I saw that my frenulum (banjo string) was now in two pieces. This is when the pain starts…
Had to call my friend who worked close to my house get him to get out of work 30 minutes early to drive me to the hospital. Here’s the main content of our conversation.
“Hey John, it’s Mike can you drive me to the hospital? I think I broke it.” “Broke what?” “IT man” “Oh shit I’ll be right over”
The trip to the hospital was another story within itself, ended up having a to have it packed with surgical skin graph (they are special bandages that are meant to promote skin repairs) and not use it for 5 days… I waited 3 and now it’s all messed up it can pop out whenever it wants and where it’s suppose to stop it just keeps rolling back… I really should have waited to extra 2 days 🙁
#7 That accelerated quickly. Darzel’s experience is more of a lesson.
Girl beneath me, rolls me over onto my back – in the process we roll off the bed and we land on the floor, me on the bottom and her still straddling me. Her leg went straight through a big glass of water. Blood everywhere. She had lacerated her leg straight to the bone in a clean cut: I could see her muscle. Within ten minutes of our initial playing around there were 6 firemen and 3 policemen in the room (she was mental and shouted down the phone that I had a gun so they would come sooner). I was high and drunk and so her roomie took control. Paralysed by shock and weed, I had to hide while they took her in the ambulance as she was THAT crazy that I was expecting her to call rape.
She required 62 stiches, 40 on the muscle covering her shin.
This is the singular most traumatic experience of my life
  #8 Love is in the air, is it not mads-8?
Sixty-Nine. She came. She farted. My hair blew in it’s fetid breeze.
  #9 When you are really determined, you do what apatton19 did.
A girl I had been dating for awhile climbed on me for 69. As she scooted back, I saw something white, realized too late that it was a clump of toilet paper, and got it in my mouth. Pretty nasty, but I spit it out and kept going.
  #10 Oh my, you don’t see that every day now do you? By amaacct.
I work in an emergency room. One time we had a patient who had a colostomy (for those who don’t know, this is a surgically placed hole in the abdomen where shit comes out of after the colon is rerouted away from the ass)
Anyway, some girl comes in once with an infection in her stoma (abdominal shithole). Turns out it was gonorrhea. Her husband had been cheating on her, picked it up and had been fucking her in her stoma
  #11 Parallel universe version of ‘don’t forget to pull out’ by hong_kong_phooey
  Having sex with my wife, and then noticing that something didn’t feel quite right, she still had a tampon in from 4 days prior…and i had to help pull it out….
  #12 Tellme_areyoufree ‘s poor roommate will never think about this the same way again.
Freshman year of college, I met this guy and brought him back to my dorm (I’m also a guy). He seemed nice and everything, and he was cute, and we started to fuck around. Eventually he decided he wanted to bottom (i.e. get fucked), and so we started having intercourse…
I started to smell the distinct smell of fecal matter very soon. I thought “whatever, I guess you should expect a little smell when having anal sex.” I continued, and the smell continued to get worse.
Eventually, we finish, and I pull out – only to see a stream of shit spew out of his ass. It was everywhere. I mean, fucking everywhere. It was explosive diarrhea-type shit, on my bed, on me, on the wall even.
… and then my roomate walked in.
I found out later that the dude had a severe bowel problem of some kind, and really shouldn’t have bottomed. My ex-roomate is still a friend of mine, and I still have to assure him that that’s not what gay sex generally looks like.
#13 Quite not what Pict was expecting..
Sucking a chicks nipple in the dark. She was loving it. All of a sudden there is liquid.. Lactating.. sick. So keep going, she seems to be loving it.
Lights come on, dun dun dunnn, I had been sucking the pus out of a boil.
  #14 This story by TI-83 doesn’t have a happy ending.
I remember this story happening to an acquaintance a few years ago.. So said acquaintance meets up with a few friends and they roadtrip for a night of drinking and debauchery in Canadia. The group ends up at a strip club and the protagonist of the story ends up picking up one of the strippers by the nights end. For some unknown reason, this guy thought it was a good idea to go down on the stripper before they do the nasty. They all drive home the next day and all is good. The day after driving back, the guy wakes up in the morning and can’t open his eyes and proceeds to freak out. Paramedics are called. Turns out that the stripper he had gone down on had crabs. The crabs had gotten into his eyelashes and surrounding areas. Literally his eyes were crusted shut from the various liquids his body expelled (blood, plasma, etc.) as a result of the crabs feeding off his lifeblood. Horrible stuff.
  #15 Pay heed to what Sobe86 says at the end.
I was going out with a girl, and one night we got drunk and had sex without protection. She wasn’t on the pill, so she had to go to the pharmacy and get a morning-after type thing.
So a few days later, we were fooling around in the dark. I fingered her a bit, went down on her. I noticed it tasted a little weirder than normal, but didn’t say anything. She repaid me in similar fashion. Afterwards I go to the bathroom, and turn the light on. My whole face and arms are covered in blood. I look like a vampire after a feeding frenzy. Initially I thought it was a cut on my face or something, but I couldn’t find anything wrong. Also, the blood was not like any blood I’d seen before, like it was really thick and gooey. So I go back to the bedroom, turn the light on, and her entire lower regions are bathed in this syrupy horrible red gunk. It’s all over the bed sheets, and all down the side of her legs.
She understandably freaks out. We call emergency services etc. At first we thought I cut her down there with my fingernails or something. But it turns out when a girl uses emergency contraception, it can wreak havoc with her menstrual cycle. And I spent 5 minutes lapping up her period blood. We never spoke of it again. Remember kids: if she isnt on the pill, use a fucking condom.
  #16 I-330‘s guy will never keep a pet cat.
Last summer my husband and I were living with roommates who had a cat. We were drinking and started getting hot and heavy, he stripped down and jumped on the bed, said something about it being wet and jumped back up. One of us had left our bedroom door cracked and the cat had gotten stuck in the room, and pooped all over our bed. Worse is that apparently this cat was sick with worms. My poor husband was covered in kitty diarrhea, blood and worms.
#17 What emorrow64 shares is more than just a bad experience.
Goin down on a guy can be like being locked in the trunk of a car with old cheese. WASH YOUR BALLS! And it wouldn’t hurt to trim a lil. The grossest sexual encounter I’ve had was a guy who sweat so profusely it was dripping on me, then he flipped his sweaty ass around into my face to attempt what I can only assume was a 69 position but was more like bein force fed a butt sandwich and I could see the sweat glistening on his ass/ball hair, that, and the cheez smell coming from his balls made my eyes water and I threw him off me and ran to the shower. 30 minutes of soap and hot water and I still didn’t feel clean.
  #18 An all-time classic story by rivalthecreator but just as unpleasant at the same time.
Steve and his girlfriend Samantha went off to college in August. She went to Florida State, he went to Penn. So, she decides to fly to PA to visit him. He was really happy to see her so he decided to give her some oral action.
He had done this numerous times before and he always enjoyed doing it…but for some reason, this time, she smelled really horrible, and she tasted even worse. He didn’t want to offend her though because he hadn’t seen her in months…so he put a Jolly Rancher in his mouth to cover it up, even though it didn’t do much to help.
In the course of eating her out, he accidentally pushed the candy inside of her… and stuck a finger in to grab it out. He took it out, and put it back into his mouth and bit it. Only…it wasn’t the Jolly Rancher.
It was a nodule of gonorrhea.
As in, the blister-like structure that gonorrhea makes filled with diseased pus was the size of a fucking Jolly Rancher and the poor guy BIT it. I guess it was really dark in the room. He freaked out and started vomiting all over the place when it exploded in his mouth…
He demanded to know what was going on, turns out she had cheated on him at a club like, the first week of college, and fucked some random guy and the stupid bitch had no clue what was wrong with her. She noticed a strange smell though.
So now, Steve is freaking out that he now has gonorrhea of the mouth and God knows what else.
#19 The description by Criscoxl is actually gross, but the thing as a whole is very cute!
So this one time I’m having sex with my girlfriend right, and it was all good and sexy so we finish up and everything seems cool.
Then about 9 months later a fucking little human being comes out of her pussy! I mean just like pops out and I saw that shit with my own eyes!
The little fucker is still living with us.
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mightbedamian · 8 years
#TMIishTuesday #43 - 16 Things I learned in 2016
No more "first off"s anymore! It's 2017. It's Tuesday. It's #TMIishTuesday. Go! Hey there mighty people of the internet! And welcome to issue #43 of #TMIishTuesday - my weekly Tumblr post about what goes through my mind and what you guys want to know more about. It can be something very personal, it can be something political, it can be completely pointless - but in 99.9 % of the cases, it involves opinions. And mine as well. Last week I went quite cliché by posting my new year's resolutions as my last post of 2016. Addition to my 5 resolutions from last week: 6. Use after-shave every day. I haven't for a while. For which reason?? Also: So far I haven't failed any resolution. I mean… It wasn't too hard, but still. Kind of proud. :D Okay, and guess what follows on a cliché post!? Another cliché post! First post of 2017. What better time to reflect on 2016? Yeey, I'm so creative! :P But you know me. If you are expecting a break-down of political events, you might need to look somewhere else. I'm sure the BBC, NBC, or ARD have made enough "year in review" broadcasts to fill an entire year. No, THIS is a reflection of some of the events that - I figured out in 2016, - I learned I in 2016, - I achieved in 2016, - have moved me in 2016, or - simply have made my 2016. Ready? Let's see, if we can make it to 16 things. 1. It's okay to be gay! At the start of 2016 I came out to basically anybody, who knows. The only exception being my best friend. That was in December 2015 already. But in 2016 I told another very close friend (who might also be reading this. Hi there!), my parents, and the parents of my two best friends. Every single one of them has been absolutely supporting. Thanks to all of you guys! <3 2. Bosses can be assholes! Don't get me wrong: I've had three jobs last year and only one boss was an asshole. But this dude. Wow! I applied for a job to do in the period between Christmas and my new study that started in August. Among others, I applied at a call centre. Not the most satisfying job, but decent enough. It was all about getting working experience anyways. But this dude ordered me 4, 5, 6 times to do 1-2 hours of calls under his supervision saying that I was very close to getting the job all the time. All of that lasted from mid January to mid February. Then he said we should schedule yet another meeting and that he would email me a date for the following week. I was already really fed up with him and the entire place. And he didn't message me. When I emailed him half-way through the following week, he replied that they had no more interest in me. That was such a kick in the face! I basically worked my ass off for them and was then fired. I had no contract or anything, but still. I feel like they betrayed me for 150-200 euros there. So that was an experience… 3. Having help in looking for a job is crucial! I applied loads for the apprenticeship that I started last August. 40, 50 letters for sure. By mid-January a friend of my parents, who had heard I was looking for one, approached me: Hey, so, I heard that this rehabilitation clinic is looking for an apprentice still. I'm cool with their Vice CEO. You could tell them I sent you and just try your luck. At the end of February I had an interview there - and after doing a one-week internship I received a call saying I could start there in summer. WOOHOO! 4. Being a cashier can be awesome! After I had been "fired" (if you want so), I felt let down, discouraged. But I wanted to work really badly. Sitting at home doing nothing really felt bad. So I applied as a cashier at the supermarket closest to my parents' (where I had moved back in). And I got the job. Worked 4-6 hours a day, 6 days a week. Having basically no weekend (when you work late shifts on Saturday and early shifts on Monday) really sucks, but it pays just like any other job you can do without a study. Not having to pay any rent, I made quite some money. And it was really fun as well! It's a massive supermarket and there are lots of returning customers - also from the surrounding area. Not just the city itself. It's quite a cool store tbh :P And my colleagues were really cool as well. On New Year's Eve I went there for the first time since leaving for a different city. Just walking through those sliding doors I felt "at home". Such cool people! I kind of miss that place. In a way... 5. Tumblr is cool! These past days I realised how Tumblr played a big role in my coming out process. I never really was aware of its influence. But in Summer (or so) 2015, half a year before coming out, I created this account and followed some blogs posting cute guys. That was the first hint, I guess? In 2016 I continued scrolling through these posts and got waaay more into it. Not only did I start writing texts that I posted on Tumblr, but the amount of time I spent scrolling and browsing just increased a lot. And I like it. Oh, and I posted my coming out story to have it written down somewhere where I can read it any time I want to - and yet hidden from friends. Great decision! I wouldn't remember it as well, if I hadn't put it there. And look what has developed from this all! I write a ton of stuff about stuff that matters to me. Every week. And I did 21 posts of #mightyadvent as well. I love it! Thanks for reading my ramblings, guys! 6. Coming out videos are great and the world is not binary! This is something that is probably also valid even more for December 2015, but: I freaking LOVE coming out videos. Recently I've been way too busy and haven't watched one in probably a month or so. But until May or June I probably watched EVERY coming out video that was uploaded to YouTube. Just to get a feeling of how my coming out had gone. And because I wanted to hear other people's stories. There is a huge mixture of reactions out there. People getting disinherited or getting hit. People with indifferent parents. People who got very loving responses telling them they supported them the way they are. I was lucky enough here. While I knew that there is more than just - male/female for gender and - hetero/gay for sexual orientations, I never really knew what else there was. Like, what exactly is there beyond the binary? Then I started watching all those coming out videos. And I stumbled across people identifying as all kinds of genders and sexual orientations. Even if some were trolls (remember the guy who came out as playing Minecraft? F*ing bastard! Sorry, I shouldn't call people this, but he deserves it), I saw LOADS of real, sometimes very inspiring videos, and stories that just make you go "awwww". Anyway, I'm drifting off again. What I wanted to say here is: I learned that there are more than two genders and more than two sexual orientations. I knew that transsexuality existed, but never had an idea what people felt like going through it. And I now know a lot about asexuality or pansexuality as well. 7. Twitter is queer, too! In the summer I somehow stumbled across VollzeitJonas's Twitter. He must have replied to some YouTuber's tweet or so. Anyway, I followed his account and thereby truly boosted my experience. By him posting some stuff and retweeting lots and lots on LGBTQ+ issues, I began to discover the topics as well. I found queer.de, a wonderful German news website that focuses on news on LGBTQ+ issues. And I found dbna.de, a site for gay youth. Dating website, community, forum, tips - it's all on there. From Jonas's Twitter account it basically just evolved over time. I interacted with him and others, who follow him and by now I follow some more cool peeps. I like that! 8. Living on your own rocks! Yeah… I moved twice this year. From the students' house in the Netherlands I had lived in for the past 4.5 years to my parents' house (in February) and then to the place I live now. And I'm really living on my own for the first time. It took some money to get all the stuff needed to fill an entire apartment. And I basically spent all the money I had earned over the 4.5 months before as a cashier. But: It was worth it. I really like my interior. It also took some time to get used to all the stuff you have to do when living on your own entirely - with no flat mates. Not owning a dish washer, cleaning everything on your own, cooking on your own… You name it. But it certainly offers some advantages as well. 9. Work can be a positive thing, too! When I started the apprenticeship in August I was quite scared. How would I be able to cope with working 40 hours a week and having to study for school at the same time. It was quite hard to get used to, to be honest. But I figured out I don't have to study tooooo much for school. My study pays off. At times I feel like the most difficult thing is constantly translating from English to German cause I studied in English. Work itself is quite interesting. Different tasks and while it gets a little boring at times, most of the times there's more to be done. And they try to assign me different tasks so I don't get too bored. That's cool. Also I have - like at the supermarket - very lovely and caring colleagues. One tiny downside: There's only one guy my age there. And I think he has a girlfriend. :/ And for the "boring" stuff there's a positive news too: I'll get to see a different department in two weeks, so a little more variety to come. I enjoy working full time cause I can see what I am doing this for already. That's cool! However I should have taken a few days off work before Christmas. I did like 95 % of my Christmas shopping the afternoon before. Oops. 10. A car can save lives! Or well… Let's say it can improve the quality of life. I got a car a month after I started the apprenticeship. It's 15 years old. But you know… as long as it keeps going… Plus it's my first car. Oh and by going by car I save about 4 hours a week on travelling time. And some money as well. Sounds weird, but makes sense once you realise that a month ticket for the train is more expensive than day tickets for me cause I only work three days a week. The other two are school which is located in the city I live. And the car also proved very useful for visiting a friend in the Netherlands. He doesn't live in the place I studied at anymore, but moved further west to Apeldoorn, meaning it was a two-hour drive for his birthday. By train it would have been 3 hours - which I probably then wouldn't have done. And it was about the same price to go. Trains are f*ing expensive! 11. Travelling is the world to me! I didn't go on a long holiday in 2016, but did several weekend trips. In May I went to visit a friend in Denmark with the mates from my Dutch table tennis club. Had the greatest time there! Three days of talks, catch-ups, table tennis, a cool city (Århus), amazing weather - to say I enjoyed my time there would be a big understatement! Side note: That is now the most Northern spot I've been to. I told you about my trip to Apeldoorn already where we had a great time as well. Even if it was only about 15 hours. And I pretty much just got back from the last highlight of 2016: I visited a very good friend in Belgium. First time I went to Belgium. Or well… I crossed it on the way to Orléans as a third-grader. That doesn't count, does it? Anyway, Belgium was really fun! Being with my two best friends is always perfect. And exploring a city I have wanted to visit for a long time, makes it even better: We went to Brussels for an entire day and explored the city of Leuven for the other day. Really cool - both cities! Want to go again! Have no trips planned for this year, but could imagine visiting my Danish friend again - and who knows what else. 12. Online dating is hard! I don't know whether I mentioned this on here and I certainly didn't "offline". But I'm sure there's a tweet about this. In October or so I got inspired by VollzeitJonas and others and created an account on that gay online dating platform. After some browsing I got a message from a guy, who was looking to meet people. And I replied politely and thought I'd give it a try. But that's just as exams started at school and I had several other "big projects" in this thing called "real life" and I felt I wasn't quite ready to invest that much energy at the time. That's why it kinda just ended after one message. Sad story. But totally not his fault. I think I should give this whole online dating thing a go again. See my new year's resolutions, btw. [/shameless self-promo] 13. I can still feel the Pulse! This is probably the most grief I've felt this year. I woke up some Sunday in June to the news of Orlando. It was early morning over there when a "man" (should we call him "man", if he's that cruel?) entered Pulse club. One of the more popular gay clubs in the city. And now probably all LGBTQ+ around the world know the club. For a very sad reason: That man didn't just enter the club. He fired into the crowd trying to assassinate as many as possible. 49 didn't make it out alive, 53 more were wounded. Most of the people at the party were of Hispanic background cause the club was holding a Latin night. That much for the motive of the perpetrator and the description of what happened. Learning about the events in the morning on Twitter just twisted my stomach. It was the first major LGBTQ+ hate crime I heard of after discovering my own sexuality. I follow several LGBTQ+ folks on Twitter, so the message spread to me rather quickly. I realised how much of a deal this was when I saw so that basically any LGBTQ+ I follow on Twitter posted about it. Sheer madness. I had just become more proactive and had just fully accepted myself as gay - and then THAT happened. Writing about this still makes my fists clench. R.I.P. to all 49. 14. Terror is here! December - the time of the year most people here in Germany get excited for Christmas. And we have those cute little Christmas markets. You can get glühwein there and fries and lots of (let's face it: pretty useless) self-made stuff. The booths are lit up with chains of light and everyone is just letting go of the stress that tends to tension the atmosphere around that time of the year. A very famous Christmas market is the one in front of Berlin's Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church which itself is one of the must-see places as a tourist. And then there was the man who would kill 11 and injure 55 more when he drove a truck into that very Christmas market on 19 December. I - again - read about it first on Twitter. At first I thought it was just an accident and didn't really bother too much, skipping the messages in my timeline and scrolling on. But after an hour or so I thought it was about time to check what really was going on in Berlin. It was only then when I realised how bad things really were. We had our first successful terrorist attack in Germany. R.I.P. to the victims! 15. Prejudice sucks! Remember New Year's Eve 2015? Lots of people were sexually assaulted right next to the famous Dom cathedral in Cologne. Potentially by men "of North African appearance" (that's what Police said). And there was an outcry in the entire country for how ruthless "all the immigrants" were. What they forgot - like so many times before and after the incident - is that a group of 5-50 people is not "all immigrants". But that's a different story I could rant over for an entire #TMIishTuesday post. What also was part of the outcry was how not-present Police were during that night. How was it possible that so many ladies were assaulted in public and Police didn't notice? No one really knew the answer. Lesson of these events: More police will be present at big public events. The results? Well… New Year's Eve 2016. Cologne again. More police is present. The square in front of the Dom is closed. And we still get news. News that make me wanna puke again. Why? Apparently police checked kinda any non-white person thoroughly, while not checking white people (or not checking them that much). That's prejudice. If not racism. And no debate about this: Police being accused of being racist is an absolute no-go! And that should make them think. For heaven's sake, why can't we just have a great time on New Year's Eve? 16. Chocolate cereal likes to play hard to get! I want to end this on a lighter note, so: In 2016 I discovered that my beloved chocolate cereal really is hard to get hold of. The best deal is certainly at the Aldi (thanks for not sponsoring this post, Aldi!). Problem here: People know that. And in each batch there are like 12 (?) boxes of different types of cereals, but only one box is chocolate cereal. And guess who went to the Aldi a good few times just to get cereal and ended up NOT getting it because there were like 5 batches of cereal in the shelves, but all chocolate cereal was gone? Yepp. This guy. Sad times! 17. Thank you! Finally I'd like to say thank you to all the lovely people who made this year as great as it has been: - My friends from my hometown: Stephan, Lukas, Ago, Dennis, Katja, Linus, Desiree, Tomas - My "Dutch" friends, who are not all Dutch: Marc, Linda, Laura, Christina, Martijn, Rik, Danny, Mette, Cédric, Annelies, Abhishta, Wouter, Menno, Celestine, and the rest of my table tennis club - My friends from the new town: Jenny, Florentin, Juliet, Linda, Marina, Katharina, Lina, Dana, and the rest of my class - My parents and family - and so many I probably have missed on this list.  Also thanks to loads YouTubers: - Those that showed me that queer is cool: Ash Hardell, Ricky Dillon, Connor Franta, Calum McSwiggan, ItsColeslaw, Troye Sivan, Hannah Hart, Chandler 'N Wilson, Sam Collins, Courtney-Jai - Special shoutout to those who I witnessed coming out this year: Ricky Dillon and ItsColeslaw - Those whose vlogs up my day: Marzbar, Ben, Oskar, Felix von der Laden, Ben Brown, George Benson, izzi, FunForLouis - The German Minecraft gamers out there: skate702, CubePlayTV, Herr Bergmann (plus teams #unfazbar, #Destilay and #Vibe for their great #VARO4 videos) - The rest, who just don't fit a category, but make THE BEST content: Julien Bam, Applewar, Mikey Murphy Finally thanks to the lovely Twitter folks: - VollzeitJonas, XLucamiraX, _FlexiHD_, achojo, Hennddrik, jsnjgr Wow! This has become such a long post! I feel like it's the longest I ever posted! :O That was totally not the intention. And it turned out a little more seriously than I initially planned. But that's fine. That's just a representation of my life. That's been my 2016! Hope you liked it. I certainly did! What did you achieve in 2016? I wanna know. Let me know by placing a comment, tweeting me, dming me, or what else you can think of - you know the means to get to me. As always: Next #TMIishTuesday next Tuesday. If you have any questions in the meantime, just ask away. Whatever you’re curious about - I don’t bite. :) Also: Poll to determine next week’s topic will be up on Twitter on Sunday afternoon. Until then: Stay mighty! Oh, and here’s some self-promo: - Last #TMIishTuesday: http://mightbedamian.tumblr.com/post/155176055527/tmiishtuesday-42-new-years-resolutions - More #TMIishTuesdays: mightbedamian.tumblr.com/tagged/tmi - Poll to decide next week's topic and more very cool stuff: www.twitter.com/mightbedamian - Even more very cool stuff: mightbedamian.tumblr.com
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