#this means i have an art que for FOUR DAYS! YAY
zeyan · 3 months
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saintdracopotter · 7 years
The Dragon and His Knight
“C’mon, Teddy, it’s time to sleep,” Harry said for about the millionth time that night.
“No! I don’t want to sleep. I want to see Draco,” Teddy responded stubbornly. The four year old crossed his arms and scowled at his godfather.
Harry sighed a long suffering sigh. “Teddy, I’m sure Draco is busy grading papers. We don’t want to interrupt him.”
“Yes we do!” Teddy said.
For the past two hours, Harry had been trying to get the little menace to go to bed, but Teddy kept insisting that he wouldn’t comply until he got to visit his cousin, Draco. Harry was reluctant to bring Teddy to Professor Malfoy’s rooming quarters for more than one reason. The first reason being that, like he said, he was sure Draco would be grading papers and would get ornery if someone interrupted his work. The second reason was that Harry had no idea where he stood with Draco after what happened yesterday. Harry hoped that he hadn’t completely ruined his and Draco’s friendship by kissing him, especially since that friendship meant so much to him.
“Please, Harry,” Teddy begged.
Harry weighed his options. On the one hand, he could refuse to bring Teddy to visit Draco, which would mean Harry would get about four hours of sleep, and probably fall asleep in the middle of a Defense Against the Dark Arts lecture tomorrow. On the other hand, if he did bring Teddy to visit Draco, he would have to see Draco, and talk to Draco, and try to hide the fact that he was incredibly, stupidly in love with Draco.
But then Teddy made the choice for Harry by screaming at the top of his lungs, “I won’t go to sleep until we see Draco!”
“Shh, Teddy,” Harry said. He hurriedly covered Teddy’s mouth with his hand. Harry was really not in the mood to get reprimanded by McGonagall for waking up the entire school. “We’ll go see Draco, okay? But we’re going to be very quiet, and we’re only going to stay for a little bit.”
“Yay!” Teddy said when Harry removed his hand. His hair changed from an angry red into a bright turquoise.
Harry led Teddy through the empty, dark halls of Hogwarts, holding him by the hand to prevent the child from sprinting ahead. When they reached the door to Draco’s room in the dungeons, Teddy said excitedly, “I’ll hide behind you, so I can surprise him!” Harry smiled at Teddy’s enthusiasm, even though he was still quite irritated with the boy.
Harry took a deep breath and then knocked on Draco’s door. He heard a muffled “fuck” on the other side of the door.
“What do you want?” Draco’s sharp voice sounded from inside.
Harry didn’t say anything, as he was afraid Draco wouldn’t open the door if he knew who it was, so he knocked again.
“For Merlin’s sake,” Draco said irritably, and the door to his quarters swung open reveal a flustered, pajama-cladden Draco. “Harry,” Draco said. He looked- and sounded -just as surprised to see Harry as Harry was to see him. Well, Harry wasn’t exactly surprised to see Draco, but he was surprised to see the state that Draco was in. His normally groomed-to-perfection blond hair was all ruffled and messed up, sticking out at awkward angles. Draco’s pajamas consisted of a white cotton t-shirt that was just tight enough to show off his lean, muscled frame, and pants with a small pattern on them that suspiciously resembled Harry’s glasses and scar. Frankly, Draco was adorable and sexy at the same time, and the sight was nearly enough to make Harry swoon.
“What the fuck are you doing here, Potter?” Draco asked, pulling Harry out of a fantasy in which he was running his fingers through Draco’s tousled hair.
“Language,” Harry replied, remembering that Teddy was also there.
“Language? Are you serious, Potter? I’ve heard you say much worse. And by the way, you didn’t answer my ques-” Draco was cut off by Teddy abruptly jumping out from behind Harry and shouting, “Surprise!” The little boy ran towards Draco and hugged his legs. His hair was now the same platinum color of Draco’s.
“Teddy,” Draco said, shocked. He looked from Teddy to Harry, confusion in his eyes.
“Andromeda made last minute plans to go on a date and asked me to take Teddy for the night,” Harry explained, looking down at his feet to avoid eye contact. “Anyways, Teddy refused to go to bed unless he got to visit you.”
“Andromeda is dating?”
Harry laughed. That was not the question he was expecting. “I suppose so.”
“Who?” Draco asked.
“Er, I don’t know. She’s your aunt, after all. Shouldn’t you know who she’s dating?”
Draco shrugged. He smiled down at Teddy and bent down to pick him up. And, no, Harry definitely did not look at Draco’s arse when he bent down. He did not. And he certainly did not wish he could touch Draco’s arse. And when Draco lifted Teddy to rest at his hip, Harry was not admiring Draco’s arm muscles. And if he was, it was completely innocent. There was no way Harry was imagining Draco’s arms pinning Harry to a bed.
“I’m glad you came to visit me,” Draco said to Teddy with a smile.
“Me too,” Teddy said. “I wish I could live at Hogwarts and be with you and Harry all the time.”
Draco chuckled. “That would be an adventure.”
Harry was beginning to feel awkward so he said to Teddy, “Well, now that you’ve seen Draco, are you ready to go to bed?”
“No!” Teddy replied instantly, clinging to Draco. “Draco has to tell me a story first. He tells the best stories.”
Harry looked to Draco, who just grinned with a shrug. “It’s true,” Draco said. “Uh, you can come inside if you want.”
Harry’s heart immediately started being faster at the thought of being in Draco’s room. “Sure,” Harry said, careful not to sound too eager.
Draco moved to the side to let Harry in and then shut the door. Harry surveyed the room in awe. The far wall was completely made of glass, and on the other side of the glass was the green-tinted water of the Black Lake. There wasn’t much to look at, just some seaweed and and fish, but it was beautiful anyway. Teddy ran over to look out at the lake as Harry turned his attention to the furniture in the room. Draco’s bed was near the glass wall, and so were his wardrobe and trunk. More in the middle of the room was a fireplace, a sofa, and two armchairs. Harry jealously wondered who Draco invited over to sit in those armchairs. The part of the room that Harry was standing in seemed to be Draco’s personal potions lab. There was a desk covered in papers, and a long table with a cauldron and many potions ingredients on it.
“What do you think?” Draco suddenly asked. Somehow he had ended up standing right next to Harry.
Harry shivered at the close proximity and answered honestly, “It’s nice.”
Draco seemed pleased. He smiled and even blushed a little. “Thanks. Guess I should give Teddy that story now.”
Harry nodded. He watched Draco walk over to Teddy and silently admired the elegance in Draco’s movements.
Five minutes later, Harry and Draco were settled in the armchairs and Teddy was nestled between a thick layer of blankets and the soft cushions of Draco’s sofa. Draco was deep in a story about a beautiful silver dragon that was being hunted down by the people in a nearby kingdom, because the dragon was thought to be dangerous.
“The people had no way of knowing that the dragon was really a handsome prince that had been cursed to be a dragon until he met his true love,” Draco was saying. Teddy looked at his cousin with reverence, hanging onto his every word. Draco didn’t notice that Harry was doing the same. “So the king chose one of his knights, the most brave and noble one, to go find the dragon and slay it.”
Teddy gasped. “No,” he whispered.
“The knight did as he was told and left for the mountains, where the Dragon was hiding.”
“Did he kill the dragon?” Teddy asked impatiently.
“Well, when he found the dragon, it was asleep. The knight was ready to kill it, he had his sword posed to strike, but then the dragon opened its eyes. And guess what happened when the knight looked into the dragon’s eyes?”
“The dragon turned back into a prince,” Harry answered automatically.
Draco looked at Harry amusedly. “I was asking Teddy.”
“Oh, of course.”
“Anyway,” Draco continued. “The dragon was suddenly enveloped in a magical, blinding light. When the light was gone, the knight was astonished to find that there was no more dragon. Instead, there was a man. It was the prince, but he didn’t have a crown, or any fancy robes, so the knight thought he was just a commoner. Since the knight was noble, he helped the prince nonetheless and promised to take him to the kingdom. As the two traveled to the kingdom, they became very close and began to fall in love. It wasn’t until they arrived at the kingdom that the prince revealed the truth about himself and the curse that could only be broken by true love. The knight and the prince got married the next day and lived happily ever after.” Draco was whispering by the end of the story, because Teddy had begun to fall asleep.
Harry smiled at Draco. He liked the story, and he especially liked the dragon. Draco saw Harry’s smile and he returned it before getting up and gesturing for Harry to follow him. Draco led Harry to his office, which was connected to his room by a short passageway.
“Thanks for telling Teddy that story,” Harry said once the two of them had made themselves comfortable in the office- Draco in his leather chair, and Harry sitting on Draco’s desk with his legs hanging off the edge.
“No problem. I can keep him for the rest of the night if you want,” Draco offered.
“You don’t have-”
“No, it’s fine. I want to.”
“Okay,” Harry agreed.
There was a beat of silence.
“I feel li-”
“I like your pajama pants,” Harry said, cutting off Draco, because he wasn’t ready for rejection yet.
Draco’s face went pink. “They were a gift,” he disclosed.
“Right,” Harry said. He smirked and Draco’s blush increased.
“Pansy thinks she’s bloody hilarious,” Draco muttered irritably.
“Kudos to Pansy for selecting such a great gift.”
Draco rolled his eyes.
More silence.
“We need to talk,” Draco said.
Harry exhaled deeply. No more pretending then. “I know.”
“You kissed me. Why?”
Tell him it was a mistake, tell him you didn’t mean it, tell him you want to forget it ever happened, screamed a voice in Harry’s head. But Harry was tired of lying to Draco, and to himself. He summoned all of his Gryffindor courage and confessed, “Because I like you. I really, really like you, and I’ve wanted to kiss you everyday for almost a year now. And yesterday I just couldn’t stop myself. You were standing there, rambling about your new potion, and you were so excited and passionate and I felt like my heart was exploding.”
Draco stared at Harry like his whole world had been turned upside down.
The next morning…
When Andromeda came by Hogwarts to pick up her grandson and found Harry’s room empty, she knew the next logical place to look was Draco’s room. But when she arrived at Draco’s room, what happened next was not at all logical. Because little Teddy was the one to greet her at the door.
“Where are Draco and Harry, sweetheart?” she asked the small boy.
“In bed,” Teddy answered like it was obvious.
Andromeda’s heart nearly stopped. If Draco and Harry had finally gotten together, she was thrilled, but she was appalled to think that the two of them would be doing things while Teddy was in the room.
She stalked over to Draco’s bed and was relieved to find that Draco and Harry were fully clothed. Draco was leaning against the headboard as he slept, and Harry’s head rested peacefully in his lap. A book entitled The Dragon and His Knight lie on the bedside table.
“Are Draco and Harry true loves?” Teddy asked his grandmother.
Andromeda smiled. “I think so.” “Are they gonna live happily forever after?”
“Of course they are. That’s what true loves do, isn’t it?”
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Another Ask -brace yourself more are coming.
Hey ! I’ve been tagged again ! Thanks to @illusivesoul​ for this ! For the sake of convenience, I’m going to pack both asks in one single post. Thanks for both of them ! Answers under the cut !
What’s your favourite song(s) to sing/hum ?
Build That Wall, by Darren Korb, from Bastion's Original Soundtrack. It's the song that gets stuck in my head the most often, and it has been so for five years.
What’s your favourite flower/tree/plant ?
Pine trees ? Never thought about it to be fair. xD
Favourite colours ?
Black, purple, red, blue.
What do you always doodle ?
Unconvenienced grumpy faces really badly drawn, which usually represent the current mood of the artist or the state of unhappinness with the state of the work ahead.
How do you take your coffee/tea ?
Sugar, and that's it. I like milk with the coffee. Tea is good even without sugar.
Favourite candle scent ?
Cinnamon, or honey, or stuff like that
Sunrise or sunset ?
Sunrise. But I really like both.
What perfume do you wear ?
Sweat. None.
What’s your go-to dance move when you’re alone ?
Weirdly confident stuff. By all mean, I'm not a great dancer, but I would absolutely love giving pole dance a serious try one day.
Favourite quote ?
«Je donne mon sang rouge à quelqu'un que j'ignore Et pour lui ce ne sera jamais que de l'eau.» Louis Aragon
(Roughly and badly translates to « I give my red blood to someone I don't know, and for them it would only remain water. »)
Favourite self care routine(s) ?
Bed, food, cappuccino, watching The Lord of the Rings.
Fuzzy socks or house slippers ?
House slippers.
What colour are your eyes ?
What’s your favourite eye colour on others ?
Favourite season ? Why ?
I really like winter. Not very bothered by the weather, the long nights or anything. I like cold, snow if we have the chance to have it, and I have good chilhood memories from winter. Spring is nice too, because the temperature is just right.
Cheek, neck, or nose kisses ?
Cat kisses.
What does your happy place look like ?
The beach house of my grandmother, alone, with no contact with the outside world and at least one project to work on.
Favourite breed of dog ?
Dogs are all cool, but I think I have a weakness for everything wolfy, and Border Collies.
Do you ever want to be married? if so, what colours would you pick for your wedding theme ?
Not planning to any time soon, or ever. Romance is very not my priority in life. Plus weddings are expensive and 9 times out of 10 a terrible idea. (happy valentines day, I know xD)
Cursive or print ?
Favourite weather ?
Light clouds, hints of rain in the distance, hints of the sky, and a bit of wind.
colors I’m currently wearing: Blue, green and purple, because I'm at home, it rains and I absolutely don't care.
last band t-shirt I bought: Magoyond, years ago. They're a french rock zombie band filled with people I knew, so I supported them quite a lot when they started out.
last band I saw live: I cannot remember, it was too long ago :/
last food I ate: Smashed black beans.
last TV show I watched: The Wire
last song I listened to: Where is My Mind, The Pixies. Classic, but good for my current mood.
last book I read: L'Art de la Pose, by Florence Rivieres (« The Art of Posing », a book about the ins and out of professional modelling which I did a little bit of)
last movie I watched: Harry Potter and the Prizonner of Azkaban. Really enjoyed rewatching it.
last 3 characters I identified with: ??? I have troubles identifying with characters, as in seeing myself in them. I want to say my OC Shlee, but pretty sure that doesn't count. Maybe Aria T'loak, in a weird way. Maybe Mordin Solus too, loosely.
one insecurity: - me
two fears: keep on failing at stuff that is important to me until I am forced to realize that I'm the one unfit for everything, and something very dark. Not gonna ruin your day /o/
three turn-ons: I'm taking it as cerebral turn-ons. Intelligence, respect, and self-reliability. Can-you-maybe-see-why-I-like-Mordin-Solus-so-damn-much.
four life goals: - develop a successful game that resonates with people and is honest with its intention - getting myself a name in the indie game industry - not starve or go insane trying to do so - maybe find a way to navigate people and build relationships that satisfy me
five things I like: my cats, the crazy precise dreams I have, astrophysics and space stuff, that the air is still breathable, my incredible -and largely undeserved- support network
six weaknesses; Health at large, sleep patterns, I am bad at being convenient(TM), I am bad at having reasonnable emotions(TM), P R I D E.
seven things i love: my projects, every character I create even the garbage ones, the sea, night sky,  big cities at night, listening to terrible music really late, friends&mom. Yay ! Finished ! If @natsora or @sexy-salmon feel like doing either of those two, feel free. Anyone is free. Freedom is important. (I’m very tired, and sorry).
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