#this tag is basically my process report that i will hand in with the diss at the end of the project so
stargir1z · 2 years
Tumblr media
the hologram: a peer to peer social technology of care
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stargir1z · 2 years
test structure
thesis: How does piracy function as a form of pedagogical caretaking for young women on Tumblr?
a. net/work
SCENE. explain how tumblr works as a landscape and how it feels to navigate and contribute to that landscape. explain what a #ref list is and how it relates to deleuze, wark on rhizomes, decentralization, nomadology.  
main question answered: how does tumblr as a space distribute information?
b. pirate feminism
CHARACTER. use cyberfeminism, technofeminism, xenofeminism combined with the character of the girlblogger and her nomadic nature to construct the image of girlblogger as pirate. draw also from hakim bey for aes imagery. 
main question answered: how do young femme tumblr users use that informational landscape to nurture themselves?
c. conclusion
COMMUNITY. the piracy on tumblr functions as pedagogical caretaking by allowing knowledge to be re:haraway, situated. girlblogger piracy does not claim to have an official rulebook. not only are its posts are subjective, but the subjectivity itself is intrinsic to the information that is relayed. piracy here is a curatorial act, a self-unfolding, and a way to relate to others without the time, attention, power constraints of irl peer groups. the affect-based community is like a watery atomism that lets the girl go rogue. use survey answers as a plateau here. 
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