#this one took me a crazy long time to do but i'm super proud of how it turned out
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pyr0bot-art · 1 year ago
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lilybug-02 · 1 year ago
Happy 2 Year Anniversary to The Chara Timeline ✨
I FINALLY made drawing references for you guys, yippie!✨
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It’s wild how long I’ve been working on this comic without reference sheets. I’m never that consistent with my art style, so I figured it was a waste of time 🫥💀😔 this is my first full comic okay…
Thoughts and Feelings About the Comic Below ❤️💖💕💞
Wow. It’s been 2 years??? I thought I would be done with this comic in 2 months! I don’t know whether to feel worried or accomplished!!
(With months between each update, I understand why it’s been 2 years. I’m a slow writer and artist and well- many things have come up in my life that had to come first, like my sisters wedding! 💞 and college 😅)
I want to thank my family and friends (WHO DO NOT READ THIS COMIC- THANK GOD) 💕 AND I want to THANK YOU! The readers! 💐💐
You guys are relentless! I’m as impatient as traffic and yet you guys wait for weeks or months at a time for like 4 pages?! You guys don’t even complain!!! I truly want to thank you all for that ❤️ it helps me so much. Being busy and getting burnt out are common and it helps me feel relaxed that i'm not on a timer. Literally tho- you guys keep this comic chugging I swear. Tysm 💐
Unorganized rambling about the comic ahead :) ⭐️🔥
My feelings with this comic are actually so complicated. On one hand I hate looking at my older art because GOD IT LOOKS SO OFF I want to stab it, and then on the other hand I am so so proud of myself for even continuing it this far. Ngl the weird route has been one of my favorite parts of this comic. It took me FOREVER to figure out an ending, but damn do I still get chills >:) hehe.
I’m still miffed that I named this project “Deltarune: The Chara Timeline” I could have gone for something so much COOLER. Doesn’t help I use like 7 different titles for it either. We got Deltarune the Chara timeline, Deltarune chara timeline, THE Chara timeline, chara timeline, Ct??? Man,,, I’m crazy. I take after my family so hard. We have 3 names for each of our dogs 💀.
Comic/Animation Tip i have learned. It is VERY GOOD to make the character relatively simple in design. Shape language is also super important, ((but I never really got around to doing that before I was half way through the comic, woops.)) These things can make ur process go by so much faster. This whole comic has been a HUGE learning curve. LIKE OH MY GOD. I had to learn how to draw backgrounds, write dialogue, plan a story, learn how to draw fast and draw noses (which god damn I really still can’t). And I had to learn how the heck to squeeze art into a tiny page and make it not look grainy. It's intense!
Anyways.... this has been such an awesome opportunity! Thanks Toby Fox!
I totally ran out of “art time” for my iPad and wanted to finish this today. So it’s a bit rushed. I’ll add weapons and possibly the other characters later :)
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Oh shi- I forgot to add this grainy image of the next few pages lmao
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leighaltieri · 6 months ago
stu macher with a ghostface obsessed s/o
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request: Perchance stu x reader who's just like low-key obsessed with the ghost face case and talks Abt it all the time
warnings: gn reader, mentions of murder & blood
notes: sorry this took so long to get to you! i've been super busy with work but i hope you like it <3
scream masterlist
when casey becker and steven orth were murdered, you were fascinated by their deaths
you were always coming up with theories about who the killer could be
you'd share them with your friend group and occasionally they'd make fun of you
"hey, you ever think maybe y/n's the killer? i mean, c'mon, they're always talking about the murders! bet they're just trying to throw us off, acting all innocent and stuff!" your boyfriend stu teased
"yeah right. if i was the killer, you'd already be dead" you laughed, shoving him playfully
when you eventually got a call from the killer, you were excited but also kinda freaked out
"i've heard you can't stop talking about me. i'm flattered, y/n, really"
you wondered if he was one of your friends
you only talked about the murders with your friend group, and he somehow knew about those conversations
you looked out of your window and saw him in your backyard.
you waved, grinning at him
"i can see you!" you teased
he waved back, gripping his knife
"you wanna come in? maybe take that mask off?" you asked, half joking
he shook his head
"not tonight, babe. gotta keep you guessing. you'll find out who i am eventually."
he hung up the phone, and you processed what he'd just said
only one person ever called you babe
the next day, stu climbed through your window at night
"it's you, isn't it? you're the killer?" you said, smirking at him
“who, me? you've been watching too many horror movies."
"i know it's you. you called me babe on the phone last night"
"you really think it's me? ouch, babe!"
you just looked at him, a knowing smile on your face
"you know, i'm still convinced it's you," he teased "you're like obsesed with the murders, it's kinda freaky"
"you know it's not me"
he leaned in closer to you, you could feel his breath on your face
"what would you do if i was the killer? you gonna run away screaming?"
"is that your way of admitting that it's you?" you laughed
"i guess i'd have to help you out"
he looked at you in surprise "you're serious?"
"dead serious"
he looked at you for a moment, you could see the wheels turning in his head
"you're crazier than i am, babe" he grinned
"maybe i am" you stood on tiptoes to kiss him
you made out for ages
he stayed the night, your arms wrapped around him so he didn't fall out of your twin size bed
he's so tall
he loves how crazy you are <3
you helped him and billy kill everyone else
billy didn't trust you at first but stu convinced him to let you help
he thought you'd tell the cops everything but you could never do that to stu
stu is so so proud of you
he loves watching you stab the shit out of people
he'd rip his mask off to kiss you, pulling you close with his bloody hands
he'd get blood all over your face and clothes but you didn't care
you're the murder duo ever
billy loomis who
sid would never suspect you and honestly i think the 3 of you would stand a good chance of killing her
especially if she killed stu with the tv
you would never let her get away with that
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femnoah · 5 days ago
I’m so curious, how would the rest of the cast react once it’s revealed that ‘Noah’ is actually Neha?
Plus I could only imagine Neha revealing this information in either a very dramatic way (ie a challenge where they have to tell a secret) or be hilariously nonchalant about it and acting like she thought everyone knew the whole time just to mess with the cast
Owen's reaction is basically just "my little buddy is even more adorable!" He takes his job given to him (ward off the pretty boys) by the brothers even more seriously after the reveal.
Most of the cast are just shocked.
Lindsey and Beth try to befriend her.
Heather begrudgingly respects her for it.
Justin feels like ripping his hair out cause 'Noah' may not be the first guy to not show interest in him but Neha is definitely the first girl, it just convinces him more that she's secretly a demon.
Alejandro has an 'oh shit' moment.
I've got so many different scenarios for the reveal but they mainly fall into three categories:
Third party in the future
Her family reveal it
Reveal in the competition
Third party in the future:
She does achieve her dreams of working as a host and becomes super famous (as Neha). She gets invited on a big talk show (one with a live audience, Eva and Izzy are in said audience cause they're proud of their sister) and is asked about her first experience in show biz.
She mentions total drama and the host gives her a pitying look, asking if she worked as an intern on the show. Neha just laughs and says she was one of the original contestants. Obviously, the host and audience are confused because they don't remember the girl in the first couple seasons.
(I honestly believe that Chris made intros for the more iconic groups after World Tour to reel in more viewers and since team escope were the fan favourites, they definitely got one and it became famous)
She gets Izzy and Eva to come up on stage with her and Izzy hands her something. She ties her hair back, prods at her throat a couple of times before nodding to Eva who presses a button on her phone. The three girls then turn around so their backs are to the audience.
Chris' voice rings out and there are a couple of gasps from those in the audience who recognise the intro.
"They're the nightmares of manipulative pretty boys! They're the natural enemies to the sane and the nice! They're the very unlikely friend group! They are-"
Neha turns around posing with her one hand on her cocked hip, with the wig on her head and in a very familiar deeper, snarky voice says "The brains"
Eva then turns around, cracking her knuckles and grinning in a feral like way and says "The brawn"
Izzy turns around and jumps on the two so that her arms are around the girls' shoulders and chirps out "And the Crazy!"
Chris' voice continues out from the phone's speakers "It's everybody's favourite trio.... Teaaaaaaam Escooope!"
It becomes a viral meme and coincidentally how a lot of the cast found out that she was a girl.
The host then asks about how and why she managed to keep this from the whole world for so long and she shrugs in response.
"my brothers bet me that I couldn't do it so I did, then I kinda forgot I did it"
"were any of the other cast mates aware that you were a girl all along?"
"I-" she furrows her eyebrows and thinks for a second. "I literally have no idea, I can't remember if I told any of them or anything..... Did I?" she looks to the other two girls for help.
"No clue!!"
"dunno why you're asking me, I barely talked to any of them"
She turns back to the host "I'm going to say I did because I feel like either I did tell them or I thought about doing it, I honestly can't remember though"
She did not in fact tell any of them.
Her family reveal it
After World tour (ridonculous race isn't canon in this) had finished and most of the competitors had went home, Team Escope took a selfie on the Hawaii set in their total drama outfits. The only difference was that Neha wasn't wearing her wig, instead Izzy had it on on top of her hair, in a way you can tell it is a wig. It was posted on Eva's social media account captioned 'when one of your best friends cons the entire world and her competitors into thinking she was a boy for three seasons because of a bet #teamescope'. It goes viral.
The other one is that after World Tour the families come to pick up the contestants (free trip to Hawaii), talk with the staff and mingle. It's pretty calm until the doors slam open and a hoard of attractive guys come in (Katie faints and Justin looks offended) and practically runs towards the resident snark. A gorgeous woman trails in after them looking highly amused.
By now everybody who's in the room is watching them wondering what's going on (Alejandro is mildly horrified because that's A LOT of what he assumes to be brothers based on how old they look).
'Noah' gets lifted up so 'he's' sitting on one of the guys shoulders and all of the brothers just start chanting "Neha!" Like they're at a football match.
The woman walks over to Izzy and Eva who are just laughing at the antics and they start getting fussed over by said woman. Everybody else is confused.
'Noah' is flushed bright red and basically begging "put me down!!".
The woman then makes her way over to the larger group with the other two girls in tow and gives them a look. 'Noah' is put down and she starts fussing over 'him' as well.
"Mamaaa!" She whines as her mama just peppers face with kisses in front of everyone, she had a reputation to uphold dammit!
"Aww, my कीमती छोटी लोमड़ी, I'm so proud of you!!" Her mama replied, clearly not getting how serious the situation is, she could hear Duncan, Heather, Courtney and some of the others laughing at her misfortune.
Her mama smiled down at her and no, Neha was not pouting- "but Neha darling, you won, are you not excited?"
She froze. "What?"
"I spoke to McLean out in the hall and he told me that your contract from the first season is officially over, and since you didn't sign one for this season specifically you are no longer contractually a part of the show!"
A sharp smile grew on her face as she felt her brothers freeze up behind her. She turned around dramatically and clapped her hands once. "So! My contract is over and I didn't give myself away. Those were the terms right?"
She walked over to her brothers, savouring her victory. She fully planned to boast as much as she could. It's not often that she gets to dictate all of her brothers' actions for a day and she was going to enjoy the payback for all of the embarrassment she went through because of the bet. She told them this.
"I won the bet and now I have the power to make you suffer like I have on this Godforsaken show!" Okay, maybe she was being a little dramatic but she's their younger sister! It's basically her job!
"I'm going to make you all regret making this bet so much" it was only thanks to her ingrained reflexes that she managed to avoid the youngest of her older brother's attempt to grab her (she is not getting tickled in front of all these people, that is a line she'll never let be crossed). Neha darted behind Eva. Unfortunately, she wasn't quick enough to avoid the swipe at her hair so she didn't notice until it was too late when the wig came off and her hair fell down, framing her body. She glared at the offending brother.
Her mama just giggled and she felt even more betrayed. (Wasn't her little girl adorable, she looked like an angry kitten all puffed up).
Neha was not prepared for Izzy to suddenly pick her up and shove her at Eva before sprinting towards the door yelling "protect the baby!!!". Eva looked down at her and Neha shook her head trying her hardest to convey ' do not. Don't you even dare iron woman.' unfortunately it didn't work cause the other girl just smirked at her and sprinted to catch up with Izzy, still carrying her.
Not even seconds later her brothers all seemed to telepathically come to an agreement and they also all rushed to the three girls who had left the room by now. "Capture the triplets!" "We cannot let them steal our youngest sister! That's our job" "Charge!" "The baby!"
Neha's mother just looks to the closest person (who just happened to be Alejandro's mother) and cheerfully chirped "Children can be quite a handful can't they!" " Ah, si, though it seems as though you may need more hands than I do" "too right! You seem to be quite a reasonable woman, can I have your number? Perhaps we can arrange a play date between our children" she winked. The other woman just laughed and gave her her phone "si si, I'm sure my husband would be thrilled to see our boys making friends!"
Neha's mother then walks out of the room ignoring the catatonic state of shock her मीठी ग्रेमलिन्स left most of the room in.
Reveal in the competition
Either Neha gets into a scrap with one of the competitors (probably Duncan or Justin, she does not get on with either of them, like at all) and her wig comes off in the process or Chris designs a challenge where she has to reveal herself for the sake of drama.
The challenge could be a guess the secret one where all the contestants' greatest secrets are listed out plus a few red herrings. Whoever guesses the most correct secrets wins as well as whoever has their secret guessed correctly the least. Neha wins this challenge cause only 3 people correctly guessed her 'secret' (her, Eva and Izzy) and then she gets revealed as proof and spends the rest of the season as herself.
Another one is if they had all of the OG cast in a new season. Neha would 'reveal' herself to the viewers first. I think it would be funny if they are playing tag hide and seek with the contestants as a challenge in a city.
One of the teams are seekers and everyone else are hiders, they're out if they get tagged and join the taggers in hunting the rest down. The original taggers win if they get everybody. If they don't then whoever is left wins.
Neha wins the challenge.
She just takes off her wig and the first layer of her outfit, unbuttoning the top of her shirt and walks around. Multiple contestants walk past her but they don't notice her. She actually had a pretty fun day: she had a nice cup of tea, read a couple chapters of her book and explored the architecture in the city. At the end of the day she puts her wig back on and walks back to the hosts. When asked where she was she just says that she saw them multiple times and they were clearly just blind.
Basically the entire season is her gaslighting the rest of the cast. Like, she's not trying hard to hide it at all anymore, they just don't notice it cause they're kinda dumb. (-okay, maybe the eel does notice, she'll give him that) eventually Chref and Izzy join in on it.
"I keep tampons in my pockets to sell to Molotov, that bear is like really weird"
*After threatening Alejandro to get him to behave about Owen and getting a bit into it- crowding against him, forgetting that she was currently not wearing her compression vest and her boobs are kind of obvious* "what do you mean you could feel breasts pressing against you? Obviously it was my pocket books, I keep them in my breast y'know pocket. Pretty silly of you to get them mixed up dude."
"how do I know what periods feel like? Courtney... I'm kinda disappointed in you, I thought you knew I'm psychic"
"Noah's like the best person to talk to about wigs, he knows all about them!" "Wait, really?" "Yeah, apparently there's like a ton of different types of earwigs! I thought that there was only one tbh!"
Eventually she just walks out to a challenge as herself and acts like she wasn't pretending to be a guy the entire time.
"uhh, I've always looked like this, are you blind?"
"and finally the snark is here, you look a bit different, did you leave one of your books behind?" "Yeah" she gives herself a look over, ignoring the gob smacked expressions " I didn't think it was that noticeable though, I thought I should go for a change and I finally finished the book so why not. I honestly feel so much lighter without it already"
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howlingday · 9 months ago
Master Hunters
Taiyang: So, you walked around, saw the city, racked up some wins, and got the guts to take on your ol' coach! Heh... You gotta do what you can, grind like crazy, and not let up, not even for a second!
Taiyang: The road to the top is long and hard, but that's why you gotta take it one step at a time. And that first step you took should always be something you're proud of.
Pyrrha: Juniper is a smart girl. She's never attacked a human before, but...
Juniper: (Snorts, Stamps feet)
Pyrrha: She gets a bit moody when she smells a coward.
Juniper: (Steps closer, Chitters teeth)
Juniper: (In your face, Teeth baring)
Pyrrha: ...Mm. (Claps) That's it!
Juniper: (Trots back to Pyrrha)
Pyrrha: (Scratches ears) You want to be strong, right? Then never forget to always have the courage to take that first step.
Nora: Wow! You're pretty good at this~!
Nora: (Jumps around) Remember, Nora-chan is a thunder sprite! So if you think like a thunder sprite, you'll move like one, too~!
Nora: Now, I want you to come back and help me sometimes. I'll make you the toughest thunder sprite there is!
Yang: (Snaps fingers)
Yang: Yo, yo! This is Yang-O! Been rockin' n' sockin' since Beac-O!
Yang: With STYLE~! Just do it! C'mon! Crank that beat~!
Yang: Move your body! I wanna see ya move your body~!
Yang: ...No, no, no. Come on, man! Where's the HEAT~?
Yang: You gotta FEEL the rhythm! Feel it way down to your bones~!
Yang: Hittem wit dat summertime feel~!
Yang: Rock 'em up to da stratosphere~!
Yang: Give them all you got, all you love~!
Yang: Let 'em all know dat you're here~!
Yang: Yeah~! Now you've got it~!
Klein: I'm very sorry, but I'm afraid Miss Schnee is far too busy.
Weiss: (Taps shoulder) Please, Klein. Allow me.
Weiss: I must say, you weren't half bad... at being thrown around, that is.
Weiss: Did you enjoy it? You must have. Why else would you have come all this way again?
Weiss: Oh? I'm wrong? Then maybe you're here to do some throwing around yourself?
Klein: Miss Schn-
Weiss: (Holds up hand) There's no need to be shy. Go ahead. Try to throw me.
Weiss: ...
Weiss: (Counter-grab, Tosses down)
Weiss: Oh, excuse me... I couldn't resist such an easy target.
Weiss: Throwing is about position and timing. If you haven't figured that out yet, then perhaps you and I should have another throw around?
Blake: Don't hesitate. I'm ready when you are.
Blake: (Dodge, Dodge, Dodge, Dodge, Counter)
Blake: (Feint, Strike, Push)
Blake: (Dodge, Backflip away, Aerial dive)
Blake: (Jumps off head)
Blake: You're wasting your energy. Hit fast and with finesse.
Jaune: (Sighs)
Jaune: (Dodges, Shoves)
Jaune: (Ducks, Kicks)
Jaune: (Groans, Turns away)
Jaune: (Counters super-move attempt)
Jaune: What are you doing?! Don't just blindly fire off attacks like that! Think before you act!
Jaune: ...Hah. At least you're no quitter. Alright, I can't say no to that kind of enthusiasm. Or, at least, if I did, it looks like you'll just keep coming back and trashing my place until I don't.
Jaune: Come on! One more round!
Ren: (Quietly watches you train)
Ren: (Closes eyes)
Ren: (Sits, Meditates)
Ren: (Petal falls on hand, Doesn't react)
Qrow: Right here.
Qrow: Here, have a drink.
Qrow: Here's a toast. To the day you became a student of the one and only Qrow Branwen.
Qrow: ...What's with that look? Relax, it ain't booze! I quit the stuff ages ago. This is an herbal remedy I learned from an old friend of mine. Trust me and take a swig.
Qrow: Haha! You like it? Really wakes you the hell up, huh?
Qrow: Just remember one thing, kid...
Qrow: WE deal the beatings, nobody else!
Mercury: Huh? The hell is that supposed to be? Some kind of impression of me?
Mercury: ...Doesn't look half bad.
Mercury: Heh heh... Alright, you've got my attention now! NOW TRY AND KEEP IT.
Ozcar: ...Tell me, have you ever heard of a girl named Salem?
Ozcar: She was an immortal witch who tried to destroy the world. She said it was in vengeance for being abandoned by her gods.
Ozcar: (Disappears)
Ozcar: (Behind you) Truly, she was the most evil of them all.
Ozcar: (Knocks you to the ground) Her obsession with magic made her forget the value of the human spirit, something she'd lost long ago.
Ozcar: (Jams Longest Memory into you) Please, hold still. I haven't quite got the hang of this just yet.
You block, holding your arms across your body to protect yourself from the woman's might. However, she proves this ineffective by crashing her fist against your guard and easily smashing through it and cracking your chin with her devastating fist. You fly into the air as inhuman strength launches you to the sky. You fall and hit the ground as she turns to walk away.
You try to push yourself to your feet, but your body fails you though your spirit years to continue. You roll to your back, air leaving your lips as they split into a grin.
Salem: Oh? You dare laugh?
Salem: Hm... You look... Just like him...
She walks over to you, glaring down all the while with her menacing red eyes. Towering over you, she then swings her fist down, cracking the earth beneath you. Faster than lighting and harder than thunder, she easily breaks the cave floor, barely missing your head. Your body shakes with fear from the near-death you'd received.
Salem: ...Very well. I shall train you. And then, we shall see if you're still able to laugh.
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socgf · 10 days ago
Hey! Could you do some kind of one shot or maybe just headcanons as Dally having a little brother?
dallas winston and his little brother - headcanons
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a.n. i love this hc so much anon!! i'm so sorry it took so long to get to and this post is huge.. i think about this a lot
for some reason his name is definitely austin in my head (get it.. dallas. austin. haha.)
think he would be around 4 years younger than dally, just a bit younger than pony.
i feel like surprisingly he was a really shy and quiet kid, the type to hide behind dally's leg when meeting new people. obviously dally took him along to oklahoma when he left new york, and buck is like his dad at this point.
dally is actually the worst babysitter ever, especially when austin was super young. do not leave his ass on babysitting duty.
"you already ate today, right, kid?" "no." dally sighs sooo loud. "...alright, i'll find you somethin'."
and the poor kid is eating like… some loose fries off the bar counter at buck's while dally's playing poker
at least he tried.
austin thinks dally's the coolest guy in the world and idolizes him like crazy. he starts stealing dally's slang, and going in his closet to 'borrow' one of his leather jackets when he wants to look tuff.
and dally absolutely haaates that. he says it's because little kids are a pain in his ass, but really his biggest fear is for his little brother to end up like him.
every time he pulls out a pack, the kid's eyes get wide and he's asking "can i have one?" 
"you out of your mind?"  "please? i'm almost eleven..." "don't ask me stupid fucking questions."
and dally shoves his head away playfully. muttering something about how he's a "punk ass kid."
on that note, roughhousing is the only way he's showing affection. when they're on the couch watching tv, dally's randomly pulling him into a headlock and giving him a noogie.
he is soo the type of older brother to be like "you got something on your shirt" and flick him on the nose when he looks down.
and poor austin falls for it every time
dally always says he's just trying to toughen him up.
when the kid gets a bit older, he's like.. randomly air punching dally and challenging him to fight
dally teaches him everything he knows, cause he'll be damned if baby winston can't hold his own.
"hit first, and hit hard."  "ain't no such thing as playing fair in a fight."  "can't talk shit if you can't back it up." and he's always drilling the last part in his head, "winstons don't lose."
dally's bringing austin around the gang all the time, partly because austin's attached at the hip to him.
when mr. and mrs. curtis were around, austin was their favorite one of pony's friends. sure, he wasn't the best influence, but they knew he didn't have much authority at home.
he gets along really well with pony and came over to the house all the time with him, just hanging around the kitchen.
mrs. curtis would always be making sure he ate and did his homework. 🙁
one day dally's driving the kid to the dingo, and austin pipes up out of nowhere
"dal… so, uh, there's this girl…"
it is actually over for austin at this point
dally is patting him on the back and everything. he's giving austin a crash course on women with the worst advice of all time
"girls like guys who don’t try too hard. you start actin’ all nice, bringing her flowers and shit, you’re done for. play it cool."
he's never gonna say it, but he's incredibly proud of his brother
goes without saying that if anyone but him lays a finger on austin they're actually dead
like one time austin comes home with a busted lip from some scuffle after school and dally is tracking the guy responsible down, scaring him off permanently.
if he asks, though, he's not gonna tell austin anything except "i handled it, kid"
every once in a while dally comes home wasted and a little emotional, maybe coming back from a bar fight or the cooler, and he goes and ruffles austin's hair, mumbling something like
"gotta watch out for yourself, alright? don't be stupid like me."
that's the closest to an 'i love you' austin's getting
but he knows what dally means :,)
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doggernaut · 28 days ago
5, 9, 17!
Thank you for these asks!
5. What's something you learned while researching a fic?
Good question! I'm always looking up little random things, like flight times and locations of things. But big things I've learned? I wouldn't say I have any special knowledge I can pull out about a specific topic due to fic research. Not in the way I remember random details from old New Yorker articles about the history of the disposable diaper, for instance. Huh. I did do a some research about East Coast surfing and tides when I was writing we'll make out and take a mouthful of the summer time, since I'm only familiar with West Coast beaches. But I avoided going into too much surfing detail in that fic.
9. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I mean, if you want the real answer, it's when I was seven and was mad because I'd finished reading all of Beverly Cleary's Ramona books and my dad suggested I write my own Ramona stories. But I didn't really get into it until like 2006, when a group from the old Fametracker boards decided to write a round robin Baby-Sitters Club fic and I signed up to write a chapter. I took a long break and then wrote a few vey short Parks and Rec fics in 2011 or so, then took another long break before I fell headfirst into the Check, Please fandom. With both Parks and Rec and Check, Please, it was simply because I had ideas that I couldn't stop thinking about. (RIP to the super angsty Parks longfic I never ended up writing but still lives rent free in my head.)
17. What is something you recently felt proud of in your writing?
This is a hard one because writing has been hard lately and I haven't felt like I've written much to be proud of. But I really like this banter from my most recently posted chapter of If I'm not too much for you, then sign me up. (Which ... I really need to buckle down and finish the next chapter...)
Jack raised an eyebrow and Eric knew a chirp was coming. Was it possible for an eyebrow to smirk? Because that was definitely what Jack’s eyebrow was doing. “Didn’t take you for the type to stress about carbs, Bittle. You know, since you’ve written multiple books devoted to dessert.” “I don’t, usually,” Eric said. “But two weeks of nonstop travel does have a way of bringing out my worst habits, and I think it’s safe to say that some things need to change in the new year. I don’t need grilled cheese from the late night room service menu as a late night snack every night.” But grilled cheese was always better when you didn’t have to make it yourself, and it had been so easy to fall into that habit. “Probably not,” Jack agreed, “but don’t go too crazy. You probably should figure out a better balance of carbs and protein, but if I hear that you’re working on a salad cookbook I’m going to start to worry.” “No need to worry, I just realized I can’t remember the last time I ate a green vegetable. Don’t tell my kids; they’ll be thrilled if this becomes a trend.” “I don’t know, I think it would be kind of fun to let them know the truth about their dad,” Jack chirped. “I don’t think Sam and Lizzie would mind eating grilled cheese every night. I could totally sabotage your efforts to ever get them to eat a vegetable again.” “You wouldn’t!” Eric gasped in mock horror.  “Nah,” Jack said. “But I do have some extra tubs of protein shake mix from one of my sponsors. I’ll bring one over when we’re both back in town.” “Oh my god, what did I do to deserve this?” Eric said with a laugh. “You know what? Fine. Bring all the protein powder. Maybe it’ll inspire my next dessert. I’ll call it the Zimmermann Special.” Jack bumped Eric with his shoulder. “You’re punchy tonight. I like it.” “Well, somebody ordered dessert drinks after we drank that bottle of wine,” Eric retorted.  “Somebody demanded a taste of my drink with the excuse of quality control.” “Oh, hush. I told you when we ordered that I couldn’t decide. You said I could try yours,” Eric reminded Jack. Then, realizing they’d walked several blocks and he hadn’t been really been paying attention to where they were, he glanced at the map on his phone. “I think I’m this way,” he said, nodding in the direction of his hotel. Jack’s was two blocks over. “I’ll walk you the rest of the way,” Jack said. 
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poessiblyfedya · 2 months ago
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welcome to anastasia's 2024 mutual appreciation !
it's this time of year where i love to appreciate the hell out of my mutual babes n' sweethearts ! if you are not here , i do these yearly so . . maybe next year ?
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ heia | @heiayen
“just write im cool and pretty and thats it ill be happy” — heia 25/11/24
yeah. so about that? you knew i wouldn't do that. i mean i kinda did! anyways, hi heia! my little dove, my wife, baby, darling, angel, woah... we've mentioned it a lot recently but how have we only known each other just over a year? it feels way longer. i can't even begin to find the words to express how much you appreciate to me, there's physically not enough words between the three languages we speak together.
zakochałam się w tobie. je t’aimerai jusqu’à mon dernier souffle.
this stupid friendship started with you hiding in my inbox sending me raccoon memes and our weird psychic ability to respond to each other at the same time (this has not changed, huh) and now look! you were super brave and came to my dms. and i've not let you leave. bonus: you're not allowed to leave. i love you! you've dealt with me daily for so long now that i genuinely do not know what i'd do without you! you are cemented down as such a significant part of my life and i truly wish i could babble on and on about how much you mean to me.
from haikyuu brainrot (i love you and your stupid middle blockers) to doublechecking my polish with you to sending tiktoks and reels to looking for your initials and that one time i threatened to invade poland. all the times you've done the math to see if you'll be awake when i'm out from the cinema, all the ootds you've given me before class and the train and taking me to the kitchen with you. god knew we'd be too powerful together (read: ana would be too clingy) so he had to separate us.
thank you for literally everything this year. you've listened to so much of my crap and you're still by my side. i can't wait to spend another year with you!!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ isa | @stopisa
it's isa's turn to receive my endless love and affection! where to start... we talk daily now, huh? it's actually really crazy to think we only met this year - and that we're the same age, shhh, you always seem so much older than me. you've made such a big impact on my life in such a short amount of time and i'd like to thank you personally for every single moment of every single day that you've dealt with me!
you're my personal ushi, dabi & choso girlie and i just know they love you soooo much in their individual ways (staring at you, touya...) and you know what, i love you so much and the content i get of your selfships! i know you wasn't very confident with them and i'm so proud of how much i get to talk to you about them. i love all your sillies and you!! so so so much !! you're never getting rid of me even if you are EVIL (please never get rid of me)
and on top of that, thank you so much for everything you do for me. you've been so supportive of everything, the network, my selfships, my art... you are such an important person in my life. you listen to everything and you don't judge and that's crazy. i love you. woah. i'm really struggling to put my feelings for how much i appreciate you into words right now. i'm gonna blabber in your dms later instead. happy new year, let's see how many thots i can send you in 2025!!!
oh and thank you for lowkey being the reason i put my septum jewellery back in!!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ raine | @lyraea
elmo stares at you from across the room. hello there. fancy seeing you here... 2024 ~~and 2023~~ was not our year but... shhh.. you're here again. it's actually unbelievable how long we've known each other now. every day i seem to think back on how we met; you really were one of my anons, huh... i may have long abandoned that blog and moved away from writing kpop fanfictions but i took you with me - and according to our god awful habits, you're stuck with me.
no matter what happens, you're on my mind and all the amazing moments we've had together. the numerous stardew farms (oh look, my favourite harvey-coffee-feeder), having to teach you how to play overwatch on a switch (how did you manage), the various photos we took of kinich and mualani going idle, fucking around as saurians, being a damn magpie in your world- god, even the matching profile pictures.
things may have been rocky and hopefully they smooth you but you'll always be my yae miko. oh and let's not forget how much i loooove the kitties! nova, my sweet queen, i will continue to worship you throughout 2025. you, you silly goose, will always be cherished so dear and close to my heart, no matter where things go. even when you're not here, you're on my mind and i think that says a lot (that you need to stop haunting me, hello????)
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ miya | @kokonoiis
is that.. my baby? my sweet baby? oh my god. it is! we do not talk nowhere near as much as i'd like to, as for a lot of the following mutuals on this post as compared to the first three but i hope in 2025 we can! you've seen me experience some emotions... and we've bullied takemichi together (oh my god, he's a wet wipe) and i've had the joy of witnessing you start l&ds!! hello there, little zayne girlie, do i need to write a few doctor pieces? me thinks soooo..
you're yet again another angel that i only met this year. you're so prominent to me like hello? i'm in your discord about me? sobbing?? such a pretty baby... notices me... drops dead!! you deserve the world, you are so unbelievably sweet to anyone and everyone and i really don't think i've seen you angry? chat we have to protect this one at all costs.
next year, i'll be haunting your dms constantly, inescapable. good luck, soldier, kazuana is coming for you!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ ying | @mlkbwunnies
hello sweet little miss ying!! it's hard to write for someone i'm slightly intimidated of, i don't think i'll ever truly get past being intimidated by you. maybe it's just how amazing and adorable you are! you truly are a light in every community you step foot in and i'd personally like to take the time to appreciate everything you do for the tumblr community. you're always so inclusive of everyone, spreading warmth and joy even if i'm too scared and nervous to actually participate in things.
my goal for 2024 was actually to talk to you more but i've been severely lacking on interaction with everyone as a whole so i already failed the resolution - i really hope that next year is different because i cherish every moment i get to spend with you, you're just so.... loving and positive?! it's contagious how much your love just... spreads! it's actually pretty crazy that the thing that brought us a tad closer was some anon accusing me of copying your network. that was a wild ride...
i hope that 2025 is kinder to you and that you stop getting spun around in the washing machine of life because if anyone deserves recognition and soft love from their mere existence, it's you!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ winter | @vxnusorbit
winnie!! my little winnie!! my sweet winnie!! my little sister!! that's you?! that's craaaazy!!! a little birdy told me that 2024 wasn't exactly kind to you, just another angel who got spun in the washing machine... sadge. i really, really hope that 2025 is kinder to you so that we get a break from angst, you're putting the genshin characters through hell in my retirement from writing...
we don't talk as much as we used to but we've known each other for over a year now too! you've always been so supportive of anything and everything i do and your genshin signature still makes me giggle every time i'm in my friends list (truly.. what a poet she is...) even if you are a littleee bit of a demon - i literally do not know this lyney you speak of...
see you next year, darling! unfortunately, regardless of how little we may get to speak now, you are inevitably stuck with me. crazy! one day, we're gonna gossip in french and have croissants and truly admire how stupid parisians are. mwah!
finally, our participation award... here is a pat on the back and a cookie. i'd love to fill this with paragraphs humiliating you all publicly so come be freaky in dms with me so i can see the downfall of your dignity /j (read: here's a taglist of everyone i have been thankful for knowing in this past year, who i wish the best for come this new year. hopefully next year comes with more chances to communicate with one another!)
@qichun @tetsuskei @reonaissance @fictionfordays @inazuman @prime-adeptus + noir & the entirety of the seabreeze street network for their darling support and questionable conversations.
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liaromancewriter · 1 year ago
One Day
Premise: Ethan is confronted with the fact that his father won’t be around forever.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine); feat. Alan Ramsey Rating/Category: Teen. Angst. Words: 2,405
A/N: Submission to @choicesoctober prompt "family"; I'm using @choicesflashfics week 53, prompt 3 (in bold).
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Alan Ramsey woke before his alarm, not an uncommon occurrence after thirty-plus years of early mornings. But lately, his knees creaked more often than not when he climbed out of his bed. There was no denying it took his muscles longer to recover after a full day at work.
He lay in bed, staring at the ceiling and listening to the quiet around him. Every now and then, he heard creaking and settling from inside the walls of the old house. Alan was used to the silence, but he missed that long ago time when the house was a home.
There was a time when his ears would be tuned to the sound of Ethan’s heavy feet rushing down the stairs, ready to conquer the day. And when his son was older, those same feet stealthily climbed up the stairs after a night out with a girl or his friends.
Alan was loathe to get out of bed this morning. He felt the ache down to his bones, and the inky blue darkness outside the bedroom window wasn’t helping. The days were getting shorter and the air colder. He felt like calling in sick but wasn’t sure what he’d do sitting at home alone.
Deciding he’d dawdled enough, Alan shoved the covers aside and rolled off the bed. His feet touched the cold floor, reminding him that he needed to call someone to service the furnace. Typically, Ethan took care of it, but his son had been busy lately, more than usual, as he prepared for his new role.
Alan was proud of everything he had accomplished, but he wondered if this was a sign that he’d have even less of Ethan’s time than before.
Later, still feeling out of sorts, he started the truck and waited for the engine to warm up. He absently sipped coffee from a thermos as the wipers cleared early morning dew coating the windshield, and slowly backed out of the drive.
A loud honk had him hitting the brakes hard and cursing as hot coffee splashed across the steering wheel and his hand. He looked in the rearview mirror to see a black sedan zoom past, uncaring about the speed limit.
Shaking his head in disgust, Alan used a rag to wipe the coffee stains away and continued on to work.
Later that morning, when his foot missed a foothold halfway down the telephone pole, and the ground rushed up towards him, he wished he’d called in sick after all.
Cassie Valentine was trying to read a super-dense journal article for the diagnostic team’s latest case, but an intermittent buzzing sound kept interrupting her focus. Frustrated, she threw Ethan’s cell phone an annoyed look, tempted to chuck it across the room.
Why did he have to be forgetful today of all days? She cursed as she lost sight of the paragraph she was on and had to start over.
It didn’t help that she was working the case on her own. Tobias was on vacation, and Baz was tied up with a research project. Ethan was working with Naveen on his transition. So, their contributions had been minimal to date.
Her green eyes fired up when the sliding doors swooshed open, and Ethan strolled in nonchalance.
“How’s the research going?” Ethan asked, heading straight to his desk.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Cassie bit out. “You left your cell phone here, and the constant buzzing is driving me fucking crazy. Did you have to leave it behind today of all days? It’s not that hard to remember to take it with you!”
Ethan glanced over in surprise at her raised voice and waspish tone. “What’s got you upset?”
Cassie almost screamed in frustration, ready to tear her hair out. Instead, she snapped, “Nothing!” in a tone that implied everything was wrong and it was his fault.
She pushed back her chair, not an easy feat since it didn’t have wheels, and gathered her things.
And another thing, she grumbled, which genius decided office chairs without wheels on a carpeted floor were a good idea? Everyone knew a good chair should easily roll across the floor!
She stalked over to his desk, slammed his phone down (vibrating again, of course, in that maddeningly grating way) and marched off before she said or did something she’d regret.
Ethan watched Cassie warily through the glass walls as she disappeared down the hallway. He pursed his lips at her strange attitude and then dismissed it out of hand.
He glanced at the still buzzing phone — the vibrating tone really was annoying — and wondered who he knew at University Medical Center in Providence. Likely a consult request, he thought absently and accepted the call.
A few minutes later, he rushed towards the staircase closest to this part of the hospital. He was too anxious to wait for the elevator and didn’t want anyone to see him like this. Once he was in the parking lot, he called Naveen, tucking the phone between his ear and shoulder as he opened the car door and slid into the driver’s seat.
“My dad’s been in an accident at work,” he said when his mentor answered, grateful that Naveen didn’t interrupt with a lot of questions. “He’s at University Medical in Providence. I’m leaving now.”
Ethan started the engine and waited for the phone to sync with the Bluetooth system.
“Keep me posted, Ethan,” Naveen’s voice boomed from the overhead speakers. “I’ll come down to Providence as soon as I can.”
“Thanks,” Ethan said, disconnecting the call before backing his car out of the parking spot.
A thousand thoughts crowded his brain as he battled the afternoon Boston traffic. He breathed a sigh of relief when he cleared city limits and took the interstate ramp, accelerating with every passing minute.
Like most children, Ethan had always thought his dad would be around forever. But the man and doctor in him knew one day he’d have to reconcile with losing his only parent. Still, Alan was only fifty-seven, active and fit, and Ethan figured one day was a long way off.
He checked in on his father every month, made sure he was aware of any medications he was prescribed and took care of stuff around the house. Well, he hired someone to do it, from mowing the lawn in summer to a snow cleaning service in the winter. His dad protested at the expense, but Ethan didn’t want him doing the heavy lifting.
The last time he drove down to Providence…he racked his brain and realized it was six or seven weeks. He’d been too busy lately to visit, what with leading the team and working with Naveen on the transition and with Cassie on hers. Their calls had been brief too, just hello, how are you, sorry, can I call you back?
He was about to cross into Rhode Island when he remembered Cassie. He’d call her later, he decided. Right now, he wasn’t in the mood for an argument about whatever was bothering her. They could hash it out later, as far he was concerned.
It was an hour later when he was finally escorted to his dad’s hospital room. Sitting in the waiting room had been unbearable, but he understood these situations all too well.
He nodded absently as the on-call resident went through the litany of injuries, some of which Ethan could see for himself. Alan’s left arm was in a cast, broken in two places. There were abrasions, contusions and lacerations along the side of his neck and face, his arms and legs.
He looked so small, Ethan thought, watching his father sleeping, swallowed up by the large bed, the back raised at an angle. Lines and wires were running up the side of the bed, and a pulsometer measured his heart rate and O2 stats.
“Your father is fortunate, Dr. Ramsey. The bushes broke his fall,” the doctor droned behind him, his tone deferential upon learning his identity. “A few inches to the left and the injuries might have been catastrophic. We’ll monitor him overnight and reassess in the morning.”
Ethan placed his hand atop Alan’s through the guardrail, reassuring himself when he felt the warm skin.
“I’ll check in later in case you have any questions,” the resident said.
Ethan nodded, taking a deep breath to hold back his emotions. “Thank you, Doctor…” He turned around to look at the young man with a quizzical look. “I’m sorry. I’ve forgotten your name.”
“Doctor Nolan,” he said simply, hand on the door handle.
And with a wave, he was gone, closing the door behind him.
Alone, Ethan dropped into the visitor’s chair beside the bed and leaned forward. He reached for his father’s hand again, careful of the IV catheter. His eyes turned misty, and his mind flooded with memories from his childhood.
His dad cheering him on at hockey practice and basketball games. Those early days after Louise left and waiting for his truck to pull into the driveway, afraid that his father would disappear like she had.
Walking along the riverbank in the summer, licking ice cream cones. His dad teased him for taking his sweet time while Alan gobbled his up quickly, laughing as he wiped the sticky residue in his beard.
Being a single parent was hard, but his father had done his best for his only child. Ethan knew Alan had no regrets, but he couldn’t say the same about himself. He should have visited more, spent less of his free time working or with Cassie, or maybe he should have brought her down with him.
She had been pushing him for months for a relationship with his father, but Ethan had resisted. He wasn’t even sure why he’d been reluctant. His life in Boston, his life with her, was so different from his life in Providence. He wasn’t ashamed of it, precisely, but he couldn’t envision her in the rundown neighborhood with chain-link fences.
Should he contact Louise? Alan would want him to. He was certain of that.
Ethan wasn’t sure how long he sat there, head in his hands, lost in thought. When a hand fell on his shoulder, the unexpected touch was like an electric shock to his system, and he almost jumped out of the chair. The darkness outside the window was as jarring as the intrusion.
“Sorry,” Cassie whispered. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“What are you doing here?” he asked, clearing the gruff from his throat.
Cassie looked momentarily hurt, but then her face cleared, looking almost serene.
“Naveen told me,” she said, her gaze briefly landing on the bed. “I’m so sorry, Ethan. How is he doing? What did the doctors say?”
“He hasn’t woken up yet, but his vitals are stable,” he said, stretching his long arms into the air.
He narrated the notes he’d read earlier, summarizing what the doctors and nurses had relayed and the incident report from his father’s boss when he dropped by earlier, falling into the familiar role of a doctor and not a son.
“I wish you’d called me,” Cassie said softly, and then she shook her head before Ethan could respond. “Never mind.”
She nodded at an overnight bag on the floor just inside the entrance. “I packed you some clothes, underwear, toiletries. I figured you’d want to stay until Alan is out of the hospital. I wasn’t sure if you keep a change of clothes at your dad’s house, but it couldn’t hurt to be prepared.”
Ethan felt ashamed for not getting in touch with her himself. He’d meant to do it after he arrived, but it had slipped his mind. And yet, he’d managed to speak to Naveen and convinced him to stay in Boston.
He stared at the bag and thought he was an ass for taking her for granted.
“I’ll leave you alone,” she said, taking a step back as she turned to leave. “Let me know when he wakes up and how he’s doing.”
Ethan grabbed her hand before she could leave and reeled her into his arms, locking her against him. He framed her face between his hands and tilted her head back to meet his gaze.
“I’m sorry, Cassie,” he said, his blue eyes remorseful. “I should have called you as soon as I heard, or at least from the road. I kept telling myself I’d do it shortly, but it slipped my mind.”
“It’s okay,” she murmured. “You had a lot on your mind.”
“It’s not okay,” Ethan countered vehemently. “No excuses. You should have been my first call.” He brushed her lips tenderly. “I want you to stay. Please. I can’t do this without you.”
Cassie relented, the stiffness in her body dissipating as she leaned into him and her hands slipped around his back.
“I’m sorry, too, for snapping at you earlier,” she said, kissing the underside of his jaw. “I was irritated by my lack of ability to solve the case, and I took it out on you.”
“There, you’re all better now,” Alan whispered hoarsely from the bed.
Ethan let Cassie go and stepped toward the bed. He placed one hand on the pillow as his father struggled to sit up, his hands failing to find purchase.
“Easy, Dad. I’ve got you,” he said, pressing a button to adjust the bed and helping Alan get comfortable.
“I’ll get the doctor,” Cassie said, leaving them alone as she rushed out of the room.
“Dad, I…” Ethan swallowed hard against the lump forming in his throat.
“I know, son. I know.” Alan squeezed his hand lightly. “I was careless.”
He started coughing, wincing at the pain. Ethan quickly grabbed the water jug and poured water into a paper cup. He stuck a straw through the top and held it up for his father to drink.
“We can talk later when you’re feeling better.” Ethan lowered the back of the bed slightly. “Just rest for now. Doctor’s orders,” he added, forcing a smile.
Alan settled back on the bed, wheezing slightly from the exertion, and closed his eyes.
“Don���t make the same mistakes I did, Ethan,” he said weakly. “Don’t take the woman you love for granted.” He paused to catch his breath. “Love is fragile in the best of times. But when things are hard…”
“I won’t,” Ethan said, understanding what was left unsaid. “I promise.”
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @hopelessromantic1352 @mrs-ramsey @youlookappropriate
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valiantstarlights · 2 years ago
Personal Trainer Dream being Horny on Main is my life's one true joy
He may even take progress pictures of Hob during the course of his "training"
Week 1 of Relationship
Hob suddenly gets a picture of him taking two of Dream's pianist fingers (and Hob suddenly has to find a way not to be horny on main)
Week 52 of Relationship
Hob gets a short video clip of Dream gently coaxing him into pushing out the toy Hob has been wearing the whole day and Dream pushing in to keep Hob full
I think this ask made my fever worse and took me out for an additional one (1) business day. 😂
But yeah, same 😊 Dream being horny on main for Hob will always be S-tier to me. 🥰
And progress pictures??? 🔥 Yes.
I imagine Week 1 Hob would be super flustered upon receiving that notification. What does Mr. Endless (Dream 🖤) mean by this? Is he praising him for the progress he's making? Or maybe he's asking him to provide an update on his 'homework'?
Meanwhile, Dream sent that picture to Hob simply because he wants Hob to know that he's looking forward to 'training' him again 😏 Like, it's a sext. (kinda) No hidden meanings whatsoever about it. And yeah, okay, maybe he would like for Hob to reply with something sweet like, "I can't stop thinking about you, too 🥰" or a flustered, "Dream! 🥺 I'm at work 🥺🥺" but it's fine if he doesn't. Dream just wants Hob to know how crazy he is about him and how much he occupies his thoughts.
So imagine Dream's face when, half an hour after he sends that picture, he receives Hob's reply. And it's a picture as well?
He makes the mistake of checking the notification.
It's Hob inside a university bathroom stall, trousers down and simple cotton briefs pushed to the side, showing off the (small) buttplug he went to work wearing. He's red in the face, but also smiling sweetly. And the caption is, "Doing my homework! 🥰"
(Dream runs to the staff locker room so quickly to masturbate while looking at Hob's ass and hairy thighs and cute smile. Oh, but what he'd do to be in that stall with him to personally check on his progress!)
As the weeks go by with Dream and Hob exchanging 'training' pictures for updates (it's not sexting! how dare you lmao), maybe Dream thinks that Week 52 needs something special, and so he sends a video instead.
(At this point, his phone's very hidden [and password protected] spank bank is just filled with pictures and videos of Hob 'training.')
Hob still gets shy and squirmy whenever he gets Dream's training pictures of him, but it's a video this time, and ???? Oh gosh, does he really sound like that? He sounds so slutty and well-used, and Dream hasn't even fucked him proper yet.
But it's Dream's voice that makes him whine out loud. His gentle coaxing, and his soft "Good boy," followed by the sound of him finally entering Hob like they've both been wanting to, and the sounds the two of them make as Dream tongue fucks his mouth while his cock starts thrusting inside him.
The video is less than a minute long, but it got him so hot and bothered that he has to cancel his last two classes to rush home (to Dream's house). But then...Dream is home, too? And he's been waiting?
Hob scolds him half-heartedly because doesn't Dream know that he still has a couple of classes left to teach? But he melts when Dream pulls him closer to kiss him. It's just one day in a year, Dream reasons. And anyway, it's a long weekend, and his students would be glad to have more free time.
And...wouldn't Hob want to spend the next few days reviewing everything he learned that year? He's made such a huge progress and Dream is very proud of everything he has accomplished.
(Hob comes to work the following week still dazed but happier than ever. Dream had stretched and fucked him so well, but he also made sure to give him lots of aftercare so he doesn't feel as sore as he should have. His hole still intermittently twitches whenever he remembers their long weekend, but he's wearing a brand new custom made plug keeping Dream's cum inside him from just that morning, so it's fine.)
(Little does he know that the plug vibrates and oscillates to target his prostate. Dream kept that one a surprise, only turning it on when they're both back home. He doesn't want anyone else to see Hob's pleasure-filled face or hear his seductive moans, no matter how many toys he uses to train his cute little hole with.)
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simlicious · 1 year ago
Am I a programmer?
I've spent the last weeks developing an actual little app using Python...
It all started with a Let's Play of Subnautica I saw on YouTube. Since Subnautica is one of my all-time favorite games, I got the itch to dive back in (pun intended). I play with tons of mods, so I had to check for a lot of updates and also juggle different versions since the last Subnautica update broke a lot of the older mods. So after some back and forth, I decided to remain on the older version for now. Great! But then I noticed that because of that back and forth and uninstalling mods, all my mods were reinitialized, and that meant trouble for one of my favorite mods, Autosort Lockers. The mod adds automatic resource sorting inside the game, which is super handy. But it was built to only work with the game's resources, not modded items. It does offer config files though. So when I last used the mod, I painstakingly edited the configs and added all modded items, which took hours. And now, I accidentally messed them up and was supposed to redo all of that. The thought filled me with dread. So I asked ChatGPT, which I have grown quite fond of recently, to help me. Why did I ask ChatGPT? Well, I need to go a bit further back in time to explain that.
One day, not too long ago, I asked ChatGPT to reformat a long list. ChatGPT said, "Apologies, I cannot process such a long list. Here's a Python script, here's how to install Python, copy the script, run it and it will do what you want." I thought ChatGPT was crazy, surely that would never work!? Nut I was curious and also a little desperate so I did install Python and ran the script and ... it did what I wanted. I was stunned. Could I use ChatGPT to write code for me? Apparently, the answer was yes. So I spent a lot of time directing it, add this, add that, and I noticed that it was not at all as easy as I thought. ChatGPT removed code when it felt like it, and the longer it got the more it messed up. But also the more time I spent copying/pasting Python code, the more I understood. Sometimes, I would just ask "What exactly does this bit do?", and ChatGPT patiently gave me answers. Running the Python code from the command prompt got tedious very quickly though. I asked: "Can't you make a button for me that I can click??" To my surprise, ChatGPT said: "Sure, let's make a gui." And that was it, the moment I fell in love with Python. So I made a few attempts at this and that, most only half-finished because the project got too ambitious for the little knowledge I had.
I heard about an AI especially made for writing code: Github's Copilot. I decided I had to try that. Since it only worked in real programmer's tools, I installed Visual Studio Code. Now I really felt like a programmer, using fancy tools! And Copilot made things easier, much easier. It did not delete all kinds of code like regular ChatGPT. It was even more helpful. I was super motivated and got to work on my "Autosort Lockers Filter Update Helper" since Python is very well suited for automating stuff. Because several config files were involved, and several values needed to be loaded, converted, compared, merged, loooked up, reformatted, and saved into multiple files, it was quite the undertaking, but I am at a point where most of the logic actually works and I have a real program with real buttons that I can click on. I made a program that actually works with my very limited coding knowledge! It would not have been possible without the help of AI. My patience and long hours paid off. Can I call myself a programmer yet? I'm not sure, since the code was written mostly by AI, not me personally. But I can confidently call myself the director and mastermind behind it 😎 and I actually want to learn more about Python so I can one-day code stuff myself without needing AI to do it for me. Here is a picture of it (I am proud of those blue buttons 😊): I've spent the last weeks developing an actual little app using Python. It all started with a Let's Play of Subnautica I saw on YouTube. Since Subnautica is one of my all-time favorite games, I got the itch to dive back in (pun intended). I play with tons of mods, so I had to check for a lot of updates and also juggle different versions since the last Subnautica update broke a lot of the older mods. So after some back and forth, I decided to remain on the older version for now. But then I noticed that because of that back and forth and uninstalling mods, all my mods were reinitialized, and that meant trouble for one of my favorite mods, Autosort Lockers. The mod adds automatic resource sorting inside the game, which is super handy. But it was built to only work with the game's resources, not modded items. It does offer config files though. So when I last used the mod, I painstakingly edited the configs and added all modded items, which took hours. And now, I accidentally messed them up and was supposed to redo all of that. The thought filled me with dread. So I asked ChatGPT, which I have grown quite fond of recently, to help me. Why did I ask ChatGPT? Well, I need to go a bit further back in time to explain that.
One day, not too long ago, I asked ChatGPT to reformat a long list. ChatGPT said, "Apologies, I cannot process such a long list. Here's a Python script, here's how to install Python, copy the script, run it and it will do what you want." I thought ChatGPT was crazy, surely that would never work!? Nut I was curious and also a little desperate so I did install Python and ran the script and ... it did what I wanted. I was stunned. Could I use ChatGPT to write code for me? Apparently, the answer was yes. So I spent a lot of time directing it, add this, add that, and I noticed that it was not at all as easy as I thought. ChatGPT removed code when it felt like it, and the longer it got the more it messed up. But also the more time I spent copying/pasting Python code, the more I understood. Sometimes, I would just ask "What exactly does this bit do?", and ChatGPT patiently gave me answers. Running the Python code from the command prompt got tedious very quickly though. I asked: "Can't you make a button for me that I can click??" To my surprise, ChatGPT said: "Sure, let's make a gui." And that was it, the moment I fell in love with Python. So I made a few attempts at this and that, most only half-finished because the project got too ambitious for the little knowledge I had. I heard about an AI especially made for writing code: Github's Copilot. I decided I had to try that. Since it only worked in real programmer's tools, I installed Visual Studio Code. Now I really felt like a programmer, using fancy tools! And Copilot made things easier, much easier. It did not delete all kinds of code like regular ChatGPT. It was even more helpful. I was super motivated and got to work on my "Autosort Lockers Filter Update Helper" since Python is very well suited for automating stuff. Because several config files were involved, and several values needed to be loaded, converted, compared, merged, loooked up, reformatted, and saved into multiple files, it was quite the undertaking, but I am at a point where most of the logic actually works and I have a real program with real buttons that I can click on. I made a program that actually works with my very limited coding knowledge! It would not have been possible without the help of AI. My patience and long hours paid off. Can I call myself a programmer yet? I'm not sure, since the code was written mostly by AI, not me personally. But I can confidently call myself the director and mastermind behind it 😎 and I actually want to learn more about Python so I can one-day code stuff myself without needing AI to do it for me. Here is a picture of it (I am proud of those blue buttons 😊):
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...and the configs the app updated:
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The app is not in a publishable state and I guess I would need to do far more tests and let someone who can actually code Python look it over before I would feel comfortable sharing it with anyone else, but it feels incredible to have pulled off something like this. I just wanted to share this accomplishment with someone!
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nicistrying · 11 months ago
Sunday 21st April
What a weekend 🥴
Yesterday was Matt's birthday so I made him breakfast in bed and we went for a lovely walk with Maggie, saw all her friends, had a great time 🥰
I went out and did a big grocery shop for my sister bc she said she had been really struggling with money lately as she's between jobs and will miss April pay cutoff at her new job so won't get paid until the end of May. She's also getting evicted from her house bc she's unable to get a mortgage to buy it, so the landlord is just giving it to her daughter instead which is shitty. So she's having a really tough time so I went and bought her just a load of food she can make meals with and stuff bc she said she had been sending the kids up to their dad's house for dinner bc she didn't have enough food in. Which fucking sucks. So got all that, finished off Matt's birthday cake - coffee & walnut, his fave. And then started on my nephew's cake! Which annoyingly I forgot to take a pic of when it was finished 😭
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Matt's birthday card and mug from Maggie arrived
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It has a photo from the day we got her, one of the funniest moments of her life when she got stuck between the sofa cushions, and one of them together on the side of a mountain and it says Best Dog Dad. He usually hates stuff like that but he loves it 🤭
Cleaned up the kitchen about 3 times after all the baking, realised it was 5pm and I had 30 mins to get ready, and we went out with Matt's family for dinner. We went to a Vietnamese place and it was so good. His parents were difficult as always but they left after food and we stayed out for a few drinks with his brothers and we had a fun night. He was really happy to have everyone together ❤️
Came home a little tipsy I think around midnight, got up early again this morning to walk Maggie so Matt could have a lie in. Thank god though, he woke up not long after me and offered to do the walk so I did all the housework that didn't get done all week. The house is finally sort of back to normal so I felt much better. Finished off my nephew's cake, and went over to my sister's to see him. We just had a few of his friends round and all the adults sat having a couple of drinks and eating snacks. It was lovely! I was so nervous to give my sister all the food but she took it really well, I tried to frame it as a working from home hamper bc her new job is full time WFH and I said in my experience you realise how fucking hungry you are when you're not out at work distracted by other stuff, but she didn't see all the meat, tins, fruit and veg in the bottoms of the bags so I really hope she isn't offended when she does. I know she's way too proud to ask anyone to help but it's not fair that she has to sacrifice having dinner with her kids. So I wrote her a little card and explained that I know she'd do the same for me. Haven't heard from her yet but she was super happy when I brought the stuff into her garage. Drove home feeling pretty icky (again! Wtf is going on with my body), I was shivering I was so cold and had the heaters blasting in my face the whole drive home and had an awful headache despite chugging water all afternoon. Curled up in my pjs when I got home, had a cup of tea and felt much better. Currently in a hot bath, ready for an early night. Think I'm just run down tbh, it's been a crazy busy few weeks.
Oh also! I got The Photo for the wedding thank you cards! Finally the sun was out and she was smiling and the crown stayed on her head for more than half a second 🙌
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So I can order those this week!!
Hope everyone had a lovely weekend 🥰🥰
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carlottawllms · 10 months ago
You weren't a morning person, far from it in fact, as you normally needed at least an hour and a coffee to function properly, but after yesterday you felt like all the happiness of the earth had gathered in your heart. OHHHH🤭
“I really don’t think I want to say goodbye yet.”, you pouted, feeling genuinely sad you’d reached your front door. The date that was just about to end had been the best you’d been on in a while, and you hated how these past few hours had basically flown by. “Neither do I, but it’s late and I don’t want you to be grumpy tomorrow morning and annoy your colleagues.” Mason flicked your nose lovingly and the way you scrunched it had his heart squeezing in his chest. You were too adorable for your own good. OMG WE ARE STARING WITH A DATE???🤭 THAT'S A LOVELY WAY TO START A FIC
“No need to thank me. I enjoyed it just as much.”, he smiled. “And I’d love to see you again.” GIGGLING
It was insane how quickly this man had you falling for him. IM SCREAMING
You’d laughed if off, saying they wouldn’t take you anyway so there would be no use to put time and effort in an application, but your dad being your dad had insisted they would. So in an attempt to prove your point, you’d applied anyway and to your biggest surprise, they’d invited you for a first interview.WE LOVE THE DAD
“You look awfully happy, y/n. Something you want to tell me?” Anna took a sip from her coffee and leaned back in her chair; her watchful eyes following your every move in hopes to figure out what had happened.NONONO SHE IS JUST IN LOVE BUT SHHH🤭
“It was pretty much perfect.”, you admitted, feeling the heat rising to your cheeks. “He was an absolute sweetheart and gentlemen. We actually went for a walk with his dog first – he’s super cute by the way – and then grabbed some take away on our way back and spent the evening at his and-” THE PERFECT DATE
“You went to a stranger’s house for a first date? y/n, are you crazy? That’s bloody dangerous and-”WHO SAID IT'S A STRANGER?🤭
“Yes, sorry, I was just thinking about yesterday.”, you chuckled, dropping your head to avoid her seeing your red cheeks. “His name is definitely Cameron.”YES CAMERON 😌😂
“Morning girls, it’s short notice, my apologies, but there’s going to be a meeting in conference room no. 2 in ten minutes. Make sure you’re on time please.”OH, I DON'T LIKE THIS
“No idea, but for some reason I have a really bad feeling about this, to be honest.”, you confessed. Your heart was racing and you felt sick to your stomach; both signs that had you worried as your gut feeling very rarely ever fooled you.I HAVE A HORRIBLE FEELING TOO
After an exhausting day on the training pitch as well as an extra shift in the gym straight after, Mason would normally flop down on the sofa and take a nap before a game or two with Ben and an early night, but after the date with you yesterday, he was still pretty much on cloud nine.HE IS A LITTLE BABY
It had taken him an embarrassingly long time to grow a pair and ask you out – about three years of friendship in fact – and he wasn’t proud of how long he’d been simping for you in silence and opting to stick to staying friends, but he’d been terrified of being rejected. OMG CUTIE PIEEE
So one evening on your way back home – you’d been out for dinner with friends – he’d held you back by your hand, bit the bullet and shyly asked if you wanted to go out with him. On a date. And the bright smile on your face as you’d nodded, had made his tummy flip like never before.OMG THEY ARE SOOOOO CUTE I CAN'T
The only problem: He missed you already.OHHHHHHH🥹🥹🥹
He considered calling you, but he didn’t want to annoy you, so he eventually opted for a message. But much to his surprise, it was left unanswered. OH NO😭
“Morning.”, you mumbled quietly as you entered your office. Your voice lacked the usual excitement and happiness, but Anna’s greeting wasn’t more cheerful either and as much as it sucked, you were glad you weren’t the only one who struggled to process everything that had happened and throughout the day you noticed that it seemed as if the news had hit everyone quite surprisingly, meaning the atmosphere was tense – to say the least.WHAT DID THEY TELL TO MY GIRLS TO MAKE THEM THIS SAD😭
You knew it would confuse and probably hurt him and that alone made you feel like the worst person on earth. Mason was the most genuine and kind man you’d ever met. He had a heart made of gold and deserved nothing but the best and here you were ignoring his every single attempt.  WHAT DID THEY ASK HER TO DO, OMG😭
“y/n, you’re crying. That doesn’t look like everything being okay to me.” She gently turned your chair and grabbed your hands. “What’s wrong? You can talk to me, you know that.”OMG MY GIRL😭
The sad and disappointed look in his big brown eyes had haunted you throughout the whole day and now that you were sitting in your quiet kitchen, staring at the wall and trying to enjoy your dinner, it got even worse.OH NO SAD PART IS COMINGGG
He didn’t deserve any of this. But there was nothing you could do. He had to forget about you and the feelings he held for you as quickly as possible and shutting him out felt like the only way. Even if it was the most painful one. OH WHY DOES HE HAVE TO FORGET ABOUT HER 😭
Mason had messaged you again a little while ago, asking how your meeting had gone, but you’d ignored it. Just like the two calls that had come in a little later. You could feel your heart breaking every single time his name popped up and your resistance crumbled ever so slightly.OMG SHE IS BREAKING HIS HEARTTT
A deep sigh left Mason’s left when once again there was no reply from you. Ever since yesterday evening, he’d been wondering what he could’ve done that would make you ghost him, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t find anything. OH BABY BOY I DON'T THINK IT'S YOUR FAULT AT ALL
Looking back at it now, even you telling him you had a meeting to attend, felt like you brushing him off and not wanting to talk to him, especially as he’d seen you talking animatedly to a colleague not long after, and his heart squeezed uncomfortably at the thought of you not wanting anything to do with him anymore. OH NO🥺 THAT'S NOT WHAT IS HAPPENING
It didn’t get easier at all. The next day still felt like you were ripping your own heart out and you had a hard time focussing and not bursting into tears.OMG THEY ARE HURTING SO MUCH
You had a feeling that Anna knew something was genuinely wrong with you, but she respected your decision and didn’t ask you again. Instead, she brought you tea and a couple of snacks back whenever she had to leave the office and whenever she’d pass you, she squeezed your shoulder in an attempt to be there for you.ANNA IS THE CUTEST
It was what was best for you. Even though it didn’t feel like it at all. And if you were being honest with yourself, you began to genuinely doubt whether you were really doing the right thing.TRUST ME IT'S NOT THE RIGHT THING
“Hi.”, he said quietly. The small smile on his face didn’t reach his eyes like it usually would, and it pained you, knowing you were the one who’d caused it. “Can we talk?”OPS THERE HE IS
“Yeah, obviously everything’s fine.”, he scoffed, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “That’s why you’ve been off with me right? And ignored my messages and calls. And dismissed me yesterday, saying you have a meeting when you actually just didn’t want to talk to me.”OH BABY BOY
“I thought the date was great and you said you’d enjoyed it too. What happened ever since? Or did you lie back then and never planned on seeing me again?” His voice was laced with disappointment and sadness and the expression in his voice mirrored both in a way that had your heart hurting like never before. OMG I WANT TO HUG HIM
You wanted to tell him you didn’t lie and that you’d meant everything you’d said. You wanted to wrap him up in your arms and confess how much you liked him, but instead, you got up from your desk and shook your head.NO Y/N, HUG HIM PLEASE
“I don’t want this, Mason.”WHAT? SHE IS JOKING,RIGHT??
“y/n, what’s wrong with you? What happened for you to turn on me like this? What did I do?” It was painful to hear him questioning himself, wondering what he had done wrong, when it hadn’t been him at all, but you couldn’t tell him that. “I don’t get this at all. y/n, we got along so well, what happened? If I did something to piss you off, just tell me, please…like…just please.” THE FACT THAT HE IS CONVINCED ITS HIS FAULT HURTS
“Look at me and tell me you don’t want this. That you don’t want me.”, Mason all but demanded. He was agitated, desperately grabbing the last straw he could find, but his heart only broke further, when you didn’t say anything at all. HE IS BEGGING YOUUU TELL HIM😭
“And I thought this could be it.”, he sighed. Shaking his head he let go off your elbow and slowly trudged out of your office.AND AFTER THIS I'M CRYING, LET'S THANK MY PERIOD AND YOUR WRITING ☺️😭
This was the worst you’d ever felt. No other heartbreak came close to how much it hurt to know you’d sent away the best thing you’d ever had.THE FACT THAT SHE ALREADY CONSIDERS HIM THE BEST THING SHE EVER HAD 😭😭😭
“I erm…I’m not feeling very well, to be honest.”, you admitted, knowing it was no use lying to her when you probably looked like you’d been crying for the past hour. “I think I’ll actually head home.”OPEN UP TO HER GIRL, YOU NEED TO TALK WITH SOME ONE
Coming into training the next day, Mason still felt awful. Obviously, he was still hurt by you pushing him away like you had, but he also felt horrible for not respecting the choice you’d made. AND NOW HE FEELS MORE GUILTY, YAY 😭
You’d obviously been distraught and instead of just accepting it for the time being, he’d made it worse and demanded something you’d not been ready to give to him yet. He had too much respect for you to disrespect your decisions like he had and whilst it might only hurt him further, he’d made the decision to apologise for his behaviour and tell you that he’d be okay with being friends.OH HE IS MY BIG MATURE MAN😌🥹
He quickly took a shower before jogging up to your office, thinking that after today, you and him could be back to being friends, but he was more than surprised to find it empty. Your desk looked untouched, there was no bag by the side of it and no trace of your coffee mug.OH SHE TOOK THE DAY OFF,I WANT TO HUG HER🫂😭
The blonde girl nodded. “I take it you’re looking for y/n?”, she asked, receiving a quick confirmation from the midfielder. “She’s not in today. Rang in sick this morning to let us know she won’t be in the whole week.”OMG THE WHOLE WEEK, THAT'S BAD...
Mason’s heart dropped to his tummy. You were rarely ever sick and it wasn’t like you to sign off sick entirely instead of working from home, so the worry that overcame him was barely bearable.HE IS FREAKING OUT, RUN AT HERS IN 3 2 1....
Anna just nodded and watched him leave. She’d been suspicious before as you and Mason had always got along really well and you’d kept mentioning him, but whenever she’d hinted at there being more between the two of you, you’d denied it and explained that he’s just a really good friend.Now however, she felt as if everything was adding up: You struggling to remember the guy’s name you’d gone on a date with, the way you’d not taken the news on Tuesday well and now you ringing in sick for the whole week after you’d obviously been crying yesterday. SHE KNOWS OMG IM GIGGLING ANNA IS MY GIRL, GO ANNA😌😌
Mason didn’t have to think twice about where to go as he got into his car and started the engine. He’d been determined to make things right before and now that he had the confirmation that something was genuinely wrong, he wanted to make sure you were okay even more.I JUST HOPE SHE WILL LET HIM IN AND TELL HIM EVERYTHING
“I’m okay.”, you nodded, trying to shut the door subtly, but Mason caught on to it almost immediately.GO MASEEE 🤭
“I actually came to apologise too.”, Mason admitted. He scratched the back of his head. “Do you think I could come in? Please?”OH BABY
You thought about it for a second, utterly confused why he was the one wanting to apologise when you’d ghosted him for days, but you eventually sighed and let him in. Having known him for years it was pretty easy to tell that he wouldn’t leave unless he got to apologise for whatever it was and especially because of the current circumstances, it would be better if he wasn't seen at your front door.CAYSE HE TGINKS IT WAS HIS FAULT, THE POOKR BOY
He had so much to say, so many things to reassure you that he was okay with whatever you wanted him to be, but one accidental look at your opened notebook was all it took to shut him up. The page you’d opened on Google made it unmistakably clear that none of what he’d planned to say was necessary. You had made your decision. A painful decision made by someone he’d never thought would hurt him like this.OMG? WHAT WAS SHE LOOKING AT ??
“Never mind.”, he said. “It was a ridiculous idea to think you’d want anything to do with me after your behaviour those last days…and to think I came here to apologise. Fuck me.” The hollow laugh he let out had chills running down your spine. You didn’t think you’d ever seen him this hurt and you were desperate to explain, but Mason wasn’t having any of it.WHAT JUST HAPPENED???
“Look, y/n, you don’t have to pretend anymore. Why didn’t you just tell me you didn’t want to date me anymore? Obviously, it would’ve hurt, but we’ve been friends for so long, I would’ve never let you go entirely. I would’ve been okay with being friends if that’s what you wanted, but very clearly, were not on the same page with that either.”WHAT HURT HIM THAT MUCH??? CARLOTTA YOURE TOO GOOD WITH THOSE SUSPENSE MOMENTS BUT I NEED TO KNOW
“y/n you’re literally looking for a new job.”, he huffed. “You obvs can’t wait to get away from me and whatever it was between us. Just tell me, seriously, because this is getting ridiculous. I just…this is so fucked up, I can’t believe it…I just…”OHHHH SILLY, SHE WANTS TO LEAVE SO SHE CAN BE WITH YOUUUUU
“Yeah? Then fucking tell me how what you’re doing translates into you wanting to be friends or more with me. Because I obviously don’t get it at all.”, he bellowed. “It hurt y/n, can you imagine? We went out on that date and it went so well and I really thought you were the one I’d been looking and waiting for for years. I genuinely thought we had something but instead you went all cold on me and fucking ghosted me. You didn’t even explain anything. Do you have any idea how much that hurt?”OH BOY, LET HER EXPLAIN, SHE IS HURTING PROBABLY MORE THAN YOU
“And on top of that, here I am wanting to apologise for making you feel bad and disrespecting your decision…god this is so fucking humiliating you have no idea. I-”, Mason stopped and took a deep breath, trying to compose himself as he didn’t have the strength to keep going like this anymore. He just wanted it to be over. “Look, y/n, you don’t have to leave. I know how much you love your job and the club. I’ll just stay away and leave you be. It’s like we’ve never been friends or something, I don’t know.”OH STOP IT NOW AND LET HER TALK
And with that, he turned around, obviously leaving the choice with you once again, and you contemplated letting him leave, but you knew that this time it would be for good. And whilst it was everything, you’d tried to achieve those last days, right now you realised it was the worst thing that could happen.GO GIRLLLL
“I’m doing this for us.”I KNEW ITTT
You took a deep breath, ready to lay it all out in front of him, no matter the consequences, but you were terrified it was too late. “I…with the new management, we’re not allowed to have any kind of friendship, let alone relationship with any of the first team players.”STUPID MANAGEMENT RUINING MY LITTLE COUPLE
“The day after our date? We got called into a meeting where they explained that the team’s success is the most important thing and that nothing and no one can be a distraction. Apparently, someone had filled them in on the friendships that had formed and they didn’t like that administrative staff and players aren’t strictly separated, so they gave us updated terms for our contract that states that from now on, any kind of relationship and us is strictly forbidden and that whoever would break the rules would be immediately suspended. Apparently, we don’t even have to sign it for it to be effective.”THAT'S SO BLEAH🤮🤮🤮 IGNORANT PEOPLE
“y/n.”, he sighed softly as he took a couple of careful steps into your direction and when you didn’t back off, he eventually brought you into a tight hug. SHE FINALLY RECIVED THE HUG SHE'D BEEN NEEDING IN TGE PAST 2 DAYS
“It’s okay, love.”, he whispered as he leaned his cheek on top of your head. “I got you, I’m not going anywhere.”OHHHHH I'LL MELT🥹🥹🥹
“I’m sorry.”, you whispered once you’d regained enough composure. “I know I hurt you a lot and I never meant to be as shitty as I’ve been. It’s just…when they handed us the updated terms, I didn’t know what to do. They said there would be consequences and I was so terrified something could happen to you and…I thought you’d just forget about me and our date if I pushed you away enough and…I’m so sorry I hurt you like this.”THE FACT THAT SHE WAS SCARED ABOUT WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED TO HIM😭😭😭
“I know.” He gently cupped your jaw with his warm hand, thumb caressing the soft skin on your cheekbone causing you to smile softly. “But still…Yesterday, I gave you the chance to explain, but everything was still so fresh and then today when I came here, I cut you off all the time and jumped to conclusions. I know I was mad and hurt, but I should’ve given you a moment to explain. I’m sorry, I didn’t.” HE IS THE BIGGEST WALKING GREEN FLAG IVE EVER SEEN
You gently kissed the palm of his hand before leaning back against his chest. His evenly beating heart doing the trick in settling you even more and when Mason ran one hand up and down your spine, you snuggled into him even further. THE PALM KISS KILLS ME EVERYTIME, ITS SO INTIMATE
Mason was the best thing that had ever happened to you and it didn’t matter whether it was as your boyfriend or a normal friend, there was no way you’d ever let him go. SCREAMING
“I don’t want you to quit, y/n.”, Mason suddenly said. “Let’s keep it under the wraps and see where it’ll go. We obviously like each other a lot, but we don’t know if it’ll work out in the long run. Let’s just figure it our just us two and when we’re both certain that this is what we want, you can still quit.”THE PERFECT MAN IF YOU ASK ME
“More than sure.”, Mason smiled. He leaned down and pressed his lips to your forehead. “I know how much you love working for United and there’s absolutely no need to worry about me. If anything, I’ll be even more focused and determined to do well and impress you, to be honest.”OHHHHHH CUTIE🤭🤭🤭🤭
“We are.”, he confirmed and the smile lighting up his face made you feel weak in the knees. He really was the most beautiful man you’d ever laid your eyes on. “And I couldn’t be happier, love.”THEY ARE HAPPY, I AM HAPPY😌🥹
“I really want to kiss you.”, he admitted quietly, nose nudging yours in an attempt to test the waters and when you didn’t pull away, but instead tilted your head a little to the side, he dipped down and kissed you softly.GO MASON GO MASON GO🤭🤭🤭
“I like you so much, y/n.”, he whispered; both of you knowing that liking each other didn’t come close to how you actually felt, but you knew it was too early to say it yet.“I like you loads, too.”, you smiled and with that, Mason leaned back in to kiss you again. WE HAVE TWO CUTIE PIES IN LOVE
Bestie thank you so so much 🥺🩷 I’m so glad you enjoyed it so much and I’m really glad you liked me not telling everything straight from the beginning.
I debated putting the meeting or a conversation between Anna and y/n in but in the end I felt like this was the better option and I’m glad you agree 🙌🏼🤭
Thank you very much. I appreciate this more than I could ever tell 🩷🩷🩷
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flokali · 1 year ago
Hi, I'm the anon that mentioned the ao3 copy cat. I'm really proud of you for taking up the courage to respond to it. I know it feels scary to do confrontation (look at me, I'm hiding behind anon face), but your fic was one I reread a lot and thought you deserved to know what's up and hoped you could get some action done despite that.
Hope you're having a less mentally jarring life besides that. ✌️
Anon, you are sososo sweet and also literally my hero 😭
Thankfully, they took it down pretty soon after but I legit looked at my message for a hot second before sending it because I was so scared they’d respond and be like, mean or something jKSND which is so funny because I am super opinionated in my day to day life and even online but for some reason I was like… “omg what if they call me a bitch”…. Like, Mori get a grip that is NOT important?! Maybe it’s because it has to do with this blog and I actually care about it and you guys and what I post on here - unlike people’s opinions on me and my life choices, like… believe it or not even though I suck at answering asks and being active, this place and the little community here means so much to me - like not to sound corny or cringey but I don’t see myself leaving this blog for a long time? Even if I disappear and take months on fics, I am constantly checking the blog and re-reading asks (TT)
And in terms of life… I got sick for a month and didn’t leave my bedroom and didn’t go to a single class and now I am so behind it is driving me crazy KDJDNW but! I’m getting back on the education grind because that degree will be mine by the end and I will literally kill someone if I don’t get that silly little diploma ^_^
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softxsuki · 2 years ago
꒰ ˆ ꒵ ˆ꒱ Hi, Han! Congratulations on 1000+ followers! I've been around since you hit 400 and I couldn't be more proud of you and how far you've come. You're too good for this world and just seeing you pop up in my notifications puts a smile on my face. („⊹𝅒⊹„) I'm sure you’ll get even more supporters soon (as you deserve) and I hope I'll get to see your blog keeping on growing! Thank for all of the content you put out for us, this plataform wouldn't be the same without you and would mean a lot less to me. (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・
Anyway, if it's okay, could I please send in a request for the event?
❥ Pronouns:
𖤣 they/them
❥ Fandoms:
𖤣 Tokyo Revengers, Obey Me, Jujutsu Kaisen
❥ Gender:
𖤣 It doesn't matter!
❥ Type of matchup:
𖤣 Romantic
❥ Myer-Briggs Personality Type:
❥ Zodiac:
𖤣 Sagittarius
❥ What I value:
𖤣 loyalty; open-mindedness; respect.
❥ My type:
𖤣 I don't think I have one, I never judge people by their looks and don't consider anyone I've met, until now, ugly.
❥ What's my personality like:
𖤣 observant; pretty short-tempered; indecisive (but i do make good choices); smart; ambivert; creative; genuine; lazy; camera shy; optimistic; I can get easily confused; forgetful; moody; reliable; sassy; people say I have great taste (for music, fashion, food, crushes, decorations, locations, etc); spontaneous; stubborn; sensitive;
❥ Hobbies/things I like to do:
𖤣 I don't think I have any talent to hobbies... So here are the things I like to do: traveling; shopping; exploring new places; spend hours swinging on swings; listening to music; eating out; collecting plushies;
❥ Details:
𖤣 I'm at my last school year and still have no idea of what to do with my life; I'm from Brazil; I've been trying to gain a little bit of weight; I have a sweet tooth; I'm very picky when it comes to food;
❥ Kind of scenario:
𖤣 Hmmmm, maybe what mornings with them are like?? I really don't know!!
𑁍 Take your time, Han! I hope you have an amazing day and life!! Thank you for existing, you're insanely special to me and to many others. 𑁍
1000 Follower Event Matchup #27
This event is CLOSED. You can view the event masterlist here.
Note: Thank you! It's crazy that I made this event when I hit 1k and now I'm at 1.5k...these matchups took me way too long. I'm so sorry for the wait. But omg you've been around since I was at 400 followers :( you've stuck with me for a while! Thank you so much for all your support. I hope you like who I matched you with <3
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Runner-ups were: Mitsuya, Lucifer, Megumi
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I feel like Draken would be your support system
He’s such a dependable guy, he’d want you to lean on him for once
He loves your sass btw, it adds a little spice to your relationship that keeps things interesting, so keep pushing his buttons
Always takes you out to eat, watching you with a little smirk as you happily enjoy your food (even if you’re picky and only eat chicken tenders with fries) as long as you’re happy he’s happy
He’s not the biggest shopper, but whenever you want to go out shopping he insists on tagging along, kinda playing your bodyguard and official bag holder, you’re not holding any bags with him around
What are mornings with Draken like?
Hmmm, I think he’s not the biggest morning person, so he’s a little slow at waking up (after all, he lives in a brothel which is more active during the night)
Groggy morning voice as he cuddles into you, hiding his face in the crook of your neck 
So definitely a slow morning, but be happy, because you’re getting an unusually clingy and cute Draken lol
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This man’s brother is the avatar of sloth lol, he’s pretty fond of your laziness
Beel is our gentleman :( he’s a big ol teddy bear
Super loyal and respectful, he treats you like you’re his treasure
Pls don’t lose your temper with him :( he’d get all pouty, though having Satan as his brother, he is pretty used to it, but it would hurt more if you specifically get mad at him
You’re eating out like 10 times a day with him LOL
If you’re a picky eater, he’d gladly take whatever you don’t want from your plate, and even shares some things on his own plate that you love :( <3 so in love omg
And if you’re trying to gain weight, he’s the perfect person to help you out with that :D 
What are mornings with Beel like?
Well…he’s already up in the kitchen making you both breakfast
Surprises you with breakfast in bed every morning and is actually able to control his urges and manages to not eat the entire plate before it reaches you
He’s down to do whatever you want for the day, he’ll follow you around :) so long as you feed him along the way
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This cutie is perfect boyfriend material, especially for you
I picture him taking so many off-guard pictures of you to save to his phone; no matter how much you try to convince him that you look horrible in them, he just spends the next few days gushing over them, admiring the small image of you on his phone <3
He feeds your plushy addiction, he finds your collection cute and loves seeing how happy you get when you get a new one added in 
Loyal golden retriever boyfriend 10000000%
Goes on a walk to the park with you while you swing on the swings side by side, chatting and eating the ice cream he bought you :D 
What are mornings like with Itadori?
Energetic…I hope you’re a morning person, because he’s fresh as a daisy pretty early in the morning, ready for another adventure with you
He’s the type to watch you as you sleep, waiting excitedly for you to wake up, and eventually you do wake up from feeling him watch you lol
Morning kisses are a must and maybe even some cuddles
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Posted: 08/28/2023
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stevenbasic · 1 year ago
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Growing into the Job, Post 387: Another Favor
I am mentally stable. I am mentally stable, calm and cool and collected, any time I want to be. I am strong and ready for change. I am in control of myself and the world around me. Despite all this crappp I am not going to freak out. Shhhhh. The power to be better is in my hands. My emotional strength is matched only by my physical strength and I am haha really really strongggg
I stared into the bathroom mirror of the staff bathroom with the best smile I could manage and what I hoped wasn’t a super-crazy look in my eyes. I could feel the ceramic of the counter top threatening to give way under my finger tips and saw the mirror haha shaking from the authority in my voice as I said my affirmation. I took a long, slow, deep breath. Yes, I was strong. I…me! I was in control.
Okay haha enough of that! I need to talk to Marisela before she leaves. I stepped out of the bathroom with the paper I needed. 
Mmm…But actually I am actually really, really proud of myself for not being too upset right now. I mean haha - look at the day I’ve had! The photoshoot stuff was cool this morning (I’m sooo excited to be a TV star haha) but then the lawyers? Ack. They tried to take him away! What the actual F. Are there more of them? Should I look? What would I do if I found them? And then - then! - the girls showed me that security video? The one that showed it was Cici - one of my own girls! - that had trashed his apartment? Ack ack ack!! If I hadn’t been able to center myself with these breathing exercises, these manifestations, I may have haha just she-hulked out right there in the breakroom where they showed it to me. I’m so glad Lakshmi had taken him away to keep him busy, brought him along with her to see some patients. I wouldn’t have wanted him to see my reaction (I didn’t really like that soda machine anyway, I’ll buy us a new one) or know that it was…what was her name?…Cici that did that.  <clack clack clack> My heels echoed loudly through the hallways. I wanted everyone to hear.
Was I angry? I mean, yeah, maybe a little. Both with, uh, Cici and with what happened with those lawyer guys. But I knew what I had to do, had a plan. And hah I didn’t think he’d mind. I liked how it felt, you in my blouse, earlier. Didn’t you? The closer u are the stronger I feel. This’ll let me be really strong. 
I could make it happen, I knew it. I turned the corner as I thought of his little head, buttoned up in my top. Nnngh! Haha we could be even more. It might take some time, and he might need a little convincing, but omigod yes. Yes yes. I needed to keep him safe and I figured what better way than to-
Haha shush, Missy. You have to find that girl. Cici, right? Or Cynthia? Why can I not picture her face? Anyway. Let’s take care of these lawyers first. I had an idea, was headed to who I needed to ask for help. I had the paper. 
<<clack clack clack>>. Thunder cracks through the halls, really loud. The office was otherwise quiet. There were only a few girls left, mostly cleaning up the rooms, and he was somewhere with them. I bet you hear me. Does it make your heart race? Do you get a little nervous? Good. 
Marisela, thankfully, was still at her desk. 
“Hey Melissa.”
“Hey sweetie,” I replied, appearing calm. Marisela had her own little corner in the main office where we let her do her work. She’s really smart. I looked over her shoulder. She had one of her graphic-design programs opened up. “Are you working on the-?“
“Yeah,” she replied, swiveling to me in her chair. Aww she was just so pretty. Her straight black hair was done really nice today, probably for our little company photoshoot. “I just started on it.” She opened up a window for me, but then turned back, finished looking at the screen
“Ooo! looks cool. Hey, listen, I'm just about ready to take him home for the night. Would you mind closing up?” Still proud of myself for not acting crazy. But I could only hold it in for so long. 
“Of course sure yeah,” she replied, “Lakshmi and Josie and I are going ax-throwing. Wanna come?”
“Fun but no,” I answered, “I have something to do at home.” Him. 
Marisela's eyes flittered as she noticed the yellow paper I had in my hand. I’d tried not to crinkle it too much. Her smile crooked as she eyed it. 
 “Let me guess, you have another favor.”
I giggled, and maybe did sound a little crazy. “I do,” I said, handing the paper out to her. She took it, glanced down at it, noticing the signatures and names and all the legal words. They’d dropped it, left it behind. “These people tried to take him,” I said, my voice changing. I felt it, it got deeper. It might have been my imagination but I think the room dimmed. “I want you to help me. Can you do something about this?”
Marisela brought the paper closer to her face. She sniffed it, drawing in a deep breath. Suddenly her eyes widened, and a dark smile that showed a lot of teeth - two of them getting really sharp -  broke her face. Those big brightly pretty eyes flashed. She had fangs. 
“You know what I want?” I asked. She had their scent. 
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