#this isn't fair why must he BE THIS PRETTY IN LITERALLY ANYTHING!!))
fantomevoleur · 6 months
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hairmetal666 · 1 month
The worst thing that ever happened to Eddie Munson is a spinning studio opening in the building next to the neighborhood store he runs with his uncle.
"That's the third one today," Eddie whines as soon as the door snicks shut behind a woman with a glossy high ponytail and electric pink polka dot Lululemon sports bra and bicycle short set.
"You see her ponytail?" Nancy asks. She's flipping through a stack of flashcards. "Never seen a twenty-five year old look fresh off a facelift."
"I hate them so much. What kind of job is 'cycling instructor' anyway?"
"I'm concerned about the amount of makeup they wear to workout. That's gotta be bad for the pores."
"I'm concerned about the collective IQ holding that operation together. Like, do they know how to get out if there's a fire alarm?"
Nancy shoves him, but snickers too. It's not like he really has anything against the instructors. They're fine. Polite and usually harmless. It's the principle of it. It's not fair, that they get to continue into an adulthood that's still all about them being pretty and popular, without any substance.
"You've done college bio," he says. He notices a couple of cereal boxes have fallen over, hops off the counter to push them back in place. "What are the chances their muscles are so big it's cutting off the blood flow to their brains? Is that a thing that can happen?"
There's no response from the front of the store, which isn't unusual. Mostly, she lets him talk and chimes in when the mood strikes. Since she seems uninterested in offering her input, he straightens the cereal and keeps gabbing.
"The other day, one of the guys came in, and his shorts were so tight, I could see his balls. Not just the outline, but the wrinkles. I could almost make out individual pubes. Is that one of those things where they pretend they're limiting drag, or whatever, to improve their speed? Even though it's a stationary bike--"
He turns, the shelves straightened, and literally only three feet from him is one of the aforementioned cycling instructors. Unfortunately, he's the most beautiful man Eddie has ever seen. Even more unfortunately, he definitely heard Eddie making fun of them.
"Uhh," Eddie says.
The guy smiles. "Sorry, my giant muscles make it hard to get around sometimes."
And Eddie just. Like. What the fuck. "That must make it difficult to cycle." God, god but this guy is so fucking, devastatingly hot and all Eddie has done is antagonize him. And not even intentionally!
"I get by," he smiles and Eddie almost swoons. "Hey, when I bend down, can you let me know about the ball sitch? I have a wholesome image to maintain."
Is he flirting? It seems like he's flirting? But that's weird, right? He caught Eddie talking shit, why would he--
"It would be my pleasure to look at your balls," his mouth says before his brain can catch up.
The guy snorts, smile getting bigger. "I don't know, now I might be self-conscious. Might have a wayward pube."
"How will you know if someone doesn't take a look?"
The guy steps closer, cocks his head to the side. He's got this impressive sweep of hair that barely tumbles, his throat dotted with cute little moles and freckles. Eddie's mouth is watering, why is his mouth watering? "I usually get to know someone a little bit better before they get that privilege."
For once, he's speechless and now he's blushing, can feel it up to his ears and down to his nipples.
The guy leans even closer, breath ghosting against Eddie's skin. "Too bad you hate exercise instructors."
This social interaction has already been a disaster, but he makes it even worse by responding with an indignant squeak.
The guy winks, can't hide his genuine amusement at Eddie's expense. "You ever want to make it up to me, you can come to one of my classes."
With that, he walks up to Nancy at the counter, and Eddie gets his first look at the single most glorious ass he's ever seen. His mouth literally drops open as he watches how it jiggles, perfect and round, and he wonders if it would be too much to fall to his knees and worship it right then and there.
Eddie's dumbstruck for a little too long, almost misses as the cycling instructor heads for the door. "How can I take your class if I don't know your name?" He shouts.
The instructor half turns, the sexiest, smuggest smile on his pretty face. "It's Steve!" He yells back.
"I'm Eddie!"
"I know!"
The door closes and he turns to Nancy. "How--how did he know my name?"
Nancy rolls her eyes, goes back to her flashcards. "You're wearing a name tag, you absolute dork."
Eddie knows he's a man of weak will. Is not completely surprised when, after a month of meanly flirtatious interactions, Steve leans across the counter to taunt, "you do one cycling class with me and I'll take you out to dinner."
He's fresh from a workout, hair still damp and messy from the shower. Eddie thinks he's about to lose his mind, desire a clawing beast gnawing on his bones.
"Oh, so I might finally get the opportunity to check out your balls?"
Steve's cheeks go very pink, and something tight and hot tugs in Eddie's abdomen. "If you play your cards right."
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ghostorbz · 2 months
Everyone say hi to my
obnoxiously long ZADR analysis!!!
I've said it time and time again, these two have a deep and complex relationship that most people just write off as "just enemies" when they really aren't!! It's kinda irritating,,, so I wanna analyze how they act and treat each other (though a zadr lens) Because to me it's pretty obvious they deeply care about the other. I'll go over multiple episodes, the movie, unfinished episodes, as well as the pilot and comics and try to explain their relationship. Though some episodes (and many comic issues) will go unexplained if they center only around one of the two, around a different character. or if I just really don't have much to say.
1. The nightmare begins
The first time these two meet is in the first episode when Zim enrolls in skool. Dibs first reaction is staring and pointing at Zim looking crazy. Explaining to the other kids how he's an alien. Ending off the argument by giving the other a stare. After class Dib immediately confronts Zim, showing off his alien sleep cuffs and chasing him around. Zim eventually gets away (or,, flies away I guess) just for Dib to show up at his house and bang on his door saying he's been waiting for this moment and he's prepared. Dib never thought to prepare for garden gnome lasers and gets his alien sleep cuffs incinerated. That's all. I know there aren't any moments that could really be viewed as zadr material here, I just thought it was a good idea to talk about the first episode. It's when they first meet after all!
2. Parent teacher night
Zim thinks of Dib while he's walking home. You could argue Zims only thinking of him because he's worried about parent teacher night, and sure. That's fair. I just wanted to bring it up because it's pretty cute. Dib in Zims head smiles and laughs, even tells him to watch out for the dog. If this really is what Zim is imagining, why would he include him being happy and warning him if he hates him. You can't hate someone that much if you're imagining them smiling and laughing while walking home.
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Later on, Dib introduces Professor Membrane to Zim. He runs off only to come back and splash him on the face with fruit punch. A playful thing, nothing insane. Dib even does the same thing later on. Both of them smile while splashing the other. It's silly and harmless. An easy way to express their rivalry without hurting the other.
3. Dark harvest
I know last point could be debated. "Zim was only thinking of Dib because he was worried." BUT. YOU CANNOT EXPLAIN THIS TO ME.
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This scene, right here. Literally what was he talking about.
"You see Gaz, to defeat my enemy I must study my enemy, then become my enemy, then move in with my enemy, then wear my enemy's clothes then-"
THEN WHAT?? I could be looking too far into this, but it just seems so intentional. Very intentional. If Gaz didn't interrupt him what was he gonna say? Seeing this bit in another show gives me that answer,,,
WAS Dib gonna say date? Maybe. Perhaps. But we don't know. Other than this part though there isn't anything else I can really mention. Other than the,,, organ harvesting,,, but I'd rather not! So lets move on
4. BattleDib
While this IS a Dib centric episode, I wanted to note he has a hologram of Zims head. How did he get that? It seems to me that he made it, but that begs the question, how did he get everything right? I mean it's an exact replica of Zim out of his disguise. Does he look at Zim that often? And why a 3D hologram? It's not like he doesn't have photos of Zim out of his disguise. He has photos of Zim in his closet. They don't seem like drawings either, they're definitely photographs. This makes me think. Is Zim comfortable enough around Dib to let him take photos of him out of his disguise just for himself? He doesn't even let Gir do that, as we can see with the photograph of Gir and Zim in bad bad rubber piggy (this is assuming Gir took the photograph. It seems like something he would do) So why Dib? Dib has been shown to sneak photos of Zim, but the ones in his closet have Zim posing in some way, and they're pretty close up
5. Planet jackers
This episode is so good. I love it. But we're not here to talk about that. What we're here to talk about is how out of all people to go to, Zim goes to Dib. Zim rings the bell and waits for an answer. He seems nervous too, looking back at Gir for assurance with a worried expression and sighing. To quote another analysis, "When the chips are down it's always, "You're the only person who can help me." Usually they say it's because the other person is the only one with technology advanced enough to help, but there's more left unspoken."
Even IF the other doesn't help, they still go to eachother. They trust eachother enough to ask the other for help. Even if it's hard.
6. A room with a moose
Zim tries to send his whole class away through a worm hole in space. When Dib finds out, Zim doesn't hesitate to tell him everything that's going on. Even saying,
"This wouldn't be as much fun without you sticking your smelly nose in here." "You're really one of the only people who can appreciate the amazingness of this plan, so I'll let you in on what it is." "My mission might not be as exciting without you around to annoy me."
Zim talks about Dib (relatively) positively here. Saying his mission is more fun with him, how sending everyone away would be boring without Dib intervening, and even trusting Dib and letting him know what exactly he's doing.
7. Hamstergeddon
When Peepi starts destroying the town Dib doesn't even seem mad at Zim, just pointing and going
"Anything you'd like to confess?"
He's somewhat used to Zims antics by now. Later on when Zims knocked out Dib thinks over if he really wants to capture him. Of course, Zim wakes up before he can make a decision, but this one part sticks out to me.
"Wait! Zim, promise me you're on our side this time." "I know not of sides, earth stink. But for once I agree with you, the hamster must be stopped."
Dib asks Zim to promise him. Later on he even defends Zim when the army guys try shooting at him. Sure, it could just be because they agreed to work together, but along with Dib overthinking if he wanted to capture Zim, this shows he doesn't really want Zim to get hurt.
8. Bolognius maximus
When Dib tricks Zim into pricking himself with the nail tack, Zim seems to lose hostility towards Dib, smiling while grabbing his hand. The moment Dib "opens up" and praises Zim is when he thinks he's done well. He appreciates Dibs applause, in fact, it seems like he wants it. Saying "finally" before talking about how great he is.
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Although, Zim can't find a cure for the baloney thing himself and goes to Dib for help. Dib seems really happy by this, literally GLOWING. In one scene, Zim and Dib glance at eachother when they fail making a cure the first time. To me, it feels like they're looking to see if the other is okay (which is really cute,,, I'm insane about stuff like that)
In another scene, Zim is freaking out because another attempt at a cure was failed. Dib puts his arms out; it seems like he wants to comfort him.
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In the end, they never find a cure and hide from the dogs together. You know what they say, together in every universe, even the one where they're baloney,,,
9. Halloween spectacular of doom
The episode that made me ship them,,, siigh,,,
Zim is worried for Dib in the beginning, thinking he could possibly be dead, or a zombie. When Dib ends up escaping the crazy house, he immediately goes to Zim.
"It's the only chance."
When Dib gets captured Zim comes just in time to save him. He's still mad at him, but he comes through anyway. And the line that single-handedly made me ship them,,,
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"I'm not here because I like you, Dib."
Dib looks surprised when Zim says this, he knows their relationship as enemies, but for Zim to say it like that shocks him. I wonder if Dib is thinking it in the opposite way, like how tsunderes in anime often say the same line when they really do like the other person. He then calls his head big and Dib responds, it seems playful. Zim then could leave Dib dangling there but no, he protects him and moves him to the back of the machine thingy
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10. Megadoomer
When Dib is trying to get his camera back, Zim playfully throws it back and forth so he can't get it. Is this important? No. I just think it's cute. They also wrestled in this episode
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11. Tak, the hideous new girl
When Dib finds Zim in his house and confronts him, it could easily be read as Zim being jealous that Dib is spending time with Tak instead of him. Dib even said he was jealous!!
This is also another episode where they team up, so that's nice
12. Backseat drivers from beyond the stars
THIS LOOK. Also the music for this part is really good. Just thought I'd add that
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13. Mortos der soulstealer
Dib shows Mortos photos of Zim while talking about him. Not only does he just have photos of his "greatest enemy", he has one of him in the bathroom putting on his contacts. Zim and Dib also wrestle again!! Later on when Mortos leaves, Zim checks up on Dib who's screaming and crying on the floor. Zim seems to be at least a little bit concerned for him.
14. The girl who cried gnome
Zim says,
"I don't care how delicious he is, he's evil!"
"He" referring to Dib. Okay man. It kinda seems like you do care.
15. Vindicated!
While Dib and Mr. Dwicky are waiting, Dib draws Zim in the dirt
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Seemingly for no reason,,, they weren't talking about Zim when he was doing this. They were sitting in silence. So WHYY did he draw him,,,
16. The most horrible x-mas ever
This is the episode that made me want to make this post! Originally I had thought Dib was smiling right before he threw the mini santa suit into space but APPEARENTLY I was wrong. I'm still adding it though because this part was the specific reason I wanted to make this
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But one thing I can note is that this (sort of) is an episode where they help eachother out! At the end when Zim had given up Dib comes and rescues him. Even if he didn't know he was saving Zim, he did.
Zim seems thankful for Dib saving him too, at least until he's dressed up as the easter platypus.
17. The frycook what came from all that space
While this is a Zim centric episode, at the very end the two chase eachother around. Zim is back on earth and he's immediately brought back to what's familiar. His best friend, his worst enemy.
Now that we're finally done with all the episodes (that I felt the need to talk about) We can get started with the other stuff!! Starting with,,,
18. The pilot
Which you can watch here!
While I'm not sure if the pilot is canon or not, I would like to bring it up. There's a specific scene before the two start fighting where Zim actually takes some time to appreciate Dibs food launcher thing
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"An arm-mounted food launcher! Neat!" "You really think so? Thanks! I was up all night working on it." "Well it shows." "Oh, quit it."
They seem to be a bit more friendly in the pilot, canon or not, it's interesting to see!
19. The return of Keef
The whole point of this episode was for Zim and Dib to be friendly in order to make Keef explode, since there was no animation made for it, here's the transcript instead
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This shows that the two are embarrassed to be seen hugging, but is it just because they're enemies? Or is there a separate reason? I don't think anyone at skool would believe them to be friends because they hugged once. Or maybe they're afraid it might cause other feelings,,, who knows. It sucks this never got made, I would've loved to see Zim and Dib hug, it would've been super cute!!
20. Mopiness of doom
For this part, I will be using screenshots from Soapy Waffles. While they aren't canon it's the best visualizer for mopiness of doom that I've seen. You can watch it here!
Quite literally the most important part of their relationship gets shown in this episode. I've ranted many many times about this episode and I'll do it again. Dib goes on to pursue "real" science with his dad, while doing this he becomes depressed and sad. Zim becomes closed off and never leaves his house, spiraling into a pretty bad mental state. But the second Dib runs out of that lab and back to Zim both of them seem immediately happier. While they are insulting eachother, it's with familiarity, love. This episode shows one needs the other to keep themself happy. They bring meaning to eachothers lives.
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The first scene shows them trying to stop eachother. Of course for it to not work out. The next day when Dib breaks the news to him Zim seems happy at first, but when Dib doesn't stay to watch Zim sounds genuinely upset.
At home, Gir does something stupid but Zim doesn't have the energy to yell or even say anything back. Gir takes this as an immediate sign that something is wrong. Back at Dibs house he's doing really well with his dad and "real" science. Gaz questions him about it, and he's faced with the thing he truly loves and his fathers approval.
A while later, Zim completely lets himself go. It's been weeks and Zim hasn't showed up to school. When Dib is back at the labs, Gir explains to him that he needs to help Zim get out of his depressive state.
Eventually, Dib explains to his dad that he doesn't like "real science." He likes chasing Zim and he likes the paranormal. He runs out and goes back to Zim, who's in disbelief. The two fight but instead out of hatred it's out of affection. Things are back to the way they like it.
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On top of that, there's this clip (which I think about constantly)
21. Enter the florpus
Keep in mind I'm not rewatching the whole movie to write this, this has already taken about 6 hours as of typing this. So if I miss a part,,, sorry!
Dib waited months and months for when Zim would show back up. He sat there waiting for ONE person. The one person who also happens to give him meaning in his life
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Later on when Zims in his "cheesy cocoon of misery" he explains how he couldn't get Clembrane to make pudding the way Dib likes. With Dib replying that he in fact, doesn't love pudding. Zim still tried to do something relatively nice by trying to get Clembrane to make good pudding for Dib.
And even with everything they've been through so far, Dib is completely willing to work with Zim
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Another thing I would like to mention is that the artists/animators for the movie made a ton of doodles in between working, some of them being zadr related! You can see them here
22. Issue 9
Finally onto the comic issues! I haven't read all of them yet, and since there's so many I definitely missed some stuff, but here's everything I could remember. Starting with 9. In this one part, you can see Dib falling asleep on Zims shoulder
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23. Issue 12
Zim rescues Dib and tells him to never forget that he hates him. Which could be read as "don't forget that I love you"
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24. Issue 13
I don't know what to make of this one actually
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25. Issue 30
After Dib found out Zim had the limited edition soda he needed, he did multiple things to try to prove to Zim that he should have it. Though he wasn't very good at them. So Zim decided he wanted a compliment from Dib. Why? Absolutely no clue. After some (intense) thinking, he compliments Zim. Though this could be read as if Dib is embarrassed or flustered
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26. Issue 40
I have talked about this before here, but I wanted to mention it again as it SERIOUSLY messed with my head. Knowing that it's canon (if comics ARE canon) that they're together in every universe is insane. I love them so much guys
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27. The canon (?) invader zim ending
Okay,, I'm not entirely sure if this is entirely canon or not, but I would like to mention it. In this comic, Zim takes over earth and loses all of his hostility towards Dib and they go to another planet with bunnies and they're having a happy fun silly time. It's really cute!
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And I think that's all for now,,, I know I probably missed some things, but I think I got a lot! This has taken like, 9 hours. So hopefully this is good!! I looove zadr so I enjoyed just talking about them :3 uhh BUT YEA!! That's allll I think maybe
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sillypiratelife · 9 months
Falling for zosan and namivivi because I am a sucker for parallels and relationships that are not what people would expect of them.
For example, I prefer when Zoro and Sanji don't get together because they are sexually attracted to each other, but because there is literally no real reason forcing them together but they choose to be together either way.
Why do they fight? Why each other?
There's nothing about fate or blind love in there.
Loving Sanji is a decision for Zoro. He picks Sanji. He decides he wants to tease Sanji and fight with him and offer to Sanji those parts of himself that no one else has seen. Zoro loves deliberately, with all his being. He knows what he's getting into and he accepts it, a promise made to last forever. He did the same with Kuina and Luffy, so it doesn't make sense to me to have a version of Zoro that loves romantically 'cause there's no other option. Remember when he preferred to die over denying his ambitions? Or all the times he has sacrificed himself expecting nothing in return? Or the fact he is praised for following no one he doesn't want to and nothing but what pleases him?
And Sanji can only choose to love Zoro. It'd be a fight with his traumas and the persona he created to keep the hurt at bay, you know, "the romantic cook that loves and lusts for women". It wouldn't be fair or pretty either if Sanji was forced into it. I'm not saying he can't be sexually attracted to Zoro —and I must clarify, for me Zoro is fully on the asexual spectrum— but ultimately, I think that Sanji would never dive on it if not fully conscious about what it entails. Sanji has a lot of issues he must start working on before involving himself in anything romantic or sexual with a man. It's the guilt? The shame? The way he represses himself and denies himself happiness? The way he thinks he needs to fake an easygoing persona so that others wouldn't worry? The self-loathing? Zoro sacrifices himself because that's his duty and he knows himself and his wishes— he'd die to be the best swordman and he'd die for Luffy to be the pirate king and he'd die for his crew. He doesn't wish death, tho. Sanji? His self-sacrificing is born out of suffering and self-deprecation. Loving Zoro would be a choice, no doubt.
With Nami and Vivi, it's that the circumstances make them perfect for each other, just to later keep them apart.
Vivi and Nami fit together. It took Nami one single night and she knew she'd sacrifice anything— that they would sacrifice anything to help Vivi. Nami saw her own fear and loneliness and guilt and desperation reflected in the way Vivi made her lip bleed from her bite while the Igaram ship was on fire. They were "cursed" to survive. To fight and struggle and survive, because no one else could face Arlong or Crocodile. Little girls —kids, then teenagers— sailing to a world of crime where they got claimed by the organizations they hated the most, the one they wanted to tear down because they were hurting their home. Young attractive teen girls who turned their bodies into weapons to distract and surprise their enemies so they could have a chance to defeat them.
Girls who know what it's like to smile when you want to break down, what it's like to kneel out of frustration and scream and feel useless helpless.
The strawhat girls were to fucking hell as mere children and got out of there walking, okay?
What allowed the princess and the burglar to find companionship within the other were those things like the trauma of being the only one who could reclaim back their home or the fear of being alone against a situation bigger than themselves. Being honest, I'm not sure if they'd have clicked without it. In the end it's a bit funny, isn't it? Alabasta is the reason Vivi met the strawhats and the reason why she can't sail to go on adventures with them. In fulfilling the promise of saving Alabasta, Nami made it so that Vivi wouldn't be able to leave with them. Well, she could, but not really. Vivi is a good princess and she wouldn't abandon her people = her country.
Vivi suffered for being a rich princess, but saved herself + her people 'cause they underestimated how influential and powerful she could be. On the other hand, Nami suffered for being a poor no one first, then for being too important for Arlong to discard, yet they never expected that Nami would have so many people willing to fight for her.
Like a moth to flame, a girl reflected on water.
Vivi and Nami are an echo of each other, one that rings clear and true across the seas. For me, there could be no one else for them. Who else would get it? Who else could understand what they can't explain? What they've lived through? Who held Vivi and swore it'd be okay that night at Whiskey Peak? Who took care of Nami when she was at death's door with fever for days? All the moments become a giant picture with them at the center of it. There's no one else. It couldn't be.
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vipitis · 3 months
alright, so i promised a coherent post about manga kyouya & benkei here. this is pretty much only about battle bladers, but we don't see much of them outside of that. this is also a general summary of the events, because i know most of you probably havent read the manga.
right off the bat their dynamic is so much more healthy and not as one-sided as in the anime. i do enjoy their anime dynamic, too, because it's interesting to analyze why they both act the way they do, and to see speculate about kyouya's side of the friendship through what little hints he shows, but there's no need for speculation in the manga.
when we first see benkei it's in the first few pages of the manga. he's a face hunter where he talks big but loses hard to kenta & gingka. we see him again at the 100 blader battle and then he disappears for a while.
he returns at the very end of issue two, right at the start of battle bladers main tournament. he says that losing against gingka made him realize he needs to fight fair and then it's revealed that he and kyouya had been training together to prepare for battle bladers.
we don't get to see much of their "special training" but what we do see of it, it's very obviously been hard and difficult. one scene shows kyouya and benkei climbing a mountain together with benkei having 100 kg of weight strapped to his back. no matter how they trained, though, their training was integral to becoming stronger AND to their friendship. because they do always talk about they both got stronger together, and how it has been the two of them. this gets more important later on.
the instant we see benkei again, kyouya is SO proud of him. he compliments his strength and talks about how much stronger he's become. he has full confidence that he can win whatever he wants, and it shows. the first matchup is revealed, and it's benkei vs ryuuga.
and despite the fact that ryuuga is insanely powerful, and everyone knows it at that point already. hell, kyouya SAW gingka's fight against ryuuga, and he had literally watched as l-drago completely destroyed pegasus (this isn't just a way of speaking. l-drago smashed pegasus into a million tiny pieces), he still is completely assured that benkei can win. he trusts benkei completely, and he continues to do so throughout the battle up until the point he realizes ryuuga's been playing them like a fiddle. but until then? kyouya is completely confident in benkei's abilities and he doesn't doubt him for a second.
as expected, ofc, benkei does not win against ryuuga even if it did seem like it at first, and instead benkei quickly realizes he's losing. kyouya is desparate when he tells him to forfeit, but benkei refuses, instead continuing to fight to figure out all of ryuuga's tricks so the other's even have a chance.
the match ends with l-drago destroying dark bull, just like he has done previously with pegasus. it also destroys benkei and the other collapses. kyouya's the first by his side, and he holds him up and tightly until the paramedics arrive. before that kyouya tells him he's a fool and angrily asks why he didn't forfeit, and benkei doesn't say anything, but it's even obvious to gingka because he then goes "for you, kyouya" and explains what benkei's motivations must have been, which the other confirms.
this is where that training comes back to relevance, because we get this scene:
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[translation, image ID in alt: first panel: "benkei, i will fight with the bey that i obtained during our training.", second panel is just the sound of a tear. third panel: "i will win with him for sure. with my rock leone"]
kyouya and benkei both obtained/upgraded their beys while training with each other. they obtained dark bull and rock leone respectively, and they both obtained new special moves. kyouya references this multiple times. this hints at another, deeper aspect of their bond, because their beys also have a connection that is entirely special to them.
in those panels you can also see kyouya starts crying because at that point, benkei is in the hospital and you can see that the battle with ryuuga hurt him so much he had to be put on life support. the amount of pain this causes kyouya is obvious in this first scene and in the next few scenes as well, because right afterwards we see tetsuya for the first time, and the very first thing he does is insult and belittle benkei for being weak, and insults him, and kyouya fucking grabs him by his shirt and is ready to beat the shit out of him. he does tell him as much but he appears to have enough self control, because he's like "i'd love to beat you to a pulp, but let's discuss this in the arena".
in the ensuing match he proceeds to only think about benkei ["look benkei. it's the special move i learned while training with you"] and then completely destroys tetsuya's bey and shatters it into a million pieces as revenge for the insults to benkei. we never have seen kyouya do this before, and he never does this again. this was exclusively for benkei.
the next two panels are kyouya looking ready to cry again, and quietly telling himself this:
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[translation, ID in alt: "look benkei, the person that will win battle bladers is no one else but kyouya tategami"]
we then don't get much of benkei anymore, kyouya briefly thinks about him when he goes to fight ryuuga, and kyouya also has to get put into the hospital. where we don't see much of him, but the next panel he is in is this one.
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[ID in alt]
and the last time we see these two together is this:
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[ID in alt]
so, let's review this real quick.
kyouya cares about benkei so incredibly much, it's heartbreaking. he loves him so much that he starts crying when he's injured, that he wants to beat someone up for badmouthing him, that even after he himself gets hospitalized, the first thing he does is go and sit with benkei. and obviously beneki cares about him just as much, because he carries him all the way back to the battle on his shoulders because kyouya is injured, while being severely injured himself.
their relationship in the manga is absolutely incredible, and they're shown to be close in every subsequent appearance. takafumi adachi almost always draws them together and, while sadly i never took a screenshot for proof, i once asked takafumi adachi about their relationship and he confirmed that they are very close.
i once jokingly said that in the anime they are boyfriends and if that is true, then in the manga they are married (/j)
putting aside any shipping perspective it's still so obvious that their entire friendship runs so deep and is on a level that will be unrivaled by other characters entering their lives. we can only speculate how close they must've been during their face hunter days if this is them now.
i would've loved to see this energy in the anime, but i do also appreciate the different spin on it that the anime took.
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saw a post on twitter about how in mkx kuai liang bowed to hanzo the japanese way and prepared tea in the japanese way as well as the utmost sign of respect what are your thoughts 🎤‼️
oooooooo my god do I have thoughts
Basically, that scene is my roman empire, and it lives in my brain Rent Free.
I think that Kuai Liang was just going out of his way to make Hanzo as comfortable as possible. Like he knows where they are, he knows how hard being here must be for Hanzo given what the Lin Kuei did so he's doing literally anything he can think of to say "I am not a threat, please hear me out"
I think he's also trying to soften the blow as much as possible, like there's no way to make telling Hanzo about the truth of what Quan Chi did not hurt, but Kuai Liang is trying so hard not to be cruel about it.
So he tries to show Hanzo by bowing the japanese way and preparing the tea in the japanese way that he wants this to be a chance to communicate, that he respects the pyromancer and his clan enough to learn at least part of their customs so that Hanzo feels a little bit less like he's just walked into a trap.
And the thing is, it works! You can see that even tho Hanzo is doubtful and suspicious of wtf is going on (and honestly that is a very fair reaction to the situation), he's listening to Kuai Liang. He's trying to hear the guy out!
It's also pretty clear that Kuai Liang is comfortable with the motions of preparing the tea, like there's no hesitation or fumbling (which might just be bc the game designers didn't want to deal with animating that but I choose to read into it anyways) so its obvious that he practiced this. He wanted to get it right!
And I just can't help but wonder what else Kuai Liang had in place to try and ease communication between them, to try and make Hanzo more comfortable. Like, did he find any Shirai Ryu items that had been taken as trophies and intend to return them (bc lbr, the Lin Kuei def took trophies)? Was he going to offer to let Hanzo stay the night? Like what was the rest of his plan had Frost not intervened?
Like Kuai Liang went so far out of his way to show Hanzo "I mean you no harm, I just want to talk" in the most polite and respectful way he could and Hanzo sees that! It's why he's so confused during the whole interaction bc to him it doesn't make sense. Kuai Liang should, rightfully, hate him.
And, just a side note, I don't think Hanzo ever blamed Kuai Liang for trying to kill him that one time. Like, Hanzo wasn't gonna let him, but he knows that he killed Kuai Liang's brother, so I think he understands why Kuai Liang hates him so much. It's why (as I read into it, this isn't confirmed) he doesn't kill the cryomancer in the mkx blood ties comics, and instead just leaves him there to bleed to death (dick move tho) bc he doesn't want to kill him. He just wants their feud to stop, bc he doesn't have any quarrel with Kuai Liang.
He might not like the Lin Kuei, but the ones responsible for what happened to him are dead, and by now I think he'd have figured out that Kuai Liang wasn't involved. So he's not trying to be the guy's best friend, but part of him doesn't want to be his enemy any more (I have so many thoughts about that whole interaction too, like that is my second Roman Empire)
But, back to the topic at hand:
The thing is, no one would have expected Kuai Liang to do all that. No one would have ever expected him to try so hard or be so kind about it. He now has proof that Hanzo did the very thing he's been accused of for years, he killed Bi-Han unjustly. Kuai Liang would have been well within his rights to simply send Hanzo that information some other way, without ever facing him.
Hell, he'd be pretty justified in just killing Hanzo over it bc all of these characters seem to agree that vengeance and justice are about the same thing (I mean, canon is slightly more nuanced than that, but that's the general gist of it).
And i think Hanzo knows that, and a part of him almost wants Kuai Liang to do it after he finds out.
but he doesn't
Instead, Kuai Liang offers him an alliance and an apology for what the Lin Kuei did (which, btw, I know we see real regret from Hanzo in that same scene but he does owe Kuai Liang an actual apology with actual words) and lets their feud end. Kuai Liang takes informatoon that would drive anyone else mad with rage and grief (*cough* Hanzo *cough*) and instead chooses to be kind.
I really wonder what that scene would have looked like if Frost hadn't interrupted, if she had trusted Kuai Liang to make the right choice and just let it happen.
How would that change their relationship and its development?
How would Kuai Liang have broken the news?
What else had he planned to say and would Hanzo have listened?
Roman empire guys, roman empire
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meowza315 · 6 months
hi I'm anon who loved your au mike! whoopsie my memory must be bad i thought they were like 21 (maybe I mixed it up as 19-21 not 16-19) and because in the movies they're adults going in so i assumed lol! and im 17 anyway so i forgot as anon that could seem weird. byler being attractive or in love physically isn't weird though i think it's healthy to just say it's not what you like, as a teen it's nice to figure out what i like and be comfortable navigating it not grossed out. but not to worry as the artist it's fair not to want that and not what I meant for this au with what I said anyway! he's just a good looking silly guy 😎 like that little doodle of will sizzling on the floor on my last ask shows his love for sure LOL so so cute. their love language being touch is also very sweet and comes across in your art and suits the au, it's a nice thought! thnks for this au!
hello again!!
no worries, things happen 😭 they are in fact 16 when the story starts and by the time it ends three years passed (it’s 2.5 I did the math wrong) due to Mike’s extensive training period and the time between their confession and Mike transferring his consciousness to his avatar permanently. Together it’s 3 years but broken down his training took 18 months, the time from the end of training to tsaheylu was a year, and another month or two between that and the end of the story with a few days or weeks sprinkled in between in certain areas I can’t remember but. yeah 3 years? 2.5? Something like that.
With how they’re aged, they’re both essentially 16 1/2 which is why they’re 19, cause after the year and a half of struggle before their confession they both had turned 18 at that point and then the year after that blah blah blah you get the point. anyways.
I myself am 16 (birthday was a little under a week ago writing this) !!! I don’t think it’s weird that they’re attractive or love each other physically (I’ve said on insta a few times how they’re pretty or handsome etc etc), however it’s still not in the sexual sense. I probably took something and interpreted it wrong or something idk, I’m a very anxious person especially when it comes to the gayliens cause of all the aspects mashed together with how they don’t wear a lot and are 18 by the time they confess to one another. theres a lot of people in the byler fandom that are a bit.. wacky.. I guess I could say. so. yeah ❤️
and yeah as the creator of the AU and more than 75% of the artwork from it (as well as still being a minor) I don’t want anything weird coming from it or any people that are gonna take stuff from it and run, if you get what I mean by that. like not trying to see basic information I’ve come up with because I’ve shoved so much lore and story and detail into it. For the love of god I give their accessories and songcord beads meaning. Literally nobody cares about that but I DO!! I CARE!! I care about the little details!
and back to love language !! them having that love language of touch is going to end up stemming from having at least some attraction to each other physically. its a small detail but anxiety still makes me worry about it sometimes, especially in some parts of the storyline like tsaheylu. But even before then, in their confession, after they tell each other, it’s an intimate moment between them. they kiss, they hold each other close. Mike literally ends up on the ground at one point from pulling Will so close (doodles below). They finally both got what they want, each other. it’s still evident then. but even as the story continues and gets to the point of tsaheylu it’s more noticeable? I guess?
There’s literally a reference to the original scene in Avatar (tree of voices scene w/ Jake and Neytiri) that of course, inspired me to make the AU in the first place. However, they’re only small aspects from the scene that I pulled from it instead of it being exactly the same. we all know what happens there. besides them bonding. cough. yeah no that’s not canon in this AU thank god. but anyways, they bond and sigh contentedly and have this moment together. it’s a new experience and probably weird for both of them because they aren’t bonding with an Ikran or direhorse this time, it’s each other now (also I know my avatar lore and how bonding is technically erotic and done during mating but no. not today). They bond, kiss a few times before Mike picks up Will like Jake does to Neytiri, and after a bit they go to bed. literally nothing else (another unfinished visual below).
they’re silly guys and I’m glad people enjoy the AU as much as I do!! instances like this allow me to infodump about stuff and honestly I’m here for it. I just hope no one comes into my asks and says something really weird. I don’t want those weird ass “spicy bylers” on my page. but other than that i love when people ask stuff about the au, it makes me happy!! :) im welcome to explain more stuff for fun or if you’re interested cause it gives me more opportunities to rant haha
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akajustmerry · 1 year
would LOVE to hear more about your tabitha and naomi headcanons!!!
and yee shall receive !! idk these are probably silly n basic because we know SO LITTLE about both, but whatever it's free real estate!!
considering we meet tabs at the underground rich ppl party, its a fair bet she's probably a rich nepo baby like everyone else in succ, but she seems pretty chill about it. she's just vibing, wooing her hot rich peers.
tabs has the laidback vibe of old fuck off money. older than the roys or pierces, i think. probably in property or land which is why she has no interest in the Roy trust or the pierce's or politics. we know that makes her more attractive to rome but probably to naomi too. here's someone so rich they really are only in it for you!
i imagine naomi and tabs crossed paths and hooked up occasionally in the past, but grew closer during/after naomi's accident. naomi told ken in the show she was struggling cos of press, trust, trauma, addiction, etc, during that time. from what we see of tabs with roman, she is a pretty patient and understanding person, at least to a point (everyone has limits). i imagine after her accident, naomi would have appreciated having someone like tabs in her life who isn't after anything and is relatively non-judgemental and chill.
don't really count this as a headcanon cos it's just true but tabs and Naomi were hooking up that whole weekend at the Pierce estate. I know it's framed as the "Ken and Roman attempt to get Some" weekend but we know neither of them got any lmao but u know who did?? my gorls <3
for what it's worth I do think naomi and Tabs both genuinely liked kendall and roman. i don't think there were any ulterior motives on their parts. as we saw, neither naomi or tabs had any power or insight to sway the deal in any way. equally, tabs and naomi really gain nothing power-wise from dating these guys so u gotta assume it was genuine on some level. like they really just saw these human shaped messes of men and went "hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <3" kinda very bisexual of them both really. I felt v represented by it I must say
i dooooo think in the immediate aftermath of naomi and Kendall break up, the next time she hooked up with tabs, they defs had a little "what IS wrong with them?" convo where they probs just showed each other roman and Kendall's lame texts, had a laugh, and then washed their hands of the roy boys
when it's announced tom is ceo of waystar, naomi calls tabs like, "isn't that literally the guy who swallowed his own load because you told him to 😂" and she's like yeah turns out he never stopped and idk they probably start dating seriously again after that.
after naomi gets her share of the money from the sale to the Waystar I like to think she uses it to start some overpriced rehab centres or something. eventually, her and tabs get engaged. nan pierce never acknowledges the relationship and passively refers to tabitha as a friend of the family, even at their wedding because she honestly seems like that kind of bitch.
honestly they probably just continue living cool beautiful bisexual women lives. maybe naomi has some rough patches here and there cos you know addiction isn't easy, but tabs is there for her. they just become this quietly classy wealthy lesbian couple who throw great parties with other philanthropic influential gays and closeted wealthy folks. I'm imagining something like what the kindness blind items say sandra bullock does with all the Hollywood lesbians gays.
shiv invites them both to her baby shower because they're honestly the closest thing she has to friends who are women after everything. they don't go though cos they assume shiv is just inviting them to mess with the boys. they send a very precocious expensive gift though like literal gold and silver baby cutlery or something
tabitha becomes like an insanely successful ghostwriter or something. idk why I just have the impression she's kinda been a wallflower in all these insane wealth spaces and eventually tells all those stories somehow
I feel like if I don't stop I'll just be writing fanfic so I'll stop but idc if it's just projection I jus love that there's 2 beautiful aloof bisexual women in this show and the only thing we really know about them for certain is that they were both way too good for the Roys <3
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tamelee · 9 months
Personally I don’t really get people who say they acknowledge Sasuke and Naruto’s romantic bond but still ship Sasuke with a woman… Like, they saw that he was gay (he’s shown to not be attracted to women so he’s not bi) but kinda don’t care?
Actually I don’t really understand the whole shipping culture, or even mainstream fandom culture… I don’t know, I just don’t see the point in just making up content for pre-existing characters while completely destroying what made the characters unique in the first place by ignoring canon entirely (like crack-shipping). I get why people wouldn’t like everything about canon, it’s my case too, but if they don’t like anything about canon… Why are they here in the first place?
Nooo now I sound grumpy. I must be bothering you I’m so sorry 😭😭
Anyway, you’re amazing and I hope you know it 🥰
You don't sound grumpy to me dw 🫶
Well, I don't believe such ships have much to do with Canon either way. And I doubt all of them hate Canon per se, though some change 'Canon' to like Canon, which is funny. "This is my Canon." Yeah, not how it works, but ok- have your Canon your way ofc ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
Side-note though, I don't think Sasuke even knows who Hinata is? 😆 It's as you say; crack-shipping. (I saw that giant/small-yaoi meme here on Tumblr again. No idea what it's called, and immediately thought; a yes, Sukuna and Levi. Kinda want to draw xD Makes no sense at all.) A lot of Headcanon is derived from personal... ideas/desires/inspiration or self-inserting reasons? (Isn't that exactly what 'x-reader' fics are?) Or even trend-posting. As much as characters are used to tell a story for the original author/creator (they're essentially tools), do fans use them to create new ideas. "Ah yes, we all know this character, let's create something around it simply because I want to." Which is completely fine, right? Look at rare pairs. And to be fair, a lot of content, fictional writing and art aren't even based on canon either. The closest thing through fan-work are Manga analyses or meta's, even panel redraws- stuff like that. People adapt 'canon' into fanwork through various degrees or sometimes ditch it altogether. Nsfw/spice is by default made up and entirely Headcanon :') (Though personality can be depicted in a way ig, through expression/behavior and whatnot.)
I totally get what you mean though, although I guess I'm caught up in fandom-culture now. Personally, I do like characters as 'canon' as possible, but it really depends. For some Animanga I don't really care. I think I ship pretty much all TR/BlueLock-characters for literally no reason, but I wouldn't claim it to be Canon in any way (˚☐˚! )/
However, I don't like it when Naruto and Sasuke's characters are butchered. Made-up context or not. The originals are so special to me and it's the reason why I'm a fan, though I don't mind too much in fics, depending on the story. I find it hard to feel the same when they've practically become someone's OC's with only the same name and design. I can't even read height/age-differences because I can't imagine it xD But anyway, this all includes "official" work made for financial/marketing reasons also- especially those damn novels. Those never have anything to do with canon, nor does it align with it. No matter how passionately people claim otherwise.
I'm only a tiny bit petty about it >< u&me grumpy 🤝 And aahhww I don't actually, you should see me sitting here in giant red Christmas socks and a glittery green sweater that's kinda itchy tbh. I don't really feel anything other than those glitters annoying me every 3 seconds... which reminds me I should change -.- anw thankyou <3
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theblogtini · 2 years
I agree with your take on her comments as well. I think its why I'm so interested in the reaction thus far to his book. She's been so so quiet, much more than she has during really any other important time frame since she's been married. So to me, it begs the question, was it planned or is it a reaction to the reaction? Looking back, i think its fair to say that the leaks about pushing things back are her not necessarily him. (I don't think he was unaware of the leaks happening, but based on his book I think he justified it in his head as tit for tat with his family) I also think Harry was fully committed to this where as meghan saw the signs that things may not go to plan. So if meghan did "wake up" after the queen passed does she think that the queen gave them the most protection? and now that Charles was in charge it would be much harder for things to go back? Were those leaks trying to gain sympathy for harry before he blew it up? (she must have read the book and watched the show). I'm not yet at the divorce theory simply because i think the latest round of "leaks" is her reaction to THE reaction. Meaning she didn't anticipate even this level of kick back and running jokes. It also doesn't seem as though harry really cares about the coronation in the same way meghan does. Charles put out their publicly that harry won't have the same role as meghan, that had to have pissed off harry. So why go?
Honestly, I think she realized they messed up back in June during the Jubilee. They were relegated to watching everything from a window. The entire family attended the concert together and they were nowhere to be found. And during the jubilee (as with any big royal moment) the popularity of the entire family was soaring WITHOUT the Sussexes.
Meghan had been looking at the rankings since she entered the family as "look, everyone loves ME, I'm the one keeping them afloat" and when she realized that not only did she have no positive impact on it, but that it was doing better without her AND that her personal rankings were plummeting on both sides of the pond I think she realized how badly she had miscalculated.
I also genuinely believe that part of the silence and the backtracking is that they have no deals coming in. Without more deals to sign they're going to eventually run out of money... she NEVER anticipated that. I'm pretty sure that she thought that no matter what happened they'd at least have speaking engagements that they could charge millions of dollars for to fall back on - but that never happened. I think the biggest one they signed was for $400k and it was right at the VERY beginning.
They thought that they would be absolutely fine without the royal family - better off without it, even - and at the time of the Jubilee they (or at least she) realized that unless they can get back in the family's good graces they are fucked.
And she knew that with the docuseries and book coming up there was NO WAY they'd be back in their good graces. That's why she started backtracking with The Cut interview and then the "year of reconciliation" leaks. Those came from Scobie which means we could all bet good money that it was DIRECTLY from Meghan. And that's why Harry kept saying in his interviews (even though its sounded FUCKING ABSURD due to the content of the book) that he wanted to reconcile with his family, that he loved them, that he had no intention of hurting them... he was basically publicly apologizing and asking them to take him back without straight up saying "I'm sorry, please take us back" on international TV.
The silence now isn't a reaction to the book reaction - it's a reaction to the jubilee, to the funeral, to the docuseries, and to the book. Silence is the ONLY recourse she has right now because saying or doing anything (barring an outright public apology) is going to dig them further into a hole and they literally, financially, probably can't afford that.
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bambirex · 1 year
I Get So Hungry (When You Say You Love Me)
Pairings: Geralt/Jaskier/Radovid, Geraskier, Radskier
Characters: Radovid, Jaskier, Geralt of Rivia
Additional tags: porn what plot/porn without plot, okay there's some plot but not a lot, threesome- m/m/m, roleplay, possesive behavior, biting, so much biting, chasing as a sexual act, yeah that's a thing now, rimming, face-sitting, oral sex, blowjobs, jaskier has a fat ass because i said so, coming untouched, fight sex, spitroasting in a way
Word count: 3,448 words
Chapters: 1/1
Rating: explicit
Part 3 of the Predator & Prey series
Summary: "What kind of animal would I be," Radovid drawled, the words leaving his mouth before he could stop himself. Jaskier sent him a strange look.
"In this game of yours," Radovid clarified. He tightened his grasp around Jaskier's hips. "What am I?"
Jaskier tilted his head to the side as he inspected his face. His eyes darkened, his tongue poking out to wet his lips.
"A fox," Jaskier concluded. Radovid hummed.
"Elaborate on that."
"Smart, cunning," Jaskier explained, teasing a finger down the side of Radovid's neck. "Crafty. Seemingly a harmless puppy, but you bite hard. Not afraid of a challenge. Leaner and not as tough as a wolf - but still very strong. And you have these sharp features and that reddish tint to your hair, so... a fox. Definitely."
Well, Radovid could make do with that information. It planted a new image in his head - one where that sweet, eager bunny was hunted by not one, but two apex predators at once...
It was as if Jaskier read his mind because he leant in really close to his ear and whispered "why? Would you like to join us?"
Author's notes: So why isn't Geralt/Jaskier/Radovid a thing? (okay okay I know it's because Geralt and Radovid hasn't met in canon but oh well)
Anyway, I had this mental image in my head since someone mentioned that Radovid looks like a fox, so I invited him to Jaskier and Geralt's little game. Oh, also, these fics aren't in chronological order or anything, and the individual stories aren't necessarily connected. The only thing that ties them together is the wolf and bunny roleplay.
Read on Ao3
Radovid never thought himself to be the type to share, but he quickly had to learn that Jaskier couldn't be tied down. His heart would always belong to Geralt, and so he would always return to his witcher. It bothered him at first, but he soon learnt to appreciate the times he got to spend with Jaskier all the more for it. The bond between Jaskier and Geralt was an unbreakable one, but it did not make Jaskier's love for Radovid inferior. He had enough love for the both of them.
And, well, there may have been a thrill in that, too - shortly after they started seeing each other, Jaskier revealed to him how adventurous his sex life was with Geralt. Getting past the initial jealousy of the knowledge, Radovid grew intrigued by the mental image of Jaskier being naughty with his big buff witcher. Radovid saw him in passing, and he couldn't deny that Geralt was very attractive. Him and Jaskier must have looked delicious together.
Eventually, it was Radovid himself that would ask about the things Jaskier and Geralt did together. One night, Jaskier opened up about something that made his eyebrows shoot up, and heat coil in his core at the same time.
Jaskier had a cheeky little smile on his face as he revealed the details to him about a certain game that he liked to play with Geralt.
"To be fair, we don't always do it like that," Jaskier chuckled from where he sat on Radovid's lap, his arms wrapped around the prince's neck. "But pretty often. We both enjoy it a lot. It's... thrilling. Letting go completely. The animalistic desire of it all, literally. It's always the best kind of sex we have."
"So, Geralt is a wolf, because that's the nickname you came up with for him all those years ago," Radovid mused. He idly caressed Jaskier's lower back. "And you're a bunny, because..."
"Ah, it's not just the nickname. I mean, that happened for a reason. It's his personality. Strong, brave, insanely protective of his loved ones. He's a hunter, all sharp teeth and deep growls. Hard, steely muscles. Agile and fast. A lone wolf, most of the time, but caring for his pack a lot. He can be a bit possessive too, I guess. The dark clothes, hiding him in the darkness of the night as he's looking for his prey... Yeah."
Radovid noted how Jaskier's breath hitched the more he spoke about Geralt like that, and how his cheeks flushed. He really seemed to like this game.
"And, uhm, I'm a bunny because I'm overly energetic, soft and roundish, and irresistibly adorable."
Radovid laughed. "Yes, you are."
"And you know, it's quite sexy to play prey. Just letting a big scary predator do whatever the hell they want to me."
Radovid hummed. He drew patterns onto Jaskier's skin with his fingertips. The more Jaskier said, the more Radovid felt himself become interested. He imagined Jaskier on all fours, whimpering and presenting his rotund behind to a snarling Geralt. He grew hard in his breeches at the thought. Jaskier must have noticed the bulge under him, because he made an amused little sound and wiggled his ass against it.
"Oh, my, what do we have here?"
"What kind of animal would I be," Radovid drawled, the words leaving his mouth before he could stop himself. Jaskier sent him a strange look.
"In this game of yours," Radovid clarified. He tightened his grasp around Jaskier's hips. "What am I?"
Jaskier tilted his head to the side as he inspected his face. His eyes darkened, his tongue poking out to wet his lips.
"A fox," Jaskier concluded. Radovid hummed.
"Elaborate on that."
"Smart, cunning," Jaskier explained, teasing a finger down the side of Radovid's neck. "Crafty. Seemingly a harmless puppy, but you bite hard. Not afraid of a challenge. Leaner and not as tough as a wolf - but still very strong. And you have these sharp features and that reddish tint to your hair, so... a fox. Definitely."
Well, Radovid could make do with that information. It planted a new image in his head - one where that sweet, eager bunny was hunted by not one, but two apex predators at once...
It was as if Jaskier read his mind because he leant in really close to his ear and whispered "why? Would you like to join us?"
Radovid had to think of that very old lady from the kitchen to stop himself from coming inside his pants like a pathetic teenager.
"Seriously?" He asked, his voice choked up with arousal. Jaskier bit his lip in a sultry way as he nodded.
"Mhm. I'd love that."
"And Geralt? You said he's possessive."
"Yeah, but I'm here, aren't I? He lets me play with you, too, so I don't think he would hate the idea."
To emphasize his words, Jaskier slipped a hand inside Radovid's collar and caressed his chest, running his fingers through the coarse hair there teasingly.
"That wolf loves spoiling his bunny," Jaskier all but moaned into his ear, "and if his bunny wants to be hunted down by a fox as well, he will cave in."
Radovid reached up to tangle his hands in Jaskier's hair, pulling him down into a heated kiss. He couldn't stop thinking about the idea for a single second.
Apparently, Geralt was on board right away. He really had to be whipped for his bunny - not that Radovid blamed him for it. He also never managed to resist Jaskier.
He joined them in their camp in the woods. Slipping out without his guards noticing and making a huge ruckus wasn't an easy task, but he managed. He did laugh at himself a little for how ridiculous it was, that a wealthy prince was sneaking around in the forest just to pretend to be animals with two other men, but his curiosity and his lust were stronger than his embarrassment.
His breath caught in his throat when he spotted Jaskier, sitting on Geralt's lap like he sat on his just about a week prior, dressed only in one of Geralt's shirts and nothing else. He rocked against Geralt's crotch in a steady rhythm as they kissed languidly. Geralt's big hands squeezed the soft, thick flesh of Jaskier's thighs as he pulled him closer. The sight of them together was beautiful.
"Hello?" Radovid called out, a little uncertain. The pair broke apart. Jaskier's eyes lit up when he saw him. Geralt gave him a nod as he released Jaskier.
"You came," Jaskier grinned as he rushed over to him and kissed him on the lips happily. If his mind wasn't already so fried with arousal, Radovid would've made a "not yet" joke.
His eyes fell on Geralt, once him and Jaskier parted. His naked, extremely chiseled torso drew his eye. He understood perfectly why Jaskier was so attracted to him - all those hard muscles, that tall, broad built were ridiculously gorgeous.
"We haven't officially met yet," Radovid said as he reached his hand out for Geralt. Geralt shook his hand with a hum. His skin was warm and his fingers calloused, so different from his and Jaskier's softer, smaller hands.
"You have a surprisingly strong handshake," Geralt noted. Radovid couldn't help but smirk. He glanced at Jaskier who watched them curiously, his long lashes fluttering.
"Are there any rules?"
"Not really, just let go and enjoy," Jaskier told him. "And if someone doesn't like something, we can always stop."
"You gotta show me how it's done," Radovid drawled. Jaskier grinned.
"Want some free show, huh?"
Radovid shrugged with a cheeky grin, but his eyes lit up with interest as Geralt stepped over to Jaskier. It was truly a miracle how Jaskier, who was merely a couple inches shorter than Geralt, with a fairly muscular built covered with nice handfuls of soft flesh managed to look so much smaller compared to the witcher. It was in the way his eyes grew big and innocent as he looked up at him, Radovid noted. A strange instinct, one he's lacked before, flared up in him as he watched Geralt kiss Jaskier with fervor, all but devouring the bard as his hands squeezed all over Jaskier's needily trembling body.
Jaskier threw his head back, revealing his neck to Geralt. Geralt licked a long stripe over his throat, and Jaskier made a noise that caused Radovid to stifle a similar sound.
"Is the bunny not gonna put on a fight?" Geralt drawled. He nosed at Jaskier's jaw with a smirk. "Doesn't he wanna escape?"
"Does he even stand a chance," Jaskier moaned, clawing at Geralt's chest as Geralt sucked on his throat, painting it deep blue and purple with his marks. Jaskier's eyes fell to Radovid, still so big and pleading. Fuck, this was really, really hot. "Does he even stand a chance against two predators at the same time?"
Geralt's eyes were dark and curious as he looked at Radovid.
"Does he?" He asked. Radovid looked at Jaskier, who licked his lips excitedly. His eyes were hooded with lust. The fire inside Radovid burnt harder.
"No, he doesn't," he replied, his voice deeper, thicker than usual. It surprised even him.
"Oh, let's see about that," Jaskier grinned. Then, he started running - not very fast, mind. He clearly had no intention to actually outrun Geralt who sent Radovid a questioning look before he leapt after him.
That would've been so ridiculous if Radovid wasn't so turned on already. Running through the woods in his fancy boots like an idiot? Chasing his lover who pretended to be a horny rabbit?
That was exactly what he did when overcome by a mad lust he hasn't felt before, started running after them. He could only hope he wouldn't trip over a branch and break his neck.
The adrenaline, along with an unfamiliar, primal lust pumped through his veins as he ran between the trees, never losing sight of the other two. Jaskier played the part really well: he kept throwing anxious glances over his shoulder, as if he wasn't burning up with the desire to get caught. Geralt was close on his tail, and Radovid soon caught up to them as well.
Jaskier - possibly on purpose - tripped, and Geralt took the opportunity to grab him and tackle him down onto the ground. Jaskier let out a gasp as Geralt pinned him down, his iron grip around Jaskier's wrists never easing up as he sunk his teeth into Jaskier's neck, growling around the patch of skin in his mouth. Jaskier writhed underneath him, weakly struggling under Geralt's bulk.
Radovid came to kneel next to them on the ground. He watched with rapt interest as Jaskier moaned and whimpered in pleasure as Geralt bit all over his neck and chest, leaving red teeth marks on his skin.
"Doesn't the fox want to take a bite?" Geralt suddenly asked him, his voice surprisingly cheeky. "Don't let go of your prey that easily."
A growl ripped out of Radovid as he leant down and nuzzled Jaskier's neck. Jaskier tilted his head back, encouraging him. So, Radovid did as Geralt told him, and took Jaskier's soft skin between his teeth. It yielded deliciously, and he trembled and whined so prettily. Radovid wanted to hear more. He grabbed Jaskier's shirt and tore at it, trying to get more of his body. Jaskier practically purred in delight.
Radovid and Geralt knocked together in their haste to try and claw and bite as much at Jaskier as they could. Radovid gasped when Geralt suddenly nosed at his neck. He looked up at him questioningly, and Radovid nodded. He swore under his breath when Geralt nipped at him, lighter than he did to Jaskier.
He wasn't sure what came over him again when he growled and sunk his own teeth into Geralt's neck. The witcher's breath hitched. His skin was different from Jaskier's, his scent stronger. Radovid growled harder as he bit all over Geralt's neck, one of his hands gripping at Jaskier's chest and pushing him down on the ground.
Geralt lightly shoved at him, clearly not putting in as much strength as he could, lest he completely shattered him. His eyes were dark with lust as he bit at Radovid's shoulder, tearing at his shirt.
"Mine," Geralt growled, possessively squeezing at Jaskier's thigh. Jaskier's breathing picked up as he watched his predators fight over him, absolutely delighted by the sight.
"Mine," Radovid snarled back. He clawed at Geralt's chest, his fingernails leaving a faint red mark on his skin. When he pulled back, he saw that there was a tiny smear of blood on Geralt's neck where he bit too hard. Radovid's eyes widened in horror.
"Shit, I didn't mean to..."
"That's okay," Geralt drawled, licking his lips. "That's a feisty fox you lured here, little bunny."
Jaskier grinned. His cheeks were flushed pink, his chest heaving with his aroused breaths. His cock was straining, steadily oozing precome.
"Very bitey. I like it."
"Let me just..." Radovid leant in and licked the droplet of blood off Geralt's neck. He was surprised to find Geralt shivering in response.
"Fuck," Jaskier moaned. He pushed himself up on his elbows to see better. "Oh, these are some very possessive predators, alright."
Geralt hovered above him. His strong hands held Jaskier down as he licked and nibbled all over his body. Jaskier looked like the most beautiful, most delicious meal as he laid beneath them, so open, so willing. Radovid hasn't seen him like that before, but now that he did, he couldn't get enough.
They were right about this game, he thought as he sucked hickies into Jaskier's hip, adding his own marks to Geralt's collection. This sinful roleplay woke something primal up in him as well, something that made him want to shed every societal expectation, that made him want to never stop biting and clawing at that beautiful prey beneth him.
He was going to eat him alive.
"Hop on my face," he told Jaskier. Jaskier sent him an amused look, but he did sit up gingerly, grinning when Radovid lay on the ground and started grabbing at his hips.
"Aw, the fox seems really hungry," Jaskier cooed as he climbed up on Radovid's body, hovering above his face in a backwards position. "Don't worry, we have just the treat for him."
He started lowering himself down. Radovid grabbed him and yanked him down in one quick motion, until Jaskier's plump buttocks covered his face. Jaskier let out a gasp when Radovid licked over his hole with a hungry moan. He grabbed onto Jaskier's meaty thighs, digging his fingers into his flesh as he lapped at Jaskier's entrance.
"Oh... What a clever tongue this fox has", Jaskier moaned. He ground his hips down gently, his breath hitching when Radovid lightly nipped at his sensitive skin.
Radovid felt something brush against him. Since he couldn't see due to Jaskier's luscious body covering his face, he could only guess that Geralt knelt over him.
He heard the sound of a belt unbuckling. He moaned straight into Jaskier's hole that fluttered against his tongue eagerly.
"The bunny seems pretty hungry, too," Geralt said. There was an excited little gasp, then Jaskier leant forward. Radovid heard Geralt let out a moan, then hot, wet, sucking sounds. He realized Jaskier started sucking Geralt off, and that made his already painfully hard cock twitch.
"Isn't it great that there's enough of this bunny to share," Geralt growled. His voice rumbled deep in his chest, thick with arousal. Jaskier moaned, his voice muffled by the cock in his mouth.
"He's a whole feast."
He definitely was, and Radovid truly wanted to devour him. He pointed his tongue and thrust it inside, making Jaskier's hips twitch above him. He was heavy, and so warm, his bum, round and thick like a ripe peach, covered his entire face. He ran his hands over his fuzzy, soft thighs, enjoying the way they trembled.
He felt Geralt place a hand on his knee as he moved forward to rock into Jaskier's mouth. Jaskier made a choking sound as Geralt's cock hit the back of his throat. His hole fluttered around Radovid's tongue.
"Does the bunny taste good?" Geralt asked, breathless. While having Jaskier on his face was a heavenly experience, Radovid kind of wished he could see Geralt's face in the throes of passion right now. Radovid moaned again as he circled his tongue, teasing the sensitive nerve endings. Jaskier whimpered around Geralt's dick, grinding his hips down.
Jaskier breathed harshly through his nose as Geralt gently thrust into his mouth. Radovid followed suit as he buried his face in deeper, his hand kneading Jaskier's hips and thighs, fingernails digging into the small rolls at his waist forcefully. He caressed Jaskier's sensitive inner walls with his tongue before he pulled it out and teased it along his rim. Jaskier made a choked-up sound akin to a sob. Geralt shushed him softly.
"That's a good bunny, so good for us."
Radovid continued teasing that tight ring of muscle until Jaskier trembled above him, desperately rocking against his face for more. He plunged his tongue back in, stretching him out, forcing their needy bunny to take everything the fox and the wolf wanted to give him. He fucked Jaskier with his tongue in rhythm with Geralt who canted his hips into that needy mouth.
He heard a deep, guttural moan above him, then a shaky release of breath. Jaskier swallowed audibly. Radovid moaned when he realized what just happened.
"Fuck," Geralt moaned. He kissed Jaskier on the lips noisily. Jaskier whimpered against his mouth.
"Is the fox doing okay under there?" Geralt asked, gently tapping Radovid on the chest. "That rump is quite the handful."
Radovid gave Geralt a weak thumbs up. He could barely breathe with how heavy Jaskier was on his face, especially when he grinded down so desperately, rubbing his plump bottom right against his mouth, but right now, Radovid believed that if he died like this, suffocating under his bunny, it would be worth it.
He fucked Jaskier harder with his tongue, pointing it and thrusting it in as deep as he could. Jaskier cried out in pleasure as Radovid repeatedly hit his sweet spot with the tip of his tongue.
"That's it," Jaskier whimpered, his voice growing high-pitched, his hips stuttering as he approached his climax, "fucking devour me."
Radovid let out a groan. He circled his tongue quicker, his lips closing around Jaskier's hole like a vice to suck on it, attacking him with pleasure from every angle. When his teeth scraped his sensitive skin again, Jaskier came, nearly sobbing as he spilled over Radovid's chest.
Geralt helped Jaskier off Radovid's face. Radovid gasped for breath and blinked against the sudden light as Geralt's face came into view.
"Still good?" He asked. Radovid nodded tiredly. Jaskier nuzzled into his neck with a happy giggle.
"Everyone ate, but what about the wolf?" Jaskier cooed. He settled down comfortably, letting Radovid rest his head on his thighs. "I bet he's hungry."
Geralt's eyes were dark as they landed on Radovid. It made him tremble with want. Geralt reached for Radovid's belt with a questioning look. The prince nodded frantically.
He swore when Geralt's hand closed around his dick. The witcher gave it a few experimental pumps. Radovid threw a hand over his face as he continued cursing. Jaskier caressed his hair, murmuring something Radovid couldn't make out. He didn't even have the chance to comprehend anything because he was engulfed in a warm, wet mouth. He watched, mouth agape, as Geralt bobbed his head up and down, taking his full length easily.
"He's very good at this, isn't he," Jaskier purred, gently scratching at Radovid's scalp. Radovid gripped onto the grass, trying to hold on a little longer as Geralt sucked on his tip, his eyes dark with lust. "When a beast like that unhinges its jaw, you'll be swallowed whole."
Geralt took this opportunity to sink completely down on Radovid's dick, choking lightly when he hit the back of his throat.
Being so aroused for so long now, it didn't take much for Radovid to lose it and empty his load into Geralt's mouth. Geralt pulled off slowly, making sure his teeth scraped over Radovid's oversensitive dick, causing it to twitch one last time.
Geralt laid next to him and kissed Jaskier over Radovid's head. Radovid looked up at them, a grin spreading on his face.
This was definitely the weirdest thing he's ever done, but also the most amazing.
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wyvernwriterarchive · 2 months
🔮Snoozing and Spellcraft 💤
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Summary: Asha has been studying hard, preparing to work on some new spell ideas she had. Unfortunately, her bodyguard and brutish nemesis Dinadan...exists.
CW: A few cuss words, but nothing too major
Word Count: 800+
Asha is sleeping peacefully. Unfortunately she's in the dining hall, which is the wrong place to sleep.
On the table near here is a small stack of books on spells and spellcraft, as well as notes.
Dinadan sees her and decides to be nosy.
He wipes his hands on his shirt, and checks the notes. As he expected, they are just magic stuff. Something he isn't really interested in. Although, it was weird that she was studying here of all places.
And what were these notes? He didn't know crap about magic, but there wasn't anything called a “Garth” spell. She even crossed it out. What a dumbass.
The noblewoman slowly stirs and starts to wake up. The first thing she sees is this oaf manhandling her precious research! How dare he!!
"Agh!! W-What do you think you're doing!?"
Crap. Not good. The red-haired devil isn't exactly a morning person. Or an evening person. Actually she's better when she never wakes up at all.
She swiftly stands up and snatches the paper out of his hands.
"Yeesh, calm down, girl!" He shouts, not even trying to put up a fight. He didn’t care about her stupid paper anyway. "I was just looking at your notes. They're pretty bad.”
"Bad? What are you talking about? These are nigh perfect!”
She bragged...about this? Being perfect? Gods above. Nobles always boast about the stupidest shit.
"What kind of spells is...Garth? Psyche? I've never heard of those kinds of magic.”
"Well for *your* information, THIS is a list of spells that I personally have been working on!"
Of course this fool didn't know anything. Brutes like him don't often do well in academic settings, so of course he wouldn't know a magical formula when he saw one.
Or, at the very least, they don't understand the arcane arts as much as most people would.
"Those old names were for uh...failed concepts. Conjuring earth and water shouldn't be impossible for me, but to be honest, it is annoying to work out the formulas on your own. Primal magic is hard to-”
"You can make your own spells?” He asked, cutting her off before she went down some annoying spiel about literal magic words. This seemed to annoy the scholar.
"Of course! So long as you have the knowledge, and talent. I assume you have neither?"
OK, that was rude. Perhaps she should take that back and apologize-
"Oh piss off. They'll probably be shit anyway.”
...Well neverMIND then!
"UGH! Still your vulgar tongue.” the scholar growled. “I must focus! The arcane arts won't be revolutionized by themselve- HEY!!”
Dinadan picked up one of the notes. And started reading,keeping this red-haired gremlin away with an outstretched hand. A classic bully maneuver.
``Concept; An arcane spell that mimics the effects of the rare Dyne weaponry. Dubbed Psyche for the time being.``
The rest was formulae and numbers. He didn't really get it. Magic didn't need to be this complex all the time, did it?
"...Dyne weaponry? Ain't those the shiny gold weapons that help you strike more?" He questioned.
"Ah, so the brute does know something after all!" She replied with snark in her voice, desperately reaching for her notes.
This was getting tiring, so he just gave them back with a sigh.
"Why are you working on them here anyway? Why not the library or something?”
"I was going to, but unfortunately, lunch came first. So,I,ever the scholar I am, decided to do some research during my lunch break. Carefully. I would never risk dirtying these tomes without good reason.”
"Ah. Fair enough, I guess.”
"Can you go now? I must...must focus..."
She yawned. The adrenaline of fending off this vile man all day did not beat the wave of tiredness she felt after studying this for the entire day.It was a pathetic sight to be honest. She'd work herself to the bone.
"Like hell you are,” Dinadan scoffed. “You're about to pass out.”
"Nonsense...don't be silly. I am simply...yawn~“”
...OK fine she was going to pass out.
"Ugh...no...I can't. I can't stop... I will not-”
The brute sighed.
"Hey, I saw this other soldier - Tiffany or something was her name - she was doing some magic while she was super tired. Next thing you know, there was a fresh new hole in the training grounds' wall. Magic plus being really feckin' sleepy equals someone's head comin' clean off.”
She groaned in annoyance. That was true...it isn't wise to exert yourself too much when it comes to magic.
"I...hate that you're right."
"Soooo... go to bed. I don't say this often about you nobles, but you seem to actually be talented. At least when it comes to magic. Shouldn't you wait until you're able to put that talent to good use?”
She stood up and grabbed her belongings.
"Well...I suppose I must be off. To bed I go. Thank you for your...crude words of wisdom, Sir Dinadan.”
"You are welcome,” he replied smugly. “And don't call me sir. I ain't one of those dopes in shitty armor. Just a regular merc.”
"...Right. Just Dinadan. Such a simple request won't be forgotten by the great Asha…Soleil… yawn~”
She was too tired to hype herself up in front of him. She sighed and walked out of the dining hall, prepared to take a nap.
Dinadan sighed back, and shrugged.
"What a weird girl.”
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zalrb · 1 year
the summer i turned pretty 1x05 review -- if i can't have conrad there's always jere
Belly, I'm sure they gave you a schedule. You knew there was going to be dancing.
Also details like Belly is seemingly fine with Nicole stepping in to be her dance partner during rehearsal but she should feel if not guilty then at least awkward around her so she almost kissed Conrad.
This is why Taylor says that you're self-absorbed and don't care about anyone else, Belly.
Also, it's wild to me that your best friend will have that conversation with you and then you proceed to make a woman's funeral about yourself. Where is the self-reflection?
Like you were all "omg what am I going to text Conrad, what emoji should I put with my text" and you're just ... dancing with Nicole?
And anons want to ask why we hate Belly when we've liked messy teens before? SERENA HAD MORE SHAME. SERENA. And Serena had moments, man, where it was just like, I don't know why you're mad at Blair, you slept with her boyfriend.
"Does Jere take anything seriously?" "Yeah, food and flirting" SOUND JEALOUS, STEVEN
Every time Jeremiah is supposed to be extroverted and fun-loving and charming, I'm just like
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Conrad, you MUST know that Nicole would be where Belly is since she was a deb and you took her to the deb ball last summer.
I also like the blatant advertisement for Alexa.
You two are terrible. NICOLE IS RIGHT THERE.
Then Conrad texting Belly and Belly grinning with Nicole right there?
"You think I was just a petty fuck." "You're hotter than he is." She's not wrong. All of these pretty Black women/women of colour (and girls) and these basic to ugly white men (and boys) on TV. It needs to be stopped.
"If Shayla called you right now" -- jealous boyfriends.
Nicole is the one who's being played hot and cold.
Jeremiah telling her to bring him to a Frank Ocean concert knowing that he likes Belly is not fair to her, like in terms of the drama that would cause with Conrad and Belly, I don't care because they're both being terrible but Nicole does not deserve this.
"I mean we grew up together so I always thought of her as this little kid but now ... she's not." a) that sounds way creepier than intended like some Jacob and Renesmee shit b) they honestly should've done more to indicate that he's really seeing her now. Like I obviously know he's supposed to because of all the dialogue around how she's pretty now from everyone else and "omg Belly you look SO hot" in a simple, cutesy floral tank top but I mean if it's going to be Annie and Jeff then be Annie and Jeff.
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Of course Annie and Jeff actually had tension
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At least be Josh and Cher
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"I'm bummed but I'll be fine" because Belly is terrible.
Cam does not deserve the lyrics to this song he was nothing but NICE to Belly if anything this song should be playing with Cam walking away.
I just find it super lazy to rely on portraying the munchies to show how high they're supposed to be.
Is Jere supposed to be Puck or something?
Lol when your mom puts you in the friendzone with your crush.
"Well I'm sure you got a perfect score" *laughs* oh we're doing racism in this episode. And it was actually done well. Just not when it's antiblackness which isn't surprising
"How come no one ever wants to play with me?" she booped you on the nose bro.
ok finally. something that is ACTUALLY hot and cold. "i'm not waiting for you anymore" does he know she'd been waiting for him?
Also not waiting for him shouldn't then mean making out with Jere.
"What happened to the boy I loved since I was ten" well Belly either he always knew you liked him and ignored it because he didn't see you the same way even when he was idk nicer I guess or he was clueless that you liked him but either way you never had his affection before this.
Also I like how in season 2 Jere was all I USED TO LOOK UP TO YOU EVERYONE ALWAYS THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN ME IN EVERYTHING and there is literally nothing to suggest any of those dynamics this season.
I can't fuck things up with Belly and treat her like shit but you know who I can do that to? Nicole.
Well if I can't get attention from one brother then I can from the other. "Susannah said when I was born she knew I was destined for one of her boys. I always thought it'd be Conrad" but Jere's the one in front of me so. You didn't think about him at ALL Belly.
It's funny actually watching the pool kiss because it's actually quite short and tame.
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drunk-on-starlight · 10 months
Do you have any evidence that Vanessa is just being manipulated? I’ll admit no one knows exactly what’s going on, but I feel it’s pretty clear there’s at least something similar to mind control present. If the encyclopedia is still valid, it says she was corrupted and then freed from his influence.
As much evidence as anything in this franchise has.
I'm assuming by "Mind Control," you're referring to literal control over mind and/or body? Apologies if you meant something else.
Gonna start with Jeremy (Help Wanted edition), since he's the first "glitchtrapped" character we learn about.
Here's a few choice quotes
"I think it's made worse by the fact that Jeremy tried to tell us something was wrong."-Tape 3, HW
“Jeremy complained of nightmares when he came in this morning. He wasn't talking about it like someone telling a friend about his dreams though. He was pale...looked like he hadn't eaten in days." -Tape 7, HW
"He just stands there like he's talking to someone. Sometimes he [just] rocks from side to side"-Tape 7, HW
"I think Jeremy was too far gone to consider that option though.-They just knew he'd seen something. They needed to discredit him.”-Tape 8, HW
These collectively establish that Glitchtrap (Known here as the anomaly) had clearly gotten his hooks into Jeremy, right? And yet, he was able to injure himself enough to make Glitchtrap back off. Furthermore, Glitchtrap is talking to him in Tape 7. Not only was Jeremy able to legitimately do something Glitchtrap didn't want, he wasn't able to stop him.
Now, to Vanessa. The first relevant quote here; "So, the word compliance by itself isn't going to set off any red flags, but the sentence how to induce compliance in human subjects, and how to induce self-compliance(?)"-"Did you search for 'help' by itself?"-December 2, 2019.
"I was a little worried maybe something is going on with you? One day you're researching flowers and the migration patterns of bees (fascinating, right?) and the next day you type in 'How far can a human being be cut in half before losing consciousness'."-Dec 4, 2019
At the risk of assuming too much, I don't think someone who is mind controlled would need to find a way to induce "compliance."
Then you have "I came by your desk to say hi today and I don't think you even heard me. You had your face so close to the screen"-"I waited for a second to see if you would turn around, but it was like you were in another world. It must be useful to be able to shout out the world and focus like that, I wish I could do it. I thought you were on a conference call at first because I heard voices."-Dec 9, 2019.
Much like Jeremy, Glitchtrap needs to talk to her. If he could just control her, I don't see why he'd need to audibly speak to her(1)(2), or why he'd let her type out help. Or frankly, why he'd let her Google all the other cutsey stuff. Furthermore, she wouldn't need to search how to induce "self-compliance" if he was already controlling her.
Finally, Security Breach's Retro CDs. First up, CD 1-7139
"Yes, of course, you do. Your performance reviews are good, but a routine check of your online history has revealed that you spend quite a bit of time with someone in an encrypted conversation. We have transcripts, and I’ve read them, but it’s not clear what you’re talking about in these conversations. I can’t make sense of it. You must be getting something from these that I’m not getting. Right? Who are you talking to in these?"
Again, a conversation, one in which the therapist here says "You must be getting something out of these."
Next, CD 3-7140. This is where her dad, a guy named "Bill"(3) is first mentioned, along with this "Your dad made you follow instructions, didn’t he? I’m talking about the custody battle between your mom and your dad. Your dad didn’t play it fair, did he? He used to make your mom look bad in court. I’m so sorry that happened to you. Do you want to talk about how that felt? and "He manipulated you. It wasn’t your fault." Keep that last bit in mind, it's not the first time manipulation gets brought up.
CD 5-7141 "Apparently, the IT department has put together a pretty lengthy report chronicling non-job-related communications that have been coming to your computer"-"but what bothers me about what I read is that the messages you're getting seem very manipulative in nature. Do you know who I'm talking about?"
Again, they reiterate Glitchtrap needs to communicate. Further, the messages are described as manipulative. Why would a mind control entity need to do that? And to tie into the previous tape, the therapist says "What you might not know is that this person who's been sending you messages has been hacking into your personal files too. These are the same files I have here. These files are full of details about your life."
The same files the therapist said showed her father being manipulative. In response to being told this person knows a lot of her personal info, Vanessa says "Lots of people know more than I do. Sometimes I need to listen."
Now, CD 11-7145 is where Vanessa says "I can't talk about this. He said he would always be watching. He could be here or there or anywhere in between." to which her therapist responds "Are you talking about your dad?," directly comparing Glitchtrap to her manipulative father. Vanessa also says that Glitchtrap told her that he could be anywhere, which means he's not always with her, and he'd kind of have to be for mind control.
Security Breach itself seems to support this, to some degree. Vanessa makes her entire hunt a game; She presumably knocks Gregory out and locks him in Lost and Found, only to return after dressing up, she skips around the Pizzaplex. She swaps back and forth, none of which is necessary and of which she probably wouldn't do if controlled.
If we look back at Help Wanted, she specifically says (in another example of the one sided conversation) that she can hear him, there's no miscommunication, she understands and that she made the mask herself. She also says "I think you would like it,""I'll be ready" (That she needs to make herself ready is another tally against the mind control) and that "It'll be fun." Honestly, she reads as far more of a daughter figure in HW than anywhere else.
Maybe I'm misreading all this, but it doesn't seem like mind control. It seems like a young woman had serious childhood trauma that left her open to being taken advantage by an experienced manipulator.
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kakujis · 1 year
that's a nice format, it'll be easier for me to reply too since i won't get things mix up lol.
touchstarved -
if i remember correctly, mhin is summed up as the cursed outsider for their official title so kuras had pulled off an amazing feat to get mhin on his side.
i think that's unlikely regarding the angel theory because it wouldn't explain why no one want to talk about the senobium but anything can happen in a game lol. damn, the demo was a good strategy for them. that's true, even the studio was shocked how the game was completely funded in 4 hours.
well, the studio could have compromised with a different/horror sprite of him but only leander got that special treatment lmao. it could be vice versa, that's the mc leaves mhin instead after they reveal an emotional side like that would still be traumatic, imagine distrusting everyone for your whole life and as soon as they open up to someone, that person is like i don't want your emotional baggage, goodbye.
i agreed, mhin doesn't seem to enjoy violence so they would likely only use it as a last resort. those type of yandere like leander are the most deadliest and when they snap, they are terrifying as hell. but leander would only likely have a breakdown ep if the reader try to break up with him etc because leander know what's he doing lol.
reading your ais's blushing confession just reminded me of a certain line from that falling in love song in (disney) hercules lmao, i think it's something like, girl you got it bad, you're in love. that's true and i highly doubt ais would snap and if he does, i highly doubt he would be as bad as leander.
what did you think of the tr manga? i did and i was like why at the ending. who's your favourite character? mhin must be a favourite character among the studio lol. don't most ppl buy wigs for cosplay? that must have been a dream come true for you! er, i feel like the studio know that ais will be a game changer for them hence why they put a special focus on him.
it sound like sen was on the deathbed but someone turned her into a vampire (?) because her predicament fit the supernatural being. well, we will definitely get more kickstarters update and they will probably release the game opening in 2024.
i don't think leander have that within him lol. but i feel like he may be selective about what information he share with the mc and run circles around her.
other media:
damn, you must have been a hardcore fan lol. i did a kpop matchup blog for a short time. surely, your exo blog must be a side blog (?) tbh, the last time i dived into exo was the 2010s so i can't remember LMAO. why did you like that trio?
i only recognise some of these groups but i remember that the fans dislike sm a lot for ghosting f(x) throughout their whole career. i can't remember seventeen debut, was it adore you? but i've heard that the studio needed to get rid of one member because he was way too young so that one might had gotten forced out. isn't it bts 10th anniversay this year?
i needed to look up onewe and it's the first time i've seen a rock band. to be fair, kpop merch is pretty pricey and it does become a pain to storage. that would be one emotional event then lol. sunmi ring a bell but i forgot everything about her.
i guess that was a major hole in tr where the author never went back to show how past takemichi was behaving/actually like once present takemichi changed the future timelines. it would added more lore to the story and explain how certain timelines came to be.
i agreed with that but since her story was link more towards draken rather than mikey, it seem like she got the same treatment as him because i always found it's weird how draken literally got pushed to aside within almost every future timeline. it's like the author was draken who?
it's like draken got the shit end of everything LMAO and i'm sure baji wouldn't had gotten that treatment if he didn't died. i think the biggest disappointment of the female characters that they were only linked to one arc due to a male character connection so they all got discarded when it was over.
i'm sure yuzuha would gladly return your love and affection! but even then, it's like senji just got a magical powerup, it wasn't realistic compare to the way that yuzuha fought.
really? but i've heard a lot of female readers complains about how the author treat the female characters regarding everything and i know a lot of them dislikes how he dealt with midnight.
did you ever find out the ending for the witch house then? wasn't it gary and mc vs mary in ib? it's been a long time lol, the nintendo switch release added more story. i would recommend watching castlevania on netflix then.
tbh, tv shows are long man like who have the time to sit down for 45 minutes for one episode. i dk how ppl watch kdrama and stuffs like that when each episode is like a movie. do you mean the villain uohana ? soz, i know nothing about leach.
yes, i did and i really like seeing him because the diversity of his design. i'm assuming he must be your profile photo too? honestly, baji's popularity is something considering he died so early on in the manga/show, imagine if he live towards the very end! but did you find it strange when baji stabbed himself to save kazutora's ass. i remember watching it going like baji what are you doing?
will you be whipping up any fic starring izana then? sorry but i don't fangirl like this so i apologise if my reactions/replies are a bit dead LMAO. i think there was a lot of clues/hints in tr but die down once izana's arc was over.
well, i feel like a lot of characters from tr like pah got brushed aside since the fandom didn't find them good looking esp in the bonten's gang, like look at the fanart/fics. what did you think of them? i was so disappointed that they appear for only like one panel?
like what was that LMAO. i still can't believe that the author bothered revamping the whole gang too just for one appearance but some fans think the author got forced by the publisher/editor to change the direction of his story.
it's true that tora redeemed himself but chifuyu definitely played a huge role in that and he is super forgiving considering kazutora did that to baji. kazutora's relationship with baji was yandere like but chifuyu was just baji's biggest fan lmao. do you agree? i think taiju's one should get special focus because he did reformed mostly by himself but the inspiration came from takemichi.
why? does it end on a cliff hanger? i like nagia because he reminds me of a irl friend, they are both wholesome characters and kunigami is a very nice guy. er, if you don't like reading, the game is not for you but the best part are the trials, the sequel is the best one, the ending of dr3 ruin everything.
do you think the final arc will run into 2024? because that would be really nice since it's the 20th anniversary next year. well, the silver lining is that you don't need to worry about spoilers lol. there must be a lot going on in that poster then.
no but i've heard of it via youtube. but don't stardew and animal crossing the same like playing it is meant to be relaxing and calming for the gamer? do you know about tsuki? Who did you choose as your starter pokemon? to be fair, there's a lot of missed references in that film if you haven't played most of the mario games.
i think that i'm starting to get your ideal type based on your favourite characters lol. it's nice that they ring you on your birthday too. what was that event about? mammon is super popular in the fandom but for yan stuffs, it seem to be lucifer or satan. that's the power of facebook for you!
no, i just played the voltage games. damn, those games just give away the genre by just reading their titles lmao. i dk who they are, sorry! when is it coming out? me too, that's one of the reason why i like izana in tr but i feel the pain when fans whitewash him -_-
life stuffs:
it is a bit tricky to navigate life while being sensitive but i used to be like that so i know your efforts will eventually make a breakthrough, just don't give up.
i have conflicted emotions towards MM because i was there from day one with that studio where i played their games beforehand that were 100x times better and i got annoyed that the studio basically just gave up creating other games and just kept adding onto MM because of their success.
have you play their two other games? dandelion wishes brought to you was their debut and the second game is link to the first one. no worries but i hope you have windows otherwise you can't play cinderella ;-;
hang in there! will you get a reading week soon? (uni's terminology is pretty different where i live so soz for any confusion) that's so nice so it's like your writing bring a reader onto cloud nine. you must really like writing fanfics then because i'm always like er towards writing it.
that's understandable, everyone works at their own pace and it's better to put the best quality out there if the author is super concerns about getting notes etc. do you tend just to write oneshots?
you can reply to the comments on ao3 too which is pretty sweet! but the best feeling in the world is getting a user subscription. let me know when your ao3 profile is ready so i can support it. thanks, i will read it when i can.
i've been to one but it mainly just stalls so it's not very time-consuming but i think most ppl just goes for the cosplaying event. you should do it! the merchandise tends to be outsourced from japan so you can't get it anywhere on the internet or anime stores.
tbh, driving does seem daunting but it is a lot quicker than public transport and congrats! i think the the nerves will fade away the more that you drive. i tried learning twice but second time was when the virus came out so that went down the drain.
it actually is but if the photo/image is blurry, the app ask you to renew it but i just went ok with some of mine and they still look fine but again it was anime/manga.
yikes, that sound like a nightmare and i hope it doesn't take too long for your tastebuds to come back. sometimes, it'll be like that but considering it's all of them, the dentist really should have given you a warning beforehand.
heyoo, did u see the new stretch goals?! i want the plushie and love letters goal so bad agghh. personally, i can def see mhin leaving leaving mc but not vice versa? but ig we'd have to get there first! i think the thing about the senobium is that they're kind of like the top authority there, probably house a ton of different types of entities. idt it completely disregards my theory, just that it may not be the whole reasoning!
i was looking at the character sheets again and was thinking about the shadows behind them and how it seems to be an indication into their "dark" side or personalities, buut i do wonder if some of them are their "true" forms like kuras and vere. it is funny to see leander with nothing really changed LOL. also yeah! i like the idea of leander snapping though, i know he hates being ignored... i wanna be able to ignore him in game hehe.
ahh i love that soong! THATS ME LOL i'm soo down bad for him!! i loves him <333. he's soo handsome and mysterious and the penchant for violence really gets my gears goin! i agree! i think ais snapping is less desperate and more calculated, like okay, you wanna play around with me, i'll show you what happens then. type of thing!
yes they do! i think it'd be fun to style a wig or just to see what it looks like! i think so too! i also think he's the best poster boy for the game itself. i think leander would be a great candidate for the main focus as well tho! that's interesting! i really think he does have it in him, but it may be my bias for violence showing lool. i def do think he is a bit gaslighty and manipulative as well!
i wanna know what they mean by warden! warden for what? the senobium? elyon? someone else powerful? i can't wait for sen's story!! and yeah i think they have to throw us some crumbs to keep us excited!
other media:
LMAO nahh it's not a sideblog, i just convert this one into something new when i get hyperfixated on something. i have a couple of sideblogs, but i haven't touched them in a while cus i genuinely forget about them. and really? that's so interesting! i've never heard of a kpop matchup blog! what type of matchups did you do? i'm actually in the process of deleting a ton of my old posts, especially ones with more personal info that i used to do on here lool. i'm not entirely sure why i chose that trio LOL, i think i really liked lay's personality and chanyeol + sehun's looks. but yesyes i was a major hardcore fan of them!
yes! i was one of those f(x) fans. sulli was and honestly, still is, my ultimate bias even though she's passed now. so i hated the treatment of her the most and sung her praises whenever i could! i'm hoping one day they'll reprint her "love myself" photobook, cus i've only seen it being resold one single time and it went for 800 dollars. and yes adore you was the debut! omg yes it is! i can't believe it's been 10 years daaang. they've come so far. <3
sunmi was in wonder girls if you know them! they've all gone their separate ways but sunmi still has a really active solo career, you should give her stuff a listen! and yeah! onewe, day6, and the rose are all really similar bands that i like!
my favorite tr character is baji/kakucho!! i can't choose between the two of them LOL. i wanna change my url sometime to something that's a mix of the two but for now this'll do! i liked the ending but i'm a sap for happy endings and the fact that baji lives i cried LMAOO, BUT i will say there's a lot of holes in it that i hope get cleared up when we get the exhibit in november. wbu? who do you like (:
from what i remember, it's because draken always ended up in a situation where he couldn't be as involved (jail) or he wasn't a delinquent anymore (bonten timeline). i think wakui did that to push the takemichi + mikey relationship to further the whole "takemichi would never give up on mikey" thing. i've been reading the spin-off and the power level of baji is so funny to me, like yall really had to get him to kill himself cus no one else could jknsdkanfsknfsdk. OKAY THEN LOL. i know the reasonings behind it, it's just funny! honestly, i wasn't surprised to see baji's popularity! he's such a well written character imo and he's so dreamy!! i guess in his mind it was the only way to get kazutora and mikey to snap out of it?? LOL.
nah no worries!! i just fangirl really hard heheh, yes i do have some izana stuff in my wips! i'm excited to finish them and post it! i agree like pah and peh were kinda shoved to the side, i feel like we barely know anything about nahoya and souya :p. i loveee bonten, i wish we could get a spin off based off of them! tbf, mochi doesn't get like any love i've noticed and i think its because we barely know anything about him also ksjffjdn. i feel like wakui threw a ton of characters at us and didnt give us adequate screentime with them. i think he was rushed as well, i read an interview on twitter and he said he barely had any time with his family, maybe one day out of the week. so i definitely think he was rushed!
oh absolutely! chifuyu is an angel and a saint <3. hmm, i think kazutora's relationship was more like 'we're partners in crime, you can't escape me' maybe not so much yandere. but absolutely, chifuyu is baji's #1 fan LOL. personally tho, i like the friendship between takemichi and chifuyu more!
as for the girls, yeah.. i think only emma and hina really showed up again in unfortunately. oh i agree that yuzuha can't really fight on senju's level, but i think it's just missed opportunity by wakui to not make her stronger. also senju trained under wakasa and benkei if i remember correctly, that's why she's strong like that!
oh i'm so mad about midnight LMFAO, so i totes get that. i think that the women in bnha could be fleshed out way better. i think uraraka especially could do with more screentime.
yes it was gary and mc vs mary in ib! i loved mary though, i felt so bad for her ): and nahh i've got no clue on the ending for the witch house LOL. yes stardew and animal crossing are both super chill games! tbh i forget about animal crossing a lot especially cus i hate time coded games. i'm not sure what tsuki is! for my starter i chose fuecoco, such a silly lil pokemon!
ahh no unohana is a bleach captain! it's alright, bleach is a longg story and kinda convoluted at times. also same LOL, i can barely get myself to watch anime eps lool. i used to watch kdramas but i'd pause frequently to do other things cus i'd get antsy. my favorite dramas were reply 1994 and scarlet heart ryeo: moon lovers, ahhh
ah for blue lock, something happens that i just really really dislike, but i think it's integral to the story! i'm gonna try and pick up the manga sometime soon. ahh nagi seems to be a fan favorite! he's my brother's favorite too ^^. which final arc are you talking about? bleach? if so, i think the second half is coming in july. i'm not sure how long this arc will take since it's super duper long + kubo gave us a snippet of a possible new arc!
LOL really? i've never been able to find a good correlation between my faves honestly :p. yeye, but i tihnk all the boys are great yan candidates! personally, i think i can see it the most with levi out of all of them. i think nightbringer is coming out soon, maybe even this month?
omg i had no clue about MM! i played it a ton when it first came out, i liked yoosung a ton! but that's so sad :/, i think thats the same thing that happened w solmare and obey me! they stopped working on other games because the obey me! success was huge. i have not played the other games!
life stuffs:
thank you! it's deffo a growing process :). it takes me a lot of reflection and positive/realistic talk with myself to get over things, but it's much better than me seeking out validation from others! i do have a spring break soon actually! one more week and i have a whole week off!
yeah! i actually thrive off nice comments like that on my fics, but i've been trying to let it not get me down if i don't get many reblogs or likes hehe. i like writing fanfic! if not i just sit with my daydreams all day which is very very unproductive! do you not like writing it? O:
yes i usually write oneshots! i think this yan kakucho thing is only a mini series cus i love the idea of bonten!yan!kakucho LOL. or short little blurbs that get mushed together with other characters! also omg of course i'll let you know!! tysm TuT <3!
also ahhh i see i see. damn i wanna go now!! i actually wanna see if anyone's gonna be outsourcing the new tokrev perfumes, i reaally want the ran one LMAO. im gonna try to see if i can, i usually love going to flea markets and buying from local vendors! and aaah, i see are you gonna try to drive again? thank you btw! i still can't believe i can even drive LOL, i used to break out in hives from the stress :p.
but yes so, i'll be at the dentist next month to ask what my options are! eughhdsfnksdf, i'm feelin' like it would be prime time to get braces too so we'll see~
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7ban-sama · 1 year
since someone already asked avvy it just feels right to ask you too - whats it like kinning amane?
You're right, it's only fair. But I must out myself, pretty much immediately after reading Avvy's post, I said aloud to her: "Man I hope no one asks me what it's like..."
Not because it's a bad question to ask (so don't sweat it) but, I just don't think it's going to sound as... fl-flattering? Lol... I must accept my fate.
The first thing I should say though, is that it feels really, really good, to be Amane. (Most of the time.) Does that sound silly? Probably, right...? Haha.
I'm not totally unfamiliar to a sense of ~kinnie euphoria~. I've definitely experienced this before. In general, I've always had issues navigating my very-compartmentalized self, and kin stuff helps me more thoroughly understand who Bird even Is, and what it means to be Bird. Which can feel relieving... it helps me define my art as well, and ultimately I get more satisfaction through it all. Though... eh, kin isn't exactly a 'choice' either, it's more like seeing a photo of yourself and recognizing yourself in it. If you're someone like me, who's struggled to even know what you look like, sometimes seeing that photo is relieving. "Oh, thank god... that's me." Er, but once you're past that stage, it's more often a neutral observation ("Yup... that's me.") and at worst, kind of humiliating. Seeing a BAD photo of yourself... a lame one. It goes back and forth; this is the downside of kin...
So... with Amane, I guess a lot of the time, it's like seeing myself, and it's — haunting. "My god, am I really like that?" But also I look really Cool. This is new, lol. I'm not used to feeling so cool. And like uhh, handsome, and interesting. So it makes me act... cockier, ruder, more insufferable. More arrogantly. My ego is unfathomable, at this point.
I feel so justified though. Maybe I'm prone to acting worse because I know I have a little brother that'll always be into it, though... Hmm, I guess I'm spoiled too. Not a small detail. I understand, implicitly, that I am adored... Tsukasa loves everything I do. Or, he'll have to, if I bully him about it. I'm not really worried about that, ever. At most I just get frustrated he didn't clap at the right time, or he didn't clap hard enough. (Be impressed by me!! Dummy...)
Hmm, I really feel as though my body is being piloted by a shitty 13 yo boy. (And it's one that won't stop watching porn and fucking his girlies.) When I was Actually 13, my life sucked and I couldn't really act like that at all; I had to be passive and meek, for a myriad of reasons. In some ways, it's pretty novel, just being so... unencumbered, at times? I've never felt more like Some Guy. It's a feedback loop also, I think, cuz Avvy's probably never seen me be so... *shitty boyfriend♂️*
Of course, not always smooth sailing, I do feel guilty at times. Amane is errr, unstable, as much as anything; he can make us get obsessively depressed and self-hating for a week straight, like literally making us cry over it kfkfkfkf.... This is the cost for all those high-highs, I suppose. He gets so depressed about how poorly he acts and how the girlies shouldn't be shackled to him (like, is sad for them, to be stuck with a jerk... why... why can't I just be normal... *sulks*) Usually he just needs a blowjob to reorient. You know how it is...
I can say that my favorite moments are like hers. :) I find that I get the most peace out of our day to day exchanges. It's really all about those little moments, like showering together, taking walks, sharing food. Somehow it's like... nostalgic, you get all, natsukashii... As if it's something we've done our whole life. That's nice... I like that. Feeling as though Avvy's always been with me, that what we do now is simply evocative of our entire childhood together. And I can't imagine it being any other way. Very cozy... I love watching my dumb baby brother make weird noises at me and chew on my nose n stuff... and I love to be rude and shove him, or grab him by the throat, or say something to make him go "nuuhhh!!!" and flail... That's the good stuff ❤
I think Avvy went into the 'states' she occupies... I think in my day-to-day, I'm sort of floating around ages 8-12. Kinda depends on how fussy or bawdy or awkward... Depressive states are like, I become ghost boy, at the roof staring at the moon. 'Arghh, I'm so terrible for what I've done, uuuruaruhh,,,, I can't visit your beautiful corpse, I'll just stay here'. When I'm physical agonies, I really regress into 4yo boy, cough cough. But the it's nice when I am brought water and food and stuff. Relief of brother care me... bring me things.
I worry, in terms of 'true self', that bandage boy is the most Me, deep down. I can't word that any more clearly. We haven't seen him in full, so of course, it's just that kind of delusional certainty. No way to "know", I just...
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Hah. hahaha... hahahhahaha.
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