#this made me feel a tornado of emotions 🌪️
spacesunderstairs · 1 month
🌪️🌊❄️ that first is a tornado they say but it looks like a shark in my browser and i'm pretending it is
I also thought it was a shark lolol
🌪️Is there a nugget of game lore that fascinates you, but you haven’t written about yet?
I'm low key interested in writing a series of short stories similar to A Scrap of Silk that follows Duke Ravengard through his ascension as duke to shortly after the fall of the Netherbrain. I know a lot of the fandom dislikes him, but I'm compelled by the balance between duty and family he has to strike, and I think it could be fun to explore his and Wyll's dynamic. I need more time to let the thoughts/themes percolate in the mind palace I think, but maybe I'll get to it one day.
🌊What moment in the game had the strongest emotional impact on you?
I made the "mistake" of doing the end of both Shadowheart's and Astarion's quests on the same night lol and it kinda wrecked me. I liked both their stories a ton and both are so bittersweet at the end that I just felt kind of numb for a bit afterwards. Had to put the game down for a day or two and just process.
❄️Which BG3 companion is your most/least favourite to write?
Favorites: Gale and Lae'zel! They both have very distinct voices and I feel like I'm personally a cross between both (extremely nerdy and unfortunately blunt) so it's easier for me to get in their heads. I plan on having a lot of scenes with them in the coming chapters of Under the Sussur Tree which I'm excited about.
Least Favorites: Wyll and Shadowheart, mainly because their voices are the most "bland"/"normal" if that makes sense? I have to really focus in to get their tones right, so their passages usually require more editing.
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clownfucker9000 · 1 year
Collision, Sleeping, sun, rose, pencil, ferris wheel, pistol, tornado, cloud, growing heart, love letter
For Ishtar
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with? not a fan of dealing with his more negative emotions....those are things he'd rather not think about
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep? technically he can fall sleep almost immediately, but he'd rather have someone besides him, maybe even to cuddle with
☀️ SUN - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning? he is! usually he is the first person up Jazz doesn't count bc they probably didn't even sleep
🌹 ROSE - do they like valentines day? have they been confessed to before? have they confessed to anyone before? he does, he thinks its a nice holiday.....he doesn't have the guts to ever confess to anyone tho
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them? You're the one I got So I'll keep turning down the hands That beckon me to come -Geyser by Mitski 🎡 FERRIS WHEEL - are they someone who wants to kiss at the top of the ferris wheel? yes absolutely....what a nice thing that would be.....
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum? he knows he shouldn't, but if someone seems nice enough, he will give them the benefit of the doubt, and once he decides he likes you he is ride or die, you would have to do something serious to make him think about cutting ties, and he wouldn't even dare to betray anyone if he can help it....of course there are certain people that can force him to make an exception.... 🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version? i have no idea how or why or when i made him so intense xdxdxd he used to be more stoic and the voice of reason i don't remember when i did a 180 with his personality xdxdxd ☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon he likes being taken care of...to feel small and vulnerable and loved....
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love? he tries so so hard to not show it, he knows he can be....a bit much and he wouldn't want for his crush to feel awkward, but he would do things on his own like writing their names together with hearts n shit, daydreaming about their life together, sappy stuff like that, and also he would always be at the disposition of his crush, of course that last thing often gets lost and is just seen as overall helpfulness more than an act of love, maybe you would notice he's more restrained around them....
💌 LOVE LETTER - do they like love letters? what kind of messages do they leave for their partner? utterly enchanted by the concept, not a whole lot of opportunities to actually do it..... he would be the type to constantly check on you, asking how ur day is going, if u need something, through the day reminding you how much he loves you,,,,stuff like that
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gengarpng · 1 year
📎 🌪️ 💥 for amore for the oc emoji asks
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
He does needle point stuff (cross stitch, embroidery), and leather crafting! The needle work is mostly just for him, but he'll do commissions of the leather stuff (like keychains, wallets, cosplay stuff)
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you’ve ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
The biggest change to him was making him a Big Boy, i kind of hate looking at earlier drawings of him bc the muscular, lean look makes him feel so bland to me lol. It was definitely a change for the better.
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Grief, he just, sinks into himself, doesn't eat or really take care of himself at all. His anger stage is Super Unpleasant to be around for. Might as well be a ghost.
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penguin--person · 1 year
👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)? & 💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite? for bg
📦 PACKAGE - what are some "most likely to..." that can apply to them? for tva
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version? & any heart (platonic) for ui
🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with? & ❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value? for chance :]
thankee for the ask!!
👁️- their eyes are a dark, greyish purple! the most emotion they can show through them (and, trough their whole puppet (not counting body language)) is that they shine when chance gets happy about smth n such:3 not much else is special about them id say ... just your regular ol iterator eyes! tho - they Are colorblind, which ties into their eyes! the ancients thought that just, giving them the ability to see colour was pointless, since the anwser to the age old question How To Die most likely won't be found on a colour wheel.
💐- mm... id say she likes all flowers, tho, if we mean our flowers and not rain world ones, she'd like sunflowers a lot:) in rw, .. we dont know any other flower than the karma flower, do we? and i think. bg would dislike that one bc it reminds her of the cycle and her failed purpose and all. but sunflowers, she'd like.. n i dont think i can create a bouquet for her:( maybe sunflowers lillies n. idk👍
📦- most likely to die in a looney toones scenario. most likely to get divorced. most likely to be silly. most likely to be goofy. most likely to get back together after the divorce. most likely to listen to will wood tbh
🌪️- tva! tva was originally supposed to be a very compassionate iterator - hes the first ittyrator i made out of this group! his first name was 'ava' bc it was just 'a vast attempt' bc i didnt have . three yet. he was just rlly compassionat.e.. like, a slugcat would come to his chamebr, he'd analyse it a bit, and then let it go like "you might think your existence has had no purpose. you're wrong. you being here, talking to me, means you have fulfilled it. you've done all you ever could. and i appreciate it so much. i love you sluggy. id die for you sluggy. you might deem yourself insignificant but your presense has changed the trajectory of my life. i love you. id die for you." n shit... n now hes THIS asshole!!! bg and ui were created with like, their purposes in mine, tva was made from fucking around and finding out
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love? - i'd say so! when he got a 'crush' on feathers, he became very distanced and detached, didn't wanna hurt him and be a bad friend, yea? if he didnt care, he'd just tell feathers to fuck off and leave him alone. but he cared!! and still does.
🌟- m... i think chance would feel less alone. like, with all the stars in the sky, its proof that theyre not alone! even if everyone else is far away, they're not alone. and umm they'd wanna stargaze with anyone boss👍as long as there was someone to gaze with them
❇️- ourple pearl:) they value being there and not being abandoned👍
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yunalai · 1 year
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing? 🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version? ☀️ SUN - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning?
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💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
— respect. admiration. they're like a drug to her. but speaking on more intimate terms, Qiyana is not used to physical or emotional closeness. she'd rather get waterboarded than speak of her feelings. if someone was honest with her, admitting their liking of her, or if they reached out with an affectionate touch — while it may also make her jumpy or even angry — her heart would be racing the entire time and she would have to take some time later to internalize those feelings (and try to never feel them again).
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
— there is nothing in Qiyana's lore that suggests she can constantly hear the elements, but it is such a deeply ingrained headcanon for me that I cannot help but see her as incomplete without it. also the fact I keep her concept art's tattoos and gave her scars.
☀️ SUN - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning?
— though Qiyana does not sleep in, she is far from being a morning person. she will be groggy and especially snappy in the morning until she washes her face and gets something to eat. that could change if she considered not only getting 4 hours of sleep per night.
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Thank youuu! ♥ I'll be answering for my Sole Survivor, Gwenora Rose Isham for this one.
💥- COLLISON - What emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Loss and grief, probably. They're very flashback-y feelings that make her sick to her stomach, and she works extremely hard to make sure she doesn't have to feel that way again, so overprotectiveness tends to take over. She's very in touch with her emotions, though, and cries easily if something touches her heart.
🍩- DONUT - Favorite sweet treat?
Before the war, her favorite was raspberry filled donuts. Now, since sweets are in short supply, she tends to snack on potato crisps when she finds them.
🍃 - FALLING LEAF - Do they enjoy being in nature? What is their favorite outdoor activity?
Gwen doesn't really like being outdoors because she's very sunlight-sensative being albino, but it's something she can't really avoid being the Minutemen General with a mountain of tasks to deal with every day. Sturges taught her a lot about tinkering and whatnot, and she travels a lot, so she's either always fixing something or always traveling.
🌌- SHOOTING STAR - If they could make a wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
Honestly, Gwen would explode trying to figure out what wish she could make. On the one hand, she could wish the bombs never happened and she'd have her prewar life and family back. On the other hand, she'd probably wish for a way her and Hancock either be together forever or both live normal life spans. She's afraid of growing old while Hancock stays the same since he's a ghoul, but trying to turn her ghoul is out of the question and anytime she brings it up, he gets very mad (and rightly so, because turning ghoul is an extremely risky and painful process). I can see her choosing to cure Hancock's ghoulism with her one wish, though.
📣- MEGAPHONE - How loud are they? What do they speak like? Got a voice claim?
Gwen is usually a very well-spoken person. She's not loud, nor is she quiet. She gets loud when she's upset or when she's calling someone out on their shit, but her lawyer background has a lot to do with the way she speaks. She used to have a southern accent because her family were from parts of Louisianna and West Virginia, but she trained herself out of the accent years ago, well before she and Nate moved to the north-east coast.
🌪️- TORNADO - What is the biggest change you've ever made to them? How have they changed from their original version?
I've changed so much about Gwen that I honestly can't pick just one thing. I changed her name, I changed her skin tone, I changed her setbacks/limitations, and I also changed quite a few of her decisions throughout the story. She started out as simply my player character and I wrote the entire first book in 48 hours based on the decisions I made throughout the game. Over the years, I edited the story to give her personality and individualism. She became Gwenora Rose Isham, maiden name Taylor, and later married name Hancock. There's still so much about her that will change later based on her decisions and the story's circumstances. I can say my favorite change, however, was simply giving her a style (as funny as that sounds). She's always wearing tanktops with loose button-up long-sleeved shirts and a pair of dirty jeans and combat boots, and her hair is always up in a big bun (her hair's very lengthy, reaching the top of her butt, and she refuses to cut it). Simply giving her a style really fleshed out her character for me.
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timetravelingshark · 2 years
Okay so I'm not super familiar with your OCs, but I wanted to send emojis, so....pick who you want to talk about for each? Or pick one(s) you don't talk about often that you want to flesh out more? 👁️EYE💥COLLISON🍧SHAVED ICE🌙MOON🙈SEE-NO-EVIL🌌MILKY WAY🌪️TORNADO💚GREEN HEART
Thank you so much for the ask!! I'll do the mains just because it's fun to tinker with them and more development can't hurt. 👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical…)?
oooo okay this is a great question because eye color actually is a BIG thing in my story!! There's two main schools of magic that humans use- light and dark magic. Neither is inherently good or bad, and it's kind of like a yin and yang thing. The ability to use magic in any safe and meaningful capacity is somewhat rare, and it's determined by birth. Those who have a natural affinity for light magic have eyes the color of cut emeralds, and those who have a natural affinity have eyes that are the color of orange flames. Ori, being a dark mage, has orange eyes, and Darius, being a light mage, has emerald eyes. Elves are also a thing in this story and one of their most iconic traits is their eyes that come in unnatural, startling shades of blue- ranging from the exact color of ice to the inkiest midnight blue. Nero and Chrion, the major elven characters, both have blue eyes. Nero's eyes are more in the icy range, while Chiron's eyes look more like the sea. aight lads this post has gotten a lot longer than I intended (this is actually a lot of questions orz) so I'll put everything else under the read more so my followers don't hate me lmfao
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Ori- Feelings of inadequacy and uselessness. It's what spurred her to try to master each Art and be listed as one of the true greats in magical history. She wants to learn, she wants to do, she wants to be of use. If she can't help or be needed or of use she feels lost, wilts, and retreats into herself.
Darius- Anger. He doesn't look like it, and it's pretty difficult to rouse his anger, certainly, but if someone manages to truly piss him off he tends to do some highly unethical shit and it's very hard for him to cool down afterwards. He gets all shaky and restless for a while and has to pace and then meditate to calm himself down. He holds a lot of grudges and it's hard for him to forgive. It's a part of his personality that he's deeply ashamed of and he hates it when people see that side of him.
Nero- Resentment. Boy is a petty, salty bitch (not that I blame him) and it affects pretty much every facet of his character. He's been treated like shit for a good chunk of his life and so it completely colors his worldview and influences the things he does and says throughout the story. Chiron- Ooooo, this one's hard! Chiron is probably the least developed out of the main four, which I hope to remedy soon. For now, I would say it's arrogance. The man is good at magic- more than most humans, by virute of being an elf, and he's pretty good for an elf. He's extremely confident in his abilities and it gets to his head sometimes. 🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Ori- A small doll that Isra, her mentor at the abbey, made for her when she was a little girl. When she got a little bit older, her friend Asar put tiny little bracelets on it made out of bronze and glamoured them to look gold, to match the bracelets that the people at the temple wore. They were her two dearest (and kind of only) friends at the monastery so she treasures it a lot. If she ever lost it, she'd be absolutely distraught, and probably bawl like a baby. Darius- A handwritten book of prayers that was given to him by his nonnus, Evander- the monk that was his surrogate father and main teacher at the temple that he grew up in. He got it when he turned ten and he still carries it around with him to this day, flipping through it to find the right prayer to ease his mind. If he ever lost it or it got irreparably destroyed, he'd be pretty out of sorts for a good while, and then he'd probably write to Evander and apologize for losing it because he loves his dad v much and feels like he's dishonoring him by losing his hard work. :( Nero- A sword and scabbard that his father gave him before he was sent to live at the Lucerian royal court at age 13. It's a piece of his Elven cultural heritage (one of the few he still has) and a sign that his father truly viewed him as a proper elven man. If he ever lost it, he'd be genuinely inconsolable. Man would still be mourning that sword a hundred years later. Chiron- A silver and carved moonstone necklace given to him at 13. Traditionally, necklaces like this are given to youths once they turn sixteen, but since he was also sent to live at the Lucerian royal court alongside Nero, his parents gave it to him earlier. It's a beautiful peice and Chiron wears it near constantly. If he ever somehow lost it or it was irreparably destroyed, he'd certainly be upset by it, but would eventually come to terms with it. If he ever got his hands on moonstone, he might try to make a replacement, similar to the one that he lost but different enough to show how he's changed in the 52 years since he got the original necklace. 🌙 MOON - what is your oc’s greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
Ori- To be the very best mage there ever was and to help people from all over any ways that she can. She literally raised a man from the dead solely to make him to teach her light magic because light magic is a lot more conducive to directly helping people, so I'd say she's ready to do just about anything. Darius- Currently, it's to regain his lost memories from the last seven years, and to find out who murdered him and why. He is fully willing to go across the continent and break into some rather secure places to figure it out. He is usually pretty hard lawful except when it comes to this stuff, lmao. Nero- To be back among his people instead of at the human Lucerian court. He'd genuinely be down for murder if it got him home, but the knowledge that a very tense geopolitical situation that could put his people in jeparody rests upon his shoulders prevents him from ever actually doing anything meaningful to acheive this goal. Chiron- To become genuinely respected in his field. He knows that he isn't fully taken seriously due to his elven nature, youthful appearance, and status as a hostage, and while it doesn't make him seethe like how it does to Nero, his ass is a tad bit chapped over it. People in the court recognize that he's certainly talented, but don't seem to realize that he's worked extremely hard to get to the level of precise skill in magic that he has and that it's not due to elven genetics like many who dismiss him claim- especially when he's practicing a human school of magic, which is much harder for elves to do. He generally lets that stuff roll off his back like water on a duck, but occasionally he'll show off more than he needs to to prove his worth to the naysayers. 🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don’t want to show other people?
Ori- She doesn't like to show off her insecurities or feelings of inadequacy. It makes her feel lame, and Ori wants to be the diametric opposite of lame at all times (by virtue of being a teenager, she fails in the "be cool as fuck at all times" category. repeatedly. bless her heart.) Darius- As mentioned earlier, he hates it when he gets into a rage, especially around other people. It's very shameful for people to see him lose control like that, particularly because it's normally really hard to get him worked up. Nero- Man actually has a heart under his jaded exterior, but only about three people (including a certain princess 👀👀👀) actually know that, and he would like it to stay that way. Chiron- He's made kind of a reputation of his "go with the flow" and "it is what it is" nature, so he doesn't like it if someone can tell if something is seriously affecting him. He has a brand to uphold, after all. 🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them? Ori and Darius came to me in a dream, actually. I dreamt I was a young mage who found a dude dead in a ditch and I brought him back to life with woo-woo magic necromancy powers. So that's where the very spark of inspiration came from! I would also say that Ori initially took some inspo from Megumin, lol. The first thing that I decided for both of them were their color palettes, as well as their hair and eye colors! Nero was based lowkey off of a character from a very old and very abandoned fantasy story of mine. I loved him as a character too much to throw away with the rest of what was a kind of unsalvageable story, so I adapted him and made him his own thing. I think one of the first things that I decided about him was that he was going to have incredibly short hair for an elf, which would end up becoming pretty symbolic since it showed his ironic disconnect with his birth culture. Chrion's inspiration was HIGHKEY inspired by Mathis Quigley from the wonderful webcomic Unsounded. (Absolutely read that if you get the chance, btw). The pale pretty boy looks, the arrogance, the skill at magic, the fondness for dark blue... man takes a lot after Quigs, I fully admit. He's diverged a lot from Quigley, though, since his inception, and I think that he stands as his own character. The first thing that I decided about him was that he'd be a magic user, to compliment Nero's very martially oriented build, and to give Ori and Darius someone to have cool magic duels with. 🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you’ve ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
Ori- She was a LOT more morally fucked, I would say, and she's already pretty morally fucked so you can imagine how bad she was. Originally dark and light magic were a lot more black and white but I found that kind of boring so I ditched it within like a month of the story's creation, and Ori's original, significantly darker characterization went with that. Darius- He used to not have a background as a solider- went straight from the Monastery to [REDACTED]. I decided that that was kind of boring and that he needed some more development to make certain aspects of his personality make sense, and to better connect him with people to help facilitate the search for his memories, so I decided to have him join the Lucerian army in the mage division. This ended up being great for his character development and it gave us his CO, Marcus, who is one of my favorite characters because he's just fucking funny and also Darius' bestie.
Nero- His original-original characterization from the first abandoned story was that he was an older brother tracking down his younger sister who he viewed as a traitor to their people and their kind for helping two human princes escape death. That all has gone clear out the window in this new story, but a lot of fundamental personality traits remain. Chiron- He's more ambitious than he was originally, and he's a little less nice to humans than he was originally- he's kind of ambivalent towards them now compared to his initial positivity. 💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
Ori- Girl loves cuddles and hugs. Having someone's arms around her helps her feel safe, grounded, and most importantly, loved. Naturally, she craves this like how a cat craves sunlight and will bask in the cuddles and affection if you give it to her. Darius- A good bowl of soup is always a nice comfort for him. He doesn't mind hugs and cuddles, though, but it has to be from the right person. If he gets them from the right person, this man will literally melt in their arms. Just goes boneless. Nero- He'd literally die before admitting this, but he loves it when someone runs their hands through his hair, and especially so if they kind of gently scritch his scalp while doing so. The man may be an elf but he's a doggo at heart.
Chiron- A steady hand on his shoulder and some kind, appreciative words can rally Chiron from an emotional, mental, or physical low. Just knowing you appreciate him or trust him can make him go from :( to :)
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spearxwind · 2 years
Graves-🌪 Adri- ✏️ Talas- 🎭 Nerus- ☁️
[edit, i answered the wrong question bc my device showed me lightning instead of a tornado, im keeping the old answer though, since I wrote it anyway!]
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
Honestly Graves is like. Super recent?? I made them a couple months ago and they really haven’t changed all that much, however I did have an earlier version of them that was different colors before I completely changed them to be more manta/orca-like!
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I like these colors but they felt extremely halloweeney and that ended up putting me off SO MUCH that I changed their colors almost immediately (their fins were also a lot more jagged at first whick i wasnt a fan of bc they felt frail)
🌩️ LIGHTNING - are they scared of lightning?
Graves is kinda half a sona so I'm tempted to say no, but a part of me is very loudly saying "yes they absolutely are" So I guess they would be! It probably reminds them of something terrible that happened to them during a storm, so they probably camp out inside their ship whenever a thunderstorm rolls by
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
OH BOY. I HAVE SO MANY. Once again I am linking Plague Doctor bc its 1. one of the songs i associate w him the most and 2. voiceclaim central. The lyrics remind me of the fucked up mind games he pulls on people to make them bend and break before he even touches them
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As a bonus. A Rash Decision by ice nine kills reminds me of him cause it invokes Images in my brain (it's a song about the movie cabin fever but its hard not to imagine a bastard disintegrating people tbh)
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🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
Oh absolutely. If Talas is around friends and loved ones he's laid back but you can tell he's vibing, and is generally more visibly emotive + cracks jokes and stuff
By comparison, if he's around people he doesnt like, he will only talk to deliver absolutely cutting statements with the intent to end conversations before they happen, and generally feels extremely cold (probably even physically tbh).
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Nereus is beloved literally anywhere it goes. Nothing has ever harmed it, and nothing ever will. It's sort of like... a moving sanctuary zone in that sense, I feel like you could tell if Nereus was nearby just judging by the amount of friendly creatures gathered in the vicinity
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calronhunt · 2 years
💥 COLLISION and 🌌 MILKY WAY for Pascal and 🌪️ TORNADO, 🎵 MUSIC NOTE, and 🔪 KNIFE for Tracy?
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Romantic feelings and the emotions that come from that are really hard for Pascal. Really emotions relating to any kind of relationship are hard for them. They either just can't attach to people well or they get attached to people an unhealthy degree. It's related to how they were raised in the foster care system until they were 13. They've never been taught how to handle those emotions due to them not even realizing it's a thing.
Related to this, Pascal really can't handle emotions related to loss when it's one of those people they're really attached to. They don't know how to handle the grief and sadness and kinda simmer in it for way longer than a normal person would.
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
uhhhh i'm gonna be honest i made Pascal up while sitting in the auditorium during state wide testing week freshman year of high school and I don't remember what spurred me to draw them.
The first thing that i can remember about them is that they were a trans guy who wanted to get their hair cut and Alex like?? helped them get their hair cut?? I think they were still a demon pimp then too??? maybe??
clearly that's not canon anymore since Pascal's an amab they/themmie who is like 1% girl and they hate if their hair was short LOL
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
OOOOOOOOH MAN TRACY'S CHANGED SOOO MUCH. I'd say the biggest change I've made to tracy is not making her a detective and Alex's partner anymore and aging her down. Making her a 23 year old unemployed mentally ill college expellee was the best decision I made to her character. It also works a lot better with what I want to accomplish with tracy (which is mentally ill person being taken advantage of because a person promises them unconditional love and acceptance)
Tracy in the VERY original draft was a very confident 28 year old woman who was the star detective of the police department. And she broke a lot of laws and was just a really bad person. Girlboss Moments you know. Now she's a girl loser and is soooo much more fun.
🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? do you associate a particular song with them?
Tracy's playlist is like. mostly vibes and definitely needs to be edited cause a lot of it is still tied to before i made her a Girl Loser Supreme. But here's a chunk of it.
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For specific songs that I associate with her Pork Soda by glass animals and Baby Boy by mother mother a lot. Also bullfighter jacket by miniature tigers.
🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame?
bad! How she reacts to it happens in modified bliss and is a major plot point, just know Tracy deals with it so so so so so so SO badly. And she for sure puts herself at blame. Tracy can hold so much hatred in that little dumb skull of hers you think she's NOT gonna take the chance to add another thing to the "i hate myself" pile?
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kimageddon · 2 years
Omw to flood your ask box📥
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For the OC ask game! I wana know more about Zai!
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
🏊 SWIMMING - can they swim? or are they afraid of water? how well do they swim? how do they feel about swimming in the ocean?
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
You know I love you and your brilliant ideas 🥺😩🤌🤌 never stop creating!
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I am so stoked! I love answering these!
For clarity, this is about Zaiya Valessa from my A Prince of Dathomir series.
OC Emoji Asks (feel free to send me some!)
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
Zai has been pretty consistent since her inception, I think it was the storyline that changed more than her character, i did a lot of planning in what she needed to be. The Siren aspect was probably the biggest change, that was not originally apart of her skillset but it came in the early writing phase of the series.
🏊 SWIMMING - can they swim? or are they afraid of water? how well do they swim? how do they feel about swimming in the ocean?
There are not a vast amount of lakes and rivers in the area of Dathomir where Talzin's clan lives. There is the sort of river around the village, though it's not really the best for swimming.
The first time she swam it was utter panic. And of course Adaji freaked out because after he yeeted Zaiya into a relatively shallow river he realised she didn't know how to swim. Good job buddy.
He then taught her to swim rather proficiently and she was determined not to panic like that again! The water would not defeat her! Cue her nearly drowning because she pushed the limit of holding her breath.... smh.
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Answered in a previous ask!
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
Zaiya has a cold rage. She is a master of holding her emotions in (at least after Zygerria) and will wait. She will exact terrible vengeance on those who have wronged her or her loved ones. Her revenge on Sheena took years after all.
As for reaching the point of anger, she is patient and can forgive most things, if someone is trying to upset her she mostly finds it amusing. There are certain trigger words or actions that can bring her to the brink very quickly however. Usually if someone calls her 'angel' or if someone attempts to harm or insult the ones she cares for.
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adelaidedrubman · 3 years
🍧 🌪 (Jestiny) , 🥞 🌋 (Jenna), 🙈 🎁 (Lela) pls?
THANK YOU AMANDA ILY FOR THESE sorry for the long answers on the second one for jess.
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🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
just one, really — her maternal grandparent’s wedding bands, which were bequeathed to her after their passing. particularly as an adult, they aren’t actually something jessie really wants, she doesn’t really ever intend to get married and would honestly rather one of her cousins have them, but she doesn’t really know how to regift them without feeling guilty for being ungrateful, so she hangs on to them, one of the very few items that don’t get tossed out during her regularly scheduled freak out about being in the same place for too long and impulsively pack up and leave stunts. she would certainly feel guilty if she lost them, she doesn’t necessarily think she’s the best person to have them but she also did love her grandparents and wants to treasure the gift, or at least the sentiment.
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
i would say the biggest change i’ve made to her has been making her more condescending and pretentious in her own way. i’d always planned for her to be someone who was highly intelligent but could never afford to live up to her potential in terms of education, and for her to have a resulting intellectual insecurity that drives a lot of her actions. but initially i’d planned for her to have more of a practical than studied intelligence to contrast john, and for her to be comfortable enough with that and not want to compete with him on his own playing field.
a combination of things made me shift that, first being jessie as a character letting me know that she actually is very much capable and ready to compete with him on every playing field ever at any time, thank you very much. second being that i decided i was kinda playing into class stereotypes myself with that one by giving her a nicer, more wholesome means of showing off her intelligence, and she’s an insensitive asshole anyways, why shouldn’t she be allowed to be witty and clever in the cold, refined, conceited way rich characters get to be? so she often is, and it’s mostly retaliatory, it’s something she doesn’t like about herself and wants to think she’s grown out of, and for the most part she really only pulls status and talks down to people and insults their intelligence if they do it to her first, but... idk you can catch her lowkey calling the other resistance members stupid on multiple occasions for not understanding the Very Important And Not At All Sexual Game of 5D Chess she’s playing with john, the most important man in the universe for logical reasons. so! that’s that!
i also think i made her more consciously manipulative than i’d originally planned, i’d always meant for her to be somewhat socially inept and insensitive but i sorta refined that to her like... having trouble connecting on a personal emotional level with people, but she’s actually fairly perceptive and picks up on social and emotional cues if she bothers to pay attention (she usually doesn’t), and CAN even be genuinely charming if she Makes An Effort (often for scumbag manipulative reasons).
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🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
as much as jenna stresses the importance of a balanced breakfast and tries to start the day with a filling protein to give her a solid energy reserve, she has an undeniable sweet tooth, and if she’s allowing herself to indulge her favorite breakfast is some kind of sugary pastry with fresh fruit and a cup of tea with lots of honey.
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
she doesn’t have much of one, she’s very calm and centered and if anything a little too detached from her anger (and emotions generally). she doesn’t direct a lot of energy towards the things that make her angry or fixate on them, although certain things and people can certainly get under her skin. when that happens it is more of a subtle background simmer, she’s pretty cold with her hate and there will be no big explosions, at most the subjects of her anger will get a few subtle biting remarks that probably fly over their heads.
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🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
any amount of doubt, weakness, or fear is something she tends to shove down pretty deeply and try to deny to herself she’s feeling. she knows she’s been gullible and desperate in the past and fallen for cures that didn’t really work the way she wanted to convince herself, and a part of her does stay worried that the bliss and her chosen status will ultimately be the same story but more drawn out, occasionally she does think maybe she’s just a pampered rich girl playing soldier and it will all come to an end. but it’s never something she can voice directly.
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving?
she’s always been big on practical gift giving, both pre and during cult times. but she’s not necessarily GOOD at gift giving, before eden’s gate her gifts tended to be flashier and expensive while still things her recipients could use. (bitch basically bought every present like she was shopping off a wedding registry, enjoy your new air fryer, no she didn’t bother to check if you already have one but if you do the one she’s giving you is probably better.) chosen era this usually means a new weapon or she just dumps a dead deer she hunted on your porch. the gift will never be personal though, and may only be practical in her mind.
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bisexualterror · 2 years
ok. ok so i know you didn't reblog this ask game (i think??) but i wanted to ask: 🤥 😭 ☕️ 🥞 🙈 ✂️ ✏️ 📎 🌪️ 💗 + whichever oc(s) you want! 🃏
i am sO SORRY it takes me five to ten years to answer i’m fjakdhsii ✨ a mess ✨imma do corvina & nova more under cut bc it got pretty long ldkdld
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
nova: she’s a decent liar especially to people who don’t know her that well. her only tell being sometimes she looks too smug like you know she knows something.
corvina: horrible liar. not to say that she couldn’t lie well but she’s too emotive and blunt to the point of cruelty to even care about lies. the only time she lies well and willingly is when she’s getting paid to do it. her tells vary during her story but she’s usually trying too hard and ends up monotone when lying.
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
nova: she only cries when she’s at the end of her rope which like, says a lot considering she’s smiled when being threatened.
corvina: cries a lot but thing is she’s more likely to throw verbal punches when she’s sad and cry when she’s angry.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
nova: as long as it has caffeine or sugar in it, nova does not care what it is. but her favorite drink is root beer.
corvina: she prefers hot drinks that’ll keep her warm on the road. she likes warm milk, the weirdo.
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
nova: waffles & bacon with coffee.
corvina: roasted chicken & berries topped with honey.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
nova: a lot lmao, she got my inability to share so sucks to be her lmao but most of all i would say her insecurities and vulnerability.
corvina: her capacity for feeling intense emotions that isn’t anger or bitterness.
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
nova: she hangs on to people like a octopus once she likes you, but the last straw would be letting you in to see her vulnerable only to then repeatedly hurt her or the people she cares about. (that’s a little interesting thing that’s gonna pop up if i ever write it)
corvina: she will cut you out of her life without blinking if you piss her off, you could’ve accidentally taken a job from her or beat her at a card game, it doesn’t matter what it is. she’s petty. doesn’t give out second chances easily let alone thirds she has boundaries and won’t let anyone cross them. she’s that bitch ok, my inspiration.
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
nova: this one !!
corvina: Hung high and dry where no one can see/If there's no one to blame, blame it on me.
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
nova: has a birth mark on her back that’s been with her since her last life.
corvina: used to want to be a singer like her mother!
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
nova: she’s changed a lot i think?? idk i would have to ask someone who reads her fic but i think she’s a lot more caring and hopefully less static. someone tell me i need to know 🥹
corvina: she’s less cruel than i wanted to make her, more-so bitter and taking advantage of / lashing out at a world that hates her.
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love?
nova: denial is her strongest response to having romantic feelings 💗💗 but yes i think it’s somewhat noticeable to the people who count, but we shall see won’t we :)
corvina: her response to romance isn’t denial so much as being tired at her own intense emotions. she doesn’t have time for romance she just wants money and to hunt monsters.
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