#this shit is actually selfish smh
realasslesbian · 2 years
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So this type of thing is a daily mf debacle in one of the Australian girls advice groups I'm in and literally there will always be dozens of comments being like 'you should have the kid uwu' and not any actual realistic advice like 'an abortion is gonna be a lot cheaper than raising this child, which I dunno how you're gonna do if you have no house, no job, no partner, etc. You really want to drag someone else into this shitty life you got? You want this kid to grow up in poverty with an absent father? That's presuming there's not something wrong with this kid already on account of all the drugs and smoking the baby daddy's been doing. But actually who cares about this man's opinion on whether you get an abortion or not, he ain't gonna be the one paying for this kid, that's gonna be me and every other tax payer who'll be funding this needless procreation, so maybe that's who you should be asking. And this tax payer says GET THE GODDAMN ABORTION FOR THE LOVE OF GOD'
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ghost--core · 1 year
suddenly filled with the intense need to build belvedere
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revvethasmythh · 2 months
I have nothing to add but I'm so glad to see all the posts you reblogged about the Ruby Vanguard situation like. I legitimately stopped watching months ago because the discourse around it was so stupid. IRL religion does not map to DND religion! They're killing people, and everyone somehow still on the reddit atheist "what if god bad actually" edgelord shit smh. Will probably start catching back up soon.
I think the ultimate rub of the situation is that it truly is irrelevant whether the gods are good or bad. The point is that the Ruby Vanguard is killing people, en masse, for the sake of releasing Predathos, which will also kill all the gods. en masse. and after that? who knows what it'll do when it gets hungry again. It is a MASSIVE threat to the universe at large, even for just it's unpredictability. Because what happens after all the gods have been eaten and it needs to still eat? What does it eat then? No one knows, not even the Ruidusborn who have connected to it. And besides, Predathos eating and replacing the gods would just give you one massive tyrannical god in charge of everything, especially if Liliana's claims that Ludinus is just a piece of Predathos' plan and does what Predathos wants him to do are true (I don't know that they are, but it's what she believes).
I also think people struggle at lot with the idea that the gods of Exandria are imperfect and fallible beings. There are evil ones. Even the good ones are capable of great harm. They're not that different from humans in that way, which makes sense because they created humans. And while I agree that you cannot map d&d religion onto any irl ones because in d&d the gods are 100%, explicitly real and that fundamentally changes how it works, I must say that as a practicing pagan polytheist it does lend. well. a specific and perhaps useful perspective on what it's like to worship a fallible and imperfect pantheon. The gods are not good or evil, they're just...the gods. Capricious and benevolent and stubborn and cruel and just and selfish and giving all at the same time. They are a force in the world. But, importantly, they don't demand faith. They simply reward it when given.
Ludinus and Predathos and the Vanguard--they demand faith, though, don't they? Or at least they will, when they're in charge. That is tyranny.
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rans-baby · 2 years
bonten as high school staff
teehee just bonten as your local high school staff members :3 thank you to my love @megumi-divine for bouncing ideas back and forth with me it's so fun ♡
home ec teacher who will only teach his students how to make desserts because "you can never have enough desserts!"
students got sick of it so he invited emma to guest lecture (read: teach) them how to make real food
will call the students with nut allergies and lactose intolerance "the weakest link" and shame them publicly
will "accidentally" teach his students how to make drugs
takes students phones because he wants all the tea
"your boyfriend is ass, and i saw him holding hands with another girl the other day, want me to beat his ass?♡"
one time accidentally created carbon monoxide and knocked all of his students out
"we could have DIED!" "yeah well I COULD HAVE DIED TOO YOU SELFISH FUCK"
that random coach that subs for other classes and is not qualified for any of the jobs he's given
races his students just to prove that he's faster than them
blows the whistle at random times just to scare his students and will sometimes do it to a beat of a song when he's bored
"you guys would never survive the streets smh"
the history teacher who couldn't care less
"idk they're all dead anyways what's the point?"
talks about politics all the time and has the best intentions but the way it comes across is so misguided
he's trying
the beloved literature teacher that everyone comes to with their problems
makes spotify playlists and will both teach and learn about his students on a personal level
"how's your dog? he was having stomach aches the other day right?"
literally no one pays attention in class bc he's TOO fine
the trash academic advisor who does not help with college apps AT ALL
"it's not my fault you're a fucking idiot jesus"
definitely smokes in his office, but literally who is going to stop him
"i have asthma" "did i ask?"
has almost gotten fired multiple times but somehow still works there
“back in my day” headass
that econ teacher that tells all of his students to get into stocks and nfts and does not elaborate on how to actually do it
"just... buy it"
will come to school in designer shit and gives money to the lower income students and is so kind about it, would never make them repay him
but will scam the rich students "you need money for weed? just pay me back with 30% interest and you got a deal"
thoughts on writing hc's about high school staff bonten and milf!reader?
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me when people are hating on Ouma's actions in game like. I just support him, actually
Ves: REAL she looked good doing it
if it were me I would get more crazy for a lot more selfish reasons, and I would punch Kaito back sooner, good for him for keeping his eyes on the goal
fr fr, look at him in the closing argument, that's my babygirl
Ves: the closing argument artist thinks so too
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he did not have to go that hard but HE DID IT FOR ALL OF US. A HERO
haters will act like he's irrational, but he stuck out so long with no support system since he couldn't trust anyone and managed to play things off even when he was finally starting to lose his shit in a situation when it was reasonable for him to feel like this (tbh even fans make him often crack way more easily to make shipping content, when he's so resilient and then on the other hand not really lone wolfing it either bc he cooperated as much as he could) his way of going about things was smart, there isn't much else he could do, Tsumugi was setting up others to distrust him as well
Ves: AAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!! he did he lasted so fucking long in the worst possible situation he tried so HARD to cooperate and it just. did not work. if i think abt how quickly his plans fell apart i will explode i'd b doing so much worse in his situation
sometimes it's just like, you're talking about paranoia? trust and attachment issues? untreated mental illness? I think we have to be introduced, there's so much I could show you. I am not saying he doesn't have anything of the sort, but there's a lot more of reasonable justified distrust there, and still, it could be so much worse, trapping the next person who thoughtlessly assigns him diagnosis in a demonizing way in a room with me and making them listen to me rant about my failed relationships history for educational purposes
they will learn about all kinds of issues
Ves: it's trueee people act like he's so strange for breaking down but LIKE??? HE'S PRETTY NORMAL FOR THAT ACTUALLY???? he clearly already had Issues but the killing game was perfectly packaged to dig into those this is why DRS and UTDP mostly suck at characterizing him they're still stuck in the idea of him at his absolute worst he was nicer even in ch1 than he is in some of those events
[and then my amazing wife dropped this bomb, and she says I'm the smart one smh] Sini: The thing is, there’s him being shitty on purpose and him pretending to be the mastermind/making himself appear suspicious. There is a clear difference in how he acts. In DRS and UTDP he usually just comes across as playful. Yeah he’s a jackass, but I think his whole “bad guy” persona (the one we see in the beginning of the game) goes beyond the killing game. I see it as a way for him to protect himself, to push people away and not appear as vulnerable. As he’s said before, everyone always sees him as a villain so it’s the perfect role for him. I think that reasoning goes beyond what was happening to him in canon. I do agree his characterization could’ve used a bit more reworking, but I think for the most part they did a good job in showing how differently he acts in a peaceful setting in small ways. The fact that he never uses his scary sprites once or is seen to be more nice with characters like Mikan and Gonta. Especially with Gonta, where he seems to be more vulnerable around. And while this was probably just a mistake, I like to think him being shown as not as pale in DRS as a sign of him getting better. In a non killing game environment he seems to be doing pretty well for himself. But that’s what I believe, anyway
Ves: h that's really sweet actually,,,i may have been a LITTLE hard on the side modes. it's mostly the way he treats kiibo that drives me INSANE, the mikan n gonta stuff is [ok hand emoji].
Sini: Yeah, I agree. I can understand the Kiibo hate, but he doesn’t have to go as hard as he did in game. It’s not like there is a reason to suspect him. The only thing that could maybe explain it is maybe he suspects he could be tied to Monokuma? Since he, the Monokubz, and Monomi do exist here. He was rude to Monomi and seems to suspect her of being not what she seems ALSO, he’s always gonna be a little shit cause he’s a greedy whore. He wants attention and entertainment so badly.
Ves: THISSSSS it's so important i have seen so many people question why he does things where the answer is literally just that he wants attention like there is not always a plot sometimes he just wants shuuichi to chase him
Sini: That’s all there is to it He wants his crush to chase him like in his favourite novels Live the fantasy
Ves: it's part of why they're so good together!! shuuichi as a detective is v used to obsessing over details and giving his whole attention to something in the way kokichi wants HE'S A NERD THAT ALSO EXPLAINS MANY THINGS
Sini: They’re both nerds. Even more reason to why they are soulmates
Ves: kokichi receives the Detective Stare and goes TEEEEEHEE
Sini: IT’S HIS DREAM COME TRUE It’s just like anime! He’s living anime rn
Ves: i think his hair should curl up at the ends when he gets excited as a treat
Sini: To compliment Shuichi’s sentiment ahoge When he goes to his room after an exciting day with Shuichi, he flops on his bed, kicks his feet, and squeals into his pillow
I feel a little ashamed when reverse happens and I am posting something someone else started and I took over, but with this all I can say: follow @vespertin-y and leave nice comments for my wife so we can prove it to her that she is smart and her takes are divine.
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11queensupreme11 · 7 months
Your favorite and least favorite things about ror and pjo?
favorite things:
pretty much the entirety of the first series!
i love how rick was able to perfectly (imo) entertwine the ancient greek world with the modern world
i especially love how most of percy's journey was similar to the ancient greek heroes' journeys in the myths
no seriously, i LOVE how instead of being selfish and becoming a god, he tried to actually fix the root of the problem so no other child would ever go through the same things his generation of demigods went through THATS HOW YOU END AN OPPRESSIVE REGIME, I'M PROUD OF YOU PERCY
everything about the last olympian. he writes war and battle SO well, my heart was literally pounding throughout the whole book!!!
the character deaths.... they gutted me, but they were executed so well
least favorite things:
the gods weren't very similar to the mythical counterpart.... like how pjo!poseidon was a chill, mostly nice guy whereas in the myths he was a rapist psycho.... and how pjo!ares was implied to be abusive towards clarisse whereas in the myths ares respects women and killed his daughter's rapist (tho i get why he couldn't do that since this is a kid's book)
the entirety of heroes of olympus 💀
no seriously, i didn't like any of it
the lost hero and the son of neptune were okay, but after that things started getting messy. probably because of how many main characters he had to write about
the plot was very very.... weird??? especially around the part where they were looking for the physician's cure. a side quest took up a major chunk of the book
the final battle against gaea was so lame!!!! the seven weren't even fighting here, only a few of them were!!! the fact that piper was able to put her to sleep too even though rick literally wrote a list of ways charmspeak would fail AND GAEA CHECKED EVERY ONE OF THEM???? yet piper succeeded anyway???
no seriously, i was expecting the last olympian kinda shit in blood of olympus, but i got NOTHING
rick's shitty view of 'feminism' wasn't feminism at all, it was more misandry (the hunt) and piper ESPECIALLY had some glaring internalized misogyny
i get he was trying to make her a feminist icon, but he really failed with piper. piper clearly hated femininity and looked down feminine girls AND SHE WAS PROVEN RIGHT because 99% of her enemies (major or minor) were girls that were comfortable with their femininity and rick had her triumph over them every time
rick's favoritism over piper. her charmspeak worked on opponents that it shouldn't have worked on (gaea and khione), every other female character suddenly gets downgraded whenever she's around (drew, aphrodite, annabeth, the entire fucking aphrodite cabin, etc), none of her actual flaws were called out (this is mostly because rick never intended for her internalized misogyny and obsessiveness to be her flaws, they were created by accident and noticed by the readers).... and you get the point
favorite things:
the character designs are sooooo 🤤
99% of the characters have 8 pack abs OR MORE
THE GORE!!!! WOOHOO I LOVE THE VIOLENCE (in the manga at least.... the anime censored it smh 🤦‍♀️)
there isn't really much worldbuilding yet but i love what we've been given so far!!!!
the fact that the mangaka was able to create a universe where ALL the gods of ALL the pantheons are in it and it doesn't look like a hot mess??? much respect!
the death scenes!!! yes they're tragic, but they're so well done!!!! the way lu bu's men rallied up to join him in niflhel, the way every human grieved when adam, their father, died, how tesla's last words were to give hope to humanity, I LOVED IT ALL 😭😭😭
least favorite things:
i really need them to explain wtf a demigod is cuz i get how humans are considered demigods (they're humans with the strength of a god) BUT I REALLY NEED AN EXPLANATION ON HOW THE VALKYRIES ARE CONSIDERED DEMIGODS 💀
the gods were.... kinda underwhelming. they seemed more like superhumans than actual gods. poseidon didn't use his water powers? hades didn't summon the dead? no lightning from zeus? most of the gods were fighting physically and not using their actual powers which was kinda...... meh
the list of fighters for both humans and gods.... the gods literally have 5 greeks and 3 norse gods whereas the humans have 4 japanese fighters 🫤 i'd like a lil more diversity
the way the fight scenes are animated in the anime..... they are so bad..... like SO bad 😭😭 my jaw dropped when i watched them
the censoring of the violence and gore in the anime 😔
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dawn-the-rithmatist · 3 months
I wanna hear about Hazel!
Hazel is a grave cleric of Shar and also a very old lady and ex-adventurer. She used to be her party’s rogue, but they’ve all passed away now either as a result of their adventures or from old age. Please imagine a very witchy neighborhood grandma who flips between saying the Weirdest Shit You’ve Ever Heard and the Wisest Shit You’ve Ever Heard.
She’s adventuring again for the first time in decades with her new party, who she’s about four times as old as (except for the elf. The elf doesn’t count though, because while the elf party member has TECHNICALLY been around longer, she’s not actually old by elf standards. Still a whippersnapper smh smh). Her hope is that she’ll get together enough money to visit her family, who moved to another continent.
Her brother was in her adventuring party, but he died in combat- it was what made Hazel give up adventuring. She raised his daughter, her niece, who always quietly resented Hazel for not being able to save her dad. The neice is the family who moved away, and has since gotten married and had kids of her own.
So Hazel is this person who has dealt with so much loss, both of friends and family, and is having the experience of isolation and loneliness that comes with old age. She’s a grandma who has made scarves for every party member, and she’s also an ex-assassin who killed five people in our last game. She has a bet with the Shar that being the god of loss does not make her inherently evil, and is striving to embody what that would look like. But also, she’s selfish and refuses to let any of these upstart whippersnapper adventurers in her new party die before she does (because she’s old, dammit, leave the dying to those who have already lived!) (because she is very tired of losing people, dammit, hasn’t Shar collected enough?)
Anyways uhhh yeah Hazel. I’ll stop now or this post will never end.
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giantkillerjack · 29 days
Your stance on the Dunmeshi queerbait stuff is a bit selfish. Wanting this one manga to go exactly the way you want is a dangerous path - the way you phrase it is so entitled, making it clear it's not about consuming media about lesbians, but making one specific work suit exactly what you want. So many yuri mangas are written by sapphic women. It's a shame your stance is how it is.
And bastardizing the term queerbaiting does no good, either. Neither does the japanese manga market. You should research more before making such hurtful posts.
Hope you have a great day anyway.
[Anon is referring to this post, I believe.]
I mean, one of us certainly IS acting very entitled and weird about the media they like, and it ain't me. Like, I think you just have associated this piece of media with your own identity in an unhealthy way that makes you react to criticism of it with intense defensiveness. You don't own Dungeon Meshi. You aren't Marcille. Dungeon Meshi is NOT a yuri manga; it's a beautiful manga with either sapphic queerbait or a woefully underdeveloped queer relationship at its center.
Maybe if you had an argument besides "it does no good" to criticize it, but you don't. So.
Smh, it's a "dangerous path" - I'm screenshotting that bc I know it'll make my wife laugh. Like, friendo, wanting a piece of media to be better isn't dangerous. But calling someone selfish and hurtful for criticizing media while offering no clarifications as to who I've hurt or how (any fellow sapphics bleeding out in here? Or is it just me with my bonkers-heavy period??)... it's overstepping a social boundary in a bizarre way.
Like, I'm sorry that I'm better at media analysis than you (not actually sorry - I am being petty! :D), but I actually have studied queerbaiting!! I am willing to bet I have done more research than you! (Are you from twitter? You have that vibe. - Again, pettiness.)
... and I spend every day with my wife (the best writer I know; I'm so honored to share stories with her), talking of nothing but our shared special interest all day - i.e. media analysis. (I honestly don't know what neurotypical couples talk about lol)
And I've done enough research to know that one of the side effects of queerbaiting is that fans are often in denial about it and then get REAL MAD when someone points it out. I was there for the Sherlock/Supernatural fandom. Shit was crazy. (Not saying Super-who-lock bc my man Russell Davies was like MAKE THOSE BOYS SMOOCH! 😎)
Also like, my apologies to Ryoko Kui - I really do love Dungeon Meshi - but like, I'm just better at writing and illustrating queer rep than she is. I make real gay protagonists who do gay shit and are gay, and I will never queerbait my audience. Womp womp.
Also, honestly, even if I turn out to be wrong about the queerbaiting by the end of the series, this message was still rude and entitled and weird. We have a lot of issues facing our queer community that endanger real people; someone calling a story queerbaiting mistakenly is not one of them.
#original#also I turned off my anonymous asks because i think you're a little bitch and won't reply if you have to attach it to yourself in any way#dungeon meshi#dunmeshi#queerbait#queerbaiting#queer representation#sapphic representation#gay main character in my graphic novel? check. is the other main character a demisexual panromantic trans man? check.#are there ace characters? check. are there bisexuals and pansexuals and aro characters?? check check and check!!#dunmeshi doesn't NEED romance and i wouldn't mind the lack of gay rep except for all the GAY SHIT THEY PUT IN TO DRAW IN A GAY AUDIENCE#whether or not the intent was malicious it's the result that matters and the result appears to be queerbait#anyone who needs more information can look at the link and read the replies in all the posts but i turned off replies a while ago#eat my ass 🔥🔥🔥#come into MY place of non-work!!! this screened-in porch is for void shouting! down in front goddamn!!!#also turning off anon asks bc i gotta respond to nonsense like this most of the time it is a compulsive thing so I'll just cut off the flow#'selfish'! honestly! LOOK OUT BOIS I'M GONNA KEEP ALL THE DUNGEON MESHI TO MYSELF!!! it's a limited resource!!!!#like sorry you had a very negative emotional response to my criticism but genuinely that is a You Problem bc I was not being cruel to anyon#i wasn't even like. trashing the show. just remarking how entitled other fans get and then this bitch is like#UM EXCUSE ME AS DUNGEON MESHI'S LEGAL REPRESENTATION I OBJECT-- like okay Phoenix Wrong calm down#pisses me off#emotional skill issue#get gud#also me arguing the show should be 'exactly the way i want' would be 5% 'make Farcille canon' and 95% 'MOAR SENSHI PANTY SHOTS' XD#I'm not saying it would make the show better if every other shot of Senshi was lascivious I'm just saying that is the way I'd want it XD#but i AM saying Farcille would make the show better.#queer people CAN queerbait but idk anything about Ms. Kui that ain't my business#I LOVE MY WIFE#i would be open to a coherent argument for the repressed-Marcille reading of things but like. this is not that.
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antlerqueer · 6 months
Hey!! First of all I love your blog. I wish to read more of your thoughts about Yellowjackets. Now to the questions: Any ideas on how to get screen accurate clothes or simillar and a dupe of Jackie's necklace? Tiffany I am sorry but I do not have 5000$ for you! And Who is your favorite Yellowjacket, wy, what you like& dislike about her. Happy New Year!!!!
I think a lot of the clothes you could probably thrift! Like Jackie's blue & white striped sweater is pretty basic, like Old Navy or The Gap (smh Mrs. Taylor would never shop Old Navy). This site has all of the actuals, but costume budgets are usually much higher than the average person could afford.
For Shauna's flannels, you could find some at Target or Kohl's or if you're feeling like you want to spend some dollars probably Levi's and Madewell. Truly no clue where Miss Charlotte Matthews gets all of her kaftans, I don't know if TJ Maxx has those for her to steal.
For Jackie's necklace, Ebay has a bunch of less-than-5k ones (the link takes you right to the search), and there's some on Etsy as well. Looks like the silver ones are much more affordable than Jackie's gold. This one looks like a good gold dupe for approx $140 though!
As for my favorite character...... honestly that's gonna have to go under the cut I've got so much to say always!!
Both teen and adults, I love Tai and Shauna. (I prefer teen!Natalie to adult!Natalie bc I love drama, and I prefer adult!Misty to teen!Misty because adult!Misty has intention. It's not good, but it is intention lmao)
What I love about Tai and Shauna is how their journeys into adulthood are basically complete opposites but also exactly the same: selfish. Tai went "back to normal" so to speak, going to her school of choice, becoming a lawyer, dating lots of beautiful women (her words!) where Shauna just... gave up. She shrunk herself further.
And you'd think after all Shauna did, she wouldn't want to shrink into someone's shadow anymore. However, as we learn in the teen timeline, if there's a single thing that Shauna wants (Jackie, Javi's safety, safe birth) she will not receive it. In fact, it will backfire so badly and it will all be her fault. So she simply "decides" she doesn't want anything else than what she has. I don't even know if she truly loves Jeff the way Jeff loves her.
The way she explodes when she finally does let go, too, is bonkers. She is so full of rage but doesn't permit herself to experience it because, y'know, anger begets death. And she proves it to herself! She literally proves it to herself when she kills Adam! She's like... damn, can't feel anything lest I commit atrocities!!
Just love to see people repress their shit and then go absolutely batshit when they realize they can't keep doing it anymore.
Also why I love Taissa, who has gone head-first into her ambitions with no regard for the others. She said "yeah, I love my wife, but I will not listen to her when she asks me to give up my ambitions for the sake of our family. I will tell her I will, but y'know what? I changed my mind!"
As we learn more about Taissa, probably in season 3, I want to see more of how the relationship with Van devolved in their young adulthood or at least get the gist of it. Because, in my headcanon, I feel like Tai wanted Van to fit into her group and would do things that would actually be so rude "just for tonight" to make Van more aligned with how she saw her future. She probably wanted Van to dress nicer, look more put-together, show up and be "normal" in front of her colleagues. (Because I'm sure that's how she saw her college peers - as colleagues instead of classmates.) I say this with affection, of course, because while I do think that's super selfish I also get why she wants to have so much control. She has no control when Other Tai shows up, so she needs to regain as much as possible.
I wanted to see a bit more conflict between Tai and Van over Lottie, but there's plenty of time for that in the adult timeline now. But I did want to see teen!Tai get pissed about Van being soo into the Lottie stuff. Maybe we will next season? I don't know, probably not, I don't see it fitting into the timeline. I generally wish we got more of Tai in season 2 but I understand the writers had to get Natalie stuff done to align her death with the crowning.
I love Tai because she's unintentionally like... the prime competition for Jackie in the ways that Jackie is insecure. She is so confident within herself, she doesn't need to be aligned with her peers, she's fine going against the pack when she thinks she's in the right. Tai is so unapologetic in who she is, which is refreshing to see for a lesbian in the 90s on tv. She uses the "freedom" of the wilderness to embrace herself and drop the performance she had going on in the real world. And while we don't know much about her life pre-crash, if it's anything like her life post-survival, she must have put on a hell of a show. Because we see her perform femininity in public for the sake of her job, and we can see how she uses it to gain access to the world that otherwise would not be kind to her.
I could go on and on these ladies are sooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
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Trimax volume 2:
Here’s some thought soup.
Turns out I was actually able to wait to read until this week lol. I’m glad I did. I have a feeling this is only going to get more depressing from here on and I’m gonna need the pacing for my mental health.
So just… everything about Wolfwood here. He’s already better realized than pretty much the entirety of 98, I think (<- biased). I said “what the Fuck” out loud several times during this volume which is always fun. I’m going to do a second read before posting this so I can keep my thoughts in better order.
1- It’s at this point I think that maybe I should check the tws for this manga lol. Did this bother me? Not really. Am I scared of the potential now? Yes. Yes I Am. (I see that damn hand gore warning for a late volume and I am Dreading that shit)
Vash just looks so… soft here? I want to squish his cheeks so bad. It’s the power of Loose Button Down at work. A good weapon to have in your arsenal.
I hate it when you can just. Tell he’s making a promise that the narrative won’t let him keep.
On a reread the end of this volume makes more sense. Are they all…? I hope the fuck not.
2- Legato is really just getting more animalistic. There’s something off about him/his survival instincts but it’s kind of impossible to tell Exactly what it is without reading that far ahead. (Speaking of how uh. Explicit is his backstory? Do I need to make myself a nice cup of tea for after I finish reading that volume???)
I really, really appreciate that the gung-ho guns aren’t as one note as I expected. I have to wonder what got them all here, individually?
I wonder what specifically Vash thinks about Wolfwood here, what he knows and what he doesn’t. Is he like, aware that he saw what happened with the moon? Vash isn’t stupid, so I’m sure the thought crossed his mind that Wolfwood could’ve been working with Knives, but he’s also dead fucking set on seeing the best in people. Stay tuned, I guess.
Calling Vash selfish… there’s something there. He does have a tendency to ignore what people want when it comes to this kind of thing- which, yeah, that’s fair when it comes to killing people, but it’s also kind of not his place. Thinking very hard about the other post i saw this week about the end of the last volume.
Another thought that comes to mind is the way Vash thinks he’d just be letting things happen (therefore had some responsibility) in a lot of situations despite it being entirely on someone else. He refuses to just let it be. It makes sense given what happened to Rem, but I still have. Thoughts. He makes me so fucking sad.
The way Vash just fucking shuts down when they threaten Lina. None of them deserve any of this it makes me feel gross and bad.
3- How did he forget about the arm gun. That shit is the most important thing to remember smh
Where’s that one post that’s like “world where guns exist and swords are useless except in the hands of this one guy”
Literally impossible to follow the action but the punchline lands ig lmao
4- god this hurts. He just wants people to live. He just wants to live.
I think a lot of what this is about is sunk-cost, like somebody else mentioned. Digging your heels in further even if you know you’re wrong. I see in the gung-ho guns, Knives especially, but also definitely Vash. I haven’t fully former my thoughts on Vash yet though, i have to see where he goes from here to really make any judgements
God fucking damn it wolfwood. I know it made sense but MAN.
I love how angry Vash is allowed to get in the manga. He can really be scary sometimes.
People can’t change their minds if they’re dead. I think that’s the easiest way to summarize it.
I love how fucked up they are <3
Vash isn’t naive. He’s smart and he’s got years of experience to back him up. I know this. This is proof of it. But damn sometimes he really is incomprehensible in a way that makes me need the reminder.
Hitchhiking on nomansland stresses me out as a concept.
5- wolfwood is really gonna rip my heart out isn’t he
“Vash can’t drive” saga (you’d think he’d be good at it given his other skills. Exposure maybe? I doubt he has frequent access to that kind of thing.)
They’re both fucking exhausted and YET-
I need to start a counter of times when i stop to go “oh vash is so pretty in this panel” but it’d be well over half of these posts
God he’s just zombie-ing his way through this isn’t he
The fucking limp wristed gun is everything to me
The missile is eepy and neebies to sleeby
6- obsessed with this version of home aesthetically.
Vash really just wants to be left alone. Grumpy old man.
Seriously though im in love with this whole setup. It’s beautiful.
It feels kind of illegal to be here though. Like we’re revisiting something that should be long gone. How much is this like the ship he grew up on?
He goes from the breaking point to being so excited to see everybody he’s crying. This physically fucking hurts to read
Literally this chapter makes me sick to my stomach i hate it i hate it
(Side Note, I have some colorings in the works, but it’s gonna be a WHILE until I get them finished. Very excited to share when I do though, I’ve been absolutely losing my shit about the love the others I’ve done have been getting from y’all. I see ur tags and they make my goddamn day. Thank you.)
((Additional Side Note, I am SO fucking excited to get my hands on the wwvd bracelets I ordered lol. I won’t be able to actually wear them for a few weeks though. I had to send it to my parents address. smh my head, man.))
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egg-emperor · 2 years
I think it's really funny how people are always like "what if the Robotnik family deaths are the reason why Eggman is evil" but then you have Eggman that is actually so selfish and self obsessed that his goals have very obviously never been for anyone but himself. And even knowing what happened to his family, he just wondered what he could get out of his grandfather's creations and then went ahead and tried to use the Eclipse Cannon and Shadow for his own selfish gain. He'd even go on to manipulate Shadow and claim him as his own later, lying and stealing credit from Gerald.
Also he's never even had an emotional empathetic reaction to Gerald's death or what he went through, despite even watching the video of his murder and seeing his diary. Yeah it's not that he didn't give a shit at all but it really seems he has low empathy and just doesn't feel any strong emotions towards it. And that makes sense for why it's not a reason behind his evil actions and his goals. Even the reason he hates GUN the most has also been shown to be for selfish reasons in Shadow 2005, with no mention of Gerald or Maria even once. He's never shown desires of revenge against them, which is also telling.
As for Maria, I get feeling he doesn't think or care about her at all, even with low empathy aside. He never mentions her outside of her name being the password LOL. I think he'd just be like "smh that should've been me on the ARK" because he would've loved to have actually met his idol, not even thinking or caring about the reason she was on it in the first place. Again, total selfishness because he's selfish to his very core, it's what he's all about and it's in all his actions and goals. It's so much more plausible and fitting that way. It's really fucked up but that's Eggman alright.
I don't think he cares to think about Maria, and Gerald just isn't often on his mind or behind his actions. He's not the reason for his evil, just an influence for his interest in science as a child. He isn't implied to be connected to his adult goals rooted in pride, ego, selfishness, and lust for power. And I LOVE that because yeah, there's something you could expect to be a reason for his villainy set up for him- but it very obviously isn't. He isn't predictable with a cliche sad villain backstory, it would've been their perfect chance to give it him as one but they never implied it!
And it's awesome and funny and doesn't need to change lol I love this bastard 💜
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
Hi, I’m not sure if you spoke on this already but I wanted to ask for your input on this.
What kills me is the logic of some of the fandom defending the recent episode and Stolitz. They’ll say things like: “You just don’t get the subtle details.” “It was so obvious. You don’t understand storytelling or you need to wait to see the rest before complaining.”
Then I’m like, “What fucking (invisible) details! Some Instagram post (not in the show itself).” S1 was showing a clear pattern between the two…smh. Most recently, someone made a post talking about “For the people saying Blitz is using Stolas for the book, have you thought about why he hasn’t asked Stolas, who’s a prince, for money or anything else?” 🤦‍♀️
I replied to their post with, “How does that negate the fact that he tricked Stolas to get the book? He also used Stolas to get into Ozzie’s.”They didn’t even respond back to rebut my claim. Instead, they made a separate post saying, “You don’t even have to pick up on the subtle details to understand HB and it’s approach to Stolitz. It doesn’t take much brain cells. Are HB criticals even watching the same show? You’re the problem.” 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Sorry this was long. It’s just the amount of gaslighting. I appreciate your response.
You’re good! Here’s the thing, never engage with a Stolitz stan because it’s not worth it. They never listen. And yes, I say Stolitz STAN and not fan, because if you’re personally a fan of the ship, that’s fine. However like I said, these stans don’t listen and there’s no point in even replying, though you can of course if you personally want to. I’ve ranted about this ship a lot, and the fact that so many stans think that we just don’t understand what we’re watching is hilarious. I find it so funny that they say “subtle details”, when Vivzie as a writer is anything BUT subtle. The entire point of Blitz and Stolas’s relationship in the first season (or at least the first HALF of the season) was that all they were was two people in a simple fuck buddy relationship, where Blitz (an imp of the lowest species) screws Stolas (a horny perverted royal owl bird) in exchange for the grimoire for his business. Blitz’s entire thing was that he was a selfish shallow person who did NOT like Stolas at all, constantly annoyed around him and clearly only did this for the book. Stolas’s whole entire thing was that he was a horny pervert who was in a failing marriage, and wanted someone to fulfill his needs. Once episode 6 comes, the writers pull the whole “Blitz actually loves Stolas but is just afraid to show it due to the fear of dying alone”- and that was the first mistake (in my opinion) that they made regarding this ship, because it just wasn’t believable. It felt forced because all Blitz did was act like he gave zero shits about Stolas, not enjoying his flirtations at all and overall just hating him, and it didn’t help that you clearly knew the writers shipped it with all the fan service despite the ship being toxic. It ESPECIALLY didn’t help that the visual aspect shows Blitz being chained up by Stolas, symbolizing how he feels trapped, yet craves being in power. It was a toxic and unhealthy approach, and episode 7 further proved that Blitz did not really care about Stolas outside of being in charge, only using him to get into Ozzie’s.
All the two do is use each-other because they’re both selfish horrible people, so when episode 7 tries to pull the whole “Actually Stolas genuinely loves Blitz and craves something more than what they have but Blitz is hurt by him treating him like a toy and seeing him as lower but Blitz actually LOVES him he’s just afraid to die alone”- that doesn’t WORK because the storytelling tells us otherwise. Season 2 then basically erases all of this and switches the story to have them be childhood friends and then have BLITZ be the one who came onto Stolas first. Now they’re just back to flirting as if everything previously shown and established never happened, this ship’s writing and just a mess and all over the place, and the fact that fans keep saying we just don’t get it or don’t see the “details” when the writing always acts like it’s never thought out or planned is ridiculous. But again, all I do is just ignore the stans cause……ugh.
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sapphic-enigma · 1 year
Please someone explain how telling Suletta over and over that no one needs her is going to help her "live freely"? Is everyone a fucking idiot? Yeah sure I get why Mio said/did what she did but was that the best way to do it?
I feel like all of them think Suletta [ with her sunshine personality] will just be okay with literally everything she has grown up with/fallen in love with being taken away from her. Its the most asine shit ever.
I hate storylines like this. The whole "I'm doing this for you" bullshit when you haven't actually talked to this person to see what they actually want. It doesn't look like you're doing it for them it looks like you're doing it to hurt them.
I honestly feel like after this episode Suletta might actually be like fuck it and do something stupid to get herself killed. Every lifeline she's had has been broken and she's [LITERALLY] spiraling. WHY THE FUCK DID HER MOM LEAVE HER SPINNING IN FUCKING SPACE!
Im so mad. None of these mfs in her life know how to be a proper emotionally involved human being. Clone or not she's your daughter who loves you wholeheartedly and you can callously push her into space and say go back to school you have what you need there. You're basically saying go make a home somewhere else because we [her mom and Areial] don't need you here anymore.
And really Eri was wildin. I thought at least Eri would say something comforting but nah she went straight for the jugular like "yeah i know you grew up thinking I was family but you were just a tool I no longer need Byeeee" WHAT THE FUCK EVEN!
Mio could have at least reached out and said something to her. She felt like she needed to take aerial and the holder away from Suletta, bet. She did that so what reason does she have to no speak to Suletta afterwards? Shit, she could have at least reached out to someone else to check up and see how she was doing but nothing at all? Even though Mio clearly cares, you're telling me she thinks outwardly showing no affection is the appropriate response after decimating Suletta's heart? What in the fuck are these spacians smoking!
Her mom manipulated the fuck outta her, and fucking Aerial and Mio both used her. Like Suletta has feelings my guy. She's not going to be able to just bounce back because you said to let go. She literally thinks its because something’s wrong with her that everyone is abandoning her.
I literally don't give a fuck if these people supposedly care about Suletta anymore because that's the most selfish and toxic ass way to go about "helping" her. I don't want a storyline where Suletta puts herself in a dangerous situation to prove her worth or to get them back and THEN they step in to help her. Her whole life has been about supporting someone else, listening to someone else, being what someone else needs her to be. These motherfuckers need to reach out to her because she deserves that same love and dedication that she puts into others.
Smh I'm heated. This episode and episode 17 have me tight.
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transwicky · 10 months
Ok but superpower au where metaphysicality isn't Johnson's only power.
It's just the one he focuses on.
Johnson's low-key the strongest mutant/meta/super/whatever word you want to use, but he does NOTHING WITH IT.
He's like 625 from the lilo and stitch cartoon tv series. He has all these powers and abilities, could cause the WORST hell in the world, but he chooses...
"Sandwiches"(aka just vibing and helping Ngozi with the comic).
It'd be fucking hilarious, especially if like, only 1-3 person of each grad year on SMH actually had powers. He's the only one his year.
Shitty is the only one in his and Jack's year, though John's p sure Jack has one too. Shitty can make anyone trust him, but even Shitty doesn't know that's a literal power; everyone just thinks Shits is a casual (normal person)
Lardo has a power, Holster and Ransom don't, but John thinks they have low-key powers that aren't "powers" (stupid power classification laws). Lardo never tells him what hers is, and that's fine with John - the less he knows, the better.
Bitty, Ollie, AND Wicky all have powers, but they're definitely not "real" according to the super power classification laws - Bitty can alter time for a small bit, not long enough to be a Real Power, Ollie is a power amplifier, and Wicky is a speedster like the Flash from DC Comics, complete with wearing a power suppression necklace under his shirt (he still eats a lot, and the coaches actually made him not follow the diet plan because that's federal law: speedsters eat a lot, even on the suppressors, so Wicky just needs to eat, and John was kinda jealous).
Dex has a power, the other 2 frogs don't. Dex can fix literally anything mechanical. Maybe not technical, but electrical/mechanical? Yeah. Car, an oven, toaster, electric wiring, shit like that he can fix, even if it's DEAD, but that's a temp fix, you have to replace things eventually. It's cool. And handy.
Whiskey is definitely on the government's watch list, John just isn't sure what his power is.
Tango is also on the government's watchlist. His power is telepathy and telekinesis (like Jean Grey from the X-Men). He wears a power suppression bracer on his ankle for it, too, a thing John thinks is bullshit, and it's no wonder Tango asks all these questions, between the autism and his suppressed power, poor kid is confused.
Foxtrot's power is a lot like Black Canary's from DC Comics.
Louis can manipulate sound vibrations, it's part of why he's obsessed with music. Pretty strong, John's a bit surprised he was let into America.
Bully has no power.
Hops has a mundane one that has the potential to be insanely powerful. He can manipulate things if he focuses hard enough, but it's not strong enough to be noteworthy from the government. (It is why he's great at video games though.)
John hopes he gets strong enough, and he'd love to see him and Tango team up for some wicked awesome super hero shit, it'd be swawesome (no seriously, if they went rogue, it'd be devastating, but hilarious).
But then there's the others.
Guy from the Falconers has fast healing, it's why he gets into fights on the ice.
Kent can mildly see the future by at least a few moments - he wears a suppression thing too, during games at least.
Scraps wears a suppressor too, he can mimic voices/sounds.
Georgia Martin does too. Hers is mundane too. Scouting isn't the power, but her power is why she's scouting for the Falconers, despite being the assistant GM.
Snowy has one.
That dickhole Carly has one.
Three people on the Schooners have a power too.
Just people having powers and some not even realizing (Holster), or being painfully aware of it (Ollie, Wicky, Bitty, Tango, Foxtrot).
John feels bad for the ones who know about their powers, or have the government watching them, the ones that are strong enough that they're suppressed.
Maybe that's why John hides his.
He doesn't want to be watched, or suppressed by the government; he's seen how much it hurts Wicky, and he's selfish, and doesn't want to be in pain.
After graduating, John goes into hiding.
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7,753 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
okay I know the popular conception of stede and lucius' relationship is a father/son thing but like, okay, I get it, and I'm here for it, but I also don't get that vibe at all.
like, I don't think lucius admires/looks up to stede in a parental way. he likes stede, he's supportive of stede, but personally I wouldn't call my dad a bizarre little man or ask him how his breakup is going. like, that's way too informal. that's more a relationship of equals than anything else.
nope. I think their relationship is actually elder gay/baby gay (in the sense of experience rather than chronological age). lucius has been out for years, he has a lot of experience in relationships, he is way more able to read relationships (e.g. knowing that ed and stede are flirting before they even realize they're flirting), and because of that he is extremely well equipped to give advice about navigating queerness.
stede, on the other hand, has just barely started to dip his toes in the gay pool. like regardless if you go with the theory that stede didn't even realize he was gay until he met ed or that he knew for years but couldn't acknowledge it openly until he met ed, stede has zero practical experience. he is, in his forties, experiencing a bunch of "firsts" that lucius probably did in his teens or early twenties. the entire emotional landscape is foreign to him (and I was going to make a joke about how pirating is also foreign to him but then I started thinking about how piracy in this show is a metaphor for queerness and that's a whole second essay)
basically I think lucius spent the first however-many weeks on board the revenge being like "oh my god this guy is a naive idiot but at least he's paying me," and then he heard nigel badminton joking about how he used to bully stede in school and his gaydar went off like mad, and at that moment his attitude changed to "someone needs to protect this naive gay idiot and that person is me" and that's where it is for the rest of the season.
9,160 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
the best part is they politely gave alex jones’s lawyer the opportunity to fix their mistake and they DIDN’T DO IT. smh shaking my head
TEN DAYS. THEY HAD TEN FUCKING DAYS. AND THEY DIDN'T DO SHIT. AND THEN THEY HAD A CHANCE TO LOOK AT THE TEXTS AND OBJECT BEFORE THEY WERE ENTERED INTO EVIDENCE AND THEY DIDN'T. the unmitigated GLEE in bankston's voice when he's like "and as of two days ago, it fell free and clear into my possession, and that is how I know you LIED TO ME" is just fucking awe-inspiring. i love this man.
9,412 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
i feel like every activist should read about fruitlands.
fruitlands was a transcendentalist utopian commune founded in the 1840s. the founders (including louisa may alcott's dad) thought that the existing capitalist economy was evil: alcott described it as a tree “whose root is selfishness, whose trunk is property, whose fruit is gold." so they decided to create a commune that was completely divorced from the economy. like, their response to the "you say you're against capitalism but still participate in it! checkmate socialists!" people was literally "you're right, let's not!"
they refused to consume any materials or foods that couldn't be locally grown, like tea or sugar. they were also highkey vegan: not only was it immoral to eat animal products and use animals for leather and wool, but using animal labor or even using manure as fertilizer was forbidden. and they refused to trade for anything they didn't have within the commune because participation in an oppressive economy was bad, especially if it supported slave labor (ex: wearing cotton fabric).
it fell apart in less than a year because they didn't have enough food to survive the winter.
well, part of it was circumstantial: the site they picked had little arable land and they arrived a month behind in the planting schedule. part of it was the impracticality of living in the 1840s and being so vegan that they couldn't even use oxen to plough their fields or wear clothes that were warm in cold weather.
but the main reason was that the men of the commune (and they were almost all men, except for alcott's wife and another woman, ann page) didn't actually, like, do anything. they left all the household chores and childcare to the women, plus most of the farm work, while they sat around and philosophized about how cool their utopia was. even before it fell apart, most people there had began taking "vacations" away from fruitlands so that they could take hot baths and avoid trying to till the soil with their bare hands.
there are a lot of good lessons here.
1. it's very easy to talk about your great ideas for society but putting them into practice is much harder. you have to actually do the work to achieve the goal: you can't shunt it off onto other people based on the same oppressive systems you're trying to subvert.
2. you need to consider the practical implications of what you're arguing for, including potential downsides. banning wool for ethical reasons is all well and good until you're stuck wearing linen clothes and canvas shoes in the middle of a massachusetts winter.
3. you can't expect that a utopia is going to be all the things you like about society staying the same and everything you dislike being changed. that is at best naïve and at worst intensely selfish.
tl;dr: talk is cheap, praxis is hard.
20,261 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I already knew a lot of criticisms about cryptocurrency and NFTs but HOLY SHIT Dan Olson just spent two hours very carefully and viciously picking apart every single aspect of the entire operation and explaining exactly why it's capitalism at its worst and is basically a perfect scam machine
23,874 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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that “women be doing evil shit in video games” post...smh. like don’t get me wrong i laughed, particularly at the specific examples which were brought up (Sims eugenics and Minecraft pranks & whatnot) but then some people are like taking it seriously and writing it into cultural prosecution testimony to decree women as inherently evil people in the notes.
fjaieonklndas. they’re fucking video games. most people do “morally reprehensible” shit when they play video games. because said “shit” isn’t real! it’s a fucking video game!
over half of all gamers are men (sorry for not being more inclusive, the statistics i’m able to find are limited) and most of those men are absolutely, unequivocally doing “evil” shit, too. because, once again, they’re fucking video games. it’s a safe space to act on darker impulses, play the villain, and even confront yourself and consider what it might be like to personally make selfish, greedy, horrible choices and reflect on just how selfish, greedy, and horrible they really are.
these days, gaming culture has a very toxic side (misogyny is a huge part of a lot of that, not for nothing...) there are a lot of games that reinforce fucked up beliefs about the world, or are even just full-on, actual propaganda. video games, like any other hobby/interest/culture, have people who gain unhealthy worldviews or even addictions through playing them. but at the end of the day, video games are simply a form of art which happens to engage and stimulate those who interact more than many others.
NOT the space to take out your frustrations about sex & gender dynamics by making grand moral statements. to do so is unethical because it is untruthful; one’s moral code has nothing to do with whether they decided to be in the dark brotherhood.
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