#this makes me sounds super unapproachable but i swear
k-martins · 10 months
While my simp ass is back, I've been brainstorming Itafushi fanfic ideas (I write things other than stupid, self-deprecating jokes, okay? I might get the pronouns wrong, but I really write! I swear I'm smarter in my native language).
And, because this is my personal diary, I'm going to share it with you (you're welcome). now listen to me:
Mangaka! Megumi x Freelance Artist! Yuji.
Because that makes total sense (it doesn't)
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I've been kind of obsessed with the manga development process and in that GG interview saying something like "my dad asked me if Papaguro and Yuta are inspired by him" and I'm like, "Oh, my fangirl ass needs to write this. Take it as a hit of bills, you one-eyed cat."
Okay, this is a little confusing even for me. But it's something like:
Megumi is a successful mangaka, but he's super unapproachable and a total emo weirdo who trash talks his own characters because he doesn't have very high self-esteem (cough, cough, GG, cough, cough), and is currently going through for a serious crisis of writer's block and he's also anxious because he thinks he's boring fans of his manga. Meanwhile, Yuji is a freelance artist, but thanks to Nobara's super cool girlfriend (Maki Simp here), he gets a job on Megumi's team who, lo and behold, is also his favorite manga artist! So join him on the long-short journey of trying not to act like a fangirl around his idol.
It sounds like a dumb idea when I write it down here, but I swear it has potential.
Like, picture with me.
Afternoons drawing together in silence, having snacks together, talking about their favorite anime/manga, watching studio ghibli movies together on a rainy night, buying Megumi's manga/anime merchandise, Yuji praising everything he loves about Megumi's story and highlighting his genius, Megumi creating a new character that looks a lot like Yuji, the two posting photos together and the internet freaking out.
Anyway, this has been on my mind for some time. Maybe I write? Who knows… Reblog if you want to embark on this absurd idea with me, LOL (you don't have to do this if you don't want to. Honestly? I'll end up forgetting about this idea if another one comes along)
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honeybdgerd · 3 years
still setting up but for now:
normally i don’t take requests, but you can try and slip some suggestions sometimes when i open the box!
THERE WILL BE NO SMUT ON THIS BLOG. only because i’m not great at writing it.
please be respectful of what i write.
most if not all of my fics will be gender neutral and may have implications that the reader is not white.
no trolling, transphobia, or overall harassment.
anyway, the current fandoms i am in, meaning what i will likely post are:
night at the museum
beetlejuice (musical)
transformers (IDW1/Prime/TFA)
apex legends
marvel’s champions comics
dc comics
umbrella academy
star wars: the clone wars (mainly clone troopers)
star wars: the bad batch
more is always likely to be added.
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fairyoftbz · 3 years
it's never too late... | b. jacob
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🏀 pairing: crush! basketball player! jacob x fem!reader 🏀 genre: high school!au, fluff, (sort of) strangers/acquaintances-to-lovers 🏀 word count: 5.2k 🏀 tw: very cliché 😳 and it goes kinda fast lmaoo 🏀 a/n: lisa I'm sorry I took this long to do your request, but I hope you'll like it nonetheless!! ALSO: to my fellow Americans, here football = soccer!! 🏀 requested: yes! thank you lisa!! @skrtbabe
You had waited for this time since the beginning of your academic journey there. Graduating from high school was two months away, and it felt just as exciting as weird.
It felt like you had started your first year last week, but the amount of work and time spent in those dull buildings makes you feel like you’ve been there for at least five years.
It was exhausting to attend classes and see the same people every single day of the year, with repetitive subjects, annoying or cool teachers depending on your luck and everything that followed. The homework, the assignments, the small -or not so small- fights between classes or groups of people, you were praying that university wouldn’t sound like that.
However, at the same time, you were almost starting to feel nostalgic for this time. The last years where you could remain a bit silly before entering the adult world, being in your last teen years with people that you appreciated and met there. You chose to do this before letting them go and live your own lives, memories that will disappear if you don’t cherish them enough.
So, with Soyeon, your best friend, you decided to enjoy the time that you had left to do things together while still studying and revising for the exams, which was sometimes not easy to do. Yes, you shared classes, but personal and private activities sometimes came in the way and prevented you from hanging out.
“It’s life after all,” she said one night over the phone as you shared your opinion on this topic, “it’s good that we can be together almost 24/7, but sometimes, things don’t allow us to be together. It might be for the best, we never know,” she said, trying to be positive no matter the situation she was in, but you knew her well. As much as she wants to appear strong, you had found her many times crying on her own. But it was her personality, and no matter how hard you tried to change her, what's bred in the bone comes out in the flesh.
Soyeon wasn’t your only friend, you were getting along well with most of your girl classmates, as well as the boys that weren’t suffocating under the number of pick-me-girls that were populating your school and your class.
Sadly for you, you’ve been eyeing the most popular (and prettiest) boy in your whole school since you crossed gaze with him at the very beginning of your first year there. Jacob, your crush, was also the star basketball player of your school, and constantly surrounded and attracting cheerleaders or rich, random, good-looking girls, which had a knack for getting on your nerves. He was always spending time together with his pals and teammates, but other people as well. Everyone wanted to be his friend because you know, he had a promising career ahead of him, so it was always nice to be friends with a potential future celebrity.
As defeated as you were, there was still a small voice in your head telling you to do something before he left to go back to his home country, South Korea, where he had a career already planned and traced out.
You were confused as it was almost impossible for you to get a chance with him since you were not one of those girls and you simply couldn’t compete against them, but Soyeon and her boyfriend Sunwoo were always there to praise you and reassure you about your potential chances of dating him. Never convinced by your friends’ words, you had tried many times to get him out of your head and focus on someone else, but it never worked. Everything came back to him. He was unique and oh so nice, everything reminded you of him, and it was sickening at this point.
“He won't get out of my head, it’s getting on my nerves,” you shared your thoughts to your best friend as you braced your head in your hands, slapping your cheeks as if it were going to change anything and help you throw Jacob out of your brain.
“Why do I keep this stupid boy in my head when I know I don’t stand a single chance against those girls,” you slapped your cheeks harder and whined as Soyeon’s hand landed on your wrist.
“Y/N, stop your nonsense. You are perfect, you don’t need to change anything for him!”
“It’s easier said than done, you pulled the football star player!” you exclaimed, and she rolled her eyes, shifting closer to whisper.
“He pulled me because he knew that I am pretty, and that wouldn’t change a single thing for him. If he’s not happy with who I am, he can leave,” she shrugs, signalling you to do the same if you dated Jacob.
Sunwoo was also among the popular boys, but your friend remained the same, not even trying to fit in with the popular girls. She claimed that Sunwoo fell in love with her for her true self, so she didn’t see the point of changing to please other people. And you wished you had her confidence and her strength, admiring her for not changing anything about herself to please others.
Back to the present.
You felt stuck, desperately in love with an unapproachable boy who was too popular and way out of your league to be lucky to have his eyes sparing you any sort of attention. Even if he was a sweet young man, he was always surrounded by popular people, who were trying to hook up or use him for his school fame and sharp features.
One day, while studying with your best friend at the library, Sunwoo and one of his friends, Hyunjae, the football captain, burst into the library and come not so quietly to your table.
“For the love of God, can you both be quiet for once?” Soyeon whispered-yelled but her voice got toned down by Sunwoo vividly pressing his lips on hers, an arm wrapping around her shoulders. Hyunjae laughed but quickly gagged as they didn’t stop the kiss as quickly as the captain wished.
“Gosh, please, get a room,” he mumbled before hugging you, your knee resting against his as his arms pressed you against his chest.
Your friendship with Hyunjae felt more like siblings, he was genuinely nice and caring with you, making sure that you were okay and that you had enough of everything before allowing you to go home. Despite all the teasing and a few rumours going around school, you were not dating and didn’t have any romantic feelings for each other. He simply checked that you had an older brother figure since you were the first-born child, and it felt relieving.
The thing you did not know was that Jacob and a few of his basketball teammates, Juyeon, Eric and Younghoon, were a few tables away from yours, your back facing them, the future star looking at you and Hyunjae from the corner of his eyes. He nodded at his friend at your table, who gave him a wink as an answer, Jacob’s eyes burning holes into your back as Hyunjae was close to you. Too close to you for the basketball player not to feel something churn in his stomach.
Two long, manicured fingers snapped in front of his eyes to get him out of his reverie, lazily looking at the girl that sat across from him, who he was supposed to get help from.
“Jacob please, pay attention to meeeeee,” she whined and pouted, giving him puppy eyes that he couldn’t give a single fuck about, too busy in his mind to hear what she had to say.
She had volunteered to help him study History, but she wasn’t any better, probably worse than he was. It was already the third time Juyeon corrected her basic knowledge without being an expert himself, not even caring about the death glares she kept sending him. It only made him smirk as he knew it irked her dearly yet amused the rest of the table a lot.
They all sighed as she finally took the hint and left their table, Jacob bitterly chuckling as Hyunjae rolled his eyes when she walked past your table, his demeanour making you laugh.
“Bro, do you think I should ask Y/N for help? Isn’t that a bit… lame?” Jacob sat on one of the soccer balls, hands joined and panting as Sunwoo practised his dribbling skills before shooting the ball in the cages, aiming for the up-right corner. He trotted to his friend and collapsed on the grass next to him, the last rays of sunshine offering his skin a wonderful, honey glow. He ruffled his hair after plopping down, checking his phone for any message before answering.
“If you need help, you shouldn’t be afraid to ask her. I mean, she’s super smart in every subject, but she’s just the boss in History. Her presentations are always golden, and she explains things a lot better than some of the teachers.”
“I got Smith as a teacher,” the basketball player grimaced, his left hand holding his right wrist as his gaze wandered in the grass.
“We’ve got Antal, and I can tell you that she’s always mad when Y/N does a presentation because they honestly just sound better than her lessons,” Sunwoo chuckled as Jacob pondered his friend’s words, the gears of his mind working at full speed.
How is he going to be able to approach you and get to talk to you?
“Bestie, no. I swear I saw that in the other book,” you said as you found yourself back in the library the following week, bending over the table to grab the book your best friend was resting hers on. You started flipping some pages when a loud, masculine chortle followed by some whispers of annoyance drawing your attention.
“Hi, babe! Hi Hyunj- Oh hi Jacob!” your neck almost snapped as you abruptly lifted your head up at the mention of your crush’s name, a small, embarrassed smile making its way on your mouth. You were a bit sad that your brother best friend was not here with Sunwoo, but you weren’t going to complain to have your crush instead.
“Can I sit here?” the basketball player asked in a soft voice while pointing at the empty spot next to you, making you quickly nod and gather your stuff to make him some space.
You resumed searching for the precious paragraph you were searching for your project as if it were nothing, trying to ignore your stammering heart in your chest and the couple eating each other's mouths. The only thing you hoped was that Jacob couldn’t hear the loud, irregular beats in your ribcage because it would give in your attraction to him.
“Hum, Y/N?” the voice next to you made you flinch, surprised that he knew your name and that he said it aloud.
“Y-Yes?” you said, cursing in your head as you stuttered.
“I heard that you were the Ace when it came to History,” Jacob started, and you couldn’t look at him in the eyes, fire spreading in your chest up to your face.
“I can’t really say that I’m the Ace, but I really love that subject, so yeah I have some… knowledge,” words tripped over your tongue, and your best friend pulled away from Sunwoo and scoffed.
“Some knowledge? Are you kidding?” she said, Sunwoo placing a hand on her mouth as she was louder than intended. She removed his palm and furrowed her brows at him, before turning her head back at you with the same angry expression.
“She knows so fucking much that Antal hates her because she feels humiliated compared to Y/N. So let me tell you one thing, Cobbie, if you need help, you’ve come to the right person. Y/N is just a living encyclopaedia,” your best friend proudly smirked as you glowered at her, Sunwoo chuckling at his girlfriend’s behaviour before immediately stopping.
“Wait, did you call him Cobbie? How come you call him like that when I get nothing other than babe or baby?” Sunwoo argued while pouting, and your best friend sighed, ruffling his hair before pressing her lips against his one more time, making you slightly grimace as envy flooded your veins.
You sighed and dared to look at Jacob, who was reading the beginning of your essay written on your computer, leaving Sunwoo and your best friend bicker like the cute couple they were.
“Do you have this project too?” you asked, and he shook his head, eyes remaining glued on the computer screen.
“It’s so interesting what you wrote, I like your way of writing and explaining stuff,” he offered a small smile as he looked at you, clearing his throat. For someone that was super popular and constantly surrounded by friends or people at parties, he behaved and sounded quite like an introvert.
“W-Well, thank you,” you said with a smile and turned your head to the side for a second, taking a deep breath before looking back at him, opening a new tab on your computer after he gestured to you that he was done reading.
“What do you need help with?”
You were astonished at how quick-minded Jacob was. Behind his fit, muscular appearance and obsession with basketball, he had the soul of a thinker and grasped the knowledge of historical concepts quite easily and rapidly. He just wasn’t good with the way Smith was teaching, the method not suiting him.
“You retain things well for someone who hates History,” you joked, and he shyly smiled, scratching his neck. His smile looked gorgeous, and you were pleasantly surprised at how much of a genuine person he was.
“Well, History is not my cup of tea, but it might be a bit more thanks to you,” he said, and you tried to stifle a smile, thankful that your best friend was no longer sitting across from you because she wouldn’t have let you two live.
“It’s nothing. You can come back to me if you need help, I really don’t mind. I actually like explaining things,” you said, and he nodded, clicking your pen close before placing it in your pouch.
“Thank you, really. Sunwoo was actually the one that told me about you, so I have to thank him as well,” you stood up and slowly started to pack your stuff, shutting down your computer with a smile.
“I’m glad he did so, I just hope it was positive,” you giggled, and he quickly joined you, twirling his pen in between his fingers as he cleared his throat.
“You know, it’s Sunwoo. It can only be nice and positive,” you genuinely smiled at him and fall in silence, throwing glances at each other from time to time as the conversation was slowly starting to die down.
“And... How’s basketball going by the way? Is everything going well?” you asked, and his heart skipped a beat at your question as it took him off guard.
“I-It’s going pretty well, I’m excited to finish high school to be able to focus on basketball. I’m gonna have to take some of my last finals in South Korea because the season and the training start pretty early in Summer so…” his voice trailed as his eyes widened, a hand slapping his mouth as you both stood up.
“What?” you quizzed, confused by his sudden change of behaviour.
“I… was meant to keep this a secret,” his voice trailed, the end of his sentence falling in a whisper as he started panicking. “Can we pretend you didn’t hear what I said?” he asked as you placed your bag strap on your shoulder, taking your sweater before pushing the chair against the table.
“Said what?” you replied with a smile, and Jacob sighed in relief, somehow feeling like his secret was safe with you, even if you’ve talked to him for the first time at the beginning of the afternoon.
The rest of the month rolled off smoothly, yet the stress and the revisions became more intense as the days went by. You didn’t hear anything back from Jacob, but you’ve caught him staring at you a few times, offering him an awkward wave and a smile as not to get noticed by some of his “fan girls”, as they called themselves.
You still had a whole month left before finals, and you felt blessed as summer decided to start a bit earlier this year. It was only the beginning of May, but you were already able to wear shorts and dresses. It felt good to see the blue sky and being surrounded by the warmth of the sun hitting your exposed skin after the cold, lonely winter and spring you’ve just got out of. Everything looked prettier and warmer, and it did nothing but make you happier and brighter, despite the stress of the finals piling up on your shoulders.
So, to get rid of this pressure, you decided to leave town with Hyunjae and let him drive to one of the lakes that surrounded your town, knowing that the beach and parks would get crowded in no time. It was a place that you used to go to with your parents when you were still a child, memories that you shared with your friend coming back flooding in your mind.
Hyunjae and his family tagged along to give you some company and take care of you as your parents were busy looking after your newborn twin sisters, Hyunjae and his younger brother acting like elder siblings to you.
After driving for a few dozens of minutes, you settled your stuff in the shade, right under a weeping willow that offered you freshness throughout the entire day. Your best friend napped almost the entire time you were there, hand lingering on his abs while the other plucked out some grass until he dozed off, trying to store as many hours of rest as possible before finals. By his side was you, reading a book and enjoying the chilly water to cool down from the hot temperatures of early Summer, playfully nudging the young man next to you each time he was starting to snore.
It’s near the middle of the afternoon that you heard another car pulling up near the lake, a bunch of excited teenagers coming out of a van. You didn’t pay much attention to them, only sighing as your peace was about to get ruined, their screams when they jumped in the water woke your best friend up.
He abruptly sat up next to you and rubbed his eyes, some sleeping marks lingering on his face, making you giggle. Being the short-sighted idiot that he was, he squinted to try and recognise some people, but he didn’t have to.
A young woman screamed and started jumping up and down, waving her arms above her head in your direction, hearing her scream something towards you.
You looked at each other with Hyunjae, confusion painted on your faces, hearing your phone buzz in your small bag hidden by your folded clothes.
“Hello?” you said as Hyunjae’s phone started vibrating too, picking up the call as well.
“Y/N, it’s us! We’re on the opposite side of the lake! Come and join us!” you heard your best friend yell in your ear, hearing her as well through Hyunjae’s phone, who picked up a call from her boyfriend.
“Okay, we’re coming!” you excitingly said as you hung up, waving at your best friend from your spot as you started packing your stuff to get back in the car and meet up with your friends.
Your best friend excitingly jumped in your arms as soon as you got out of the car,
“Tt’s crazy how we’re so connected! Did you also think that the beach would be crowded?” she asked, and you nodded with a smile, happy to see her this joyful to see you.
The inseparable duo was here, as well as Younghoon, Jacob, Eric, Juyeon and Sangyeon, the striker of the football team. They all engulfed you in a tight hug, Jacob staying in the background the entire time.
“Hi Jacob!” you brightly said and wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him close. “Hi Y/N,” his answer vibrated in his chest and had repercussions in yours, sending your heart flying in your ribcage.
You looked so good being this carefree, it was thankfully a sight that he managed to imprint in his mind despite the shortness of the moment. Being surrounded by all your friends felt so good that you forgot to be awkward and worry about the stupidest things, and Jacob adored seeing you this natural and smiling in the company of your friends. He was a bit sad that he wasn’t fully the reason for your smile though, but he still managed to enjoy the rest of the day with you and your mutual friends, whether you were on the ground or in the water.
Sangyeon, Younghoon and Juyeon copied Hyunjae and joined him in a restoring nap, while Eric, Sunwoo, Jacob, Soyeon and you played different games in the water, improvising a volleyball match with an imaginary net and the ball Sunwoo took with him as the volleyball, but it did the job. It was just a bit hurtful for the liberos since it wasn’t as soft and bouncy as a volleyball, but the joy of the moment allowed any type of pain to become bearable.
The evening eventually started to settle in, and you all got out of the water, drying yourselves before deciding to spend a part of the night here. You helped Sangyeon build a bonfire in the safe area by bringing some different branches, the eldest placing them correctly before lighting them with his pocket lighter.
“Hyung! I didn’t know you were a boy-scout,” Sunwoo exclaimed and made everyone laughed as you all were sliding some marshmallows on a stick, Sangyeon smiling with modesty at everyone.
“Ya, don’t say this,” Sangyeon mumbled, and you smile, rubbing his upper back as he sat down next to you, thanking him when you handed him over his marshmallow stick.
“Oh no! Mine burnt,” Soyeon pouted when she retrieved her snack from the flames, and her boyfriend was quick to give her his sweets, Eric cooing at the gesture of affection.
“Give it to me, I like them burnt,” he mumbled as he bit in the fluffy texture, immediately regretting it as it was boiling. His girlfriend handed him water as he stood up, bouncing up and down to try and reduce what felt like flames in his mouth.
“Oh my, thanks babe,” he muttered with his mouth stuffed when he gulped down everything with a pained expression on his face. Eric’s eyes filled with boredom locked into yours and you both chuckled, your friend shaking his head.
“When is it gonna be my turn,” he huffed and Sunwoo hit him playfully in the back as you all laughed around the bonfire, relating to your friend.
“When you’ll stop being obsessed with football and mango juice,” Eric grunted and folded his arms over his chest as Sangyeon called him out, making you coo and playfully run to him, holding him against you as he fake-cried on your chest while everyone was laughing at him.
Except for Jacob, who only offered a weak smile, but you didn’t catch it, too busy having fun and being light-hearted with your friends.
After your stomachs were filled with sweets and soda, Sunwoo pulled out his guitar and strummed a soft melody until some became heavy-eyed or fell asleep against the other, his girlfriend succumbing to his musical talents first. Jacob looked exhausted as well but forced his eyes open, finding him even hotter with hooded eyelids and his hair slightly curling with the humidity of the air and the lake water.
When it was time to go home, Hyunjae, as well as Younghoon, Sunwoo, Soyeon and Eric decided to jump into Hyunjae’s car to go to the beach, feeling the urge and the thrill of going skinny-dipping. On the other hand, you and the rest of the boys were too exhausted and modest to do this, only wanting to go home and get some good rest.
Just like they had arrived, Sangyeon was behind the wheel while the rest was either next to him or in the back seat. And you didn’t know how it happened, but you got stuck between the window and Jacob, who was struggling to keep his eyes open.
“You good?” you asked, and he turned his head towards you before offering you a tired yet sweet smile, moving his head up and down.
“I'm just exhausted, tonight was simply amazing,” he mumbled, and you expressed your agreement by a happy hum and a nod, bringing your attention to your eldest friend.
“Are you sure you’re awake enough to drive?” you enquired on the current situation and Sangyeon looks at you through the inner rear-view mirror, eyes forming two crescent moons as he smiled.
“I just jumped in the water, I’m nothing but awake,” he clapped in his hands to motivate himself and started the engine, your best friend’s car already gone.
Jacob rested his head against the headrest and closed his eyes, his head rolling to the side each time Sangyeon took a turn. You settled yourself on the window and let the vibrations of the car lull you to sleep, the small talk that Sangyeon and Juyeon were having in the front seats acted like a background noise, which helped you dozing off.
However, when the car pulled up in front of your house, they didn’t expect you to have your head resting against Jacob’s shoulder, his hand on your knee. The two men smiled at each other before Sangyeon got out of the vehicle, drawing the door open. As he was about to carry you to your doorstep, Jacob’s arm was quick to wrap itself around your waist, keeping you close to him.
You woke up confused, blinking a few times as you saw the striker standing next to you with a wide smile on his face. He removed a limb around your body, and you felt someone groan under your right shoulder, noticing in dread that you snuggled up to Jacob for some warmth in your sleep.
“You gotta go before the beast wakes up,” Sangyeon joked and winked as he helped you get out of the car, closing the door behind you. It opened again a few seconds later, Jacob looking just as confused as you were.
“Come on, lovebirds, we don’t have the night.”
“Lovebirds?” Jacob and you asked in unison, the basketball player rubbing his eye with the back of his hand. He jumped out of the van and gestured to Sangyeon to get back in.
“You can go, I live just around the corner,” he drowsily said as he vaguely gestured behind him.
“You sure? Your house is on my way back home, I can drop you off,” Sangyeon suggested but he refused, offering a handshake to the striker before letting him go.
Being more awake now, you waved at your friends driving away before turning to your crush, who looked even more adorable as he was super sleepy and just woke up.
“Are you sure you’re gonna be okay? You look really tired,” you asked, voice still laced with sleep yet sounding caring, which made Jacob’s heartbeat fasten. He nodded and weakly smiled, taking a step closer to you. His attitude was a bolt from the blue as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you to him, nuzzling his face in your neck.
“You felt so warm during the ride, it’s almost like I could get used to this,” he tiredly said with a smile, gently pulling away to stare at you, his fingers leaving your back to come and slide a wild piece of hair behind your ear. Your whole body stiffened at his words as he stared at you in the eyes, noticing a small, washed-out smirk plastered on his face.
“Don’t you think it’s a bit... late to start something with someone? I mean, we have finals and then y-you’re le-leaving for South Korea and-” you started stammering as his thumb gently stroked your cheek, loving watching you lose your composure at his display of affection.
“It’s never too late when you love someone,” he whispered, feeling his warm breath tickling your lips in such a delicious manner that you have to resist the urge to move forward and press your lips against his.
His words punched the air out of your lungs, leaving you breathless as he kissed your cheek, mouth slowly moving to the side until it reached your lips. The kiss was soft yet a bit on the rougher side as if he wanted you to understand every feeling he had for you. Instinctively, your arms wrapped around his shoulders, and you kissed him harder, deeper, his hands on your lower back pulling you flush against him.
You had dreamt, wondered about what it was like kissing Jacob, but it never felt as good as you were experiencing it now. Fireworks and butterflies were erupting in your stomach, leaving you dizzy with love and passion as one of his hands came and cupped your cheek, the pad of his thumb gently caressing the skin.
Once you pulled away for oxygen, you held onto his shoulders for your dear life and he chuckled, his mouth slowly travelling down to your neck.
“I-I think my… my- oh my god, my parents will worry,” you gently pushed him away and he stared at you with a smile before diving in to capture your lips in another soft kiss.
“I'm only letting you go if you're free tomorrow. Let's put that off to tomorrow, shall we?” he asked, and your eyes widened at his suggestion.
“We can go back to the lake if you want, but only if we’re alone,” he said, his hand caressing your cheek while the other was busy stroking your upper back up and down.
“I want to enjoy this with you and you only,” he added, mumbling against your mouth and this time, you’re the one pulling him for a kiss.
“Come and pick me up at 10, then,” you said as you pulled away.
“I’ll be there, I promise,” he answered and started walking towards your house, closing the front gate behind you, waving at him with a smile.
He sent you a flying kiss with a smile and you waved at him one last time before closing the main door of your house behind you, both sighing with a huge smile and warmth painted on your faces.
You peeled the clothes off your skin and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower, shaking your head left to right while chuckling as you recalled what just happened in your last month of high school.
Nothing was making sense, you didn’t know how you got there, but you were happy.
And that’s what mattered the most.
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for-ests · 4 years
Suprisingly Soft: Tsukishima Kei x Reader
hellooo :) here’s my part for the monthly fic exchange event! this is for @keimoons​ , my matchup partner!! i hope you enjoy bb <3
(I never write for tsukishima so take this as a blessing for all you tsukki stans)  
word count: 3, 022 warnings: none! pure fluff 
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"BIG NEWS!!!" Hinata's boisterous voice echoed as soon as he entered the gymnasium. He stood confidently at the entrance, with hands on his hips and a gigantic grin on his face. "I brought a pretty foreign girl!"
All the boys turned at his call, surprised at the words that were bellowing from his mouth. "A pretty girl?" Nishinoya immediately stood up taller.
Hinata nodded furiously. "She's from (Y/C) and used to play volleyball! I told her she could come watch our practice, she's super PRETTY AND NICE-"
"Breathe Hinata..." Daichi chuckled nervously and set a comforting hand on the first year's shoulder.
"Sorry," The ball of sunshine inhaled deeply. "I said she could come watch our practice! I hope that is okay with you captain." He bowed at a strict ninety degree angle. "I should have asked first!"
"There's no reason to be sorry!" Daichi assured with a frantic expression in hopes that he would stop apologizing, especially before the girl or the coach waltzed in. "It's fine, just don't let her distract you from practice or the whole team will run laps, and that goes for everyone." The captain turned to the rest of the boys.
Off to the side, Tsukishima grunted and fixed his glasses. "How pathetic to get so worked up over a girl." He whispered under his breath, just audible enough to be overheard by the overly-excited ginger. “Who cares.” 
"That's rude!" Hinata whined loudly but was soon occupied by Tanaka's cheering and the many swear words that were streaming from Kageyama's mouth. Playful banter was passed between the teammates, and like usual, Tsukishima stood off to the side and tried to ignore them. 
Everyone on this team is crazy. Tsukishima thought to himself. Just the mention of a girl and they all lose focus.
He was about to start passing with Yamaguchi, but immediately turned at the sound of a strangely angelic voice.
"Hellooo!” You burst through the doors, panting heavily and gripping to the door for support. It was obvious that you were pretending to be out of breath from the slight smirk that he could hint upon your lips. "S-sorry, Hinata..."
"Ehh??Y/N??" Hinata immediately dropped the volleyball he was holding and ran to your side. "What happened?"
"You told me to be here at...3:30..." You explained, pointing to the clock and almost choking from your ‘hardcore sprint’ across the school grounds. 
"Y/N... I didn't mean it for you, I meant it for me!" He patted your back and helped you stand back up with caution. "Do you need some water?"
"P-please..." You gasped over dramatically, beginning to laugh as you caught glimpse of his mortified expression. 
"SOMEONE HELP HER!" Tanaka screamed, frantically searching the gym floor for the nearest abandoned water bottle. And of course, Tsukishima had just picked his up, about to take a sip when it was snatched out of his hands. 
"Tsukishima! Give me that!" Nishinoya grabbed it before Tanaka could and rushed to your side.
"YOUR SENPAI HAS COME TO YOUR RESCUE!" He yelled loudly, trying to hold it to your mouth until you took it from him with a grateful smile.
"T-thank you, Senpai." You giggled, touching his hand as you took it from him. "I was just joking, but the gesture is appreciated.” 
Nishinoya blushed profusely, looking down at you with wide eyes. "You are so cute!" He gushed, looking down at his hand that you had purposefully brushed against.
Hinata pushed the second-year away. "Noya stop she's almost dying!!"
“I said I was kidding.” You reminded Hinata, shaking your head from their obnoxious nature. At first, you weren’t sure what the rest of the volleyball team would be like, but it was obvious that some of them were just as crazy as your orange-haired friend. 
"I didn't know you had such cute friends Hinata! Who else are you hiding from us?!" Noya persisted, anxious to know if there were any other cute, short, first year students. 
"Y-yeah!" Tanaka chimed in, hands on hips with an accusative tone.
Hinata threw his hands up. "I-I'm not hiding anything!"
You chuckled with tinted cheeks, placing your lips on the water bottle to distract yourself from the unfiltered comments. You'd never been complimented so bluntly before, especially by upperclassmen. You were frankly bombarded with attention and didn't know how to react but stand there and smile.
You were so distracted by the screaming that you didn't even notice the tall blonde boy approaching you from behind.
You turned to him with the water bottle in your mouth, eyes widening once you gazed into his eyes. This was the cute one you had been looking for. 
Tsukishima was at loss for words, wanting to kick himself for failing to realize how stunning you truly were. But of course he would never say that.
"Tch." He covered his hesitation up with a grumble. "How gross."
"W-what?" You frowned.
"That's my water bottle." The blonde haired boy warned with a stern, unreadable expression.
You examined it, chuckling as you noticed an endearing little dinosaur sticker on the side. You tittered, trying to play your nervousness off as confidence, glancing up at him with an even bigger smile. "Thank you for letting me use it!"
Tsukishima stared down at you, almost melting right then and there when you handed him back his belonging. He could tell you were nervous, but that was because he over-analyzed everything. Nobody would notice something like that unless you admitted it. 
Who the hell is this girl? He thought, furrowing his eyebrows in frustration. He hated the warmness that he was feeling inside. It was gross. Possibly a lesser equivalent to what his teammates felt every time a girl paid them the slightest bit of attention. If you were in one of his classes he would have surely noticed you. 
"Y-yeah." He spoke too quickly, wincing as the words left his lips.
He stuttered. He actually stuttered. Tsukishima's eyes widened in shock.
"Is everything alright?" You averted your gaze to the floor from his incredibly cute, yet intense scrutinize.
"Uh- yeah." He said in monotone, confusion still plastered on his face.
"You're Tsukishima Kei, right?" You asked sweetly, wanting to practice your conversation skills on someone who seemed a little harder to please. You didn’t have many friends at this school since you were new, and from a different country. Being nice to everyone would surely help you overcome your shyness. Especially befriending boys like Hinata, who seemed as if he did not have a mean bone in his body. 
Your eyebrows furrowed when you realized the blonde boy still hadn;t replied. You gained the courage to tilt your head up and found him nodding, his full attention focused on you. 
You had heard a lot about him, not necessarily good things. Tsukishima was intimidating but you were the type that could see through anyone's barrier. Plus, most of your information was from Hinata and he found everyone intimidating.
You waited for a few seconds before realizing he wasn't going to give you a straightforward answer. "I'm L/N-F/N." You grinned, trying to mask up your disappointment with more displays of kindness. 
Why does she keep smiling? Tsukishima internally groaned. 
"Nice to meet you, L/N." He said, before turning on heels with his precious dinosaur-stickered water bottle.
You watched him closely from behind. Why did he have such an unapproachable stance? It seemed that he was the odd man out of the team despite being a first year among others like Hinata, who was getting along with the others just fine. 
You gawked, staring at his long and muscular build. You probably could have watched him for the entire practice, but you forced yourself to look away. Tsukishima was obviously uninterested in you unlike the other boys. Someone as precise and composed as him, could never grow fond of a foreigner like you.
Little did you know, that Tsukishima was thinking the exact same thing.
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About two hours later you started to pack up your belongings. Your schoolwork was sprawled across the gym floor in front of you, your worksheet on top of your textbook. Some of your pens had rolled out of reach because of how eaasily you had been distracted. 
Truthfully, you tried to do some homework. But you couldn't stop watching the boys play.
They were amazing, agile, and overall just hilarious to watch. Hopefully, Hinata would ask you to come back the next day. Everyone was respectful and kind to you, making it the first proper welcome you had received since the semester began. It was refreshing, and you found yourself smiling. You were at peace inside the gym, watching a sport that you adored.
But one person clouded your mind. Tsukishima.
“Literally what the hell." You whispered to yourself, briefly taking a moment to massage your eyes. You had just met the boy, it wasn’t even a good introduction, yet you were starting to develop a slight crush on him. It was hard not to when you had been watching him the most out of all the other players. The blonde was stocky, yet moved across the court with ease.
"Y/N!!" Hinata gushed with a gigantic grin, rushing up to you with his backpack hanging loosely from his shoulder. "Did you like it?"
"Yeah!" You stood up straight with all your school work jumbled together. The volleyball the Japanese played was slightly different than how you played in your country, but most of it was the same. It was exciting and you found it incredibly hard to peel you eyes away, even if it was just practice. "Thanks for inviting me Hinata!” 
"No problem!" He quipped, immediately stepping forward to help you pack up the rest of your miscellaneous items.  "Daichi said you could come back and watch if you'd like!"
"Really?" Your head shot up dramatically. "I would love to!"
Tsukishima peered at you from the opposite side of the gym.
He watched you talk with the shrimp, both of you rambling on about how awesome volleyball was. He oddly wished it was him, a hint of anger thrusting into his step as he marched over to his bag.
Embarrassingly, he had been keeping an eye on you the whole practice. He would often feel annoyed when one of his teammates tried to spike up a conversation with you. Is this what jealousy felt like?
"Stupid." He mumbled, zipping up his jacket and stuffing his volleyball shoes into his backpack. He had never felt like this before. He had never wanted affection from a girl before, he had never even been interested. He was too focused on the more important things in life, like schoolwork. But there was just something about you that kept turning his head back.
"What, Tsukki?" Yamaguchi tilted his head in confusion. Even he could tell that his friend was acting strange ever since you had arrived.
Yamaguchi followed Tsukishima's piercing gaze, and it landed on you. He pondered for a moment before speaking. "What's gotten into you?" Yamaguchi was not the only one who had noticed, so did Hinata and Sugawara, all three of them had discussed something earlier in light whispers. 
The taller first year stopped, holding his glasses a few inches from his face before he could finish polishing them. "What are you talking about?"
"You're actually being nice."
"Tch. No I'm not."
"Yes you are, you even complimented me. You rarely do that." The smaller first year pointed out, trying hard not to chuckle.
"You made a good play, that's all."
"You're just acting... different." Yamaguchi shrugged, eyeing his friend when he turned away. "Like you're trying to get someone's attention."
Tsukishima rolled his eyes and slid his back against the gym wall. He looked transversely and noticed you watching him intently now that Hinata had left your side.
Even from across the room he could see the blush that dusted your cheeks. Was it because of him? Had you noticed his gaze?
It made him almost smile. Almost.
He could have sworn that the two of you locked eyes for at least ten seconds. It seemed he was in such a trance that he forgot about the boy standing right next to him. And instantly, Yamaguchi put the pieces together. 
"Go talk to her." He whispered once you turned your attention back to putting your stuff away.
"Ask her on a date."
"Get to know her better."
"That's not necessary."
Yamaguchi sighed loudly. "You're obviously interested, you can't stop staring at her."
Tsukishima couldn't deny that one. "Whatever." Was all he replied.
"If you don't you'll regret it."The smaller first year was surprised at his own newfound wisdom. "You're not gonna get a better hint than what she just gave you." Yamaguchi said, practically rolling his eyes. It was just annoying for him to watch. Your attraction was so obvious that it pained him, causing wisdom to spout from a boy who was too shy to even talk to a girl. This situation was even more unbearable because your attention was focused on Tsukishima, a boy without a friendly thought in his head. Yamaguchi was hoping you could try and change that. 
The blonde first year furrowed his eyebrows together at his friend's comment, not wanting to admit the truth behind it.
You were beautiful, and if he did not act now, someone else would. And it would be incredibly unfortunate if that someone turned out to be one of his teammates.
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The sun was almost set by the time you finally left the school grounds. It had been a long day, but it had been fun. To conclude that thought, you let out a deep sigh.
You walked slowly down the street, enjoying the peaceful neighborhood while you could. It was almost never this nice outside around the time you were able to go back home. Because of that, you left your earbuds out for the trip back home. You were content with listening to the birds and other sounds that filled your surroundings.
"L/N." A deep voice snapped you back to reality.
You turned around hastily, surprised to find Tsukishima, the last person you were expecting.
He appeared next to you, with hands in pockets and headphones curled around his neck, a song faintly playing through them. It was one that you recognized, but you decided to save that comment for later.
"Hi!" You smiled shyly. "I thought you left."
"Oh, no I didn't." He exhaled, breath swirling into mist from the increasing chilling temperature.
The two of you crossed the street in comforting silence. "Do you live over here?" You asked, slightly skipping over the street curb with a warm feeling in your stomach. It was hard to keep up with his long strides.
"Yeah." Without warning,  Tsukishima stepped closer to you in attempts to avoid a puddle of water. You instantly felt your heart beat increase when his arm brushed against your shoulder.
"I uh.. wanted to ask you something." He said after a pause, disregarding the conversation you had tried to spark up.
You nervously tightened your grip around your textbooks, pressing them harder against your chest. You could already feel your face becoming hot against the cold breeze. You were usually good at feigning calmness, but his intimidating aura was not helping your situation. 
"What is it?" You squeaked.
It was dead silent. Tsukishima seemed to be contemplating something so hard that his expression became pained.
"I want you to go on a date with me." He finally admitted, his mouth crooking into a smirk as he lifted his head to look at you directly.
You blushed lavishly, astonished beyond measure that this was actually happening. Everyone that even so mentioned his name had said that he was a jerk, a bully, and just an overall unkind person. Again, few people, but you had not received a good first impression.
Why was he being nice to you?
"R-really?" You stammered, casting your gaze downwards in embarrassment. Hoping and praying that he was not just playing with you.
"Tch," Tsukishima chuckled. "You're stupid... Yes really."
"Hey!" You pouted. "That's mean."
The boy stopped as the words flew out of your mouth. You didn't really mean it though, you had thicker skin than you led on. The blonde towered over you, his expression resembling one of slight remorse. 
"My bad."
It finally made sense to you. He was trying really hard to be nice.
"I'll go on a date with you, Tsukishima." You proclaimed with a wide, reassuring smile. "As long as you are nice to me... and next time, try not to demand a date out of me.” 
He stared at you with pure confusion. “What?” 
“Next time... say it like,” You deepened your voice, trying to match his. “I would like to go on a date with you, Y/N. Would you let me take you on one?” 
“That’s a mouthful.” He sighed. “But alright.” Tsukishima took his phone out of his pocket and handed it to you. “I’m kind of hurt that you think I won’t be nice to you.” 
“All jokes.” You chuckled, eyes lighting up at the gesture, incredibly excited that he was making the first move. From what you had seen before, this side of him was surprisingly different and intriguing. You really hoped to see more.
She's so cute. Tsukishima bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from saying everything that he was thinking. He had to seem cool and collected. 
You typed in your number and gave him his phone back. "Text me." You insisted with a soft and inviting tone. "I'll be waiting!" You waved sheepishly to him before skipping down the opposite side of the street.
Tsukishima fell silent as he watched you disappear, wondering why he had taken such a liking to you when he had never taken interest in anyone else. After standing in the spot you had left him for too long, he decided it was the kindness you radiated. Even when he had acted like a jerk, you didn't let that bother you. He really needed a girl like you in his life.
He had even felt the urge to kiss you. What the hell was wrong with him?
He glanced down at his phone, his frown shifting into a smile as he read the name you had typed in for yourself.
"PRINCESS (F/N) ♥︎ৎˊ͈ˣੰૢˋ͈ॢॽ∗。"
"Idiot." He simpered, shaking his head in a slightly flustered manner.
Tsukishima shoved his phone in his pocket and slipped his headphones back on, wondering what your favorite color was. Perhaps he could surprise you with something nice.
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actualbird · 4 years
nobody asked but pat gill is so fucking hot to me and im going to tell you why im attracted to him | a 2.3k word long post where i hold you, dear reader, hostage
[SCENE: You, the reader, are tied to a wooden chair in an empty room with nothing but a small table and a projector. You pull at the ropes that tie your hands together behind your back, but then the door opens and I stroll in. I am dressed in a full black suit and am also wearing shutter shades. I am also holding a powerpoint clicker. The fancy ones with a laser pointer in them. You shudder in contempt for you know that you are about to witness a horrible lecture.]
Hello, reader. I know you know why I’ve brought you here. I’m here to discuss something very important to you. Don’t look at me like that, it is important, I swear. I am here to tell you why I find Pat Gill hot.
[I switch on the projector. My presentation slides flash to life on the wall. Behind your back, you locate the feel around the knots tying your hands.]
This is not a presentation where I will convince you that Pat Gill is hot. No, I wouldn’t prescribe my tastes onto anybody, that’s not nice. What I will do is explain in horrid, vivid detail why I myself find Pat Gill hot. 
Like everything I do, I cannot dive in without first setting up some kind of framework or system of analysis. What I am trying to explain is how I find another person attractive, and that has thus pushed me to make the AHG Criteria, a criteria made up of the three principal characteristics of a human which makes me attracted to them and is also, coincidentally, the sound I make when I see images of Pat Gill. 
The AHG Criteria refers to the following:
Appearance: the most shallow but noticeable of characteristics. Here, I will explain just what it is about Pat Gill’s perceivable flesh prison that gets me so upset in an attracted manner.
Humor: I love a funny human and humor theory is one of my side interests. Here, I will dissect two specific instances of Pat Gill’s humor, bringing in references and related literature, in an effort to explain why his sense of humor is stellar.
Good at presenting things: I am very attracted to competence, but one skill I hold in very high regard is the skill of explaining and conveying information. Here, I will analyse Pat Gill as a communicator.
So let’s jump right into it. 
Pat Gill’s Appearance is, frankly, an anomaly to me. This is not to say that anything about his appearance is strange, but that, quite honestly, as handsome as he is, he’s basic. He is white, he is tall, he is thin, he has black hair and a slight beard (though currently he is sporting more of a moustache, which I’m still into). At first glance, one wouldn’t pay him much attention. I sure didn’t, until I watched more and more videos of him. I sure didn’t, until I realized.
His Appearance is basic, but his vibes, which I am including in the criteria of Appearance, bring his Appearance to life. Pat Gill looks a little unapproachable, with his resting sad face; but, when he smiles, he is so shameless and happy. Pat Gill looks like somebody you’d see leaning on a wall outside a bar, looking up at the sky, and you wonder just what he’s thinking about---wonder if you could get lost in his thoughts. Pat Gill looks like somebody friendly--- once his resting sad face gives way---somebody who would help you pick up your stuff when you bump into him and the contents of your bag spill out. Pat Gill looks like somebody who would use his goddamn turn signal. Pat Gill looks like somebody who would pet many dogs, as many dogs as he physically could. Pat Gill looks---
[As I prattle on, your fingers explore the knots behind your back. In your mind, you are mapping out the knot’s shape and orientation, thinking about how to undo them. When you tune back into my voice, the slide on the projector has changed and I have shifted topics.]
Let’s move onto the next criteria. Humor.
Paul McGhee in his book Humor: Its Origins and Development brings up Göran Nerhardt to define humor as “[...] a consequence of the discrepancy between two mental representations, one of which is an expectation and the other is some idea or percept” (McGhee 14). Nerhardt’s definition of humor is one that relies on incongruity: wherein there is an element that is not in accordance with the other elements. An incongruous element is one that is not the expectation, and in this subversion of expectation, humor is achieved. What is funny in a humorous situation, is then, what is unexpected to a certain degree. Humor, and the reaction to it, is due to the recognition of the incongruous. 
Despite this incongruity, there is still an internal logic to anything humorous. This internal logic is different for each humorous situation, and consists of everything within the situation; the set-up, punchline, characters, etc. It is this internal logic that allows for jokes to “make sense.” It is that internal logic that helps us get from one element to the incongruous element, realize their relationship, and thus find the whole thing funny.
Incongruity and internal logic are one of the many characteristics of humor, and they are the ones I will be focusing on. With those definitions in place, let’s talk about what you’re here for: Pat Gill.
Pat Gill is a funny guy. If I tried to analyse every single instance he was funny, I would never shut up. You wouldn’t want that, would you?
[You shake your head no. God, no.]
Right, so I’ll just be focusing on two instances of his humor that stuck out to me (originally, I wanted to discuss three, but then I saw that the length of this post was getting kilometric, so I cut it down to the essentials), these of which I think is a good marker for the kind of sense of humor he has.
The first one is my absolute favorite tweet of his:
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This tweet is, at first glance, a lot. Pat Gill doesn’t wait for the punchline to be incongruous, he throws incongruity straight at our faces with the opening line, and one may think that that’s a bad move. Not necessarily. It’s just a ballsy one. It’s a move that doesn’t spoonfeed the audience with the internal logic, you have to work for it. As you read through the tweet, the internal logic starts to come through the incongruity. The literal dramatic situation of the tweet is a persona talking about the good state their nemesis is in. The language of the tweet keys us in to the kind of Medieval vibe, like a scheming duke in the hallways of a castle. The punchline comes after the last comma. The monolog of the nemesis’ good fortune will be interrupted by the persona’s attack on their life.
This tweet is an example of the bedrock of many of his jokes. He doesn’t give a damn if he makes sense or not. He will throw you into the deep end of the joke and it is up to you to tread the water. However, if you do manage to keep afloat, his internal logic will bring you to the punchline and, thus, satisfaction.
[Your fingers have been working on the knots steadily as I speak. You try your best not to react as you start to feel something give way, and you keep working quietly.]
The second instance of humor I want to discuss is the Solid Snake Skincare Routine dialog he wrote and performed with Brian in episode 8 of Gill and Gilbert. The full transcript is as follows:
Pat (as Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid): Colonel, how do I know which moisturizer to buy, and how do I know it’ll match my skin type?
Brian (as Colonel from Metal Gear Solid): Unfortunately Snake, there’s no way to tell for sure. Certain retailers will offer samples, but in most cases, it’s up to you to purchase a product and try it out.
Pat: Sounds expensive.
Brian: It is, Snake. And the cost disproportionately affects women.
Pat: Women?
Brian: Societal norms in the west dictate that a woman’s value is tied to their appearance, and the thing every woman has…
Pat: Skin!
Brian: Right.
Pat: So, we expect women to attain a higher---So, we expect women---women, to attain perfect skin, and we also expect them to pay for it?
Brian: All while paying them less for doing the same jobs as men.
Pat: So Colonel, that means…
Brian: Yes, Snake. It is imperative that you give your money to women.
Pat: Right.
Like the tweet discussed before, Pat Gill shoves incongruity in your face immediately. Solid Snake, super cool spy dude (?? I don’t fuckin know anything about video games) talking about skincare. He expects you to keep up, and if you do, you are rewarded by a surreal yet lovely conversation between Snake and Colonel talking about the intricacies of skincare, but then things get really interesting. The topic shifts to the societal expectations of beauty and how it ties into womens’ experiences. This isn’t a grand woke moment or anything, but it is a surprising shift in subject that is perfectly in tune with the internal logic of the conversation. The punchline is amazing, giving all your money to women, yet it is also written in a way that does not imply that women are the butt of the joke. The butt of the joke here is the surreal vibe of the conversation as a whole.
This dialog builds upon the bedrock of Pat Gill’s humor: he isn’t afraid to go places. This is something that is apparent in many of the Unraveleds that he writes (Dark Souls Bosses is a very good example), he brings in real issues, makes the jokes funny, but never treats the marginalized or the victims of these issues as the butt of the joke. In Susan Purdie’s book The Mastery of Discourse, she remarks that to joke about a certain topic, to make something the “butt of the joke” can degrade this topic and bring it down lower, in the process shifting the power to the joker instead (Purdie 59). Pat Gill is aware of that power dynamic and never jokes at the expense of those who are struggling. He instead makes us laugh at characters, at situations, at surreality.
[The knots tying your hands are almost undone. You just need to bide your time. You’re so close to escaping from this thirsty pseudo intellectual motherfucker]
The last criteria I need to discuss with you is GreatAtPresentingThings. 
Pat Gill has done a lot of presenting. For this, I will be analyzing just one of the many videos where Pat Presents Things, my favorite among his “X is Y because of Z” videos, “Why Bloodborne and Muppets are the exact same thing.”
I’ve talked about this video in a previous long post analysis about Pat Gill, but let me talk about it again. Pat Gill, on camera, brings up an absolutely bonkers fucking thesis: that the horrible monsters in Bloodborne are similar to the Muppets because of how they use character design. 
Pat Gill, as a presenter, is very lovely to listen to. The cadence of his voice is not only extremely relaxing and makes me feel like a tranquilized zoo animal that Pat is talking to very gently about video games, but his voice is also very easy to follow. There are many voices on the internet, and I have a bunch of sensory issues, so a lot of the time, even when I want to listen to somebody, I just can’t because of how their voice grates at my ears. Pat Gill’s voice is not that. It is of a good speed and good vibe that not only puts me at ease but makes me want to listen.
Pat Gill uses gestures. This is most apparent in this video, where he does that cute thing when he says Shape, Movement, and Texture. Here are screenshots of it because it’s so fucking cute, what the fuck.
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I know, I know, what do gestures have to do with presenting things? Well, if you told me “shape, movement, texture”, six minutes later, I wouldn’t fucking remember any of those. But with these gestures, those words do stick. When words stick, the explanations behind those words stick as well. When words and explanations stick in your mind, congratulations dude, you just learned something! Pat Gill when talking, and whether it is scripted like this or unintentional like a random gesticulation, the movement catches my attention and I become a more rapt listener.
Honestly, I could go on and on about Pat as a communicator and---
[Before I can speak, you bolt upwards from your chair, finally having gotten the ropes loose. Quickly, powerfully, you grab the projector from the table and smash it over my head. I stumble and fall to the ground, and you look down at me as your chest heaves.
As I slowly lose consciousness, you hear me say, softly, but with so much fervor:
Thanks for reading! 
(Read my other unhinged analysis essays at actualbird.tumblr.com/tagged/nobody-asked-but. If you have a suggestion for an unhinged analysis essay I can write, send me an ask!)
McGhee, Paul E. Humor: Its Origin and Development, W.H. Freeman and Company, 1979, pp. 1-41.
Purdie, Susan. The Mastery of Discourse. Harvester Wheatsheaf. 1993.
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Can I get a scenario in which Aizawa has an adoptive daughter?
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Sorry! This got super out of hand!! I hope you like it!! :)
Aizawa didn’t have kids.
At least that’s what the media knew.
He was strict, unlikable, unapproachable and intimidating. There was no way he could have kids. No kids liked him.
But Aizawa has a soft side. Somewhere inside of him his love for kids outranks his love for cats... not that he’d ever admit it.
So when he finds you, an elementary school kid with a promising quirk wanting to be a hero, he can’t not help you.
So he helps you, trains with you in his spare time, first under the guise of being a teacher at heart, looking for better students. He tells you the students he had weren’t the best. So he expelled them all,
“But you have potential,” he adds, his head tilted to the side as he glances at you through his periferal view. His hand continues to scratch gently at the purring cats neck as he waits for a reaction, looking to see if you were truly willing to do this.
You smile, pulling the scarf around your neck up further as you duck into it, not wanting to show how truly happy you were to hear him say those words. You nod to yourself, accepting what he had said and he tilts his head away, slowly standing up and walking.
You follow.
Hes not the best at showing his emotions. Half the time he’s either neutral-glaring or angry-glaring. (You can really only tell he’s angry because he activates his quirk when he’s angry-glaring). But you swear you can see the smallest bit of a smile grace his lips when you finally nail down the move you had been working so hard to perfect for the past month. It makes your chest swell with something you haven’t felt in a long time.
His hand falls to your head and you find comfort in this small display of affection. His hand ruffles your hair and you don’t even notice the tears streaming down your cheeks until he pulls you forward, patting your back as your face is shoved awkwardly into his abdomain.
“It’s okay. You can cry,” his voice is soothing, nonjudgmental. It’s welcoming and it’s the first time you’ve ever really been treated with such kindness.
You can tell he doesn’t comfort others often, but people don’t comfort you really ever so it’s both your first time and you don’t care.
You two get coffee afterwards, at the cat cafe of course.
You two stay there until you have to leave and go home. He walks you until the end of your street (per your request). Then he turns on his heel and walks towards his home.
Your foster parents aren’t good people. They’re cruel and don’t know how to raise children but, they get money and they’ve learned that they can hide at least three kids before others grow suspicious.
When you get home they’re angry and everything you felt today melts away as soon as he takes the first swing.
You climb back into the shared bed, the other two children are crying and you fall asleep laying on top of them, in case he decides to come in again.
His hand brushed against your cheek, feeling the bruised skin. You flinch back, your hands flipping up in reflex, ready for a hit. You had to force your nerves to calm down as you moved your hands back to your side. He opens his mouth as if to speak before shutting it. He pulls his hand away from you and looks away. You hope he doesn’t today’s training. You were looking forward to it. You open your mouth to apologize but he interrupts,
“Today we should work on self defence,” he moves to the middle of the mat, he tilts his head to the side, beckoning you over.
You quickly slip your jacket off and pull your scarf off of your neck, quickly moving to stand across of him. A small smile graves your lips as he goes over what he will be teaching you.
You don’t notice the way his lips twitch downward into a snarl when he sees the hand shaped bruise around your neck.
His hand rests of your back briefly as he decides that you’ve worked enough for the day. Your eye flick to the clock and you make a small noise of disappointment when you see its 8 o’clock. You grab your jacket and follow him out of the building. When he takes a left instead of a right you don’t say anything, simply following behind him.
The warmth of the cafe always makes you smile when you step in. The lady nods her head upon seeing Aizawa and makes a vague notion with her hand towards the table you two always sit at,
“The usual?” She hums, her eyes looking down at you, smiling as soon as your eyes meet hers.
Aizawa makes a noise and she disappears around back to punch in the order as you two sit down. He pulls out his own load of work while you pull out your school work.
Today you don’t leave until later. You figure you’ll get in trouble when you get home but you just want to bathe in the small amount of good moments you have. You two walk slower than usual to your street and Aizawa stays longer than he usually does. His eyes watch you walk down your street and turn into your yard. He waits until he hears the door echo shut and slowly, hesitantly, he leaves.
You’re thirty minutes late today, striking Aizawa as odd. Perhaps what’s even odder is that as time goes on your breathing becomes a lot more ragged, and you seem more tired today than you did yesterday. Your movements are sloppy, your stance is all wrong.
“(Name), let’s take a break,” he says, turning his back to grab you a bottle of water. He faintly hears you slur in agreement. His chest tightens upon hearing just how weak you sounded. “(Name)-“ He turns on his heel just in time to watch you collapse on the ground. “(Name)!” His voice is louder than you’ve ever heard it but you can’t really focus on that. Between one blink and the next you’re out.
You wake up a few hours later in bed. You turn to see exactly where you were, your hand feebly gripping the sheets as you tried to sit up. Your arm shakes under your weight and you decide to just look around for a bit longer. Aizawa sits to the left of you, leaning back into the chair with his arms folded, his head tilted down as you hear the soft snores come from him.
“Aizawa-sensei,” you reach out, tapping his knee and immediately he opens his eyes, looking over at you. “Aizawa-sensei, where are we?”
“It’s okay rest,” Aizawa says as he uncrosses his arms and leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, “recovery girl healed your wounds so you’re probably feeling really weak,”
“My parents,”
“I’ve got them, don’t worry,” his hand pats yours, “just focus on getting your energy back, then we’ll go back to training,”
You smile upon hearing that. Nodding you close your eyes, nuzzling back into your pillow. You focus on the warmth coming from his hand as you fall back asleep
“When you said you ‘got them’ I didn’t think you meant this,” you confessed as you watched your parents get taken away in police cars. They curse and cry, screaming that they aren’t guilty but it falls on deaf ears.
He says nothing. Only humming as you watch the children who you were living with being shuffled into another vehicle. They’re crying but you know it’s because of relief, the woman helping them in is smiling, gently reassuring them all is well as she shuts the door and hops in the drivers seat. They drive off down the street, passing you and Aizawa.
“So.. what happens to me?” You ask quietly. Was this over? After working so hard and being with him for as long as you had.. was he going to just drop you off in another foster home? You don’t look at him, not trusting yourself to not come undone at the sight of the only person you thought you were close to just drop you off to become someone else’s problem.
“You’ll be coming home with me,” His voice is as casual as ever. He acts as though it’s the simplest thing. Like, that’s where you belong.
Your head whips up, eyes shining with I shed tears as you look at him for conformation. You couldn’t believe he was telling the truth. But he does nothing to prove you right. He wants you to go home with him. He wants you.
Your sobs are quiet at first, your hands raising to try and stifle them but once you feel aizawa’s hand on your back you fall to your knees. Years of being in constant fear that one day you wouldn’t make it out of your house, years of the abuse you suffered at the hands of your foster parents. It all came crushing down.
Aizawa rubs your back through all of it.
You don’t realize that Aizawa becoming your father means you get another dad and a mom with it.
The moment Aizawa introduces you to his coworkers (as his daughter no less!!) they immediately take a liking to you.
“He’s feeding you properly right? You look so thin,” Hizashi- Present Mic- says as he pulls you in for a right hug, “don’t let him work you too hard! He keeps you at arms length and sweeps you away from Aizawa, leaving the man to glare at the other,
“Please tell me you’re not picking out her clothes! I’ll take her out!” Nemuri- Midnight- pushes the other teacher away to wrap her arm around you and bump her hip into your side, “Oh it’ll be so fun!!”
The two of them begin to fight and Aizawa pulls you away, his hand resting on your back as he guides you through the halls of UA.
“Ignore then if they’re bothering you,” he huffs but you can see the smallest of smiles on his lips. It especially shows when you hear the two teachers gasp and yell out for Aizawa to bring you back.
“Thanks... dad,” you whisper and Aizawa says nothing for a moment before his hand raises and ruffles you hair,
“I’d do it again,” he says and you grin, smiling for the rest of your visit at UA.
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sugawithtae-blog · 8 years
Youth | Pt. 1
Hey guys! I wrote this series on my old blog but never ended up finishing it. But after reading it again, I’ve decided to rewrite and try finishing it this time. Hope you enjoy! - Hana
Focus: Yoongi x Reader
Word Count: 2k+
Genre: Fluff, Angst, College!au, Gang!au
Summary: A gang of delinquents go to your university. After your first encounter, things have been a crazy ride.
Warnings: Light alcohol and drug mentions, swearing.
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You groaned when you opened your eyes, immediately blinded by the sharp glare of the sun. It was Monday morning, your least favourite day of the week. Not because it meant an entire week of classes to get through, although that was a reason too, but there was always something that went wrong for you. Either you lost something, forgot something, hurt yourself or got yelled at by your parents. Although, that happened every other day of the week too.
You dragged yourself out the front door after getting ready, not putting much of an effort into your appearance, and started walking to the hell hole you visited every day. As you walked with your earphones plugged in, blocking the sound of morning traffic, your mind wandered. In your head, you checked off the mental list of homework and other tasks that already had to be done, and sighed in satisfaction as you realised you didn’t forget anything.
The day looked slightly better. That was until your university campus came into view and you checked your watch to realise you only had five minutes until you needed to be sitting in class. You cursed under your breath and sped up your pace.
Of course I have to be late on a Monday.
As you crossed the road, a sleek black pickup truck came speeding towards you.
What the fuck?
Already halfway down the street, you made a run for it to the other side, reaching the curb just in time. The truck went past at incredible speed and you realised that it belonged to one of your school’s delinquents, Seokjin. He and his gang of badass friends were shouting profanities while blasting rap music through the vehicle’s speakers.
Their group of friends bothered you just like the rest of the school. But they were on another level. Even the most social people stayed clear of their seven-member gang, mostly because they were afraid and intimidated by them. Countless rumours surrounded them, things like drinking and going to clubs on the daily, and even stealing drugs. They committed crimes and had been arrested multiple times. But you didn’t really care.
“Watch where you’re going, dickhead!” You shouted after them as they made a sharp right into the school parking lot. Of course, they couldn’t hear you cussing at them, and you knew that.
So annoying.
Most of the time, you wished they didn’t exist. Or at least, didn’t go to your university. But sometimes it made the boring prison filled with the same tedious routine, or so-called educational institution, a bit more interesting. Everyone was against their acts completely, however the pranks they pulled and other exciting and rebellious things they did became hot gossip topics that the whole campus fed on. Sometimes, it entertained you, too.
But you needed to study. It was the one thing you had to do right. Thankfully, only two of them shared classes with you, Namjoon and Yoongi. You had never conversed with either of them.
In fact, none of them ever conversed with anyone outside of their group. Namjoon was super smart, but also very intimidating and unapproachable. No one had ever seen him crack a smile. The same was with Yoongi, however he was always ditching class and never completed assignments. It was a mystery how he managed to keep up. But one thing was for certain, the two of them were especially close.
You made your way into the building and looked up to see the big clock in the corridor. You were late, so you hurried over to your classroom. As you walked, you caught two people standing together from the corner of your eye.
Well, what do you know?
You turned your eyes to Namjoon, who was talking with a low voice to Yoongi. The two of them were leaning against the wall, looking serious and pissed off, to say the least.
Someone seems to be having an ugly Monday morning too. 
“He came to me last night. Said he wanted to talk,” you heard Yoongi say with a slight anger in his voice.
“What the fuck is wrong with him? What did you say?” Namjoon replied, sharing the same expression as Yoongi. You realised that you were eavesdropping but before you could move away, Namjoon caught you staring and the two boys abruptly stopped talking. Both Namjoon and Yoongi were now looking at you, and you realised it was the first time you had made proper eye contact with either of them.
“You can stop staring and keep walking,” Namjoon said with an annoyed tone. You didn’t want to start anything, but a part of you was still annoyed at what happened on the road.
“Oh I’m sorry, little piece of-,” you cut yourself off as you realised what your were saying. But he already heard you.
He narrowed his eyes, glaring at you, and his demeanour suddenly changed. He pushed himself off the wall and made his way over to you. You held your ground and glared back at him.
“What did you just say, girly?”
“Oh, you didn’t hear me? Shall I say it louder for you, dickhead?”
Woah. Back up, Y/N. What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have a death wish?
Namjoon raised his eyebrows in shock. “Listen here-”
“Aish, leave her alone. She’s just a stupid girl who doesn’t know anything,” a voice behind Namjoon spoke. You tilted your eyes to Yoongi, who stood carelessly against the wall.
It was then you noticed something you hadn’t noticed before. 
Yoongi had really dark brown eyes that gave off a lazy gaze as he stood carelessly with one shoulder leaning on the wall. On the other side, his hand was shoved into his jacket pocket. The tips of his mint green hair touched his lashes, while his sharp jawline made you stare. His skin was paler than most, but it made it even harder to look away.
But you were soon knocked out of your gaze when he raised his eyebrows and gave the tiniest of smirks, challenging you. In return, you narrowed your eyes. Before you could muster out your reply, the door to the classroom burst open and your lecturer stood, darting his eyes between the three of you.
“It would be much appreciated if you could quit the chatting outside my classroom door.”
You bowed in apology and made your way inside, thankful the professor had caught you. He watched you go inside, before nodding at the two boys standing outside.
“Aren’t you a part of this class too?”
You sat down in your seat which was angled so that you could see outside the door. Namjoon had an irritated look on his face, however Yoongi just looked bored, not giving a damn. He was clearly used to this.
They made their way into the classroom, walking past you. You looked up at Yoongi as he came closer. You made eye contact as his hand raised up to flick your hair off your shoulder.
Wait, what the hell was that?
They took their seats at that back of the room. You were thankful they didn’t sit near you in the middle. The rest of the class was silent, watching them. You could feel eyes on you and by reflex, turned around. You caught Yoongi staring at you, with his chin resting on his knuckles. He was judging your appearance for what seemed like a lifetime, but only lasted a second. He ruffled the hairs behind his head while leaning back into his chair and went to whisper something to Namjoon. But you turned around before any of them could make eye contact with you again.
You looked up, eyes scanning the room. A few people you saw were giving you stares. Confused, curious, and envious stares. The palms of your hand suddenly began to sweat and you quickly pulled out your notebook to distract yourself and started taking notes.
During the rest of class, you took notes diligently, and didn’t dare look behind you. Once the lecturer announced the end of class, books began to slam shut and the sound echoed around the room. You took your time packing up your things, and let everyone leave. When the classroom was almost empty, you started to make your way out.
Your shoulders stiffened and you turned around slowly. Shit.
“What’s your name?” Namjoon asked.
Oh fuck, he’s asking for my name. What were you supposed to say? You didn’t want to give them your name.
“C’mon, I don’t have all fucking day.”
Okay, Y/N. You can do this. Just, show the least amount of interest or care in the world. 
“None of your business, dickhead.”
Oh, FUCK. I let that last part slip.
“Excuse me?” He chuckled darkly, smirking. “Do you know who you’re talking to?”
He’s laughing. Oh my god, Y/N. If you weren’t dead before, you sure are now.
“I really don’t care. If you’ll excuse me?” you mustered out.
You tried to play it cool, but you were failing miserably. Your heart was thumping in your chest, ringing in your ears. You were pretty sure they could hear it too. You flicked your eyes over to Yoongi, who once again had an expressionless look on his face.
“Y/N, isn’t it?” He said in a deep, raspy voice.
And just like that, your heart beat stopped. 
Before you could answer, a phone went off. Yoongi reached into his pocket and answered. 
“Yah, Jimin?” Namjoon’s attention diverted towards Yoongi and you took the split second opportunity and made a run for it.
You ran hard and fast.
But it was Monday, and Mondays were always bad.
You ran. You collided. You fell.
I really hate Mondays. Why, oh why, did things have to go so wrong?
Your gaze looked up to see none other than Park Jimin, who was staring down at you with a look of surprise and confusion, holding a phone close to his ear. You stared back up, suddenly realising the tense situation you were in. The sound of quick footsteps approached from behind you, so you quickly stood up and adjusted your clothing.
“So sorry about that,” you said without making any more eye contact, feeling really embarrassed and awkward. You flipped around, seeing Yoongi and Namjoon coming towards you. In your panic, you frantically gathered your things, not realising something had dropped out of your bag. Pushing your hair out of your eyes, you began to quickly walk away, not daring to look back again.
That was until a voice spoke from behind you.
“Uh… you dropped something…” Jimin spoke, halting you in your tracks. You turned to face him, only to be horrified by what was in his hand.
You heard a howl of laughter coming from none other than Namjoon. You snatched the lady product from a flushed Jimin, you yourself blushing furiously. You fumbled with it in your hand, trying to find a place to put it, before finally shoving it into your bag.
“I see now why you’re so feisty today,” Namjoon chuckled.
He did not just say that.
Suddenly really mad, you walked up to him and said, “Listen here. You don’t get to make assumptions about me like that, alright? How about you take a look at yourself for once, dickhead. You’d find it pays to keep your mouth shut sometimes.”
I am clearly out of my mind today.
Namjoon leaned down to be level with your shorter frame and whispered in your ear, “Are you sure you’re not going to regret talking to me like that, sweetheart?”
Oh, I already do.
Suddenly, a hand reached out and grabbed Namjoon by the shoulder.
“Stop it, hyung. You don’t treat girls that way,” Jimin spoke. He reached out his hand to you and introduced himself, “I’m Jimin, sorry about him. He’s not very nice to people.”
It threw you off that he was so nice. However, you knew he was a flirtatious type, so you weren’t sure. So instead, you just stood there, still blushing, staring at his hand.
“I don’t have time for this,” Yoongi groaned, pushing his way through between Namjoon and Jimin. “I’m ditching.” He slowed down a little once he approached you and said in a low voice, “Just don’t bother us again.” He stuck a lollipop in his mouth and walked off.
“Hyung, don’t you think Yoongi’s being a little weird today?” Jimin said.
“His brother came yesterday. They had another fight,” Namjoon replied. Jimin had a look of shock across on his face.
You realised you were now intruding on a personal and important conversation once again, so you turned to leave.
“Don’t think I forgot about you, girly.” You didn’t reply, and just kept walking.
Pt. 2 
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