#this started with me being like hmmm i'm sure i could be able to get a wrathful illustration out of the scorpion ablaze imagery
digisurvive · 1 year
Scorpion moments: Survive and (self) sacrifice.
As we learn during moral’s endgame stretch, the Survive antagonists’ goal to sacrifice the children was with aims to preserve their world. The potential deaths of the children are, then, purported to have a benefit for an alleged greater good, something that we will see more of in different moments of the game.
Selflessness and virtue. 
The idea of self-sacrifice as noble is something most will be familiar with, but for this meta I wanna discuss Survive’s take on it as contrasted to The Night of the Galactic Railroad (the movie, since I haven’t read the book), given it’s a story that’s pretty ubiquitous in Japanese pop culture, but moreover, deals heavily with ideas about self-sacrifice.
As some of you might know, The Night of the Galactic Railroad (NOTR, onwards) has as centerpiece the self-sacrifice of the protagonist’s (Giovanni) best friend (Campanella) when he jumps into a river to save someone who had fallen off a boat during a festival night. His self-sacrifice is seen as the ultimate act of selflessness and key to reaching the path to happiness. This virtuous read on it is further reinforced through the fable of the scorpion presented in the story:
“"My father told me its story: A long time ago in a field there lived a scorpion that ate other bugs by using its tail to catch them. Then one day he found himself cornered by a weasel. Fearing for his life, he ran but could not escape it. Suddenly, he fell into a well and, unable to climb out, began to drown. He started to pray then, saying:  ”‘Oh, God. How many lives have I stolen to survive? Yet when it came my turn to be eaten by the weasel, I selfishly ran away. And for what? What a waste my life has been! If only I’d let the weasel eat me, I could have helped him live another day. God, please hear my prayer. Even if my life has been meaningless, let my death be of help to others. Burn my body so that it may become a beacon, to light the way for others as they search for true happiness.’ “The scorpion’s prayer was answered, and his body became a beautiful crimson flame that shot up into the night sky. There he burns to this day. My father was telling the truth…”
The scorpion had been someone deeply selfish on account of only being able to sustain itself by taking away from others, yet when its moment to give back came, it cowered and his death was nearly futile— wasting on a well without being of help to anyone; it only redeems itself through asking to be set ablaze so it can be of use to others. The throughline of self-sacrifice as something that gives both your death and life meaning by granting you a legacy in benefit of the people you leave behind is clear.
Redeeming one’s self.
One of the earlier examples of self-sacrifice popping up in Survive’s narrative is when Shuuji is negotiating with Arukenimon— the latter offers Shuuji the chance to get everyone back home at the small price of offering up a sacrifice. Given that this aligns with their ultimate goal and would presume the ultimate greater good for the group, Shuuji considers the offer seriously. Yet, the only answer he can consider as appropriate is to give himself up as the required sacrifice.
Arukenimon implies it’s because he wants an escape from the situation, since “his sense of justice isn’t anything special”. While it’s not entirely untrue Shuuji was in such utter despair even death seemed like a respite from his suffering, it’s also not entirely accurate. Shuuji choosing to act based on what he considers will be best for the whole group is consistent even before he rectifies his behavior. His big fight with Kaito in part 4 is rooted in him placing the safety of the group above the desires of a single individual. Similarly, his reluctance to go to the waterways is not founded solely on his risk aversion but this mentality of seeking the greater good. This propels Shuuji to offer himself up, as the dead weight of the group.
Even though Shuuji reacts in deep anger upon the suggestion he should be left behind when the group is about to venture into the waterways— because it’s implied he’d be in the way and he’s desperate to prove himself— his self-perception fully aligns with the idea he’s worthless, as he openly cries about when fused with Wendimon. Shuuji’s desire to redeem himself to the group is laid out in explicit terms in his Perfect evolution dialogue, where he talks about wanting to be able to stand side by side with the others.
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[Image ID: dialogue log between Shuuji and Lopmon. It reads:
Shuuji: I’ve just been a burden on everyone up to now… I have to make up for it, or else…
Lopmon: That’s not true… No one thinks of you that way, Shuuji.
Shuuji: This is something I want. Confidence to stand side-by-side next to everyone, with pride. It’s not about what the others think—or my dad, even. I want my own approval.]
However, we get more hints to him desiring to be someone valuable to group in the vanilla route, too. He often expresses to Takuma his deep embarrassment and guilt over the fact Takuma has to do a lot of heavy-lifting to keep the group together. He’s acutely self-aware he fails as a leader, as he often fails to stay level-headed and respond properly to the crises in front of them, which is reflected in his constant lamenting about Lopmon contributing nothing and the consequent berating. 
These intense feelings of worthlessness and desire to be useful then place his desire to self-sacrifice as a way to be able to contribute to the group. It’s of note that, in the end, that self-sacrifice never came to be, and his death is ultimately caused by him succumbing to the most pernicious extremes of his anger and drowning in his unresolved trauma and suicidal ideation. The ideal of self-lessness he wanted to aspire to isn’t something he can achieve through death but through staying alive, owning up to his mistakes, listening to the others and working to take care of them with kindness.
The meaning of one’s life.
As we learn during the start of Wrathful’s part 9, Saki is someone who deeply struggles with her sense of belonging. She laments that she fought with her friends right before camp and—with her worries about death at all time high due a looming surgical procedure, as well as the general worry over her illness— straight up states that “If someone like me disappeared, I doubt anyone would miss me…” Although she jokes about it at the start of Truthful’s part 11—when they're talking about separation and she "jokingly" makes Takuma promise not to forget hee— it's clear she fears dying and leaving nothing behind for people to remember her by. 
This can be partially related to the scorpion’s regrets as its about to die: because of her constant social fallouts, Saki is deeply socially isolated. During the waterways event, when the kids are faced by duplicates of their partners that reflect their innermost fears and anxieties, we learn Saki worries about how much she troubles others and how selfish she is —which is very loaded in the context of her chronic illness, a detail the game most blatantly hints at during this passage.  She also worries about living one’s life to its fullest (giving one’s all to whatever they set their sights to) and being able to move freely and truly do what she wants (very apparent during her dialogue at the cafeteria and at the amusement park in Wrathful’s part 9). Saki doesn’t want to die, that much is a given, but she doubly doesn’t want to die after having a meaningless life, both on a social sphere and with regards her own personal accomplishments. She resents the idea of a wasted existence that’d lead her to be forgotten once she dies.
This plays into her motivation to run off her own: at first, she's paralyzed by fear and unable to move. This perceived cowardice of hers is part of her avoidance coping that has led her to postpone her medical care and also makes her unable to address things directly. During her Wrathful flashback, she states she hates this about herself and longs to change it. Inspired by Miu's determination to use her fear over losing others to spring into action and save her brother, Saki decides to follow her example to do what she's wanted to: help others, broadly, but more especially save all the young digimon at the park. She longs to do something meaningful with her existence and to improve herself through this selflessness, even if it costs her everything. 
This willingness to take such extreme risks is partly rooted in her own self-depreciation. When Aoi wants to call the rescue off due to the thickening mist, Saki refuses to give up and states Aoi should go back to safety— Aoi is their all important leader, after all. Saki wants to be remembered and be meaningful to the world, but the baggage of her intense social alienation propels her to her death in Wrathful. Her willingness to self-sacrifice is there from the get-go of the scenario and it informs her stubbornness to take on great risks, which eventually comes to a head in the tug-of-war deciding her death. Judging her death inexorable, she decides to let go of Aoi's hand in order to protect everyone. 
A life like the scorpion.
NOTR's protagonist, Giovanni, is a boy in an unfortunate situation. His father is often away as a sailor, but this time it seems he might not come back at all— if his classmates teasing about his father being in jail is to be believed. Without him, his household situation is precarious. More so because his mother is sick; so even if they receive some help from Giovanni's sister in the form of prepared food sent to them, Giovanni still works for pennies at a local printer and fulfills a lot of household errands after school. This alienates him from his peers, cutting him out from his opportunities to socialize. You could say Giovanni's life involves a series of recurrent, small sacrifices for the sake of his mother and his own well-being. Giovanni doesn't resent his family nor his life, but he does begin the movie deeply disconnected from the world and life itself. After being given the opportunity to spend a last night with Campanella and see him off, Giovanni is inspired to follow Campanella's selfless example. He's able to make peace with the sacrifices and work he does under the lense of being like the scorpion— because he's helpful and aids his mother to live longer, Giovanni gains a connection to life itself and sense of purpose. 
Aoi's life before she went to camp could be said to be akin to Giovanni's — she goes the extra mile in all aspects of her life because it's something that is beneficial and contributes to society. She says as much in her prequel story: she takes on the extra work others foister on her because it's good to be helpful. She's someone whose sense of purpose is deeply tied to other people. Her Moral shadow event reinforces this through her own assertions that helping people in need (acting in accordance to her sense of Justice) and being relied on by her friends is what gives her the courage to move forward. This is remarkable because through the course of the game she struggled deeply to assert herself and act decisively, especially if her desires contradicted social rules and order. Her deep sense of responsibility towards others is one of her main driving forces, for better or worse. 
Yet, despite her disciplined selflessness, Aoi begins the game similarly disconnected from her peers and her sense of purpose. One of her affinity dialogues in part 5 has her asking Takuma just what she means to the group. She deeply resents the idea of being seen as the class president who other people can take advantage of, and sees herself as too much of a side-character, weak and indecisive, to be able to play a proactive role in the group. The fact of the matter is— no matter how helpful her work is, she doesn't enjoy being overworked, especially not when it's stemming from others' selfishness, as we see her rant about after the group fights her a second time as Plutomon. 
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[Image ID: Plutomon dialogue log that goes as follows:
Plutomon: I hate it when people are selfish, when all they do is complain and put everything on me! Why is it always like this?! So what if I’m class president? Why do only I get lectured? It’s not like I ever wanted to be in charge! I hate dealing with people! I can’t do it! But that’s how it turns out, whether it’s in class, after school, or here! Still, someone has to do the work, and if not me then who? That’s why I do these things!”]
The game takes this idea further— not only does she deeply resent the thankless work forced on her, it's not healthy nor fair for her to have to shoulder it all. The idea of her needing to trust the people around her and delegate her workload is seen both in affinity dialogues for Moral and Truthful as well as part of the main story in the form of her shadow moral event.
Survive's narrative continually rejects self-sacrifice or extremist behavior, always striving to present an idealist sense of balance between individual and community, which will be hard to strike and fraught to maintain but ultimately worth it. This is further reinforced during Wrathful. Just as the light of the flame from Campanella's self-sacrifice guides Giovanni forward and changes his worldview, so is Aoi moved to change through witnessing Saki's selflessness. Initially, it's not something that is twisted, as it moves her to be braver and more decisive during their rescue efforts. Watching Saki push through her fear and be true to her ideals prods Aoi to reflect on her own behavior. She laments her own inertia born out of her strict adherence to rules and risk aversion. She wishes to be truly kind and bold enough to stand behind her words and actions the way Saki does. This admiration arguably drives her positive growth in other routes; however, her intense attachment to Saki takes on an awry turn after her death. 
Saki's self-sacrifice decidedly doesn't propel Aoi to value life and the impact her actions have on others more, but it sends her spiraling into the complete corruption of her own ideals. She repudiates all behavior she deems as selfish and irresponsible, as evidenced by her desire to mold the world to her own image and uphold the standard of behavior and ethos she stood for all her life. Her corruption arc is intrinsically linked to her lack of kinship and connection to her community, something that Saki's death exacerbates.
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latherinhoney · 1 year
kinktober 2023 day 5 - stuff me full
(jake - enhypen)
genre: (non - idol au)
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warnings: (18+), (hard smut), (breeding kink), (pregnancy kink), (mentions of jake wanting kids), (creampie), (soft dom jake) (pet names)
1.5k words
a/n: day 5 of kinktober! again sorry for the late post but I knocked out last night 😭 but I had alot of fun writing this one so I hope you enjoy! And as always feel free to send in any requests :)
Jake absolutely adored the fact that you and him would eventually have kids someday. Seeing little copies of one another running around made his heart swell and he knew you'd make a great mother as well. He couldn't wait for the day when his little family formed.  
"Babyyy"  Jake whined to you trying to get your attention while you were both getting ready for bed. 
You let out a small sigh laughing at how he always gets like this when he wants something. 
"What's wrong honey?" you ask him, turning around so that you could face him. He looked so cute with the slight pout forming on his lips that you just wanted to pepper his face in kisses. 
"When are we going to start our own family?" He asks shyly "We've been together for a long time and I always see other people looking so happy with their little families and I want the same for us" he confesses. 
This caught you by surprise, you never knew that Jake had been feeling this way. I mean sure he loved playing with kids especially his nieces and nephews. You saw the way he looked while playing with them but didn't know he wanted that for yourselves. 
You'll admit though, that you didn't think you were exactly ready to start a family yet but the way Jake's face lit up talking about you guys having your own kids made you want to give him five on the spot. 
"Hmmm I don't know yet baby" you tell him nervously "I don't know if we're ready for that yet, what if it's not like what we expect or what you expect?" you ramble to Jake, starting to feel slightly worried now. 
"Shhh it's okay princess" he whispers as he grabs your hand, rubbing his thumb over it and placing a kiss on your forehead. "You'll be a great mom and you know why? Because you're already a great wife and there's no one else I can imagine being a perfect mother other than you" he reassures you by combing his fingers through your hair. 
"You really think so?" you ask, feeling your worries start to ease. "I know so" he whispers, placing a kiss on your lips.
 He deepens the kiss and you kiss him back harder. He's caught slightly off guard. 
"Mmmh fuck princess, if you kiss me like that I won't be able to hold myself back" he pants out, looking at you.
 He takes you in, how pretty you look before going to bed and thinking how sweet you are to him. You're the best wife he could have, how could he not want to have kids with you? Wanting to stuff all his cum into you, to the point it starts dripping out knowing that he'd for sure get you pregnant. 
"Fuck you make feel like I'm floating" Jake breathes out, breath getting heavy. "I need you so bad right now princess" Jake whines pulling you back in for another kiss 
You can tell he's starting to get turned on. Finding it really cute when he's practically begging for you. You continue the kiss turning from sweet to hot and heavy. He pulls away, saliva disconnecting from both of your mouths as he licks it away. 
"Lay on your back princess, I can't take it anymore" he commands, pulling the blankets to the side of the bed and plopping you down onto it. You adjust yourself on the bed, shifting into a more comfortable position as Jake is already taking off his pajama pants. As he slides them off you can already see the bulge on his boxers, your body shuddering at the sight. 
You can tell he's desperate by the way he's trying his best to take off his clothes as fast as he can. He then slides off his boxers, cock slipping out already stiff and leaking. 
He rushes over to you and spreading your legs open. 
"Oh fuck my princess looks so pretty for me, I can't wait to stuff you full of my cum, so much that it starts leaking out" he grunts out. It caught you off guard seeing his dominant side come out as he usually is nothing but a sweetheart. You couldn't help as his sudden aggressiveness turned you on and couldn't wait any longer for him to start fucking into you. 
"I'ma make my baby feel so good" he says taking off your shorts, underwear included. 
He groans at the fact that he can see your pussy clenching around nothing, ready to take him in. He grabs his cock, teasing you but sliding it up and down your slick pussy. 
"Hmmhm fuck Jake" you beg "Stop teasing and put it in already" you muster out gripping the sheets already. 
His head is spinning, flustered with the fact that he's finally gonna be able to stuff you full and breed you to his heart's content. He grabs his cock lining it up with your entrance. He slowly pushes the tip in, gasping at how fucking good it feels. He could feel the slight pressure of your pussy tightening around his tip making him go insane. 
He slowly pushes the rest of his cock in, making you gasp at how full he was making you feel. He moans at how fucking tight you feel around the rest of his cock, starting to fuck into you. 
"Fuck princess this pussy of yours is so tight, I don't know how much longer I'ma last" he grits his teeth continuing to slide his cock in and out of you. 
Your head is spinning, moaning as he fucks into you at a brutal pace. He feels so fucking good especially the way his cock is pushing up against your sweet spot, your head lolling back everytime he hits it. At this rate you didn't know how much longer you would last. He slides out for a quick moment to put your legs over his shoulders to fuck into you at a better angle. He slips his cock back in, both of you moaning at him re-entering you. 
With this new angle, Jake was directly hitting your sweet spot, the feeling in your stomach growing tighter and tighter. 
"Fuck gonna cum soon" you moan out "fuckfuckfuck c-cumming" you yell out arching your back from the bed.
The tightness from you cumming was clamping down on his dick sending him over the edge. 
"Oh fuck mmh cumming princess" he grunts out placing a hand on your stomach. 
He groans as he keeps his hand on your stomach to feel himself release inside of you. Thick ropes of his cum filling you up as you continue to ride out your high on his cock. 
"Hgnn fuck Jake" you whimper as you come down from your high. Jake still fucking into you to make sure he stuffs you full with his semen. 
"Mhhh fuck princess, I'm going to breed you so good" he moans "fill you up so good, stuff you full of my kids" he says applying more pressure onto your stomach with his hand. 
"Jake, stop please mhm sensitive" you plead out but he ignores you, and continues to fucking into you, making sure to release every last drop of his cum inside of you. He finishes riding out his high and pulls out of you watching his cum slowly drip out from your pussy. His head feels dizzy, watching the scene in front of him unfold, you still whimpering from the overstimulation meanwhile your pussy clenches around nothing dripping out his seed. 
"Fuck princess, I can't hold myself back with you" Jake pants out grabbing his cock and slipping it back inside of you again. Your body breaks into goosebumps from the feeling of him slipping back into you. 
"Jake please" you beg "give me a moment" 
"I can't" he continues pounding into you "Not when you look like this" thrusting deeper into you. 
He's desperate, his mind is being overtaken by the sole fact that he just wants to breed you. Fill you up so good that you'll be pregnant with his child by the time he's done with you. 
"Mmhmm coming again" he whimpers cumming into you for the second time tonight. Your mind has turned into mush at this point, overstimulated all you can do is just lay there and keep moaning out. 
"Fuck this pussy of yours feels too good, and it's all mine" 
Once he finishes he pulls out again, seeing how much more he stuffed you this time. Your body trembling, begging for no more but again he slips back into you and continues for multiple more rounds. 
"Fuck princess" he groans out slipping out for a last time. Watching the multiple rounds of his cum leak out of you. He leans over you to place a kiss on your forehead "you did so well for me" 
He places his hand back on your stomach again. Rubbing your stomach, pleased with himself at the fact that he stuffed you full of his seed. 
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marycorcaroli · 1 year
sub!luffy x fem!reader
dom!fem!reader with sub!luffy? hmmm..
req ♡ : sub!luffy getting fucked silly by another captain of a rival crew who's also trying to find the one piece, and luffy being all needy and stupid.
mary ♡ : thanks for the request and sorry if it was too long ! 💌 i hope you enjoy everything, i tried really hard ! love luffy too much <3
english is not my first language, i apologize for my mistakes ♡
rules ; masterlist
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your hips keep pounding against luffy's thighs, ignoring his pleas to stop, because he can't cum anymore, but can he? his cock is throbbing inside you, and legs are trying to pound into you themselves to fill you all over.
"y/n, please make me feel good, only you can do that, ah-h" luffy tried to say something intelligible, but nothing came out, it felt too good that his brain refused to think. he didn't remember how many times he had cum, three, four or five? you clouded his mind, he could only think about you and your soft cunnie that was so right for his big cock.
you picked up your pace with each passing second, realizing that you were close to orgasm, but it wasn't your plan to show that to luffy, you just needed a map and some information about the one piece, but instead you were bouncing on some strange boy whose cock surprised you as much as he did.
"your body was made for me, wasn't it sweetie? i know just what to do to make you cum like you've never cum before, hehe." your lips descended on luffy's nipples, leaving wet kisses on them and lifting up to his chin "just tell me anything i want to hear and i'll even let you cum inside me, isn't that a gift, darling?"
when you stopped you felt luffy's hands grasp you sharply and his eyes became glassy, he started to cry and tried to make you resume your pace, but you continued to sit and wait for the answer to your question, running your finger over the places where you had left your marks for everyone else, with your claw you left the name of your team, that's how everyone would know whose slut luffy really was.
he was your whore from the first moment you met him, at the bar, the night you sought out zoro and offered to join you, but he was a son of a bitch and left you to your own devices until a strange guy came along and tried to hit on you.
"you want zoro? join my team and he'll be with you all the time." his cocky grin threw you off balance, but it was time for luffy to get scared as your hand grabbed his cock through his clothes and began to massage it gradually.
"yes, i want zoro, but now i want to destroy you even more." your hot breath on luffy's neck gave him goosebumps, he was lost in space and didn't realize what was going on, but he knew one thing for sure, he wanted you to fuck him in the dirtiest way possible.
as you replayed the memories in your head, you didn't hear the pleading along with luffy's whimpering, he was like a little kid, but wanting your cunnie very badly.
"y/n? p-p..lease i'm.. begging you, s-start moving and i'll tell you everything you want, i'll let you get to the one piece, j-just, fuck it all out of me." his eyes were like puppy dog eyes, it was impossible to refuse them, but you didn't want to, did you? after all, when else would you have just an obedient boy who would do anything for your pussy.
your gentle palm touched his cheek and slowly traced down the whole side of his face, and your eyes stayed on luffy's eyes, you wanted to see how pathetic he'd become in just one night and you were the reason why.
with a quick motion you planted luffy and slowly began to move in time to his hips.
"you look great when you're begging for something, all sweaty and red eyed, i'm going to make you feel good baby, but after this you're not likely to be able to walk or think properly." throwing him back on the pillows and squeezing his fingers tightly, your pace began to quicken again, and luffy's moans grew louder and louder.
it was a delight to your ears, knowing that he was only like that for you, only you see him that way, but or not really....
you didn't notice zoro with his red cock in his hand, he was watching you and jerking off, but he also wants to feel himself inside you or luffy, he hadn't decided yet, but he knew that you and him could destroy luffy with your dirty words and endless orgasms.
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 7 months
My Favorite Pet
Tease Me (2)
BDSM Preformer!Fem!Reader! X subby! Wanda
Summary: You find yourself alone in bed, but that's okay because you can smell breakfast
Warnings: None! Here you all go have some fluffy morning after loving.
Word Count: 1,570
A/N: I promise pt 3 is going to be full of smut once more, but I wanted to explore their morning after.
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You woke up to the smell of bacon stretching out on your king sized bed. Your back is popping after a week of staying on Kate and Yelena’s couch. You fell asleep on the couch, right? Did Wanda move both of you in here?
You got up feeling cold from only wearing a tank top and shorts to bed, grabbing one of your throw blankets and making your way out to the kitchen to find Wanda there, swaying her hips to music as she made breakfast. You smirked and watched her for a moment before speaking up,
“Damn I could get used to this.” you startle her a bit with your voice, but she sees you smiling. You saw the blush on her face as you walked over, wrapping your arms around her waist and looking up.
“I tried waking you up earlier, but you refused so I figured I'd start making breakfast for you Mommy.” Her voice was so soft right now. You were an absolute menace to try and wake in the morning.
“You don't have to call me that outside of the club or the bedroom. Please just call me by my name.” you lean up on your tiptoes to kiss her.
“Are you sure? All my previous-” You cut her off before she can finish that sentence.
“Wanda. I'm sure.” you tell her putting emphasis on her name. “Outside those spaces you're Wanda and I'm Y/N. We are two people and not just our roles.” She simply nods and you kiss her again.
“Okay well Y/N I've made breakfast I hope you like bacon, eggs, and pancakes.” Wanda smiled and so did you.
“I love those things. I'll grab the juices and milk.” You untangled yourself from her grabbing out the pitchers for the two of you.
As the two of you sat and ate you talked about a lot of things and got to know each other better. Conversation with her seemed to flow easily between the two of you. You had never felt this way before. You were typically a guarded person especially after her though opening up didn’t even feel like you were. Instead it felt more like getting reacquainted with an old friend.
“So you have this place because of working at the club right?” Wanda asked looking around my spacious penthouse.
“Yeah Tasha helped me get it originally since it was close to the club and honestly I came from nothing. My parents were poor when I was a kid, but it was by choice. Neither of my parents wanted to work and didn't care that my brother and I were starving. I took care of my brother and raised him. He lived with me for a bit and still comes by, but he went off and became a businessman. He's climbed the ladder to almost being the CEO of the company he works for.” You’re reminded of just how different you and your brother turned out.
“You must be proud of him.” you smile, pushing around the little food left on your plate.
“I am. Sometimes I wonder if he feels the same about me.” You admit solemnly.
“I'm sure he understands that without you doing this he wouldn't have been able to be where he is. You paid for his college right?”
“Yeah through the fucking teeth…” you definitely didn't want to mention fucking the dean to get him in or lowering his tuition rates.
“Then I'm sure he understands. My brother on the other hand is just as bad as me. He creates, designs, and builds BDSM gear like beds and crosses and shit. He's really good at it and runs his own business with a couple of his buddies.” Wanda told you.
“Hmmm I'd love to meet him. I have a spare room I've always wanted to turn into a playroom.” Wanda blushed a scarlet red. You wanted to keep teasing her, but your phone was going off,
“Ughhhhhhhhh!” you picked it up quickly changing your tone, “Hi Tasha. You’re interrupting my breakfast so please make it quick.”
“Wow rude and here I thought you had a good night.” she responded, but you could tell she was smiling.
“Oh I did so good in fact it has continued into breakfast so again if you could make it quick.” I snip at her really not wanting to do this until later.
“Of course it has. Finally back on the horse I see. Well that’s good, anyways since you’re both there I expect to see you tonight.” you rolled your eyes.
“Of course you do. Were people asking for us?” you put the call on speaker.
“Of course they were. You two gave the best performance last night. You’re lucky I’m nice and let you keep all those tips. Most places would take some from you especially with how much you made last night.” you chuckled at her words. As tough as Tasha could be on you she was also soft; she knew you too good at this point.
“Well thank you Tasha for taking such good care of us. When will we be preforming tonight?”
“Opener and then a solo from each of you later in the night once aftercare is done let me know and we’ll work you in.” You could hear the sound of her typing in the background probably trying to figure out the schedule of performers for tonight.
“Okay Tasha. We’ll be there for 5.”
“Okay once your solos are done you’re free to go tonight because Friday I want you two to do multiple shows.” You groan a bit doing multiple shows was always hard for you. It takes a lot out of you to go from Dom to not to Dom again.
“Fine...” You replied reluctantly to your best friend. You knew she heard your tone, but chose not to call you out on it.
“Okay I’ll see you two tonight and I’m glad you found someone again Y/N/N.” You rolled your eyes. Trying to take the phone off speaker before Wanda could hear it.
“Yup kay bye.” You hung up, throwing your phone over onto the couch.
“What’s wrong Y/N?” Wanda asked concerned.
“Nothing amor. I just get frustrated sometimes. It’s not that I don’t like this job because I do. It’s the only thing I’ve ever known it’s just difficult for me sometimes. I have to get into the right headspace. Also I’m not going to lie doing more than one show in a night can be exhausting and I want to make sure you have a good time. I’ve just never been good with multi show nights.” Wanda reached across the table, holding your hand,
“Everything is going to work out fine because this time you’ll have me.” She was smiling, biting her lip as her nose scrunched up.
“You are absolutely beautiful amor. I am so lucky...” You let your words trail off. All Wanda is, is my stage partner, nothing more, and you feel yourself curl into yourself ever so slightly as you retract your hand.
You see her searching your face as to why you pulled away, “Sorry did I do or say something wrong?” Wanda asked and you felt a pit in your stomach.
“No, no meu amor. I just get stuck in my own head. I’m sorry. I have a lot going on with myself and sometimes I’m my own worst enemy. If I ever start pulling away just pull me back harder please?” Wanda is speechless for a moment. “I-if you want to that is you don’t-“ Wanda pushes aside her plate and then your own, climbing on the dining room table and making her way into your lap.
“I’ll pull you so deep you’ll be drowning in me and forget all your problems.” Wanda husked against your lips, making you lean up, chasing her lips for a kiss as she keeps pulling back until you’re whining,
“Wands...” You were pouting and looking up at her, “Please?” She smirked and finally let you kiss her, melting against her as you sighed into it. You needed this, you needed her. You need her? How are you so deep already? How did she do this to you?
“Hmmm?” You let your eyes flit open and look up at her.
“I’ve never met anyone like you, never had a partner like you. Before last night I thought everything I’d experienced with a Dom was normal...I don’t think...no I know I don’t ever want to go back to that. I know it’s a little forward of me, but would you please continue to be my dom as well as a partner I can rely on?” You reached up and cupped her cheeks.
“If we’re being forward then I’d like to answer your question with a question. I would like to be those things and more so would you be my girlfriend?” You ask, feeling so nervous until she crashes her lips into yours, her hips rolling against you, moaning out at the feeling as you grab her hips.
“Yes. Yes I’d love that.” She husks out against your lips and this is a moment you want to remember forever, every part of it. The sound of her voice, the faint smell of breakfast, her vanilla perfume, the way her lips taste and feel against you, the pressure of her hips and your nails digging into them.
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p1utofairy · 11 months
PAC: “one hit of your love addicted me. now i’m strung out on you, darlin’, can’t you see?” 🕊️🕰️✨📨
• what will your first love be like?
disclaimer ✩: take what resonates, leave what doesn't. i wanted to try something new by including edits but ofc tumblr is annoying and doesn’t let you post more than 1 video ugh. hope you all enjoy this though! love you much.
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hey pile 1 🎀 right off the bat i gotta say…your person could possibly give anakin skywalker vibes visually lolololol very tall, handsome and broody. i'm also thinking of jon snow from ‘game of thrones’ hmmm i think this just ties into the fact that your person is in their bag a good 85% of the time! they analyze and process their thoughts & emotions a lot, and this won’t change especially when it comes to their love and devotion for you. they are very intense and purposeful when it comes to love — there’s no faking it or forcing it. they say what they mean, and mean what they say. they hold themselves to a very high standard so i think they’ll be in their head a lot when it comes down to approaching you/courting you. they want to make sure that they’re doing and saying the right things…they want to make sure that you’re comfortable. they will prioritize you and take the time out to really get to know you! they don’t want to do the whole cliché “wyd” texts or just take you out to the movies. no, they want to be able to take you to places you’ve never been before & treat you to beautiful experiences that will stay with you forever. that’s how highly they think of you, pile 1! they think you deserve the best of the best and they will do everything in their power to give you just that. this person has been through a lot in their life and they’ve felt so alone and misunderstood. 9x out of 10 if they just got out of a relationship, their ex didn’t understand them or couldn’t match them emotionally. your person is big on “everything happens for a reason” so when you come into their life they’re going to feel so much joy and relief, it’s like you’re their saving grace. it’s that energy of — where have you been all my life? that scene of anakin and padmé in ‘star wars: attack of the clones’ on the balcony is coming to mind…the longing in their eyes before they share their first kiss. a lot of people may talk about y'alls relationship/how y'all got together. it's nothing scandalous…i just see people being infatuated? i’m picking up a lot of outside influences/opinions so just be careful of that…don't have too many people in your business cause i’m picking up that some of these people don’t have the best intentions and are secretly jealous. it’s giving very much “fan behavior” hm they might keep tabs or ask lots of questions about you and your person’s relationship…it’s weird. i think for some of you, you’ve been single for a long time, so it’s going to be a shock to a lot of people when you pop out with this person. once your person comes into your life you may start to notice multiple people show romantic interest in you and you’ll be like??? where tf were y’all at when i was single for ____ years?! LMFAOOOOO that’s hilarious but back to your first love, it’ll be beautifully intense. i see you giggling a lot, staring at your person with big starry eyes and a lot of physical touch between you two. it may not even be in a flashy way? i can just see you coming up behind them and placing a hand on their back to make your presence known…i see a lot of moments of them holding you in their arms and resting their forehead against yours — they’re looking at you with so much intensity…deep concentration and passion etched across their face and you just break out into this bright smile and they just melt. you look so innocent compared to them like there’s this light in your eyes that’s left their own a long time ago, but they feel so safe…so free to be themselves when they’re with you. you’re their heart, pile 1. i’m hearing that scene from ‘the bear’ when carmy tells sydney “i couldn’t do it without you. i wouldn’t even want to do it without you…” AWWWWEEEEEE.
via tnqkins on tiktok
other channeled messages:
who's that girl? by eve, shravana moon/rising, doe eyes, baby pink, curly hair, strong arms, yin & yang energy, younger/age difference, vishaka scorpio moon, hypnotic gaze, 10:10, mirroring each other, distinct cologne
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heyyy pile 2! you will NOT expect to fall in love with this person wow, your feelings for them will actually catch you off guard. this person is not your usual type and that's what's so intriguing about them…you’ll never know what to expect with them; they’ll keep you on your toes. i think that you keep repeating cycles or keep going back to someone who is no good for you, but once you meet this person there’s no going back. you’ll gravitate towards them like a month drawn to a flame lol you can’t fight these feelings even if you wanted to. you might meet this person through a mutual friend or meet them in a group setting, i see other people around you both as you talk and get to know each other. there’s so much warmth that this person radiates…they feel like home to you. a hug from them could fix your bad day, a kiss from them could make your heart skip a beat 🥹 and their smile?! to see them smile at you will give you an instant serotonin boost. this relationship feels divine…it feels fated. it’s giving “right person at the right time” like everything leading up to this connection will make so much sense once you’re actually together. some of you that chose this pile are quick to self-sabotage or cut off a relationship before you can get too emotionally invested. you’ve built these walls up because you’ve been through a lot of shit and you don’t want the extra baggage a relationship can sometimes bring, but it’s gonna be different with this person. you’re going to be so open to receiving their love and reciprocating it, there’s going to be such a healthy balance between you two. i’m hearing that this person is going to be a wish fulfillment, pile 2. this might be a long distance relationship at first — you might have to travel to see each other or you both will like to travel to different places together. they will value you so much! they will wine and dine you, surprise you with your favorite things and make sure you always have whatever your heart desires. they love you and they will have no problem showing that.
other channeled messages:
short king, sagittarius, bisexual, when harry met sally, opposites attract, capricorn man, matcha latte, boyfriend by big time rush, saturn dominant, west virgina, virgo/6H placements, ruby, freckles
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pile 333 🦢 whoa i'm already picking up that this is a love that only grows stronger and better with time; it ages like fine wine. WOW WOW WOW. i'm ngl i feel like this person is your divine counterpart…when i say you two are a match made in heaven — i mean it. you complete each other in ways that other people will never truly understand. there’s this unspoken love and desire between you two initially; i see you both stealing a lot of glances at each other, waiting for the other to cave in and say something…anything. you both want to close that space between you but don’t know exactly how to. i don’t think either of you has ever felt this way before about anybody 😮‍💨 this love is strong AF. it’s never a dull moment between you two, there’s always that underlying passion and spark ready to consume you both. i’m picking up that either your ex or their ex is going to be very envious of this relationship. they almost feel blindsided in a sense…they thought you were going to come back to them and give them another chance, so it's going to make them feel some type of way when they see that you’ve moved on. please be cautious of this ex pile 3…they don’t have good intentions at all and i pick up an obsessive vibe from them. we are blocking that all the way out 🧿 anyways! your person’s love language is more than likely quality time…they loveeeeeee spending time with you and stepping out of their comfort zone to try things that you like. there’s a solid friendship at the root of this connection pile 3…like not only is this person your lover, but they’re also your best friend wrapped into one. you will give them the key to your heart and vice versa. any other options or third party situations will be cut off/left behind because all you both can see is each other! nothing and no one can tear this relationship down because it’s built on such a strong foundation, you can see yourself with this person years down the line from now and they feel the exact same way. you’re home to them. i know this is your first love pile 3 but i wouldn’t be surprised if they popped the question 💍 — i'm just sayinnnnnnnnnn!
other channeled messages:
feel it by jacquees ft. lloyd & rich homie quan, la perla lingerie, just left a toxic relationship, rock the boat by aaliyah, air sign placements, 26, 111, lemon drop, leo, jaded by drake
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
Hey there Been binging your writing for the past 12 hours or so, have to say I am very immersed in it and adore it, thank you!
The way I've been viewing obey me dating is basically trying all of them out to see what I like best I keep thinking on nsfw moments where mc reaches climax, what would happen if accidently she calls out the wrong name? How would the brothers reacts? Dia?
Hello, anon!
Oh wow, thank you! I'm so glad you're enjoying my writing!
Well I have to say that I think most of the demons would be offended in some way at that.
It's funny because I've always thought about how aware the demons are that MC is essentially dating all of them. Like it's clearly something you can do and I always play the game that way, but they kinda just pretend it isn't a thing. Or they sometimes mention it, but there don't seem to be any repercussions?
So on the one hand, they might not care at all if they're all aware that MC is doing that and they're already cool with it. Well, I dunno. I think they'd probably still be a little miffed, but they might be able to let it go a little easier.
But in general, I think it might depend on which name MC calls out, you know?
For instance, you can be sure that Satan would lose his shit if MC called him Lucifer. He would be mildly annoyed about any other name, but if you call him Lucifer? Yikes.
Similarly, I think Diavolo would actually laugh if you called him Lucifer. He'd probably be like wow what a compliment! Anybody else and he'd probably be like hmmm I'm not super fond of that, but I forgive you because you're MC.
I think Lucifer would be mad no matter whose name you said. How dare you, MC. Can't you see that he is the one making you feel this good right now? You're gonna hafta make it up to him.
Mammon would pout. I think he might even develop some kind of complex about it. You would need to reassure him a lot to get him to feel better about it.
Due to being the Avatar of Envy, I really think Levi would also lose his shit about it, no matter whose name you said. Levi is normally very subby and anxious, but I think when his jealousy gets the better of him, he can get intense. Miiiiight go a little crazy with trying to make you orgasm again and again until you get his name right.
Asmo would laugh at first, but then he'd be offended. C'mon, MC! He's the Avatar of Lust!! How could you possibly even have room in your head for anyone else when you're with him, huh?? Forever after that, he'll only have sex with you in front of a mirror so you can't forget which demon you're with.
Beel would be confused and probably a little hurt, but he wouldn't get mad about it. However, if you called him Belphie, he wouldn't be upset. He'd be like oh did you want him to join?
Belphie on the other hand would be angry but in a quieter pissy sort of way. Like he'd start acting petulant with you. But similarly to Beel, if you called him Beel, he'd suggest having him join too lol.
Everybody but Diavolo would require some kind of apology and in the case of some of the more intense reactions, well... good luck lol!
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yakumtsaki · 2 months
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AND WE'RE BACK. My cancerous thyroid might have briefly cucked me, but now I'm about to cuck every goddamn semi-incestuous couple in this house. Isn't that right, Baby?
Exactly! Baby here is a parrot that Meadow rolled the want for and I was like sure, what problems could a parrot possibly cause?
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Um it should open automatically for you wtf?
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Ok Baby seriously why won't the doors open for you?
Alright then, clearly there's only one solution to this..
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-Um, what happened to the door?
Well, Baby was clearly a much needed addition to this house. Now, to the main event: an end to the Year of Sin!
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NOP, NEVERMIND, SPOKE TOO SOON, MUST DO THIS INSTEAD. We invite Good Witch over for Spice and she asks to bring a friend and it's FUCKING MALCOLM. LMAO. I simply have to, I can't resist-
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-Well well well, if it isn't the famous Malcolm Landgraab IV, the finest intergenerational concubine the world has ever seen!
-You were too much of a straggot to date my father, but I know you won't be able to resist the charms of the much better looking son!
-God, the conversation is just crackling with sexual tension!
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-So, Malc, I believe we should make out. Thoughts?
-Where are those fucking butterflies coming from?
-Your stomach? ;)
No, they're from the Good Witch, my bad y'all.
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After many, MANY hours of talking, Malcolm finally accepts a lame wolf whistle-
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-but our efforts are interrupted by Felina returning from class. WILL YOU GIVE IT A FUCKING REST FOR ONE DAY
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-Sorry kid, but if Malcolm Landgraab is to ever consider bisexuality, it will be for someone who can beat up his own sister.
Wtf kinda rule is that you freak?? You know what, just gtfo-
-NO. Stay here, Malcolm, I'd like to hear stories about you and great-great grandma Victoria!
-Oh wow, now that was a real woman. She could hold her liquor, she could whore around, she could beat up anyone.. No man could ask for anyone more feminine!
You are so right, Malcolm, the only one to ever do it better was Long John Silver!
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Ok seriously Barth is there a plan here, why are we wasting valuable time on platonic interactions with this loser?
-I just have a feeling true love will prevail!
What are you even talking about-
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OH FUCK YES TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE. Two Babies with one stone if you will!
Ya ok GROSS but finally we can put this behind us, 1 down, 200 more to go. Cyan go back to your other cousin-lover while you still can because I'm breaking you up too!
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-Don't have to tell me twice!
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What now, Barth.
-Nothing, I just keep forgetting I actually have two eyes.
Ya, you and me both.
-But now that I possess peripheral vision, I see there's so much to be done in this house.
You have set yourself on fire multiple times, please stop with the household tasks, that's why we have a butler.
-But he never actually does anything!
Yes well, his main job is to answer the door and we no longer have one, but it's still money well spent.
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Barth no offense but I think I'm ready for your next electrocution to take you out.
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-As am I!
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-And I!
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You could stop being Satan incarnate?
-No, there has to be a better way!
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-How about I sleep with the boyfriend of the only cousin in this house who doesn't already hate me?
Yes, absolutely, and please take another crack at fixing the dishwasher when you're done.
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fookingmuffins · 1 year
Strawberry kisses
James Potter x reader
Summary: Going camping with your friends and sharing strawberries with James.
Warnings: I'm pretty sure none.
A/n: I thought of this while eating strawberries and someone pls just get me a James potter ASAP 😭
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As the sun started getting ready to set, the stuffiness in the tent became unbearable, making you groan and finally open your eyes from your short afternoon nap. Everything was pretty quiet and knowing your friends you knew how suspicious that was so you decided to get up and open the tent. Squinting your eyes as the light hit them.
"Hmmm, has Sleeping Beauty finally awakened?" You groaned at James' remark in return as you crawled out of the tent and felt the cool afternoon breeze hit you. James chuckled at your response and put down the sketchbook he had been using in order to open his arms for you. Which you quickly made your way to in order to nuzzle your face in the crook of his neck, content to not have to immediately get rid of your grogginess.
"Where is everybody?" You asked after a while of still being too at peace in James' arms.
"They all went on a hike before it got dark." He said, rubbing your back as he picked up his book and pencil to continue his sketch of the camping site, it was beautiful.
"Why didn't you go?"
"There was no way I was leaving my Sleeping beauty alone." He replied matter-of-factly, making you blush.
After a little bit of watching him trace the lines and slowly bring more life to his sketch you stopped him and unwillingly got up from your spot making him raise an eyebrow, but before he could question you, you rushed to the food you had bought earlier grabbing strawberries and going to your bag to fish your secret Jar of Nutella and a fork.
When you returned, proudly showing James the goods in your hands with a huge grin, he couldn't help but return it. He once again put down his sketchbook and pencil, this time completely closing it, and you sat down in the gap he opened for you between his legs with your back towards his chest. Feeling his arms wrap around your waist and pull you impossibly closer as you laid your head against his shoulder, opening the jar and stabbing a strawberry and dipping it in the yummy chocolate. You pointed the strawberry towards James, and he immediately opened his mouth, taking the whole strawberry in one bite. You repeated the process and this time ate the strawberry yourself.
After a while, James squeezed your waist a little before groaning, "Hmm this is the life." The two of you were halfway done with the little basket of strawberries and the sun was setting. Everything around the two of you was surrounded by this golden glow that made your surroundings feel magical. A warm feeling settled inside of you, feeling like you and James were the only people in the world. Feeling the slow rise of his chest behind you and the way his hands traced random patterns in your thigh. You wanted to be in this feeling forever.
As you passed him another strawberry you accidentally moved the fork last minute and a little Nutella smudged on his cheek making him groan, and you couldn't help but giggle. Before he could clean it with his hand (he was planning on using you as pay back, but you didn't need to know that) you got up, turned around, and settled in your knees before you kissed his cheek where the chocolate was effectively cleaning it.
James froze, and you pulled away, looking at his eyes, just registering what you had just done. Before you could mumble a million apologies, James pulled you closer, locking your lips with his, still being able to taste the Nutella strawberries of each other.
"I've been trying to grow the balls for months to do that." James whispered against your lips as you two pulled away, trying to catch your breath.
"Trust me, I do." You both smiled looking at each other's eyes, basking in the little bubble the two of you had created. Before he pulled you in again, in his words, it was to make sure it wasn't a dream.
"You two cannot seriously be kissing already, when I spent the last two weeks planning the perfect way to get you two idiots to confess. Especially after I just spent two painstaking hours explaining it to this group of inepts." You pulled away from James to look at Sirius with crossed arms walking to you two, followed by all your friends, who seemed to be celebrating the ending of the painful pining they've had to see every day for the past year.
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teamskulladventures · 5 months
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✿ ⁺ 🎀‧₊˚🩹⋆ ✩ ✿ ⁺ 🎀‧₊˚🩹⋆ ✩✿ ⁺ 🎀‧₊˚🩹⋆
Current Pokemon team:
Sylveon, Gothitelle, Ribombee.
Female pronouns.
•Okay listen. . . When he first met you he really didn't know what to think, let alone say anything about you.
•That is not to say he wasn't curious about you.
•He's never met someone like you before, that's for sure, but for some reason he couldn't help but convince himself that you and him were complete opposites.
•He was also more concerned with beating you down then about what clothes you wore but thats besides the point.
•You and your poofy dress, with enough ribbons on it that you could probably tie a bow around the world and still have enough to complete your outfit. You didn't exactly look like a local.
•He had to laugh at the idea of you doing all these trials in this atire and here he thought he was bad for wearing a jacket in the Alolan heat.
•Well he shut up pretty fast when you almost destroyed his team with only three Pokemon to your belt.
•Emphasis on the almost.
•Yeah not the most well rounded team you still put up a decent fight with just your Sylveon, Gothitelle, and Ribombee.
•And here the "big bad boss of destruction" thought he was going to sweep the floor with you, but your ability to take him on and stand your ground brought something out in him.
•Guzma: *Tsk* I'll admit it you had me worried there for a bit. Your teams strong for being a bunch of "princess types", but not strong enough. If I see you around I might humor you for another battle kid.
•(Y/N): and what makes you so sure that I'm just a kid?
•Guzma: *Turning back around to face you*: Is that a serious question?! Have looked in the mirror today? Your doll costume isn't helping your case here dollface.
•As the grunts around him start snickering you couldn't help but bite back. You might dress in lolita fashion but mark your words you were not a doormat.
•(Y/N): . . . Oh . .oh I'm sorry. *you playful pull your hair back to hold your hand against your ear* Do I hear circus music?! Whats with the clown trying to lecture me on fashion or do I need to remind you that if it weren't for your MASSIVE ARMORED THING my beautiful Pokemon would have kicked your ass into next week!
•Guzma: Oh Ho HO! So the gal has some spunk in her? Listen princess your Pokemon would have never stood a chance no matter how much glitter you would have thrown at us. . *He leans in almost inches fron your face* so unless you're capable of showing what you bark out I suggest you's keep that pretty mouth shut. . . Although *he begins to walk past you* I will admit that it was an interesting fight for someone who dresses like a doll.
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•Over the following weeks you had gone back to Ula' Ula' Meadows to try and fight Guzma.
•Some days you were able to run into him but most of the time you resorted to fighting the grunts.
•They were no trouble considering a decent amount used dark types and sometimes their defeats would cause them to run back to their boss. If you waited and hour or two the boss man himself would appear to challenge you once again.
•Though the outcome was always the same given that a three on five Pokemon battle was hardly a fair fight.
•Guzma: Whats the deal huh? *Teasing* You got a crush on me or something?
•(Y/N): *Stern* Can it! You know why I'm here.
•Guzma: *Flustered* Well. . Shit Ha! I didn't except you to be the sensitive type.
•(Y/N): *Gritting teeth* I'm not sensitive. *sigh* I'm just trying to show you I'm not a doormat.
•Guzma: Never said you were.
•(Y/N): Well. .uh . hmmm. Do you want to keep fighting me or not? I mean if this is such a chore for you why do you bother humoring me? Don't you have a gang to run?
•Guzma: Woah woah woah! Easy this ain't an interview! Yeah I got my gang to run but getting the chance to beat you down does wonders on my image. Besides don't you have a trial to finish? Not that I'm encouraging that bullshit or anything.
•(Y/N): Whats it to you?
•Guzma: Tck. Fine don't answer.
•(Y/N): *dusting off some particles on your dress you tell him in a whisper* I quit alright.
•Guzma: *Whipping his head back to face you: Wait seriously?
•(Y/N): Whats the big deal? Isn't your crew of misfits made of nothing but quitters?
•Guzma: *playfully he holds a hand to his heart* Ouch! Thats low! And No! We ain't just quitters. . well. Ehh. Just whateve! We're quitters with a goal! A goal to take down that stupid Alola League and show everyone that these pansy traditions are nothing compared to pure strength. Whats your excuse?
•That wasn't easy to talk about. You barley knew the guy beyond battling and taunting. You weren't about to spill the beans on exactly why you quit.
•Guzma: Well?
•(Y/N): I . uh. Well. . shit. Um.  Look just not enough hard trainers is all.
•Not a complete lie. Most of the trainers were a cake walk especially that Kahunas kid and any of his friends he brought along the way.
•Guzma could tell you were holding something back but decided not to push his luck.
•Guzma: Mkay well *He nods his head as he walks closer to you*. I'm flattered that you felt the need to quit for me seeing as you must think I'm pretty tough to keep running back to.
•(Y/N): Ack!? *blushing as you punch his arm* don't phrase it like that!
•Guzma: Hahaha . . sure doll. Still Don't you have any friends? Like a group or a gal or someone to chat with besides whatever we have going on.
•The area got quiet as you took longer than usual to respond. Guzma sensed he struck an insecurity of yours.
•Guzma: . . Shit really. . . Shit REALLY?!?!
•You look up to glare at him while Guzma fumbles on his words.
•Guzma: No kidding? I mean why? It's not like your ugly or anything?
•(Y/N): *shocked you glare at him one last time as you try to walk away* Wow! WOW! Unreal. . *you shake your head*
•Guzma: Ahgh! Fuck wait shit. No I. . I didn't mean it like that!!
•(Y/N): Listen sorry for wasting your time. I won't be bothering you anymore.
•Guzma: No waitwaitwait! You listen. . you uh. Look! I didn't mean to hurt you like that let me make it up to you! Uh. Tapu Cocoa! Can't say no to that!
•(Y/N): Tapu Cocoa?
•Guzma: Yeah!
•(Y/N): Tapu Cocoa?!
•Guzma: ye yeah got a problem with it? Look you can get something else, but I ain't paying for it! I only offered the Tapu Cocoa!
•(Y/N): *whisper* Arceus. . . ughh you either have the worst pickup game or I am easy to please.
Guzma: Hmm, soooo is that a yes?
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•What are you doing here? I mean it's not like people staring at you was a new phenomenon but this. . yeah this was a new level of peeping.
•Guzma: Whats the matter sweetcheecks? Afraid to be seen with me?
•Oh great! Sweetcheecks! Add that to the list of colorful nicknames.
•(Y/N): I have a name! It doesn't hurt to ask for it.
•You sink in your booth trying to avoid the onlookers as you silently sip on your Tapu Cocoa.
•Guzma: Alright! Alright! Whats your name princess.
•(Y/N): (Y/N). It's (Y/N).
•Guzma: Cool cool cool. (Y/N). . Yeah. I like it!
•(Y/N): Hm yeah cool. Anyways you mind telling me why I'm here?
•Guzma: *exacerbated gasp* Oh well excuse me princess!
•(Y/N): *you glare at him*
•Guzma: Right! My bad! Anyways. Yeah! Weren't you the one in desperate need for some friends?
•(Y/N): Oh I see what this is. *sarcastically* Thank you my savior! I'm so glad you came down to offer support. Look I appreciate the gesture but I'm better off alone.
•Guzma: You sure? You seem to come to me too often for that to be true.
•Well there was no denying that. Even if you wanted to battle him for the challenge you did grow fond of his eccentric personality. Still though, you wouldn't put it past him to forget you in due time if you had stopped showing up. Though what were you supposed to do then? Go home? No. Not again. That's the last thing you felt like doing, unless you wanted to prove the family right. You just couldn't. It's already bad enough you bailed on this whole trial thing. Oh Arceus word probably got back to thrm right? Right?!! You weren't sure but the thought was making your stomach turn and their stupid smirks were forming in your mind. It was making you sick! Food. You needed food. The lone drink wasn't filling you up so you decide to get up and order something.
•Standing up you weren't expecting a tug on your arm as a worried look formed on Guzmas face.
•You didn't think he was expecting it either as he quickly let go while he tried to covering the blush forming on his face.
•(Y/N): . . . damn . and here I thought I was insecure.
•Your comment was enough to shake of his embarrassment as he started yelling from the booth.
•Guzma: Shut. sSHUT UP! . . I . ack. . man. .
•(Y/N): *you giggled lightly* Calm down. I ain't leaving you. If that was what you were thinking.
•Guzma turned away to face the wall as he messed with his hair.
•(Y/N): *You playfully pat his side* I'm just getting something to eat. . figured you want something too.
•Guzma started tapping on the table as he stared off into the distance, grumbling under his breath about how the food here was never good.
•(Y/N): Alright! Don't eat then. Just wanted to treat you since you treated me.
•Before you walked off you heard him ask you to get him a sandwich. . . with no mayo though, and that you better make sure there was no mayo because they always "fuck it up" when he asks.
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•Cashier: Alright! Your total today is ₽780.
•(Y/N): Uh yeah sure. Thanks! Oh! And you're sure there's no mayo on this sandwich right?
•Cashier: *she looked a bit flustered* There shouldn't be?
•You take the time to double check just in case. The lady looking a bit confused. You had to wonder if any of the other "normal" customers had any trouble with their food or if it only applied to gang leaders and their members.
•Feeling as if you checked every nook and cranny of this sandwich, even between the pickles you closed the bag and headed back to your seat, that was until you ran into a past problem and his annoying girlfriend.
•A males voice rang throughout the cafe: Well well well. If it isn't the princess of the Alola trials! We haven't seen your mug around in a while. *He steps closer to you as he starts to mockingly wave his hands at you with his girlfriend following suit* Oh I'm sorrrryy did I forget! We weren't supposed to stare! Gives you issues or whatever!
•You grip onto the bag of food like your life depended on it as your words come out harsh through gritted teeth.
•(Y/N): Its NOT the staring thats the issue. It's when I find out photos have been posted online without my permission is when I have ISSUES.
•The male trainer and his girlfriend were just one of many trainers that would stare, gossip, or overall judge while on your trial and was one of the many reasons why you felt the need to quit. This mans issue was when his girlfriend clearly took a photo of you and decided to post it to her socials that you felt the need to confront them and politely ask to delete which they gave you shit for.
•Male trainer: Holy ARCEUS! You're still bothered by that crap? Didn't your parents teach you that if you don't want attention then don't dress to attract it? My baby girl didn't do anything wrong so stop acting like a bitch already!
•Oh you really wanted to kick his ass again. You don't even know why he bothered picking a fight considering he lost horribly last time! Though the tense air and stares from onlookers were enough to keep your cool. The last thing you wanted was to start a fight within the cafe.
•(Y/N): Look I really have no interest fighting you at the moment. I'm just trying to enjoy my meal so leave me alone.
•Trying to walk past him he blocked your way.
•Male trainer: Yeah right, not until you apologize for making my girl feel bad for doing nothing.
•The nerve of this guy! Feeling backed into a corner your pokeball started shaking.
•No! No. No. No.
•You try settling down sylveon. She was always the feistiest of the bunch, but your efforts were in vain when she popped out ready to claw at this guy.
•Male trainer: Oh ho ho! Is soneone trying to pick a fight in public like this? Really? Where did your manners go?
•His smug mug started to crack when your sylveon started to lunge at him. Guess he was still frightened from the last beat down you gave him. All talk and no game! Of course this asshole would try to rial you up in public. The lady at the counter started to freak out as she threatened to kick you out had you not settled your sylveon.
•Trying, and failing, the guy and his girlfriend only watched with amusement as your embarrassing display was worrying the other patrons.
•Male trainer: Hahah oh man! What a performance! Arceus I wish I had a camera. Oh wait I do!
•Just as he began recording, the rest of the patrons around him go dead silent as his phone is promptly snatched from his hands. His girl lets out a yelp as she latches onto him causing the trainer to stumble.
•Male trainer: Aye yo what the fuck!? *turns to his girlfriend* get the hell off me! *he looks back as his face goes pale*
•Guzma: Sup? I think. . *he snaps the phone in half* someone's askin for a beat down wouldn't you agree (Y/N)?
•Guzma shoves the guy aside as he makes his way to help you back off the floor.
•Before he could say anything else the cashier yells at you both to get out. Apparently Guzmas presence was enough of a sign for this women to get the impression that a fight was going to break out.
•(Y/N): But we haven't done anything? He's just trying to help me!
•Cashier: I . I don't want to hear anymore! Leave!
•(Y/N): But.
•Chasier: GO!
•Guzma: Tsk. . always the same with you people. *He grabs your shoulders and guides you out the door, half yelling out to the staff* Your lucky the place serves the least shitiest tapu Cocoa! I'll be back next week. He said that last part a bit quieter not really giving a shit anymore about making a statement. He was more concerned about you, who seemed to be a mix of rage and sadness at the moment.
•Guzma: *sighing* alright. Walk with me.
•(Y/N): To where?
•Guzma: . . the beach.
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•Stumbling onto the beach you had ditched your frilly heels as your pink sparkly tights became dirtied by sand. You were unsure how to approach your feelings at the moment. Normally you'd huff off and scream out to the world but being accompanied by Guzma you didn't want him to be subjected to that. Instead you found some comfort in kicking up the sand while crumpling up different parts of your skirt and blouse. Occasionally fidgeting with your hair the more you thought about what happened at the cafe the harder you began to grip onto various parts of your outfit.
•Guzma had been observing you the whole time and having one too many outbursts himself he could tell you were on the verge of exploding. Walking towards you he tried to think back to what Plumeria would do for him when he got upset.
•Guzma: He.. Hey don't be doing none of that now. . Uh your gonna mess yyour dress If.f.f you keep that up.
•Fuck he was so shit at comforting others. How Plumeria was able to talk sense into him and calm him down was beyond him. Still, he did actually care about your feelings. He was probably the only person who was able to understand exactly what you were going through.
•Looking up at him, although terrible Guzma may be at encouraging people, you found it sweet that he was willing to try for you.
•Feeling a bit more relaxed you started to think about the right words to say to him. Luckily you didn't have to think long as you began to absentmindedly speak about your experiences with dressing alternatively.
•(Y/N): *sigh* shit. . it's like. . i don't know. . look. .uh okay so . uh. mmm this is gonna sound whiny . or okay so maybe not whiny but more just dumb if you don't get into this whole fashion thing. . like so. *sigh*
•Guzma: . its cool . . take your time
•(Y/N): *you smile lightly* thanks. . anyways back to what I was trying to say. . When I was younger, and I had discovered the Internet for the first time, I managed to stumble upon a world full of pastel pinks and blues. Frilly skirts and bloomers. Goth styled dolls. Dresses and cute school girl type outfits. Not only that, I had found a community of beautiful people wearing beautiful clothes that I so desperately wanted to be a part of. For hours on end I would spend my free time just scrolling through forums and posts all about this style of fashion. All without my parents really knowing... not that I was trying to hide it or anything! I just wasn't sure if they would even like that sort of stuff.
•Guzma was listening to every word you were saying as if it was the most important conversation in his life.
•(Y/N): Well when I had gotten older, and could make my own money, I began buying and creating outfits of my own and man I had never been happier! Even still it wasn't enough, especially when my parents got involved. Well, I was right about them not being happy about the fashion. My mom kept calling me childish for wearing "girl doll clothes". She began freaking out about me "finding a real job and partner" some day. As if me wearing fashion in my free time effects my work performance or ability to find love! My dad took it the worst. . Arceus, it makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about his opinion. . . for some fucked up reason, and I don't know how he got it in his head, but for some reason he was adamant on believing that this was all . .some sort of . . kink thing.
•Guzmas eyes grew a wide at the thought of your father speaking to you like that. Damn, guess this worlds full of shitty dads after all.
•(Y/N): *Looking at Guzma you took his expression as a response* I know right! It's fucking gross that he'd assume that frilly girly clothes on a woman means fetish! I tried explaining over and over again that this is nothing more than Kantonian street fashion but he kept brushing it off. At that point there was no convincing them . . or so I had thought. *sighing* I don't know what compelled me to do this but I had convinced myself in my own right too, thinking that if I joined the trials while wearing this stuff and I became someone special. . someone important, than I could prove my parents wrong.
•Standing in silence for what felt like forever you began to speak again. Only this time you couldn't stop the tears from forming.
•Guzma was now completely by your side, hushed and focused on your every expression and word, not wanting to butt in and fuck up the moment. Though, he couldn't help but silently hold your hand and stroke your fingers hoping it would stop you from crying.
•(Y/N): *sniffing* welp as you can fucking see it didn't turn out so well. . *hick* fucking stupid. . so fucking stupid. *sniff* it's like .. why the fuck did I even bother. .. heh guess they were right. . yeah?. *hick* guess they were right. . because here I am crying on the beach currently not participating in the stupid challenges because I couldn't actually handle people looking at me weird. . so yeah. . how stupid of me to believe I could change their opinion . . they probably already know. .wouldn't put it past them to find out. . fuckers always find out. . I can see their dumb smug faces laughing already. . should have never been so invested in this stupid style. .
•Guzma: Its not STUPID!
•Looking up at him you weren't expecting him to shout.
•Guzma: It's not stupid okay!? And you shouldn't have to change for no one.
•Feeling his hand on yours he pulled you into a gentle embrace. Your face smushed up against his chest as he began softly and slowly petting your back.
•Guzma: Look or . .okay listen.. Yeah listen. . I don't exactly get this whole "style thing" either. Trust me you wouldn't even begin to understand how long it took for me to process what I was starting at when I first saw you . . but it for sure wasn't me thinking about it as some . . fucking kink thing?
•He said that last part with such disgust you could almost taste the bitterness of his words.
•Guzma: Alright . . I admit. . this thing may not be my thing but I for sure ain't gonna make you change for me okay! And no one should make you feel as if you should. . fuck your parents, and fuck that asshole and his side chick for making you feel like shit for the some clothes. . because your right 'bout that (Y/N). . dollface. . *he lifts your face up so that your gazing into his eyes* . . all it is is clothes.. and they don't look bad on you at all.
•You could tell he wasn't expecting to say that last part as he quickly tried to push your face back into his chest, trying to stop you from seeing his beat red face.
•Pulling yourself off of him, Guzma was still trying to look into the opposite direction, but he still hadn't let go of you entirely. His arm was still wrapped around your side as his hand snaked its way to the top of your head to ruffle with your hair for a bit.
•Guzma: *fake coughing* So . . tsk. Uh. I'm still hungry . . and uh if you want .
•He got cut off by the sound of you rummaging through the crumbled bag of cafe food. The sandwich you had ordered for him was beyond smushed and your mini sliders had fallen apart.
•Guzma huffed as he snatched the bag out from your grasp and threw the damn thing into the ocean.
•(Y/N): AUcK! GUZMA! *hmph*
•Guzma: What? Told you that cafe only serves shit food.
•(Y/N): Well it WAS better looking when it was fresh and that's besides the point! You . . you . ugghhh!!
•Guzma began to laugh at your little outburst.
•*You playfully punch his side* He could have at least taken the contents out of the bag before littering all over the beach! Now you had to get the paper bag back to make sure those poor slowpokes don't mistake it for food.
•Stomping off to get the bag, mad at the idea that your socks were going to get soaked too, Guzma was watching you the whole time.
•Guzma: Hehe . . cute. . . wait.
•Shaking any thoughts from his head the sound of his stomach growling grew louder as called you over.
•Guzma: Look I know your hungry too and if you want. . uh.. you can come over to my place. . I'm not gonna lie I make a mean grilled cheese!
•(Y/N): You mean the old dilapidated mansion?
•Guzma: *monotone* yes that one. . and man screw you *he said so playfully* that "old mansion* keeps us dry and has a lot of charm to it.
•Walking up to him, Guzma was the one to playfully punch your arm this time.
•(Y/N): *Blushing* Hahaha alright. . alright! You care about the shack. I get it. . and about that grilled cheese.
•Guzma: tsk . you gonna make fun of that too girly?
•(Y/N): No no. It actually sounds nice. . I'd love it actually.
•And so the two of you walk in tandem back to Po Town talking about new things and interests, knowing that you had found the one individual that made you feel like a person for once made your heart beat ever so harder. Little did you know that the bug boss himself had been feeling the same way. Eating that grilled cheese with him on his worn bed in that old spray painted house was one of the best moments in your life. A moment you'd remember forever.
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The two of you laying on his bed
•(Y/N): Wow. This is actually really good grilled cheese.
•Guzma: Oh! Uh thanks? . yeah I think if I had to choose one food to eat it would be grilled cheese. I could eat it for every meal. Or just constantly without stopping.
•(Y/N): *giggling* but then you'd get fat.
•Guzma: No, why would I get fat?
•(Y/N): because bread makes you fat.
•Guzma: Bread makes you fat!?
sorry i had too. :3
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ghost9whore · 2 months
Lighting’s Reign and Thunder’s Roar VII
House of the dragon x male oc
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“They’re only two Targaryens worth mentioning; Aegon the Conqueror and Caserys the Haunting”
“If Caserys was so pretty why would they call him the Haunting”
“It means that his face was one no one could forget, He drove people mad with desire.”
(Caserys’ P.O.V)
“Why do you train Rhaeraxes like this?” asked Rhaenyra
“Like what?” I responded
“The way you treat Rhaeraxes, it's different than any other dragon's training. He won't stay in the dragon pit, won’t eat any food given to him, and no one ever sees him” Rhaenyra began
“Hmmm" I begin to ponder a suitable answer or then just I don't want to. "I do not like the way the dragon master would train the dragons so I decided a different way”
“Yet it’s not only been that instance of difference between you and the rest of us. Everything about you is different. Your hair is more black than white and the rumors of your dragon breathing lightning instead of fire. What sets you apart from the rest of us?” Rhaenyra finally asked
“Hmm I’ve never thought about it” I lied
Of course, I’ve thought about it. Why was the storm on my birth connected to my birth? How was I able to bring Rhaeraxes back from his cold egg and why is he growing so quickly? Why is my hair darker?
I have more questions than answers. However, my family seems to have their own opinions.
My father says the storm was due to my “Velayron blood” being able to enrage the seas with my life
My mother says my hair comes from her Baratheon family members
And my siblings say it was the Faith of the Seven
Allowing myself to forget I was with someone Rhaenyra pulled me back into the land of the living. "Are you okay?"
"Yes I'm sorry, cousin, if you'll excuse me I have to get ready to leave King's Landing" I responded back to Rhaenyra
(Daemon’s P.O.V)
That’s what this is. I am humiliated. I have been denounced as my brother’s heir and been replaced by Rhaenyra. My brother doesn’t understand how to be a King and now he doesn’t understand how he doomed the realm.
I need more power and more men
Caserys, I could use him, his father’s men, and his family’s dragons but I would never be able to gather his father's support.
I need to wait, biding my time until I am ready to strike
That’s the key to win
(Caserys’ P.O.V)
Driftmark seems so cold now. I have been away for quite some time. My room is very clean but hasn’t been lived in. The rock near my room where Rhaeraxes would perch has old burn marks yet no new ones.
King’s Landing has been comfortable but too crowded for Rhaeraxes meaning I hadn't seen him. He had been staying away from the dragon pit and the people in King's Landing in general. That meant he stayed away from me for most parts of the day. I could only recognize his roar from a distance or notice his shadow in the sky when I was alone.
Now I can se—
“Cassy!” I feel hands grab my shoulders turning me forward
As I turn at my new nickname to see my sister Laena. She’s smiling perhaps happy to see me or my reaction to her new name for me.
“Why Cassy? It doesn’t sound like a man’s name at all” I ask
“Hmm I suppose it does not however I believe that's why it suits you even more” she responds
“Oh? What is that supposed to mean?” I question her again
“Nothing important, Father wants to speak to you.” She replied
Cutting my conversation with Laena I begin to look for my father to find him in the Maesters room.
Third Person View
Caserys walked into the room to find his father sitting down looking towards the ocean with the Maester whispering into his ear.
Once he had noticed Caserys he had called him to move forward.
“Hello my son” Corlys started
“Hello father” Caserys replied
“My son, tell me what you know of Daemon Targaryen”
“Why father?”
“He has notified me that he will aid our battle for the stepstones to reclaim our land” Corlys smiled back somewhat twistedly
“I’m sure you can guess he wants the crown he believes was taken from him. I suppose if helping you would rally your support in his cause I imagine he would.”
“I gathered that, but what of his interest in you. The crown wouldn’t justify his sudden interest in your life”
“I haven’t the slightest clue perhaps you should speak to him yourself”
“Watch your tone Caserys, I merely mean what of his plans require your help?”
"Forgive me, Father, for I do not know"
"Very well, understand that with our battle of the stepstones, your help on dragon back will be most crucial. Laena hasn't bonded to a dragon and Rhaeraxes outweighs Seasmoke"
"I understand, I will be ready"
(Caserys' P.O.V)
After exiting my father's chambers I make my way outside the castle to find my dragon. To finally be able to see my dragon in the flesh. Rhaeraxes' large body exits the sea caves from underneath the castle, finding a new hiding spot from his rock.
As he approaches me, I notice the large horns on each side of his face, resembling Meleys. Rhaeraxes' three black horns on both sides dawing six horns.
He leans down his face right next to my body. As I place my hands I feel the texture of his rough scales underneath my skin.
"We're going to have to fight soon, We just can not lose control again..."
Rhaeraxes curls his head close to me finding comfort in my presence. Yet feeling a different presence, Rhaeraxes finishes his huddle into my body and then travels back into the sea caves just as Caraxes flies over Driftmark Castle.
"Daemon's war for the crown is going to kill us..."
A/N Back from dead... Feeling pretty good. I'm trying to speed these chapters along for season 2. This chapter is loosely based on Episode 2 but the next chapter will be more coherent and better attached to the timeline. For reference, Rhaeraxes is around Drogon's size perhaps a little smaller so maybe more around Rhaegal. I also changed the spelling of Rayraxs' name to Rhaeraxes (again pronounced Ray-rax-sis). Seeing y'all soon loving you guys my ghost whores.
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fuumiku · 6 months
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Selkie AU
Ok so on discord we went off. A lot of this is just paraphrasing or copy pasted from buddies hii guys. It’s honestly a fun concept to play with no matter how you turn it around~ I’ll start off with the version I drew these doodles for but it’s all under the cut because it got so long... There’s also always place for different flavors like if they realize the other’s a selkie immediately or over time, etc etc so this is all just food for thought. Marcille is always the instigator though lol, obsessed with him no matter the universe. As a selkie wants to learn more about this human and as a researcher is chasing after this secretive mysterious sea-guy while he very much tries to escape everyone’s attention.
Fisherman Chil & selkie Marcille
Old sad fisherman Chilchuck… He drinks out at sea even. Divorcee dad who’s got nothing waiting for him on land anymore. He’s on the sea every day to get fish to sell at the wet market or to the butcher, the sky and sea’s grey and everything’s dull and tedious. Seals are nothing special either. The only stuff he knows about selkies really could have some selkie storybooks he reads to his daughters. Meanwhile selkie Marcille… You could go a lot of different routes I feel. You know I feel like being a selkie fits with Marcille and her mom, with that interaction of "you’ll have to let others go and deal with that", like in this AU she’ll always be different and will have to leave people behind for the sea eventually here and there and whatnot…
Chilchuck and worksongs... Fisherman Chilchuck singing sea shanties while selkie Marcille sings her songs of the sea and then she hears him and gets curious and follows him back on land or something…… Tries to blend in with humans just so she’s like. What’s his deal. But them only meeting out at sea is very cute as well. Eventually she gets on his boat and they hang out. Melancholic psychological horror sea tragedy-romance would be fun idk. Maybe he starts hearing a woman sing out at sea randomly and thinks it’s the alcohol. But he’d be a goner already lmao. Like don’t get me wrong it’d take a while of actual interactions for him to actually fall in love, but also ~~he’s lonely~~ pretty blonde woman waaaa. Siren imagery hehe. "Hmmm I didn't know selkies had hypnotic voices as well" (they don't. he's down outrageous and he knows it.) Mr "in denial so bad maybe magic is the answer yep for sure". I want her to hear him singing something he used to for his daughters/wife etc and shes like 👁️👁️ who hurt this man........... (Could also work for selkie Chil) What’s his tragic backstory…..
I think marcille also deserves to go silly and catch a carp between her teeth, giving it to chilchuck batting her eyelashes like teehee... I'm such a good assistant right... He needs them undamaged if he wants to sell them but he still makes use of her gift anyway... Puts it in a stew and shares it with her... Something we made together..… Marcille being able to taste human food with actual spices and actual heat and actual cooked meat... His home is the warmest place on the surface. His hugs are more comforting than even the water’s. AGH and how long hasn’t he eaten a real homecooked meal you’d bet 😭 Marcille notices he’s underweight and is like "he’s always fishing though??? Does he just need like, a lot??" and takes it upon herself to bring him more fish to feed him. "He NEEDS to blubber up. I know it." Do you think when his wife was still there he'd come home to the smell of cooking.... but now there's nothing......... He’s on his own, he sleeps in the boat… It just smell like fish all day. The stench gets to him and even the burn of alcohol in his nostrils is a kinder hell. NOW he comes back to the stench of roting flesh and he's like :))) ahh.... my gi rl firned 💖 /j
Selkie Marcille getting onto his boat out of nowhere and slapping the beer bottle out of his hand. It’d go hard if he’s so drunk once that he’s leaning over the railing with his bottle hanging down from his grip and the beer goes into the sea and she tastes it and is like. Now what the fuck is this. Ew. He doesn’t look so good maybe I should splash him with water. She could save him from drowning... Girl who puts him on a rock somewhere until he wakes up and hides in the water as soon as he comes to… Peekinh at him from the surface of the water because, oh dear we're shy now because it's face to face… Drawing parallels between swaying (drunk) and swaying (motion of boat on the sea). She sways his world…… Makes him feel dizzy in a nice, light airy way…… He crashes into his bed in his home and still feels the rocking of the waves under him, and he falls asleep thinking of her…
Go out to the sea in a storm because you can’t stand feeling useless. The sea is your livelihood, it's where you're good and useful. On land you never know what to do with your hands. Maybe he should just let the sea pull him under. let it sweep him away.  Marcille does exactly that, but it's not something that erases him. It's not something that swallows him whole. It's something that shows him a whole other world- The coral reefs, the schools of fish that exist below, the lush seaweed forests that Marcille treasures so much. It's all been there for him to see, theres so much beneath his feet. And all he had to do was let her take his hand. This world full of fish and creatures he's caught and gutted... that he gets to see in a different light…… The idea of him trusting her enough to let her lead him underwater... I think the time that Marcille leads him into the water should be on one beautiful evening, with the water shimmering, and the sun casting rays onto the waters surface- enough that it's still scary at first, enough that Chilchuck still struggles against the salty grasp of the waves, but when marcille takes him under he can see just how the light of the sun casts its spotlight on the seafloor- and how even in the shallows therein lies a thousand wonders, ones he's stepped right over before. I'm just obsessed with chilchuck experiencing a whole nother world in there. Give me childlike wonder. Give me a Marcille who wants to show her grump fucking fisherman boyfriend the cute fishies and the minnows, the pretty hermit crabs. Something about the sea looking different from beneath the waves... The parallels of him on the beach stepping over shells and urchins in the shallows with his boots and just crush them right over, not even noticing he did from force of habit and routine having dulled everything… Him working on the sea all the time but never really seeing it because he’s so absorbed in his own shit and he always just uses the harbor so there’s never real contact with it anyways. When the sea water laps at his forearms when he reels the net in but they feel like lashes of frost against his skin. She'd look really pretty with her hair flowy in the waves............ Marcille’s hair should get used for creepy compositions more… In the water she takes him under and her hair tangles and latch onto him against his skin. Her hair is long, underwater it could engulf him probably, he likes blonde hair he'd be happy with that… Not the lowkey suicidal ideation of letting the sea take him and how he’d be happy suffocating in her hair when doing a dive wow ok
I keep thinking about the Dredge AU… The video game yes yes. It’d be a mess but ohhh ohh the sea and its wonderful world but also its dark secrets, Marcille researching the depths and finding dark powers and idk the tragedy of a man at sea who can’t forget what he’s lost and the mythical gf he made that was never meant to be and it’ll destroy them both idk idk. Bc of Marcille helping him fish from below as a selkie, Senshi like YOU ARE OVERFISHING YOU ARE DESTROYING THE ECOSYSTEMMM @ them lmao You are feeding the whole town and making big bucks but you’re fishing so much that some fish are starting to get stale without being bought, the sea is bleeding and the leviathan is hungry
Maybe one time, one of them gets upset at the other and holds the seal fur hostage, its sooo mean but it also feels very them. When I think selkie I think of the movie Song of the Sea and in that movie the father of the protags loved a selkie, the mother, but she had to leave at one point for the sea because that’s her nature etc etc, but he didn’t want her to leave so he hid her skin which like. Ruined everything and hurt her. And ohhh the parallels… Leaving him… Just food for thought.
Selkie Chil & marine researcher Marcille
The reverse of that where Chil’s the selkie, Marcille’s fascination for him has the reverse angle, almost like admiration too. Crying she’d be like "who’s this mysterious guy, why’s he look kinda ethereal(selkie fairy blablabla)?" and investigates meanwhile he doesn’t want anyone to see him transforming and such so he’s like "leave me aloneeeeeee!!" Selkie chil? secretive man who just wants to chill gets grabbed by the most enthusiastic fairytale-obsessed girl out there. She WILL almost drown trying to say hi. C’mon mister mythical let’s have a storybook romance <3 Jumping in da water and he has to rescue her and immediately gains 100 grey hairs. She gets her storybook ‘saved by the merman’ moment but at what cost. "WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGG" screaming, she gets scolded very much but it all goes in one ear out the other tbh. Selkie Chilchuck is even better with his secretiveness... How do you get around the fact you’re a seal? Iunno I’ve never been a seal Obsessed with the implications of his family in this. Except if his wife and daughters were humans and so his work travels are instead selkie shenanigans going out at sea for months on ends, I imagine they’d be selkies too… Did they get separated? Die? Is Chilchuck’s cowl in this one Flertom’s fur? :(   Once more mentioning sea shanties Chilchuck btw, Roll the Old Chariot comes to mind… Ooough Song of the Sea from the movie that he sung to his daughters <33 I’m fine
With the researcher angle actually being pushed there are interesting plots and scenes you could think of obvi, but uh we kind of went off on the fisherman Chil Marcille selkie AU instead haha. It’d be cute if she ends up teaching him how to live on land in the end. Dresses him up like a funky lil guy. I went with tallman Chil when drawing it and selkie Marcille’s more elf-like, and for selkie Chil I’d imagine it’s the reverse where she’s tallman-like and he still looks like a halfling… Sea-related AUs are my weak spot <33
No matter how you turn it, Marcille is the instigator lol. Selkie Marcille: this little man… I want to know more about this human! Selkie Chilchuck = tries to avoid everything but this Marcille keeps chasing him! It’s her job to, Chilchuck minds his business!! He sees a sliver of something weird out at night? Not his job nope keep your nose out of that it’ll only bring you trouble. It’d have to really itch him at him for him to crack I think… Honestly he’d make a great lovecraftian horror protagonist lol. We love a girl with no chill and her nose in everyone’s business
Shout to to @dayundying, @cabinette, @soappox and @lucky-fydraws!! These people were there for the brainstorming and the writing of the scripture…
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divinelolita · 1 year
heyyy boo boo bear🥰🥰🥰
so i finally thought of smth(kinda did i alr send this) AHEM full band(separately headcannons cause aint nobody wanna write alat) with s bf who is a BIG ASS ppl pleaser(wait wait this aint the main idea)
imagine reader prolly always gets his back blown out but he's always giving the aftercare(like them mfs dont have a choice) and on one particular round or smth reader didn't tell them to stop when he started to feel lightheaded n shit cause he could hear them whispering how good this was etc etc so he was about to pass out or smth like that(he didn't he survived) yet he STILL offered to give aftercare like a mf idiot(me)
ANYWAY im in school but i had to give u this idea frfr
(contains nsfw themes so if you don't like that don't read)
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・He's 50/50 on noticing small things like this
・But he's in such a euphoric state, whimpers leaving his lips as he rams into you with his hands wrapped around your waist
・Listening to you tell him how good he is, but over time your words die down and eventually your silent.
・He can barley ask if your okay, nearly stopping his movements. He would've stopped completely if it weren't for you telling him to keep going. As long as he felt good, right?
・After climax (EWWWAHHH) he leans knto your neck, smiling as he hears you begin to ask that amazing question
"Wanna go show-"
・He just likes your fingers running through his hair, massaging his scalp as you rub the conditioner in.
・He's been itching to ask if you were really okay, he doesn't want to seem too worried or overreactive. He can already feel tears prickling his eyes as yo hesitate to ask at the startxbefore admitting to feeling ill.
・God fucking damn it..I should've stopped I-"
"It's not your fault, babe.."
・Cuddling you for the rest of the day (or night), not being able to take his hands off you as he tries to make it up to you.
・No like...literally can't take his hands off you. If you eat later that day he seats you on his lap.
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・He gets caught up in his own pleasure.
・Like he won't really notice it when you slowly stop responding, or when you go a little too limp
・He's in some sorta headspace 😭
・Whispering to you how good you feel around him, how perfect you are..
・After allat, he eventually snaps out of it and notices how your barley making any noise or aren't talking
"M/N? .. M/N you okay???"
"Hmmm..? Yeah I'm good..wanna take a bath with me.?"
・During aftercare he keeps asking if you're okay under his breath, kissing your cheeks as you rest in the tub together.
・If you actually confess to feeling ill or lightheaded his heart stops for a second
・Like he'd kinda try to hide it, but eventually emotions get the best of him and soon enough he's holding back tears apologizing to you kissing over your neck, ignoring you when you say you were fine.
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・Like Tom, he's not exactly the best..
・Telling you how good you are for him under his breath, not exactly noticing you slowly stopped responding.
・Can't help but feel concerned, unsure if he should stop or keep going
・He nearly did, but your hand gripped his thigh to stop him from pulling out so..
・Afterwards he puts on your favorite show/movie, snuggling against you as he leaves kisses on your forehead.
・Doesn't ease into it and just asks you flat out.
"Were you okay..?"
"yes or no."
・He feels a lump build at the back of his throat, yet he still tries to talk to you
・Asking when or what made you feel this way, making sure he would never do this to you again
・He feels bad about it a few days later, even with your constant worss that you were okay
・He's scared to have sex with you again for a little...THAT SOUNDS SO WEIRD BUT IT'S TRUE?
・Like I said- he doesn't want to put you through that again
・but likeeee you need that dick so you convince him and it all works out
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・He's quite good at noticing things like these.
・Stopping his movements when you start to look..off. Or when you just stop making noise completely.
・Ignoring your soft whine of protest, asking you "Are you good..?" ..no you're not. you're gonna say you're not and -
"Yeah I'm fine...keep going please..!"
・Hesitate before going back to his pace he was at before, kissing your chest and neck as his fingers go down your waist and tickles down your thighs
・Still concerned he can't really hear your moans or whines, but you said you wanted more so he should continue..
・He's sooxfucking tired after sex omg..hes surprised when you ask to give aftercare
"Are you sure? You don't wanna like..sleep?"
"No, no. Let's go get water or something."
・Giving you an aspirin and a water bottle as he gets a piece of candy, not being able to take his eyes off you as he contemplates if he should ask if your okay.
・he does. you answer.
・Like..he made you feel lightheaded? He made you nearly pass out? He made you sick?
・Can't even bother to look at himself or think about him, only focusing on you and your needs as he spoils you rotten.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Ortho Shroud - Bloom Birthday Vignette
"Happy Birthday"
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[Ignihyde Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Ortho: It's like a dream come true to get interviewed for my birthday as a student here at Night Raven College.
Ortho: And on top of that, thanks to my big brother, I was able to retrofit my gear to look just like everyone else's outfits… I'm super happy.
Ortho: Oh yeah, I should make sure to capture all this on film. I wanna show this to my brother… Oh, and my dad and mom.
???: Film? …I suppose I'll have to ask later. Pardon me.
Sebek: Happy Birthday, Ortho. It seems I have been tasked with being your presenter today.
Ortho: Woah, hey! Sebek Zigvolt-san! Thank you. I look forward to it.
Sebek: Right… You mentioned just a moment ago that you would be capturing this on film. Essentially, does that mean you intend on recording my words and actions?
Ortho: Yep. And if you make any mistakes, maybe Malleus-san will end up seeing alll your embarrassing moments. You better do good.
Sebek: Humph, as if I would disgrace myself before someone like you. I shall read out the first question now.
Sebek: “Are you good or bad at flying?”
Ortho: Hmmm, that's a toughie. I mean, especially since I'm a humanoid…
Ortho: I can't just cast magic on a broom and fly like you or the other mages here.
Sebek: Hm? You mean to tell me that you do not usually use magic to float in the air?
Ortho: Yeah. It's more like technomantic energy… Maybe it'd be easier to say it's a hybrid of electricity and magic.
Ortho: By swapping out my gear or any attachments, I can increase my speed, or even fly for longer periods of time.
Ortho: For me, as long as I have technomantic energy, I can fly wherever I want…
Ortho: I can even fly no problem through difficult obstacle courses, or fly at a constant speed.
Ortho: That's why for a little while after I became a student at Night Raven College, I made sure to observe the flight and P.E. classes.
Ortho: Unlike you guys, it's not like I would gain any stamina or strength through training, after all.
Sebek: You were observing us? I suppose I do recall seeing you flying with some of the students last week or so.
Ortho: Oh, so you saw me. Actually, I recently started helping out by supporting Vargas-sensei during his classes.
Sebek: You're supporting…? As in, as his assistant?
Ortho: Yep. During flight classes, I fly along my classmate's brooms and capture data on their form and time.
Ortho: Using that data, I'm able to identify everyone's habits and weaknesses and provide suggestions for improvement.
Sebek: Hm… That would indeed be helpful to be able to get an objective analysis of my flying posture.
Ortho: Right? And Vargas-sensei praised me too, saying, "When you're around, the students' muscles gleam even brighter"!
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[Ignihyde Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Sebek: Next question is…
Sebek: “What is something that made you glad you could use magic?”
Ortho: Eehh, that's another tough one.
Ortho: I might have been able to develop a soul that can use imagination like you guys, but it's not like I can actually use magic…
Ortho: Because all of my functions are based on technomantic energy…
Ortho: But if I were to answer as a student of a mage institute should… IT'D HAVE TO BE THAT I'VE MADE FRIENDS HERE!!
Sebek: You're a student of the most prestigious Night Raven College, and your answer is to speak of the friendships you've developed?
Ortho: Yep. Because I came here originally as one of my brother's "gadgets," I was able to meet a ton of living people…
Ortho: And now that I've started taking classes as a student, I've had the opportunity to come in contact with so many more people.
Ortho: I had a ton of fun with the groupwork we had the other day. You know, the one where we had to study up on some of the legends of the Great Seven.
Ortho: You did that in your class too, right?
Sebek: Indeed. I found writing a report in a group of 4 to be a rather impractical assignment.
Ortho: Oooh, so you don't find group work to be practical, huh. Interesting.
Sebek: From the way you speak, it seems to me like you look upon that sort of assignment favorably.
Ortho: Yep. Whenever I listen to other people's opinions, even if we're reading the same story, everyone has a different interpretation, so I find that super fascinating.
Sebek: Interpretation?
Ortho: I guess I could also say that everyone values different things.
Ortho: And then I realized that the thought that everyone puts the most value in is strongly connected to their past experiences… their "memories," so to speak.
Ortho: For example, if you were born and raised in Briar Valley, you would've probably heard so many anecdotes of the Thorn Fairy from a young age.
Ortho: That's why there would be more passion, more zeal in the discussion about her.
Ortho: And some may believe that their idealized versions are more correct than a proper database.
Sebek: Idealized, you say? The Thorn Fairy is absolutely a great being. No amount of praise would ever be considered to be too much.
Ortho: If you're that adamant, then we should have a discussion about it sometime.
Ortho: During class the other day, I sourced documents from my database and soundly destroyed all the inconsistencies in their arguments…
Ortho: So I wonder just how far you'll be able to keep up with me, Sebek-san.
Sebek: Don't you put me in the same category as your classmates. I have read an abundance of books on the Thorn Fairy.
Ortho: Oooh, so you're saying you might actually have a leg to stand on. Then this might actually be promising.
Ortho: Alright, then let's pick a day for our discussion sometime later. Heheh, I'm looking forward to it.
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[Ignihyde Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Sebek: This is the final question.
Sebek: “How do you spend your days off?”
Ortho: Hmm, there's a lot I do, but… I guess I often find myself watching movies or stage plays online.
Ortho: Recently, though, I've been spending lunch or tea time with my dorm and classmates.
Sebek: Lunch and tea time? You don't eat, though.
Ortho: Yep. But my goal there is to just chat with everyone. I also listen to their grumbles about their studies or relationships with others.
Sebek: Humph, how absurd. What good will come of listening to other people complain? Why don't you try spending your time doing something more worthwhile?
Ortho: Ehh, but it's pretty interesting. Just by watching how people react over every little thing helps me learn, too.
Sebek: What do you mean, learn?
Ortho: I've found that all the stories I hear from people are really good references for me to look back to whenever I need to act a part.
Sebek: Act a part…? Ah, right, you joined the Film Research Club. So essentially, you're saying you're feeding off of human interactions.
Ortho: Ah. This past weekend, we didn't have a club meeting, so I went into town with my brother.
Ortho: Yep!
Ortho: We play this one game that uses our phones' GPS function, so sometimes we head out there together.
Ortho: We'll go to a restaurant that's an in-game spot where we'd be able to gather items and pick up some food that we'd already ordered online…
Ortho: And once we get to Whistle Park, we'd eat at one of the benches there. After that, we'd plan out the rest of our day there.
Ortho: And then, when he's done eating, we'll walk around the park looking for items, or have some encounter battles.
Ortho: Kinda sounds fun, like a real picnic, right?
Sebek: I can't say I know what game you speak of, but… It definitely does seem like you have a good time.
Sebek: Back home, my parents, older brother and older sister would always take me to the park to spend time.
Ortho: Heh, sounds like you and your family are pretty close, too. That's just like us!
Ortho: Me and my brother, as well as our dad and mom, used to go play at the nearby park, or even at a forest or river back in the day, too.
Ortho: …Although ever since my brother started to shut himself inside his room, we haven't been able to go anywhere as a family anymore.
Sebek: Well, it seems Idia-senpai has gotten to the point where he can actually go outside again. Perhaps there will come the time that you will be able to travel somewhere as a family again?
Sebek: That person needs to leave the house more. You should do what you can to take him out camping, traveling, or what have you.
Ortho: Yep, you're right. Sebek-san, thanks for your advice!
Sebek: I'm your presenter, after all! It's only natural that I should be able to present this sort of advice.
Sebek: You may come ask me anything you wish when you plan to take your family on a trip outdoors.
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Sebek: The interview has now concluded. Here, your broom. There are blue flowers in the center of the bouquet, it suits you rather nicely.
Ortho: Woah, this is my first ever personal broom! I didn't actually think I'd get one.
Ortho: There's so many different kinds of flowers here. I'll have to fly carefully so as to not blow them away with my jets.
Sebek: Take this broom and take flight. That is testimony to your status here as a student of the most prestigious Night Raven College.
Sebek: Don't you dare show us a shameful sight on your birthday, Ortho.
Ortho: Of course! Make sure you keep your eyes on me while I fly, Sebek Zigvolt-san!
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Ortho: it's time to show off the special gear that I made specifically for today. I'm totally gonna shock everyone who gathered here for me.
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Requested by @rotattooill.
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I think what makes striker a supremacist is that he wants all goetia dead, and you know, you shouldn't kill a whole race/species of people
But also, we aren't really ever told this. Sure, he says he wants to kill overlords and goetia, but he never says he wants every single one of them dead
Like that could've easily been fixed by him telling Blitz, "and with you and me, we can take down and kill every goetia/overlord" during the harvest moon, cause then it'd actually show a supremacist side; like yeah, most goetia are dicks but o down think their all bad, Octavia doesn't show any signs if looking down on hellhounds/imps, considering how she and loona interact in s2 ep2
Not to mention him taking orders from a goetia, which makes it look more like he's just 'doing his job'
So I feel like they WANTED him to be a supremacist, and you can kind of see it, but, like with a lot of plot points, they failed to actually show it
Yea this is a really valid point. They could have set it up better with him wanting the entire goetia extinct and even killing lets say, a newborn goetia if they wanted him to be that kind of antagonist. But instead they just show him working for one to kill another to make ends meat. And they make him say stuff thats straight up true "all you royals ever do is try to talk over us" (note he says royals not goetia/birds/etc he specifically mentions their status). He wasn't wrong with that line, look at how the fucking butlers are treated in this show. If either of them killed Stella or St*las in their sleep as much as I love Stella to make up for the shows poor writing of her. I'd completely understand I have to be real 😭 they're borderline toys that can physically be thrown around at will.
Also though, beyond the show not setting up Strikers supremacy thing properly... I do question the motivation. Okay, you want a supremacist antagonist, that is specifically supremacist towards rich people/royalty that exploits the lower classes... hmmm, that feels a bit weird. Are you going to make him a kind of "resistance is valid when theres no other options, but don't go too far to the point you'll kill babies, after all a child didn't ask to be born royal" kind of portrayal? While still showing that the upper classes are bad for upholding an inherently oppressive system? And that even the nicer or more well meaning ones still benefit from it? Is he portrayed in a gray way? Is he intended to show theres different sides to resistance movements and often disagreements within them etc? No. No he is not for any of that. Instead, they make him a totally wrong meanie baddie while consistently making many sins and goetia innocent good guys who never hurt a soul!!!!! Its not their fault their rich!!!! Look how sad and gay they are!!!!! Like. Ok... but... they still benefit. From. You know, the oppression of hell hounds, imps, etc...
Striker exists for Stolitz drama, despite being a character that brings up the serious classism in the world he occupies. He exists to stand in the way and get beat up lately, instead of the writing exploring the world's classism properly. Its such a joke. The classism in general is only used when its convenient for drama that the show wants to focus on and not any of the drama it doesn't like how being upperclass was how St*las was able to sexually exploit Blitz, it feels very shallow.
And when you add in how this show prioritizes cis queer male identities over queer female identities and trans ones. Even though those groups tend to be the most impoverished out of all the LGBT, and given how race also interacts with LGBT and poverty status. U.S data:
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Yea it starts feeling really fucking sketchy. I'm sorry but I just have to question it, why is this show so desperate to have a bunch of one of the good ones sweet wooby rich characters? St*las is straight up a protagonist next to Blitz at this point more than the rest of IMP. Why is it so desperate to make him a main character and to make him a poor misunderstood baby? While the poors are all just assholes who need to learn to be better? Something about it doesn't sit right to me. Its this sweet sanitized version of classism and class struggle where the problem isn't a complex system but rather its just that a few of the sins and goetia are a bit too mean >.<. I hate it. I find it very distasteful to try this sort of almost "equal blame" approach. There isn't equal blame, the upper classes are exploiting the lower classes and that needs to fucking stop. Being so eager to portray poor people as just needing to accept their station in life without any physical resistance to change it, like how Blitz was forced to for his businesses sake (and the sexual exploitation that happened as a result), yeah thats sketchy. The problem is that St*las shouldn't have servants in the first place, its not that poor people need to not be bigoted towards rich people. Classism kills. The lower class shouldn't have to miserably accept a system that harms and kills their very bodies via deprivation of resources etc.
The rich are not wooby babies that need sympathetic portrayals, making a show which portrays them in an elevated way as if their endless advantages in life don't exist and as if they're owed kindness from those their existence exploits is plain weird and sketchy.
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
Someone said Hokage Tora and now I'm thinking about what would need to happen to make that a reality.
Ok so we're gonna shuffle the Hokage's and their timelines around.
(Also note: at this point, Tora very sympathetic to the Uchiha bc of his relationships w Shisui Itachi and Sasuke)
So Sarutobi dies and people are going "oh noooo someone go and get Tsunade back"
And Tora gets PISSED.
They want another Senju to have the hat?? Are you fucking kidding him??? 2 in a row was bad enough but 3 sets a standard. Choose literally anyone else! Anyone!! Fucking Kakashi would make a better Hokage!!!
And then he stops.
Hmmm. Kakashi as Hokage.
That... wouldn't be too bad, actually?
Long story short: Tora starts to campaign for Kakashi as Hokage.
Kakashi does not appreciate this. Stop immediatley.
Tora is on the civilian council at this point (at the terrifyingly young age of like 17) and lowkey has them under his thumb. So he's able to get them all aboard, meaning Kakashi is officially civilian approved.
The Uchiha are into it to, with him lowkey being the closest they've been able to get to the seat since fucking Madara. He has one of their eyes, he's lead/taught both of the clan head kids, and hes visibly, publicly close to multiple Uchiha/Uchiha sympathizers (Itachi, Shisui, Tora)
He's the yodaime's student which gives him major points in the politics department, + he actually knows what it is like to be in the life of a Hokage, he has seen and been involved in that life firsthand
Hes also on good, personal terms with a few clan heads and solidly neutral terms w the other clans
His clan is innofensivley small (read: fucking wiped out) so there's no concern with biases of a guy coming from a specific clan, working w a bias for that clan
Perfect candidate!!
(Something something Kakashi quietly touching his eyelid and mumbling to Obito that he guesses he'll be able to show him even more of his dream than even he'd expected)
Danzo tries to intimidate him into not accepting it and while Kakashi does agree that he would be one of the worst options, the conversation kinda... leaves him a little less sure he'd really be the worst option.
Anyways, Kakashi as the godaime hokage!!
He hates it.
Tora Shisui and Itchi have to hunt him down the day of his ascension and fuckin wrestle him on stage (he's gonna go home and scream into his pillow later)
How would Naruto canon change with Kakashi as the Hokage so early?? Until this point, the au has mostly been sticking to the script (minus the Uchiha massacre) but this is a HUGE status quo change for a character decently central in the cast list, and it's a change that'd impact just about everything going forward! Don't ask me how exactly because I know very very little about the actual specifics and events of canon but holy shit it'd sure change the course of history, huh? If you wanna get really down to the nitty gritty technicalities, we could take serious liberties and kill off and or save several characters with the simple explanation of "different Hokage, different people assigned to different missions"
Team Ro gets to be his personal guards,, they need a replacement for the team since Kakashi left, maybe we can throw in someone else to join them and add some more chemistry in there
I don't think it'd be anyone on team 7 (I don't live in a world where I can see Kakashi tossing specifically THEM in ANBU that young, no matter how more powerful or better taught than cannon, sorry) also conflicting interests w THREE uchiha on a team or the Haruno siblings. Also, Naruto is Naruto, so. *political noises*
Actually the slot is a very valuable one since they're basically Kakashi's special little guys (anbu eddition) so it's really hard to think of a character that'd even conceivably be put on it. (Part of me wants to add Neji for literally no reason other than I suddenly want him in the AU but that'd bring a whole mountain of implications with him if Kakashi chose HIM specifically to join his personal guard + he's suddenly in ANBU, what??)
Wait would Kakashi even choose the replacement personally.
Wait wait ok. Record scratch. Rewind. Let's try this again.
So. With Kakashi's promotion, Tora gets to he team leader. One of the first things he's told is to find a new replacement for the team
"Shouldn't you do that yourself?" Says Tora
"You've got me to take the hat I refuse to move so much as a single fucking finger more at your request." Says Kakashi, who then delights in bodily removing Tora from the room via the window.
I don't know Neji's actual age but for the sake of this fic he's suddenly Tora's age or only a year younger (Tora is like 17 at this point)
Him and Neji do not get along!! At all!!!! Actually it was kind of hate on sight.
Uhh insert montage where they become grudgingly almost friends but still mostly frenemies
Neji is very talented and Tora is frustrated by how he seems to be being "held back" in some way. Like, he doesn't like the guy! But damn if he doesn't know how it feels to have the system itself fighting you, no matter how good you prove you are and how hard you work.
Anyways, Tora finding out Neji was skipped over and denied for different promotions or smthn bc hyuuga second class or whatever.
And him going "hmmmmmmmmm...."
He hands Kakashi a form with Neji's name on it and Kakashi signs without even looking.
When he scowls and asks if he's even going to look, Kakashi just gives him a dry look.
"Like I dont know whoever you've picked won't be for whatever plot you're cooking up next. Just don't set anything on fire where I can see it and I don't care."
A very, very confused Neji is suddenly told he's not only going to join ANBU but also the Hokage's private guard.
Hey Tora !! What the fuck !!!
They have one of those "You don't even like me??" "I don't have to like you to want to see how far you can go." moments
Queue Neji angrily revealing that it doesn't matter "how far he can go" or how many opportunities are afforded to him bc his limits are fuckin branded on him, and shows Tora his seal mark
Hey Neji !! What the fuck !!!
Hyuuga reformation arc,,,
Ok so not sympathetic Hiashi Hyuuga but like,, rational (deeply fucking flawed) person Hiashi who is able to leverage the "Neji has been ordered to work directly the Hokage" @ the Hyuuga clan elders to at least slightly loosen the seal on him.
TONNS of political drama in the Hyuuga house w Neji being chosen for such a huge position, but w the complications of "they can't fucking voice it outloud" bc ANBU identities are supposed to be super top secret, so it's kept to the really high ranks only
(There's an AU of an AU out there where instead of stopping the Uchiha coup, Tora went "ok but are they wrong tho", decided to help instead, and got the Hyuuga lower cast to join them)
(Look he wants to reform the government, right? Ok so why SHOULDNT he support an attempt to rip it up by the roots?? The Uchiha want equality but Tora wants reformation. They do not know what they just let into their homes.)
What the fuck did I come here to talk about again?
Right, sorry, Hokage Tora
Uhhhh pivoting again here we go ->
So Kakashi is Hokage!!! And he !! Wants !! Out !!!
Tora is a very very clear contender for "the next Hokage", even early on in Kakashi's career. He's basically the guy who MADE Kakashi Hokage (both arranging it and forcing him to accept) and most important people know it.
I'm ngl I kind of don't know how exactly we'd get to hokage Tora.
Maybe Kakashi is temporarily taken out of commission and he's just the obvious replacement. Maybe we do a proper Hokage switch and promote him when Kakashi got the job in the original. Dunno! But Tora for Rokudaime all the way !!
If not Tora I think Rokudaime Neji could be suitably dramatic and fun. Also has similar themes of "rising from the lower ranks against the odds" and just in general tons of interesting implications both politically and like,, character interaction wise.
Everyone expects Tora for the next hokage but Tora decides he likes being the powerful guy in the shadows to a Hokage who knows both how to listen to him and how to lead with a strength and surety he can trust. And decides Neji is apparently that guy who has the leadership and wisdom he can trust.
Callback to the earlier moment where Neiji, voice cracking, goes "you don't even like me."
And Tora gives him a smirk and goes "I don't have to like you to want to see see how far you can go."
Mmmm actually I think I like that ending best, it has the most weight to me. Like, yeah Tora as Rokudaime is cool and a kind of ironic "full circle" moment, but Neji as Rokudaime has that gut punch energy that will leave your skin buzzing and your eyes tearing up with written right
Have to get going but I might try to draw that scene tommorow if I find the energy in me after work (doubtful tbh)
I love a good call back through dialogue in different character defining moments that leave you pointing at the screen shrieking "HE SAID THE THING!!"
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hymnserendipity · 21 days
Gojo likes to bite
Smut, no gender mentioned
Gojo was almost always on mission these days, so of course as soon as he had a day off you just want to spend it in bed cuddling with him and chat about everything. You just had a conversation about the most important character of the twilight saga, and he shook his head in disbelief as he saw you smile, but a small smirk found it's way onto his face. You could spend days doing gossips.
"You're unbelievably energetic love...you really are like a golden retriever...it's adorable.."
"And nooooooooooowwwwww." You start, and he leaned his head on your shoulder.
"And now what love..??"
"I'm super hyper extra horny" He laugh for a second before he processed what you just said. A small blush crept onto his face and he slightly tensed up. "Love..you can't just say stuff like that out of the blue.."
"Why???" He gave a small grumble as he placed his face in your shoulder again, he stayed silent for a few seconds before he muttered: "Oh really?" he mumbled as he planted small kisses on your shoulder.
"Can you be normal and not say things like that out the blue love..??
"Hmmm Sorry...." You whine. Gojo let out a small sigh, he had gotten used to you saying things like that randomly, but sometimes it still surprised him.
He gave a small hum before he planted another small kiss on your shoulder, you moved your head to his ear and muttered: "Do you have any kink you want to try?" he froze upon hearing that question, his face immediately went tomato red and tensed up as he looked away, he didn't expect you to ask something like that.
"Wha..? Kink..??.." he mumbled as he still looked away, embarrassed. He took a few seconds to calm himself down before he looked back at you.
"Uhh..y-yeah..i guess I do.."
"Which one???" He turned his head away as he started to get embarrassed once more, he muttered.
"U-uhh..well...umm..maybe like...s-somnophilia..-" he hid his face in your shoulder once more, he was insanely embarrassed because you were new as a couple, and he really cared about you. "Uhm? Oh well you can use me like a toy as u please while we sleep" Gojo was beyond embarrassed at this point. He just mumbled stuff into your shoulders, his face was the color of a tomato by this point now.
"U-uhh...I...are you..sure..love..??"
"Sure!" he still had his face buried in your shoulder and let out a soft hum as he wrapped his arms around you lovingly, he was insanely embarrassed and flustered but also pretty excited at the same time.
"And you're fine with it..love..??"
"Of course! Other kinks?" Gojo tried to calm himself down enough to be able to form a sentence and muttered:
"Just...a couple more..." "Tell me love, don't be embarassed." he took a few seconds before finally pulling his face away from your shoulder, he looked at the ceiling, blushing so hard he was almost steaming, he let out a small sigh before he muttered. "I...also have...a voice kink....and a light bondage and pet play kink-" "Pet play? What Is It??" he froze up a second time at your question, so insanely flustered and embarrased. "Uhh...w-well...uhm...it's kinda like...being treated like a.... pet...and having a collar and a leash...among other things..."
"Uh i want to try!!!" he felt a shiver go up his spine, he was getting a bit more excited as their conversation went on and let out a small hum before nodding. "Okay then..I already bought you a collar and leash some time ago, just in case, and some other stuff...love.." he chuckled at your reaction, seeing you interested always put a smile on his face. He caressed your cheek softly. "Are you excited,love..?"
"Yes, i also have few kinks." he hummed in response. He was quite interested in your kinks, he wanted to know what you liked, he chuckled a bit.
"Oh?..and what might your kinks be,love..?" "Spanking, for example." he raised an eyebrow, he chuckled and his smirk widened a little. He patted your head. "Oh..sooo you like it rough love..?"
"Yes please, and also..."
"And also..?..go on love..tell me.."
"Mating press." he froze up at that,he was surprised to hear that,he raised an eyebrow and smirked slightly once more. "You like doing it in the mating press position,love...?"
"Yes." he chuckled and reached up and caressed your cheek. "Love...you're so..cute and innocent..but so dirty at the same time~" He then suddenly and quickly placed both of his hands on your hips and flipped them over so he was now on top and you were pinned on the bed. "I'm so wet..." Gojo was surprised by your straightforwardness, he looked at you and the blush from earlier came back on his face.
"Yeah..? You're that excited already, love..?" Gojo whisper to your ears.
"That's good to know...I want to make you go crazy love...I wanna drive you insane.." he planted a few kisses on your neck before he suddenly bit down, a small possessive mark appearing. "AH!" You scream. Gojo pulled away and looked at the mark on your neck, his smirk widening a bit more.
"I left a mark love~"
"Auch." he chuckled at your pained reaction. "Aww did I bite down too hard,love..?" Gojo planted a few kisses on the mark he left on your neck, apologizing softly. "Sorry love...i guess i got a bit too excited~"
Thanks to my 27 readers!
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