#this joke would've been so good in june
rin-hanarin · 18 days
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"The demon made me do it" and the demon is bisexuality 🙄
Possessed Lucanis Theory, but I made a shitpost out of it too (also I know that's not how possession works in Dragon Age, I took some creative liberties for laughs, don't mind me.)
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appleblueberry-pie · 1 year
Yandere! Scarface Gojo x afab! Reader who's ovulating and speaks whatever the hell is on her mind.
You could care less about how you got locked up in this beautiful and very isolated cabin surrounded by hundreds of miles of forest trees. And how many times you tried to save your dignity by escaping your captor from hell.
All you could think about was the man in front of you who got into bed with you, shirtless and only in his boxers, getting comfortable. It was silent, and all you could do was.....stare at his.....[very gorgeous body that caught your eyes. But you'd never say that out loud. Or would you?]body.
.............Satoru will admit. It's silent! And you're never silent. He doesn't look at you, he gives it a second before you start calling him very mean names and how his love logic is the worst kind of logic ever and that he should let you go. But it never comes.
So he gives in and turns, a slight smile on his face. But it falters, very surprised.
You have this look on your face.
....he doesn't know what to think. It's so....raw....?
You're staring at him with this look of unfaltering love and trust and....what? Lust? It's almost creepy.
This is a face you only make in his dreams. He thinks back, unsure if he drugged you with something. But nothing comes up.
You haven't scooted away, you're just sitting there, completely turned to him and admiring him.
"Uh....." For once, he doesn't know what to say. "Is there something on my face?"
You actually, like, smile at his joke. Like full teeth and it's gorgeous. And he can't help but mirror your expression.
"That was funny. And yeah, obviously. You got some cute scars on your face. And body." Unashamed, you trail your eyes down to the rest of his body.
Um, woah? You haven't laughed at his jokes since September 20th. He scrunches his eyebrows, really thinking now.
Either this is a joke, or you're trying to find a way to escape again, or someone's holding you at gunpoint.
But he knows no one would find this location, and he'd find them before they would've found you so that's out of the question.
None of the other options matter anyways, he's too impatient to see what else you'd say to him. You got him riled up.
"Oh, yeah?" He sits up a little more, the blanket falls down his stomach, showing his pelvis and legs, intentionally.
You hum in agreement and take this as an offer to trail your gaze even lower. Satoru cocks his head to the side. "What's gotten into you? Tryna escape again, or???"
You look back at him and slowly shake your head. "No, I just.....you look good." You shrug and give him a look of honesty. He's never seen your face so expressive since June 7th(he has videos from before he met you).
(I got tired of writing in bullet format)
He nods and scans your face once more before a smile slowly makes its way back to his face. "You think I look good?" You nod again. "Tell me how." You look away, thinking about it. "I don't know. You, uhh......even though you didn't have any scars before and looked good then," Oh, did he now?? "Your scars make you seem....wiser and hotter, I guess." Your heart was about to pound out of your chest. But it felt so good finally telling him about these pent-up feelings you've had for a few days now. And it's getting harder to ignore the throbbing in your pussy, anyways.
Satoru nods like he understands exactly what you're talking about, his ego suffocating the room. "Oh, I'm glad you shared that with me, baby." He sighs dramatically. "It must've been so hard for you not to communicate that with me, hm? These past few days, I've been in and out of here." You nod, and he smiles. He looks back at you and points to his side. "Come sit closer to me, I wanna feel you. There's also this new movie I want to watch."
Satoru keeps his eyes on your every move, watching as you slowly crawl your way into his arms and melt into them. He doesn't know what the hell has gotten into you but he fucking loves it. Your left hand on his stomach and your face leaning into his chest. Your legs are starting to tangle with his. This is all he's ever wanted.
He can....feel your heartbeat. Fast and hard to control. He can feel....your relaxed body on his. Your body warmth shared with his. Your soft and squishy skin. He's sure you wouldn't mind his hand going under your shirt, right? He doesn't do it, though. He just listens to your raging heartbeat. But he acts like he's ignoring it as he blindly searches through the streaming channel. Suddenly, he hears your quiet voice. "Hm?" He asks, turning his head down to face you. You look up at him with those large, innocent doe eyes that make his cock twitch. "Can i....I just wanna..." the remote almost cracks in his hand as your soft lips press against his neck. So warm and foreign.
Yeah, you're never seeing your family again. You slowly and surely pepper kisses along his neck. His lips part as your hand trails down his stomach and you lean into him more to reach farther on his face. Behind the ear, on the ear, you're getting to his high cheekbone. Your leg is almost draped over his and his heart beats faster.
You make a sound of happiness as you kiss at his jawline, too. But then you stop and Satoru comes down from his happy place, face red and cock straining his pants. "Wh....why did you stop?" You see his face and look confused. "Huh?" He gives you a dirty glance. Animalistic and unrestrained. "Don't stop kissing me." Before you could act on what he said or even comprehend it, he took matters into his own hands.
He firmly grabs your chin and pulls you into a deep, emotion filled kiss. He shoves his tongue down your throat, emptying your mind in the process. You moan into the kiss, which makes him moan too, and you absentmindedly grind into his side, horny and so needy. Satoru wraps his arm around your side and gropes it like it's the only thing keeping him alive. It actually hurts, and you could care less. It makes you even wetter. You wanna take your shirt off. You wanna feel his skin on yours so bad. Your knee brushes against his hard on. Immediately understanding what it is, your eyes open, and you gasp, separating from the kiss.
You look down at it, sparkles in your eyes. It looks so big! You wonder if it can fit? Or if you can ride it? Would he even let you ride it before creampie-ing you first? "Can I help?" Spills out of your lips faster than you can think. You look back at Satoru, who's a thousand degrees in love. Who is he to disagree? "You can do whatever you want, baby. But first, I gotta taste you." You nod, and Satoru has never been a happier man. Hopefully you won't regret your decision in a few more days.
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slaymitchabernathy · 6 months
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Field Mouse
District Twelve is filled with rats. Vermin. Infested in fact. That's the first thing Coriolanus Snow learns when he gets off the train at the station. At night he tries to soothe himself to sleep by telling himself that by all technicality, he's sleeping in the cleanest place there is in this sad excuse for a District.
Not that the Peacekeeper base is top tier. Because it's not.
His penthouse on the Corso is top-tier. But here he was, sweating as he loaded crates and barrels onto trucks in the sweltering heat of June. "Got here right in time Gent," his bunkmate Smiley jokes.
Coriolanus has to withstand the urge to roll his eyes at his friend's playful jest. There is nothing right about him being here. There is nothing good about District Twelve. There is nothing worth visiting District Twelve for and...oh.
Well, what does he have here?
Coriolanus had almost forgotten that women inhabited this part of Panem. It doesn't mean they're pretty, but they all share that one special thing between their legs and that's good enough for him.
His other bunkmate Beanpole takes notice of the change in Coriolanus's demeanor and nudges him, "We're going down to the Hob tomorrow night. You should come, meet the locals." He wiggles his eyebrows as he says the last part and Coriolanus grins. "Sounds like a plan."
If he were in the Capitol, he would've put a lot of time and effort into his appearance. He would've made sure his shirt was free of any wrinkles, that his shoes weren't scuffed, that his curls were styled just the right way.
But he's not in the Capitol. His shirt consists of the uniform every Peacekeeper is given when they arrive at the base. His shoes are heavy-duty boots, and he gets yelled at if his laces are undone. And his golden, precious curls are gone. Shaved off before he even left the Capitol.
He runs a hand through his buzzed hair as they all step into the Hob. According to Smiley, it's some sort of black-market the locals have put together. The Peacekeepers normally turn a blind eye since it's one of the only places you can get alcohol for a decent price, along with a good time with a girl.
Coriolanus surveys the room for a moment, locating all the exits and entry points. It seems there's one way in and one way out. A major fire hazard but who cares? "Let's get some drinks," Smiley shouts into his ear. It's loud in here, and it smells a little but Coriolanus nods, everything's more tolerable when you're drunk.
They get some drinks from a vendor who's running the bar who eyes them wearily until Smiley produces some coins. Then they're welcomed customers. "Folks around here are a bit scared off by us," he explains to Coriolanus, tugging on his blue shirt, "they can spot the uniform from a mile away."
Coriolanus was always able to identify the Peacekeepers in the Capitol, but he doesn't tell Smiley that. Peacekeepers were a beacon of security and safety to Capitol citizens. Here, they're practically terrorists.
It's like a sudden silence falls over the room before a girl comes scampering out onto the makeshift stage they have set up in the Hob, and she's hollering about all sorts of things. Coriolanus doesn't really pay her any mind, or the other's that join her and strike up a tune. Live music is always appreciated so he keeps on talking to Smiley about when he thinks Hoff might stop making them carry hundreds of crates back and forth from the base.
Coriolanus has always been perceptive, and that's how he spots a small disturbance in the crowd. It's between a girl and a guy and the two are arguing about something with such passion. Well, the guy is at least. The girl won't seem to give him the time of day as she pushes her way through the crowd that seems to make way for her, but not for him.
It's hard to make out her face in the dim lighting, but she looks pretty. Well, pretty for a girl in the Districts. She's making her way towards him. Towards the bar most likely. As they get closer Coriolanus can make out more of what the guy is saying.
"...didn't mean it! You know I would never get with her, you're the one for me Soarynn."
Soarynn. What a pretty name. And the closer she gets he can see that she's very pretty. Coriolanus decides that he'd be chasing her too if she was running away from him.
She finally reaches the bar, not sparing any Peacekeepers a glance as she goes to order. She doesn't get far before the guy grabs her arm and pulls her back. Coriolanus tightens his grip on his drink. He hates District people all the same, even if they're pretty girls. But there's just something about a guy bothering a girl that he hates.
"I didn't cheat so stop walkin' away from me!" He cries, frustration written all over his grimy face. Soarynn pulls her arm from his grasp, "I don't care what you did or didn't do, we're over Billy Taupe. Go find some new girl to follow around." She tries to step back but this Billy Taupe is relentless and clearly drunk because he goes to grab her waist. Soarynn doesn't hesitate to slap him across the face and several people let out low whistles at the public fight.
Coriolanus shakes his head and focuses back on Smiley, figuring the argument is over now that she's shown him a thing or two. So when he watches from the corner of his eye as Billy Taupe grabs her by the hair and starts screaming bloody murder, he's the first to react and leap to action.
She looks so scared in his grasp, trying to get away and Coriolanus doesn't hesitate to grab the drunk by the shoulders and pull him back. Soarynn manages to get out of Billy Taupe's grasp and watches wide-eyed as Coriolanus turns him around and socks him across the face.
Now it's a fight.
There's yelling from both sides, miners and Peacekeepers alike as Coriolanus punches Billy Taupe again. He tries to fight back and manages to snag him in his lip, but he's no match for Coriolanus who's much taller and more sober. Coriolanus lands one more punch, watching as blood gushes from Billy Taupe's nose.
The Hob is buzzing with noise now, people are screaming and arguing while the two boys are now on the floor. Even though he can barely hear himself think, he grabs Billy Taupe by the collar, pulling him off the ground, "Don't ever touch her again," he spits out before letting go of that sorry excuse of a person.
It's Beanpole who's pulling him off the ground, saying how they need to leave before backup gets here. The crowd makes it hard to move in any direction but they don't seem to be too mad at him. He gets some dirty looks but that's about it. Coriolanus only glances behind him once to see Soarynn looking right at him, her eyes wide and watching as he leaves.
The boys clap him on the back as they walk back to the base, "You sure-handed his ass to him," Beanpole laughs, "thought we'd never get you off of him."
Coriolanus shrugged, his lip had a small cut on it, which meant bruise, swelling, the whole nine yards really.
"I was just doing my job."
꧁ ꧂
He's felt someone's eyes on him since they pulled into the town square. But Coriolanus can't seem to find who's watching him. They're loading crates, again. It seems that the newer Peacekeepers are tasked with all the grunt work no one wants to be bothered with.
"Take a break!" The commanding officer yells, wiping sweat off his own brow before walking into the nearest establishment for reprieve which just so happens to be the bakery. Coriolanus watches him for a moment, his eyes scanning the bakery windows and then he sees her.
Sees those eyes.
Soarynn's eyes widen momentarily before a small smile spreads across her lips and she walks away from the window. Coriolanus looks around to see if anyone else notices her but everyone's too caught up in their misery with the heat to even look at him. Beanpole and Smiley are leaning up against the truck so he decides to stray from the group, do some recon if you will.
He can't go into the bakery, not with the officer still inside. But he can peek in, try and see her. He's walking by the alley when he hears a whistle. His head snaps towards the narrow road in between the barkey and another establishment but he sees nothing. In the movies he's seen this is the part where you run in the other direction.
He goes into the alley.
He walks further and further, passing by a small gate when a hand reaches out and grabs him. Coriolanus nearly jumps out of his skin when he's pulled to the side, his hand immediately going for his gun when he looks down and sees that it's her.
It's Soarynn.
She smiles up at him, her hand still on his arm, "Hi."
Coriolanus raises his eyebrows before replying, "Hello. Is there a reason as to why you lured me into this alley?"
Soarynn laughs and it sounds so sweet, sweet like honey. "I wanted to thank you for the other night. You were real noble saving me from the likes of Billy Taupe."
"Is he your boyfriend?" Coriolanus blurts out, watching her face slightly falter as if she's deciding whether or not to tell him the truth. "He was," she says slowly, swaying back and forth on her heels, taking her hand off his arm, "then I caught him cheatin' on me."
Coriolanus can't help the look of surprise on his face, out of all the women he's seen in District Twelve, Soarynn is by far the prettiest. "Why would he cheat on you?" He asks, "Doesn't make sense to cheat on a sweet girl like you."
Soarynn grins, tilting her head, "Boys will drop a shiny coin to pick up a pebble sweetheart, just the way it is." She looks him up and down then, taking in his current state, hot and sweaty. He must look very handsome right now. "They got y'all workin' hard with those crates. Been watchin' you all morning."
Coriolanus isn't used to this, how forward this girl is with him. In the Capitol, it's all about soft giggles and practiced glances. But this girl is putting it all out there so he might as well too. "You like looking at me?" He asks her, taking a step towards her. She doesn't back up. "Mhm. I like lookin' at pretty boys like you," she purrs, her fingers coming up to touch his dog tags, "especially pretty boys who come to my rescue." She grabs his tags, yanking him down until he's at eye level with her, she turns his tags in her fingers, not even looking at him.
For some reason, he finds that attractive. How she won't give him the time of day right now even though she's the whole reason he's in this alley.
She reads his dog tags, "Coriolanus Snow," she says, finally looking him in the eye and she looks rather impressed. "Eighteen years old, six-foot-two, Capitol born," she smirks at the last part. "I've never met a Capitol boy like you before. You miss home?" He doesn't miss a beat, "Yes." Soarynn laughs and nods her head, "I would too, especially if I ended up here."
She lets go of his tags but he doesn't rise to his full height, he stays down there with her. "Do you have a job?" She shrugs, "Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Depends which way the wind blows I guess." Coriolanus bites his lip, his bruised lip and she notices, reaches out, and touches it without even asking, "Sorry about your lip. Billy Taupe can throw a nasty punch when he's angry."
Suddenly his stomach is in knots thinking about how she knows what it feels like to be punched by Billy Taupe. "He ever hit you?"
That seems to be the question that scares her off the most, he can almost see her putting her walls back up, "I'm not with him anymore. Don't need to worry about who he's punchin' or kissin' for that matter."
So he's hit her before. That's fine. Perfectly fine.
A sharp whistle pulls the two out of their tense little world and Coriolanus straightens back up, leaning out to see they're finally packing up and heading back to the base. "I'd like to see you again," he says, looking down at her. Her hair is parted down the middle, it's blonde and it looks so soft. Her tan skin is fairly clean and she's got these eyes he can't look away from. They're blue with a hint of gray. Freckles cover her face and her pink lips curl up into a smile, "You wanna see little old me again? After all the trouble I've caused you?" She asks, feigning surprise.
Coriolanus rolls his eyes and nods, "I'll take my chances." Soarynn hums, bouncing on her toes, "I'll be at the Hob this Friday. 'Course you can always come see me in the Seam." He furrows his brows, the Seam?
Soarynn giggles, "Oh so you're really new to District Twelve huh? I'll see you on Friday then. Coriolanus Snow." She slips something in his hand before she spins around, walking up two stairs and opening a door. He has no clue where it leads or where she's going but he's nodding and watching her leave.
It's only when he's sitting in the back of the truck that he looks to see what she gave him. It's a ribbon. Pink, silky, probably cost her a small fortune. Smiley looks over and his eyebrows raise, "Where'd you get that?" Coriolanus finds it incredibly rude of Smiley to insert himself somewhere he has no business being, but perhaps sharing this little secret will pay off in the end. After all, Smiley is much more knowledgeable about this place than he is at the moment. "That girl from the Hob," he says, his voice hushed, his fist curling around the ribbon.
Smiley grins, "Looks like she's being sweet on you if she gave you that. Must make you her hero or something since you saved her from that guy."
Coriolanus frowns because it makes perfect sense why Soarynn would like him and be so sweet to him. He protected her. He saved her. But he's a Peacekeeper. He's seen the way people look at him, at his friends, his bosses. All they see is Capitol dogs.
"But I'm a Peacekeeper," he points out, "she should hate me for what I do."
The truck jostles and Coriolanus knows they're back on base, and watches the gates close behind them. Home sweet home.
Smiley chuckles, "Sounds like she's one of those girls who has a thing for Peacekeepers. Some women love men with authority so we're the perfect fit for them, makes them feel like they're special."
Well, this was news to Coriolanus. He'd grown up hating District people and always assumed that they did the same. Which meant something must be really wrong with this girl.
The truck finally came to a stop and they hopped out, the ribbon still clutched in his hand. It was pretty, like her. And he didn't get a whole lot of pretty out here in Twelve, surrounded by sweaty, grumbling men.
Smiley bumped his shoulder with him, "They're like bees to honey with us, can't get enough.”
Everyone begins walking towards the mess hall. Cookie made something fried tonight from what he can smell and everyone wants a bite, but Coriolanus lingers behind.
Looking at that pink ribbon. It’s soft, it sure would look pretty in her hair.
“…like bees to honey…”
Those words play over and over in his head for the rest of the day, rest of the night. Surely he hasn’t misread the situation, her actions. She gave him that ribbon to remember her, so he’d think about her until they saw each other again. She even told him where she lived! Kind of. Sort of. Maybe.
“Hey Beanpole,” he says, not moving from his position on his bunk. They have an hour of free time before its lights out and Coriolanus has been using it to mull over his possibilities with Soarynn.
“Yeah, Gent?”
Coriolanus debates how much he should ask, how much he should tell. Because at the end of the day, he’s here to work, to suffer, to serve. Hoff hasn’t directly said they couldn’t be in relationships but he has a feeling that they’re rather frowned upon. Especially with new recruits. Especially with District girls.
“Where’s the Seam?”
The laugh he gets from Beanpole makes him wonder if it’s so obvious. Clearly, there aren’t big signs in town pointing in every which direction but still, it seems to be a valid question.
“The Seam is the south side of nowhere my friend. It’s rock bottom.”
Oh, so she’s poor.
Or her family is poor at least which makes her poor. If only he could take her back with him to the Capitol, show her true wealth.
“I’ll point you in the right direction when we stop by town tomorrow,” his bunkmate offers. Coriolanus thanks him before rolling over in his bunk, staring at the wall. This is a bad idea, he thinks. But what’s the worst that can happen? A little heartbreak never killed anybody.
꧁ ꧂
“Just keep walking down that road and you’ll reach the Seam,” Beanpole said, giving Coriolanus a pat on the back like he’d need it.
Coriolanus nodded and soldiered on towards the Seam, a bag of ice clutched in his hand. It took some convincing from Cookie, but he managed a decent-sized bag, figuring Soarynn might enjoy some ice. The further he walks the more he realizes why Beanpole wished him luck. The Seam is where poor, poor, poor people live.
The houses can barely hold themselves together, the roofs are sagging, the grass is dead, the fences are leaning and Coriolanus is about to start running.
But he can’t.
He needs to be a man, a better man. At least a better man than Billy Taupe which shouldn’t be hard since he hits his girlfriend.
Ex-girlfriend, Coriolanus reminds himself as he comes across a man working on his front fence. The man looks normal enough until Coriolanus asks him for directions and he realizes the man is missing his two front teeth.
“I’m looking for a girl,” he starts and the man lets out a wheeze, slapping his knee. “Aren’t we all?” He asks, throwing his head back. Coriolanus sighs, leave it to him to ask this absolute nut job for directions. “Her name is Soarynn,” he continues, “she said she lives in the Seam.” That seems to sober the man up long enough to think, “Oh the blonde girl,” he snaps his fingers, “she lives at the end of the road.”
Of course, she does.
Coriolanus thanks the man before continuing his trek to her house. It’s positively sweltering and he’s glad he had forgone the long-sleeved part of his Peacekeeper uniform. Today it’s the pants and the white shirt. Simple. He’s hoping for handsome but his sweat isn’t helping.
When he finally reaches her house he’s passed a number of people on the street, all looking at him strangely as if he’s the odd one out. Shouldn’t these people be working? No wonder this country was such a mess.
Soarynn’s house is gray but that seems to be a recurring theme in the Seam. It looks to be about two stories although he wouldn’t try the second floor if he was smart. There’s a rickety porch and he cautiously makes his way up the steps and knocks on the door.
There’s the chance that no one’s home. With his luck, her dad will answer the door.
When the door opens he almost wishes it was her dad answering. It’s a boy. His age, brown hair, tan skin, shirtless. They’re about the same height and they immediately size each other up because what else do teenage boys do?
Finally, the brown-haired boy smirks and looks over his shoulder, “Your pretty boy is here Soarynn.”
His heart beats a little faster at the nickname. One, because it’s a nickname and Coriolanus only has two other nicknames, Gent and Coryo. Both reserved for very different people. Two, because it means she’s talked about him since they last saw each other. It’s only been two days but still.
He can hear a bit of scuffling before Soarynn pushes her way to the front door, shoving the other boy back into the house, “Don’t make me get my earplugs,” the boy says to her. Soarynn looks up and shoots him a nasty look before jabbing him in the ribs with her elbow, “Go fishin’ Jett, and don’t tell no one either.”
Jett, it seems, simply holds his hands up before shooting Coriolanus one more look and disappearing into the house.
Coriolanus can feel his bottom lip twitching. Who was that? At first he feared the worst, that she might already be with someone else, but their dynamic doesn’t seem that way.
“My cousin,” Soarynn says as if reading his mind.
Coriolanus finally looks down at her and isn’t she just something? Her hair’s been thrown up in a messy bun, a few pieces falling out here and there. She’s wearing a dress with thin straps, it’s light blue and it looks like it’s been worn to death. He isn’t even trying to notice but she’s got no bra on and she doesn’t seem to care that he’s seeing her this way, so exposed right now.
“I thought I might never find this place,” he says, not wanting to expand on her cousin anymore if he can help it. Soarynn gives him a small smile and leans against the doorframe as if the house won’t fall over from her small amount of weight. “But you found me,” she tells him, some pride in her tone.
Coriolanus swallows, “I did.” He looks into the house to see if he can find anyone else but it seems to be empty. Soarynn catches him looking because she seems to notice everything and straightens back up, “Why don’t we go to the meadow?”
The meadow? A possibly desirable place in this wasteland?
“Sounds good to me.”
꧁ ꧂
Soarynn doesn’t wear any shoes when they go to the meadow. It’s quite literally right behind her house which makes it easier, but still. What if she stepped on something or got bit? She doesn’t seem to care.
She leads him to a large oak tree where there’s a rock under it, the perfect size for the both of them to perch on. At least that’s what she tells him.
“I come bearing gifts,” he says, settling down on the rock.
Soarynn tilts her head and pulls her knees up to her chest, “You don't say.”
Even though he’s sure she already saw it he makes a big show of producing the ice. It’s not even the satisfaction of knowing he provided for her that makes him happy, it’s the big smile that spreads across her face when she sees the bag.
“Well this is a gift good as any,” she says with a laugh, grabbing the bottom of the bag to feel how cold it is. “Y’all got ice on that Peacekeeper base?”
Coriolanus nods while untying the bag, offering her a cube. Soarynn simply opens her mouth and he doesn’t falter to drop the cube into her mouth, watching her work on it for a minute. “Thank you for the ribbon by the way. You didn’t have to give me a gift.”
Soarynn raises her eyebrows and looks out into the meadow, “Wasn’t much of a gift as it was a token. A token of my affection,” she states matter of factly.
Coriolanus grins, “Does that mean you might show me some affection today?”
Soarynn shoots him a flirtatious look, “Might show you somethin’ more if you keep it up pretty boy.”
That’s what he likes most about her he thinks, how she can dish as well as she can take it.
He wonders what else she can take.
“Have you ever been with a Peacekeeper before?” He asks, curious to see if Smiley is right and if he’s her third victim of the month. He’s sure there are girls like that, finding some new boy the second their old one gets shipped off to some new District.
Soarynn bites her lip, “Been with a Peacekeeper in what way? Sexually?”
Well, he hadn’t meant that but there’s no going back now he supposes, “In any way shape, or form,” he decides, popping two ice cubes into his own mouth. He doesn’t suck on them like Soarynn does like she’s trying to savor them because she doesn’t know the next time she’ll get ice. He can get as much ice as he damn well pleases back at the base.
“Nope, y’all aren’t really my type,” she says with a smile, gigging when Coriolanus gasps as if offended. “But you’re here with me,” he points out, “and why aren’t we your type?”
Soarynn pretends to think for a second before answering, “I like boys with longer hair.”
Oh, that hurts. If only he could show her how long his curls used to be. She’d be on him in seconds if she knew.
“Well, I didn’t get much say in the matter. Have you ever cut your hair?”
Soarynn shakes her head, her nose slightly wrinkling as if the very thought of it is repulsive. “Never cut it. Some women are superstitious about cuttin’ their hair, I just never had the urge to do it. Plus if I ever did have to cut it to sell it, I’d like to get my money's worth.”
Is this what it’s come to in the Districts? Cutting hair to sell it? Who wants to buy hair?
Coriolanus takes another good look at Soarynn. It’s hard to imagine her hair chopped to her shoulders but he thinks she’d look pretty still. She’s got the right face shape for it and her jaw juts out in just the right way. His eyes wander down her small, slender frame. If she was naked he’s sure she’d be all skin and bones, you can probably see how many ribs she has.
He remembers what that was like. Being poor and hungry. The worst two feelings in the world. But she seems happy as she gazes out into the meadow. Can’t miss what you never had he decides.
“You know, if you ever need money…I could help you out. Of help with whatever you need,” he says, already feeling like more of a hero to her.
Soarynn snorts and he frowns, what’s so funny? When she sees his expression she laughs even harder and shakes her head, “You don’t need to be my hero sweetheart. I really appreciate it but I don’t want your money.”
Well, then what does she want?
Coriolanus scratches the back of his neck, “Is there anything you from me then?”
He’d sure hope so. Here he was with this girl out in the middle of nowhere when he could be back on base with cool air blowing all around him.
Soarynn peered up at him through her long eyelashes, “I can think of a few things,” she mumbles with a grin.
At least they’re somewhat on the same page now.
Coriolanus doesn’t hesitate to lean in, his hand cupping her face as his lips press against hers. Her lips taste like sweet syrup and she smells like vanilla. Soarynn’s hands rest on his biceps, slightly squeezing them. His training has given him muscles he’s never seen before and he’s not complaining.
He drops the bag of ice to grab her waist with his other hand, his palm pressing into the back of her spine through her dress. Soarynn sighs into the kiss, one of her hands coming up into his hair, carding her fingers through it. She smiles against his lips, “Might just make an exception for you and your buzzed hair,” she mumbles. He pulls her in closer, wishing he could crawl into her skin and never let her go.
Soarynn isn’t the first girl he’s kissed and he doubts she’ll be the last. But right now she’s the only one who matters, the only person that matters here in District Twelve. Besides him of course.
He gets her to lie down on the rock, propping himself over her while they explore each other’s mouths. She’s so soft and sweet, and small, he likes how much bigger he is compared to her. How he could break her in half if he really wanted to.
They’re much more handsy once she’s lying down. Her hands slip under his white shirt, her fingertips tracing over his sculpted abdomen sending shivers down his back. Coriolanus presses one more kiss to her lips before kissing down her jaw, peppering her neck with kisses while his hand slips onto her thigh. He should probably ask if she’s okay with this, if she wants more, wants less. If she’s a virgin.
Probably not.
A girl like her knows a thing or two about men and their sexual urges.
His hand slips under her dress and he can feel the fabric of her panties. They’re probably old, well-worn, maybe the only pair she owns. Who knows what they can afford out here in Twelve.
Just as his hand is slipping under the fabric of her panties, a hissing sound pulls Coriolanus from his lustful haze. He glances to the right and nearly jumps out of his skin when he sees a snake has slithered its way onto the rock.
“Shit,” he swears, getting off of her so they can both run. Soarynn’s eyes fly open, most likely confused as to why he’s stopped kissing her and she looks over to see the reptile currently threatening their lives. “Oh, hey there little fella.”
Coriolanus is on his feet within seconds, breathing heavily as he eyes the snake. Maybe he could shoot it, but he’d feel kind of bad killing an animal in front of Soarynn.
And Soarynn isn’t making any sudden moves to get off the snake rock. In fact, she grabs the snake. It slithers through her fingers and around her arms as if it’s her domesticated pet. She doesn’t even seem frightened by it. She looks up at him and gives him a small smile, “Don't need to run pretty boy, this here's a corn snake, all bark and no bite."
Coriolanus highly doubts that thing doesn't bite, nor does it bark but he relaxes slightly when he sees how calm the reptile is in her hands.
"Are there a lot of snakes out here?" He asks, suddenly feeling very exposed out here in this meadow with the tall grass, giving any other animals the perfect chance to attack him without him seeing them. Soarynn shrugs, "I guess. They're good for the rats though," she gives him a knowing look, "makes me real sad when they get the little field mice though. They don't cause no one trouble."
A field mouse he could deal with. He's dealing with one right now it seems.
Soarynn reminds him of a mouse. Small, harmless, easy to crush if need be. At the end of the day, they're still vermin no matter how cute they may seem.
Soarynn finally puts the snake back in the grass and watches it slither away before she slips off the rock and joins him, lacing her fingers with his, "Thanks for protectin' me," she jokes, standing on her tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek.
Coriolanus manages to give her a sheepish look. It's not like he intended to abandon her, but she moved so slowly and she clearly didn't seem to have a problem with the snake. "Sometimes you've gotta let your girl handle her own battles," he responds cooly, giving her hand a squeeze.
Her eyes slightly widen before creasing upwards in a smile, "So I'm your girl then? Just like that?"
Had he already called her his girl? He hadn't meant to move so fast or really attach himself to her like this but she seemed alright and it never hurt to know some of the locals, have a spot where he could relax from his Peacekeeping duties.
And Soarynn was pretty. Very pretty. He hadn't gotten a good look at her under that dress but he was planning to and that meant keeping her around for a little longer. Besides, he wouldn't be in District Twelve forever. No. He planned on getting back to the Capitol one way or another to finish what he started. He'd have some fun for now and then get the hell out of here.
"Yep," he replies, "unless you're stringing along some other guy."
Nows her chance to come clean, to tell him if Billy Taupe isn't the only person he has to worry about because he'll be damned if he's being played.
Soarynn shakes her head, "Just you and me sweetheart."
| Part 1. |
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lovendermist · 1 month
hello to u!! can i req a hange angst scenario with the prompt "and the funny thing is i would have married you" it's from the song doomsday by lizzy mcalpine (it's really good too!) its up to u if it's happens in the modern au or after hange's death following the storyline :) SURPRISE ME PULEEAASE☝️☝️
And the funny thing is I would've married you...
Some absence, some distance, but one thing stays true.
Type: Scenario, An attempt at angst, Modern AU, Songfic-ish
WC: 2,752
Pairing: Hange x Fem!Reader
hange masterlist
A/N: Anon I gotta be honest I may have overindulged myself with this one. I researched the hell out of the song for this... not really, but still. Only the third paragraph was born out of that research. And thanks for giving me a new song to obsess over, I played it a ton while writing this. I was not familiar with Lizzy McAlpine's game, the only song I knew from her was Pancakes for Dinner (which fits pretty well with my AU, so that's something, if you guys are interested). I honestly hope you're good with this anon, because I really am not used to writing angst... </33 And I only had 1k words as the goal when starting this so I'm so sorry if it's so long anonnn 😭 I didn't even think I'd reach 2.5k.. I hope you're surprised nonetheless.
Some notes before you guys read: - I am so not good with angst!!! If you look through all my works it's nothing but a sea of fluff so please forgive me if this doesn't exactly rip your heart out. - Modern AU, cause I can't deal with Hange dying and also because this prompt kind of matches what my own modern AU plot with Hange looks like. - I'm unsure if the plot is clear enough. It's hard to give tidbits of information when you have the entire universe of your modern AU mapped out. - That being said, I'll leave some very brief explanations by the end. Enough yapping. I hope you guys enjoy :')
Nine months in from Hange’s departure. Nine months in from Hange’s absence, a specific conversation sparked in your mind. 
“Pull the plug in September,” Hange spoke, laughing softly, ”I don't want to die in June,” They joked.
They always did tease you for being born in June. They said it was because of that one tiktok they saw stating how if you were to die in a certain month, you’d be reborn with that zodiac in the next life. They teased you, saying they didn’t want to be as emotional and sensitive as you and would rather stick to being the analytical September virgo they were.
“I'd like to start planning my funeral,” Hange, the best friend that they are, kept teasing you as you playfully hit them on their arm.
“I didn't realize how much you meant to me until now,” they once whispered, “I think you’ve made quite the difference in my life if I'm talking about you that way, huh?” Hange’s words were always so sweet and simple, always so considerate and gentle to make up for your innocence. 
Your best friend had such a way with their words, making you feel something you couldn’t quite name. Every time Hange did something for you, looked your way or talked to you a certain way, you felt it.
You felt it when they tucked your hair back into place. You brushed it off as a caring gesture.
You felt it when your mind looked for them everywhere you went. You brushed it off as a friendly feeling.f
You felt it when they suddenly looked so attractive in your eyes. You brushed it off as a normal occurrence. You were the only one left in this world that would call your own feelings something friendly and caring.
But your friends point out how Hange looks for you whenever you weren’t around.
“I was looking for you!” Hange would say, with a cheeky grin plastered on their face.
“I didn’t like how that guy looked at you like that,” Hange would protest.
“I wanted to be with you,” they would even add.
They said Hange acted differently around you, but you know they’ve always been sweet and caring… right?
Nine months in from Hange’s departure. Nine months in from Hange’s silence. I've got work to do. You both do.
Pull the plug, make it painless
You wished things didn’t come to this. They only needed their reassurance that they were okay after leaving in the middle of that horrible storm, but days passed. Weeks passed. Months.
“I don't want a violent end.” You said to Levi, to which he only replied with a sympathetic look. 
All you ever wanted was your best friend back, for Hange to reach out from wherever corner of the country they settled in after seeking shelter from a horrible storm all those nights ago.
Reassurance felt like a weak word, something intangible, something you told yourself you wouldn’t get anytime soon. Especially not from Hange after hearing from Levi that they reached out to everyone but you in the following months after they’ve settled in. Abandonment felt more real of a word than rekindling ever did.
The more you tugged on Levi’s sleeve for further updates, the more you felt deserted. Each waking day was hell without Hange, even after knowing well enough that they’re doing alright. It was agonizing to realize they’ve moved on from a peaceful life with you in this town without even a single word spoken to you since you last talked. But the thought was just as stupid as their decision to cut contact with you for months.
Hange can think all they want that they only wanted to settle down and to leave you behind, thinking their friendship was nothing but a burden to you, but they can’t escape from the awareness of the pain that they caused you. They know they left you with more questions than answers.
They hear it from Levi’s messages, when their casual conversation goes back to how you were doing and how you were dealing with their intentional ghosting. And Levi will never live it down, telling Hange how much you’ve been aching for their presence. They see it from your silenced messages from all those months ago when they tried to drown you out as they made out with another girl. And Hange sees your eyes in her. Hange finds your presence for a short while when they tangle their hands through her hair and it drives them mad.
“Did you hear the news?” Levi asked you one day.
“It looks like they’ve gotten with someone recently.” He showed you the updates you so badly desired every time, but this one was different.
This was how you knew about Hange’s new relationship– not from Hange, no, they didn’t even let you in on their socials. It was through Levi’s updates that reignited your resentment towards their silence and their abandonment. It was also then that you knew calling them your best friend all those years ago were just your own feelings covering it up, denying it for so long. You’ve realized things too late and there’s no going back.
And it drives Hange mad how they’ve left things unsaid. How long they’ve kept you in silence, leaving you to grasp onto nothing but Levi’s occasional updates from their social media. How much their new girl looks so much like you, leaving them unable to run from their past completely.
Why couldn’t they just shake you off? They thought their feelings for you subsided all those years ago, but they look at their new girl and feel nothing but longing for you.
A year in from Hange’s departure. Someone called for a reunion. One where the lights dimmed and the bass ran through your bodies. A reunion where your eyes that once looked to Hange in adoration averted theirs. Where only a few of your friends were aware of the feud, the distance and the tension that emanated between you two. One that ended with you intoxicated and left alone with Hange in your house, presenting themself in an attempt of a renewal at friendship, with Levi just in the other room.
“Don't say that you'll always love me,” You blurted out, the alcohol slowly leaving your system as the person you spent months waiting for stood quietly right in front of you.
You had enough of Hange’s excuses and lies, of their words saying they’ve always loved you when the truth was that they left you for months without a word.
“'Cause you know I'd bleed myself dry for you over and over again.” The tension and resentment burst out like wildfire.
I'll feel like throwing up, you think, as Hange continues to stand in front of you. They feel a pang of guilt and concern as they watch you crumble right in front of them, months of exhaustion and grudges spilling on the floor with every word you say. Hange, at last, sees how much they’ve hurt you with their silence, and their hands tremble at the consequences of their actions.
“And you'll sit and stare like a goddamn machine.” Harsh, bitter words continue to leave your mouth. 
You can grit your teeth all you want, glare at them all you want, but you both know each other too well to be too mad like this. Hange’s gaze remains soft and caring, too much for your liking, but you know they mean well. Although they should’ve already been that way, and maybe then we don’t have to go through this right now.
“I don't get a choice in the matter.” Is all Hange says about their departure, with a shaky breath and a quivering voice. 
You know they’re right, although they could've at least messaged you all these months. Hange knows this, and you do too. Is this really what they’re going to say to you now?
But why would you care when clearly they have a new and better life now? They’re only here to say hello and goodbye just as quickly. To say they’re sorry and leave just as quickly. Why would you care when they have a new girl, one that almost looks just like you? Why would I? It's only the death of me.
But maybe the Hange you knew was still there, just hiding deep in the masks that they’ve found themselves behind after all those months of finding a new, better life. After all, you knew them best. I think there's good in you somewhere, and you hold on to that hope while Hange’s eyes look at you with such concern and longing. If you weren’t so drunk and so spiteful, you’d kiss them. 
You’d kiss them drunk and forget the world completely but they keep staring at you and reaching out to you with their gentle hands and pure intentions and you can’t do it. You don’t want them to touch you, not when they have someone else waiting at home. You don’t want it– not in this state and in this condition. Yet Hange looks at you with the same kind eyes as when you were kids and it hurts. You gaze at each other, your eyes filled with hate and longing and the other just as needy and regretful as if to say I'll hang on 'til the chaos is through.
Weeks pass by since that fateful night. Sobriety had proven itself a better punch in the gut than realization ever did. Little by little, you accepted Hange’s messages and their attempts to reach out. You slowly accepted Hange back into your heart, despite the gnawing jealousy in your gut of them and their new lucky girl. But you can’t help but find it funny how this time Hange was the one reaching out.
One day you hear them out and decide to meet up. For old times sake, Hange said. They’re not wrong, a meeting was long overdue. You accept their invite knowing hatred will never let you move forward with good intentions towards them. One day you hear them out and Hange’s perspective was never quite the same.
“The death of me was so quiet,” you let your mouth run in the middle of a cafe, telling tales of how your life has been in the past few months during Hange’s absence. “No friends and family allowed.” And Hange just knows exactly what you mean.
“Only my murderer, you,” you refer to them as you stir your drink with the straw. 
Hange looks at you with a tilted head and a curious expression. They look at you so softly, with such tenderness that it irks you. It irks you knowing how much you’ve ached for each other for so long only for it to be interrupted by your own innocence, a stubborn storm, and now, a third party. And then here they are with their kind and prying eyes like they haven’t done anything wrong.
“And the priest who told you to go to hell,” you continue with a chuckle. 
You recall both of your slight aversion towards religion and some of its rules. Hange ran their mouth in that little hometown of yours a little too much that word got around, and the priest that said he loved you all the same told them to go to hell. It was astonishing to see first hand and yet secretly, you did wish that priest was to be the one that wed you two. Maybe someday, maybe if Hange didn’t choose someone else, you’d call him up and arrange for the union you so deeply desire.
“And the funny thing is I would've married you,” and suddenly your soft smile is all Hange sees, your tone sounding more true and vulnerable than intended, “if you'd have stuck around.” You added.
Given more time, when you finally knew your feelings well enough, you know you would have. Given more time, where they didn’t have to leave town, you were almost sure one of you would’ve put a ring on the other already. And you would’ve preferred that version of reality instead of the one where Hange sat in front of you in a cafe knowing they were already taken by someone else by the time you realized your own feelings, with the mere promise of getting along.
I'd have liked to plan out my part in this, Hange thinks as they try to compose themselves for a more proper reply. They are bewildered by what they just heard. 
You, their childhood best friend, with the desire to marry them? To be wed with the messy and cruel person that they are? If they switched the setting from a cafe to a club, maybe they’d believe your words. It’d be more believable to them if you had an alcoholic drink under your hands, but the place is clear as day and they know your words are true and sincere.
All Hange can do is wish they could turn back time, but instead they look at you, and you’re both grown. It’s only been a few years but oh, how they could turn back time– but they look at you again, unaware that to them, you were the very embodiment of the passage of time. You were the very evidence they needed to show that what you both had and what they felt for you was real.
In one look Hange knows your childlike innocence was long gone the moment they stepped out the window, your heart broken long ago the minute they turned their back on you for months in hopes of settling down.
“But you're such a narcissist.” Your voice shakes, “That you did it on Halloween.”
And “I had no choice in the matter” is what they’ll keep telling you and what they’ll keep telling themselves, but their voice shakes this time and their resolve isn’t strong anymore. Though after hearing your confession, they weren’t too sure if a new chapter in life was their true goal anymore and if their new girl really fulfilled them like you did.
“And if you loved me so much like you said you did,” you sip your drink, “Why not reach out?”
The words ring hollow in Hange’s mind.
“Why would I?” Hange’s expression softens, and you both know their words mean no real malice.
“It's only the death of me,” Their brows furrow. It would kill them 
“I was so stupid to keep you waiting in the dark for so long. I thought by doing that you’d move on from me and I’d forget you. But I couldn’t, I just couldn’t.” And just like that they pour their heart out to you in a cafe, singing tales of how they’ve always held love for you and thought of you every single day, even when they were with the girl they currently loved.
You can see it in their eyes, how desperate they are to make it all up to you, their apologies spilling from their mouth for you to acknowledge.
As much as you wanted them to continue their contact with you, you wanted more than just friendship and you knew deep in your heart that it was impossible. Who were you to ask of such things when, despite their numerous attempts to reach out, you were already so resentful towards them? Not to mention their relationship with their new girl… It messes with your mind how lovely and pained Hange looks in front of you, begging for your forgiveness and their need to make up for lost time.
In the end it’s up to you to decide whether you should let Hange back in your heart and to remain friends like old times or to shut them away slowly, just like what they did to you, for good. For your sake and theirs, just so jealousy wouldn’t run its course and ruin their relationship because god, their new girl looks just like you.
“It’s only the death of me,“ they sigh, tone full of regret, “but I would’ve married you too,” Hange’s words ring out. It only hurts both you and Hange to be aware of their admission. The weight of the time spent away from each other, each untold story, each unspoken word hangs heavy on the shoulders.
A year in from Hange’s departure. Minutes away from late confessions. Doomsday is close at hand. Will they only sit and stare this time? - Here's the basic-ish plot of what I had in mind for my own modern AU that kind of mixed with this request: Hange leaves for shelter in the middle of a storm, leaving you. They don't contact you for months because they must've hit their head or something (/j). They date someone that looks like you. Rekindling attempts happen, will you let them in your heart again?
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thelunarsystemwrites · 4 months
My second attempt.
(...this isn't a story, or a poem or made up. This actually... is real. TW for suicide attempt, depression, use of overdosing as a metaphor, and... yeah, I'm sorry.)
This happened on June 3rd, 2024.
Monday, June 3rd, 2024, sometime around 5 pm.
Was when I attempted to take my life for the second time.
I've been feeling so... uneasy, the past few days. I thought, "It must be one of my moots!" So to every moot in my list, I checked on them. I'm glad I did, I got good and bad news from each one, I got to hear different stories, I got to offer my comfort and congratulations.
...but the feeling was still there.
So I kept asking, my moots, friends, people I've never talked to too much—How are you?
It was still there, eating me from the inside out
...And, on June 3rd... something clicked.
I was kinda thinking of it for the past couple days, of doing this. I think my posts, my demeanour reflected it even before i knew.
I was talking to someone on discord. They might've thought it was a nice conversation... I was planning on taking my life while we joked around.
I think that feeling, might've been me. Might've been my gut saying "Hey, don't do this!" Might've been myself reminding me of a promise I made to my twin. My sister, my best friends, my platonic spouse, my mum, the people I care about. The family I've made here.
I tried... anyways.
Because I just couldn't see any further thsn right now, the heaviness that pushed my body down, the bad thoughts I overdosed on.
And... I didn't tell anyone. That would've been my biggest regret, because I love them all so, so fucking much. They are my family.
And my other friends, moots... I would've missed immensely too.
So... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for trying something so.... stupid. I'm sorry I didn't talk to anyone, I'm sorry I've been distancing myself, I'm sorry if I worried anyone, I'm sorry.
...But the one thing, the one thing I'm not sorry about...
I'm not sorry it didn't work.
I'm glad it didn't. I'm glad I got to tell my family on here, that I love them. That they're a family to me.
I'm glad I got to tell them good morning. I'm glad I told them. I'm glad... I'm here, I think, yeah. I'm glad, grateful for the people I have in my life. Thank you.
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anonwyvern · 3 months
I made an appreciation post for my own OC Cross (cringe, who, me? yes) cause I thought it would've been kind of neat to showcase his progression over the years.
Minor info dump (without any spoilers):
Cross is a ghoul, bounty hunter by trade and mercenary by name. If there's a good enough price, he'll take the job with few questions asked. An insatiable womanizer with a skewed moral compass, he's known as The Eastern Cowboy and The Devil's Dealer (and to a few ghoul ladies at a certain New Vegas brothel, 'The Lusty Lady Licker') and is one hell of a shot with his signature .44 magnum. He's also a drunk, heavy smoker, and has a knack for telling the worst jokes you've probably ever heard.
Timeline under the cut!
December 2020- The fic that started it all...one I have come to rewrite in its entirety and is now the first installment of my Middle of the Crossroads series that is currently ongoing!
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April 2021 - my first digital art piece and messing around with the program (CSP) and brushes and whatnot. Writing Eulogy actually made me want to illustrate my OCs and get into art to begin with, and I was so (un)believably frustrated with my lack of skill it was maddening.
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April/May 2021- My "concept" art (lmao)
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December 2021 - played a lot with the lighting/colors. I would someday love to recreate this piece with light-up effects. Someday!
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January 2022 - my initial design of him. Very muscular indeeeeedy.
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February 2022 - still playing with anatomy and a multitude of styles and brushes at this point
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April 2022 - ah, I did this piece all in one go of about eight hours, and I'm still very proud of it cause it was the first time I felt I had actually "captured" his character. A very big jump from a year ago!
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May 2022 - wanted to take a stab at his cowboy persona, but hated the face
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March 2023 - fixed the face, nearly a year later!
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December 2023
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June 2024 - his glowing concept comes later in the series, and I wanted to try my hand at it after being heavily inspired by the next two pieces below!
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And these last two are NOT my own works, but commissions I had received from the very fucking talented @pirate-cashoo! (Go check them out!!)
Cowboy Cross and Glowing Cross!
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And that is the entire journey (so far) of this character that's been on my mind for years too many!
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zalrb · 1 year
"You know, I've always wanted to go skinny dipping."
Stefan raised an intrigued eyebrow at her and something deep down in Elena immediately clenched.
"Well, there's no one around," he said.
She'd stared at him for a few seconds, at the hint of hunger intensifying his eyes, at the wryness of his smirk, the way he could switch gears so seamlessly had always been a turn on for her but there was something about the smoothness of his response, the lack of surprise in his tone that made her say, "You've done it before, haven't you?"
He waited a beat and then his grin became sheepish. "Once."
That got her attention. "With who?"
Stefan chuckled nervously.
"The playmate?" Elena suggested. "Miss June 1972?"
Now, he looked mildly surprised. "You remember the details?"
"Well, June is my birthday month."
Mischief made his eyes glint and Elena felt her body ignite. "I guess I have a type," he said.
"Yeah, well, your boyfriend going on a date with a playmate is not the kind of thing a girl forgets." 
Her good-natured jealousy made him smile. "Like your thing for cars?" he countered.
Elena's cheeks flushed red as she'd thought back to their first double date with Caroline and Matt and the mechanics of making out in cars had been brought up and Matt made a rash joke.
"It wasn't a thing," she said, giggling. "I don't have a thing."
Stefan laughed. "I'm sure."
"And don't change the subject." She said, elbowing him playfully. "Was she a girlfriend?"
"I never said it was a 'she'."
Elena turned to him. "You and Klaus had a lot of late night rendezvous did you?"
"I also never said it was at night."
She looked at him. He laughed, shaking his head. "So it was a girlfriend?"
"I don't know if I'd consider her a girlfriend."
Elena's eyes narrowed slightly but she was still somewhat amused. "Was it Katherine?"
Stefan licked his lips and sighed. "No. It was Rebekah."
All traces of amusement had suddenly disappeared. "Oh."
Katherine would've annoyed her but she would've been preferable. The thought of her simply near Stefan had never failed in putting Elena in a sour mood but there'd been something about Rebekah, about how she'd flaunted her time with Stefan, how she'd dismissed their relationship, something about her arrogance that really irked Elena.
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winterswhite · 2 years
I've been meaning to talk about this since I first saw the posts people were making about yesterday's troupe blog post, but the more time passes the more this bothers me, so I think we need to talk about the way some of you have been talking about Misumi and the fact that he can drive. I'm going to apologize in advance for the wall of text I'm about to throw out though www
The immediate thing that comes to mind is people being shocked that he can drive, even though the fact that he has a license has been known since the Actor's Circuit event from July 2020, making it almost three-year-old knowledge now. I do understand that not everyone has kept up with events and stories past the shutdown of A3!EN and that little factoids like this sometimes slip the collective fandom consciousness, but it's the reactions to it that I find really weird (or if they're jokes that I'm taking too seriously, I just don't get them).
Three main types of posts I've been seeing are (1) people talking about Misumi "finally" getting his license and reacting to it in various ways, (2) people implying Misumi is driving without a license, and (3) people implying Misumi would be a bad driver because of triangular road signs, triangles in the outside world, etc.
On the topic of him "finally" getting his license, I'm going to bring up again that we've known this for close to three years, but that aside, people's reactions to that are really weirding me out. Every time I see someone (especially a younger member of the fandom) say they're proud of him, calling him their baby, and saying they feel like a proud parent, it really weird me out. It's understandable to feel proud, but at this point in the story Misumi is 21 years old (technically 22, since his birthday would've passed in June and we know that in the story it's past autumn since Banri and Juza are of legal drinking age now), and to an older member of the fandom it's understandable to see him as a baby, but with anyone else, I'm going to raise an eyebrow. I'll say more on that with the other two post types, though, because they all boil down to the same thing.
Both the implication that Misumi is driving without a license and that he'd be a bad driver speak volumes, too. Doing something like driving illegally or without enough practice is extremely dangerous and no one in the company would allow him to do that, much less post about it on the company's public blog (reminder that these blog posts are read by countless Mankai fans in-universe!). The main thing that bothers me, though, is people saying (joking about? I can't tell) he'd be a bad driver because he'd be distracted by triangular road signs and other objects. To me, this comes off as incredibly ableist.
Misumi is one of the easiest characters to read as autistic (if not the easiest), and a good amount of the fandom agrees on that. His character, whether this was the intention or not, comes off very strongly as being autistic or at the very least having some sort of neurodivergence in the way he acts, reacts, and feels about things. And whether or not you personally acknowledge this, treating him the way people have been reeks of ableism. Being shocked that he can drive, babying him (when, again, he is a whole 22 years old), and joking about him being distracted by triangles all speak volumes about how you view and treat neurodivergent people.
If you do acknowledge that he's neurodivergent and still treat him like this, I don't think I need to explain how blatantly ableist that is. If you don't or it didn't occur to you (which is understandable and I can't exactly fault you for that, because what's obvious to one person may not be to another), it still doesn't change his entire character and the fact that you see those traits of his and proceed to infantilize him like this is telling. Just because you don't see something or it hasn't been explicitly told to you, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Autistic people have suffered for centuries due to people treating them like overgrown children undeserving of autonomy, babying them and denying them rights and privileges granted to others their age because of their perceived immaturity. Painting your words in a positive light and saying you love him for it doesn't change that you're essentially treating him the exact same way. It doesn't change that you're treating this character, a grown man, like a child taking his first steps.
In the same way, implying he would get distracted by triangles and put other people in danger as a result (be it passengers or bystanders) is...again, I don't think I need to explain why that's bad. Neurodivergent people are so often labeled unsafe or a danger to society and face endless trouble because of it, from being denied healthcare to employment and many other things, even being institutionalized against their will. In most cases, that "danger" just isn't real. In this one, you're just reducing Misumi to a single trait (liking triangles) and completely dismissing the fact that he's a complete, fleshed-out character and capable of functioning like the adult he is. If he's driving, he clearly has a license. If he was able to obtain it, he clearly has a certain amount of skill behind the wheel. There's a lot more to his character than just triangles. He has thoughts and feelings and a whole range of skills, just like any other character. People just seem to forget that about him because he's vocal about a special interest and happens to be a cheerful character (and we all know how much happy little guys get reduced to just that).
I understand wanting to joke around and all, but please be mindful of who and what you're joking about. This has happened before with Guy and android jokes, and now it's happening again with Misumi. Too many fandom "jokes" lean very heavily into ableism and it's very unfunny and uncomfortable to see.
In conclusion:
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thecrusadercomrade · 11 months
How was Ducktales Finale? I think Ducktales does the best with it large cast and giving them stuff to do. How was Webby being a Clone/Daughter of Scrooge and she has sisters? How was Bradford? The Headless Horse Joke getting a pay off. Are you sad it over and glad you watch the series.
It was... fairly good. I'll admit it was a little bit underwhelming and didn't quite match the hype I'd built up, but I still enjoyed it.
It was great seeing so many characters come back for the final adventure, but I wonder if it was the best idea. For some reason, even with three entire episodes for the finale, it still feels like there wasn't enough time spent on everything. Maybe it would've been better if certain things had been introduced and built up earlier in the season.
It's Webby's dream come true XD. After spending some time looking into other peoples' reactions to the finale, I know some people weren't happy about the twist, but I actually like it. Webby had a good relationship with the rest of the family even before they knew she was blood-related, and this revelation doesn't devalue that. Also, it explains how Webby could perfectly imitate Dewey just by changing her hair, and why she looks so much like the triplets in general.
May and June were the best part of the finale to me, and I'm sad we didn't get more time with them. They were so cute! A part of me wishes they could've been introduced earlier in the season so we could get more of them. It would've been so cool to have evil wildly misunderstood versions of Webby to deal with and it might've given more time to see them as good guys rather than at the very last second.
Bradford went full villain in the finale. It reminds me of that meme where "the villain is making too much sense so we need to have him kick a puppy so that we can ignore the valid points he brings up". Don't get me wrong, it makes sense for Bradford with his obsession with order and control, but it still gave me those vibes. Absolutely insane that he effectively murdered people onscreen, including Black Heron.
The Man Horse stuff came a bit out of left field for me, and it resulted in us getting very little time with Phantom Blot and Pepper so I hated it /s
But seriously, it was... fine. Just feels like yet another thing thrown into a finale that already had too much stuff going on and not enough time.
I'm definitely sad to see it done, but I'm happy I started watching it in the first place. It's a shame they couldn't get another season.
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transxfiles · 2 months
hii bailor how are you. have you read or watched anything cool recently. i just started fellow travelers (the book) and it's making me feel so crazy i had to put it down and like go walk around to feel normal again
HIIIIIIII i have been doing so mcuh with work and art and everything so i haven't done much reading since june (i read like 7 books in a row i was doing so well) BUT i have been watching movies bc i found out that the local arthouse theater gives a really good student discount. also i have been hanging out at the video store and befriending the ppl who work the front desk there so i've watched a bunch of fun movies recently. SO!! some movie recs from things i've watched recently
humanist vampire seeking consensual suicidal person (2023)
dark comedy film about a young vampire who cannot hunt for food bc she cant morally justify killing people. after her parents stop hunting for her (finally forcing her to confront her fear of taking human life) she realizes that she might be able to work around her issues when she meets a suicidal teenager who wants her to kill him. genuinely such a sweet coming of age movie. and VERY silly. and beautifully filmed.
latter days (2003)
found the dvd at the local tax evading secondhand bookstore and bought it as a joke but genuinely this movie was very good. how do i even begin to describe latter days. blowjob scene in the first 5 minutes. the "sweet home alabama" screenwriter's passion project that he described as him trying to figure out what his repressed mormon past-self and his young newly out queer self would've done if they'd met. the answer is gay sex. apparently. this is an insane movie. i really enjoyed it but tbh i had the unique viewing experience of watching the movie with my old homoerotic best friend from high school so idk if my opinions on it are valid. they may indeed be tainted by that viewing experience. some insane fucking one liners though.
scream, queen! my nightmare on elm street (2019)
really great documentary for queer horror fans. follows the life of mark patton, the man who is most well-known for being the "first male scream queen" after he starred in nightmare on elm street 2: freddy's revenge. this was a video store rental and did not disappoint! experienced a positive jumpscare when i heard the first voiceover and was like "WAIT!!! cecil gershwin-palmer??????" it is indeed voiced by mr cecil welcometonightvale himself, cecil baldwin 👍
this ask also gives me an excuse to share some of my journal pages about movies i've seen recently so !
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(+ bonus photo of my latter days dvd. insane fucking movie. btw fun fact the sticker on this dvd says 3 dollar but i did in fact get it for free bc the bookstore ladies love me. so)
i should add fellow travelers to my TBR probably,,, i need to read again. im always saying that when i haven't read for a while but it's true. i've been reading so many theater related nonfiction books recently for work and school and independent study and stuff but i gotta read A Narrative again soon.
i also need to go insane over A Narrative again and i think that'd do the trick........
rn i'm reading "standby" which is this book about theatrical design theory and it's so SO good but a little dense. i will say the last book that i devoured was andrew rannells' book of essays "too much is not enoguh" i read that in like 3 days and that was me pacing myself. it also got the stamp of approval from my mom who i lent the book to pretty much as soon as i saw her after i finished it.
also read this weird script a while ago called "the last thing i'll ever write" by adam lauver but i really don't know how i feel about that one. it was fun to read in the moment bc reading it was like putting together a puzzle of trying to figure out how i would actually put the show on a stage but idk if i;d recommend it. it IS weird art though and i do love weird art.
ive also been watching falsettos pretty frequently. idk why. its been scratching a theatre itch in my brain.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
u’re so right abt changing the narrative abt jk by the way. literally no one saw jk as the “perfect gentleman softie romantic boyfriend material” before jikookers started that narrative and it caught on even though i think most of it has no basis in reality 😭 and the narrative applies much more to members like jimin and jhope
The way in 2016 Jungkook's nickname was "international playboy" -a nickname he coined himself- and when you compare it to the nicknames people use for him now... It's fascinating as it is scary.
I don't think it was only jikookers tho, it was definitely shippers in general.
I got into BTS in June/July 2017 and it was absolutely common and normal to see people saying Jungkook was rude, or a brat, saying "I want to fight Jungkook". I remember one tumblr post that went something like "jungkook is the type of guy I want to push into the pool with his cellphone in his pocket." It was a joke; but there was a good chunk of the fandom who just felt kind of aggressively towards him. I can confirm, he was very much a DUDE, a BRO capital letters.
A lot of things changed with love yourself era, they got out a little of the Korea bubble and got a wider perception of the world, of people and other cultures. Everyone softened (Jimin also wasn't such a babyboy but I think Jimin's changes are more layered and complicated), or at least showed a softer image after DNA. That's also when JK's change of image also came about. Many things happened at the same time, it was a time of constant change.
He wasn't shipped with every member like this, I personally saw that ship frenzy increase overtime. It mostly started from 2018 onwards, like that was the time everyone got really intense with the kooktan ships. And suddenly he was like the coveted bangtan boyfriend and people moved from the "international playboy" to actually perceiving him as the maknae and baby and adored kid in the group. Which literally was not happening like that before DNA lol. But it was a really sudden change, like it was wild. It took years for the fandom to stop illogically referring to Jimin as a flirt, but it only took a few months for Jungkook to go from the fandom's international playboy to the ideal husband. And yeah, that's how ships had a huge role in that.
Before 2018, army would've never seen him as anyone's "boyfriend" or ideal partner except for maybe Taehyung's. Because taekook was a thing from the beginning, that's the only Jungkook ship that exists since forever so before 2018 it was literally only taekookers saw him as loving or seriously considered him as someone with potential of being a romantic partner.
I know gcft also played a huge role but that happened in November 2017 so I'll just round it up to 2018 which is literally two months after lol.
I've talked about this before but I will bring it up again. Jimin was such a big, huge agent of change in who JK is, and it's something that really goes over people's heads but Jungkook getting closer to Jimin affected his image and I really believe it had an impact on his personality too.
Jimin actually had an impact in who BTS as a whole is. I think it's stupid to talk of imaginary situations like "if this hadn't happened.." because things do happen, they did happen, so I usually don't talk like that but I'll make an exception now; if Jimin hadn't been part of BTS, I swear BTS would've turned out to be really pathetic men like suju or even bigbang. AND I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL.
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I link that tweet because it's been doing its rounds since yesterday, but there are more examples to what I'm trying to convey; giving gifts, the skinship and the physical affection.
Jimin simply by unapologetically being himself did so much for them as people and also for the group as a whole and more than anything for the perception the public had of them.
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dragonsarecool · 4 months
June of Doom Day 3 - Ambushed
A/N: It turns out Needles didn't appreciate Marty's newfound maturity. Set a few days after Part III.
Marty sipped his Pepsi idly as he walked, gazing back at the neon signage above the cinemas. The crisp October wind gently brushed his tie askew, and he stopped to reposition it, taking in the sounds of distant sirens and muffled rock music. Damn, it still feels good to be back.
He and Jennifer hardly ever went out on 'fancy' dates - they both much preferred a simple Burger King run or quiet picnic in the park - but he had been so desperate to get re-accustomed with his time period that he'd offered to sponsor a date night at a classier establishment, complete with a late night at the movies.
To his surprise, Jennifer had been enthusiastic at the idea. "We can use it as our anniversary date as well! Saves you having to get dressed up twice." She'd joked, kissing Marty playfully.
Marty was glad she had remembered. He felt guilty at having forgotten, but in his defence, he'd had a lot of other things to process this week.
He took the last swig of his drink as he approached the driver's door of the truck, tucking the empty bottle under his arm as he fumbled with the keys. Can't believe I left the damn tickets in here, I'm such a dumbass-
An explosion of pain rattled through his jaw and skull. Stars danced in his vision as a breathless cry of pain left his lips, his body protesting as it slammed into the side of his truck. His keys and the glass bottle slipped from his grasp and tumbled onto the asphalt, the shards being noisily crunched underfoot.
Marty barely had a chance to process what the hell had happened when a second blow caught him off guard, his body crumpling in on itself. He tried to wrap his arms protectively over his stomach, only for someone to grab his wrists. "What th-mmph!"
"Shut up, McFly!" His attacker growled, gripping his mouth so tightly that he could feel the fingernails digging into his face.
Marty's stomach dropped. Oh, for God's sake, not Needles again! He fought against the hands restraining him, desperately trying to free his face to scream. "Hhmph!"
"Quit it, McFly, nobody's gonna hear ya out here," Needles taunted. "Even your girl isn't around to bat for you this time."
Marty suddenly felt a sense of claustrophobia come over him. The hands clutching at his body had become too much - they were obstructing his vision, his breathing, they were clawing all over him he was suffocating he was gonna die-
"Hmmph!" He threw his body to the side in an attempt to dislodge Needles's grip, disappointed to find it did nothing but earn him a knee to the stomach. The breath was was once again evicted from his lungs, his display of defiance quickly fading as the adrenaline in his body failed him. If I could just bite his hand-
"It's a real shame you didn't race me, McFly," Needles hissed down his ear. "Hittin' that Rolls Royce would've been way less painful compared to what I'm gonna to do to a chicken like you."
Marty's face paled as he found himself being swung around, his back slamming awkwardly into the side of his truck. He barely had time to react before Needles had once again gripped his wrists and clamp his mouth shut, staring at him with a look he could only describe as deranged. The nauseating smell of alcohol wafting into his nose did nothing to ease his nerves, as did the look of Needles's half-glazed eyes. Maybe he has finally lost his shit. Where's the rest of his possé? And is that blood on his face?!
He didn't want to admit it, but he was terrified.
"Here's what's gonna happen now, screwball," Needles spoke sharply. "I'm gonna take those keys of yours. We're gonna go for a long ride, and you're not gonna give me any trouble about it. And then I'm gonna make sure you-"
Jennifer! "Mmmhmm!" Marty squirmed furiously under Needles's hand, yet the iron-clad grip around his mouth remained firm. Run, Jennifer!
"Argh, shit!" Needles's tough demeanour instantly vanished. He decided to abandon his monologue, repositioning his hands in an attempt to force Marty into the truck. "Where are the keys, dickhead?"
"HEY, DIPSHIT!" Jennifer's screams were growing closer. "Leave him alone!"
No, Jennifer! He'll hurt you! Marty forced his feet up against the doors of the truck in an attempt to stop Needles from dragging him any further, cringing at the sound of scratched paint. If I could just get a punch in-
"Oh yeah?" A sickening high-pitched laugh erupted from Needles, who laughed down at his captive. "You gonna let yourself get saved by a girl, McFly? What a fu-"
Needles found himself unable to finish his sentence, as he was too busy reacting to the sudden burst of pain in his nether regions."GAHHHH! MY BALLS!"
Marty aimed his gaze as high over Needles's shoulder as he could, just in time to see Jennifer produce a second kick to the groin with her heels. He couldn't help but smirk under the hand gagging him. Damn, she's good…
As his captor screamed pathetically his grip on Marty disappeared, with Marty finding the ground rushing towards him quicker than he would like. Jennifer's arms suddenly came into his line of view, gasping as she helped to haul him to his feet. He gave her a thankful look, massaging his sore jaw delicately. "…Thanks, Jen."
"No problem, McFly," Jennifer smiled proudly, though her concern quickly became evident once she noticed the knuckle-shaped bruise forming along his jawline. "Oh, Marty, your poor cheek-"
"I know, Jen," Marty said quietly. Don't remind me; it hurts enough. For some reason, he found he couldn't tear his glare away from the pathetic form of Needles, curled up in the fetal position as he whimpered. "You're an asshole, Needles. I hope you always remember that."
Needles sluggishly raised his head to hiss at him, clearly struggling to speak through the pain. "…Go to hell, McFly!"
Deciding he'd had enough of being manhandled for one night, Marty retrieved his keys from the asphalt and took Jennifer's hand in his own. "Let's go, Jen. The 'chicken' can clean up its own shit."
Jennifer said nothing as they crossed through the carpark, waiting until she was sure they were out of Needles's earshot. Once they'd rounded the corner and were in sight of the movie theatre, she wrapped her arms eagerly around Marty and gave him a loving kiss. "Are you sure you're alright, Marty?"
"Positive, Jen," Marty whispered, returning the embrace. "J-Just a bit embarrassed, that's all."
"Oh, Marty, please don't be," Jennifer tapped him playfully on the nose as she spoke. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about, mister. I'm the only witness, remember?"
Marty's smile faded as he nuzzled into her hair. "…All I-I could see was Biff…a-and his group, h-how they tossed me around-"
Jennifer delicately placed a finger to his lips. "I know, honey. But you're okay, and that's what matters right now."
She waited until he nodded before removing her finger. "…I-I'm glad you found me before, uh, before it got serious-"
"Serious?" Jennifer's brow rose in alarm. "What did he want?"
Marty gazed back in the direction of the car park, the unsettled feeling in his stomach returning. Although he had a fairly solid idea of what Needles had planned, he didn't want to frighten Jennifer anymore than she already had been. "…I don't think I want to know, Jen."
While she decided not to pry further, she gave him a troubled expression. "You are gonna go to the police about it, right?"
"Of course! I'm not gonna let that asshole think jumping me like that is okay," Marty took Jennifer's hand in his own and gave it a comforting squeeze. "Maybe I wanna enjoy our date first."
It took a few moments before Jennifer relented. "…Alright then, mister. As long as you promise-"
"Yeah, mom, I will," Marty laughed quietly, planting another kiss on Jennifer's forehead as she giggled. The warmth of her skin on his lips was electric, and he suddenly felt energised, running his fingernail down the side of her face. "Shall we continue?"
Jennifer gave him a flirty quirk of the eyebrows. "I'm all yours, Mister McFly."
"The tickets are still in the car, though."
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dr-jem-nutcase · 2 years
just some MvA H/Cs. yay!!
Team Monster
Link, BOB, and Dr. Cockroach have been the three main monsters of the prison. There were a few other monsters throughout the years like the Invisible Man [and any monster OCs you have that you're not afraid of killing off], but only Insectosaurus was around by 2009, when the monsters were freed
Lots of inside jokes. The longer you were in prison, the more jokes you have
The more the monsters tried to escape (like in BOB's Big Break), the stronger security became. After the near escape, the loss of that jumbo jet, and the arrival of Insectosaurus, things REALLY got real. The escape attempts pretty much ended not too long after that
For about 2 decades (the late 60s to the mid 80s) the formerly human monsters each were allowed a newspaper from their native countries (IE: Dr C got London Times) until an unpleasant incident happened involving one of the monsters. Never again, said Monger. Never again
Nobody, except BOB, held much regard for Monger until after they were freed
They can go pretty much anywhere they want, but Area 5X is home base
After the monsters saved the world, the budget level was raised, like a LOT, as the monsters were heroes and defenders of the world instead of just prisoners. Hence came the remodel (as seen in the Halloween special)
Link and Insecto bonded pretty much from the beginning because everyone else got under Link's skin and most everyone was scared to death of Insecto when she arrived
Susan and Dr. C have a closer bond than with any of the other monsters because they're the only monsters that used to be humans. LOTS of spectators and fans think that they're a couple, which isn't true
22 y.o. at the time of the movie, 23 in the Halloween special
Birthday is June 8th
Her middle name is Joanna, after one of her grandmas
A girly girl but also an athletic girl. Likes flowers, dresses and heeled shoes, shopping, chic flicks (Roman Holiday, Legally Blonde and Ever After are some of her favorites), and generally feminine stuff. When she was normal height, she liked shopping malls and spa trips with her friends. As a kid, she was a Girl Scout and played with Barbies and whatnot. She also liked playing sports like dodgeball and volleyball and enjoyed watching the Super Bowl with her family and friends
An only child. Her parents tried for a second child but gave up after about 4-5 years after having her
Learned to rollerskate as a kid and liked it until she fell on concrete and broke her arm. After 10+ years and being chased by a giant robot, she was a bit rusty. Just a bit
Was an average girl in school, not popular but not a social outcast either. Moderately good in gym and athletics
Met Derek in high school. They started dating in his senior year (he's about 2-3 years older). She had crushes in middle school, but he was the only person she dated
Did some college, probably got an Associate's degree
Becoming a giantess and a hero really helped boost her confidence, becoming less of a doormat and growing more of a backbone. Though she still struggles with self-esteem. Her relationship with Derek was a toxic one, sort of like the friendship between Regina George and Gretchen Wieners in Mean Girls, that somewhat forced codependency. So there's some character growth that's finally happening that would've never happened had she married him. She's come a long way since becoming more confident, but there's still a bit of trauma, healing, and inner discovery and growth to deal with
Has appeared in Vogue at least once. In spite of her size and status as a monster, a lot of people think she's pretty
Contemplated growing her hair out. But because of her size and how hard getting hair care products and appliances (ie: shampoo/conditioner, a hairbrush, etc.), even makeshift ones, it would require a lot of maintenance. Even Kirkland/supply from Costco doesn't stand a chance. So she's opted to keep it short. Also the same reason she doesn't wear makeup as much anymore
She gets a dress on rare occasions. Not to mention that it's hard to get any clothes her size. She was fortunate to get her prison uniform as quickly as she did. Regardless, she loves, loves, LOVES her dresses! Has to wear shorts underneath them for safeguard against prying eyes
Her prison suit is her main go-to outfit
The whereabouts of her prison suit from Gallaxhar's ship is unknown to everyone except Monger and a few Area 5X staff
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DS9 4x06 Starship Down thoughts (I’m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!)
[29 June '23]
Dax and Kira both rolling their eyes at Worf's "this is unacceptable" grumbles - same, ladies
"I'm fasting." Oh, interesting! Love an unexpected tidbit of Bajoran culture
"It's the anniversary of the Emissary's arrival." Oh
"Benjamin's never been one for ceremonies..." you don't say XD
Dax and Kira working side by side so much :3
"I made the mistake of letting my brother Rom execute these contracts." Rom is always the scapegoat, oh Quark. At least you're consistent XD
"You cheated me, Quark, and you haven't even have the courage to admit it." Nice, I like this guy
I remember very little of this, actually! It's always fun to come into an episode not remembering much
"How long?" "Twenty minutes." "You've got ten." O'Brien's sigh... he sure does Have A Job
Julian pushing doors open like he's strong or something :P
Ohhhh, Sisko will think Dax and Bashir are dead 💔
"She did it." Oh, Kira's complete strickenness is heartbreaking
Quark's still trying to scheme... Of course
I can never see Quark's pink blue and white suit as anything but his trans pride suit XD
The fact Kira's eyes are still wet and Sisko is still so quiet and cut off. My heart.
"Something tells me they may be closer than you think." Good instincts! Only a little too late!
"Save your breath. I don't think there's anybody left alive up there." Gosh, this episode is hitting everyone hard.
I keep remembering what happens incrementally - now Kira's gonna keep Sisko alive by talking, right?
"It's very important that you listen to me, because there's gonna be a test later." Oh dear, Kira, you're doing your best and I love that this is your best <3
"Remind me to hold my breath next time." XD
"Is there anything else I should know?" "We only have a few hours of breathable air." "Thanks, anyway." XD Oh dear
"A year ago if you'd have done something like this, I would've thought you were just trying to be a hero." "And now?" "Now that I know you better I realise it was just a really stupid thing to do." I love these two so muchhhh. Her joke and his chuckle <3 <3 <3
Is Quark actually going to convince this guy to be more ferengi-like?
"They are not laid out properly." WORFFFFFFF. This is an emergency, things don't have to be perfect, just functional!!
Miles' uneasy look of I hope he doesn't say anything too bad that completely pisses off and disrespects my engineers
"What am I doing?" Oh, Kira <3
"Nerys?" !! I haven't got this far in my spreadsheet-data, but this is possibly the first time Sisko calls her by name??
And she responds "Yes, sir?" Going more formal the more informal he is!
The Federation mindset had so rubbed off on Quark - "It's up to us." Of course this is partly distrust that anyone will come and save them - but I think he's been influenced by hero-mindedness too
"If you don't mind my saying, Julian, that's a very strange fantasy." XD
Jadzia Julian friendship is the world to me tbh
Okay, I wasn't expecting Worf to actually take Miles' advice on board. Good for him!
"This can't happen. You can't die!" Oh, Kira. 
"I'm going to pray because I don't know what else to do." oh kira. Oh, Kira. This moment is so precious to me, I can't explain why. 
Oh boy, how is there SO MUCH going on in this episode that I had completely forgotten the Quark disabling a torpedo thing??
"I thought you said you never sold substandard merchandise. THis was supposed to explode on impact, wasn't it?" "Maybe I should offer them a refund." XD XD incredible
Their hysterical laughter to avoid thinking about their fear
"Come on, Hanok. What do you say? You want to keep playing?" That was so flirty of you, Quark
The engineer's startlement at the bomb XD
"Just because one loses a bet, doesn't mean one gives up the game." Again, this was kinda flirty, no?
Odos pleased hm at Quark losing XD
What is wrong with Julian? "It's been nice.. talking... to you." That was not a human way of speaking 😅
"Thank you for rescuing me." "Now we're even." The second he takes to process that and then his outraged face! 
"Proceed at your discretion, Mr Stevens." Okay, this is nice :3 Worf gets character growth!
"Oh, you can do it in twelve." O'Brien dishing out the treatment he usually gets XD
Okay, how on EARTH had I forgotten that episode so much??? It's incredible!!!!
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servin-up-surveys · 7 months
survey #201
Do you like meatball subs? I really don't, they just make the bread soggy, which I cannot tolerate texturally.
What is your favorite smell on earth? Fresh baked goods. Cinnamon rolls are the best.
If you have a sib, do you call him/her “brother” or “sister” sometimes? I call Ashley "big sis" quite a bit, and sometimes "little sis" for Nicole.
Did you ever collect stickers? I did in my childhood for a very long time! My original dresser ended up completely covered in stickers because that's where I kept my collection of them.
Have you been baptized in any religious tradition? I was as a baby.
Do you love the smell of sunblock? I don't.
What was the last upsetting thing that happened to you? An asthma flare-up. Since my actual attack at the very end of January, I've now had FOUR more instances where my oxygen levels were on the very, very brink of "I need to go to the ER." One time I literally would've gone again if Mom hadn't told me not yet (she didn't want me waiting for hours because my oxygen wasn't low enough to be attended to immediately). I'm very stressed out about it; I'm not supposed to see a pulmonologist until June, but Mom and I are praying that there's a cancellation I can slide into.
What was the last thing you ordered from Starbucks? I've never gone there because I hate coffee. Oh wait, I have gotten a treat from there, but I can't recall what it was, this was years ago.
Do you trust your doctor? I trust my primary doctor and therapist. My current psychiatrist is an absolute fucking joke and after my last appointment, I refuse to go again. We're gonna try and set me up with a psychiatrist where my therapist is.
Do you ever question if your mother loves you? God no, I know me and my siblings are her world.
What is missing in your life? Fun. Adventure.
What is your favorite type of Lunchables? Nachos, zeeeeero competition.
What is the worst medication side effect you’ve ever had? As far as the most truly unenjoyable, vomiting. Scariest, bodily spasms and the constant state of feeling like I was on the very precipice of a seizure. What I'm assuming was probably the most dangerous, hypomania.
What is your favorite thing to order at Taco Bell? Fiesta potatoes.
What church do you go to? I don't go to church.
Do you take risks often? I really don't. I need to be more willing to. Not stupid ones of course, but sometimes risks are necessary for growth and success.
The last time you ate leftovers, what was it that you were eating? My mom made these sorta cheesecake bars to bring to Girt's the other day, because he was obsessed with them when Mom made them last, so his family got to try it and were also hooked, haha. I can't remember everything in it, but I know it included a sugar cookie base, chocolate chips (I think?), toffee bits, pecans (which you really couldn't taste, it was mostly a texture thing), and caramel.
What was the last flavor of ice cream you ate? Vanilla.
What is your favorite song at the moment? Probably "V.A.N." by Bad Omens and Poppy, at least for right now. It's not my favorite song ever, but it's newer so more enjoyable to listen to lately.
What is one thing you have too much of? fat lmao
What type of fruit do you eat the most? Apples.
Would you rather eat strawberries or watermelon? Strawberries. Watermelon is too watery to me, I don't enjoy it.
Do you prefer hamburgers or hot dogs? Burgers.
How far away do you live from the place where you were born? The hospital I was born at is barely five minutes away.
If you buried a time capsule, what would you put in it? Oh I have no idea.
Describe your clothing style in three words: Comfortable. Lazy. Dark.
What’s something you want to do more often? Be outside.
Who is your favorite YouTuber? Of all-time, Markiplier. I don't really have a favorite these days, just a few I enjoy a lot. Some of these are Game Grumps, Snake Discovery, NKFherping, John Wolfe, Shane Dawson, Woolie VS, and Gab Smolders.
Do you believe in soulmates? No.
What band or artist do you think is overrated? I just really don't care, let people enjoy the shit they like. Just because I don't enjoy an artist doesn't mean other people can't.
What’s something untrue that you believed for a long time? Uhhhh maybe that slit pupils on a snake always meant it was venomous. I've known that's incorrect for years, but I did think that was a universal rule when I was younger.
Did you skateboard when you were younger? No. I kinda passively wanted to, but was never too interested to actually learn.
Have you ever won a contest? A few, mostly related to writing ability.
What’s something weird you’ve eaten? An orange yogurt-flavored treat for guinea pigs lmao
Who is someone you would like to get to know better? An acquaintance from high school named Courtlyn. We're Facebook friends and interact sometimes, but I'd love to get to know her better.
When’s that last time you saw snow? It's been like two years. :/
Who are the 3 people you love the most? Mom, Girt, and then I'm not sure who would be #3. There's a collection of people that come to mind, not just a single one.
Last person you slept in the same bed with? Girt.
Have you recently been sick? No.
Would you marry someone if they were unable to have sex? Yeah.
Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds? I think this would vary from person to person. For me, it was infinitely worse. I never would've anticipated the pain I went through.
Last reason you went to the ER? I had an asthma attack.
What facial cleanser do you use? I don't use one anymore.
Have you ever cheated on the significant other that you have now? I've never cheated on a significant other, period.
Do your parents like your boyfriend/girlfriend? They both love him and have loved him since we were teenagers.
What was the last fruit or vegetable you chopped/sliced up? An apple.
Does the last person whose house you were at like anyone? Me, I'm his girlfriend.
Do you tend to talk on the phone a lot? No, I literally hate talking on the phone. Primarily because over the phone, my auditory processing issues are worse, but also because I dislike not being able to see body language/expressions and it's just annoying to hold a phone and talk to someone and stop what I'm doing when you could just message me.
What turns you on the most? do not touch my boobies ok
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? Yes.
Have you ever suspected anyone of cheating on you? Not seriously. I can ponder the possibility of Jason having had something going on with the girl he dated after me with how quickly they got together (over Facebook, anyway), but I genuinely do doubt this. If anything, he was over it/open to someone else quick.
Ever get caught doing something naughty with your boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes and we never addressed it and I'm thrilled about that lmfao
Do you use q-tips to clean your ears? Only occasionally, and I'm very careful when I do because overuse/going too deep with them before caused wax to dry and adhere to both of my eardrums and I had to have it suctioned out by a specialty doctor. The doc was very serious about q-tips being an awful idea for internal cleaning, but I can't stand NEVER doing it.
Have you ever swam with dolphins? No, but I'd like to.
If you/your gf became pregnant accidentally, would you consider abortion? I would get an abortion. It'd be the better option for everyone involved; yes, including the potential baby.
What was the last candy you ate? Peach rings.
Do you like zombie movies? Indifferent.
What’s the grossest/worst thing you’ve ever seen in a public restroom? Blood completely covering the underside of the seat.
Have you ever volunteered in a hospital? If not, would you ever want to? No to both.
How do you feel about runny egg yolks? The concept of that going in my mouth makes me want to fucking hurl.
Have you ever hidden a relationship from your family? No.
Who was the worst friend you ever had? Colleen, when it boils down to it.
When was the last time you made plans with someone? What are you going to do with that person? A couple days ago, at least loosely. Girt and I are gonna hang out here this weekend. Dunno what day yet.
Are you close to your extended family? Do you wish you were closer? No; yes.
While on the road, do you play any road games? No.
Have you ever picked apples before? Not really, like at an orchard or something, but I have picked a wild apple out of a tree (it was on a friend's property; we all did it, with the owner) and it was the best apple I ever had.
Are you scared of semi-trucks? Especially when you’re driving next to one? I'm terrified of them. I get tense when I'm in a car where the driver is near one.
Do you have a fence? Along the back and one side of the house, we do.
If you have any pets, do you talk to them in a baby voice? uh, duh
Who was the last person to comfort you? My mom during one of those bad asthmatic episodes.
Do you think that in the end, everything will fall into place? Not necessarily, no. This sadly doesn't happen to everyone. Some people just live a shitty story with no pleasant resolution, no matter what they do.
What was the last thing you swallowed? Flavored water.
Do you like cats? I adore cats. I'm glad Girt's an obsessed cat dad now too because that means more cats in our future, haha.
On a scale of one to ten how much do looks matter to you? In a potential partner? Probably like... 2 or 3.
What are you listening to? "The Death of Peace of Mind" by Bad Omens.
What’s the closest pink object to you? There's pastel pink on the tumbler my sister gave me that I use for my flavored waters.
Are you afraid of thunderstorms? So, yes, but I can also enjoy them. I only get scared when there's a tornado risk.
Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy? No. But I know historically, I've been happier when with a partner.
How much effort did you put into your last relationship? Before my current one? I put my all into it. I mean, at the time, I thought I was in love with this person. And when I feel like that, I go all in.
Do you have impulse control? Yes, at least to a degree. I can tell you I'm not the best at controlling my mouth when I'm hurt, but I'm definitely better than I was as a teen.
Would you do anything on a dare? Nope. I don't even go along with dares, I'll do what I want to and not do what I don't want to.
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headcanons: Fujishima Tatsumi
content warnings for mentions of anorexia
Quick headcanons -
Name: Fujishima Tatsumi
Age: 22
Gender: Male
DOB/Place: June 11th, 2037 in Tokyo, Japan
Rank/Type: S Rank Fighter
Guild/Occupation: Draw Sword Guild
Past Occupation(s): Student at Tokyo university
Weapons: Sword
Family: Fujishima Keiko (mom) (alive)
Agawa Osamu (dad) (divorced) (alive)
Core headcanons -
Hidden talent: Good at the trombone 
Favorite food: Egg rolls 
What motivates them: Staying safe for his mom, 
Treasured possession: The bento boxes his mom would send him in college 
Deepest secret: He was (and mildly is) anorexic and does not like his body 
Best/Worst thing to happen to them: Joining the Draw Sword Guild/Going to college early 
Random memories: His mom taking care of him when he had a really bad fever and feeling really bad when she got it a few days later, participating in his first car race and being unable to fall asleep that night from the sheer adrenaline rush of it, staying up late to play Undertale and sobbing so hard at the ending that he had to skip class the next day, annoying everyone on campus as he practices the trombone as he does his best to perfect Darth Vader’s theme, getting irritated with the coding on a certain part of one of his projects and getting so angry that he shattered the windows in the building and was quietly asked to leave for the day, getting so motion sick when driving through hill country for the first time, 
Best friend/Worst enemy: Ishida Mari/himself
Good/Bad traits: Funny, passionate, smart, /Impulsive, independent, stubborn, defensive 
Things they’ve done/like to do: Steal car parts from the junkyard, work on engineering projects in his university’s lab, play video games, create the most illegal car engine ever, participate in equally illegal car racing, create little robots to carry things around his apartment, blast the trombone outside his most hated professors building,   
Personality type: “Adventurer” ISFP-T (41% extraverted, 59% introverted; 41% intuitive, 59% observant; 47% thinking, 53% feeling; 28% judging, 72% prospecting; 49% assertive, 51% turbulent)
Nervous habit: Make sarcastic self deprecating jokes or puns, laughing,
Things they’re afraid of: His body being seen, 
Things they want to accomplish: Mastering Megalovania on the trombone, finishing his ideal car at last, creating a robot dog that can understand voice commands so he can make it fetch tools for him, getting another tattoo from Kanae, race in Tokyo using his tricked up car
Additional headcanons -
He was studying to be an engineer. It means he can build wacky shit whenever he feels like it. Therefore? Also the car guy of the group. He's got his own tricked out ride that is probably illegal but its fine
That calm exterior is a sham. He's a bit of an adrenaline junkie
He's also a gamer but is much more competitive compared to the others and doesn't really play well with others in that sense. Instead he just shows them all the hacks and does his best to not become a backseat gamer
(he means well, it's just… if you could just hit it right the first time… the battle would've been over a while ago… would you like to let him have a go?)
Freckle man. He's got 'em all over his body. Kinda extremely shy about it
Also incredibly defensive. About himself, his friends, etc. He was like this even before his awakening. Would have to be held back from fighting others
Despite being an S rank he fucking loves roller coasters. It's incredibly fun to sit next to him because the man sounds like he's having the time of his life while everyone else is like dude. bro. we're going 5 mph
Kanae is the only one that knows about his tattoo. it's a Japanese dragon wrapped around his thigh and was a bitch to get done but it looks cool as hell. He doesn't show it off much though cause he's a bit shy
He’s woken up everyone one time when he lit his room on fire after fucking around a little too much with his car engine and no one has let him live it down since
Their Timeline
Age 8: tatsumi finishes elementary
Age 9: his parents divorce
4 years pass
Age 13: gates appear, he gets his S rank + leaves for college despite being an S ranker
3 years pass where Tatsumi is ostracized and bullied
Age 17: he’s has to pause college for a year after his mom discovers his anorexia
Age 18: continues college (slowly, he's being given special treatment)
Age 19: fully drops out of college + joins the Draw Sword Guild
3 years pass
Age 22: now
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