#this movie was actually p good hahah
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hgfstreamchats · 1 year ago
Christmas Eve Eve Stream
Knock Out8:05:20 PM LOCKED THE ROOM
thenightetc8:08:27 PM Hello!
Knock Out8:08:35 PM Hello there!
Knock Out8:08:58 PM Extremities crossed that this works.
thenightetc8:09:19 PM It does seem to work better than Discord, at least
Blythe18:09:44 PM hi all, merry wotsit
thenightetc8:09:53 PM merry christmas eve eve!
Knock Out8:10:02 PM CHANGED THE VIDEO TO Knock Out's screen
thenightetc8:10:20 PM @ 00:17 I'm seeing it!
thenightetc8:10:25 PM @ 00:22 Video and audio okay
Knock Out8:10:32 PM @ 00:28 So far so good!
thenightetc8:11:19 PM @ 01:16 So tasteful!
Knock Out8:11:46 PM @ 01:42 Oomper-Loompers.
thenightetc8:11:58 PM @ 01:55 Oh god
thenightetc8:13:05 PM @ 03:01 He knows what he did.
thenightetc8:14:57 PM @ 04:54 God.
thenightetc8:15:50 PM @ 05:45 Just the tip.
Blythe18:16:10 PM @ 04:49 Just the tip, oh god.
thenightetc8:17:29 PM @ 07:25 Ohoho
thenightetc8:18:41 PM @ 08:37 You know, I feel like that would be less disappointing than the other two
Blythe18:18:56 PM @ 07:35 Is it wrong that I'd actually play the Frasieropoly, but only if I can be the little dog
Knock Out8:19:15 PM @ 09:11 Otherwise, what's the point?
thenightetc8:19:48 PM @ 09:44 God.
thenightetc8:20:16 PM @ 10:11 COVID.
Blythe18:20:23 PM @ 09:02 Awww, it is a very good boy doggo
Blythe18:21:28 PM @ 10:08 I feel this bit would hit more if I actually knew the song
thenightetc8:21:38 PM @ 11:35 Just a bit, maybe.
thenightetc8:22:02 PM @ 11:59 Kind of tree you make if you have a naughty cat.
Blythe18:22:26 PM @ 11:05 Most dangerous plug? Did he use the male-male power cord, the cord of death?
Knock Out8:22:51 PM @ 12:47 Sometimes the most dangerous plugs are the most fun.
Knock Out8:23:34 PM CHANGED THE VIDEO TO Knock Out's screen
Blythe18:24:00 PM @ 00:25 There better be real sock puppets here.
thenightetc8:24:34 PM @ 00:59 We know there won't be.
Blythe18:25:00 PM @ 01:24 I was promised sock puppets, this is worst eX Mas ever.
Blythe18:29:21 PM @ 05:45 Always pay your protection money
thenightetc8:31:05 PM @ 07:29 RIP their dinner.
Knock Out8:31:29 PM @ 07:54 That was all the protein they could expect for the month.
Blythe18:32:02 PM @ 08:26 Trapped like some sort of Mech in a Wall, only its a floor.
Knock Out8:32:16 PM @ 08:41 Which isn't nearly as fun.
thenightetc8:32:28 PM @ 08:52 Pffffff
Blythe18:36:04 PM @ 12:30 I could use one of those books, I have no idea what kwanza is. I only ever see it in American shows.
thenightetc8:38:16 PM @ 14:40 A ham dinner with mayonnaise… :(
thenightetc8:38:52 PM @ 15:17 Heheheh
Blythe18:39:59 PM @ 16:23 Still sounds a better dinner than the olive and cream cheese sandwich from Invincible
Knock Out8:42:18 PM @ 18:42 None of the things you all eat sound appealing to me.
thenightetc8:42:28 PM @ 18:53 I always love that line.
thenightetc8:44:32 PM @ 20:57 Play santa again and I'll kill you next year.
Blythe18:44:43 PM @ 21:08 Ho-ho-ho
Knock Out8:44:56 PM CHANGED THE VIDEO TO Knock Out's screen
thenightetc8:45:18 PM @ 00:20 Ooooo!
thenightetc8:45:24 PM @ 00:26 I didn't know they made it into a series!
thenightetc8:46:16 PM @ 01:17 The Gang Steals Christmas
thenightetc8:48:49 PM @ 03:50 Hahah, excellent
Knock Out8:48:59 PM @ 04:01 Didn't this movie make enough money that they could have put a little more love into this?
thenightetc8:49:42 PM @ 04:43 The animation is a little off, but… eh.
Blythe18:50:02 PM @ 00:00 I'm afraid I've lost the stream here.
Knock Out8:50:22 PM @ 05:25 The voices if nothing else.
Knock Out8:50:34 PM CHANGED THE VIDEO TO Knock Out's screen
Knock Out8:50:43 PM @ 00:07 Better?
thenightetc8:51:02 PM @ 00:25 It looks fine on my end.
thenightetc8:51:07 PM @ 00:30 Try reloading, Blythe1?
Blythe18:51:31 PM @ 00:00 It must be my internet, I just get stills from whatever is on KO's screen at the time of refresh
thenightetc8:51:55 PM @ 01:18 WOW
Blythe18:52:12 PM @ 00:00 Ah well. It was nice catching up. Have a Merry Christmas everyone.
thenightetc8:52:26 PM @ 01:50 Awwww. You, too
Knock Out8:52:43 PM @ 02:06 It might pick up after this one.
Knock Out8:53:08 PM @ 02:32 Merry Christmas to you too!
thenightetc8:54:19 PM @ 03:43 I feel like they've kind of lost track of their goals, here
Knock Out8:54:41 PM @ 04:04 They do that.
thenightetc8:55:27 PM @ 04:51 PFFF
Knock Out8:58:43 PM @ 08:07 They spray artificial snow over the city and poison the water supply.
thenightetc8:58:54 PM @ 08:17 Merry christmas!
thenightetc8:59:56 PM @ 09:20 She said FIVE.
Knock Out9:00:25 PM @ 09:50 This is a very easily led city.
Knock Out9:01:09 PM @ 10:33 There, he's killed everyone.
thenightetc9:01:15 PM @ 10:40 What kind of snocone machine is that, anyway?
thenightetc9:01:56 PM @ 11:21 :'(
Knock Out9:04:41 PM @ 14:05 I wish this looked and sounded better than it does.
thenightetc9:04:48 PM @ 14:13 I love that their santabot just has a flamethrower built in
Mimic9:05:09 PM @ 00:27 Hello!
Knock Out9:05:12 PM @ 14:37 It's not a proper Santabot without one.
Knock Out9:05:16 PM @ 14:40 Hello there!
thenightetc9:05:16 PM @ 14:40 Hello!
Mimic9:06:29 PM @ 01:47 Yeeeeeah, this tracks
Zephra859:06:37 PM @ 00:09 I'M HERE
Knock Out9:06:42 PM @ 16:05 Zephra human!
Knock Out9:06:46 PM @ 16:11 Hello!
Zephra859:06:52 PM @ 00:24 Knock Out!!! I've missed you!!!
Knock Out9:07:01 PM @ 16:25 It's been a while!
Zephra859:07:37 PM @ 01:10 Just a wee bit
Knock Out9:07:48 PM CHANGED THE VIDEO TO Virtual Browser
Knock Out9:08:22 PM Just in time for Rifftrax.
Knock Out9:08:30 PM CHANGED THE VIDEO TO Knock Out's screen
Zephra859:08:30 PM Wow you can tell the multiverse has gone quiet, there's only a few of us here
thenightetc9:08:33 PM @ 00:02 Excellent
Zephra859:08:37 PM @ 00:06 Nice
Knock Out9:08:59 PM @ 00:27 It's bittersweet, but at least we still have this!
Zephra859:09:09 PM @ 00:37 True indeed!
thenightetc9:09:38 PM @ 01:06 god
thenightetc9:09:42 PM @ 01:10 matchcoin
thenightetc9:10:52 PM @ 02:20 W. What
thenightetc9:11:50 PM @ 03:18 "And then the match went out and it all disappeared"
Mimic9:12:12 PM @ 01:09 My first decree is to invade Canada!”
Knock Out9:12:17 PM @ 03:45 Hired goons?
Zephra859:12:31 PM @ 03:58 I'm still reeling over matchcoin, that joke slayed me
Mimic9:13:30 PM @ 02:26 There is no bottom depth on weirdness here
thenightetc9:14:00 PM @ 05:27 Oh, jeez. So they uh. ARE going that way
Knock Out9:14:18 PM @ 05:46 We're watching the Disney version after this, just to wash the taste of this one away.
Zephra859:14:21 PM @ 05:50 … oh… oh god is this metaphor going where it looks like??
thenightetc9:15:31 PM @ 06:59 They'r eplaying that Christmas Dream song
Knock Out9:17:29 PM CHANGED THE VIDEO TO Knock Out's screen
Zephra859:17:42 PM @ 00:11 So, she huddled up in a cold alley, using her own 'products' to induce hallucinations, before dying from exposure???
thenightetc9:17:57 PM @ 00:26 But she went to heaven, so it's all good!
thenightetc9:18:01 PM @ 00:31 It's a happy story!
Mimic9:18:10 PM @ 00:38 That’s how the story traditionally goes
Knock Out9:18:15 PM @ 00:46 Here's a superior version.
Zephra859:18:20 PM @ 00:49 THAT METAPHOR IS NOT SUBTLE.
Zephra859:18:45 PM @ 01:15 Real talk: that was my first time seeing anything about 'The Little Match Girl'
Mimic9:18:49 PM @ 01:18 Imho Hogfather has the best version.
Zephra859:18:52 PM @ 01:21 I've only ever heard the title before
Knock Out9:19:16 PM @ 01:46 This one was mine.
Zephra859:19:32 PM @ 02:01 The animation is so nice here!!
Mimic9:19:46 PM @ 02:16 It’s Disney!
Zephra859:20:02 PM @ 02:31 Huh I didn't know Disney did a telling of this
Mimic9:20:03 PM @ 02:33 They sneak Fantasia style shorts onto dvd releases
Zephra859:20:10 PM @ 02:39 ohhhh
Knock Out9:20:13 PM @ 02:44 If I'd been exposed to it pre-Impact, I doubt I would have cared so much.
Mimic9:20:32 PM @ 03:02 Yeah it. It’s a tearjerker
thenightetc9:21:28 PM @ 03:57 ooooof
Knock Out9:22:06 PM @ 04:36 Ugh.
thenightetc9:22:14 PM @ 04:43 JARRING TONE WHIPLASH
Zephra859:22:22 PM @ 04:52 god why hve ads gotten so damn aggressive the past few years???
thenightetc9:22:29 PM @ 04:58 Arms race.
Mimic9:22:34 PM @ 05:03 And rude
Knock Out9:22:51 PM @ 05:21 Very rude, we're trying to watch this small girl die.
thenightetc9:23:58 PM @ 06:27 Poor kid
Mimic9:24:05 PM IKR
Zephra859:24:12 PM Oof boy you even saw her corpse stay behind after
Knock Out9:24:24 PM CHANGED THE VIDEO TO Knock Out's screen
Knock Out9:24:40 PM @ 00:15 It's a brutal one.
Zephra859:25:34 PM @ 01:07 No pony love for you!!
Mimic9:26:01 PM @ 01:36 In the Hogfather, the Little Match Girl lives.
Knock Out9:26:14 PM @ 01:48 Good.
Zephra859:26:19 PM @ 01:54 true fixit fic
Zephra859:27:09 PM @ 02:43 oh god that tall boy looks absolutely miserable
thenightetc9:27:18 PM @ 02:52 He really does
thenightetc9:31:03 PM @ 06:37 "dear jesus, please give me a pony"
thenightetc9:31:39 PM @ 07:13 spam folder!
Zephra859:31:49 PM @ 07:24 I mean he straight up asked to find jobs, and not just money or the pony himself
Knock Out9:32:32 PM @ 08:07 The nerve of him.
Zephra859:32:36 PM @ 08:11 Imagine your parents standing over yourshoulder and giving you judgement for your PRAYERS
Zephra859:32:55 PM @ 08:29 isn't that between him and god
Mimic9:34:50 PM @ 10:24 So much Shetland hate
Knock Out9:35:02 PM @ 10:36 What did the Shetland ever do to these people?
Zephra859:35:11 PM @ 10:46 the Shetland knows what it did
Knock Out9:36:02 PM @ 11:36 Good, honest Prince versus the nameless pervert Shetland.
thenightetc9:36:17 PM @ 11:51 A shetland would never
Knock Out9:36:34 PM @ 12:08 Is there anything precluding them both from riding Prince?
Zephra859:37:14 PM @ 12:48 seriously, the brothers seem close, I'm sure he'd be fine with sharing
thenightetc9:37:25 PM @ 12:59 yeah
Zephra859:37:53 PM @ 13:28 'He should work for at&t customer service' I'M HOWLING
thenightetc9:40:16 PM @ 15:50 Communication skills!
Zephra859:41:56 PM @ 17:30 aww is the grinchy dude gonna give them both horses?
Knock Out9:42:16 PM @ 17:51 He'd better.
Zephra859:43:34 PM @ 19:07 OH GOD THAT KILLED ME
Knock Out9:43:48 PM @ 19:23 This family looks like it can afford two ponies.
Zephra859:43:59 PM @ 19:33 SERIOUSLY
thenightetc9:44:59 PM @ 20:33 "did you hear us arguing"
Knock Out9:45:04 PM @ 20:39 "Loudly."
Zephra859:45:32 PM @ 21:05 Apparently boys wanting ponies predate the MLP days
Knock Out9:45:49 PM @ 21:23 Those boys wanted ponies the wrong way.
Zephra859:45:53 PM @ 21:27 YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED
thenightetc9:45:58 PM @ 21:32 Ahem.
Zephra859:47:00 PM @ 22:33 'And the Grinch's eyebrows-I MEAN HEART, grew three sizes that day'
Knock Out9:48:55 PM One second.
Zephra859:49:03 PM take your time buddy
Knock Out9:50:12 PM CHANGED THE VIDEO TO Knock Out's screen
thenightetc9:50:35 PM @ 00:21 Oh, this is going to be goo--well, it's going to be SOMEthing
Zephra859:50:48 PM @ 00:34 I've never heard of this one
Knock Out9:52:40 PM @ 02:28 This is most definitely going to be something.
Zephra859:53:25 PM @ 03:11 the sound design in this movie is a mess, the footsteps sounds were so visceral but the police siren sounded like a children's toy
Knock Out9:53:52 PM @ 03:39 It really is.
thenightetc9:55:24 PM @ 05:09 well then!
Zephra859:57:21 PM @ 07:08 That's a slur little Billy!!
Knock Out9:59:23 PM @ 09:10 Every festive Christmas movie needs at least one slur.
Zephra859:59:41 PM @ 09:27 I mean the last one a kid was talking about killing indians so that checks out
Mimic10:00:49 PM @ 10:35 That ent has had way too much coffee!
Zephra8510:04:01 PM @ 13:47 Okay for real I've eaten ham and bread separately 'cause I'm too lazy to make a real sandwich multiple times
Knock Out10:04:08 PM @ 13:54 "Don't make me run, I'm full of ham!"
Zephra8510:04:21 PM @ 14:06 (wHEEZE)
Zephra8510:05:22 PM @ 15:07 man I'd have been thrilled if when you guys got here you tried to neslave humanity
Zephra8510:05:31 PM @ 15:17 *enslave
Zephra8510:06:16 PM @ 16:03 but nahh it was all 'secret war that only the government, one terrorist group and 3 kids knew about'
thenightetc10:06:33 PM @ 16:19 things heating up now!
Knock Out10:06:34 PM @ 16:20 We'd have never, you all have weak little lifting knees.
Zephra8510:07:00 PM @ 16:46 true, our bones are frail and crappy
Zephra8510:08:02 PM @ 17:48 OOF FLASHING LIGHTS WARNING
Knock Out10:08:56 PM @ 18:43 Fun fact, there's an infamously unhinged bot on rebuilt Cybertron who believes we should be consuming human bones.
Knock Out10:09:04 PM @ 18:51 We have energon now. I don't know why he believes this.
Knock Out10:09:15 PM @ 19:02 *believes
Zephra8510:09:18 PM @ 19:05 has anyone asked him?
Knock Out10:09:26 PM @ 19:14 Many times.
Zephra8510:09:37 PM @ 19:23 what's his explaination?
Zephra8510:10:20 PM @ 20:06 (oh god this performance is thoroughly unpleasant to watch)
thenightetc10:11:18 PM @ 21:03 it. really is
Knock Out10:11:41 PM @ 21:29 The most coherent answer anyone's ever gotten out of him is that it's a supplemental thing Primus intended us to do.
Knock Out10:12:27 PM @ 22:13 And yes, everything about this is viscerally unpleasant.
Zephra8510:13:02 PM @ 22:47 ahh one of the supplement obsessives, we have those here too
Knock Out10:14:08 PM @ 23:55 Imagine if instead of us, you'd been invaded by whatever these things are.
Zephra8510:14:42 PM @ 24:27 I'd have been so disappointed. It's giant sexy robot aliens or not at all I say.
Knock Out10:14:57 PM @ 24:43 Well said.
Mimic10:15:43 PM @ 25:29 Hey Knockout, you’re from space, do
Mimic10:15:54 PM @ 25:40 you hear s’s as ks
Zephra8510:17:28 PM @ 27:13 oh god the creepy way he said 'you're gettin' COLDER' scared me
Knock Out10:17:59 PM @ 27:46 If I were drinking whatever this abomination was, I just might.
Zephra8510:18:12 PM @ 27:58 as;ldkfjasldkf
Knock Out10:19:21 PM @ 29:08 I was literally about to make a Dropo comparison.
Zephra8510:19:30 PM @ 29:17 oh man why do all the christmas movies we come across somehow always have an adult touching a child in an unsettling way
Knock Out10:19:46 PM @ 29:33 I wish I knew.
thenightetc10:20:30 PM @ 30:15 Couldn't they just carry it? I tdoesn't look heavy
Knock Out10:20:48 PM @ 30:35 Not at all.
Zephra8510:21:05 PM @ 30:51 grand theft snowmobile
thenightetc10:25:06 PM @ 34:50 If only someone had taught Megatron about hockey.
Knock Out10:25:33 PM @ 35:20 He would have used the stick to beat Starscream. That would have been his only takeaway.
thenightetc10:27:22 PM @ 37:06 I mean. Why don't they assume someone stole it, went for a joyride, then brought it back
thenightetc10:28:43 PM @ 38:27 yeah not loving that closeup!
Knock Out10:28:47 PM @ 38:34 Not one bit.
Mimic10:29:15 PM @ 39:02 Get up here so we can endanger you!
thenightetc10:29:31 PM @ 39:16 Oh yeah, just lift off while they're up on the roof
Zephra8510:30:13 PM @ 40:00 'take my hand!!' rather not, no idea where its been
Zephra8510:30:48 PM @ 40:34 please no tickling scenes
Knock Out10:31:04 PM @ 40:51 NO.
thenightetc10:31:08 PM @ 40:53 guys he is the victim of a crime here
thenightetc10:32:02 PM @ 41:47 Did you pause it?
Zephra8510:32:11 PM @ 41:26 … did the stream just die for anyone else?
Zephra8510:32:17 PM @ 41:25 Oh good not just me
Mimic10:32:49 PM Whoops
Zephra8510:34:05 PM Knock Out's computer couldn't take the movie anymore and committed suicide
thenightetc10:34:17 PM RIP
Mimic10:34:25 PM F
Zephra8510:34:46 PM Yeah looks like he's gone for now, dealing with a crash for sure
thenightetc10:35:05 PM Well, we've made it through worse!
Zephra8510:35:10 PM true
Knock Out10:38:10 PM @ 36:17 Here I am.
thenightetc10:38:31 PM Welcome back!
Mimic10:38:40 PM WB!
Zephra8510:38:44 PM We were saying your computer couldn't take the movie anymore and committed suicide
Knock Out10:38:49 PM @ 36:17 Scraplets pulled something loose, but I choose to believe the stream attempted to kill itself.
Zephra8510:38:56 PM HAAAAA
thenightetc10:39:17 PM Well, it won't escape THAT easily!
Mimic10:39:49 PM It took the first excuse
Zephra8510:40:04 PM Either that or the scraplets got jealous. 'Excuse me only WE'RE allowed to inflict this level of suffering'
Knock Out10:40:55 PM CHANGED THE VIDEO TO Knock Out's screen
thenightetc10:41:32 PM @ 00:34 Yeah, it's not a cable. Pffffff.
Knock Out10:41:41 PM @ 00:46 I'll say it isn't.
thenightetc10:42:45 PM @ 01:47 Stolen, undercooked turkey.
Knock Out10:42:50 PM @ 01:54 They'll get worms.
Zephra8510:43:14 PM @ 02:18 OHHHH SHOTS FIRED
thenightetc10:44:16 PM @ 03:18 "as seen from our planet" LIAR. LIAR!!
thenightetc10:45:26 PM @ 04:29 "so I can drop you off here, right"
Zephra8510:45:36 PM @ 04:39 'I DREAM OF RAAAAAAAAAIN'~
Knock Out10:45:44 PM @ 04:48 "Okay, away you go!"
thenightetc10:46:23 PM @ 05:26 oh jeez
Zephra8510:46:34 PM @ 05:37 Oh god please enough with the first nations racism in all these christmas movies please
thenightetc10:46:56 PM @ 05:58 old movies: casual racism and everybody smoking indoors
thenightetc10:49:52 PM @ 08:53 he says that so sinisterly
Zephra8510:50:18 PM @ 09:22 only armatures look directly at the camera
Zephra8510:50:39 PM @ 09:43 *amatures
Zephra8510:51:31 PM @ 10:35 'and then he exploded into vapour and died'
Knock Out10:51:59 PM @ 11:04 As is the Martian circle of life.
thenightetc10:52:22 PM @ 11:24 "um… we already had the turkey"
Zephra8510:52:34 PM @ 11:37 'ALL the turkey'
Knock Out10:53:22 PM @ 12:26 "Our Martian friend ground some pills into it."
Zephra8510:53:31 PM @ 12:34 dfslk;ajds;fal
thenightetc10:54:37 PM @ 13:39 we ALL wish
Knock Out10:54:56 PM @ 14:00 Take the shot. End this.
thenightetc10:56:47 PM @ 15:49 Firing squad.
Knock Out10:56:59 PM @ 16:03 Firing squad, then gas chamber, then fire.
thenightetc10:58:42 PM @ 17:44 ???
Zephra8510:58:44 PM @ 17:48 …………………………………..
Zephra8510:58:56 PM @ 17:59 flashing llama.
Zephra8510:59:00 PM @ 18:04 … fine.
Knock Out10:59:23 PM @ 18:27 Poo Flower died on the way back to his home planet.
thenightetc10:59:41 PM @ 18:43 Sorry, were the cops already in the house?
thenightetc11:02:00 PM @ 21:01 So the moral of the story is, ACAB
Zephra8511:02:06 PM @ 21:10 and how!!
thenightetc11:02:58 PM @ 22:00 aaaaaaaaa
Zephra8511:03:05 PM @ 22:09 ahh yes a palette cleanser
Mimic11:03:12 PM @ 21:35 Tradition
thenightetc11:03:17 PM @ 22:19 Tradition….
Zephra8511:03:23 PM @ 22:26 this is the way
thenightetc11:04:41 PM @ 23:42 the dead-eyed children
Knock Out11:05:11 PM @ 24:14 Slightly less drugged than the ones the martian got his hands on.
Mimic11:06:44 PM @ 25:08 Spot the Dog?? There’s a flashback
Zephra8511:07:00 PM @ 26:03 The gay reindeer are animated 1000x more fluidly than the entirety of the show
Mimic11:07:06 PM @ 25:30 IKR
Zephra8511:07:34 PM @ 26:38 YES
Zephra8511:07:39 PM @ 26:42 A TRUE HOLIDAY CLASSIC
Zephra8511:08:06 PM @ 27:10 they edited out the 'real' of the real coffee line
thenightetc11:08:21 PM @ 27:23 Well!
Knock Out11:08:23 PM @ 27:28 That's an underrated moment.
Zephra8511:08:36 PM @ 27:39 director's cut that didn't make tv
Knock Out11:08:56 PM @ 27:59 Hmm, what else do we have? Any other suggestions before we wrap things up?
Mimic11:09:05 PM @ 27:29 Snl, ‘pongo’
thenightetc11:09:34 PM @ 28:36 Yeah, that one
thenightetc11:11:06 PM @ 30:07 Not sure I love that!
Zephra8511:13:29 PM @ 32:34 well that was unhinged
Zephra8511:13:44 PM @ 32:48 I LOVE THIS GUY
Mimic11:13:51 PM @ 32:15 No, that was Pongo
Knock Out11:14:02 PM @ 33:06 He's just Pongo.
Mimic11:16:22 PM @ 34:46 Try snl Christmas shopping
Zephra8511:16:35 PM @ 35:39 man snl skit titles are wild without context
Mimic11:16:47 PM @ 35:11 IKR
thenightetc11:17:50 PM @ 36:51 That sounds cold!
Zephra8511:21:08 PM @ 40:12 god I wonder what the writing room is like for these
Mimic11:21:30 PM @ 39:53 The cocaine has flowed like water since the 70s
thenightetc11:22:26 PM @ 41:28 God
Zephra8511:22:31 PM @ 41:34 oh god this one is fucking amazing
Mimic11:23:55 PM @ 42:18 Shoptv Christmas snl
Zephra8511:23:58 PM @ 43:02 that was unironically one of the best snl skits I've ever seen
Mimic11:24:03 PM @ 42:26 IKR
Zephra8511:24:15 PM @ 43:19 I grew up with 6 younger siblings, faaaar too relatable
thenightetc11:24:17 PM @ 43:19 Too real.
Knock Out11:24:35 PM @ 43:39 We streamed the shopping one when we started, but I'm happy to play it again.
Mimic11:24:46 PM @ 43:08 Oh whoops!
Mimic11:24:49 PM @ 43:12 Sorry!
Zephra8511:24:53 PM @ 43:57 I'm down for whatever!!
Knock Out11:25:07 PM @ 44:12 Everyone should get to experience it.
thenightetc11:27:28 PM @ 46:30 Love how they have it posed in front of him like that the whole time.
Knock Out11:28:09 PM @ 47:13 Likewise.
Zephra8511:28:26 PM @ 47:29 this is def an experience
Knock Out11:29:07 PM @ 48:11 Odell is the unsung hero of this short.
Zephra8511:29:15 PM @ 48:18 absolutely
Mimic11:30:26 PM @ 48:49 Just the tip!
Zephra8511:30:26 PM @ 49:29 just turn it upside down
thenightetc11:30:31 PM @ 49:33 Right?
thenightetc11:31:03 PM @ 50:05 Although personally? I'd snap it in half.
Zephra8511:31:15 PM @ 50:19 legit break off a piece!
Mimic11:31:35 PM @ 49:59 Omg this one
Zephra8511:31:35 PM @ 50:39 there were so many ways around looking like you're sucking dick
Zephra8511:36:53 PM @ 55:57 a;lsdfjalsdkfj;
Zephra8511:36:59 PM @ 56:02 that ending got me
Mimic11:37:11 PM @ 55:35 Oh speaking of endings!
Mimic11:37:17 PM @ 55:41 Snl Old Friends
thenightetc11:37:46 PM @ 56:48 OH I REMEMBER THIS
Zephra8511:38:15 PM @ 57:19 god I saw where this was coming waay too quickly
thenightetc11:38:29 PM @ 57:30 hehehehhehe
thenightetc11:39:58 PM @ 58:59 oh my god
Zephra8511:41:10 PM @ 1:00:14 WELL THAT WAS. SOMETHING.
Knock Out11:41:17 PM @ 1:00:20 Wasn't it?
thenightetc11:41:23 PM @ 1:00:25 MEEEERRRRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY
Knock Out11:41:35 PM @ 1:00:38 MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Zephra8511:41:43 PM @ 1:00:46 still doesn't make the top 5 most traumatizing things we've watched in these streams
Mimic11:41:45 PM @ 1:00:08 Merry Christmas~
Zephra8511:41:53 PM @ 1:00:56 Merry Christmas everybody!!
Knock Out11:42:12 PM @ 1:01:16 We need a list of the top five most traumatizing, for posterity.
thenightetc11:42:15 PM @ 1:01:17 oh the comments
Knock Out11:42:54 PM @ 1:01:57 I think that's as good a note as any to end on.
Mimic11:43:10 PM @ 1:01:33 I seem to remember a charlottes web spinoff with spiders that had anime hair?
thenightetc11:43:23 PM @ 1:02:25 Well! Then, thank you for hosting!
Zephra8511:43:23 PM @ 1:02:27 I gotta go into my blog to research but I'll def put that on a checklist
thenightetc11:43:34 PM @ 1:02:36 This is always a treat.
Mimic11:43:42 PM @ 1:02:05 Thank you for the Christmas stream~
Zephra8511:43:48 PM @ 1:02:51 Yes thanks so much Knock Out! It was great to hang again :3
Knock Out11:43:49 PM @ 1:02:53 And thank you for coming! I've missed these.
Mimic11:44:02 PM @ 1:02:25 Us too
thenightetc11:44:07 PM @ 1:03:08 Yeah.
Knock Out11:44:28 PM @ 1:03:32 Until the next one! Have a good night, everyone, and merry Christmas!
Mimic11:44:37 PM @ 1:03:00 You as well!
Zephra8511:44:41 PM @ 1:03:44 I think I'm gonna call it quits too, thanks for the stream Knock Out! Say hi to the fam for me!
Knock Out11:44:47 PM @ 1:03:50 Always!
Zephra8511:44:53 PM @ 1:03:56 Merry Christmas mic, nightetc!
thenightetc11:45:01 PM @ 1:04:02 Merry christmas!
Zephra8511:45:07 PM @ 1:04:09 *mimic
thenightetc11:45:11 PM And goodnight
Mimic11:45:13 PM Merry Christmas!
Zephra8511:45:13 PM can't type anymore blah
Zephra8511:45:19 PM ah yes 'and to all a good night'
Mimic11:45:20 PM Good night!
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yell0wsalt · 2 years ago
for the weird asks~
11, 26, 33, and 43 <3
Hey lovely thanks for all the questions, I love it! Hope you're doing well 🥰
11. favorite extracurricular activity?
I think I want to say working out. I’ve been competitive powerlifting since I was 19 so at this point I’ve found a lot of my friends through the sport. I’m starting to put it on hold bc life be testing my spirit nowawdays but I still respect the sense of strength and empowerment I get from the sport in addition to the social aspect of getting to talk and spend time with my friends there. 
Other than that, I love listening/dancing to music or getting out: watching movies, playing games with friends, etc. I find it doesn’t particularly matter for me as long as I’m with good company
26. a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
Dang, I had such a hard time choosing this because if I’m thinking of a scenario that didn’t involve me, I could pull from too many options from Twitter that had me dying of laughter.
But a scenario specific to me? The one sticking to my mind right now is the time when my dog was a little puppy and I picked her up I think to give her a bath. Suddenly I thought to myself why do my legs feel so wet? aaaand I found she peed on me ( I think she was nervous). Luckily that was a one time thing and she’s grown lol but wow that was embarrassing.
I think about that nearly every time I give her a bath now :P
33. the last adventure you’ve been on?
Agh so sad that it’s been too long, but the one that comes to mind is when I took a solo long weekend trip to Arizona towards the end of last year. It was the first time I went around to travel by myself, no friends or family. AZ always called to me and I’ve wanted to check out places with no real agenda. The picture on my banner is actually from the Japanese Friendship Gardens there!
Thinking about it now has me nostalgic and I need to go back hahah
43. what’s your take on spicy foods?
If it doesn’t have me coughing and sweating, it’s not spicy enough :P
Actually i think I do have a pretty fair spice tolerance, but I don’t usually push it too far. I love food with just enough of that kick it makes you feel alive :D
Weird asks here!
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chiveburger · 7 years ago
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The Chef of South Polar - 南極料理人 (2009)
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charlotteswriting · 4 years ago
Idk why but I sorta need this (it’s okay if you won’t do, I understand! :3) Rantaro, Shuichi and Kokichi’s reaction to their s/o getting hit in the head with a bowling bowl and they just say “Don’t worry, I know my blood type in case I pass out.... it’s... red” AND THAN THEY JUST FAINT XD (this actually happened while my school was on a trip, a dude got hit in the head with a bowling bowl)
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This is too funny- btw happy valentines day, I’m spending valentines day with a photocopy of Eren Jaeger. ;) -Mod Kaede
Rantaro Amami
He saw it coming...
He literally saw it coming, it was obvious from how your date started
It was just,, not your good day
The Unlucky Student Makoto Naegi who? I only know ‘Y/n’
“Yo, watch me, Rantaro,”
Oh god, you’re still trying?!
“Be careful, babe!” Knowing your luck, he called for you as he held your drink
“Tch, careful?! I’m gonna win this so-”
It happened so fast. You got hit by a bowl
He held your head as people gathered around you
“Oh no, shit, no-”
You heard someone call an ambulance and you laugh
“Why are you laughing...?”
“Don’t... Don’t worry..!” You coughed “I know my blood type in case I faint... It’s...”
“...Red..” After a little pause you managed to say
Then everything went black and you fainted
“I can’t do this anymore,” His thoughts exactly
You woke up at a hospital, clearly not remembering anything
You saw your boyfriend sitting on a chair, he was awake before you
“Hey... What happened?”
He had an annoying face lmao but also happy because you’re finally awake
And he’s never taking you out again
Uhm, maybe not never
Shuichi Saihara
He DIDN’T expect things to go this far
It sure wasn’t your lucky day, first a chandelier almost fell on you while you were eating, if it weren’t for him, you’d be crushed by now
The electricity went out while you were shopping
It was a really unlucky day that he thought you guys should put an end to this and just go home, maybe watch a movie and eat snacks
But like all of this wasn’t enough, you still wanted more
He couldn’t say no to you but he’s so WORRIED. Just go home before you die or smh
So he tries to keep an eye on you but you’re just so playful-- he doesn’t feel like your boyfriend but a babysitter
“We should head home before anything happens,,,” He sighed and dialed Kaito’s number so he could take you home before anything worse happens
Then he saw you as the bowling bowl hit your head,, and he screamed
His scream was louder than anyone
“P...Please move, I’m with them!”
He started bursting into tears when he saw you lying on the ground, he felt like it was his fault. Only if he took you home...
“I-it’s fine, Shuichi, I know my blood type in case I pass out... I.... It’s...” Then you fainted.
Shuichi already knows your blood type, good for you
Kaito on the other side of the phone: 🧍‍♂️
Kokichi Ouma
This boy,,,
He was enjoying the chaotic date so far!
Like he didn’t even care if someone dies,,, it was one of his best dates!
You two always get in trouble, it wasn’t anything new. You two would always get out of it somehow
There was a time you ended up in jail, it was cold sleeping there
But like I said, it was okay! This is fine.
But even the Supreme Leader gets tired, yk? He preferred to watch you as you make him proud
“Y/n, win this for me!” He called for you
“Of course! I got this...” You told yourself and looked at your goal, calculating the distance
“Wow! I’m really good at basic math-”
S c r e a m s
A bowling bowl just hit your head and you fucking lost your balance and fell down
“Oh hell no,” Kokichi immediately ran to you
“Oh my god, Y/n, you so clumsy” You’re in PAIN
“It hurts,”
“Tsk tsk, it’s alright, somebody called the ambulance.” He tried to talk calmly but was losing his cool because he got his hands bloody after touching your head- you’re bleeding so much
“D...Don’t worry, it’s fine... I know my blood type. It-it’s.. Red.”
Then you passed out in his arms
“Dumb Y/n, it’s pink,” He was laughing and crying at the same time (Same)
He is gonna make fun of you after you are awake because, come on, it’s full meme material
I really enjoyed writing this hahah Requests are still open but I have like 30 in my inbox so I need to fasten up a bit!! I’m writing them from oldest to newest so I’m sorry if your request is taking a while,, I may not write it tho,,, Anyway I wish you a great and safe day!! -Mod Kaede
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timextoxhajima · 3 years ago
get to know the blog!
I had to do it on my main because I couldn't copy the entire post rip @banana-binbin why cant i tag u wtf LMAO
Rules: answer questions and tag another blog you would like to get to know better.
Tagging: @seasideheeseung @tinisprout @saltyboyz @haechanhues
.. .. .. ..
what day is your birthday? April 12
what’s your favorite color? blue or white
what’s your lucky number? 4, 8 and 12 (sometimes 9)
do you have any pets? i used to have a hamster named pepper <3
how tall are you? 163cm/5'4 ish
how many pairs of shoes do you have? too fucking many - i own 2 pairs of converse, 1 vans, 1 adidas, 2 charles and keith, 1 superga, and like 5 shoes that isn't of a specific brand (the kinds you buy at cotton on/general stores)
favourite song? too many
favourite movie? the bucket list, interstellar, marley & me, spirit the stallion of the cimarron
what would your ideal partner be like? no clue but i definitely do lean towards a guy who's not really afraid of putting himself out there, someone passionate and considerate, someone who will stand up for himself, someone who's got situational awareness and has a credible EQ (cause i fucking hate it when a person cant read a room or says things without thinking), someone who's athletic/isnt a caveman LMAO and it'll be nice if he can out-alpha my ass some day because I'm too alpha irl for my own good HA
do you want children? if they are on 4s and covered with fur and cant speak then yes
have you gotten in trouble with the law? no
bath or shower? bath
what color socks are you wearing? I'm not wearing socks LMAO
favourite type of music? no clue, probably jazz or lounge or r&b tbh. the only time i listen to anything more hyped is when I'm dancing
how many pillows do you sleep with? too fucking many HAHAH i have 1 for my head, another rectangular pillow to hug and one big bolster to hug too, i have a tiny baby pillow and like 8 plushies on my bed LMAOOOOOO
what position do you sleep in? usually on one side, outer leg thrown over the pillow and ill hug something to sleep
what you don’t like when you’re sleeping? omg honestly anything, because im a light sleeper. someone walking in (even when the door's open), or picking something up, can wake me up
what do you have for breakfast? i didn't have breakfast LMAO
have you ever tried archery? nope
favourite fruit? no clue. probably strawberries or mango or passionfruit esp in drinks
favourite swear word? oh HAHAHAH I'm really inclined to saying 'fuck me' or 'fuck' LMAO i also know a couple of malay/canton/hokkien swear words too
do you have any scars? i have almost-unnoticecable scars on my knees cause i was an active kid and also fell a lot, i have scars on my shins from skating boots being strapped too tight, i have a scar on my lower back because i was playing hide and seek once and rammed my spine into a corner, i have a scar on my second toe on my right foot because my friend was chasing after me with champagne and i tripped on the stairs and tore the skin right off
are you a good liar? depends LMAO
what’s your personality type? INFJ-T
what’s your favorite type of girl? the ones who know how to stand up for themselves BUT aren't a know-it-all
innie or outtie? innie
left or right handed? right
favorite food? idk i eat anything i don't hate LMAO
are you clean or messy? I'm a backhanded neat freak as long as it doesn't bother me
most used phrase? these days it's 'stop bullying me'
how long does it take you to get ready? depends on where I'm going
do you talk to yourself? nope
do you sing to yourself? mhm
are you a good singer? nope
biggest fear? not succeeding in my future career prospects
are you a gossip? depends
do you like long or short hair? both is fine
favourite school subject? literature/writing
introvert or extrovert? introv
what makes you nervous? bullying
who was your first real crush? the kid in my kindergarten LMAO
how fast can you run? p fucking fast actually i clocked in 11 seconds for a 100m shuttle run
what colour is your hair? dark brown
do you like your own name? ehhhhh idk man 'dana' was named after dana scully from the x files and she's beautiful and smart but like ?? and then my Chinese name means sensitivity and fluidity (as in water) but like ????? HAHAHA
what makes you angry? too many things LMAO
do you want a boy or a girl as a child? if i had any, I've always wanted 1 each but i don't want kids so-
what are your strengths? i think i crack people really easily, like people generally open up to me pretty quickly
what are your weaknesses? I'm a bit of a pushover irl, i cant really say no and i take up a job whenever someone needs help
what’s the color of your bedspread? teal with green cacti
what’s the color of your room? white and blue!
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hobidreams · 4 years ago
20 questions tag!
tagged by the ever lovely @yeojaa 😘😘 omg america’s hat made me laugh haha 🤣 tagging anyone who wants to do this 💕
1. what do you prefer to be called name-wise?
just rain!! tho whenever anyone calls me miss rain, i feel ✨special✨. also literally any wonderful nickname @pseudofaux comes up for me makes me feel warm & fuzzy 💗
2. when is your birthday?
sept 5th, between joon & kook (right where i wanna be)
3. where do you live?
good ol canada 🍁
4. three things you are doing right now?
procrastinating my thesis, listening to Taemin’s INCREDIBLE new album, thinking about my post-dinner greek yogurt
5. four fandoms that have peaked your interest.
assuming this is for ones i’m not currently in...? one piece, merlin, fire emblem, hades! (this last one is mostly bc of the incredible art ive been seeing on twt!)
6. how has the pandemic been treating you?
well, honestly it’s been difficult not being able to see my bf bc we both live with immunocompromised family 😔 it’ll be a whole nother month until there’s even a slight possibility. but overall, i mean my work was remote to begin with, so the only real awful thing is that classes are online. i hate all the zoom meetings & whatnot so it’s been really weighing on my mental health. at this point i just want to graduate & be done with it 🙃 but on the plus side, i have a lot of time to actually dedicate myself to working out so physically i am, at least, in the best shape i’ve ever been lmao (i can do full pushups now??? like what!)
7. a song you can’t stop listening to right now?
ooooh for sure Wayv’s Domino!!! i’ve been obsessed with that song since the album dropped. Lucas’ deep voice is... a lot. 
8. recommend a movie.
CLUELESS. WATCH IT. it’s iconic.
9. how old are you?
my back feels like it’s 80 with all this hunching over a laptop but i am in my early 20s! 
10. school, university, occupation, other?
currently a student at uni. i work as a freelance writer
11. do you prefer heat or cold?
eugh i hate not being that Precise Comfortable Temperature because i tend to get hot or cold really easily hahah. i guess i’d ultimately rather be too hot
12. name one fact others may not know about you.
i can speak shanghainese ✨
13. are you shy?
depends on the situation :p
14. preferred pronouns?
15. biggest pet peeves?
people who don’t care about others, in any form that comes in. whether that’s a general lack of empathy or entitlement, or rudeness to retail/restauraunt employees, or being selfish & having big parties rn (lookin right at u, frat boys @ my uni and people having mfing huge ass weddings)
16. what is your favorite “dere” type?
ooooooooooo god damn it i have to go with tsundere, because i love a challenge LOL. but i have a soft spot for the kuudere 🥺
17. rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be.
i think right now it’s a 7? i’m very ambitious so i feel like i’m always wanting to move forward & improve in my personal life/skill set haha. generally, i am satisfied with the direction i’m taking.
18. what’s your main blog?
19. list your side blogs and what they’re used for.
@hobidreams - for bts writing @rain-reads - fic recs @tenuousheart - wayv blog @haoaiini - seventeen blog
20. is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
i double & triple message like no other LMAO i fuckin despise the arbitrary ‘communication rules’ that ppl have so honestly i’m just gonna talk to you if we’re friends hahah 💖
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glittercndgcld · 4 years ago
( 𝑝𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑥 𝑗𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠 )
    📲 text messages | @xboutlxstnightmuses
peter Hey. Super random hearing from me, I know. That Imagine Dragons song came up on shuffle and it reminded me of you. It's been a while since we talked now, so I guess I'm just wondering how you're doing?
james hello :slight_smile: yeah, it is kinda? But it's okay-it has been a long time since we talked. that's really sweet of you. I'm doing well, I think? Work is the same, so busy... still struggling with finding free time :stuck_out_tongue: but yeah... how have you been?
peter It has been. I wasn't sure if I should text or not. I think I sat here debating it throughout the entire song before I sent it. That's good. I hope you are. Ah, work. Don't you just love having to be a responsible adult? Aren't we all :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: It's tough sometimes. Other times, I feel like I have too much free time that I spend doing absolutely nothing... except maybe reading... somethings never change. I've been okay! Just going through the motions and all that. You know how it goes.
james still that is a very sweet gesture. sometimes, I  look at the GoT books and think of you :stuck_out_tongue: which by the way, with how the finale went, I am not even sure I'm gonna get the other ones adulting is awesome :rofl::rofl::rofl: #not well what have you been reading? I understand...I even remember all that, come to think of it:yum:
peter Hahah, I'm not even a little upset about that. Ugh, but you know the books are so much better! They always are. I don't hate it, it has it's perks, but it's kinda sorta exhausting sometimes? So much responsibility and it's never ending. Currently, I'm reading The Malazan Empire series - it's interesting. There's quite a few books in the series.
james cannot read Martin's books. Willing to try agian but NOOOOPE some adaptations could be better than the books though? i guess we have to live through it oh.my.god how many books are there in the series? and in which book are you?
peter THEY ARE SO GOOD THOUGH No. Not ever. The internal dialogue's really give you a view into the characters minds that movies and shows just don't capture. Yep. Guess so. That seems to be the theme of life. Living through it all. I think there's 11. I'm on book 6.
james can't argue about that. it's true but he is taking his sweet time to write the last two. So I do not trust that man oh my ....how long did it take you to finish those six? what is it about?
peter It is! Books just hit different. Perfection doesn’t happen over night, James. It takes time, sometimes. Uh, I’ve been on this serious the past 3 or so months - that’s in between work and books I read for my book club. It’s more adventure and fantasy - god, there’s so much, to be honest. It’s about a period of turmoil in the Malayan empire and other nations in that world. There’s a ton of characters, but the development is nicely done. You’d think it’d be hard to keep up, but in the way it’s written, it’s not. I feel like I’d have to tell you in person. Or else it’d be so much to read.
james I can’t believe you are still siding with George R.R Martin :zany_face::zany_face::zany_face: is it wrong that I still have a mental picture of reading books frantically? aw still on the book club? it does sound interesting:blush:  it is eleven books, of course I would think it is hard to keep up.
peter I will always side with George R. R Martin :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Of me reading books frantically? Or yourself? I won’t ever not be in a book club. That’s how you get introduced to a variety of authors over many different genres. I love it. Right! It’s really awesome! You might like it! You just read one right after the other. That’s all.
james of you reading books frantically I'm still me; nagging that I'm not reading enough. Still....two years later:sweat_smile: Got really into audio books though That's true -I don't know how you jungle work and reading-so effortlessly. Jealous... I'm going to search it out-maaaaybe I'm going to get the first one? Just to try it out
peter Ok, I thought so, but wanted to clarify. You know better than almost anyone how lost I can get in books :grimacing: I don't know if it's a good thing, or bad. You should read more! Books are great... I guess some things never change, huh? :joy: That's something!! I did that for a little bit, but I missed physically holding the books in my hand. And oddly, the smell of books. Nothing like it. I don't know how I do either. It seems like a natural talent. I've been doing it since I could read. You should! You could borrow mine, even. To see if you like it, that way you don't spend money on a book you might not like.
james Everything is good if you're having fun! And when you don't overdo it:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I do, but then again; I'm always on the internet searching some random information I come across in a tv show or movie. And yep, audio books just work for me. I have so many things to do, so listening to them while working around, makes me believe that I have some kind of progress? Besides, I'm currently searching for a master's degree and I'm still reading (reading and studying aren't the same, but they are to me :P) and I am kind of consumed with it smell of books :smiling_face_with_3_hearts: Is it just me or it's just the second time you asked me to hang out with you?
peter I feel like some people might feel like i overdo it? :thinking: but I do have fun. I love reading. Audio books are convenient, for sure. That is progress! You're still taking in those stories and enjoying them That's fun. I need to get my butt back to school. They are the same thing! I love studying - researching things... but you know this about me already. Mhm. I love it. It's my favorite smell. Well... I guess I hadn't realized I did that. But do you want to hang out?
james You do your thing-don't listen to anyone :relaxed: Oh are you interested in studying something else? Smooth, Peter, smooth I'd like that, actually.
peter You know that I don't. If I did, I'd be on a much different path than I am right now. I don't know. I kind of want to a few classes in business... maybe go for my associates. Owning a book store would be pretty awesome. I really didn't realize!! I was just... talking. Or well, typing? texting??? Okay! I can take that book. For you to read. You'll have to let me know what you think.
james True dat Woooaah that sounds awesome :slight_smile: OH really? I'm going to pretend I believe you here That sounds like a plan sure
peter Doesn't it?? I mean, tell me you can't see me doing something like that. It's just one of those things that I never felt would actually be in the cards for me. Yes! Really. Okay. Dinner, maybe?
james Definitely it is something that I can see you doing.  For sure hmm maybe....okay.
peter Maybe one day. Maybe okay or just okay?
james Fiiiiine. YES okay. I have been contemplating whether or not I should, but who am I kidding? I have missed you, anyway
peter :joy: Good! I was hoping you'd say yes. I've missed you, too. It's been a long time. So hm, when are you free? Preferrably, a Friday or Saturday?
james good :) hmm maybe Friday?
peter Friday is perfect. How does 7:30pm sound?
james Great - i can't wait :blush:
peter Perfect. I can’t either! It’ll be great to see you.
james Same :wink:
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turowa · 4 years ago
If you're still doing the oc profile asks, I'd love to hear about Ollie!!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Q0Q!!! JONESYYYYYYY!!! tysm for asking!! oki doki nwn) This is Ollie! He’s one of my characters from my comic, Spook Buds with Blake and Ricardo (its a mouthful i know hahah =w=;;)
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Full Name: Olliver Doyal; yes with 2 Ls bc his dads can’t spell or SOMEONE in the hospital fucked up Gender and Sexuality: Cis male and Bisexual! Polyflexible. Pronouns: He/him/his Ethnicity/Species: European??? and Human (go white boy GOOO) Birthplace and Birthdate: idk lol the UK? and August 12 but the running joke is that its December 8 Guilty Pleasures: getting way too involved in his little sister’s kid shows, SWIPER NO BLOODY SWIPING and really shitty 5 dollar or less video games Phobias: the idea of tornados and hurricanes scare him like HELLO A PIECE OF STRAW CAN FLY FAST ENOUGH TO EMBEDD ITSELF INTO A TRUNK OF A TREE? THATS INSANE. also big wild animals in the city, like cougars, bears, and moose. they don’t belong there man What They Would Be Famous For: the cinnamontopography, hes a bit of a filmographer What They Would Get Arrested For: For Being A Public Nuisance and annoying a cop. Maybe jaywalking. Oh and breaking and entering onto private property in search of ghosts and cryptids. OC You Ship Them With: it started as a joke but I ship him with one of my OC’s Harris who is an unsuccessful bully. Harris is the leader of a small group and they have team rocket vibes. i also ship him Ollie with a girl named Gardenia in his class OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Ricky. What’s a little murder between best friends :) (/j) but actual murder would probably be Steven because. he’s a bastard and not human and Ollie is... a bit annoying to Steven Favorite Movie/Book Genre: bitch LOVES kaiju movies and horror movies! Blake and Ricky go to his house for movie night frequently Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: hates the usual stuff like bury your gays, when the dog dies etc. but REALLY hates when people take off their glasses to become sexy like HE NEEDS THESE TO SEE, LOVE HIS MYOPIA so ugly duckling stories are hard to watch Talents and/or Powers: hes jussa hooman. but he has SURGICALLY STEADY hands if you count that. Freakishly steady. Why Someone Might Love Them: he’s a fun and chill guy to hang with! hes the kind of guy who makes jokes with a straight face and is very quippy Why Someone Might Hate Them: the fact that he’s very quippy and deadpans too often How They Change: ... man i’m kinda stumped. idk if he really changes much. he’s already a p nice dude. the story isn’t about changing for the worst either. his relationship with his friends go through a rough patch but they come out the other side stronger. he’s a generaly unflappable dude Why You Love Them: i like it when he makes fun of ricky. hes tease-y but in like a friendly and unflappable way. also cause hes a good third foil to the main duo. or at least to me
AGAIN! thank you for asking about ollie >w<) 💖
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cleaduvalls · 5 years ago
i watched “spy kids 3″ twice in one week and back-to-back throughout my childhood and here are my thoughts
whos gonna use 3d effects at home
up your prices
hahah funney cuz he stepped in gum
its so quiet my volumes at 44 and its too quiet
the music sounds a little like isle of dreams from the last one
oh hes wearing the necklace!!
fun fact i hadnt seen any of rocky until freshman year and when i did i didnt know where i had seen that guy before. turns out hes the toymaker
juni dont ever step out of line for ANYTHING
spider dude!!!!
whats up with the fancy pot. i hate it. doesnt match the aesthetic
if you havent seen her since christmas “last year” then that means you havent seen her in over a year. someone would have gone for her by now
shes NINE???????
“everyones your family” yeah no i dont want “everyone” in my family
“retired” youre ELEVEN
what was with that zoom in
“games and theory” dont you mean GAME THEORY
that dude looks like colonel sanders
ew its donnagon
oh shit mrs giggles is cute
v boxx???? ew
and i OOP-
i just realized theres been an “are you with me” type thing in each movie so far
why are there only five levels????? logically there would be one tutorial level, so you only get 4 levels to play on
he go ZOOM
looks like jumpstart
or reader rabbit
he can still use telepathy????
why is he carrying the coins???????? 
this guy looks like antman
he looks nothing like a toad
wait thats the floating head from sharkboy and lavagirl. tobias i think???????
so its hardcore mode????? just make a new account
they only added that for more 3d effects didnt they
this is just target smash from smash bros
the dark side of the moon doesnt exist stupid
youre TESTERS why are you trying to WIN
“knows karate”
when i was younger i was so confused why the time went down but now i realize that they actually had to GET grandpa
yeah well he DID deal with it
iron man? dont you mean valentin avellan?
i paused the movie for like 20 minutes to find my old spy kids 3d glasses and couldnt and now im sad
the dude in silver looks like this guy i know
juni is bumblebee
p r e d d y
he escaped by winning. if demetras so good, why is she still here???
“no ear biting” isnt that mike tyson
wait is the platform gyroscopic or not????? it is in some instances but not in others????
great job juni you killed her
i like the hippie one hes cool
nevermind hes lame
i like the killer guy now. chaotic evil
i think they legit used daryl sabara for the poster
i feel like i had junis car as a taco bell toy but it was blue
why would you listen to him
actually it IS a turbo boost it just turbo boosts you out of the car
oh no he died
why is grandpa so cool
according to my physics teacher that shouldnt work
why is antman helping you
these bikes shouldnt be working either
why would you have to lose a life to continue the race??? the fall is clearly implemented so why does juni lose a life???
why is there a COUNTDOWN
was there a time limit on the race??? i didnt pay attention
who are the dudes in the background
i never got the “atari-sega-nendo” joke until this week. i was a loser child
even if you dont shut it down before people get online its still gonna take them a bit to get to level 5, you have buffer time
“my cool” THATS👏NOT👏A👏SKILL👏
juni theyre already gone
wait thats illegal
“lava mountain” you mean a volcano??????
hahah l0zerz
they stole tetris
oh my God its lego star wars
wait there are TWO characters in yellow suits you cant DO THAT
oh no she died
“dont fall in love with a game juni” WHAT ABOUT MINECRAFT
holy crap i thought that was loss for a second
“my feet stink” THATS A REFERENCE TO THE LAST ONE!!!!!
great job juni
because lava is COOL
the floor looks like 25 pounds of meth disguised as ancient aztec calendars
i was so confused as a kid because i had actual tinker toys and these weren’t it
i alwasy wanted to be the guys in the cells
i thought they couldnt help juni anymore????? why can they manipulate the game NOW
oh no have all died
why are you always conspiring against juni???
haha gameboy
so apparently thats elijah wood??? dont know who that is but he looks like a rat
wow. inspirational.
is the guy like??????? really tall or something?????
aww :((
what kind of advanced AI is this???? developing feelings???
yes you can youre literally just code
you may not be smart but you have g r e a t fashion sense
its called virtual reality look it up
i love this part because hes working so hard but then his kids are calling so he just… goes
also why did they reapprove this program
you dont have to BREAK IT you could just LEAVE
nice hair ingrid
F L O O P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE👏THAT👏DUDE👏
and minion i guess
oh!!!!! floops wearing the good coat!!!!!!! he better run!!!!!
didnt you specifically say “im no loon” in the second one????
whats with the fist bump sound effect
hmm i wonder who
he go ZOOM
you can still????? go to a wedding????? in a wheelchair???? like i can assure you thats a thing
also its canon that at this point that ingrid is less than 30. carmen is 14. that means ingrid was 16 when she had carmen, and we know she was married beforehand
the toymaker isnt allowed to be family yet
YES!!!!!!! FLOOP IS FAMILY!!!!!!!!! LOVE THAT DUDE!!!!!!!!
alexa vega went so hard for the song in this one i love it
wait now i have to review the fourth one oh NOOOOO
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coldinthestudio · 5 years ago
How did you become such a good writer? I hear a lot about writing workshops, but I was wondering if you had any experience that might have encouraged your writing to be so good?
Awww! That’s so sweet of you! Hahah thanks for the compliment :)  Ummm, to be perfectly honest?? This isn’t very helpful for people just starting out with writing, but I’ve been writing since I was legit like 3 years old. I’ve been writing almost as long as I’ve been talking - I even have a bone in my middle finger that formed wrong in it’s developmental stages because that’s where I hold a pen or pencil, and I wrote so much as a kid that the bone became deformed. This is gross, but here’s a picture haha: 
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Ok that literally just looks like I’m flipping off the camera, but that knob at the tip is where my bone got all fucked up because of how long I’ve been writing haha. Ignore my nasty nail beds.  So I guess to answer your question, I’ve never really done anything like classes or practice to improve my writing - it’s something that just kind of flows with me. I’ve been doing it as long as I can remember.  I can list out some advice that might be helpful to people just starting out? These are some rules I live by:   1) READ READ READ - I never realized how much reading helps my writing until I binge read like 800 fanfics in one year and my writing improved exponentially. So seriously, READ.  2) When you’re writing, never go for the obvious. Don’t just say someone is angry, say something like...”their eyes are flashing with carefully concealed torrents of fury”...or something. That sounds sooo cheesy when I write it out like that, but literally, SHOW, don’t tell. It’s not just raining outside - “the skies have finally cracked and dirty rivulets of rainwater are carrying discarded cigarette butts along the city gutters like ships run aground”. Metaphors and similes are your BEST FRIEND in writing. You can play with them soooo much - just be careful not to go overboard. It’s okay to just say someone is angry or that it’s just raining, but if you want to hold a reader’s attention, mix it up and don’t write something bland like, “Tom woke up. It was raining outside. He was angry, because his alarm didn’t go off. He got out of bed and stomped to the shower...” etc. Know what I mean? You’re an artist painting a picture with words. You’re not giving a lecture, you’re creating art. Make it pretty! #metaphors  <- Trend that shit.  3) When you’re writing a scene, don’t just write it, SEE it. See it in your head. People don’t just sit stiffly and talk like robots when they’re having a conversation. People DO things - people fidget. “Sally ponders what Phil said, chewing on the inside of her cheek mindlessly and brushing a stray hair back from her face. She feels a swell of uncertainty grow in her chest like a flower that only blooms at night, under the mask of the moon.”  Oh my GOD everything I write here sounds so cheesy - but does that make sense? You really have to SEE it in your head when you’re writing. Like you’re watching a movie in your own brain. And then translate everything you’re seeing to paper. Not just the surface things like dialogue - when people are talking, there’s a fly on the wall. A clock is ticking, there’s a train horn in the distance, the wind picks up outside, someone crosses their arms to hide what they’re thinking, the oven dings in the next room, someone shakes their head and bites their thumbnail, someone notices the wallpaper is peeling in the corner and goes to pick at it, etc etc etc. You have a whole setting to play with, you just have to close your eyes and see it.  4)  And when you’re actually writing a story, you have the advantage of planting little seeds of internal emotions going on in your characters. In movies, it’s hard to really get a good internal monologue from the characters. But in writing, you can dig as deep as you want into your character’s brains. And that’s REALLY fun, so play with it. Characterization is soooo important. Plot is important too, but who gives a fuck about a plot if a reader doesn’t really care what happens to the characters living the plot? I spend a lot of time on characterization - I’m especially fond of giving characters tragic backstories :P It makes them so interesting to write, I feel like a puppeteer. And you can reveal their backstories any way you wish, whether it be flashbacks, PTSD, looking through old photos, etc. Even through a conversation with another character. They’re literally Playdoh, mold them however you want, that’s the best part.  5)   Foreshadowing is your friend too. I make sure I have stories outlined before I start writing them. That doesn’t mean you have to outline it to a T - it just means you have a basic idea of beginning, middle, and end. You know how the story is going to end and all the little secrets you plan to reveal in between. That’s not to say that some of the magic doesn’t happen WHILE you’re writing (for example, in Hautley’s Bend, the squash lady was completely unplanned - she just happened unexpectedly while I was writing). But it’s fun to drop little cliffhangers, and foreshadowing in stories. It keeps people engaged. And if you have a basic idea of how your story is going to go (I call it the “skeleton” of the story, and while you’re writing, you add on all the meat) it prevents continuity errors too, which is important.  I think that’s all I can manage to pull out of my ass right now - hopefully some of that is helpful! Sorry I kind of rambled haha.  But I guess most importantly, write for YOU. Yes, it’s good to have a basic audience type in mind (ie: who you think will read your story), but ultimately, the story is coming from you, and you’re allowed to make it go in any direction you want, regardless of who you piss off or offend or whatever. Don’t look at writing your story as a chore - I spend a lot of time daydreaming about stories in my head, to the point where characters and scenes feel REAL to me (call me crazy, idk haha). When I’m driving to work, I listen to music and find songs that fit certain scenes in my stories, or songs that would go well with a certain character. You just have to find inspiration everywhere, and really immerse yourself in what you’re writing. I spend more time just daydreaming about my stories than I do actually writing them (which I wouldn’t advise because, ya know, I never get any writing done lol). But you get the point.  Okay I’ll shut up now. If you want any more advice or anything, feel free to message me :) I don’t know if any of the above is helpful, but I tried haha. 
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margoshansons · 5 years ago
Movie Night: r.b.
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Robin x Reader
Summary: Steve sets Robin up on a date.
Request: For Anon. hey! do you think you could maybe do an angsty, fluffy, flirty thing of robin and the reader being really flirty and touchy but not admitting to actually liking each other until steve catches on and sets them up? sorry if it’s stupid maybe it just sounded better in my head oops hahah
Warnings: swearing
Notes: I loved this ask, I hope you do too!
Three o’clock. She always came in at the exact same time. Robin hated the fact that her shift was spent counting the hours until she arrived, but she couldn’t help it.
This girl was cute and she had amazing taste in movies. Plus, she was pretty sure there was another reason this girl was coming in every day.
“Hey Y/N!” She called, trying to hide the blush crossing her face.
The smaller girl waved, a light smile crossing her face. “Hey Robin, it’s good to see you” she replied, “Got any recommendations?”
Robin couldn’t hold back her wide smile at the question, “Yeah, um, the Breakfast club just came out, it’s amazing. Or there’s—“
“You should try Teen Wolf” Steve’s voice interrupted, “it’s another one of Alex P Keaton’s weird movies.”
Y/N chuckled, crossing her arms as she faced the former King of high school. Robin’s spark faded, the familiar scenario playing out before her. Tammy Thompson, Heather Holloway, and now Y/N was just the latest one to fall under Steve’s spell.
“Yeah, I saw it in theaters and really enjoyed it” Y/N replied before turning back to Robin. “I might just have to check out both though. I mean, The breakfast club sounds cool”
“No,” Robin countered not wanting her to watch it out of guilt. “Uh, just go with Teen Wolf, it’s, uh, it’s funny.”
Y/N nodded, the smile gone and replaced with a tight line. “Alright,” She said, turning back toward Steve, “I guess Teen Wolf it is.Robin? Do you mind checking me out?”
The lesbian nodded, trying to avoid her crush’s gaze as she checked out the VHS. It stopped working when Y/N grabbed her hand.
“Are those new rings?”
Robin nodded curtly. “Yeah, I uh, got them at the mall before it burned down.”
“They’re really cool” Y/N’s fingers traced the inside of her palm, sending shivers down Robin’s back.
“Have you ever had your palm read?” She asked, her gaze meeting Robins. Robin shook her head. “You should come by my house sometime” Y/N offered, “My Mom used to do them all the time in the sixties, even taught me a little bit”
Robin swallowed, the transaction forgotten as she stared at the face that was now examining her palm, sending her heart racing and butterflies swirling.
“See,” Y/N pointed at a curved line near the edge of her hand, “this is your love line, and by the look of things, you’ve had some very rocky experiences, but once you meet the right person it’ll just be smooth sailing from there”
Robin could hear Steve behind her, the crunching of his snacks the only thing she was processing as her breathing rose.
Y/N flashed another quick smile before placing a twenty on the counter and telling her to keep the change.
“Holy shit” Robin breathed as soon as Y/N was gone from the store. “Did I hallucinate that? You saw that too right?”
Steve nodded, “Uh, yeah. Robin she’s totally into you”
Robin shook her head, “hah, no way. If anything she was into you, she took your movie suggestion over mine”
“I wasn’t the one she asked over for a ‘palm reading’ I mean” Steve pointed out, “that’s a euphemism for something.”
“You’re crazy dingus, now get back to work before Keith comes back” Robin shut down the conversation, refusing to entertain the idea any further. Y/N didn’t like her like that, right?
“Steve?!” Robin called into the abandoned house. “I brought the breakfast club, just like you asked!”
She sighed. When she was invited over to his summer home for movie night, she had expected him to at least be on time. Reluctantly she popped in the VHS and threw some popcorn in the microwave.
“Hello?” The door creaked open, a familiar voice stopping Robin in her tracks. “Hey Robin, I uh, got an invitation from someone to come here” Y/N explained holding up the piece of cardstock. “I guess it’s from you”
Oh she was going to slap that son of a bitch when she got back.
“Yeah, I-I guess” Robin stuttered out, the thought of spending the whole night with Y/N sending her mind reeling.
“So” Y/N continued, “What are we watching?”
“Uh, The breakfast club”
Y/N smiled at the callback from earlier that week. “Well, I hear it comes highly recommended”
Robin chuckled at that, sitting down on the couch, hugging the bowl of popcorn to her chest. She swore her heart rate rose every time Y/N moved closer, and when they were close enough to touch hips she could feel it jump into her throat.
“Hey Robin?” Y/N whispered, sending shivers down her spine.
“Yeah?” She swallowed.
Y/N smirked, “Can you start the movie?”
“Oh yeah” Robin’s blood began to rush to her cheeks, the embarrassment starting to get the best of her.
As the movie began to play, she felt Y/N’s body snuggle closer to her, the woman’s arm wrapping itself around her own. She couldn’t even pay attention to Ally Sheedy because the woman of her dreams was here, snuggled in next to her. She was so close and yet so far.
“I’ll be right back” Robin announced pausing the movie to head into the kitchen to calm herself down.
“It’s nothing” she told herself, “it’s just two friends hanging out that’s all.”
Her heart began to speed up again.
“Is everything okay?” Y/N asked.
Robin nodded “Yeah, never better. In fact I was just going to—“
She trailed off as Y/N’s hand intertwined itself with her own.
“It’s okay, you can tell me anything”
Robin heaved, breathing growing shorter as the distance between them grew closer.
Their breaths mixed, eyes flickering to each other’s lips before meeting each other once again.
“Maybe, we should uh, get back to the uh, movie” Y/N breathed, unable to tear her eyes away from Robin.
“Yeah Maybe” Robin whispered.
Their lips met.
God I love how useless Lesbian Robin is in this I love it.
Got a request? Send an ask!
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lightneverfades · 5 years ago
Watched Part 2 of the Christmas Special for Ossan’s Love -in the sky-
WARNING: SPOILERS for PART 2 of Ossan’s Love -in the sky- Christmas Special! 
Sooooo Part Two wasn’t as sad for me as Part One (lol also I cooled down a bit haha! XD). 
Mainly cause the gaping hole I felt from the disappearance of Haruta was filled up a bit better with this episode! TwT
The Haruta/Naruse scene hurts but its also like a balm to the healing, bruised part of my soul right now lol~ THEY ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER I CAN’TTTT *cries* Whyyyy~ *wails* lol. (ahem ahem, cough cough)
Oh... my.... GOD. 
TOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I still prefer the Haru/Naru ship over Shino/Naru, BUT what I did like about this episode is the fact that I like Shino-san and Naruse both as individual characters (I just can’t ship them as much). And their personalities are hilarious! So I couldn’t be sad or angry/frustrated for too long, even if I am still sad about my fave ship not soaring towards the sunset! TWT
Kawaii Haruta is the all-knowing gentleman of the year, giving advice to Naruse with his wisdom and cuteness LOL! 
The Haru/Naru scene was hilarious and cute and guh, JUST WHAT I NEEDED! <3 
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Also Captain, ahaha! <3 
So funny as always, kawaii sugi! Like the way he was talking about Haruta really warms my heart, lol. Like HaruNaru didn’t happen and the sudden Captain/Haruta was unexpected, but my lingering love for Haruta/Buchou from Season 1 is mixing together with Haruta/Captain in this season so it’s so cute to see Captain have his own mini moment of love problems ehehe as well! Lol! xD 
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MASTER KUROSAWA!! *Chinese bell sound echoes in background*
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lol, what? XD hahah!
As a side note, to conclude - Haruta really grew up danne! I am so proud of the cutie pie! <3 TwT He had to go through so many trials of love, was rejected, had to reject people, etc. And yet here he is now, giving straight-up good gentlemanly advice to Naruse. I feel so proud of him! <3 
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One other thing I would like to appreciate is the EDITING of this episode as well as the rest of this show lol actually! The way they cut the conversations suddenly when things start to NOT make sense (e.g.- Like with the dispatch guy or the scene with FEEL THE FORCE ahaha at the end) is hilarious! So thank you, whoever is editing the episodes, you are awesome! <3
ANYWAYS... I think this concludes my overall FEELS for this show as a whole, now that the Christmas special has ended!
One part of me will always be making alternative situations of what if’s and maybe’s for Haruta, cause I really think the ship could sail if it had been given the chance. So expect some fix-er-upper/random posts/videos from me lol about the ship that ruined my soul this year, ahah! xD
I’m still wondering if we will get a Season 2 of Ossan’s Love -in the sky-, a movie (like OL: Love or Dead), or simply another re-telling of Haruta/Captain’s love story all over again. 
If it’s a re-telling (aka round THREE), then I will probably be on-board to watch Kei Tanaka (Haruta Soichi)and Yoshida Kotaro (Captain Kurosawa) be at it again~ Cause these two are too cute! And if it’s season 2 or a movie continuation of OL: in the sky, then my heart will always be looking for Haruta I think since I’m a huge fan of Haruta’s character <3 and without him, the OL series is not the same for me. :P I suppose the future will tell what will become of the series! 
Ladies and gents, thank you for reading this far! Merry Christmas! lol! <3
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sn0wblinded · 5 years ago
questions 1-98 ( go big or go home ;) )
ya killin me hollis );
1. Unfortunately, I am 5′1, pros to anybody who wants a nugget for a gf or friend
2.  Body type? uh I suppose slim and slender with an hourglass shape
3. Favorite part of my body would have to be...erh...uh...my eyes? I love the shape of them just wish I had blue or green eyes :(
4. HAH my hair color now is NOT my natural hair color loll I have naturally crazy dark brown hair where it’s almost black but I love blonde in the summer so catch me in the fall for my dark roots ;D
5. Um I’d say it depends where I am and who I’m with as to whether I’ll be shy or outgoing, typically I’m shy until I feel comfortable enough to be myself, or unless someone gets enough drinks in me hahah
6. Uh I’d say I’m probs more on the femme side, like I luvvv getting dressed up and looking super pretty if I’m not sitting on my ass being lazy af. 
7. Super duper smol bean
8. Hands down I’d be a wine mom
9. Hmmph weird habit? Uh I’ll mouth whatever someone is saying as they are talking, even sometimes before they say the next word and I don’t even know I’m doing it. I catch myself doing this watching shows or movies and I hateeee it. “How do you know what I’m saying??” is the usual response *rolls eyes* 
10. OOOHHH my fav meme would have to be the one with the baby orangutang and her crazy hair bc she’s a hot mess and I’m a hot mess ._.
11. who doesn’t sing in the shower???? the acoustics man, i’ll give my SO a full-blown concert w/ an encore. will it sound good tho?? who knows
12. um I’d love to go full Merida and learn how to use a bow and arrow tbh
13. I was never a theatre kid :( I wanted to be in HS 
14. I’ve never seen a broadway musical but def something on my bucketlist
15. Musicals are kinda cheesy but that’s what I love about them
16. I’ve never been a part of a protest or march, but will def be in the future when given the chance
17. My fav Cards Against Humanity Card would probs be “What is Batman’s guilty pleasure?” love having a good giggle at the responses
18. The last movie I watched...that I can think of was Final Destination 2 and was reminded why I can be paranoid af about some stuff LOL
19. Uhh preferably not behind or infront of the camera, not photogenic and my hands aren’t steady enough to take decent photos BUT I’d love to do photography if I had any skill in it
20. If you know me, like come on, F.R.I.E.N.D.S. 
21. just listen to Snowblinded by Kill Hannah nuff said
22. Uhh I joined tumblr back in 2011 my freshman year of HS bc I wanted to release my teenage angst, and then I left after a few years and came back this year:) Luckily my OG url was still available
23. Um you know 
24. Most people love chocolate and I hate it loll Fight me pls ;P
25. Narcotics? Nope sowwe
26. HAH expose me much?? hahah Def not a virgin lemme say that ^-^
27. Um my neighbors little brother caught her and I kissing underneath her sheets when I was a super duper smol bean, technically wasn’t bad but we couldn’t do it anymore:/
28. Oof idk what the funniest lie is that I told... omg 
29. Hmm... expression through words...take a guess what that passion is 
30. My best friend is one the most supportive and loving people I’ve ever met and I love her to death
31. Um lemme keep my secrets ;)
32. I’m super tired but also feeling really motivated so it’s kinda conflicting but oh well das my life
33. My biggest fear is probably ending up alone (amongst a few others)
34. I Like Me Better by Lauv
35. The best decision I’ve made in life thus far was deciding that I’m going to start love being myself regardless of societal expectations and internalizing everything because of the fear of others judgements etc. This is my life and I plan on living it up the best way possible.
36. Um who hasn’t? Failure always leads you one step closer to success
37. I fantasize about finding someone whose soul fits perfectly w/ mine
38. I cried the other night but happy tears bc I no longer have to hide who I am
39. A meme I was sent in a group chat
40. Mm...maybe..my lips are sealed 
41. A few of my closest friends
42. Uh every single day at the end of my last relationship
43. I’ve started to realize who my true friends are, and people’s true intentions
44. Submissive AF, but a lil control here and there isn’t bad
45. I’ll only date you if you’re okay w/ eating lots of pasta and long jam sesh’s
46. Preferably someone my age or a little bit older, but if I click with someone a year or two younger than me then whatevs :)
47. um I’d describe my crush but it’d be a dead giveaway LOL
48. any kinks? oh sweetie.. I’m not as innocent as this halo may make me appear ;P
49. First thing I notice in someone, physically would be their eyes, personality-wise would be their sense of humor.
50. Best way to win my heart is to bond over music
51. Uhh wow like allll the time LOL
52. Once again, like alllll the fucking time *rolls eyes*
53. Oh I plead the fifth on this one 
54. Trust is a big thing for me, but I usually know right off the bat now if I can trust somebody or not
55. Um no bc anybody I like lives miles and miles away >_>
56. Confidence is hot, not cute, hot. Make me swoon. 
57. My heart would probs ache 
58. If you can’t make me laugh we won’t even be close to dating loll
59. Uh no and I’m sure they will never have a clue bc I’m shy af about my feelings 
60. ...too many storytimes there
61. Hopefully one day I marry the love of my life
62. Pleading the fifth bc I’m stuck between a couple 
63. Turn ons: Whisper in my ear, light touches, and cute messages (keeping things on the cleaner side (; )
64. Hate is a strong word, so Trump 
65. Babygirl melts my heart but so does sweetheart and princess
66. Charlies Angels hands down...
67. Oof... intimidating in a sexy and intriguing way? Hell yes, but I love a kind soul
68. Somebody who truly loves me for me and is always up for adventure, and has an impeccable taste in music.
69. I tend to like whoever I like :P
70. HAH good one
71. The first person I came out to was my sister, a few years ago, and it went alright I guess until we had a heated argument and yeah...but I came out to her again recently and it’s helped us grow closer together.
72. I have a quite a few friend who are and luvvv them all
73. um....ya
74. Oof...I honestly can’t remember
75. Maybe later, this is already wayyyy too long.
76. I used to but I’d say it takes a lot more for me to fall IN love
77. Yeah so let’s not talk about it :3
78. Good at hiding my feelings? Uhhhhhh
79. Forgiving? I’ll forgive but I never forget who has hurt me.
80. Uh...I have quite a few, want the whole list? LOL
81. Whichever one would comfort both of us in the moment
82. I like a girl that’s taller, even if it’s just by a little bit. Honestly it doesn’t take much with how smol I am :[
83. Um can I have both? Hugs and kisses pls k thx
84. Be twirled :3
85. Um both mmmff
86. I love forehead kisses, but if you wanna make me melt into a puddle neck kisses are the way to go.
87. I’d do either or, kinda hard for me to choose which one more.
88. Depends on my mood, love me some soft kisses but bet your ass I’m always down to makeout
89. If I’m feeling the need to be cute hug around the neck, if I’m being a lil more touchy then hugs around the waist
90. I used to contemplate my sexuality constantly because of growing up in a religious family and internalizing everything, but without a doubt I’m 100% confident in my sexuality. This is me, take it or leave it baby ;)
91. Uh I blush and get a massive load of butterflies, feeling like I’m on cloud nine etc. I’ve liked people and just felt comfortable and never had butterflies and such but FUCK do I love feeling giddy and happy all over from just the mere thought of them. 
92. Yes, typically that’s how it starts out with me and it ends in either of two ways, mutual or I embarass tf outta myself 
93. I had my first kiss with a girl when I was 7, and man did I never want to stop. But, I knew for certain that I really liked girls when I was in sixth grade and wanted to watch any and everything that contained wlw content, hoping and wishing to have that one day.
94. Be myself? LOL
95. Ohmygosh... favorite lesbian ship... Laura/Carmilla, Alice/Robin (OUAT), Yorkie/Kelly (San Junipero)...these are only a few of a long list
96. The most aggravating thing that’s personally been said to me about my sexuality would be between being told this is all temptation and comparing it to acts of disgusting scum of human beings(pedos and adulterers), and also being told it’s only a phase... I can’t roll my eyes hard enough
97. Um like probably a few minutes ago :3
98. Love is being completely comfortable in being who you are around someone, and loving the good and bad parts of each other. 
If anyone actually reads up until this point I just gotta say...I’m sorry LOL 
and you’re a trooper
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distancebyzelo · 6 years ago
Answer 10 questions and tag 10 people
Tagged by: @hyuunwoo​ and @dontlookatmelikethatyongguk​! <3 <3 <3
How tall are you? 5′8 or 172cm says google. 
What color and style is your hair? Uhh well my hair color is darkish brown. It’s got some red undertones. And idk what the style is. It just... is.... Like my hair is naturally pretty wavy so that I guess?
What color are your eyes? Greenish brown! Sometimes they look more green, sometimes more brown. 
Do you wear glasses? I have glasses haha. I don’t need to wear them, but I really should wear them more often. Actually I need to go to the eye doctor again owigtbors. 
Do you wear braces? Back in high school I did. 
What’s your fashion sense? owebgtofs. Just like... t-shirts and jeans/shorts. Comfortable stuff. 
Full name? Myrena (middle name) (last name). :P
When were you born? May 25th, 1995. 
Where are you from and where do you live now? Pennsylvania, USA and I still live here hahah. 
What school do you go to? Nowhere. I graduated college. 
What kind of student are you? I was a pretty good student. Teachers always loved me because I didn’t cause problems and I did my work. I got good grades. Yup woigsd. 
Do you like school? I did woigbofwsd. Idk my dudes I love learning. 
Favorite subject? MATH woeighbwvscd. And art and music. And chemistry. 
Favorite tv shows? Game of Thrones owiehfsnd. Idk I don’t watch much tv ever. Whose Line is it Anyway :P
Favorite movie? Oh gosh i don’t know oiwetgwbfies. The Lord of the Rings series? I don’t know if I really have a favorite. 
Favorite book? I don’t know woiegbised. The Odyssey was good ow4gtbw4ofes. Harry Potter. 
Favorite past time? Playing video games, listening to music, watching youtube. 
Do you have regrets? I mean there’s definitely things I don’t like I did. But meh they all brought me to where I am today. Like college for example. I wish it didn’t take me as long as it did to decide what I wanted to do. But I ended up with AMAZING people in my classes which wouldn’t have happened if I had did what I did earlier. So it worked out. 
Dream job? Gosh I literally don’t even know. Maybe being an animator for video games. I have no clue though :/ Which is like... most of my problems right now oiegsbwesd.
Would you ever like to be married? Yeah. Finding someone who wants to marry me though... :/
Would you like kids? Yeah. 
How many? 2 or 3.
Do you like shopping? Not really. 
What countries have you visited? owgbfowescd. Ireland, Italy, England, Scotland, France (I guess it counts. I was there for like.. 12 hours and we went to the Eiffel Tower hahah), and Canada.
Scariest nightmare you have ever had? I mean this one time I had a nightmare that someone was trying to kill me, which happens a lot in my nightmares, but I can wake up whenever I want and I always like.. wait until I’m about to get killed? But this time, after I woke up, every time I blinked my dream kept going, so I got shot iwehgfwobsk.
Any enemies? No haha.
Any significant other? No :/
Do you believe in miracles? Eh. 
How are you? Ugh. Well for starters it’s damn hot and I hate it. Other than that... idk my dudes. Lost... lonely... But whatever wjtsbgwfsd.
I’m tagging (if you want to do it!): @sera-chyeah @ceoyoungjae
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pennywise-chenle · 6 years ago
50 Questions Tag
1. What takes up too much of your time?
P: Watching kpop mvs, listening to kpop, watching kpop broadcasts, watching kpop interviews, watching kpop- yeah you get it
K: anything that isn’t productive tbh
2. What makes your day better?
P: If I get to eat dark chocolate🤤
K: nct 🤩 they’re such crackheads I love them (also when my friends hype me up)
3. What’s the best thing to happen to you today?
P: Pressed shuffle on my phone, the first song that came up was CLC’s No (it’s really good, highly recommend)
K: I ate two eggs
4. What fictional place would you like to go to?
P: Marvel or DC universe? But maybe just visit for like a week I don’t think I could handle a new super villain popping up every week
K: the Harry Potter verse,, wielding magic sounds pretty cool
5. Do you give good advice?
P: I think I do sometimes, but rarely do I ever actually listen to it
K: only when I’m knowledgeable about the topic/have experienced it before. Other than that no lol
6. Do you have a mental illness?
P: not one I am consciously aware of...
K: nope
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
P: No, never
K: not that I remember.. I do however have a weird recollection of dreaming about bert and ernie from Sesame Street shuffling around my room when I was like 4 (lmao I just laid there in bed and watched them in the semi-darkness it was freaky)
8. What musician inspired you the most?
P: Oh god uh Sunmi because she is an artist in every sense of the word and Ateez’s Hongjoong because of his work ethic and dedication
K: this is going to sound weird but Johnny from nct. his confidence and perspective on life is something that I look up to and respect (also I feel like he’s pretty hardworking cause dam 9 years as a trainee)
9. Have you ever fallen in love?
P: with myself, love yourself babies you deserve it🥰😤✊🏼🌸
K: Me and wonhos man tiddies are in a very committed relationship rn
10. What’s your dream date?
P: Oh you know nice walk on a beach, watching movies cuddled up on a couch~
K: we’re def hitting the arcade, eating out at a nice restaurant, and if they’re also into art we could draw/paint together 🤩
11. What do others notice about you?
P: My hair and the way I look, I’ve been told (even by my own mother) that I look intimidating which I DONT GET
K: poeple comment on my deadpan humor 💪
12. What’s an annoying habit you have?
P: Procrastinating and then having to go to sleep later than I need to
K: turning off my alarm in the morning and oversleeping
13. Do you still talk to your first love?
P: Yeah- every morning in the mirror, late at night when the procrastination has become too much, etc
K: I’ve stopped playing otome games
14. How many exes do you have?
P: one
K: none 😎
15. How many songs are in your playlist?
P: I have one playlist and it currently has 416 songs in it
K: 716 (I also have only one playlist)
16. What instruments can you play?
P: I’m pretty good at playing the recorder
K: I used to play the flute and piano
17. What do you have the most picture of?
P: kpop memes :)
K: memes 😔
18. Where would you like to go before you die?
P: Greece, Australia, SoUtH KoReA
K: Japan, Maldives, Europe
19. What’s your Zodiac?
P: I’m living that Sagittarius life
K: Libra
20. Do you relate to it?
P: yes? But I’m also a cusp so I’ve been told that I have Scorpio qualities🦂
K: yeah but I’m not “social” I’m like the opposite of that
21. What is happiness to you?
P: We going✈️ deep hours -being content with where you are in the moment and being able to smile for any reason
K: unabashedly being yourself while doing things that you love
22. Are you going through anything right now?
P: I’m going through something new everyday, but recently it’s been questioning my future
K: aren’t we all tho,, that’s the essence of life
23. What’s the worst decision you ever made?
P: I can’t say it’s the worst but the most glaringly bad decision I’ve made is not taking history earlier cause now I have to take it during the summer🙃
K: not being assertive enough
24. What is your favorite store?
P: probably ulta💄
K: Hollister lol
25. What is your opinion of abortion?
P: Well that escalated quickly- to each their own, if that’s the choice you take you should be able to make it
K: if u can’t properly support the baby why subject it to that type of life?
26. Do you have a bucket list?
P: Travel the world I guess
K: id like to hone my artistic skills
27. Do you have a favorite album?
P: Hell yeah, Ateez’s Treasure: All to Zero and Zero to One album (Say My Name, Treasure, and HALA HALA are BOPS)
K: EXO’s EX’ACT album
28. What do you want for your birthday?
P: To be acknowledged😪, no but my birthday often falls on Thanksgiving so it’s like me vs. turkey day
K: a macbook
29. What are most people’s first impressions of you?
P: I kinda already talked about this but intimidating
K: extremely quiet 🦶 it’s the biggest thing about me that I wish I could change
30: What age do you seem according to people?
P: I don’t actually know, but I will always be 5 in my own eyes
K: yo I actually have no idea
31. Where do you keep your phone while you are sleeping?
P: Next to me charging which is probably dAnGeRoUs
K: across the room so I can attempt to get my ass out of bed when my phone alarm goes off (spoiler alert: it doesn’t work)
32. What word do you say the most?
P: My daily vernacular is just littered with “yeehaw” and “oh my god” and “hahah”
K: “dude” and “like”
33. What’s the oldest age you would date?
P: Probably 3 years older than me
K: depends but nothing extreme
34: Whats the youngest age you would date?
P: Anyone more than 1-2 years younger than me is a no-go
K: same answer as the last question
35: What job/career do most people say would suit you?
P: A psychologist
K: art-related career
36. What’s your favorite music genre?
P: kpop and alternative
K: R&B, hip hop, lofi, kpop
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be?
P: I don’t actually know, I would need to do a comprehensive search of all my options
K: ^^^
38. What is your current favorite songs?
P: Say My Name by Ateez, Noir by Sunmi, Thrilla Killa by VAV, Victory Song by Stray Kids, Beautiful by Monsta X, and Yestoday by NCT U
K: Don’t Hang Up by Suran, Light by ATEEZ, Trauma by EXO, Home by BTS, V by Jay Park
39. How long have you had this blog for?
P: Since late November I think?
K: ^^^
40. What are you excited for?
P: I got tix to see Monsta X!!🤠
K: school ends soon 🤠 can’t wait for summer letsgetit
41. Are you a better talker or listener?
P: Neither, I’m just a mess all around
K: listener, but if I’m comfortable enough around the other person I become a lot more talkative
42. What is the last productive thing you did?
P: I ate breakfast
K: I petted my dog
43. What do you want for Christmas?
P: That’s too far in the future man, idk
K: a macbook
44. What class do you have the best grades in?
P: French and Anatomy
K: art (does that count?) and Physics
45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling right now?
P: Like a 7, it’d be a 9 but I have some projects that I need to finish :(
K: 6 cause I have so much work that I need to finish
46. What can you see yourself doing in ten years?
P: Getting swol💪🏼😤
K: managing an empire of meme accounts
47. When did you get your first heartbreak?
P: We going ✈️sad hours- when someone very close to me passed away
K: I actually don’t know if I’ve ever had a proper heartbreak
48: What age do you want to get married?
P: I don’t plan on getting married I’m gonna live forever
K: it depends honestly
49. What career did you want as a child?
P: You know the usual- actress, singer
K: a doctor/ smth health-sci related
50. What do you crave right now?
P: A full 8 hours of sleep
K: more free time to watch my kpop boys
P: Wow that was a lot of self reflection
Thank you for tagging us @jenoration !
Sorry if you’ve already been tagged, but we tag-
@lushnct @ed3en @softforseo @renminculture @crackteez @jaeminjubescrack
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renewed-souls · 5 years ago
at first i was scared of the name but i’m pleasantly surprised that the band is actually good so thank you for turning me to that! what about favorite movie? mines back to the future!
Hahah, yeahh the name is definitely misleading. Hmmm I don't watch a lot of movies, guess i dont have the attention span. Buttt the village or scott p vs the world are pretty good.
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