#this school is cruel for the way it treats ''less smart'' students and probably encourages other students to throw them under the bus
brine-in-my-eyes · 1 year
everyone say hi to my son Joe Riddle School he is so silly he has only 3 lines and 1 singular sprite and i keep thinking about him
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aion-rsa · 3 years
How Legally Blonde Created a Feminist Hero Ahead of her Time
Twenty years ago, Legally Blonde’s Elle Woods burst onto our screens with her infectious can-do attitude and an early-2000s penchant for all things pink and fuzzy, from her jacket to her phone. Reese Witherspoon’s iconic sorority sister who goes to Harvard Law School in pursuit of an ex-boyfriend—dressed in head-to-toe pink, carrying a copy of the Bible (Cosmo, obvi)—didn’t jive with the era’s conception of a Strong Female Character, a la Trinity from The Matrix, Sarah Connor from the Terminator movies, or Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider franchise. Elle derives her strength from what many would deem her traditionally feminine character traits and pursuits, not in spite of them, like her undergraduate study of fashion and her focus on loyalty and cooperation rather than competition. While some fall for the trap of associating masculinity with strength and intelligence and femininity with conservatism and vapidity, Elle’s fans have always seen her for who she really is: a feminist ahead of her time.
Everything about Elle Woods is bubblegum pink femininity, from her wardrobe (“I don’t understand why you’re completely disregarding your signature color!”) and tiny purse dog Bruiser to her enthusiastic vernacular and name, derived from the 2000s teen fashion magazine, which also happens to be the French pronoun “she.” When Elle is frustrated, she channels the feeling into studying and achieving. When she’s rejected from a study group (essential to surviving law school), she politely takes her homemade treats and leaves. An early precursor to Annie Murphy’s Alexis Rose on Schitt’s Creek, Reese Witherspoon’s charm and relentless positivity help turn an archetype that’s normally considered shallow or even villainous into a fully-fledged character with depth and heart.
It’s easy to look at Elle Woods and the film Legally Blonde and discredit them both—and many have. She’s arguably let into the school based on her looks, and her own advisor made a mean joke about acing a class on polka dots, discrediting her fashion merchandising major. But don’t forget that she had a 4.0 GPA and a 179 on her LSAT (out of 180 possible points), making her a top candidate. She was also president of her sorority, involved in extracurriculars and philanthropy. Oh and that pink resume? It’s inspired by the true story of how the manuscript for the book that Legally Blonde was based on got scooped from the slush pile.
Legally Blonde doesn’t make fun of its heroine for her interest in feminine-coded pursuits like shopping or her penchant for the color pink. An early shopping scene, a spiritual sequel to the couplet in Pretty Woman, sets Elle up to be the butt of a saleswoman’s joke about stupid rich girls spending daddy’s money. Instead, Elle asks the woman a series of questions about the garment’s construction and provenance, the saleswoman agreeing to everything in pursuit of a sale, not realizing she has exposed her own ignorance and deception by doing so. Elle’s fashion education isn’t an air-headed pursuit, but a fulfilling interest as worthwhile as any other, one where accumulating knowledge can come in just as handy as knowing about political science.
Legally Blonde is a fish-out-of-water story, so while Elle’s hobbies are no less important than how her Harvard classmates spend their time, they’re certainly different. She uses her specialized knowledge to figure out parts of the Brooke Windham case (Ali Larter), like realizing that gay men are more likely to know shoe designers than straight ones (even if that’s a bit, uh, reductive), and using her shared interests with Brooke to help make her time while incarcerated more comfortable and gain her trust, so that Brooke would share her alibi. The coup de grace, of course, is Elle’s use of perm knowledge to expose Linda Cardelini’s socialite daughter lying on the stand, causing her to crack and confess to killing her father, exonerating Elle’s client Brooke.
Throughout the movie, Elle is happiest in women-dominated spaces that focus on community and collaborative support, traits typically associated with femininity. When she was prepping for a proposal from Warner and then nursing the heartache afterwards, it was as much a Delta Nu experience as it was her own. Once Elle decides to go to law school, the entire sorority pitches in, helping her study for the LSAT and make her video essay. When Elle gets to Cambridge, she once again seeks solace at a nail salon, a place where women take care of one another and give advice, even if they are strangers at first. And it’s no coincidence that, when Elle quits working on the Brooke Windham case and wants to leave Harvard altogether, she cries her eyes out at the nail salon, where Professor Stromwell (a pitch-perfect Holland Taylor) overhears her plight.
Warner tells Elle, “If I’m going to be a senator, I need to marry a Jackie, not a Marilyn.” In the world of Legally Blonde, women don’t have to choose. You can be a shy manicurist, but also have a killer bend-and-snap. You can be a strict law professor who also goes to the salon and has her student’s back when a colleague sexually harasses her. It’s fitting that, for Elle’s moment of triumph, when she takes the lead in Brooke Windham’s case, Elle makes her entrance in her signature color: vibrant pink. Since her first class at Harvard, Elle started cosplaying as a normie law student, her clothing getting darker and more traditional to match her surroundings. She traded in her pink-lensed sunglasses for reading glasses. When it was time for Elle to have her crowning moment of achievement, though, she did it by looking and acting like herself, and relying on the knowledge and drive that got her to Harvard in the first place—pink sparkles and all.
Elle’s mother doesn’t want her to “throw away” being the first runner up in the Miss Hawaiian Tropics contest to go to law school, but over the course of the film, Elle proves that she doesn’t have to choose between the two. Furthermore, she doesn’t have to choose between love and a career, or settle for a guy who doesn’t appreciate her for the powerhouse that she is. While Warner is the catalyst for Elle’s journey into jurisprudence, he quickly shows himself to be something of a “bonehead” once they’re both in Cambridge, telling Elle she’ll never be smart enough to win a coveted internship spot, encouraging Elle to break her word to their client once she does get the internship, and then never noticing the sexism of their professor who only asks the women to fetch him food and drink. Eventually, Warner does come around, like all of Elle’s classmates and teachers, but by then she has the self-worth to tell him to take a hike.
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Speaking of Warner, when he shows up in Cambridge he comes with his preppy fiancé Vivian Kensington (Selma Blair, in a mini Cruel Intentions reunion). Vivian and Elle were set up to compete over not only Warner, but grades and career opportunities, like Professor Callahan’s internship. The film’s first act sees a bit of bad blood and back and forth. As the rivals see one another’s legal prowess and come to see the sexism in their field from powerful men like Callahan (and the way less powerful men like Warner either don’t see or pretend not to), they grow closer. Eventually, Warner reveals his low character while Elle displays her loyalty by keeping Brooke’s alibi a secret, and the two drop Warner and their competition to become friends instead. For young women watching, it’s a valuable lesson that other women and girls aren’t your competition—they’re your allies.
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Elle and Legally Blonde aren’t perfect—her journey started out in pursuit of her ex-boyfriend, and classmate Enid was probably right that many women in sororities would call her a dyke and mistreat her. It’s a shame Elle never finds common ground with the one woman in the film who’s an actual avowed feminist. But people grow, and Legally Blonde allowed its heroine the room to do that, even after the credits rolled. Elle Woods has inspired many women to become lawyers, and it’s easy to see why. She believes in herself and others, fights for her friend Paulette’s dog, and fights back against sexual harassment. But even for those who aren’t interested in the law, Elle’s way of winning people over by being kind, supportive, and “using her blonde for good” sends an important message that traditionally femme traits and esthetics are powerful in their own right.
The post How Legally Blonde Created a Feminist Hero Ahead of her Time appeared first on Den of Geek.
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spidercakes · 5 years
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
Warnings: Peter is underaged (17), mentions of abuse/ abusive relationships, feminization (Peter).
Peter looks adorable in flannel pajama pants and a baggy shirt that says ‘I survived New York.’ His hair is messy and he looks younger than he is but it’s a good look or maybe Tony’s just a little in love. Its way too soon for that kind of thing but he’s never really been known for doing anything small so its not like he’s surprised at all by his feelings, even if he’s not about to admit them.
“So um. May confiscated all the lingerie she didn’t know I had,” he says, curling his knees up to his chest.
A mental image Tony didn’t need at the moment if he wants to concentrate on the subject at hand but he does his best regardless. “Well that’s disappointing,” he says and Peter laughs, shaking his head.
“You should see your face. You look like someone slapped your mother with a wet kitten,” he says and Tony snorts.
“Where do you even come up with this stuff?” he asks.
Peter shrugs, “no clue, it just comes to me. But um, I’m grounded until further notice so that sucks,” he says, pouting.
“If you’re grounded how the hell are you on the computer talking to Tony?” Rhodey asks from behind Tony and he jumps.
“God damn Rhodes, make a noise!” Rhodey rolls his eyes at him and Tony chooses to ignore that rudeness.
“I need the computer for school so I bartered to keep it,” Peter says.
Rhodey snorts, “man I wish I had white parents,” he mumbles, walking away. Peter frowns a little but Tony gets the feeling May isn’t terribly strict more because Peter doesn’t give her a reason to be than letting her kid run wild the way his parents did. Well, alright, Howard didn’t care if he ran wild but if Tony broke some kind of expectation of his he didget his ass beat about it so its not like things were peachy.
“In May’s defense,” Peter says as his door opens. Tony tries his best to convey to close the damn window with his face or something but Peter doesn’t get the hint, “I don’t think she’s very good at grounding me.”
In the background May looks damnunimpressed. “Well apparently I’m going to have to get better at it,” she says and Peter’s eyes go wide as he whips around to face her.
“May!” he says, surprised. May stalks forward, eyes on Peter’s computer and he whirls back around, “okay love you Tony, bye!” he says and closes the computer, effectively ending the video call.
Tony stares at the screen for a few moments in shock when Rhodey walks back in. “Wait, aren’t his parents dead? How the hell did you manage to offend them? What’d you do, pull out a Ouiji board?” he asks.
It takes a second to get through Tony’s clouded brain to think for a moment. “Um, no. I pissed off his aunt. Got caught with my hand in the metaphorical cookie jar,” he says and Rhodey lets out a long sigh.
“What did I tell you about locking doors, man? It will save your ass from a crazy ass priest with a shotgun one of these days,” he says like that’s not a highly specific to him kind of experience. Well okay, highly specific to him and Carol but they were being chased off for wildly different reasons.
Tony rolls his eyes at him, “you remember that when you’ve got your arms full of hot omega and get back to me,” Tony tells him.
“Oh my god, no wonder omegas think we don’t know how to think past our junk. Stop giving us a bad name,” Rhodey tells him.
“In his defense I’ve been there. Not fun, but good for you man,” Carol says, giving him a thumbs up from the doorway. “Next time risk sexiling Rhodey again, probably less consequences that way.”
Rhodey frowns at her, “whose side are you on here? I would never get my damn room back if I allowed Tony to just have his way with it.”
“Don’t be ridiculous Rhodes, I have class,” Tony points out. And so does Peter, plus travel time. He’s got plenty of time in here all things considered.
Rhodey squints at him, “I have class withyou asshole. Don’t listen to Carol I willfind a way to make your sexiling not worth it.”
“No he won’t,” Carol says, dodging a sock Rhodey throws at her head and laughing.
Peter sits awkwardly as May paces back and forth. He knows she’s worried but she shouldn’t be, he knows what he’s doing. Kind of. Well okay maybe he doesn’t know what he’s doing at all but does anyone?
“Peter,” she says softly. “What is going on with you?”
“Nothing May, I’m fine.” He tries to put on an air of more fine for her sake because he doesn’t want her to worry about him, not when the one shitty thing that was in his life still is gone.
May doesn’t look like she believes him though. “Are you sure? Because you haven’t been acting like you lately and I’m getting worried here. Is this some sort of… I don’t know, latent reaction to Ben because you know you can talk to me, right?” she asks.
Peter clenches his jaw and looks away because he didn’t really need a reminder of that. He misses his uncle and if he’s honest he hasn’t totally made peace with his death but that’s not influencing his actions. “No, its not that,” he murmurs.
May sighs and sits beside him, wrapping an arm around him. He leans into it, pressing his face to her shoulder because it feels like its been a long time since they’ve done this and he kind of misses it. They used to do movie nights, but Ben was always the one who chose the movie and when they realized too late they kind of fell out of the habit. He thinks that neither of them really wanted to take his place. “Peter,” May murmurs. “In the last couple months you have broken up with a guy who by all accounts did not seem to treat you right and I suspect I don’t know the half of it, then you pretty much immediately moved on to someone new and I don’t want to consider what the two of you have been doing together, I found a bunchof lingerie in your room and I don’t even know when or even howyou got it, and you’ve been doing an awful lot of sneaking around lately. I’m sure you can see why I’m worried.”
Okay, from her point of view he gets why things might seem so off. “Its not like… I mean yeah Quentin pretty much sucked and yeah I know I moved on a little fast but Tony’s really great, you should give him a chance. He’s smart, and funny, and he’s really supportive and sweet and I really like him. And also you can buy things online,” he says in way of explaining the lingerie. Liz’s dad still has a PO box in the city so they all send their goods there and Liz picks it all up before anyone else can and distributes it all. Peter has no idea why Ned thinks his Star Wars collectibles count as contraband, he was a little surprised to discover that MJ mostly got her cousin to mail edibles from California, and he and Liz share a love of all things lacy. Their system works pretty well or at least it did until May busted him. Not that she knows about the PPO box thing and he’s not about to rat everyone out. No one is even sure anyone knows about Liz’s dad’s PO box in light of him going to jail and they aren’t about to say anything either.
“Peter,” May says softly, squeezing him a little. “Are you… sureabout this guy you’re seeing? Because I did find you two in a pretty compromising position,” she points out.
They’ve been in more compromising positions than that but Peter doesn’t mention it. He figures he will spare his aunt and also himself from spreading that knowledge around. “Yeah, I am. Like I said, he’s really sweet and supportive and stuff. You’d like him.” Probably better than Quentin, no one had liked him but both Ben and May let him come to his own conclusions even if their facial expressions told him all he needed to know about what they thought.
“I sure hope so because you told him you loved him before you closed your computer,” she says and Peter’s eyes probably triple in size.
“Please tell me you’ve told me that as some sort of cruel and unusual punishment,” he says, horrified. They haven’t even been together that long, definitely not long enough to go professing his love even if its true he’s going to die.
May frowns, “no, you said that.”
Maybe if he feels enough shame he can use it to power himself back in time and undo this mess.
Peter is distant but Tony figures that’s mostly because he’s been banned from most of technology on account of his aunt is trying to actually ground him. Tony has decided he should bridge the gap because he missesPeter and MJ is a good conspirer if he bribes her with driving time in her choice of car so he has it on good authority that Peter will be brought right to him. He looks at his phone, considering pulling a fire alarm to speed this process up when students start pouring out of the school. Yeah, he doesn’t really miss high school not that he went for long. Genius brain and all that, he got to skip out early.
Peter is walking with MJ, Ned, and Liz predictably and when he sees Tony he looks panicked. He’d be worried, but MJ has already informed him that his accidental declaration of love has freaked him out and Tony suspects MJ hasn’t told Peter he feels the same way because she likes the drama of it all. She will deny it, he’s sure, if he confronted her about it, but she doeslike the drama. So she and Liz shove him forward and Ned quickly takes his place in the line so he can’t try and slip behind them.
Tony grins and reaches out for him and that seems to be enough encourage Peter to come to him. He all but runs over, launching himself at Tony and he catches him easily, happily kissing him as he holds him up. “I love you too,” he murmurs when Peter pulls away. Its so worth it to see the look on Peter’s face because he glowswith happiness.
“I love you,” Peter says back, pressing in to kiss him again and Tony could do this for the rest of his life, hold Peter in his arms like this.
Someone lets out a soft ‘aw’ and Tony pulls away, noting the small crowd around them. Ugh, okay. He wrinkles his nose a little and lowers Peter back to the ground not that he pulls away much. He pretty much stays glued to Tony’s side, arms around his neck beaming at him. A slow clap to his left catches his attention and he looks over to find, presumably anyway, Peter’s ex standing there looking superimpressed about this whole thing.
“Great, Peter. You’ve made your point, now get rid of this guy,” he says and Tony squints.
“Its been months buddy, take a fucking hint.” He knows he texts Peter a whole bunch too not that Peter complains much. He suspects he doesn’t want to trouble anyone with it and Tony thinks that’s a bit of a mistake but he’ll mention that to Peter if he ever choses to say something about it.
Quentin, if Tony’s remembering the guy’s name right, doesn’t even bother to look at him and that kind of pisses Tony off. Especially since he’s decided to look at Peter like he’sthe authority on the situation as if he doesn’t want Peter to just do what he wants. “I’ve told you like a milliontimes that we’re done and we have been for months can’t you just give it up?” Peter asks, sounding exhausted.
Quentin takes a step forward and Peter is pulled from his grasp by Liz, who’s giving Quentin suspicious looks and ohTony so does not want to get in a fight with this guy. First of all he’s like a foot taller than him, which isn’t hard because he’s so short, but still. Peter mentioned football and Tony doesn’t like the idea of constant training to keep in shape. Not, he supposes, that he’s lacking his own. Lab equipment isn’t exactly light but that isn’t the same thing and he’s not much of a fighter. He prefers to keep things a battle of the brains, no risk of him losing that way.
“Why don’t you just admit that you don’t even know how to deal with Peter and go away,” Quentin tells him.
Tony rolls his eyes, “seem to know how to handle him much better than you given that he was in myarms like four seconds ago,” he points out.
God, this is why Rhodey tells him to keep his mouth shut but he can’t help it if its true. If the truth pisses this dude off so much maybe he should have grown the fuck up and pulled his head out of his ass. Its not Tony’s fault he didn’t. “Yeah, you don’t know shitif you let him walk around dressed like that,” Quentin says and Tony knows he’s making some type of face because people start laughing. Mostly omegas, he notices, not that he’s surprised by that. Alphas would be more likely to sympathize with Quentin for some stupid ass reason.
“I don’t give a fuck what Peter wears, its hisbody. Besides, unlike you apparently I figure when Peter wakes up in the morning and goes to look at his clothes he thinks to himself ‘I like this piece of clothing and it looks cute on me, I’ll wear it’ rather than ‘every alpha in the immediate vicinity will assume I’m sexually available and simultaneously try and get up my skirt while also degrading me and treating me like shit. I will wear this because I love being verbally abused and treated as a sex object! Its my favorite past time!’ Use what little brain cells playing football hasn’t knocked out of your head and consider how fucking dumb you sound,” Tony tells him.
Its not the right thing to say because he ends up crowded against his car and oh this is sonot an ideal position to be in but true to his personality he can’t just keep his mouth shut. “What the fuck kind of intimidation tactic is this? Feels more homoerotic than intimidating,” he says, leaning further into Quentin’s space and reaching up to touch his face. “I wish I could quit you,” he says in a bad southern accent that gets him shoved away for it and Quentin lurches forward but Tony panicsand he doesn’t mean to, really, but its like his hand moves on its on accord and the heel of it slams into Quentin’s face.
The results are crunchy and immediate as he falls back, clutching his face. “What the fuck?” he yells, blood falling from his hands. Tony looks at his uninjured hand because that was a fluke of some epic proportions and he already knows it was mostly Quentin’s own momentum that resulted in a broken nose. The fact that Tony managed to get the angle right and not injure himself is pure luck.
“No!” someone yells off to the side and Tony turns to find MJ throwing her book at the ground. “His throat was rightthere! Fucking throat punchhim! Is no one ever going to do it!” she yells, throwing her hands into the air.
They’re all driving back to Peter’s house silently and Tony’s real worried he over stepped his bounds because that seems like the kind of macho shit Peter has shown a distaste for and its not like he meantfor any of it to happen but-
“‘I wish I could quit you?’” Liz asks, leaning forward from the back seat of the car with questions all over her face.
Tony shrugs, “because he looks like that guy from Brokeback Mountain. The one that wasn’t Heath Ledger. You know the guy. Seemed like a good idea at the time,” he says, wincing. He gives a small glance to Peter, who isn’t looking at him at the moment. Shit.
“That’s… hilarious,” Ned says and they all start laughing, including Peter a little bit so Tony feels a little better.
“His face!” MJ wheezes out. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look so pissed.”
“That whole bit about being sexually harassed being Peter’s favorite pastime,” Liz says. “Great way to put that.”
“The look on Tony’sface when Quentin implied he should control what Peter wears,” Ned says.
“Yeah, that was funny but leads to some worrying questions about Quentin’s relationship with Peter,” Liz says, effectively ruining the mood.
They go back to being silent for a few moments before Tony speaks, “yeah, I don’t care what you wear. Its not my business and unlike that ignorant ebola virus I think your skirts look greatso I would be real fucking happy if you continued to wear them. But if you do or not is your choice,” he says. “If you do though those long socks look really nice with them,” he adds.
Peter frowns, “thigh highs?” he asks and Tony shrugs.
“If that’s what they’re called,” Tony says.
“Who doesn’t know what a thigh high is?” Ned asks.
“You’re only jealous because you can’t find a pair that fits,” Peter tells him, laughing a little.
Ned lets out an offended noise, “it is not my fault that the beauty industry discriminates against thighs as bountiful and beautiful as mine, okay?”
Peter figures he should maybe do some thinking about whyTony punching his ex is so attractive to him but for the moment he works on keeping it to himself on account of it’d be pretty embarrassing for everyone to get a whiff of that. Tony’s polite and walks him to the door of his building though so Peter figures he’ll let go of the pretenses and drag Tony into a kiss. He makes a surprised noise as he wraps his arms around Peter’s waist and lets Peter pull him in. He lets out a soft moan as Peter moves a hand to his thigh and Tony pulls it up to his hip.
“Fuck, who cares what your shitty ex thinks you’re sofucking hot like this,” he murmurs into Peter’s mouth. He moans, curling his fingers into Tony’s hair as Tony’s hand flexes on his thigh a little.
Tony lets out a soft noise as he pulls away, “okay, okay. I um. Maybe should go before I get arrested for public indecency,” he says, giving Peter a lusty once over.
Peter glances into the building to see if anyone is there and winces when he notices May standing in the lobby and she doesn’t even look angry or disappointed, she just looks worried and that’s worse. “Um. Yeah maybe for the best,” he says. Tony looks over, sensing the mood change, and winces hard. Yeah, this isn’t looking very good for him. He goes to pull away but Peter pulls him back into a kiss for a moment, “I’ll try and sneak out to see you soon, I have plans,” he murmurs against Tony’s lips. His face brightens significantly so Peter feels better about leaving him like this.
“Great!” he says enthusiastically.
May paces back and forth, clearly worried and Peter wilts under her gaze. “Do I need to have the talk with you?” she asks and Peter swears to godhe almost gags.
“No, I’m good thanks. We got plenty of that in school,” he says. Also Ben had awkwardly explained a few things a few years ago and he’s pretty sure they both would have liked to have been spared from that.
“Are you sure? Because it really seems like I should have the talk with you,” she says.
Peter is going to die of embarrassment. “Its fine May, I know what’s going on and it’s a little late anyway,” he says accidentally and May’s eyes basically double in size before she presses her hand to her forehead. “Can we please act like I never said that?” he asks fast.
“No, we can’t. We really can’t pleasetell me you’ve been using protection,” she says, looking horrified to be having this discussion.
She isn’t really alone there. “Yeah May I know what a condom is and how to use them can we drop this now?”
He can see her consider it and he really hopes she stops considering it because this is awfuland he hates it. “Okay, for now fine. What were you doing with your boyfriend? You’re grounded, remember?”
Shit, right. “Can you call the school and do something about Quentin because he won’t leave me alone and its been monthsand he keeps sending all these texts and he almost got into it with Tony and it would be really nice if he just backed off,” he says, tears springing to his eyes fast.
May frowns, sitting down beside him, “Peter whatdoes that have to do with anything? And how come this is the first time I’ve heard about any of this?”
Peter throws his arms around her instead of answering, letting her comforting hug back calm him a little before he explains some things.
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derangedsilence · 5 years
Ruki Mukami
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Please feel free to check any of the Sakamaki Bros.’ permission lists.  It’s pretty repetitively the same.
Singleship per verse, please feel free to participate in the plots as appropriate, etc.
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Biography / Stats
FULL NAME. Ruki Mukami ALIAS. Smart Guy/Bastard/Asshole (Ayato) AGE. Appears 18-19 || Actually significantly older BIRTHDAY. April 24 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male, he/him ORIENTATION. Heterosexual SPECIES. Vampire, former human OCCUPATION. High school student of the night school known as Ryoutei Academy. 3rd year in HDB, 1st year of the college branch if assuming time has passed. RESIDENCE. Mukami residence, Japan
HAIR. Black EYES. Blue-grey BUILD. Fit/Slim HEIGHT. 5'11'' (180cm) TATTOOS. None PIERCINGS. Three black piercings on his right ear. ADDITIONAL MARKINGS.   Two large scars on his back. OTHER. Right-handed
ZODIAC. Taurus  ALIGNMENT. Lawful neutral POSITIVE TRAITS.  Well-read, intelligent, leader-type NEGATIVE TRAITS. Sadistic, controlling, cold
BIRTH PLACE. Japan? NATIONALITY. Japanese? PARENTS. Human father (deceased), human mother (deceased).  Karlheinz (adoptive father). SIBLINGS. (Adoptive) Kou, Yuma, Azusa.  EXTENDED FAMILY. None, technically. EDUCATION. High school (likely several times over) NOTABLE SKILLS. Strategy, cooking (especially soup), reading, horse-riding, puzzles  LANGUAGES. Japanese, English, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian (Dano-Norwegian and New Norwegian), Icelandic, and Faroese FAVORITE FOOD. Soup
"IMPURE” VAMPIRE. Inhuman strength, increased speed, vision, hearing, and smell. Fast healing, but not as fast as a pureblood.   TELEPORTATION. Can teleport instantaneously. SWORDSMANSHIP. When it comes to fencing, B OTHER. Excellent strategic / tactical skill.  Due to being a former human, can handle sunlight better than a pureblood. WEAKNESSES. Unlike purebloods, regular vampires do not possess their own magic.  Purebloods can “borrow” that for them using their own abilities, but it’s not quite the same.   DISLIKES.  Disobedience, strong-flavored food and drink, being unable to become “Adam” for Karlheinz
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[*Credit: Appearance section pulled directly from the Dialovers Wiki.]
Ruki is a handsome young man with short ruffled hair colored with black hair on top and white on the tips.  He has blue-grey eyes and also three black piercings on his right ear.  Ruki has two large scars on his back from when he was a child.  He wears black web chokers on his neck.  He is often seen carrying a book in his right hand. He usually wears a grey jacket with a long sleeve black shirt underneath and wears it with black pants and a brown belt.  He sometimes wears a long-sleeved maroon shirt with a black butterfly print on the bottom left side and wears it with black pants and a black belt.  He wears the black web chokers with both outfits.
His school uniform consists of the black school jacket with a white dress shirt that is slightly unbuttoned revealing a long-sleeved maroon shirt underneath and a long black tie over it.  He wears it with the black plaid uniform pants and brown shoes
In the sixth game LOST EDEN, Ruki’s school uniform consists of the dark red school blazer with a white dress shirt and he wears a long-sleeved maroon shirt underneath.  He wears black pants and white shoes.
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A kind but strict older brother towards the other Mukamis, Ruki is a distant, tightly controlled vampire whose calm veneer houses an intensely dominant nature with a capacity for cruelty.  He’s goal-oriented and prefers embracing his “nobility” by sticking to proper manners and a unique interpretation of noblesse oblige.
Originally a cruel, spoiled rich kid, circumstances eventually led him to experience being on the opposite end.  He is very devoted to his brothers and a talented strategist who can use his brothers’ combined strengths and talents to effectively defeat a First Blood.
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CHILDHOOD. Early in life, Ruki was a spoiled, obnoxious rich kid who treated servants with extreme prejudice and cruelty.  Ruki’s father, a kind man by comparison, went bankrupt.  His father hung himself.  His mother ran off with a secret lover, leaving only a letter saying she loved Ruki behind.  Ruki attempted to stop the servants from ransacking their house in the chaos, but was beaten by the people he’d beaten so often before.  He waited in that house hoping his mother would return, but she never did.  Eventually he had to go out and live on the streets, facing ridicule and poor treatment.
Eventually he was brought to an orphanage.  A spoiled ex-noble, he was treated poorly by both the orphans and adults.  Azusa, a fellow orphan, took an immediate shine to him due to how beaten and battered Ruki always was.  Hoping to get the same treatment, Azusa followed him around.  Their relationship was strained - Ruki did not appreciate Azusa or even like him - eventually he started to see Azusa as a younger brother and care for him.  Later still, they would meet Kou and Yuma and band together as a makeshift set of brothers.  
Together, they sought to escape the hellish orphanage.  They were punished severely - all but Ruki were shot, while Ruki was taken to the basement and branded as livestock.  This is when Karlheinz appeared and offered the promise of turning them into vampires so that they could serve him.  In turn, they would be able to take revenge on the world that hurt and deprived them so.
They agreed.
Karlheinz chose Ruki as the head of their group and ensured he was well-educated and capable of leading.  He taught them about the plan for Adam and Eve. 
CURRENT. The Mukamis have made themselves known to Eve and must make the choice to continue to attempt to become Adam themselves, assist in one of the Sakamakis becoming “Adam” for their “Eve”, or steal her away for themselves and truly betray Karlheinz.
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Brief summaries of the verses for Ruki along with potential links for those less familiar with Diabolik Lovers but still want to interact with him.  For the sake of keeping things clean, encouraging community-wide and cooperative storytelling in roleplay, and not letting things get too crazy, verses will be limited.  More may be made over time as needed.
| DL Anime | DL More Blood Anime | Haunted Dark Bridal | More Blood | (Coming Soon)
*This verse will be typically be the default, 'main verse'. In this, it is assumed that Yui Komori is staying at the Sakamaki household with some version of the first game having taken place.  The second game is included with the idea that Yui stayed with the Sakamakis. Whether Ruki or one of his brothers winds up obtaining Eve, Ruki’s life continues.
Verse Details | Tag: #V; RUKI; MORE BLOOD RIVALS
A verse where More Blood has certainly occured and Yui did not (at least initially) stay with the Sakamakis and instead is currently living with the Mukamis or was, until recently, still living with the Mukamis.  Rivalry abounds and attempts to procure Yui are likely.
Verse Details | Tag: #V; RUKI; MORE BLOOD
Posts that could take place in the Sakamaki or Mukami verses but involve duplicates (whether Yui or others) in the same scene in a manner that would be hard to pass off as typical flow for those verses.  Also includes nearly ANY time fellow characters are staying at the mansion, otherwise we’d end up with verses of 20+ additional characters hanging out in the Sakamaki villa.  
Verse Details | Tag:#V; RUKI; MISC
Posts that can easily be assumed to have occured in either verse, typically answering asks, etc. that aren’t directly related to events unique to their timelines.
Likely reserved for one-off threads exploring a “what if”, a romantic meme that would otherwise be inappropriate, etc.  If a meme doesn’t quite fit with one of the existing timelines, it’ll get one of these.
Calls Yui “livestock”
As a rival of Ayato’s, he likes to taunt and provoke the redhead
Knows how to flambe
Is probably that guy who has read way more classical literature than you and likes to drop that fact when the opportunity arises
Is often reading 
THREAD / WRITING TAG: #echoes in the halls; ruki
HEADCANONS:  #hc; dialovers; ruki
IMAGES: #itt // ruki mukami
MUSIC:  #music; dialovers; ruki
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glassrain · 5 years
Then what House is Adrien in?
Much as it painsme to give such a by-the-books answer, I’m going to have to sayHufflepuff - though, perhaps, not for the reasons many people would.I.e., I wouldn’t put Adrien in Hufflepuff simply because he’snice. Kindness is a choice, not a character trait. People can be niceand not be in Hufflepuff; inversely, a Hufflepuff is fully capable ofbeing selfish, cold, snide, shy, or temperamental, among many othernon-sunshiny character traits. Being a nice, positive and outgoingindividual is neither a prerequisite nor a litmus test forHufflepuffs.
(Sorry about the mini rant, but I have Opinions on Hogwarts Housesorting.)
So first I’m going to touch on why I wouldn’t putAdrien in Ravenclaw, like OP of the Adrien is aRavenclaw post. (I’m quickly going to plug in here that OPis absolutely welcome to their opinion and I’m notarguing that they’re WrongTM - simply that Iapproach the character differently than they do.) OP’s pointsessentially boil down to: “Adrien is a lot smarter than peoplegive him credit for (Ravenclaw), and takes no crap when his lovedones are in the wrong (non-Hufflepuff).” I absolutely agree thatAdrien is markedly smarter than people give him credit for. He’snever shown to be any less than a straight-A student in any subject,not to mention the fact that his continued presence in public schoolis dependent on his high grades, so clearly he’s smart. He somehow manages to keep this track record, evenwhile juggling multiple extra curriculars and his superheroactivities - no minor feat. OP also references his puns and play-onwords; you have to have a pretty clever mind to do that as well andconstantly as he does, on the fly.
While I’ll give credit to the point about the puns, I’m notgoing to sort someone based solely on their sense of humor. As forAdrien’s academia … okay, brace yourself for another mini rant.Intelligent people are not automatically sorted into Ravenclaw,simply because they are intelligent. Just look at Hermione. I thinkthat if she were not originally from Harry Potter, manypeople would instantly sort her into Ravenclaw simply for thatreason, despite the fact that she is so obviously Gryffindor.Likewise, I wouldn’t sort Adrien into Ravenclaw based solely on hisbook smarts. Where are the Ravenclaw aspects in other areasin his life - the instinctual, day-to-day parts of his life insteadof the ones where he intentionally turns his mind toward studying andtaking in information? Adrien rarely tries to outsmart his opponents,usually preferring to take point physically while Ladybug riddles outthe solution (and even his fighting style is forward, flashy andaggressive instead of sly and clever). Adrien is also themost clueless character on the show - and after two years running that cannot just be from inexperience. For example,Marinette is not exactly subtle even when she’s trying to be, but Adrien still hasn’t even aninkling about her feelings toward him (at least as far as I’vewatched - I’m not entirely up to date in season 3). Adrien has noidea that his father is Hawkmoth despite the fact that Gabriel spendsall his time locked away in a mysterious attic, or the fact thatAdrien saw the peacock miraculous in hisfather’s hidden safe where he was keeping a book on themiraculous’ (or the fact that Gabriel has a hidden safe tobegin with), or the fact that he’s got butterflies decorating hisentire house, not to mention his father’s brand logo. Has Adriengot any clue that his mother is stashed away in the basement? Adrienis also one of the most easily manipulated characters on the show,because he instantly takes everything people say at face value, neverquestioning them because it doesn’t occur to histo question. It doesn’t occur to him to wonder about thediscrepancies in his life. He doesn’t even notice them,because his brain isn’t wired to observe and form connections. Hisbrain isn’t wired to be curious.
His brain isn’t wired like a Ravenclaw.
So, not a Ravenclaw. But why a Hufflepuff? After all, OP madevalid points about how easily Adrien fights his loved ones. Wouldn’tthat indicate a certain lack of Hufflepuff-ness? My answer to thatis: not necessarily.
Hufflepuffs are hardworking, patient, and fair players - alltraits Adrien has in spades. But Hufflepuff’s truly defining trait- loyalty - is the one that really cements me on this particularsorting for Adrien. It’s true that Adrien pulls no punches whenconfronting his akumatized friends, but it’s equally true thatAdrien’s goal is to free his friends from Hawkmothand restore them to themselves. At the end of the day, he fights soferociously for them, trying to defeat the enemy in orderto retrieve the friend trapped inside. What at first looks like alack of loyalty is instead a bright example of saidloyalty. OP also mentioned Adrien’s willingness to confront hisloved ones, like Chloe in Despair Bear. Confrontingsomeone you care about on a genuine problem in their life is hardly asign of disloyalty - in fact, it would be far more disloyalto stand back and allow toxic behaviors in someone’s life tocontinue hurting them, simply because confrontation makes one feeluncomfortable. The fact that easy-going, gentle Adrien is willing to stifle his natural instincts to make peace in order to confront his loved ones only highlights his loyalty to them, revealing how far he will go for their good. To again reference Despair Bear, Adrienwas speaking in defense of his friends - also people he is loyal to -gave Chloe an entire season’s worth of chances before offering hisultimatum, and all throughout the episode stood by her side,believing in her and encouraging her, and coaxing others to believein her as well. This kind of tenacity and loyalty is all markedly Hufflepuffbehavior.
Adrien continues to stay loyal to Chloe, even past the point where he should probably cut ties. He remains her friend despite the often cruel way she treats the other classmates - a fact that would look rather contradictory of Adrien’s character if he weren’t so hopelessly Hufflepuff. He remains her friend despite her habit of constantly harassing him in season 1. Adrien is very quick to forgive her and reaffirm their friendship after somewhat minimal effort on Chloe’s part to make amends in Despair Bear, because he wants to remain faithful to her, despite everything. He also defends her to Ladybug on multiple occasions, in episodes like Antibug or Queen Wasp, regardless of Ladybug’s very valid anger at Chloe. Because Adrien doesn’t turn his back on his friends.
Speaking of people Adrien is devoutly devoted to: Ladybug. OP mentioned that Adrien’s habit of constantly sacrificing himself for her is more an indication of logic - since Ladybug is the only one who can cleanse akumas - rather than loyalty. While I agree that this certainly a part of it, I don’t think there’s any indication that it’s the sole reason, or even the primary reason. From a purely cinematic perspective, nearly every episode with Chat sacrificing himself for Ladybug (Zombizou excluded) plays the scenario as a sacrifice for a friend instead of as a means to an end, indicating that loyalty is in fact the root cause. But even disregarding his fierce protection of her in battle, his faith in her boarders on irrational. (This faith, this unwavering belief that Ladybug can and will rise above any obstacle, his willingness to do practically anything she asks based on that faith, is a subtler but equally strong fact of loyalty. After all, loyalty isn’t just an action - it’s also an unwavering belief in a person/cause.) In Dark Owl, Adrien was willing to give her his miraculous, which she said she was going to surrender to Hawkmoth, simply because she asked him to. No real objections or questions, simply a blind trust that Ladybug knew what she was doing, and Adrien was willing to risk one of his few freedoms - not to mention letting Hawkmoth win - based solely on that faith. Or how about in Hero’s Day, when Adrien insists with full confidence, “You and me, we can do this,” when faced with an literal army of akumas? It’s certainly not faith in himself that prods him to say that. Adrien No-one-needs-me-as-Chat-Noir, You’re-replacing-me-with-a-turtle? Agreste, he hasn’t got the highest self esteem on a good day, let alone when virtually the entire city of Paris is hunting them down with very dangerous superpowers. His words here stem entirely from his faith in Ladybug. Another example is Reverser. In this episode Adrien, scared out of his mind at even a ride in a cab, willingly allows himself to be blindfolded and tied to a kite, then hurls himself off the Eiffel Tower, even knowing that Ladybug can barely walk three steps without making a mess, trusting her to catch the rope and guide him safely. The ability to trust someone that completely is an unabashedly Hufflepuff trait.
To further examine the topic, what about his feelings for Ladybug? Adrien is a hopeless romantic, and he wants to be in a relationship. But no matter how hard he might try - like his attempted date with Kagami - he’s already given his heart to Ladybug and can’t even comprehend the idea of taking it back and trying with someone else. Tikki and Marinette even have a conversation about it in Weredad - Tikki cautions Marinette and reminds her that Ladybug has rejected Chat Noir so many times, that he might be willing to try with someone new. Marinette simply scoffs at the idea, utterly confident that Chat Noir is devoted fully to Ladybug. And she’s right. No matter how many times she tells him she’s in love with someone else, Adrien is simply incapable of taking back his affection, or to stop trying with her (for better or for worse). In fact, I credit his devotion to Ladybug as the reason he’s so blind to Marinette - Adrien clearly adores Marinette, he has nothing but a thousand glowing praises to say about her, and is baffled at the idea that someone as amazing (in his own words) as Marinette might like Chat Noir. It’s not a lack of affection that keeps him on his “just a friend” train - it’s the fact that his eyes are so full of Ladybug that he doesn’t even see Marinette, not that way.
The final point I’m going to make (because this post has gotten quite out of hand) is Adrien’s loyalty to Gabriel. While Adrien’s loyalty to his friends and partner is commendable, his relationship with his father a much more unfortunate story: loyalty misplaced. Loyalty blinding him to faults. When Gabriel akumatizes himself into the Collector, that is a marked indication of his innocence in the Hawkmoth debate … but it doesn’t negate the previous evidences, all of which Adrien is perfectly content to ignore for the sake of maintaining his relationship with his father. The last thing he wants to believe is that his father is the madman terrorizing the city. So he doesn’t. Even beyond the question of Hawkmoth, however, Adrien’s loyalty to his father is the root of him blaming himself for his father’s behavior, while letting Gabriel off scott free. I DON’T say this to blame Adrien in any way, because Adrien is very much the victim of his father’s abuse. Adrien bends over backwards to please and appease his father: his extra curriculars are of Gabriel’s choosing, and Adrien makes sure to excel in each. Even before public school was cause for motivation, Adrien still made high grades to please his father. Adrien models for Gabriel’s company, and seems happy to do so. Adrien works so hard to be the perfect son. But he gets little to nothing out of it. Gabriel rarely dines with him, never leaves the house to support Adrien’s school activities, photo shoots, or fencing matches, keeps him locked away, isolated in his room like a cage (to the point where imprisonment becomes one of his worst fears). Gabriel tells him that he must schedule appointments with Nathalie for something as simple as a conversation with his father. Gabriel scolds and guilts Adrien for something as innocent as sneaking out to watch a movie that starred his mother (all while hiding his own heinous secrets). Gabriel intentionally manipulates Adrien into believing that Gabriel’s akumatization in The Collector is his fault. Gabriel gave him nothing but a single pen for his birthday for three years (or in the original French, completely forgot about it very often).
In the face of such treatment, many children would be inclined to grow resentful, angry and rebellious, hurting deeply over their abuse. Adrien, however, grows pensive and insecure. His loyalty to Gabriel blinds him, leads him to stalwartly refuse to acknowledge Gabriel’s treatment of him. Baring two short instances in Simon Says, Adrien never - not once - corrects, accuses,or snaps at Gabriel. The closest he comes is sadly acknowledging that Gabriel once again, won’t be showing up/ refuses to give him an inch/ etc., and even then Adrein is merely sad instead of accusatory. Adrien leaps at any crumbs of affection Gabriel might deign to toss his way, so blinded by his love and loyalty to this man that it never even occurs to him that he deserves better from his own father. Instead, he willingly shoulders the blame, or makes allowances and excuses, or ignores the situation all together. Because if Gabriel is what’s wrong with their relationship … then Adrein might have to pull away fro his own good. And that goes against his very nature. Adrien being at fault is infinitely more preferable to him than cutting ties to his father.
So, yes. I believe that Adrien is 100% a Hufflepuff - not for his sweet smile or his compassion or his penchant for optimism, but for his fierce dedication and unwavering trust in those he loves, even those who may not deserve it. Adrien is absolutely a Hufflepuff, and I cannot be convinced otherwise. Although OP did make one very valid point - poor Adrien would look terrible in yellow. Sorry, Adrien.
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all-about-wannaone · 7 years
Wanna One as Princes [Part 3]
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Before my school holidays come to an end today, this also marks the conclusion to this requested “Wanna One as Princes” series. :’) This is actually my first time attempting this kind of scenario writing due to the fact that I tend to write either full-on scenarios or simple categorisations with a rationale. Hence, thank you @theresnowarinbasingse for requesting and I really did have  a lot of fun writing this. :) For this time around, I had less of a “writer’s block” and hence ended up with a relatively long bullet list for the remaining members of the band. ^^;; Nevertheless, thank you all for your support and I wish you guys another happy reading experience for the third and final part to this series. :) 
PART 1: Yoon Jisung, Ha Sungwoon, Hwang Minhyun, Ong Seongwoo
PART 2: Kim Jaehwan, Kang Daniel, Park Jihoon, Park Woojin
Bae Jinyoung:
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Will definitely be mistaken for a scholar, tutor or an extremely young government official because his head is always in the books.
Even when he is walking around town, his head will be buried in a new book every 3 days.
Probably developed a skill of walking without bumping into people when he is too absorbed in the text.
Brings about an aura of gentleness and intelligence; all the ladies seem to take notice of him, especially with the way he looks and his decently tall height.
Gets flustered when people bow and greet him, but returns the greeting with a smile and a nod (which leads to a bunch of squealing girls behind him)
Has hidden spots in the city which only he knows of and they are extremely scenic; loves to go to those places to clear his mind and forget his worries for a while.
Also needs a personal bodyguard because of his tendency to wander to these scenic areas.
Always deep in thought thinking of new ways to improve the people’s lives and is pretty innovative.
Delivers without needing to be asked and this leads to a peaceful, hopeful and happy community that he takes care of.
Word will reach him on the success of his new project; if it works, he will smile to himself and heave a sigh of relief. If not, he will go down on site to find out a little bit more with a positive attitude and can be counted on to make the necessary improvements.
Has an extremely friendly relationship with his community and they would casually invite them to their houses for a chat over tea or even a meal.
Loves children and animals; tells the children interesting stories of all the books he has read and is always seen caring for the dog in the city centre.
Probably writes novels or children’s books when he is free under the alias “Prince”.
All in all, he is gentle, sweet, thoughtful and hardworking despite his young age, showing his maturity to be worthy of a prince.
Still, it is recommended not to fool around with this prince, because he is also capable of dismissing incompetent, lazy and untrustworthy officials.
A little clumsy with the sword as well but has a deadly affinity with unconventional weapons and probably has a better knowledge of poisons than actual swords.
Still tries his best anyway and forces himself to read a bit more into the history of swords to aid his appreciation.
His awkward and slightly nervous nature would definitely be brought into his love life, because of the response that he might get.
Prefers to observe first before striking up a casual (and awkward) conversation to get to know her better.
When he wants to tell her, he’ll probably go “Would you possibly, maybe, likely go out with me? Only if you want to of course!” before getting all red faced; probably said this looking at the floor smh.
Has to repeat it because she could not hear and he inwardly cringes as he tries again, only to be greeted back with a grateful smile and a shy kiss on his cheek.
 Lee Daehwi:
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Similar to Woojin, he would also be mistaken to be a young and innocent teenager who seems too pure in such a cruel world.
Looks too young for his own good; people have doubts about him.
Shocked when they find out that he is actually the true prince and soon start treating him with the respect he deserves.
Returns the greeting with an enthusiastic bow and a bright smile, confusing others because he bows lower than the people themselves when they greet him.
Full of hope, optimism and only sees the good in people; always seen with the brightest smile which definitely brightens up someone’s day when people see him.
Earned the nickname “Walking Sunshine”.
Definitely has a personal bodyguard because of his naive personality, making sure that he does not get into any sort of trouble.
The older people treat him like he’s their own son and often give him homemade snacks and sweets, or perhaps cook him a simple homecooked meal.
Always grateful and is a great listener, whether it’s to the elderly, teenagers his age, the adults or toddlers, and everyone has a friendly relation with him.
Will go back to the palace to see how problems can be solved and will discuss them with his officials with as much seriousness as he can muster.
Luckily, all his officials are level-headed and are free of corruption, realising that the prince has quite a bit to learn but give their input anyway to the best of their ability.
Will try his best to rectify any issues, from basic necessities to solving neighbourly conflicts.
Might not always work, but is always seeking new, efficient and effective ways by reading up on history, writings passed down by generals and society.
Recognised for his hard work and determination by his teachers, parents, government officials, friends and the community.
The community turns out to be relatively peaceful, grateful and hopeful too; mirroring exactly what they see from the prince.
Is often seen taking care of stray animals which lie around the palace grounds or joining the teenagers for a game of football to de-stress.
Sometimes, he wishes that he was not born in a royal family because of the many rules and the requirements and often turns to his eunuch for deep conversations about life and how to overcome his personal obstacles.
Sweet, kind, positive, resilient and has an appreciation for objects and trinkets hand made by the local people (or the Arts in general).
Does not like combat classes because he hates to be involved in conflict which might hurt others; still trains with a wooden sword until he is ready to take on a real one.
With his pure, naive and happy nature, he is probably bound to confess by accident.
When the girl does something such as being clueless about simple things or cracks a really bad joke, he would say, “Why do I like you again?”
Gets all surprised when he realised what he said and plays it off; hoping and praying that the girl would like him back. (of course she would omg he’s such a smol so why not)
Lai Guanlin:
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Possibly the youngest official prince that anyone has ever known and even the people are still surprised that he is their prince.
Might be young but is mature for his age and looks the part; extremely noticeable that he is a part of the royal family.
Doesn’t speak very much and occasionally nods in acknowledgement when people greet him, giving a small smile.
Extremely tall so no one really picks or doubts him in any way; looks confident in the way he carries himself and people look up to him (both literally and figuratively)
Usually finds out about the community’s issues from a lady who sells homemade snacks and sweets.
Treats him like he’s her own son too and he is always patronising her stall (he’s a young boy who loves treats like hers)
Gives some form of input but spends most of his time listening as he eats; a great listener to the people’s concerns and issues that they want to change.
Pretty well read and is a quick thinker; able to rectify issues in less than 3 days.
Everyone’s role model, especially for the sons in the community and they are encouraged to sign up for the examinations to become a government official.
Quick to spot incompetence, deception and possible hidden agendas so nobody dares to fool around under his watchful eye.
Only becomes a kid around children (whom he entertains physically) and animals (especially dogs) and shows his more childish side.
Usually found in the palace garden’s main pavilion doing his work and reading; finds his state of calm there.
Serious prince most of the time, but has his moments when he wishes that he could be like ordinary kids (but doesn’t show it)
Another perfect package and is one of the favourite students; good learner, caring personality, smart, appreciates the little things in life and is always willing to perfect his skills.
Adores his younger brother (ahem seonho ahem) and takes care of him extremely well.
The community follows after him; family-like, hard working and incredibly resilient because they can trust their royal family.
Does not really have any sentiments towards combat classes but he just sees it as something that is absolutely necessary if he wants to become a strong and dependable prince for his people.
Not exactly the best when it comes to handling weapons but practices tirelessly under the guidance of his palace guards and sensei.
When it comes to the girl he likes, it will probably be one of those normal confessions (because he is young and does not know very much apart from being completely honest).
Would be quiet and lowkey, but would show more of his inner self i.e. smiling more, opening up and just being at ease for once.
When he’s comfortable, he will ask the girl first because to him, it is less scary that way and he would be able to better judge his reactions depending on the answer.
If she says yes, he will smile extremely brightly and go, “Great, because I like you a lot too.” and if not (why would you do that to such a puppy), he will just nod and move on eventually with a mature mindset.
And with that, I have officially come to the end of this series! ^^ Once again, I would like to thank you all for keeping up with the series and actually having the patience to read through this entire imagine. :) Honestly, I never expected to get that much attention from this blog, considering how many other great Produce 101/ Wanna One blogs there are out there. Now, I stand at a total of 455 notes across 30 posts and 89 followers strong! ^^ Thank you for all your support once again and I don’t know where I would be without you guys leaving your notes and reblogs. :) They might seem small, but they sure make an impact on the writer. :) 
Finally, as for requests. I will be taking them in all the way until Sunday, 1st July 2017. To request, simply head over to drop them via messaging or my ask box if you would like to see more of these “Wanna One as ______” posts! ^^ Hope to see you guys there soon and I hope you guys have had a fun time so far imagining the boys in royal garments as princes in an alternate universe. :) 
Goodbye for now and see you guys again soon with more requests! ^^ 
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mithoen · 8 years
Nageki the school librarian who’s still very sick but a determined big bro to all his brothers and sisters
when he lived in the orphanage with the other kids he was always trying his best to look after them all but his weak health made it hard for him to do much so all his siblings had to work hard to make up for it and he felt Terrible about it
he’s always sending as much money as he can spare to the orphanage now that he’s working and in much better heath due to the st pigeonations medicine developed for him
Hitori, Nageki’s younger brother who moved out of the orphanage with Nageki despite the dove’s protests, eager to protect his elder bro
in the second year!!
was always the one who worried the most over nageki so being seperate from the other is like. ???? how?? could he even do that??? is there a universe that exists in which he and nageki aren’t together?????
very kind and sweet tho not afraid to Fight for the people he cares about
lives together with nageki in a small but homely apartment near to the school
is still worried often about nageki’s health, especially whenever he sees nageki even show any signs of being ill
Kazuaki who has been best friends with Hitori since before the two could even remember
in second year with hitori and in the same homeroom as him
has a very kind and supportive family and has had a cushy life, causing him to be a bit of a weakling in terms of personality
met hitori in nursery where the two became fast friends
hitori’s always had to protect kazuaki from bullies, due to how easily kazoo cries
lived closer to hitori when the other quail’s home was the orphanage, though kazuaki’s parents trust the two of them enough to let kazoo make the journey to nageki’s apartment by himself
he cries every time he has to do it, of course.
treats nageki and hitori’s apartment as a second home, which neither brother minds that much
when they started attending st. pigeonations hitori and kazoo actually began dating in secret, mainly out of fear of backlash from other students
kazoo is more worried about it than hitori, but they agreed to hide it in case kazoo ends up being bullied anymore than he already does
nageki, of course, figured it out ages ago that they liked each other but he hasn’t said anything out of respect for hitori’s privacy - his brother will tell nageki when he’s ready
Sakuya the world renowned pianist who teaches music at st. pigeonations
he’s well liked by the kids for his patient nature and strict but fair way of teaching, is always very proud of the students he teaches
left the le bel family when he was young to become a musician, as encouraged by his elder brother. he’s never looked back.
Hiyoko!! The gym teacher!! She’s extremely enthusiastic about getting all these birdies fit, what with being the only human
pushes every student to do their best but would never make them overwork - being healthy is best!!
Very Proud of all of them as well, cries tears of joy when they win in any athletic competition, also cries when they don’t win simply because they put their all into every match
he had a kid with her though after she died ryouta’s not gotten on very well with said kid. ryouta understands how hard it is on his son tho and he doesn’t want other children to feel the pain of losing a parent, which is why he works so hard
ryuuji the 3rd year who leads a gang of 3 (including himself) misfit children
he doesn’t get along very well with ryouta, not after his mum died - its mainly ryuuji’s own fault for distancing himself from his father, blaming ryouta for not being able to save mrs. kawara
Okosan the birdolympics champion, who’s won Multiple gold medals in track
good friends with hiyoko?? somehow??? she calls in favours from him to cover P.E. lessons sometimes when she’s too injured from fighting the wildlife (ofc she still lives in a cave)
pe lessons with okosan are always. very strange. there’s often a lot of running. and bean throwing. student opinion is mixed.
still talks like a chuunibyou o b v i o u s l y
students are never quite sure of what he’s talking about?? tho he’s always very pleased with their art no matter what they draw, whether or not it’s what he was trying to teach them so lessons with him are actually p/chill
there’s a select few people who can decipher his language - hiyoko, ryouta, nageki and the students in his manga club, the club in question being less of a friendly after-school gathering and more of a... cult.
Souma the sharp tongued, short kid with literally the worst personality ever (also yes i know his name would be something else, but like. souma’s cuter sh u s h)
is in second year with hitori and kazuaki but he’s actually been moved up a year
he’s very much a smartass and a huge dick about that all the time
the second member of ryuuji’s mischief gang, often the instigator for any of the nastier pranks the three of them pull
included but not limited to: buckets filled with paint above doors, creating various gas bombs and throwing them into classrooms, leaving sharp objects lying around in conspicuous places, etc
his parents aren’t dead in this AU, meaning a lot of his cruel personality is shaped from their abuse towards him
they put a lot of pressure on him to succeed in school and neglect him at home, which is why hes so smart and also acting out so badly
no dead parents mean no explosions, tho!! so he’s not colourblind here, nor is he partially paralysed on his right sight
this means he’s a lot more physically fit and often gets into some p/brutal fist fights with others students - most of the time he’s found fighting hitori, due to souma bullying kazuaki all the time
is Not afraid to bring a knife to a fist fight
highkey has a crush on dr. kawara. this causes issues between him and ryuuji sometimes, who Does Not Appreciate the thought of his best friend (???) liking his estranged dad romantically
(it’ll never go anywhere tho, it’s a purely appearance-attracted based crush)
Tohri!! he is, of course, beautiful and majestic
in second year with hitori, kazuaki and souma
the third and final member of the mischief trio, he is the group’s morality pet, often having to shut down ryuuji and souma where their pranks get too dangerous - he’s the nicest of the lot, basically
this is especially in souma’s case - the two often argue over what constitutes a ‘safe’ prank
souma is nearly always in the wrong.
used to be better friends with ryuuji until souma joined the school and was immediately moved up to second year, spurning ryuuji to take more of an interest in the partridge
a big fan of anghel’s work and one of the more prominent members of the manga club, he’s probably one of the few who can understand the luzon the best
frequently shuts down any and all pranks towards the art teacher due to this, no matter how harmless they might be
gets along pretty well with hitori and kazuaki - the trio isn’t exactly on the best of terms with the quails due to souma and ryuuji teasing kazoo constantly, but tohri’s the least problematic of the three so sometimes they hang out together
Yuuya, st. pigeonations charming, flirtatious headmaster
was the one who convinced his younger brother sakuya to leave the le bel family and pursue his own happiness, the fantail eventually ending up working under yuuya as a music teacher
flirts with. the Entire staff. literally the entire staff im not joking
has a Better relationship with sakuya here though the two still banter a lot, especially in school
sakuya hates his aloof attitude towards being headmaster but yuuya’s popular with both the staff and students so evidently he’s doing Something right
he often disrupts sakuya’s music lessons to talk to his brother and entertain the students and sakuya is So Done with his shit
sakuya cursing yuuya out in french when he gets Very annoyed and the students picking up the bad words and spreading them around school
sakuya is horrified but yuuya thinks it’s hilarious and none of them actually know what they’re saying so it’s fi n e
it’s the mischief trio’s aim to try and break into the headmaster’s office and wreck it before ryuuji graduates, but yuuya’s Aware of their shit
he loves their more harmless pranks but knows how dangerous they can be, so he plays along - to an extent
so far they’ve tried to blow up his door, break the lock and climb in through a window, among other things, but yuuya’s always intercepted them somehow
souma’s highkey annoyed this?? irritatingly charismatic headmaster??? is somehow outsmarting him????
yuuya’s also got a close relationship to a 3rd year boy called leone who has a p/bad family life
he’s offered to adopt the kid multiple times but leone’s always turned him down, though he appriciates yuuya’s concern
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