#this started out as a fairly factual list and just devolved the further I went lol
Through various hermit’s videos, so far the timeline of this snowball is:
(in my head half of this was in a Bill Wurtz voice for some reason and that made it significantly funnier, pro-tip)
Mumbo returns and ages his copper Wrong
Grian decides to prank him by aging copper even More Wrong directly on Mumbo’s base
(Mumbo is very confused, also amongus reference)
Grian steals mines copper from Doc’s perimeter walls. Finds the tunnel bore.
(foreshadowing x2)
Innocently asks chat “what doin” while smelting
Scar feels bad no one answered Grian last time Grian asked that. Asks what Grian is up to. Grian admits to procrastinating on his base....again
(Impulse happens to be flying by Grian’s base at that exact moment)
Scar, Gem, and Impulse descend on Grian H. Dreamslayer to have an intervention
Hilarity ensues (for the trio) and dismay ensues (for Grian)
Grian “works on” the back of the base
asks to go to bed because it’s late
(Scar “but what if you die overnight and this is your legacy?”)
They agree to give him 24 hours
“....Have you seen Doc’s tunnel bore?” 
“Grian, FOCUS!”
“FINE! *flies away*”
“.....I kind of want to see the tunnel bore”
Scar is an enabler (they go to see the tunnel bore)
Scar is an enabler 2: electric boogaloo (Scar turns on the tunnel bore; convinces Grian to try it)
(panic ensues, the wardens are safe)
(also funny cryptic tweets)
“Heeeeyyy Siri how far is Berlin from Portland??”
Scar hides in a bathroom in-game and irl, just in case
Idea! Try To Fix The Tunnel Bore!
How the f*ck does redstone work! There was definitely a fencepost somewhere in it! And a....coral fan??? shit shit shit sh
Idea! Uhhhhhh...Nevermind!
 diamond pile + cool pokemon cards + “Sorry we broke your cool machien!” cake and run run run ru
They Tried Their Best!
“Heyyyy Doc. Has anyone ever told you how cool you are? And handsome? Your base is soooo awesome, can we have a tour??”
Inconspicuous Tour is Actually Incredibly Conspicuous, more at 11
“He has a murder machine??” asks next most likely victim of the murder machine
End your neighbor’s house tour by admitting to breaking the lawn mower and escaping through a secret hole in the ceiling which you also broke like it’s some kind of sitcom skit
War is declared. Obviously
Doc is more upset about the months of stolen MINED copper than the tunnel bore
Grian’s portal to hell is now ~~Condensed and Sideways~~
Grian also has a timebomb above his base that will blow it up in ~24 hours~ or something, don’t worry about it
(Doc is not involved with this at all but if he was it would probably use charged creepers instead of tnt somehow)
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