#this took forever but im pretty happy with it
itty-bitty-sunshine · 3 months
It's june, you know what that means
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¡¡Festivity time!!
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kusanagihaku · 2 months
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magic cards series: hotarubi
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tumblr ate the quality zzz have the pngs instead ヽ(´o`;
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airawisteria · 2 months
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[ID: A digital drawing of Tamarack Baumann, specifically her step 3 design. The version drawn is the long haired one with a braid in her hair that has a red ribbon in it. She is wearing a mushroom themed dress with mushroom earrings. She is holding up the ends of the skirt part of the dress to show it off. She has a close eyed smile and is wearing red lipstick.]
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tokibuns · 3 months
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Remember how Nostalgia was barely in the movie and, apparently, would only be needed 10 years in the future?
Well, that's where her granddaughter comes in: Meet Gratitude! 🍑 A kind and soft-spoken girl who has the natural ability to make others feel at ease and appriciated, often going out of her way to help others without expecting anything in return.
Her role is to help her host feel thankful for the good things in their life, especially during dark times. She hopes to foster a more optimistic outlook in life and to show that appreciation through acts of kindness.
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reneke · 1 year
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my lord
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photonbee · 2 years
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╰┈➤ windy bee moodboard ✦ ₊˚੭ ༄ 𓈒 ༺ ˚ ₊ . ७
credit: ☁🍃☁🍃☁🍃☁🍃☁
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larrythefloridaman · 1 year
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two very different kinds of siblings
#cpuk#took me FOREVER to make mac and al Feel Right to me and just as long to properly execute on the vibe i knew i wanted for goog always#but pretty happy with these!#cpuk alabaster uppercut#cpuk juniper uppercut#cpuk google#cpuk mac and cheese#you ever call a character by a nickname shortening of their name so long that when you have to type their full name again#it hits you all over again how goofy it is. anyway mack encheez would be an entirely normal ace attorney character name#ive been thinking about Al a lot lately. the difference between him in season one and season 2 is interesting to try to reconcile#because in season one its very explicit- he has beef with The Tournament Itself and that was the only reason he was here.#he was an ideological pacifist who was publically mocked and only came to fight in cpuk to prove a point#when a kid from uppercut village was getting bullied because of contestants mocking him and the village.#but when season two rolls around hes a 'cpuk veteran' who's always fighting at locals and bettering the scene.#which leads me to assume Al arrived to CPUK and went 'damn bitch y'all live like this?' and set to work on repairing the vibes#especially since uppercut village has been utterly ignored by the lore since his introduction and with ncct information...#im not sure it... meaningfully exists? its a part of his concept and self that informs his actions but has never mattered.#and as such with the schrodingers isekai way that submission to cpuk works in nccts worldbuilding#i think it might be. just as unreachable as eric is to thera/folk. something from another reality hes just not part of anymore.#in his second tournament appearance he sets a goal of not coming in last and then he's retiring and he doesnt come in last.#but then he comes back.#imagining this dude trying to get a ride back home to uppercut village and the driver needing directions bc hes got no idea where that is#and al realizing he doesnt. know how to get there either. and so the only place he has to go is back to the tournament.#and the sense of community identity so core to himself he's named after it falters and hes left alone#and so he begins to build a new sense of community for himself out of the new home he's been left with. makes friends. adopts new family.#living in honor of the memory of a village that never was.#at least not here.#juni knows the participants of cpuk as family. uncle cha cha. mama hoedown.#in a sense both al and juni are adopted from elsewhere into the family they know.#smthn smthn 'it takes a village to raise a child.' i am speculating myself into getting emotional about funny punch guy 👍
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arytha · 1 year
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[ID copied from ALT: A digital fullbody drawing of @hunterofthehunters OC Ash standing with my OC, Balance. Ash is relaxed, her hand on her hip under her sword sheathe with said sword in her other hand, pointed towards the ground. She is looking at Balance with a neutral expression. Balance is slightly behind Ash, her hands clasped to her chest and looking up at Ashe with worry. Ash's sword is detailed to look like a blue dragon, with fire running down the blade. Balance's eye contains a compass beam, the red side pointing up in a diagonal. End ID]
Advent of Consequence
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
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23meteorstreet · 2 years
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the gang :)
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cherrysodabear · 6 months
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phier · 2 years
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May I introduce: my newest character, Aehn! She’s an Air Genasi Druid!
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painonthebrain · 10 months
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DAYS #7 - #8: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer & John Mclane
Inhuman whumpee | Exile | Self sacrifice
Comfort: Rescue
CWs: Angel whumpee, nonbinary whumpee, forced transformation/painful transformation, gore, forced to hurt/kill, semi-cannibalism? (consuming a sapient humanoid’s flesh), rituals, religion, whumpee praying
The last thing they could remember were the runes, glowing as their bloody body dissolved into pure light, raising itself up into the ether.
The memory sank its claws deep into their mind, holding them tight as their newly reformed figure faded back into being.
Blood. The taste of tender flesh on their tongue. Swallowing and choking on it, viscera coating their throat, gagging on the sticky sweet flavor, surrounded by chanting and screaming. A winged beast of beauty, thrashing and bleeding, praying in its own language as its body was dismembered, piece by piece, drained of its ichor, stripped of its flesh and laying in its own gore. Thousands of eyes looking on, yet only one pair found itself carved into their mind, immortalized like a pane of stained glass, the telltale look of life fading away.
They opened their own, pupils shrinking in the light. Cold air licked at their face, the sensation like shards of ice flecking the cornea. They gasped for breath, the air filling their lungs, so bitter and clear it could be described as crystalline.
They shivered. Every movement sent chilling spikes up their body, trembling accompanied by frenzied pins and needles, searing flares of pain seizing their chest.
They squinted, blinking slowly, waiting for their eyes to adjust. They weren’t meant to see this much unfiltered light, had never experienced such searing brightness – but the world began to fade into view anyway. Tall, marbled buildings stretched above them, all sharp corners and towering pillars. Bridges connected those, winged beings overhead using them for transport. They couldn’t look at it for long without hurting.
Turning their gaze downwards where they lay – it was quiet, relatively undisturbed. They were tucked away in a corner where two buildings met, wings bent awkwardly, stuffed in the small space. Feathers that weren’t theirs littered the ground around them, and the ground itself was soft, yet firm, white like cotton. They backed into the small space further, curling their wings around themself.
Nobody was around to see them.
Their eyes stung with held back tears, and they squeezed them shut, breathing hard, biting their lip with fangs that weren’t there before. The points sank into their flesh, leaving behind tiny beads of red that dribbled onto the gore already smeared across their face, the blood having become sticky and thick. They brought an arm to it, wiping it away as it dripped down their chin.
Reopening their eyes and staring at it, they shuddered, flicking their arm to shake the blood off. It had already stained their pale skin, leaving a splotchy red mark. The only hope of cleaning it now would be to lick their hand and rub at their arm… and they weren’t that desperate.
Where am I? was a question that wormed its way into their head, despite the aching knowing they felt already. Not a familiarity, of course, but learned knowledge. They’d been taught about it for… months? Years? … No, a lifetime.
The land of the Divine.
They’d made it… and being there already felt like hell.
Surrounded by their destiny — clouds and feathers and bright skies, light everywhere — they only wanted to go home. The foreign layout of the Lands was jarring, and they chanted an internal plea to The Holy One, clasping their clawed hands in prayer.
I need to go back — I can’t stay here!
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ve sinned, I’ve defiled your creations and have made myself a mockery of them — you must fix me. Please.
No answer came.
It was foolish to assume The Holy One would answer them. It was likely watching them silently, waiting to act, Its all-reaching vision drinking in the sight.
They shivered at the thought. To be observed by The Holy One was to be stripped bare, reduced to the naked truths of the self. An intimate, one-sided knowledge.
Anything but that. Please.
They tried to call out for someone, ask for help, but their voice came out in jumbled, discordant notes, changed.
Grasping their throat, they sobbed, loud broken sounds of despair.
They tried to form words again, more tangled chords spilling out of their lips.
Help me — help me!
Their cries faded into low, off-key moans, breathy and tired. Their head drooped, six eyes closing as they curled into the fetal position.
They needed to go back.
This wasn’t right.
They needed… to… go…
They went quiet, drifting off.
Their wings were so soft, and their mind was so fuzzy… and it was so much easier to curl up and fade away.
Even if they were in a foreign land.
Even if they were an abomination.
A faint melody accompanied their descent into the depths of unconsciousness. It soothed them, drawing in closer, turning urgent and harried yet still hauntingly beautiful. Real.
Their eyes snapped open, feeling a hand on their wrist.
Real –
An angel wrapped a hand around theirs, singing – speaking? – and pulling them up. Their legs were unsteady, weak like a fawn’s; they trembled, their heartbeat turned into a rabbitlike pitter-patter. They resisted the urge to pull away, the knowledge that they were in no state to run causing them to freeze up, swaying.
…Who are you? – they tried to ask, opening their mouth and closing it, remembering they can’t.
The angel stroked their ratty hair, the sound of its speech like a lullaby, soft and reassuring. With a shaky sigh, they let themself slump against their hold, unstable on their own legs. The other’s hands were warm, holding them close, gentle and cautious.
They seemed to understand what they were saying, then.
At the very least, the idea. The essence.
“I want to help you.”
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curiouschaosstarlight · 10 months
(*Quick clarification, 'cause I feel like I should say this right away, I don't mind people not liking or even being really uncomfortable with certain characters, especially villains that have canonically done some really horrible stuff, even if I happen to really love the character in question! It's all in the Handling of the topic, and someone that's like "oh they're just not my cup of tea" or just don't want to talk about the character at all 1000000% has my respect and appreciation <3)
On the topic of demonizing characters that have violent or angry responses to their trauma
The thing about it that really gets my goat is the fact that I as a person have had anger problems ever since I can remember. I've had a pretty bad mix of anxiety and anger problems due to being traumatized, and have had to work really, really hard to get my knee-jerk temper under control, and really nothing fucks you up like thinking you're "fixed" but the reality winds up being you just were in a state of "nothing too stressful's happened lately" and then when things start getting incredibly stressful again, you realize you still have more work to do and you have to watch yourself way more than you thought.
I'm still not "fixed", and, after talking extensively with a therapist, I'm kind of just going to have to be okay with that; still trying to do right by the people I care about and not be an asshole about things, but I'm just going to have to live with the fact that in response to high anxiety and high stress, I become an angry person, and I'm not always going to be able to remember to take a step back from a situation when I feel myself getting heated (my success rate in this is going up at least)
So It Really.
Bothers Me.
When fandom tries to claim that a character isn't traumatized, or isn't traumatized enough, because their response to that trauma is to be violent and angry and malicious. And when they try to claim that because a character reacted this way, they're just evil and irredeemable and have no further depth to them, and any attempt to add depth (even canonical depth) to them is "wrong (and a sign the person doing it is an Abuser/Terrible Person irl)" or is "woobifying them".
And yeah. Part of what bothers me is that I tend to fall very hard for villain/antagonist characters that handle trauma badly, or otherwise have signs that they probably have some trauma they haven't exactly worked through, especially when that villain character gets to have a redemption arc. (And I do NOT mean that as "they cast away everything they were before and completely denounce and despise who they used to be and go through the whole repent and penance number". Give me more villain characters who are TRYING, who are STRUGGLING, who have conflicted feelings, who aren't an entirely new person and shouldn't be left to just wallow in self-hatred over it because!! no one!! deserves!! to wallow in self-hatred!! I want redemption arcs in the form of "person who did wrong is doing their best to be a better person" and NOT "character needs to suffer and be heartbroken and sad and unable to move on forever", I hate when I see people writing the latter shit, Idc what the character canonically did, no one who's genuinely trying deserves to be perpetually miserable and it is Highkey Concerning to see that attitude happen again and again) Plus, I LOVE media and character analysis, it is MY JAM, and.
I've got a lot of feelings that go into this kinda stuff. It's why when I see "no nuance!! just evil!!!"-type takes, that shit really boils my blood.
And is also why I don't actively participate in fandom anymore.
Like, yeah, I make some posts here and there. And I'd love to interact more with like-minded people -- I really love talking to others about characters and media and ships and all that good stuff!!
But I don't go searching for fandom stuff unless it's some art in a completely different language. After my last two fandoms went absolutely horrifically for me in two different ways, I think my trust in modern fandoms is just gone, and I don't think it's coming back.
There's only so many times a person can be told they're inherently evil (indirectly) or badwrong and stupid (directly) for a simple fucking opinion over goddamn fiction of all things.
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ltwilliamhavers · 1 year
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let's go lesbians let's go
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dayslynthesix · 2 months
max verstappen x female!oc cat mom | smau
the one max verstappen follows a instagram account where the owner just post her cats (and one dog named max)
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liked by mirianb_, maxverstappen1, verstappen.com and others
petsbymia mirabell chilling during the break moments after she scratched me to death ☠️ anyway, she's adorable 🥰
maxverstappen1 she's adorable 🥰🥰
petsbymia she is!! what's not adorable is the scratches i have all over my arm!!
maxverstappen1 im positive she had a reason for it!
petsbymia YEAH I WENT TO PET HER!!
catlovers omg look how cute 😍
mirianb_ ohhhh she's lovely!! i miss my little partner!! 🥰🥰
ilovemycats that's a pretty nice name, i wish i have thought about it 😜
petsbymia i named her after the mirabeu haute in the monaco circuit!! it's my dad favorite part of the track
charles_leclerc your dad have great taste 👌🏻
petsbymia he's also a mercedes fan!
charles_leclerc your dad have a terrible taste
maxverstappen1 your dad have a terrible taste
gabig_ don't say nasty things about uncle!!!!
ilovemycats im ignoring the full argument... wait so you named your cat after something f1 related?? unfollowing you NOW! f1 is not even a proper sport
petsbymia i knowwww im sorry 😭
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liked by mirianb_, maxverstappen1, verstappen.com and others
petsbymia yeah i got a black cat to name him salem even though i know how historically incoherent it is, he's pretty fucking cute though 🥰 i miss him and i think i lost him 😭😭
maxverstappen1 cute 😍 😍😍
mirianb_ okay i need to tell you now or else i think you might have a heart attack, salem is with me! i kidnapped him, sorry 😘
maxverstappen1 i lost my cats once i can say: that's not very nice of you mirianb_
mirianb_ ok hold on for a sec... aren't you a f1 driver? MIA WHY THERE'S A F1 DRIVER IN YOU COMENTS SECTION
miamilani i mean it's not my section, it's my pets one
maxverstappen1 i saw the cats once and i thought they looked cute so i followed the profile and they're cute so sue me?
mirianb_ omg you're so cat dad coded!
catslovers forever missed salem!!
ilovemycats oh noo, mirian, how could you kidnap little salem dear???
mirianb_ in my self defense, chaos (my cat) miss his friend so i took matter with my own hands
maxverstappen1 has asked to follow miamilani
maxverstappen1 started to follow miamilani
miamilani started to follow maxverstappen1
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liked by mirianb_, maxverstappen1, verstappen.com and others
petsbymia bath day and i can say max, salem and mirabell hated EVERY crazy second of it 🤪
maxverstappen1 why is your dog named max? 🤨🤨
petsbymia funny story, my best friend also has a collie and he's also named max so i thought it would be funny, now we have max 1 and max 2 right allycmpbll
allycmpbll it's my brother's dog but whatever to make you happy 😍😍
catlovers ok i see now why salem got you all scratched, he clearly is french and you're making him shower
petsbymia stop insulting my cat! he's not french at all, i found him near modena, hes italiano 🇮🇹🤌🏻
collielovers i mean we NEED to put all the collies together
petsbymia no, we don't! i can barely keep it up with ONE border collie
gabig_ i told you!!! i fucking told you when you decided to have a collie that you didn't have the energy for it
ilovemycats salem looks miserable 😭😭
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liked by mirianb_, maxverstappen1, verstappen.com, norarilley and others
miamilani our dogs, my cats and my best friends, love you miri, happy crazy birthday to you and i hope a bunch of cars going in circle makes you happy tomorrow
mirianb_ im so much more happy when im with you! thanks for all these years of friendship 🩷
gabig_ all of us together until the end
allycmpbll happiest bday to the most annoying person in the world
maxverstappen1 happy birthday, mirian, i feel that you don't like me but anyway
mirianb_ it's not personal mr. verstappen, im a simple mercedes girl 😎
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liked by mirianb_, maxverstappen1, verstappen.com and others
petsbymia taking the kids to see nona (my mum) mirabell took a nap on my mom's bed, salem took my dad spot on the couch and max ate at least 15 different plants, looking forward to came back again for christmas
maxverstappen1 omg they're so cute and so adorable, im starting to think they have their mom's charm 😅
gabig_ that was supposed to be a flirt? cause god it was awful
petsbymia it was not, it was cute, my pets are as charming as i am!
mirianb_ your dad a few years ago "i don't like pets, im allergic, they're too messy", your dad today "here salem, my bed is your bed now"
petsbymia *proceds to sleep on the couch*
catslover how were you able to get the most charismatic pets in the world?
petsbymia avengers, assemble!
collielovers salem and mirabell they're VERY cute but i cant with max, he's so gentleman coded 🥹
maxverstappen1 i was about to ask whay the fuck have i eaten but my mind went back working again
charles_leclerc again? naive of you to assume your mind worked those past few months
lewishamilton your mind was literally a mud puddle
maxverstappen1 ok stop the bullying now
petsbymia yeah boys, stop the bullying ✋🏻
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liked by pierregasly, redbullracing, miamilani, petsbymia and others
maxverstappen1 jimmy and sassy appreciation post 🧡🧡🧡
petsbymia mirabell and salem wants to meet jimmy and sassy 🥰
miamilani smooth!
verstappencom the most adorable ones!!
redbullracing we're waiting to see them again! 🥰
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liked by maxverstappen1, verstappen.com, redbullracing, miriamb_ and others
miamilani so here's a funny story i don't know how i ended up here cause i was only answering a random dude on my pets profile (random dude is a formula one champion - i don't know what that means)
gabig_ mia still pretending not to know shit about motorsport when her cat is named after a part of a circuit, tsc tsc
allycmpbll years of asking you to go to interlagos with me and now you're just a gp because a random dude asked you to?
maxverstappen1 excuse me, random dude here, it was very difficult
mirianb_ is it always that loud?
petsbymia we miss you mum!
mirianb_ who's the admin on the pets account while you're away????
roscoelovescoco i also miss my dad!
maxverstappen1 i cant believe lewis got the mind to open roscoes account, search mia, search the comment and respond it, dude, weren't you supposed to be working?
lewishamilton i am working, the car, on the other way around...
user182 ok so who is she?
user713 apparently is max new girlfriend
user182 she's a cat mom i think i will like her
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liked by mirianb_, miamilani, redbullracing, f1, petsbymia and others
maxverstappen1 getting out of the weekend after maxplaining all i could to a pet mom 😜
miamilani sure, whatever you say! interlagos is still better than zandvoort
redbullracing hope we got another one for the redbull army
miamilani not happening, adm, not happening!!
verstappencom 💥💥
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maxverstappen1 has added a story | miamilani has added a story
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trying to teach her how to work the sim
charles_leclerc answered your story
any luck?
lol she's better than you
thanks max for letting me win (if he says i pushed him out of track hes lying 😝
maxverstappen1 has answered your story
lies!!! you pushed me wild
boooo 😚 im better than youuu
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