#this looks so nice tho good job op
goffilolo · 1 year
Going through my inbox in bulk, let's go
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Not really. Astaroth went and had his hot girl summer that ended in elopement to human realm, after which he categorically refuses to talk about his life back in the underworld. Licita knows that he's been around for a long time and that he had some 'important job' back there, but doesnt push for any details.
It's not until Lucifero tries to start shit with their kid that he opens up just a little about his former 'friends'.
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Look, Astaroth already cried and then went through an empty nest syndrome when Asta moved out to be a magic knight. I don't think he could emotionally take it if his other babies left too. As for Nero's name, i didn't think too much about it and just left it as it was, since it's kinda easy name to come to given it's based on the colour of the bird, and let's be real, no one in that household has good imagination when it comes to names, given that Asta is a JUNIOR.
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This combo sounds so op that it's actually unreasonable. it would make sense tho for it to only have small outcome change, given that both Vanessa's fate spell and Asta's prophecy are individually very limited and have narrow application. but it is interesting to keep in mind, maybe even being able to see actions leading to specific outcomesconnected by the red string (visualised cause vs effect) situation
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Megicula, and other devils by extention are like unsocialised street cats. they're assholes, they think they don't need anyone. leave them under Asta's care for like a month tho and they'll fold like wet paper. put them through a montage of treats, scritches, nice treatment and proper socialisation and you'll end up with a devil Miette
Asta: ok that's enough cookies for you today
Megicula: you STARVE megi?! you starve megi like a prisoner? oh! oh! curse for Asta! curse for Asta for one thousand years!
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"dont treat is seriously" you say, as if my entire fandom etiquette isn't based on taking absurd/comedic ideas and running with them to an insane degree. this is literally the perfect vibe. Like yes, there is a very strong and capable dude someone in the boonies who can put a devil in a headlock. No, he is not leaving the boonies, he needs to plow the fields and go fetch water from the well, he has a very busy schedule ok? this is what i'm talking about
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baahsu · 1 year
hi hello baahsu its me the person who wrote two (give or take) whole ass vscest smut fics in your inbox now returned after a sudden month long disappearance to (hopefully lol) continue yelling happily about this ship with you!! :]
tldr i got back into op again and noticed how incredibly dry tumblrs vinsmokecest tag is and realized itd prolly be best to add to it lol, but alas i don't rlly know what to talk about rn :,)
uh. how about this!! what do you think would be the siblings' favorite outfits to fuck in, iydm me asking??
kinda generic but i think 124ji would lose it (/pos) if they got the chance to fuck sanji in his raid suit, mumbling and raving in his ear about he should just keep it on all the time as they take turns destroying him. reiju, although not as crazy abt it bc shes a *liiitle* more sane lol, would probably find it decently hot as well. sanjis no better tho- he sees his siblings, (especially yonji and reiju cause. tits :o]) all hot from battle in those skin tight suits and his nose is GUSHING
and heads kinda empty rn so cant think of much BUT i do have two ideas that im curious abt ur opinion on (and these are purely self indulgent lmao):
i srsly think ichiji has a feminization kink, though he doesnt really realize it 'less he gets emotions. it mostly crosses his mind whenever he sees sanji or niji in more effeminate clothing, like blouses, dresses, and ESPECIALLY skirts and is abruptly hit with the Vinsmoke Horny Gene™. he probably wouldn't piece it together unless reiju (ever the attentive vouyer) just straight up told him lmao
and SPEAKING of reiju, whether its her or one of her brothers wearing them, i feel like she has a thing for stockings. especially fishnets 🤲. especially TIGHT fishnets 🤲🤲. obviously all of them have good bodies that could rock stockings, but if we're going for a lower/bottom heavy build clearly sanjis the way to go. idk i just think that if reiju were to ever see sanji in any type of stockings (ESPECIALLY nice, snug fishnets) she'd just destroy him. like suck the soul outta him lol
YEAH thats all I got rn hqdyaduqfuqf good to be back yelling in your inbox about My Thoughts again have a good day/night :,]]
Welcome back anon!! I missed you 💜💜
I've said this before but I don't even bother looking at the vinsmokecest tag here bc I know there's never any new content in it (tho I'm surprised there's no hate either, guess this ship is unpopular from all sides lmao)
I actually never thought about any of these outfits options and my mind just went 🤯 at sanji's raid suit. Like, I can totally imagine the brothers praising sanji so much while wearing it?? "You're so pretty in it, it fits you so well, look at your thighs, it was made for you, you should just come back to us so you can always wear it, your ass looks so delicious in it too" they'd do it so much even reiju would have to say something, maybe just a subtle "they're right, you know" that would instantly disarm sanji
A more obvious outfit is lingerie, with how they are just the sight of a lacy bra strap or the peak of a garter belt or thigh strap would get them going. They'd be walking around the castle and catch a glimpse of it through the collar of a shirt, see the lines under one of their pants, and they'd pull the other into the closest room, sometimes not even that, the hallway is good enough and the staff passing by doing their jobs be damned (I can't decide if they'd enjoy putting on a show or if they'd get ridiculously jealous and rip their heads off tho)
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silvertsundere · 3 months
Silver Talks AniManga (07/07/24)
didn't post yesterday cause was busy all day (against my will) new season starting tho so that's fun, even if I'm not watching a ton this time around, also the end of this new serialization round I'm on vacation for the next couple weeks so hopefully I find the time to catch up/finish some stuff but I also got the ff14 expansion I want to play through so we'll see
green - new series/new to me
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Plus-Sized Elf Ep1
I completely missed the announcement that this was gonna be a short anime so I was surprised when I saw the lenght was only 11 minutes, it's fine tho, it fits the manga and makes it more easily digestible. Anyway, that was alright, nothing too impressive and a lot of still panning shots as you'd expect from an adaptation like this. I was surprised by the full on uncensored tiddies tho. What really carries shows like this is the voice cast and Itou Ayasa did a solid job I think. Not expecting a lot out of this, but since it's short it should be a nice little appetizer before I watch Samurai on fridays
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The Elusive Samurai Ep1
wow wow wow WOW Like what else can I say but that? I wasn't too hopeful for the anime from the pvs we saw before, they looked good, yes, but it felt like something was missing, to me. All those doubts are completely dispelled now however. Ep 1 was nothing short of incredible, like it's hard to even find the words to explain just how good it was, you gotta see it to understand. Everything was great. Both OP and ED had good visuals and songs. The OST and voices were great, and the animation was really solid too. There was a chance to have some sakuga during a certain scene, and they didn't do it, but it still looked good, if they keep that throughout the whole show then it should be fine. My favourite part was the colours tho, it looked beautiful and there were a lot of great shots like the ones below, among many others. It's just refreshing to see such creative use of colours, like some shots looked good enough to be in a movie adaptation instead of a TV anime
But anyway, I've been reading the manga since day 1 so it's crazy to see it get such a great adaptation. Matsui truly is built different. Me and my buddy mega were discussing were the anime is gonna end, since it's confirmed 12 episodes, and I'm fairly sure it's gonna be on chap 58 for various reasons. We'll see how the pacing for the new few eps goes tho, it may not get quite that farhard
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Hima-Ten! Ch1
That was... ok. As I mentioned before I read the author's previous work as it came out years ago, and it was a ping pong series. I figured this was going to be sports based too, so I was surprised when they released the synopsis and I found out it was going to be a rom com. I'll start out by saying I'm not too big on romance stuff. Like I love Blue Box but it took a while for me to warm up to it and even then it lacks a lot of the issues I usually have with that kinda stuff.
Back to this series tho, my biggest complaint about chapter 1 was setting up this secondary girl (the black haired one in the pic below) and making it clear that the MC even has a crush on her, just for the main girl to show up and, obviously, win him over eventually. I mean the damn summary for the series on M+ ends with "Say hello to some company president girl x house-cleaner boy romantic comedy hijinks!", so there's not much room to wonder about what'll happen.
Other than that it was a nice chap 1. The art has improved so much that it's like a completely different artist (tho there's still some recognizable bits from his old stuff) and this new style is super cute, I actually really like it. The interactions between the mains were fun and the expressions were good too, it really is just that nagging point I have with it. We'll see how the next few chaps go I guess but not expecting much tbh
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Dandadan Ch159
while this was inevitable and I knew it was a matter of time til it happened it really took me by surprise to see it happen now. Ofc I could see the build up in the few pages before it but still I don't remember if I've talked about this arc so far but it's been pretty cool, basically jumanji but instead of the game coming out they go inside the game. It's had a buncha cool ideas and the new chara with powers is a nice guy too
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flaim-ita · 1 year
2, 7, 8, 12, 16, 20, 23, 25, 27, and 29 for Keiwa XD
2 - When I think I truly started to like them
When Keiwa passed out at Ace’s feet growling that he won’t fall for Ace’s tricks anymore. He failed but like. It was around there when I started realizing how fun of a deconstruction of the traditional heroic Rider he really was.
7 - A quote of them that you remember
“Ace is Ace” literally shattered my soul. So simple but it kills me. That tiny smile Ace gave him, and the following weeks of…
Keiwa promised Ace something, in that moment. But because of the truths revealed, he had to break it.
“The goddess must atone for the sins she committed”
…And that’s why this arc is so heartbreaking.
8 - Your favorite outfit of them
His upcoming ninja look is very cute
12 - Sexuality hc!
Bisexual nonbinary man! He has had like 2 girlfriends and one boyfriend ever, tho
16 - A childhood headcanon
Keiwa learned to cook and clean because Sara went numb, that first year after their parents died. She went to school, got a part time job, and paid bills with their inheritance. One day she realized how much her little brother took on and she swore to never let him know anything but happiness. She smiled for the first time in months and Keiwa had never been so happy.
20 - A weird headcannon
Keiwa is a Sailor Moon fan and somehow ends up at the same screening of Cosmos as both Ace and Neon, none of whom planned it. The DR is put on hold, and they watch it together.
23 - Future headcanon
Even thought his parents and sister are alive now, Keiwa feels alien in his own home. Sara barely even looks at him, her desire to protect him still gone forever. His parents seem surprised at how well he maintains their house — and it is a house, not his and Sara’s nice sized apartment.
He has to leave. He never realized the cost of memory. It kills him inside.
This is his family but he is not the son they got to watch grow up.
25 - When do you think they acted the most ooc
Keiwa victim blaming arc 💚
With the information he has, he is not wrong! The goddess does seem to be involved in ritual sacrifice, after all.I
And to undo it, they can’t exactly let the woman run off.
27 - If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
I want him to meet Kagami. They’re both such good deconstructions of the protagonist and I feel like Keiwa could offer some useful advice for dealing with OP asshole Mains (who have gone singleminded crazy over a loved one in danger.)
29 - How do you think they would be as a parent?
Keiwa is an amazing parent. Bad at figuring out the issue at first, but when he learns his kids better, he easily helps out. He might end up as a stay at home dad, and he definitely makes the kids’ bentos, when they reach school age.
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sinkableruby · 1 year
What are your thoughts on each Monogatari season?
ok this will end up long... (like really fucking long holy shit lol) im gonna go from first - monster season (which is the light novels), so only read up to where youve seen. mostly only vague discussion of spoilers but still. ill put the individual parts of each season too for reference, in the order i watched and try to go over them briefly since i feel like you cant talk about the whole of the seasons without touching on the parts
first (kizu, bake, nise, neko black) - the kizu movies are so good!!!!!! i like them more and more as time goes on theyre like a fine wine. captures the vibe of a sort of proto-monogatari monogatari very well. it might just b because i watched it in this order but this is honestly my recommended order to watch the series. idk maybe you lose something from not seeing how mysterious shinobu is in bake and then getting the big reveal. bake - nice and airtight. very cool and classic vibes here, very nostalgic. cool introductions to all these cool fun characters while also giving them arcs that are resolved except nadekos but yeah. and of course this one has the very unique art direction thats super cool nise - just had a post about this so go look at that if you want my thoughts. drops a big theme that keeps getting developed which is the kinda important thing u gotta be doing during a season called the "first season" lol neko black - ehhh i think this is one of the worst ones of the anime entries. its not bad. i like the op a lot overall extremely nostalgic and very high quality, especially with kizu and nise in my mind. a bit of a bump with neko black but a very strong start in general. the first season offers much room for the themes and characters to grow but also stands well on its own. so it does its job well. (also note im not gonna be talkin about like the ost too much here just bc. i love all of it so much. its exclusively good.)
second season (neko white, kabuki, otori, oni, koi, hana) - season full of bangers lets go! neko white is the wonderful resolution to the buildup of hanekawa's character we'd been getting since the first season. very good kabuki is interesting... but definitely not the strongest entry here otorimonogatari is what originally hooked me once and for all on the series, for reasons ive explained before so i wont get into that too much here. but god do i love it to death. whew its good oni could hit much harder than it does but it doesnt. rip. still not what id call bad but eh koi is fuckin awesome. kaiki and nadeko... i'd talk more at length about certain parts i like but im writing this backwards from the later seasons to the earlier ones and i talked way too much about the later ones so im trying to conserve space here. i might talk about it more later or if someone asks me abt it hana i have talked about a bit before too but i love hana hanas great. so then all in all it's like 4 bangers. a great development of the characters we know and love and one that is so well written and just done in the best ways... i loved where this season took everyone. i think the non chronological stuff can be a hit or miss for ppl but i honestly really like it, especially on rewatches. when you think about it the order never feels pointless. even tho hana is chronologically after all the other anime arcs its still not at all something i would say you should watch after zoku lmao. the season does well as a continuation and development but not a conclusion to the series, and thus spendidly fits the role of "second" season.
final season (tsuki, owari part 1, koyomi, owari ge, zoku) - there are ups and downs to this season, but the ups far, FAR outweigh the downs. owari part one... its really good. i think shinobu mail (thats what its called right?) is like kind of slow at first, and i definitely wasnt SUPER invested in it on my first watch, but i think on a rewatch after you get past the first like episode or two it really starts to pick up and shine. that is not why i like it though ougi formula to sodachi lost is incredibly fucking good all the way through, some of the strongest entries in the series by far. i might do like a ranking of each part sometimes and those are definitely going in s tier when i do (even nisioisin said his favorite anime part was ougi formula in an interview although that might just be because he loves mysteries lol). hooooghhh those three arcs,, sodachis story is revealed and developed very wonderfully and impactfully and you kinda love her right from her return to the school where she screams at araragi. and of course, of COURSE ougi is the absolute goat in these arcs, revealing the mystery in the engaging and entertaining way she tends to while also being an incredible point of intrigue herself in her whole enigmatic shtick. and of course, if you know you know, but that doesnt make it any less enjoyable on rewatches ougi is just that entertaining of a character. not to mention her showdown with hanekawa... its so entertaining to see these two battle so passive aggressively or just plain aggressively. and the way it ends up is not surprising but it IS hilarious. and then the convo with sodachi in her apartment... heartwrenching, incredible. all of its very very good. probably some of the most fun ive had watching anime, these three arcs grab you and youre just along for the ride the whole time. i'd love to talk about it more in depth some other time probably FUCK that was just owari part one too koyomi we can go through quickly though. its just like a sorta reminder of where each character started and ended up, as well as giving a few details to set up owari ge. nothing special or bad. i love the ED tho oh fuck are you gonna make me scream about owari ge... this post is already way too long fuck... uhh basically mayoi hell + hitagi rendevous are great in and of themselves and are also wonderful buildups to ougi dark and the conclusion of the series. its so fun how it sneaks up on you that yes, ougi is the main antagonist (at least from second season - final). ougi dark................. ougi dark..... ougi dark. yeah ill save this for a different post. um, one billion out of ten? i literally think about it every day thats not a joke so i dont think i can talk about it here without running out of space (do posts have word limits?? whatever its too long already anyway) overall a very tight and absolutely wonderful conclusion to the series. in my mind this is like the "actual ending" and the light novels and other stuff that comes after is like bonus epilogue stuff (not that its not canon its just that ougi dark is too solid of an ending. its TOO good do you understand)
and now time for the light novels
off season - i think in general this season is pretty strong. i was pretty invested in how it was really taking the time to give characters other than araragi the focus, at least until musubi. but even in musubi its sort of like a "where are they now?" so we get lots of details about all the characters. although i think in musubi its a little hard to read bc we also get all these new characters that we dont necessarily care about (esp since its very much like a one-off thing), but i dont mind it that much because thats not what i like it for... the cool part is seeing the characters we love and where theyve ended up and where theyre going. like the part in (i think) mitome wolf? where hanekawa and araragi have drifted super far apart... wonderfully bittersweet. and i have a separate post about this but seeing ougi free and unable to be bothered in their new life? chefs kiss wonderful love it. so i think even though musubi breaks the format of taking a break from araragi, its still good enough to not bring down off season really. and on that note i honestly wish monster season would be more like off season. i dont really want to see stinky araragi's pov anymore! i think he should take way more of a backseat and instead make more guest appearances in other people's stories, like he did at the end of hanamonogatari. not that i dont like him (its a hate love relationship) but i think honestly hes really interesting in hana where we see kanbaru's view of him instead of his view of everyone else as usual. i love so much how the monogatari series Feels Different in different people's perspectives so i want to switch it up more!! of course he is the main character so i dont think this will happen but like. i'd much rather get kanbaru's misadventures with ougi than araragi's college misadventures. and of course i cant talk about off season without talking about nademonogatari. nademonogatari is SO FUCKING GOOD holy shit... i think i speak for a lot of people when i say nadeko is by far the strongest narrator in the series due to her arc's progression and her character development-- and even before it too, cuz otorimonogatari's narration was also really unique and engaging. it helps that she's my second fav but i think nademonogatari is generally well liked? and for very good reason. which is also why...
monster season - haven't finished these season still have to read ougi fright/flight and the next installment but yeah i feel a lil disappointed in this season because again... too much araragi. get this dirty stinky man outta my face. again i love and hate the guy but cmon let's be real... his peak was in owari ge and zoku and at the end of hana. i really dont feel the need to see more of him. of course the stories themselves are interesting and i like nisioisin's writing but i just find the stuff thats not narrated by him such a breath of fresh air... i really want to see more nadeko and kanbaru narration. i hope nisioisin, if he keeps on trucking through the series, will start putting more real focus on these two. or even like. just anyone else. give us ononoki again give us sodachi again. i want to see the other characters journeys!!!! we keep getting small little nadeko chapters like with mayoi snake and yotsugi shadow and like... those were awesome i loved those! more of that but longer please nisioisin!!! i feel like raising up kanbaru or nadeko more to the status of "mains" would be honestly really refreshing and a much better, less like.... stagnating? direction to take the series in ummmmm also nisioisin isnt writing about ougi enough ://// like... hellooo? ougi pov chapter when?? itd be the most fun thing ever nisioisin???? hello??????? hes so insistent on not writing them i swear he wants to relegate them to a side character spooky appearance every once in a while and thats cool but like im starving here dude cmon... even in the book named after them they dont get a pov chapter and only appear as a side character.... wtf........................... like thats so fucked up.................................................. especially since the parts where they acc were there were rly good :( but basically araragi stinky i want to cleanse my nose palette please PLEASE nisioisin throw him in the trash for a long while longer im begging you it'd be so much more interesting if you just let him become a side character his days in the sun should be OVER
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risu5waffles · 1 year
Ope. Another (ten) Shrimps on Barbie
Did you know the flamebreathing bartender Cenobite from Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth was also named Barbie? Probably not, 'cause that guy suuuucked. Not as bad as that goof-ass camerahead guy, but still.
Oh my gods. The tile card says LBP3, and this is totally an LBP2 level. Now i need to crawl in my hole of shame. This one was pretty fine, and i had a good enough time wiv it. i kind of feel like the environment looks a bit better the less of the background is shown. It's a touch too empty to be used as more than an accent point, at least the area of it that this level uses. Those winchy grab pads were pretty cool though. They get a little wonky at times, but, if i'm being honest, i never got them to work quite right myself either, so i feel bad docking points. All in all, not exactly a standout level, but a nice one to go through all the same.
This one was a lot of fun, and it picked up a team pick pretty shortly after publish, which it deserved, but, like, Sumo could have waited a day or so so my video would have come out first, you know? i really like the Seaside Surprise pack, it's got a whole chunk of good materials and decorations, even if i'm not the biggest fan of the music. Also it's a totally original (as in unlicensed) thing, so no worries about it getting delisted as long as the game itself is still up. Would i be happier if we didn't have to buy building materials? Sure would; but i recognize even wiv an unrushed game, there's no way a dev could get everything in there, and at least the kits have been robust, largely sparing (as opposed to the costumes. Too damned many of those), and fairly cheap. i want to give a special shoutout to AlphabetGoo for trying to implement the old Super Mario World flip to the backside of the fencing. That was actually kind of nostalgic. They didn't pull it off perfect, since it'd be really difficult to get the fence itself to rotate (you could do it wiv a decoration rotator, having the actual climbable material invisible, but i'm not sure if there's any decoration that approximates the look here. Certainly not one that would blend seamlessly wiv the rest of the set up). This whole level was a good time, and the race was actually fun and pretty well paced.
This one's just super charming. rainrainrain did a great job getting the feel of the tavern sections, and there are a lot of little, neat interactable elements. The circus show at the end comes a bit out of left field, but i'm more than willing to forgive it, because it was (a) fun, and (b) a good continuation of the charming atmosphere of the earlier sections. The tightrope bit was really keen, too! i wish i had cottoned earlier to what the meter meant, tho'; i probably could have gotten an ace on this level otherwise.
We talked about Winterland a few days back. If you missed it, i kindly ask you to get thee to the archives. Typing up ten of these spot reviews takes a little brainpower, and i'll skimp where i can.
A bit of a bittersweet gallery here, the creator saying goodbye to their Japanese friends when the Jside servers got shut down. i saw a fair number of goodbye levels and messages from the Japanese side of the LBP community, but it feels a bit rare to see one to the Jside players, so this was touching. i will never not be salty over how we just got tossed under the bus like that. i had the means (and for a brief window the money) to rebuild on a US account but i don't think that was particularly common among players here, and most of them are just gone from community. i know LBP was never a big seller here (might have helped if you fucking promoted it a little, Sony, you fucking jags), but the community was as dedicated as you'd find outside Japan, and some of the talent was just top notch. i've seldom run into such consistently good music and paint work. Saaa... it's always a good time to say fuck capitalism, but fuck capitalism.
This is a really cool, intricate level wiv lots of mechanical movement, which (doubly so since it's LBP2 played in LBP3) makes for a bit of a wonky experience. i think this play was actually my third or fourth, because mechanisms kept not engaging and it was softlocking the level. i really should have put together an outtakes video to show some of the breaks, but i was running around headless-chicken that weekend, so no dice. Sorry about that.
i wanted to like this one more than i did. It's quite ambitious for an LBP1 level, and a lot of work has gone into environmental shaping and gameplay, but... it just feels so draggy. Part of that, i think is the lighting. The level was just a touch too dark in general, and then you have lights just not working, which is not uncommon in LBP1 levels played in LBP3. But it adds up to taking a more plodding, searching pace when originally it was probably a bit zippier. Also there's that break at the end, and i feel like from the level progress that it was right at the end, where the doors just wouldn't open up. i tell you i was a little steamed after all the effort it took to get there.
i really liked this one. It's a pretty straight-forward race, but aside from one bit, it's fair and it manages to keep its pace throughout. Also it's nice, and bright, and visually easy to parse, even wiv all the bits of decoration in it. Also also, it uses the Blackboard material, and that is honestly one of the best in the game; it just has such a nice look and texture to it.
i was so disappointed by this one. It's not the level or creator's fault; Intangir85 tells us right off the chump that the level needs to be played natively in LBP2, but i figured i'd roll the dice and came up snake eyes. What we got to see, tho', is really really cool. The extra abilities are quite well-implemented considering how much of a pain in the butt it was to get that to work wiv LBP2 tech, and i am always going to be a sucker for clockwork. Do i not have the Clockwork Child tattooed on my shoulder? Yes, yes i do. i probably could have gotten the puzzle at the end if i were a little quicker thinking, but i got there in the end, which is my favourite kind of puzzle. Shame that that's where it chose to break on us. Ah well, that's how it shakes out sometimes.
i really liked this one, even if i was expecting a very different visual style based on the level badge. The look is pretty kludgy, but it's more than made up for by the whole Rube Goldbergian style gameplay. There are a couple of parts that are actually a little tricky, and i felt pretty good getting to the end, even if it does go on for maybe a section longer than it really needed to. Still, this one might be my favourite of the set.
And that's that. Ten more down and another i think eighteen in the pipe i think before my archives backlog runs out? Something like that. i've got my notes, but the lights are off, and the sun's gone down, and it's too dark in my room to check.
Y'all take care of yourselves wherever you are. i know things are rough for a lot of us, and they don't look to be easing up anytime soon, but we just go on, 'cause, i mean, what's the alternative? Don't know about you, but even as depressed as i get (and that's pretty damned depressed), i'm still heavily invested in being alive, and i hope you are too. Love ya. Stay safe.
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mmmlonely · 2 months
Okay! I cut my hair today, and I really like the way it came out. Wasn't too drastic I just kinda lifted it off my shoulders and it looks good. Did a better job than last time. Still kinda disappointed I can't have long hair without feeling too feminine and I do already miss the long hair, but it's still in my style and ik I'll be seen as more masculine to the general public so that's a plus ig.
This haircut kinda made me realize something tho! Doesn't even have to do with the hair at all surprisingly! My shirt got really fucking itchy so I took it off. And usually whenever I'm in the bathroom for Any reason I'll turn off the lights to avoid seeing myself (and prevent picking at my skin, tho that's a different story). But obviously I can't cut my hair in the dark. So it's been a long time since I last actually saw myself in the mirror. The surprising part is that I don't really hate it? Like, okay, I've got tits. Still don't really enjoy that fact, but I didn't feel the panic that I used to have this time? I mean it'd be great to get them off but it doesn't really seem like a priority, in some weird way. (Gonna start describing my body bc I wanna get this feeling into words and have something to look back on when the dysphoria hits, don't keep reading if you don't wanna hear that) I kinda have a dad bod. At least I think this is what people mean when they say dad bod, broad shoulders and some extra weight but not really in a bad way. Not a beer belly bc I don't drink, and also really not That pronounced, but like again I'm not fit at all so it's there. (Side note bc this makes me happy!! Went to the doctors recently, I've stayed a very consistent 180lbs for like the past 3 years⁉️ I used to feel bad about it bc I am decently overweight for my height according to those stupid bmi things but like. It hasn't changed in either direction so obviously I'm healthy And now I'm feeling good about the way I look so who gives a fuck <3) anyway back to my "dad bod" ig! My tits are unfortunately pointy bc that's just what they do ig But I'm not mad at the size of them, do I wish I was flatter? Yeah obviously but again like. I'm really not that much different shirtless compared to when I see my dad or my younger brother shirtless. Again unfortunately pointy but I do not care, that only makes a bad silhouette while I'm wearing a shirt and I'm Not rn so >:) I look like a guy. Genuinely. My torso is more rectangular than I used to think, I actually really like my shoulders, and my weight is playing to my advantage and helping me feel okay about my body pre-op. Oh and hair!!!! Okay this might be weird but body hair is actually so important to me bc it's such a stereotypically masculine thing (and even if it wasn't I think I'd still personally want it bc it fits the vibe). I don't really have chest hair but there's like a little bit⁉️ it's really not noticeable and like if I was a cis guy I don't think I'd want it but this is nice rn. And!!!!!!! Idk what it's called so this is gonna be an unfortunate description but yknow the hair that some guys have that's like a line that goes from their belly button down to their dick? I have that‼️ i don't have a dick but at least I have the aesthetic💯 That's really the only body hair I was gonna talk about in this it was just that line I think it's cool and manly of me. Ofc I haven't shaved my armpits in years and my legs are sporting some luscious locks (only really my calves tho 😭 wish it went up my thighs more like some guys have it but that's alright) and I have enough hair on my forearms that I don't feel super insecure about it. But I feel masculine rn!! That's the whole point!! Maybe I don't hate my body that much?? I still have things to complain about trust me (my hips do not fit the rectangle that is my torso and. Idk what everyone's obsession with "gyatts" is rn I don't understand it, I have one and I do Not want it bc it fucks up the side profile obviously men don't have gyatts I don't want it ❌) but like!!!! I am Comfortably laying in my bed rn in just basketball shorts and no shirt and I don't feel like shit about it!! And my desk lamp is on!! I'm not tricking myself into anything I legit just feel like good rn!!!
Thank you haircut that was mildly sad but still good for showing me that I'm most definitely a guy 😎💯 and maybe even a kinda attractive one for people who are into dad bods 😎💯 really hope my girlfriend is in that category of people 😎💯 (that's a whole other post waiting to happen tho, not gonna get into my insecurities about that rn)
Aight thank ya'll for listening 🙏
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worldwright · 10 months
Good evening !
I got the letter for my ID and everything to change my name ! It was pretty funny to see two ladies saying contradictory things, knowing who was right and who wasn't lol. So, I got the letter they needed to send me bc I showed up where they work
I had some time so I went to the nearby Christmas Market and I found a local leather worker or whatever the name of the job is ! So I bought a keychain and next week I'll see him for a leather bracelet !
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I also burnt my night meal, but I saved it by putting goat cheese on it to hide the taste, and I ended up accidentally upgrading my meal -it wouldn't be that good even if I hadn't burnt it
I changed my pfp >:) I'm a Kenny slut now, sorry not sorry Woowoo
Have a wonderful morning my friend !
oh that's so pretty!!! you reminded me that there's a Christmas market going on here as well -- I gotta visit!! Christmas markets actually aren't a very normal thing in the states, so it'll be a new experience for me!
hehe yeah I was like OwO profile pic
I'll miss woowoo but it'll be fun to look at slutty kenny lmfao
GOAT CHEESE OP !!!! all hail goat cheese 😌😌😌😌
I asked my friends if they'd be interested in skiing sometime and surprisingly they were! they're not super outdoorsy so I didn't think they'd really want to. but I'm excited!! I haven't been skiing since I was like 10 lol
my apartment feels very cozy now that I've tidied it up, very nice :3 I have an incense that's supposed to be like evergreen trees, but it really just smells vaguely like cigarettes :( I have lots of other candles tho lol
wishing you a cozy and peaceful evening!!
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sungbeam · 1 year
Sorry I think I actually went into a comatose state once the Holiday teaser ver pics came out
Suffice to say that I will be investing in these albums 🫡
Also lemme just talk abt the fact that we’ll technically get 9 different versions of the same album technically 😀
The Boys is also way lowkey scary so yeah you’re right 😭 AND YEAH THE ACTOR THAT PLAYED HOMELANDER WAS LIKE… TOO GOOD AT HIS JOB 💀💀 ALSO I saw what you meant about marvel invasion cause ummm what is up with that reader insert plot armour type beat character 💀💀💀 like I saw her scene on twt and not only does it look bad but I was like HUH??? Characters that are so OP are fkn ejdwjjrkekf TOO MUCH LMAO
And I am once again sooo excited for Rhapsody Anonymous even though I saw you were struggling a bit writing it but I think it’ll really pay off 🥹🫶
I’m so glad that you did take some time off for yourself to ground yourself when you felt overwhelmed and I’m really glad that it helped you as well!! Take care of yourself above all else! 🥺💖
Also! Random Q&A time!
1. What’s your fav type of bread
2. What’s the cringiest thing you’ve ever put up on social media (optional answer 💀)
3. Have you ever been in love 🫣
I got like 2/4 of these from teen vogue so don’t @ me ok 😔💔
- So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you. (Paulo Coehlo)
Love always, 🌷 anon
NO CUZ SAME???!(!(!) like I literally was supposed to wrote the day the present concept came out and i couldn't think abt anything else for the rest of the day :l BRO THATS WHAT IM SAYING ?? ist making MONEY MOVES this comeback 😭😭😭 pulling out all the stops to suck the money from our wallets ksnfkemdk I'll need to drop out of college if I were to get even one per concept 😭😭😭
HELP NO CUZ THE COLORS FROM THE PRESENT VER ARE SOOOOOO VIBRANT AND BEAUTIFUL???? THEY WERE SO SO PRETTY. and omg CHOI CHANHEE WAS MADE FOR THE GLITTER VERSION 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️ someone said *im spinnin like a ballerinaaaa* LMAO have u seen the clips from the zeneration behind lol chanhee and kevin on the POLES !!! so iconic tbh i think it was for savior?? not too sure
ur so right anthony starr (?)/homelander plays his role FAR TOO WELL O_O he freaks me tf OUT w that smile omg sknfkendk all his scenes put a shiver down my spine and i haven't even properly watched the series 😭
bro secret invasion threw me for a mfkn loop 😭 idk if you've watched the whole thing but KEVIN FEIGE WE NEED TO TALK ABT UR CHOICES FOR MISS MARIA HILL WE NEED TO TALK S I R. i actually really like the title sequence for it tho i thought it was so masterfully done like for some reason i really liked it in particular 😭💀
ahhhh thanks !!! 🤧🤧 hopefully u like what I've done for it LMFAOOOO it's been a struggle up in here, but it's prob gonna come out to be longer than the estimated word count 🤣🤣 i am not doing very good at keeping it under 20k
omg random q+a 😃
brioche !!! tho i think i have more opinions abt cheese than bread 😭 wheat works too LMAO
uhhhhh 💀 the things i posted way back when r more embarrassing/"u idiot"/"u bitch" type things, but ig i can say all of the over filtered pics 😭😭 i cry every time i think of that try hard bathing suit post i did once it was awful
uhhhh if being in love counts as being in love w white rice then yes 🤩🤩 idk dude lol i don't think i've met anyone yet whom i have really felt so strong an emotion for as sad as it sounds, but i am patient
HELP ME KDFKLEMDK CUZ .... Apparently when i was 1 or 2, i had a SICKENING crush on jimmy neutron 🧍🏻‍♀️ but after that it was probably zayn from lego ninjago, i don't make the rules LMAO i am a nerd-lover through and through !!!
NOW UR TURN GO !!! 😼😼 LMAO no worries i think it was cute and fun !!
— "'If you are intolerable, let me be the one to tolerate you.'" - T. J. Reid 💖
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odysseys-blood · 1 year
Uh uh one of those limbus company people you like for the character bingo. I do not know any of their names so maybe pick a favorite?
EASY my ultimate fave is named Yi Sang! tho i love a kot of the cast but here's his:
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no complete bingo sadly just off by one or two. I'll go through each choice under the cut tho bc its a lot of squares
I am so normal about them- Complete and utter lie. He has captivated me body and soul. His base id is very reserved initially but from his other identities you could always see there was so much he just wasn't showing likely bc he didn't feel comfortable pursuing new friendships and making connections again after he had lost all of the ones he had before. but in his other ids he's found new foundations to the point where he's himself albeit in different ways. he's still quizzical and loves to research (this is also a good tie into the story he's based on, The Wings by Yi Sang, in which his only joy really was to contemplate the world around him since he was stuck in a small dark room most of the time), hes enigmatic and a playful man. i adore him sm this is longer than i meant it to be also.
I have so many headcanons about them- this is mainly related to his other ids and his body in general. i feel like hes got some stomach on him a nice lil researcher physique
A Beast Unleashed- this one is tied to everyone being wrong abt him but just bc he mainly fights with a knife i dont think he'd be super weak and frail. hes hardy just as any of the sinners on the bus would have to be bc working as part of the bus crew for limbus CANNOT be an easy job and its shown over and over again to be super taxing also maybe its the ego auit in his spicebush id but that one is super op
Solid design/aesthetic- again tied to The Wings but hes a very good match to the narrator of that story. pallid from a lack of sunlight, very tired looking, presentable but still disheveled a bit i like him a lot
Literally I Would Kiss Them- yes but also he seems like he wants to kiss Dante (character you play as/the manager) and i bring these screenshots up a lot but these lines prove my point i think also im gonna bite him for these
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If anything happens to them I will cry- I think quite enough has already happened to him from leaving his first home and immigrating with others just for a chance to pursue their passions w/ research, losing all his friends and his drive to create from capitalism, being stabbed in the back and still feeling like he has no place to complain because of his inability and being drugged and coerced into trying to destroy the last person he cared about. so leave him alone or ill be so so so sad
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Stop that Manchester tweet lmao. Yeah unfortunately football isn't always fair, so the better team doesn't always win. However Arsenal got 60 points right now 🥰 Liverpool is redeeming itself, but Chelsea??? London is blue whereeee
What the fuck the Prison League is extending. Omfg no I didn't hear about the Gr**nw**d thing. So now people are calling the girl a liar and while it's possible, abused people often go back to their partners and tbh I doubt he'd be with her if she falsely accused him... idk this is fucked
I met that one girl back in 2019, I thought she was alright, but turns out she's a weirdo and is travelling everywhere Atz goes
Okay, but this NCT stalker??? I've heard of her too many times. She's fucking insane? Just full of delulu. WOW. And a total mean girl too, so embarrassing. And so is her overuse of AAVE, apparently she uses n-word too 🤡 Judy needs to be dragged like that Changmin ssng
Hybe stans can't stay focused, now Hybe is the saviour, but 5 months ago there was no "Hybe privilege" lol. Yeah the staff is worried, SM has already made some people redundant :/. TELL ME THIS SIGN WON'T BE TAKEN OFF SOON, I NEED TO SEE IT
LSM is a fucking snake (no disrespect to snakes) he just knows how to protect his stupid ass. Meanwhile Chris Lee commenting on Lookass' post... I never thought they time would come when I will be "defending" SM, or rather hoping for Hybe's downfall.
Snow 🔪🔪🔪🔪 stay warm Baek! Then your avo uni needs to step up their game, invite Exo too! Hoping for some proper tour dates then 🙏 Kai got threatened?! I mean it's London so absolutely no shocked :/ he doesn't need to go to London, there are other places in Europe (contrary to popular belief)
I'm gonna make a compilation of some good food I've eaten. <3
It's ridiculous, because posh people get mocked for their accents and stupidity, but they also mock others for being poor and having ugly accents soooo. Yeah, what a place indeed. My friend from a town next to Liverpool got asked to change his accent once he got a job at one of London's banks
5 dollars wow Baek young and rich era!
The dream was me photographing some guy - he wasn't Hwa at first but turned into him eventually, atp Seonghwa is the default man in my subconsciousness - we were at a sandpit and it wa so fucking dark lol. Anyway he was a bit gloomy, so I tried to cheer him up somehow. Then we were on a creepy train, I remember being upset that I wasn't in the same carriage as Hwa and went to visit him. But he was with some girl and other ppl and I was jealous???? I asked him if he'd get off on my station and help me. There was some shit going on tho, like I mentioned the train was creepy and we just wanted to leave. Everyone was so sus. Eventually Seonghwa got off with me and walked me home, but we were stalked by some guy - apparently my ex or just a creep who thought we were together 🤔💀
The absolute disrespect towards Seonghwa's dirty blonde hair!!! He has some defenders thankfully, but 🤡🤡🤡🤡 grey too, what a colour. You know the haters just want him to have black hair all the time, probably with an undercut too. No creativity whatsoever!
Hmm posh Hwa... maybe, but he comes from a smaller town and uses satoori. He grew up near water, so in my head Seonghwa is from Cornwall ❤ Cornish people have a slight piratey accent
I read the new model Hwa fic, Y/N is me whenever I look at him tbh. I wish I was OP 😭 I'm just a medium, I'm manifesting shit
That Woo AU does sound nice, are there any Wommys on this blog? They'd be excited 👀
Come to think they aren't that many F1 movies apart from documentaries and some lesser known productions, except for Rush
Everyone's slandering Hwa for being such a guy definitely a humbling experience, but hey at least he looked adorable (the need to bite his nose!)
I thought it said HALA MADRID 😭 BUT HELLO. I was hoping they'd go see the match, but I think they've already left :/
GIVE HIM SOME GRAPHIC EYELINER, he's so cuteeeee. I've decided to pass away
Stop that Manchester tweet lmao. Yeah unfortunately football isn't always fair, so the better team doesn't always win. However Arsenal got 60 points right now 🥰 Liverpool is redeeming itself, but Chelsea??? London is blue whereeee
LMFAOOOO AFTER LIKE HOW MANY YEARS?? mayb ten hag was onto something,,, now if we talk about the el classico, i WAS READY TO BE HUMILIATED BC WE DIDNT HAVE OUR MAIN PLAYERS but ☺️☺️☺️  anyway why’s benzema acting like this 🤨 he’s acting like the demographic he dates bc damn ??? u weren't gonna win anyways?? 😭😭 and what’s up with rm fans being racist again come on 😭😭😭  man city’s rIGHT behind, they started alvarez and now everything is going well 💓💖
What the fuck the Prison League is extending. Omfg no I didn't hear about the Grnwd thing. So now people are calling the girl a liar and while it's possible, abused people often go back to their partners and tbh I doubt he'd be with her if she falsely accused him… idk this is fucked  /// I met that one girl back in 2019, I thought she was alright, but turns out she's a weirdo and is travelling everywhere Atz goes
YEAAAAHHH apparently hakimi’s wife was already divorcing him and this prob did some more damage 😭😭 yeah like it takes like 7 trues or something to get rid of them and tbh the way some man utd fans are acting 🔫🔫 ngl she def took the complaint back bc of the money he has, terrible,,, NAURRRRRR does she still do it?? 😭😭 psg is actually finished
Okay, but this NCT stalker??? I've heard of her too many times. She's fucking insane? Just full of delulu. WOW. And a total mean girl too, so embarrassing. And so is her overuse of AAVE, apparently she uses n-word too 🤡 Judy needs to be dragged like that Changmin ssng
omg i just saw all about that and the way theres absolutely NO SHAME and it’s instead all “ok 🥰🥰🥰” ???? nctzens need to throw hands bc what the hell??? if i was an idol id actually throw hands, what ate the bodyguard doing how are they just able to know their info ??? NOOOO THE WORST COMBO 😭😭😭 changmin needs to pull up to be nct’s bodyguard atp,, slap slap slap and drag out of the taxi with all the ppl she was with
Hybe stans can't stay focused, now Hybe is the saviour, but 5 months ago there was no "Hybe privilege" lol. Yeah the staff is worried, SM has already made some people redundant :/. TELL ME THIS SIGN WON'T BE TAKEN OFF SOON, I NEED TO SEE IT
actually going to go mental i wonder how all the artists are feeling despite updating us with nice messages 😭😭😭 imagine having your entire life spent at that company and being a family w everyone and going thru all the scandals and now it’s this mf company 😭😭😭
LSM is a fucking snake (no disrespect to snakes) he just knows how to protect his stupid ass. Meanwhile Chris Lee commenting on Lookass' post… I never thought they time would come when I will be "defending" SM, or rather hoping for Hybe's downfall.
HE REALLY DOES ITS SO IRRITATING BUT SO FUNNY HOW HE’S SCAMMING THEM IN THEIR OWN CONTRACTS PLS 😭😭😭 chris lee is actually finished,, unhinged man atp trying to back down and be all nice like bro we see right through you????  all this happened after he posted that lookas photo to NO CAUSE SAME FBWJDH NEVER THOUGHT ID BE STANDING FIRST IN LINE TO DEFEND THAT PINK COMPANY
Snow 🔪🔪🔪🔪 stay warm Baek! Then your avo uni needs to step up their game, invite Exo too! Hoping for some proper tour dates then 🙏 Kai got threatened?! I mean it's London so absolutely no shocked :/ he doesn't need to go to London, there are other places in Europe (contrary to popular belief)
went outside for a walk <3 teeth chattering, legs shaking <33 love canada 🥰🥰💖💓✨☺️ MY UNI SHUT DOWN BC OF THE 5CM SNOW DHSJHFKS THERES NO HOPE FROM THAT JAIL DUPE,, yeah 😭😭 during like mama-wolf era! exo went london and they pulled the 🔪 and now he kind never wants to go there fbfb “(contrary to popular belief)” 😭😭😭 he’s def going paris for sure!! berlin too!
I'm gonna make a compilation of some good food I've eaten. &lt;3
It's ridiculous, because posh people get mocked for their accents and stupidity, but they also mock others for being poor and having ugly accents soooo. Yeah, what a place indeed. My friend from a town next to Liverpool got asked to change his accent once he got a job at one of London's banks /// 5 dollars wow Baek young and rich era!
WHAT IS THIS 😭😭😭 damn your guys’s hierarchy system worse than ours 😭😭😭 if i ever visit that place catch me with the brummie accent, will channel my peaky blinder era <3 OH NO WAY???? ITS THAT BAD??? 😭😭😭 young and rich yoURE RIGHTT MY BANK IS FULL!!! TO THE BRIM!!! was actually scared when the reception last said i won 😭😭 i was going to start crying but it was just 5$ smh also do u eat that beans on the toast thing 🤨
The dream was me photographing some guy - he wasn't Hwa at first but turned into him eventually, atp Seonghwa is the default man in my subconsciousness - we were at a sandpit and it wa so fucking dark lol. Anyway he was a bit gloomy, so I tried to cheer him up somehow. Then we were on a creepy train, I remember being upset that I wasn't in the same carriage as Hwa and went to visit him. But he was with some girl and other ppl and I was jealous???? I asked him if he'd get off on my station and help me. There was some shit going on tho, like I mentioned the train was creepy and we just wanted to leave. Everyone was so sus. Eventually Seonghwa got off with me and walked me home, but we were stalked by some guy - apparently my ex or just a creep who thought we were together 🤔💀//// The absolute disrespect towards Seonghwa's dirty blonde hair!!! He has some defenders thankfully, but 🤡🤡🤡🤡 grey too, what a colour. You know the haters just want him to have black hair all the time, probably with an undercut too. No creativity whatsoever!
you are miss tenelka but on crack, heavy crack BRKQHDWKHDWKJCC U HAD UR YN MOMENT IN THE DREAM FBWNDJCCJ “But he was with some girl and other ppl and I was jealous????” AS U SHOULD THATS YOUR MAN THROW HANDS AT THEM,,, NO SERIOUSLY ATINYS HAVE NO TASTE I SWEAR ALL THE TWT ONES DISRESPECT THE BEST HAIRS,,, it’s always the ones who want him to have black hair smh 🔫🔫🔫 silver hair is honestly so underrated / under appreciated on him, it’s should be crime, he served us angst and the with blond he served cunt!
Hmm posh Hwa… maybe, but he comes from a smaller town and uses satoori. He grew up near water, so in my head Seonghwa is from Cornwall ❤ Cornish people have a slight piratey accent /// I read the new model Hwa fic, Y/N is me whenever I look at him tbh. I wish I was OP 😭 I'm just a medium, I'm manifesting shit
oh he’s from the duchess of cornwall camilla area 🤨🤨 PIRATE ACCENT??? are they the deep south of uk fbwnddb ANON U WERE THE YN IN THAT DREAM, PHOTOGRAPHING HWA !!!! ur our psychic medium pls gimme a lil of cards and predict my future <3
That Woo AU does sound nice, are there any Wommys on this blog? They'd be excited 👀/// Come to think they aren't that many F1 movies apart from documentaries and some lesser known productions, except for Rush
very many wommy’s here 👀 but catch me making this a seonghwa fic 💃💃 ur right! after drive to survive there’s really nothing 😭😭 the schumacher documentary was really good! i wish they’d do some more but the drivers have their own youtube channel so it’s nice to see them vlogging! hopefully it's a ferrari year 😭😭😭😭
not ferrari but may b a mercedes hwa au!
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Everyone's slandering Hwa for being such a guy definitely a humbling experience, but hey at least he looked adorable (the need to bite his nose!) /// I thought it said HALA MADRID 😭 BUT HELLO. I was hoping they'd go see the match, but I think they've already left :/
LMFAOOOO in the end of the day he’s just a dude 😭😭😭 disappointed but not surprised, why bite the nose when u can have a seat on it- FBWNDHSK NO BC I THOUGHT IT WAS HALA MADRID TOO BUT I KNOW HES A BARCA FAN I FEEL IT IN MY BONES but he’s def a spurs fan 😔
GIVE HIM SOME GRAPHIC EYELINER, he's so cuteeeee. I've decided to pass away /// HOLD ON WAIT I'VE BEEN RESURRECTED 😭😭😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧🤧 THAT'S MY CAT BOY  - DV 💖
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anon i think we won,,, the entire track list looks so promising 😭😭😭
not a show but a private event,,, anon we’re getting there 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
anon is this u
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cielospeaks · 2 years
and this time for the real yr in review!
grade- no grade babyyy im an adult (but no. im working. lol)
how i spent birthday- actually did something for once! got together w a friend and went to the conan cafe + conan movie! it was fun!
first date to come to mind- oh its gotta be jan 18
why?- using expert (average) strategy i had calculated it to be my only day to go to nwh at an imax theater in order to get the past 8:00 discount and the free stickers. turned out i had work which i wasnt told abt but that was ok bc like i said the movie was at 8. went leisurely shopping in seria and went to royal host tho i had no appetite bc of nwh hype and also i was reading death on the nile. then the imax show was amazing and i still have the stickers, they are my prized possession
something u gave up- i think i gave up caring abt fgo plot bc it all sucks lol. but actually i switched jobs. turned out it was not better, but not worse. absolutely necessary but there are still problems. but thats for me this year to figure out.
someone hot- like :/ how you gotta tell me this. i do completely platonically think the characters from that movie were hot/attractive/nice to look at. theyre just there and im down to see their shenanigans.
best media- i really liked reading mysteries oh my gosh. also seeing the raimiverse movies at last was very good.
worst media- i think its gotta be g b f. like. g o is bad but ive known it would be bad, so its not really notably so. f e h is the same way, like b6 was bad, the tempest trial painted its protagonist in a disfavorable light, but tbh i didnt mind it bc everyone stayed in character unlike last years. g b f has characters as interesting as captain fucking nemo and messes it up. i think the one event i didnt dislike this year was the disciples one and that was just bc it was true neutral. no big bad, no “oh player character you’re so op swoons”, no hamfisted morals, no fetishizing actual problems people face irl, and thats considered a win. not like i like g b f writing considering i stopped playing around the muse event, but they messed with garebear specifically so they earn my ire.
favorite things overall- idk. i wouldnt say favorite bc its actually really frustrating but i feel like having to face more like. irl problems (like mortality, the passage of time, interpersonal strain, ect) is good for me. i dont like it ofc but i do care about people around me so for their sake and my own i need to deal with these too, rather than just get pissed off abt second rate authors of games. that being said a real favorite thing (tho even thats a little bittersweet) was def n w h. like from january to the summer at least i was on a high feeling of hype and happiness abt the story and overarching franchise. im still not a m c u enjoyer but im a huge nwh fan. oh and also things like the g b f museum and g o fest turned out to be surprisingly like. super fun! so that was great!
what ur looking forward to next yr- its up in the air now but itd be nice to get a steady job that pays decently and covers things but doesnt sign me up for things i cant afford. like that would be ideal and id like it to happen. but again idk. i guess im looking forward to seeing what the year holds, good or bad, and trying to make the most of what happens. idk i cant think of anything in particular. except junko nendoroid. oh and sal and izou standies w my gofest goods! and the conan movie! and- (cut off rambling abt fandom stuff)
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gogolstoelicker · 2 years
Hi! I loved your headcanons for BSD character mcs!! If it's alright with you, could I request the dorm leaders and vice dorm leaders with a fem! mc who is like Kunikida? (Idk why but the image of mc yelling at Leona to do something productive reminds me a little bit of Dazai and Kunikida's relationship)
Dorm leader + vice dorm leaders with a Kunikida!MC
warning(s): -
•sorry its late tho JSNJSJS
You're very professional and diligent when it comes to your job. You constantly feel the need to organize, gather and schedule everything, which makes you come off as strict and harsh.
A trustworthy and loyal detective, your coworkers rely on you because of your authoritative capability and responsible nature.
Ability: The Matchless Poet (or Lone Poet i forgot), allows you to make objects written on the papers of your notebook come into existence. However, it does not work on objects larger than the notebook.
with your ideals and his rules, you guys can surely make the whole nrc cower in fear!
like they're in the cafeteria and they saw riddle? "i hope im not breaking any rules rn😥"
they're about to skip class and they saw you? "ah nvm, skipping is never an option😅"
you guys probably get along REALLY well
talking about the rules, ur ideals and how everyone is not following them
probably kins each other too at some point
you guys are now best buddies
like the whole school will always see the two of you hanging out once y'all have free time
i have free time today, hey wanna go to this unbirthday party?🤗
i have free time, wanna hang around, i made tea🤗
oh sevens, another riddle😥
oh well trey dealt with riddle, so he knows how to deal with you too
tries his best to calm u down whenever some students pissed u off by ruining ur schedule
or anything u organized honestly
tells u to relax for a bit too
following a strict schedule everyday AND having to deal with the first years ruining ur schedule by accident AND not allowing urself to rest much???
he's right there next to you, trying to bribe you into resting
or threat idk🤔
it didn't work most of the times so
so he just have to be that one passive aggressive friend so you would rest or smth
did it work? sometimes if he tried harder
"u wouldn't want to ruin ur own schedule by passing out or anything right?^^"
"that's why i have enough sleep and exercise everyday"
^ur daily conversation probably
if it's not for the fact that you're a lady, he would never listen to you lol
ruggie is forever greatful to have you around
bc as soon as u start telling leona off to stop skipping class and do something productive, he actually got up and do it
i mean he may looks like he's ten seconds away from ripping someone's throat out but at least he tries‼️
he actually leaves the class once he sees that you're not there but shhh
sometimes if he feels extra nice, he'll actually stay in the class
but he'll sleep in it LMAO he REFUSED to study
don't get him wrong, he appreciates that you even went out of your way to scold and sometimes motivate him to show his full potential but
he's a lazy lion at heart, you won't be able to get him to do anything
one time that happened again and someone snitched to you
leona is now forced to listen to your few hours lecture and how it does not fit ur ideals for him to not study
literally leona the whole time:
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oh you definitely got feed by his lies LMFOAOAOA
even azul himself is surprised by how naive you could be
BUT this only means MORE advantage to him👓✨
the amount of lies he fed u everyday...
its like that annoying scam seller that came knocking on ur door everyday
or those who tried to promote their "religion" cult on the streets
either way, that's how azul looks like to u everyday
he's sly so he probably made it seemed like smth good until jack just
pulls u away from azul so u won't get roped into some weird deal that won't benefit u at all
he ALWAYS finds a loophole in ur ideals so he can just
idk not follow but follow ur ideals at the same time?
he doesn't really mind you that much? as long as you're not nagging him about something of course
which is lowkey rare bc u approve of him apparently🤔
like attitude, style and how he handles work? P E R F E C T. CHEF'S KISS
while u do like how he's on time for schedule and actually gets his work done, u don't really like how uh
scheming he can be😥
but oh well he's from octavinelle, u cant do much about it so u just avoid him
he's actually quite amused that u even approve of him
he didn't know he could fit ur ideals but now that he knows, you know he will never let it go
now u have to deal with a 191cm tall man looming over u and teasing u subtly nonstop
if he hace free time that is since hes usually busy with monstro lounge and floyd's antics🤔
u crying bc he reminds u of ur annoying coworker
him being happy meeting jamil's best buddy
yes i said best buddy what about it
he actually liked to listen to ur rant abt ur ideals
i mean he may not understand it fully but he's willing to listen!
literally dragged u to his parties
yes, u dont like parties. yes, u have works to do
but u gotta relax and have fun sometimes prefect so let him drag u to have fun!
cue u standing in the corner with a glass of juice in hand
"what do people do at parties?" u may ask
and then u see kalim absolutely eating up the dance floor and having fun
he would even try to drag u to dance with him
goodluck trying to get away from said party
cries heavy tears
it's tears of happiness btw
fiNALly! someone who can take his place to take care of kalim once in a while!
the gods have finally heard his prayers after all this time, he's so happy
sometimes, he would even hang out with you just because
well if you're both not busy that is🤔
he's mostly busy with kalim's shenanigans and you have your day planned out already so
so if u both EVER have a free time, you guys would hang out‼️
with kalim tagging along ofc bc he can't really leave him alone
him being even more happy bc u don't have this favoritism towards either of them and actually treats them equally
and not treating him like kalim's shadow
him to u probably
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ah yes, probably got along too
he agree with ur ideals here and there
esp if it have smth to do with having good posture and how to present yourself better
might even ask to read through some of it
who knows, he might get a nice advice here and there
he would also give u some advice
u writing it down on ur book and trying to achieve that exact same thing the very next day
and vil wiping a single tear that left from his eyes bc omg!! that's his student!!
he does feel a sense of pride and is actually very proud of himself and u a little whenever u listen to his advice
probably the one to do ur makeup if he have spare time just so he can make sure u look the absolute best💯
overall, could be best advice buddies but both are too busy to hang out too🤗
caught him following stalking a someone
so now he's in a lecture abt how that's wrong
he is kind of like 🤩 when he first saw u
who is this strict prefect he may ask🤔
it's you🤩‼️‼️
while he does not follow u around daily, he does sing praises to you whenever u two crossed paths
welp there goes ur schedule😔you're 10 seconds late bc of him😔
actually doesn't mind his praises, u just wish he wouldn't tell u in the middle of the hallways
probably one of the first ones to find out about your ability
with rook and his stalking investigation skills, he can and will find out everything‼️
him cornering u sometimes just so he can tell u more praises
u shaking and crying bc u just wanna go through ur schedule and this is the 5th time he stopped u this week and it's only monday
a victim of u
in a good way i think🤔
ortho is probably the one whp introduced y'all
you, who saw idia , rolled up your sleeves and tried to make him have a healthier lifestyle
ofc u won't drag him out
it's just u whipping out a 100 slides powerpoint with your ideal book in hand telling him how much negative impact it would have living the way he is and ways to improve
he's shaking and crying bc u did this everytime you guys meet in his room
how do u even get in his room? i don't know either
he would sometimes roll his eyes here and there when u go on ur daily lecture
probably also saw u pull out some items from ur book bc u have to outline smth in the powerpoint to prove ur point
and he just goes🤨😮⁉️⁉️
it's a magic book⁉️⁉️
found out u can also pull out a gun from that and decided to listen carefully to your lectures from that day on
well he doesn't mind how strict u are with urself and others
he thinks its a rather good quality to have
he, as a future ruler, can surely learn a thing or two from u
u sobbing bc there's finally someone who's willing to go with ur ideals after riddle
he listens to u really well, he even tried to his best to follow it!
but there are times he would tell u to relax for a bit too
u must've been tired🤗come with him for a walk to rest ur mind🤗
u rejecting it bc its supposed to be ur bedtime
u going with him anyway bc he somehow convinced you
with sad lightnings bc he was sulking LMFOAOAOA
peepaw is always there to tell u to relax!
you'll get burnt out if u keep putting ur 100 into everything and putting urself into some strict schedule, take a break sometimes
found out how naive u could be
u could now see lilia growing horns and devil's tail
there's not a day lilia won't trick u
be it for his own amusement or for u to rest
like maybe he would make up some lie like
"in nrc, if u don't rest for a few hours, you'll surely get cursed by the great sevens for ur ideals to never come true"
cue u having tea time with lilia as rest, eating cookies and chatting away
it's a gamble if it's homemade by yours truly or brought from Sam's store
if it's made by lilia, then u can scold him once u made a trip to the infirmary🤗
probably tried to help him around in the kitchen so he could make better food
he appreciates it but his cooking, in fact, did not improve at all
in fact, its ur headache that improved bc of how many times u have to stop him from putting random ingredients in
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silvertsundere · 2 months
Silver Talks AniManga (14/07/24)
pretty chill week this time around this should be all the shows I'm watching for this season too, which is a lot less than last and all but 1 is on the weekend which is nice as well
green - new series/new to me blue - finale/completed
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Mayonaka Punch Ep1
I decided to watch this months ago when it was announced cause it's PA and I like how the designs looked a lot. At first from the info they had revealed I thought it was gonna be about vtuber but nope it's just normal youtubers. The first ep was really good tho. Did a good job setting up our 2 mains here and their motivations and some others of the cast. It also looked very good as you'd expect from PA. It's kinda funny that the plot kicks off with the main character punching one of her previous partners when we just had that last season in Jellyfish. Also both the OP and ED were good, I liked them quite a bit
But anyway, pretty fun ep 1, the 2 mains got good voices (Fairouz Ai and Hasegawa Ikumi) and the rest of the cast looks like fun too. Not expecting to be blown out the water by it but it'll be a nice ride if they keep up the energy from this ep (which I expect from PA)
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Bye Bye, Earth Ep1
Decided to watch this on a whim cause the PV I saw some months ago piqued my interested. Went in not expecting much, and good thing I did cause it's Liden so you know you're in for nothing special. I don't got much to say, its was a pretty generic adventure story start and there was nothing impressive about the episode, tho the OST by Kevin Penkin was p decent. Also, apparently this is based on some OLD LN that ran from sep 2007 to feb 2008 and only had 4 vols, with 12 chaps, which seems like an odd choice to adapat in 2024. Curious to see if they're gonna do it all or not and if they'll do the katangatari approach of 1 chap per ep. Tho, I don't know if I'll stick with it yet, we'll see how the next few eps go, but this is the only show I got on friday so prob gonna stick with it cause why not
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Kaiju 8: B-Side Ch12 (Finale)
That was a nice little spinoff. We knew from the start it wouldn't be that long, since it's based on the novel but it was still nice seeing some more about these characters. It helps that they're my favourites too but yknow lol. The stories were nothing too special to be fair, other than Narumi's showing his backstory as an orphan the others didn't add anything to the characters we didn't know already, just went more in depth into details that were in the main manga.
The artist for it wasn't the one from the main manga. The one for this had a series on jump some months (years?..) ago called Super Smartphone which ended up axed. It was understandable but the art was pretty good so I was hoping they'd come back eventually, and come back they did, with slightly more polished art. Outside of the normal stuff, the action scenes were really good too which we never got to see much of in SS. I'll be looking forward to the artist's next work be it solo or teaming up with an author.
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
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@butterfly-mochi​ Rewrote this freaking thing thrice because it keeps getting deleted wth tumblr agjvahkfajkvk- I enjoyed writing it a lot tho and since I’m too weak to the characters I ended up writing for all of them (except for Sucrose, im sorry bb huhu, I ran out of brain power). This is my first time writing for so many of them in one go so please excuse me for any mistakes or blandness ywy thank you for letting me write for my baby Ganyu too hhhhh
Universe Reversal 2
Genshin Impact Character Reader and Modern Players with Zhongli, Childe & Ganyu (how they simp for you) (event masterlist / Part 1 / Part 3)
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Zhongli the F2P
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The most relatable out of the bunch because this man is still broke and can only rely on the primogems he can farm. And he had a LOT. The one thing he doesn’t have a lot on, however, is his luck.
So how did he manage to pull you?: Well after exhausting all his primogem on your banner with nothing but weapons and other characters, he has lost his resolve. But by some weird luck, there was a character bug that was fixed and in his email was the almighty consolation primogem. Enough for ONE pull. And by the Gods he FINALLY got you.
He’d nonchalantly post his screenshot of pulling you using a single acquaint fate in his friend group without any words and everyone else just loses their shit. “You got them in one pull?!” “Yeah” A riot.
This was partnered with the fact that not only is Zhongli an F2P player, but also barely has any five star characters.
He looks calm and apathetic over the news, but behind the screen he’s exhausted and relieved, silently livid.
He has no primogems left to squeeze for a constellation so you’re instead pampered with the best weapon suitable for you (because that’s all he keeps getting).
Zhongles spends most of his time farming for materials to quickly level you up, unlocking all your stories and voiceline, but he fucked up on your build (his artifacts are messy).
He follows communities, forums and videos regarding your character to know all the things he needs to perfect your build. You can barely make a dent against normal mobs, so he knew he was doing something VERY wrong.
Is the type of person to keep refreshing the page for new content, very updated.
Ask him a question about your character and he’s gonna bring you the word vomit that is his research. He’s not gonna stop- probably accidentally developed a copypasta for you.
Also follows your VA in both Tiktok and Twitter to indulge in every bit of content. He also has that screenshot of his pull saved and locked.
On his birthday, a friend of his gifted him a chibi plushie of you and he has treasured it ever since, treating and handling it like its a figurine.
“It is merely pure luck and grace from the gacha gods that I got this character, and I will make sure that they know I am very grateful for this fortune.”
Favorite Voiceline: Birthday Message
Childe The Whaler
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This lucky wealthy bastard with no remorse for his money whales for EVERY character. He’s making a collection, which is to get all the characters, especially the five stars. So when your banner finally popped up, he’s gonna square up and trigger a whole ass meteor shower.
How he pulled you: Money. His luck with this games are actually not the best so he always compensates with money, he got you halfway through the first failed pity, almost giving him a heart attack that he might actually break the bank just to get you.
And then he pulls more to raise your constellation lol.
The first thing he does is look over your character info and read through it all; constellation infos, your base stats, artifact compatibility.
At the end when he’s maximized everything, he would then focus on playing around with your character *coughs climbing noises coughs*
He thought you’d just be another part of his collection but playing with your character was very enjoyable and in-line with his playstyle- oops 100 screenshots with the Kamera-
Any and all merchandise that he fancies would be his, and he’s definitely flexing it to the other sweetie nerds who call themselves simps. He’s fighting for the simping title, and he’s currently neck and neck with this fanartist in Pixiv.
Speaking of that fanartist, he definitely commissioned an expensive and detailed portrait of you, full rights and everything. No one else was allowed to use it but him.
Was also the first one with the audacity to call out your VA to create an account on Tiktok to create more content with your voice. He was successful.
His obssession also comes in the form of self-indulgent contents, and had been keeping track of the ship wars happening. During conventions, he cosplays as the character shipped with you the most (or the character he thinks should end up with you).
Silently scrutinizing those who cosplay you, only ever taking pictures with/of the best looking one, sorry haha
Definitely flaunts that you are his waifu/husbando and will fight for best girl/best boy during debates or polls. Has mobilized the community to vote for you once. He’s very persuasive.
“Hm? Why I’m just the best collector in the game, and I am more than happy to let everyone know that I am their number one fan haha, everyone who claims otherwise is definitely wrong!”
Favorite Voiceline: More About (Y/N) I-IV, (Y/N)’s Hobbies...
Ganyu the Employed
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Ganyu, our dearest overworker, is one of the players in the older stage who actually has a job but still plays Genshin for their past times. The gorgeous sceneries and the music is her main focus in playing the game, not much of a try-hard but still decent in the combat mechanics.
How she pulled you: You came home within 50 pulls! And you appeared again after another 10 pull! Ganyu was so SHOOKT and so distressed because oh goodness, what does she do? She doesn’t know anything much about you!
Will rewatch your three trailers to try and understand your skills better, ended up saving the soundtracks from them because that was such a nice trailer music! Tnbee gains a new follower!
Ganyu will take a while before she can properly play or build you up because she’s so busy with work, she only ever plays when she feels fully done with her work.
During her break she plays with your character while multi-tasking on eating, earphones plugged in and sight on the phone as she farms materials and artifacts for you.
The moment she gets more help from her player friends tho, holy shit, you just ended up being so OP. She had so many good artifacts and weapons for you because she didn’t know what they were for before.
She loves how you’re so easy to use and can easily solo the enemies and even the boss fights. A huge breather, because now Ganyu can cheese the battles that takes a while, to give her more time to focus on the storyline and lores.
Since Ganyu plays for the story and aesthetic, she’ll find you almost always in her team. Still very proud of her pull, she makes the best screenshots of your fights or in the best angle through exploration.
Treasures you so much she starts talking to her phone- “Ah, no, please don’t fall.” “There’s violetgrass up there, let’s try and get it”
Blushes everytime you produce a sound when climbing, doesn’t change you anyways tho
Hums to your trailer music while working, and if permitted, would have the song on repeat while she buries herself in work. She finds it really refreshing and the time she spends in work miraculously flies by fast when she gets lost in the sound.
At one point, when she was given a day-off or if the convention was on her free time, she attends to look for cosplayers of you and take a picture. No one rejects her because she’s so adorable and cute when asking shyly.
Had brought a decent amount of merchandise, preferably the functional/practical ones like a phone cover, mug or keychain. Also has an earphones clamp with your little chibi self as the holder.
When asked, she would shyly announce that she likes your character the most.
“Their character theme and music really soothes me during work, it feels nice to have them, and I have not once regretted ever pulling for them. They are the best.”
Favorite Voicelines: Good Night/Afternoon..., About Us, Something To Share..., Interesting Things...
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so enjoyable...
@moaa @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @dandelion-dreams @snackgod @rxsalinee
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lilypixels · 3 years
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Izzy’s Dag-Dag The Artist… Tag
By @morgynemberisagenderfluiddaddy
~ Rules ~
Show us a rendition of yourself in your own art! Can be anything! Sims render? Random stick figure? Picrew? Go nuts! (Just be sure to tag the artist if you use someone else’s picrew!!!!) Tag the blogs you want to know, and don’t be a dick that’s it! Also, feel free to answer as vague or in-depth as you want. And if you don’t want to answer a question for any reason just don’t vibe with it! Skip it if you wanna! Also make sure you tag me and use #dagdagtheartisttag so I can see it!!!!!!!!
This is a bit long so i’m just gonna...
1.) Do you prefer to be referred to by your name or blog name? Both are fine! I don’t care much about what people refer to me as in general and have had someone on here call me lily once
2.) Where are you from? I won’t say exact, but I live in the middle of USA (I can’t wait to move-)
3.) Do you have pets? 👀 Yes! 3 dogs and 2 cats, tho only one cat is truly “mine”
4.) Tell us about your “dream”. uhh like where I want to be in life? what I want to do? um I’m still working on the exact job title, but I wish to do research at a natural history/science museum (sorta like archives or collections manager, but neither of those are quite right i think). Otherwise, I just hope to adopt and even foster kids cause my life would not be complete without little ones :3 (spouse/partner optional lol) 
5.) Aside from art, what are your hobbies? Randomly researching things that grasp my attention, games...lots of games, reading, watching tv, coloring (wait does that count as art-), uhhh spacing out
6. )Does anyone irl know about your blog? yeah, but mostly just know about, not like see my posts i guess
7.)Do you know anyone from your blog irl? not outside of just chatting on discord
8.) What are some fun facts about you? I’ve had some poems published before (it was with entering a poetry contest), I have surprisingly good balance, my brain is not properly awake/functioning until 10am which has led to me almost using soap as toothpaste a few times too many, I have a birthmark on my finger (bonus: it sorta changes color/how noticeable it is depending on how hot or cold I am lol, i call it a mini thermometer cause of this), apparently Lion King was my Disney movie obsession as a kid...oh and I have a certificate in cryptozoology lolz
9.) What’s your day job? i work as a private nanny/glorified babysitter (i don’t live with them or drive but work regular hours through week and as needed; even join the occasional vacation with them)
10.) Do you have a celebrity look alike? i don’t think so; a girl in high school once said I look like Cameron Diaz tho-
11.) What’s your aesthetic? for my blog I think it’s becoming like dark academia meets cottage core?? idk for myself...who knows
12.) What kind of artist are you? the tired kind lol
13.) How did you get into your form of art? if we’re looking at sims, uhhh well I just happened to learn about cc one day, then happened upon simblr, saw edits, and thought I’d give a try cause I can’t draw but I need a creative outlet so this worked for me
14.) What do you watch/listen/read/anything else while you create? if I do anything, its listen to music; music is generally random based on what I feel like but more recently its been 2d anime groups (idolish7, hypnosis mic, etc)
15.) What is your favorite of your own creations so far?  lets see...this, this, and this edit wise I think
16.) How would you describe your art style? idk chaos
17.) What is more satisfying to you coloring or outlining? coloring, I like coloring 
18.) What meme would you use to describe yourself?
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19.) What character from any media form do you most identify with? oh gosh uhhhh there’s a few but I’ll say Iori and Sogo from Idolish7 since they come to mind first lol. Iori is a fellow aquarius who hides his interests and agonizes over past slipups even a year later, others have legit moved on but he’s still stuck on it (that was true moment I was like “omg you are aquarius” lol cause yeah meee). Sogo i heavily relate to as well cause he’s,,,very nice and hides his own feelings, putting others before himself (but when right buttons get pushed, he can be scary lol) so yeah, those two
20.) If you were on the run, what would you change your name to? I’ve never thought of this...no clue
21.) Have you ever or do you want to change blog names? I have changed names, yes; I used to be silverine-sims but after a time i didn’t ~vibe~ with it
22.) God forbid Tumblr decides to pull a MySpace and lets us have page songs, what song would you choose?  page songs like adding playlist to blog? i mean its possible already with bit of coding and I used to have one set up but uh one song huh? gosh um I guess Twisted Hearts by tasuku hatanaka; it was op for Moriarty the Patriot s2 and I’m pretty obsessed with it rn 
23.) Oh yeah, I’m still on the MySpace train and I’m starting discourse! Who’s your top 8? my brain refuses to think and rank; i have trouble with choices and that extends to favorites,,
24.) Did you understand those references or did you have to look them up? (I’m fully aware I’m ancient, but are you?) i know of myspace but otherwise i have no clue what all it entailed
25.) One last question; why are you like that? I grew up watching Secret Saturdays, He-Man, Teen Titans, Danny Phantom, and Spongebob idk what to tell ya ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dag dag?
Now tag tag!!!
I know not all of you will do this or was tagged by izzy already but I’m tagging everyone I can think of anyway-
@cyansimblr @neriney @lunchsims @waysims @klayde @sinfulwunders @void-imp @ladykendalsims @lazysunjade @almost-spring @smolteabirb @lunaziie @clumsyghostie​ and uh uh anyone else cause its too early and my brain just quit
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