#this post cowritten by my boyfriend
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laios-thorden · 2 years ago
To them [people who don't read horror] it is a kind of pornography, inducing horripilation instead of erection. And the reader who appears to relish such sensations-why he's an emotional masochist, the slave of an unholy drug, a decadent psychotic beast.
-David Aylward
horror is about catharsis. it is about experiencing fear or pain or shame or suffering via a piece of media, and being able to sigh in relief when it is done. it is about emotion and flesh and the human condition.
the point of the genre of horror is to inflict the emotion called "fear" or the related emotions "discomfort," "disgust" and "shame." if you do not want to experience and explore negative emotions and the stories that they can tell, you do not actually want to engage with horror. the point of horror is that it might make you feel bad or upset or, god forbid, scared. there are stories that rely on that and it doesn't make horror a lesser medium for narrative than any other genre. it just means that you personally might not enjoy horror.
it's fine to not like horror, but don't pretend like it's something it's not because it makes you uncomfortable.
a lot of takes about horror i see are like, "why doesn't horror have x, y, or z" and the answer is it does. you aren't engaging with the medium or searching out stories that have those things because you don't want to deal with the trappings of the genre (being scared/experiencing negative emotions). liking one piece of horror media doesn't mean engaging with the genre as a whole with all its tropes, trappings, and its rich and varied history.
Ursula K Le Guin writes,
A writer sets out to write science fiction but isn’t familiar with the genre, hasn’t read what’s been written. This is a fairly common situation, because science fiction is known to sell well but, as a subliterary genre, is not supposed to be worth study—what’s to learn? It doesn’t occur to the novice that a genre is a genre because it has a field and focus of its own; its appropriate and particular tools, rules, and techniques for handling the material; its traditions; and its experienced, appreciative readers—that it is, in fact, a literature. Ignoring all this, our novice is just about to reinvent the wheel, the space ship, the space alien, and the mad scientist, with cries of innocent wonder. The cries will not be echoed by the readers. Readers familiar with that genre have met the space ship, the alien, and the mad scientist before. They know more about them than the writer does.
the same is true for horror; people who do not engage with horror as a medium, as a genre, as a way to tell stories and convey meaning do not get to reinvent the wheel. doing so won't be met with gratitude by people who do like horror. it's not helpful. it's condescension.
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vinelark · 1 year ago
fic writer meme
thank you [checks notes] @megafaunatic, @cairoscene, @englishsub, @yuebings, and @cafecliche for the tags ilu
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 15! which is solidly 14 more than i ever expected to have on there when i made the account
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 277,844
3. What fandoms do you write for? on ao3: mdzs/cql, tgcf, shl, and dc. in groupchats/dms/my own head i’m running wild all over the place
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 🐉 this river runs to you 💍 i’ll have you and you’ll have me đŸȘ i will be chasing a starlight ⚔ you’re the trouble that i always find 🌊 a wave crashes to shore
5. Do you respond to comments? not often; i have made multiple attempts to start replying regularly but all have eventually failed in the face of me desperately wanting to show my earnest and genuine appreciation for each comment vs. wanting to hide my blushing face under a pillow every time. also, because of who i am as a person, each time i sat down to do it i ended up spending hours making little progress and eventually decided that i will make an effort to spend those hours writing or commenting on other fics instead. i am honored by each and every one though!!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? while i tend to write angst it is always firmly of the “with a happy ending” sort. the one exception is my shortest fic (originally posted on twitter) never been away so long, which is more of an ambiguous/open ending with implied angst. i dooooo outline the eventual happy ending in the endnotes, though. also as it CURRENTLY stands buy back the secrets ends on one hell of an angsty note, but there are two more chapters in the works to fix that.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? despite the wangxian star trek au having like 20k of deliriously happy post-misunderstanding sex, i think trrty has to have the happiest ending because not only does the fic end happily, but there are also multiple very happy codas in which wwx gets a good night’s sleep, finally gets to bang his dragon boyfriend, and, my personal fav, one by aubreyli where wangxian go flying in a thunderstorm.
8. Do you get hate on fics? not so far, for which i am grateful but mostly lucky.
9. Do you write smut? occasionally; on ao3 there’s the aforementioned trrty coda, plus the aforementioned cowritten wangxian pon farr sequence đŸ’Ș
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written? hmm, i’m not opposed to crossovers—i’ve read some really fun ones (recent fav crossover read here)—but i’d have to be really compelled by both source materials and have a very clear vision for how they interact to want to write one myself. i’ve written a few fandom fusions (aforementioned wangxian star trek au; i also started a wangxian dragon age au but again, no dragon age characters were going to show up, just the world/setting) but no full-on crossovers. i did have one partially drafted wangxian fic that was going to have a hua cheng deus ex machina, alas.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i’m aware of! it’s not something i really go looking for/concern myself with, but so far, like with fandom hate, i’m grateful to not have encountered it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? yes! my wangxian wedding fic was translated to russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? i co-wrote seventy thousand words of published fic with @feyburner! and probably two hundred thousand words of unpublished fic and outlines and story ideas just for fun. even when we aren’t co-writing we tend to talk through our individual fics with each other so we’re pretty in sync when it comes to writing. i also spent like a year in @cairoscene’s DMs concocting whole outlines/zerodrafts for batfam fics together that i still cherish and reread (notable favs: tim drake ella enchanted au, concept where the waynes are cursed to suddenly feel nothing but apathy about tim and he has to deal with that, story where robin!tim gets de-aged and oops red hood is the first one to show up
). i’d say the OCBFEU is fic-adjacent and cowritten by a group of us. also shoutout to the mdzs threadfic @cafecliche and i brainstormed/zerodrafted where lan qiren gets cursed into an owl and post-cql wei wuxian is the one who unknowingly saves him.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? oh yeah it’s [loud truck goes by]
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? cyborg!wwx
i still think of you fondly. the only ao3 fic i’ve ever posted knowing i probably wouldn’t finish it but wanted to share just for fun.
16. What are your writing strengths? pangs
 mining little character details for humor (or, more often, for more pangs)
 i also think i’ve really improved my action writing/pacing over the last few years.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? i write actual drafts/prose fairly slowly, which can be frustrating for me. also like @yuebings i often get very caught up in trying to perfect one small part of a draft before moving on. ummmm describing outfits/settings for reasons other than immediate plot-relevant details, i’m terrible at that + remembering to do it—i literally make myself do a What Are We Looking At Here Pass while revising sometimes.
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics? i’m not totally sure what this question is asking tbh, but it’s something i think can be done incredibly well—and, like with many things in storytelling, it’s the sort of thing where if you don’t actually speak the second language you need to be willing to put in work beyond a cursory google to try to achieve what you’re doing, and be willing to admit if it’s beyond your capabilities. i really like how the portuguese dialogue in bbts ended up and that’s 100% because @tigerjpg translated it for me and also already understood the scene/concept/characters; without them i would have found a different way to approach that scene. also, stylistically, i personally like when dialogue in other languages isn’t italicized unless there’s a real reason for it to be.
19. First fandom you wrote for? oh it was [a second loud truck whooshes by]
20. Favorite fic you have written? right now it’s bbts, because i think it’s also the fic i’ve had the most fun writing. trrty, though, will always hold a special place in my heart.
and i tag! @tlumeti, @burins, @smilebackwards, @bonesbuckleup, @hearteyeshayley, @sonosvegliato
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nemobeatrice · 1 year ago
Fic Writing Questions Tag
Thank you for tagging me, @hunter-sylvester!
1. How many fics do you have on AO3?
I have 62. It'll look like I have 53 if you don't have an account. Some of my fic are restricted.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
248,908. Gees...
3. What fandoms do you write for?
JJBA, Elder Scrolls, WoW, Shrek, Saints Row, Elden Ring, and Dragon Age. I also wrote a hate fic about Onision. I hope he goes to jail. It was something I wrote way back in 2012, but I posted it on July 13, 2021. However, I mostly write for JJBA.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
So I got Bored and Wrote this for my Friends (JJBA) E (for explicit)
JoJo's Azeroth Adventures (JJBA and WoW) M
(Was) Stuck in Traffic (JJBA) E
Fugo Meets his Minecraft Boyfriend (JJBA) Gen Aud
Daisies and Roses (JJBA) T
I'm not going to provide a link to my explicit fics, sorry.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Most of the time. When people compliment my fics, I say thanks. I don't know how else to respond. 😅
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I mostly write fluffy feel good fics BUT..........................I did write this, teehee! c:
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm, I've written a lot of stuff. That could be any of them. Uh, this, I guess.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't received any hate, yet. But I do mostly write JJBA fanfic, so I expect a hate message.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, but I don't write much of it. It's crack.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Oh, yeah! This one is probably the craziest.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. I hope people alert me if that happens.
12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
My brother and I have written some chapters for certain fics.
13. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Poly La Squadra and Shrohan (Shrek x Rohan). Oh, and FuGio.
14. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Golden Miners is a WIP, but I'll finish the next chapter sometime in December.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Gee, I don't know. I guess people like it when I write something funny.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not good with grammar. Tbh, I don't know how tf I graduated high school.
Hmm, and I guess details too. I read one of my fics (a smutty one) during stream, and my brother kept wanting more details about certain scenes. I just think some details aren't necessary for the reader to know, but maybe I'm wrong.
Oh, and then there's editing. Omfg, the typos I make.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I usually avoid doing that. If I'm writing in English, the whole thing is going to be in English.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Elder Scrolls.
19. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Hiking in Murren, Switzerland because I love how I made Diavolo a disaster. Domestic Life with Diavolo because I enjoy a bit of slice of life. Trip to Crystal Mountain because I loved Crystal Mountain so much that I wrote about it but with one of my fav ships. Liurnia's Burger King because my friend really loves beating children up and calling the enemies Burger King employees.
Oh, and I do love this one chapter my brother and I wrote.
I know two people I could tag, but I don't think they get along. So... anyone who wants to do it.
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thebradleybradshaw · 3 years ago
a-z SFW prompt | b.floyd
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synopsis: the SFW alphabet for bob floyd
note: two posts in one day, who is she?? here's some soft bob for all the bob peeps!! this was cowritten and is dedicated to @callsignbob my wife for life and the biggest bob girl you'll ever meet !! likes, comments, & reblogs are always appreciate. enjoy !!xx
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Bob is the most affectionate man on the planet. He has a quirk that requires him to be touching you at all times no matter what. Even if it’s just a small pinky finger resting on your thigh -it’s enough. He’s an anxious individual, that’s for sure. He relies on you to help keep him grounded. He has more of a ‘classic’ mindset. He’s opening up doors, having you stand on the opposite side of the sidewalk so you’re not near the street, and he sleeps closest to the door in case of intruders. You and your happiness are at the forefront of his mind every day.
He’s also a note writer. He leaves a post-it on his pillow as he leaves for work in the early mornings. ‘Be back for dinner, have a good day gorgeous. I love you! -Bob’. He’s always signing his name as if you don’t know who wrote the note. On special occasions he’ll write a longer love letter that perfectly describes the feelings he can’t say.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Bob was too nervous to share his feelings for a long time. You ran into him at the coffee machine and decided to introduce yourself. He was immediately enamored, but couldn’t really get the words out. He managed to squeak out his name before hurriedly making his way back to his desk. You found him absolutely adorable. 
He was always the person that you could go to with your problems. You would ask him if he would like to have lunch, which he always would. You would then go on a tangent of something that was bugging the heck out of you. He listened intently and gave you the most sound advice you had ever heard. He even check in later that day to see how it went. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He’s the cuddliest boyfriend in the world. He’ll come home, looking tired, and just plop himself in your lap so he can compress. He’ll let out a long sigh and a soft ‘play with my hair please”. Pressure is also something that calms him down, so he particularly enjoys you laying on top of him on the couch, letting your heart beat against his. It’s almost like his own personal guided meditation. The tickle of your hair on his nose and body curled atop his lulls him to sleep every time.
Before bed he faces you as you lie together, talking about things to do the next day and double checking commitments you’re supposed to attend that week. He looks at you with such dreamy eyes you’re practically melting. You watch as his nose twitches as he begins to fall asleep and you have to convince him to just go to sleep.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Dear God does Bob want the white picket fence lifestyle. He pretty much knew after the second date that you were someone he wanted to keep around for a very long time. He would daydream of the beautiful house the two of you would own, matching cars, and even children. Bob would walk around as if he were on cloud nine. Phoenix had to constantly elbow him before missions to get him back to reality. She was also the one person who had to hear about you constantly. “Y/N this, Y/N that.” It got to the point where she had to sit him down and say “Bob, just propose already.” He ran to the jewelry store that afternoon.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
The man would be an absolute mess. He would’ve lost days of sleep just contemplating how to say it or what to do. This was not a situation that he took lightly. He made a very detailed pros and cons list. If the cons outweigh the pros he would instantly crumble.He would have tears streaming down his face as he apologized  for what seemed like hours. Although, Bob would be that ex that always stays around in a positive way. He would still text you happy birthday, or congratulations, if something important happened. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Let’s dive deep into Bob and his proposal. 
For your first date he had taken you to a local diner that had a Southern quality that reminded him of home. It was a random place that he had found when he felt adventurous and homesick one day. It meant a lot to him, and he knew that you would understand the sentiment. He was so nervous to take you there, hoping you wouldn’t turn away. It ended up being the best first date he’d ever been on.
So, he takes you back. He claims it’s just a chance to get out of the house and have a date night. You have absolutely no idea of what he had planned. While you were getting dressed, he had called up the joint, speaking to the waitress that was always working. She was a lovely older woman who had taken kindly to the two of you. The plan was: once the check comes she puts on ‘Wouldn’t It Be Nice’ by the Beach Boys on the jukebox.
Dinner and dessert came and went and you were feeling great. When the check came, Bob didn’t go for it like he usually did. Normally, he would snatch it in an instant so you couldn’t see how much you spent and he would take care of it. Instead, he slid it in your direction. Odd, you thought. Upon opening the booklet you saw a diamond ring placed where the check should be. You look up to see Bob wide eyed and beaming. Who could say no to that face?
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s the softest, gentlest man alive. He caresses you as if you’re made of glass. His touch is so light on your face. He holds you like he’s holding a piece of art from the Louvre. Yet, every touch sends an electric shock through your nerves and your head get a bit dizzy. He’s also incredibly soft spoken. If an issue arises he’s the first to say he wants to talk and he sits you down at the kitchen table to fix it. 
“This happened the other day and honestly I didn’t feel great,” he would state. “I would appreciate it if we could fix that, please.” He wears his emotions on his sleeve. You never have to ask how he is feeling. Whether it’s good, or bad, he’s talkative and upfront about how he feels. It’s something that you really appreciate and it keeps the relationship healthy.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Bob’s a hugger. Before he leaves for work he makes sure to pull you into a tight embrace, with a kiss to your hair, and take a minute just to hold you. That imprint of a hug keeps him warm and happy until he gets back home. When you’re resting on the couch at the end of a long day he likes to have you in his lap, running his fingers through your hair and down you legs as he watches the evening news. 
When at the bar together he keeps a soft arm around your waist, resting you against him as he sits at the bar stool. His fingers play with your belt loops as he laughs at the boys playing pool. If a slow song comes on he likes to hold you from behind and gently sway about the beat.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It was another moment of Bob’s word vomit. It was several months of being together when he had an epiphany during the night. He tossed and turned wondering if he should be the first to say it. He had to. He had to get that off his chest before it gave him a heart attack. You had invited him over to cook him a nice dinner. He seemed off that night, knee constantly bouncing and sweat beading at his hairline. You weren’t sure if he didn’t like the food, or what the issue may be. 
You sat across from him, nursing the drink in your hand. Out of the blue Bob pulled out a pack of Post-It notes and began scribbling. You quirked an eyebrow at the scene, having absolutely no idea what was going on. As he put his pen down, he silently pushed the note over to you. In red ink read the words ‘I’m hopelessly in love with you”. You stifled a cough out of surprise as you told him, “I’m hopelessly in love with you too.” It was the first of many notes to be received from him.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He’s not too jealous. It’s more insecurity than anything. He’ll watch as Hangman tries to chat you up and wonder if you may be better off with him instead. There’s a constant fear in his head that he’s not doing enough, that he’s not like the other guys on the squad. It’s the one part he’s terrible communicating on. You’re practically pulling teeth to get it out of him. He’s quiet the rest of the night and has a hard time keeping eye contact. After a few questions of ‘what’s wrong’ or ‘what happened’, you’re finally piecing together what happened. He apologizes profusely until you reassure him that absolutely nothing and no one would take you away.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Bob has the softest lips on the planet. There’s not a single part of your skin that doesn’t crave the feeling of his lips. He’s always peppering them on your shoulders as he’s behind you, swaying to an imaginary beat as you cook dinner or fold laundry. He’s placing kisses to your hair as you rest in his nap as he reads - taking a pause after every page.
He places chaste kisses to your lips in the middle of a sentence because he’s been staring at your lips for the last ten minutes. He’s waking you up with soft pecks to your nose as he watches it crinkle in reaction. He’s giving you a forehead kiss as you’re at the bar, for no other reason than to just kiss you. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Children are easier than adults. He has no problem jumping into kid mode. He’ll play soccer with a young boy at the park that asked him to play. He’s teaching him how to properly kick and score goals. He’ll have a conversation with a little girl that randomly came up to him to say hi. “Hi, I’m Bob! What’s your name?” “You’re four?! Wow that’s so cool!” “What’s your favorite color?” You nearly burst into tears watching him carry on a conversation.
He’ll smile and coo at a baby that stares him down while grocery shopping. “Hi!” he beams as the child produces a gummy smile. He can’t wait to have kids of his own. He’ll daydream about what your future kids will look like and what names you may give them. He may already have a few names picked out. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Bob wakes up early on purpose. He likes to sneak out of bed, making a cup of tea or coffee and breakfast, and surprise you with breakfast in bed. Except it’s not really a surprise when he does it every day. He’ll get dressed for his off day as you eat your breakfast, asking your opinion on how it looks or if he chose the right color. 
You happily watch his fashion show as he second guesses his button down and decides on a t-shirt instead. He’ll take the tray from you and run downstairs to clean it up. He’s back again before you can blink and diving head first into the bed for a kiss. He gives you an itinerary of his day and offers for you to tag along if you wish. He’ll send you a text of his location so you don’t have to worry and then he’s off, probably being bullied by Rooster.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
It’s 9:00 pm. You’ve decided to retire to your room with your fiance for bed. As the two of you change into sleepwear, Bob pulls out two custom robes that he had made. They’re both a soft and fluffy white with your initials embroidered into the pocket. Where your usual last initial would be now sits an ‘F’. It may be the sweetest gift you’ve ever received. Bob helps you put it on as he ties the belt for you. He’s practically beaming.
The two of you enter your shared bathroom, placing roots at the sink to do skincare and brush your teeth. The room is silent save for the sound of toothbrushes cleaning teeth. You steal glances in the mirror, both too sheepish to say much. His cheeks and nose are glowing red, something that happens when he’s reached the height of happiness. 
From the bathroom you make your way to the bed, Bob already has your side covers pulled down so you can easily slip in. The two of you open your night reading, lamps providing the only light in the room. You read in comfortable silence until your eyes begin to grow heavy. The book is too good to put down, so you slide it over to your fiance, silently asking him to read aloud. Your head rests on his lap as you’re lulled into sleep by the sound of his voice.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Bob says everything all at once, all of the time. He’s a great conversationalist, always finding a new topic to talk about when the other has run its course. You spent most of your first date talking about all of the basic topics: where you’re from, why you moved here, what you do for work. It was simple and easy flowing conversations. Although he didn’t fully up about serious topics.
That happens in baby steps. He’ll slowly reveal a serious topic, but once he’s started he can’t stop. He’ll spiral into a long winded story about something that happened in his life that made him who he is today. You hang on to every word, mentally taking notes. You always love hearing the sound of his voice and always offer to let him tell you the next story.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Bob doesn’t get mad. He’s the most slow to anger person you’ve ever met. You once accidentally broke his electric razor and fully expected a lecture. Instead, he reminded you that it can be easily replaced and he ordered another one on Amazon without another word about it. It doesn’t matter what happens, he’ll talk about it and solve it. He doesn’t believe much happens with fists. He’s very much a pacifist. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers every single tiny little detail. He knows how you like your eggs, what milk you prefer in your coffee, even the type of records you collect. His calendar is filled with important dates including your birthday and anniversary. He has a scheduled delivery of your favorite flowers every week. He constantly keeps your toiletries stocked up so that you never run out. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The day you moved in was a bright and gorgeous Tuesday. He had spent the previous week deep cleaning the house and making sure you had all the space you could possibly need. Half of his closet and an entire dresser was prepared for your clothes, the skin cleared for your products, and the living room couch ready for your decorative pillows and blankets.
He hated being apart from you. Having you to himself every day was an absolute dream come true. Bob was practically skipping bringing your boxes in. He gave you the time and space you needed to be comfortable and constantly reminded you that this was now your home too and you could decorate however you wanted. 
The first night together in a shared bed in your now shared home was eventful. Bob let out all of his loving emotions and continued it into the early morning. From then on he was always bright and cheery at work every single morning.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
When it comes to physical security, Bob is the best. Every night he makes a routine of checking windows, locking doors, and setting the alarm system. He would never forgive himself if something happened to you - especially in your home. You wait in bed for him to come back, asking a quick “all good?” and he replies with “house is secured”. You never thought that such a phrase could hold such meaning to you.
No matter how anxious he can be, when a situation arises he is the first to step up. Anxiety flies out the window and all he is concerned about is protecting you. He would square up with the tallest man in the world if it meant keeping you safe. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Every anniversary, birthday, or date night is extravagant. He’ll spend months planning for your big day and doing things he knows you’ll love to do. All he wants in return is to see that beaming smile on your face. He thinks you’re the most deserving of love and happiness, and there is no expense that would limit that. 
Even on the daily, he makes sure to do something for you, whether that’s folding your laundry if you’re feeling too tired, making you a smoothie while you read, or turning up the heat if he sees you shiver.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Not necessarily ugly, but he does tend to get highly anxious and insecure easily. There may be days where you have to cancel plans because he’s feeling ‘under the weather’. He would beg you to still go, but you couldn’t leave him there alone wrapped under a million blankets in bed. He just needs to hear your reassurance that he’s doing a good job and that he’s a good boyfriend.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s the least concerned about his looks. Of course he may point out some under eye bags or a stress pimple, but that’s really all he notices. He doesn’t take time to look at himself in the mirror or do his hair. He just throws on his classes, combs his hair, and he’s good. He’s never really seen the point in spending lots of time on his appearance. He loves to make fun of Rooster every time he catches him staring at himself in a mirror.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Bob can’t survive without you. You’ve taken over every part of his life. When you’re gone he’s curled up with your pillow and sweatshirt, taking in the scent of your lotion and perfume that still remains. He’s texting you, asking how you’re doing and how your day was. He loves to see you off having adventures with loved ones, he loves looking at all of the pictures that you send back.
He’ll spend his time moping around, a pout permanently on his face. Phoenix does her best to cheer him up, but nothing works. The only thing that can remove the dark cloud from his head is your return. He engulfs you like he hasn’t seen you in months. It was only a long weekend. He refuses to let you, following you around so you aren’t away from him again. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Bob’s a dancer. If it’s a sunny Saturday with nothing to do he’ll play some music on his speakers and whisk you around the house. He would never be caught dead dancing in public, but he feels comfortable around you. He’ll attempt some Tiktok dance that he saw while scrolling one day. It’s a sight to see as he’s pretty uncoordinated in the dance department. It’s endearing nonetheless.
Late at night, unable to sleep, he’ll play a soft classic song, one from the 50’s or 60’s, and ask if you’d like the dance. The entire house is dark, save for the few candles that are burning in your bedroom. The scent of lavender and the feeling of being in Bob’s arms is enough to make you feel as if you’re dreaming. He sways you side to side, spins you around, late into the night.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He can’t be with someone that’s rude. Bob is sunshine in human form. He’s kind and generous to every single person that he meets. He could never put up with someone who is rude to others. You don’t have to be the nicest person in the world, but there’s a certain line of negativity that he refuses to let be crossed. If you’re rude to waiters, workers, or anyone in general he will quickly give a spiel before saying he just couldn’t do this anymore.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He’s a sleep talker. Occasionally you’ll hear a few random words escape the mouth of the man sleeping next to you. You’ll roll over to see if he’s awake, only meeting a Bob lost in dream land. “No, that’s not the bathroom,” he would snore out. You managed to muffle your giggles as you listened to the rest of his imaginary conversation. Randomly the talking would stop, but you would make a memo of all that was said so you could ask him the next morning. Of course he found this embarrassing, and his face would light up red as a strawberry.
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donutloverxo · 4 years ago
A Royal Scandal 2
Modern royalty au
(Image from Pinterest)
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Cowritten with @lizzygal
I'm so sorry! I made a mistake while posting this yesterday so I'm reposting it now. Hope y'all enjoy💖
Note - Since y'all liked it so much we've decided to post this fic on both ao3 and my tumblr! There will be no taglists for this however💖 You can subscribe to the ao3 story to receive updates!
Please note that my stories are not to be stolen or reposted on any other site. Reblogs are welcome. This blog and this story is 18+. Do not read, follow or interact if you are not 18+.
Summary - Modern ruler, His Majesty King Steven G Rogers, is on a quest to make his long term secret relationship the real thing. He is a man in love and wants his lover and partner to be his queen.
Warnings - Smut (m/f), dub con/non con, sex tape, scandals, mentions of past domestic abuse, soft dark Steve, possessive Steve, spanking, power imbalance, Mentions of previous domestic abuse.
Pairing - King!Steve x reader
Word count - 8k
To be fair, Steven could understand why his mother was so upset after watching the entire footage from the royal steam rooms. He had a far better understanding after having seen the footage in question. The one that had led to his mother’s reaction that very morning.
Seated beside Carol on the ride back, he slipped in his wireless earbuds and pulled up the first video he found online on his phone.
A separate car had been sent for you for whenever your meeting completed. However, he had a whole series of his own back at the palace before his day could be considered over in the administrative offices. Days were never really over for him. Should anything happen somewhere in his nation, he would be informed. As was expected for a ruler.
Until then, he had fifteen or so minutes to kill till he arrived back at the royal palace, depending on city traffic.
Which was how he found himself watching what was obviously some sort of hidden camera. As the royal banya did not have CCTV cameras. Steve found himself making a mental note to himself to ask Carol about it.
After he watched the video.
He had the feeling that this would not be going away anytime soon. Therefore, he needed to know what was on there if he was going to have to defend his actions, or even speak about it.
It was somewhat surreal watching himself walk into view wearing nothing. Not even a towel. Talking with someone who was obviously you.
Based on where the camera was located, Steve could tell it was somewhere in the hallway that led from the steam rooms into either the showers or locker room. Thank all the saints above your back was to the camera. Half of it anyway. You were standing at a turn in the hallway, leaning against the wall. Half of you hidden. A towel wrapped around your body.
Thanking those saints above still that there was no sound, Steve watched on as a voice narrated the video, some celebrity blogger dissecting the footage as if it were a pivotal moment in some sporting event.
Steve watched himself turn to face you, facing the camera too and exposing his entire self to the world.
Not that he was ashamed. He had nothing to be ashamed about. Steve was built tall and powerful like his father and mother’s father. He kept himself in shape and as for the manhood that hung heavy between his thighs, he refused to be embarrassed by that either. The blogger however did have several opinions about what she referred to as, the royal sword.
She also seemed to be very opinionated when Steve watched himself kneel down in front of you. He’d never watched himself go down on you before and found himself transfixed, easily able to ignore the blogger’s excited rambling.
For once, Steve watched your hands sink into his hair as he sank between your legs. He watched your pleasure grow and grow, he watched you sag back into the wall and reach up, grabbing at it like a cat stretching out in the hot sun.
Seeing it happen like this? Steve felt like a voyeur. He felt like he was doing something wrong. And then, he watched you climax on his face. He watched your hands tighten up against the corner of the walls meeting. He watched himself stand and no longer noticed the commentary as he sheathed himself between your legs and proceeded to pound you into the wall without mercy.
His attention caught on one little inconsequential thing. Watching one of your legs that wound over his thigh bounce wildly each time.
Quickly he exited out of the video and blog. Unwilling to watch more. Pulling a bud from his ear, he glanced over at Carol who was watching the city fly by her window.
“Have you inquired as to if the palace guard has looked into how the video was taken in the royal banya?”
Blonde hair dusted her shoulders as she looked at her king. Carol answered without a second of hesitation. “Already done Your Majesty. The camera was found this morning. A webcam of some type. It’s been sent away for fingerprints and I have the best IT professional I know looking into it, to determine if we can track down who it belongs to. The royal guard has also launched an investigation into all palace employees.”
“Thank you,” he answered her with complete sincerity.
Captain Danvers had been at his side since he assumed the throne and had proven herself hundreds of times over. She was his confidant. She was his bodyguard. She was his closest thing to a friend, if Steve could say he had such a thing. He could tell Carol anything. He had told Carol about you. Carol had told him about her sick mother and in return, Steve have given her a cottage on palace grounds while providing a nurse. So that Carol would be able to spend as much time as possible with her mother in her final days. Carol still lived on the palace grounds in that cottage down by the gardens.
“I’ll let you know when I know something,” she assured him.
Your return to the palace felt like it took forever. Mostly because your panties were very obviously damp from leakage and you were greatly concerned about a wet stain. The modern equivalent of a scarlet letter. Letting everyone know what you’d done.
Twice you’d checked in a bathroom along with every mirrored surface you came across.
Alas, it seemed you were in luck.
No one would know that you’d had inappropriate contact on a workday, or think you’d had an accident. Granted if someone would have noticed you planned on blaming your monthlies.
By the grace of the many women who came before you, you managed to get back to the palace without being caught and were about to go change your panties when a familiar face popped into your office.
“Hey! You’re coming! I’m not taking no for an answer!”
Bright red hair and a brighter red dress that was far from office appropriate appeared in your office, leaping in like an acrobat leaping onto a stage. Making you look up from where you stood behind your desk, digging through your handbag.
A bunch of different thoughts buzzed through your head.
What was Wanda talking about? Where did she want you to go? Did Wanda wear that mini-dress to work? Cause it was about five inches too short and did downright sinful things to the girls. Wanda could always pull off anything. She looked amazing in clubwear, sweats and those tea-party dresses that Jackie O was always wearing.
“Coming?” Fell from your lips in a valiant attempt to stall till you could make sense of what was happening. “What are you not taking no for an answer for this time?”
In your roommate swept like a hurricane.
“It’s practically six!” She declared, as if that was supposed to mean something to you. It had you staring at her and waiting for more information. Hands paused in their hunt for clean panties and a pantyliner in your bag’o’stuff. “No more talk of this fake boyfriend. You and me are going to go have dinner. We’re going to hit the bars to pre-game and then to the clubs! Everyone is going so you are too!”
Such news had you freezing in your patent leather pumps.
Pre-gaming? Dinner? Clubs? Everyone?
It was only Thursday and then you remembered.
It was a long weekend. The winning of some great victory over the Germans from the big war that you only kinda remembered hearing about. Mostly because you’d been busy with the border issue and the education overhaul. You’d known that it was coming up and the entire four-day weekend would be spent celebrating.
Wanda saw your face. She saw what you were thinking. She was practically a mind reader. Which led her to pointing at you scoldingly. “No! No no no! No checking emails or messages. No more work. No! We’re going out tonight and we are going to have fun! You remember what fun is? Right?”
you really did have emails and messages to check. You actually did have a ton of work to do. Granted you always had emails and messages to check, plus work piling up. It was the nature of your job. Helping in the running of a country was a 24/7 gig.
“Nope!” She declared, marching on into your office and behind your desk to chase you out. Shooing you. Literally making you hop away and grab your handbag because you just knew Wanda wasn’t letting you back near your desk. That much was for sure.
Like a sheepdog, she herded you around your messy desk as you attempted to protest, to get her to listen, to inform her that you really really did have a good bit of work to do.
hold on
wait, Wanda
just one second
“No more protests! I’m not going to hear it anymore! I refuse to let you hide behind work or the fake boyfriend.”
More protests came from you. You tried. You really really did. But Wanda was shoving and pushing and hip bumping you out into a hallway that did not look like an office building, instead, it was very obviously a palace.
Your heels clicked on polished white marble that shone. Walls were cream and had priceless art hung around, gold gilded borders ran up along where the ceiling met the walls. Light fixtures were old, bronze and cut glass. Furniture that belonged in Sotheby’s was sparsely decorated around the halls.
Door were old and creaky up and down the halls, wooden with locks that required big iron keys.
It was unlike any other place you’d ever worked.
You could feel and see and even smell the smokey history oozing from the walls.
A few people were hurrying out of their offices and locking the doors behind them, which Wanda didn’t even let you do as she went on indignantly. “No! Nope! Clint from Tinder will not wait forever! He digs foreigners and he has a job and he loves to dance!”
At mention of Tinder, your gut lurched.
Dear god not this again.
Why had you ever agreed to let Wanda make you a Tinder profile? At the time it seemed so reasonable. Let her make the profile and she’d get off your ass about your alleged imaginary boyfriend. Problem solved! How on earth were you to know she’d be on the damn app making matches for you?
“Why don’t you go out with Clint from Tinder,” you wanted to know, earning yourself a roll of Wanda’s eyes as you were dragged down along the hallway to the massive marble stairs. Looking as if they’d been carved from one piece, smoothly curling down a floor to the ground floor. Large chandeliers hung with cut glass that threw light everywhere. A massive painting hung up on the large wall of a long dead large royal family in the palace of past.
“He’s not my type. But he is absolutely your type.”
Somehow you doubted that.
Sighing deeply and focusing on not snapping your ankle on the stairs and in your heels, you followed Wanda down, mixing in with the few stragglers who were leaving work and making mental notes to text Steve and let him know you’d be late coming back to the palace that night. You were then planning when you could check your work emails and work-phone messages. That had to be done in a quiet place where no one could overhear. Maybe you could go out to the club and feign a tummy ache? Then sneak away from Clint? It’d probably be much easily to sneak away from Clint than Wanda.
Click. Click. Click.
With every step you maneuvered down your heels were noisy. You’d managed to fling your sizable bag over your shoulder and just knew Steve was going to be annoyed with you. But he was an adult. Being adults meant the two of you would have to do things that you didn’t want.
“So help me, if it kills the both of us, you and I will be going out tonight and having a fun time! This is a celebratory weekend! There are festivities going on all over the city!” Wanda went on, yanking you along behind her upon reaching the bottom step and heading in the general direction of the ground floor exits.
Hurrying along behind her, you followed but you weren’t happy about it.
God did you have so much work to do and you really really wanted to spend the night with Steve. And maybe if you gave in to Wanda, she’d get off your ass about your fake boyfriend? Wait, no, your secret boyfriend, because Steve was very real, you just didn’t want to be eviscerated all over the internet and tabloids for dating a king.
You’d seen what happened when a pretty actress had dated then married a prince who didn’t rule his country. The only thing you had going for you was Steve’s country was still looked at with some serious side-eye from the world, due to past events and rulers. Plus, he wasn’t a young prince that had grown up before the eyes of the world. He was a son of a tyrant, a citizen of a sizable nation the world still viewed suspiciously with a questionable human rights record.
“You’re going to love the club! It’s totally new and they open at ten. Meaning we can have plenty of time with the girls!”
As in plural?
Because of course this would be a group event. Wanda never half-assed anything.
” you began.
Before Wanda could turn her attention on you, loud shrill lady screams came and you were greeted to the sight of Maria, Okoye and Pepper. All three threw up their arms and grabbed Wanda in a big hug, yanking her away from you and freeing you from her grip.
Loud girl screeches followed.
There was group hopping and hugs and laughter.
It should have made you realize that it’d been so long since you had a fun girls night. It should have reminded you that you were young and your life shouldn’t be all about work and sneaking off with your boyfriend whenever the two of you were able to.
Your heart should have been warmed by the sight of your palace coworkers who were clearly part of the aforementioned Girls.
How long had it been since you had fun?
How long had it been since you’d had a night out on the town?
What were you doing?
Were you jumping and screeching and hugging too?
You were digging into your handbag so you could text Steve real quick. To let him know about your change in plans before he began to think you’d bailed because you were a coward and got cold feet.
Just as your fingers touched the smooth surface of your iPhone

A noise caught your attention.
Peering up to the side at the wall, or what you’d assumed was a hallway wall since you were in another hallway nearly identical to the one upstairs. All while the hugfest continued. You noticed that the wall was at a weird angle. As if it were opening up on a hinge and by the time you realized that the wall was actually an opening to a hidden passageway, a hand grabbed your elbow and yanked you in.
No more than a soft squeak came from you.
In you tumbled.
Into a dimly lit hallway that was actually a passageway you found yourself. With a metal sounding click the wall slid back into place and a big hand fell over your mouth. Making you immediately panic, immediately reach up to grab the hand that was silencing you. Making an arm band around your chest and pull you flush back against a broad muscular body.
“Did you honestly think for one moment that I would allow you to go get drunk with Wanda? Or go to a club with a man that she met for you on Tinder?”
It was Steve.
His faint aftershave still burnt your nose but paired with the masculine scent that was him, you relaxed only a little bit, just a smidge.
How the hell did he know all of that? Had he bugged your office? Was he following you?
Deep in your chest your heart pounded wildly. Your skin was on fire. Even though it was dimly lit, you swore you could see each nail and groove in the wooden walls of the hidden passage.
Steve’s shoes were soft on the carpeted floor. Yours however never reached. Your legs dangled. Desperately you stretched out to try and reach your toes down, but alas, Steve was holding you up and was simply that much taller than you. Easily holding you up as he carried you.
His voice an angry snarl, a seething whisp against your ear. “That is so disappointing my love. A failure on both our parts,” came his angry voice. Walking with sure footing and a quick pace through the only barely lit halls.
Turning here and there, quickly and suddenly, until you were very much lost.
A protest came from behind his palm that was crushed against your mouth. Your blood heating with every passing second till it felt as if it were boiling. All that sudden fear was turning into anger at this treatment.
“I’ve clearly failed you if you’re unable to announce with nothing but the utmost certainty that you’re both in a relationship and have no desire to go out clubbing with whomever Clint from Tinder is.” The word clubbing was spat out, as if Steve found it vile on his tongue. “As for you? Yesterday we were discussing where to go for your birthday and today, you refused to answer one of my calls! You have work to do tonight to make up to me your behavior today!”
Further down the hidden passageway you were unceremoniously carried pulled to his front. Your brain racing at warp speed.
You had work to do? You had to make up for your behavior?
Had he lost his damn mind?
Had he not seen the video of his naked nether-regions all over the internet? Or the sex that made the footage a sex tape? The two of you were now amateur porn stars and he was mad that you? Because you were trying to be lowkey until the entire situation blew over? Steve was mad because you were being reasonable?
A most valiant attempt was made to free yourself.
You struggled. You kicked. You flailed and shrilled behind the hand over your mouth. No longer taken by surprise or frightened. Now you were growing angry.
On top of being terrified of being found out in that footage and ridiculed by the world, or worse, chased out of this country by a horde of angry people who didn’t agree with you being the kings choice as not only a foreigner, but one from pretty humble roots. You were upset that the world saw such an intimate moment between the two of you and even if Steve didn’t care that his junk was all over the internet, you cared. You cared a great deal. The royal junk was your junk. It was bad enough you had to know he’d dated women before you who’d seen him nude and were intimate with him, but now the world? It was simply too much for you to comprehend.
Steve slowed and turned, using his elbow he made something pop and a slight crack of light where there was obviously another hidden door in the wall appeared.
Using his broad shoulder, Steve pushed the door open and stepped out into a hallway that led down to the royal chambers and split off.
With his knee, he shoved the hidden panel shut and tightening his grip on you, Steve hurried down that hallway.
A completely different one from where the administrative offices were located.
Rich wooden paneling covered the walls. Making everything appear warmer, lusher. An amber haze hung in the air.
Thick carpet was underfoot. Furniture spoke to its age but had been made with a quality that endured. Like this palace. Built when his land was called something else but had stood through time in proof of his claim to the throne.
Generations before him had ruled, claimed spouses and lovers in these halls, grown old and made history and now it was his turn.
Merely that knowledge had him growing excited in his slacks for a second time that day. All of your thrashing and struggling didn’t help. If anything, it sparked a part of his brain that insisted he ravish and conquer you in his royal bed.
Mouth pressed to your ear, till he felt amber and diamonds press against his lips. “I swear, I will spend the rest of tonight inside of you until things are as they were yesterday. Until you remember that when I speak to you in any manner, you answer. Considering how thoroughly you’ve consumed every last part of me, it is only fair.”
And then, in his slowed pace down the hall ever closer to the door that would lead into Steve’s Royal Apartment, he saw a portrait up on the wall that made him pause.
It was him.
Or his portrait from when he’d turned thirty.
There he stood looking down at you both. Dressed ceremonially in his crown, holding the traditional ruling scepter and wearing the robes from kings of past. Fur, jeweled toned fabric that he’d easily filled out with gold adornments, amber buttons and pipping on his shoulders.
What was most striking about this portrait compared to all the others of Steven throughout the palace, was he was alone in it and unlike all the others, at the time, he’d not been single.
Further making that internal fire burn hotter.
Making him stop and force you to look up at it with him. Framed in a gilded bronze heirloom. Up where he had to look at it to be reminded of what could have been.
“Look! Look!”
You stopped struggling and looked, were well aware of his mouth against your hair.
“See? See it? You could have been there with me. At my side. Wearing my crown. Wearing the robes and jewels of my grandmothers. My queen.”
And indeed you saw.
When you’d seen the finished portrait, you had been blown away at how your body reacted to the sight of your lover in his traditional uniform he only pulled out for big special events. How powerful he looked. How sexy he was wearing a crown, holding a golden scepter with an eagle on the end clutching a piece of amber the size of an egg.
The arm around your chest fell so he could point at the empty space in the picture beside him. “Look. Right there. That is where you would have been. Right there. At my side.”
His hand over your mouth still held you flush against him. Pulled tight against him.
That thought, that entire notion of you painted on a portrait, up there with Steve at his side. It was so surreal to you.
When it was just you and Steve it was fire and gold and everything was amazing. When it was King Steve and his Chief of Staff it was stimulating and exciting. You still weren’t sure about being queen. A queen! That wasn’t like being a princess or a duchess. A queen was different. Even the word felt different.
It made your heart start to pound wildly in your chest again. It made you breathe hard against the back of his hand. It made you have a physiological reaction.
This was not how Carol intended to spend her night.
It was not how she wished to start her off-time. Having given Val the update on all things that had transpired for the day as she handed off command of the Royal Guard to her fellow captain.
No sooner had she told Val everything, did one of the messengers from communications come hurrying in. A slip of paper in her hand. A note that changed everything for that night, that week and even that month.
It had left Carol walking through the royal apartments towards the Queen Mother’s rooms.
As she knew exactly what King Steven was doing and quite frankly, she wanted no part in disturbing that unless she absolutely had to.
Besides. The message that had been sent to the palace via royal envoy was meant for Her Majesty. It was best Her Majesty the Queen Mother figured out how best to deal with this coming
Compared to His Majesty’s Private Rooms, Sarah’s were all light and brightness. White marble and ornate touches. Colorful priceless paintings and large bouquets of fresh flowers in crystal vases. Soft plush furniture held little personal touches. A white chenille throw draped over her couch by a fireplace. Pink slippers sat on the floor. Books both new and ancient with various markers holding her place were scattered about. Fresh flowers. She loved fresh flowers. They were everywhere.
As expected, the door to the Queen Mother’s apartments were open.
Carol still paused outside of it to knock gently.
“Your Majesty?” She called out, looking at her watch to see that it was nearing seven. Around seven was when the queen took her dinner meal privately. Of course she’d leave the door open for kitchen staff to bring up food as usual. It wasn’t one of the nights that was reserved for Steve and his mother to have their dinners together.
After the death of her husband the former king, Sarah had effectively thrown open all the doors that he had imprisoned her with.
Her soft voice drifted out.
Delicate and gentle.
The Queen Mother sat in a large chair by a big window overlooking the city. Her pale hair pulled back at the nape of her neck. A string of pearls tightened and loosened around her fingers as she lowered the book she’d been reading. A pleasant smile came over her soft features.
Upon seeing the stone of Carol’s face, the queen frowned. “What is it? What is wrong?”
Only confirming that something was wrong, Carol shut the door and locked it.
Dinner had been brought up. Smells emanated from the queens private dining room off to the left. It reminded Carol that she hadn’t eaten since breakfast that morning. It had been that kind of a day.
Clasping her hands before her, she rocked back on her heels. “A message was sent by Her Highness Janet Van Dyne. She and her daughter will be at the palace tomorrow
Janet and Hope Van Dyne?
Steven’s former fiancĂ©e and her mother?
Two golden eyebrows rose, making Carol press on. “Her Highness is under the impression that they’ll be staying here? In the palace?”
All of this was new to Sarah.
She had not heard from Janet since Steve’s coronation. When she and her husband had been in attendance. Earlier that particular year, Hope had broken her engagement with Steven to run away with a Maharaja.
It’d been all over the tabloids.
A young princess of the Netherlands had broken her engagement to the crown prince of an incredibly traditional nation to follow her heart. Hope had spent many years splashed across tabloids and blogs with a handsome charismatic Asian Prince. She’d lost her royal title and gave tell-all interviews about how her family had forbade her from running away and how she’d never marry a man from infamous Rogers Royal Line. And then, oddly, she was back home with her family this year.
Sarah had found it unusual. Alas, she was a busy woman with a life of her own to keep her busy.
“Was anything else in the message,” Sarah wanted to know.
Carol shook her head.
It had been a simple message that was very to the point.
Sighing in a most un-Sarah-like sort of way. She set her book down on the arm of her chair and rose. Tall. Willowy. Pursing her lips. Her dress fell around her in a gauzy cloud.
“Do you want me to tell His Majesty?”
Pausing, the older women considered the question. Dare she tell her son? He deserved to know. Nothing good would come from this visit.
If it were Janet alone? Sarah would not be so suspicious. But Janet and Hope? And that they would come so last minute? After the release of this video footage from the royal sauna?
“Is my son with her?”
Carol was quiet.
A noise came from the Queen Mother. A clicking of her tongue. Stepping into her slippers, she pulled the hem of her dress up. “I suppose I should not be surprised that you would keep this from me.”
More quiet came.
“I won’t ask. I’ll find out my own way and leave him be for now. Janet and Hope won’t be here tonight. This can be a problem for tomorrow, today has been difficult enough for us all. Let tomorrow be tomorrow.”
Let tomorrow be tomorrow.
On her other hand was her wedding band. A treasure itself. Now on the widow’s finger. It was so symbolic of the cage she’d lived in for the duration of her marriage.
Absentmindedly, she twisted the rings. “Have you eaten yet?” Pulling them up and down her hand. “I had hoped you would come. I had the kitchen bring up extra.” Off slipped the rings that she had to wear in public. In her hand they jingled until she set them down on a smoothly polished table.
With two heavy clicks, they bounced on the wood by a vase full of peonies. Freeing her for the time being.
“I missed you while you were away.”
A blush bloomed over her porcelain complexion at Carol’s words.
As she watched Carol lock the door to her chambers, a warmth bloomed within her chest. Such words were so simple. So honest. They were words she had not heard before in her life. In this new chapter however, in this new time in her life, she had become accustomed to kind words and compassion.
“I missed you as well.” She confessed, stepping closer and still keeping space between them. As some habits died hard. “Stay with me? Tonight?”
“There is nothing I want more, Sarah.”
As it turned out, now you were ready to talk.
Steve was now past that point and was on a whole other page.
You found yourself protesting when he carried you into his bedroom like some manner of caveman would carry a slab of meat. Shrilling out when he yanked and ripped and tore at your dress, forcing it over your head after ripping fabric and popping buttons, till it was an unsalvageable heap of material and threads.
Which was an absolute tragedy.
You loved that dress.
You even pointed out that fact to him somewhere between the threshold of his bedroom and his massive bed that really was fit for a king.
It was so big!
A headboard wider than Wanda’s itty-bitty car was long. An elaborate collection of regal flourishes and shapes. Dark sheets so soft they were slippery awaited you as you screeched and hollered, letting out an outraged sound when your bra was popped then yanked roughly from you.
“Steven!” You admonished your king, toes digging deep into the thick carpet as you’d lost your shoes back in the hallway leading to his quarters.
This whole evening was going off the rails for you. There was no other way to put it.
Dim sconces on the wall lit the way. Highly effective mood lighting if you ever saw it. Allowing you to see the set in Steve’s face, the firm line of his mouth.
His fingers wrapped around the back of your neck so he could hold you close, ground out for your benefit. “All day long I tried. Calls. Messages. Texts. Did you want to talk? No. You ignored me. Now I do not wish to talk either.”
Pushing you forward, you found yourself stumbling but knew if you didn’t walk on your own, Steve would merely toss you up on his bed. Up on the sea of pillows. Framed by gilded silver and dark curtains that came down from above to allow for privacy.
“All day long you denied me. I’ll remind you what is mine until you’re thinking clearly again. Until we’re back where we were yesterday!”
“I’m ready to talk now! I’m in a place where I can discuss this with you! I am thinking clearly!”
Words were not needed.
Oh no.
Not when the king grabbed your hand, pulled your arm back and pressed your palm against his straining erection. Hot to the touch. Shockingly hard. Painfully so even you were willing to bet.
Your knees hit the bed and you were pushed forward till you fell over, till you wound up on the expanse of bedding in a tangle of hands and knees and that silky smooth material.
A big explosion came from Steve. Feeling like and you were flailing on your stomach, trapped beneath his oppressive weight and the bed. Fighting. Wiggling. Trying to get free from beneath him but bigger stronger arms had your wrists.
Something was being wrapped around your wrists that you couldn’t see, as your vision was impeded by the broad chest in your face. Right there. Blocking your line of sight. Pinning you down to the sea of grey until finally, finally, he was up and you were once more struggling, wiggling, jerking and finding that you were tied to the headboard.
You were tied to the headboard. You were naked and bound to his bed.
Silky fabric that was Steve’s tie bound your wrists snugly together and wove into the headboard, securing you there most soundly.
It was outrageous! It was absurd!
You were tied to his headboard!
It was a first for you.
When your gaze returned to your boyfriend and even that was now a bit questionable, you were greeted to the sight of Steve shedding his suit. Yanking off each garment without pause or care. A few tears were heard and he was far rougher than need be. A button or two may have flown off.
“You cannot be serious! That’s your plan? You’re going to take what’s yours? Are you serious? This is not the dark ages!”
Ignoring you, Steve shoved his slacks down his long legs. Allowing his rigid cock to bob obscenely. Causing an eyeroll to immediately come from you. A hint of something dark on his hip caught your eye. But it was only a flash and as he was moving, yanking off his suit jacket and fiercely ripping open buttons on his shirt, you couldn’t get a good look.
Was it a bruise? A tattoo?
Somehow you doubted kings were even allowed to have tattoos. Or that Steve even had the time to get himself permanently inked. When the hell did he get that bruise?
Momentarily distracted by him climbing up on the bed, you looked up to give your bindings a good hard yank.
No luck.
Steve’s weight was pushing you down. Shoving you into the bed. Pinning you down as you protested, implored and began to plea. Which was exactly what he wanted. After everything you had put him through today? You would beg. You would plead. You would forget all about that video.
“Open your mouth.”
It was an order.
It could be nothing less.
An absolute command that had your lips slowly parting as your eyes widened in surprise at the sudden treatment, this roughness. Steve held his painful erection in hand and pushed his tip to your lips. Pushed the red end of his cock sticky with precum past your lips. Till you were forced to open your mouth wider and wider for him. To take him deeper and deeper into your mouth.
Steve held your gaze and pushed his member in further. Straddling your chest and gripping his headboard in one hand, till it dug into his fingers. While his other hand grabbed your face to hold it tight.
You’d never be able to take all of him. He knew this. You’d never been able to no matter how much you’d tried. But he wanted to see how much he could fit in your mouth tonight.
“Don’t swallow. Don’t let me down again.”
Your mouth was so warm closing around him. Wet. Sacred. It made him want to close his eyes to sink in deep but Steve would not. He would do that soon enough. He would lose himself in your cunt soon enough.
A few small movements from his hips sank his cock deeper into your mouth. Filling your cheeks as you struggled. Until you found a motion of moving up and down his length, running your tongue along his sides. Wetting up his shaft till sloppy noises started to fill his ears and a small little dribble began to moisten the corners of your mouth.
Those blue eyes remained set on your own. Never once showing you mercy.
“Tomorrow. In the future. If I call or text, you will answer.”
There was no follow-up. Nor was it a question.
Long fingers that belonged on an artist or musician sank into your hair tightly.
All you could do was nod as drool rolled down your chin and you suckled his cock like you would a popsicle, without swallowing, sucking on his sensitive flesh as he liked and without the aid of your own hands to steady his member.
It was glorious and Steve could only slightly appreciate it. As the words that fell from his mouth were more important, more vital.
Feeling how wet your mouth was getting was fantastic. Absolutely. Your nimble tongue was a gift. No one had ever sucked his cock like you.
he was still frustrated, still angry, still hurt even.
He’d not worked his way through those feelings as of yet.
Perhaps? In your body?
Those feelings teased and taunted him with his unworthiness. Of how you hadn’t been firmer with your roommate. How you had allowed her to drag you down the stairs for a night out with possibly another man? It infuriated him. It sent his hips rocking into your mouth. It had his cock rubbing up along the back of your throat and made your eyes water.
Steve would not lose you. He loved you too much to even entertain such a notion. No. Infact, he would make sure that he ruined you. By the end of the night, he would make certain that you’d never even amused the notion of being set up. He would be completely sure that when you left his chambers come morning, you would never be doubted when you told Wanda or anyone that you had a partner.
“I want to start publicly courting you. I want to be engaged this year. I do not want to hide any longer. When people look at you, I want them to know that you belong to me.”
Noises came around his cock that Steve knew were words and he did not care.
“Look at yourself.” Steve stilled, his words harsh, bitter even. “You have my cock in your mouth and I am completely at your mercy. Tied to the bed of kings because I cannot go one night without dreaming of you, fantasizing about your tight cunt and smooth skin. I would give you the world and all you want is nothing. You are the worst type of infuriating.”
As if to prove his point, he steadily pumped his pelvis up into your mouth. Each slide in pushed saliva and pre-ejaculate out, making it ooze from the seal of your lips around his erection. Against your throat his wet balls bounced. His ass rested on your chest and he could not get enough. More. He wanted more. He needed more. Craved more.
The urge to go harder was strong.
Steve wanted so badly to fuck you. To make you feel how much you drove him mad. How you caused him physical pain from longing alone.
With drool smeared down your chin and neck, never looking more beautiful in his opinion, Steve pulled his dick out. Done with your mouth for now. Needing more. Needing to grab your tits and to be closer to your face, looking closer into your eyes.
In a familiar sort of way, your throat bobbed.
“Did you just swallow when I specifically told you not to?”
A moment of hesitation followed from you that had Steve gripping your face, easing his body down yours but holding your slippery chin tight in his grip. Your eyes were wide. Again, probably without even realizing, you swallowed in nervousness.
I’m sorry
“I’m sorry what,” he demanded, leaning down closer, licking the wetness from your chin and earning from you a most satisfying shiver that wracked your body.
“S-s-sorry, Your Majesty.”
His tongue was hot and wet on your chin. His body was heavy and hot on your own. Skin on skin contact made your brain short circuit. It was a miracle you could string those syllables together. With your hands bound so snugly to the bed. All you could do was take it. Take what he gave you.
Feeling him push your thighs open and position himself between your hips made you gasp. Words failed you.
And then words didn’t even matter because he was pushing into you. Claiming you. Taking what was his because you did belong to him. You belonged to him in every possible way.
A scream exploded out of you when he dove right in. Sank in till his crown was pressed up against the wall of your cervix. Deeper than anyone had ever been before. Hands were grabbing your ankles and spreading you wide. Spearing you on his cock. Stretching your body taut.
“So wet. You were made to take me. Made to take your king.” He whispered more to himself even though you heard. You would have heard a pin drop. You could hear your heart pound and blood rush through your ears, each gasp your lungs took. You could feel every last inch of him deep inside your core. Painfully stretching you open like this. Burning. Tingling. Twisting.
Hands tightened on your ankles till you looked up at Steve. Hovering over you like a pillaging warlord about to ravish his prize.
“You have till Monday to decide how you wish us to become public. I will not wait a day longer.”
Seeing you like this before him. Splayed out. Your pussy curled around his member, plump from being filled with your breasts round puddles up on your chest. It set his hips into a frenzy. Powerful thrusts were sent into your tight walls that made Steve grunt every time from the power behind his motions, from the sight of his cock vanishing up into you. Watching your pussy take him so hungrily as you cried out beneath him each time. Breasts swaying. Skin slapping on skin with the contact. Your hips jiggled, his headboard creaked, his balls slapped soundly against you both.
“Say it. Say the words to me. Say them!” Steve commanded you. Pieces of his hair falling and sticking to his sweaty forehead as he sank in to the very depths of you then pulled out, revealing a glistening shaft before slamming his member right back in where it belonged.
” you chanted, over and over, again and again with every thrust in, every withdraw that was like heaven and hell, your body needing him to complete this circuit only the two of you could create. “
my king
yes my king
Those words. They were a song to his ears and had your ankles slapped together. Those words had the backs of your thighs slapped wetly against his chest, your feet touching his shoulder as Steve continued to pound into you.
Pumping into your now closed thighs, into your tighter walls at this angle.
Dimly your eyes fluttered, you looked into his burning blue eyes.
“Look. Here.”
You followed his gaze to where he pointed, looking down at his pelvis, where his hip met his abdomen in that hard cut of muscle that was visible above his beltline. The one you loved to lick.
He did have a tattoo.
It took you a second to realize what you were looking at and focus, as his thrusts continued without mercy, pounding away, slamming into you without mercy. Shaking and pushing you into his bed.
Your writing was inked into his skin. Your very own signature.
Your name was forever scrawled into Steve’s skin and then, it hit you. Your climax took you by complete surprise. Your entire body went stiff. A pained noise came from you and you shattered all around his cock. Fingernails dug into your palm and you stared at your name in cruel ecstasy.
Steve fell too. You could tell from his thrusts getting wild, falling out of sync. You could tell because he swore out, clenched his face and held your thighs tight to his chest.
Pumping deeply into you while your body milked him for everything he had to give.
Making him merely a man in that moment with you.
Up on his headboard, you were tightly secured and would soon have bruises from arching up against the silk tie restraining you. Unable to do anything but feel and accept what your king was giving you. On your back. In a bed that past kings had slept in.
None of which was lost on you.
Not as your body felt leaden, filled with molten hot lava. Limp. Your secret garden continued to suck him in, clench around him and spasm, making your eyes roll up in your head, your body dig into his bed and words fall from your mouth.
In a most dignified sort of manner, your king humped into your body like a jack rabbit, chasing the last vestiges of his climax with coral wet lips and dark honey hair now damp with sweat.
A sight for your satiated eyes.
“Let me call my mother in the morning.” You breathed out slowly, as if figuring out how your lungs worked once more after a marathon. Your words making Steve still above you. Though your cunt did not. It twitched around his royal girth and you met his gaze from on his pillows. “Tomorrow you can have Maria release a statement saying whatever you want. Just let me tell my parents myself. They should hear from me that I’m not coming home.”
Whatever wind that may have held up his sails had clearly been withdrawn.
Almost tenderly now, Steve leaned forward to quickly loosen the silk around your wrists and free your hands from his headboard. Stretching out his long powerful body above you. Flushed red now. Glistening. Though he left his tie there. He remained inside of you too. Filling you and stretching you full.
Gently, he pushed your legs down until they wrapped around him and he was able to rest his weight most carefully on top of you. Pressing wet kisses to your nose, your cheeks and chin. Worshipping your face with delicate touches and caresses.
“I’ll fly them out here whenever you want. When we get back from Switzerland, I’ll have them waiting for you.”
Softly you answered, reveling in his softness now that your body had been given her reward, her treat, her pleasure from his roughness. Smelling the musk of his sweat and feeling the wet glide between your bodies.
Leisurely, your hands found their way up his muscular arms to his shoulders. “You know what I mean. I won’t ever be their daughter again. I won’t ever be Wanda’s roommate. I’ll have to quit my job. Nothing will ever be the same.”
Those words, well, they settled uncomfortably in him.
All of them were true.
You would be giving up so much. He would have to make sure to take care of you even more so, keep a closer eye on you. He would need to have a talk with his mother come morning.
“That’s true,” Steve softly conceded, rubbing his nose along your own. Barely grazing his lips over yours. A hint of a tongue touched you before his breath danced over your mouth. “We would be together though. Finally together. You. Me. Not hiding anymore.”
Speaking of hiding.
That word alone had you pulling away from his mouth to lean to the side, to get a look down at his Adonis belt. At the alluring groove that led down to his pubes where your name was now in black.
Nay, your signature.
As if sensing what you were after, your boyfriend tilted up a smidge. Enough for you to see but not enough for him to leave your body. Pray tell that couldn’t happen.
“When did you do this?”
“Do you like it,” Steve asked, as if your opinion mattered. Which was laughable considering how permanent it was.
He’d literally took your signature and had it tattooed on his body.
“Of course I love it. Now you have a part of me on you all the time.” An incredibly modern take on Steve’s royal jewel gift thing, but in reverse you thought. Then grinned as it sank in. “I can’t believe you did it though.”
Why wouldn’t he have done it?
Steve hadn’t thought twice when Maria had gone on about getting her late mother’s writing tattooed on her side, in a lasting forever tribute. Having your writing on him at all times had been an idea that hadn’t left him. Not until he’d had a tattoo artist praised for their work brought to the palace late the other night.
He wasn’t even going to lie, king or not, there was something downright satisfying about having something like this hidden on his body from all. Known only by you and him. A secret only for you two.
Bringing him right back to the thought that the biggest secret the two of you shared would soon be out.
Soon it would be public knowledge and that had Steve brushing his fingertips over your cheeks, kissing the swell of your cheekbone and moving ever just so to make a small moan come from you. “You’ll never regret this. I’ll love you for the rest of my life. I’ll devote myself to making you happy. You’ll never regret becoming my queen.”
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iliumheightnights · 4 years ago
Making a post for my masterlist so it’s more available to everyone!  Want to send in a request? Take a look at my Characters and Fandoms I’ll write for here!
Check out my OC’s here!
We Have A Jedi:
[1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]  [6]  [7]  [8]  [9]  [10]  [11]  [12]  [13]  [14]  [15]  [16]  [17]  [18]  [19] [20] [21] [22] [23]
Ben Florian:
Bird Set Free (Cowritten with @inhumanshadows)
Anakin Skywalker:
Master and apprentice
Obi-Wan Kenobi:
By The Force
Luke Skywalker:
Han Solo:
Plan of Action
Din Djarin:
I See You
Fluff ABCS
Poe Dameron:
Head in the clouds
It’s called a cockpit for a reason (smut)
Piloting your heart
Crash Landing
A Lesson in Humility
Kylo Ren:
Prisoner (Smut)
Theron Shan:
Peace and Quiet
Ezra Bridger:
Not worth the price
Bring Him Home
Cal Kestis:
Ashes of Rebellion
Carth Onasi:
That’s my jacket
THE 100:
Bellamy Blake:
Here Be Dragons
Even Now?
Tony Stark:
Let me make you proud [2] [3]
No Matter What
Him [2]
Even Heroes Need Breaks
The Newbie
Peter Parker:
Movie Night
You’re Staring
Comfort Zone
Not Enough
To the Stars and Back (Smut)
Don’t tell Gordon Ramsay
The children are out future?
Fluff ABC’s
Relaxing Melody
I’m too young for this!
Steve Rogers:
From Shadows
Smut ABC
Fluff ABC
Like Before
Birthday Gift
Thor Odinson:
Bucky Barnes:
You Coward!
Family Recipe
Wrong Order
Scott Lang:
Rags and Riches
The Convention
Fluff ABC
Clint Barton:
Rescue Mission
Dearly Beloved
Robb Stark:
Jon Snow:
Wild Ones
Will Stronghold:
Hide and Sneak
Clark Kent/Superman:
For Forever
His Protector
Luckiest Man Alive
Bruce Wayne:
Valentine’s Dinner
Jacob Black:
Bending Boyfriend
Blanket Hog
Sam Uley:
What’s on your face?
Bending Boyfriend
Go the distance
Paul Lahote:
Bending Boyfriend
Bully Free Zone
One with nature
Jared Cameron:
The wolf and the moon
Just a phase
Bending Boyfriend
Three strikes you’re in
Embry Call:
A pack of our own
Bending Boyfriend
Three strikes you’re in
Quil Ateara:
A pack of our own
Bending Boyfriend
Three strikes you’re in
Carlisle Cullen:
Wake Up Call
Edmund Pevensie:
Take a Break
Let’s go in the Garden
Weekend Trip
Paint Your Feelings
Peter Pevensie:
Up’s and Downs
Nature’s Beauty
Moving On
Klaus Hargreeves:
Can you hear the angles?
Luther Hargreeves:
Donut Date
Diego Hargreeves:
David Nolan/Prince Charming:
Not my sister
Harvey Kinkle:
Hitting the Showers (Smut)
The Magic of Toys (Smut)
Baby’s First Spell
The Name
Nick Scratch:
Baby’s First Spell
Kark Scott:
Tales from Dinotopia
Paladin Danse:
Kaidan Alenko:
Carrying You
Cullen Rutherford:
You’re terrible at cards (Smut)
Under Covers
Secret Forest Kisses
Secret Forest Kisses
Secret Forest Kisses
Secret Forest Kisses
Daniel Stark:
Field Trip From Hell
The Siege Begins
965 notes · View notes
drarreckyninja · 3 years ago
Taken from @crystallized-iron
20 questions, writer’s edition!
How many works do you have on AO3?
As of today [19-06-2022], 240
What’s your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
129 as of today. I’m not listing them all, but here is the link to my dashboard [305unreal | Archive of Our Own] and I will list my current 10 most written: Sanders Sides; Recess; Gotham; Merlin (BBC); Marvel Cinematic Universe; House MD; Psych; Sherlock (BBC); The Big Bang Theory; Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'm Scared, Bobby (Buck/Eddie)
An AU of the effects in Outside Looking In: Lucy doesn’t take ‘no’ for an answer [one shot]
Welcome to the Building (Sheldon/Leonard)
1st in a series; Rewrite of the pilot with Sheldon and Leonard as husbands [continuing series]
Life and School between Heaven and Hell (a.k.a. High School of the Damned: The Reboot) (Multifandom)
Cowritten with my then-girlfriend; 30-40 something fandom crossover high school au [discontinued]
Call Me Devil, Don't Call Me Douche (Lucifer/Dan)
Rewrite of the pilot with Lucifer and Dan as boyfriends [likely one shot]
Thanks, 'Lijah (Klaus/Elijah)
Post-series 01 & early series 02; Elijah reads to Klaus when he’s vulnerable [continuing
 at some point]
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Sometimes, but usually only when I know I’m finished. Otherwise, I give a shoutout or answer questions in the next chapter/installment
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I had to dig through my fics, but Torture & Trust and Biting Remarks end pretty darkly
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics are continued in a series or are planned to continue, but Stephanie's Mother and Irina Katrina von Hapsonburg end in a bittersweet kinda happy way
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Yeah. something a guy could get addicted to
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yeah, but I just ignore it
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yeah, especially in the Copasetic-verse.  I’m not sure I understand what you mean by “what kind”, but
 gay sex, car sex, anal sex, dom/sub, protective, possessive, consensual non-consent, hand jobs, roleplay, boss/employee, semi-public sex, underage sex, oral sex, mating bond, t’hy’la. Does that cover what kind?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Uh, yeah but not on ao3. On my old wattpad account
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, a macdoc fic! Joindre le Phoénix 
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yea, there’s an ao3 account [Hillbilly_Leprechaun] that was operated by me and my ex. We cowrote a lot, uploading as one person. And when we first split, we were cowriting another, but it’s been some time now
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
My top 50 ships change monthly, but stuck at #1 currently is Spirk [Spock x Kirk, Star Trek TOS & AOS]
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Life and School between Heaven and Hell (a.k.a. High School of the Damned: The Reboot) – written by me and my ex
Dinners & Roommates
What are your writing strengths?
Descriptions & grammar?
What are your writing weaknesses?
Having too many ideas and not enough motivation
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Eh, I write Vulcan & Klingon (+ occasional Russian & Scottish) in Star Trek, Big Bang Theory; I write bits of French and Spanish in Sanders Sides; Austrian German and Hebrew in Gotham; Deutsch parody (+ occasional Japanese) in Phineas and Ferb; Latin in MCU & SCU; Icelandic in LazyTown; French in Sherlock; a multitude of different languages in other fandoms with an obnoxious and/or genius character
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
On ao3: Gotham (Nygmobblepot)
On ffn: WordGirl (Tobecky)
On wattpad: Fairly OddParents (no ship)
Overall: Hartslag (Daan & Arend)
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Fic: I’d say Ask Me Again 
Series: Copasetic-verse [7 works thus far]
tagging: @anxious-multishipper @heroes-trash @britsgovernmentmh @wgcore @crashpit & whoever wants to do it!
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nihonio · 3 years ago
Tumblr media
Vic/Niho/Any screen name. Any pronouns.
I'm from Argentina. A bunch of posts might be in spanish. 20+
Current interests are Hotline Miami, SCP and Dorohedoro. I don't post that much about 'em though.
I am active on the SCP wiki, sometimes. I write a lot for it and help run the visual design team in the hispanic wiki.
My main feats have been the SHRP series, about a special joint task force and their struggles within the SCP Foundation and themselves; and SCP-ES-300, the winner of it's respective contest about monsters. Both have been cowritten with my boyfriend, and illustrated by me and @xenogax so far.
OC Masterposts
Agent VĂ­ctor "LIGHTHOUSE" Penz Specialist Rex "PYRO" Turner [PENDING] Specialist Steffano "SEAMS" GonzĂĄlez [PENDING] Agent Marcelo "FIREWATCH" Oliveira [DATA LOST] Agent Dietrich "FREISCHÜTZ" Kösner [PENDING] Agent Germain "MUR" Solorza
commissions post
Tumblr media
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nb-octopus-writes · 5 years ago
Masterpost of Masterposts
[my AO3] [dA: Sanders Sides] [dA: general writing]
Link on the story title leads to the tumblr masterpost. AO3 and dA links lead to the first chapter on each site, or to the folder/collection, as applicable.
Collection Masterposts:
WIP Snippets Masterpost
tag: #wip snippet [Chrono]
If you have been reading my WIP Wednesday posts, and want to check on a specific tag, here’s the masterpost keeping them all organized.
Assorted Shorts
tag: #oneoff [Chronological link]
Various stories which have only one chapter.
tag: #noms [Chrono link]
A masterpost of everything on here with vore in it.
Story Masterposts:
College Crush AU
[AO3] [dA]
Status: Infinite Haitus
Roman and Virgil are roommates, and Roman’s been smitten since day one by how cute Virgil is. He accidentally confesses his adoration in the most embarrassing way possible.
A collection of very short stories.
Virgil the Wee Vampire
[AO3] [dA]
Status: In progress
Virgil is a six-inch-tall vampire who’s just lost his home to a Slayer. Shenanigans ensue when he tries to feed from an unsuspecting human and is captured instead.
[AO3] [dA]
Status: In progress
In a world where super-powers (and not-so-super-powers) are not uncommon, and where borrowers exist and are as likely to have powers as humans, borrower brothers Logan, Virgil, and Patton go through a fretful time when the human Roman captures one of their own.
Tom and Reggie
[AO3] [dA]
Status: All posted stories are complete, more stories are in the works
Tom (human, they/them) and Reggie (6″ tiny, he/him) are housemates and excellent friends, who often get up to shenanigans. Sometimes these are vorish shenanigans.
A collection of standalone short stories, which can be read in any order.
Humans are Weird
Status: All posted stories are complete, more stories are in the works
Assorted short stories with humans and aliens interacting. These can also be read in any order.
How Easy You Are to Knead
[AO3] [dA]
Status: complete
A fanfic of @delimeful​​’s wonderful fic, How Easy You Are to Need, partially inspired by this and this.
A Case of Mistaken Identity
[AO3] [dA]
part 1, part 2
Status: complete
Summary: Roman’s brother’s boyfriend tried to kiss him yesterday.
Danger Noodles
[AO3] [dA] [Quotev]
Cowritten with @that-prey-lounge!
Status: Complete.
Florida Man somehow befriends even the most dangerous of predators.
“I can’t eat him. He’s too cute to be food!”
Or: The time Patton’s sheer adorableness not only saved him from becoming a meal to twin giant nagas, but netted Logan a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that any scientist would envy.
(Note: There is vore in this story, but it's safe and soft when it occurs, and there are alternate, non-vore chapters for each of the chapters which contain vore!)
A Tale of Two Noms [AO3] [dA]
Inspired by a chat with @that-prey-lounge​
Status: Complete
Part 1: Tea Bath Interrupted
Summary: Patton was having a nice tea soak. Deceit was cold.
Part 2: Jelly As Far as the Eye Can See
Summary: Logan has a bad habit of derailing Remus's pranks without even noticing.
Not Just the Two of Us
[AO3] [deviantArt]
Status: In progress
Roman’s boyfriend is the best. Really. So why can’t he shake this crush?
Ships: Established logince, endgame LAMP without romantic analogical.
There’s a Snek in the Woods
[AO3] [Quotev] [dA]
Cowritten with the lovely @that-prey-lounge!
Status: Complete
Virgil is a giant naga and a single dad. His son, Logan, is far too curious for his own good.
Janus is on a lovely camping trip with his best friends, the Prince twins, and his therapy naga, Patton.
Their paths cross, and none of their lives will ever be the same.
A reverse AU of Danger Noodles, in which the nagas and the humans have been swapped.
For anyone curious about scales, Logan is 3x human sized, Virgil is 10x, and Patton is between 1/5th and 1/6th. Patton has the proportionally longest tail, about 10’, while Logan’s tail is around 50’-60’ and Virgil’s is over 200’.
once you’re in the hive, the other bees assume you’re supposed to be there
Status: In progress
Virgil accidentally gets absorbed by his best friend’s brother’s polycule.
In his defense, they keep feeding him every time they see him, and Patton’s cooking is really good.
91 notes · View notes
chuffyfan87 · 5 years ago
Hiding. Part 64a
Cowritten with @disastrousintention. Trigger warnings for discussion of abuse and rape.
The following Thursday morning Duffy reluctantly walked into the waiting room of the therapist's office. She sat down but couldn't couldn't sit still for long so began pacing nervously looking at her watch.
The therapist knew today’s session was going to be a tough one, she already knew Lisa wasn’t the kind of woman to open up easily so she’d already anticipated they’d butt heads. Five minutes before the start of the session, the therapist called Lisa through to her office.
Duffy sighed as she followed the therapist into her office.
“Take a seat, can I get you a glass of water?” She asked as she closed the door behind Lisa as she entered the room.
"Shame you've nothing stronger." Duffy replied as she sat down on the couch.
“It would be unethical for me to get my clients drunk or tipsy.”
"I knew you'd say that. I did briefly consider bringing something myself but I came by car."
The therapist took a seat opposite, “Thank you for returning. After last week, I didn’t think you’d want to come back.”
"I don't but I promised Charlie that I would give it a go."
“How are you feeling?”
"OK." Duffy shrugged.
“Just ok?” The therapist asked.
"OK isn't a bad thing." Duffy countered.
She smiled. “How’s your week been?”
“I can imagine you and your husband have your hands full with all seven children.”
"I'm trying to organise heading back to work soon too."
“And how do you feel about returning to work?”
"I'm looking forward to going back. Its hard work but I love my job."
“Did you always aspire to be a Sister of a department?” She asked, taking a sip of water. “Are you sure you don’t want a glass of water?”
"I wanted to prove myself. Show others that I was good enough."
“How old were you when you got the post?”
"Twenty eight. A few months before I had my eldest son."
“Did you not think you were too young for the responsibility?”
"I'd been a nurse for seven years at that point. Or are you talking about the responsibility of bringing up my son?"
“Either or. Taking on a new job and having a baby are two major changes. Each with their own individual responsibilities.”
"I coped. I had my friends around me. I didn't plan to do both at the same time but that's just the way these things work out." Duffy shrugged.
“Did you feel your relationship - friendship - with your husband at the time, influenced his decision to make you A&E Sister?”
"I didn't sleep with him til after he gave me the job if that's what you're insinuating."
“I wasn’t insinuating anything.”
"Really?" Duffy replied, her eyebrow raised. "You're not the first to imply I slept my way to promotion and frankly it pisses me off."
“You don’t like the idea of people thinking that?”
"Would you? People thinking you only got the job you have because you know how to please the boss in the bedroom."
“I wouldn’t like it no.” She replied, “Do people still think that now?”
"If they do they wouldn't dare say it to my face. Or within Charlie's earshot."
A smile tugged at the corner of her lips, “What happens if you or, heaven forbid, Charlie hears?”
"People have had their heads taken off in the past."
“I wonder why.” She smiled. “Have you done anything significant this week?”
"We both feel that what we do outside of work shouldn't matter."
“Care to elaborate on that?”
"What do you mean? Surely it's obvious. Two people can sleep together and still be professional enough to do their jobs together."
“Hmm, that’s true.” She paused, “Has your relationship ever caused problems at work?”
"I don't think so. Others may disagree though."
The therapist nodded and was silent for a moment or two. “Can we discuss what happened to you?”
"Which of my many 'traumas' would you be referring to?" Duffy asked, a tad sarcastically.
“Your rape. In 1986, wasn’t it?”
"It was."
“Did you know the man who assaulted you?”
“How did it make you feel?”
"Like shit." Duffy rolled her eyes, what a stupid question!
“Tell me exactly how it made you feel.”
"How do you think it made me feel? I'd been dragged to the ground and violated amongst the rubbish whilst the rain lashed down on me."
“Talk me through what happened that night. Everything.”
"Where do you want me to start? When I got up?"
“From the beginning of your day, yes.”
"Well I was working nights back then so my days were a little back to front."
“Nights are tough.”
"I don't mind them."
“So the beginning of your night? Start from there?”
"I woke up late. I'd gone for breakfast with my boyfriend after my previous shift and, well, we'd gotten distracted and I lost track of the time."
“I see. So what happened then?”
"I rushed around getting ready. The cats needed sorting out. It was chucking down with rain outside and then I noticed that there was water on the draining board."
“You had a leak?”
"Yeh, my kitchen ceiling. I tried to call work and let them know but I couldn't get through."
The therapist nodded but didn’t speak, allowing her to continue.
"So in the end I had to leave it and hope it didn't get worse overnight. Not that I was sure how I'd afford to get it fixed." Duffy sighed. "That was a big mistake coz I came home the next day to quite a big hole in my kitchen ceiling and water seeping through my floor into the flat downstairs."
“I’m sorry to hear that. Were the cats ok?”
"Yeh, they'd hidden in my bedroom and torn my sheets to shreds."
She smiled, “What happened when you left for work?”
"I missed the bus."
“And then...?”
"I tried to call to tell them I was going to have to walk but the phone box was broken."
“It wasn’t your night, was it?”
"Not really. I could already hear in my head the ear bashing I was going to get from Charlie when I finally showed my face."
“He cares a lot about you.”
"I knew he'd be cross. It was the second time that week that I'd been late. Fifth time that month..."
“What was the reason for your persistent lateness?” She asked, aware they were drifting away from the main conversation.
"I was young and trying to burn the candle at both ends."
“Ah.” She smiled, “Had you walked to work that way before?”
"A couple of times when I was really late. There was a better lit route but that took longer."
“Where was it you were raped?”
"By the steps."
“What steps?”
"Easter steps."
“Tell me what happened when you got to the steps. Take your time.”
"I debated whether to turn down the alleyway or not. The rain was getting heavier so in the end I decided to take the shortcut."
“What happened next?”
"I heard a groan. I thought someone was hurt. It's a requirement of my job to stop and help if I'm able to."
“So you did. And then what happened?”
"He was crouched on the floor. I asked if he was OK."
“You can stop at any point.” She said gently.
"I asked if he was OK. He didn't reply so I tried to take his pulse."
The therapist watched her. Wondering whether this was a good idea or not...
"He looked so helpless yet moved so fast. I couldn't escape."
“He grabbed you?”
Duffy nodded, looking down at her boots.
“What else happened?”
"He, um, he dragged me to the ground. I screamed but no-one heard me."
The therapist moved and got Duffy a glass of water. She placed it in front of her before sitting back down. “Would you like to continue?”
"Why did no-one hear me?" Duffy whispered. "I tried to fight but I wasn't strong enough."
“Were you still on the steps at this point?”
"Next to them."
“Talk me through what happened afterwards?”
"He held my wrists. My knees scraped against the ground."
There was silence on the therapist's part.
"He pushed me face down into the ground."
The therapist allowed Duffy to continue but swallowed hard. This was raw.
"I thought he might..." Duffy paused, attempting to compose herself. "But then he threw me onto my back."
She knew it was probably the only time Duffy had ever properly opened up about being a victim of rape.
"I'm not sure if it would've been better if he'd done it whilst I was face down. I wouldn't have had to look at his face the entire time if he had." Duffy shuddered, squeezing her eyes shut.
“You’re doing really well. If you want to stop at any point, just say so.”
"If I stop now you'll only make me come back another day and start all over again." Duffy sighed.
“Would you like to continue?”
Duffy sighed. "I froze, just willing it to be over quickly." She mumbled.
“Freezing is a natural process when our body and minds go through trauma.”
"I started to cry, it hurt so much."
The therapist wondered whether it would help. Being so open and honest.
"He didn't say a word the whole time. No threats, no taunts. Nothing."
She moved the tissues closer in case Duffy needed them.
"Once it was over he just stood up, rezipped his trousers and strolled off as though nothing had happened."
“What did you do?”
"I pulled my knickers and tights back on as best I could."
“Did anyone find you? Did you go to work?”
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latetothegreysparty · 7 years ago
Master Post
I’ve gotten several requests for a master post, so here you go. Please let me know if any of these links don’t work for you.
Stand Alones: Empty - post 14x08 anon prompt from omeliafics Black or Red - Amelia trying out the “friends who can talk to each other” thing with Owen 365 Days - anon prompt in which Amelia is injured and given opiates in the hospital Mistletoe Moments - fluffy story about a Grey-Sloan Christmas party Crazy - prompt from several anons about everyone worrying about Amelia at work after her tumor removal All of Me - Amelia finds herself pregnant and struggles with the emotions from the unicorn baby Shower Wars - anon prompt about Owen and Amelia being roommates after the divorce and Amelia taking the shower when Owen wanted to use it Sliver of Light - anon prompt also in the roommates story line in which Amelia is scared by a horror movie Heartbeat - anon prompt in which Amelia has a patient who has one of her unicorn baby’s organs Crop Tops and Hooker Heels - anon prompt in which Charlotte and Addison come to town for a case and stay with Owen Just Listen - request involving Amelia telling Owen about her experiences in LA Dates and Skates - super fluffy piece involving an ice-skating date Baby Steps - anon prompt in which Owen takes care of Amelia while she is recovering from her tumor removal Favorite Patient - anon prompt in which Amelia needs a tonsillectomy but is hesitant to schedule it Intern Wars - Owen’s interns are behaving oddly and he wants to know why Peacocking - cowritten with @omeliathehurricane for an anon prompt about Tom Koracick coming back, Owen finding out that he slept with Amelia, and Owen getting jealous Valentine’s Day - fluffy piece about an Omelia Valentine’s Day I Love That Laugh - request involving the line: “Fuck, I love that laugh.” Ginger Ninja - cowritten with @omeliathehurricane for an anon prompt about the episode in which Owen is injured by razor wire Playing Grab-Ass - prompt in which Owen is not pleased when Amelia changes her pants in front of Alex, Maggie, and Meredith while not wearing underwear Expert Hands - anon prompt in which Ellis Shepherd gets hurt and Amelia finds out and comes to help Extreme Measures - fic cowritten with @omeliathehurricane about Amelia trying to help Owen understand how much effort she puts into maintaining her sobriety Bosses, Brothers, and Boyfriends - anon prompt in which Owen talks to Derek about Amelia Learning from the Best - anon prompt in which Amelia helps Derek with the kids when Meredith is visiting Cristina Happy - Kimmie confides in Amelia Puppy Eyes - Omelia’s daughter, Ella, gets herself into a bit of trouble trying to get a cookie Bro Code - Amelia has been helping Owen out with Leo when she comes to a realization Sugar and Spice - fic cowritten with @omeliathehurricane about Omelia’s daughter, Madison, attempting to use her charm on Owen Tequila and Rubber Ducks - fic cowritten with @omeliathehurricane in which a dinner party in honor of Arizona ends in Amelia taking care of a drunk Maggie Accidents Happen - anon prompt in which Omelia’s child wets the bed and Amelia comforts her The Daily Grind - fic cowritten with @omeliathehurricane about a certain way Amelia likes to mess with Owen
Multi-Part: In the Name of Research - Part 1, Part 2 - Increasingly smutty two-parter AU about Amelia participating in Carina’s research, but she doesn’t have a tumor Bedtime - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 - fluffy three-parter about Owen and Amelia putting Meredith’s children to bed Fashion Faux Pas and Meeting Mishaps, Meeting - Fashion Faux Pas and Meeting Mishaps is from an anon prompt in which Owen’s friends are in town and embarrass him, Meeting is from a request for a follow-up Recertification - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4/One-Liners #10 - Amelia has to attend a class to get recertified in life support Shepherd Children, Riding Horses - Amelia, Maggie, and Meredith have a girls’ night at Owen’s house while he watches Meredith’s kids Biking Blunders - Part 1, Part 2 - anon prompt in which Owen has the idea to do a tandem bike tour, and Amelia gets hurt Bastard - Part 1, Part 2 - based on the elevator scene from the 14x14 promo, gets rather smutty Carsickness - Part 1, Part 2 - anon prompt from omeliafics in which Omelia’s child gets carsick Being Female - Part 1, Part 2 - anon prompt in which Omelia are babysitting Meredith’s kids and Zola gets her first period Home, To Build a Home - Owen discovers firsthand the heartbreak that can come with foster parenting CT - Part 1, Part 2 - anon prompt in which Owen is injured and Amelia is his emergency contact Intern Wars - Part 1, Part 2/One-Liners #6 - Owen’s interns are behaving oddly and he wants to know why
Mosaic - a multi-chapter fic dealing with the aftermath of the divorce (currently on hold): Chapter 1 - Family Dinner Chapter 2 - Morning Bustle Chapter 3 - More Messes  Chapter 4 - Step Back
Enough - a multi-chapter fic that starts with Amelia visiting the NICU on her birthday: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
She Gets That From You - a series of one shots in which Omelia reminisce about each others’ traits that they see in their daughter, Ella: Blowing Off Steam The Pose Chicken Scratch Love is an Open Door
One-Liners - I reblogged a numbered list of single-line quotations and asked my followers for prompts. I received a ton. Instead of naming them all, I’ve just numbered them: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6/Intern Wars Part 2 #7 #8 #9 #10/Recertification Part 4 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17
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ao3feed-zarry · 7 years ago
Dirty Yoga (A One Direction Fan Fiction)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NUtZHN
by larry_love23
WARNING: This isn't a Larry Story..... or issssss ittttttt? ;)
Harry and Niall take a yoga class, where they meet a sexy instructor named Louis. Harry and Louis seem to fancy each other, but Louis has unfinished business with his co-instructor Zayn. Harry's ex boyfriend Liam adds to the drama, stirring the pot in ways no one could imagine. And Niall Is just trying to figure out if he's gay or not - and why he can never get the fuck out of the friendzone.
Brought to you by two die hard Larry shippers, this story tests the boundaries of every imaginable ship, and answers questions you didn't even know you had. No one ship is guaranteed to pair off - in fact, they may all just end up doing doggy together.
OR THE ONE WHERE.... Niall is a cop, Harry is a drug dealer, Lou and Zayn are yoga instructors and Liam is a barista. There are love triangles, love rectangles, sexual discoveries, jealousy and angst.
Did we mention Shawn Mendes and Ed Sheeran are in here? Because they are!
*Explicit sexual content (includes BDSM, orgies, etc.)*
Cowritten with @SullenLarry. It's written 50/50, just posting on my account!
So yeah, buckle up. This is OT5.
Words: 2673, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Shawn Mendes, Ed Sheeran, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan
Relationships: Niall Horan/Shawn Mendes, Niall Horan/Harry Styles, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik/Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik/Liam Payne, Zayn Malik/Harry Styles, Liam Payne/Harry Styles
Additional Tags: OT5, Kinky, BDSM, onedirection, Fivesome, Threesome, Explicit Sexual Content, Top Louis, Bottom Harry, Bottom Zayn, Top Liam, BoyxBoy, zouis, zarry - Freeform, larry stylinson - Freeform, Narry - Freeform, Lirry - Freeform, Shiall, LGBT, Love Triangle, zianourry - Freeform, Gay Niall, drama romance, Emotional Rollercoaster, Discovery, Insecure Harry, Damaged Louis
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NUtZHN
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scarletarrrrr · 7 years ago
Chapters: 16/? Fandom: One Direction (Band) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Niall Horan/Shawn Mendes, Niall Horan/Harry Styles, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik/Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik/Liam Payne, Zayn Malik/Harry Styles, Liam Payne/Harry Styles Characters: Shawn Mendes, Ed Sheeran, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan Additional Tags: OT5, Kinky, BDSM, onedirection, Fivesome, Threesome, Explicit Sexual Content, Top Louis, Bottom Harry, Bottom Zayn, Top Liam, BoyxBoy, zouis, zarry - Freeform, larry stylinson - Freeform, Narry - Freeform, Lirry - Freeform, Shiall, LGBT, Love Triangle, zianourry - Freeform, Gay Niall, drama romance, Emotional Rollercoaster, Discovery, Insecure Harry, Damaged Louis Summary:
Harry and Niall take a yoga class, where they meet a sexy instructor named Louis. Harry and Louis seem to fancy each other, but Louis has unfinished business with his co-instructor Zayn. Harry's ex boyfriend Liam adds to the drama, stirring the pot in ways no one could imagine. And Niall Is just trying to figure out if he's gay or not - and why he can never get the fuck out of the friendzone.
Brought to you by two die hard Larry shippers, this story tests the boundaries of every imaginable ship, and answers questions you didn't even know you had. No one ship is guaranteed to pair off - in fact, they may all just end up doing doggy together.
OR THE ONE WHERE.... Niall is a cop, Harry is a drug dealer, Lou and Zayn are yoga instructors and Liam is a barista. There are love triangles, love rectangles, sexual discoveries, jealousy and angst.
Did we mention Shawn Mendes and Ed Sheeran are in here? Because they are!
*Explicit sexual content (includes BDSM, orgies, etc.)*
Cowritten with @SullenLarry. It's written 50/50, just posting on my account!
So yeah, buckle up. This is OT5.
0 notes
donutloverxo · 4 years ago
Call it what you want (4/7)
Tumblr media
Cowritten with lizzygal
Summary - Picking up three months after you and Steve met on your fateful date, courtesy of a SugarDaddy website, things are progressing. Life continues to move along.
Steve is continuing to adjust to life as a private citizen, doing his work and building a life with you.
You're adjusting to life with Steve, searching for that safe place for the special kids under your care and moving on post-Blip with Steve at your side.
New challenges arise as the two of you discover the depths of your shared passion, what you'll do for the other and exactly how well you and your Daddy are matched for one another.
Warnings - 18+ only, explicit sexual content, sugar daddy/baby relationship, spanking, power imbalance, age gap **Content Warning** for violence and fighting.
Pairing - Steve Rogers x reader
Wildest dreams masterlist
Read on AO3
A sneak peak...
It was wrong.
It was so so wrong.
Steve knew it was wrong in so many ways and yet, he couldn’t help himself. He was like one of those men possessed he’d heard about on the TV. Clearly, he’d lost all ability to reason and think straight and function, like a rational human being and why?
All you had on was a pair of your baggy holey jeans. A t-shirt that had a tiger on it. Far from lingerie, or that really short dress that he deemed entirely inappropriate. Although that wasn’t entirely true. You had on something else.
Laundry basket practically overflowing. When you’d dropped it with a sound noise on the floor, laundry slid off the side. It was a quarter past one so short of waking the sleeping baby in her playpen, Steve figured no one upstairs would have heard it or your swearing that followed.
Spread out on the marble topped kitchen island was a map of the greater upstate New York area. Between him and Banner, the pair had been able to find nearly one hundred property owners, surnames starting with a X, throughout rural areas with over five acres of property and dating back fifty years.
Before any trips were made upstate to go looking for this school, run by the elusive Professor X, that number was going to need to come down significantly. Which had been what the two of you and occasionally Yelena, had been up to over the past few days and nights.
Although on this night, it seemed, you had a far higher calling.
In the brighter colors of your kitchen. Bright pink and copper splashed walls with white marble counters and cabinets, twinkle lights all over, Steve’s attention lifted from the marked-up map and his laptop, where he focused solely on you.
As you reached up to grab the plastic container of detergent pods, muttering about conditions of sanitation up in the bedroom that Kurt and Bruce shared, making your shirt lift up and your loose jeans ride down, to expose a distinct elastic band on your waist.
Hugo Boss.
Naturally, this caught Steve’s keen eye.
You were wearing his underwear.
You were wearing his underwear.
How long had you been wearing his underwear? How often did this happen? Did you enjoy wearing his underwear? How had this not come to his attention sooner?
The next thing Steve knew, he had you shoved up against the washing machine, jeans and his underwear shoved down your hips. What followed was all flesh and tongue and fingers, panting and pleading and now, now, he had you over the kitchen counter. Feet dangling off the floor. Baggy boyfriend jeans and his briefs down around your ankles. Pistoning in and out of you from behind. Your ass lifted to a absolute perfect height for him, allowing him to slide into your wet welcoming pussy, again and again.
A trail of your combined cum ran down the insides of both your thighs.
Wet smacking noises came between the two of you each time he sank in, bottomed out against your cervix, then pulled out, again and again. Fingers stroked your slimy clit knowingly, as they had for your past two orgasms.
Your face was smashed against the counter. Eyes already so far in the back of your head you wouldn’t be shocked if they got stuck there, because Steve was going to make you come again. Around him, your body tightened, clenched, repeatedly kissed his cock as it sank in and out of you relentlessly, almost furiously.
All you could do was take it.
All you could do was cling to the Finding Nemo Cookie jar, arch your back, dig your nails into the colorful ceramic and take it. Take his cock. Take the kisses he pressed against the curve of your exposed neck, since your t-shirt was still in place. For now.
All you could do was take everything he gave you, every last drop that he released into your body and that you could feel dripping down the inside of your thighs.
Steve came so much. In copious amounts. Cum rolled down your thighs. Cum dropped down onto the floor. It squished and squelched noisily. Even his balls slapped against your slippery body. As if reminding you of all he still had to give.
“Gonna marry you one day,” he breathed against your neck, hips powering into you. Fingers swirling around the gooey mess of your pussy.
Against the counter you breathed.
Your breath fogging up the marble. “Yes Daddy
Pump. Pump. Pump.
“Gonna put a ring on your finger. Let everyone know you belong to me.””
A cry, a whine.
More fog on the white marble.
Squish. Squish. Squish.
Your nails dug into the cookie jar and gained no traction.
Fuck did his cock feel so good. So thick. So wonderful sawing over your G-Spot in this position like you were a fucking log his dick was trying to saw in half.
“Gonna be mine. Mine forever.”
Steve’s tongue ran up your sweaty spine but you were too fucked out to care. By that point, he’d given you two back to back orgasms, you were working on a third and his fingers were applying that exact perfect amount of pressure on your clit
His penis was so damn big you swore it hit the back of your throat at times.
Pump. Squish.
Pump. Squish.
Smack. Smack. Smack.
“Gonna give you my name. You want Daddy’s name? You want everyone to know you belong to Daddy? Want everyone to know only Daddy fucks this pussy? Only I get to come in it. No one else. No one else gets to flood this cunt like me. Only Daddy’s fiancĂ©e gets all of Daddy’s cum.”
Holy Christ on a stick and the saints above, you were almost coming, Steve was slamming into you just right, hitting you in that exact spot
exactly like you needed, strumming your clit in exactly that right way
saying the most absolute filthy honest to god true things you ever heard in your life.
“Answer me princess.” Hips snapped into the backs of your thighs, hard enough to pin your thighs to the cabinets. Making you know for a fact the handle would be imprinted on your hip and you didn’t care. “Do you want Daddy’s name?”
Oh hell yes you wanted Daddy’s name.
You wanted to write out his name after yours, you wanted him to brand you with it like you were property and officially belong to him in every way under the sun. And that was what made you keen, made you start to float on his dick. All while getting pummeled into the counter and feeling like the luckiest girl in the whole world.
“Want Daddy to wear a ring,” you whispered, hugging the cookie jar full of Oreos that you’d be getting into. If you came again, if Steve ever came. Or if the two of you did come again, if you’d ever get tired of saying these filthy things to one another, egging on another, making one another feel so goddamn amazing. “Want Daddy all to myself.” And clearly, you were no better than Steve.
Squish. Squish. Squish.
Cum seeped out of you. It made the insides of your thighs wet. You could feel it drip and dribble down. Steve’s mouth was pressed against your cheek, tasting your skin, nipping at your jaw. His tongue wet. Fingers skillfully plucking away at your clit, as if you weren’t melting down up on the counter beneath him.
“Sweetie you have Daddy,” he assured you. Licked you. Pounded into you like a man possessed on this one thing only. Hitting your inside wall right. Making your legs shake each time. “Daddy belongs to you. Only you.”
Steve’s hand snaked up your shirt, up beneath your bra to clasp your breast tightly.
Against the counter you cried out. Surprised at the sudden touch. Turned on. So turned on. His hand gripped your tit tight and rubbed your nipple hard enough to send hot white fire to your core.
“Fuck Daddy
” you breathed out.
“Tell Daddy. Daddy already belongs to you. Daddy’s only yours. Why would you say you want Daddy all to yourself? Tell Daddy and he’ll fuck you so good, he’ll stick his tongue up in your pussy and lick you clean how you like.”
Oh god.
Oh dear god.
How could he say that? How?
“Stick your tongue in my pussy Daddy. Daddy’s tongue belongs there.” Daddy’s tongue belonged in your pussy all the time. No one could ever put their tongue on you quite like Steve.
And then came a cracking of glass.
A sharp tinkling of glass. A breaking really.
A what in the ever-lasting fuck was that sort of sound?
It had Steve pausing behind you. It had you opening your eyes. It even had Sparky waking up in her cloth playpen by the kitchen doorway. It pierced the absolute bliss of your moment together like a knife in a cake.
What came next was ice cold sobering.
It most successfully killed the mood faster than a Sparky fire, or that time Anna-Marie walked in on Steve going down on you with much enthusiasm.
More glass breaking. Followed by a deadbolt being turned, out in the front entrance area, out around the corner.
It was a familiar sound and had Steve most expediently pulling out of you, yanking up his own jeans and buttoning them. Not that you weren’t a few steps behind him. Your own briefs you’d borrowed when you realized that you were all out of clean undies, or Yelena was out and had raided your dresser for clean panties, that very morning.
Out in the front room, you heard the front door slam open. Hitting the wall out there soundly.
Up next went your jeans and you’d only just managed to secure them into place, because time was something of an issue.
Someone was in the house.
Someone was coming in your house!
All slap and tickle time had come to a stop and right as you were about to have your third orga
and you literally ran into the back of Steve. Steve who had suddenly stopped, at the sight of the beast in your living room. Because that was what was in your living room. A beast. Some type of human animal creature and out from your mouth came in shocked surprise. “What the fuck is that!”
Not who, as you did not give a shit who. The whom was not important. It was the what, because whatever it was, was not entirely human.
Yeah, sure, it was walking around all bipedal on two legs and wore men’s clothing.
However, you noted it had long claw nails on the ends of human hands. Long blonde hair and sniffed at the air, turning, until it set eyes on the two of you. Dark eyes that were most definitely not human. And yeah, sure, this dudes face could have been humanish.
His peopley nose scrunched up as he sniffed, taking both you and Steve in.
Steve actually had the audacity to hold his hand back, as if to prevent you from running forward to fight this cat. Like you were about to go defend Steve from this WWE sized manbeast that when he curled up a lip, you got a good look at teeth that belonged on a tiger.
The audacity!
He was huge. He was absolutely huge and you had no goddamn idea what to do now. What were you supposed to do? Call 911? To tell them that bigfoots cousin catman was in your brownstone? Demand they send animal control immediately?
“Get back.” Steve ordered you firmly. Soundly. It was very much a command and you very much weren’t about to argue with a man who fought the mad titan.
Steve too felt a certain sort of way at the sight of this person in his home. This obviously enhanced man in his home, where you and all the kids were sleeping soundly upstairs. God was he big. Easily five or six inches taller than Steve, at least fifty more pounds of muscle. Whoever this was moved with ease.
As it looked around, it’s gaze lingering over you and then Sparky, Steve felt his own chest kick up, he could feel his body prepare to fight.
Yeah, he was going to have to fight. He knew that for sure before the enhanced person approached, eyes on Sparky in her little playpen.
“Get Sparky. Get behind the kitchen island.”
Something upstairs crashed, broke, shattered really.
Someone was upstairs too, you realized, around the time you grabbed the curious baby.
Wearing her purple onesie. Dark curls nearly long enough to pull up. Her big brown eyes watched with gleeful wonder, as the big hairy man lot out a godawful roar, then ran into the kitchen where the three of you were.
Continue reading on ao3
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