#this isn't a dig at people who support or like Seb.. you do you
wenellyb · 3 years
Are you still a fan of Sebastian or do you just not care anymore. I used to be a stan but all I can do now is hope he’ll do better in the future
Hi Anon,
I certainly understand you feeling. And good question. But i don't know if I have a complete answer.
I wouldn't consider myself a Sebastian Stan fan anymore, because if I compare it to before when I would watch his movies, post stuff about him or share petitions to have a solo Winter Soldier movie, this is all stuff I wouldn't do today. I can share a stackie video or post because it's hilarious but I wouldn't do it for a Sebastian Stan post, even though it's something I would have done in the past. I don't hate him or anything, but I guess I'm disappointed and not interested anymore? and his fans make things worse...
And to be honest, it's unfair but a big portion of my whole feeling about him comes from his fandom, sometimes I think that maybe if the fandom had had different reactions when it came to him messing up, I would feel different. I got an ask earlier from a Seb fan who said they still support Seb but they get hate whenever they all him out when he f*cks up. And I feel like I would have a different stance if all the Seb stans were like that? It's really hard to explain , I can't find my words.
It's funny because I know him from Marvel, so I still like his character Bucky Barnes, but yeah I think that maybe I just don't care anymore.
I'm not into the whole stanning celebrities thing because they're just people who make entertainment so I don't expect more of them than that, they''re not my friends or my family. But I can also understand the importance of supporting artists you like, hyping up their content on social media, watching their movies, their shows, etc,...And it's something that I really don't feel like doing anymore with him.
I still like Stackie interviews because it feels to me like watching a show you've been following for years, their friendship.
TL:DR: I don't hate him, but it'll never be like before.
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logicalstansadvice · 3 years
Hi. I'm really frustrated so I wanted to vent. I'm trans and POC and Seb saying transvestite doesn't bother me. He apologized, took responsibility, supports the trans community, didn't do it again. Its said and done to me. The fact that he liked a post of that white dude rapping the n word though makes me fucking sick to my stomach. I really hope he liked it on accident, or was liking it to agree with the people saying it shouldn't be said. The possibility that he may be someone who says 1/?
slurs in private genuinely makes me fucking sick to my stomach especially because he profited of a show like FATWS. I hope from the bottom of my heart that he doesn't actually think it's okay, or liked it accidentally, or was just skimming thru IG. But I am so damn tired of defending him actually! I know he's not a bad person but I wish he would just grow the fuck up and own up to his mistakes. He's my comfort celebrity and this genuinely fucking is awful because it literally just happens 2/
once every few months at this point. He needs to get his shit together. I don't think he is a racist but I think his white fragility is out of hand. I feel like a disappointment to my community because I Genuinely still have hope that he isn't actually a piece of shit. What do the Mods think? Preferably only Mods of color please.
HiDrama - "he's my comfort celebrity".
Imagine signing up to play Bucky Barnes and now you are responsible for folks mental health?
Ruby Woo -
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You don't have to defend Sebastian, he is a privileged wealthy White man. He gonna be aight. You can't expect him to apologize for his past behavior everytime his fandom digs up something to find offensive, because at this point, they're just doing it to retaliate for him "hurting" them (🙄) by having a girlfriend and not giving a shit how they feel about it. Let's not kid ourselves here.
All of us have done/said problematic shit in the past, point is not to do it anymore going forward. I understand you want him to become woke, but girl, you should take the man as he is, not as you want him to be.
I don't feel like I'm disappointing my community by supporting his career; thank God we're not a monolith 😉!
Le Chef - Y'all sitting here complaining abt Sebastian and he at Charles Schwab. Get over it. Like seriously. This is way too much time invested in a man that plays pretend for a living.
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rileychester · 7 years
They shouldn't have announced that there would be a wedding so early on because now they have to rush a reunion which needs time to play out. Aaron/Alex and Single Dad Robert are character driven stories which both have the potential to be interesting. Especially in comparison to the plot driven rubbish that has played out over the past year. Mind you, I don't recall that they specifically said who was getting married, so maybe the reunion won't be that quick. Personally I hope it isn't.
I think they were worried about people abandoning ship and never coming back. I don’t think they were ready or willing to admit how strongly unpopular, hated, and bad this storyline has been. The boys are so insanly loved and popular, the show thought they could get away with murder and that people would just go along. While in reality they mostly met with resistance and loathing by the audience and Robron fans.
And they wanted people invested and talking about the show for the beyond stupid revenge plot of Robert against the Whites. They knew that hardly anyone gives a single fuck about the Whites. And that the Whites have no real connections in the village, except for Robert. So they needed to sour Robert’s character, so they could have people actually give a fuck about the Whites exit. Because I don’t think they wanted to accept or admit that their Home Farm family had crashed and burned and had turned to eating the dead to stumble along. Where most posts I have seen of people counting down the days and plan on celebrating when they are finally gone.
To be honest as much as I like Alex and as much as I like the idea of Alex and Aaron on paper. I’m not in support and not because it’s not Robert, but because I don’t think Alex is a good choice for Aaron long term. They have little in common, Alex is not Aaron’s type, he’s very vanilla for a Dingle/Aaron pairing, he’s so lacking as character in general. Which makes me think that Emmerdale decided to go with the simplest, good looking, good guy type, gay character they could create, so that he could have him be a ban-aid fix and nothing more in the long run. It feels more like a, “hi, bye, thank you ma’am” situation in writing, which I guess soaps are known for.
I am more curious to see single dad Robert. Probably because I love Robert and Ryan and want to see more of what they can do and think the show has been limiting both of them. There can be more to them than the stereotypical soap villain. I mean Robert being a single bisexual father could be really interesting. Robert is such a self interested character like Charity or Cain, they are both different than their usual selfish/self centered/complicated personas when it comes to their children and not at the same time, it could bring up some interesting stories for Robert. Also Robert whose all about money in many ways, how will he juggle work and caring for a newborn son whose gonna demand a lot of his attention? And we all know that Aaron is Robert’s soulmate, but what would dating be like for the bisexual single father? Would he go out to a bar, would he look online, would he meet another single gay/bi/pan single dad through a Daddy and Me class or some other social invent involving Seb and go from there?
I both want the reunion to be quick and not. Mainly because I want Robert to heal and for him to be able to get his head and emotions around a lot of things that have come strong for him this past year. He needs to grow and build on himself which the show didn’t let him fucking do. Because we had to waste poor Robert on the Whites exit because they needed a real character tied to them, so people would give a shit.
Aaron got to heal, Aaron got to work some things out and get his head on straight, Aaron got to see what else is out there. Robert got revenge plots with a family that drains a character, breakdowns, and digging himself further and further down into his hole of destruction. And now with what is coming, they will probably glaze over all of that because the reunion must happen to appease the fans who are beyond done with the writers and powers that be behind the show bull shit. And because they have a summer wedding to prepare for. My point being that Aaron will be in another head space than Robert. Aaron got to get healthy and I’m guessing they won’t give that to Robert. Mainly because I think they want him to be vulnerable, so they can manipulate that and used that to wreck things later.
Sure he got some of that at Christmas and he will probably have some coming up, especially with Aaron’s friendship and support. But it won’t be the same thing. For a relationship to thrive, especially on a soap long term, Robert and Aaron both need to be in a good place. Because then we will have the same issues popping up and destroying the same things over and over. I know this is the usual business on soaps, but I think it only weakens the story.
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holland-stan-posts · 6 years
The Good Night - Sebastian Stan
Summary: you break with your boyfriend and Sebastian is there to pick up the pieces....or make it better?
Warning: mentions of oral sex (woman receives), swearing and a crappy end (?
A/N: this is the second part of the good advice, you may hate the reader here for her actions but her boyfriend cheated on her and she didn't like it (who likes it tho???) So she acts all sassy and might or not might be having feeling towards our lovely Stan...sorry so much rambling. Enjoy. Gimme some feedback??
M a s t e r l i st | Part One
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Why he is so h o t on this story?
The dinner with Sebastian was smooth, quietly, calm. What you really needed.
He told you about a movie he is going to film, not really digging into your past relationship, letting you heal. He knows you're heartbroken and the more he push you to open up, the more you will bottle up those negatives feelings.
The dinner was in a fancy restaurant, however you didn't bother on wearing some fancy dress, jeans and t-shirts were you go-to outfit. Sebastian apparently thinks the same as you and get in your door wearing jeans and a shirt.
As the dinner went by, you get comfortable with him by your side, is not the first time you both went for dinner alone, but is the first time of you being single.
You can already imagine the tabloids tomorrow, but you didn't mind at all, nor did Sebastian.
When you both decided to call it a night, he walked you to your room, but you didn't want him to go just yet.
"Wanna come in?" You asked looking at him.
"Yeah, why not?" He walked directly to your bed, taking his shoes off and getting under the covers.
"Yeah, got yourself comfortable babe" you chuckle and proceed to take your make-up off.
"You know I love a warm bed and better if its include a nice lady" he wandered through the channels of the t.v.
"That's a sutile way to tell me you haven't laid on yet?" You asked, suddenly curious about the answer.
"On Lord, I haven't laid on since I've filmed I, Tonya and it wasn't a fuck because I had to fake it" he laughed
"What a great movie that was, but don't get too flustered. Loved Margot's acting" as you change your clothes and walked next to where he was laying.
"Oh.My.God you just break my heart. Did you know how many time I've studied and practiced for the role and I am your friend you should support me!" He rant off.
You rolled your eyes playfully and then lean to give him a quick kiss on his lips.
"For the record all I did was staring at that moustache of yours" you smiled cheeky.
Let's be real, you've having a hard crush on him since you started to appear in the Marvel's movies, he does knows but what stopped you always was the jerk of Derek. But now, back at the single life, you thought you should give yourself a treat.
"What the hell was that?" Sebastian asked completely amused.
"A damn kiss, didn't you know what it is? When someone..." he cuts you off placing his hands on your mouth.
"I know what a kiss is. I've gave plenty of that many times. The real question here why you did that?"
"I feel like giving kisses today Stan. Any problem?" You smiled.
"I don't get it. You just break up with the asshole of your boyfriend. Shouldn't be you sad and all that?"
"He cheated on me, there's nothing to be sad for. Past is past isn't it? I should try to see new people, are you in?" You asked him.
Also, let's be clear. You were know for not having filter, any. You always face everyone with the truth and facts. You hate liars and that's why most of people can't stand you.
"So, this is going to be just a one night thing?" He asked again carefully.
"I'm up for everything now Seb, you've told me you haven't laid on and I haven't too. We are friends what can go wrong?"
"Our friendship? What if we fall in love?" He asked again.
"Then I'm afraid we will make this work out. But is okay if you don't want to do it" you shrugged your shoulders and began to accommodate in the bed.
You saw him, thinking his options, looking at you and then at the t.v. a low fuck it is heard and then all of sudden his whole body is up yours.
"Seems like you've take a decision" you smiled and put your hands behind his neck and attack his lips.
You both laid there kissing a while, then he started to leave kiss all along your face, going down your neck and taking your short off in the process, playing with your nipples, sucking and making them harder than ever. Your soft moans are heard in the room, the t.v. long forgotten in the back.
His lips reachs your belly and he strips down your short and panties as he continues his way down. Taking you by surprise when you feel him in your vagina, giving you so much pleasure that you have to hold his head, his hair being attacked by your hands.
He gives you a hard time down there, sucking and kissing, driving you insane.
When your orgasm is round the corner, you could yell "I'm coming" and he sucks harder, letting yourself come, now screaming his name.
He left the room and came back with a wet towel, starting to cleaning you all while you remain in your numb state, almost drifting in a sleep.
"Hey, let me make it up to you" you talked, your voice a bit raspy for the screamings.
"Don't worry about me doll, we've got plenty time to get to know each other. Let's just call it a night and sleep?" He caresses your hair lovingly.
"But Seb.." he cuts you off kissing you softly.
"I said don't worry. Take some rest" he smiles.
"I will but, are you staying with me tonight?" You asked as a little child.
"Yes love, I am staying" he take off his jeans and shirt and immediately get under the covers next to you, hugging you by the back.
"Thank you for this Seb" you kissed his arm, that he managed to put behind your neck.
"Anytime dear Y/N, anytime" he answered and kissed your hair as you both started to fall asleep.
If Tom Holland catch Sebastian leaving your room, hair up and with his t-shirt backwards,the next day, he swore not to say a word about it.
But being the Tom Holland, he casually let the question drop in the panel leaving you both flustered and red as a tomato.
Tags: @kiramotherofsnails @my-english-tc
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Masterlist | Part One
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