#this obviously comes with a wedding night sister piece
mxwhore · 2 years
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😱😳 my fiance??💍 is a MONSTER?? 👹😱 you heard that right! releasing the unofficial cover of this holiday's feast for monsterfuckers, coming soon from a tessa near you ♡
donate! // donate harder!!
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alchemistc · 3 months
Just thinking about Buck internalizing 'i don't think you're ready'. Thinking about him running back over his 'I'm an ally' speech and cringing because God, WHY did he say that, why couldn't he have just been cool.
Thinking about him actually sitting in it, and thinking about why the interruption from Eddie made him Act Like That. There's obviously the newness, the discomfort, the fact that Buck hasn't really had a chance to explore much of "Oh, I am attracted to men." yet. He was so busy with nerves and he wanted more time and then there was Eddie, who knows (probably too much) about Buck's dating history and he Hasn't Told Eddie about this. He hasn't had a chance to wrap his own mind around it yet.
Buck usually goes to three people: Maddie, Eddie, Bobby.
And he hasn't talked to any of them. And he's stewing, trying to figure out WHY, because he's always been supportive, so why should he feel any different when he's on the other side of it.
He goes to Maddie and pushes his "I've always supported the gays" agenda AGAIN and Maddie has to parse the details, gently shove Buck in the right direction - well, if you're MORE than an ally now, that could be something that is preventing you from telling your best friend the truth, let's explore that some more.
It takes him two tries with Eddie, and maybe it's the setting (why would you think it was a good idea to come out in the middle of the station, Evan Buckley, supportive ally or no that's not exactly gonna put you in your comfort zone, c'mon) or maybe he just needs to work his way up to it because Eddie is obviously Preoccupied. But he almost lets the moment pass, again, at home, in his own space, bc Eddie is still Preoccupied. But -- but he doesn't WANT to, because they are talking about their love lives and Buck wants Eddie to be an active participant in his thought process just like he always is.
We were on a date, he says, and Eddie takes a second to process. Which. Fair. Buck had leaned against his kitchen island for like ten minutes after Tommy left, that night after he kissed him. Eddie prompts him to repeat it, and it doesn't suck, actually, it feels like a weight lifting off his chest -- "Is that weird?" -- but of course Eddie doesn't find it weird, he just didn't KNOW (so many pieces of the puzzle fall into place for Eddie, holy shit his best friend maimed him because he had a crush on their new friend, holy shit had Tommy been slyly pumping his son for information because HE had a crush too???).
And suddenly Buck is absolutely free to bitch about his love life again, and Eddie is there to give him advice and be fully in his corner and Buck has exactly what he needs to go Full Buck. He's got his sister, and his best friend, and maybe he actually doesn't need Bobby this time because it feels right to call Tommy up and set up a meeting for coffee.
No longer bogged down by "well I'm an ally why couldn't I have been chill about being on a date with a dude" - he can text Maddie that night and be like "Hey is Tommy already invited to the wedding?" and grin when she texts back "Buck what does this mean" and send back "You said you wanted to meet him".
With Eddie's support and his "well then he's an idiot", Buck has the time to mull over what he wants to say, what Tommy makes him feel, what he would want if Tommy was willing to give him another chance. He doesn't want it to be one failed date, he doesn't want to hide Tommy away, he wants something real and something true and something he can share with his family and friends and he thinks maybe Tommy could want that, too.
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its-time-to-write · 11 months
Hi there!! I’m the anon that requested the wedding date fic, which was absolutely fabulous, and I was wondering if you’d be willing to write about Jamie and reader’s wedding? It doesn’t need to be a continuation of that fic (and obviously you don’t need to write it if you’re not vibing with it!) I just thought it could be cute 💚
it took me a while to vibe with it, but I finally did!! Thanks for the request!
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right words at the right time
“Don’t bite your nails!” your sister shrieks from across the room. You whip your hand out of your mouth. 
“I wasn’t,” you reply.
She raises an eyebrow. “Sure. Sure you weren’t. Here, eat something instead.”
“I can’t,” you say. “I’m too nervous. What if something goes wrong?”
“Like what?” Keeley asks from her position by the mirror. She slicks back a flyaway hair and dabs at the corner of her mouth.
“I dunno, what if- what if I trip? What if Ted forgets what he’s supposed to say? What if Jamie says no?”
Your sister and Keeley exchange a look.
“He’s the one who asked you,” Rebecca says before either of them can can snark back at you.
You’re still not convinced. “What if he’s changed his mind?” you ask worriedly.
Your sister bangs her head against the wall. You weren’t this nervous last night when you were out partying with the girls. None of the women in the room are quite sure what’s come over you.
“He hasn’t changed his mind,” Rebecca says in a placating tone. “Look at your hand. See that diamond? Does that look like something Jamie would forget about?”
“No,” you reply weakly. “But what if he wants it back? Or remembers that he’s famous and rich and I literally am neither of those things. I have a face that was made for the radio!”
“Oh my god,” you sister says, throwing her hands in the air. “He’s marrying you. Please calm the fuck down. You literally have to walk down the aisle in half an hour.”
Your nail is in your mouth again so Keeley reaches up and smacks it away.
She says, “Babes, I love you to fucking pieces, but you seriously need to calm down, yeah? It’s alright.”
There’s a knock on the door and you jump. 
“Almost ready?” Ted asks. “The boys are getting mighty anxious out there.”
‘The boys’ he’s referring to are the entirety of AFC Richmond, who may have been the reason this marriage is even happening. After all, it was Colin who swore he met the perfect person for Jamie and Dani who convinced you to go on a blind date. Sam provided the venue (obviously) and Isaac, Declan, and Richard made sure Jamie didn’t wear something stupid.
Rebecca opens the door a crack. “She’s getting mighty anxious in here.”
Ted frowns. “Pre-wedding jitters are normal, but you got nothing to worry about, darlin’. Two hundred of your closest friends and family are all here to support you on your big day.”
You blow out a breath. “More like thirty of my closest friends and family. The rest are for Jamie. Fuck’s sake, Ted, what am I doing? I shouldn’t be here. Do you know how much money he spent on this fucking wedding? It’s more than I make in two years. Don’t get me wrong, it’s literally my dream, but I just feel like I’m not going to measure up. He’s going to get bored of me sooner or later.”
Ted tilts his head and you feel oddly comforted under his scrutinizing gaze. “Alright, come with me,” he says after a moment of deliberation. “Everyone’s outside, I’m just gonna sneak you down the hall a little bit. You trust me?”
You nod and take his proffered arm. Your sister breathes, “Thank fuck,” as you leave, and you’re pretty sure you hear Keeley echo the sentiment.
Ted leads you to a door at the end of the hall and motions for you to stand against the wall, just out of sight. He knocks. 
“Jamie? You got a minute?”
The door opens and you clamp a hand over your mouth to keep from making noise. 
“Your girl’s having a bit of a pre-marital fright, so I brought her down to talk to ya. If you just sit down and stick your hand out the door, she can grab it and you won’t see her before you’re supposed to.”
Jamie says, “Sounds good, coach,” and his head is replaced by an arm. You stare at it for a minute before Ted motions you to grab Jamie’s hand. You sit down, back against the wall, and reach for Jamie who gives you a reassuring squeeze.
“Christ love, your hands are fucking sweaty,” he says and you can tell by his voice that he’s smiling.
Something about hearing him makes tears well up, and you sniff.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” Jamie asks. “You crying because you’re so happy your husband is mad fit and mad rich?”
You say, “No. Well, kind of,” and it’s all Jamie can do not to break the stupid fucking tradition of not seeing the bride before she walks down the aisle.
“Tell me,” he says softly. Ted hands you a tissue and then retreats back where he came from.
You sniff. “I’m really excited to marry you. I really fucking am. It’s just- you’re so much, you know? It’s one of the things I love about you. And I’m not, not really. I’m just me, and I don’t want you to realize that you can do better.”
Jamie maneuvers your hand so he can press a kiss to your knuckles.
“You worry too much,” he says. “We’re doing this shit, for better or for worse, yeah? How do I know you won’t realize you can do better than me? Dump me for some fit nerd.”
“You are a fit nerd,” you laugh through tears. “Football nerd, but still a nerd.”
Jamie snorts. “Shit babe, you know how to make a bloke feel special.”
You’re both silent for a minute, taking comfort in the fact that the love of your life is on the other side of the door.
The moment is broken by Keeley’s appearance. 
“Time to go back into hiding, babe,” she says.
You sigh, and Jamie squeezes your hand one more time. “See you in a bit, love,” he says.
Keeley helps you off the floor and back down to the room.
“All good?” she asks. 
“All good,” you reply.
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acutecoral · 11 months
I have no brain for prose at the moment, because I don't think I've watched enough Cellbit to really get his mannerisms right but just a concept in my head at the moment like
Cellbit has had the urge to relapse back to what felt natural, to resort of violence, to killing. Now not in service of himself, but for the people he cares about.
His hold over those urges was admirable, but it was always bound to snap.
It started with Felps. His friend. Lost to the Federation's grasp. I'd imagine ignoring the urge was...easy then, at least with the initial idea. He had a plan, he directed his focus to infiltrating, to misleading and convincing Cucurucho that he could be trusted. It was hard. Here on the island, he had found a family, friends, people he knew and grown to care about. To push them away, and mislead them must have felt awful. Back in the war, things weren't as complicated but he wanted to do something different. He can be different.
I imagine when it failed, when he was taken back and captured, maybe there was that voice at the back of his mind. "This would have been easier if..."
But it was a constant companion for many years, and he's had practice pushing it down and refocusing his energy to other things.
Like his family, his son, the Eggs, his friends, the Order, Roier, their wedding, the campaign for the presidency. There was a lot to do, so much that needed his attention it would have been easy to just focus on the next thing and pretend that those darker thoughts wasn't there.
Then the Eggs disappeared. His son was gone, the other Eggs were gone, and no one knew what had happened. Everyone was searching for answers and they barely had the pieces to put things together. But the Federation must have been behind it, they took the Eggs last time, it was the only answer.
Then Forever was forced to take the risus potion, forced to become a twisted parody of himself that Cellbit couldn't get through to. Forced to pretend everything was okay.
And Pac...Pac whom Cellbit had seen sink to despair since Mike was lost and now pushed even further now that Richas was missing. Pac was still determined, still so willing to sacrifice himself for the smallest chance to figure out what was affecting their friend, their family and find a way to cure him.
How Cellbit must have felt the strongest urge to tear the entire Federation down to the ground, when he found himself between Forever and Pac on that bench. How difficult that must have been to ignore and push past, because he couldn't indulge in it. He had to hold strong, he had to bring them back to reality, to come back to him.
But seeing Pac whimpering, huddled and trapped and so small, so afraid in that cage...then listening to Forever's screams, directed at the memory of Cucurucho in Cellbit's place, a play by play of what led him to be drugged in the first place, how those darker urges must have reared it's head up. Did Cellbit wish he did what Forever did? Even knowing where it led? That urge to let loose, to direct his anger at something, at someone who must have knew all the answers, who were obviously playing them for fools again, who was hurting his family so deeply once more, forcing those he cared about to this state.
It must have led to sleepless nights. Frustration and anger. He must have been so tired.
An exhaustion that everyone on the island felt, but especially...Roier. His huband.
Cellbit would have never forgotten the way the Federation played with Roier and Jaiden's hopes with Bobby's life. Dashing them when they were only granted 10 minutes with their child instead of giving him back.
And now the Eggs have been ripped away again. Roier's sister was taken. Roier's son in law was gone, and for someone that already lost someone he felt responsible for, Cellbit must have seen the heavy toll it took on Roier. The dark eye bags, the way he tries to busy himself, the way that he accepted the Eggs must be dead because he can't take another heartbreak. He can't handle to have that hope they're alive dashed again. Again. Again.
Then...Bagi. That was the last straw. The one that broke the camel's back. The revelation he had a peaceful life before. He was loved, he was safe, he had a family, he had a sister...He had a past before the war, he had come from somewhere, and he was ripped away from it, those memories lost, drowned with the memory of blood and violence and survival.
Cellbit had spent so long treading water, keeping his head up, but no more. No longer. He can't afford to. He had tried playing by the bear's rules, he had tried going about it another way, but clearly it wasn't working.
It was time for a change of tactic.
Did killing that first worker feel like relief? Did he surprise himself with how easy it was to slip back into those old habits he had spent so long to ignore? How easy to must have been to watch, to stalk, to wait...before going for the kill?
But maybe he can tell there's a difference here now. Just a little.
These skills were ones he learned to survive. Taught by a dear, old friend. And it served him well, but now he's stepping back into the shoes of the monster, not for himself no. But for the people he loves. The people he knows have been hurt. He's doing it for them.
He will burn down the Federation even if he has to use his own body for the kindling.
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yelena-bellova · 2 years
Since your okay with the asks...
If the ourbreak didn't happen what would of happened in the future of the couple?
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*sigh* I’ve thought about this…(here’s y’all’s alternate reality ending. Cling to it.)
First off, Joel would have come home from bailing Tommy out and gone to bed. Rose would have stirred enough to tell him that Sarah called her mom and Joel would have just…levitated out of joy. He would have taken that as Sarah’s permission to propose.
The ring would have been purchased the very next morning. Joel probably would have told Sarah that night before dinner and that girl would have rushed through her meal and cleared out of the room.
I can imagine the proposal being very chill and a little rushed because Joel wouldn’t be able to wait. Rose would probably come into the living room after putting away dinner and Joel’d be standing in the middle of the room. He’d try to give a long, eloquent speech about their relationship before saying ‘screw it,’ pulling the box out of his pocket and dropping to one knee. He’d say how much he loved her and how much Sarah loved her and how she was their missing piece and would she marry him? Rose would, obviously, be in tears and would say yes without any hesitation. Sarah would come running out from the hall because of course she’d have listened in. There’d be a big family hug ❤️
The wedding would have taken place maybe two months after the proposal. Probably in the Miller’s backyard with their families and some friends. Tommy would give a memorable best man speech, Sarah would definitely get up and talk about how happy she was that Joel had found Rosebud and call her mom. Cue more tears because even if it’s fluff, I’m still gonna make y’all cry.
Probably a few months after, Rose and Joel would decide to have a kid. Within a year of the wedding, Rose would be pregnant. I can’t imagine them having more than one kid, but I do think it would have been another girl. Sarah would (obviously) be thrilled to have a little sister. In the beginning, Rose would lean heavily on Joel’s knowledge because she’d be so new to it, but she’d pick it all up real quick. Joel would feel relief at not having to go through the newborn phase on his own this time.
Ultimately, Rose and Joel would have led a very quiet, very happy life raising their little family ❤️
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sgt-morgan · 10 months
Mine all mine. 🌙🦋
Joel Miller x OC
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Summary: late night ramblings.
Warnings: angst, pure unadulterated angst. Death of a character. Illusion to illness or cancer. The unnamed OC is AFAB and female identifying.
A/N: This is so fucking sad. It’s depressing. Do not be mad at me if you read it and are sad, I cried while writing it. I was listening to Mitski and Neil Young and I accidentally made this. I’m so sorry. Read at your own risk. I’ve been going through it so I needed this outlet.
Joel senses it before it happens. He knows all her little tricks and tells. Hell, he should, after about four years of sleeping next to her every night. Her every tick is tattooed on his brain, he can practically read her every movement behind his eyelids. She shifts a bit, and curls up on his chest and then he can feel the weight of her eyes on him, her chin digging into his chest. She’s staring at his face, and here any moment now, she’d run her fingertips down the bridge of his nose, over his lips, down his cheek, then she’d rest her hand on the side of his neck. She can’t sleep, or she won’t, doesn’t matter, if she wants him awake, he’ll be awake.
She traces her favorite path with ease, and he sighs into the calm feeling of sweet contact. Her little sweet, familiar, touches as she debates whether or not to bother him. She, of course, is not a bother, but she wouldn’t believe it. So he just waits as she plucks up the courage to start speaking. He gets impatient though, always wanting more of her, as much of her as he can get, so he decides to cave.
“Baby, can I help you?” He cracks an eye open to see her staring up at him with tired yet adoring eyes and he grins.
“No, I just love you.” She shakes her head and keeps staring. He stares right back, wanting to keep every bit of her he can locked away in his heart. He’s been trying to do that more, he knows he needs it he guesses, he still thinks there are pieces of her his memory will never properly replicate. He hopes he’s wrong.
“Ok,” he nods, running a hand up and down her back in a soothing motion. “You’re still awake?” It’s a rhetorical question, he knows she’s awake obviously, he just hasn’t picked up on the why yet.
“Yeah,” she nods, gently rubbing her cheek on his chest and inhaling his scent. “I’m tired, but I’m not sleepy.”
Joel peeks at the alarm clock to see its 11:50. Not terrible, it’s not 3 am, he figures she’s probably in pain, so she’s not sleeping well. He forgets the clock, it doesn’t matter, he’d never sleep again if he thought she needed him.
“Ok,” he nods again, pressing a kiss to her hair. “ whatcha thinking about?” He runs a hand through her hair and scratches the base of her scalp. If she could purr he thinks, she’d be as content as a cat, she loves when he plays with her hair, always has.
“When we get married, I wanna do it on the beach.” She mumbles, lightly biting his arm before kissing him in the same spot. “I wanna go out of the way of a lot of people so people who I’m obligated to invite won’t come to my destination wedding.” She starts running a finger up and down his face again and he just nods and listens to her start talking about everything and nothing. “I also think it would be really funny to make Ellie and Sarah the flower girl and ring barer. I want my sister to officiate, and I think that we should make my brother an usher, just to piss him off. June can be the made of honor. Also? I don’t wanna wear shoes under the dress. I just think they’re uncomfortable.” He hums in approval.
“Yeah, that way I can wear boots and it won’t seem weird.” He nods.
“Exactly,” she shifts again, laying flat in his arm next to him and stares up at the ceiling, silent for a moment. “I think pink would look really ugly on me, so we can’t use that as the wedding color.”
“Yeah, we should do green, looks good on you.” Joel nods.
“Yeah, sold,” she nods. “Harvest moon by Neil young is out first dance.” She says, wrapping an arm around Joel’s again from this new position on her back. He turns his face over to look at her, her eyes are a puffy purple color, and her lips are cracked. A cough wrenches from her chest, and he doesn’t say anything, just watches her. Soaks up the tone of her voice and the color of her eyes, even though they’re bloodshot and exhausted.
“Yeah, of course. I’ll make Bill play it on the piano. He’s got the talent.” He nods, listening to her breath rattle in her chest. He breathes in the smell of her, it’s muffled by sweat and sickness, but he wants it imprinted in his skin and on his brain.
“We should do a bonfire instead of an actual afterparty or reception or whatever.” Her breathes keep getting shallower and shallower, her words are slurring. He can feel the tears press behind his eyes, but he won’t acknowledge them, and he damn sure won’t let her see them. “Couple coolers of beer and someone’s car radio. That kinda thing.”
“I like it, casual but fun.” He nods, pulling her closer and burying his nose in her hair.
“Do you think she’ll like me?” She wonders, the words are getting spacey and unintelligible, but he doesn’t mind, he knows what she’s asking.
“Oh sure, she’s gonna love you.” Joel nods, running a hand up and down her arm. Then everything is quiet and he just lays there, soaking her in, he wants to scream for Ellie, but she saw her this morning, Ellie already knows everything she needs to hear from her, so he decides to be selfish, wants her to relax into this. Her eyes drift around seeing things he can’t, but god does he wish he could.
“My sister, she looks so much like my mom now.” She mumbles. “And my brother is tall, I didn’t think he would be tall.” She laughs. “My mom always fussed with his clothes, I wonder if she’s gonna fuss with mine, think my dress is gonna fit?”
“Course, it’s gonna be great, you’re gonna be the prettiest bride out there.” He nods, letting a tear soak into his pillow. He pulls her that much closer, trying to memorize the press of her against his skin.
“Oh wow, my June is so pretty.” She says breathless. “She doesn’t look a thing like her daddy thank god, she’s gonna love you.” She laughs, but it’s a wet,rattling thing. It hurts his chest. “I bet she and Sarah are gonna be best friends.” There’s that silence again, he lets her think. He would t dare interrupt whatever she’s seeing right now. Then she gasps.
“She’s got your eyes.” She says with such conviction, and he looses his last bits of restraint. He knows who she’s talking about. “Joel, she’s beautiful. You were right, she’s sweet.” Joel can’t help the sobs that wrack his body now, but he knows she doesn’t notice them, he wouldn’t be crying if he thought she could. She turns to him suddenly, and it would be startling if her eyes weren’t so radiant and happy.
“Oh hey there cowboy, I love you.” she grins as if meeting him that first time all over again and he beams at her and mouths it back through his tears. “What’s a girl gotta do to get a kiss?” She teases and he can’t help but grin.
“All you ever have to to is ask.” He sniffles and kisses her with every ounce of love he can find in his body. He breathes every last piece of his soul he has left in him into that kiss. It’s a wretched thing, torn up and sad, but it’s her’s. He wants her to have it, to take it with her. She’ll know what to do with the pieces, she’ll mend it and give it back when he sees her again. When he pulls back her eyes are closed, she looks peaceful, he won’t try and wake her. He’ll spare himself the false hope. He doesn’t want to disturb her anyway.
“You just get ready up there, you hear?” He whispers, tucking her hair behind her ears. “You get all dressed up, and you practice your dancing. I’ll see you on the beach. I’ll wear my boots, and my tie for you ok? You just stand at the end of the aisle and look pretty. I’ll see you as soon as I get there.” He looks miserably at the window where the breeze floats into the room, casting moonlight over the sill. A little butterfly is on the sill, he smiles when he sees it.
“Thanks for coming to get her Sarah.” He huffs a laugh and lays there holding her a while longer. It’s the last chance he’ll get after all.
When morning breaks, Tommy finds Joel sitting under the tree behind his house. He’s got her jacket across his lap and her locket curled in his fist. The dirt is piled up neatly and a little wooden cross is on top of it, her name neatly carved into it as well as a little moon. Tommy knew this was coming. Knew it from the moment Joel came barreling out of the doctors after you inexplicably collapsed on a patrol. It was awful, watching her suffer like that. It nearly killed them all, but she was a trooper. Through all of the pain, and sickness, and loss of function, she stood strong. She smiled and laughed and reminded them all they would be ok. Hell, she was so damn cheerful throughout the whole thing he almost believed they would be. He didn’t believe it now.
“She had to go get ready, we’re getting married yah know?” Joel sniffs and raises to dust himself off. He pats Tommy on the shoulder. Tommy knew about this, the planned wedding in the spring. She talked about it when she felt her worst, planning a wedding that would never happen, but if it made her smile they would plan her a wedding on mars. It was whatever got them through it, that was the rule, whatever made the day go by.
Tommy doesn’t know what to say, what to do to make it better, so he doesn’t say anything. He just sheds a tear and nods, patting his brother on the back. “I put the stuff that’s useable in a box on the porch, get em to who needs em. That’s what she wanted. Hope you don’t mind me keeping this though.” He runs his hands over the fabric of her coat and shakes his head.
“Of course not Joel, that’s fine. Keep whatever you want. I’ll take- um.” Tommy clears his throat and sniffs. “I’ll take the box to Maria.”
Joel nods. “I’ll uh, I’ll just go give this to Ellie.” He runs a thumb over the locket he’s holding. “She’s got her other jacket.” Tommy nods and his eyes are suddenly drawn to a set of rings on a new chain around Joel’s neck.
“She told me to hold onto em till the wedding. Says she would loose them.” Joel sniffs. “I’ll just. I’ll just go see Ellie.” Tommy hopes Ellie doesn’t give him a hard time, they may not be on speaking terms, but she is their only level ground. They don’t fight when she’s involved. He hopes that the kid lets him back in, he looks bitterly at the grave and presses and hand to his lips. Joel whistles a tune as he walks away, and Tommy’s eyes press closed when he recognizes it. He can’t help the bitter sob that wracks through him, heartbroken once again for his big brother, unable to fathom how one person can keep loosing so much and still keep going. Still, Joel’s tune wraps around him like a hug. It’s their song.
“Because I'm still in love with you
I want to see you dance again
Because I'm still in love with you
On this harvest moon.”
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downwiththeficness · 11 months
Shadow and Veil-Chapter Twenty Four
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Summary: Eva Moore’s life was a carefully constructed fiction.  Every day, she did exactly what her mother in law, her husband, and his  best friend expected of her. No mistakes. And, that was going pretty  well for Eva right up until a huge complication literally tried to run  her over. Now, she’s faced with trying to keep the pieces of her life  from falling apart while attempting (and failing) to keep her feelings  for her husband’s new business partner at bay.
A/N: This fic is a sister-fic to A Need So Great and A Need Unleashed.  You do not need to have read ANSG or ANU to read this fic, but there  are Easter eggs from those fics in Shadow and Veil for readers with keen  eyes.  This fic is explicit for canon-compliant blood, gore, violence,  and sex. As such, it is intended for an adult audience, only. A/B/O  dynamics come with their own warning. Anyone under the age of 18 should  not interact with this work. I do not consent to reposting this work to  other platforms. Reblog only to Tumblr.  
Word Count: ~2,000
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Eva leaned against Alexei’s car in the driveway of her childhood home. The sunlight was less kind to the house than moon light. She scanned the shutters that were falling off the side and the screen door that was hanging crookedly from the hinges. Given the level of neglect to the structure, they were lucky that the electrical and water still worked.
She remembered sitting on the porch with her mother, cracking beans for dinner. She remembered hot days that smelled like the fresh laundry that hung on a line out back. She remembered praying every night before she went to sleep. Soft, blurry images that were wrapped in all the love Eva’s parents could give her.
A sense of shame came to her as she realized the house’s poor condition was partially her fault. It would take months for the contractors to bring the house to a livable condition. Eva would never see it restored.
Alexei burst through the front door, “What good are contractors if they can’t keep an appointment?”
She glanced at her watch, “Its only five after.”
“They are late.”
“The house is hard to find,” Eva countered, “They’ll be here soon.”
Alexei hadn’t broached the subject of what he wanted to talk to her about and Eva wasn’t going to ask. She felt awash with information and she didn’t think that her brain could take any more. Whatever the Russian had to say obviously couldn’t be said in front of Josh.
Another secret Eva would have to carry.
Less than ten minutes later, a pick up came barreling up the drive. She straightened and folded her hands in front of her while she waited for the men to climb out of it. A warm handshake. A polite ‘ma’am’. A gentle correction that Alexei was not her husband.
Eva played the part, giving the men a tour of the home and pointing out things that Josh wanted repaired or updated. She smiled when they quoted above and beyond the going rate for repairs, deferred to her husband for the invoices. Ignored the nervous glances towards Alexei.
It was only when she turned the corner to her old room that Eva faltered. Her bed was still sitting there along with the cedar chest gifted to her by a grandmother she barely remembered. The gray-blue paint she picked out for her eleventh birthday was faded and every flat surface was covered in a thin layer of dust.
She felt her chest twist as she thought about the last night she spent in that room. Nervous and giddy, staring at her wedding dress hanging from the door of her closet. The mass of lace and taffeta was stored away in the hall closet, purposefully forgotten among the winter coats.
To his credit, Alexei noticed her discomfort and deftly led the contractors to another part of the house. Eva was left alone in a room she hadn’t set foot inside for almost seven years.
Sniffing back her feelings, Eva knelt down beside the chest and lifted the lid. It smelled the same. Exactly the same. Her jaw clenched against the rush of memories that came with that smell.
Inside, the chest was nearly bare. All that remained was a small swath of cotton. Eva reached for it, pulling away layers of fabric to reveal a brightly colored knit blanket—her baby blanket. The edges were a little frayed from the years she spent dragging it along behind her, but it was still mostly intact.
Eva held it to her chest, an errant tear falling down her cheek. She wiped it away and stood, folding the blanket a few times so that she could carry it beneath her arm. The contractors were good enough not to point it out when she returned to the group. Eva went on with the tour for another half hour, holding the blanket the whole way.
When Eva was sure that they understood the breadth of work that was expected of them, she wrote out the billing address and gave better directions to the main road. Then, she stood on the porch and watched them go.
Alexei waited until the dust settled before he said, “We’re going to take a detour.” He saw the panic on her face, “Relax, Birdie. I just want to talk with you where ears are less likely to listen.”
The place where ears were less likely to listen turned out to be the gun range. Eva followed Alexei’s lead while he talked amiably with the manager and selected a pair of cumbersome ear protection. Then, she followed him to the firing lane.
She was no stranger to guns. Living in the country meant that her father would go hunting when deer season came around. He taught her how to hold a rifle, how to squeeze the trigger, how to brace herself against the kick. She took down her first buck  the year before she left the house. They didn’t have money to get it mounted, but the family rationed the deer meat for an entire winter and half the spring.
Alexei fired off a few rounds with a pistol inlaid with mother of pearl. Eva recognized it as a birthday gift from Josh. She stood behind him and to the side, watching the paper target at the far end of the lane. Good grouping. Two to the head, four to the chest. One to the belly. He paused, then fired twice more to empty the clip.
“You want to try?”
Eva shrugged, “Okay.”
Alexei reloaded and handed the gun to her. Eva took her position and fired. Shoulder. She adjusted her grip, fired twice more to the chest. Her aim towards the head was a little off, clipping the target. Another adjustment and she got three dead center. Just for fun, she emptied the rest of the clip near and around the groin.
When she set the weapon down, Alexei was laughing, “You learn that on the farm?”
She nodded.
“Good. You might need it soon.”
Eva turned to him, “Why?”
“I won’t offend you by pretending you don’t know that the feds are closing in. Myra told Josh that you found her trying to get access to the financials.”
There was no use denying it, “I did.”
Alexei crossed his arms, “Its bad. My contacts tell me that the investigation has been going on for over a year and that they are ready to indict.”
A surge of anxiety rolled over her. The knowledge that he had people on the inside set off about a thousand different questions, none of them good.
“You think we’re all going to jail?”
She tried to say it evenly, but Eva could hear how fragile her voice was. The weight of an uncertain future was a heavy burden.
“No,” Alexei replied with certainty, “There’s not enough to pin anything on Josh.”
Eva frowned, “That’s not what I meant and I think you know it.”
His mouth thinned, “You’re very smart, Birdie. You know where this will go.”
Alexei was looking at her meaningfully, and Eva began to think about the purpose of their little field trip.
She looked away, gaze falling on the target at the far end of the lane, “Why would I need to know how to shoot a gun soon?”
“Not a gun,” he murmured, “it doesn’t have to be a gun.”
Eva cut a glance at him, “You’re beatin’ around the bush, Alexei. Just say what you need to say.”
He inhaled, exhaled, then, “Myra plans to pin the embezzlement on you. Josh isn’t going to stop her.”
She knew that already. Eva was well aware of Myra’s regard for her. She was also well aware of Josh’s disregard.
“It’ll fall apart as soon as I’m taken into custody. I don’t plan to be a scapegoat for something that was Josh’s plan all along.”
Alexei’s voice was sympathetic, “They know that.”
They know that.
There was something about the way he said it. Layers and layers of meaning that took Eva a while to dig through. They needed someone to pin everything on, but they also needed someone who wouldn’t talk, who couldn’t be turned against them.
“You think they’ll kill me,” she concluded. “You think they’ll pin it on my and then take me out of the picture.”
He nodded.
Eva sighed, “Fine. I’ll handle it when the time comes.”
Alexei’s eyes narrowed, “I don’t think you understand the severity of what is going on.”
“No,” she countered, “I understand it. Thank you for the warning.”
They didn’t talk any more about it while Alexei reloaded and went about emptying the clip. The not talking about it continued while Eva took her turn, while they returned the ear protection to the manager, while they walked back to the car, and during the entire drive back to the house.
In the driveway, Alexei put a hand on her arm, “Remember what we talked about.”
“I will.”
Eva would absolutely keep Josh’s coming betrayal in mind, but she couldn’t bring herself to be angry about it. She was also betraying him—multiple times over.
Instead of worrying about it, Eva channeled her energy into prepping for what might come the next day, the next week, the next month. She packed up the money and all of her essential items into the duffel and put it in the hall closet beneath several pillows and an old comforter.
While she was looking through every drawer and cabinet in her room, she found the intro to Spanish book. With the afternoon free from meetings, Eva went ahead and took it back to the library.
The librarian, Margaret, recognized her, “Mrs. Moore, I have just the thing for you.”
Eva smiled, saying, “I’m sorry, I’m not looking to check out anything new today. Just returning this.”
“Alright,” Margaret replied as she took the book from Eva, “You know, we have a lovely new calendar coming out for the new year. Why don’t you take one?”
The calendar was a glossy print with puppies across the front. Eva almost demurred, but her inner Southern etiquette wouldn’t quite let her refuse when Margaret was looking at her so genially.
“Thank you.”
“Of course. When you’re ready to pick up volume two of this, you give me a call and I’ll set it aside for you.”
“I will,” Eva said, “Thank you.”
It wasn’t until she got out to the car that Eva noticed the post-it note placed on the top of the calendar. It definitely hadn’t been there before. She peeled it off, wondering how Margaret had pressed it into place without Eva noticing.
You were right. Minor delay. Spend the night with me. Friday. I’ll take care of him.
She read it a few times, memorizing the handwriting and wondering if it was Horacio’s or Margaret’s. Then, out of caution, Eva drove to a fast food restaurant, ordered a milkshake, drank a bit of it, stuffed the note inside the melting ice cream, and threw the cup into the dumpster.
When she got to the house, it was quiet. The lights were out and Josh’s car wasn’t there.  She went up to her room and found a small package on her bed. On the top, written in permanent marker, was an oval slashed from the top left down to the bottom right. Wary hands opened the box to find a small hand gun with a full clip inside. The pistol would fit in any small purse. Eva lifted the gun out of the box to find a small holster that could be strapped around her waist.
For many months, Eva had been aware that trouble was coming. The gift from Alexei could only mean that, finally, trouble was here.  .
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4townie · 1 year
Backstory #1: Rivals to Lovers Done Right
- this is the story of Aaron Z’s parents, Bo Zhao and Ciara Williams, and how their relationship came to be
- they went to the same private highschool on scholarships because they were both really good students, and during their sophomore year they simultaneously decided they needed to do more for their college résumé and that led to them actually interacting a lot
- the rivalry had begun
- they were constantly battling each other for top honors and academic awards and whatnot, if they were in the same class they would compete for the top grade every semester
- eventually they ended up running against each other for student body president which led to them working on a lot of the same school projects like organizing for fundraisers and being on committees for school events and whatnot
- which is when they actually started talking and getting to know each other and kinda becoming friends (except if anyone looked in their general direction they'd be at each other's throats in no time)
- Bo’s younger sister Qi was witness to all of their awkward flirting and put the pieces together way before either of them did
- Qi pretty much called her brother a dumbass and made him realize he had a fat crush on her all this time
- of course Bo tried to deny it but Qi just started listing how their body language had changed with each other, how he constantly talks about her when she's not around, the way he looks at her and his whole world just came to a full stop
- after he realized, Bo just stopped knowing how to act around Ciara. She’d make a witty comment or even a childish gesture like sticking her tongue out and he wouldn’t be able to function and respond
- finally on the day the election votes were being counted, Ciara asked what's up with him and why’s been so weird and distant lately and he admitted he liked her literally seconds before a total underdog third party was announced the new student body president
- obviously they were a little distracted by that for a second but they laughed it off and Bo kinda brought the conversation back to his feelings and Ciara gets super awkward when she admitted she liked him back
- then when their senior prom came around, Bo’s parents started asking him about finding a date and offering the names of some nice girls they knew the parents of that he could ask (and hopefully start a relationship with) and Bo is just like 😶
- when they meet Ciara on their prom night they’re really nice to her and whatnot (albeit extremely awkward due to hiding their shock at their son’s date but whatever)
- and when he gets home that night they sit him down and talk to him about how Ciara’s a nice girl but they don’t think she’s a right fit for him and how he would be much happier with someone who shared his culture and experiences
- it was kinda long and drawn out because they were trying to be gentle about it at first but eventually they realized their pushing wasn’t going anywhere and they gave him an ultimatum: break off his relationship with Ciara or never speak to them again
- obviously Bo chose Ciara, but he tried to give them multiple opportunities to come back into his life
- he tried calling and inviting them to their wedding, but they refused to show even after finding out they had a grandchild on the way
- luckily Bo is still close with Qi though so at least the kids still see some relatives from his side of the family, but they really never hear from their grandparents
- and honestly Bo doesn't look back a whole lot cuz he has no regrets (as he said to his son when he came out)
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iviarellereads · 7 months
Wheel of Time full series spoiler thoughts on EOTW 29-38
A probably semi-regular weekly bonus to my reread blog, since sometimes you realize things on reread that just make you need to yell in a full spoiler space.
It's really fun to look back at the stedding as, oh, this is literally a little piece of another dimension. It might've grown the local seeds and supported the local animals, but it is obviously disconnected from the local reality, to block the One Power and all.
So many references to Hawkwing sending armies across the sea, and yet nobody really believes it, or expects the Return.
The farmer gave Rand the dark, plain scarf… and then Rand wears it around his mouth… almost like a… black veil on this Aielman… OK that's a bit too much ellipsis for me to keep going but I had to squint and see if the words really meant what I thought they did.
In Play For Your Supper, one of the songs Rand names is "Coming Home From Tarwin's Gap", now how would a name like that have made it as far as the 2 Rivs?
Rand starts having little thoughts on the road that he can't quite track the source of. "Too late now." in Four Kings, for example. LTT starting to slip in. Or the taint madness, if you prefer that explanation for the hallucinations. Either way.
Ishy treating oblivion as a reward. Cute.
I feel kinda sneaky putting Mili Skane's name down in ch 33. It's kind of a spoiler, we're not told it, but I like tagging the characters that appear, for future searchability. If she ALSO appears later in the series, well, I wasn't lying about the Companion entry.
Almen Bunt reminded me that Elayne's kids could have a stronger claim to the throne than she did, because of the bloodliney shit Andoran nobles use to measure their kin-distance from the first queen, but only if everyone involved admitted Rand's lineage publicly. And, only because it was Rand's body that she conceived with.
Which gets me on to how weird and icky the Moridin body swap is, because besides everything else, we don't talk enough about how the Dark One resurrected Ishy as Moridin into somebody else's corpse, that body's original soul had his own family and life, and first the DO took it to punish Ishy with continued existence, and THEN Moridin and Rand swapped balefires and then bodies so Rand's in some completely random dude's face and genes.
(I only had about 5.5 hours of sleep last night as I write this, can you tell?)
At any rate, EOTW 34 cracks things wide open for any show-firstie who looks at the X-Ray feature or the episode credits. Episode 1x07 lists Tigraine Mantear instead of Shaiel, so when the first season was finished, seeing so many people go back and start reading the books and be like, well hold on now… That was precious and priceless to witness.
“The Queen is wed to the land,” Thom said as brightly colored balls danced in a circle, “but the Dragon . . . the Dragon is one with the land, and the land is one with the Dragon.” For this to appear here, with Almen Bunt, when his next appearance is just after Zen Rand emerges and the Dragon is one enough with the land to offer a bounty of apples from the orchard on Bunt's sister's farm… Same chapter, same day, still sleep deprived, and I need a moment to just sit in this feeling of beautiful symmetry.
No doubt I'll come back to it when the quote comes up, but: Thom was twice Morgase's age when they were together. Given the dates we have as long as the Fandom.wiki is properly sourced because I don't want to go doing extra digging in the Companion and stuff, that means that 14 years ago, Morgase was 27 and Thom somewhere in the 50-60 range, 55 being a solid guess, putting her at 41 and him at 68 around the start of the series. I'm still very, very glad the show agreed with me that there was no need of him being so old, especially when his love interests skew so young, Mo being the exception but she still looks young.
So much of chapter 36 is just "yep, setup." I daren't even start listing or we'll be here all day and this post will be much longer than I try to keep them, even for two-weekers when the first week's not quite long enough to justify a post. But the one that gets me is Rand finding it funny, the idea of him wanting to be a king, when he will end up the de facto ruler of a decent chunk of the Westlands.
37 and 38 do little in the way of setup but to continue setting up just how much Byar's gonna nurse that grudge for the next 12 books or two years. Well, that and finally showing Perrin's golden eyes. Mo asks if this was foretold, and well, we know it was… just not in a prophecy she'd have seen. Verin has, though.
I will say, I prefer how Egg and Perrin rescued themselves in the show, even if the wolf stuff maybe could have been moved forward into season 1 to make it make a little more sense to show-onlys.
And, do we think Mo was Warder-compelling Lan not to go after Nyn? Or just reminding him that it's out of character and out of keeping with his guiding principles? I'd like to think Mo treats Lan better, BUT she does hand off his bond to Myrelle without telling him later soooo…
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weisshapt · 1 year
hello! hope you dont mind me asking but can you tell me random facts about ilithiya? i'm so interested in her!
mind? do i mind? do you mind that i'm about to run headfirst through your walls to shake you by the shoulders? no? fantastic. in all (semi-)seriousness though, this ask brought me so much joy my hands shook.
putting this under a cut because even though you said random facts i definitely got carried away.
ilithiya was primarily the result of watching the amc mayfair witches show while i had bg3 brainrot and the answer to the question "what would a mayfair witches sort of situation look like in baldurs gate?" and since then i've devolved and lost control of a good 37% of my faculties.
ilithiya, as i've said in one of her edits, is the seventeenth generation of de vryes warlocks (technically sixteenth to bear the surname), all of whom have kept a pact going with the same age old demon, taltos. the pact was originally made and bound in blood: the blood of the first warlock, ayana, and the blood of the demon himself, drops of which were both poured into the locket that's become a sort of talisman for each de vryes "heir." and by heir i mean the warlock of the next generation that taltos himself would communicate with and show himself to (and was likely somewhat present during the conception of, but that's a whole other thing). through their pact, each generation has made the family stronger, wealthier, more powerful, all the while making taltos grow the same. the family itself is a bit.....complicated. somewhat targaryen-esque at times. i've been working on casting and planning for a massive family tree edit that i'd like to make soon but i can't promise how soon it'll actually be posted.
as for ilithiya herself, she's almost entirely what you'd expect a noble rich girl to be. spoiled, selfish, unused to hearing the word no in any serious capacity. she's still a bit of a troublemaker in her family, especially when compared to "perfect, pretty, proper licinia" (her older sister), but she can also be precocious and clever and curious, and she's more than just a little talented. or at least, she was pre-tadpole.
i do want to eventually post more in depth analyses of ilithiya and her relationship with taltos but you asked for random facts and i've blathered on enough so! now for some random bits and pieces:
when ilithiya was young, and taltos asked her, as he does every year and has done to every heir before her, what she would wish for for her birthday, she asked for a pony. on her birthday, she was presented with a jet black yearling horse, whom she called nemetes. throughout her life she has constantly snuck out to go riding, loving nothing more than the feeling of freedom gained from the near flight of a horse running at full speed.
something i think might set her apart from some of the past generations of her family is the particular nature of her relationship with taltos. i will say it is definitely and unavoidably a sort of grooming situation (he's been with her her entire life, whispering in her ear, endearing himself to her, molding and shaping the woman she's become) but ilithiya obviously isn't going to see it like that. she's particularly fixated on him, if not outright partially in love with him. it's something the devil on her shoulder seems perfectly content to encourage. this could also stem from the fact that the binding ceremony wherein an heir fully accepts their role and their connection to taltos is a bigger event in the family than their wedding, complete with a pseudo-wedding night. all her life she's been told she'll one day marry, but that her, in essence, marriage to taltos would always come first.
i haven't decided yet who ilithiya will romance in-game, because there are just. so many good options. the fact is she was nabbed on her way to meet a potential groom, so she's of the mind that it's high time she did her duty to her family, even if she's terrified of losing taltos once he chooses the next heir. on instinct i'd say astarion would fit her the most in terms of personality as they both seem very blase about helping others and both have a distinct want for power, as much of it as they can get their hands on. but again. she's looking to have a child eventually, and as far as i'm aware, that's not something she could do with a vampire. still, the allure of vampirism itself is something she finds herself thinking about often, until, that is, she's informed of how rarely a vampire allows their spawn to become their equal. gale would only be an option because she can tell he's of both powerful magical and noble stock which is exactly what she'd be looking for, but their personalities would clash too much. wyll, on the other hand, is a sort of dichotomy i'm incredibly curious about exploring. the warlock that desperately wants out of his pact versus the warlock who's petrified of losing hers almost to the point of it driving her mad (especially now that she can't feel or communicate with taltos due to the worm and she's never been without him before). the way the two could interact intrigues me and it's something i've been thinking about a lot.
other than her horse, she also has a cat named nasir.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
a/n: There’s no NSFW because I didn’t feel like writing one xx
🌿ESFJ 🍁Slytherin 📜Lawful Good   🔮Gemini Sun, Virgo Moon, Leo Rising  
⭑ It was as if Aslan had planned it all along 
⭑ Someone to humble the High King; an outsider, an outcast. Someone that would ultimately merge parts of Narnia, and come together without fuss. 
⭑ You bickered and snapped at each other from the day you met until your wedding (and it still happens from time to time) 
⭑ Edmund loved you - and initially thought you would be the perfect match for him. But you were too alike, and the eldest brother had to marry first.
⭑ But after some time, he realised that Aslan was right. And you were better off as friends (not that he let anyone know his feelings). 
⭑ Your wedding was HUGE, much bigger than you could have ever imagined. All of Narnia stopped for a whole day and night to celebrate the union 
⭑ You both wore white, but his was a warmer cream and yours, a cooler ivory
⭑ Edmund was his best man and either Lucy or your own sister was your maid of honour. 
⭑ Aslan officiated (obviously. And Lucy wanted him to wear a special hat)
⭑ And Susan was the official ‘witness’ (signing of the documents part) 
⭑ Peter always sleeps on the right side of the bed 
⭑ He’s a morning person. And gets grumpier as the day goes on. But perks up whenever he sees you 
⭑ His petnames for you are, ‘Darling, Sweetheart, My Love, My Heart.’ 
⭑ Your petnames for him are, ‘Honey,’ ‘My Liege’ (said usually with a dramatic curtsy and head bow). But most times you just call him, ‘Peter,’ ‘Blondie’ or ‘Sword Boy.’
⭑ Training with you:
        “No, see you’re not holding your sword high enough-” Peter moved to correct your form. 
 “What? Yes I am?” You rebutted, your eyebrows knitting together. 
      “Will you just let me help?” He retorted, giving you a stern look. 
⭑ The others love it. They always watch on when you’re at it
    “Peter should really learn to keep his mouth closed,” Lucy sighed as she and Susan looked on from the window.
⭑ You do feel insecure at times, but Peter is always there, either physically or emotionally hoisting you back on your feet. 
 “We’re together for a reason. We belong together.” 
⭑ Peter can be very romantic
⭑ He never forgets a special occasion/event/milestone. 
⭑ You’re usually the one that does 
⭑ And he’s more sensitive than you are 
⭑ Peter was very very jealous when Caspian came along
    “I don’t know what Susan sees in him anyway...”
“Well he is handsome-”
    Peter turned to you with raised eyebrows, “Oh is he now?” 
⭑ Lucy loves spending time with you. You’re like another sister, and she loves it!
⭑ Susan absolutely adores you, especially now that she can outnumber Peter 
⭑ Peter knows your favourite colour, flower, stone, piece of jewelry, day of the week, memory etc. 
⭑ He suprises you with how well he’s remembered everything. You on the other hand ... don’t have the greatest memory. But you do try!
⭑ You’re always worried for the other’s safety 
⭑ And you actually get into a lot more fights than he does
⭑ Relationship Tropes: 
  ✧ Rivals to Acquaintances to Friends to Lovers/Married 
  ✧ Mature/Responsible x Snarky/Fierce
  ✧ Sun x Moon
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believinghurts · 3 years
Their Daughter
Chapter 5
Author’s note: I use Grammarly to fix my mistakes, but there could still be some so sorry for that. Also, I am getting back into writing and am hoping to have a few more works out soon! Please reblog, like, or comment feedback is appreciated.
Word Count: 4,400
Warnings: None? Sirius being a d*ck? Maybe language, but I don’t think so.
Regulus wasn’t sure how much time had passed as he stroked his niece's hair. He was mad at his brother for basically throwing away the only good thing that had ever come from the Black family. Sirius was too blinded by the past to see what was right in front of him. As children, Sirius often told Regulus that he was their family's favorite and that it bothered him, but if he knew what it was like to be less loved then how can he love Harry more than Ali? He understood that Harry was Sirius's Godson, but couldn’t he love Ali and Harry equally? If Sirius made the effort maybe Ali and the other children could even be friends. His heart ached from the emotional battle that Ali was going through right now. Even if Sirius didn’t see it, he and Remus did. Ali’s light was dimmer than before and when she was lighting up again after finding out Sirius never came for her, Sirius just had to go and snuffed it out.
Carefully sliding out from under Ali and placing a pillow under her head Regulus left the room. He shut the door behind him casting a locking spell so she wouldn’t be bothered. He needed to speak with Remus first before doing anything. They needed to decide what to do about Ali. As much as Regulus wanted to spend time with her before she went back to school he didn’t want her to be this upset anymore. He walked into the study to find Remus and Nymphadora sitting near the fireplace.
“How is she?” Nymphadora blurted the question as soon as she saw her cousin. Remus had owled her after Ali had gone to her room. The older sister in her wanted to go up to Sirius and give him a piece of her mind, but she knew that it wouldn’t do any good.
“She’s asleep for now. All the fighting has exhausted her. I honestly don’t know what to do. I want her here, this is her home, but if Sirius doesn’t stop acting like the brut that he is it is going to hurt her more. Speaking of Sirius, where is he? It’s quiet.” Regulus flopped down on the chair across from Remus and Nymphadora raking a hand through his hair. His worry for Ali was causing him a headache. On one hand, he wanted to send Ali to stay at the Malfoy Manor for the remainder of summer, but on the other, he wanted to hold her close and have her stay in her home where she belonged.
“Sirius left with Harry after you went upstairs. He hasn’t been home since. The Weasleys stepped out to Diagon Alley to get the kids stuff for school.” Remus replied. He was secretly thankful that the house was mainly empty. This way at least Ali could come down if she felt like it without the chance of someone bothering her. Remus was having the same thoughts as Regulus about keeping Ali at home virus's sending her to the Manor. He just wanted his niece to be happy. The hope that he had of Sirius and Ali having the father/daughter relationship was gone. If only Remus could get Sirius to open his eyes to the pain he was causing to the girl, but Sirius was nothing if not stubborn.
“I think I am going to write to Cissa and see if she can keep Ali for the rest of summer. If that’s what it takes for her to be happy then so be it. We can see her off at the -“
“I don’t want to leave,” Ali’s voice interrupted. “I want to stay here with you. Please don’t make me leave. I can handle it, I promise.”
Ali knew that she and Regulus were going to have to talk about the fact that she called him dad, but that was a private conversation. Right now she needed to convince the adults in the room that she didn’t need to leave. She could take Sirius. Yes the words that he had said hurt her and the actions he did tonight furthered that hurt in her heart, but she was done. She didn’t owe him anything, and it was clear she knew that he didn’t want to be her father. She had meant what she said to Regulus. He was her father in all the ways that counted. He loved her unconditionally, was always there for her, and protected her.
She went and sat on the couch in between Nymphadora and Remus who wrapped an arm around her pulling her close to his chest. “It might be best if you went and stayed for the rest of the summer at the Manor, Al. This isn’t good for you mentally. We all can see how drained you are.”
“No, this is my home. I can handle it. I have you all plus the older Weasleys and Fleur. You'll protect me and if I need to get away for a little bit I’ll owl Blaise or Draco to go to Diagon Alley or something. I want to spend time with you. Times are hard right now and you never know when you are going to lose someone and I would like to have as much time with each of you just in case.”
Regulus leaned forward taking Ali’s hand in his, “Nothing, and I mean nothing is going to happen to us. I love you more than you could ever imagine and if you want to stay here you can.” Ali smiles brightly at that before Regulus cut her off, “but you have to tell me, Remus, or Severus, if anything happens. And you have to come out of your room. I am not having you locking yourself away again. Got it?”
Ali pounced on Regulus, hugging his neck tight. She was excited to spend some more time with her family. She had meant what she said about never knowing when something was going to happen. Wizards had been disappearing all over London and she was genuinely scared something was going to happen to her loved ones. She was going to make it a point to take plenty of photos and make enough memories to last a lifetime the next couple of weeks.
Regulus held his niece tight, fighting back the tears when she whispered, “Thanks, Dad,” into his ear. He had been called a lot of things in his life, but this was one title he was going to wear proudly.
Remus’s voice interrupted the moment, “wait for a second, why are you going to owl Blaise? We have an agreement, young lady, no boys till you're thirty!”
Ali’s giggle was music to those in the room with her, and for the first time that summer they all saw Ali smile at home the brightest she had since everyone arrived.
The rest of the day was eventful which was something that everyone was thankful for. Nymphadora left shortly after spending some time with Ali since she had something to attend to with Moody, so that left Regulus, Ali, and Remus to watch the Star Wars movies in Ali’s room. Kreacher brought them snacks while they made a fort on the floor. Ali was incredibly content laying on the mounds of pillows in between her Uncles. When she was younger they would have movie nights like this once a month until she started Hogwarts. Even then she and her friends carried on the tradition in the boy's dorm since Draco was often present at the ones hosted at home. She wished that she could have Draco over now, but knew that if she brought him here then everyone in the house would throw a fit about it, maybe it was something to bring up to Regulus later.
Molly called them all down for dinner shortly after the second film ended. Leaving the mess on the floor the trio made their way downstairs with Ali trailing behind her Uncles. She could feel her nerves spike the closer she got to the dining room. She thought about excusing herself stating she wasn’t hungry, but the loud growl in her stomach gave her hunger away. Everyone had already sat down beside Harry and Sirius when they got into the room. Regulus pulled the seat out next to him for his niece. Fleur shot her a smile when she sat down by her uncle with Charlie on her other side. At least she was sitting near someone who didn’t hate her.
Chatter and the sounds of forks on plates filled the room as everyone got their fill of Molly’s meatballs and onion sauce. Everyone broke off into separate conversations. Remus, Regulus, and Arthur talking about the Ministry, the younger Weasleys, and Hermione talking about Quidditch, Bill and Fleur about their upcoming wedding, and Charlie and Ali talking about his work in Romania. “What are you planning on doing after you leave Hogwarts?”
Ali shot a glance over at Remus who was doing a terrible job of disguising his eavesdropping on the duo. “I am thinking about becoming a professor. I like creatures obviously so I was thinking something along those lines, but I also like Herbology. So maybe that. I just know I want to teach.”
Charlie shot her a grin. “Have you thought about where? I know Hogwarts has Sprout for Herbology and Hagrid was doing Care of Magical Creatures, but you still have three more years of school so maybe they’ll need someone by the time you're done.”
Ali shrugged her shoulders. In all honesty, she wanted to leave England and travel for a bit but knew that if she brought it up now it would be a fight or something so she bit her tongue. “Maybe.”
The noise came to a halt when the door slammed open in the living room. Everyone hopped to their feet, wands at the ready. It felt like hours had passed before the intruder walked through the door. “Sirius! Harry! Merlin, you scared us all.”
“Sorry, it’s raining hard and we were in a rush to get back home.” Sirius shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. Everyone retook their seats beside Milly who served Harry and Sirius. Ali tried her hardest to keep from looking at the latest duo that entered, not wanting to cause any more trouble or to give Sirius a reason to lash out at her.
Dinner passed rather quickly, conversations flowed in their small groups. Charlie had gone with Fleur and Bill on a scouting mission shortly after eating, while Fred and George worked on new products for their shop. Ali was in her head thinking about asking to go to meet Pansy in the coming days to look at a new book shop. Pansy wasn’t much of a reader but was always looking for an excuse to get out of her house. She was startled when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking up Molly was smiling softly at her while handing her a letter in a dark blue envelope. She instantly knew who the letter was from since only one person used that kind of envelope when writing her.
“This came for you, dear, when you were with your uncles. I didn't want to bother you then I almost forgot just now.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Weasley.” Ali smiled at the kind woman. Despite her feelings towards most of the Weasley children, their parents were quite nice.
Molly patted her cheek before walking off. Ali started to rip the top off when she got Regulus’s eye and he winked at her. He knew who the letter was from having met the boy a few times already. Her cheeks flushed and continued to do so while reading it.
Dear Supernova,
I hope you are surviving the dreadfulness that is upon you right now with all the people in your house. Yes, Draco told me what was going on yesterday when I finally threatened to out his crush if he didn’t explain why we hadn’t been seeing you a lot this summer. I have to say I am quite hurt that you didn’t tell me yourself. Best friends I thought. Just joking, but seriously you could have told me about him and I wouldn't have said a word to anyone.
I miss you, Supernova. We’ve only got to see each other once this summer and we both know when school starts you will have a book shoved in front of your face in the first three minutes. Could we get together sometime this week? It has been awful at home and if I have to hear Draco's voice one more time without you there to tell him off for being annoying I may throw myself off the astronomy tower.
Your uncle may not agree, but you could come to stay at mine for a night. Mother agreed to it as long as Regulus does and we have separate rooms. If you can't, maybe I can come to you? I don’t really care what the redheads have to say about me being there so don’t worry about that. We have much to catch up on; like the fact that you got Headgirl and also didn’t write and tell me. I had to find that little tidbit out from Parkinson's. Don’t worry we’ll catch up whether that's soon or on the train.
Ali felt a pang of guilt hit her square in the chest. She hadn’t meant to forget to fill Blaise in on her life but it had been so crazy recently she hadn’t got to write anyone much. In all the truth no one knew that she had gotten Headgirl. She had gotten the letter from Flitwich a few days after the Weasley’s arrived and completely forgot. Although she told her Uncles she didn’t want to go anywhere spending some time with Blaise sounded nice. Deciding to just rip the bandaid off she looked up to find Regulus and Remus looking at her with amused smiles on their faces.
“What’s you got there, Ali?” Remus asked, causing her cheeks to flame red. She wasn’t scared to say that she wanted to hang out with a boy. She did it all the time whether it was Blaise, Theo, or Draco; it was more to do with the fact that she was about to ask to spend the night at a boys' house. Even if they were going to be in separate rooms and they had fallen asleep cuddled together weeks prior at the Malfoys, something none of her Uncles knew, it was going to be a little fight to get Remus to agree as he made the ‘no dating till you’re thirty’ rule when she was five and asked for a boyfriend for Christmas.
Looking around she noticed all attention was on her even if the other adults in the room were making it seem like they weren’t listening while the children openly gawked. “Uhm,” she was cut off by Severus stepping into the room. Great, now she had to face all three Uncles. Where were Dora and Cissa when she needed them?
Severus hugged her quickly before taking a place by Regulus. “Who's the letter from Ali?” He asked her letting her know there was no getting out of it and that she was going to have to spill the beans.
“It’s from Blaise,” A look of amusement passed Regulus’s face, making her think that he knew what was in the letter already while Remus looked like he was going to snatch the letter out of her hands and read it himself if she didn’t hurry up.
“And what possibly could it say to have your cheeks looking like the inside of Gryffindor common room?” Regulus teased further.
She coughed trying to get her nerves resealed. “He was saying that we need to catch up before school starts, and invited me to come and stay with him and Mrs. Zabini for a night this week.”
Remus grunted while Regulus smiled. Ali had to hide a giggle as she noticed all the other mouths in the room had dropped to the floor. Ali knew that except for Hermione and Harry the Weasley’s never stayed or had anyone else with them.
“Can I, please? His mother said we would have separate rooms and she will be there as well as the house-elves. We only got to see one another once this summer. He said if I can’t he could come here, but honestly, I think the first option is better. Please?” She pulled out her best puppy eyes and pouty lip. She was not above begging for it but didn’t want to do so with everyone staring at her.
Regulus looked over at Remus. Ali could see the silent conversation going on between them. Regulus’s head inclined slightly toward Ali which she hoped to Merlin was a good thing. Remus looked back at his niece with a look in his eye she couldn’t read. “Rosalynn said you’ll have separate rooms?” Ali nodded her head so fast she almost gave herself whiplash. “And you’ll stay in them?” Once again she nodded, although she knew that they more than likely would be in the family room till late hours in the night. He looked back at Regulus, “you have no problems with her going?”
“No, I already knew about it. Rosalynn wrote about two days ago. If she wants to go, that's fine. You know Rosalynn will look after her as she does Blaise. And the Heavens know that boy would jump in front of the Knight Bus for Ali.” Regulus chuckled at Ali's shocked expression.
“Y-you knew? Why didn’t you say anything?” Ali struggled to get the words out.
“Rosalynn said Blaise wanted to ask you. She was just giving me a heads up, knowing how Remus is with boys and you. You know we talked quite often, Als.” Regulus winked at her.
“You may go,” Remus stated. She was shocked she didn’t have to put up more of a fight.
“WHAT?” Sirius shrieked. He knew that Regulus would let her go to the Death Eaters house, but Remus? He thought he could count on his ‘friend’ to at least say no. “You’re letting her go to the Death Eaters house? AGAIN? Who's also a boy and staying the night? Are you mad?”
Remus looked at Sirius with disdain, “No I am not. She is a good girl and Blaise has been her friend for years. Rosalynn loves her as much as we do and would never let anything happen. And for God's sake quit calling everyone a Death Eater.”
“Sirius, you have no say in what she does. You gave that up last night. Ali is a good girl who makes good choices. Not only that but she also deserves a little something since she got Headgirl this year, don’t you think?” Regulus smirked as he saw the Granger girl's face fall.
“You got Headgirl?” Hermione whispered to Ali with disbelief lacing her voice.
“Yeah, I did. Draco got Headboy I believe, but it may be Theo. I haven’t asked yet.”
“Why do you and Draco get Head of Houses? Why not Hermione and -“ Ali cut her dear Godbrother off.
“And who? You? Ron? Why would any of you get Head of Houses with all the trouble you bring in? Sneaking out, stealing things, picking fights. We do have the highest marks in most classes as well as treat others equally unlike the likes of you.”
If looks could kill Ali would be dead three times over. In all honesty, she kinda felt bad for the younger Weasley boy seeing as all of his older brothers, bar Fred and George had been Headboy. But then she thought about the trouble he and his friends had caused her and her friends as well as others over the years. Harry preached about equality among the houses but she had witnessed many times when younger Slytherins were picked on by Gryiffndors. Hufflepuffs generally didn't have any problems with the other houses so long as everyone was being just. Ravenclaws tended to keep to themselves unless it really involved them. Whereas Slytherins preferred to stand up to those picking on other Slytherins especially the younger ones. Slytherins were always made out to be the bullies when in general if you got to know them people would notice that they are a lot more than what their parents used to be.
Ally had heard the stories of how mean James and Sirius were to those in Slytherin even if they never did anything to them. She believed in harmless fun could be had pulling pranks, but tricking someone into going to a place where a werewolf was was downright cruel. She had no doubts in her mind that James and Sirius were once good people like her Uncle Remus is now, but seeing as Sirius still acts like a child those doubts were becoming known.
“I just think that Slytherins shouldn’t be Head of House when all you will do is favor your own, and treat everyone else like dirt,” Ron stated.
“Ronald Weasley! How dare you say such a thing?!” Molly exclaimed.
“It’s alright Mrs. Weasey. I am used to hearing such things come from them and others in their house,” Ali looked Ron in the eyes, “You seem to forget that I’m a Ravenclaw, not a Slytherin. I do not favor anyone and will not when I start Head Girl duties but know this. I will give you as many detentions as you deserve if you are caught bullying, harassing, belittling, any of the other houses. You may think that Gryiffndors are the bravest of the houses and maybe you are in some ways, but you are cowardly in others. Maybe some Slytherins are as bad as you make them seem, but Harry,” she turned her head slightly to the side, “you seem to forget just which house Peter Pettigrew was in when he was the one who betrayed your parents. And Regulus was in Slytherin but seems to be more loyal to his friends and family than that rat was.”
“It seems that Alianova has given you all something to think about as you're getting ready for bed,” Molly stated looking at all the children present in the room. Her face grew red when she saw that none of them had moved a muscle. “Now.”
Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny, jumped from their seats and booked it to the stairs scared of Mrs. Weasley’s wrath. At some point, Charlie, Fluer, and Bill came back from scouting. Charlie ruffled Ali’s hair causing her to grin. “Good job, kid. You’ll make a great Head Girl.” Bill and Fleur nodded in agreement. “Nothing happened while we were out. We’ll give a full debrief tomorrow, but we will be heading to bed as well. Good night everyone.”
Molly walked to Ali and pulled her up out of her chair before placing both hands on Ali’s pale cheeks. “Don’t you worry, dear, I will be talking with all of them in the morning. You made a lot of valid points, and I for one am proud that you are Head Girl.”
She kissed her forehead before taking her husband to go to bed after waving her wand to get the kitchen clean once again. Arthur offered Ali a small smile before disappearing behind his wife. Sirius scoffed at the behavior which everyone heard but chose to ignore.
Ali turned to her three Uncles, waiting for the answer about going to her friends, and the scene that just played out in the kitchen.
“I am proud of you as well, Alianova. You have done excellent, and I know it is Remus and Regulus' decision about going to Blaises’, but I see no problem with it. I will stay in the guest room. Come get me if you need me. Good night, Ali.” He hugged her tightly, making Ali tear up slightly at the thought of Servus being proud of her. It also made her giddy at the thought of rubbing it in Draco’s face since Severus is his Godfather and never said such a thing to him.
Remus followed after Servus, wrapping his niece in a bear hug around her shoulders. The height difference amusing Regulus to no end seeing as Ali only came about midway in Remus’s chest. “You may go as long as it’s okay with Reg, and you stay in separate rooms. I am a little mad though that you didn’t tell me yourself about getting Head Girl, but I am still incredibly proud of you. No one deserves this more than you do, not even Harry.” The last part was whispered in her ear. He kissed her forehead, before heading to his room.
With the three Blacks being the only ones left in the room. “I don’t think you should go.” Sirius’s voice was venomous as he thought about his only child, his legacy, spending time with Death Eaters.
“It’s a good thing it doesn’t matter what you think isn’t it?” Regulus smirked at his older brother. He was not going to take this away from his child. “Ali, you may go so long as you stay in your separate rooms whenever the two of you decide to go to sleep because I know from having all your mates over it will be late.” He walked to Ali cradling her freckled face in his hands. “I am so proud to call you my daughter. Even after all that you have been through in your life you have still managed to form your own beliefs and thoughts as well as stand up for them. You deserve Head Girl over anyone else, and hopefully, you get to share it with one of your friends.”
Ali dove into her Uncle's chest. Tears welling up into her eyes at the thought that he really did think of her as his own even if she already knew it. It was nice to hear out loud. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I love you, dad.” She kissed his cheek before heading to her room to write Blaise.
Sirius felt his anger sore to new heights when he heard Ali call Regulus dad. He had enough courtesy to wait till she was out of earshot before grounding out, “We need to talk, Regulus.”
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vermillionflames · 3 years
Wedding Night
Gaara x Female Y/N
Word Count: 2,244
Warnings: arranged marriage, virgin sex, oral sex, unedited smut
I was nervous. My heart had been racing all day thanks to my wedding day anxiety, and the unsolicited advice from literally every single woman attending did not help. Neither did my father’s look of sympathy as he gave me away. My heart, having beat so fast it ran out of fuel, had dropped to the pit of my stomach the second we got into the carriage to take us to our home. This was the first time I was truly alone with my now husband, and it was dead silent. I was convinced he had fallen asleep with his eyes open, bored out of his mind, while my mind was reeling with all the scenarios that could happen.
The Kazekage was many things, but not a charmer. That much I was certain.
The carriage stopped and a guard opened the door. Not acknowledging me, again, Gaara got out first. A second guard presented his hand to help me exit as he continued towards the door. Lovely.
The house was massive, and right in the middle of the village. My face became hot realizing how easy everyone had access to it. Not only did it seem unsafe, the lack of privacy was a waving red flag.
Then I noticed his siblings standing in the door frame. We would have witnesses to our consummation.
I tried not to dwell as I followed Gaara inside.
His siblings vanished from the porch and then the door shut with the wind.
“We have the place to ourselves tonight,” he spoke in a low, monotone voice, “They reside here as well and will be back tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully they don’t bother you the same way they bother me.”
“Was that… a joke,” I tried to crack a smile but I was so anxious it didn’t translate through my face.
For the first time all day he really looked at me. The silence was heavy. My shoulders slouched and my face dropped after a few moments, he was disappointed with his bride.
“Come,” he turned around and started up the flight of stairs, “I’ll show you to our room.”
Not having separate rooms detracted half the advice I had been given early, but I was glad I wouldn’t have to deal with being alone when I went to sleep my first nights in a new home.
Gaara opened a door on the second floor and led me inside. The room was nothing special. A king size bed in the middle of the left wall, wearing deep blue sheets. Across were two armoire closets, made of cherrywood, and a door that seemingly led to a bathroom. It was bare, unlived in.
I turned to look at him by my side.
“I don’t have much skill when it comes to decoration,” Gaara said, meeting my eyes, “You can change everything to suit your liking.”
“O-okay,” I answered.
We stood there in silence, staring at each other, yet again.
My face got red as I realized it was about to happen.
“Um,” I stuttered, “Shouldn’t the sheets be white,” I looked down at my feet, embarrassed.
“If you want white sheets we can have them delivered in the morning,” he replied.
My brows furrowed in confusion, “I mean, like, for the blood.”
“What blood,” he asked, stepping closer he grabbed my hand and lifted my arm, “Are you injured?”
“No,” my heart shot up from my gut to my throat, “For the consummation,” I spoke too loudly for my liking. He placed my arm back down at my side.
“You are…,” he looked at me, “A virgin?”
I wanted to crawl into myself and die.
“Yes,” I whispered.
“That is good to know,” he walked towards the bathroom door, “I was hoping we could wait. I know everyone wants you swollen with my child by tomorrow, but,” he opened the door, “I think it best we get to know each other a little more. Your clothes should have been put in the closet on the right, I’ll be in here until you're changed into your pajamas.”
I was relieved at his idea to wait, though part of me just wanted to rip it off like a bandage. Then I got sick again knowing that I have never owned pajamas in my life… and that I sleep naked. I stalked to the closet, hoping there would be something that resembled sleepwear or that my mother had packed my belongings and threw me a bone. Inside all I found were tiny lace pieces and short satin dresses. Obviously, my ninja gear had been omitted from the move since I was no longer allowed to be in active duty, but nothing besides lingerie was inside the closet.
I threw open the single drawer at the bottom, praying for a miracle. It too had nothing but sexy underwear, and I wanted to faint when I saw leather straps. Who did this?! My shock made me lose my grip on the drawer and it fell onto the ground with a loud crash.
“Y/N? Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” I answered too quickly and too loud.
What was I going to do? I couldn’t sleep in my wedding robe. I looked at all the dresses, concluding they revealed too much for a sexless night.
“There’s, um, there’s no pajamas in my closet,” I called to him. The door unlatched and opened as Gaara walked to me.
“I’m sure they just hid it from yo…” he trailed off taking in the mess on the floor, “There has to be something here.”
Gaara picked up a black strap off the floor, “What even is this,” he asked, tossing it aside. “Is this supposed to make me horny,” he picked up a tiny, lace thong, “My sister must have gotten your size wrong.”
I spit out an embarrassed laugh.
Eyes narrowed, he shuffled through the mess on the floor. “Why is there nothing but underwear in this whole closet?!”
“Can I just wear something of yours,” I asked.
His face softened, “Of course. What’s mine, is yours.”
His closet was full of clothes and pajamas, so I had plenty of options. He handed me a large black t-shirt and red drawstring pants. I nodded in thanks.
Gaara went back to the bathroom while I changed. I threw the shirt over my bare chest, swimming in its size. Then began the mental debate of panties. The ones I had worn with my wedding robes had meant to suck me in and were too tight for sleep, so I removed them. I picked up the pait Gaara had thrown aside earlier and put them on, not wanting to be bare underneath his pants. His pajamas were too big for me, but they were comfortable and warm.
“I’m done,” I called as I climbed into the bed. Gaara emerged from the bathroom, having also changed into pajamas, which matched mine. He flicked his wrists and the lights went out. I felt him climb into the bed next to me and settle. The quiet lulled me to sleep, where I dreamt of my husband touching my body.
Something in the night startled me awake. I ripped my eyes open, seeing the bare wall. In my sleep I had turned onto my side, my back facing Gaara… only... He had also turned onto his side and had his arms wrapped around me. His hand had wandered up my shirt and was now resting under my breast.
I squirmed to try and move myself, but he only tightened his hold around me. Panicking, I grabbed his arm and pulled it down, forgetting how strong I was. His shoulder popped and I felt him wake up. His hand remained too close to my boob, which he noticed. He flipped himself over mumbling an apology.
“Wait, Gaara,” I turned, poking his shoulder.
“Hmmm,” he grumbled, half asleep.
“I want to,” I blurted out. I blushed at my confession, but honesty was the best policy.
“Want to what,” he asked, turning onto his back.
“I want to consummate our marriage,” I whispered, regretting how I worded it.
Silence was my answer.
“Um, nevermind,” I moved to lay back down but Gaara sat up and grabbed my face, bringing me in for a kiss. His lips were soft and warm, the kiss was nothing like the one we shared during our ceremony. My body tingled in response. I whimpered when he pulled away, wanting more.
“Are you sure,” he asked, holding my face in his hand.
“Yes,” I whispered.
“We’ll go slow,” he promised before kissing me again. His tongue licked my lips asking for entry. I parted, not really knowing what to do. I just knew I wanted him as close to me as possible.
Gaara laid me onto my back, continuing the kiss. He paused to look at me, I fidgeted under his eye. He smiled, genuinely smiled at me, before continuing the kiss. He sucked on my bottom lip, a feeling I won’t soon forget, before trailing kisses down my jaw and neck. His fingers played with the hem of my shirt, his shirt. Tickling my stomach and hips before pushing the fabric upwards.
“I want to keep it on,” I gasped, not ready to be fully naked in front of him, despite the lack of light.
“Okay, Y/N, but anything you keep on, I get to keep on and we can’t make love unless we take off our pants.”
His choice of words shocked me. Make love? We hardly knew each other. Still, I nodded in agreement.
His hands moved to the waistband of the pants I was wearing and slowly pulled them down. He cocked his head to the side, recognizing the thong from earlier.
“I guess Temari did get your size right,” he winked.
I took a deep breath as his fingers looped around that waistband and pulled down. The most private part of me was now bare to him.
“If you want to stop at any point, please tell me. You can shove me to the floor if you want,” he waited for me to acknowledge him before continuing. I didn’t trust my voice so I nodded.
One second he was staring at me, the next his head had fallen to my core. I soon realized what he was doing. His tongue licked up my folds, making my yelp. I had touched myself before, but my fingers never felt like this. I felt him smile with pride as his licks made me squirm and gasp. I kept my hands at my side, gripping the sheets. The pleasure increased when Gaara wrapped his mouth around my clit and lightly sucked, continuing the tongue laps. The bed beneath was soaked from how wet I was.
On instinct, my hands went to his hair and pulled him closer to me as I begged for more. My embarrassment and anxiety from earlier had vanished due to my lack of need for his touch. I didn’t want him to stop, and I told him that too.
I felt one of his fingers enter me, making my volume increase. He pumped his finger before releasing my clit from his mouth.
He looked up at me from his position at my hips, our eyes met and my body came undone.
“Do you still want to,” he stood at the side of the bed when my orgasm stopped rippling through me.
“Yes,” my voice was so heavy with desire I didn’t recognize it.
“Shirts still on?”
I blushed but nodded.
“Okay,” I watched Gaara remove his pants, revealing a long, hard cock. My body hummed in excitement as he climbed back on top of me.
“Y/N,” Gaara grabbed my face with one had, forcing my concentration on his eyes and not his member, “Remember what I said about stopping me?”
“Yes,” I answered too quickly.
He smiled, “Good, now look at me.”
I kept eye contact as he entered me. My face slowly shifted into one of discomfort as more went inside. It wasn’t painful like I had been warned, but it was a new sensation that was extremely uncomfortable.
Gaara groaned when he was fully sheathed. He didn’t move his hips, opting to kiss my cheeks while I got used to his size.
“Please,” I finally asked, “Give me everything.”
Gaara growled in approval before moving his hips backward, slowly he thrust in and out of me. I moaned, moving my hands to grab his back and hold him to me. He took my expression and noises as cues. Once I had gotten louder, and wetter, and quickened his pace, causing me to scratch down his back.
“More,” I begged, and he laughed.
“Tonight, this is as much as you get. I don’t want you to be too sore,” he angled himself to hit a particularly pleasurable spot and I cried out.
We were both sweating, moaning messes when I felt my orgasm approach. Gaara must have felt it too because he quickened his pace enough to meet me. We came together, which is something the old hags told me would not happen. Gaara laid on top of me for some time before flopping over.
“Are you alright, Y/N?”
“Yes,” I was still catching my breath, “That was so much better than what I was told would happen.”
“Oh?” Gaara sat up, massaging circles into my tummy, “Just wait until we become more accustomed to each other’s bodies.”
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justalarryblog · 3 years
Hi, I was wondering if you have any fanfic recommendations with art in it? Like maybe one of the boys is an artist or a writer in the fanfic
Hi, love. I do have a few! I collected here all fics I have with them as artists, writers, painters and photographers. I hope you like them!
Tumblr media
The Charles Compass Trilogy by @sadaveniren (8k) | Explicit
Louis Tomlinson is a successful writer who rents a beach house on the Cape to try and finish the final book in his successful Charles Compass trilogy.
Hint: I want to be yours by @greenblueish / bluegreenish (11k) | Mature
Thinking back to Harry’s rut, Louis shivers, needing to put effort into keeping other bodily reactions at bay.
“Are you cold?”
While Niall’s been commenting through the entire film, Harry had stayed mostly quiet, so it’s a surprise when he speaks up, eyes zeroed in on the omega.
“Uh, yeah. It’s a bit chilly, innit?”
Niall shrugs, dressed in a sleeveless t-shirt and seemingly unbothered by the room temperature. Harry doesn’t ask for an explanation though.
“You can have my hoodie, wait, here.” Before Louis can counter, Harry’s pulling the light grey piece of clothing over his head and handing it to the omega.
or, the one where Harry unconsciously starts acting like Louis’ alpha after they spend his rut together and Louis finds ways to make sure Harry’s affection doesn’t end.
All That Matters by @Centa0592 (12k) | Mature
Harry comes to NY with a bag of clothes, and lots of dreams. Tired of sleeping in Niall’s spare bedroom, Harry decides to get a job. When Harry applies for Louis’ bartender position he gets a lot more than what he bargained for after falling for vampire Louis Tomlinson.
Photograph by @UnicornSoldier (13k) | Explicit
AU where Harry is a professional photographer and Louis is a tattoo artist. They meet through a project and this is all so fluffy, you can from now on call me Flufflepuff. :P
As there is too much drama in reality, there is no drama here. Promised.
I absolutely love Louis, Harry and London and I hope you can feel that.
Well obviously this is all made up and pure fiction based on my imagination. :P
(I really don’t know what else I actually have to put here…)
Niall, who is only mentioned shortly, is a member of the LSO in this fic, which is my personal tribute to this wonderful and perfect fic LIARB by Gloria Andrews and 100percentsassy.
Thank you LolaTommo for being an inspiration with your beautiful collages!
This fic is what happens when you don’t have a lot of uni courses because you should be writing your thesis in the spare time. Guess what, I haven’t written a lot for that thesis so far…
No Bunny But You by @crinkle-eyed-boo (13k) | Explicit
“So you saw the bunnies then?” Harry clarifies, a smirk tugging at his lips.
“Yeah, those were a bit of a surprise,” Liam huffs. “I mean, they definitely weren’t part of what we commissioned from him, but they’re kind of cute, right?”
Harry sputters a laugh.
“What?” Liam asks, the furrow in his brow deepening. “They are cute little bunnies!”
“Cute little bunnies that are fucking,” Harry snickers.
“What?” Liam gasps.
“Liam,” Harry says, trying to school his face into a serious expression. “Those bunnies are fucking.”
A slow Monday night behind the bar turns into something else entirely thanks to a new mural and a new customer.
What do you mean he’s coming? by @mediawhorefics / MediaWhore (15k) | General Audiences
When Harry accepted to be his sister’s Maid of Honour, despite how non-traditional of a choice he was, he didn’t think writing a speech for the wedding reception would be this hard. Now, not only does he have less than two weeks left to find something moving and inspirational to say, but Gemma just confided in him that her old childhood best friend is going to be in attendance. The one who moved to LA and they haven’t seen in fifteen years because he was too busy becoming an Academy Awards winner. But hey, no pressure. It’s just Louis Fucking Tomlinson.
Harry is screwed.
hit me with your sweet love, steal me with a kiss by @icedwaters (27k) | Explicit
Louis would like to know when his life became a huge romantic comedy, because he’s starting to get tired of being the butt of every joke. Harry’s already at the club when he, Zayn, and Liam arrive. He’s got on the tightest jeans Louis has ever seen in his life (including his own), and this flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off, the buttons mostly undone to reveal the majority of his chest and a few tattoos. Louis’ eyes are first drawn to the big butterfly inked above his abs, then to black lines drawn on his shoulders, partly hidden by the edge of his shirt. He can’t help staring, his eyes clinging to Harry’s exposed skin.
(or louis is a 22 year old photographer in his third year of uni, and harry is his 19 year old cat-loving neighbor.)
can i be him? by @amory (29k) | Mature
Louis is twenty years old and has been waiting for his soulmate and true love to come along since the day he was born. Harry is an eighteen year old youtuber who is skeptical of soulmates and the pressure of being the person someone else has been dreaming of their entire lives.
They meet at Playlist Live
heart born out of fire by @bloody_blade0 (31k) | Mature
au where louis is a sad, sad omega in hiding who hides from everyone and trusts no one. until he does.
blind from this sweet, sweet craving by @ missandrogyny (31k) | Explicit
“So, I guess we’ll go?” Louis asks later, when Harry has calmed down and eaten his weight in Chinese food. He plays with this chopsticks, spearing another piece of chicken and pops it in his mouth. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind. We could make it an adventure.”
Harry observes him, watches him seated across from him on their old living room carpet, with a container of food on his lap. He’s fidgeting, avoiding meeting Harry’s gaze–he probably knows that Harry’s mad at him for ruining the one chance they had to get out of this situation. And he’s not wrong, Harry is definitely very mad. Harry wants to strangle him and castrate him and smack him upside the head.
But he’s also Harry’s best friend, and despite everything, despite all the fuck-ups and the plot twists and everything just not playing out the way it should, he’d still rather be stuck in this situation with Louis than any of the other boys. He’s got Harry’s back, and in a weird, abstract way, he knows they’ll be able to get out of this situation, together.
Harry sighs. “We’re going,” he says resignedly, his shoulders slumping.
Oh well. There are definitely worse ways to spend the weekend than pretending to be engaged to his best friend.
(And Things Will Be) Hard At Times by @lululawrence​​ (34k) | Mature
Louis and Nathan had been talking about marriage and kids and a family for years now, but it had never felt right. If anything, the talking about it had petered out over the past while because they were busy living the lives they had settled into. It wasn’t that they didn’t think they’d ever have kids, just that they weren’t to a point where they were ready for it yet.
Well. Ready or not, it was happening.
Or the one where Louis and his boyfriend of five years unexpectedly find themselves pregnant and Harry is the paternity photographer that makes everyone think twice.
Hidden Gardens by @pinky-heaven19 (41k) | Mature Harry burst out laughing, the sound mixing with the loud chatter as more people entered the pub.
“I knew you'd say that! It's just too easy to get you riled up, isn't it?” Harry took another sip of his beer, cleaning a little foam off his upper lip
“Why do you like to piss me off so much?” Louis said, rubbing his closed eyes with the tip of his fingers. He didn't feel as angry as he looked, but apparently he had a reputation to keep.
“Believe me, the only time I did it on purpose was just now. Hey, is this going to be our dynamic forever? I come here, you snap at me for no reason at all, throw me out and I come back? It's getting pretty predictable.”
“Why do you keep coming back, exactly?” Louis said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“I like your pretty face. And Niall has sick jokes. The beer is fine, too."
OR the one where Louis owns a pub and Harry is a photographer who needs his help for a project. Louis is grumpy, Harry is not. Louis has a secret. There is some pining and a lot of fluff.
Show Me Life Like I've Never Seen by @all-these-larrythings / Rearviewdreamer (42k) | Mature
Louis never expected to leave the small art studio three blocks down from his job with anything besides the painting he caught a glimpse of and simply couldn't forget.
Falling Slowly by @ LHStylinson (43k) | General Audiences
You’d be surprised how much you can have in common with someone completely different from you.
Louis is a quiet and shy famous football player who has a secret obsession with fish and Harry is a photographer who talks enough for the both of them.
the impossible now by @stylinsoncity (49k) | Mature
A wish on Christmas Eve sends Louis to an alternate dimension where Harry is a member of One Direction.
baby we could be enough (i’ll make this feel like home) orphan_account (52k) | Mature
“Did you clean the table?” Harry asks Louis once Rose is done speaking, now occupied with trying to see if she can reach over and touch Harry’s hair from where she’s sat. At Louis’ nod, Harry frowns. “You didn’t have to do that. You’re my guests here, I could’ve dealt with it later.”
Louis just smiles easily, though, adjusting Rose on his lap so that she’s facing Harry better. She manages to tug on a loose wave of hair, and she makes a noise of triumph that both Louis and Harry smile at.
“I don’t mind,” Louis murmurs to Harry, even though he’s looking at Rose. “This one here seemed very excited to talk to you.”
And, okay. Harry can’t help but think of how domestic this feels, all of a sudden.
[harry is a photographer who’s trying to find his place. louis is a single father with a smile that feels like home.]
Hamartia by @tomlinvelvet (66k) | Explicit
“Your scent lingering on my pillow… oh Honey, If only you knew that the moment I dread most every time you leave… Is when it fades.”
Six years is a long time for Louis to mend his heart back and erase every lingering, stubborn memory of his ex-lover, Harry Styles. But when news of the war being over spreads across the world like wildfire, and he stumbles upon the alpha he vowed himself to never see ever again, he realises that not even a lifetime will be enough for him to pick up the scattered, broken parts of his soul. He’s far from expecting the alpha he loved to be struggling in the same way.
All the ointments in the world might never soothe the pain out, but it doesn’t take long for them both to come to the conclusion that, maybe, the only medicine to their heartbreaks are what caused them in the first place.
Strawberries & Cigarettes by @dimpled_halo (76k) | Explicit
Harry looks up and immediately freezes. Next to Ms. Archie stands the boy from just the other day. The boy with the leather jacket and chipped black nails, that might or might not be sketched in the very book Harry has just placed on the table in front of him. The leather jacket is missing today, probably because they aren’t allowed as part of their required uniform attire, but Harry can still see the fading black nail polish on his nails, and eyeliner around his eyes. Harry’s mouth goes a little dry. This boy is so intriguing to him.
“Ye-yes, Ms. Archie?” Harry tries to play it cool, but he’s almost positive that his cheeks are burning red, and he’s relieved neither of them can tell how fast his heart is beating in his chest.
The boy seems to also recognize Harry, because his lips curve into a knowing smirk.
“Harry is at the top of his class. He’s your best bet at getting familiar with things around here.” She explains.
Louis nods, his smirk still very prominent on his face. “Thank you Ms. Archie. I’ll be sure to take advantage of young Harold here.”
Summary: Two stories, eleven years, and the two boys that never stopped loving each other.
Consequences by @allwaswell16 (78k) | Explicit Two years ago Harry let his powerful family come between him and the love of his life, something he deeply regrets. Louis has tried to move on from their devastating break up. Sometimes, he even thinks he has. It only takes one moment to freeze them back in time. An amnesia au
Behavioural Ecology Series by @turtlekz (92k) | Mature
Louis Tomlinson is a primatologist working with the Jane Goodall Institute for primate conservation; and Harry Styles is the photojournalist sent from National Geographic to write a piece promoting awareness about the endangered species. They meet, and love is never, ever simple, as we know.
Featuring Eli the chimpanzee, bickering humans, storytelling, and five men who come to gain an understanding of what it means to be human; all stationed in the Republic of the Congo.
Mine Would Be You by @crinkle-eyed-boo (114k) | Explicit
Louis blinks his eyes open, his eyelids fluttering as the room swims around him. He takes several gulps of beer once he confirms that he’s definitely not hallucinating, that the very first portrait Harry Styles ever painted of him is hanging on that wall.
Louis stares at the wall, his heart jackrabbiting in his chest as he realizes that there’s not just one painting of him, there’s five, the portraits lined up like they’re some sort of storyboard depicting the rise and fall of his deepest love. His greatest heartache. A pain that cut him so deep that he left the fucking country, severing all ties with his life in New York, now suddenly surrounding him as if he’d never left.
Fucking shit motherfucker fuck.
Louis returns to New York City five years after he left it – and the love of his life – behind. He didn’t intend to see Harry again, but fate has a funny way of pulling them together, whether they like it or not. After making a begrudging truce, they both start to wonder: Would it be so bad if history repeated itself?
65 notes · View notes
lost-in-the-80s · 3 years
The Wedding
Pairing: Izzy Stradlin x fem!reader
Words: 2.321k
Summary: Your brother's wedding has arrived, without having a boyfriend, you invite Izzy, your best friend, to be your date. (smut)
A/N: When I started listening to gnr, it didn’t take much time before Izzy got a place in my heart, so this is for his birthday
Song rec for the fic: Woman by John Lennon
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Sitting on an airplane for over an hour now, Izzy observed your asleep figure beside him, your head laying on his shoulder, like you had done so many times before, unaware of the warmth it caused on the brunette’s heart.
He questioned himself for a thousandth time that week. Why in the hell did I agree with this?
The idea didn’t sound like a big deal at first, accompanying you to your brother’s wedding wouldn’t cause any harm. But as the days started to go by, his mind traced every aspect of a wedding, the music, the romantic atmosphere, the dancing, and he soon started to regret having said yes so easily.
The truth is that Izzy has always loved you, ever since the day the two of you met. It all happened so naturally that he didn’t notice he was in love until you went on a date with another guy.
At first, he loved your voice, he’d call you just to hear you talking for hours about the most random things. Then it was your eyes, he found himself entranced by their color, the way they rolled when you got annoyed, and how they seemed to invade his deepest thoughts and memories every time you looked at his eyes.
The last thing was your attitude, your bluntness and forward behavior shocking him sometimes, and being his main entertainment in others. He found a true interest in watching you, it didn’t matter what you were doing, you would always be in his sight.
And even though years passed, that feeling seemed to just grow more and more, and every time he saw you going out with another guy, his heart broke into smaller and smaller pieces.
Little did he know the reason behind your maneater habits.
The truth is that, just like him, you had fallen for him since day one, you loved his nonchalant attitude and his style, the shape of his hands and fingers, and how dry his voice was after his third cigarette.
Just like him, you would secretly observe him, the two of you being too good on your game to ever get caught by each other.
But you didn’t want to risk your friendship over admitting your feelings, especially when you didn’t know if Izzy felt the same way. So you went on multiple dates, meeting guys with the most different appearances and personalities, all in hopes that one day, you’d meet someone capable of making you stop thinking about the guy from Indiana. That, obviously, never happened.
A little turbulence on the plane woke you up, you immediately looked up, meeting his brownish eyes.
“It’s just turbulence. Go back to sleep.”
You nodded slowly, before laying your head on his shoulder again, inhaling his scent of cigarettes and cologne and immediately feeling your body calm down.
You looked at yourself in the mirror of the hotel room, rolling your eyes at Niki's choice of color and design for the bridesmaids' dresses.
A soft knock on the door caught your attention and there stood him, a black blazer matching his black jeans.
He looked you up and down.
"You're gonna steal the bride's attention like that."
"It's grey, the most boring color ever! I wouldn't steal her attention, even if I wanted to."
He chuckled softly.
Well, you stole my attention. He thought to himself.
Picking up your purse and gift you exited the room, locking your arm with his for support, as you got on the elevator and then walked towards the hotel's saloon.
During the entire ceremony, Izzy found his attention caught by you, the way you stood out amongst the other bridesmaids and how impatient you seemed to grow with how long the ceremony was taking.
Your grey dress looked like pure silver, reflecting the lights. You looked so beautiful that he wished he had brought a camera to take a picture of you.
Your eyes caught his for once, and you blinked in his direction, smiling when you saw his lips turn into a small smile.
After what felt like forever the ceremony ended and he found himself sitting at a table with “Y/N and boyfriend” written down on a card.
“I think someone gave them the wrong info.” He showed you the card when you plopped down on the chair beside him.
You rolled your eyes. “Classic coming from my family.”
You lifted the tablecloth, making him look down to see what was happening.
“These heels are killing me.” You complained, removing your silver sandals and quickly massaging your feet.
“I bet they are.” He took two champagne glasses from a waiter passing by.
He knew you weren’t used to heels. Being almost his height, you never felt the need to wear them that often.
“Thanks.” You took your glass towards your nude lips.
“How much did you pay for that gift?” He pointed towards the biggest package on a pile, knowing it was yours.
“300 bucks.”
His eyes widened for a second.
You didn’t wait for him to say anything, knowing exactly what was crossing his mind.
“He’s my only brother. I might not like Niki that much, but he’s happy with her, and I’m happy for that.”
“Fair enough.” He drank from his champagne again. "Those ice statutes are quite tempting for a man who wants to take a piss,"
He chuckled to himself, but soon realized that your attention was focused on the main door.
“See that girl over there?” You pointed at the door.
“What’s with her?”
“That’s Braeden,” the name made him realize she was your sister. “She’s the only woman taller than me here….”
He looked back at you, and so you lowered your voice, keeping eye contact with him.
“When the bouquet time comes, you’re gonna block her.” You gestured aggressively with your hands, making a smile start to form on his lips.
“There’s no way my younger sister is gonna get married before me.”
He chuckled. “I didn’t know you aspired to marriage Y/N.”
Your eyes softened with his sentence and a small pain formed in your heart. If only he knew what crossed your mind when you looked at him during the ceremony.
The night seemed to go by faster than he expected and soon he found himself at the drinks table, observing as you talked to some relatives of yours on the other side of the saloon.
You sensed his eyes and looked towards him, giving him a look that said “Help me.”
He chuckled softly, but before he could do anything a woman’s voice caught his attention.
“You must be Izzy.”
He looked to his side, seeing a woman that looked just like Joey, your brother.
“Yes, and you are….” He extended his hand for her to shake.
“I’m Martha, Y/N’s mother.”
“Pleasure to meet you.”
“I didn’t know the two of you were dating.”
He choked on his drink.
“We aren’t, we’re just friends.” He looked down for a second.
She nodded slowly, before locking her eyes on your side.
“I know my daughter very well,"
Her voice made him look back at her.
“She has had many boyfriends in her life, but I’ve never seen her look at them in the way she looks at you.”
He opened his mouth, but your presence made him stop.
“Hey, mom!” You smiled, kissing her cheek.
“Hello, darling.” She touched your hair, adjusting some locks. “I promised I'd dance this one with your father.”
You nodded in understanding as she smiled before walking away.
“So… wanna dance with me?” You nudged him from the side, before taking a sip from his drink.
“With this song?” He asked, taking notice that Woman by John Lennon was playing.
“Why not?” You shrugged.
“Okay.” He placed his now empty glass on the table before taking your hand and guiding you towards the other people there dancing.
One of his hands held you delicately by your waist as you slowly swung to the song. Your eyes locked on each other as the other people around you seemed to disappear.
Your mother’s words mixed with the lyrics hitting his head like bells as he finally noticed the glow that formed in your eyes as you looked at him, making his heart race faster than ever.
You just realized another song was playing when someone bumped into you, making a disco song hit your ears.
You both looked so distracted and for a second you thought you’d sit down for the rest of the night, not being able to feel his cold fingers brush on your skin through your dress.
But those thoughts washed away when he let go of your waist just to grab both of your hands and guide you throughout the song, just like he did for the rest of the night.
That was the happiest night you have had in your life, and when your hotel room number became noticeable at the end of the corridor, you wished you could turn back time and do it all again.
“Happy with your bouquet?”
“More than happy.” You giggled, smelling the flowers one more time.
It was comic the way Izzy put himself in front of your sister, pretending not to be aware of what was happening.
“Thanks for that.”
“If that makes you happy, I can do that at the next weddings too.”
Next weddings. The thought made butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“So…” he started, stopping in front of your room as you opened the door.
“Tonight was fun.”
“Yes, it really was!” You said looking down. “Thanks for coming with me, Iz.” You leaned towards him, kissing his cheek gently.
“Anytime.” He replied so lowly that you weren’t sure if he had actually said that.
You entered your room and closed the door, resting your forehead against it as you sighed.
Rushed knocks against the wood made you regain your posture and quickly open the door.
Izzy looked deep inside your eyes, his brown orbs saying everything his mouth wanted to.
Not a second after that and you wrapped your arms around his neck, your lips colliding against his.
No kiss ever had felt like that. It was warm like fire and exciting, you felt your heart start racing faster and your mind went numb.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you as close as he could while entering your room and kicking the door shut behind him.
Soon you found yourself in your bed, your legs wrapped around his hips as your tongues fought for dominance, making small moans and grunts leave your mouths. One of his hands started traveling underneath your dress's fabric, exploring every inch of your legs, making you shiver with his cold fingers.
Your lips found his neck, kissing and biting at his flesh with desire, delighted by his irregular breathing and the small moans he tried to hold.
A certain hardness was pressed against your core among what seemed like a thousand layers of clothing. The sensation making you wet as you bit harsher on his neck, loving the smirk that formed on his lips.
He pushed himself off of you, standing up and ripping his shirt open, the sound of buttons hitting the floor filling the room.
“I need your help with the dress.”
You sat on the bed, your back facing him as he found the zipper, opening it quickly while he applied wet kisses on the extension of your back, biting your flesh just like you had done with him, making a small moan leave your lips.
“So beautiful.” He whispered against your ear, making another shiver possess your body.
You stripped off of the dress as you watched him undo his pants and remove his underwear with it.
He made his way back to the bed, his calloused fingers removed your blue lace panties slowly and delicately. One of his fingers traveled in between your folds, his eyes closing for a second when he noticed your wetness for him.
Izzy cupped your face with one of his hands, kissing you tenderly before asking.
“Are you sure?”
You felt the tip of his member entering you, making you close your eyes, focusing on the sensation it caused. You felt him slowly expanding your walls until it was all the way in, making a soft and small moan leave your lips.
Izzy looked at you for confirmation and after seeing you nod, he started moving.
In the beginning, it was slow and passionate, he made it the most intimate he could, touching every inch of your skin, whispering sweet nothings on your ear, as you traced his back and arms with the tip of your fingers, allowing your nails to softly touch his skin.
After some minutes, sweat started to form on both your bodies, your moans coming out in unison filled the room as you felt your walls start to clench around him.
That’s when he sped up his pace, the tip of his member now hitting your g-spot with no mercy, he massaged one of your breasts with his hand, while the other rested on the bed for support.
“Izzy,” His name left your lips in a loud moan and you saw a proud expression consume his features.
“I know, princess, I know.”
You closed your eyes and moaned again, feeling as you and he both came at the same time. A groan leaving his throat matching your whimpers as you felt a wave of pure pleasure wash over your body. Your legs started to shake and you scratched his back, while he bit harsh enough to leave a mark on your neck.
Both sweating and trying to gain your breath again, you laid in bed, your head resting on his chest as he softly caressed your body.
“This is not a one-time thing, right?”
“No, Y/N, it is not.”
Thanks for reading <3
Tag list: @born-to-lose @slashscowboyboots @ginny-rose-sixx @dynamitebabe @tuffduff @almosthonest @gamsbeans @stars-kiss-the-sky @gnrfandom-music3 @ladieswttda @teasid @littlemisscare-all @rumoured-whispers @1800endmeplease @izzys-nose-ring @motley-cruer @angxlxc @oihanasstuff @apovanity87 @julessworldd @anaavibes @mudkicker @dazeduchess @izzysjujuhounds @claire-xox @makemeyourwife-loveofmylife @pinkpatiencecreepers @polka-dot-duff @stradlin-cold-heartbreaker @nathaniel-hornblower @alcoholandarson @stevenizzynslashsbabe @gabyisaclassicrocker
add yourself to my tag list :)
443 notes · View notes
shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Rebuilding Family
Summary: Y/N and Spencer were college sweethearts at Cal-Tech but once Spencer got accepted to the FBI Academy, he ended things deciding it was not fair to make Y/N wait for him. When they meet again years later, he discovers something unexpected.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
A/N: i finally made a taglist! just send an ask to be added or removed at any time!
Chapter 26
“Ugh,” you said, looking through the kitchen cabinets.
“What do you need, love?” Spencer called out from where he was reading on the couch with Jo.
“We’re out of rice wrappers and I wanted spring rolls for dinner,” you pouted.
“I’ll go to the store and get some for you,” he closed his book and stood up, “Be back in 20,” he kissed you.
“Thank you, baby,” you smiled and watched as he walked out of the door and pulled out of the driveway.
“Okay, Jo! We don’t have much time! Go! Go! Go!” you exclaimed.
You knew you were out of rice wrappers and Spencer would generously go offer to go get some more. But what other choice did you have, Father’s Day was coming up and you and Jo needed him out of the house for a little which was especially hard now that he was a stay-at-home dad.
You placed the shirt on the table that read ‘I’m a Doctor Dad, Just Like a Normal Dad Except Much Cooler.” You knew it was cheesy but Spencer would proudly wear it regardless especially with the customizations you were about to make.
You squirted purple paint onto a scrap piece of cardboard and flipped the shirt around so the plain back was face up.
“Okay, Jo, remember like I told you in the car, cover your hands in the paint and then press them down on the shirt so Daddy’s shirt will have your little handprints on the back,” you instructed.
After Jo made her mark on the shirt, you carried her to the sink so she could wash her hands off without making a mess.
Then, you used a white fabric marker to write ‘Love, Jo,’ under her handprints.
Jo was on lookout duty by the door as you were trying to dry the shirt quickly with your hair dryer.
“Mommy, Daddy’s back!” she alerted you.
“Shoot, shoot, shoot!” you were running up the stairs with the half-dried shirt in your hands.
Ironically, you decided to hide it in Spencer’s old room because he never even went in there anymore.
“Hey, I’m back,” you heard him call out, “Why is the hair dryer on and sitting on the kitchen table?” he asked.
“Jo wanted to play salon,” you came running down the stairs, “Here’s the barrettes you wanted, sweetie. Daddy can be your next client while I make dinner.”
You grabbed the bag from Spencer and grinned.
Jo immediately went along with your plan, pulling out one of the chairs from the table, “Sit down, Daddy. I’ll be right with you in a second, we are very busy today. We are going to need some conditioner for those curls, they look dry.”
You let out a laugh.
“Yes, ma’am,” Spencer smiled, taking his seat.
Much like he did for you on Mother’s Day, you and Jo made Spencer breakfast in bed on the morning of Father’s Day.
Jo was in charge of pouring the orange juice and Spencer’s coffee into cups while you baked cinnamon coffee cake.
Jo hopped off the counter when her job was done.
“Don’t forget to sign Daddy’s card please,” you reminded her.
After she had, you scribbled something at the bottom and tucked it into its envelope, placing it on the tray.
Even though you woke up earlier than usual to make breakfast, Spencer felt you trying to slip out of his arms in the early morning and woke up but you made him stay up there as to not ruin the surprise.
You and Jo marched up the stairs, holding gift bags and the breakfast tray.
“Happy’s Father’s Day!” you both cheered as you opened the bedroom door.
“Come here, Princess,” Spencer opened his arms as Jo scampered up onto the bed to give her dad a hug.
“And you too,” Spencer smiled at you after he finished hugging Jo.
You hummed in acknowledgment and gave him a quick kiss before taking a seat on the bed.
“Presents or breakfast first, Daddy?” Jo asked.
“Let’s do presents,” he said, seeing how excited Jo was to give him his gift.
Jo crawled into Spencer’s lap with the gift bag in hand.
Spencer pulled some pink tissue paper out, revealing the shirt you and Jo made last night.
Spencer chuckled, looking at the front.
“Look at the back,” you suggested.
Spencer turned the shirt around and his smile widened.
“I love it,” he kissed Jo’s head, “I’m going to wear it right now.”
Spencer pulled the shirt over his head.
“So handsome!” you grinned.
Next, Spencer opened a big canvas photo print of the three of you on you and Spencer’s wedding day.
“We have all that space on the living room wall downstairs so I figured we would fill it,” you smiled.
“It’s perfect,” he agreed, giving you another kiss, reaching for the last gift.
“Wait!” you snatched it away quickly, “Card first, then this.”
Spencer sent you a wary look but followed your instructions, reaching for the card instead.
Spencer ripped open the envelope and your heart was beating so fast.
Spencer rolled his eyes playfully when there was a bear and a cub on the front of the card.
Spencer opened the card and began reading it out loud.
“Happy Father’s Day to Papa Bear. We love you beary much. Love, Y/N, Jo, and…”
Spencer’s eyes snapped up to meet yours, “Y/N, are you serious?”
You nodded ecstatically, not being able to get the words out.
Spencer dove across the bed to have you in his arms as quickly as possible. You hugged him back just as tightly.
“and little one?” Jo asked, finishing reading the card, “Who’s little one?”
Spencer looked at you with happy tears brimming in his eyes to match yours. You nodded, letting him know that he could tell Jo.
“Jo,” Spencer let you go and scooped Jo up in his arms, “Mommy is pregnant so you are going to have a little brother or sister,” he smiled.
Jo beamed, “Really?”
“Yes,” you nodded as Spencer pulled your shirt up slightly and leaned down to press soft kisses all over your tummy.
“The baby’s in there?” Jo asked.
“Yes, you were in there once too,” you smiled.
Jo leaned over and joined Spencer in planting a soft kiss on your belly.
“Okay, now you can open this gift,” you pushed the final bag towards him.
Spencer pulled out a photo album titled ‘Family’.
“It’s not all the way filled yet but I added a few photos to start us off. Obviously, we have a lot more memories to make,” you smiled, placing a hand on your belly.
taglist (send an ask to be added or removed): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @g0lden-cth @spencerreid9
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