#this one never ended up in the comic before i stopped updating whcih is a SHAME
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bionigrls · 3 years ago
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Impostor Among Us
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enderon · 8 years ago
Oso-San Fic Rec:
So, I’ve been reading OsoSan fics practically non-stop for the past two weeks, and I’ve definitely found some really good ones I’d like to share. Pre warning, most of these will be Kara-centric. (At the end of every summary and commentary, there will be a list of trigger warnings, so check that out.)
Haunted By the Past - It was inevitable, Osomatsu knew. It started with Choromatsu's seemingly random panic attack and then just spiraled out of control. Worst of all, his little brothers can't even pinpoint the problem. Little glimpses of cloth, a voice, metal shining in streetlight...its not much to go by, but Osomatsu is determined to make everything okay. He'll take care of his brothers or die trying. (I’ve already mentioned this one before, so obviously it’s gonna be on this list. it’s just SO fucking good!!! Really gets me feeling, and I’ve already reread it a couple of times) (Trigger Warnings: PTSD, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Panic Attacks, Minor Violence, Blood, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Implied/Referenced Childhood Sexual Abuse, Animal Death)
Til the Siren Sounds, I’m Safe - part two of the zombie apocalypse!AU Karamatsu didn't go gentle into that good night. In fact, he pretty much ran right into it. Being bitten and surviving changes a person, and the brothers learn to cope with loss and recovery, as you do. The world is never kind--even amidst the apocalypse. (This is the second part to another one-shot fic, though it’s actually like a ‘what if’ scenario for if something different had happened. This one actually breaks my heart and I can’t wait till it updates.) (Trigger Warnings: Zombies, Mild Blood, Panic Attacks)
Time and Time Again - Life can get pretty dull when you’re a 20-something NEET, but Karamatsu’s never really minded it too much. It was something like being on a carousel: the ups and downs were more or less predictable, but it was still fun enough to keep riding. But maybe one day it’s not so much like a carousel anymore. Maybe it’s more like a whirlpool, and all he can do is reach out, reach out, and hope blindly for a way to pull himself back to land. (this was a recent read, and it’s been great. You really feel his pain and frustrations as each attempt at fixing things fails and it all starts over again) (Trigger Warnings: Violence, Temporary Character Death, Panic Attack)
Just Hold My Hand - The brothers deal with having potentially ruined Karamatsu's life for good. (This one just plain hurts, it hurts a lot.) (Trigger Warnings: Graphic depiction of injury, Blood, Panic Attack)
Miracle - Karamatsu doesn't think his brothers care about him at all. They have to prove him wrong, somehow. (A cute little sickfic with a good dosage of brotherly fluff. This is a feel good, a real good feel good)
Baby on Board - This and that happened, and Jyushimatsu comes home with Karamatsu. Except Karamatsu's like, five years old. (Baby fic!! I live for this trope, I am way too weak. Really, way too cute a fic. Another super good feel good, with a lot of fluff and goodness, and a good amount of big brother Oso)
Inclanation -  "I'm so tired," Osomatsu sighed, balling his fists against Karamatsu's sides. "I went to the races and won a little bit but it was so hard not to just gamble what I'd won. I thought about what Choroshikoski would say and he was like, 'you shouldn't spend your money as soon as you get it! What will you use to buy drinks and comics!' or something like that." --- Just Karamatsu and Osomatsu laying down. (Some good Choukeimatsu fluff, some good shit right here. Brotherly cuddling, what’s better?)
Did You Have Those Yesterday - Osomatsu walks in on Karamatsu wearing glasses. But he'd never needed glasses before, so why...? (Another cute Choukei one, but this time involving Kara having glasses, whcih I’m really weak for)
For When You Return - Karamatsu has a problem. His brothers must learn to support him, or else risk losing him for good. (Another good angsty one, though this one took a different approach. I didn’t know how to feel about this one at first, but the further you get the better it gets, i assure) (Trigger Warnings: Violence, Blood, Rage, Anger Management Problems, Near Death)
[Untitled] -  "Come on, Karamatsu," Osomatsu said, taking his brother by the wrist and pulling him to standing. Osomatsu grabbed the money Karamatsu had laid on top of the bill and put it back in Karamatsu's pocket. "We'll find somewhere else for dinner next time." ---  Four times Osomatsu saw Karamatsu cry, and one time Karamatsu saw Osomatsu cry. (I love this one, I keep going back to it cause it’s so good)    
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