#this might make my brain actually give me anything substantial than a strong urge to write these things lmao
redwayfarers · 9 months
wip roundup
i was tagged some time ago by @lavampira and @galadae to do this, but i'm bad at actual wips because my brain can only focus on one at the time, two tops. however, i do have multiple ideas that are wip and that i may write at some point or another!
so i'm changing the rules a bit, but i will post them here anyways:
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder (nero's case: ideas), regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
bridgerton au oneshots (ffxiv, nika and artoirel)
modern/rockstar oneshot (ffxiv-ish, nika and artoirel)
stb spicy (ffxiv, nika and artoirel)
nika, cass and stephanivien (ffxiv)
nika and his mom (ffxiv)
cassmel spicy (wayfarer)
ties that sever, despina chapter (wayfarer)
cass is angry and feels crappy about it, mel is a good partner (wayfarer)
tagging: @roguelioness, @impossible-rat-babies, @archesa, @scionshtola and anyone who feels the urge to do this!!! i'm running a bit late after all rip
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garbage-tozier · 5 years
stay - e.k. (part two)
part one
prompt number: eight - “can you stay?”
fandom: it (eddie kaspbrak x reader)
rating: e for everyone
warnings: nothing, i think
word count: 2k
(don’t roast me on how late this is, guys, i’ve been trying to catch up on fictober, and i’m sort of close!)
@edsloveshisrichie @softieyoonji @ciniluv @seasidecrowbar @cocastyle i hope you all enjoy this💕
you started towards your car, everything up in the air. you had no plan- you'd admittedly left in a bit of a rush. you had nowhere to go, barely any money, and no food. all you could do was hope for the best.
just after you'd closed the door, you heard it open back up again behind you. you fought the urge to look back; you knew it was eddie before he even said anything. "y/n! wait!" he pleaded. you refused to let yourself turn around- you knew that if, even for a second, you looked into his eyes, all hope of resistance would be instantly lost.
you were crying now, but you weren't going to give in. you kept walking, ignoring his shouts, staring at your car. all you had to do was leave. get in, drive away, forget everything. and it wasn't like you didn't want to! on the contrary- that was all you wanted right now. to use your brain. to not listen to your heart for once in your life. to be strong enough to squander the voice in your head reminding you of the love you nurtured for the man who was currently behind you, yelling your name. even so, something was still there, keeping you from walking faster, holding you back.
your feet felt weighted as you marched on, begging yourself not to let go and run into eddie's arms. "y/n, please! i can't lose you again!" you could hear him shout. you would not let him win this.
"no matter what," you instructed yourself firmly, "do not let that man convince you to turn around. under no circumstances will you stop walking- and god forbid you look him in the eyes,"
"y/n!" just as you'd reached your car, you felt a hand on your shoulder, spinning you around. despite you knowing you should have, you didn't walk away. you stood there- half of you begging eddie to come up with a good reason for you to stay, and the other half begging you to grow a pair and leave.
the battle inside you continued as you directed your stare towards the concrete of the sidewalk, praying that you wouldn't screw up and let your eyes stumble upon eddie's. if they did? absolute chaos would ensue.
"eddie, i'm not just gonna-"
"y/n, please, just listen for a second." you stopped, accidentally looking up. the first thing you saw, just as your luck would have it, was a pair of gleaming chocolate-brown eyes. eddie was crying. wait- what? eddie... eddie was crying for you?
mentally screaming at yourself, you tore your gaze away as quickly as you could, and directed it towards myra. she was standing in the open doorway of the house, watching the two of you. you looked back at eddie, nodding for him to continue.
"when you left, i was honestly miserable. i had no idea what to do with myself. when i wasn't working myself to the bone, i was staring at pictures of us together and... and crying. i was so depressed- i couldn't do anything. i stopped showering, i stopped talking to people. and then myra came in and... i'm not gonna lie, even though i hate to say it... she reminded me of my mom,"
you glanced away from his face towards myra, who, you could see, was positively fuming. her skin was radiating an astonishingly vibrant shade of crimson- she was practically glowing with anger. 
"since you weren't there anymore, i went back to the only other thing i knew- abuse. and... i became dependent on her. i told myself i loved her. she gave me pills, and i told myself she cared about me. and i'm sorry, myra," he added, turning to face her now. "because maybe you thought you were helping. maybe you really did have good intentions. maybe you didn't realize what you were doing to me... but those pills made my life hell, just like they did when i was thirteen,"
as eddie spoke, you just stared at him, dumbfounded. you couldn't believe what you were hearing. you hadn't the slightest idea what was going on.
he looked back at you, a smile threatening the corners of his mouth. "the truth is, y/n... as much as i tried to push it away... i love you. it's been you since we were ten years old back in derry. it was you when you punched that damn clown in the face for me. it was you the day we bought this house, when we walked through that front door together for the first time. and, even after all these years, it's still you, y/n. it's always gonna be you,"
you were letting out full blown sobs, doing everything in your power to keep from collapsing in eddie's arms. through your blurred vision, you could see myra crying in the doorway of the house too.
now, had myra not opened her mouth, that sentence might have gone, as planned, a little something like this:
"eddie, blah blah i love you too, i love you so much, blah blah myra had you first, blah blah i can't do this to her, yadda yadda,"
however, in an unfortunate turn of events for the woman herself, myra did end up feeling the need to insert herself into this narrative, leading to an entirely different string of events than what probably would've happened if she would've just sat herself down and been quiet for once in her goddamned life.
"eddie-bear, don't let her brainwash you! you loved me just fine right up until she came back! and those pills are for your own good! you don't need her, eddie-bear, i keep you safe! i love you eddie, you can't do this to me!"
forget tears- you were now blinded by the absolute and unadulterated rage pulsing through your veins. just a few seconds before, you had been hellbent on keeping the kaspbrak marriage alive, but now you could see it. now, you understood everything eddie had said about her. she was psychotic! she didn't deserve even a fraction of love from the kind of person eddie was.
"fuck you!" you and eddie both yelled at the same time. for added pleasure, you stuck out your middle finger. the two of you watched myra's face twist with confusion and horror. both you and eddie looked back at each other, giggling. 
it felt so good- finally letting go, finally knowing you weren't hurting anyone (who didn't deserve it) by unabashedly loving eddie. you could've screamed with joy- you would finally get to be happy, with someone who truly loved you for you. and, best of all, that someone was none other than edward kaspbrak.
"you're making a huge mistake, eddie!" myra screamed. "she's going to leave you as soon as she gets the chance! i'm the only one who's ever going to really love you!" 
by now, you and eddie had figured ignoring her would be the best way to go about things. it was actually substantially entertaining to watch her get worked up.
"so?" he asked you over myra's protest, still smiling. his eyes searched your face; you suspected he knew what you were going to say, even as he asked his question. you grinned, wiping the tears from your cheek. you took his hand in yours. "can you stay?" he mumbled.
"she doesn't love you!" myra continued, trying anything she could think of to stop what was happening. you snorted. you loved eddie more than anything in the world. "she's a whore, eddie!"
you outright laughed at this, throwing a skeptical glance at eddie, who snickered as well. "let's get lost together, eddie kaspbrak," you beamed, leaning in and wrapping your arms around eddie's neck. you leaned out to the side, making direct eye contact with myra, who had yet to leave her post in the doorway. "watch this you frumpy bitch!" you screamed before smashing your lips onto eddie's.
the kiss had started out a bit too rough and wildly awkward, due to the unusual direction you took while initiating it- but, as the kiss went on, it evolved to be less of a face plant, and developed into something that was more of a warm embrace.
you thought you could hear a disgruntled cry from myra's position in the doorway, but you were way too into the kiss to take even the slightest bit of pleasure from it- honestly, you barely noticed. you had been waiting for this beautiful kiss to happen for about thirty-something years- while myra's continued shrieks and tantrums were entertaining, they were the least of your concerns at the moment.
both you and eddie were done with your toxic, soon-to-be-ex-spouses- no turning back. everything was going to be the way it was always meant to be- you and eddie against the world. the way it had been before you'd been tragically separated by people who had never had either of your best interests at heart.
after what felt like the loveliest millennia in earth's history, the kiss ended. the two of you continued to stand there, your foreheads pressed together, the both of you breathing quite heavily. the kiss had lasted at least a few minutes, and apparently you weren't the only one who had forgotten to breathe.
you laughed, lifting your head slightly to look at eddie. you moved your hands to cup his cheeks, tilting his head upright so that you were staring directly into his eyes. "i love you, eddie kaspbrak," you whispered quietly. your eyes were moving rapidly across his face, taking in every freckle and feature that you'd failed to notice before.
eddie grinned, drawing you in closer. "and i love you, y/n l/n," he smiled softly, brushing a bit of hair out of your eyes. "so much more that i could tell you."
“eddie, we’re over!” shrieked myra. it took everything in you to hold in your laughter. you looked away from eddie to raise your eyebrow at the woman.
“i think he knows, myra,” you flashed eddie a grin. “you just really have to have a say in everything, don’t you?”
at this, myra finally retreated back into the house, as if she had been waiting for you to make such a rude remark the entire time- or perhaps she’d just needed to be pushed over the edge. nevertheless, you and eddie were, at long last, left alone together.
“everything is gonna be different now, eds,” you breathed, leaning away from him for the first time since the kiss.
“is it though?” he smiled. you raised your eyebrow at him. “i mean, come on, y/n, think about it! it’ll be just like old times!”
“old- old times? eddie, we just confessed our undying love for each other! this is like… world changing! how, pray tell, is it going to be anything like old times?”
“y/n. come on. let’s be real, here. we’ve acted like a couple for a long, long time,” you gave a skeptical look. “okay, you don’t believe me? here- when we were thirteen we used to share a bike, even though we both had our own. the first night we moved here, we slept in the same bed because you didn’t want to be alone! do i even need to go on?”
“fine, fine, i get the point eds,” you rolled your eyes, chuckling. “we were meant for each other. two star-crossed lovers, just waiting to finally realize their feelings for each other, and make out in the pale moonlight!”
“i mean… if it weren’t ten in the morning, that would be pretty spot on,” the two of you made eye contact and immediately busted into a fit of laughter.
once everything settled down, you leaned back on your car. you felt truly happy for the first time since you’d left eddie- twenty year’s time.
“eddie…” you took his hand in yours. “it really is true. i’ve always loved you.”
“i fucking told you!” he squealed in triumph. you giggled as he pumped his fist.
“you did, you did,” you smiled as you watched him. there was no doubt- you were entirely smitten with this man. “but this time, eds? i’m never letting go,”
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dhominis · 6 years
Complaining about me having Food Issues. This is vaguely whiny and has way too many details and wow I’m gonna regret posting it!
Also, caveat: this is a vent post, but pretty much everything in my life is amazingly good right now and I am so lucky. Not representative of my broader brainstate.
Advice welcomed. “This part sounds stupid and distorted-thinking-y” especially welcomed.
CW: If there’s anything health or food/weight-related you want to avoid you should probably not open the readmore; the post consists mostly of detailed discussion of Things That Look Like An Eating Disorder.
The last half of 2018 was bad for me; it culminated in me dropping out of college and finally moving away from my parents (like, half a continent away), and things are weirdly better now. I am happy and healthy-adjacent and resolving Personal Problems that have been insoluble for most of my life.
(The home environment was not conducive to proper emotional development.)
Almost every part of it has been strangely easy. Getting an apartment, getting a job, managing money, catching up on the Normal Young Adult social skills. It feels like I’ve just got more cognitive resources to devote to life, now.
...The only thing that hasn’t become easy is food.
I don’t get hungry often enough, and when I do experience hunger, it doesn’t motivate me to eat (I’ve been describing this as essentially pain asymbolia but for hunger). I also just don’t enjoy eating -- intellectually I can recognize when food tastes good, but it’s still unpleasant to eat it. (Not an anhedonia thing! Other pleasant stimuli are far more enjoyable than they were a few months ago and life is amazing.)
There also are a lot of gastrointestinal symptoms -- nausea and pain, et cetera. They have been present at a low level for a while but worsen when I don’t maintain a relatively stable caloric intake. (I can’t eat because I am in pain! I am justified in not eating! Never mind that eating causes significant pain specifically because I haven’t eaten in a few days.)
Inflammatory and celiac markers are normal, IBS could explain part of it but not really the upper GI tract symptoms. It is maybe plausible that this is an autonomic thing? I already have a lot of autonomic dysfunction things and sometimes people with my connective tissue problems have weird gut motility. (Incomplete listing of symptoms I get that are plausibly gut-dysmotility-related: passive regurgitation and GERD and cramping and diarrhea and upper GI pain and vomiting and postprandial nausea/fullness and occasional difficulty swallowing and other things I am forgetting about right now.)
It also is plausible that at least some of this is psychosomatic -- stress sometimes seems to make it worse -- but the broader cluster hasn’t always coincided with periods of emotional stress. The first time the symptoms interfered with my ability to eat was during one of the happiest and most low-stress parts of my life, and it definitely preceded the Food Doesn’t Feel Good problem. (And autonomic dysfunction worsens with stress too.) Although it maybe helped condition me not to want to eat, since eating causes a grab-bag of annoying symptoms.
(the most accurate diagnosis probably is “neurotic-intellectual with-ill-defined-GI-problems syndrome”)
Having food in my stomach feels bad and wrong in a way that is not about the physical pain. (Meal replacement shakes and protein powders mostly fix this but are not financially feasible, are often incredibly low-calorie, and also if I’m mostly doing liquid calories I get worse physical symptoms when I do solid food.)
The maladaptive food behaviors have been present on and off for most of my life, and the GI symptoms have been a thing since like... early 2018?, but last semester was the first time I’d consistently gone for months with an energy deficit; I’ve had a lifelong tendency to not do well with eating but never to this extent. But this was -- there were some weeks when I ate maybe four meals, some two- or three-day periods when I didn’t eat.
Predictably I lost weight. (Weight loss is not good! I like having energy stores and muscle mass and also being able to sit on the floor without my ass hurting.) I lost enough weight that my doctor got really worried; I was not overweight and am edging down towards the lower end of the reasonable range. She was definitely worried in the context of physical symptoms, but I suspect that if I had presented the cause of the weight loss slightly differently, she would have been worried about the psych component. It’s stupid too. I do not want to lose weight! I want to have enough energy to do shit without dipping into fat stores!
Also last semester: vomiting. The postprandial nausea occasionally has been bad enough that it makes me vomit. (I have a supply of ondansetron and this is no longer an issue.) More frequently the postprandial nausea is bad enough that I can’t tolerate it, it’s a constant reminder that there is food where it should not be, and I induce vomiting. I haven’t done this since I moved out, but I have really really wanted to. Ondansetron helps here too but not completely. Or I don’t have nausea, but there is food in my stomach and this feels really unpleasant and, well, there’s one thing that’ll fix it right away (plus give me a nice adrenaline rush).
Solutions: ondansetron; don’t go to the bathroom for a while after I eat; if eating at home, try to do meals when my roommates are home so I can’t vomit because they’d hear it; distract myself until I don’t feel horribly full.
(Which takes a while, sometimes. Maybe too long. I have vomited basically undigested food a few hours after a meal. Not sure whether that’s abnormal, and if it is it’s really plausible that I did this to myself by not eating enough. Gastric emptying is not my strong suit?)
...Going days without eating because I just don’t want to. Weight loss. Defective hunger response. Being exhausted and not having the energy to eat. Hiding this from people, too; I had told people about the physical symptoms but not the fundamental aversion to eating, not the going days without eating. Conscious displays: mixing coconut cream into tea, here, I am eating, this is eating, I am making an effort, it is not my fault. And a refusal to reduce physical activity. I generally ate only dinner, if that, but still spent my breaks between classes pacing around campus. Even though I knew I shouldn’t. (Sometimes I justified this as an attempt to maintain muscle mass. That is patently stupid and honestly I could have just done some squats if that was my real goal. I didn’t have a real goal. The closest thing I had to a goal was -- keep moving.)
This guide from a SSC reader convinced me to treat my eating problems like a thing that is actually bad, not like “oh my stomach hurts if I eat so I’ll just not do that.” (Also took it more seriously after I started having difficulty resisting the urge to vomit.) But, uh. It’s scarily familiar. I am trying really hard to eat enough.
I’d hoped that getting out of the supremely stressful situation would help with the eating problems. To some extent it has -- I’ve been able to force myself to eat every day, there’ve been only one or two days per week where I’ve skipped one meal, I haven’t vomited since I left. As of three weeks ago I hadn’t had substantial further weight loss. Eating still is difficult to an extent that I can’t really understand, and it’s difficult when nothing else is. Finding an apartment was easy. Getting a job was easy. Work has been fun and easy and amazing. But pretty much every meal has been a struggle, I’ve been having to force-feed myself, I’ve felt more distress about putting food in my body than about anything else since I left home.
If it doesn’t settle down soon it’ll be pretty tiring. I am concerned that this level of effort is not sustainable.
And... I need to buy a scale. (Spending money is not a skill I have. I don’t like it and I don’t want to do it. Even on food and transportation. So I pretty regularly walk several miles instead of taking the damn bus, and if I forget to bring lunch I just won’t eat at work.) I suspect that I’ve started losing weight again, in large part because my physical activity is way up and I am really busy. Also I underestimate how many calories I need. I am young and physically active and hormonally male and it’s not reasonable to expect e.g. three 500-kcal meals and a snack to let me maintain weight, let alone gain it. It feels like I am eating so much and this probably isn’t true.
(Tracking caloric intake has historically been a bad idea, because my brain doesn’t do effortful things well, and there’s an observer effect: if I have to expend the necessary effort to write down what I ate, I will probably just not eat the thing so I don’t have to expend the effort. This was true even back when I liked eating.)
I don’t know. It might get better -- I’m putting a lot of effort into it but it’s reasonable that the eating problems aren’t resolving in the month and a half since I left home. Everything else has gotten substantially better and the food issues are only lagging by comparison. I am young and impatient. Also, I’ve gone from [regularly going days without eating, vomiting after I eat, losing a lot of weight really fast] to not doing any of that; this is a huge success and I am complaining about it not being completely solved within a month and a half!
In another month and a half I’ll have health insurance. If it hasn’t improved more by then, I’ll try to find a therapist. (Three months of having Significant Food Issues when not in a horribly stressful environment absolutely is enough to justify spending money on the copay.)
...I am worried it’ll get worse and I won’t notice or I’ll try to hide it. I am worried that it won’t get better and I’ll consider getting therapy and then not be able to stomach (pun intended!) the $20 copay, because even though I am financially secure enough for that not to be an issue, it’s twenty dollars and I don’t spend money on things. I am worried that it won’t get worse but it also won’t get better and I’ll have to spend the next several decades hating food and intensely wanting to vomit for like an hour after every meal.
(There are safeguards and I probably will not hide symptoms getting worse. I am pretty confident I can make myself find a therapist. I’ve had this problem for only six or seven months and most of that was under circumstances that extremely will not continue and I’ve gotten way better at handling it and it is way too early to be worried about this lasting indefinitely.)
Eh, I don’t know. I am handling it, I am taking steps to handle it. It sucks but I’m not concerned about my ability to handle and/or fix things that suck. Life’s awesome. Worst-case scenario is I just have to spend stupid amounts of money on meal-replacement drinks and get all my calories that way.
The best-case scenario, according to my brain: a doctor prescribes meal-replacement drinks and I get adequate nutrition and don’t have to eat solid food and also don’t have to pay for it. This would be really nice! I recognize that it’s not exactly great that I see this as the best-case scenario. A more reasonable best-case scenario: I figure out how to enjoy or at least not actively hate eating, and then I just do that like a normal person.
it’ll be fine even if it kind of sucks short-term
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funkymbtifiction · 7 years
High Ne and long term projects.
Hello, Charity. Being ENFP, how does it factor into running this blog? Did it in any way contribute to its inception?
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In the sense that I took an interest in MBTI and started ‘talking about it’ while I was learning about it, yes; I thought typing characters would be a fun way to learn and like a lot of NP’s / intuitives in general, I started off long before I had a substantial knowledge base to work off of. It’s been a continual learning process that has slackened off in my interest in the last couple of years, since I’ve kind of exhausted most of the available resources -- although I am still interested in learning more / hearing about interaction between types, to expand my knowledge.
One of the reasons I started this blog and maintain it is out of the hope that it could educate in a fun way -- that by reading profiles of characters and why / how they think as they do, people might start recognizing patterns in them and come to find their own type in the process. =)
Seems to me you’ve been at this for years, and it occurred to me that you have to deal with answering tons of questions. That must require patience.
Yes, it does, sometimes more than I have to offer (patience is not my strong suit!). And as my interest wanes, my enthusiasm for answering them has also waned -- but sometimes I get a great question that demands a fun or deep answer and that usually fires me up to respond; especially if I feel re-framing something in a new way could help people understand a function better.
And it’s safe to assume you get a lot of similar questions, and about personal problems and such. Does it drain you?
I do, yes.
To be honest, the questions that could be answered by the user doing a simple SEARCH (you can find almost anything on this blog by typing it into Google along with “funkymbti” -- for example, “Stranger Things funkymbti” or “fe vs fi funkymbti or even by using this blog’s very own search engine) I find irritating for obvious reasons. I don’t mind questions because people are always learning and/or discovering the blog, so I do wind up answering some of the same things multiple times in different ways; but sometimes I just point them to a similar answered ask.
I receive a lot of questions about ‘are these two types romantically compatible,’ and I always answer that MBTI has nothing to do with that; two people of the same type are not the same, and unless you’re wondering how to communicate better due to Fe/Fi differences, I can’t answer that, because I don’t know the Enneagram type, the mental health levels, or traumas of the individuals involved. Hence why I urge people not to date or break up depending on MBTI type! (My parents have no functions in common, get along splendidly, and have been married 35+ years, because both are agreeable, mentally healthy people.) Pick someone who makes you a better person, regardless of type. ;)
Does it drain me? If it requires anything other than Ne (abstraction, etc), yes, it can be draining. Coming up with specific examples from my own life is hard -- but I prefer to use them instead of abstract hypothetical situations.
(You have high Fi, so, how do you empathize with issues that don’t resonate with yours?)
I do care very much about people, but I focus more on ‘fixing the problem’ and ‘offering solutions’ than trying to offer emotional reassurances beyond ‘I’m sorry you had to go through that,’ etc. Some people just want to know their type -- others have deep hurts. I’m not a psychologist, so anything I don’t know about, I simply say I don’t know... or I will point them to resources.
I actually do not really like typing people online, since you can get a ‘false’ image of them / may tend to rely on stereotypes a lot, so usually what I do when people ask for help on that front is to further illustrate functions for them / ask them to read different sources, and then will answer questions if they have them / tell them if I get a stronger sense of one function or another. I was mistyped by others online so much, I became rather insecure about it -- so I do not want to make that mistake with anyone else and/or ‘force’ a type onto them.
Does it bore you, or even irk you, perhaps?
Sometimes, yes. I do get tired of answering “what’s the difference between ENFP and INFP?” every couple of weeks. (I think I now have at least 3 pages of comparisons between the two in the enfp x infp tag!) But ... I can also understand how confusing cognition is, how hard it can be to tell the difference between functions, and how hard it can be to decide between two similar types, particularly if you are a shy person or have social anxiety, or an Enneagram type that makes you less risk-taking and/or more risk-taking than is usual for your type. (I go through a minor typing crisis of my own at least once a year, as I debate whether I’m an ENFP or an INFP... so believe me, I GET IT. And it frustrates me if I can’t help you figure out your type; I hate to leave people with as many questions as when they arrived, but people are COMPLICATED, and there are a MILLION factors that go into who you are and why you are the way you are and how your brain works! So there is no ‘quick’ method to MBTI.)
Sometimes, I run in circles with someone and feel like my brain has turned inside out and all the lines between the functions blur until I can’t distinguish them anymore -- and those are the days when I think, “Why the hell are you even doing this?”
What keeps you going?
The thought that out there somewhere may be a person for whom this blog can help, by allowing them to say, “AH, THAT’S WHY I THINK THIS WAY!” I really desperately want people to understand how to communicate with one another -- so even on my worst days, that keeps me from hitting the DELETE button; the idea that out there someone may discover one of these pages and go, “Oh, so that’s why I can’t make my best friend / boyfriend / girlfriend / parent / child understand me! And that’s why they think the way they do!”
Part of this is because I used to fight ALL THE TIME with my ISFJ friend, until we discovered MBTI -- and it explained everything about her, so that I was able to understand why she loves what she loves, and why I couldn’t seem to give her what she needed / wanted from me (Fi/Fe problems) -- and then... we have never had another fight since. Once we ‘got’ each other, that was it. Oh, we still annoy one another a little bit, but I don’t expect anything from her she cannot give and she doesn’t expect ultra-gush from me. I value that so much, the idea that I could help someone else find it, keeps me going.
And have you ever wanted to give it up?
Yep, about once a month at least.
Also, how does sticking to the one topic of MBTI keep your Ne satisfied?
It doesn’t. That’s why I dabble a little in Enneagram / Socionics from time to time, read lots of psychology books, and have a lot of side projects going on in my free time. Although... typing new characters is also kind of fun, especially as I wonder what kind of response they may generate (how popular will this one be? has anyone even SEEN this movie?! is someone of that type out there going to be super excited that their favorite character IS THEIR SAME TYPE??). I suppose I also have this secret desire to ensure everyone has tons of characters who share their type, hopefully COOL characters, so that they can realize that no type is more awesome than another, and can feel good about being an ____.
(This is why it annoys me there’s so many ‘evil’ NJ villains and not enough SFJ villains!)
Or is that very narrow minded of me to limit your Ne like that?
It’s not narrow at all; Ne needs newness all the time to stay interested -- but as I said, there will always be new movies / television shows to ponder. ;)
Thank you, Charity. Have a spectacular weekend.
You too. :)
- ENFP Mod
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