#⍙ — [ yunalai ]
settriigh · 1 year
refuses to strain her neck to look him in the face. Qiyana shall address his chest whenever they talk.
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"Do.. you want me to sit down? Maybe squat?"
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agonizedembrace · 26 days
🥃 + "what color should i dye my hair for the comeback?"
Send me  ‘ 🥃 ‘ + plus a question, and my muse will answer it while drunk.
" purple -- no, not original enough. " she leans against a nearby counter, mostly for support with a sangria glass in hand. cue a short sigh then, a wave with her free hand to wherever akali scuttered off to. " she hasn't told me the theme yet -- you need something vibrant, darling. oh, center stage. " a short nod before another long swig. " dual colors... "
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mxldito · 17 days
@yunalai | How Well Do You Know Coyote?
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"...Studying me so she can steal my Barony..."
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yunalai · 10 months
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i don't know what happened guys they just spawned on my canvas it was insane
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tealbeats · 10 days
@yunalai : besties support besties, send the link!! /jk
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“Nnnnope! You want it, you gotta go searching for it yourself!” Aw, he’s flustered.
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umbane · 30 days
[ from: QiQi // 2:39am ] : food truck still open and i haven't cheated my diet in a month. bet i eat more cheesy chicken wings than you.
[ from: KAYN 2:42am ] LMAOOOOO AS IFFFFF [ from: KAYN 2:42am ] YOU DIDNT LEARN FROM LAST TIMEE??? [ from: KAYN 2:43am ] OKAY BUT THIS TIME IT HAS TO BE SPICYYY [ from: KAYN 2:43am ] LOSER PAYS FOR IT ALL [ from: KAYN 2:43am ] BE THERE IN 10
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noxianwilled · 1 year
" Draven asked me to crush him like a watermelon? is this a Noxian idiom I'm not aware of? did he challenge me? "
— @yunalai
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She doesn't mind Qiyana's usual questions, content to help with any nuance the ixtali isn't yet fluent enough to understand — but it does lead to situations like this, where Katarina would rather not be involved in explaining Draven's meaning to the princess. The assumption he had challenged her somehow elicits a chuckle from the assassin, mild amusement coloring her explanation. "No, it wasn't a challenge — he was flirting."
"It takes considerable strength to be able to crush a watermelon with your thighs," she continues with a shrug. "So basically he was being appreciative of your thighs, princess." And hoping to be the thing crushed between her thighs instead of the watermelon, but she is confident Qiyana can pick that up on her own.
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ionianwanderer · 1 year
— a fellow Soul Fighter is staring incredibly disrespectfully.
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settriigh · 22 days
@yunalai liked for a starter ~~ The larger vastayan looks down at the woman, a smirk playing on his lips before he gives her a tiny wave. It was a hot minute since the last time he spoke to her, and quite a few things developed between the two. Nothing romantic like one would assume- but now he did see the small heiress as a little sister. A rowdy one at that. But he always was pleased to see her when they crossed paths here and there.
"Man, you stalkin me?" he says jokingly. Hand scratching the bottom of his jaw as he shifts on his feet. Taking a more casual stance as his arms crossed over his chest. "What's up? Lookin' heavily guarded as usual." he makes a slight motion with his head, noting the obvious guards. "Business trip? No fun, damn... shame. Thought you were here to relax on vacation again."
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agonizedembrace · 8 days
" i kinda fuck with the fact you go unbothered about everyone knowing you're a size queen now. hot girl shit. "
" i fear i've been quiet about it for far too long. " there's a slight pause as evelynn leans back in her seat, shrugging it off. " i was simply bragging for her -- granted, i didn't expect it to pop off that much. "
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mxldito · 10 months
" listen to me. as tempting as the idea is, we cannot simply blow up the Prince's car. "
From an Inbox Call
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"Oh, so you want to cut my balls off then. You want to neuter me. Okay, I see you. I see the kind of person you are." Coyote shook their head as they slipped the pieces of a shattered spark plug into the lower pocket of their cargo pants. Their grenades were gonna see no action tonight either. "You wanna confiscate my phone while you're at it, mom?"
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yunalai · 10 months
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i have an agenda to spread
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tealbeats · 23 days
@yunalai sent: scoops him up. "we're going shopping."
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It’s the last thing he expected, really.
Golden gaze peered through equally golden coloured sunglasses, focused on the screen of his cellphone; illuminated with online listings of Gundam builds—trying to see if any of the ones he had built in his room ( in secret ) had been ended up selling yet. Lips purse as he continues to scroll, switching over to social media instead, foot tapping anxiously against the floor as he tried to distract himself from his most recent thoughts as of late.
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There’s a surprise noise as Ezreal feels himself being lifted from the ground, immediately squirming around as soon as he was fully lifted into the woman’s arms. “Wh—!? Hey!!” It takes him a second before he looks up at Qiyana, blinking a few times before relaxing a little. Could have been worse, he guessed.
“Man, couldn’t you just, I dunno—Send a text message like a normal person if you wanted to hang out? You almost gave me a heart attack!” He complained, arms crossing over his chest as he let her hold him, lips pursed into a pout.
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“…Soooo…What’re we goin’ shopping for, anyway? This isn’t just gonna be me sitting there while you hog a change room for four hours, is it???”
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noxianflock · 10 months
@yunalai —
❝ tell me, if you would, more of your homelands. i am ever fascinated by whatever i might learn from the people. ❞ it is an offer of sorts, for he is nothing, if not a curious man.
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umbane · 11 months
" awnnn, are you still mad you weren't invited to true damage? "
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"Mad? Do I look mad to you?" Sure he may have heavily suggested when he caught wind of the creation of True Damage that he would have been a good fit, and he might have blown up Akali's phone for so long that she kind of stopped responding to him, and he might have made a few regrettable posts about it on social media, but that doesn't mean he wanted to join it. Don't be ridiculous!
They were stupid for not inviting him, though. That much is certain. After all, what does Akali have that he doesn't? They're both rappers with bad attitudes. Akali's just a little more... palatable.
Anyways, he's not jealous, and he definitely never wanted to join.
"You guys are a bit pedestrian for my taste, anyways."
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dankokaji · 1 year
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✨ Wedding Dance under the Wisteria! ✨
Baralai/Yuna commission piece by the artist Felia Hanakata of Twitter!
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