#this seems more like some kind of horror au more than headcanons but that just my opinion
yourdeepestfathoms · 2 years
So, i have this headcanon with my partner that 1. Noel sometimes get 'controlled' by Monique and she does..well, not good things. 2. When Mischa gets really annoyed he just kinda snaps and threatens anyone and anything until he gets his own way. So, Ocean's their guinea pig and ends up with severely bleeding, twisted ankle, lost hair, slit throat [ish] and worse anxiety problems. Poor Ocean.
you can’t see, but i’m just blinking in absolute bafflement at this
i genuinely don’t know what to say to this 😅 it’s not really my cup of tea. i really like both Noel and Mischa, so them essentially just being cold-blooded torturers is not up my alley at all.
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finalgirllx · 1 year
Mattheo Riddle Headcanons
From someone who only recently got into him. I could be wrong, since I can't trace back his roots much. Some of these are inspired by other writings, Marcus Lopez in Deadly Class, and my own bot usage.
I wrote this in about 5 minutes. Just a warning.
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Mattheo is, of course, reserved around those he isn't close to. He tends to act cold, and will go as far to make himself seem threatening if he feels like it (whether that's actually true or not is your interpretation).
If he does something kind for someone without being asked, he prefers to let it go unmentioned. "Thanks for getting that for me." "Yeah, yeah, If you tell anyone, I'll kill you."
Scorpio, Scorpio, Scorpio! This is the one time I'll assign my star sign to a character because it fits him so well, along with his face claim being a Scorpio as well.
Mattheo loves The Smiths. There is no arguing there. This is definitely Marcus inspired, but it is just so nice.
He wears black almost exclusively. It is just his go-to and fits his general vibe. If he must, he'll go for a neutral-toned checkered flannel or jean jacket when it gets cold.
Mattheo has immaculate handwriting. Like, people look at his work and can't help but stare because they're surprised at the quality of it.
He drinks black coffee in the mornings, and that's it.
Does get into a lot of fights. And he wins all of them. However, unlike what others may think, he tries to give someone a chance to out themselves from a potential fight before he goes in.
Loves the horror genre. He talks up paranormal horror as the superior subgenre but will sit down and enjoy just about any kind.
He is a Resident Evil fan (Resident Evil 1 came out in 1996, so this is for slightly more modern au's).
His closest friends are Theo and Blaise, but he gets along well with Enzo and has an okay relationship with Draco.
He is knowledgeable and a strong critical thinker but doesn't care much about academics. Besides Defense Against The Dark Arts, he is really talented at Potions.
'Claims' people. His icy demeanor is rather tough to break; once he lets you in, it's like a switch is flipped, and he's more possessive and protective than anyone could've anticipated.
Has a mean jealous streak. This has been known, lol.
I think he prefers cats - but honestly, I see him being hesitant towards pets. He is still sweet toward them and would be a love bug with a pet of his own, but I can see a pet approaching him, and he wouldn't know what to do at first, haha. 
Mattheo is sarcastic to his core. Shows his affection through teasing. But he can be quite serious and good at knowing the right words to support someone when needed.
Slight NSFW implications - incredibly dominant, and there's nothing you can do to change my mind that's not his preferred mode 99% of the time.
To see Mattheo's sweet side is a real treat, but he keeps that part for whom he adores the most.
His love language is physical touch and its not even close. If he falls for you, he'll always make sure to be touching you in any way that is possible at that instance.
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Info post about the au
(If characters seem OOC ((Out Of Character)) it's beacause I'm going off of my own interpretations/headcanons/fandom versions. So please be aware of that)
More info under the cut (Info is subject to change at any time. Info may be added to as well)
-Jobs in the group: Mix of things where ever he’s needed, often helping with scavenging, or just trying to cheer up everyone in the group and building upkeep
Weapons of choice: Bow, staff that can turn to duel blades.
-Head canon voice: ???
-Backstory similar to the og Dream (other than the fact Nm didn't eat the apples. Similar with the fact people liked him over Nm, and he didn't know about anything Nm was going through.) Unlike the og Dream he was guarding the tree for a lot longer than him (around 450+ years), guarding the tree long after the og apple incident.
-Nightmare is actually older than Dream by around a minute, sometimes Nightmare holds that over Dream just to annoy him.
-Dream and Nightmare are both trained in combat, due to being the tree guardians they’ve both had different forms of combat in them since they started existing. Dream’s fighting style focuses more on defense. When fighting side by side they fight in such a way to cover each other's blind spots.
-Dream doesn’t mind the pronouns He/Him, but also will go by They/Them. Either He/They works for him, They’re not too picky about it. 
-Always refers to Nightmare as Night, the only time he uses his full name is if he’s trying to scold him, or trying to get his full attention. 
-Kind of protective over Night, They knew some people pick on Night (didn’t know the extent of it), and also due to Night being shorter than them and also not really having much magic either. Even when they join the group, they still stay a little bit protective over Night, trying to be Night’s voice of reason when Night wants to do something dangerous. 
-He knew Night didn’t exactly have the best mental state, though he didn’t know the extent of it. When the apocalypse happened, he noticed Night’s mental state got better, though he never talked to Night about it. 
-Before the apocalypse, all the negative emotions were getting to them. Though, they tried to not let it show. No one but Night noticed this. 
-Night is really good at reading Dream. But Dream can’t read Night as well, he’s better than normal people at knowing what's going on, but isn’t the same as how Night knows him. It’s just Night has been hiding his emotions and such for such a long time that It's hard to tell what he's hiding and what's real when it comes to him.
-After the apocalypse happened, Dream took note that Night would sometimes ramble to himself, mainly it would just be hearing quiet mumbles from Night. They found it weird at first, since before that they’d barely hear anything from Night. At first, they thought these mumbles were due to stress that Night was possibly having. But seeing how Night's mental state got better, Dream then assumed that these mumbles were just because Night feels more comfortable to talk. Since he feels Night is going to be talking more he uses this to try to get more convocation out of Nightmare than what he’d usually get from him.
-Night and Dream joined the group, kind of in the middle of everyone else joining. He found it easy to get along with Blue, Ink was also somewhat easy for him to get along with, though he found Ink a little weird. Dream understood that Night didn’t really want to stick around anywhere for too long nor did he want to be around people, he was worried that Night would leave them but was glad to see Night stick around.
-Dream is sort of surprised when they joined the group that Night was making an effort with people (not realizing that Night was doing all that to prove himself to the group). He’s also surprised that Night made an effort to befriend Horror (not knowing much about Horror thou), and a bit later making friends with Killer and Dust. Dream doesn’t mind Horror as much, as Horror is a bit weird but okay, whereas Dream didn’t exactly like Night being friends with Killer and Dust, due to the fact they’re both murderers. But after a bit, Dream realized they most likely won’t do Night any harm. 
-Dream often tries to help out where ever they can, they like to help out Lust with (non-food-based) plants/gardening. Since they know, seeing plants/plant-life can create a sense of calm/wellbeing. 
-Dream still feels like he can’t abandon his job as one of the tree guardians, he knows Night doesn’t feel the same, so never really talks about it. But he feels like it's his responsibility to fix the apocalypse by trying to fix the balance of negative and positive emotions. Even though he knows it may be way too much for him to do, he isn’t even sure where he’d start. 
-He finds it easy to get along with most people, but he also understands he can be a bit draining with how he acts and the fact they’re in direct contact with positive energy. He doesn’t mind spending time with people, but he does also appreciate having time to himself. Often liking just relaxing away from everyone, since he doesn’t have to try to be chipper all the time.
-Is able to distinguish what type of positive emotion someone has, either they be happy or in love. But cannot distinguish what type of negative emotions someone has.
-Dream’s tail is constantly moving around. Either it be wagging or swaying, moving to point left or right whenever he looks that way. In contrast to his brothers tail.
-When they talk their hands are always moving, talking in hands with gestures. They can’t help it and does it subconsciously, if anyone points it out to them, they get super embarrassed and try not to move their hands around, normally holding their hands to their chest or lap. 
-Is learning how to draw from Ink, Blue also joins in on these drawing sessions sometimes as well.
-Doesn’t really like modern technology, he can use it to some extent, but just doesn’t like it for some reason. He does enjoy watching movies on a laptop as long as others watch it with him though, but that's the extent of his love of technology. 
-Is scared of owls, doesn’t like the fact they can turn their heads 180°, meaning they can always watch you. Freaks them out, also got shown a picture of owls without feathers by Night once and hasn’t been the same since when thinking about owls. 
-When around others they tend to act somewhat innocent and try to be positive most of the time. Mainly because they doesn’t really want the others to question them too much. They tend to keep this act up around Night, but they know Night sees straight through it. But they can’t help it, due to the situation they feel they have to make sure they’re a beacon of positivity.
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Kids-Guarding the tree as adults-After joining the group
How they feel about:
Nightmare: Adores Nightmare, Night is his brother after all. He’d do anything for Night, and doesn’t like it when Night puts himself in dangerous situations. He tries to do what he can for Night, but he knows Night keeps a lot of things to himself, which he wants Night to open up, but he also doesn’t want to force him to talk. Dream knows Night is trying for him, but he wants Night to try for himself to do things because he wants to do them not because it will make him (Dream) happy.
Cross: Likes Cross, appreciates the fact he’s trying to take care of Night when he can’t be around Night. Thinks Cross is just genuinely nice, often hangs out with him, normally with others as well either that also be with Night or Blue. Cross had accidentally told him that he had a crush on Night. So he (Dream) tries to help Cross where he can when it comes to Night. He wants both of them to be happy. Is basically a wingman for Cross.
Blue: Likes Blue, Blue was one of the reasons he wanted to stick around the group. He and Blue got along very well. Pretty much felt like meeting someone who is very close to your own personality, and they hit it off.
Ink:  Likes Ink, but thinks Ink is a little bit strange. He sometimes doesn’t feel emotions from Ink, and Ink explained their vials to him. Was quick to find out that Ink does random stuff and has no concept of danger or what is right and wrong really.
Dust:  Unsure what he thinks to Dust, since he knows Dust is a murderer, and doesn’t tend to feel much emotion from him, and he hangs out with Night. He can see that Dust most likely won’t hurt Night, but it still does have him worried since Night isn’t the biggest fighter.
Horror:  Unsure what to feel about Horror, something feels off about him, but he was Night’s first friend in the group. If Night likes him, and he doesn’t look like he’s going to hurt Night in any way then he can’t really complain.
Killer:  Unsure what he thinks to Killer, since he knows killer is a murderer. Doesn’t tend to feel emotions from him. Is also unsure on the fact he hangs with Night, Dust has shown clear signs of not wanting to hurt Night, whereas Killer hasn’t really shown anything to say he won’t hurt Night.
Error:  Likes Error, Error acts like he doesn’t like him though, but he knows that Error doesn’t actually mind him. The only time he’s seen Error somewhat actually annoyed is when he brings Ink along to come see him.
Lust: Likes them, sees them as a good friend. Appreciates how chilled out Lust is, and that Lust acts as the only normal friend for Night. He and Lust often hang out together, he likes to help Lust with gardening, or help them make/repair clothes. 
Fell/Edge:  Is okay with Red, just doesn’t appreciate Red’s swearing. Red’s one of the more organized members of the group, so tried to help Red out where he can to make sure things don’t spiral out of control.
Geno:  He is okay with him, he can feel Geno normally doesn’t feel okay so tries to cheer him up when he can.  Doesn’t really like looking at the scar on Geno, but he knows Geno can’t really do anything about it, so just tries to ignore the scar.
Outer: Likes Outer, they get along well. Will sometimes join Outer on a night to look at the stars. Likes to listen to Outer talk about things. Appreciates how chilled out Outer is. Often him and Outer will work together on things to help other people out, since they both tend to have a lot of free time. 
Sci:  Likes Sci, sometimes sits with him so Sci can ramble about things to him, likes it when Night joins them too, hearing the two go back and forth with info and thoughts. Treats the two like a podcast, even though he doesn’t understand half of it he’s starting to recognize what things they talk about.
Reaper/Death:  Unsure what to think really. Doesn’t like the fact Reaper is out to kill Geno, but at the same time Reaper is polite and nice to him. So has conflicted feelings about him. Tries to keep Geno away from him. They tend to be on good terms but its on thin ice.
Fresh: Night told him to stay away from him. Trusts his brother's judgment, doesn’t understand why Night wants him to stay away but after a few interactions realized he was getting a bad feeling from Fresh, so decided Night is probably right about staying away.
Gans/Echo: Doesn’t mind him, but doesn’t like it when he swears or smokes indoors, but doesn’t try to police him on these things, knowing it's not really any of his business. 
Chief: Doesn’t mind him, thinks he can be a bit rude, but other than that thinks he’s okay. Tends to help him out if he thinks Chief needs any help, but knows Chief enjoys bossing someone around, so doesn’t ask half the time if he needs help.
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wickjump · 1 month
Hey. Hey come here.
*gets really close and whispers in your ear*
Nightmare with leg problems/chronic pain in legs that he doesn't want to admit/acknowledge until one day he literally falls down in front of one of his gang members (like Killer for example) and finally needs to acknowledge it and is forced to go to a doctor and finds out he needs to use a cane (or be a part time wheelchair user or something) and he's very upset about this and Dream is confused on why there hasn't been any attacks on AUs recently, meanwhile the gang is helping Night get used to this.
*runs away*
(Sorry if this was inaccurate on chronic pain idk much about it)
OOH OOH ME ME i have chronic pain!!!! granted in my back not legs BUT I HVAE IT!!! aw i love chronic pain headcanons they make me feel happy. it’s good to be in pain when other characters also are so you can write it well (i recently was in the emergency room for it)
i feel like he would find other ways to continue his work even without the use of his legs (ie using tentacles to walk/move around, which we’ve seen him use before, and def have other types of pain—head pain and migraines, for example, because half his head was blown off. he 🤝 horror )the worst migraines ever)
he’s a very work oriented type character, regardless of interpretation he’s often doing work in some shape or form, whether physical or paperwork; i don’t think that would change at all. i love aid users btw, especially hcs too theyre so underrepresented, and i def think that works for other characters, but nightmare,, wouldn’t, the same way i haven’t gotten a cane despite how that would probably make my life easier. I’m a ‘tough through the pain’ kind of person—I’ll feel it regardless, it’s best to chuck pain meds and get on with my day. and nightmare does have options—again, tentacles, the ability to grow said tentacles and generally shift to provide aids on his own.
sans would use a cane/wheelchair 100%, as would most other classic variants or swap papyri. they don’t care nearly enough to make themselves feel pain on the daily for sake of “usefulness” or “appearances”. nightmare, i just don’t think would. he views his cause as too important and neglecting his pain like i or others can do seems more fitting. he’d despise not being able to move as ‘freely’ as he’d like even if it would be better for him. on worse days he sits down the entire time in his office and makes his henchmen do his dirty work. he’d find ways to work with it—he is 500 years old after all.
but holy shit do i LOVE the headcanon where he has chronic pain in his legs!!!!!!!!!! i feel that he uses something that acts like a cane but isn’t sometimes, something like a staff that he subconsciously uses to support himself while still looking ‘prestigious’ or whatever the fuck. but traditional aids? no way. he’d sooner die than go to a doctor, he’s too full of himself and cocky to get help from someone, especially one he doesn’t know. even in a fanon approach where his gang urges him to do something about it, he’d rather make a remedy for worse pain himself.
idk just my thoughts!!!!! also don’t skip out on getting aids or pain meds nightmare is immortal and a fucking stuck up asshole and an idiot. go to a doctor. get checked out. get prescription pain meds and aids if you need them. do all the things, don’t do what i do im just a dick to myself and probably a bit of a masochist given how little i ask for help with these things 😭
ANYWAY YA!!!! love this hc so much thank u anon,,
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Hi I’m new to requesting stuff , hopefully I’ve done this right XD also hope your doing ok and drinking plenty of water 💕
can I please request the Crane Game AU please :)
Reaching into a crane game to grab something only to be grabbed and pulled into a plush world
Yandere : Joyboy 
What if reader won something from the crane game , only when their went to grabbed it , something grabbed them instead. 
Reader now teleported into the plush world where their meet Joyboy who’s more than happy to show reader around …lets just hope reader doesn’t slip up and accidentally asked how do they get back home .
Oh don’t worry, dear! You did it absolutely perfectly! Couldn’t have been better in all honesty! Thank you for reminding me to drink water, and I’m going to do so right now once I finish this sentence. Doing it. And done!
Also yes, you most certainly can! But I’d like to clear some things up real quick, I know that currently Joyboy does not have an official design. So based off some old fanart, I’ve saw of him that made me fall for him.
I personally headcanon him to be a giant (or at least just really tall) with a big black beard, long black hair, having a dad body, and having quite a bit of body hair. So until proven otherwise, this is how I will see him. I hope you don’t mind!
Now before I start rambling about things, and getting side-tracked! Let’s get to it!
Transformation, Clinginess, Being Trapped for Eternity, Noncon Mention, Being Treated like You’re Crazy, Body Horror (?), Attempted Coercion into Pregnancy
Okay so let’s imagine that you’re playing a crane game, you’re trying to win this really fluffy stuffed animal that looks really appealing. It doesn’t matter where you are, you’re playing the game regardless.
But when it goes to drop the plush into the prize slot, it gets stuck right on the edge of it. You’re annoyed of course as it was so close!
You get a brilliant idea though, and reach right on up the prize slot. It’s within grabbing range, and you did win it. No harm done!
The fuzz from the plush just barely brushes against your fingers before you feel something grab your wrist tightly. You try to fight it as it pulls you with tremendous strength, but it won’t let go.
Suddenly you’re being pulled into the machine, you sit atop the giant pile of plushies for less than a second before you’re pulled down into them. You have no idea what has you, or how this pile goes so deep.
But soon? You’re reach the bottom, and good news! Your wrist is free! But bad news, you’re falling from up in the clouds down to an island.
Your first reaction is screaming cause “Holy shit! I’m gonna die!”, and there is no second reaction until you feel yourself be caught. You cautiously open your eyes, and you’re staring at a giant plush.
He seems so happy to see you as he holds you like you’re a bride.
“There you are, Sunshine! I’ve been looking all over for you!”
I think you’d probably be too shocked to really say anything as you look around. Everything is made out of some kind of material used for sewing except for the sun which almost looks like a lightbulb and… Is the sky a quilt?
In all honesty, it probably feels like you stepped right into some kind of children’s television show… But your brain is going a mile a minute as it tries to process everything, you probably can’t even hear Joyboy trying to talk to you.
“Sunshine? Can you hear me at all? Hey… I’m talking to you… Sunshine?”
When your brain eventually does process everything, you pass right out in Joyboy’s arms. He’s not bothered though, this just saves him from having to deal with you freaking out about things.
It’s what everyone does after all when they’re pulled to this world! And although he did choose you to take, he is happy that he doesn’t have to deal with the typical “Where am I?! What the fuck is going on?!” sort of stuff. At least not yet anyways.
So Joyboy will take you back to his home. He’ll set up a fake scene, he’ll change your clothes to one of his shirts as a nightgown, and lay you down in his bed with a wet washcloth on your forehead.
Honest to god, he loves how you look in his bed! The size difference between the two of you just makes it so cute! Your small human body in his bed that’s meant to accommodate his big plush body.
Maybe he’ll have some time with you… Just to ensure that the scene is far more believable when you wake up… Some physical soreness never hurt anyone…
As a result when you wake up, you’ll feel an incredible soreness like you’ve been stretched to hell and back. So you start to sit up only for the washcloth to fall into your lap, you’re so confused until the man himself enters.
He puts on a facade about how happy he is that you’re finally awake, as he was starting to grow worried about you. And you understandably freak out because “Giant talking plush man!!”.
Joyboy will feign surprise, and then severe worry because “Don’t you remember me, Sunshine? Shh, it’s okay!! It’s me, your husband!! Joyboy!! You know I’m a plush man!!”.
Once Joyboy has managed to calm you down enough, he’ll lie to you and tell you that you’ve had a horrible fever the past few days. You’ve been unconscious for the past week with a high temperature.
He’ll claim that your high temperatures must have affected your brain, and caused amnesia. He knows that he’s lying his ass off, and he doesn’t care.
And if you try to bring up that you’re a human, and you’re not from a world where the sun is not a sun shaped lightbulb? He’ll agree that yeah, you are different from plush people but he has no clue what a “human” is. Is that what you’ve decided to call whatever you are?
As for the other world, he brushes it off as “Oh you were dreaming, sunshine! What else would the sun be? A ball of gas?”.
You can try to argue all that you want with this man, it’s not gonna work. Eventually he’ll tell you to just get some rest as you still must be loopy, he’ll show you around tomorrow to jog your memory.
There’s no room for you to fight back as he interrupts you as soon as you speak. Until you finally agree to rest, or sleep.
In the morning, he gives you food and you’re thankful that the food is at least normal. Joyboy is smiling the entire time that you eat, he claims that it’s because he’s so glad your appetite is back.
In actuality, he knows that since your body is allowing you to eat plush world food instead of completely rejecting it. It’s a sign that you’re becoming trapped here with him.
Maybe he’ll try to take a tiny bit of off of your plate for himself, but just a tiny bit. And he laughs quite heartily when he gets caught, something about it just brings him so much happiness for some reason.
Eventually once you’re finished eating, he’ll pick you up in the palm of his plush hand. He’ll take you outside, and to all the places that he claims he used to take you. The place where you had your first date, where you first met, your favorite spot to sit and relax with him, the absolute best place to find the tastiest plush world food.
Each time he’ll ask “Do you remember this place?”, and when you don’t. He’ll tell you all sorts of stories about the things that you and him have done here together, it doesn’t sound the most convincing but he won’t allow you to claim that it didn’t happen.
And if you try to then he’ll take on a somewhat dark tone as he tells you that it did happen. You just don’t remember right now, and that you should stop saying that it didn’t.
He’ll even take you around to meet everyone that he knows. Zunesha, Emeth, even his dad! Nika! (Personal Headcanon). Each, and every single one of them will back Joyboy up on what he’s saying. Every little bit of it.
None of them will believe you either about the world that you came from. Saying that you have some crazy fever dreams… A world where people don’t bleed stuffing, and everyone has skin instead of fabric? Absolutely crazy! What will you come up with next?
Honestly though, you know what’s supposed to be right. And you’re determined to get home even though you fell from the sky.
Joyboy might be big, but you heavily doubt that he’ll help you get home with the way he’s acting towards you. You could try, and ask his friends or Dad if you got desperate enough.
But he won’t let you out of his sight. “Wherever you go, I go!”, he’d gleefully say when you try to use the bathroom. Or try to do quite literally anything…
Plus do you really think that Nika is gonna help his son’s darling get away from him? Yeah, I think not… He’ll probably immediately tell Joyboy everything then you are so fucked…
Imagine the visual of this giant plush man looming over you, and looking less than pleased. It doesn’t matter if he’s a plush animal, or if he’s just a plush version of himself, I still feel like that would be scary.
So probably best to not say anything as Nika will rat you out in a heartbeat, and any of his friends might do the exact same thing.
Best to come up with a plan of escape on your own. I feel like he’d definitely notice if you were doing it on your daily outings, so it’s best to do it while he’s sleeping. I feel like he’d snore very loudly too, so unless you can sleep through that then best to make plans while you can’t sleep.
It’s not there’s anything else to do. As if you try to get out of bed then he’ll wake up. Joyboy will go from dead sleep to wide awake “where are you going?” “uhhh… Thirsty…?” “Oh I’ll come with you… I’m kinda thirsty too…” Then it’ll be right back to bed. Also if you’re wondering “Couldn’t I just ask to sleep in a different room?” then the answer is no… You could request earplugs if you want though, but I doubt that’ll block it.
Might be quite surreal to see a plush person eat or drink in all honesty…
Anywho… So honestly I feel like once you’re in plush world, you can’t get out unless you can somehow manage to find someone or something to fly you out of the sky quilt before you’re cemented here…
You’re likely stuck here forever then, and once this sets in for you. That’s when things start, you’ll begin to notice that your skin feels different… Like fabric…
When Joyboy takes you out on outings with him to show you around, and walk to all of his favorite places in the wilderness, the lightbulb sun will actually start to start to feel like actual sunlight. Those plush birds will sound more like birds instead of voice boxes.
Joyboy will notice all of these changes in your behavior as you look around for what you were sure was a non-plush bird. He knows that you’re going to be cemented into this world soon.
So that’s when he starts showing you all these new places, he’ll take you to this nice spot out in the wilderness saying his parents brought him here when he was a kid. He loved it, and he hopes that he’ll be able to share that with his own kids someday.
If you try to brush him off with those comments then he’ll probably get more direct. Telling you things like “You know, Sunshine… We should have a baby soon…” and “It’d be so nice to have your belly sewing together a little one for us…”
Does it make you uncomfortable especially when he rubs your belly? Probably yes… Does he care? No…
I feel like Joyboy would be one of the Yandere’s that has a somewhat low chance of forcing themselves onto you. Like every Yandere has their limit before they do, Joyboy is willing to wait for quite a long time though to fill you with whatever is cum for plush people.
And one day when you’re getting changed, or taking a shower or something. That’s when you’ll see it. Your skin is turning plush.
Could be patchwork, could be fuzz, could be anything really… Regardless your skin is becoming fabric…
Try and pull it off? Not coming off, and it’s slowly spreading across your body. Of course you panic, and the sound of it alerts Joyboy.
If he’s not in the room (unlikely) then he’ll come running, and if he is then he’ll whip around or throw the shower curtain open to see you.
And once he does, he’ll groan a little “Sunshine, you made me think that something horrible was happening!” “Something horrible is happening!! My skin is turning plush!!” “That’s great, not horrible! Now you’re just like me instead of… What did you call it? Hue-van?”
Regardless of what you say, Joyboy will watch as the plush slowly creeps along your body. Imagine if his touch accelerated it too?
So you have him poking at the fabric occasionally while chuckling, you try to smack his hands away and he just keeps doing it. All until the plush fully consumes you.
You’re no longer a human, and you’ll be inanimate for a good bit as your insides transform. Once it’s all finished, you’ll be a plush person just like everyone else in this world.
Now you couldn’t leave even if you found a way to get past the sky quilt, you’re stuck here for all eternity now…
Joyboy will help you up onto your feet, and assist you with getting used to your new body. He’ll watch you as you stumble about on plush legs with a chuckle.
“Is it really that hard getting used to new legs, sunshine? You don’t have to learn if it’s really that hard, I’ll carry you around everywhere…”
He’ll do it too, don’t think that he won’t…
Maybe after a few years, Joyboy will have conveniently forgotten that you used to be a… What was it again? A Hue-van? Or was it a Mew-Band? Blue-can? Sew-blan? It doesn’t matter…
But for right now, he’ll enjoy your new plush form and relish in the fact that you’re here to stay now…
In more ways than one too! As now that you’re a plush person, you can far more easily accommodate his size…
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shifuto · 3 months
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I have a lot of headcanons brewing for these two specifically, this one I came up with today and it's something that made me really glad because of how much it makes sense considering their stories (and all the plot holes where we don't see much of their stories)
both Legato and Knives are just too fucked up, mentally ill, tormented by the horrors and traumatized to be able to sleep like one would normally (or whatever that looks like considering the universe they're living in)
we already know how they get to meet each other, but there's a lot of unanswered questions that might have obvious answers (like the fact that Knives have named Legato, or the fact that Legato loves Knives, etc), and it doesn't really go too much in depth in canon, so the rest here is all speculation
so, onto the actual headcanon behind this art..
(assuming, perhaps, Knives lived together with some of his servants, like Elendira, Zazie, the doctor, etc)
when Knives takes Legato in, he has probably designated a chamber of some sort for him but Legato refused to leave his side. This was probably a case of unstoppable force X unmovable object, and Knives ends up letting Legato in his own room
now, this would be very weird and unusual considering 1) Knives loathes humans and Legato was one of them and 2) they literally just met, and the circumstances of such meeting were extremely violent, for a lack of better words so... it would be unwise to be around each other when they don't know each other, really
Legato then would stand "guard" and Knives didn't really seem to mind that much for whatever reason. Something about some kind of fucked up mutual trust, some kind of Legato knows his place, some kind of knives knowing he can kill that human but, for some reason, he doesn't want to
well, for the first time ever since getting separated from Vash, Knives is able to sleep
which is a massive surprise for him because he let a filthy human he just met into his room just because he was too tired for an argument
and Legato is finally able to sleep too (although in some sofa, so not exactly comfortable, but likely much more comfortable than anything he has slept on), because he feels safe for the first time since he can remember
eventually, this escalates to them sleeping on Knives's bed (and rumors start.. Elendira is pissed at Legato because she thinks they're lovers [they're not] and the Doctor is worried about Knives changing his mind about humans and abandoning the plan or whatever) because they're just so comfortable together and are able to sleep because they're in each other's presence
of course, this naturally evolves into an actual relationship, and I love the idea of getting them back for a new beginning, because I really love post-canon AUs where everyone gets a second chance at life (and this is what the drawings are about)
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theharrowing · 1 year
A Very Harrowing Halloween
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after much deliberation, i have decided that i am going to make an attempt to accept drabble requests, headcanons, and games for the spooky season! i will only honor requests that are sent in a very specific format, so be sure to read below before popping into my ask box.
first, some disclaimer stuff:
you must be over the age of 18 to submit, and your age or age range must be displayed in your bio. i will not write for you if it is not, even if you are not asking for a smutty drabble. for this reason, anon is turned off through the month of october, so if you need to make a burner account to display your age and participate, please do so.
i will only write about members of bts and a reader character. i am not accepting requests for any other groups or celebrities, nor am i making up original characters.
you absolutely must fill out your request the way it is specified below. copy and paste into the ask box. asks sent without these specifications may be deleted or ignored until i feel the urge to write in another 6-12 business months.
just because you submit, does not mean i have to write. i have no idea how stressful the next month is going to be, and i may end up fulfilling only half of them, or only one of them. if something seems fun, i might hold onto it to fulfil it another time. (i still have headcanon and drabble requests in my inbox from god-knows-when i was asking for them.)
now onto the fun part...
drabble request details:
your request must contain the following information:
pairing: (can be member x member, member x reader, multiple members x member, multiple members x reader.) genre/au: (any type of relationships, tropes, or alternative universes; smut, angst, fluff, crack. if you want to leave this open for me to decide, just say so!) what makes it halloween themed? (vampires, werewolves, black magic, horror film tropes, etc. you must include something that makes the fic scary, but if you are undecided and want my assistance to decide, just let me know!) are you okay with dead dove? (graphic violence, murder, etc. if yes but there are things you are absolutely not okay with, let me know!)
you may provide a summary of no more than 20-30 words. keep all details out; this is a drabble request and will not be a very detailed piece of writing.
i will not be posting your original ask, so you can divulge things to me that you may not want the public to know, especially in the dead dove area. i will tag you in the post once the request is fulfilled.
headcanon request details:
headcanons are pretty straightforward. just be sure it is somehow halloween themed or it will be ignored!
i will be posting your original ask attached to headcanons.
game request form:
this-or-that games that are somehow halloween themed are accepted! those not on theme will be ignored! here is an example of one of my past this-or-that games! (i am currently working on some carnival/circus ones, so no need to ask if that is something you are into!)
all you need to tell me is what the topic/theme is and whether you would like it to be explicit or not! i will take care of the rest.
i will not be posting your original ask. you will be tagged in the post once the request is fulfilled.
no other kinds of requests are accepted!!!
i reserve the right to change this information at any time, and i will be sure to reblog with updates if i do! if you have any questions, feel free to sound off in the comments or shoot me a dm!
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narratorstrash · 1 month
Cotard Syndrome
A GKM au drabble for my mutual
(Warning; some disturbing descriptions, mental illness, $uicidal ideation, near-death experiences, mild swearing, revival & disrespect of nature, exploration of character undeath, headcanon that Harumi had permanent issues & scars from dying, like ‘chronic illness’ kind of issues)
When she had been sucked into and violently spat out of a mergequake, something had happened to Harumi. While she had hit her head rather hard when she landed, that wasn’t what felt wrong.
Rather than being happy that she had survived, a building sense of dread had dug into her weak soul and began festering. Slowly, as she began trekking through this strange, large world she’d been thrown into, she grew sicker and sicker. Certainly not a simple cold or fever as it only got worse no matter how much rest she got. She had spent a whole damn day trying to sleep off the horrible feeling, but it didn’t work. It only seemed to slow the ache.
Despite the illness dragging her down like vengestone shackles, she pressed onward. She had finally found a river, and rivers always led to civilization eventually, so she had set a course along its shore. An added bonus was that it was a fast flowing stream, so she could stop for a drink whenever she needed.
Yet the further she went, the more drained she became. Even when the silhouette of a large, shiny city rose triumphantly across the horizon, no second wind pushed her forward. She was left with heavy feet and a deep, aching hunger gnawing at her empty stomach, threatening to start eating itself. The pain only grew, spreading like blood in water from her legs, to her back, and creeping up her neck to her skull.
Everything ached, screaming for her to just give up— it would be so much easier if she did. And still, she pressed on until her legs finally gave out on her. Even then, she refused to stop, she refused to die like this. It was a death unbecoming of someone with her determination and iron-will, but even she couldn’t keep going if her body decided it was done.
She fell to the sandy ground, barely giving a grunt of pain when she landed heavily. The earth had turned from cool dirt to blistering sand hours ago, the limited comfort offered by foliage having disappeared into a massive swath of gold.
It was so hot even the river she had been following didn’t help. She felt so unbearably warm and tired and hurting everywhere and she just wanted to rest. She desperately needed food and sleep, but she knew she would surely perish if she so much as blinked too long. But it was so, so tempting. The cool mistress of death disguised as a short nap called her to rest where she lay, lulling her with the promise of peace— the peace of an afterlife she never got when she had gone down with the building in Ninjago City.
In truth, that’s all she wanted now. Ever since her revival by the Overlord’s twisted claws, her only true desire was to return where she had fallen, where she had sacrificed herself to save a little girl from the same pain she had experienced. At least when she had died, she’d done so for a selfless reason. Her life had ended on a somewhat decent note, helping a random family avoid the heartache she had suffered— though it didn’t overshadow her numerous other crimes.
She had at least accepted when she died, crushed under tons of concrete and drywall, body never to be found no matter how hard the green ninja had searched. And then the damned Overlord had to find her and decided he still had use of her. Sure, she had agreed to his terms for a second chance, but nothing could have prepared her for the horror that came with that new life.
It had started with her soul being slammed back into her physical form like a truck, a startled gasp filling her lungs and sending a sharp pain shooting along her broken spine. Yet that pain was nothing in comparison to the sheer agony that overwhelmed her mere seconds after.
Throughout the reconstruction of her body, she felt every moment of it in horrific detail. The invisible stitching of her skin, the forced healing of her punctured organs, the sudden resetting of her numerous compound fractures— it was a fate she would only wish upon the Overlord himself. While it only lasted a few seconds, it was without a doubt the longest, most excruciating experience any being could undergo.
When it was finally completed, she was forced to escape her impromptu tomb with her bare hands and a small push from her master. Then, she was left with vague instructions every-so-often and plenty of scars to show for the disrespect to the natural order she had become. For a long time, every breath she took burned like fire and the beat of her heart felt like a stuttering palpitation, her joints ached like an arthritic’s and her skull pounded with the strength and devastation of an earthquake.
In essence, being alive was somehow more painful than simply dying under the rubble of a collapsed building. Life always found new and interesting ways to be cruelly ironic.
Unfortunately, the moment she stopped fighting to think, she fell into the trap she’d been trying to avoid this whole journey. Her eyes slowly drooped closed, unknowingly falling asleep, and she stayed that way for a long time.
She didn’t know when exactly she had closed her eyes, but when she did, she had rightfully assumed that was the end for her. Yet not only did she awake, she awoke in a soft bed with air conditioning blowing her way from an unseen direction. A rickety bedside table held up a glass of water, a sandwich, and a bottle she could only assume was pain medication.
She blinked a few times, soothing her dry eyes, and breathed deeply to force back the chronic headache she’d been dealing with for months now. The burning in her lungs took her mind off the pain in her skull for a minute— a small win she would accept— so she focused on commanding her limbs to respond. Water would certainly help her situation, so she methodically flexed the muscles in her arm until she could feel it again and guided it to the table. With painstaking effort, her hand closed around the glass, the coolness of it acting as a slight balm to her calloused palm.
“Hey, you’re awake!”
The unknown voice startled her far more than she would willingly admit, causing her to clench her fist with a panicked strength that shattered the glass with frightening ease. The shards bit into her skin, but she didn’t acknowledge it.
“Who are you?” she snapped, immediately demanding answers, “What do you want?”
“Oh, I guess we haven’t actually met,” the ginger removed his headphones as he spoke, “The name’s Aaron Fox.”
Harumi glared at him, suspicion high; just because this man gave her a name didn’t mean it was really his own or that he was honest in nature.
“Not much of a talker huh?”
Only then did she realize he was holding out a hand, expecting a friendly handshake. She refused it with great prejudice, huffing a quiet laugh.
“I don’t talk to strangers,” she turned her nose away haughtily.
“I mean, I’m the stranger who saved you from dying slowly in a desert, but okay,” Aaron shrugged, glancing to the water dripping off the side of the table, “What’d you do to your glass?”
Harumi looked down at her injured hand, making a tsking sound of disapproval, “What does it matter.”
It was more so a statement than a question and it clearly confused the man before her.
“It kinda matters ‘cause you need water and there’s glass in your hand.”
She didn’t respond, pointedly ignoring him to instead bring her other hand up to pick the shards out of her skin. It stung a little, but no blood followed from the tiny wounds— unsurprising to her considering the state of her current existence. You can’t exactly bleed if your heart doesn’t pump blood correctly. Last she had checked, her heart would only beat once every five minutes or so and every time it felt wrong in a way that was difficult to describe.
“I’ll getcha some bandages,” the man excused himself, leaving her to slowly remove the particulates.
It was a slog to complete, the thick, small droplets of blood oozing from the tiny puncture wounds at a snail’s pace. Most people would have started bleeding the moment the glass embedded itself, but she didn’t count as most people anymore. By the time ‘Aaron’ came back, she had piled the shards onto the table and was putting pressure on the injury with her safe hand, hissing at the slight sting.
“Man, can’t believe you stomached doing that by yourself,” he cringed, placing a plastic cup on the table and rolling up the small damp towel in his hands, “Especially with how tired you must be. Your temperature was crazy high when I found you!”
He brought the towel close to her forehead, to which she smacked his hands away.
“What are you doing?”
Aaron blinked in surprise, “Trying to help with your heat stroke? Your fever was still really high before you woke up.”
Harumi glared, distrusting of this random man who decided to save her. In the end though, she was far too tired and in pain to keep her walls up forever. Honestly, she couldn’t keep them up for a minute longer. She finally gave in with an exasperated grunt and let him place the rag on her forehead. Almost immediately, the fabric began slowly absorbing the heat from her skin, allowing her to cool off faster than she would on her own. She lay back to keep the rag on her head without holding it, reluctantly relaxing to some degree.
“I got some bandages too,” he pointed out, “I need your hand.”
Despite her initial misgivings and wariness, she let him take her hand to disinfect and wrap it to keep any infection out. When he was done, he took the rag back, finding it no longer cold.
“Wow, already warm. You want me to-“
“Okay then.”
He left with the rag, closing the door to give her some semblance of privacy. When he was gone, she sat up and looked out the small window across the room. She had thought about escaping when she first spotted it, but with her condition and having no clue where she was, that would likely do more harm than good.
So she chose to stay— not that she had much choice in the matter anyway. Her stay wouldn’t last very long though. She would make sure of that.
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saltytwi · 2 years
Fave Sonic Trio Headcanons
aka a random trio i made out of these three.
edit: i call them team neon now!!
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why? because theyre my fav sonic characters and i want to see them all interact. simple. :]
i still havent found them a name though😭
i'll add more probably (*ahem* feel free to suggest-)
blaze is the speed type because she's literally the sol equivalent of sonic. tangle is the strength type because i think she's good with close range, also her strength stat is 10/10 in speed battle. silver is the flight type because he flies everywhere, floats all the time and also can carry 30 people at once with his power.
(for AU only– i guess?) they live in some kind of a weird trailer. they found it abandoned so they decided to renew it and then decided to live there :)
(also for AU only) theres a bed at the back of the trailer. its the most chilly place so blaze sleeps there. tangle sleeps on a couch, but sometimes she makes a bed out of her tail. theres a bed attached to the roof (idk how trailers work but-- yknow theres a small room thingy built above and theres a bed inside?? yeah that) silver sleeps there.
none of them know how to cook properly. blaze is absolute dogshit at cooking, tangle made sunny side up eggs once, and silver can make something easy if he follows a recipe of the said thing written on something.
blaze has the most beautiful handwriting known to mobian. tangle's writing is extremely messy, like if you can read it then congrats. silver's writing usually consists of square shaped, blocky letters and its kinda messy but still kinda readable.
they can't handle horror games well, especially the ones that has many jumpscares, like fnaf (even though some of their adventures make horror games look cute). when they first got jumpscared silver accidentally flung himself to the roof and broke it, tangle almost squeezed herself to death with her tail, and blaze scorched the computer.
tangle and silver played tic tac toe and doodled stupid shit on blaze's forehead once when she ended up falling asleep (they did it more than once btw) the first time they did it they almost got scorched alive but now blaze doesnt give a fuck about it. she got rid of all the permanent markers around though
this trio may seem like tangle and silver being idiots and blaze is their caretaker– but it's not. blaze is just as much as an impulsive dumbass like the other two (but sometimes?).
emphasis on "sometimes": they have one braincell, most of the time blaze has it but sometimes it just. doesnt exist. it keeps disappearing
bc of blaze being a walking radiator, they all make this cuddle pile in winters when they get cold. blaze being in the middle.
tangle's tail is so fluffy that sometimes they end up sleeping on it all together. it just sprawls around to make a biiiig bed (think of it as a floor full of pillows).
silver's quills are a perfect subject to test out all the hairstyles :)
about this post, it took like 6 hours to style all of their hair. (fur? quills? idk)
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sytokun · 2 years
The Grimm. How do you plan on making the Grimm a real and ever present threat in your rewrite? To me making them scarce was a major issue to me in the cannon material. Also how do you plan on making them engaging plot device or something that just exist in the background?
Been thinking about how to answer this. There's a lot of stuff I do with the Grimm that I've already sort of headcanoned as my own preferred method, so comparing it to canon is kinda tough, lol.
Well for one, I'm using a lot of original Grimm for this. I really like designing monsters when not drawing anime girls, and the Grimm are some of my favourite monsters to draw because they have such a strong visual language to them - the consistent colour scheme, bone armour and glowing red markings.
I've taken a lot more liberties with them too - while canon Grimm designs seem to more clearly derive from animals or mythical creatures, I've been very liberal with how I design my Grimm - basically anything that I can think of, goes. So animals, myths, random things in my head... they all work as long as they're interesting, scary or cool.
Scary and more horror-themed Grimm are definitely a thing I want to do more of - moreso just my own tastes in monsters rather than any deliberate decision for this project. Of course, that doesn't stop contrarians from saying it's "darker and edgier for the sake of it". Uh maybe I just liked watching The Thing (1982) as a kid and looking at monster pictures on Pinterest and thought they'd be cool in RWBY - not everything is some concerted effort to tear down the fans' sacred cow. It's just an artist doing stuff they like doing.
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So I can't speak much about their role in the immediate plot yet but... there's a reason the four Kingdoms here had to resort to escaping to the sky. The Grimm are basically the entire reason the world of Remnant and its societies operate the way they do, so everything has to be planned around their existence.
As an additional point, in this AU (i.e. an alternate universe with an alternate timeline), the Great War was not a war between Kingdoms, but a war against the Grimm. This is one of several changes I had to consider for Remnants - not merely change for its own sake but in consideration of RWBY's existing world and what changes would best serve its kind of story.
Rule of cool is also a consideration of course, but anything can be cool with the right execution, including ideas that are not relevant or beneficial to RWBY's specific setting or rules. I think the rule of cool should be used to make the right ideas stand out, not compensate for ones that don't work. Cool ideas, like any idea, needs direction, and RWBY already draws a very clear direction with its story by sheer merit of the Grimm existing.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Wordgirl Horror Idea
So this is a combination of the braingirl au, my mousegirl au and a headcanon I have that aliens have adapting genes which is how they can accumulate new abilities and are able to survive off their home planet for so long. Also inspired from eris' lab mouse au, my weremouse Becky ask to melody and some inspiration from liloskulls' genius horror mind. Also this is needed to be reblogged because of a character limit by tumblr so sorry about that.
Look at the trigger warnings before reading.
So the idea goes that in the braingirl au, Becky gets fused with Squeaky. This is where the horror kicks in. Instead of fusing Becky's brain with Squeaky's, Becky's brain absorbs Squeaky's brain into her own alien brain, not only that, but all of Squeaky's genetic code and instincts get absorbed into her body as well. See at first, Becky's Lexiconian body treats this as a foreign contaminant, like a disease. But instead of building up her immune system to stabilize or fight it off, like when Becky got sick that one time throughout the show (not caused by lexonite), her body system begins to adapt to the foreign contaminant. It is tricked into thinking that copying the mouse DNA into her system will help Becky to adapt to her new environment.
A searing pain is pulsated throughout her body. Becky looks down at her hands and sees tiny brown/white mixed hairs growing out of her skin. She feels these hairs pushing out of her skin, clumping together, covering her bare skin. She felt another sharp pain but this time coming from her fingers. They were elongating, becoming longer than their normal size, almost like claws. Speaking of which, Becky could only witness in horror as her fingernails were growing longer and sharper, actually becoming claws. She could feel a similar pressure coming from her feet, sharp toenails pressing out against her shoes, almost tearing them apart. She tried to pull off her shoes to ease some of the pain but she unfortunately loss her balance while trying to take the first shoe off. She landed on her backside when another blast of pain came from landing on her but. Becky did not immediately look as she could only stare at her now altering feet. Her toes and toenails changed like her fingers and fingernails. Only this time her toes seemed to spread apart more. She could also feel the muscled in her feet and hands begin to shift. Becky looked at her hands and began to see some type of padding form at the palms. The newly contained hairs continued to form and clump and spread over her entire body. She could feel the hair attached to her head, fusing with her skin and almost becoming like the fur that her body was now growing. Becky tried to get back up on her legs, trying her hardest to ignore her changing feet and the internal pain she was feeling in her stomach. It felt as if her organs were changing as well. Unfortunately she could now no longer stand up on her own two feet. Becky fell toward the floor, landing on her hands, now paws, to stop herself from falling face first. She looked at her arms, her back, and her legs. She saw her arms and legs scrunching up. She could now feel the bones in her body changing along with her skin, neither were a pleasant experience. Her back was becoming arched. Her thighs felt as they were being stretched and warped into circular disks. The lower and upper parts of her limbs were being fused together until her elbows were almost virtually nonexistent. Becky was now forced to stand like a quadruped. Becky looked in stun shock to now see a tail growing out from behind her, covered in some tiny hairs like the rest of her body. Luckily the pain from her now growing tail wasn't so bad, kind of like a starfish. Just when Becky thought things would be easier from on out. She was immediately proven wrong with a face first presentation to her transformation. Becky soon felt her ears growing larger, accumulating more sound waves than what she was used to. The ears began to curve in around the edges and suddenly droop from the side of her head. She soon felt some new hairs grow out from her face. They felt different from the brown/white hairs growing out of her skin. They were more thin and blackish grey. Becky saw that she was, yes growing whisker around her nose and mouth. Then one more strong surge of pain shot through into her face as her mouth began to elongate forward, forming a cone shape. She felt the bottom half of her face now grow into a..a muzzle?! Her nose also grew a bit larger. Tears began to fall from her face as she felt her nostrils burn while becoming enlarged.
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Info post about the au
(If characters seem OOC ((Out Of Character)) it's beacause I'm going off of my own interpretations/headcanons/fandom versions. So please be aware of that)
More info under the cut (Info is subject to change at any time. Info may be added to as well)
-Jobs in the group: building upkeep, storage management  
Weapons of choice: bones that come up from the ground/walls, gaster blaster (larger than the others blasters), throwing knives
-Head canon voice: ???
-Uses he/him, doesn’t mind other pronouns. 
-His coat was a gift from his Frisk. Will barely go anywhere without it. (Fell!)Frisk is a kid who belongs to someone he knows, basically became an uncle to them, since he babysat them so often. 
-Has a bit of an attitude and is very quick to go on the aggressive/defensive. But once someone actually takes the time to actually get to know him he’s protective, loyal and good humor to have around.   
-Had his tooth knocked out in a bar fight. But if anyone asks about it he makes up some random story on how he lost it instead, more so just to entertain himself.
-Had a youtube channel that he started as a joke where he narrated horror stories, it got pretty big but he stopped posting over time due to not finding any more stories he felt like reading. He was going to get back into doing it, but the apocalypse happened. 
-Swears often, though tries not to swear around people who have asked him not to swear. So long as that person had asked him nicely. 
-Doesn’t mind wearing any sort of jewelry, providing it’s gold, doesn’t like any gems on it, just pure gold jewelry and he’ll wear it. 
-He is often in charge of fixing things around the living area and just general upkeep on the buildings. Finds this relaxing since most of the others won’t question why he’s there or what he's doing, can just say he's doing his job. Will often pretend to look busy in a quiet corner of the living area so no one bothers him. 
-Hates not having clothes fully cover his arms/legs, just feels uncomfortable so will always wear things to cover his arms/legs. To add to this he also doesn’t really like clothing with zippers, since he's normally too rough with the zippers and they end up breaking. 
-Struggles to express things through words, so often expresses things via touch, either that be to show violence or to show kindness. E.g. punching someone, or lightly putting a hand on someone's shoulder.  
-One of the more misunderstood people in the group, since his attitude is what keeps most away from fully getting to know him. 
-Likes things with fluff, hence why he has clothing with fluff on them. Doesn’t just extend to clothing, but other things such as animals and items, just likes how soft fur feels. 
-Is the type of guy to say whatever is on his mind, doesn’t tend to think of the consequences of saying it. He isn’t too worried about upsetting people, unless it's someone he likes. 
-Will bite if anyone puts limbs too close to his mouth. Only people he likes can get away with it but if they’re doing it to annoy him he will still bite them. 
-Doesn’t really leave the living area, since he doesn’t want to fight Wraiths. He’d much rather be lazy and chill in the living area doing basic tasks.  
-Despite him having storage management as a job he mainly leaves the storage room for Error to sort out, him mainly focusing on getting objects to the storage room in the first place, or getting equipment that wasn’t returned. 
-Hates when things are a mess, or unorganized, it just bothers him so much, will go out of his way to sort things out if it’s something he's going to be seeing often, e.g. a room he’s in a lot. 
-Tends to often hang out with Sci when he has free time, often helping Sci out or just keeping the space where Sci works clean. 
-Has several stress balls, and other things such as fidget cubes, always carries at least one of these things on him, normally for himself, but he will hand it to someone else if he sees they may need it more than him at that moment. 
-Type of guy to mind his own business, if something is happening, he will watch from the sideline. He’s not getting involved, nor will he talk to anyone about what went down, unless he’s bothered enough about the situation is the only time he will talk. 
How they feel about:
Nightmare: Doesn’t really get along with Night, but also feels like an asshole whenever he’s mean to Night, as Night always remains polite to him. So just tries to stay out of Night’s way most of the time.
Dream: Likes Dream, they’ve also asked him not to swear as much when they’re around, which Fell abides by. Dream often helps him when he needs it so he’s willing to do anything Dream asks of him back.
Cross: Got into an argument once with Cross, sure Cross apologized to him later on, but he’s still somewhat salty about it. But other than that he can somewhat get along with Cross.
Blue: They got along somewhat decently, though they get into arguments on the regular. Blue doesn’t really put up with his attitude. He does respect Blue a great deal though due to the fact Blue won’t take any of his bs.
Ink: Is unsure of Ink. Knows Ink can be really nice and does appreciate whenever Ink is chilled out. But doesn’t appreciate any pranks Ink may pull on him.
Dust: Doesn’t really like him too much, given he's a murderer and the fact he just can’t make heads or tails about what Dust is thinking or feeling, it freaks him out to no end, especially with the fact Dust will be around Night as well, normally staring him down when he has to talk to Night.
Horror: They don’t tend to interact too much. Doesn’t really have a proper opinion of him, only tends to see him whenever he goes to the storage room. Has noticed that Horror seems to forget interactions that they’ve had.
Killer: Very similar feelings to Dust that he has for Killer. He can’t make heads or tails of Killer. Also knows Killer tends to act like an idiot to get reactions or to have others not question him.
Error: Sort of gets along with Error, knows to just stay out of his way mostly, despite them both having storage management as a job it’s Error who does most of the work in the storage room, leaving him (Fell) to do all the storage related tasks outside the storage room.
Lust: Likes Lust, one of the few people he runs into in the storage room that he can get along with. Though he doesn’t talk to Lust much but likes how patient they are with him, Fell feels Lust actually took time to understand his personality with the limited interactions they’ve had.
Geno: Will hang out with Geno somewhat regularly, normally run into each other when Fell is trying to avoid doing his job by sitting in a quiet corner of the living area, which Geno will join him wanting to avoid his job too.
Outer: Often goes around the living areas with Outer so they can talk and do tasks at the same time. They get along well. Outer often telling him about anything interesting he’s heard from the others.
Sci: Gets along well with him, spends most of his time hanging out with Sci. Often chatting with each other, he tends to keep Sci’s workspace clean, as well as making sure Sci takes care of himself. Tends to keep others from bothering Sci as well, trying not to let any work pile up for Sci.
Reaper/Death: Sees him somewhat regular, whenever Geno comes to hang out with him. Thinks Reaper is chill, knows Reaper is just there to do his job but still holds a light grudge on the fact he’s there to kill Geno.
Fresh: Not seen him before.
Gans/Echo: Uses the radio room to hide from his job sometimes, so tends to talk with Echo whenever he’s there, they get along well and have somewhat similar views on things. 
Chief: The one who normally catches him trying to avoid his job. Sometimes Chief pretends he doesn’t see him when Chief knows he’s in a bad mood, which he really appreciates Chief doing. So when Chief does tell him to get back to work he normally does.
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black butler ride the cyclone au 🤔 who do you think would be who ?
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This ask took longer than I thought cause I decided to be extra and draw the characters in question then it led to me switching casting then made a random wheel of The Ballet of Jane Doe and The New Birthday Song with two Jane Doe casts and then I almost deleted this post when getting some creepy spams out of it and then the art didn't load/some colors poofed from final piece so I'm working on that!
I decided in the end of this casting and the second hand casts if it didn't work. I'm gonna tag @crimson-violets and @a-tcos for it cause it's Black Butler related and also Ride the Cyclone is technically a horror musical according to some Twitter people
Ocean - Ciel Phantomhive.
I was stuck between Maurice Cole and Ciel, but it was both of the whole vibe "I'm better and deserve the best" but it's Ocean's past hinting why she's so much like this that made me pick Ciel. Cause yes he has the same vibe, but he shows he doesn't find everyone so annoying they'll leave at once, he's more pushing them away.
This also goes for the fact in Ocean's song What The World Needs has some good pipes and I often do put Ciel in the cast of Lydia in the Beetlejuice musical thanks to Dead Mom
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Noel - Alois Trancy.
Okay, so this was gonna be Clayton cause he just is OKAY!?! But I picked Alois for this line in Noel's Lament: "In my life, I was Noel Gruber who worked at Taco Bell in Uranium City, Saskatchewan. But, in my dreams, I played a different role... I was Monique Gibeau in post war France"
In the day time he's Jim Macken, a boy who's life he wants to forget more than anything. And wants to be Alois Trancy, a rich boy who doesn't give a shit about what life throws at him.
All I'm saying he's not uptight as Noel is but it fits for me
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Mischa - Cheslock.
The first time we meet Cheslock he instantly had a rough attitude and made Ciel get stoned in a not fun way. But I love the headcanons that Cheslock's a secret softie kitten inside
He also gave me the vibes of not so sturdy relationship with his family
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Ricky (my baby) - Snake.
So I was gonna put Ciel in this if it wasn't Ocean, but nothing was gonna make me picture Ciel doing Space Age Bachelor Man, but Snake fits more of the personality Ricky gave off
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Jane Doe (my other baby) - Doll.
Okay, so for casting her was hardest since both options were a bit fucked up. It was between Finny and Doll.
But I chose Doll for her personality as the circus performer which is very emotionless and doll like kind of like Jane Doe
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Constance - Joanne Harcourt
Okay, this was second hardest since I was stuck between Lizzy and Joanne since they both seem the perfect people for the role, but he wins due to his actual shy expressions
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Other cast of certain characters:
Mey-Rin - Constance
Sebastian - Jane Doe (mysterious man and also I see Sebastian during the Lion fact)
Mischa - Bard
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frenziedslashers · 3 years
what about soulmate au with bo and vincent?
since they were conjoined maybe the universe gave them a soulmate to share? possibly the red string au or scar au? actually any of the soulmate au things work, if you’re okay with writing that of course!
I love this idea so much <3 yesyesyes Idk how good this is since I wanted to make it more than a headcanon list and I have been exeriencing really bad writers block, but I hope this is alright and y'all enjoy D: !!
I might work on a pt.2 or something because idk.. kind of like this idea a lot LMAO
Double Ended:
Everyone else only had one string on their finger - or at least everyone that you knew of. Yet, you had two. One connected on both hands. It caused a lot of people to make fun of you. Causing you to grow frustrated or embarrassed, depending on the person. Sometimes even a little ashamed. You grew up in the south, in a household where you were taught that you could only have one love. Not two. But your life seemed to have a funny way of helping you out. Torturing you to no end. Ever since you were born and the strings showed up, your parents were embarrassed. Ashamed to have a kid with two soulmates. That was absurd! A ridiculous outcome that they shouldn't have to deal with.
Your parents even tried to cut one of the strings once. Vincents string. And he felt it. He was fifteen when they tried, you being around the same age. It felt like someone was taking scissors to his heart. His body falling limp as he fell onto the ground. Tears pricking at his eyes as he clenched at his chest. His brothers swarming him as he choked out sobs. Though the sobs just scratched and tore at his unused voice.
"Vince! What the hell!" Bo shouted, hands dropping to hold his gasping twin. Lester falling to his side as he watched his older brothers with fear and horror.
"Vincent, what's wrong! Where's it hurt! C'mon buddy," The normally aggressive and wild teen was in a state of panic. He could be mean, even cruel to his brothers, but he loved them, nonetheless. He would do anything for his family, and seeing Vincent in so much pain scared the shit out of him. Worried that he was dying.
"Here," His nasally, silent voice gasped out. His hands clawing at his chest. Tears falling down his face, which was now exposed. His mask laying on the floor from the struggles. Ripping at his shirt with a scream. A gash slowly forming on his chest over his heart. It was unexplainable. The brothers staring in shock. Unsure of what to do to help their brother.
Your parents held you down while they snipped the string. It hurt you too. A scream ripping through your chest as you tried to fight them off. Everyone knew that you weren't supposed to tamper with the strings, and if it wasn't for the neighbors hearing the scream that you let out. You and Vincent could have died. Leaving the string disconnected is tampering with fate. Something that shouldn't be toyed with. Your neighbors calling the cops, who made it in time to tie the string back together, and get you away from your parents.
The Sinclair boys still didn't know what happened that night. Once the string was retied Vincent was able to breath again, and his heart felt like the pain vanished into thin air. The gash stayed, and so did a nasty scar. But he was sure, deep down, that it had something to do with you.
Years later you were with some "friends" when they decided to poke fun at you for your double string problem. "What's with the two stings?" The one snorted, your eyes falling down to look at the strings while you sat beside them in the car. The four of you were going on a road trip. Sure that it would be a nice get-away. The one driving being your adopted families son - so your brother, basically. You didn't ever call him a brother though, with how rude and mean he was to you. You typically called him by his name, Brad. He and his parents were hardly any better than your real parents. You were just more money in their eyes.
"Ya gonna answer me?" Brads friend asked with a smirk. Leaning in to kiss your neck. Shoving at him with a glare. "What the hell, stop that!" You snapped, watching him pull away with a snicker. He always tried things with you, and you hated it. Especially since no one would do anything about it. He was one of those people without a string. Which often meant that you were meant for no one, or that your soulmate died. You always assumed that he was meant for no one. With how gross and idiotic he was. Rolling your eyes and letting them look back out the window. "I know as much about my double string issue as you do about your no string problem." You scoffed, and he chuckled. Wrapping an arm around your waist. "Well, how 'bout we be freaks together?" "Get off me!" You shouted, catching the other twos attention up front. Your brother in the front seat looking back to the two of you with a glare.
"Get off of them, I don't care if we had to take 'em with us, mom and dad said no funny business!" He snapped. Even if deep down he wanted to leave you stranded somewhere. Everywhere you went you felt unwanted, and part of you knew that he wanted to leave you in the woods and never look back. You were honestly a bit shocked they weren't pulling over and shoving you out.
Then they started slowing down. The previous thought only adding to your anxiety. "What're we doin'?" You asked. Rubbing your hands on your thighs, attempting to stop the claminess. Looking up to meet your brothers eyes in the rear view mirror. "Stoppin' for the night." He told you, and you nodded. You knew you would all be camping for a few nights on your trip across the country, nearly spacing it off with the thoughts that were roaming your mind. Pulling over in a cove surrounded by nothing but bushes and trees. Setting up for the night, before getting comfortable. You going to bed early. In attempts to ignore the other three.
When you woke up you heard cursing. Stretching with a yawn as you stood from your blankets. Rubbing your eyes with a groan. "Anyone ever told ya you're gorgeous when ya wake up?" It took you a moment to realize who was talking to you. Rolling your eyes with a groan when it was Joseph, Brads friend from earlier in the car. "Yeah? Can't say I ever had anyone watchin' me sleep, weirdo..." You scoffed. Folding your blankets to pick up. Then you heard a shout and more cursing. "What are they fightin' 'bout now?" You asked, looking over to your brother and his girlfriend. The guy looking back with a shrug. Then back to you. "Hard tellin'." He got closer to you, to which you took a step back. "I wouldn't hurt ya, ya know that?" You didn't answer him. Only staring at him, then passing him with your blankets and pillow in hand. Heading for the car to shove everything in the back where it was before.
You were the one who mostly picked up everything. Hoping that the four of you could continue the trip so you could be dropped off in Oklahoma in attempts to start a new life of your own. Your brother agreeing since you were eighteen now. You had the right to, and he wanted you gone as much as you did. Sitting in the back with your eyes lost in a book. Looking up when you heard the scratch of the motor after the car ran enough for you all to make it to the road. It ran, but it didn't sound good.
"What the fuck." He snapped, smacking the steering wheel. "What was that?" The blond up front asked, and he threw his hands up. "The fuck am I supposed to know? Do I look like a fuckin' mechanic!" He shouted, all of you falling silent. His anger scared all of you, truly.
An hour of Brad waiting outside the car trying to get cell reception, a truck finally came into view. rolling to a stop when he waved it down. It wasn't the nicest truck, but it ran better than the car you guys were currently using. So that was a start. "Ya need a lift?" The younger man from inside asked. You couldn't see him from where you were sitting, but you could hear his voice. It sounded.. Nice. Really.
"Yeah, having car problems," Your brother was vague, but the stranger didn't seem to mind. Pulling in front of the car before getting out himself. Looking through the front window, as if he were counting you all. Eyeing you all up, seeing who was in there. Shifting uncomfortably in your seat. Almost thankful to have your brothers friend beside you, since he was strong. He could fight him off while you made a run for it and you wouldn't even think twice. Not with how he treated you.
Too lost in thought you jumped when the hood of the car slammed shut. Not even noticing it being opened. Huffing when you heard a giggle from beside you. "Scare ya, dolly?" "Don't fuckin' call me that, asshat." "Don't call me asshat," He snapped, grabbing your arm with a force that had you shrieking. The noise catching Lesters attention. Peering through the window to see his hand around your arm. The look of fear on your face when the man inside inched closer to your face, and the girl up front seemed quite unbothered by the actions.
"I can take ya in town. My brother's a mechanic, M'other brother can come tow your car back into town." Lester exclaimed, looking back to the man that he saw driving. "Great!" "On one condition, though." He told your brother. Looking at him with a rather stern look. "The girl in back," He motioned to the car, your brother furrowing his brows. "y/n?" He nodded, even though he didn't know your name. "Yeah, she goes with me." He didn't like how you were being treated. He knew what it felt like to be unwanted, and by the looks of how you were being treated, and how easily your brother just agreed in letting you ride with a stranger while claiming he could 'have you.' He wanted you away from them.
"Get out," You looked up when the door opened. You didn't think it was even possible. But your expression dropped more. "What?" Your voice was fragile. "Can you not listen?" You were being dragged out now. Lester holding himself back by climbing into his own truck. Not wanting to cause a scene before he even got you all into town. "What are you doing?" You asked with a panicked look. Brad leading you to Lesters truck. "He wants you, in return he'll fix our car, so you're going in the truck with him." Were you just sold out? Without even knowing it? Your heart sank. Panic setting further within you. "No, please stop, I won't cause any more trouble, I promise!" You tried to bargain. The passenger door being pulled open by the man holding your arm. "You've been a thorn in m'side since the day my parents adopted you, get the fuck in that truck!" He shouted under his breath. Trying to keep quiet enough that Lester wouldn't hear, but he heard it all. He was right there, after all.
When you climbed into the truck he noticed you were shaking pretty bad. A frown settling on his lips after the door was slammed behind you. "'M sorry," Lester spoke, looking you over. You didn't look up though. Staring at the strings on your fingers. Praying - no, you weren't religious, more so hoping - that whoever you were tied to would save you. "I don't wanna hurt you, promise. Just saw how they treated you." You looked up a bit at him this time. Eyes a bit widened. "You don't?" You were so used to being hurt all your life that his words came as sort of a shock. "Nah, course not! You remind me of my older brother in a way. His names Vincent, I think you'll like 'im." He told you with a toothy grin. Taking note that a few of his teeth were missing.
"So y'all have lived here your whole life?" You asked, to which he nodded. Lips curling into a smile. "Yup! It ain't normally that busy, with new comers, anyways. My brothers and I like seein' new faces though. 'Specially Jonesy." He explained, and you smiled at that. Quickly warming up to the man when you discovered that he had no ill intentions. Not for you at least. "Jonesy? I thought you only had two brothers? And ya said they were named Bo and Vincent?" Lester snickered at your words, looking over to you with a cheeky smile. "Ya sure are smart, Jonesy's m'pup!" He explained with a small laugh, and your eyes widened. "A dog?" You asked, curiosity peaked. He nodded again. "Yeah, he's with Bo right now. Bo claimed to hate dogs, but the moment I got Jonesy it was like love at first sight. He's like his best friend." His only friend. Lester thought.
Once in town you and Lester got out of the truck. Leaving you by it for a moment while he ran off to tell Vincent to go and pick up your friends. Soon running back over to you, who was still placed beside the truck. Thanking you for staying put like he had ask.
"So this is where your brother works?" You asked, eyes glistening with pure joy and curiosity as the two of you walked up to the shop. You hadn't felt this safe around a man in ages. "Yup, sure is! He should be 'round here somewhere." His voice seemed to summon someone else, though. Excited tip-taps echoing on the cement of the garage floor. Yours and Lesters eyes moving to find where it was coming from. "Jonesy!" He shouted when he saw the familiar canine. Falling into a squat so he could greet the dog. You swore it was the most precious thing. Watching Lester giggle and smile as his dog lept into his arms. Smiling and laughing a bit yourself at his actions.
"Jonesy," Lester spoke rather firmly. "I'd like ya to meet a new friend. This is Y/n, Y/n this is Jonesy." He introduced the two of you. You squatting down yourself to pet and greet the dog. A wide grin on your face. The two of you talking a bit more and petting Jonsey while you both waited for Vincent to get back with the rest of the gang.
Vincent didn't take too long in finding them. Thankful they were all still put inside their vehicle so he could hook up the vehicle to his tow truck without having to talk to anyone. Waving through the window, and shooting them a thumbs up beforee driving into town. Arriving a good 10 minutes later. Dropping them off at the shop, and instructing them all to get out. Before he snuck to the back to get his twin.
"What a mutt," Lesters smile faded when he heard those words. He hated the word. Mutt. Not when it was used playfully, or jokingly. Not when he said it, to his dog, but when others said it. To his dog. "What'd you say?" Lester asked, looking back to the boy who was grabbing you in the back of the car earlier. "You heard me." Lesters glare was enough to kill. Your voice cutting him from his thoughts. "Mutt or not, I think he's a handsome puppy," You cooed with a grin. Trying to ignore the negativity and relish in the attention that the dog was giving you. Giggling at the licks and tail wags. You had never owned a dog, never been allowed to, so you always loved it when you got to be around any.
Bo was in the back when all of this was happening. He heard the unkind words towards Jonesy. Nearly ready to storm out there with his gun in hand when he heard Lester out there, too. No one disrespected Jonesy and his little brother. But then he heard you. Your voice was so soft and kind. Quite a contrast to a lot of 'tourists' that they normally got. A small smile even tugging at his lips when he heard you praise the dog that he and his brothers loved. Sneaking out of the back room to the front, where you all were gathered.
"You say anythin' else 'bout my brothers dog. I'm sendin' you on your way with a broken car." You all looked up to him when he came out front. Your breath hitched a bit when you saw him. He was a lot more handsome than you assumed. You weren't really sure what to expect after seeing Lester. Not that he was ugly, just that he wasn't too clean. But Bo? No, he seemed clean, besides the grease that he was wiping off his hands onto a rag. A smudge on his cheek and forehead. Sweat beading on his face and neck from the Louisiana heat.
"I i'n't mean it like that, sir." Bo smirked, rolling his eyes. "Uh-huh, sure ya di'n't." He scoffed, before looking down at you, who was still on your knees. Hands absentmindedly rubbing on Jonesy's sides. Looking back down to the dog when he met your eyes.
"Well, can ya fix our car?" Brad asked, and he raised a brow. Looking back from you to him. "Maybe, depends on what's wrong. Gotta look at it first." His girlfriend giggled. Causing you to roll your eyes. Lester catching you, a small chuckle leaving his lips. Which made you look at him with a small smile of your own. "Well, see here mister, he ain't much of a mechanic, he wouldn't know." Bo smiled at the girl. Waving his hand a bit. "It's all right, miss. I know a hand full of things about vehicles, luckily for you. So, if you want there's some sodas ya can buy while I fix up the car." He tried to dabble in his charm, but it near faltered when you were pulled up off the ground. Arm gripped tight by your brother. Something muttered in your ear that made your sweet smile fade.
"Why don't ya stop grabbing her like she's some sorta doll," Lester snapped at him, which made Bo frown. They'd done this to you before in front of Lester. No wonder you didn't keep eye contact with him. You were scared, but not of him. "Why don't ya mind your own damn business." Your attacker scoffed at Lester. Bo's eyes snapping to the man. "Look here son, ya raise your voice at my baby brother like that again, and if we see ya so much as hurtin' a hair on that girl. I ain't doin' shit with your car and ya can walk ya'r sorry asses home." Bo stepped closer into his space, puffing his chest out. Watching as the man backed down. Gaze averting from his. "Fine, then have her. So ya know we ain't done shit to her." He snapped, and Bo laughed again. He was young, like said earlier. He and Vincent were around your age, which was 18. but they were strong, and they knew it. They had advantages that your 'friends' didn't. "Hm, fine, she can stay here. Lest', take 'em to the motel." His younger brother nodded. Leading them off before they could cause anymore trouble.
You didn't say a word the whole interaction. Too stunned to say anything, really. Smiling when you knew that they were gone. "Thank you." You spoke softly, and he nodded. Turning to face you with a small grin. The two of the boys were already so kind to you. You almost felt ashamed that you would be leaving shortly after, with all but a Good-Bye and Fare Well. No way to truly thank him for all that they had done for you.
You weren't sure what he had in mind for you, though. For all you know, he could be a killer. He was a killer, you just didn't know that, yet. "Follow me, I'll show ya to where ya can stay. Away from them there assholes." He commented with a grin. Motioning you to follow him to his truck. You nodded, following close behind him before heading around the truck to climb into the passenger side. Taking note of the eerily empty streets. "Lester wasn't wrong when he said it wasn't that busy 'round here." You commented, and Bo smiled. Letting out a small chuckle of his own. Starting the truck to drive off for his home. "No, Lester is a lot of things, but for the most part he ain't a liar." Bo told you. Looking over at you with his charming, southern grin. "Ah, are you?" You asked with a grin of your own, and he shrugged. Looking at you with a curious gaze, before back at the streets. You really did intrigue him. "I might be, I might not be, that's up to you to find out, darlin'." The pet name caught you a bit off guard. It wasn't like men hadn't called you that before, but it felt different coming from him. Even if you did just meet him not too long ago. Brushing some hair behind your ear in attempts to hide the bashful look on your face. He caught it, and it only fed whatever was burning inside of him. A smirk resting on his face as he pulled in front of a house, and led you up to the building.
Inside the home it was cozy. Not really what you expected from wherever he was planning to take you. You expected it to be a motel, but this was far from it. "This here's where my brother Vincent and I live. We have a couple guest rooms. Figured ya could stay in one." You froze in spot. You grew up in a city, you weren't at all used to the hospitality, and it threw you through a loop. "What? No, I can't." You told him with a frown. Bo turning to look at you with a concerned look of his own. "How come, darlin'?" You looked to the side, looking over some of the objects in the room. "I can't intrude. I don't want to, it wouldn't be very kind of me to. You don't even know who I am." He nodded, his hands shoved in his pockets. "You're right, I don't, but I seen how those men and that girl out there treated you. They threw you to us like you were our payment, when really we just hated seeing you treated that way. Now, I've done some pretty messed up things, but I ain't ever hurt one of my siblings, or someone I considered a friend." He told you with a stern look. Though it soon softened. "Plus, you were kind to us, first person in a while to be kind to us. So, it's the least that we can do-" "Y/n." You told him, and he nodded with a small smile. Repeating your name, letting it roll off his tongue like a prayer. "What a pretty name."
He took you upstairs to a room that he deemed fit for you. His eyes glancing down at your hands every so often. Trying to figure out the story behind the string that looked like it had been cut and retied. If he'd felt comfortable enough to, he'd ask about it. But the last thing he needed was for you to finally notice the other string that was most certainly connected to the one on his hand. He wasn't sure if he ever wanted you to notice. Unsure if staying here would be any better than living with your friends. Once you were settled, he was gone. Having to attend 'business'. Assuming that he meant your guys' car. So, you took this as an opportunity to explore.
Your feet led you around the house, doing your best not to intrude, but you were bored and left alone. It didn't seem anyone else was home, and Bo never said that you couldn't explore. He even told you to make yourself at home before he left. So, maybe you were just getting familiar with the place so you could? You had no reason to believe that anything bad would happen if you did, anyways.
When you got to the basement door, you pushed on it. Watching as it opened with ease. An eerie creek following with it. The last thing you expect was to see the trail of string that led down the stairs from your hand. Your heart jumping in your chest at the sight. Not only was it your soul mates string, but it was the one that your parents attempted to cut. This only gave you even more reason to head down the stairs, not even thinking of the consequences.
As you looked around the room your heart quickened in pace. It was unorganized and cluttered, the work of an artist. Drawings thrown around, things placed in odd places. Then you saw a man sitting on a chair, working at a desk. Your breath caught in your throat, unsure if you should say hi or run. You knew you were intruding, but you had been waiting for this day your whole life.
"Hello?" Your breathing hitched when you noticed him tense and turn around in a panic. Your eyes met his through a mask that hid his face. Holding your hand up to wave lightly. "Bo brought me here. I mean no harm! Promise, I just, I was following a path." He tilted his head at your words. Still on edge by your appearance. "Oh fuck," You furrowed your brow. "I don't know how to put this but... I think we're soul mates?" You cringed at how stupid you sounded. Internally cursing yourself at how stupid you probably seemed. He furrowed his brow now. Looking down at the string on your hand, that was identical to the one on his hand. "I'm Y/n." He didn't answer, and it made you shift uncomfortably. Then his hands moved up. Beginning to sign to you. It stunned you at first, you knew sign language since you took it as an extra class in high-school, but you weren't expecting it.
'Vincent,' He spelt out, and you smiled. He wasn't sure if you understood or not, but when you repeated his name, he was sure he was going to pass out. From amazement and shock. It wasn't everyday he met someone who knew sign language. As a matter of fact, he wasn't sure if he had ever met anyone who knew it. Nodding his head with a smile behind his mask. "Okay well uhm.." You fiddled with the end of your sleeves. Looking down then back up to him with a smile. He stood up to approach you. Eyes following the string. You were a bit unsure what to do. Taking a step back when he got too close, but you stilled when he looked at you with a look that screamed. 'I won't hurt you'. And you believed it. He didn't look like he was going to hurt you, in fact he looked at you with a kindness you hardly expected from a man whose room you just intruded in on.
Vincent reached down for the string. Holding it gently between his fingers. Touching the knot that bound both ends. "My parents tried to cut it when I was fourteen." He felt his heart ache at those words. Memories from when he was fifteen came flooding through. The pain was still unbearable, even if he didn't feel it right now. Pointing to his chest over his heart, then signing. 'Did you get the scar, too?' You nodded in agreement. Looking to the ground. "I'm so sorry, Vincent." He shook his head, dropping his hands back to his sides. Bringing them back up to sign 'It's not your fault. My parents weren't the best, either.' You smiled with a chuckle. "Guess we have that much in common." He let out an airy chuckle at your words. Already enjoying your presence.
It wasn't long before everything felt awkward again. Vincent was a lot less talkative than Lester and Bo were, and you weren't really that talkative yourself. Shifting a bit uncomfortably, until he motioned to the other string, and you looked down at it with a sigh. "I don't know who it belongs to." Vincent nodded, bringing his hands back up again. 'I might know.' You tilted your head with furrowed brows, and he smiled faintly under his mask at your curious gaze. "Who?" 'Bo.' You stared for a moment, looking back down to your hand. You didn't really look at the others hands, it was the least of your concern with your issues with the group you were with. You were too worried you were going to be left here for dead to be looking at Bo's hands for a string. "Why Bo?" You asked. "'Cause we're conjoined twins," You jumped when you heard the voice behind you. Looking up to the entry way to see Bo. Finally noicing the string. "Well, we was conjoined." He told you with a small shrug as he stomped down the stairs. Coming to stand near you and Vincent, though not too close.
"So you think it joined you both to me?" He shrugged, and you nodded. Taking it as an 'I don't know.' "I ain't know anythin' about this stuff, for all I cared, I hoped my soul mate wouldn't ever find me." You shifted a bit, especially when he took a step closer to you. "But," His eyes looked down your body, then back up to your eyes with a smirk. "I ain't complainin'." Your eyes shifted to the side then back to his. Tensing when you felt Vincents hand on your shoulder. Looking over to him so you could watch his hands. 'Neither am I.' You smiled at the both of them, then looked back down to the ground. "Yeah well, I didn't really leave home thinkin' I'd find y'two." You admitted, and Bo tilted his head, leaning back to lean against one of Vincents work benches. "Yeah? Well, what did y'leave home for? Ya'r friends seem like a bunch of good for nothing assholes."
Vincents eyes were on you as well. Both of the brothers watching you rather intently, hoping for an explanation that would make sense. "Well," You let out a nervous chuckle at the sudden attention you were getting. "They ain't my friends, first off." You spoke, and Bo nodded. A silent action for you to carry on, while also noting that he understands. "The blonde, that's with the stupid girl, that's my adoptive brother. His family adopted me after I was removed from mine." You spoke, and they both raised a brow. Though you couldn't see Vincent's face, you noticed his head tilt. "They tried to cut my string, since I had two, nearly killed me. Plus, they abused me most m'life because I had more than one soul mate." Bo hardly noticed how he was clenching his jaw now. He hardly knew you, but he did care about you some. He was mostly upset about how they hurt Vincent, too, though. How they didn't even take to consideration that the person on the other side of the string could also die or at least be extremely hurt. But, that was a conversation for another time.
You rubbed your hands down your sides before you continued. Scuffing your foot on the ground a bit. Noticing Bo's tensed body and Vincents lowered head from just the topic of the cut string. "Well, uhm, my brother, if that's what ya wanna call him, he hates me. Treats me like shit. Lets his girlfriend shove me around," "Let's his friend try and hurt ya?" Bo asked, and you lowered your head, this catching Vincents attention. Bo was pretty loony when he was mad, but Vincent was the one known to act out violently, even murderously. "Yeah." You told him. "Lester told me he was tryna do things to ya in the back o'their car, that happen a lot?" You started picking at the skin on your hand, eyes lookng everywhere but at the two boys that seemed to be getting closer to you.
"Darlin'," Bos voice was a lot softer than before. A hand reaching out to cup your chin, lifting your head to look at him with a small smile. "Y're safe with us, 'lright? Y'ain't gotta talk about it now, but he can't, and won't ever hurt ya again." You nodded, smiling faintly when he dropped his hand to your shoulder. "So, why did ya ditch town with them? I heard them talking about seein' the country, but y'ain't seemed too interested in that." You shook your head, shifting from foot to foot. "I was gonna have them drop me off in Oklahoma, so I could start a new life. Get outta the one I had." Bo nodded, dropping his hand to his side. "Well, since ya unintentionally found us, ya can stay here." He told you, and your expression went shocked. "Really?" Bo nodded, looking over to Vincent. "Right, Vin'?" He asked his brother, and he nodded. A wide smile breaking onto your face. "Thank you guys, so much." You had never felt this relieved in your life. "I could hug y'guys right now." You spoke, as if suggesting it without over-stepping boundaries. "Well, I would expect no less, maybe I can get a kiss next time?" Bo flirted, and you felt your stomach doing flips. Taking a step closer to embrace him in a hug, then letting go to step back and hug Vincent. Both of the boys glad you had found them. Bo even warming up to the idea of you staying after he watched your little interaction with Vincent, earlier.
The three of you sat in the basement for a while. Asking questions for one another as you all got to know one another. Bo keeping most of the conversation going, since you and Vincent would often fall quiet. "So, if ya don't mind me askin', where were y'all conjoined?" You asked the two, and Bo smiled with a chuckle. He expected the question to be asked, waving you off. "It's fine to ask, we were conjoined at the head." You raised your brows with a small chuckle. "Really? Ya both are lucky ya made it out alive." Vincent nodded, 'Bo is, at least,' Bo scoffed at his brother with an eyeroll. "What's he mean by that?" You asked, and Bo shook his head. "He's mad because his face is fucked up." You frowned. "That's not a very nice way to word that." Your furrowed your brows. Then looked back to Vincent. "That why ya wear ya'r mask?" You asked, and he nodded. Looking at you through his hair with a thankful gaze. He hadn't had anyone stand up for him in ages. "Well, I'm sure you look very handsome, Vincent." You told him, and Bo rolled his eyes with a groan. "Ya're a sap, huh?" You shrugged, looking back to the mechanic with a chuckle. "We gonna have issues, Bo?" He smirked, leaning a bit closer to you. His face inches from yours. "Only if you let there be issues, darlin'."
The three of you came to a stop when you heard the door upstairs open. Looking up when voices were heard, too. "Y/n?" Your name was being called out, and the brothers stood in a bit of a panic. Looking at you with their brows furrowed. Vincent looked more worried that Bo, Bo just looked pissed. "That that boy from the shop that grabbed ya?" You shook your head, rubbing your jaw a bit. "No," Your voice was lowered, and shaky. "That's Joseph, he's the one that Lester helped me get away from back when the car broke down."
"Hey, doll, come out, m'sorry about earlier." He continued calling into the house, and it only had the twins growing more anxious. "I can ask him to leave?" You suggested, but Bo was already heading for the stairs. "He's in m'house." He snarled, stomping back up the steps. You and Vincent following close behind. Curious as to what Bo was going to do. You were worried, but at the same time you didn't care. He caused you nothing but grief anytime you saw him, and even though he never did anything to you, you were sure if he had the chance he would.
When Joseph saw Bo he froze up, but a glare was quick to rest on his face. "Where are they?" He asked, and Bo chuckled. "Why, so you can hurt 'em?" "You don't know shit, man. I wouldn't hurt them, ever." He snapped, and Bo's hands balled into fists. Eyes narrowing. "Oh yeah? That ain't what they told me. Ya sound like a real piece of shit, ya know that." Joseph chuckled, shaking his head with a sigh. "Yeah? And they're batty, sometimes. They like to lie and make up stuff. I ain't never-" Bo was making his way over to the man now. Joseph backing up into the wall. Bo shoving at his chest with a scowl. "Ya callin' 'em a liar? I ain't seein' their string attached to your finger." Bo sneered, and the cornered male looked down to Bo's hand, then back to you who was standing in the doorway with Vincent. "That's right, Buster. They found their home, and I think it's time ya get outta my home before I make ya go missin'." Bo muttered with a sly grin. A small laugh following when Joseph shoved him away from him. "Fuckin' whore," He scoffed, and your fist were balling up now. "How am I the whore when ya're the one that tried shit with me and I told ya to stop?" You snapped, and he shook his head. "Ya never did!" "Bullshit! I did too, ya just never listened to me." You didn't even notice you were storming over to the taller male. Eyes blown with rage, all you saw was red. Striking him in the jaw with your fist. Bo and Vincent hardly knew how to react when they watched Vincent stumble back. Groaning as he held his jaw. He was going to go after you, but with Bo and Vincent there, looking as if they were ready to kill you, he decided against it. Muttering something under his breath before leaving the house.
Bo looked back to you with his brows raised, a smirk resting on his face. "Damn, didn't realize you were a fighter." But you didn't respond, you just stared at the door with a frown. "Hey," Bo muttered, stepping closer to you, Vincent dong the same. Both of them putting their hands on your back and shoulders when you started trembling. "Hey, ain't nothin's gonna happen to ya with us here, we'll handle them for ya, alright?" Bo reassured, and you nodded. "I think I just need'a go to bed." You told them, wiping the few tears that rolled down your face with your sleeve. Vincent slipping his hand into yours, giving it a light squeeze as he motioned up the stairs with his head. "Vincent'll take ya to bed. I gotta go finish up some work, but I'll be back after a few, 'lright?" You nodded, giving him a soft smile and wave, before letting Vincent lead you back up the stairs to the room that you started in.
Once he got you laid down, he started leaving, but you stopped him. "Wait," Your voice had him turning to look at you. His fingers fidgeting with his sweater sleeves, anxiously. "Can ya stay? Least 'til I fall asleep?" You asked, and he stared for a bit. He's never laid down with anyone before. Shifting from foot to foot for a bit. "If ya don't want to, ya don't gotta." He thought for a second, then shook his head. Walking over to the bed, waiting for you to shift before he climbed in next to you. He didn't touch you at first. Lying stifly on his side while he stared down at you. The mask was uncomfortable on his side, but with the lights shut off, and it being pitch black outside. He decided it would be fine to take his mask off. Especially since he could hardly even see your face. Plus, he could just hide his face with his hair.
When he laid back down after putting the mask on the table beside the bad, he gasped. You scooted closer to him and wrapped your arms around his torso, your face burried in his chest. "Thank you," you muttered under your breath, and he nodded. Reluctantly wrapping his own arms around you. It wasn't until you were asleep when he let himself fully relax. Even dozing off for a few moments. Until he heard Bo walking into the room. Looking up to see his brother climbing into the bed, too. "Ya wanna leave?" He asked, and Vincent shrugged. Looking back down to you, who was sleeping calmly in their arms. "I took care of their friends." Vincent looked up to his brother, nodding his head. They deserved it. His hand moving to run up your back, then to touch your hair. Licking his lips with a sigh. Bo had dreamt of this moment for a while now. Getting to be able to meet his soul mate. Have you all for himself, but he never took into consideration that he wouldn't get you to himself. That he'd have to share you with his brother. It annoyed him a little, especially seeing you curled up into Vincents chest, and not his, but he couldn't just leave your friends wandering town. With the rist of them leaving to tell authorities about something. Whether it be false information or not, it was the last thing the Sinclairs needed.
Both the brothers fell silent when you rolled over in your sleep. moving so you were on your stomach, now. Their eyes watching you intently. Unsure if you were awake or not. "They're cute, tough, too." Bo muttered to his twin, and Vincent nodded. "I think they'll make a great addition to the town." He told him with a small smile. His hand running up the back of your shirt, resting on your bare skin. Eyes watching your closely. "Ya think they'll let us share 'em in bed?" It took Vincent a second to realize what Bo was saying, but when he saw the smirk on his face, he glared. Shoving at Bo's shoulder with a scoff. Bo snickering at Vincents reaction. "M'kiddin', Vince! Ya're so easy to rile up." He chuckled, rolling onto his back with a sigh. Turning his head to watch as you rolled onto your side. Your arms and legs reaching out to cling onto Bo now. The brunette tensing, and then relaxing under your touch. Looking over to Vincent who was scooting closer so he could keep his hands on you. "Might have to make a schedule on who gets to lay with them when." Bo chuckled, and Vincent chuckled a bit at that too, but right now neither of them cared. They both just wanted to hold onto you and sleep. Ever since they each learned what a soul mate even was, this was the one thing they craved more than anything. Being able to touch someone who belonged strictly by their side. Forever and always, or at least until something happened.
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corrie-zodori · 3 years
Permafrost Neo AU
BUSTS IN (again) Hello everyone! I came to finally make a proper master post on what the hell the Permafrost Neo AU is for Deltarune. So this started off as a messed up "what if" scenario. Now, this IS a pretty long post, so strap in if this is your kind of thing! idea, but people seemed to like it so I'm putting it here.
Just as a heads up, this is a "bad end" type of AU. It's an alternate ending to the weird/snowgrave route. So, expect this to be very sad, and very grim. Like, it's pretty depressing, so do keep this in mind. The pitch was "What if instead of dying when Noelle used Snowgrave on Spamton Neo, it unlocked a secondary form instead. Instead of killing him, it just made him significantly worse."
Here is some reading music if you'd like as well, cuz why not. Best on repeat! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C31gKF8MmIU
First off, here was the concept doodle I made of him back when I first pitched the idea. So you have an idea of what he looks like. CW for slight body horror ahead!
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It starts off right as Noelle uses snowgrave on Neo. In the original game, as we know, it is heavily implied that this kills him. But in the permafrost AU, he ends up breaking out of the ice, his body and his own will not ready to succumb to the cold just yet.
Massive shards of ice riddle his body like crystals. If they were to be broken off, they'd grow right back as if the magic from the attack still permeated through him. His body racks and shivers and shudders, constantly glitching, as if it is unstable. His hair has frosted tips at the top of his head. His hair is much more prickly, sharp, and jagged. His right hand is permanently frozen and stuck as the blaster, which is (thankfully to HIM at least, still functional.) His left eye and chest plate are cracked, and one of his eyes is blue screened. Both eyes have pupils, which are now small and cyan in color. His wings are tattered and ultimately useless.
Whatever strings he has cannot be seen, even if they are still attached. He is permanently enraged, steam billowing upwards to contrast the ever frigid state he is in. Wherever he goes, snow tends to follow. And so does the never ending cold.
He looks like he is always in pain (probably because he is. No one just gets frozen within an inch of their life like that and doesn't come out with some amount of permanent damage.) His head us usually hung low, and his movements are twitchy, jagged, and stiff. When he speaks, he often is unable to finish his sentences, and they cut off at awkward times. His speech is much more glitchy than usual, and sometimes he'll freeze up and pause. His body constantly emits a robotic hum, a sound much like electronics make when they are messing up or crackling.
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So now that you get the general demeanor, here are some "fight" headcanons that I had!
This is considered a second phase in the fight, which has two endings that I'll get to later.
- He is automatically enraged, which means he does a lot more damage.
-Twice the damage he usually does, and has twice the defense, but has much less HP.
-He has an attack called "cold hearted" which is much like the "heart attack". He throws his heart at you, broken and covered in ice, and if it or the projectiles from it hit you, your speed is halved next turn.
-The "diamond projectiles" are now shards of ice. Double in size, but half the speed they tend to shoot at.
-The pipis ™️ are more aggressive. He shoots them faster, and they explode faster.
- He can fire a massive beam from the blaster, but it takes a moment for him to charge it, and it highlights in the box where he's going to shoot it. It's pretty large, and you'd have to get to the safe zone very quickly.
- He can no longer turn his hands into phones. Much to his disappointment.
Also here's a battle sprite made by SafeForB on twitter! Which I thought was super cool 📷 https://twitter.com/SafeForB/status/1468233425924538374?s=20 ...no pun intended. Now here's where things get dark.
You have two options to end the fight. One, you can kill him a second time, and the game would end like normal. Or... you can "mercy" him, and let him live, and you escape.
But for him, it's no mercy at all. It is in fact a much worse fate for him, as his body is in shambles, unable to continue fighting. He helplessly watches you escape, leaving him to the emptiness of the dark world you leave behind. Too weak to move, too weak to continue, he lays there, waiting for the world to decay, with no one left to rescue him. Forever cold, forever dark, re-frozen in time.
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There was however, a third pitch that an anon mentioned and I ran with it. A what if that I liked. What if he had won against noelle and kris? What if he defeated them?
Unfortunately, that isn't a happy end either. He may live, but at what cost? With those two out of the way, he'd still be stuck in the dark world. Nothing gives him enough power to escape. So he tries to rule the city on his own.
However, he fails to remember that everything is abandoned. Cold and barren, everyone frozen permanently. The city is his, sure, but there is nothing left to rule. He wanders aimlessly, pointlessly, alone, in search of any sign of life. Maybe even, eventually, he becomes less interested in ruling this place, and far more concerned with finding a single survivor. But there are none. Any that remained fled with the Queen back to Castle Town. His arrogance has caught up to him. No longer does he feel the need to rule, or conquer, or be revered. But, rather, the need to fill the void left behind in the devastation. Someone pitched the idea that he could make those clones of himself. It would be a feeble attempt to combat the loneliness. Tiny spamtons to run around, but they are just like him. They act, they sound, they look just like him. He tries to fill that void that is left as his old friends and associates are gone. The clones become nothing but a reminder of him and his own self hatred. A reminder of his screw ups, eventually making it set in that all of this was his doing.
He's alone. Alone, and left to wander endlessly in a hollow and barren land.
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There is no warmth. No diversity. There is no love.
Only cold, and infuriating noise to keep him company.
... and that's all I have thus far! :'D Sorry it's a bit... depressing, but if y'all like dark/sad AUs here you go! I hope you enjoyed in some way. Or at least I hope I gave you a heart wrenching AU to read.
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bukojuiice · 4 years
˗ˏˋ@bukojuiice’s BNHA masterlistˎˊ˗
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© bukojuiice - all rights reserved. please do not repost, distribute, copy, or plagiarize my work. please ask for permission if you wish to use my work for asmr or for voice overs. thank you!
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➸ Headcanons
♡ ྀ  “midoriya, bakugo and todoroki cramming school works with their S/O”
♡ ྀ  “baby it’s cold outside.” (katsuki bakugo christmas hcs)
♡ ྀ  “going to Universal Studios Japan with them”  
♡ ྀ  “how you spend a virtual valentines date in quarantine w/ them” 
♡ ྀ   what happens when the bakusquad babysits Katsuki’s daughter? 
♡ ྀ     i like you a latte. (Coffee Shop AU! Headcanons)
♡ ྀ what they would be like as disney princes
♡ ྀ their wedding day with you
♡ ྀ the lovey-dovey things they do with you while you're both stuck at home during quarantine
♡ ྀ  the kinds of movies he’d watch with you.
♡ ྀ when he does the lip bite
♡ ྀ  when they read self-insert fanfiction of themselves
♡ ྀ cat ears or maid outfit?
♡ ྀ     how dekusquad + bakusquad comfort you after getting your heartbroken
♡ ྀ   mha boys accompanying you to buy lingerie
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➸ Izuku Midoriya
Fics ↝
♡ ྀ  I will hold on to everything we got. A quitter, regretter and forgiver is everything I’m not.
(↳  unprompted and unexpected goodbyes are the worst. how are you going to be able to tell izuku the fact that you were moving away from the city that the two of you have lived in, grew up in, and soon became the place where the two of you fell in love with each other? how could you let this precious cinnamon roll go?)
♡ ྀ  she’s not afraid of scary movies, she likes the way we kiss in the dark.
( ↳  it is your weekly movie night with Izuku and co, but whilst waiting for your other friends, you and your boyfriend had the most wonderful idea of watching a gory horror movie.)
♡ ྀ as the world caves in
( ↳ no one else could ever carry the burden that Izuku holds in his hands. But when a girl from his past helps bring him to a realization, he begins to contemplate on whether or not sacrificing everything that you love to become a hero is worth it all.)
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➸ Katsuki Bakugo
Cuddle Buddy! (Social Media AU)
Katsuki’s Convenience (Social Media AU)
Fics ↝
♡ ྀ  thank god for plot twists like you.
( ↳  Katsuki barges in your dorm room after class to see you crying in your bed with your phone in your hand… but why exactly?)
♡ ྀ  the s in studying stands for sexy times (implied smut!)
( ↳  katsuki is helping you study for your finals. but to no avail, none of the articles you were reviewing were processing inside your mind at all. until, katsuki had thought of a great idea to help you study. a spicy one at that.)
♡ ྀ  you fell from the sky into my lap (smut)
(  ↳  You and Katsuki become one as the two of you get in the mood with the music on his Spotify playlist.)
♡ ྀ  my world is changed and it’s cradled by the comfort that is you.
(  ↳  After receiving a quarterly report on the status of your hero internships and as a 3rd year student of UA Academy, your day is ruined as soon as you began to read it’s contents. Your explosive boyfriend does not want to see you like this. But how can he possibly cheer you up?)
♡ ྀ   like the soul of honey 
( ↳ Christmas finally approaches and your daughter, Hikari, can’t wait to spend it with the best parents ever.)
♡ ྀ  you got questions, i got answers tonight, babe. (smut!)
(  ↳ you and the bakusquad drag bakugo to a short vacation after such an intense week of hero work, much to his annoyance. however, his stress and pent up energy was more than you expected, so you knew exactly how to release all his frustrations.)
♡ ྀ  fix you. (studio ghibli au! princess mononoke au!)
(  ↳  Katsuki Bakugo is the righteous yet arrogant village prince of the east. The entire village relies on him for protection and for guidance, further inflating his ego. however, after a cursed boar attacks him and the curse is passed on to him as a poisonous mark on his arm, slowly consuming him until he becomes a demon himself. he is exiled without hesitance from his village and is to go on a journey to look for a cure, a journey he might never come back from. With the help of two of his most trusted allies, he embarks on a journey to look for the gods of the forest in where he meets a girl (just as striking as him) who brings him back down to earth, saves him and make him experience a true life worth living.)
♡ ྀ  25 lives (time traveler au!)
(  ↳  After losing the love of his life in a brutal villain incident, Katsuki Bakugo had lost a part of him. Nothing and no one could ever bring her back. He became the shell of a person he once was; fiery, bright, and the driven #2 Pro-hero in the country. He continues to live life with guilt, all hope still lost until he is gifted a time device that can transport him to parallel universes, dimensions and alternate worlds, where he begins his quest to find his lost love. Crossing a hundred of realities and living twenty-five lifetimes just to bring her back into his arms. )
♡ ྀ to the most explosive boy i’ve ever loved before
(  ↳  six letters. one for every boy you’ve ever loved. The letters for your eyes only, filled with all the words you could never say. until, one day, they start appearing out of nowhere into your life again, and your love life goes from imaginary to out of control.)
♡ ྀ  lovesick girl
(  ↳  your planned birthday surprise for katsuki takes a turn for the worst when you’re suddenly struck by a cold, prompting your dynamite boyfriend to take care of you and shower you with love and affection on his special day.)
♡ ྀ nicotine and faded dreams  (smut!)
(  ↳  Fame. Success. Glory. Bakugo’s had and seen it all, being a part of one of the biggest bands in the world. All he’s ever wanted was (Y/N), who comes back into his life just in time for the last leg of the band’s European tour. Bakugo thought that after making it big he wouldn’t have to face the muse for their most successful song any time soon. But a trip to Venice organized by scheming band mates has him stuck in a car with that very same muse. or Rock bands, a love Bakugo’s been trying to run away from and a cleverly schemed road trip: what could go wrong?)
♡ ྀ the morning afterglow
(  ↳ basking in the hues of wonderment that is the morning sun with your explosive boyfriend by your side was truly a dream. lingering in the bed much longer was an absolute must. these are one of those days.)
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➸ Todoroki Shoto
Fics ↝
♡ ྀ  when you kiss me, heaven sighs.
( ↳  you and Shoto arrive in the city of love.  the day seems perfect until things go awry.)
♡ ྀ   a love like the movies
(  ↳    Shoto spends his only day of rest and relaxation by watching iconic tv shows and sitcoms with you.)
♡ ྀ   my youth is yours.
( ↳  shoto todoroki entered college with one thing in mind; be able to graduate and follow in his family’s footsteps. however, college had different plans for him. and meeting the one he would spend the rest of his life with was one of them.)
♡ ྀ merry go round of life (studio ghibli au, howl’s moving castle au)
( ↳ shoto todoroki is a magical prince who yearns for freedom. with the entire country against him, and the freedom he ever so wanted barely in his grasp- he seeks solace in a girl who works in a hat shop. she was his comfort in days full of disaster and war. and ever since then, he has finally found a reason to live.)
♡ ྀ something in the rain 
( ↳  you and shoto were once childhood best friends and sweethearts who had lost touch and communication. 12 years has passed since then, and on a fated summer day in june, there was something in the rain that brought two lost souls back to each other’s arms.)
  ♡ ྀ  are you feline what i’m feline? (smut!)
( ↳ blessed with a quirk that can temporarily transform any human being into any living thing they want through the means of potions and concoctions, you brew up a cat girl potion to surprise shoto for your second year anniversary. however, some accidents and mishaps happen, and you’re welcomed home by a handsome cat boy instead.
♡ ྀ  if i could tell her
( ↳  in where shoto todoroki is hit by a sudden realization that the love of his life was right in front of him all along and all it takes is for her to cross the crossroads for him to finally realize.)
♡ ྀ written in the stars
( ↳ shoto takes you out on a special date. a date that entailed love in all it’s bare simplicity. love in all it’s highs and lows, and love that is worth being written in the stars.)
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➸ Eijiro Kirishima
Fics ↝
♡ ྀ  I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover.
(  ↳ It is your 1st year anniversary with Kirishima. With no idea how celebrate it, Kirishima asks for the aid of Bakusquad and they have very interesting ideas and plans to say the least. Will he succeed and plan a perfect surprise for you?)
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