#this isn't to say people aren't passive aggressive or mad.
feluka · 2 years
ngl whenever i see posts that say certain emojis are passive aggressive or that the lady in the bluetooth speaker sounds pissed off or anything like that, i’ve never been more glad that i’m autistic
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kanmom51 · 5 months
I’ve read theories that Jimin and JK split up at some point in 2018 as well as mid 2019, late 2019/2020, basing this off certain moments in Run BTS, JM travelling without JK in the summer 2019, the rumours, the behind the scenes of ON and Black Swan and the Grammys in 2020.
I know they have tense moments and to me that makes them real, all couples fight. But do you think there is any truth to just how bad it got that they broke up?
Hey love.
I will start by saying this is my opinion I am voicing here. Based on full original content I have watched. Full episodes or clips.
I think that these assumptions or conclusions people came to based on a couple of few seconds moments we see in clips are problematic to say the least.
Let's start with that word - split up or break up. That is a very heavy term. I don't know what your relationship experience is (I just mention this because I don't know if you are single, have had a long term loving relationship, are in one or otherwise), but a long term healthy relationship usually does not include multiple break ups. A break up has a finality to it. Parting ways. Calling quits. Dissolving the relationship or ending it. And taking a step like that again and again and again, well that would take a toll on the relationship itself over time.
Also, breaking up, a love as strong as what we think these two have, it would show. Much more than what people think they see as evidence for such a breakup.
And when I say show, I mean more like what we saw back in September 2016 in what people love to call the Manila fight. The level of distance, clear anger and displeasure with the other, unhappiness that you can see in their expressions when they are not on stage or attempting to be professional, and this not being on one day, one clip, one event alone, but spread over a period of time.
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And may I add that this happened pretty much in the relatively early days of their relationship, not 3 or 4 or 5 years in. The longer the relationship, the stronger the relationship, the deeper the relationship, the harder and more painful the break up.
And you see, this is the thing.
Healthy long term relationships aren't like a soap opera. Their real lives are not The bold and the beautiful, getting together 'love of their lives' style, then breaking up, marrying someone else, only to get back together and so forth time after time. Real life isn't like that. A relationship, a healthy one, cannot survive that constant turn on turn off. And it's even harder to turn on turn off in the speed that people are attributing to them. Love is not a switch you can turn on and off. And 2 people that supposedly love each other and basically can't keep their hands off each other moments before or moments after that supposed few second moment that makes people think they are not together anymore, is not realistic to say the very least.
And as far as I can see, their relationship is not a tumultuous one. Quite the opposite (especially once they got over that push and pull in 2015-16).
Now, with saying all that, couples, they argue, they fight, they wake up one morning in a bad mood, they allow external factors to influence their mood and at times their interactions with their loved one. Life happens. And these are a real life couple, even if they are 2 members of BTS, the biggest band in the world.
Not every argument or fight ends in the finality of a break up. Not every time you are mad at your partner or even pissed to the bone at them, do you split up.
As individuals we can have bad days. And that can affect our behaviour even towards those we love. Human interactions is what it is.
So, could we catch them unhappy with each other on camera from time to time?
Of course we can.
Can we see them being passive aggressive with each other? Mad at the other? Just unhappy or mad period (not necessarily at the other but in a bad mood that effects their interactions with anyone and everyone around them)?
Of course we can.
None of that is automatically proves a break up. None of it.
A couple of examples of instances we KNOW that one of them was pissed at the other.
Summer package 2018, the dream catcher necklace drama.
Basically JM pissed at JK not wanting to wear it as a necklace and guess who had that necklace on a second later...
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And what about the NJ live 2019? JK pissed that JM and Jin turned off the live just as he got to Jin's room, starting his own live to show us that JM came to ask for forgiveness after being scolded by JK.
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Neither relationship ending differences (although that could also depend on the relationship I guess), but examples of 'arguments' or differences they had that we know of because they either happened on camera or they told us of them themselves.
Another time we see them clearly upset at each other is the Gayo song festival Dec 2016. Clearly something going on, but we don't know what.
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And here too, only days after the event, all was well between them, JK making his babe laugh while imitating Rainism's dance moves.
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Point being, once again - yes they argue, get mad at each other (and 2016 was peak push and pull between the two, laying the grounds for their relationship), but from there to calling quits... nope.
And there would be many other moments we are unaware of. Cause that's just how relationships are. Loving each other doesn't mean agreeing on every single thing. It would many times mean compatibility (for a long term relationship to last), but compatibility doesn't mean being a mould of each other.
Now specifically to the examples you mention:
2018 Jikook were stronger than ever. This is after their Tokyo trip, which they just would not shut up about. You can see them in interviews, in award shows, in other footage from that time (including BV 3 in Malta). I really do not understand where these rumours of a break up at that time are coming from.
Saying that, I am aware that there are those that think that part of the struggles the members were going through in 2018 that almost let to them disbanding also included JM and JK splitting up. I beg to differ. At least from the content we have from 2018 (I don't claim to have inside info going back to 2018 and the status of their relationship). I actually believe that having each other during that time made it easier for them to deal with the hardships (kind of like how JK being by JM's side helped him deal with everything he was going through in 2020, and JM being there, as much as he could under the circumstances, for JK who was struggling early 2023). Throughout the content (official and unofficial) from 2018, start to end, we see how close and utterly in love they are with each other.
See beginning to mid 2018 Jikook interactions in my 2018 timeline.
And things were no different in the second half of the year.
All this happened in 2018:
Could they have had ups and downs?
Of course they could have. All long term relationships have those, even the best of them. But again, split up or broken up? Nope, not in my opinion.
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Then we have the 2019 break up claims.
I think that if JK and JM were not together in 2019 during the time the band were on a break that JM wouldn't have made the effort and flown all the way back to see him for his birthday, nor would JK tattoo that J over the M right after that.
I think that JM going on those trips was them allowing each other that time to spend with their friends doing the things they want to do on their time off. That's what you call a healthy relationship btw. Allowing each other to grow as an individual, spend time with your friends, travel cause that's what you love to do, something that we learnt back in 2018 Malta that isn't something that JK really loved to do back in the day - could have changed, as people grow and change, but at the time didn't really interest him (perhaps especially seeing it wouldn't be the two of them alone).
We know from Hobi and JK that it's not like the two (JK and JM) weren't seeing each other or getting together over the break. It's only that JM went travelling and JK didn't.
And btw, these three were basically the only ones that did see each other over the break. If indeed the two broke up, would they be spending that time that they can together and not apart? Choosing to get together when they aren't obliged to do so being part of the band and having to work with each other?
And again, looking at 2019, before and after the break, the two seem stronger than ever. 2019 muster before, for example.
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Damn that pic limit, I could go on with these forever.
And right after we had BV4,
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And their final Seoul concerts October 2019.
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Next you also mentioned the behind scenes of the Black swan MV shoot as an example used to claim that JM and JM were not together at the time.
Another good example to show you how this conclusion making is so ridiculous. They are literally taking one little moment from that MV shoot and creating a whole breakup narrative, all while from the same MV shoot we have the two full on having a flirt fest in front of our salads. Including that whole JM calling I love you to JK and him turning around all giddy-bashful.
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Then you mention Grammy's 2020. First I've heard of them being broken up during that period. But let's look at what we have either from same night or the days before and after.
James Corden carpool karaoke January 2020. JM's excitement with JK's vocals and JK's incapable of keeping his eyes off JM.
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Grammy's night
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That moment there.
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And for those that claim it isn't JM JK is looking at, well who's wittle nose is that turned towards JK?
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Nope. No broken up couple detected.
I Heart Radio
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Someone holding on real tight to his man.
When exactly did they have time to break up, with all the shit that entails with a break up and then get back together like nothing happened, all lovey dovey and hot for each other?
I will tell you when I find these rumours of breakup happen.
They happen when there isn't much group content and the two of them don't volunteer much, such as telling us about them spending time together or interacting on social media with each other (surprise surprise when two people are together that they don't interact on sm, even more so their public accounts). And god forbid they are seen with others out and about instead with each other. That for sure means they are not together anymore. Eye roll. Eye roll. Eye roll.
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Bottom line, you're probably saying "about bloody time"...
In my opinion all this talk about multiple break ups (and btw, same people claiming a break up in early 2022 and then 2023) is a whole load of bs. Arguments, no doubt. Bad day, 100%. We all have those. But breaking up or even, if you wish to soften it a little by calling it "taking a break" - nope. I personally do not believe this to be the case.
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heartbeatbookclub · 4 days
inspired by the crying headcanons ask, how do you think the girls are like when angry? we do kind of see some of them get infuriated sometimes in the side stories but im curious if you have any extra thoughts on it
I'm just going to kinda rapid fire this because I don't like it sitting here, but I've been too busy and in a weird headspace to really take the time for it. If this ends up malformed or weird, I apologize. I've done a bit of thought on it though
Sayori generally keeps herself on an even keel. It's hard to really piss her off with anything which would typically anger someone, because she has a general kill them with kindness mindset (and if you do something like insult her, or try to start shit, she's more likely to assume that she's doing something wrong, so she'll beat herself up instead). That said, she does have her pet peeves (like when someone leaves the water on while brushing their teeth! you aren't using that right now, you're just wasting water!), and she does have certain buttons you probably shouldn't press.
Namely, Sayori really values other people, especially those close to her, and places a lot of trust in them. To be honest with her, to be good people, and to take care of themselves. If you fail the latter two, she will be disappointed with you, and maybe even a little angry dependent on the circumstance and how she learns about it. That disappointment hurts a lot worse, though. Of course, when it comes to taking care of yourself, she understands how that could be difficult, and will help you as much as she can, but she really wants you to value yourself as much as she does.
The former of the three, she'll get angry. Sayori isn't the type to go shouting mad (well, unless she's getting mad at mario kart or something), or the type to really share strong words. She's got that tranquil fury down pat. If you do something you know she won't be happy with, that's one thing. If you lie about it to her face, and take advantage of her trust, she'll take some time apart from you. She'll push you away until she can calm down and really think about how she wants to respond. She's not one to hold grudges; revenge isn't her forte, but when she faces that kind of betrayal, it's really hard for her to look at someone the same way.
Monika can be very passive aggressive. Yknow, that kind of backhanded, half-sarcastic passive aggressive. As a side effect of being a people-pleaser, Monika is averse to conflict generally, and would prefer to seek a more reasonable compromise in any given situation as opposed to some blow-out confrontation, and absent that, when she gets aggravated, she tries to be civil, but ends up being cattier than she intends.
If it does end up escalating to a more serious argument, if tensions are running high, Monika feels very uncomfortable. She's not one to escalate into a shouting match, she's not the type to start peppering her speech with colorful language adding with rage, she tries to keep herself under control as much as she can.
Still, she might slip up. And losing that control makes her feel even worse about it, makes her more emotional in general, and when she gets to that point, I think she'd probably say something she might regret. Definitely has moments where she cries from how angry she is about something, and realizes she needs to take a walk to get away from the situation.
Yuri tends to be strongly opinionated, but about some strange and specific things. She tries to keep from voicing these opinions when they aren't asked for or needed, just to keep everything smooth socially, but if asked, she will be blunt about her thoughts even while trying to be polite, because if they want her honest opinion, then being honest, she does feel that bluntly about it. The fact that she doesn't let on until asked makes it feel harsher than it actually is.
Yuri generally tries to keep herself under control in a similar vein to Monika, except that rather than trying to use some sort of conflict resolution, she prefers to just leave it as is. Just stop talking about it, maybe leave, whatever. Of course, she feels so strongly about her view and that it's correct that sometimes her mouth moves before her brain, and she feels the need to get the last word in, which often escalates the situation.
Yuri gets pretty easily overwhelmed emotionally, and her strong feelings about a given topic can quickly bubble over and force her to act in certain off-putting ways before she even realizes what she's doing or saying. She has a tendency to start yelling, to start saying a lot more hurtful things and use more caustic language generally. Without a mediator, she's wont to get into a loop of just continual anger and have it just ruin her day. Of course, after that, if she really thinks about it, she regrets it completely and feels terrible. (Unless they actually deserve it. Even then, she might think she could've gone about it better...)
That habit of bottling it up also has a tendency to create some outbursts if things become too overwhelming, though that's more likely to result in a combination of this sort of behavior and what I described when talking about them crying. That's da dawg in her ('tism)
Natsuki tends to be reflexively angry, or reflexively mean at the very least. I've talked about this at length before, but she pushes people away in general and tries to harden herself wholly so that nobody can ever hurt her. I've dwelt for a while on what I think that actually means about her life (namely her home life) but you can read my thoughts on that elsewhere.
She's got a tendency to just complain about a lot of different stuff which annoys her or makes her uncomfortable. She makes no secret of her opinions or thoughts on any variety of things, which might get her into trouble in some circumstances, but generally she's just very opinionated without much dedicated thought to it.
If you really get her going though, she has a lot of smart-mouthed comebacks and sharp barbs to lob back and forth. Also she starts swearing a lot more. She does her best to come out on top by keeping her anger in check, but she definitely indulges in it a fair bit. Sometimes too much. Sometimes she gets overwhelmed, and when she gets really, really mad, she also definitely starts crying, and she moreso than anyone finds that really embarrassing, because it's a sign of weakness in that kind of scenario.
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notmorbid · 1 month
the great believers, pt. 1.
dialogue prompts from the great believers by rebecca makkai.
how in hell did you get younger?
you have one of the best faces for concern i've ever seen.
there's absolutely no point to doing poppers at a memorial.
i was never one to finish my homework.
people aren't always looking for ways to hurt you.
where would i even go?
i'm not calling you slick. you're charming like a puppy.
learn to take a compliment.
you're hard to stay mad at, you know.
i'm going to say something terrible, and i don't want you to judge me.
you get afraid of one thing and suddenly, you're afraid of everything.
how is this my life?
i know the circumstances aren't ideal, but it's damn good to see you.
i don't know when on earth you got so spoiled.
i don't want to get my heart broken here.
you've done too much vanishing lately.
i'd look great with a broken nose. admit it.
don't you miss having fun?
i think we have different ideas of fun.
i have some coke in my purse.
when we go upstairs, we can have a party.
you never really 'leave' a cult.
i'm not talking about this to you.
i don't like this. something feels wrong.
some people are just born difficult.
it's nice to know you're alive.
i don't know when i died, but this is my valhalla.
i knew i'd run into you.
save your strength for when you need it, okay?
i like you. i want to be your friend.
tell me the story of your life.
don't talk, okay? i'll talk.
how did all this happen in a week?
belief is a fragile thing.
everyone wants me to be madder than i am.
i don't deserve you.
i got this 'word a day' calendar for christmas.
i'm not looking for advice.
you'd think the doctors would know more.
you don't smoke, do you?
didn't i look fantastic?
things are so often exactly what they seem to be.
we're not terrible people, are we?
what were you afraid i was going to ask?
some people actually feel things.
do you have a cigarette?
tell me about your first.
what? are we bonding?
there's foreplay, and then there's afterplay.
you're being kind of vampiric.
isn't it something you should talk about? to process it?
why am i not crying?
it was all a projection. it was whatever we needed it to be.
i'd probably just cry on you.
is there any chance i could crash at your house tonight?
are you alright? you look like hell.
i really am sorry it turned out this way.
are you being passive aggressive? what is this?
you don't seem okay.
i'm about to pass out.
i want to go to sleep now. can you leave?
i needed to tell someone.
i can't believe you're being this good to me.
to get by in my job, i have to be a certain way.
it's been a long time since i had a day that just cuts your life in two.
i've had days like that. 'before and after' days.
you can stay as long as you need.
i feel like my head is full of oil and vinegar, and somebody's shaking it all up.
isn't whiskey basically medicine?
you'll never know anyone's marriage but your own, and even then, you'll only know half of it.
we were never here.
not everyone wants to be found.
you can sit beside me. it won't kill you.
maybe we're both terrible. maybe we deserve each other.
be gentle, won't you?
i've got it from here.
are you aware that you haven't apologized? has that crossed your mind?
you look like an entirely different person.
if i stayed one more night, do you think that would be okay?
i feel so strongly that you're going to be okay.
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manic-pixie-aquarius · 3 months
Mike Wheeler, quick to defend Will but not El
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No cause it's crazy that Mike didn't hesitate to stand up to bullies talking shit about Will in his absence, but when bullies started surrounding El with a camera, clearly about to humiliate her Mike just stood there. (As did Will, but to be fair we never see Will stand up to bullies. But he did aid El earlier when her diorama was broken).
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Yeah, Mike was already upset that she lied, but she lied about having friends due to her insecurity. If my s/o lied about something like that to me, I wouldn't be that upset... I would be empathetic and try to help them feel comfortable by talking about my own experience with bullies and not fitting in at school... which leads me to ask once again WHY do people still ship Mileven??😭 They are not good together! I've been an advocate for El being single and learning how to be independent from Mike and men in general because there have been so many men with power over her her whole life who've dictated everything she does- INCLUDING Mike, and as much as I love him as a character, he is such a bad boyfriend to El!!!
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(I saw a gif earlier of Mike saying this paralleling Brenner but can't find it anymore ughh)
Anyways, off of this tangent, Mike being upset and passive aggressive and overall unhelpful to El after she is humiliated is because he's actually upset with Will and therefore cannot be bothered by El's issues - which is entirely fucked up. Like bro that is your GIRLFRIEND. Just like you said to Will...
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She's your girlfriend but you sure aren't taking your boyfriend duty that seriously... you didn't even want to talk to her after she got humiliated in front of her classmates. Everyone is focused on your quietly sulking ass at the dinner table, but you didn't even go through the brunt of the problems your girlfriend and best friend did (as far as we know, we don't see any major struggles Mike is going thru prior to season 4 --besides the hellfire club stuff--unlike El's bullying and Will's struggle with queerness. Those of us who aren't the GA know that Mike not writing "Love" is likely an internal issue with him falling out of love with El/struggling with his queerness). Like Will is initially upset at El because she keeps lying to Mike about her status and he's also mad about Mike not reaching out to him. El is mad at Will for telling the truth and also at Mike for not standing up for and helping her/probably for being scared of her and rubbing her mistake (hurting Angela) in her face "What did you do?!"/for him not saying he loves her. Basically, El has multiple reasons to be upset at Mike. And Mike's upset at Will for not reaching out/"being a douche" to El/for thinking that he should be a top priority along with El. He is also upset at El for lying, although he expresses anger at Will for not telling him about El's lying even though he didn't even know about the lying. In Mike's eyes, he isn't doing anything wrong even though he is a big subject of both Will and El's insecurities. So why is he sulking? If anything, El should be the one allowed to sulk and get the sympathy/empathy. But she doesn't, and Mike acting like the victim of this whole situation in this scene sends El over the edge.
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I honestly love this scene because she had every right to be mad at Mike. And I'm not trying to let Will off the hook here, but he was trying to be noble by clearing any lies before they went too far, although they went too far anyway. He also has every right to be upset at Mike (as far as we know, because Will mentions that Mike didn't reach out which leads us to believe that the reaching out was one-sided)
Note: I haven't done a season 4 rewatch yet so correct me if I'm wrong about anything. I only rewatched the rink fight and Byers dinner scenes for this post!
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majaloveschris · 8 months
I just want to say: I understand people are upset with him and this situation, and I agree, he went along with this stuff so he's as equally to blame, but can people just stop the pettiness? It's so childish at this point. I get it, you're mad, you're exhausted. Not saying your feelings aren't valid. So save your energy, focus it on other things, and just go. People are being so aggressive, and spending time just posting and laughing at how he's losing followers and whatever else. The reality is, you don't have to be here. You can still watch how it ends from somewhere else. You can watch how it ends without posting or being so passive aggressive.
Also, it's funny how people know he probably had to go along with it because he signed it. How people know he was probably trying to get out of it, and couldn't. How people know there were things he probably had to do because he signed it and couldn't get out of it. Okay. You're team PR, so you know what probably needed to happen that was outside of his control because he signed a contract. But then people will go posting aggressively and act like he's doing these things for fun. We know he's not (those of us who are on the pr side). But people acting all high and mighty like they've never made a mistake in their entire...I don't have a word for it. Like Eva-knits said, some people here only know how to criticise. It's obvious he's trying to move forward. So just let him. It's what we've been waiting for, for things to start moving forward. It's like people complain about the negativity and don't realise they add to it.
What I don't get is why people who say they don't like him anymore care about how this ends? Most of these people even say that they don't care about this being PR or real since he is out there with her by his side and associating with someone who is everything he's ever been against. So for these people, this being PR doesn't make a difference. There are people who would be willing to "support" him again when this ends, and if he shows he doesn't like them. But why stay if you already decided that no matter what happens, you don't like him anymore and you don't want to support him anymore? I'm not saying that's okay; it is. I get why people don't want to do it, and they have valid reasons. I get why people walk away; what I don't get is why people stay if they don't like him and if they are only hating on him.
I don't think most people who post or care about his stats are laughing at him. One of my dearest friends, Anne, is usually the one doing that, and I can assure you she doesn't do it to be petty. It's kind of sad to see how this whole situation gets worse and worse, and those numbers aren't about him having lesser and lesser followers, but more about people turning away from him and how damaging this whole situation is actually for him.
To be honest, it's a tough situation for all of us. And there are a lot of people who switch back and forth between this being PR and not, and we can't blame them for that. I do believe this is PR; I do believe he wants to get out of this; and I also believe he doesn't do this out of fun. You can see on his face that he doesn't want to be there, and I think his body language also says it all. But I also understand those who can't decide. And I think the things you've mentioned are because of that.
As I said before, calling him out is important, but I don't agree with the way some people do it. Body-shaming and bullying him isn't the right way to do so. And it's also getting common that no matter what he does, people always find some problem with it. He should be talking about this and that, but when he does, people call him "performative" and say, "How dare he talk about something like that when he is married to Alba?" But when he says nothing, that's a problem too; that's "performative" too. Some people don't like him anymore, and whatever he does will be bad and not right for them, which is because of Alba. Because he "married" someone like her. And that means, he is like them right? For me not, because I think this is not real, but still..
That's how the fandom is now. Everybody is getting more and more exhausted, but I still think that distancing yourself from this would be the best action if he bothers you this much. It isn't worth it. He doesn't deserve the body-shaming comment, and your support deserves a better candidate.
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songmingisthighs · 8 months
i'm gonna do a brief summary of me going mia.
fyi, i am being a bitch here so skip if you don't wanna get confused
> i stupidly sent an ask to a network i'm in about an admin who had been abusing his power/position to smear my name and reputation by introducing me to people as an abuser and i've seen texts okay this admin encouraged network members to block and just avoid me on top of calling me an abuser and called me annoying and when i was plagiarized by dally he literally called me annoying and on another plagiarizing incident, said that i "went off" but it was /neg like dude i got my shit stolen why do you think i got mad ?? and this admin had gone to another network to shit talk me with someone so openly so like wtf ?? mind you this admin used to be a friend but even when he was a friend, he had been running a smear campaign since as early as late october 2022 so imagine the betrayal and he convinced people to join in on hating me and even make it seem like a group activity and even went like "OOO WHO SHOULD WE INVITE NEXT INTO THIS HATE SMT GROUPCHAT" and it took one person to say "are you seriously inviting people in to trash talk someone you had personal beef with?" For him to be like "lol okay whatevs" but still continue. need to note this admin had participated in the desolution of 3 communities and each implosion happened after he established a "romantic relationship" with the members + gathering boob pics from others
> i was approached by an admin who at first was like "oh i'm just letting you know we're on your case. but ykw this this this this and this didn't happen the way you said, it actually happened like this" and this admin ended up labeling the shit show that i was shoved into as "personal vendetta" in a network announcement and even gaslit me. she kept saying like "aren't you tired of this? he decided to move on and he seems genuine, you could move on too" but her version of moving on was just me pretending like he didn't do anything to me because he decided that it was time to pretend like he hadn't ran a year long campaign talking shit about me to people i don't even know. like holy shit people actually came to me and apologized for believing him and what he said about me after he was done using these people too but yea sure i'm the asshole. she also said "if he came to you and apologized would you accept?" And i was like "hell no?" And she was like "SEE HOW IS THAT YOU MOVING ON" and g0rl you should've seen my face because how does not accepting the absence of accountability that had been hidden in the guise of a 2 second "i'm sorry" text = me not moving on ? he did his crime and i'm within my rights to say "lol okay so?"
> the other admin was no better bc she said "you should've sent those screenshots months ago like i told you" which btw she knew i couldn't bc i was trying to not stir drama and unlike that admin, i don't want to make another community implode. and she also said "i'm tired being in the middle of this" like g0rl i haven't been the one who brings up this issue, isn't it possible you feel like you're in the middle because you're within that asshole admin's vicinity ?
> then the network posted an announcement about the admin's "punishment" and said admin "apologized" but even in that apology the admins were still covering his ass because there were no accountability of the slanderous bullshit he told people, the manipulation, the actual emotional tornado he had put DOZENS of people in (not just me), there was nothing sincere because he only apologized after i gave a formal complaint to the network. it was theatrical which is so fitting since he likes theatres so much. esp musical ones.
> then another issue arise when someone put my dragon!hwa fic on a fic rec post and also put the au source in the same post and that writer threw a passive aggressive tantrum that called fic rec posts stupid, accusing me of "taking", how it is not fair that "others" get more attention when they don't put in the same amount of effort, how it's not her fault she couldn't write 10k fics which made me feel like it was pointed at me so i approached her and asked if she wanted me to take the fic down and she does and it BROKE me. she wanted me to delete one of my best works because she thinks i don't put in as much effort as she does when writing that and that it's unfair that fic got more traction than her works which only get "likes and likes and likes and empty reblogs" and i was considering deleting the fic but i'm changing my mind because she didn't even have the GALL to approach me and voice out her concern and she made unfair insinuations about me and possibly other writers. those are the main reasons because g0rl she really did make me want to delete my blog.
> i was gone this whole time because i felt like i've caused so much negativity on tumblr and her words made me feel nauseous whenever i open tumblr. it didn't help that i was already dealing with the issues from the admins from that network and work which had been so fun and my family where it's all shit but because of dealing with this, i've been so drained to the point that my sinus got inflamed which affected the nerves on my teeth and i've been nursing the same hammering headache since last wednesday (5 days) and i honestly felt like death on a stick and i just wanted to be happy here again. i love the people here esp my readers and ghawd how much i love seeing tagged reblogs. i felt inadequate most of the time like everytime i post a chapter it's like playing uno with loki and betting on my ability to cope with shitty humor like fuck man but i decided to come back because the several times i lost hope in life, the times i felt like people in my real life don't need me and would rather not have me around, i know that i have people like bunni and ren and that there's a group of strangers who appreciate what i have to offer no matter what i think of myself and i'm getting emotional now and i gotta pee and idk how to end this so bye
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lacelynpage · 2 years
Hello! Can I send you a request? I really liked your posts about Sherlock Holmes preferences! 👍💙How do the characters of the Sherlock Holmes series show their jealousy? Please.
A/N: Hello Darling! I think I wrote this a little more real then it needed to be but ohh well lol. I'm so glad you enjoy my work and I hope you have a great week!
Jealousy~ Sherlock Preferences
He lashes out at whoever he is jealous of. Sherlock isn't the best communicator and when he feels someone is trying to take you it shows. Insults and mockeries fly as he rips whoever the perceived offender is to complete shreds. He uses his skills with relentless precision till they are near tears. You hate when he does that. You talk about it once his tantrum is over and assure him that he is the person you love. He is scared that he will lose one of the very few people who makes him truly safe and happy and struggles to figure out how to communicate that. Apologies on all sides are given. 
This man is petty as fuck and we all know it. He would get passive aggressive about it for a while. Saying ridiculous things like “no, I don't know the time dear. Why don't you text your new lover, they might know.” It was infuriating and no matter what you said he would be mad for at least the rest of the day. Time would eventually bring him to his senses though. He would sincerely apologize to you and talk about everything. Your love for each other was stronger than any absurd argument for things like that and it would always end with you happily in each other's arms.
It is generally pretty hard to make Mycroft jealous. He has faith in your relationship and knows that no other person is going to break it. Though some days his insecurity get to him. The doubt he feels about himself clouds his judgment. Those days he pretends not to care about anything. He lets the ice creep back into his heart and acts as though he couldn't pick you out of a crowd of strangers. It hurts you every time. But after a day or two he comes back to his senses and tries to make it up to you. Though it always hurts you forgive him and reassure him that you aren't going anywhere. 
Greg has been hurt before and those injuries don't heal quickly. He tries his best to trust you and not let it get to him but it doesn't always work. When it does get to him his temper gets increasingly short and screaming matches are quite common. Though once it all boils over the cool down time is quick. He will apologize and hold you close. He doesn't want to lose you like he lost his wife. For the next week he buys you coffees and dinners and sends flowers to your office at least once. He makes sure you know he cares about you more than anything. 
Jim is, in a kind word… protective. The people he gets jealous of generally get the fear of god put into them. He would never do it in front of you but he keeps track of the people who think they can get away with flirting with you. Though it's not like he scares every rando who talks to you. Only the ones who don't listen when you say that you have a boyfriend. But once the offender is out of the way, Jim will remind you exactly why you are with him and not some boring nobody.
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I'm not sure you need people to announce that they're just here for fun? it's tumblr...surely that can be assumed?
i dunno sometimes it seems like when you say this stuff it's a bit of a straw man argument because I don't really see anyone on here taking this stuff that seriously. we are not larries! no one is claiming Paul's kids are fake or anything lmao. yes people like to look at the history but again it's tumblr, it's just for fun.
maybe there is a whole other delusional side to beatles tumblr that i am not seeing, but i think maybe if people are getting mad when you argue with their dumb little posts it's just cause they think that you, in fact, DO want to spoil the party!
I have been waiting for someone to make this joke ever since I got that url. Have had to make it myself often <3
1. "we are not larries" is an incredibly low bar.
2. the specific contents of theories isn't the only thing that makes them conspiratorial. it's about the way they're argued.
3. Actually, I am thinking of One Specific Event from about a year and a half ago that was treated as people "spoiling the party" when in fact it was an example of good faith engagement with a seriously worded discussion post.* Maybe you missed that, and it's not like it's a super common occurrence. But in hindsight, I don't find it surprising given the climate here.
*I can provide more details on this specific thing in DMs if someone is curious. I don't wanna hash it out on main, especially since I was only peripherally involved.
4. This isn't about whether tumblr is your space to have fandom fun – I do assume that. It's about whether someone is making arguments in jest or if they mean them seriously. Both of these things might be fun to someone (but maybe I could have worded that point better in the original tags).
5. No, no fake kids, and this fandom isn't plagued by a central figure who's to blame for all the "bad stuff". Plus, it's "decentralized", so no singular entity is controlling some super specific narrative. This definitely keeps the space in check. That's part of it though: it's all very sociological, which makes my issue difficult to address because most single posts aren't a problem in of themselves, but there's a tangible vibe to the whole thing. That's also why I want to tread lightly here; I know a lot of it is a joke, but it's hard to tell what isn't. Like, yeah, I've been passive-aggressive lately, but I've also been watching this for a long time. And I regularly see things I perceive as a strawman against my position as well as absolutist rhetoric, which reads just as much as picking a fight as any of my recent posts do. If you talk about there only being "one explanation" for something, what is that, other than putting forward your theory as true? Is it really Not Serious? Every time? Even when the post is presented in a serious way, with sources and evidence? People on this site talk about what they expect Mark Lewisohn to include in his Definitely Trying To Be Serious And Factful biography series. Those demands are never serious? And I don't want to just ruin people's fun for no reason! But I also have a hard time dismissing every single thing that Sounds Kind Of Serious as Probably A Joke (and I do do it, pretty regularly) And I semi-often see people doing things that set off my alarm bells, even when they are not proclaiming Stella McCartney to be a lifelong actress. (reminder that several people on here freaked about the For Paul tapes story being semi-debunked last November; like actively scorned people who were trying to figure out how that story came about and where it originated. That's not normal, sorry to say! And, funnily enough, about a year ago, there was a blog on here pushing a very very very esotheric version of McLennon [and even trying to monetize it] and while most people dismissed them for the kook they were, they splashed onto the tumblr scene in an identical way [saying something that amounted to: "how dare you imply this apocryphal Paul McCartney quote might be fake?"] –––– so my question is: is it not that serious? I Don't Know You Tell Me!)
6. This is @ me mostly, I guess. I just feel like this space has become more and more of a monoculture. Shipping is the default angle with which everything is approached. If John and Paul write songs that are maybe not about each other that's not often seen as worth diving into. (See: Beautiful Boy tinhatting). I actually want to try and change this; get more diverse content on this site, but I guess I assume it's not welcome, which is on me, really. I have slides explaining my specific reading of Double Fantasy (yes, seriously) and there isn't really much stopping me from posting them, outside the fact that most people on here seem to have a very different relationship to the songs from the album than I do, so I assume they won't care. But y'know, I'll try to just Make More Content and see what that does. (For the record I know that sounds whiny. And I do seriously want to do better on that front)
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 years
Monty and Chica
💜 (Purple heart) for a dealers choice!
Ooooo now there's loads of possibilities for these two. Chaotic siblings is a really fun one but they could also be those two friends that great each other like "GUUUURRRLLL HOW YOU DOOIN???" And romantically? Very cute! And if they hate each other? Pfft lmao Chica would kick his ass sorry Monty lovers but you don't fucking mess with an angry chicken and he's a softy anyway. I'll do a bit of all of them for fun.
First? Friends! These two are such goofballs I swear. They hang out in the water at Gator Golf a lot and are constantly getting knocked off high places with brooms by the staff. One of them shows up with a tub of glitter and now they're trying to cover the walls in it to make them shine. They're A class mess makers but with all their experience having to clean up said messes, that also makes them the best cleaners out of the Glamrocks. Monty is Chica's favourite cooking companion and they've had many a competition on who can bake the best cake. They probably have an insane amount of injokes and I can see the pair of them liking to people watch and then talk about the different people they've seen later on while they're chillin' in the water.
For their sibling dynamic? It's very much the same except you now have the pair of them rattling off dinosaur facts every two seconds. Did you know chickens are closely related to dinosaurs too? Now you do! These two are experts on the subject! As both siblings, friends or romantic partners, Chica would kill for him though. She's just the kind of person to commit atrocities for people she cares about and Monty... isn't exactly aware but he will gladly joke about it with her. He'll threaten the shit out of anyone she partners up with too, they're both generally just really cool. Besties till the end!
As romantic partners the dynamic doesn't change that much. You just have more variation in the physical affection they give each other. If these two are a thing they're the most lovestruck fools you've ever seen in your life. They'll be sat there, with their friends, zoning out, staring into space thinking about them all the damn time. I'm talking heart shaped eyes levels of affection. How would they get together? Chica would be making the first move because Monty would be so damn shy about it. It would also be pretty funny if Roxy was getting Monty gushing about Chica every time they hang out together and then Chica gushing about Monty every time they hang out and she's just sat in the middle expected to be both of their wingman's at the same time. Actually you know what? Everyone is their fucking wingmen. They have an army of wingmen. But the wingmen aren't aware of their fellow wingmen so they keep trying to set them up on their own and they keep messing each other up until they figure it out and plan one big thing to get them together. Chica still the first to say anything though. She's very much a 'do or die' kinda gal and he's very much too nervous about rejection for this. They get together and there is a Plex wide party with a banner that reads "FUCKING FINALLY" and they think it's hilarious.
Now, to go in the complete opposite direction... what if they fucking hate each other? Well that's a pain for everyone else because neither of them will ever let up on the passive aggressive comments. Not for one single moment. However, if they call a truce for even one hour, it's going to be for someone else's benefit. Roxy in tears and they're the only ones around? Call a truce. Bonnie is broken down and they need to act fast to make sure he's not too damaged for repairs? Call a truce. Missing child or a suspected kidnapper in the Plex? Call a truce. The thing is though, they both have similar senses of humour so sometimes one will do something stupid or silly and the other one will get really mad about because now they can't do it. Oh lord the competition between them would be insane. I don't think they'd ever come to blows or anything, but if they did it would uh... probably start really scary and dangerous and devolve into pathetic slap fighting.
No matter what, they could both have a really fun dynamic! I can see them both just wandering into each other's rooms unannounced and dramatically flopping on top of the other one to talk about their day and to gossip the night away. I can also see them taking their aggression out on each other in Fazerblast and this either making them both the worst players in existence or the best players ever. They're a really cool pair!
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thecurrator · 8 months
𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐮𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @imjustabeanie
Your ideal match is...Trey Clover!
Tumblr media
Someone patient and caring to stay by your side! Trey is the kind of person to go with the flow and do what's comfortable for other people, so it'll be really easy to get along with him. You're a chill lover, so he'd be really happy with you since you both can be chill together! He just wants a quiet and simple life after all.
Trey would like your trait of being brutally honest actually since that makes it easier for him to understand what you're thinking. He's good at being diplomatic and receiving (constructive) criticism, so communicating with him won't be hard.
Trey may not match your ambition or competitiveness, but he'll always be your cheerleader! When you're motivated, he'll listen to your plans and ideas. When you're procrastinating, perhaps its time for a break. You can come back to your work later.
As a responsible mom friend, he won't be encouraging bad ideas with you anytime soon. However, he does like to play simple pranks now and then. If you find them funny, chances are he'll do them more often and with you. Condolences to everyone else.
Passive aggressive? Trey has his moments as well. That isn't great when you both get mad at each other. But when you're both mad at someone else, now that's bad news for them. Perhaps you'd enjoy scaring them a bit with Trey?
Love receiving gifts, you say? Trey is always spoiling his dormmates with cakes and other sweets. As his girlfriend, you'd definitely be receiving just as much if not more gifts from him. You like to bake as well, so baking dates are going to be common dates for you both. Heartslabyul constantly has some party or another being held, so be prepared to bake as much as you eat! Just remember to brush your teeth afterwards.
Its alright if you're not ready to be vulnerable with him for a long time. It seems you're both the kind of friends who give help to others but aren't willing to receive it. You're both similar in that regard. Trey can tell when you need space and he won't have any problem respecting that. With time, maybe you both can learn to trust each other and let your walls down. He's willing to try.
Azul Ashengrotto (I was really torn between him and Trey because Azul can keep up with you in terms of intellect and ambition, but he's not good with being vulnerable, so Trey won in the end.)
Kalim Al-Asim (An opposites attract kind of situation. Compared to Azul and Trey, he's the most honest candidate for you. He has his socially oblivious moments too, which can be funny when paired with you. Don't even get me started on gifts.)
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the-meme-monarch · 2 years
I hvn't checked on ur blog in a while so if you really got a transphobic ask than fuck whoever did that > :<
but I do want to input that as far as shipping goes: I'd imagine it's cuz sometimes your posts come off as "headcanon police"y and could easily be interpreted as "hate" themselves, I think maybe some tone indicators or "rant" disclaimer would help a lot (assuming the hate asks do have backbone and aren't just people being rude and mad for the sack of being rude and mad) I'm really sorry if this ask reads as passive aggressive, I don't intend it to be. I just remember feeling that your post about "why do people portray sweet as jaded" was phrased kinda aggressively, like complaining about "mischaracterization" thats actually just "not characterized by your interpretation, like I feel the best thing about scc is how much was left for intepreatation and thus how creative and varied but still have the same vibe fanworks of them have, so seeing posts looking down on these creative works from a very creative an amazing artist felt a little odd: but I am autistic, so I might have just misunderstood the tone completely ^^*
in that case I'm srry for wasting your time reading this fndjskfa
while I have the confidence to send this ask I might as well add that your lineart is SO good and I must have watched your scc animation at least 10 times: at least 3 of those time was on low speed as I paused at every frame, and I also just really appreciate that you give ralsei a tail, the fluffy boy deserves a fluffy tail *applause*
the transphobia seemed entirely baseless, they didn't connect it to anything but I can't imagine why someone would send it if not for Being Pissed At Something I Did.
anyway that wasn't meant to be heacanon policing, i feel justified being upset w people mischaracterizing scc, sweet in this case, bc ppl will make sweet's defining character trait "grmpy straight man character" when he isn't ! he is not at all the straight man character, if anything, capn kinda is? since he's the only one to point out something not making sense (like kk asking to buy a bagel when he's selling them) whereas sweet goes perfectly along with kk saying he wants to be a car. sweet Does get angry, we see that before and after their fight, but they were also very easily convinced (by kk, not really capn) to stop being mad and was immediately happy again. overall sweet is just emotional, and i don't like that people stop at "mad". and then making them the straight man character was wrong to begin with. their characterization is just so clear to me i don't get why people think he's jaded. now I'm worried abt that also sounding mean when i didn't intend it so but Well. maybe i deserve to be mean. as a treat /j
and well i have every right to be mad abt people infantalizing kk i think. you didn't say that and I'm not accusing you but since I'm on the thought train of Being Mad With Their Fandom Mischaracterization
also thank you ! ralsei can have a tail. as a treat
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conkreetmonkey · 10 months
(rant, as a new Tumblr user (not actually that mad, just having a little fun))
I need all Tumblr users to understand that I will never interact with any post that explicitly asks for reblogs or likes. idc how many cutesy emojis you wrap that turd in, take that Facebook shit somewhere else. Especially people whose already obnoxiously existent under-post blurbs say something like "reblogs>likes!" Fuck off, if I was going to do either of those things, I certainly aren't planning to now. It's like if I gave you a $5 bill and you said you wished it was a $10. I'm trying to be nice, you greedy bastard. Stop being so passive-aggressive. This isn't a business transaction, but you're acting like a used car salesman trying to haggle for the best price. I'll give your post what I think it deserves.
Unless there are actual stakes behind a post, like if you're asking for help or spreading important news, or maybe even trying to promote an art account (sometimes), I respect it. Otherwise, I despise it when people beg for digital brownie points. It gives me Reddit "le updoots" flashbacks. I already hand out likes and reblogs like a kindergarten TA does a bag of dollar store lollipops. I'm not obligated to spread every one of your dark academia AU Klance fancams like the damn town crier. Your post should be likeable on its own accord, without you grovelling for scraps like a starving street dog every time you post a pink-tinted Twitter screenshot you stole from an Instagram repost bot.
And it's especially pathetic when it's just mindless selfies or other wannabe influencer shit. Clout means less than nothing here, and you get it by posting worthwhile content, not just by having a fat ass crammed into beige leggings. Nobody's going to pay you to advertise weird diet beverages if you get enough reblogs, and interaction doesn't prompt an algorithm to spread your insipid, soulless content slop. This is not a website for influencers. We do not want you here. You are a digital parasite that adds nothing and seeks only to take. Go away.
This isn't even mentioning the graphic design of some of these banners. Some of you even have brightly coloured little jpegs, although these are, I've found, more often used for DNI lists. Either way, it's obnoxious, and made more obnoxious by the fact that it was seemingly made in MS Paint by a preteen fujoshi in 2008. Get your pink text on magenta gradient backgrounds away from my poor eyeballs. This is the kind of thing that should be in a pinned post or a bio, not on every goddamn post you make. JUST STOP.
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redtail-lol · 1 year
I think you need to think about how you, a self described cisgender girl, think you are totally okay with being transmisogynistic. If you took the time to actually care about transfeminine people, you would see that every slur for effeminate men is used for transfems. That is all transmisogynists see us as; effeminate men. Of COURSE there's backlash to people misgendering us with that slur. But imagine that you've had a slur used against you for your gender identity all of your life, being associated with horrible people just because you're trying to be who you are. You grow a negative association with said slur. Then you see people who are nowhere near similar to you trying to " reclaim " it. Of course you'd be stressed out. But you are victim blaming. You are trying to say that we are the bad ones for our discomfort. For having a term used against us all of our lives. It will always be a slur against transfems. You CAN in fact be misgendered by what someone else calls themselves. People such as myself identify as girlboy or boygirl, but some transfems are uncomfortable with it by having it used against them. And that's okay. People can call themselves femboys, whatever, but don't you dare try to say that we have no right to be upset or mad. Cisgender people, stay out of this. You're just spreading transmisogyny. You are victim blaming. You are the problem. If I seem passive aggressive, I apologize. I want to end this saying that I simply hope that you try to listen to transfem voices more. Saying this stuff is actually really hurtful, even if you think it isn't. Instead of trying to say that we aren't affected by a slur, maybe post about how you don't understand it or something. Maybe try to know that while anyone can be affected by a slur, it can also affect a lot of others. Examples : The d slur is currently in debate of reclaimability. It has historically been used against any mspec or lesbian women or otherwise femme appearing people. I hate the debate, we should just acknowledge that we won't agree with or understand others. However, it's important to consider how what you say comes off.
Bro it doesn't matter if it will always be used against transfems. It's a term for men. Effeminate men calling themselves femboys can't hurt you. You're selfish for demanding people not call themselves a femboy because someone called you a femboy when you're not a boy. Get over yourself you stupid bitch. Transfems being misgendered by being called femboys isn't even 1% different than transfems being called "he." You wanna cancel he/him pronouns too? There's no difference.
Transfems who are uncomfortable with hearing the word femboy when not used in transphobic context don't deserve their discomforts respected
Transfems who are uncomfortable with hearing the word femboy when not used in transphobic context don't deserve their discomforts respected
Transfems who are uncomfortable with hearing the word femboy when not used in transphobic context don't deserve their discomforts respected
If that makes me transmisogynist I'm happy to be transmisogynist.
Transfems who are uncomfortable with hearing the word femboy when not used in transphobic contexts are also huge pieces of shit.
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BUT THATS MY FUCKING PROBLEM WITH HIM HE LIKE!! he refuses to have clear neutral communication it's always this like "everyone just need to participate we don't need a chore chart or grocery list" but will get mad if we don't just get the urge to do chores he expects us to do (but doesn't tell us he wants done) or don't tell him we're missing things but dven if you do it too many things have run out he's like 'oh I'm never gonna remember all that' SO??? FTJYKJG LIKE?? it's like it's this like bare bones idea with minimum expansion and then passive aggressive irritation and feigned nonchalance like I hate that so much about him 😭😭
like if you made a list of chores and assigned them out with a timeframe or deadline THOSE THINGS?! THEY WOULD GET DONE!! IF YOU HAD AN OPEN AND EXPLICIT DETAILED DIALOGUE ABOUT EXPECTATIONS!! YOU WOULDN'T BE DISAPPOINTED!!? LIKE!!??? it's always like nudges and knowing looks and your just supposed to extrapolate from that it's so demented actually. and if you used a grocery list we would never surprisingly run out of things...
like instead it's this like.... everything feels so personal and like it's a test all the time it's so uncomfortable
like my dad wants to have raised independent go getters who are self assured and he hasn't like we just are not that and if he wanted us to be even now... clearly something isn't working?? like clearly the way you've gone about it doesn't work? and I understand I do, it is frustrating that being said like so much of that frustration comes from the expectation for things to be different from what they are like fhlyui
if we are these neurotic easily scared off people what makes you think 😭😭 that creating for material to agonize over is helpful??
that being said I guess I can say the same thing how can we expect someone who likes to have things a certain way and tries to be patient and not directly confrontational to not get fed up we aren't picking up the subtle signals he's putting down?
so idk it's fucking annoying to say the least
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jupitercl0uds · 1 year
omg i hate it when cishet people think they know the ins and outs of the lgbtq+ community. my cishet friend recently was talking to me about a show, and here is effectively what she said
friend: 'Oh yeah, they also try to be inclusive, but it seems pretty forced.'
'forced' and 'inclusive' are 2 words i dont like hearing in the same sentence. instant red flag but i'll hear you out.
me: 'In what way?'
friend: 'Well, one of the characters is non binary, and always introduces themself with their pronouns.'
i had to refrain myself from yelling at her in the middle of school 'NO NO NO! THATS A GOOD THING! THATS A GOOD THING! THATS WHAT WE WANT! PLEASE LET STUFF LIKE THAT BE NORMALISED!'
and i get it, shes cis, her gender is binary, shes not gonna know, and thats ok!!! i can still get mad about it, so long as i don't take it out on her and instead explain to her politely 'no, actually, that's good rep!' which i did! and she understood!
please dont jump to conclusions and assume what is and isn't good rep! you might think you know what's best, but you'd be surprised! even if you're known as a massive ally who hangs out in queer spaces all the time, you still might not fully get it, and thats ok!!! if you want to say this kind of thing my friend said, it would have been better to ask about it, yk? like, 'hey, you actually know more about this than i do, would this be good rep? it seems kinda off!'
if any cishet person says something like what my friend said, BE POLITE ABOUT IT!!! they may not realise what they're doing! genuinely! how was my cishet friend, whose only experience of the enby community was through me and possibly the odd tiktok or something, meant to know that actually, yes! that was good rep! if i would have let my impulses take control, she might get upset, cause how was she meant to know??? if you dont want it to happen again, then remind them, 'hey! not to be rude, but you aren't going to know as much about the community as me, so, please could you ask me about it rather than assume what is best?'
im autistic and potentially have ADHD, so im not great with tone, but if you think that sounds a bit passive-aggressive, please do tell them that you mean no harm. or hell, maybe you are good with tone, in which case, you can rephrase that in a way that works better!
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