#this isn’t meant to be taken seriously
stardust-sunset · 11 months
this isn’t meant to be taken seriously this is more of a crack post than anything
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animazed · 1 year
guess who’s wishing they would have let me go to seminary after high school now, huh 🙃
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leclercmybeloved · 5 months
these journalists really need to choose their words more wisely lol
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but also
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never beating the allegations
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spto coming out has been such a surreal experience bc before it came out i was like. the one roxie kinnie (at least as far as i was aware, i’m not doubting that there were more out there) & now she has like a million stans and half of me is like “FINALLY other people who understand her the way i do” and the other half is like “i liked her before it was cool. my blorbo. mine.”
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44hive · 1 year
vini doesn’t have to be mature about the racial abuse he faces. he doesn’t have to be strong about being a constant victim of racism. vinicius doesn’t owe shit to nobody when he’s being hurt and abused every single day. enough with the “vini has to-“ he doesn’t!
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presdestigatto · 8 months
the contrast between lance/seb’s and sebchal’s social media pr videos always gets me because charles is constantly looking at sebastian like he’s the second coming of christ, meanwhile lance has the biggest “peacefully minding my own business” aura i’ve ever seen
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guckies · 7 months
All that pain and suffering and for what?!? That’s at least 12 hours of my life I’ll never get back!!
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youghvaudough · 7 months
I’m sure ppl have talked about this before but
I’ve recently been watching Haikyuu!! & currently on s4; the intermission cutscenes this season feature the players as different animals that represent their team right
& Kenma (from Nekoma) is a cat. but wait, there’s more
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bc that coat pattern (inspired by his hair color clearly) is a calico pattern
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& calico cats are famously known to be mostly female* bc each of their coat colorings comes from an X chromosome, so you need XX to get the tri-color pattern (white = lack of pigmentation)
*with the exception of males (determined by genitalia presentation) with the calico pattern that have XXY chromosome instead of XY (klinefelter syndrome)
So, what I’m seeing is, cis is out of the question, trans Kenma canon —
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trainsinanime · 11 months
Actually Javert won
In Les Misérables, I mean. He got to go out in his own terms, and he got what he wanted in that moment (which was to fall off a bridge).
Jean Valjean’s goal was to stop Javert from getting what he wanted. Clearly he failed at that. Sure, what Javert wanted changed at the last moment, but he still got it. He won.
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broodparasitism · 1 year
Wish I had the current mental capacity to talk about how especially in early modern Christian society the body itself was stigmatised as something earthly and disgusting and abased compared to the spiritual/intellectual element of humans and how the former was deemed female (there being a particular fear/lack of understanding of pregnancy) and the latter male meaning that me and writing about someone vomiting is feminist praxis actually
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cyber-neptune · 2 years
Legalize making Megatron into a mom, tired of seeing him be a dad just because he’s just some “big guy” and it needs to fall into some shitty hetero stereotypes or some bs like that.
Stop being a damn pussy!/lh
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Delulu Zanessaurs do you really believe after all these years Zac still gives a f about Vanessa?
well he follows her, doesn’t he
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Shipping Epiphany: TamaHaru
I’ll be honest, anime TamaHaru doesn’t do much for me other than the last episode but even then there’s only some promises that we couldn’t be sure were being made in the anime that were going to happen lol. Like Haruhi falling in love with him slowly overtime, and also learning more about the characters and the world they live in. Other than the last episode, to me they were being set up to fall in love just because the author demanded it, almost coming across as a red herring. They were just painfully obvious, partly because the show doesn’t really have a true plot. Nonetheless, the anime still has a satisfying as hell ending because I’m fine with ambiguous endings so long as previous threads are tied. Plus, there’s a manga with 50 more chapters to read that I chose not to read at the time I finished this show the first few times so I was not really allowing myself to be upset.
But then what gets me liking TamaHaru within the show much more than I did as a kid is the very obvious seed planted in Haruhi that the manga expanded on that was one of the contributing factors in making her fall in love with him… his humanity, she even gets flashbacks to all the moments they shared as references to the many times Tamaki was incredible to her just because that’s who he is, flaws and all (those very flaws that made it so hard for her to fall easily and accept once her pre-existing feelings for him grew stronger and wasn’t ignorable anymore). Oh shit, writing this recontextualizes completely all her scenes with Tamaki in the anime and now I can’t brush off Haruhi noticing something about Tamaki that makes her look at him with awe and then him immediately doing something stupid to make her backtrack and me following Haruhi as our relatable protagonist to dismiss that moment as nothing now. It’s obviously the beginning of a slow, subtle progression of love as Kyoya foretold in episode 1. Anyways…
edit: also, it’s very obvious to me that Tamaki is the one being put in those moments with Haruhi because it fits their characters, they were created to complement each other well. I could go in on their compatibility and similarities and differences on all levels lol
I have such a soft spot for manga TamaHaru. Like yes, anime TamaHaru is funny as hell but still incredibly one sided with Haruhi showing only hints of falling for Tamaki. Meanwhile manga TamaHaru is the same but with mutual pining between two fully developed characters. Manga Haruhi’s mind is so explicitly and exclusively on Tamaki without consideration of anyone else and just admiring him and being inspired by him (also the manga giving Tamaki SOOOO much more development and depth, which directly affects Haruhi’s perception of him as she learns more about him with us) that you can tell she’s in love before she does or maybe even before the story begins to more aggressively point us in that direction. It’s the main reason why I want OHSHC to get the Fruits Basket treatment
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fiapple · 2 years
other early buffy bi-coding includes: both her heart & spirit being initially coded as gay/bisexual (the writers weren’t sure which till tara came into the picture, & according to a semi-recent article, of which label pretty much until willow came out) & were intended as such, as the writers always knew one of them was going to come out.
#buffy summers#btvs#this is why i don’t consider the use of willow (a lesbian) to convey elements of buffy’s (a bisexual) sexuality biphobic whereas i sort of#do when that lens is applied to faith. in willow’s case her lesbianism is important like i cannot understate that but the writing choice#itself was influenced by the notion on part of the creators that willow being written as bisexual was the original intent & they changed#their minds because the lesbian representation was important & they felt with the way people thought of bisexuals it would make willowtara#get taken less seriously. so until willow came out she was very much a bi-coded character (STILL A LESBIAN & STILL MEANS HER & OZ WAS COMP#AS SOON AS THAT WAS CONFIRMED)#up until she came out- and it was largely if not entirely that before that point (bar the coming out scene) where she is used in any major#way to convey that aspect of sexuality with buffy- it becomes more general in terms of paralleling relationship struggle after that point#so willow being bi-coded & willow being used as a buffy sexuality figure were near entirely overlapping which negates the view of#bisexuality genuinely being part straight part gay rather than having to exist in dual spaces due to the way sexuality is dichotomized#also shout out to willow’s lesbianism for still retroactively working very well as a narrative way to convey that dual space even before the#choice to definitively make her such was made. her complicated lesbianism does so much for the themes girlie is carrying.#like a lot of people complain about that choice because of the fact we later got confirmation that it was made for reasons which were i#inconsiderate to both bisexuals & lesbians but ultimately willow as a lesbian works better overall than willow as a bisexual on a#storytelling level to me based on how sexuality in particular is ultimately positioned in the story by the end of s7#like when i talk about pre-coming out willow being bi-coded it isn’t to detract from her present lesbianism or say she should be bi- that’s#flat out lesbophobic & i don’t fuck with it- it’s just acknowledging a reality that influenced how she was written prior to coming out 100%#where as with faith that’s not present especially because she is fully meant to represent buffy (a bisexual’s) sexuality rather than any#sort of dual space struggle- she (darkly) mirrors buffy’s rather than playing a role in it#which then (to me) does start to play into the half straight half gay idea when considering again that she represents buffy’s sexuality#specifically the repressed aspect is positioning a bisexual’s repressed sapphic attraction as lesbian rather than… repressed bisexual#*ie positioning#attraction. like especially considering eliza said she thinks faith swing both ways it kinda does make me uncomfy & feels really reductivist#which is part of why i plan to make that post#blah blah people are entitled to their headcanons. in context the headcanon kinda has a biphobia issue when ignoring faiths bi-coding & word#of saint paul confirmation on top of her narrative positioning irt sexuality that’s all i’m saying
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neon-danger · 4 months
Sleep really does help the "everyone hates me, I hate me" feeling. It also kills my motivation to do things, oh well.
I will say changing the language I use about myself and remembering that assuming my friends secretly hate me is kinda mean really helped me recognize my own self worth
So even when my brain is having A Moment I still know it’s not really a reflection of who I am as a person, but a consequence of the mental illness Im still learning to cope with, even on the meds
#I’ve been through years of therapy and basically learned how to therapy myself#I was in an outpatient program for a few weeks but I got out early because the meds kicked in#(I started them a month or two before outpatient)#and by the time the program started I was already a functioning member of society)#but the group leader person basically told us to consider the difference between a ‘me problem’ and a ‘you problem’#like my parents still treat me like a little girl even though I’m an adult man#which isn’t because of something I did or said#they’re just transphobic and I can’t control that#but if it’s a situation where I am in control it’s entirely a me problem#not cleaning my room for six months is on me and I can’t blame any outside sources for that#that definitely at least helped me compartmentslize the best ways to navigate my decision making if#but also even just saying ‘no I don’t’ after you say ‘I hate myself’ it’s a good place to start#anything you say about yourself is something your brain will subconsciously start to believe#it’s definitely a more difficult hurdle to get over#and I fall back into old habits so easily#but trust me when I say that’s the best way to learn your worth#neon answers#I am not a therapist#anything I say is purely from personal experience#take all of this with a grain of salt#I am still just a little man with green hair#I say hehe haha and then I do a little jig#I am not always meant to be taken seriously
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moontropy · 8 months
journal or wtv idk
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