#this time last year was hard tho. i thought that maybe i should just end it bc i couldn't cope
mzannthropy · 4 months
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How it all started. Happy anniversary to this parasocial relationship, I guess.
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dejabooooo · 2 months
Ok I’m doing it. Idk if anyone will read this but here’s a compilation of all the stancest crumbs from bill’s book along with a stancest endgame theory:
I say theory because I can’t think of a better word atm. I know this is obviously not the intention of the text. I am merely taking the information we were given and twisting it to fit my sick agenda. It’s what bill would have wanted (Well maybe not quite like this but lol fuck him anyway).
So! Obviously billford was the star of the show here, but as I learned a little bit more about the codes I didn’t just learn what they say. I learned that all the stancest ship fuel is contained within them, and even tho it’s not much in comparison, what we did get is pretty profound!
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There was a brand new code alphabet introduced in this book that we’ve never seen before. This cute little bros code that Stan and Ford invented when they were kids. Besides this image, this code is used only three times in the entire book.
The first (and insanely subtle) instance is on this page where ford concludes that Stan is the only person he can turn to after bill drives him to his breaking point:
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It’s very small and hard to make out. On the window amid the equations.
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It says: “miss you”
Pertaining the contents of this page, my first thought was that this is probably meant to be interpreted as a message directed at Fiddleford. But that wouldn’t really make sense given how it’s presented. This wasn’t written in after the fact. It couldn’t be directed at Fiddleford, they’re standing together arm in arm. It’s a code only Ford and Stan know, and this pic wasn’t taken long after they separated. This message must be about Stanley.
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Ford uses the code on the next page, the last lost journal page where he’s talking about reaching out to Stan. It translates to: “have I been too harsh all along?”
This is so gut wrenching to me because he’s never written in this code literally anywhere else in the entire journal. And he says this vulnerable little line about Stanley in this code he probably hasn’t used in years but still remembers, in this code that only Stan would be able to understand besides himself.
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The last usage is by Stan. Because the rest of the family is watching him write this, to the rest of them it just looks like he’s censoring his cussing for the kids’ sakes. But to ford, stan’s slyly writing him a little message that only he can see…
And what does it say?
“Love ya bro”
Ford’s arc in this book is realizing he should put his attention and concern in the ones that love him rather than fueling his obsessive hatred toward the one who hurt him. He comes to understand that he’ll be happier if he’s open about his past and rely on his family whose affection isn’t conditional like bill’s was. He moves past his shame, and comes out of the paranoid isolation that bill had encouraged him into.
And of course he receives this comfort from his whole family. But I think it’s very interesting how bill is framed as this toxic ex, Fiddleford is framed as the one he should have put his trust in during that pivotal time in 80s where ford ultimately blew his chance, and then there’s Stan.
Stan is hardly brought up at all but his presence lingers in more than few of Ford’s vulnerable journal entries. Stan is the one who put Bill in his place. Stan is the one who made Ford realize where his priorities should be. Stan is the one who’s accepted him all along and is the one remaining by his side in the end.
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Bill even blames Stan for stealing ford from him like a jealous ex who can’t stand the fact that ford has moved on with someone else. (This is directed at the reader but it mirrors his frustration with the stans when they worked together to defeat him)
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In conclusion: incest somehow ended up being the healthiest partnership option all along. Who knew?
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At the bottom of the first lost journal page where he’s talking about his loneliness and yearning for human connection, he mentions Stan in a code again. After embarrassing himself in front of the waitress he says: “Stanley could have made her laugh” 💔
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jwanniie · 8 months
Hiii again!!
can I make a request about g!p minji x reader fcking in the library?
I got too excited with this idea😁
Secret crush.
You have been struggling in school for the past two months due to some family issues and just life has been exhausting and draining, you weren’t dumb you just needed a little break and someone who takes care of you. From the start of the school year you have been getting decent grades, they were good but if we compare it to the amount you study for you should definitely get better grades, that really did unmotivate you because what do you mean someone who didn’t even touch a book will get a better grade than someone who pulls all nighters, skips meal just to study and never skips a class?You are happy for them but still there is a little unpleasant feeling inside you that you can’t deny ,And on top of that your family starts complaining about you not trying hard and not getting full marks. So you thought about what is the point of trying hard but still not reaching?
The way your grades dropped made your teacher really unhappy because you definitely weren’t dumb in fact you were very intelligent so she decided to talk to you and try to convince you to get a tutor and maybe she can help you choose one.
“___can you stay a little after class, we need to discuss something?”
You were tired and wanted to go home, you wanted to deny but what if she has something important to say?
“Sure” you replied with tired eyes that anyone could literally notice that you hadn’t been getting proper sleep for days, and yeah you don’t even remember when you last had that 10 hour uninterrupted sleep.
Class ended faster than usual, once all of the students went out of the class the teacher sat you down and took a deep breath before starting to talk.
“___ has anything happened home or do you have something going on that is not very pleasant…since your grades been dropping and I’m wondering what’s the reason and if we could try to fix it?” She spat, she really didn’t want to express her thoughts in a hurtful or negative way so she tried to sound as kind as possible.
You took an exhale before speaking “miss everything is going fine at home it’s just that I’m very unmotivated towards school and my mental health overall is not really helping with school” you spoke trying to sound as ok as possible even tho tears are starting to well in your eyes, recalling everything that is happening and all of your family problems.
“I see, do you think if we could ask a student to tutor you so you could perhaps make friends at the same time while studying do you think that would help you a little? And ___ you are nowhere near stupid you just need a little push and that will get you started all over again and I care for you, you are one of my favorite students here, always kind and enthusiastic to learn new things so seeing you like this really does hurt me.” She uttered in the most comforting tone ever, you smiled at her request and nodded because maybe that will make your school life and mental health better “a tutor could work!” Your teacher smiled warmly at your answer “then I will look for a tutor” she said, she lastly bid you goodbye and you went home a little smile on your face knowing that you have a new start and could improve.
The next week the teacher gave you the name of the student who will tutor you and when will you meet, the first lesson would be in the library. Damn, you haven’t been there for a long time you thought to yourself. You checked the paper that the teacher gave you once more and you looked at the name again “Minji”. You have heard the name before but the image of the person didn’t really click. You decide to pick a place near the entrance of the library so as soon as minji steps inside she could see you, you dont think she even recognize you but let’s just hope for the best.
You waited silently for about seven minutes till you saw a girl with a school uniform, your school never restricted what the students wear but that’s what she is comfortable wearing, now the image clicked, She is minji! You have never interacted with her nor your friends did but she was known for having one of the best grades in school if not the best. She was quiet,didn’t really have much friends, a bookworm and kinda cold or perhaps a better word distant? You always saw her with a book in hand or had her head deep down writing something. She didn’t really put much effort in socializing but one thing undeniable about her was her beauty she was that handsome type of beauty. You waved your hands at her you were maybe too excited she just walked towards her expression hard to read, she always had a resting face.
“I was kinda late, sorry” she spoke a little cold it gave you chills, is she always this serious? You didn’t expect any type of laughter or giggling but a little smile wouldn’t hurt anyone!
The tutoring session went pretty smoothly she told you the basic stuff and you immediately got the hang of it, like the teacher said you weren’t stupid you just needed someone to take interest in you. It was very silent, yeah a library is supposed to be silent but this maybe was too silent. You looked around and saw no one near you or even far away from you. You looked at the entrance of the library and there was no one even the bored librarian wasn’t there you looked around a little more and there was literally no one. A panic immediately started to hit you, you can’t be stuck in here seriously. Minji saw how uncomfortable you were and decided to give you a little hug whispering “hey calm down, we are going to get out of here. Let’s call someone” minji maybe was too calm about this whole situation but deep inside she was having a little panic attack. Yeah she didn’t show much emotions but that didn’t mean she didn’t care about people’s feelings, she just couldn’t express with words but her actions did.
You called the school principal and he said that they will come get the both out while waiting you decide to make a little chit chat to burn some time and comfort you a little. “I know this might sound weird but have you had any crush” this was the basic middle school dudes question while playing truth or dare but in this situation you didn’t honestly care, If she wants to think your weird then so be it. “Yeah” she answered tone little softer now, as a nosy person you couldn’t help but ask who, “oooh do you mind telling me who?” You said to excited, she gave you a little smirk making a point below your stomach tingle “what about I will describe it and you should guess, I’m pretty sure you know them” she said in a seductive voice immediately shocking you seeing the new side of her, your not complaining tho it was pretty hot. “Why not, tell me” you said too excited. “Hmmm well she is a girl, she is very gorgeous and adorable, she has never interacted with me before but did now and Uhmm her mental health hasn’t been the best which was secretly hurting me. I have always admired her from a far” she uttered scooting closer to you. Her description definitely had some suspicion in you, deep inside you wanted it to be you but the chances of her licking you were very very slim. “Uhm I don’t…know, please tell me” you stated. She was so close to you now, “hmm sure why not” she brought her face near you inches a part. Your breath hitched and you closed your eyes, she brought her plush lips to your pair and soon you felt something kissing you softly, when she moved her lips from yours, you were shocked a good shocked tho. “Did this tell enough, princess or…?” She questioned looking deep into your eyes, intoxicating you with her pair of eyes almost like hypnotizing you and before you knew you grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her into a deep kiss passionate and warm. She immediately kissed back, placing her hand on your upper back and gently laying you down. She took her skirt off revealing her erection, and damn, was she big? She was huge and her length being hard doubling it size. Without much of thinking you grabbed it touching it earning a groan from her, she was thick and had girth. You went on your knees and saw how her tip was filled with precum. Your tongue exploring her tip and length, her precum was very creamy but salty. Her hand found its way to your neck and squeezed it “don’t tease doll!” Her breath hitched. You tried to take her in one go but she was too big. She gave you a dark giggle full of lust “too big for you baby?” You tried to take her one more time but you gagged uncontrollably while coughing. But still you wanted to please her so you started sucking half of her length, bobbing your head around it. Soon after she started twitching inside your mouth, breath getting faster and moans getting louder. Without warning her thick white salty cum filled your mouth. She looked you in the eyes “swallow it, all of it” and as a good girl you obeyed her, swallowing her release. She was satisfied,way too satisfied. “On all fours baby, mommy is going to reward you for being so good” the excitement of her words flood your brain and your body immediately reacted to her, taking off your pants and panties leaving you with only an oversized shirt. And getting onto all fours, she groaned seeing how obedient you are for her. She couldn’t wait anymore and gave you her whole length, not even letting you adjust to her, immediately thrusting passionately hitting spots you never thought existed. Bumping into your g-spot and to spots people never even named. Her ruthless pace never cooled down if anything it only got rougher, with few more thrusts and few ass reddening spanks your release flood all over your thighs. Her relentless pace didn’t stop, the way you got now tighter made her eyes roll back and a hitched groan came from her “fuck baby so tight”. With how clenching you are around her length it didn’t take her long to feel her high close. Few seconds later she pulled out and white sperm got released on your back.
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delulujuls · 9 months
gifted | cl16
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hi! i couldn't help myself so here is something with a bit of festive spirit. also i can't believe that is only a week left til christmas lmao
anyway, enjoy this one as well!
summary: y/n decided to finally reveal her feelings, a lot of miscommunication in the house of ferrari, fav red duo being completely chaotic (and all of that with christmas songs playing in the background)
warnings: none, its kinda fluffy at the end tho
pairing: charles leclerc x fem!ferraridriver
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Even though there was only a week left until Christmas, the festive atmosphere was practically unnoticeable due to the amount of work still involved.
Although the season was over and most of the sporting events had passed, the work was still piling up and had no plans to end.
Y/N sat in the chill room, waiting for two interviews she was scheduled to have later that day. She had been at Ferrari's headquarters since the morning, recording materials for social media. Of course she was accompanied by Charles, who was currently lost somewhere.
At that moment it was to her advantage, as she was lying on the couch and browsing the Internet, looking for a Christmas gift for him. Which, by the way, was quite a challenge.
Y/N and Charles became teammates three years ago. Three years were enough for the couple to find a common language and, apart from working together, became friends. Even though they knew each other well, the issue of gifts always remained problematic. What's worse, the girl's love language was giving gifts and surprises, so she always tried to give the best gifts for various occasions. Charles, however, was a tough guy to please.
She sighed, closing another tab in her browser. Time was running out and she still had no specific gift or even an idea of what specific direction she could go. Especially since this year her task was much more difficult, because for several weeks Y/N had a problem with looking at Charles only as a friend. At the beginning, everyone is in denial that no, he's just a friend, there's nothing in common between us and nothing more serious will ever happen, but when you spend so much time together and the bond is so strong and emotional, it's hard not to fall head over heels in love.
Which in Y/N's case just happened.
The problem, however, was that the girl had absolutely no idea how to admit her feelings to her friend. So she decided that this year's Christmas gift would be perfect and meaningful enough for Charles to connect the dots and understand that the girl's feelings were beyond their friendship. At least this was the scenario Y/N had hoped for.
"You look like you just ran the race of the century"
Charles said, which brought his friend out of her thoughts. He held two cups of coffee in his hands, he gave one of them to the girl and plopped down next to her on the sofa.
"I think I need your help."
Y/N said and looked at him as her last resort, which he actually was.
"Something happened?"
He asked and his expression immediately became worried.
"What Christmas present would you be happy about?"
Charles frowned at her direct question.
"Are you asking what you should buy me for Christmas?"
"No, what should I buy for you, but what would a guy around your age with similar interests generally be happy with?"
It was obvious that the contacts in Leclerc's brain were working like crazy, but despite this, they were unable to understand the given command.
"I like someone and I would like to show it to him with a gift. And since I have no idea, I'm asking you for advice"
She explained, trying to sound very convincing. Of course she lied like hell but she assumed that it was darkest under the street lamp and if she played it right, Charles wouldn't guess anything and would also give her a great gift idea.
Leclerc, hearing her words, only nodded and took a sip of his coffee. It was obvious that he was thinking hard and really wanted to help her with the answer.
"Maybe a leather belt, a wallet?"
Y/N frowned.
"Would you be happy with a belt or a leather wallet?"
"I don't, but I'm trying to give you some ideas. I would be happy with a new tennis racket, mine is currently being repaired and I don't know if it's time for a new one."
"A tennis racket?"
Charles nodded, but then changed the subject completely.
"By the way, firstly, why I don't know anything about the fact that you like someone, secondly, why I didn't receive any photo for analysis and thirdly, if you want to show your feelings through a gift, then I think you should do something with your own hand. Or at least show that it means a lot to you"
Y/N analyzed his words carefully. The racket idea wasn't a bad idea, especially since she could have gone a step further and, in addition to the racket, bought them a stay on the court together. Charles tried many times to convince her to play with him, but Y/N had no idea how to play tennis and in her eyes, making a fool of herself on the first date was a bad idea to impress her love interest.
"You actually helped me, you know?"
The girl said and smiled at him. Charles probably helped her more than he expected.
"That's great because you could help me too."
He replied, glancing at her. Y/Ns stomach dropped to her throat, but she decided to act unfazed. In a second of inattention, everything could go to hell.
"Do you also need some gift inspiration?"
"Yes, and I have exactly the same problem as you."
Charles sighed and drank his coffee.
"Some time ago I met a girl. We met a few times and it seems to be nice between us. I would like to give her a gift so that she can see that I care."
"You didn't mention anything about dating anyone."
Y/N said, trying to adopt as neutral a tone as possible. However, her heart was pounding like crazy and she had no idea whether Charles was following her tactics and was actually asking her what she would like to get, whether he had actually met someone and would like to reveal his feelings soon.
"Neither do you, so we're even."
He replied and laughed.
The girl shifted on the couch, feeling her stomach hurt from nerves. She was about to continue talking to him when someone entered the room and informed her that everything for her interview was ready.
Y/N apologized to him and stood up, saying that they would come back to this conversation. However, she sincerely hoped that today was her last day at the headquarters and that she would not have to come here until the new year, which would mean that she would not have to be in Charles' company.
To be honest, she felt idiotic. What if Charles is actually dating someone? What an idiot she would look like if she admitted her feelings.
When she finished all her duties at the company, she returned to the hotel without a word. She spent the rest of the evening on social media searching for any photos or mentions of whether Charles Leclerc was currently dating anyone.
The lack of any information did not help her at all. His words kept drilling a hole in her head, causing all the pre-Christmas cheer to evaporate from her like a burst balloon.
Maybe she was in a bad mood, but at least she had the idea of a Christmas surprise off her mind. She also hoped that Charles' new friend would give him some great gift, for fuck's sake.
The girl threw the phone into the pillows and fell onto the bed, staring at the ceiling. The thoughts swirling in her head were interrupted by the sound of an incoming message. The notification "new message from: lord perceval" appeared on the screen
"You still haven't helped me with the gift."
"If you want to show your feelings through a gift, I think you should make something with your own hands. Or at least show that it means a lot to you."
She replied, quoting exactly what he had recommended to her a few hours earlier.
She locked her phone again and stuffed it under her pillow. Y/N hoped that by the time they met again, she would have gotten over her feelings and Charles would be her teammate again. And the teammate only.
The next day, the girl returned to Monaco, spending preparations for Christmas alone. This year she happened to be spending the holidays alone. Did it bother her much? Not particularly.
She decided to spend this time in peace and quiet. She kept her phone on airplane mode most of the time and she also avoided social media. Did she have any specific goal for this? The only goal was to avoid Charles, both direct contact with him and any mention of him.
On Christmas Eve morning, she went in search of a Christmas tree, which she bought, brought it herself and even installed it in the corner of the living room, wanting to prove her independence at all costs. Although it was all pricked by fresh, sharp needles, the tree still looked beautiful. While she was in the process of decorating it, she heard a knock on the door. She flinched almost so much that she almost dropped the bauble from her hands.
She hung it on a branch and went to open it. How surprised she was when standing in front of her was none other than Charles himself.
"Hey. Something happened that you are here?"
The girl asked, glancing at him.
"I guess so, since I haven't had any contact with you for several days."
"I've been busy. You know, Christmas and all that craziness."
Charles looked at her worriedly, trying to read the truth on her face that he felt like she was hiding from him.
"Everything's all right?"
Y/N just nodded.
"I'm just busy. I guess you are too, so run away to your place. You're probably planning a big family Christmas Eve."
"Can I go in?"
The girl sighed, knowing full well that she wouldn't get rid of him anytime soon. She walked deeper into the apartment, leaving the door open for him. She went to the Christmas tree and took another ornament out of the box and hung it on the tree.
Charles followed her without a word. There was silence inside and the only sign heralding Christmas Eve afternoon was the Christmas tree standing in the corner, which she was decorating in silence. There was no indication that Y/N would be expecting guests in a few hours, so he was surprised that if she was to catch a plane back to her hometown today, she should have been getting ready to leave long ago.
"How are you spending Christmas?"
He spoke after a moment, walking up to her. Without thinking, he took the bauble out of the box and carefully hung it as well on the Christmas tree.
"When are the guests coming? I don't want to disturb you."
He laughed quietly, trying to lighten the atmosphere that seemed extremely thick to him. However, when he glanced at his friend, she was straightening the decorations on the tree with a sad expression on her face.
"Why did you come anyway?"
"What do you mean?"
Charles asked, frowning.
"From what you said, you have another girl you should be interested in."
The Monegasque was silent for a moment, having no idea what she was talking about. However, when he connected the dots, he understood what she meant.
"Are you the one who's jealous?"
Charles asked and he couldn't hide his smile. But she was absolutely not in a mood for jokes.
"I'm not jealous, I'm just stating a fact"
"As I see, your entire attention has been completely taken over by your love interest, because since the last time I saw you, you have only replied to me four times."
The girl remained silent, gritting her teeth. She felt like an idiot again.
"Talk to me Y\N, please"
Charles touched her arm, trying to get her attention. He was afraid that something bad was happening between them and he couldn't imagine losing his friend.
"I have nothing to tell you, Charles."
"Nothing, absolutely nothing?"
He asked, looking at her. When she shook her head, he let go of her arm and snorted.
"Wow, your new boyfriend material totally took you away from me."
"There's no new boyfriend material!"
Y/N exploded, no longer able to stand the stupidity that she herself allowed to come to fruition.
"There isn't any and there won't be any, at least not when you are there, damn it!"
"What do you mean?"
Leclerc frowned.
"I like you, idiot! I like you, a lot!"
Y/N felt tears in her eyes and a blush on her cheeks. She was angry with herself for not being able to stand it and gave vent to her emotions, she was sad knowing that she would face some rejection and she was ashamed that despite everything she gave in and confessed her feelings to him.
Charles smiled when he saw the person standing in front of him. Currently in a messy bun, with eyes full of tears, in red Christmas pajamas. And he wasn't smiling because he was amused by her feelings, not at all. He smiled with happiness, because he felt exactly the same.
He stepped closer to her and took her face in his hands, wiping her wet cheeks with his thumbs.
"You couldn't have told me that straight?"
"How could I tell you that I like you, we are friends!"
She said, breaking down into another wave of tears. Seeing his smile made her feel even worse.
"Do you find it so funny? I knew it, I knew perfectly well that it would be like this!"
Y/N wanted to break away from him, but he held her tightly. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, wanting her to finally calm down.
It worked magically, because the girl froze when she felt his lips on her. He pulled away from her after a moment and stroked her face with his thumbs.
"I like you too, crazy."
"Of course I do. Except I guess we had the exact same fears about revealing our feelings."
"But you said you were dating someone."
Y/N looked at him confused.
"I wanted to spite you. I was a little stung when you said you liked someone."
"I only asked because I wanted to know directly what you would be happy about. I wanted to give you a nice gift from which you could conclude that I like you."
Charles laughed and pulled her to him, hugging her tightly.
The girl squeezed her eyes shut and hugged him, breathing heavily.
"I'm sorry, it was totally stupid"
"For Christmas we should buy each other textbooks for successful communication"
Charles laughed, rubbing her back.
"Doesn't change the fact that you're probably busy today."
Y/N replied, pulling away from him and wiping the remaining tears from her face.
"Say hello to your family from me and wish them a Merry Christmas"
"You will be able to do it yourself. I invite you to join us"
He replied, handing her the last bauble from the box.
The girl looked at him uncertainly.
"I can't, Charles. I can't come empty-handed."
"I think your presence will be the best gift for everyone."
Y/N still wasn't convinced. However, he smiled reassuringly.
"Trust me"
She nodded and took the bauble from him, hanging it on the tree.
He hugged her and kissed her hair.
"Don't feel bad, from all this confusion I didn't manage to prepare any gift either. I didn't want to be a rival for your love interest."
He said and laughed quietly.
Y/N huffed and snuggled into him again.
Standing in each other's arms, they both couldn't believe that after such turmoil they finally managed to talk about their feelings. In an extremely twisted way, fortunately with a positive result. For both of them it was definitely the best gift in the world and the upcoming Christmas Eve evening looked really promising too.
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redriotinggg · 8 months
You know what I need? Strawhats raising a child, could be shippy or not, but I need them finding a baby and Luffy being like "I WANNA KEEP IT! How hard can it be to raise a child?" (Famous last words) This is less about wanting to be a father and more about thinking about this as another great adventure and experience for Luffy (besides if its a situation like finding a baby in a treasure chest they cant exactly leave it... tho I imagine Nami seeing Luffy with a baby in arms and being like "wtf, where did you get that???" Luffy: "I found it in a treasure chest :)" Nami: "WELL PUT IT BACK ITS NOT YOURS!")
Of course raising a baby in a pirate ship is bound to be dangerous, so most of the crew is like "lets find it a good family in the next island" so maybe it's more of a Tokyo Godfathers situation.
Who are the better parents? Who absolutely suck at parenting but want to help regardless? Are any of them like "I absolutely don't want any part in this" but end up being roped in regardless and end up getting attached to the child? Does the child end up being raised by Strawhats or they get them to a nice family somewhere safe?
If you know of any fanfics that are like this (if they're gen/Nakamaship the better) please reccomend them to me I'm in desperate need to see that, child raised by a village trope my beloved
Pffttt a baby should definitely NOT be aboard the Sunny but if it happened I can imagine that yes, Luffy found a baby in a treasure chest and by the time they realized what happened, they were already on the open water headed to the next island.
However, the first thought that came to my head was that Zoro was sleeping while guarding the ship and someone managed to dump the baby onboard. He wakes up and there’s a baby—just under a year old—sitting across from him, fist in their mouth and a note on their forehead that says, “YOUR PROBLEM NOW”. There’s nothing left for him to do other than wait and pray that the kid doesn't start crying or pooping.
The rest of the crew comes back like Uhhhh Zoro???? When did you give birth????? To which he yells that he didn't, you idiots!
Now they don't know what to do because they can't bring a baby on the seas in the New World, but the island they're docked at wasn't very welcoming and likely wouldn't care about an orphaned child.
Luffy makes the decision easily--they'll bring the baby with them and they'll be an honourary Straw Hat! If they get their adventure started now, the baby will be at a huge advantage when they become a pirate when they grow up. Raising a baby must be easy if so many people do it! But it doesn't take long for the others to convince him that keeping a baby abroad for an extended period isn't a good idea, so they decide to keep the baby until they can find them a good home.
Luffy is not so surprisingly great with the kid, although he's not allowed to be left alone with them. The crew freaked out when they found him and the baby asleep on the head of the Sunny. It would've been a sweet scene if they both weren't at risk of falling and drowning to death. If the baby starts crying and Luffy can't get them to stop in 2 seconds, he dumps them off to the nearest crewmate--he usually deals with crying kids by beating them up, but the baby's too young for that. Plus, the noise really hurts his ears!
Nami canonically loves kids and babies!! She doesn’t mind taking care of the baby until they can find somewhere safe for them. Except this baby is getting on her damn nerves because, for some reason, they don’t like Nami. At all. Every time she tries to hold them, they cry bloody murder. To add insult to injury, the baby absolutely loves Zoro, who still wants nothing to do with the baby. But she is nothing if not stubborn, and eventually, she and the baby are thick as thieves.
The baby loves Usopp because he’s so silly! He makes the baby laugh by playing peekaboo and he even whips up little toys for them to play with. He flails dramatically when the baby grabs his nose or pulls his hair, both of them laughing without a care in the world.
The baby is too young to be scared of Brook, so they just laugh as he dances and sings nursery rhymes from all over the four seas. His lullabies are very effective in calming the baby's crying fits or getting them to sleep.
Sanji prefers dealing with children when they’re old enough to speak, but he’s not immune to the effects of an adorable baby. If it’s a girl she gets the absolute princess treatment, complete with baby talk and compliments of how cute she is. A boy baby gets his hair gently ruffled. Either way, Sanji happily admires Robin sitting with a baby in her lap before he’s off to puree some fruits and veggies.
Chopper loves babies and thinks this one is so cute!! But he’s embarrassed by how jealous he is of all the attention the baby is getting. He can’t help it! He’s used to being the one taking naps in Zoro’s lap and being fawned over by Robin. He’s happy to have the baby with them, but he wishes he got some more attention, too.
Jimbei and Franky don’t dislike babies per se, but they’re just so small and fragile compared to them. They mostly watch the other crewmates interact with the baby from the sidelines.
Franky’s nerves aren’t helped as Robin keeps coming up to him while holding the baby and talking about how cute they are and how parenthood is such a privilege, don't you think, Franky? She manages to convince Franky to hold the baby and when he does, he bursts into tears. Overwhelmed, he passes the baby off to the closest person, who happens to be Jimbei, whose eyes also fill with happy tears when the baby snuggles up to him. Both of them stop keeping their distance after that.
Robin reads the baby bedtime stories! But the crew have also walked by and overheard her reading books about death, disease, and war. She speaks to the baby in all of the languages she knows and tells them all the secrets she's learned. It's too bad the baby is too young to retain all that knowledge, but she's more than happy to share anyway.
Zoro doesn't like kids in general, but kids love him, including this baby. The rest of the crew find it hilarious how awkward he is with the baby. You'd think he'd be used to holding a small being considering how often he carries Chopper around, but no, he's hopeless. Zoro is teased relentlessly for the way he talks to the baby. He talks to them like a grown adult and it's both endearing and ridiculous.
Absolutely nobody wants to change dirty diapers. There are physical altercations, manipulation tactics, and an abundance of tricks used as each Straw Hat tries to avoid diaper duty. (Usopp uses dirty diapers as canon fodder and ammo when they run into trouble on the water.)
Most, if not all, of the Straw Hats have mommy and/or daddy issues, so raising this baby gives them all a chance to heal, whether they realize it or not. It also gives the crew an excuse for group cuddles, not that they ever needed it.
The crew have all grown very attached to the baby by the time they reach a safe place with people they trust to raise them. A few crewmates (Usopp, Nami, Robin, Brook) want to keep the baby around--it's too cruel to leave them, now! But Luffy has made his decision. It's too dangerous for the baby out on the seas of the New World. But once they've found the One Piece they'll be back to visit.
Usopp made the baby a teddy bear and dressed it as Luffy, complete with a straw hat. Sewn to the red fabric of the hat is a note written by the crew, a photo of them all, and a piece of Luffy's vivre card. If the baby grows up and ever wants to come sailing with them, all they have to do is ask.
AAAHHH this was so fun omg!! I love babies sm and there'd be so many antics if a baby was on the Sunny. I doubt I'd ever write a fic myself though, but I'd be happy to think up more hcs in another ask :)
I don't know of any nakamaship fics like this, so if anyone does please link it in the comments. But! KazimaKuwabara has this FANTASTIC fic feat. the Straw Hats taking care of their de-aged nakama. I've read it so many times, it's great.
Thank you for the ask! Keep em coming y'all, I live for this.
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cxhleel108 · 7 months
LITG S8 Thots for this week: Hmm…
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• First off, LOVE this!
• Oakley kinda really don’t give a fuck about Emel omg poor girl.
• The new hairstyles being paywalled. It’s like they want people to hack the game.
• No new swimsuits. They saw y’all dragging the clothes and said ooh maybe we should take our time with these.
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• Why don’t you ask him what he rates the kiss we had last night on the daybeds😊
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• I woulda let him kept going personally💁🏽‍♀️
• Me getting an 8 and Emel getting a 9…see what happens when you go against a try hard?
• Claudia knowing I don’t want Theo so she’s really just encouraging me to take these bitches men like she’s so queenie!
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• Watch this.
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• Thought so!
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• What is his issue😭😭😭
• Oakley gushing about his nieces was so cute omg. Also girl dad alert🚨🚨🚨
• How Emel still end up making her admitting she has unrealistic love expectations into a romantic drama😭
• How many times I gotta tell Sophie that I don't want reverse Thor?
• I NEED Claudia's closet like she has not missed yet.
• Outfit time😛
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• These are so cute!
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• Don't piss me off...still a cute dress tho.
• Oakley's evening wear fit uggghh my man my man my man!
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• Why he ate her up I'm crying.
• Theo and Claudia really my villa siblings I love this. I pray he doesn't start flirting with me again (He will).
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• Wait...Edinburgh...
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• This lie. Ok Theodore.
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• Now THIS is how you be a gracious loser. I need some of these past hoes to recognize that.
• Ugh why she being nice I actually feel bad now��
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• Oh here they go starting shit for no reason...
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• How Jin and Luna gon say Oakley and I aren't right for each other and we out here on the daybeds acting like we been married for 10+ years???
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• OH-
• I know every Gary stan just screamed.
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slytherinshua · 6 months
genre. fluff. friends to lovers. university au ig. warnings. jealousy. overthinking and crying. kissing. not rly proofread. pairing. sangyeop x fem!reader. wc. 2.4k. request. no. a/n. my love choi sangyeop :( even tho no one will read this lmao i have to write for my beloved lucy and sangyeop is soooo college boyfriend coded omg i love him sm
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For years, you had never felt any tension or uncomfort in the company of Sangyeop. You spent hours of every day talking with him. You were best friends— practically inseparable. But things seemed to shift in the last year, and you didn’t like it.
He was still your best friend, and you still spent every day with him, but a glaringly obvious change had occurred, and you weren’t sure how things would ever be the same between you two. 
You had grown feelings for him.
It was a textbook example of how to lose a long friendship. You should have trusted your best friend in high school when she warned you that guys and girls could never stay just friends. It was wonderful for 4 years, and you cherished all the memories you had made with Sangyeop in that time. But now, the feelings you held for him had changed your attitude.
It was hard for you to spend too long in his company without getting incredibly awkward and hot in the face. Really, it was his fault for being so attractive. The worst feeling, though, was the constriction in your chest whenever you saw him with other girls.
Feeling jealous over your best friend was laughable, but you just couldn’t stand it. He had always had other friends— and other female friends, at that. You had even lived through seeing him in a semi-serious relationship and had absolutely no problem. You were happy for Sangyeop when he got a girlfriend in the first year of university. But now, you wanted to fight off every girl who even glanced in his direction.
He wasn’t yours, but at the same time, he was. You had known him the longest. You were the closest friend he had. Everything would be perfect if only you didn’t long for more.
It was inevitable for everything to erupt in a sudden and unpredictable explosion the longer you stuffed down your feelings. You had just never expected it to happen like this.
“Why would you do that, Y/n? You’ve never acted like this before. Ever.” Sangyeop’s words felt like they were stabbing you repeatedly. He didn’t exactly sound angry— more extremely confused and maybe slightly annoyed. You didn’t blame him. If you had a little more sense, you would have known better than to crash his blind date. It was definitely overstepping boundaries. 
“I- I don’t know! I’m sorry, okay?” You pleaded. You weren’t brave enough to meet his eyes. The feeling of having upset him or ruined something for him was awful.
“Why would you do it, though? I wouldn’t have gone on all these blind dates if you weren’t so insistent that I got another girlfriend. I told you I was fine to stay single after Hayoung— but I thought you wanted me to find someone.” He asked, exasperated. It didn’t help that it was already past dark, both of you standing under the narrow overhead outside of a restaurant to try to shield away from the rain. It still drenched your left shoulder, though.
“Well, I just don’t anymore!” You shouted back, just as overwhelmed and confused as Sangyeop was in this situation. The way you had glared at the girl and told her to leave was so uncharacteristic of you that even you had been shocked. Sangyeop didn’t seem to take your attempt to end the conversation as a valid answer, and he pressed on for your reason why.
“Just tell me. You had to have had a reason. You would never do that randomly. What? Did she have a bad record or something? What could it have possibly-“
“It’s because I like you! And you’ve never seemed to notice, but I couldn’t ever say it out loud because you’re too important to me to lose! And- and I was afraid and scared and confused, and I just don’t know why it had to happen, but-“ Sangyeop stopped your panicked rambling before you could finish— not that it was making any sense to either of you, anyway.
“Y/n, stop.” He croaked out a bit softer, grabbing your wrist to pull you under the overhang and out of the rain. You barely noticed that you had gotten more exposed to the downpour. You couldn’t differentiate the rain on your cheeks from your tears that were streaming down. Unfortunately, Sangyeop could.
He let out a small sigh and his lips pulled up into a sad smile before dropping again, “You’re so…”
“Stupid? Yeah, I know.” You laughed through your tears, trying to not look quite as pathetic in front of the man you had loved for years now.
“That’s not what I was going to say.” He defended, his eyes still searching your face for any sign of understanding. 
You still couldn’t tell whether he was angry at you or just confused. You had completely blocked out any possibility that this situation could turn out for the better. You didn’t deserve a wonderful outcome from this. You were the one who messed everything up in the first place. You couldn’t feel entitled to anything anymore; especially not Sangyeop’s affection. You wouldn’t even blame him if he stopped being friends with you over this. Crashing his date and then confessing to him out of the blue? It was definitely not what best friends did… more like crazy ex’s. 
“You’re so… clueless.” Sangyeop repeated, finishing the statement this time with a laugh. You looked up at his face, finally brave enough to meet his eyes. The last thing you had expected was to smile on his face after what you had done. You were sure you looked a mess right now— with mascara running down your cheeks and your clothes all wet and wrinkled, but Sangyeop’s eyes held some warmth that you hadn’t seen for days, and it was comforting.
“What now?” You asked in a whisper. The weight on your chest was still there, and you couldn’t begin to think of what Sangyeop meant by that response. Your brain was a mess, and all you wanted to do was just sink to the floor and disappear forever. 
“For now… let’s go home.” Sangyeop said softly. Although you felt uneasy about the idea of leaving things unresolved, going home was probably the smartest decision; so you nodded and let him pull your hand to lead you to the edge of the street where he hailed a cab. The ride back to your dorm was quiet. You mostly focused on the rain sliding down your window, pretending as if Sangyeop wasn’t sitting next to you. You said goodnight briefly to Sangyeop when you got back home before retreating into your room. You showered as quickly as possible and got in bed. You tried your best to sleep, but the thoughts racing in your head kept you awake almost all night. You were screwed for tomorrow’s lecture.
“Did you drink?! You look awful.” Wonsang frowned as soon as you walked into your morning lecture and dropped your bag next to your chair.
“No. I don’t drink.” You muttered, plopping down into the seat and immediately resting your head on the desk.
“...Was it Sangyeop?” Wonsang queried, making you open your eyes and turn to glare at him. 
Wonsang, along with Yechan and Gwangil, were Sangyeop’s closest friends after you. You didn’t spend too much time with Yechan or Gwangil since you didn’t have any shared classes, but Wonsang was much closer to you. He had known about your crush on Sangyeop for a while now. He was sworn to secrecy as soon as you knew that he knew, and you trusted him not to spill anything.
You groaned and closed your eyes again, your voice muffled by the desk, “I’m the dumbest person on the planet, Wonsang.”
You gave him another glare, “I crashed his blind date.”
“You- what?” You could only nod along to Wonsang’s shock.
“I crashed it, scared off the girl, and then confessed to him… like an idiot.” You felt like crying all over again.
“What did he say?” Wonsang asked curiously.
“He didn’t! He didn’t say anything. I don’t know what to do— I feel like such a fucking idiot, Wonsang. He probably hates me forever. I’m so stupid for telling him how I feel.” You knocked your head against the desk repeatedly, drowning in your misery until you heard Wonsang scoff.
“You’re not stupid for confessing to him, but you are for jumping to conclusions before you hear his answer.” Wonsang said simply, but you could barely process the words that came out of his mouth. The thought of even seeing Sangyeop at the dorm later made your stomach twist.
But you would have to face him eventually— it was unavoidable. And the time came right after 5 pm.
You walked back into your dorm, trying to be as quiet as a mouse. You were barely even breathing as you tried to take your shoes off and get to your room before you had to come into contact with Sangyeop. Unfortunately for you and your plan, he was waiting for you in the living room.
“Y/n, we need to talk.” 
You sucked in a breath and cursed yourself mentally. What were you even going to say to him? What was he going to say to you?
You shuffled to the living room where Sangyeop had stood up from his spot on the couch. He took one step forward and you subsequently took one step back. You had never been more scared than right now. You weren’t scared of Sangyeop; you didn’t think that was even possible. But you were scared of the situation, and even more scared of the outcome. The possibility of rejection was scary, but the possibility of losing Sangyeop was even more painful. You couldn’t imagine your life without him. 
“Are you going to leave? Am I going to lose you?” You let your biggest fears spill out of your mouth before Sangyeop could get a word in. You didn’t like the seriousness of his expression; it was too unlike him.
His face morphed into one of astonishment, “Why would you think that? I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here… and I’m staying.” He said firmly, as if he knew you needed extra reassurance. You nodded slowly, hearing his words and letting them ease the nerves in the pit of your stomach and slow the racing of your heart. Sangyeop led you to sit down on the couch next to him, and you braced your heart for whatever you would hear.
“I just thought… you would hate me after last night.” You confessed meekly. 
“First of all, I could never hate you. And about what you did last night… I was kind of waiting for it to happen.” He said slowly. 
Your eyes widened, “W-what do you mean? You’re not mad at me for crashing your date? But what about the girl— I thought you said she was cute.” You spluttered, confused.
Sangyeop just shook his head a little amused, “You really don’t know, do you? Yeah, she was pretty, but nowhere near as pretty as you are. I’ve liked you for… what… 3 years now? Maybe longer?” Sangyeop’s eyes drifted up to the ceiling as he thought, meanwhile you could only open your mouth slightly in shock. 
“What about Hayoung— You were still dating her 2 years ago.” You pressed. It was hard to ignore the sudden warmth you felt in your chest, but you forced yourself to not get too excited just yet. There were still too many unanswered questions.
“Honestly? Dating Hayoung was me trying desperately to get my mind off of you. It was stupid, I know, but it worked for a while. Until Hayoung realized I was pining for you the entire time.” He laughed, and you suddenly couldn’t get enough of the sound. “But she didn’t get mad at me for it… She said she knew all along, and she tried to get me to confess to you. I couldn’t do it, though. I was too scared. So I tried to forget about my feelings for you and date someone else again… hence all the blind dates. When you started setting up new ones for me after they failed, I kind of accepted that I didn’t have a chance with you anymore.” 
You breathed out slowly, your heart beating rapidly in your chest. It was almost hard to contain just how much you adored the man who stood before you. You wanted to melt into his arms and kiss his face and tell him again and again how much you loved him. But you waited for him to finish talking first.
“I know you. I knew that if you liked me, you wouldn’t let me date another girl without rejecting you first. And I was right.” He smiled, a hint of fondness in his eyes. “Although, I never expected you to be so bold about it.” He added as an afterthought with a laugh. Your cheeks flared in embarrassment. The decision you made last night had been rather rash. 
“I’m sorry. I should’ve thought that one through.” You mumbled out.
“Don’t be.” Sangyeop breathed, “If anything, I think it made me fall for you even more.” You glanced at his eyes, taken aback with how much warmth and love and assurance filled them.
“Are you sure you really like me?” You asked quietly, aware of how you and Sangyeop were both subtly shifting closer to each other on the sofa. His face was mere inches from yours at this point, and his eyes bore into yours, neither of you able to look away from the other.
“Yes. I like you— I love you. I’ve loved you for 3 years.” He said sincerely, and that was all you needed to hear to get the confidence to pull him closer. His lips colliding with yours felt like the most perfect thing in the world. You fit together like puzzle pieces— like you were always meant to be.
He kissed you like he had been waiting his entire lifetime to do it, like this was his only chance to. And you never wanted it to end— the softness of his lips moving against yours, or his hands in your hair pulling you slightly closer, or the smell of his cologne and the taste of his lips invading your senses. You would have them all last for a million years if you could. 
Everything felt right at last; it was perfection. He was perfection.
↳ lucy taglist: @eternalgyu,, @evalevaeva,, @weird-bookworm,, @seunghancore,, @kangtaehyunzzz
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pragnificent · 5 months
Tagged by @tina-mairin-goldstein! Tagging whoever else wants to play.
1.How many fics do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total word count on AO3?
934,933. Wow, maybe I can break a million this year....
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just HANNIBAL right now (and for like the last seven years or so). Been vaguely thinking about picking up a second but nothing has caught my interest strongly enough.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Attachment - 7,592
The Fisherman and the Beast from the Sea - 4,565
Sashimi - 2,807
Hungry Ghost - 1,585
Identically Different - 1,382 <- This is my best series and yall should give it a shot <3
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to, and I enjoy doing so, but sometimes the brainworms win and I don't get stuff done even when I really want to.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't love this story, but "Hannibal is effectively braindead after the fall, but Will keeps caring for the body and feels that Hannibal is there with him, up until the body dies and Will turns himself in because there isn't any point anymore" probably counts as the most angsty? If you are in the market for a "Hannibal receives a brain injury and he, along with everyone else around him, has to cope with that" story Tina's For Remembrance (Holes in the Floor of the Mind) is a much better pick. And as I continue to think about it, Means of Influence has a pretty angsty ending.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my stories have slightly bittersweet but still mostly happy endings. Part of the thing about that is I think it's really hard to envision a situation where Will is like 100% Happy Happy, his own mind hates him too much and every little scrap of happiness needs to be fought for and then vigilantly guarded. But I put both him and Hannibal through so much that I always want them to be as close to content as they each can be.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have gotten two flavors of Fic Hate. 1.) People calling the five year old kid OC in ATTACHMENT slurs like "r*tard" and saying "he belongs in jail" and etc.
Every time Hannibal or Will fuck someone who isn't each other at least one person decides to Yell At Me.
I think I've gotten the old "you didn't tag for bottom Hannibal!!" nonsense once or twice too, but who hasn't?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
A little. I actually started Hannishark bc I was really intimidated by sex scenes and wanted to see if I could pull off a short monsterfucker story. I feel like I've gotten better at writing these but am generally more comfortable leaving them sparce on anatomical details and big on feelings/conversations.
10. Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one?
I've got a WRONG TURN crossover series that I'm very proud of here: Bear Mountain Road AU. You don't need to have seen any of the movies to read it, or anything, the movies' premise of "a clan of inbred mountain cannibals waylays travelers" is really just an excuse to put Hannibal (and Will and D, as child members of the cannibal family) In Situations. If I counts as a cross over, I've got a universe swap between the novels and NBC HANNIBAL here: Shiloh
I also have a vague idea for a SAW / HANNIBAL crossover but I've been sitting on that for so long, who knows if it'll ever happen?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not so far as I know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, several times.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yep, a couple of times.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Hannigram and Reba/D (guys we need a fuckin ship name).
15. What are your writing strengths?
Character, emotions, dialogue.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sex scenes, pacing.
17. Thoughts writing dialogue in another language?
Fine by me, tho I only think I've done it one or twice.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
19. Favorite fic you've written?
Identically Different AU !!!! This it the best thing I've ever written and probably the best thing I will ever write.
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pinievsev · 2 years
Hi ~✨ its luck that I found you (or you found me, I have seen your repost to my post) and can you, please make one-shot with Kent, where the reader, being an alien, comes to the Academy and everyone is interested in her (I mean in them) (because there were no aliens at the academy before) and attracts the attention of Kent, after which they begin to be friends and fall in love with each other?
Aye I just woke up but just because it's you my friend I'll get to writing :]
And here we are with another Kent oneshot! Woo! Iove this idea! I won't use the stereotypical description of aliens, I'll give them antennas and black eyes tho(the pupils). And heightened sense :]
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GIF by me again:]
Pairing: Kent (last name unknown) X!alien!new student reader.
Warnings: swearing maybe, kissing at the end, kinda slow burn? (Might do a part two)
Synopsis: when a student of new species joins Nevermore Academy, it peaks the interest of a certain long haired siren.
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You'd be lying if you said you weren't nervous, principle Weems had told you you were the first ever alien in the academy, which didn't really help, now you may be wondering how you are there? Well let's see.
Some thousand years ago, your planet was attacked by another alien species, so your what you thought were called "ancestors" had to leave, and they ended up here. Your species has changed over the years, their funny colored skin Changing into that of beige or dark brown, their fully black eyes now matching the ones of the humans the black only staying in the middle surrounded by white, their antennas however, stayed. They allowed you to catch sounwaves, hear things further than you should be able to, and move things around.
They had made you a special uniform, lined with very dark green instead of the traditional purple, psh, stereotypes again. You had however also learned that, you wouldn't be the only one joining Nevermore late, there was this girl, Wednesday her name was?, Her uniform was black, and so seemed to be the rest of her. You liked it, she was different like you, but in her own way. Weems led you to your dorm room, your roommate was a vampire by the name of Yoko Tanaka.
Weems knocked on the door and it opened almost immediately, "hello, ms. Tanaka, I'd like to introduce you to someone" she moved aside "this is Y/n L/n, the first alien of the academy, and your new roommate" she said taking a breath "would be kind a give them a tour?" Yoko stared at you and her smile widened revealing her fangs, "omg! Of course I will!" She pulled you inside the room closing the door on Weems face.
"So you're an alien?!" She asked eyes wide "yup, that's me" you said "ooo cool! From which planet?" That you didn't know "oh, my species has been on earth for thousands of years, I don't really know." She nodded "okay okay! Let's start the tour!" She said excitedly pulling you along.
Around the end of the tour she pulled you to a small courtyard "this is the quad!" (Did I spell that right? Idk! :Sobbing in greek:) she started pointing to random people introducing them, eh, for them.. "and those are the scales, they're the sirens, that's Bianca their so called leader, that right there is Divina and next to her is her twin brother Kent" you stared at Kent, a little longer than you should've and he saw you, the second he did his eyes widened and he turned to tell his sister. Yoko however, pulled you away.
"don't mind them, they're a little, straight forward some times" she said "it's alright, I'm kind of used to it" you admitted "right... That's basically all you need to know for the school and if you need something just ask me" she smiled and you nodded "alright! Thanks Yoko!" "No problem!" She waved running off to her friends.
'lets see, what could I do?' you thought walking to the side sitting down you rested your back against the wall and closed your eyes. This all was hard to take in, you were scared you might not fit in. Suddenly, you heard footsteps followed by a female voice "hi!" You looked up to see too girls, Wednesday and a girl with blonde hair dyed with pink and blue at the ends. You got up and dusted yourself off "hey!" You replied and she looked at you excitedly "you look so cool! I love your eyes!" You smiled "thanks! Your hair looks nice!" You complimented back. "I'm Enid and this is Wednesday! She's also new here!" You nodded "nice to meet you Enid, and Wednesday!" Wednesday just gave you a nod. You and Enid became friends quickly, and maybe a little with wednesday.. you weren't sure. Even tho Enid was alot more outgoing than you, she was a great friend.
You'd been at Nevermore for a month already, you mainly hang out with Enid, Wednesday and Ajax. Xavier too sometimes. You've been trying to help Wednesday with the whole "monster in the woods" thing but, unlike her you focused on your friendships aswell. Lately you've been noticing a certain siren looking at you, even tho you doubt it's for any good.
Right now you were in your dorm room when you heard a knock "coming!" You yelled getting up to open a door, to your surprise Kent was standing outside "hi?" You asked "hey, look before you close the door in my face, listen!" You nodded "go on" "alright, the thing Is I think you're cool, okay? And I was wondering if you'd want to be friends?" This surprised you even more "you... Want to be friends?" He nodded "I mean, sure" you smiled starting to warm up to him already.
You and Kent started spending more time together, making sure no one knew, considering Bianca didn't like you. It was a three days before the rave'n now, everyone was talking about it. Wednesday wasn't going, and Enid was trying to make Ajax jealous after he stood her up. You had just finished your last class of the day with Ms. Thornhill and were on your way to the quad when someone pulled you behind a pillar "wha-!" You stopped talking when you saw Kent "oh god you scared me" you breathed and he laughed "sorry, I just wanted to ask you something" you nodded signaling for him to ask the question "do you uh, maybe want to go to the rave'n with me?.." you smiled "of course I do!" "Really?!" You nodded "yup!" "Great! I'll pick you up right before it starts sounds good?" "Yeah sounds great".
"okay!" Enid screamed "we have to get you something to wear!!" You gulped "alright...".
It took sometime but you actually liked what Enid found for you (up to you <3) "it's not half bad!" You smiled up at her "thanks! Enid!" She smiled "of course! It looks really good on ya!".
You paced up and down your dorm, Yoko had already left to find her 'date' what Id he doesn't show up??.. just then you heard a knock on the door and ran to open it. "Hi! Sorry if I took too long- wow you look- great!" he apologized "it's okay! Really and thanks, you don't look too bad yourself" "right let's go!" You nodded and left your room closing the door behind you. You walked with Kent to the rave'n, he seemed nervous the whole time. You were dancing around drinking what they called a 'yeti-tini' and overall had fun. You were standing in the crowd talking when something started to pour from the fire sprinklers. Weems started screaming and everyone followed, panicked you grabbed Kent's hand and pulled him out as fast as you could. "Phew" you breathed out, panting, "what the fuck-" he said catching his breath "I don't know..." He nodded and then seemed to realise something.
His head snapped up and he looked at you "are you okay?? Did you get hurt or something-?" You cut him off "I'm fine, are you-?" He nodded "yeah, yeah I'm okay" you nodded back, well this just got akward. Out of nowhere you burst out laughing "what?-" he said chuckling along "what is it?" "We are standing outside covered in red paint like idiots, that's what" he started laughing along yet suddenly got quiet "hey uhm..." You looked up "yeah?" "I don't know if this is the right time but.." he took a step forward looking straight into your eyes "can i- you know.." you understood immediately "yeah... Yeah of course" hearing that he wasted no time to bring you closer and kiss you, you of course kissed back, pulling away he chuckled "I wanted to do that for some time" "you should've"
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Siren man least goo! I actually really like this one tysm for the request, anything for a fellow Kent lover <3
Tag list: @day-dream1231 , @georgi-salva , @arson-the-royal , @falleni0-hq , @mindflay3r , @rottenstyx , @alice0blog , @nova-lov3su , @elduster , @countsmoon , @biggestsimponhere , @andreeasancheez , @justmanu , @whitewingsh , @hwrtsiren
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Hii! I really love your stories, they make me so happy even tho im going through some tough times, thank you for your hard work 💕
Soo I thought I could request something, if it's fine with you of course! So we all know how Dazai feels really alienated because he lacks basic human emotions but still wears a facade of outgoing clown. So I'd really love to read something maybe from his perspective when he meets reader who is just like him, and at the beginning he thought that she was just a simple girl but then something happened where she showed her more morally-gray side (apathetic a little) and then suddenly dazai realized that she could be the first person to understand him.
Feel free to ignore my request, I hope you have a wonderful day/night! 💕
Hello!! Thank you so much for being so sweet (y'all are gonna make me cry omg :,) ) I'm so happy I can help make you feel a little better in some small way. Anyway my gushing aside, I hope you enjoy this and come back anytime <333
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Dazai knew, for a long, long time, that he was never going to be like everyone else. It simply wasn't his nature. The things others seemed to feel so easily, all the joy, sorry rage- he had to reach for. And he never could hold it; always, they slipped away like water in his hands.
He hated himself for it. In the past, he had questioned why he couldn't feel. He knew he wasn't a good person, but he knew plenty of bad people still capable of feeling something. He supposed Mori had ruined him, all those years ago. If anyone asked, he would blame it on the Port Mafia executive, which doubled as a convenient way to get them to stop asking. People rarely questioned a former mafia prodigy once they knew the slightest details of his past. But deep inside himself, he knew the truth. He had always been the way he was; that was his nature. This thing he was, the emptiness within him- there was no one to blame. He came by it all on his own, all the ugliness inside of him. But he should have been an actor, with all the faking he did. There was no end to how far he could go, how convincing he could be.
But still, he drifted, alone in his lack of feeling to tether him to the world.
Then, of course, like nature always intends, something changed.
You walked into his life, and he could feel you. Not in the sense that you were alive with passion, but quite the opposite.
You were like him.
He could see it in how you smiled, how you laughed- not disingenuous, per say, but lacking. They lacked the way his did. When you showed up, at first glance just another simple person, he found an anomaly. He found a rarity just like himself. All too quickly, he realized the two of you were the last of a dying species.
And his suspicions were confirmed on a summer night like any other, while you were walking home.
He wasn't following you. He kept telling himself that; you were just walking past the bar he had situated himself in that night and hey, it wasn't strange to bump into someone and strike up a conversation. That's what he told himself as he wove through the small clusters of people on the street, a distance between the two of you. But what began as innocent curiosity about you turned as quickly as you did, checking over your shoulders before walking into a narrow alley.
Now he was alight with curiosity; the same small spark that had lured him after you to begin with now spread into his limbs, quickening his pace until he realized he had lost sight of you.
He couldn't believe he had been so distracted as to loose you. Even worse, he had followed you down into a foggy maze of alleys, branching off in a myriad directions and while he wasn't worried about being lost, he wasn't thrilled about having to find his way back home either.
This of course, ceased to be his prime concern when a shadow came barreling into him, slamming him to the ground with a grunt before pressing a knife to his throat.
"Move and I will kill you. Now tell me why in hell you were following me."
And in spite of himself, he had to laugh. Because instead of some mysterious assailant, he was looking up into your face with your knife digging coolly into his skin. And once you recognized him, you lowered your weapon and took your weight off him, now straddling his hips and staring at him dumbfounded.
"Mind telling me what the punchline is here, Dazai?"
"Oh it's really nothing," he chuckled. "It's just that you were oh so ready to kill me."
"Yes," you replied, rolling your eyes, "I was. I have enemies so naturally I'm ready to kill creeps who follow me into dark alleys at night."
"But that's just it," he responded coyly. "The way you looked at me when you had me on the ground- I see that look every day when I look in a mirror. Let me guess: you could have killed me here and now and not felt a damn thing about it."
"Yeah so what," you shrugged. "Anyone could kill an enemy and not loose sleep over it."
"Wrong," he challenged. "People like to lie to themselves and think they could, but the truth is, most people would feel like a monster for killing even their worst enemy.
You and I are monsters because we know we would feel nothing."
You blinked, then stood up, brushing dirt off your pants as you turned to go. "I don't know what sort of person you've got me pegged for, but you're wrong."
He stood as well, following you still as you began to walk away.
"No, I'm dead right and you know it. Get a drink with me; by sunrise you'll understand we're more alike than even I know."
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theseerasures · 9 months
notes on the owl house, season 1
was gonna do a sequence of liveblogs but then??? i got really into it??? so i guess the most important tl;dr is that yes lesbians you were right this time
*watches first scene, where a single brown mother gives her kid a brochure for Conformity Camp with a cartoonish image of a child being crowded into a box, when her kid has already been established as being comically and cartoonishly imaginative, while a flock of doves fly into the air spelling out the words THIS IS A JOKE PLEASE DO NOT MAKE A DISCOURSE ABOUT THIS*
*pauses episode*
*gently and reverently rests finger on screen* a discourse happened here
i knew that Wendie Malick voices Eda before i started and thought i'd properly girded my loins and yet every time she opens her mouth i think she's gonna tell Luz she's punishing Luz for being alive
S01E03: gotta say i'm appreciative of this show's policy of "NO BOYS ALLOWED" unless the boys are the LITTLEST GUYS IN THE WORLD in which case "SON BOY ALLOWED"
it's weird that the Adora in this show has Catra's haircut
i guess kudos for subverting my expectations but between this and Frozen what is it with Disney properties courting the Incest Yay people
was the thought that since Eda and Lilith are Old(tm) it wouldn't happen this time because. uhhhhhh
i guess since Catradora was NebulaGamora you could argue Dana Terrace was just returning the trope to old familial roots??? bah i'm not gonna think about this anymore. Lilith def cursed Eda tho
spotted: Amity Blight and her best frenemy Luz Noceda dueling over the last open spot to the Magic Yale welcome luncheon!!!! xoxo GossipWitch
not only does Amity have siblings her siblings are VEX AND VAX??? what is happening
Amity: you're a bully Luz!!!! i would know, because i call myself that in the mirror every morning!!!! not because i'm self aware though. it's to pump me up for another day of Bratz the Movie level shenanigans
wow this enemies-to-lovers is turning around fast. i was expecting Amity to at least girlboss if not gaslight but she barely got to gatekeep before being all "i guess :) we both learned something today :)"
yes Amity Luz accidentally hurting your precarious sense of self once is definitely the same as you tormenting Willow for years
oh i've seen this Steven Universe episode.
*sees the monster* and so have the storyboarders
why is everyone so mean to Hooty :(
seriously tho i get having one person in the friend group that everyone inexplicably dislikes is a comedy standard or whatever but. it feels out of place for a show that otherwise bellows "it's great to be weird!!!" from the rooftops
Hooty never did nothing to nobody!!! except be all powerful and occasionally asking to be included in shenanigans
on the other hand given King's design they had to work REALLY hard for me to dislike him, but wow! it's definitely paid off, he's the worst
this is the third episode in a row where King's plot is that he has to learn a lesson about not being Disney-brand-selfish and i know this didn't happen but i'm suddenly imagining the world where he eventually takes over as the main character and The Owl House became Disney's answer to Teen Titans Go
S01E13: okay fine King reaching Todd Chavez levels of shenanigans in this episode was good. he can stay
can i just say that. naming a powerful-but-overlooked witch--who is the BFF to the main character, who thrives on both a) The Hubris and b) The Resentment--Willow is. well no harm in wearing your influence on your sleeve i guess
she does plant magic! it's not like they could have called her Glimmer
i can't believe Amity was made to end her friendship with Willow by CAITLIN GLASS'S SHADOW LAUGHING ON A WALL
*Amity pulls on Skara's invitation like she's gonna rip it apart* NO AMITY THAT'S AN ACTUAL BUTTERFLY
Amity: i'm not actually gonna rip it because it's a real butterfly, but you get the gesture, right?
me: ...fine. FINE
*watches Amity release the butterfly invitation as a symbol of overcoming her past self* wow. trans Amity confirmed
all the Blight kids are trans actually the twins transed and nobody even made a fuss bc their parents are terrible and Amity is a fourteen year old with youngest most specialest child syndrome
Amity: i can't fight my worst fear because it's SO EMBARASSING
me: Amity if it's the one where you fail a test and then your mother shows up and calls you fat i guarantee everyone in school has already guessed
i guess we're just getting everybody's mommy issues huh
Luz's greatest flaw is how hard she commits to the bit, truly the ADHD representation we need
like it has literally not occurred to her that she could change course with what to tell Camila at any time. she chose her path and it's the only one for her now forever
oh Amity's greatest fear isn't even the obvious mom thing!! it's that Luz might turn her down!!! that's so fucking stupid Amity never ever change
the recurring potshots at JoRane's intellectual property this season sure are.
this was produced and came out during the years she went public about losing her fucking mind, so like. everyone had to deal with it in the way they felt was appropriate. i'm not really out to judge the exact timbre of one's response so long as said response does not align with her bigotry, and i sympathize with the petty joy of belittling something owned by somone hateful, especially if that something once meant a lot to you...
i guess i'm just not super comfortable with it because a) you're still picking at a wound even if you end up making funny shapes out of the scabs, b) these hot takes are about general magic-school tropes but often are so specifically about her it feels like we're giving her credit for creating them, and c) owning her like this feels like an opiate when the real issue isn't that her fictional society is founded on 11 year olds taking one uquiz, or that the fake sport she made up is hideously unbalanced, it's that she's...the leader of hate group
all of which are misgivings i have about the Disney Corporation as well and i get that people don't watch this show to be REMINDED that we live in a society, so like. whatever i'm gonna stop talking about this
that Amity sure is gay amirite! she went from "mostly bormal about her obvious crush" to "Jodie Foster at the Golden Globes" in the span of one episode
wow!!! Hooty saved everyone's bacon by being all-powerful. thank you Hooty sorry your squatters just take you for granted
oh hey Hordak
the fact that Willow and Gus immediately figured out what Luz was up to because of the helpful diagrams she drew for her non-plan is just so. i'm love them, actually
LILITH??? cursed Eda???? what an unexpected turn of events
okay yes Eda sacrificing her soul to her chronic illness for Luz provoked some genuine emotion from my flinty irreverent heart
it was just the emotional climax of Brave with a Last Agni Kai color scheme but hey i cry during the emotional climax of Brave, so
is King...not sad his momowner is about to die??? i get that Luz is the focus here but it's weird that he's not even a little bit distraught
oh my god what
you really think someone would do that??? just ESTABLISH A FASCIST STATE AND TELL LIES????
Lilith how the fuck did you become the head of the secret police when you're like THIS
i thought there'd be SOME fascist ideology buy-in like cursing Eda made her scared of Power without Discipline or something but she's...only here??? because this one thing Hordak said he'd do???? HE DIDN'T EVEN PINKIE SWEAR LILITH
like yes yes i know. "cop older sister fails upwards and yikes her way into defending her genocidal boss" I KNOW the only way she could be more my type is if she had dyed her hair white, but i can't pay attention to any of that bc i'm too distracted by the logic-defying stupidity
Lilith when you ditched your glasses for your Goth makeover did you just. never get contacts??? because the only reason i can think of for even you blithely sailing past every red flag is that you were literally too blind to see them
i just
i can't believe i thought Winter Schnee was the purest encapsulation of "in my defense your honor i really am the dumbest bitch alive" when Lilith was there all along
i guess her existence is a powerful statement that MILFs can be morons too
*Luz confronting Lilith and displaying a level of anger that's probably supposed to be unsettling* oh my god Luz YES GET HER PUT HER OUT OF HER FUCKING MISERY
Lilith: i just don't understand why even after i've restrained and assaulted them no one believes i just want to have a civil conversation :(
like yes okay i'm sure there are some profound implications here we can draw about grooming and abuse and sunk cost fallacies but i just
Lilith: i was on the fence about cursing my sister, but when i asked for the Emperor's advice he said "god forbid women do anything."
Lilith: i'm realizing now that was bad advice. and that he probably meant it in a different, even worse way than how i interpreted it.
but don't worry gang! her solution to fixing all the evil she's been complicit in is to...uh, continue being complicit in the evils! it's the best way to ensure that the incredibly specific scenario that befell Eda and herself will never!!! happen!!! again!!!
quick Lilith, Hordak just ensnared you in tentacles! this is a perfect opportunity for you to show exactly how you're going to prevent "~this" from ever happening ag--oh she's gone
Eda, finding out Lilith didn't actually mean to curse her forever and this was all her sister's incredibly weird way to make amends: what kind of fucking mORON--wait actually this makes perfect sense
Eda honey obviously i love you for trying to shield your sister and petson from petrification but i don't think Lilith noticed you did that
given the established buffer speed of her brain i'm not sure she's even put together that the owlbeast and her sister are the same person
okay okay i'll move on
:') Luz you brave darling sunflower you've never done anything wrong ever in your life and i'm glad you committing to the bit saved the day, even if it came at such a high price
not sure you'll be taking home the coveted gold for Committing to the Bit tho, now that your witch-aunt has revealed herself as the undisputed champion of Blindly Committing to the Bit for the thirtieth consecutive ye--OKAY YES WE'RE NOT BEATING THIS DEAD HORSE ANYMORE
because i do want to take this show seriously, and nothing demonstrates "i'm gonna take responsibility for my own actions now" better than using your literal body to bear some of the harm you inflicted on others. it's a very nice way to bring their relationship full circle, and it resonates with other instances when characters are forced to stop defining themselves by outside standards and embrace what they're already good at.
(and what Lilith is good at is soothing the pain of others via self-harm! which i think is the point the Helen's-Type-Generator starts emitting confetti and oily black smoke)
is this the first instance of magic having a cost or rebound in this world? beyond "whew i did a lot of magic today, i'm tired?" hm
Dana Terrace really went "i'm gonna give the whump enthusiasts everything they want" with this trope huh
Going Forward
yes i liked it yes i know the second season is more heavily serialized yes i will watch that soon
this did make me think about how all seriality in TV these days seem to be about building up to one series-wide showdown as opposed to different seasons having their own mytharcs, but that has less to do with this show specific and more with the death of television as a medium and we ain't got time for that
given how much my exposure to this show beforehand was Lumity (to the point where i wasn't sure there were other characters besides Eda) i'm...kinda surprised at how sparse Amity's presence was in this season. i liked what we did see of her, but i went in expecting a lot more antagonism for a lot longer in that dynamic
but i guess that's tied in with this season not having much in the way of antagonism until the very end, and not-Hordak seems to be the only one actually invested in his whole world order. we don't have any sympathetic true believers, which I assumed would be Lilith and/or Amity? i guess neither Shadow Weaver nor Catra really gave a shit about the Horde's ideology either, but Shadow Weaver remained an unrepentant ball of spite until the end and it didn't really matter that Catra didn't give a shit about the Horde because the Horde was the only thing she knew. in contrast Amity and Lilith's ties to the existing system feel very shallow--in the latter case so much so it kind of boggles my willing suspension of disbelief?
i suppose the next season can change that, i know new characters get introduced so--
oh wait is that what's gonna happen to the bad sad twink
i've only seen his armor but given how many AO3 fics seem to be about him i'm just gonna assume that he's a bad sad twink
wait can i call someone a twink when he's probably in his early teens like the rest of the cast?
is there discourse about this i hope not
don't make me break out the flock of doves
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Hey I just thought of something 🤭
Ok so what if Graves and Alejandro had met before but like younger like 15 years old Alejandro Mets Graves (also 15 years old) when Graves’s family is on vacation in Las Almas and Phillip is like Alejandro’s bisexual awakening and he tries to talk to him, but his English is kind of bad so he can’t really talk properly but Phillip can understand him perfectly but his vacation is up but they always send letters to each other until they both join the military and lose contact with each other until the game they meet again and Alejandro is talking to Rudy about how he looks familiar (same thing, vice versa but with Graves’s shadows 🤭)
im sniffing around in very old asks that i forgot about during my months long disappearance (i died and came back wrong) and found this and even tho it's REALLY late i still wanted to post this i like the way you think.
i can just imagine how awkward they are (like teenagers generally are) (especially queer teenagers) trying to navigate whatever it is. ohhh he's so cool i hope we get to hang out more and watch the sunset and maybe hold hands a little huh why? no reason. alejandro leaning hard into learning english, definitely not to be able to talk to the pretty boy he met and doesn't have a crush on. religiously keeping up with the letters, sending each other gifts and fun trinkets. graves going through a tough time in his twenties and them joining military, and alejandro is so bummed out that they stopped talking and graves doesn't write back. writing his newly created email in the last letter, just in case, and, well, moving it to digital would be faster and convenient, right? nothing ever comes of it, though (graves didn't even get it - he doesn't live at that address anymore).
so there's this very familiar looking guy and he's not sure if it really actually could be _the_ guy, but he's not sure he should ask what if it's like creepy and how's he gonna go about it like "hey by any chance didn't you have a pen pal in late 90s" and rudy is so done with it like dude it's not weird just ASK, but what if he specifically didn't want to talk to him anymore that would be so _Awkward_ and-
and graves definitely knows it's his alejandro, he just feels too guilty for what he's about to do to bring it up and give him hope. couldn't resist putting my trans hcs into this but i put it under the cut
alejandro not recognizing him because he deadass just doesn't know how he looks like. vaguely familiar yeah but it's not like he can roll up and ASK about stuff like that. of course he knew abt him being trans, he told him himself in a very personal and emotional letter a couple years after they met (and several more after that, because ale had questions and no one else to ask). also i think the top tier wholesome comedy is him taking the info like "i guess im bi then lol" totally chill like nah nah ur good i gotta figure out stuff about MYSELF now he's not even sure he knows the name he settled on in the end. which is also why he didn't even know where to start searching if he decided to (maybe he just didn't want to have a relationship anymore and he shouldn't bother him?)
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what’s gonna happen now??? (UPDATE on licorice brainrot blog)
I feel like I’m drifting away from Cookie Run a bit. I think Licorice Cookie was the main reason I stayed because I kept hoping that the game would do something with him, since he’s one of the main antagonists after all… and we do get crumbs here and there, but….
I don’t know… I feel myself growing impatient and bored now and y’know, I don’t wanna just, quit the fandom or the media or anything or stop liking Licorice Cookie.
I don’t know, I felt a slight glimmer of hope when Beast-Yeast was announced, but… it wasn’t what I expected. Of course, I can’t do anything about that and I’m sure they have good reasons for why the story is the way it is, it’s just… I don’t know.
I feel like during times like this, I could at least look forward to cookie run live events hosted by the social media managers themselves, but even those are a distant memory now, unfortunately. 
Last Cookie Standing, despite not being canon, was the most recent thing that kept Licorice Cookie relevant again, with crumbs of screentime and maybe a little depth to him. 
It just isn’t the same after realizing there will be no more of it. Of course, a lot of the social media team got laid off so I think that’s a huge part of it. But ever since then, it’s been… quiet.
Of course, when Licorice wasn’t relevant, I tried to attach myself to other characters as well and looked forward to any new ones they conjured up… but… it doesn’t feel the same. I want to like them, but I always go back to Licorice. I’ve been a fan of him for 2 years straight, lol… maybe that’s why it was hard.
The reason I’m going off about this is because of something stupid actually? Like I feel like I got irrationally upset over something that was out of my control.
So basically, JDK (VA of cream uni) is hosting an among us live stream, and originally licorice was gonna be it, but uh…. his VA couldn’t make it because of the superbowl. That was it.
I know it’s like, just pixels, and it’s not the end of the world or anything, it just really affected me negatively for some reason. More negative than usual. 
I’m not shaming him tho! It’s not his fault! He should be allowed to enjoy the Super Bowl! And I hope he has a fun time. It’s literally just me being me lol, no one’s at fault here.
But yeah, that’s why I made this post… over something completely miniscule lol. Which led to uhhh… bigger thoughts. And what my account will become in the following months…
You may know me as the licorice brainrot guy. I don’t know how often I’ll keep posting, if Beans AU will still continue (most likely it will because  I admittedly don’t want to abandon CR completely, things will just be slower lol).
If you guys are interested in my original characters (and maybe object shows especially), I’ll most likely make another blog that’ll be about an upcoming object show I might make! Yay, go indie animation!!! I can’t wait to make this a thing : )
It’s hard to find anything that will fit my boxes though, if I ever move on from cookie run. I’m looking for something less problematic, has a colorful cast of characters like total drama with unique character designs, and has at least one pathetic villain (licorice cookie moment)…
So far the only thing I can find is my own show lol, I’ve actually been obsessed with the pathetic villain of my own series just as well before I discovered the existence of Licorice Cookie : ) 
So if you like characters like Lico, I think you’ll definitely like this one ^_^
But yea, that’s about everything I want to get off my chest. I’m not leaving completely or anything lol but I think I want this cookie game interest of mine to take a backseat for a bit.
Until then, uhhhhhh I can’t think of anything to sign off with lol so have some cookie run doodles with licorice in em since you’ve made it this far 😈
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generalsdiary · 9 months
do I keep you safe... after all that happened?
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Blade with mentions of High Cloud Quintet members and Kafka
warnings: none (ig)
word count: less than 800
a/n: high cloud quintet lore has me in its grasp all the time; Blade's story is no different. I thought where might this man if kept as true as possible to his canon personality and attitude, and without bending his character, behave slightly differently, where he would act up, give us something different to ponder on… sort of an analysis of some parts, while connecting to the idea I had in mind, 3rd person pov (I could've written even more, but it would've gotten away from the point I wanted to make, the story I wanted to tell; which should stay the highlight rather than me going over his history)
description: if Blade had someone to protect… (this is probably angst)
his wishes of dying and ending his torment are his only focus, his only goal right now. the only reason he is doing what Elio wants and why he respects 'the script' is because he was promised that his wish will be fulfilled - tho that doesn't necessarily mean he will get to die... 'a promise of an eternal end and a final funeral'… foolish of him to believe it perhaps. within respecting the script he does allow himself to indulge in fighting Dan Heng. chasing him across spaceships where he keeps losing the fight – Dan Heng kills him in self-defense every time… until the latest fight, where Blade wins, forcing Dan Heng to also reveal his true form, so his anger and his rage do get through him and it is something he does beyond his one goal.
what would make this man... well more of a walking corpse, always on the edge of being mara struck, with one objective, do anything? he doesn't have wishes, or wants, he doesn't use his phone or ask for help, nor does he care. he wouldn't love again ever, nor seek joy. but he might... what if he might... protect? is it caring? should it be called an old instinct? there isn't a way to know. this is how it goes.
would he even notice he stepped in front of a sword, would he make a conscious decision to protect? or is it a reflex?
the way his strong, young again body moves in front of the enemy, parrying the attack, his ribs getting slashed, he doesn't even flinch at them anymore.
Jingliu took the flinching away from him a long time ago. his attacks are not as precise, more focused on hitting hard, he doesn't care anymore.  that is the way Jingliu during their last fight can dodge every single one of them - amongst a few more reasons why she can dodge them, such as she trained him to fight the way he does.
Jing Yuan does say to him that it isn't wise to put down the hammer and take up the sword. the general remembers the arrogant, brilliant, relentless craftsman - who now, can never craft a weapon again - the injuries on his body (and mind) too grave. to the craftsman he was... it would be little to say that it would be heartbreaking that he could never forge a weapon again.
Blade's body heals in a short amount of time, it hurts, it doesn't get numb over time, and his pain limit just goes up. the way he doesn't turn around or acknowledge whoever he'd be protecting. he isn't the type to seek to protect any type of human or similar humanoid species. so this makes it a reflex, a reflex that might have a thought behind it. maybe not a thought... maybe a memory. maybe a memory of the woman he opened up to as a shy, insecure boy years ago. a weak memory that is making his mara act up, in hopes Kafka is nearby while his mind gets clouded and he slowly loses control. a memory, a recollection of someone who might've meant something to him long before he became... Blade. maybe a stinge of pain where his heart is, for the moment the memory gets clearer. the person that used to be, who they used to mean to... Yingxing. and the recall of his old self bringing him to his knees as he loses his mind, the enemies' bodies lying dead on the ground getting blurry in his vision. mara crept up faster on him, his breath getting heavy.
a crackling, buzzing feeling around his mind, his hand moving to cover his face, a lightning-like power chaining his relentless mind. (his self-healing abilities are insane, so why.. oh, why can't they heal his broken mind? why doesn't it work on that too?) gentle, familiar feminine voice and familiar hands placing a blindfold on his eyes. his mara now strained, not calmed down, but strained.
he is brought up from his knees, on the verge of becoming unconscious, losing any grasp of reality as he is slowly being walked somewhere.
there's a faint voice behind him. he barely registers it. the soft, high-pitched child-like voice shakingly asking, "hey! where are you taking him? will-will he be alright? let me help him, I can help- I will heal him!" the voice gets fainter, he doesn't even know what he was doing there anymore as he is walked away even further.
delusional, the woman may call him, upon hearing him mumble - basically unconscious at this point - mumbling like an asleep person now.
"she's safe- Baiheng... she... Bailu... safe" his voice weak, soft and he fades away.
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cozfics · 1 year
Impatience (Aqua x Reader)
Request:would u write an aquaxreader based right after kh 3 please ? (not platonic tho)
Word count: 1.2k
Tw:blood for like 5 seconds?
notes:Sorry for the wait, I had a long week at work this week, and I'll be honest. I haven’t written at all in like 6 years now. I’m really excited to get back to writing though!
You took in a shaky breath as you lowered my keyblade. Was it truly over? Was Xehanort really beaten? Does that mean that you finally get to rest? Finally, after 10 years? Your body ached in ways you hadn't even realized was possible. The battle had been the toughest thing you had ever done. You took a quick glance towards your friends. They all looked as beaten down and tired as you felt. Each and every one of them had fought their hardest. And they all had your respect for that. Especially Roxas, Riku, and Sora. Kairi too. They all had either little or no training, and they fought with ferocity. Like they were desperate to prove themselves. I turned to my other side, glancing at my old friends. Aqua, Terra, and Ven. They had all fought hard too. Aqua and Ven had been on a warpath to reunite our little friend group. You don’t think you had seen your friends that mad since… well ever. Definitely not any time before you had decided to stay in the room with Ven for the last 10 years. It felt absolutely wild to you that 10 years had passed since then.
Wow, maybe the adrenaline was talking but your thoughts were definitely going a mile a minute. And that became painfully obvious when the group broke off, milling about to check over themselves and their friends for any lasting injuries that hadn’t been healed or noticed before. Ventus and Terra were deep in conversation while Aqua started her way over to you. Now this brings on a silly little problem, which honestly after everything you went through kinda feels stupid. You had a big crush on the keyblade master. You had been hopelessly crushing on her since you were teens under Eraqus’s tutelage. You’d been meaning to confess and just get it over with, but it just never felt like the right time. She had either been busy with keyblade training, or she had just… not been alone. And by the light, if you were going to get rejected you definitely did NOT want an audience to your humiliation. 
The thing about a near-death experience is that it really puts things into perspective, and makes you realize you may not have time to wait until that elusive perfect moment. Maybe you should just suck it up and confess to her now? You made eye contact with Aqua and immediately felt any blood that had stubbornly stayed in your body during the war immediately rush towards your face. The other thing about a near-death experience is it makes you think crazy and stupid things that you should absolutely NOT do because it could destroy your friendships you quickly decided. 
Aqua made it to you within seconds. “(Y/n)..” she muttered, gently putting her hands on your face. Oh god. You could die right here and you’d be happy. “When’d you get this?” Aqua asked. You were suddenly aware of a painful sting on your forehead. Oh. You must have taken a hit in battle and not even realized it. You didn’t even get a chance to answer her before she was casting curaga. 
“Thanks. I appreciate it.” You told her. Okay come on (Y/N), you can do this. “Actually Aqua. I uh... Wanted to ask you something.” There, if you throw yourself in the deep end you have no choice but to confess. No chickening out. At least that’s what you want to believe.
“Oh, what would you like to ask?” Aqua asked, pulling her hands back. Her head cocked slightly to the side, making her hair cover her matching eyes slightly. Her gaze held such a softness in it, a stark contrast to the way her eyes had been just an hour ago, narrowed in the desperate analyzing way that battle called for. I was almost tempted to brush the hair out of her face, she’d probably let me. We had been friends for so long.
Friends. Focus. That’s what you were doing! “Aqua, I uh. I’ve been meaning to ask you something for a while now.” You started. You could feel butterflies in your stomach, twisting and turning. Why was this the most nerve-wracking thing you had done today? “Aqua I-”
Another thing about near-death experiences. They tend to bring into perspective how short life is. In other words, they tend to make you impatient. Maybe that’s why you didn’t get to finish that sentence before you were cut off.   “(Y/n), would you like to go out sometime?” Aqua suddenly blurted out. Even she seemed surprised by it. You must have looked incredibly disappointed at losing your chance to ask because she quickly backpedaled. “I’m sorry I just wanted to ask since I came back from the Realm of Darkness and it’s okay if you don’t want to.” she began to ramble “No, no it’s not that it’s just, I got so caught up in preparing to confess, and I was just about to, but then you beat me there!” you threw back your head in a laugh. Aqua’s shoulders quaked as she joined you, laughing yourself to tears. Seems like you weren’t the only one who had been waiting for the perfect moment.
“So I take that as a yes?” Aqua asked as her laughs stilled. She looked at you with such a softness, you immediately felt warm. You put your hands on her cheeks and paused, hesitating. 
“I uh… was about to answer with a kiss but, also I realize that might be moving too fast” you admitted, letting out a nervous chuckle.
You didn’t get a verbal answer to your question, as Aqua instead decided to move her head closer. She closed the gap and locked your lips, pulling you as close as she could. Time felt like it had stopped. The two of you were only aware of each other in the moment. 
You stood next to Aqua on the beach, laying your head on her shoulder. You grinned as you watched Terra, Roxas, and Riku charge past you. “I put 10 munny on Terra winning.” You said, grinning widely as you glanced at Aqua. Your girlfriend, (God that word sounded amazing. Like it was the perfect word to describe her. It just felt right) shook her head and grinned a little, though she was quick to correct her features.
“You know I don’t gamble,” Aqua said, lightly pushing your head off her shoulder. You stumbled for a minute at the loss of support. 
“It’s not like it's a casino,” you mumbled, following her as she walked towards the boys, now at the finish line of their race. Sure enough, Terra had won. From the corner of your eyes, you could also see Ven pull away from playing frisbee with Lea and Isa. Yeah, near-death experiences can make you have stupid and reckless ideas, but maybe, sometimes you get so caught up in your head, so caught up in what might go wrong. That you forget to stop and think about how an idea might go right. Honestly, you wish you had confessed sooner. You stood next to Aqua, slipping your hand into hers. You looked to the side and watched the sunset, feeling completely at peace.
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
sam and colby hell week review
finally sat down to write out all of my thoughts on hell week. i'm gonna break down each video, how i feel about them, rate them, and whether or not i would watch them again.
i also did one for last year so if you wanna see that, here it is.
i'm gonna also do some rankings and maybe a bit of comparison to last years, and what i would love for them to do in the future.
idk if this is gonna be super long or what, but feel free to skip around or just read the ending lol
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yorktown hospital: major positives of this video - the group that snc went with. i love nate and seth, and i think all of them together works so well. i think the backstory of this place is horrendous and breaks my heart to hear about all of the terrible things that happened. what i did find funny was that this was the way snc found out that the organized religion can be sinful lol like… did they not know that the church can be corrupt, or did they know and were just surprised? either way, i thought it was kinda funny. the jump-scares throughout this video (at least in the intro/history portion) were not my favorite but it's fine. they definitely put their all into this first video, that's for sure. i think this video was the beginning of showing that snc, for some reason or another, were gonna really be hamming up their comedy bits in these videos. i'm not sure why they felt the need to really go all in on the jokes. i think for this one it was… okay? but as you'll see later in my reviews, i don't think it flies most times. and i think this is the first instance of them (sort of) being told to leave. the stuff that they caught in the chapel, both the first time and the estes method time, was very interesting and creepy. ngl, chapels/churches creep me out… idk why.
so before i started writing my review i watched two witches react to this video, and they talked about trickster spirits playing around with snc a lot in this video. and honestly, i kinda feel like that's the case in some way or another. they also pointed out that sam always go for the darker questions like "are you here to harm us", "are you evil", shit like that. and i never noticed it before until now. and this will also be the umpteenth time i say this but sam, please, for the love of god… STOP TRYING TO CONNECT EVERYTHING IN THE MOMENT.
the hallway investigation was cute, if not a bit dramatic. and the solo investigations were interesting as well. especially with nate and seth and the fogging of the camera??? that was kinda creepy. overall, while they didn't get a shit ton of evidence, i think the general vibe of the video fit well for hell week, especially the start of it.
rating: 4/5
would i rewatch: sure :)
mcraven mansion: going into this video, i wasn't exactly excited. mostly bc i wasn't happy about the collab. like, i get that they were on todd and brett's podcast, but what do they have to do with ghost hunting? this kinda feels like a last minute type of deal, like they were supposed to film with someone else but things fell thru. maybe i'm wrong about that tho lol but, surprisingly, this video was pretty okay. i didn't getting annoyed as much as i thought i was going to. this was the shortest video of hell week, and it honestly felt like it too. but at the same time, it kinda dragged a bit as well. also, i'm trying to be more open about ppl randomly being psychic around them, bc i myself also get weird feelings from time to time and i know what it's like to be seen as crazy for experiencing what i have. however, it's really hard to take ppl seriously when they say things all of sudden. especially when it comes out of no where OR they're someone that's never had a paranormal experience before. evidence wise, i don't remember them getting a whole bunch. the door opening, that was kinda spooky. the rempod going off like crazy was also pretty cool. OH THE HOURGLASS. that was very interesting. they should do that more often, especially if they feel like a place or a room is trapped in a time period. and the connection between that opened spirit box section and the tour guide... now THAT is something i would love for snc to do (when they get an editor that can just do their whole video lol) bc if they could back thru their evidence later and either connected it to some history they didn't know or what, i think that would add a whole new level to their videos. honestly, going back thru this video, i didn't realize how much i liked it. but something about it felt really rushed or weird to me. it has potential, but not enough follow-thru. also gotta add it: the phone falling out of brett's pocket was not paranormal lmao
rating: 3/5
would i rewatch: maybe.
myrtles plantation: this video, highkey, was such a let down. i think the previous two were so good, especially for beginning hell week videos, and i expected this one to be a bit more solid. i had never heard of this place, so idk how haunted or not haunted it is. but i just feel like… nothing happened. i went into the video one way and came out the other side the same. i just feel very meh about this video overall.
the tour guide was very much… a tour guide lol idk how else to describe it, but she felt like someone trying to sell you on the place being spooky. and a side tangent, how come a lot of these videos don't have outros? or like, them talking about their night stay? very strange to leave out key details like that idk. the group that they were with, nate and amanda… yeah. i guess it worked. i'm always happy to see nate. and amanda is okay occasionally. this time around she wasn't up to her usual antics so i can appreciate that.
the reenactment…. why in god's green earth did snc do that, let alone leave it in? bc fun fact, they literally had a talk with their team before the video was posted about not including it. and i would love to know why no one thought to tell them that maybe it wasn't the most respectful thing to do. not only that, but it wasn't funny. so like… 0-2 there boys. the crystal that amanda gave colby was sweet, but knowing him he's not gonna use it to actually hone in his abilities. and the evil eye bracelets don't technically protect from evil spirits, just made mojo sent to you by humans, but it can't hurt you to have it so whatever. so the investigation itself was… fine, i guess. nothing too crazy. when they split off alone, that was where it got a bit interesting. sam was terrified, which always raises a red flag in me. bc while he can be jumpy or repeating "ooooh mmmyyy goooodddd" a lot, that doesn't mean he's scared. so when he actually is, it's a bit startling to me. the estes method with nate and amanda was actually pretty cool, i think that's where a lot of the evidence they got was the most compelling. and this is also the start of colby's audio being cut off. this happens like two or three more times and it makes no sense to me. idk if it's their camera (which is very possible) or if it's the ghosts, but either way, something doesn't want their conversation with colby to be known.
and the estes method with them all tied up around amanda was weird… but not in a paranormal way lol
rating: 2/5
would i rewatch: no :)
trans-allegheny: i liked this video a lot, both when i first watched it and rewatching to do this review. michelle was a great addition to the video. and while she was a bit jumpy, it honestly didn't bother me. i did find it funny that michelle is a badass compared to all the boys, yet she was freaked out the whole time. as for the investigation, again, this was one that fell a little flat, but i don't think it was snc's fault completely. for whatever reason, the ghosts were just not fucking around with them or their vibe. i know the hide and seek game wasn't exactly the best thing for them to do, or the hopscotch trigger event they pulled later, but i don't think they were super disrespectful to the spirits. but the voice they caught saying lily on camera and not in the evp recorder was very compelling. honestly that part was creepy as hell to me. the estes method with michelle... eh. i get she was scared, but this was the only time her jumping got a bit too much for me. also, it's interesting how whoever they were talking to didn't want them there at all. it kinda felt as if some bigger spirit wasn't allowing them to talk to who was actually there. it could be that or the spirits for whatever reason felt disrespected by them.
the hopscotch thing was.......... a thing. why do i have a sneaking suspicion that sam came up with this trigger event lol the hide and seek game was an interesting concept, i guess. props to michelle for hiding bc i would have said absolutely fuck no baby to snc. that voice box that they used towards the end was somehow way creepier than anything else in the video. i think cutting out the radio static makes whatever voices that do come thru all the more scarier. overall, while this video did feel like a filler, i wasn't upset about it. i think it was right on the line of fully fun investigation and filler.
rating: 3.5/5
would i rewatch: yeah
old washoe club: so by this point in hell week, i want the scariest, the creepiest, the overall terrifying-est videos snc can give us. halloween is approaching and i want to be spooked. and this video was… not that. i said earlier it was a bit of grower on me, and i can see myself liking it later down the line. and i do think that's the case to some degree. like i said earlier, i watched two witches react to their videos, and this was one of them. so now watching it for a third time just to do this review is not exactly sitting well with me since i still have the same reactions as i did before.
the place itself, honestly, doesn't seem haunted to me. maybe residual energy, sure, but nothing actually demonic or scary. or so i thought for the most part. when kris got scratched, that was really freaky. part of me is bit skeptical, bc i feel like it could have been her (bc snc saying "oh she can't even reach that part" is not believable to me lol all she had to do was stand up straight and i'm sure she could have) but i'll take their word for it that it wasn't her and it was something there that did that. i'm surprised at how well composed she was for this entire video. honestly, when she's not around celina, she does better with paranormal in my opinion. that's not a rag on celina, just an observation i have lol
i will say the only two places that gave me bad vibes was the crypt and the red room. the crypt was pretty weird, and the flashlight literally moving, plus turning on and off like four times while doing so, was very intriguing. and of course it would pick colby. but what i thought was interesting was that, yet again, the audio for him cut out. part of me, again, thinks it might be the camera. i know they have two nightvision cameras, so i wonder if one of them is busted. but then another part of me is like "they've used both before in other videos (literally even the previous one) and it didn't glitch on them that time so… what gives?" but i think my favorite part of the whole video was colby saying "i felt an innocent presence with me". now THAT'S the shit i'm talking about !!! seriously, colby does stuff like that, and it just makes me more excited to see his path going forward with the paranormal.
as for the rest of the video, it was fine. the trigger event this time around didn't feel insulting, so that's nice i guess. and personally, i'm starting to think that little kid spirits just don't exist. nothing they were getting on the spirit box/ovilus was child related. the sls stuff they got was kinda interesting, but also just felt like a glitch to me. but they should pull out that device more often. i think the crystal ball part was a bit… obtuse? like, i get it. they want to do something to open up their psychic abilities, but… maybe read up on it more and not just go out and buy a crystal ball lol and kris standing in that room by herself - props to her. you can just tell she was freaking out and was scared out of her mind. but she remanded decently calm.
rating: a very soft 3/5
would i rewatch: not for a while lol but yeah at some point
bell witch cave: i'm gonna say what everyone else is thinking - this should have been the finale. at least, it feels like a finale type of video to me. nonetheless, i think this was their best investigation by far. i think it was on par with the conjuring which is why it also felt like it should have been the finale. the team they were with - fantastic. love the four of them. i think collectively snc always get the craziest stuff with seth and josh (minus the pine barrens which i think is snc's worst video to date, tied with crescent hotel, but feel free to disagree). also, just noticed this now rewatching it, but when they're in the cabin and snc tell josh and seth that they plan to not use equipment first, josh and seth tell them they call that "quiet-game shit" which... is highkey hilarious for some reason lol so the knocking, while it is pretty scary (and probably scarier in the moment), i always wonder if it's just the old ass houses they are in doing that. it's hard for me to wrap my head around a spirit being so strong enough to kill a man, but not strong enough to appear and speak, but instead resorts to knocks? idk. but regardless, i think them being freaked out is what freaked me out the most. bc you can tell when they're all genuinely scared versus hamming it up for the cameras.
but i have to note, that colby saying "in 2021, when we did queen mary, it almost feels like time didn't even go by at all and we're in like the ship for some reason." ....can someone check on him? please? bc that's a bit concerning. but also i need him to elaborate on that thought. do you mean that time feels a bit frozen to you? or was it just in the queen mary itself? or is it even now? bc all of those questions don't exactly lead to the same conclusions.
them using an actual witch to cleanse themselves.... round of applause for finally doing what we've been telling you for FUCKING YEARS TO DO. the onvoy glitching a bunch was pretty interesting, but i still have some issues with that device. but either way, it was confusing as to why that was happening. the cave itself was very spooky. something about this was way more creepier than even the catacombs they went to last year. something about the energy of that place is off. all of them going in and taking polaroids was actually a pretty interesting idea. and i think the execution was awesome and kinda terrifying. the fact that the camera just wasn't taking pics of colby..... immediate chills for me. also sam being that scared, again, spooks me more just bc of how serious he gets. both of their polaroids were weird as hell. it honestly looks like to me that there's a figure behind colby, but it's hard to tell bc of how warped the pic became. seth and josh hearings voices was freaky too. and you could tell they were legitimately scared by them. but i find it interesting that seth and josh's photos weren't all that weird looking. the final part was a bit all over the place, again - probably bc sam likes to connect everything together in the moment instead of just... letting it happen naturally, but i think the conclusion was overall pretty well.
rating: 5/5
would i rewatch: yes
winchester mystery house: i think a lot of us were kinda going into this video not excited, bc we know the dynamic kris and celina have. i know i wasn't excited about this video, and especially bc it got uploaded so late that it basically was on halloween, so i wanted something scary. conjuring level.
that's not what we got, but i was pleasantly surprised by this video.
but i do gotta talk about the negatives: the medium, the one present with them, was… idk. something about her felt fake. sorry. especially when she honed in on celina and said "oh you see dead ppl" which like…. what a convo starter. also telling her she needs to love herself and see herself the way others do or whatever. that was sweet, i'll give you that. but like, maybe don't include in the video, boys. it's not connected to the investigation so move it along.
the guides this time weren't as annoying as the last time, if i remember correctly. they didn't seem to be trying to get you to believe the place is haunted, just that there have been some strange stuff going on. i will say tho, this house to me has not a single spirit in it. idk what it is, but nothing about this house feels haunted at all. it feels peaceful in a way, but not haunted. also when they talk about the doors that lead to no where or the stairs that do that, all i can think is there was an earthquake there. shit that once existed does not anymore. maybe that's why shit doesn't make sense layout wise. especially the one door that leads to the outside. clearly there used to be a deck there that isn't there now.
i think this time around the empathy that they have for sarah is a really nice change of pace. i don't think last time they were disrespectful, more so that they just believed that hype of the legend of her being a crazy woman.
the numerology, while i know some of you don't believe it, is what (to me) saved this video from being ass. i think regardless of how you feel about it, it's very intriguing to see how the numbers relate to snc. kris and celina's, gonna be honest, i don't know them well enough to really say one way or another. but snc's numbers are the most interesting to me. so sam's being the guide makes perfect sense, i think. would i say he's colby's guide? maybe yes maybe no. i think sam definitely helps colby a lot figure out what he truly wants to do and has directed him down a really good path in life. i think they mesh well together in a lot of ways. and i think sam's more logical/cynical side gets balanced out by colby's more positive/dream-like side. sam said it once before, that his favorite attribute about colby is his smile bc he always just makes everyone else happy and that is 1000% RIGHT. as for colby's number, i mean… is it suprising to anyone? seriously, i recommend you read up on number 11s and see how much really connects with colby bc highkey some are just spot on.
if anyone wants to know mine, i'm a 2 :)
but back to the investigation portion - while i don't know how much i believe in celina's abilities, i do think she definitely feels things regardless. and that in itself kinda proves she has some ability. i think evidence wise, they didn't catch all that much. the voice they heard, them seeing things possibly, celina following who she thought was sarah… it was sort of compelling, sort of meh. again, the thing that stood out to me was the numerology stuff.
and as for them going thru the house on their own, the audio cutting off on colby AGAIN is insane to me. how is that possible??? and sam being fucking terrified for some reason was really strange to me. his spirits were high all night, but the moment he thought he saw something, he was about ready to shit himself. i'm concerned for him and the way he jumps from borderline cold towards the paranormal to scared shitless. he should really work on finding a middle ground and centering himself when he does get scared.
rating: 3/5
would i rewatch: possibly, but most likely only for the numerology stuff
overall rating of hell week: 3.5/5
wouldn't you believe it: i'm basically giving the same rating to hell week as i did last year. bc i realized this half-way thru hell week - both seasons of hell week are like any other season of snc. they just give it a better title. bc think about it, take last year's hell week. everyone i've come across has said that last years was so much better. if that's the case, take out the conjuring finale….. is it really better than what we got this year? bc i don't think so. i think both are on par with one another. hell technically, i did the average score for both hell weeks and this one ranked higher, but by like .01 percent. so that's what i mean. both hell weeks are fine. but they aren't spectacular. snc have a better chance of filming a one off scary-ass video than they do planning to film a scary video.
to quote myself from an ask not too long ago: i honestly feel like both hell weeks were average at best. the only reason the first one felt crazy was bc it was first. also, snc hadn’t been doing all paranormal last year. they started 2021 out with 25x25, then stopped bc it wasn’t gaining views, did paranormal for a hot minute, went to chernobyl, and then did hell week. there had been a long enough pause between content, and i think them going back to the conjuring, alone, added to hell week feeling special. but in reality… it was basically the precursor to what they ended up doing this year. it just felt cooler back then.
here are some things that i would love for snc to do in the future, for both hell week and any other seasons they plan to do:
please, for the love of god, stop freaking out so much. take it down even one notch, and i swear the content will be better.
sam, stop talking over every estes method. stop trying to connect everything WHILE it's happening. do that later, or when the estes method is over.
colby, go to a psychic or witch or something and start reading up on your abilities. i NEED you to be more empathic lol
do at least one investigation per season solo. if you want someone with you in the beginning, sure. but go alone, with just the two of you. bc that content is fire regardless of what you get.
use the sls camera more.
if you can find a way to let us hear what the spirit box is saying during an estes method, that would be awesome.
find a way to go back thru videos after you've filmed them and see if things are connected that you didn't realize before.
maybe tone down the hyping up of every video bc then it ends up being a let down when it isn't the best
if you do hell week again, you gotta post the videos from creepiest to scariest bc otherwise it just ends up feeling a bit mish-mashed
there's probably other stuff i could add, but i'll just let them focus on this lol (as if they'll ever see it)
i genuinely enjoyed hell week, and i'm excited to see what the future holds for snc. i don't see them getting worse, so everything can only go up from here.
ranking of the videos
bell witch cave
yorktown hospital
winchester mystery house
washoe club
mcraven mansion
myrtles plantation
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