#this man has me in a chokehold i swear it
geekgirl-1717 · 1 day
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Runaway Cat and Runaway Heart
Seth Lowell x Reader
Tags: sfw, fluff, mutual pining, strangers to friends to lovers, a little bit of smooching at the end. gender-neutral reader and no use of (y/n). 6.3k words
this catboy has me in a chokehold rn
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Inhale. Hold. Exhale.
Inhale. Hold. Exhale.
You tried to steady your breathing, fighting against the panic rising in your chest. You could feel tears gathering in the corners of your eyes, and you furiously blinked them away.
Inhale. Hold. Exhale.
Inhale. Hold. Exhale.
You needed to stay calm if you were going to resolve this situation.
It had started with a harmless mistake. You hadn’t given it a second thought when you’d left your front door open while retrieving a package. You’d stepped outside for mere seconds, and your cat had always been so well-behaved that it never even occurred to you that she would try to run away. 
Now here you were, pacing frantically up and down the sidewalks of Lumina Square, futilely reassuring yourself that your precious furry baby was okay and that you’d find her safe and sound. You spared a glance at the sprawling maze of roads and crosswalks zig-zagging through the city center, feeling the rush of air against your skin as cars zipped past endlessly, and the tears threatened to spill over your cheeks again as you imagined the worst-case scenario. 
You were sure you looked like a lunatic to passersby, wandering about aimlessly and calling out your cat’s name in a frenzied tone. With each passing minute, you could feel your hope slipping further and further away.
You rounded a corner, slumped over and defeated from your effortless search, when you spotted a Public Security officer. He was a feline Thiren, with a long, fluffy tail and ears poking out of his mop of white hair. 
As you moved closer, you realized the officer was holding something in his arms. Something fluffy with a long tail and pointed ears not unlike his own. Your heart started beating wildly in your chest as you felt your optimism return, and you couldn’t help yourself as you started almost running towards the PubSec officer. You recognized those furry features as belonging to your beloved cat.
The officer’s ears twitched as you ran up to him and he turned to face you as you approached, giving a clear view of your cat peacefully snuggled up in his arms like a baby. It seems he quickly put two and two together, and gave you an eager grin.
“Hello! Is this your cat, then?”
You could have thrown yourself at this man’s feet, you were so grateful to him. You tried to steady your breathing, giving him an appreciative look.
“Yes, sir, thank you so much! I- I have no idea why she ran away. I swear she isn’t usually like this!”
The officer just chuckled, his bright smile only widening further. 
“Don’t worry about it! I'm just glad this sweet little gal has such a lovely owner. I was worried she might be a stray.”
You felt your face heating up at his words. If it was anyone else, you might have felt uncomfortable with a stranger saying something that could be so easily interpreted as flirting, but he seemed so genuine and wholesome, you couldn’t even bring yourself to feel upset. 
You held out your arms to take your cat back, and the officer stepped closer to hand her off. Your cat, however, seemed to have different ideas. 
Instead of being happy to see you, your cat cuddled closer up against the Thiren, purring contentedly. You huffed before giving the officer an apologetic smile, reaching to try to grab your cat from him again. As you gently lifted her, your cat squirmed in your grasp, digging her claws into the officer’s uniform and refusing to let go.
That little traitor!
The officer laughed at the predicament, giving your cat a scratch behind the ear. Meanwhile, the heated flush of embarrassment creeped further up the back of your neck. 
“I'm so sorry about this. I’m sure you have much more important things you could be doing right now, and I’m wasting your time-”
The officer cut you off with a vigorous shake of his head, his ears flopping cutely with the motion. 
“Not at all! As a Public Security officer, it is my duty to help the citizens of New Eridu, no matter what! Making sure you get your cat back is as important as anything else, and I’d be willing to wait here all day if that’s what it took!”
You were taken aback by how sincere this guy was, and you felt your heart flutter at his kind words. 
Woah, slow down now.
This guy was clearly passionate about his job, and he probably would have said the same thing to anyone else, you told yourself. 
“Thank you, sir. That’s very nice of you to say.”
He gave you a beaming grin in response, and you wondered if his cheeks hurt from smiling so much. 
It took several more minutes of coaxing and embarrassed apologies from you before your cat finally relented to being handed over. You tucked her close to you in a firm but gentle hold so she couldn’t run away again (or jump back into the officer’s arms again, traitor).
You sounded like a broken record, but you thanked and apologized to the officer once more. 
“Thank you again so much for finding my cat. I’m sorry for any trouble this caused.”
“It’s no problem at all! I’m glad I could help! And I guess I should apologize as well. Cats just really seem to like me for some reason, so I’m sure that’s why your little gal was being a bit fussy.”
You almost laughed out loud at his words. It didn’t seem to occur to him that being a Cat-Thiren might have something to do with his cat magnetism, but you found his obliviousness to be adorably endearing.
“You don’t have to apologize. That certainly doesn’t sound like the worst problem to have.”
He rubbed the back of his neck, giving you a bashful grin. 
“Yeah, I guess not!”
His tail was swishing back and forth excitedly, and you found yourself almost hypnotized by it. Was it soft, you wondered? It had to be. You slowly looked up to his ears again, noting how they twitched and swiveled at the slightest sound. These mannerisms reminded you of your own cat, and you smiled at that thought.
It wasn’t as though you’d never met a Thiren before, but this guy was seriously cute. You’d even go so far as to call him pretty, with his soft lavender eyes and unfairly long lashes. His feline features made him all the more intriguing. 
Your eyes were just beginning to wander to his impressive deltoids peeking out from his sleeveless uniform before your cat let out a loud meow in your arms, breaking the silence that had formed between you and the officer and making you realize you’d been ogling him the entire time.
You immediately snapped your gaze back to his face, trying to pretend like you hadn’t just been looking him up and down like a creep. Luckily, it seemed like he’d been doing some staring of his own and was equally flustered.
You cleared your throat awkwardly and gave him a sheepish smile.
“Well, I should be getting back now. Thanks again for your help. Maybe I’ll see you around some time?”
You hoped that last part didn’t sound too pathetic. Thankfully for you, his eyes seemed to light up at your words. 
“Yeah, for sure! Hope to see you again soon!”
He waved you off as you made your way home.
Walking the familiar path back to your apartment gave you some time to reflect on the interaction you’d just had. More specifically, your thoughts kept drifting back to the PubSec officer.
He’d been so sweet and friendly. His upbeat energy was contagious, and even now you couldn’t fight the grin spreading across your face as you remembered his cheerful laughter and blinding smiles. And he was easy on the eyes, charming and boyishly handsome.
Your stomach did a funny little flip when you thought about the last thing he said to you, how he sounded so excited at the prospect of running into you again. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t share his enthusiasm. His genuine mannerisms were refreshing, if not a little bit naïve, and it made you want to get to know him better. 
You suddenly paused, a slight frown overtaking your features. You were reading too far into this, weren’t you? Of course you were. This guy was a PubSec officer, he was basically paid to be nice to civilians like you. And with how much he seemed to love his job, you bet he’d probably have the same happy grin on his face whether he was finding lost cats or arresting dangerous criminals. 
And worst of all, you didn’t even know his name!  You’d been so frazzled from the experience of almost losing your cat that introductions had been the furthest thing from your mind.
Another meow pulled you from your thoughts, reminding you that you’d been standing at the front door of your apartment for a while now without actually going inside. It was a careful balancing act to fish your keys out of your pocket while still holding your cat, but you managed to get the door open and place your cat inside safe and sound.
After double-checking your door was fully closed and locked, you sank down to the floor, letting out an exasperated sigh. Your cat happily plopped herself down in your lap, purring away as if she hadn’t just nearly given you a heart attack and led you on a wild goose chase throughout town mere minutes ago. 
As you lovingly scratched under her chin, you resolved that you had a harmless little crush on the very nice, very handsome PubSec officer who saved your cat, and it wasn’t a big deal because you’d probably never talk to him again anyway. You couldn’t even imagine how busy his life as an officer was, so what were the odds of your paths crossing again?
As it turns out, the odds were surprisingly high.
About a week had passed since the “cat incident,” and thoughts of the cute PubSec officer had only briefly crossed your mind.
You were standing in the pet aisle of the grocery store, deliberating between different brands of cat food. Much to your delight (see: annoyance), your cat had suddenly decided she no longer wanted to eat the food you had been buying her for years, and now you were on a mission to find something she wouldn’t turn her little nose up at. 
She stopped eating the chicken flavor, so do I go with tuna? Or would she like salmon better?
You were so absorbed in deliberating cat food flavors that you didn’t notice a familiar figure peering over your shoulder.
“If I were you, I’d pick the salmon one.”
Your head whirled around in surprise as you were greeted with a cheery voice and unmistakable grin. 
“Oh, it’s you!”
Your feline savior smiled even wider knowing that you recognized him (not that he was easy to forget). He was clearly off-duty, as he was wearing plain clothes rather than his PubSec uniform. Without his bulky gear and long gloves, you were able to get a much better view of his muscles through his short-sleeved shirt.
Jeez, get a hold of yourself.
You mentally scolded yourself. You alternated your gaze between the cat food in your hands and his pretty purple eyes until you finally processed what he said. 
“Thanks for the recommendation! Do you have a cat too, then?”
He tilted his head to the side and brought a hand up under his chin, as if deliberating how to answer your question. It was such a simple yet adorable action, and it reignited the spark of attraction you’d felt when you first met him. 
“Hmmm, kinda? They’re not technically my cats. Like I said before, cats just really seem to like me for some reason, and a lot of strays like to come up to me while I’m walking around or out on patrol. So I like to have cat food with me, just in case! Most cats really seem to like that salmon one you’re holding.”
So it wasn’t enough that he was attractive, strong, kind-hearted, and honest, but he feeds stray cats, too? What’s next, he’s going to tell you he helps old ladies cross the street in his free time? Actually, nevermind; he absolutely does.
As your crush on this man started blooming all over again, you finally realized you didn’t even know his name.
Quickly tossing the salmon cat food in your basket and placing the other flavors back on the shelf, you stuck your hand out in greeting.
“I’m so sorry, I never actually introduced myself. What’s your name?”
“Oh yeah, you’re right! My name’s Seth!”
He grabbed your hand and gave it an enthusiastic shake, smiling when you gave him your name in return. He repeated it back to you, as if trying out the way it sounded on his tongue, still shaking your hand all the while. His grip was firm yet gentle, and you couldn’t help but admire how nicely your hand fit into his. 
He finally dropped the handshake, and you briefly lamented the loss of contact. He spoke up again, clearly not in any rush to end the interaction. 
“So how’s your cat doing?”
You sighed before relaying the story of your cat suddenly becoming a picky eater, which made him laugh. From there, the conversation flowed easily between the two of you, as if you had known each other for ages.
You learned he was part of the Public Security Criminal Investigation Special Response Team, a difficult path for a PubSec officer but one he was dedicated to nonetheless. He loved cats (obviously), and he wasn’t a fan of horror movies. You chimed in with tidbits of your own from time to time, but you were mostly content to just listen to Seth. Every now and then, you spared a glance downwards at his tail, which was swishing back and forth excitedly. It reminded you of how your cat looked when she was staring at a bird or squirrel out your window, engaged and laser-focused, and it made you smile internally.
You had no idea how much time had passed. The two of you were in your own little world, and it wasn’t until you heard someone clearing their throat loudly that you realized you were still standing in the grocery store, effectively blocking access to the cat food shelf.
You and Seth both apologized profusely and backed up so an older woman could reach past you two. Thankfully, she didn’t seem upset, and she even shot you a knowing wink as she shuffled away. 
As much as you would have liked to keep talking to Seth, you unfortunately had other errands you needed to run today and you were sure Seth did as well. 
“I’m sorry, I need to head out now, but it was really nice to see you again!”
You told him with a smile. You swore you saw his ears droop slightly, but he perked back up almost immediately.
“Yeah, I’m really glad I got to run into you! Hopefully I’ll see you again soon!”
You gave him a short wave goodbye before continuing on with the rest of your shopping.
Just like when you first met him, you kept replaying your interaction with Seth in your mind over and over. He was so easy to talk to, and you felt so comfortable around him despite this only being the second time you’d ever met. 
Wait, did this mean you guys were friends now? Or were you more like acquaintances? Seth said he wanted to see you again and you certainly shared his sentiment, and the two of you had talked for so long about yourselves, so that probably made you friends at this point. Should you have gotten his phone number?
God, how did you keep fumbling this so badly? It was already a miracle you managed to bump into Seth at the grocery store, you doubted you would be lucky enough to cross paths with him again. 
You felt bad for the old lady who was rooting for you. It seems like your infatuation with Seth was destined to be just that: infatuation, and nothing more. Besides, even if you somehow were able to see Seth again, he didn’t seem like the kind of guy who was concerned with dating and romance. He had goals and dreams to pursue, and you were sure he only thought of you as a friend anyway. 
No use worrying about it now, I guess.
You continued on with your errands, resolving that if you did end up meeting Seth again, you would take that as a sign and ask him for his number. Not that it would actually happen, though.
Okay, now you were convinced you had some kind of guardian angel or deity watching over you, because what were the chances of this?
It had been about two weeks since you’d talked to Seth at the grocery store, and you had all but given up on the prospect of bumping into him again. You’d found yourself with a bit more free time than usual and to stave off the boredom, you decided to make a trip to the video store on Sixth Street. 
You’d only been there a few times, but they had a massive selection of movies and the siblings who ran the store were very nice, even if they did keep trying to convince you to buy a premium membership. 
You expected to be greeted by one of the managers or their Bangboo when you entered Random Play, but instead you saw Seth standing behind the front counter. It was your turn to tilt your head in confusion as Seth gave you his usual enthusiastic greeting. 
“Hey! What are you doing here?”
That got a laugh out of you, shaking your head as you walked up to the counter. 
“I feel like I should be asking you that. Do you work here?”
You doubted that Seth would have time for a second job or really any need for one, yet here he was. He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck and thinking for a moment before responding. 
“Kinda? But not really. I’m friends with the managers here and they’ve been really nice to me, so I offered to help promote movies for them every now and then!”
Was there anyone in New Eridu this guy wasn’t friends with? It was sweet that he spent his free time helping Wise and Belle around the shop, especially when he probably didn’t get much free time in the first place. 
You leaned your elbows on the counter, giving Seth a cheeky grin.
“Well then Mr. Promoter, do you have any good recommendations for me?”
Seth lit up like a Christmas tree, beaming at you excitedly. He moved from his spot behind the counter and wrapped a hand around your wrist, leading you over to one of the many displays along the wall. 
He searched for a moment before he let out a little “ah ha!,” pulling a movie from the shelf and placing it in your hands.
“Have you ever heard of a movie called ‘Dimensional Musketeer’? It’s about this mysterious guy who goes into Hollows to fight Etherals, and he’s got this cool weapon that lets him take down even the strongest enemies! It’s one of my favorite movies of all time!”
He was talking so excitedly fast, it was almost hard to understand him. Still, if this was one of Seth’s favorites, then it was good enough for you. You smiled at him, pulling the movie case close to your chest.
“That sounds awesome! I’ll definitely give it a watch then.”
You thought you’d seen Seth happy before, but the joy on his face right now was incomparable. 
“Great! Actually, why don’t we watch it together? This movie never gets old no matter how many times I see it, and I really want to know what you’ll think of it!”
It took you a moment before the implications of his words finally set in. 
Was he… asking you on a date?
It seemed like a plausible explanation, but then again with how friendly and frankly oblivious Seth was, it was equally possible he just wanted to watch his favorite movie with a friend and nothing more. 
Regardless, you weren’t going to pass up on this opportunity now, not when you had messed up so badly before. You tried not to let your tone betray how excited you were as you nodded in response.
“That sounds great! Do you want to come over to my place tonight? I’m sure my cat will be happy to see you again.”
Seth frowned slightly, looking bashful. 
“Are you sure? I don’t want to feel like I’m inviting myself over.”
You laughed, tucking the movie case under your arm so you could grab both of Seth’s hands in yours. 
“I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t sure. And you’re not inviting yourself over, I’m inviting you over, silly.”
Seth glanced down at where your hands were joined together, and you thought you saw a pinkish hue spreading across his cheeks.  
“Y-yeah, I guess you’re right. Tonight at your place is it then! Do you use Knock Knock? I can add you right now!”
You let go of Seth’s hands so you could reach into your pocket and pull out your phone, handing it over to him so he could input his contact information. 
When he handed you your phone back, you saw he put a little “(≧∀≦)” after his contact name, and you resisted the urge to squeal out loud from the cuteness of it all.
You followed Seth back to the front counter with the intention of paying for the movie. As you pulled out your wallet, though, he stopped you.
“Don’t worry about it, this one’s on me! 
“Are you sure? I really don’t mind.”
“Of course! I, uh- I actually have the premium membership here, so I may as well put it to good use.”
Oh, poor Seth. Of course a sweet guy like him wouldn’t be able to say no to the managers’ persuasions.
“Thanks, I appreciate it! I have to get going now, but I’ll see you later tonight!”
Though certainly not unwelcome, you weren’t prepared to host guests and your apartment definitely needed some cleaning up before Seth came over. 
“You’re welcome! And yeah, see you later!”
As soon as you made it out of the door of Random Play, you took a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart. 
Things had gone perfectly this time. You’d actually managed to secure a kind-of-maybe-not-but-also-maybe-yes date with Seth, and you were determined to make sure everything went smoothly. 
You arrived home a little while later, having stopped on your way back to pick up some snacks and drinks for the evening. You started on the task of tidying up your space, letting your thoughts wander as you flited from chore to chore. 
Should you dress up tonight? Or just keep it casual? Should you try to make a move? Was this even a date to begin with, or were you just reading too far into things?
On one hand, there certainly were signs that Seth liked you as more than just a friend. All those times you’d bumped into him, he seemed so genuinely happy to see you. Whenever you had to leave, you noted subtle signs of disappointment, whether it be a small dip in his near-permanent smile or a slight droop in his ears. And he was the one who suggested you watch a movie together in the first place. That had to mean something, right? You bit your bottom lip, trying to suppress your excited grin at the thought of Seth reciprocating your feelings. You could feel your face heating up and your heart beating incessantly against your chest. 
But at the same time, you couldn’t fight the nagging thoughts lingering at the back of your mind, planting seeds of doubt and uncertainty. For as much as Seth wore his heart on his sleeve, you found him surprisingly hard to read. He was such a good-hearted and friendly guy that the cheerful smiles and warm greetings, the constant acts of kindness and generosity, the hopeful promises of meeting again, were probably something he shared with everyone. Were you selfish to think you were special somehow? If Seth didn’t like you back, would it ruin the friendship you’d managed to build thus far?
That thought almost knocked the breath from your lungs. You couldn’t let that happen. You’d much rather spend the rest of your days silently and hopelessly pining after Seth than lose him entirely. 
Suddenly, this movie night didn’t seem like such a great idea anymore. But with how ecstatic Seth had been when you agreed to watch his favorite movie with him, you knew it would crush him if you backed out now. 
You didn’t even realize how much time had passed until you heard a ping from your phone, jolting you out of your anxious ruminations. As you’d expected, it was a message from Seth, asking if it was still okay for him to come over soon.
No turning back now.
You sent back an affirmative reply before tossing your phone down to finish preparing for Seth’s arrival. You decided on an outfit that wasn’t too flashy but certainly a bit nicer than what you’d wear around the house. After setting out the food and drinks, you opted to sit on the couch, nervously fiddling with your fingers and trying your best to keep your nervous thoughts at bay. 
You nearly fell off the couch in surprise when you finally heard a knock at your door. You stood at the doorway for a moment, taking one last moment to smooth out your clothes and tidy up your appearance before taking a deep breath. Seth was already beaming at you when you opened the door, and it helped put you at ease. 
That’s right. It’s just Seth. No need to overthink things. 
All of your reassured thoughts flew out the window when Seth pulled you in for a tight hug, squeezing you against him in a near-crushing grip. The feeling of being pressed into his firm chest and his muscular arms wrapped around your frame had your face heating up quickly. 
“It’s nice to see you again!”
His words made you burn even hotter, and you prayed Seth couldn’t feel your embarrassed warmth through his shirt. You hesitantly reciprocated his hug, pushing your face closer into his chest in an attempt to hide your fluster.
“You too! But you know, I just saw you a few hours ago.”
Seth pulled back from the hug, giving you an unfairly adorable pout. 
“I know, but it’s still nice to see you again.”
Your heart couldn’t handle such unabashed sincerity, and you could only smile and laugh awkwardly as you stepped aside to let him into your apartment, hoping he wouldn’t notice the flush still present on your cheeks. 
Seth had hardly taken 2 steps inside before your cat came trotting up to him, meowing and brushing up against his legs affectionately. He chuckled, reaching down to pick her up. Your cat was purring louder than you’d ever heard, starting to fall asleep in his arms almost instantaneously. You couldn’t even bring yourself to be mad, your heart melting at the adorable sight before you. Seth finally turned his attention back to you.
“Thanks again for having me over!” 
You shook your head, closing the door and leading him to the living room.
“Of course! I’m glad you could make it. I’m excited for the movie!”
“Me too!”
You crouched down in front of the TV, setting up the movie while he got comfortable with your cat now snoozing peacefully in his lap. Once everything was ready, you moved to take a seat on the couch next to Seth before you paused for a moment. How close should you sit to him? If you sit too close, it could be awkward. But if you sat on the far end of the couch from him, wouldn’t that be more awkward? He seemed to take note of your hesitancy, giving you a confused look before patting the empty space next to him. 
“C’mon, the movie’s starting!”
Seth having made up your mind for you, you plopped down in the spot he designated for you, your thighs just brushing up against his. You stole a glance at Seth out of the corner of your eye to gauge his reaction, but he was already engrossed in the movie. You directed your gaze back to the screen, resolving that you would just focus on enjoying the movie in favor of dwelling on Seth’s intentions. 
But as the evening went on, you found it harder and harder to stick to your resolve. While Seth remained fixated on the movie, you remained fixated on him. You realized this was the first time you’d really been able to admire Seth up close. Of course, you’d stolen plenty of glances at him during the times you’d spoken with him, but you had tried to keep most of your attention on his words, not wanting to be caught staring.
Now though, with Seth being so enthralled by the movie, you figured it was okay to let your gaze linger on him for a bit longer. You were positive he wouldn’t even notice. 
The light from the TV screen illuminated his features, casting a soft radiance over him. In the relative darkness of the room, his hair seemed to glow, reflecting the light like a fresh blanket of snow. His bright purple eyes seemed somehow brighter, full of excitement and contentment. His ears were standing straight up, not wanting to miss a single word of the movie. 
But most of all, your eyes kept drifting back to Seth’s tail.
It was swaying back and forth the way you’d seen it before when he was focused or excited, and it took all your willpower not to reach out and run your fingers through the fluffy tufts of fur. Whenever you’d encountered Seth previously, your eyes had always drifted down to his tail, your thoughts wandering to how it would feel to pet it. Realistically, it probably wouldn’t feel any different than when you pet your cat, but a part of you thought it might even be softer. 
You knew it was such a weird fixation, and Thirens probably had to deal with rude people trying to touch them all the time, but you’d never be able to stop thinking about his tail if you didn’t get to pet it at least once. 
You took a deep breath before steeling your resolve, shifting your position on the couch so you were now facing him with your legs crossed. 
“Hey, Seth? Would it be okay if… I touched your tail? It just looks so soft and I keep wondering what it would feel like.”
The question tumbled forth from your lips faster than you’d meant it to. Seth’s jaw dropped at your words, a deep blush quickly spreading across the expanse of his face.  
“You want to touch… my tail?”
He sounded so dumbfounded by your request, and you were afraid you’d overstepped a boundary. 
“Only if that’s okay with you! I’m sorry if that was a weird ask. You can just forget I said anything-”
You started to backtrack, but Seth cut you off. 
“No! You’re totally fine! You can touch my tail if you want to, no problem at all!”
He was trying to sound nonchalant, but his nervous tone betrayed his words. A blush was starting to spread across his cheeks, and you swore his breathing picked up. You tried to give him another out, not wanting to make him uncomfortable.
“Seth, if you’re not okay with it, that’s totally fine. I swear I won’t be offended.”
He took a deep breath before shaking his head. He grinned at you like he’d done a million times before, but this one felt different somehow, more vulnerable and earnest.
“If it’s you, it’s okay. I promise.”
Now it was your turn to blush. You were caught off-guard by how earnest his response was, and it was all you could do to nod in response.
Seth shifted on the couch until his tail was in your lap, the movement causing your cat to hop off from her perch on his legs and meander away with a meow of discontent. Despite his best efforts to keep it under control, his tail still swished nervously, but the softness brushing against your legs was a pleasant sensation. You reached a cautious hand up, gently running your fingers through the white strands of fur.
You were right: his fur was somehow softer than your own cat. You found yourself almost memorized by the impossibly fluffy texture, and you had to stop yourself from burying your face in his tail as you imagined how nice it would feel against your cheeks.
You turned your attention back to Seth, your hands still stroking his fur absentmindedly. He was more flustered than you’d ever seen him, fiddling with his fingers in his lap while avoiding your gaze. You could feel your own face heating up as you noticed a tension building between you two. 
“Thank you for letting me touch your tail, Seth. It’s uh- really soft.”
You’d meant to try to lighten the atmosphere a bit, but you internally cringed at how awkward you sounded. Seth’s ears perked up at your words, his blush now spreading all the way down his neck. He only nodded in response, swallowing thickly before finally looking at you again. He opened and closed his mouth a few times before finally speaking in an uncharacteristically timid voice. 
“Can I, uh- I mean would it be okay if I.. kissed you?”
“Wait, what?”
You honestly couldn’t believe what you’d just heard. Seth wanted to kiss you? Right now?
While your brain was short-circuiting, Seth began to panic. His face was an alarming shade of red, and his tail was swishing about wildly. 
“Wait, do you not like me uh- you know, like that? I’m so sorry! I just thought with you wanting to touch my tail, you… you know. But if not, that’s totally okay, too! I’m really sorry!”
You wanted to slap yourself for your ignorance. Of course, Thiren’s tails were special to them, and asking Seth to touch his tail was a huge deal! This certainly wasn’t the outcome you’d been expecting when you’d first asked, but you couldn’t believe that Seth reciprocated your feelings. Your words came out in a rushed frenzy as you tried to salvage the painfully awkward situation. 
“No! I mean, yes, I do like you! A lot, actually. I just didn’t think you felt the same way.”
Seth tilted his head to the side, staring at you like you’d grown an extra limb. 
“Of course I like you! I’ve liked you since I first met you! How could I not? You’re attractive and funny and nice and you like cats and-”
You cut off Seth’s rambling by sealing your lips over his, pouring all of your feelings for him into the kiss. If Seth had continued listing everything he liked about you, you’re sure your heart would have exploded. 
Seth was initially caught off guard, but he quickly recovered and kissed you back with equal fervor, reaching a hand up to cup your cheek. 
Kissing Seth was everything you hoped it would be and more. His lips fit against yours like a puzzle piece. He seemed a little hesitant and unsure of what to do, but you were happy to take the lead, moving your lips softly and gently against his so as not to overwhelm him. 
You only pulled away when your lungs were burning for air. Seth wasn’t in much better shape, his breath fanning across your face as he panted heavily.
For a while, neither of you spoke, choosing instead to bask in the passionate moment you just shared. Finally, Seth broke the silence.
“So, uh- was that okay?”
He asked with a sheepish grin, his face still painted with a pink flush. God, he was so disgustingly adorable. You swore you were getting the same feeling of cuteness aggression you got whenever your cat did something precious.
You gave in to your impulses, reaching up to squish Seth’s cheeks in both your hands. You yanked him close until your nose was brushing against his. Seth let out a yelp of surprise, his ears sticking straight up.
“You’re so fucking cute.”
You mumbled before pressing your mouth to his once more. One hand reached up to run through his soft hair, your fingers barely brushing against the base of his ears.
He shivered at your touch, his tail wrapping around your waist to drag you further into him until you were almost sitting on his lap. 
The kiss was indulgent and lazy yet no less passionate than before. You had all the time in the world to kiss Seth now, and you intended on savoring it. 
After who knows how long, Seth pulled away first this time, planting a final kiss on your nose and leaning his forehead against yours. 
“You’re way cuter.”
You giggled at his sweet words, and Seth couldn’t help but laugh with you. As you leaned in for another kiss, you made a mental note to give your cat as many treats as she wanted, silently thanking her for running away from home and leading you to the man you never knew you belonged with.
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slasherflickchick · 1 year
Oh lord Jesus, not me thinking of writing a Reader X Miguel O’Hara “Beauty and the Beast” AU fic 💀
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mintsandapples · 7 months
michonne not immediately telling rick about rj is such a tender act of love!! like you just know she's dying to tell him about their son - after she lost her baby andre, after they've lost carl, after going through her pregnancy the birth and having to parent rj + judith all these years while grieving her husband wishing he was with her/them every second that passed - the heaviness of that... then she finally finds him right when she decides to go home to their kids and she doesn't tell him about rj. she doesn't know the details of what's kept him from her all these years yet but she knows her man, she sees how scared he is when they reunite and she's so attuned to him she senses it's not the right time to drop this news just yet - it would instantly make him lose his mind and bring him to his knees. rick blew up that bridge and didn't think he'd survive but he did and it kept him away from his family, literally all rick grimes cares about his reason to live (and die) - as happy as he will be learning he has a child with the love of his life, him not being with her when they needed him, him missing the crucial first years of his child's life while being trapped will inevitably come with so much sorrow... it would be too much to process so michonne wants to protect him, she (wants to) holds it in until they're both safe on their way back to their babies ❤️‍🩹 
and i know people couldn't wait for her to tell him but haaaaa i live for the tension/anticipation of us knowing something rick doesn't yet
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denim-devil · 1 year
Dauntless | D.W
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Summary - A close call has Dean asking questions, hoping to gain some clarity of the current situation, the flames ignite bringing the butterflies that had once lay dormant, to life.
Warnings - Soft!Dean, Alcohol, Smut, M x M, P in A, Spanking (slightly), Dom!Dean, Dirty talk, Mentions of a certain white liquid I-, Kissing, FLUFFY DEAN-
“Not Proof read- sorry”
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Dean hasn’t realised.
How could he? With each swig of whiskey that trickled down his chest with a certain wanting warmth brought his thoughts into a swirling mess.
His eyes grew slacker by the minute, focusing on the way you laughed at his stupid mindless jokes. At first he thought it was because you had as much alcohol as him to succumb to the euphoria that closely followed but no…he saw the way you glanced, eyeing up his fully clothed form.
Dean tried to let it go, with each passing moment his focus grew shorter and shorter. Watching the older hunter shuffle in his seat, you had guessed the wooden structure left nothing but an aching numbness that chimed like church bells, one of his legs crossing over the other.
Unphased by the sudden bodily manoeuvre, you go back to sipping on the bronze liquid Dean happily shared between the two of you.
“So…what was that back there? Did you have a plan?” Dean rasped, plump lips lingering on the edge of the smooth glass, ridges of detailed shapes littering the outside, his fingers delicately gripping the cold object.
You shrugged allowing the liquid courage to take control, mind empty and your tongue dozily laying still in your mouth as if words themselves were hard to form.
The room fell in silence, the bunkers structure stuttering, disputing low rumbles, you had guessed it was the age of the frame, bricks beginning to fade with time, it was easy to lose focus, especially with experienced hunter sat closely next to you.
It was clearly painted across your expressionless face, his eyebrow cocks as if confused but also curious. The whole ordeal in itself costed the use of your left shoulder for the next couple of days, the stiffness still lingered but with each sip of the beverage at hand left you feeling limp and unbothered.
He could see it, how the whiskey melded your new form as if it gave you the strength to hold your lips closed before letting something carless slip past and into the open, into Dean’s ears.
“No? Why do I not believe you?”
The questions at hand left you sinking into the rickety chairs of the library. Each passing moment ticked with time itself as if in every possible outcome it would leave you cold and trapped.
The sudden crumpling of his shirt, each wrinkle shadowed by the dim light above growing as he reached over, his hand settling above your own as if was ment to, attached to the skin of your open palm, fingers dancing along the heated skin.
“Tell me”
He ordered, his tone stern and deep, wanting to uncover the factor that had lead you into a certain type of doom and gloom.
At first you had tried gaining some sort of control, tying each and every word into a sentence worth while but with each passing second it proved harder. The truth was almost hurtful but it was also showered in gold, a blinding sort of glimmer that rolled up in the back of your mouth and out into the open.
“I’m afraid, Dean I can’t”
Your words were like a dagger. Surely you would hold and place every inch of trust and respect into the man that had made something out of you. His fingers almost soothed the irradiating warmth with coolness that managed to settle you, his eyes slightly flinched knowing that he could be the reason.
“Try me”
His words were sharp like the same dagger that struck him moments ago, cutting into your skin harshly forcing the lump to unravel in your throat, bubbling up into a strung up sentence.
At first you tried, cheeks twitching as you shuffled to face him, fearful of what he would think, how careless it was of you to be distracted in such a dangerous job.
“I- It was you…at first I tried…I really did to ignore it”
You stopped, palm growing sweaty as Dean’s own covered yours, which instantly calmed you like a bedtime story, putting you in a trans-like state which inevitably forced you to speak nothing but the truth.
“I couldn’t function with you so close to me-“
Dean gripped onto you hard, hard enough to make you stop like a deer caught in headlights. The glass he held so tight onto was discarded before he pealed his crossed leg away, both planted securely onto the cemented floor beneath.
You could feel it, the change. The way he fumbled and lost control of his features, how he somehow had gotten closer, his breath fanning across your now crimson cheeks.
“I nearly costed you your own life?”
His mouth hung agape, brows again burying themselves lower slightly. Nodding, eye contact seemed to be the only comfort, followed by his calloused palm that clung to your own tightly.
“N-No, not you, but…you were so close to me-“
It clicked. Like train-tracks slotting into its own fitted journey, his heart beat wickedly picked up, ringing in his own ears clouding his judgement. It was obvious now, just as time itself, it was obvious.
He grew closer, lips almost searching for it’s perfect surface, your own. He held his own, awaiting a certain go-head before taking ownership of the situation, eyes dimming from a emerald green to a suggestive darkness that rocked your entire existence, a growing lust travelling from the pits of his stomach upwards.
“How about now…sweetheart?”
The nickname rolled from his tongue effortless, stilling, you can only keep focus on how his whole demeanour changes much like seasons but this one stayed, the concentration that plastered across his face only drew the two of you closer until the gap was no more, his lips attaching to your own fiercely.
Dean wanted you in more ways then one, away from here, riddled away in his sheets, touching and holding you in every way possible.
You had no plans on messing this up.
Despite how small and rickety Dean’s bed was, you still managed to both fit onto it, slotting above his now naked body, hands and legs moving against each other igniting the everlasting lust you kept locked away for years.
It was easy for Dean, he was protective in ways that could seem possessive, loving in ways that could seem down-right heavenly, he had you right where he desired.
“I’ve dreamed about this…”
His mumble was loud enough to send shockwaves throughout your body which splayed itself across his own, against his body, somehow you had both managed to find a position that suited the circumstances.
It’s everything you had imagined and more, back pressed closely to his chest, his hands soothe small circles into your thighs before picking them up, just enough so they were level with your ears, body now folding in half just how Dean wanted you.
“Me to…”
You shyly hiss once his thick, reddened tip lingers against your pucker, his smirk growing once you needily whine into the thin air of his room.
“You want it that bad? Why didn’t you say so-“
His tone was deep and lust-filled, distracting you enough to push himself upward and inside, grazing the velvet walls you claimed, writing his mark with each inch.
It couldn’t have felt better, biting your lips to suppress the hungry moans threatening to expose the two of you hastily gripping onto strong biceps wrapped around your thighs, slightly grounding you enough to keep composure.
He was thick and long, each ridge, each vein easily felt against the disappearing muscle that pushed the limits you were use to already, feeling full had never felt so good.
“You know how many nights- fuck; that I stayed up…” finally bottoming out, he stills allowing you to utilise the stretched out feeling, his balls pressed firmly against the cleft of your ass, enough to send you into overdrive, you had finally acquired all of Dean.
“Jerking off over you and your pretty little ass-“
Guttural, loud, pornographic. Each word described the temptation that riddled you both and the moan that slipped from his open lips moments ago, it felt surreal to be in the warmth and grip of your teacher, and the best hunter the world had ever had.
“I- I can’t”
Mumbling incoherently, blubbering as the tears slip from your damp lashes. It gave Dean both the pride and confidence to carry on, pulling himself out until his tip lingered on your entrance.
“You can honey, i’ve got you”
Sinking back in with ease, he could feel it all, how soft and wet and pretty you were for him, how it all joined and created something unfathomable, something from a porno Dean was frequent with, but this, this was real and it had his emerald greens rolling back into his head and his hands trembling against your sweat-slicked skin.
“Oh fuck- sweetheart, so fucking good for me”
He was almost insatiable, from his confidence to the cocky attitude that had you a mess, cock weeping and twitching with every word and every touch.
“Dean, feel so full fuck-“
Smirking against your neck, he breaths, tonging at the spot that had you shaking in his grip. Ultimately his stamina had grown, fulfilling every need you had, like a bucket list, checking off every single damn thought you previously had of him.
In time, his speed grows to a certain speed that littered each corner of the room with loud slaps, his balls smashing against your cheeks with urgency, although lewd and slick, Dean had no plan of stopping, sliding in with each lap that had now moved to the shell of your ear.
“Wish I had you sooner, woulda stopped me from fucking the wrong one-“
He was vulgar to say the least, trapping you against his body, you had no escape but that was the dream you were once sold on, now, it was a reality you wanted to delve in for eternity, wrapped up in his body, entangled with nothing but the lust and drive to see stars.
“W-Wish I had you sooner-“
Dean didn’t think twice to turn your head slightly with his strong grip, his fingers scrunching up your hair, smashing your lips together, engulfed by the flames that surrounded you both.
It didn’t last long, but it was short and sweet, all tongue and love. You were mistaken if you thought Dean had any softness in his bones when he began to fuck up into you without remorse, holding your legs up and wide, hitting the bundle of nerves that had you limp against his front.
Doe-eyed and delirious from his affection, each thrust sending you into a blissful heaven, you let go, the walls crumbling around finally falling completely, you spray into the open air, each glop landing onto the manly forearms holding you still.
“That’s it- atta boy-“
With a swift slap to your glutes that rang out like a rusty spring snapping, Dean holds you down by the hips, slowly rolling, riding out his high. A few “fucks” had managed to escape him, voice now hoarse from the lingering tipsiness.
Each splatter painted your insides white, finally claiming what he had dreamed of forever, you.
Panting, breathing in the same air, your both left feeling weak and limp but better, it was almost as vivid as the dreams you had experienced in the past that involved the very man that had you cum hands free.
He chuckles, green eyes flicking up to meet yours. His glare was sincere, sweet almost overbearing if it hadn’t been for the soft pat he gave your ass, slowly enveloping your lips with his.
It lasted longer then before, more lips then anything else, deep and inviting. Pulling away for air, glancing down at him had never felt so intimate, his smile big and bright, blinding in every best way possible.
“Not the first time that’s happened”
He points to the mess dripping down your thighs and backside, chuckling in amusement as you blush, burying your head in his neck giving him the right amount of space to slip out of you, already you feel empty, yearning for the next time.
“That’s the first time it’s happened…”
Mumbling against his neck, breathing his scent in, the aftershave that spoke to his character invading your senses, delirium flooding back into your veins.
“It won’t be the last sweetheart, for a very long time-“
You laugh immediately before pecking him on the lips, returning to nuzzle in the crook of his neck.
It was if you were both lost in the darkness of the room, tangled together, damp and basking the afterglow of bliss, witnessing the relaxed smile he offered was your golden ticket to a happy every after, his arms holding you close, he had you now and you had him…
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adzy-drawz · 6 months
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Heard the pink city fandom is starving for food so I am throwing crumbs at y'all
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marvelassassin221b · 3 months
How it started: "How to romance Astarion"
*several tavs later*
Now: "How NOT to romance Astarion"
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ncutii-gatwa · 10 months
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#yeah this isn't for science this is for me
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teastarfall · 9 months
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hey guys! fun fact! LN2 will have its 3rd anniversary in like 2 months… i am in tears,,, i need to sit down…. huh
d,,drawings for now..
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pine4pple-b0i · 10 months
just watched charles smith toss a cigarette after he finished smoking it and i think i’ve found my new religion
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rougepancake · 1 year
Spill the Wine
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Dio Brando x F!Reader
Yes, the title is a song reference, but the song has nothing to do with the plot LOL- Also not proofread because we die like real men here.
Warnings: Drunk sex, degradation, Dio being mean, semi public sex (you’re in the library and there are people over), face fucking, oral (m!receiving), slight fingering, Dio has a god complex (shocker), You actually get caught by Jonathan but not like caught caught. Mdni. I will block you.
Summary: You’re a good friend of Joseph and Erina, having known both of them since you were children. However, you’re adults now, and Joseph and his adopted brother just graduated college. Celebration is in order!
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“Erina I’m serious!” You scoff and sit beside her on the picnic blanket, taking her hands into your own and looking her in the eyes seriously. “Joseph misses you very much! You can’t let that fool Dio stand in your way!”
“Well… I miss JoJo too… but I’m still afraid…” Erina trails off, frowning slightly. “What if Dio tries to do something again?”
“Oh please, he won’t do it again. It’s been years since then!” You roll your eyes and place a comforting hand on her cheek. “As a fellow woman, I won’t allow him to hurt you again. And as your friend, if he does such a thing he’ll be condemned to death by my shoes!” You laugh and lift up one of your legs, your dress riding up your calf as you wave your foot in the air.
“So.” You put your leg down and look her in the eyes. “Are you going to that party that JoJo is hosting at his estate, or are you not brave enough?”
Erina frowns and breaks eye contact with you.
“Y/n… you know I can’t…”
“But he still loves you, Erina! It’s been years and he still loves you!” You raise your voice slightly and pout. “Oh whatever, I’ll be going now, thank you for your time Erina.” You hop up off the ground and wave at her.
“Y/n please don’t-“
“It’s okay, I understand. But I’m going regardless. He is my friend and that stupid Dio is an acquaintance of mine, so I’m going. It’s a huge milestone in their lives and I’m going to celebrate with them.” You spun around and began to walk away, your dress swishing behind you. “Good day.”
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You sat on your bed, staring at the ceiling aimlessly as you waited for eight pm to roll around. You knew there were going to be a good number of people there, so you figured you’d socialize for a bit and then disappear to the library.
But that would be too easy, wouldn’t it?
Around seven, you began to get ready, putting on some decent earrings and bright red lipstick before hopping in the carriage your father had prepared for you.
Once you arrived, Jonathan greeted you with a smile, pulling you in for a warm hug. His father did the same, saying something along the lines of how you were like a daughter to him.
All things considered, the party was quite tame. There were people everywhere, surrounding Jonathan and Dio as they congratulated the boys on their successes. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes and head towards the library. If they wanted to talk to you, they would.
It was always like this.
Ever since you had known Jonathan, you had seemed to shy away from people. He attracted attention, and attention you avoided like the plague. He understood, however, and was willing to comfort you in your anxiety when necessary.
But he didn’t find you in your drunken and anxious state. He wasn’t the one that came into the library and talked you out of it, helping you sober up enough to face the crowd so you could go home. He wasn’t the one that walked through the doors of the library and called your name lazily, looking for you.
It was Dio that found you curled up in a ball towards the back of the library. And it was Dio who took care of you.
“My my, you look like a mess.” He walked over to you and sat down beside you, eyeing the bottle of wine that was resting at your side.
“Shut up…” You took a deep breath and held it. Not even the alcohol was able to calm you down. “The… people…”
“Ah yes, there are a lot of people here tonight, no?” Dio leaned over and grabbed the bottle of wine, hiding it from you with a chuckle.
You and Dio weren’t friends by any means, because you had heard about all of the terrible things he did to Jonathan. However, as time went on and as Jonathan forgave him, you did too. You grew to be acquainted with him, but you didn’t talk all that much unless he happened to catch you when you were alone.
Just like now.
“I hate people…” With a drunken sigh, you rested your head on his shoulder, your lips forming in a pout as you reached for the bottle of wine. Dio pulled it away and raised an eyebrow at you, a smirk forming on his lips.
“Me too.” He placed a gentle hand on your head and ran his fingers through your hair. You were drunk. And when you were drunk you were much more sensitive than usual. It was taking all he had to not tease you about your anxiety, and what little self control he had was being tested in this very moment.
“Why are you in here?” Your voice was soft, almost shy, which caught him off guard some. It was much different from the harsh, indifferent side of you he had grown to hate.
“Because I got bored.” He sighs and rests his head on the bookshelf behind him. “And JoJo told me to make sure you were still alive.” He looked down at your body, taking in the sight of you curled up next to him. “I guess I’ll just have to tell him that you died of alcohol poisoning in the library.”
“Please do.” You grumbled, letting out a long and over exaggerated sigh. “He’d be embarrassed to see me like this.” A soft hiccup escaped you as you frowned, pouting at the thought of Jonathan finding you in this state.
“He sees you like this all the time. What’s the harm now?” Dio scoffed and looked down at you, smirking ever so slightly.
“It’s his party… and I got drunk because I can’t handle people…” You sounded disappointed in yourself, as if you’re upset that you let it get this bad.
“Well… I have a way to sober you up, but I can’t guarantee it’s quickness.” Dio’s smirk grew and you can practically feel it as he stared down at you. He grabbed the bottle of wine and put it to his lips, chugging it like he needed it to survive. “But first…” he hiccuped. “I need to be drunker than you are.”
“H-Huh..?” You stared at him, eyes wide as he downed what was left of the wine. He popped his lips off of the bottle with an audible gasp, fighting for air as he turned to face you.
Without hesitation, he smashed his lips onto yours, forcing you to taste the wine he just downed. His tongue forced itself past your lips, pushing past your own and hungrily exploring every corner of your mouth.
It was almost like he had been waiting for this moment to come.
“My my y/n, you taste like a drunkard.” Dio chuckled as he pulled away from you, his left hand sliding underneath your dress while his right held you pressed against him. His hand was cold against your thighs, his fingers nearing your aching heat. However, he stopped moving and pushed you to the floor of the library, driving a knee between your legs and grinding it whilst you squirmed.
“D-Dio I-“ You but the inside of your cheek nervously, your legs shaking as you closed your eyes in anticipation.
Sure he wasn’t the first guy you’ve been intimate with, but he didn’t need to know that. No one needed to know it, actually. It was frowned upon to have sexual relations with someone you weren’t betrothed to. But you didn’t care.
You were young, so why not be reckless?
“No no no my dear.” He chided, and he leg stopped moving. You whined, longing for some form of friction, for some form of release. “You’re going to be nice and quiet for me.” He undid his belt and pulled down his pants, allowing his cock to spring free from its confines.
He grabbed your wrist and pulled you off of the floor, a grunt passing through his lips as he leaned back, giving you a nice view of his twitching cock. “D’ you like what you see, m’lady?” His words slurred together, but you didn’t care. He got his point through and that’s all that really mattered.
You crawled forward slowly, but too slowly according to Dio, seeing as he grabbed your arms and pulled you close, shoving your face down by his dick. He let out a pleased hum as he watched you lean forward and lick up his length, his eyes fluttering shut briefly before he pushed your head down onto his cock.
You gagged, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as Dio helped you bob your head up and down. Sighs escaped him here and there, turning into whines as he thrust his hips against your face.
He sure was desperate for someone who seemingly didn’t like you.
Maybe it was just the wine.
“There you go, you filthy little wench.” He panted, his grip on your hair tighter as his thrusts became sloppier. Dio forced you off of his cock, chuckling softly at the audible ‘pop’ that echoed in the peaceful silence of the library. “Say ‘ah’.” He grinned as he stroked himself, his tip pointed at your tongue.
With a shameful groan, he came all over your face, treating you like a blank canvas that had yet to be painted.
He let out a breathy chuckle and pulled you into his lap, pushing up your dress and pushing aside your panties. Without warning, he inserted two fingers into your soaking cunt, thrusting at an insane pace.
“Master Dio.” He corrected as you whined softly into his shoulder. “Lord Dio, even.” His fingers slowed inside you, and you shivered at the sudden lack of movement.
“L-Lord Dio…” You whispered, closing your eyes as you began to grind onto his fingers. His hand came up to your hip and held you in place harshly, his eyes seemingly glowing in the candle-lit room. He pulled his fingers out of your cunt slowly, hushing you when you whimpered drunkenly.
“Don’t be too loud now, or JoJo will hear us.” He leaned down to whisper into your ear, teasingly biting the shell of it as he pressed his tip against your lips. “I’m sure you wouldn’t want him to see you in such a…” He smirked and pushed himself in, cutting himself off with an unexpected moan. “O-Oh…” He trailed off and lost himself in you as he bottomed out.
He sat there for a couple of seconds, secretly relishing in the feeling of your tight pussy around him. It was wonderful, and it was everything he had hoped it would be.
You brought your hand to your face when he started thrusting, biting down harshly on it to prevent you from being too loud. However, Dio wasn’t making it easy in the slightest.
His pace was harsh, each thrust hitting deeper than the last and forcing you to see stars. Low grunts and whiny moans escaped him, and before you knew it, you were moving your hips in sync with him, both of you desperate for your release.
“Y/n? Are you in here?”
It was Jonathan.
Dio didn’t slow down and instead glared at you, silently threatening you into making the right decision. He waited for you to answer Jonathan, but you looked totally fucked out, unable to think of anything but the man who was rearranging your guts right now.
“Y-Yeah. I’ll be out in a few-!” You slurred slightly, slumping into Dio’s arms with a whiny sigh. The blonde chuckled and slowed his pace some, nearing his second release. His hand came down and found your clit, thumbing away at it until you felt your high getting nearer.
“In a few, you say?” He smirked. “You’re not going anywhere.”
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himbolithium · 5 months
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kunikisss · 3 months
nikto unmasked headcanon???!!??!?!??????😧😧🤯
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he’s very fun to draw <3333 my pookie
also second one’s sketch cos i kinda like how his eyes look but you can’t see them well in the colored ver😞
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pondslime · 1 year
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Griffin Dunne as Jack Goodman
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reachfortheskiespeeps · 9 months
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Milo: "Hm? Then you won't mind a totally small kiss on the lips? :) "
(( ?!?!??!?!!/////// ))
#planetputo #actorAU MAIN BLOG: ask-emilz-de-philz.tumblr.com ACTOR AU BLOG: reachfortheskiespeeps.tumblr.com If you like our work, please support us at: ko-fi.com/haimacheir
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psychopomparia · 2 months
hello, i offer this small doodle of a good butler:
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please accept his services
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lucienarcheron · 1 year
Who is your ultimate SJM man?
You must be new here ‘nonnie 😌
My ultimate SJM man always was and always will be, the one and only love of my life, the fire of my loins, king of heart, Lucien Vanserra 😌♥️😌♥️😌♥️👅🫦👅🫦👅🫦👅🫦
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