#this scene makes it worth the rewatch 😂
richonnesbitch · 6 months
Any favorite Richonne moments? Rewatching season 6 and forgot about Michonne immediately slamming the woman who punched Rick. I couldn’t help but think how that meme of kevin hart being held is so Richonne coded lmao
Every richonne moment is my favorite moment tbh 😂
I, too, really love when Michonne body slammed that random woman who punched Rick. And it being directly after their first night together makes it sexier. Like that is HER man, she's decided. Like, they're so iconic. Imagine every scene with your ship being their best scene. That's crazy!
But to answer your question I'll name a few of moments I especially love. Some of these are probably underrated, others probably not. It's not gonna be in any type of order because it's too hard to rank lol. But here are five.
1: Taking Judith To Hilltop
Whenever Carl is dying and Alexandria is getting bombed by the saviors, the group decides they need to evacuate to Hilltop. Rick asks Michonne, the person he trusts most in the world, to take Judith to Hilltop. And we all know how much Rick (and Michonne) loves his children so this was definitely a huge thing to ask. I just find it beautiful the amount of trust he has in her. I love that Andy quote where he's like "Rick trusts her with his life and his children's lives." I can't remember the full quote so I'm definitely paraphrasing but it's a great moment. And unfortunately I can't find a picture of the moment either.
2: Mowing Down Walkers with the RDIM
This whole scene is just so crazy to me. It starts off with Michonne annoyed she has to just stand around while everyone else does all the work. Fed up, she decides to ignore Thorne and take charge. She grabs the RDIM and runs and runs and runs pretty far away from everyone else, mowing down walkers along the way. And then all of a sudden who appears next to her? Rick. Do you know how fast he would have to have been running to catch up with her? He's crazy lmao! It's also really sweet in another way too because he knows she might get in trouble for this so he gets himself in trouble with her. Partners in crime! And also im sure he couldn't just let her run into a horde of walkers by herself. Anyway, they mow down the walkers and then Rick sets the RDIM up to explode and grabs Michonne's hand and runs away from the impending explosion with her. And if you notice when they go behind the tree, Rick puts her ahead of himself. He also shields her body with his when the explosion happens. We know what happens next. They start staring into each other's eyes and neither of them are capable of resisting each other so they have a little makeout session complete with tonguing and moaning. Classic richonne. Noticing their connection, Michonne says "come on" referring to how he should leave with her. He warns that "They'll find us, they will." She tells him "we'll make it so they can't." And he's under her spell so of course all his most recent refusal just goes out the window as he tells her "not like this." It ends with a signature forehead touch. I feel like this is a thing richonne generally does when they feel distant from one another. Physical touch is big for them so I feel like the forehead touching is a way to reconnect them I think. It's beautiful. So anyway they head back to the rest of the group to help. Thorne's goofy ass decides that Michonne, or Dana, is more trouble than she's worth and aims her big gun at her. Somehow Michonne's bodyguard Rick notices this immediately. It's crazy how he ALWAYS has eyes on her to protect her. No wonder she said she only feels safe with him. He sticks himself between the gun and Michonne, blocking her from Thorne's view and successfully saving her from being killed. I love seeing how protective Rick is of his lady.
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3: Rv Hand Hold
So after their first kiss and first night together, they are tragically robbed of the chance to spend the morning together when Jesus lets himself into their home to speak to Rick. This world moves fast so they don't really get the time to breathe before Jesus and the rest of the group are on their way to Hilltop. Michonne sits bashfully in the passenger seat, wondering if last night meant as much to Rick as it did to her. And Rick notices this (because he always has eyes on her) and eases her mind by grabbing her hand. Of COURSE it meant as much to him as it did to you.
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4: Michonne Saving Rick From Winslow
So I've talked about how much I love Rick being protective of Michonne but I also love when Michonne is protective of Rick. Okay so this moment happens when Rick and Michonne are trying to recruit those worthless useless garbage people to fight against the saviors. Their leader (who I'm not naming because fuck that bitch) wants to put Rick to the test like the dumbass she is. To test him, she decides to take him "up, up, up" which is code for "throw you in a hole you can't climb out of with no weapons while a spiked walker comes at you." Michonne, sensing this bullshit, nervously grabs Rick's hand to stop him. She goes to say something but Rick stops her and comforts her. He goes up there anyway and gives Michonne a reassuring nod once up there. The leader says some sort of bullshit to him, I don't know what because I zone out any time she speaks. Anyway she pushes him down the hole. Michonne screams at her "what did you do?!?!" before running to find Rick by looking through a hole. She yells his name and he looks around confusedly for a few seconds before figuring out where her voice is coming from. He lets her know he's okay. And then Winslow comes at him. Again he has no weapon so he frantically tries to climb out but to no avail. Michonne watching this through the hole yells directions to him. "The walls. USE them!" And he does! And it works! Michonne's plan works and she saves his life. It's just a fun example of how Michonne's guidance always helps Rick.
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5: Unclenching His Fist
So after a very endearing family fun day for the Grimes family, it sadly gets cut short when Scott (or whatever his name is) delivers the news that some random ex savior (that really no one cares about) got killed by someone. This is bad news and Rick is visibly upset by this. Michonne notices this and reaches a hand out to him.
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His hand is closed and she gently opens it.
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She not only comforts him but let's him know this burden isn't only his. It's hers too. And that they will get through this together. Michonne has always been able to comfort Rick in a way no one else can and vice versa.
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So in conclusion, these are just a few moments I really love and why I love them. Again I wanna say that every moment is my favorite richonne moment so this is definitely not a ranked list. I had to limit myself to just five because I could go on and on and on and on and on and on if you let me 😂 but if you wanna know more of my favorite moments I don't mind sharing them. Thanks for the ask! This was so fun to write.
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tortibomb · 24 days
I finished Sotus S tonight.
I’d say it’s definitely worth a watch. The sound was definitely better so that didn’t bother me. I can see the appeal of Krist and Singto together and it definitely makes me super excited to see them in their new series. I just rewatched the pilot for Ex Morning. 😂
I felt like the second series went a lot slower than the first but I still enjoyed it and would recommend it if you are watching at a slow pace.
The special scenes at the end of each episode made up for the slow pace and really showed the difference in how Arthit felt in a space comfortable for him (uni with friends) vs the anxiety he felt in the workplace.
The other couples did start to bore me during the second season. I was interested in Day and Tew and felt like they disappeared during the second half of the series. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Even so, I still I recommend. If it’s on your watch list and you put it off like I did, just watch it.
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Now about season 3 of Bridgerton....some thought from a Greys Anatomy fan of the first hour cause I need to get it off my chest :)
I was really excited to see Polins story unfold even though I didn't watch Bridgerton before or read the books but I was swept up by the excitement on tiktok and got invested in their story.
But as soon as I heard Shona was involved I was like okayyyyyy, I gotta keep my expectations in check cause the women is not one to write healthy and lasting relationships and reasonable men who communicate well😬
Looking at how the season played out, I completely understand why so many people are disappointed cause there was so much potential wasted, so many scenes that could have made clear to the viewer what was going on in Colins head. I think I filled in the gaps in my mind but there are still some moments, some things he said and did that were almost character destroying, specially the comment about the entrapment, cause dude, she didn't even know what sex was🙄 Also, not even trying to have a converation with her about why LW started and has such significance to her was not sth Colin would do.
And that's the crux of why I think for many die hard fans, the season was a let down. They didn't show any true discussions or enough moments of passion alongside the argument cause in truth, there was no time with all the unnecessary side plots and so few episodes. If you saw the season you know, I won't list them all but I will say they better put a proper Polin side story and spicy scene in Ben's season cause the amount of pointless threesomes I had to skip through is almost offensive, especially cause it should be clear people want intimate scenes of the main couple😮‍💨
But looking at all of it considering this show is part of Shondaland, I am not the least bit surprised. The number of downright character assasinations I watched on Grey's (and other shows of hers) after over a decade watching the development of some of them is kinda ridiculous. The number of ruined relationships and the horrible ways most of them were ruined (I almost cannot believe I'm saying this now but thank god they killed off Derek before completely undoing who he actually was and what Meredith meant to him😭).
Untimately, Shonda loves the drama and the angst and very clearly doesn't think there is much entertainment value in showing happy couples resolving their issues in a healthy way. If you watch a project she's involved in, you gotta be prepared for the couple to not make it and in that way, Bridgerton fans are rather lucky considering no matter how the seasons play out, it's gonna end with a happy couple that's not gonna split up again.
She also was never gonna just take books and keep to the narrative cause I don't believe that would be any fun to her. Especially this season, since she has said that Pen is her favorite character. I was immediately thinking Colin will be taking a back seat and have moments viewers will hate him for to have Pen in the forefront individually.
I guess I'm gonna take away and rewatch the beautiful moments, even some of the angsty ones and wait for what little side plots Polin will have in future seasons. I don't believe I will watch the entirety of future seasons cause I'm not interested to be disappointed by Shonda Rhimes' story telling anymore. Been there done that😂
But my little obsession with Polin was still worth it cause they're just an amazing fictional couple and I might just read their book now☺️
And I have definitely found a new actress to follow along for her future roles cause Nicola is just amazing as an actress and as a person🥰
(Also find it deeply offensive to make an audience wait for 2 years (!!!) for 8 episodes but that's for another day😅)
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imjustwritingg · 4 months
I'm going to miss Tracy and Hailey but what I'm not to miss is the way this show made me feel for the last two (ish) years. Pure anxiety and disappointment. Can't wait to be free from it.
Another ship for me? Never again 😂😭
I still have hope though, at least one scene that make all the pain we went through worth it 🤞
I feel youuuuu. Less than two weeks and we will finally be free!!
For real. This is why I don’t like starting new shows. I was so excited about The Company You Keep and completely fell in love with it, and then they cancelled it after the first season. I’m still carrying the torch for Upstead, and I always will, but I really don’t think I can get invested in another ship like that again.
It’ll be me and my rewatches of my favorite shows for the rest of my life, me thinks.
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part eightttt
Another 2am edition bc why not lolol lets go batchers !!!
Bad Batch 1x04
Tech's little 👆 every time he speaks
Omega went from 😊 to 😞 as soon as she heard "not inhabited" poor baby just wants to explore
Wrecker 🤝 Tech having no idea how to bribe
Wrecker: "we're getting the hang of this civilian thing" Tech: *shakes head*
"The only thing we have worth any money" (jumping again oops) and he uses it to save Omega 🥺😭
Omega: "sightseeing?" Hunter: NOOOO lmao I've never heard him speak so fast
Echo really cosplayed as a droid 🥲
Hunter 🤔 face
Tech: *speaking big words* Wrecker: blalalmamalanam💀
"Droid?!?" 💀
I can't with this whole scene pls 💀
Hunter you just sold your brother !!! Echo you just let him sell you !!!
they should just do this every planet they go to, they could end up rich lol
"Hello there" ~ Omega in her Obi-Wan era
Echo talking like a droid oml 😂
I swear I love Fennec but she actually worries me this ep lol like no I'm not rooting for you today babes
Hunter found the doll and he keeps it 🥰
"We didn't pay for these" 🥺
I'm so ready for Hunter's Joel Miller feral dad phase (@twinsunstars )
Hunter really brought a knife to a gun fight bro
more boys in civvie clothes in s3 ?? 👀 asking for a friend
"Easy with my ship" ~ Tech bro 😂 it's Tech's ship they're all just living in it
lmao Wrecker slamming the comm at Tech
they all just dropped what they're doing to help Omega 😭
"You got me for a bargain" ~ Echo 💀
Omega going down the maintenance tunnel... very Ezra Bridger of her
Wrecker picking Omega up by her arms omg 🥺
"You mess with the kid you mess with me" ~ Wrecker's dad/big brother mode activated
Wrecker hits his head count: 4
I want a Clink droid look at his lil waddle 🤲
" h a n g i n g ? "
Hunter's face watching Omega fall 🥲🙃
lmao the driver bopping along to his banger 🎶
Fennec just killed two cops with one blaster
Rambo Hunter got his grumpy face on
OKAY but the slow mo throwing the bomb 👌👌
Fennec's superhero pose moment with the explosion behind her
"I'm missing all the action!" poor Wrecker 🥲
I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure the droid that hates Echo is voiced by Grey DeLisle (Azula from atla 👀 among like a billion others) so shoutout to her 👑
"Don't scare the kid" ~ Wrecker 🥺
aaaaand that's all for now friends 💕 I'm going to have to do like an ep a day now bc it's getting close 🙃
ignore anything that doesn't make sense lmao it's 2:45am and I'm tired lol
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lizziethat · 2 years
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So I know a lot of people including myself have been questioning if jiara are still together 18 months later, but on a rewatch I spotted this little look in the corner of the shot. Yeah y'all they still be making heart eyes at each other we're good 😂🥰
I saw it too, on my...57th rewatch of that scene, as I looked for clues. Did I pause that scene and try to look at it frame by frame? MAYBE. Was it worth it? Yes. Did we need more than this? Of course. We shouldn't have to be pausing to figure out if the two of them are together, especially when they were the big love story of the season.
But Jiara is good, and though I hate the time jump (hate it, hateeee it), Season 4 could be very good for them. And hey, if we get enough flashbacks, maybe I can consider forgiving the time jump.
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acaplaya-musings · 6 months
Voiceplay Visuals: We Don't Talk About Bruno
("You're gonna show/talk about That Moment, right?" Yes of course I will be showing/talking about That Moment; who do you take me for? 😝)
This video was uploaded on the 26th of February, 2022, it features Ashley Diane (in her second full-length collaboration with Voiceplay), and it is of course a cover of the ridiculously-popular song We Don't Talk About Bruno, from the very-popular Disney movie Encanto (which I have seen 2 or 3 times, including in cinemas, but I'm also very familiar with the movie soundtrack, because it's amazing). To cover such a popular song (let alone acapella-style) can be a challenging task, because obviously there'll be a lot of people who'll already know the original song quite well and who will be prepared to make comparisons, but this is Voiceplay we're talking about! They're not called "the theatre kids of acapella" for nothing, and Disney covers is one of the things they do best (and the video currently sits at a very impressive 5.6 million views on Youtube! (EDIT: as of the 13th of March, it's now 5.7 million!))
So of course I have a lot to talk about with this one, so let's get into it!
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Layne was in charge of the video, arrangement, and direction for this one, and he and Tony worked together on set design and costuming. Needless to say, Layne and Tony did an amazing job (and yes, this was of course filmed at Pattycake Productions Studio, which Layne and Tony own and run together)
As for the costuming/characters: Cesar is playing Felix (is it perfect casting, or is Cesar just amazing at slipping into basically any role he's given? You decide), Ashley plays triple roles of Pepa, Isabela, and Mirabel, Eli is maybe Agustin (Agustin doesn't have a lead singing part in the song but the outfit is close enough), Layne is Dolores, and Geoff is either Camilo, Bruno, or both (Camilo pretending to be Bruno perhaps, like in the original scene in the movie?)
If we don't count Jingle Bell Rock (where Eli was wearing glasses while dressed as "Sandy Claws", then I'm fairly certain this is the last/most recent time that Eli has actually worn glasses for a Voiceplay video? And perhaps the only time he's worn them since growing out his facial hair.
Also I'm pretty sure I heard from someone that Geoff's "ruana" (google it) is in fact just a regular blanket/piece of fabric draped (possibly secured/pinned) over his shoulders (it's kind of a Look though ngl)
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Not even 30 seconds in and I already stumbled upon a way-funnier-than-expected screencap 🤣
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*pfft* XD
Basically, Cesar 100% understood the assignment as Felix, totally hammed it up, and it's highly entertaining 😁
(Also I swear Geoff did a very miniscule eyeroll here? Amazing, love him)
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"Hey where'd you get that?" 😂
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I know I'm not meant to be talking about vocals in these posts (per my own rules), but I have to give a big shoutout to Layne, who freaking killed it with Dolores's solo part, and it's always so lovely to hear him actually getting a vocal part in a song, as amazing as he is at vocal percussion 💜
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Cesar continuing to do The Most (affectionate), and also it's kinda sweet how Geoff is looking at Layne here imo <3 (and also it kinda fits with how the characters they're playing, Camilo (probably) and Dolores are siblings!)
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"Grappling with prophecies they couldn't understand." "Do you understand?"
(If you're rewatching a Voiceplay video, try shifting your focus to someone other than whoever you typically focus on for a certain part of the song! It will probably be worth it!)
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Trust Geoff to get a dark/spooky section of the song! Voiceplay is nothing if not consistent 😝 (well, sometimes, in regards to some things 😂)
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"When he calls your name, it all-" "-fades to black"
I was trying to get a good screencap of Cesar and Ashley on the "we! don't! talk about Bruno!" line, but eh, couldn't get a decent one.
(Oh btw obligatory kudos to Eli for lighting design!)
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"He told me my fish would die, the next day, DEAD!"
(Great face, Ashley 😂👌)
Also pay attention to Geoff during this line (before it cuts to a closeup of Ashley) - I love his little shoulder shimmy to the more-uptempo beat!)
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"He said that all of my hair-"
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"-would disappear..."
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"Now look at my head!"
(Rip Eli, but there was no way anybody else was singing that line - it was practically made for him! 😆) (Also love Ashley touching his head in comfort/sympathy 😄)
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"He told me that the life of my dreams would be promised and someday be miiine"
(Yes yes of course Ashley is very pretty and I love the petals and the slow-mo on her, now CUE!)
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"He told me that my power would grow, like the grapes that thrive on the viiiine"
Yep, that still continues to be up there as one of the most bonkers-ridiculous moments in a Voiceplay video ever. 🤣 (Also if it weren't hilarious enough, check out Ashley's Offended(tm) face in the first and second pictures above, and Layne's Extremely Concerned face in the second picture! ("uhh, Geoff. something you wanna tell me, dude?"))
I'm a little fuzzy on specifics, but apparently the idea for this moment came about when Voiceplay was acquiring clothing for everyone, and Ashley's outfit arrived in two different sizes (just in case one might fit better than the other). Turns out one of the copies of the outfit was a perfect fit for Geoff, and one thing led to another, and we ended up with Aspiring Disney Princess Geoff that you see in the images above 😄😋)
(When I said "don't just get you a man who can do both, get yourself a man that can do everything" back in my Frozen 2 Medley post, I meant it!!!)
(Oh and this section really was slowed down in post-production in order to make the petals (and hair flips!) look nice, and so both Ashley and Geoff were having to sing/lip-sync to sped up versions of their vocal lines!)
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"Hey sis..."
(I don't know why this is so funny but it just is 😂)
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Ashley in glasses for Mirabel's part!
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"Seven foot frame, rats along his back!" *(goat scream)*
(Genuinely not even joking about the goat scream actually)
Geoff and Cesar were competing this whole video in terms of who could be the Biggest Ham I swear 😂
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I somehow didn't pick up on this till a commenter pointed it out, but Layne copies Geoff's "spooky finger wiggles" movement! It's got Younger Sibling vibes ngl (though Dolores is actually older than Camillo iirc, and I'm an only child anyway so idk)
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Ashley and Cesar were both great in this video, really seemed to play off each other quite a bit!
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Man, what a video. Amazing to watch, and also a really great to watch other people react to, for multiple reasons! 😁
There's not much for me to say that I haven't already said about Voiceplay before, but I will say that if you liked this one, go watch their Mini for Surface Pressure if you haven't already! It was filmed during the same shoot as this one (same set, same clothes), and uploaded a few days prior. It's only a short video, sure, but it's still very much worth a watch.
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airenyah · 5 months
Hi, I came to report to you that your ql music research is rubbing off on me 😅 I was watching ep 2 of Ploy's Yearbook (for Joong and Namtan 😍), when suddenly I recognized a piece of music!! But I couldn't place it, so I tried to remember which series have I watched so many times that I'm familiar with the music. I reached the tentative conclusion that it must be from SIMM or possibly from Hidden Agenda (but I definitely connected it to JoongDunk). Maybe I need to do a complete rewatch of both series to confirm, what a hardship 😂 I just wanted to tell you that maybe aside from being a JD vampire bl truther, this will be your other legacy
oh my god, that's amazing!!!!!! i LOVE to hear that!!!!! i'm actually planning on making a side blog focused on shared royalty free music in thdramas, but that's something that is earliest going to happen in the summer if not in the winter. i wanna work my way through some of my fave shows first, because those are the soundtracks i'm more likely to recognize and i just wanna have them on my google doc before i go put everything in tumblr posts (which is also gonna take forever bc my google doc is currently at 100 pages worth of entries sjkfkjsfdj)
aaaaanyway, re: music in ploy's yearbook
was it by any chance desert caravan by ludvig moulin? i haven't watched ep2 yet (i was actually about to go watch it when your message came in and i couldn't help answering it first kjdkfdg), but i did see a clip of it earlier in jimmy's insta story and the scene had this music in the background. it has come up in episode 1 already as well. if it was this, then good job on connecting it to a joongdunk show because it actually has come up on hidden agenda a couple of times! i'm still missing the last 3 episodes on my music collection, but these are the time stamps so far:
ep1 pt1 - 0:13
ep3 pt2 - 0:20
ep4 pt1 - 4:32
ep8 pt4 - 8:08
And here are the time stamps for ep1 of ploy's yearbook:
ep1 pt1 - 11:10 / 17:41
ep1 pt2 - 1:50
ep2 pt1 - 9:38
ep2 pt2 - 0:27
ep2 pt3 - 3:09
ep2 pt4 - 3:07
you might also have recognized get up on that horse by spring gang as the music that plays in bad buddy at the beginning of ep7 when pat is in the car (ep7 pt1 - 1:20) or also in ep12 when patpran claim they broke up (ep12 pt3 - 3:45). oh but wait, it's definitely connected to joongdunk, you said? well, as it turns out this one has actually come up in star in my mind a lot. like. A LOT:
ep1 pt2 - 5:55
ep2 pt1 - 4:00
ep2 pt4 - 1:02
ep3 pt2 - 1:15
ep3 pt3 - 1:55
ep3 pt4 - 1:17
ep6 pt2 - 1:23
ep7 pt2 - 1:48
ep7 pt4 - 0:48
ep8 pt1 - 4:33 / 5:41
ep8 pt3 - 5:07
and here are the time stamps for ep1 of ploy's yearbook again for reference:
ep1 pt1 - 13:00
ep1 pt2 - 2:26
ep2 pt1 - 8:37
and here, have a bonus because why the fuck not: moonshiner's turn by martin landström. this one has shown up in ep1 pt4 of both bad buddy as well as 23.5 degrees. also found in ep1 of ploy's yearbook at:
ep1 pt1 - 18:53
ep1 pt3 - 6:16
ep2 pt1 - 0:35 / 17:30
well, i'm gonna go watch the new episode now! feel free to check back on this post in a couple of hours, i might edit it or add a reblog with all my findings about the music in ep2 😂
i've added the ep2 time stamps to the aforementioned ones! and i found new music as well!!
maybe the one you recognized as a joongdunk series music in ep2 was winning hand by ealot. it came up in star in my mind a couple of times:
ep1 pt4 - 3:00
ep2 pt2 - 2:20
ep4 pt2 - 9:16
ep8 pt3 - 4:17
it featured in ep2 of ploy's yearbook at following timestamps:
ep2 pt1 - 16:58
ep2 pt3 - 3:45
and there was some more bad buddy music as well (diggin' the drama by the new fools) and it amazes me that my brain immediately went "we know this!!" considering it showed up in bad buddy exactly one single time (ep7 pt2 - 13:45). bad buddy really has wormed its way into my brain in every single aspect in the last two years huh djkfkjdfg. anyway you can find it in ep2 of ploy's yearbook at:
ep2 pt1 - 11:10
apart from these, there were also two pieces of music that sounded increeeedibly familiar to me but neither shazam nor google could come up with any results! i'm gonna have to click through my "not found" list at some point, maybe they're already there. here are the time stamps if you're curious:
first one i can't find (ep2 pt3 - 2:06)
second one i can't find (ep2 pt3 - 7:09)
this is gonna bug me for a while....
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thedeathdeelers · 3 months
Helloo! I just finished lovely runner like 2 days ago and the way it has grabbed me by the throat uffff
I just wanted to talk about this scene and the way he calls out for Sol (also how it's someone else but he thinks it's Sol eeeeeeekkkkkk!!!!) Just the pure devastation on his face, like look at his eyes man!!! I'm trying so hard not to start my rewatch right away 😭😭
(Also i just went through your blog and liked a bunch of stuff because I'm obsessed with the show and I need to cope 😂😅)
My friend was pushing me to watch it for a while but I just couldn't find the time to watch it. And I was a bit apprehensive at the first episode but then- but then, they showed how he liked her firsttttt!!!!!!! And then it just kept getting better and better!!! Sun jae was just such a cutie and an absolute loserrr (affectionate) and then threw in some good angst 🥹😭😭 it was just amazing!!
And then I decided, oh I need more, so i decided to look up the drama on here and see people (like you!!) writing such amazing commentary on the show that it's making me even more obsessed whew! 😆😅
This is getting long I'm sorry, but that salon drip youtube interview where the host is just squealing is literally me, they're super cute together, i hope they do more projects where they're the leads together!!! I need it!!!
Okay have a lovely day/evening! 😁
hi hello!! welcome to the “holy crap that was the best kdrama im going to be obsessed with this for a WHILE” club!
ugh yes that scene!!!! byeon woo-seok did such a good job at portraying so much just through his eyes!! it’s years and decades and timelines of memories just fully pouring in all at once — all the feelings he couldn’t explain and the weird scenes he kept seeing and the dreams!! all of them finally making sense! every puzzle piece falling into place
and then he gets hit with the emotions - falling for sol for the first time, witnessing the first timeline where he doesn’t save her on time, where she hates him and doesn’t want to live
to then jumping to the next timeline where she’s hugging him out of nowhere and knows his name- to falling for her even more and more. to more timelines and more precious moments with his sol; to confessing once twice three times and finally getting that reciprocated. it’s just-
he’s been living his entire life (4th timeline) walking this earth not realising this precious thing he’s been missing out on…even tho deep down he’s known. something was missing, was somehow longing for something but he just didn’t know what
and suddenly it all makes sense!! because of course it’s sol!!! ofc it’s her. she’s the reason. she’s what’s been missing
and he’s happy he’s remembering and devastated he ever forgot and lived 34 years without her without her memories or presence or existence. he’s so conflicted and everything is a mess but all he does know is he needs to go to her immediately. he needs to find her and hold her and never let her go.
no but honestly this show has grabbed me like no other show has in a looooong time- i know what you mean by the rewatch hahah! i tried to delay it as much as possible (i lied to myself) thinking it would feel more like watching it for the first time..but i caved so quickly
(also hahah i love that!! glad my slightly unhinged posts could help! 😂 it’s what they’re there for!)
yeah the first couple episodes are bit questionable when you don’t know what’s happening but as soon as they hit you with the end of ep2 plot twist…..you’re hooked. there’s no going back- and it’s so so worth it! so glad you kept going
please never apologise for coming into my inbox to talk about LR i’m here 24/7/365 for this
(sorry for the essay :$)
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aristaspark · 11 months
Winx Rewatch: Season 1 episode 7: Friends in Need
Published a new chapter on my fic ! at bit.ly/3rwX3h7
Grizelda is a demon in disguise
They have to clean an entire castle, mind you...I can't even clean my room
The fact that the school has magic and the means to clean the castle in a matter of seconds but still ask students to do it just for the sake of punishing them
"What a strange object" Tecna 😭 See, cleaning is not a thing in the magical dimension. Zenith probably has robots doing all the job
"Ever since I've met you guys, I easily loose control" Stop it they're so cute 😭. Makes it even worse when in later seasons they make Tecna regress and act as if she had never had human interactions at all
The infamous bucket scene
"Indeed I see" 😭 Flora is judging her hard
Very interesting the way Tecna's mind works
Of course Stella is not cleaning
She's so insufferable 😂 Totally deserved what Bloom gave her
Ok but the way Musa is so mad that Bloom was going to do Stella's work
They're so playful
They really left the school to six teenage girls and thought nothing was gonna happen ☠️
I love how they were just like yeah let's call the boys so they can clean with us
And these idiots came
Mirta, you're brave but mind who you're talking to
The trix are the ultimate bullies
Okay so now we're suffocating students
You're not cleaning anything throwing your broom around like that Musa
The boys so want to leave 😂
Riven is the only one reacting realisticly. Like, imagine you come to a party and they expect you to clean a whole damn castle in exchange 😭
Someone burn my eyes what is that dance
I feel you Riven
Love the fits of the girls, too bad they're only in this episode, THEY'RE SO PRETTY
Stella, don't encourage Bloom, Sky is not worth it
Aww Timmy and Tecna weird but cute bonding
And of course Riven being a hater
Musa what the heck are you even doing dancing like that. The second hand embarrassment is strong with that one 😭
Eww, eww, "she's not bad huh", with that disgusting glare, I really can't with Sky
Some nice exposition on why the Trix are so sure the Dragon Flame belong to fairies
And here we go again with the moaning
Always thought the food Stella was offering Brandon looked like a boob
Omg the 3D 😂
Love how some specialists and some of the Winx can't stand each other (Riven and Tecna I'm looking at you)
Good old misoginy
And the Trix are just following Bloom without even knowing 😂
Not Musa abandonning Flora on the floor ☠️
Good that Stella was here for her
Why did Stella spray the beast with perfume, like, what was the point?
I can see the teenagers hormones acting up in so many scenes, damn
The beast punching Riven was satisfying, he needed to be humbled
Always loved the moment where they start doing percussions with the cleaning tools
Moral of the story: the girls are just better
"Next time you have a party, don't bother to invite me alright" Omg but they're merciless 😭
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Mlaatr episodes that scared me:
I mean obviously the damn skin suit episode but everyone and their mother got scared by that one 😂 that's hardly news
The daydream episode. Losing touch with reality and making a fool of yourself irl has always made me shudder. There were a lot of body horror type episodes as well. This was one of those shows that scared me, challenged me in a good way and made me keep going back for more.
The episode where Jenny goes back to kindergarten. That episode in particular scared me as a kid because the classroom of kids being too overwhelming, annoying, like Hell, and the adults refusing to listen to Jenny until her mom showed up was too real to my autistic childhood experiences. It gave me this fear that my teachers or another terrible adult (in the episode it was just the principal passing by) would find out about my autism and decide I was unfit for whatever grade I was in and send me back to kindergarten. Which in hindsight is pretty hilarious since I had an IEP and they would have meetings with my mom about me and my autism like every week or something. But even though I realized eventually that this fear was irrational, I honestly didnt feel it completely disappear until high school graduation day. Like, I got my diploma and let go of a breath I didnt realize I was still holding. And it wasnt the specific of being sent to kindergarten, more like the fear that my academic successes could be taken away at a moments notice by a teacher who didnt understand me and thought I was incapable or unworthy, or the fear (which did happen, several times) that I would be forced into a situation like Jenny's where the adults refused to listen to me and belittled me, and everything that happened and everything I said only seemed to reinforce their ideas that I was just a little child not worth listening to, that having anger towards an anger-inducing situation would only serve to dig me further and further into a hole they didnt want to help me out of. Of course, these fears arent the fault of Mlaatr. If anything, the episode gave me a place to relate to and contextualize these fears.
That "But. I. am. the ro.bot" scene had me feeling for Jenny a lot. Not understanding a pretend game is such a common autism experience, and it felt like all the kids were mocking her. The kids in the episode started out mean but they got better from what I remember, I think Jenny was able to play with them in a way they all enjoyed? It's been a while since I rewatched the episode.
What stayed the same throughout the whole episode is that I hated that kindergarten teacher. I wanted to punch her at like everything she said. Especially when she believed Jenny's mom who said exactly the same thing as Jenny. And when she suggested that kindergarten was too advanced for Jenny and she should go to preschool. Im like, laughing right now while I remember how comically angry I got at her as a kid.
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
asdjzekhkjerhf 304 was?? hysterical???? I hadn’t laughed like that in front a show in a long time, I was literally cry-laughing during the online team meeting. gilles’ face 💀💀💀 I could rewatch the ep rn just for this… franchement, merci chloé for sharing your germs with everyone, so worth it 🙏 btw céline complètement croclove de la petiote while adam is trying to keep a semblance of health & safety measures in the workplace, ICONIC. (so many germs-related reaction gifs to make. "LES GESTES BARRIÈRE !")
let’s not forget daphné’s power trip and her gender equality crusade, is it me or did she wink when they told céline the murderer was a woman? je l’adore 😭😂
gilles, vraiment, friend of the year 🥲 because daphné might just eviscerate him when she finds out he lied to her 🥲 ("vous allez tellement bien ensemble" je l’ai mal pris pour lui mdrrr) and it’s cute how jealous he was of timothée, lol!
timothée is way too sweet, actually. like, we know he’s not really meant as a love interest for morgane, but it’s too bad we don’t even get a chance to believe in their relationship (as opposed to morgane & ludo for example) though I’m glad he’s around, tbh, because "ma sirène" is my new favorite term of endearment 🤣🤣
OMG anon, I'm so happy for you that you enjoyed this episode!!! I'm not particularly fond of it myself so I'm glad you gave me more reasons to like it!!
I must say the flu epidemic was extremely fun, I knew from the start that it was obviously bound to happen when Ludo said that Chloé had a fever, and watching that trainwreck was like witnessing a car crash lol 😂 I agree that in that regard, the Zoom meeting was particularly delightful 😍 Also Adam x his steam inhaler is my new ship (really though, between the absence of Beardie, the inhaler, and the thermometer stuff, he was peak sexiness in this ep 🤣)
Céline babytalking Chloé felt kinda weird to me, she never really struck me as a kids person (even when she talks about how she basically never sees her son in season 2, like... she doesn't look devastated so much, you know?) but for some random reason she seems to be obsessed with Morgane's children this season (cf. when her first concern when Morgane was attacked at home was, actually, the kids that weren't even there).
But -- ah, why am I even trying to understand the characters this season? Characterization who? lol. Où avais-je la tête 😅
I 100% agreed that Daphné winked about the murderer being a woman, and she was definitely proud. I love her so much, but this woman is deranged 😂 Also the way she went borderline scary when asking Gilles about who was Timothée's conquest made me laugh so much!! The poor man, torn between his loyalty (and scare) towards Morgane and his scare (and loyalty) towards Daphné lololol!! Their fake dating idea was genius and Daphné's réaction was priceless ("maintenant que tu me le dis c'est évident" looooooool). But also wait until you find out how it all resolves because I have a feeling that you won't get disappointed 😈
Also what do you mean Gilles was jealous of Timothée?
Timothée is boring (imo) and borderline creepy, and I must say I cringed at "ma sirène" but also agreed that it was kinda hilarious. What did you think of the pseudo-romantic scene (grand gesture, rain, champagne metaphor, heart-shaped fade to black, etc) in the end? I might have vomited in my mouth a little 😆
But I have to admit I really enjoyed Morgane trying and spectacularly failing at hiding Timothée from Ludo AND Gilles lol (also Gilles who genuinely thought Timothée was just being rude for wandering naked in Morgane's house... someone protects this man at all cost 🤣)
(also the way Ludo was super chill with his ex's sex life, this man is a GEM 🥰)
Obviously this analysis wouldn't be whole without its crumbs of angst, so I'll leave you with the fact that Morgane's break-up speech was embarrassingly bad because she's usually never the one who leaves. 😢
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chocomd · 2 years
ATLA rewatch thoughts, Book 2 (ep 2, 3)
2) The Cave of the Two Lovers: One of THE classic Kataang episodes! The very first time I saw the title card, I was like, “The cave of what” 🤣
Sokka playing the pessimistically logical straight man...poor Sokka 😂
Chong and his nomad friends are ICONIC
“What if we...kissed?” 😳😘
Aang digging himself a hole without earthbending lol
For some reason, the legend of Oma and Shu hit harder than I thought it would 🥺😭...maybe because Aang and Katara are discovering their stories while standing in their tomb, and because of how much the story parallels and foreshadows Kataang in the rest of the series 
This was the episode where I knew that Kataang was going to be endgame. No way the creators would write a whole episode like this and not have it happen 😤
Zuko is a wanted exile, but he’s still an entitled prince at heart - he throws a temper tantrum in his first scene in this episode. “I can't live like this! I wasn't meant to be a fugitive!”
When Song mentions that she hasn’t seen her father after he was taken away by the FN, Zuko broodingly mentions that he hasn’t seen his father in a long time, either. He’s still hanging onto happier memories of the relationship he used to have with Ozai (in the previous episode, when Iroh places his hand on Zuko’s shoulder, there’s a flashback to Ozai’s hand on Zuko’s shoulder - such an impactful way of showing how much Zuko values his relationship with his father, and that Iroh is now that familial connection for him, even if Zuko’s doesn’t fully realize or accept it yet). In this episode, Zuko still clearly wishes for his relationship with his father to be restored. Even though Iroh acts as his surrogate father, no one can take the place of Zuko’s real father, even with everything that has happened.
When Zuko sees the burn scar on Song’s leg, this is the first time he is faced with a real person who was harmed by the FN in a similar way as he was. It’s his first step to stop centering the world around him, and to feel a little compassion for an unimportant commoner on the enemy’s side. It’s the first time he starts to see someone like Song as a human being with intrinsic worth.
But it’s only a first step. Zuko still feels like the world owes him what he wants and needs, and he steals Song’s ostrich horse. Iroh can’t stop him, so he joins him (and Iroh benefits, too). For me, Zuko sinks to a new low here. I have many thoughts about this, which led me to write this fic from Song’s POV.
3) Return to Omashu: 
Katara and Sokka don’t want to risk going into Omashu and suggest that Aang find an earthbending teacher elsewhere. Aang says, “This isn't about finding a teacher. This is about finding my friend.” Bumi is his only friend left from before the iceberg, and one of his last connections to his life back then 😭
The pentapi are so cute 🥰
The Omashu citizens really escaped by acting like a zombie plague 😂
Azula, Mai and Ty Lee!!! Love all the nuance in their interactions. Azula is clearly the queen bee popular girl, the one with status (because she’s the FL’s daughter, duh), and the one who calls the shots...and even if Mai and Ty Lee disagree with her, they’ll never say so and won’t buck her authority. Because they know that Azula has the power and will to make their lives miserable if they don’t comply. So they’re friends because they grew up together, went to school together, and were part of the same friend group. Their loyalty to Azula is based on their history together and her status. They’re committed to the mission of capturing Zuko and Iroh (and the Avatar), but only as far as they value and fear Azula’s hold on them. 
Btw I love Mai!! One of my faves 😍
The fight scenes and action sequences are so much fun 🙌
Bumi talking about neutral jing at the end: “Neutral jing is the key to earthbending. It involves listening and waiting for the right moment to strike.” There’s that theme again of waiting to do the right thing at the right time 🤌
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arziaisfrench · 1 year
▪︎ IPKKND Ep 61 : Khushi's self respect
"I don't want to earn money by keeping my self respect on line." This line is very sad, it gets me emotional everytime I rewatch ipkknd.
Let me try to explain what I think is her point of view when it comes to the self respect being torned.
Khushi thinks Arnav really has a terrible opinion of her to the point of feeling ashame of herself. But I do think, she also feel ashamed for not be able to be financially efficient. She can feel the distance between Arnav and her, the big gap that separate their worlds. In my opinion, she truly believes she's not worthy of him at this point (when she was fighting with him to prove him she was worthy, she was trying to convince herself too). And it breaks her heart somehow (even if she's not fully conscious of it, she can sense the heartbreak in her) cause she started to fall in love with him, just like he did. She would rather deny what she really feels than have to endure the deep pain. Here, the pain would be to realize that she fell in love with a man for whom she is worth nothing, who despises her and her way of being, her lifestyle and her social status.
They are asking her to help Arnav's girlfriend secure her position in their family. They are asking her to push even more Lavanya into the arms of the man she has feelings for. How cruel ha? But of course, they have no idea of the serious feeling they have toward each other.
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Anjali's action really disgusted me for the first time through this episode. She literally blackmailed her with the contract Khushi made with Arnav after precisely hearing Khushi talking about her self respect ... 😕
I know she was scared because her family was about to explode but Anjali really disrespected Khushi here. It was so humiliating. I myself felt betrayed (yuuup i'm inserting myself lol 😂😭). This is the first time we get to see the dark side of Anjali. Yes, she also has a dark side, being the result of her trauma.
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You can see Khushi's huge disapointment in her, she though Anjali could be someone who regards her without any social discrimination or misconception, since she's always been kind to her :
"So she is also doing this to me? right, after all so much money, so much power can really make anyone this insensitive to another human being' struggle? Anjali isn't someone bad, but look at her, look at her walking over my right to say no ... Why am I so worthless to these people ... Why am I so worthless, god tell me why, what have I done to deserve this?"
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You can see Khushi's aunt and sister (even manie was suprised) being also very hurt by Anjali's behavior !
My heart was aching soooo bad during this scene, Sanaya Irani has this beautiful way of portraying sincerity thorugh her eyes, there is no complexity in it, you can feel the pain, the shame so easily !
And precisely, since her character is in denial, I feel like she's doing a very good job in highliting how her emotions are getting hard to control, cause her heart and body always try to show her the reality of everything she denies.
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" -Is there anyone else? -No … no one else. "
When Lavanaya asked Arnav who was the most important person after his sister in his heart, he said no one but he was thinking about Khushi. This is, I think another clue the writers gave us to secure our understanding of his feelings for her.
She is already very important to him, she's the only woman who can enter his heart and his mind, he knows it, but decided to ignore that fact.
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fandomgirlz01 · 1 year
📽 Fic: Don’t Leave Me Pt. 1 Ask: Faith and Nat! Questions: What inspired it? Were there more/scenes you wanted but didn't fit and if so what? And lastly, why would you leave us on such a cliffhanger!?!?!?! (jkjk i love it) Send you both hugs!💚
Blooper Friday Week One
Answered: Sat 23rd 2023 ✔️
My sweet sweet Kaylee, thank you so much for participating in Blooper Friday. It means the world to both of us. I'll probably have more to say then Nat will about most of these, but I will definitely include her on here. Also we are so sorry this is getting posted late. I {Faith} who does most of the posting worked very late on Friday night and was unable to post this for you until now. 
{Faith} What inspired it? With that being said to be completely honest with you I don't fully remember what actually inspired this one, but I will say that when I first got the idea it was after I had been reading a lot of Marcus fics plus I was also like on my fifth rewatch of The Mentalist so it was a little bit of probably both. Honestly this one was just an original idea that I got just out of the blue and a lot of my Marcus ones will be ideas I just got out of the blue. Also Marcus is one of my many guilty pressure men 😂 and he happens to be in a lot of my daydreams, and I daydream a LOT 😂 so it's really just my brain conjuring things up lol.
{Faith} Were there more/scenes you wanted but didn't fit and if so what? For part one there weren't really any scenes we cut, because it just flowed really. I mean there was definitely some dialog changed around to make it work better, but other than that part one really just wrote itself in a sense. Part two however definitely already has a scene I cut only because it didn't really fit as well as it just didn't flow with the attitude or "narrative" of the story. However, I will not be sharing that cut scene just yet, because well... It'll give a little bit of part 2 away and I wouldn't want to give much away for this one.
{Faith} And lastly, why would you leave us on such a cliffhanger!?!?!?! Honestly, it wasn't much of Nat's choice. I normally write and she just reads as she edits. So she gets just the same amount of shock as you guys do when she reads though and edits 😂. She always is leaving comments of her shock on the docs and it is just sometimes the absolute funniest thing ever (it's definitely a plus to have your best friend be your editor really). Also I love leaving people on the edge of their seats so a LOT of our fics you'll find cliffhangers. When we started this page we made a hard stopping point as well. We said each fic we wrote (or that I wrote...) we'd only write up to 5,000 to 6,000 words, only because I knew if I didn't have a hard stopping point I would write and write with no end in sight. So when I write I tend to write up to the 5,000 then me and Nat will discuss if we should keep it going in one part or separate it into different parts, more often or not they normally become more parts then one.
{Nat} As Faith said, I was just as surprised as you are to find a cliffhanger and I was just as upset 😂 But being editor has its perks as I usually get a sneak peek at the next part of the story. Cliffhangers are a fun little way for us to mess with the readers and keep them hooked. Also as Faith mentioned, sometimes we have to split up a story into multiple parts and don't have much choice but to end it in the middle of an intense scene. Trust me it'll be worth the wait.
Oh its always a good wait with me, I love to add in shock and awe factors to every story I write. I do love me so good angst 😂. Anyway, Thank you very much for being our very first Blooper Friday Kaylee, Lots of Love to you. Also 🤫 you didn't hear this from me, but I {Faith} will be posting pt. 5 to love uncovered very very soon so be on the look out guys 👀. If anyone else is interested in joining in on the next blooper Friday (this upcoming week) you can find a list of questions as well as our rules for this fun activity here. Or you can simply ask us a question from our A-Z here. Or even just ask us one of our many prompt get to know us questions here. We Look forward to hearing from you guys 🥰
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
Im debating watching sorry for your loss again cos i love leigh and i love that show. I tried to tell my mom to watch it but when i showed her she went OH ITS HER THATS WHY YOU WATCHED IT . I think i gush over lizzie so much my mom likes any lizzie project less than she would otherwise (idk if i worded that in a way that makes sense) or thinks i only watch things cos shes in them (which is only half true) BUT ITS AN ACTUAL GOOD SHOW
Its like how my sister who didn’t have an opinion on the black widow before but now cos she knows i love her now hates on her i guess to annoy me 😂
the only debate should be whether it's worth it to see danny lol. He annoys me, i skip scenes with him. Sorry for your loss is a good source of angst that actually has nice reveals every episode and i like how the grieving wife is not the goody typical widow.
You should rewatch it! Im watching it so i can write leigh and pick up on some topics that i havent considered in my works :)
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