#this took both of my braincells to write but boy was it worth tiring them out
prismadog · 3 years
I kinda had a suggestion for your au,
So if you don't want to read it, this is your time to delete this ask,
But yeah, maybe Xornoth hasn't been completely corrupted when Scott's people sends them to the nether
As in like, he is definitely very corrupted and evil, but it's not too late for him to become human again
And then [insert something involving Shrub] happens and he is presented the choice of becoming human again and unlocking all the power of exor, at the cost of turning away from his humanity forever
why wouldn't I want to read a suggestion? I love talking to people! and I'd love to hear any feedback, comments, or suggestions!
ooh...I love this idea so much already!
I haven't thought too much about the end game yet but I have thought a bit about pre-exile Xornoth and it's pretty much what you said: maybe they're not fully corrupted and there's a chance for him to return to his former self.
EDIT: this is a quick message from after typing out the below post. I somehow ended up coming up with an end game, idk how that happened but it did. it's not exactly like you suggested but I hope it satisfies well enough. I really loved your ask btw.
also, this is fairly long so I'm putting a "keep reading line below". I think I might have also sort of written a story here? like, I meant for this to be just a little response but...it's not. it's practically a story for how things will go down. obviously, it'll need work, but it's a start!
pre-exile chance
my thoughts: there was one moment when Xornoth really questioned their actions, questioned their blind faith to Exor, questioned how they became a monster when all they wanted was to be the beloved hero that their brother Alinar is.
that moment, it was when they were banished from their home, but before they were exiled to the Nether. the people wanted them gone and they turned to their brother for help, they wanted Alinar to keep the people from banishing them. the moment where Xornoth questioned everything was when Alinar turned his back on them.
they moved to the caves and questioned every single little thing they've ever done - where had they gone wrong? why wasn't Alinar proud of him? maybe...maybe everything they were doing wasn't so good after all.
I believe that if when Alinar had found his brother again, if he had asked Aeor for aid in saving his brother instead of banishing them for good, there would have been a chance for Xornoth to return to his former self. but no, Alinar had to go and remove that chance entirely from the equation and exile his brother in the Nether.
* I'm using the Clash of the Great Stags as reference for that part above. I'm leaving Conal & Alinar's canon story as history for the AU versions, though, there might be a tweak or two in the future, who knows?
but. after reading your suggestion and having a good long think about this...maybe there is still a chance, even after Alinar turned his back on his brother.
so...I'ma gonna hash things out here.
hash out chance
we the fans know that there's going to be some form of "final battle" between the rulers and Xornoth - the same will be true for the AU as well. it'll be Xornoth, Sausage, Joey, and Shrub against everyone else - though, for Shrub, she doesn't want to fight, she doesn't want to see anyone get hurt, she just wants everyone to get along. but she knows that no matter what she does, everyone will end up at the final battle, ready for war.
but before that, there's a lot of moments where, like in canon, everyone is trying to find a cure for the corruption plaguing their lands. Shrub is no different, except, she pushes more towards a cure for people, for the demon themself.
Katherine, Scott, and Gem are more than willing to help her find a cure - they don't really know why Shrub is so insistent on curing the demon, she only ever vaguely tells them her reasons, but they're still going to help her because they're her friends.
during this, Scott will talk to Aeor, wondering if there is a way to cure the corruption at its source - the demon - without shedding any more blood.
Aeor, I know he's supposed to be a good god, believing in peace and equality - and he is a good god, but...I don't think he would want to resolve things between him and Exor peacefully. in the story I linked, he pretty much jumped right into a fight with Exor without hesitation
so, that being said, I don't think things would be any different even if his champion was looking for peaceful solutions. I believe Aeor would want Scott to take up arms against Xornoth and fight for him, to end the corruption once and for all.
Scott would be reluctant of course, torn between his god's wishes and helping his friends. so, maybe he does both - he'll try to help his friends find a cure for the demon but he'll also prepare for the inevitable final battle.
Shrub and her friends work tirelessly trying to find a cure, making several different potions, and each one Shrub takes home with her and gives them to Xornoth. they're reluctant to take the potions but they'll do anything for their gnome, even if it means turning their back on their god and giving up all the power Exor gifted them.
so, Xornoth tries every different potion given to them, even though not a single one has any effect on them, until all options are completely eliminated and the rulers run out of ideas. at that point in time, there is no other choice except war - war between the gods, between their champions, between people who were all once friends but are now on opposing sides.
maybe this is where Shrub breaks completely, at the moment when the others give up. maybe she begs them to keep trying - just one more potion, that's all we need, the next one will be the right one, I just know it, please keep trying, please don't give up yet, we have to keeping trying.
they'll question her on why she wants the demon cured so badly, they'll question despite knowing that she's only going to dodge every question asked.
but this time. this time Shrub doesn't dodge. this time, she stops giving vague answers and she stops telling lies that leave her with a pit in her stomach. this time, she breaks. this time, she tells them the truth. this time, she tells them the story of her life, her connection to the demon and how Xornoth is like a father to her - tending to her injuries, telling her stories, teaching her so many things, but most of all, loving her unconditionally.
she begs their forgiveness for lying to them for so long, begs them to help her find a cure for the only family she's ever known, begs them to not give up yet.
the other rulers would obviously be shocked, some might walk away feeling hurt and betrayed, some might come to Shrub and accept her as the child of the monster that plagues their lands. those that do accept her, they comfort her and she comforts them. they might all keep trying to make a cure, despite how hopeless it seems - they've already failed so many times, what more can they do?
Xornoth would have the same thoughts - what more can the rulers do? everything they tried, every potion made, has failed and it's just going to be more of the same. so, they make a decision, the demon seals their fate, the demon makes the call for war.
they go into the final battle reluctantly, knowing that there's only one true way to cure them and wishing that it didn't have to be with their death. they go into that battle hoping their little Shrub - their sweet, kind girl who showed them a better way of living - will be okay when they're gone. they know that her friends will be there for her so she should be okay, she can survive.
the two sides face off. no one wants to fight. Shrub, though she stands on the side of the rulers, is torn between her friends and her family. everyone there knows that the speeches given by the rulers of the Overworld are a poor attempt at staving off the inevitable.
Xornoth wants to be the one to throw the first punch, to get the ball rolling, get this fight done and over with, but they see their gnome, their beloved child, staring at them from across the battlefield, and she's crying. the battle hasn't even started and yet, she's mourning their death.
they don't attack. they stay their hand. they stand down. they move forward, hands up and open, free of any weapon, and walk gladly towards their demise. no one moves, all are still as the demon approaches, the usual sinister grin replaced by a grimace of heartache.
the demon stops before them, before their little Shrub and before the elf that looks so much like the brother they lost. Xornoth kneels at their feet, they say their parting words of love to their gnome, then they bow their head and tell Aeor's Champion to make it a quick death and please, if you could do me one favor, please don't let Shrub watch, please don't let her be here.
Shrub tries to go to her father's side, tries to beg them not to do this - there's still time, we can still find a way, please don't do this, please don't give up. Katherine and Gem hold her, embrace her in a way that her eyes are shielded from the bloodshed that's soon to come. they look to Scott, he's the one with the powers of a god that can rival the demon's darkness.
Scott is shaking where he stands but it's not from fear. he stands before the demon, above the monster that's terrorized his friends, and in his hands is the weapon that will strike the final blow and end everything. he had thought for a long time that Alinar was right in his actions, following the path Aeor laid out before him, banishing the only family he had to another world.
but standing here, knowing what he knows now about his friend Shrub, what he knows about himself as Aeor's Champion and about his past life as Alinar - he knows that Alinar made the wrong choice, he knows that there is a better way.
Scott, knowing that his next action is going to displease his god, drops the blessed weapon given to him and says - No. he kneels before the monster and says - You will not die today. he embraces the brother he never knew and says - We will find a cure.
this is where Aeor has a choice to make - enact justice on the crimes committed by Exor - or forgive his sins.
the Stag God follows his Champion's lead and chooses forgiveness. he stands before his own brother and chooses to end the war they've fought for eons.
with this, the corruption dies around them and Conal is freed. the demon melts away and an elf emerges from its remains. Conal embraces their brother come back to life and relishes in the life he's been gifted.
Shrub breaks free from her friends and practically crushes her family - both her father and Scott - with an embrace of her own. she cries enough tears for the both of them, though, Conal comes pretty close to out-crying their child.
and with that, the war is over, the demon is defeated, and the Overworld can live in peace once again.
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capri-ramblings · 4 years
I don’t know if you’re still doing requests but if so, I reallly liked the not wanting a child one with Vil Leona and Malleus. Could you do it with Lilia, Rook, Azul, Floyd, and riddle? If you have time? If that’s too many people than just Azul, Rook and lilia. Only if you’re able to. Thank you. Have a nice day. 💖💖💖
Oh boi this was challenge but I love how it turned out! Sometimes when writing dialogues for the boys,I hear their Japanese voices and the struggle of needing to find the English equivalent to that hurts my braincells 😂😂 I'm looking at you, Floyd (눈‸눈) Lmao but really,I enjoyed writing this, so thank you for requesting this! Hope you all like it as much as I do ♥️ imsorryriddlegotangstyandimblackbutlertrash
Warning; Toxic relationships and mentions of physical abuse
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Lilia Vanrouge
- He's planned this the moment he realized he wanted to be with you! Children are a hassle, true, but the thought of being the father to your child made Lilia want to run in circles.
- He was aware of how you often avoided the question though,and unlike Malleus, he was more patient as he slipped in small hints and tested the waters. Seeing which part of the topic took you off.
- Lilia, ancient and wise, believed that if he pushed you the wrong way, nothing good would come out of it. You'd be unhappy and an unhappy mother would lead to an unhappy child, and that's the last thing he'd want.
- Lilia sees the image of him standing beside you with your three children almost every single time he looks at you, and he knows happiness is key!
- So,he pampers you and he studies you. Every single reaction you give him, he digests it then analyses it and finally forms an approach.
- The two of you were in his manor's library when he went into the conversation, and as he expected you were trying to divert the whole topic.
- "I'm practically a child myself, I don't think I can handle such a responsibility...I'm sorry,Lilia" You hung your head low,averting his gaze when he came up beside you.
- Lilia was always hard to read. He wore the exact same expression most of the time and even when he's in a whole other mood, it doesn't show.
- When he intertwined your fingers with his though, a slight sense of relief washed over you and a small smile curved on your lips when Lilia pecked your cheek.
- "But little lantern, having small candles beaming through the manor would be pleasant in a way wouldn't it? I'd especially spend more time here with them" His voice was so soothing then, you could never have sensed the sourness in it at all. The way he simply and casually carried his aloof air around you, and had you feeling a sensational warmth from the way his hand held yours.
- You were clueless to the fact he was spinning you into a web. One you'd never be able to escape from.
- "And think of the things you could teach them about your world! Or how anyone can do anything despite having no magic"
- "Doesn't that bother you though? Our children not having magic?"
- The word 'Our' perked his ears. Lilia smiled, feigning an innocence you were too naive to see was rehearsed.
- "It doesn't. Any child from you is magic already."
- "You say that, but you could have children as strong as Malleus if I wasn't a simple human"
- Ah, that's when Lilia's plans ticked perfectly.
- "It's because you're human I want to have children with you,little lantern"
- "I'm here with you now because despite being considered someone defenceless against mages, you've proved yourself to be just as capable as the next student, even more so actually! You're a mystery,my love bird. Don't you see that?"
- You didn't. Of course not. You came from a place where magic was a fairytale, nothing but fiction. Twisted Wonderland was a place you had to struggle even more to be able to have your own footing and none of your trials were easy.
- He saw you as someone so special despite that? Your heart clenched at his words.
- And that's how he gets to you. He doesn't try it once and forces you into it when you refuse. No, Lilia simply keeps pushing.
- He'll make you feel as if you were no different to him or the other Twisted Wonderland residents who wielded powers you can't.
- His words would coo in your head whenever you doubted that a child of yours would do well in this version of the world.
- "They'll have you as a mother after all. Strong and reliable,they won't have any problems you couldn't fix!"
- "Bullied? You wouldn't allow such a thing in the first place"
- "Imagine them having eyes just like yours. Maybe then you'd be able to see how fiery your spirit is!"
- Lilia knows you all too well. Your lack of joy when talking about children came from the fact you were afraid you couldn't be good at it. Poor thing, being constantly dogged at by Crowley to run errands that drained you with exhaustion and confronting people who thought magic made them powerful. It's no wonder you feel numb from it.
- Oh,but no worries. His plan is perfect, and plays well for both of you.
- You don't want a child because you feared it being neglected? He'll just change that image of yours.
- On the day, you wake up to the sound of a baby crying and realized it was simply from a dream, you swear you've never felt so empty before. So, incomplete.
- Lilia doesn't bring up the subject of children for a while and it makes you anxious. Did he not want them anymore? Did your constant refusal made him give up on that? Give up on you?
- Your thoughts would run wild until you find yourself wrapping your arms around Lilia, teary eyed and apologizing as if the words had been burned into your throat and you desperately wanted it out before you lost your voice.
- And Lilia being the ever so gentle,ever so understanding lover, would hold you. Cooing to you as he plays with your hair softly.
- He'll ask you what was wrong, the hue in his gaze shifting when you stare deeply into them and you'll shed tears.
- "It's okay,my sweet" He coos, smiling, despite your sorrow weighing down the room. "Why don't you tell me what's wrong?"
- Lilia takes the long route to having children but it's all worth the wait when he sees you smiling lovingly at the newborn child in your arms as you gesture to the five year old next to you to come see their younger sibling.
- "Mommy,look, same eyes as you!" Cheered the child, and you perk up at the sight. Lilia was right, children were perfect remedies to a tired soul.
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Azul Ashengrotto
- The thought of children,at first, terrified him. It'd be like trying to leash two more Floyds, wouldn't it? But then Jade mentioned that having children was similar to having a contract and something just clicked in his head.
- If he impregnated you, it'd be harder to run from him, right? And when he was truly a father then you'd have to look up to him to care for both you and the child, right?
- Of course! How didn't he see this sooner? What a fool.
- Azul would be hellbent on wanting a child and he'd try his hands at it multiple times, and was equally disappointed each time since all you ever did was refuse.
- "Kids are too hard to handle. We'd both be busy, and I don't think even Jade would have time to juggle them around when we can't." You sounded so bitter, so disapproving. It made Azul feel all dejected, as if you were just disgusted at the thought of having his seed inside of you.
- From then on,Azul starts to mope. His cool composure slips from time to time and it gets too often that Jade has to handle most of the clients. He'll pull a face when you ask him what's wrong and harshly tells you to leave him alone
- He's hurt,but he doesn't want to say it and he frustratingly tries to wrap his head around a plan to make his desire come true, playing out multiple routes in his mind to find a weak spot he could probe you with.
- "Why don't you want a child?" Azul asked you this right after closing Mostro Lounge. There's a hint of sorrow in his blue gaze when you come to meet it, and you wonder if you were too blunt with your answer.
- You shifted on your feet, something you did out of habit, and Azul took note of how out of place you seemed.
- "Cause I don't think either of us are ready?" You answer and in a split second, Azul's sorrow sharpened into irritation and you could just feel how badly that answer set him off.
- "Was that supposed to be an answer or a question?"
- "Azul, I don't want to fight over this." You reach out a hand to place on his shoulder, but he slapped it away with surprising speed and the hit leaves you slightly stunned. He'd never hit you before.
- "It's someone else isn't it?" He asked, almost a murmur. The way his gaze seemed to latch onto you then gave off an unsettling feeling.
- "You're seeing someone else,aren't you? That's why you don't want to have kids with me."
- "Azul,what are you—"
- He moved swiftly, but when his hands came to grip you by your shoulders, his nails sunk into your skin and his lips snarled at you.
- "Who is it? Tell me or I can't promise I won't hurt you right now." His rage practically frothed and you found no words to compensate for your lack of comprehension of the situation.
- "I don't care if it's Jade or Floyd. I'll take out anyone who wants to take you away from me!"
- Your lips parted,to speak perhaps, but Azul silenced you with his spiteful stare.
- "You're mine, aren't you? Why won't you just admit it? Why won't you just accept me already?"
- You thought the pain was from the words he threw at you; Sharp it resembled a hit from a whip,but then your vision had blurred and you were coughing up dry air it made your lungs hurt to take in anymore. Then you felt something run down the side of your lips, and only then did you realized Azul had thrown you right across the room and the wall collided against your body.
- There was a scream, so filled with frustration it wrecked your entire being you had to curl up in a ball before a strangled whimper came from your lips.
- "You're taking everything from me" Azul said, his still gaze watching your crumpled form. He sounded distant as if he wasn't really there, yet when he came over to cup your face with his hands, he had felt so real it hurt to look.
- You were so broken in his grasp then, he was sure you didn't even know where such anger came from, then again Azul was always aware of how reluctant you were in your relationship. You were with him only because he stirred you up in a contract. You never really did loved him as much as he loves you.
- The rising pleasure of being able to make you go through at least a portion of the pain he had to go through was surprisingly pleasant to have.
- He laughed before pulling your face close to his,nose almost touching. "Look how beautiful you are when you don't run your mouth or fight back", the words came in a coo yet you shivered from it.
- "I could make us the happiest couple in the world,you know. Our children would be the best among the best." Azul placed a lingering kiss on your lips, the scent of your blood edging him on. When you weakly tried to pull away, he gripped harder and bit your cheek until it bled and you were letting out small whimpers.
- "Don't cry,my sweet small seashell. If it hurts, I'm here for you. I'll make everything okay again. So, stop crying,I don't want our night of conceiving to be filled with tears."
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Rook Hunt
- "Little Lamb, aren't you well enough to give me children?"
- You were merrily drinking tea when this question came out of the blue.
- Rook stood behind the chaise you were sitting on, his arms gracefully enveloping you in an embrace as his breath grazed your skin. He smelled of the forest right after rain, and his words left you rather stunned.
- "In the letter I received from Vil, he and his small hare were planning on having children of their own", he bent down slightly, enough to place a kiss on your cheek before he went around the chaise and faced you. The smile he wore rivalled the morning sun itself.
- You tried to collect your thoughts, tried to piece up the right words to tell him that you simply did not want children. In the end though,you decided it was better to just come out and say it.
- "Rook—"
- "Yes,my love?" His eyes seemed to beam, and Rook's eyes always beamed but this time, it was as if he had been playing the scene of your children running around the halls of his manor the entire day. Mesmerized was the word you'd use to describe it. Your chest tightened at the thought of breaking that dream of his. But you had to tell him...This was something you truly didn't want.
- "I don't want children,Rook." Blunt and precise, the words came from you without hesitation, and in that piercing second that held the room in silence, Rook felt his heart sank into the metallic jaws of disappointment. A mighty bear caught in the savage claws of man's horrid trap.
- He blinked. Once, then twice. By the third blink, you were already regretting your refusal and desperately searched for a way to amend for it.
- Unfortunately for you,Rook had already taken great damage, and as a result, he completely shrugged off your comment.
- "It would be splendid, wouldn't it? I would teach our sons to hunt and our little princess would have an entire garden built for her!"
- "Rook, didn't you hear—"
- "Yes! I can see it already! Our family would be such a joy to have!"
- You stood up then, exasperated by how delusional he sounded. You knew he didn't like the answer you gave him but to just pretend as if he hadn't listen! Just when you were about to turn on your heels to speak your mind,Rook stood as well, swiftly without a sound, and with the strength of a seasoned hunter he gripped you firmly by the waist and hoisted you up into the air.
- Your scream lodged in your throat and blood rushed to your head. Instinctively you held onto his hands, but when your eyes finally locked onto his, the deep-set emerald of his gaze turned luscious and vicious all at the same time and your words lost their volume.
- His lips curled, deliberately coy. When he lowered you and pressed your lips against his, your body flinched.
- "You'll give me good children,won't you?", he murmured before another kiss stole your breath again.
- "My precious dove, you'll make a fine mother."
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Floyd Leech
- "Nee,nee, little shrimp,let's have kids,okay?" Floyd threw his arms around you as casually as always but the words he had said with the same amount of casualness was what staggered you on your feet.
- His sharp teeth bared,lips pulled into a grin, Floyd eyed you with great interest.
- You returned it with a terrified look.
- "No." You blurted out before even thinking, and Floyd frowned faster than he had grinned.
- "Why?" Flat and practically monotonous, his question sent a chill down your spine and you bit your lip out of habit.
- Floyd had always been unpredictable, mostly because he acted on how he felt rather than thinking it through first, and that's how you saw this whole situation. Maybe someone had said something, or maybe he met up with Cheka and somehow thought it would be nice to have kids, but he didn't really meant it. Right?
- "Nee,why don't you want kids?" He repeated his question, inching closer to you as you tried to avoid any physical trigger that would set him off. The mer-male had a tendency to bully you whenever you showed him any hint of feeling inferior to him, and that often ended with Jade having to tend to the 'love marks' he left behind on your body.
- "Why do you want kids anyway?" You shot back, minding how your tone sounded while still seeming firm. "They take up a lot of time you know? I'd have to pay more attention to them than to you"
- At the statement, Floyd arched his brows. The distant look in his eyes told you he was having a thought before his expression turned lax.
- "That's okay, I'll be there anyways so it's no big deal"
- "What?"
- "Hm? I'm telling you it's okay,little shrimp. Even Jade said he'd help around if it gets too much"
- He snaked his arms around your waist,pulling you real close to his chest until he could squeeze you tight.
- "It'll be fun,won't it?"
- Your body reacted before you could even comprehend anything, and it was only after you heard the dull thud of Floyd's back hitting the wall did you realized you had pushed him away.
- "You pushed me" He said this so softly, you thought you only heard it in your head but then he lifted his gaze and the mismatched orbs held such malice, your stomach lurched.
- "Floyd,I'm sorry...I didn't mean it, I just—"
- "Shut up. You're really pissing me off. " He elicited the words,each enunciation cut into sharp edges of glass scraping against your skin you wanted to close your eyes and run away from the whole thing.
- But with Floyd,if you ran, it meant you'd already lost.
- "What's with you? I ask all nicely and hug you and stuff, and you're pushing me? Jade said you didn't like kids but I told him that if it was with me you'd definitely say yes, cause after all, you're my little shrimp right?"
- You opened your mouth to speak, to say anything to avoid him having a tantrum, but Floyd let out a low growl and cut you off before you could.
- "Ah,I'm annoyed now. You should've just said yes but now...Now,I want you to come here"
- He opened his arms, the look in his eyes a spiral of aggression that shredded through your nerves.
- "I said come here,___, or you're gonna make me even more angry"
- You hated the way your body reacted to him. How it felt like you were a ghost in your own body as you watched yourself obey him.
- The coldness of his embrace had tears brimming your eyes and you pressed your face into his chest as if it was an instinct. An instinct to protect yourself.
- Floyd eased into your desperation, arms closing around you as he held you in his grasp. He was smiling but it was bland and it was meant to scare you.
- "Aha, you're crying! Aw,did you think I was gonna hurt you,little shrimp?"
- You shook your head,hands gripping onto his shirt as Floyd patted your head playfully.
- "Ah,it's cause you went and made me mad, right? Hahaha! You're a funny one,little shrimp. Always getting yourself into things you can't handle"
- Floyd then cupped your face with both hands, a feverishly possessive look in his eyes.
- "But,If you're really sorry you'll have to show me,okay?"
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Riddle Roseheart
- Funnily enough,the suggestion of having children was brought up by Cater, and it had taken both you and Riddle off guard.
- Though, unlike you, Riddle saw it as an enlightenment. He adores you and acknowledges you to a great degree and so when the thought of being a father to your child crossed his mind, everything changed for him.
- "Children would be nice" He said,voice a soft lull as he nuzzled into the crook of your neck. The two of you had been laying on his bed all day, Riddle claiming his fellow dormmates had made his day stressful as always.
- You were running your fingers through his hair when his question struck a cord in you,yet you opted to keep your thoughts to yourself.
- Riddle was a rather conflicting partner to have. Unlike the other yanderes, he wasn't at all aggressive or wholly dominant when he began his recession of obsessive love for you, at least not all the time. When Riddle admitted his feelings for you, he had laid himself bare.
- Gentle but clingy, he latched himself onto you as if you were stitched together, and due to the lack of childhood his mother deprived him of, Riddle found great comfort in the way you handled him with such an understanding and loving attitude. Sure,you had your days when you let loose your tongue of sarcasm but that was also an aspect about you he adored.
- "Don't you think so,____?"
- Riddle called you by your first name now rather than your title as supervisor, he didn't have a nickname, said it was all just too stuffy for him. Plus, the way your name rolled so lusciously on his tongue, satisfied him.
- "I guess" was your answer, and somehow despite how casual you sounded Riddle couldn't help but to hear a slight hint of disapproval in it.
- Still, he smiled when he looked up to you and let out a gentle laugh.
- "Our children would surely be an outstanding batch, won't they? I'd teach them how to use their magic and if one of them can't, they'll have you" He sounded so genuine, so soft. It hurt you to inwardly disagree with him.
- You weren't really fond of kids but you were also not the type to admit it out loud, afraid that people would look at you badly if you did.
- "Hmm, you don't seem like you're excited..." ,His voice a gentle coo,Riddle pressed his body against yours,his lips lightly caressing your skin. You arched your back and a small laugh escaped him.
- "Doesn't the thought of having children makes you want to try it?"
- If your silence didn't set him off, the way fear swirled in the hues of your eyes did, and like a switch, Riddle clasped your throat with his hand, a snarl scrunching up his expression.
- "Answer me when I talk to you,____."
- You let out a strangled gasp,your hand coming up to grip his wrist only to feel it burn instead
- Riddle's gaze shifted,clear blue eyes resembling a flickering flame.
- "Don't touch me. If you even move from this position, I'll rip that head off of you faster than the March Hare himself."
- You flinched at his words,eyes shutting close as your chest throbbed in panic. This was what you were avoiding, yet ultimately failed to notice. His moods shifted so profoundly after all, it was like treading on Alice Liddle's stubbornness.
- "I... I'm sorry!" You managed,half a sob and half a plea. Despite his hands looking so fragile, Riddle's grip was like an iron clamp, and somehow his skin seemed to burn into yours.
- "If you're sorry, then why am I still angry,___?" Riddle laughed, "Why do I still want to punish you?"
- You broke into tears easily after that, hopelessness coursing through your veins and warping your features.
- This broke his heart as well, Riddle now knew the answer he was waiting for. You didn't want children with him.
- Near tears himself,Riddle released his grip on you, letting you fall onto his mattress and curl into a ball as he sat there, kneeling before you. He watched as you let out an agonizing sob and called his name,for what reason he wasn't sure. He didn't know if you really loved him or not. You probably stayed because you feared him as well like most people did. But he loved you,he really did. If the world he lived in was a twisted Wonderland, you were his salvation, his home.
- "I'm sorry,___",he said after tears had stained his own cheeks and his heart weighed him down and his chest felt like exploding. He inched closer to you before gathering your trembling form into his arms and burying your face into his chest.
- "I'm sorry I hurt you. I won't do it again,I promise" He held you so tight, you couldn't even grasp enough air into your lungs,but you held onto him nonetheless.
- "I don't like hearing you cry" Riddle murmured in-between sobs, "I love you,___. I just wanted to show you that I do"
- He repeated those words like a mantra, and you fell deeper into your sorrows, as if you shared a single heart with him and the pain the two of you felt somehow had mixed together until you were unable to tell them apart.
- Love with Riddle was maddening,it really was. It was like diving into a rabbit hole. Endless.
- "I love you too, Riddle. I'm sorry for making you mad"
- "I don't care about that anymore" Riddle held your face in his hands,cheeks flushed when you leaned close to kiss his lips first. "I don't care about children or anything. I just want to be with you"
- You smiled. "Maybe having a few wouldn't hurt,if it's yours,I'll be okay,won't I?"
- He pressed his forehead against yours, chuckling, "Yes,my Lady"
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seagull-laugh · 7 years
The Sickly Duckling
The office was cold and quiet. Only the tapping of keys from the various computers could be heard throughout the various rooms and halls. Donald took up this job not even a week ago but he was already bored of it. As he sipped his now cold coffee he continued to read the writing displayed on his computer monitor, he analysed texts and cross referenced the data repetitively for hours until the silence was broke but the fain sound of his mobile ringing. Donald didn’t speak to his family anymore and hadn’t for five years, he had friends but he hadn’t seen or spoke to them much either, not since he adopted the boys, and they where currently in school, so he just ignored its tones and carried on until he suddenly remembered, He’s their emergency contact. Somethings must be up with the boys.
Donald quickly answered the phone and cleared his throat, people struggled to understand him on a day to day basis, having a dry throat wouldn’t help. “Hello, is this Mr.Duck?” “Yes, eh, speaking!” He tried to calm his voice “Is everything okay?” “One of your sons, Hubert, has thrown up in school, you will need to come and Collect Him” then with urgency “I’ll be there right away”, he stopped himself from hanging up the phone to bring it back to his cheek “thank you”. With that he quickly headed to his Boss’ office.
When Dewey was sick he liked to pretend he wasn’t, he was stubborn like that, and of course that made him a handful to look after. When Louie was sick he was a lot easier to look after, he was already the laziest out of the three of them and thou he enjoyed playing with his brothers he was also perfectly happy lounging around somewhere, thou when he was sick he tended to like physical contact, constantly leaning against or snuggled up to Donald while he slept, Even just holding his hand seemed to help the little boy relax. This of course was fine, if they where just in the House Boat, but otherwise was hard to manage. When Huey was sick he was more than happy to be left alone. He read something in his Junior Woodchuck Guidebook that said if you where sick it was best to drink water and get plenty of rest, it also said to have the woodchuck guide look you over (as they are trained in health and Safety) and do as they say as they will know the best course of action to take to ensure your health. Because Donald was his legal Guardian, the role of Senior Woodchuck of course went to him, this meant if Donald said it was best to sit on your own and sleep then Huey would do so. Of course Donald wouldn’t dream of leaving a sick duckling unattended BUT it meant that he could still do his work with Huey present in the Office, if his new Employer would allow it.
After a lot of pleading Donald’s boss agreed to let him collect Huey during his lunch break and bring him back to the office for the rest of his shift that day. He knew in his mind that this meant he won’t have time to eat today but his nephew was more important. He quickly got in his car to drive to the school. As he drove down the road he thought of all the events that had happened that morning to determine if he had missed any signs of an Illness. All three boys got up in the morning when Donald woke them, they then all got dressed, as usual Louie took longer while Huey and Dewey seemed to easily roll out of bed and get ready for the day. They all ate the breakfast Donald made them, all plates where empty. They then wen’t to the bathroom to brush their teeth and wash their faces. All as Normal. Afterwards Louie And Dewey started playing with their toys cars and Huey sat on the couch, it was his turn to do something for show and tell and he wanted to tell his class about the Junior Woodchucks. He only recently got into them but he was very interested in it and Donald remember thinking how cute it was. No signs of any of the boys being Ill or poorly this morning had occurred. He thought again to last night. They Boys did their homework, ate all their food, played their games as usual, had their Baths and went to bed. Again nothing unusual. Donald replayed all the events from when he picked them up from school yesterday to when he dropped them off this morning over and over again and he tried to find a sign that he had previously missed. Then the realisation hit him.
Huey liked to plan things out, every last detail, and when things don’t go to plan he starts to freak out. Dewey and Louie refer to it as ‘Huey is Broken’, because of how uncharacteristically he starts to behave. Donald figured that something must have gone wrong during ‘show and tell’ and during his little ‘break down’ he worked himself up to much and that caused him to be sick, that of course upsetting him more and making him feel worse.
When Donald arrived at the school he rushed to the main office, the Woman from the phone was the one to greet him and told him Huey Threw up during a talk in class, confirming Donalds Suspicions (he knew his boys). When she let him through to get Huey he saw the chick curled up on a chair with his knees to his chest, and tears welling in he eyes. He was also shaking quite a bit. On the Chair next to him was his School bag, his lunch still untouched inside, and his Woodchuck Junior Guidebook. Donald walked over, crouched down in-front of him and placed his hands on his shoulders “Hey Huey, You did your best today and that’s what counts” a single tear started to roll down his cheek while he nodded his head. Donald really wanted to reassure him that everything was okay and that it is okay that things don’t always work out how we want but he knew that wouldn’t help and that he didn’t have the time. “I have to get back to work. Will you come with me?” Huey’s big eyes looked into Don’s worn out ones for a few seconds until he spoke “Okay”, Donald then leaned forward and gave him a hug before picking him and his stuff up and thanking the Lady before heading back to the car. Donald set Huey up in the back seat, he took his Blazer off and placed it over the boy to form a blanket. While driving back Huey didn’t speak except once when he muttered an apology and Don had to reassure him he had nothing to apologise for. Once back in the office he pushed a second Chair to his desk and Huey sat on there, still using Dons jacket for warmth until he fell back asleep.
Working at the office was boring, time seemed to stop and Don could almost feel his braincells dying while he typed away at the computer, the rumbles of his stomach didn’t help either, but every time he glanced to his left he saw one of his dear boys wrapped up in his jacket and it made him smile. Being a single parent was incredibly hard and not anything like what Don wanted in his list of dreams and ambitions, but he truly loved them with all his heart and thou the ideal situation would be for Della to still be around, he was still more than happy to have them in his life. He Called the baby sitter at four O’Clock to check with the babysitter and make sure the other two boys where okay, he reassured her Huey was safe with him and that they would be home for Six. Once the Clock struck five donald quickly started to pack his stuff away and turn off his computer, once everything was set he put his blazer back on and put his car keys in his beak. Huey was only six but he still would take two arms to carry back to the car. Donald’s Notorious bad luck happened to strike him in the carpark when he went to take the keys out his mouth while still carrying Huey and they fell to the floor, jabbing his foot first. With a loud Quack and a hop Huey woke up and Donald fell to the floor, He landed on his back so Huey was okay but that didn’t make it any less painful. Huey stood up while Don grabbed the keys and opened the car door, this time he climbed into the front seat so he could sit next to his uncle.
The traffic this time of day was horrendous and doubled travel time, everyone on the road was on a mission to get as far away from work as they could and was in a terrible mood for being stuck in traffic. The muffled sounds of beeping horns and shouting could be heard from outside the vehicle making both males happy that The younger hadn’t tried to sleep on the way home. The car was otherwise in complete silence.
Donalds Parked the car and turned to Huey. “Listen. I know your talk about the Woodchucks didn’t go how you wanted. And I understand, when you work really hard on something its sad when it doesn’t go the way you want… but it’s okay and it just means next time you can try again” the little boy just nodded slowly and honestly didn’t look too convinced. “When we get home I want you to put you Pyjamas on and go have a nap in my bed okay?”. Another Slow unsure nod was given as response. That Night on the House Boat was pretty hard work, it’s hard to dote on a sick child a-swell as occupy and supervise two others single handedly while trying to keep them separated, but that was fine, He would do anything for these boys no matter how hard. Huey wasn’t really sick, after-all he threw up with nerves but Don didn’t want to risk the other two getting sick so he did his best looking after him. That night Don flopped into bed and let out a long and tired sigh, he was exhausted and life just wouldn’t give him a break, his body constantly felt heavy and this was one of the few times he’d let the exhaustion consume him. Negative thought about how he’s wasting his life kept pestering him and he hated it. He felt something push up against his side, he looked down and was Huey snuggling up to him. Being a Single parent was hard, finding a job was challenging, trying to support three unique individuals was draining and the ever growing stress-levels bringing him down was more then he could take, but seeing the boys smile. Knowing that all his hard work was paying off. Well. It was more than worth it.
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