#this island was fun i played it for the first time yesterday
dazeymazey · 2 years
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[ id: 3 panel redraw of a comic featuring Joe and Elaine Puddy from Poptropica. Elaine holds up a creature made of a banana and several smaller fruits to an indifferent Joe and says "the predator pounces!" She smashes it against his mouth, intending for him to eat it, exclaiming "rawr!". He looks down at the banana uninterested as she smiles expectantly at him. end id ]
i thought these panels from the comic were cute!
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[ id: the original comic with an extra panel - Joe stands from the table, puts on his hard hat and says "well, how about that. time to go to work." Elaine angrily calls his name. end id ]
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bengiyo · 3 months
Love Sea: Tongrak is Kind of an Asshole, and I Like It
I watched this yesterday with some friends, so my Stray Thoughts were a little scattered because we were talking about BL conventions, Thailand's tourism goals, and who MAME was. Now, with some time to think, I wanna talk about my favorite thing: Tongrak is a rich asshole. I love this for Fort and Peat.
He Looks Down on People Poorer Than Him
We open with Tongrak dressed inappropriately for his trip and the weather, whining on his phone, just to show his disdain for even being sent on this vacation.
Then when he first arrives on the island, he looks around at people enjoying themselves and a sign they dedicated to their home reading "Heaven on Earth" and immediately called it hell. This is these people's home! He is a guest! I deal with this show in my home city all the time. Be respectful!
Next, the first thing he does is start shouting at Mahasamut about the motorcycle and his luggage. He doesn't slow down to ask if Mut can speak the central dialect, or if there are alternative modes of transport. Instead he just screams at the man and then starts talking shit in front of him like he can't understand what is being said. I give Americans shit for doing this in other countries, and I give northerners shit for acting like they can't understand our accents down here along the Gulf.
He was rude about that bar, too. He went there for attention, and got pissed at the idea that people there might be into Mut more.tjsn him. He then stormed off without paying for his drink!
This man is so stubborn and petty that he literally just starts sending him thousands of baht instead of just asking him to speak in the same dialect as him. I'm totally with Mut on not speaking to him nicely until Tongrak did it first. What's so wild about this scene is that it's text that Rak is mad that his condescension is having no effect.
Mahasamut is Responding to Tongrak's Energy
Mut is just responding to what Rak is giving him, and is doing everyone a favor by bearing the brunt of this spoiled man's fits. He was even kind enough to let this man know right away that he could understand him.
The big thing for me is he can see when Rak is trying to get one over on him and turns that around. Rak tried to play like he had the upper hand sexually and felt played. He tried to play about being full and got played.
We see that the people of the island admire Tongrak, and he's involved in their lives. He's clearly playing a role here that Rak's friends hired him to play to help their cranky friend relax and finish his book.
I also like that Mut has made it clearly he is down to fuck with Rak whether he pays for it or not, because Rak is trying to hook up with someone for inspiration for his novel. I like that he removed the wealth component there, because it's clear Rak is used to throwing money at all of his problems.
Finally, Mut stopped immediately when he realized he'd actually scared and upset Rak. He doesn't actually want to hurt this man.
Why This Rocks for Peat and Fort
These two found a good rhythm in Love in the Air. They're good at this form of asymmetric bickering and flirtation. However, this time Peat gets to play the older, richer character. It's fun for me, because I think there's going to be a bunch of transference from LITA that covers how much of a jerk Rak is being to others.
I am glad that these two aren't reprising the same characters, and are being given a reasonable way to take advantage of their existing dynamic and tools. It's interesting that these guys can tap into similar beats without it feeling like the same characters.
On the Colorism
I see it, and it's there. However, I don't think MAME is an outlier in using it in her shows. There's a really rough sequence in Fish Upon The Sky (with Neo no less) that comes to mind immediately. I also just think that the skin tone stuff seems built in to a lot of the works we encounter (especially considering that some of these guys are literally brand ambassadors for skin lightening products or clinics). I think there's something to say about the way Mut is teasing Rak with a country bumpkin bit that could almost be read as race play, and there's maybe something to unpack there with far more nuance than I think we normally bring to BL.
But hey, while I have you here, now's a good time to say that if we want to tackle how race affects the queer experience, For The Boys is right there!
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aetherdoesthings · 8 months
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forethoughts: did you miss me? and yes this is a reupload because i messed something up.
notes: i have an entire story planned for this. dw i'm cooking something guys stay with me.
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“She hates me. She hates me. She hates me.” the captain repeated to himself.
The boy took a deep breath, before standing up, meeting Zoro's gaze.
“Alright, i’ll tell you… but don't tell anyone else, okay?”
“Just tell me.”
The captain took a deep breath. “Yesterday…”
It was any other day for the Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. Mess around, play with Usopp, annoy Nami and hope not to get hit, annoy Sanji and hope not to get hit, all the fun stuff. Life on the ship was fun for him; he was by his crew’s side, and most importantly, his girlfriend. Luffy loved annoying you; that was probably his favorite pastime compared to all the other things he would do on a regular day. 
Luffy had met you on an island, fighting against some petty thieves who were trying to rob you. He immediately fell in love with you and your bravery and your want to fight, so he recruited on board. Truly, it was love at first sight.
Today Luffy decided to surprise you. A gift of some sort. He wanted to buy you something (with Nami’s permission) to just say ‘thanks for being my girlfriend’. On the last island, he had picked out a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a box of chocolates he resisted from eating. He had set up your bedroom with fancy decorations: candlesticks, more of your favorite flowers, and a meal Sanji had made after begging him, promising that he wouldn’t try to steal from the kitchen after dark ever again. 
All that was missing was you, of course. 
Luffy had told you that he had a surprise waiting for you in your bedroom, a surprise that you would surely love. You told him that you had to go use the bathroom, just to shower and freshen up before his surprise. Luffy agreed; he also took a bath prior to the meal just to make you even more happy. So he sat there, waiting. Waiting for you to come. What’s taking you so long in the bathroom? Luffy knew that women's stuff made you take longer in the shower, but you were already taking longer than your normal bath time. Curious, he crept towards your bathroom, pressing his ear against the door.
“...three days. Three days until we reach another island. That’s what the navigator said.” Luffy raised an eyebrow at your voice. Were you talking to someone?
“No I don’t know where they keep- I’m sorry.” 
You were definitely talking to someone. Luffy remained quiet, trying to listen in on your conversation.
“Luffy? What about him?”
His heart tightened at the sound of his name leaving your mouth.
“I haven’t learnt much about him. He keeps to himself. I know I’m his girlfriend, doesn’t mean I still have the right to pry into his life- I’m sorry, I’m not talking back. I’ll try and gather more information before we dock. What do you mean Aokiji is going to- I’m sorry. Okay. Alright.”
You stopped talking again.
“The crew? What do you want to know about the crew?”
Luffy held his breath, his ears trying to fit into the keyhole on the door, trying to find out who you were talking to and what you were up to.
“Roronoa Zoro? He sleeps a lot, but is still as deadly as previous reports made. The cook? He likes girls. A lot. Such a creepy pervert, but a really good chef. Yes, Nico Robin is still part of the crew. She reads a lot, doesn’t do much except for that. She’s really nice, though, even if she’s quiet most of the- Sorry. The navigator? She likes money. A lot of money. The dude with a long nose? That’s Usopp. He’s kind of a coward and a wimp when it comes to things, but he is funny and nice.”
Luffy listened to you rattle off every single of his crew, giving a short description about them. He heart thudded, trying to come up with conclusions or speculate about who you were talking to and why. More importantly, why did you have to do it during your shower? You couldn’t have been a marine; Zoro had checked you out before you joined and cleared you. So who were you talking to? You had mentioned Aokiji, a vice admiral for the marines.
Luffy trusted Zoro. If Zoro said you were clear, you were clear.
Luffy also trusted you. He loved you. He was your boyfriend. The two of you were as close as Luffy was to Zoro.
“I know why you sent me here. I know my job. I know, I know. The Straw Hats are dangerous. We’ll be docking in three days. I’ll ask the navigator again just to confirm. Yes, yes, I know. The marines are justice, pirates are evil. I’ll talk to you soon.” 
The moment you hung up the den den mushi, Luffy leaped back into his seat, pretending like nothing just happened. Shortly after, you came out, a smile on your face.
“Luffy! Did you set all this up! This is so romantic!” You squealed, hugging your boyfriend as you sat down across the glass table from him, looking at the meal. “Did Sanij make this?”
“U-Um, yeah? Yeah. Yeah, he did.” Luffy responded after a pause.
You raised your eyebrow at his sudden pause, and the stuttering in his speech. Luffy never stuttered in his speech. The only time he did was when he was trying to confess to you. “Are you okay, Luffy dear?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. I’m just concerned that the food is getting cold!” Luffy nodded his head vigorously, taking the opportunity to shove a handful of food into his mouth.
You laughed at his sudden action, as Luffy let out a sigh, thankful you weren’t suspicious of him anymore.
“So, what was all of this for? I don’t think our anniversary’s till next month.” You ask, taking a bite out of your dinner. 
“I just wanted to say I love you! And thanks for being my girlfriend!” Luffy exclaimed with his excited voice, making himself forget whatever call he just eavesdropped on. That wasn’t his business to know what it was about, and he shouldn’t have eavesdropped.
But she was talking about your crew. A small voice crept upon his shoulder. He tried to ignore it, focusing on the good thing. You were his girlfriend. You made him happy. He made you happy. He loved you. You loved him.
Or does he? 
The two voices in his mind argued against each other, bickering, as Luffy’s hand kept reaching towards the bread basket, shoving loaf after loaf as he tried to pay attention to what you were saying. He occasionally would nod his head in agreement to whatever you said, trying to act like he’s actually listening to you, but in his mind, he was thinking of something else… thinking of doing something else…
“So you kicked Y/N out because of that call?” Zoro scoffed.
“I didn’t want to… b-but, I don’t think Y/N is evil… I don’t think she is. Y/N wouldn’t do that. Y/N isn’t like that.” The young captain wiped his tears away.
“That call you described really sounds like Y/N is working for the marines.”
“She isn’t! You checked her.”
“I did. And nothing came up.”
The two stared at each other.
“I didn’t want to kick Y/N off… but until I figure out more about what that call was about… I can’t jeopardize the crew and the ship. If she…” Luffy choked. “If she is working for the marine… then I can’t have her on board anymore. But she’s not… I know it. There’s something else we don’t know. And I’m going to find out.”
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delicateflowerss · 2 years
Don't Worry, Darling: One
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After marrying the love of your life, Rafe Cameron, you thought you couldn't be happier. But when a murder shakes the island, you learn you don't know your husband as well as you thought. When does Paradise become Hell?
Warnings: 18+, eventual NON-CON, dark!Rafe, implied violence, blood, drug use, mentions of pregnancy, kook!reader, non-canon ages
This is on the short side, and more of an introduction to my new series. Next chapter will have more action, enjoy!
Series Masterlist
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“How did you manage to not get knocked up?” Caroline asks through an amused smile. “I thought that would be the first thing Rafe would do on your honeymoon. Especially in a place like The Bahamas,” she adds.
Laughter follows from everyone including you.
“Maybe he did. She just doesn’t know it yet,” Audrey chimes in.
The same level of laughter erupts, but your smile falters a little.
“Rafe and I are waiting,” you explain.
“Why? You two seem so happy. And look at this place,” Caroline motions to the backyard of the house you share with Rafe, complete with a blue, sparkling pool and freshly mowed grass. “You’ve got it made.”
You shake your head, a smile still on your face. “I just got a new client, and I’m doing really well right now. There’s no need for us to rush.”
“Don’t you just work from home? You can have a baby and be a book editor,” Cassie points out, taking a sip of her Mai Tai.
“When you all have babies, then you can criticize me. But until then, I don’t want to hear it.” You try to keep your tone lighthearted. But there’s an edge to your voice, their words starting to bother you.
“We’re just playing around.” Caroline looks around, earning nods from your other friends. She smiles at you and sighs, “I’m excited for you. I mean, who knew someone could tame Rafe Cameron?”
“He’s come a long way. I think,” you pause thinking about the man you’ve married. “He really is the perfect husband.” Your eyes twinkle, a content smile tracing your lips.
“You know, I was a little worried when I heard you were getting married,” Kelce begins, picking up the glass he was pouring brown liquid into. “I thought there goes the Rafe Cameron I’ve always known, always doing whatever the fuck he wants, now having to answer to his wife.”
He walks over to Rafe, slapping him on the shoulder. “But I see I was wrong,” Kelce laughs.
“Nothing’s changing here,” Rafe says before bending down to snort the white lines off his desk through a rolled up hundred-dollar bill.
“So, Y/N’s okay with all this?” Topper asks, watching Rafe wipe the residue off his nose.
“I wouldn’t say that.” He breaks out into a grin. “What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”
Topper just nods, his lips tight together.
Rafe’s face falls at the look Topper gives him. “It’s only for special occasions. Alright, Top? You don’t have to get all…”
“Hey, I didn’t say anything,” he interrupts. “This is just new to me.”
“What is?”
“You and responsibility.”
Rafe scoffs, looking away from him.
Before anything else is said, Kelce intervenes, “I was talking to Chase yesterday. Said he thinks he’s getting that promotion.”
“He always thinks that,” Rafe mutters.
“Well… He said he knows for sure this time. I guess Ward must have told him.”
At that, Rafe turns to look at Kelce, furrowing his brow.
“Are you sure?” He asks.
Kelce shrugs, “that’s what he said.”
He moves his glare to the floor, lips parting. “Huh.” A million different emotions pass through his eyes as he thinks for a moment. “So, Chase is getting promoted before I do?”
There’s a heaviness in his voice, like he’s finally admitting it to himself. Any fun carelessness in the room has disappeared, leaving a thick tension that’s anything but.
Kelce opens his mouth, but closes it right away, not knowing what to say.
“I’m sure your promotion is coming, Rafe. I mean, your dad owns the company,” Topper assures.
The smile on his face is wiped away when Rafe points his glare to him.
“Yeah. And your grandfather helped you get that job at that law firm,” Rafe fires back.
“I didn’t mean it like that. If you’re so upset, just talk to Ward.”
Rafe chuckles, a lack of humor evident. He taps his finger against the wood of his desk.
“No, you’re right. I’ll just talk to him.”
The hot, sticky air wraps around you as you fix the hat on your head, helping to block out the sun. You finish setting the soil around your freshly planted roses, the diamond on your ring glistening in the bright sunshine. You wish you could’ve finished gardening before the housewarming party last night, but better late than never.
A car door slamming behind you, startles you, forcing you to look at the street. You quickly stand up at the somewhat familiar face, brushing the dirt off your dress.
He doesn’t notice you until he’s gotten his equipment from his truck. You give him a slight wave, and you don’t miss the surprise that washes over his face.
“Oh. Didn’t realize this was your house.”
As much as JJ tries to hide it, his apprehension is apparent.
“We just moved in.” Your tone is so much brighter than his.
“Right.” He nervously looks around, like he’s searching for someone. He sighs, “I guess I should’ve read the names on my client list a little more carefully, Mrs. Cameron.”
Your lips part in realization. “Oh, Rafe’s not here. If that’s what you’re worried about.”
His silence confirms your suspicions.
“And he’s pretty much over all that stupid Kook vs. Pogue stuff.”
“Is he?” Doubt laces his voice.
You never understood why Rafe was so set on terrorizing his sister and her friends. But thankfully, he’s grown out of it.
“I think he can handle you being here once a week,” you assure.
“I don’t know about that.” JJ scratches the back of his head.
“He doesn’t even have to know.” That catches JJ’s attention, his gaze settled on you. “You’ll only be here while he’s at work. All he knows is he’s paying the pool company. I’d hate to see you lose out on a job because of Rafe,” you finish with a reassuring smile.
Maybe this is your way of righting all of Rafe’s wrongs.
He sighs, a smile finally forming on his lips.
“Fine. But only cause you’re so convincing.”
You stare at the food you dedicated your evening to, getting cold on their plates. Your lips are outlined in a pout, thinking about how Rafe is never home this late.
Your mind has already conjured up every worst-case scenario. But the most realistic scenario, is the one that hurts your heart the most. You worry that Rafe simply got distracted, and he forgot to tell you he’ll be home late.
You don’t want to be forgotten.
You try not to think about it. He really has changed so much, turned into the man you’ve always known he could be.
That’s why you married him.
So, you don’t want to think about how it could have all been for nothing.
Before you can go farther down your pit of despair, a ding from your phone pulls you back.
You breathe a sigh of relief at his text. He just needs to stay late and work. You know he’s been wanting that promotion, which goes further than wanting more money.
You text him back, making sure to put his dinner in the fridge.
The only sound that echoes through the dark house are Rafe’s footsteps. His movements are slow as he goes up the stairs, hoping to God that you’re sound asleep.
But once he gets past you in bed, sleeping peacefully, he locks himself in the bathroom. He stands there for a minute, unsure of what to do. Adrenaline still rushes through his veins, his breathing erratic.
His blue eyes find the mirror in front of him, taking in his disheveled state. The evidence of what he’s done is still on him and it hits him like a slap in the face.
After that, he’s frantic, peeling off his clothes as fast as he can.
Rafe steps into the shower, lathering soap over his skin, washing his hair, and scrubbing under his nails. The red tinted water goes down the drain.
Once he gets out, a towel around his hips, he picks up his clothes from the floor, inspecting them for any evidence.
His eyes widen at the stains, heading downstairs to throw them in the washer. He doesn’t worry about his shoes, only finding mud on them.
The clock reads 3:47 when he finally gets in bed next to you. You don’t stir as he settles in. Serenity paints your features as his are creased with uncertainty. But that slowly vanishes the longer he looks at your face. He softly presses his lips to your head before shutting his eyes.
@fangirlwithlou @thebuttofcaptainamerica
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist for this series!
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clonedchaos · 2 months
Orchids and Oranges: A Yasammy Week Special
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Yasammy week brought to you by @yasammyweek!
Sorry this one was late, I had some errands to run yesterday and an 8 hour shift early this morning. I'll try my best to catch up, but I might be a day late on my prompts.
Day 2: Firsts Rating: G/PG Summary: Sammy attends her first marathon. Fortunately, she has an expert partner to coach her along. 
AO3 Version:
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"Ready for this, Sammy?" Yaz asked, reaching down to touch her toes. Her hair was done up in a tight bun, preventing any loose strands from obscuring her vision. Sammy had ditched her boots for a nice pair of pink running shoes; courtesy of her amazing girlfriend. After so long sporting boots, this experience felt foreign. It was far more practical for running at least.
Sammy quickly copied her action as Yaz continued to lead her through the stretching exercises. "Ready as I'll ever be," She smiled. This would be the first time since Nublar that she would be running such long distances. And, it was the first time Yaz had done anything akin to track since the island. Plus, it was fundraising for the local hospital in Yaz's district. All around, this would be a fun time. She was thrilled to be able to partake in an experience and hobby that was close to Yaz's heart. She just hoped she could keep up!
"Alright. You know the basics. Conserve your energy until we near the finish. When going downhill, let gravity do the work for you. It'll make your pace far easier, trust me. And don't push yourself too hard. If you need to take a break, we'll take one," Yaz listed, twisting her upper body to loosen her muscles.
"You got it!" Sammy chirped, playfully saluting her. Yaz chuckled and nudged her with her shoulder.
"Runners! To the starting line! We will begin shortly!" A man's voice crackled through a loudspeaker.
Sammy noticed the flame of competition erupt in Yaz's eyes at the announcement. She was so passionate, so confident. Oh, how she wished she had that sense of valor.
Yaz turned her attention onto Sammy and extended a hand. "Ready, cowgirl?"
"Always, track star," Sammy replied, playing up the nickname. Her fingers intertwined with Yaz's and they headed for the starting line.
Sammy's heart beat wildly in her chest as the anticipation began to build. Her first marathon! This was going to be so much fun! 
She was forced to wait-- she hated waiting when she was this excited-- until the announcers dropped the welcome banner and the marathoners took off. Sammy was instantly pulled forward as Yaz shot off like a bullet. She felt like a cartoon character with the way her legs were flailing back and forth.
Yaz glanced over her shoulder and slowed her pace. "Sorry about that. Got a bit carried away," She apologized, her movements deliberate and precise.
Sammy put a bit more pep in her step and took the lead. "Don't tell me you wanna slow down! We've got competition!"
The marathon path snaked through the thinning shops of the town square and out into a lush pine forest. Miniature markers were laid out on the trail, directing them where they should go. Despite the event not being a race per se, the duo kept toward the head of the pack.
They passed by a small blossoming flower field with vibrant daisies. It took Sammy all the self-restraint in the world to not divert off the path and pick a few to give to Yaz. She'd look astonishing in a woven flower crown.
A medial incline was up ahead.
"Remember, Sammy. Let gravity do the work for you," Yaz panted, having vast control over her breathing patterns.
Sammy nodded and powered forward. By the time her and Yaz reached the top, her calves felt like they were on fire. As they descended, Sammy reserved her energy and let motion take hold. The breeze tickled her cheeks as they picked up speed. She couldn't help but laugh, causing Yaz to do the same.
The next locale was to skirt around the edges of a lake. The sand pulled at her feet, a much rougher terrain to balance on and navigate through than hardpacked dirt or concrete. And boy, cannonballing into the water was getting more and more appealing by the second. It was hot. Really hot. Why had they chosen to do this in the summer again?
Sammy wasn't sure how much time had passed when her pace began to slow. She wanted to keep up with Yaz, but her body felt like it was in the process of shutting down all together. With every gulp of air, her chest burned and her throat stung.
"Sammy? Do you need to take a break?" Yaz asked as they crested another hill. She began to slow her own pace.
Sammy shook herself. Come on, Sammy! You can do it!
Maybe she could. From the high vantage point, Sammy could spot the finish line at the bottom of the hill. Several onlookers awaited them, as well as volunteers with numerous water bottles and towels at the ready.
"We're so close. We can't stop now!" She insisted.
"But Sam--"
Sammy released Yaz's hand. Just a little bit further. Her legs felt like jelly and her cheeks burned. The sun was relentless. Was she going to black out?
Yaz suddenly overtook Sammy. She crossed the finish line and spun on her heel. "Come on, Sammy! You got this!" She encouraged, waving her hands. She didn't take Yaz for the cheerleading type, but she sure inspired Sammy.
Yaz was right there! She was waiting for her. Just a few more steps. She could do this, couldn't she? Seeing Yaz standing there, waiting for her, it filled her with hope. Sammy pushed forward with one last burst of energy. Her legs completely gave out from under her and she crashed into Yaz, sending both of them toppling onto the ground.
Sammy blinked, her throat burning and chest heaving as she fought to take in oxygen. Sweat dribbled down the side of her face. She was used to the heat and physical exertion of working on the farm, but she forgot just how taxing running could be. Being chased by dinosaurs had surely lit a fire under her back on Nublar.
Sammy finally snapped back to reality as she moved into a sitting position. Immediately she helped Yaz do the same. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?!" She immediately began checking her over for any bruises or scrapes that she might have accidentally inflicted upon her. Exhaustion was thrown to the side as her girlfriend's wellbeing was of far more importance; to her at least. She didn't even care her vision was slightly spinning.
Yaz grabbed her hands. "Sammy. I'm fine, really." Her eyes searched Sammy's expression thoughtfully.
Sammy set a hand on her forehead and wiped away the sweat on her brow. Why was she feeling fuzzy?
Yaz leapt to her feet, dashed over toward one of the water refuel stations, and grabbed two ice cold bottles of water. In seconds, she was right by Sammy's side. "Here, drink this. You're dehydrated," She uncapped one and handed it off.
Sammy brought the bottle to her lips and took in the refreshing icy chill. In ten seconds, she had downed the entire thing.
Yaz held the other bottle against her forehead to help cool her off. With her other hand, she supported Sammy's back in case she fainted. "Feeling better? I don't want you passing out on me. If you need to lie down, I'll help you," She quickly rambled off and bit her lip.
"I'm fine, Yaz," Sammy assured as she leaned against Yaz's shoulder. Her breathlessness had begun to subside, and the water bottle had done wonders for her heat exhaustion. "Just out of it is all. I forgot just how much running takes it out of ya. You make it look so easy."
Yaz chuckled and moved to set a hand atop Sammy's. "It took years of practice to get to where I am today. Or, well, to where I used to be. You did amazing. Besides, I can say the same for you and horseback riding. Remember what a disaster I was trying to ride for the first time?" She teased.
Sammy thought back to that particular, eye-opening experience. "I thought you got an A+ for effort," Sammy mused with a smile. "Give it a few more lessons and you'll be a proper cowgirl in no time."
Yaz laughed. It made Sammy's heart flutter. "I know it's hard for us to find the time when we live so far away... But what do you say about going on a few nature runs with me from time to time? In return, you can give me horseback riding lessons."
Sammy dropped her empty bottle and squealed. "Ooo! That sounds perfect! There are tons of places around the farm with a more scenic view. Or, or-- We could go camping! I've only done it a few times, but I think we'd have tons of fun. We could roast marshmallows, tell spooky stories, cuddle by the campfire. Imagine hiking in the mountains! Going for a morning jog while overlooking a breathtaking view would be just the sight to get us up and going!"
Sammy continued to ramble on with her ideas, Yaz listening intently. There were so many things they had yet to experience together. Where would they go next?
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Nitro Direct Tokuten / Nitroplus Benefits Direct Drama CD / Virus & Trip's Daily Life
Please excuse that it's, like, 3 in the morning where I live...
I wasn't aware the entirety of this drama CD wasn't translated (only track 3 by user ancestralmask, right here!), so I wanted to give it a go.
The official title is quite long: ニトロプラスダイレクト特典 ドラマCD「ウイルスとトリップは碧島のヤクザだが、普段は一体何をしているのか…… その日常をちょっとだけご紹介」
Or, in English: Nitroplus Direct Bonus Drama CD — "Virus & Trip are yakuza of Midorijima, but what do they normally do...? Introducing: a glimpse of their daily lives!"
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Virus: "Salutations. I'm Virus..."
Trip: "And I'm Trip!"
Virus: "As I'm sure you all know, we are the so-called yakuza of Midorijima."
Trip: "That's right~"
Virus: "That being said, a sole question remains: what exactly do we usually do on the island?"
Trip: "A question like that... I don't understand why we need to answer that at all."
Virus: "I agree, but today, I'd like to take this opportunity to share a bit about a situation that happened not long ago."
Trip: "Fine by me."
Virus: "Well then, let's begin right away. And... start!"
*Virus & Trip are casually walking down the street; the sound of cheering can be heard vaguely in the background.*
Virus: "Well then... where should we go today?"
Trip: "Let me think... hm?"
*They stop their stroll as the bantering voices from the background grow louder, indicating there is a large crowd in a nearby alley.*
Avid Rhyme Fan: "Hey! It's Usui! A Rhyme match is gonna start!"
Trip: "Over there... oh, a Rhyme match. Do you think it's in that alley today?"
Virus: "Good grief... whenever a Rhyme match starts, a flock of idiots simply cut loose and show no restraint."
Trip: "As much as it is bothersome, it IS interesting to watch."
Virus: "And it IS an excuse to skip out on work... new plan; let's go, Trip."
Trip: "Yeah, yeah."
*They walk over toward the crowd of excited Rhyme players, watching the spectacle. Usui is already on the field, preparing the match for the crowd.*
*The crowd of Rhyme fans cheer, while Virus and Trip silently keep watching.*
Usui: "GAAAME... START!!!"
*The Rhyme match begins as the crowd keeps the hype going.*
Virus: "Hm... for now, there aren't any problems. It's quite peaceful, actually."
Trip: "Remember the guy we caught yesterday that was acting up? What happened to him?"
Virus: "I let him go. Even though I just gave him a gentle threat, he kept apologizing, over and over. He was like a broken record; it was getting annoying... so eventually, I made him pass out."
Trip: "That's what too much Rhyme can do to someone, huh? Things get worse when Rib's involved too."
Virus: "Once someone plays Rhyme all the time, they fall into the myth of them being the strongest person alive, invincible from anything and everything..."
Trip: "Is that so... hm? Hey, is that...?"
Virus: "Ah... it looks like trouble has come at last."
*During the match, a fairly vocal Ribsteez player approaches the area.*
Rude Ribsteez Player: "Hey!!! Quit playing Rhyme here! Don't you know it's just a bunch of nonsense, you big-headed nerds?"
Avid Rhyme Fan: "Tch, who do you think you are? You're just some loser who goes out of his way to ruin everyone else's fun."
Rude Ribsteez Player: "Really? It's not my fault that me and my fellow Rib guys can't seem to read the room, given there's NOTHING to read in the first place!"
Avid Rhyme Fan: "What did you say?!"
*The avid Rhyme fan and the rude Ribsteez player were at each others' throats at this point; calmly, Virus claps twice to get their attention.*
Virus: "Alright, alright, that's enough. This is becoming quite a nuisance, so could you please cut it out?"
Rude Ribsteez Player: "Tch, what?"
Avid Rhyme Fan: "It's the yakuza..."
Trip: "That's right, we're the local yakuza."
Virus: "We're your friendly, neighborhood yakuza. It would be very troublesome if conflicts like this ran wild on our lovely island, don't you think?"
Rude Ribsteez Player: "... Hahah, YOU'RE the yakuza? Why should I be worried; you guys are buddies with us Rib guys, aren't you? Look at you, thinking you can get everything your way just by using violence."
Virus: "You're technically right, but, hey, rules are rules. Trip?"
Trip: "Mm."
*Trip casually walks over and lifts up the rude Ribsteez player without any trouble, making him unable to leave. He struggles for a bit, clearly agitated.*
Rude Ribsteez Player: "Gh—! Let go of me!"
Trip: "Nah."
Virus: "No need for the pointless arguing. You don't want us to expose you as a pathetic little brat in front of everyone, do you? Hm?"
*Trip's grip tightens on the rude Ribsteez player, causing him to slightly groan in discomfort.*
Trip: "Tell them you're sorry, then I'll let go. Come on, spit it out."
*His grip begins choking the rude Ribsteez player, making him struggle to breathe.*
Rude Ribsteez Player: "Gh... ack... I-I'm sor...ry...!"
Virus: "I can't seem to hear you."
Trip: "Say it clearer."
Rude Ribsteez Player: "Ugh...! Haugh—! I-I'm sorry...!"
Virus: "Alright! You did such a good job~"
*Trip lets go of the rude Ribsteez player, who gasps for breath, followed by rough coughing. Some of the Rhyme fans are watching in silence, even though a Rhyme match continues in the background. Virus takes notice and addresses them without missing a beat.*
Virus: "Ah, sorry to have disturbed you! As long as you behave yourselves, you all have nothing to worry about."
Trip: "Right, right."
Virus: "Now then, don't mind us. Feel free to continue your Rhyme match."
*Virus & Trip are again walking down a road, presumably a different one from before.*
Trip: "Where should we head to next?"
Virus: "Good question... oh?"
Trip: "Eh?"
Virus: "Over there... it's Aoba-san!"
Trip: "Oooh!"
*Both walk toward Aoba's direction, who doesn't notice their presence until they call out to him.*
Virus: "Aoba-san!"
Trip: "Yoo-hoo!"
Aoba: "Oh, it's you guys."
Virus: "Today must be our lucky day, bumping into you like this."
Aoba: "What're you talking about? We see each other pretty often."
Virus: "Nonsense; any day we see you is a lucky day, Aoba-san. Anyways, are you working right now?"
Aoba: "Yeah; delivery in progress!"
Trip: "What was the name of that store? Heijitsu?" (平日 = heijitsu: meaning weekday, regular workday, non-holiday, etc.)
Aoba: "It's Hei-BON." (平凡 = heibon: meaning mediocre, humdrum, ordinary, etc.)
Trip: "Right, right, that's it."
Virus: "We're also in progress, patrolling our turf."
Aoba: "Your turf, huh? So, how's that going? Are you guys keeping the peace in the Old Residential District today?"
Virus: "Ah, it's been good, somewhat. As usual, though, Rhyme and Rib players can't seem to get along and see eye to eye."
Aoba: "Hah? Did another fight break out?"
Virus: "They've been nonstop; now that I think about it, I can't recall a day where there HASN'T been a fight."
Aoba: "Has it gotten THAT bad?"
Trip: "Especially lately."
Aoba: "It must be tough work for you guys... Take care of yourselves, try not to get hurt, okay?"
Virus: "Thank you for worrying about us. Ah, but it's fun when we patrol sometimes."
Trip: "Like that one cake shop."
Aoba: "A cake shop?"
Virus: "There's a new one near Delivery Works, towards the end of the street. A young couple is running it."
Aoba: "Eh?"
Virus: "If you have any spare time one day, we can go there together."
Trip: "Let's go~"
Aoba: "Three guys going to a cake shop together...? Don't you think that's... a little embarrassing?"
Virus: "Not at all. Even men like us want to eat delicious things, so there's nothing to be ashamed of... don't you think?"
Trip: "Right, right. I ate a 'Pink & White Fluffy Heart♡Love Sweets!!!' cake the other day. It looked delicious."
Aoba: "The name sounds like it caters more toward women..."
*Despite Aoba's tone, Virus lightly chuckles at his response.*
Virus: "Aoba-san, it's a date, then. Let's go one day together."
Aoba: "Hahah, yeah. I got it."
Trip: "I'm looking forward to it."
Aoba: "Yeah, yeah."
Virus: "Well then, we didn't want to bother you during work for too long, so we'll take our leave."
Aoba: "See ya, then!"
Virus: "Yeah, see you."
Trip: "Bye-bye!"
Virus: "... Alright! That's all for your small glimpse of the daily work of Virus & Trip!"
Trip: "That's all~"
Virus: "Well, even with all that, we do a lot of other things as well. But for now, this is what our lives look like."
Trip: "That's right."
Virus: "That being said, let's meet again someday. This has been Virus and—"
Trip: "Trip."
Virus: "It's been fun!"
Trip: "Bye-bye!"
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sculkcensor · 11 months
Am I gonna be eaten alive if I say this event is like. Fine? And really could be fun if they just played into it?
Like the teams are a little unbalanced but literally not that bad they're just balanced to different needs and skillsets. Yes Red doesn't have a lot of active players but we saw yesterday that Etoiles kept Green super high on points the entire time as the Only Green online. It's super possible for them to win days if they put the effort in and I wish they hadn't given up on the first day lmao
The rules have been solidly established, they maybe need to clear up some gentlemen's rules (burning items, spawn killing etc) but like.. It's a team Vs team game. They're supposed to have conflict it's fine that's the point, and it's not like the items and bases will matter permanently once they get back to the main island (probably lol). And all teams have the opportunity to come back IF they put the effort in. It's a day by day victory. They can pull back days.
I do have an issue with the timing of the event bc as people have said it interrupts the lore a lot but like. No matter when they did it out would interrupt Something qsmp is extremely lore-active. And also. Two weeks is literally not that long. Maybe I'm just old and time passes really fast for me but two weeks is like Nothing. And it's variety! Stuff needs to happen to keep things fresh or ppl stop playing that's how Minecraft RP servers work!
Also I don't think the whole two weeks will be the same, we haven't seen the Events yet, and players are already talking in lore terms about the cursed team thing so something will happen with that I'm sure.
Anyway this is the only time I'll talk about it but I wish ppl didn't immediately start complaining day 1. It's a fun bit of variety on the server and an interesting twist to people's actions and relationships on the island. Have fun with it cause it is what it is
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safetycar-restart · 9 months
I’m k combining yesterday’s ask slightly with today’s ask: Littles at Christmas!
So, the slightly more boisterous littles such as Lando and Mick, I think, would love Christmas. They’d love the decorations, music, gift-giving parties etc. Maybe, they also love playing with their little!friends with the new toys they received.
However, I particularly wish to talk about the softer, more sensitive little such as Arthur and George perhaps? Personally, from what has been said, I think that whilst they do enjoy all the festivities of Christmas, it can be overwhelming at times: particularly with how little they both tend to regress?
Imagine little!George with a special pair of Christmas earmuffs that his mommy bought him so that when they have guest over, maybe the fellow drivers, he can get wear them so that he isn’t too stressed out and can enjoy the fun? Though, they may have a signal between them in case George needs time away.
Arthur, as we’ve said, is very happy so longer as he’s with his Mommy. I’m thinking that maybe they always wear matching Christmas pyjamas so that Arthur knows she���s always there for him? Or they spend a lot of the time cuddled under a festive blanket? Then, any guest can come and give Arthur affections and gifts without him having to stray.
Anyway, that’s a very long ask so I’m sorry, but I will always take the chance to talk about littles (Little!Arthur just has my heart ❤️ and you write him so beautifully)
Aw yes!! All of these thoughts are so on point I love them. I'm gonna discuss a bit about each little mentioned here and then I can always discuss any of the ideas more if you guys would like :))
Of course Lando loves Christmas!! He loves presents and spending time with family and all the Christmas activities. He just loves the whole season so so much.
However I don't think that Lando would be good with sharing his toys, at least not at first. Because they're his new toys!! He wants to play with them by himself and with you and no one else. A few weeks later he'll be willing to share his new toys, but at first no!
(Except with little!George, little!George can play with his new toys)
Mick loves Christmas too! But he's the complete opposite of Lando in that he LOVES to share his toys. The moment he opens a gift, he immediately looks around to see who is around and who might want to play with him.
You actually have to remind Mick that those toys are for him, because he'll always want to give them to others. He just wants to make others happy!!!
And of course he always wants to help you! He wants to help make Christmas food and decorate the tree and even clean the house after guests come over. He's just the sweetest little boy.
I fully agree that little!George can be very overwhelmed at Christmas time, especially because of how many people come over and how many people he has to see. George usually likes to regress at least once a week with you, and when its Christmas and so many friends and family want to come over, that's not always possible. Which leads to George feeling awful and desperately wanting to regress and then being so overwhelmed.
Having said that, you do get him to enjoy Christmas with you! You introduce him to cute Christmas movies and let him watch you bake cookies.
We said a while ago that he would love to play animal crossing with you? He doesn't play, he just watches you and comments and points at pretty things. You show him that animal crossing has special Christmas items and Christmas events and he loves those! Together you redo your entire island to be Christmas themed and that becomes a Christmas tradition.
I love the idea that you sit in a corner with Arthur while all the other littles play and interact with others. Arthur doesn't enjoy doing that because other littles are loud and scary!! Even Charles!
So you cuddle with Arthur and watch all the others, and people can come up to you to chat or give Arthur some affection. Arthur happily accepts all the head pats and cuddles and babbles happily when Lewis comes over to ask how he's enjoying the Christmas party.
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youphoriaot7 · 11 months
I kept a running commentary of what was happening, so here is a very messy breakdown of QSMP's 11/11/23 stream!
cucurucho showed up in his house(?). it's storming outside, full lightning and thunder. this biome is ODD, it's all blue with the glowy trees.
he heads outside, farms some crops and checks the mailbox (it's empty) before going back inside.
he put the crops into his cupboards and sat at his tv before proceeding to watch slime's "juanaflippa" song
the duck cut his happy fun times short, playing the first cutscene from purgatory day one. cucurucho kept "no"ing it, and eventually turned it off.
his doorbell rang, and he opened it to see a worker with glasses standing outside (we've seen him before with polispol!)
the worker gave him a note: "census bureau, sorry for interrupting you at your residency. there is a problem at the spawn. it seems there is a toxic matter and we don't know how it originated." as well as three pictures of the black concrete-covered spawn
cucurucho went to a small office in his house and pressed a red button named "panic button." the following message played: "this is an emergency meeting. all workers are required to assist until the situation is resolved. the infection is spreading. there is no identifiable source of it yet." he then said "i don't know why."
he started a report: "226+8 a.r. REPORT: Bad news [has] arrived. A meeting needs to be arranged. It has been raining for days."
another cutscene: "urgent! quesadilla island cleanup attempts have failed. the substance is spreading at an alarming rate and has reached federation offices. and emergency meeting must be held."
dialog cutscene: CUCURUCHO: "WA02, report for an urgent meeting at the office. CUCURUCHO: "..." CUCURUCHO: "WB012, report for an urgent meeting at the office. Sanitary masks are mandatory." WB012: "Understood, sir!"
there's black concrete all over the entire main federation offices. it's everywhere. there are workers inside trying to clean it up. cucurucho checks all the offices before taking some of the workers through a warp plate to the auditorium where the A0 event was (where there is also concrete, but not as much).
"this is an emergency meeting. all workers are required to assist until the situation is resolved. the infection is spreading. there is no identifiable source of it yet." (repeated message from earlier)
one worker's report: “As you know the residents have been sent off to egg island. We have reason to believe a third party has intervened and we cannot contact anyone anymore. It’s not safe for the residents. We need to get them back.”
another report: “Our friend and co-worker WA02 is missing [for] weeks now. We still don’t know what happened to them.”
another report: “We still haven’t figured out who murdered all of our colleagues and our lead detective is not here.” (this worker—agent 18—was very upset.)
another report: “the northeast office and the team reported a paper about a stray signal sent by one of their captive subjects, a binary entity, we are in need of signal blocking equipment as soon as possible.” (the second page involved this worker's evil plot to get everyone to drink apple juice.)
cutscene: “The quantity of issues is unacceptable. All workers will be tasked with handling the infection unless told otherwise. Follow me.”
the workers and cucurucho returned to the train station, which did look a little bit better than yesterday. he sent one of the workers off in a boat from near foolish's dragon, saying "follow protocol. return the residents to quesadilla island." (o7 worker)
he ordered one of the workers to work on the train station before heading to the president's office and leaving a message for forever: "MR PRESIDENT, PLEASE MESSAGE ME ONCE YOU['VE] RETURNED. IT IS URGENT. :)"
he then added to his report: "It is everywhere. There are many more issues that have been reported. We need to check on: the code entity we kidnapped, what happened to WA02, someone has been sent to egg island, apparently the coffee machine broke as well…"
the adoption center has been practically destroyed—blocks are missing like explosive damage and there's concrete everywhere. there's concrete all over the wall. he ordered one of the workers to work on the adoption center.
cucurucho went back to the main offices and wrote a new book: "PLEASE CHECK ON THE STATU[E]S OF THE SUBSTANCE AND REPORT BACK TO ME ASAP TOMORROW!" he then ordered a worker to clean up the offices. (he may have given this book to this worker; i missed that part.)
he then added to his report: "All workers have been assigned to their area. we can only hope that the rain will stop and the work will be done before the residents return"
he then returned to his house and went down a secret elevator into a room lined with rows of barrels. he named his report "226+8 a.r." and put it in it's proper place by date before returning to his office and pressing the panic button again: “The shadow virus has spread to a dangerous level. Under our advisors recommendation, the federation will retrieve the stranded islanders, thus suspending protocol AB.”
"I hope you enjoy the island." the stream ended with no fanfare.
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noobsomeexagerjunk · 11 months
Theorizing rambles!
Spoilers for the QSMP Emergency stream below, feel free to add and discuss especially if I missed something
Okay we need to talk about Codeflippa—described as a flawed code by the Resistance, who was there to guide BBH (neutral dreaded by major parties, of which I'll get into in another post), Max (infected by code after a Federation operation), and Pierre (experimented on by the Federation and is apparently a physical robot i guess???) to activate Protocol AB. Based on today's video, we can assume the Protocol is to send the islanders away to Egg Island, described as a protocol that'll make the islanders have fun games and challenges. She then sent Mariana into the void that led him to the Purgatory server
Then there's that shit with ElQ and Fred. Fred was the worker that led Tubbo (emerged from the ice, neutrally aligned afaik), Slime (code infected from being with Fl1ppa), and Roier (given relatively special treatment by the Federation) to the first instance of the Roulette Wheel surrounded by all the Eggs' accessories. q!Quackity then as we know kidnaps Fred. Man is still missing, and there's that ticket exchange with ElQ, leading to getting shot by Oscurucho yesterday. Based on Tubbo's interactions with Fred, I think the worker having ties to the third party is plausible—not sure what kind of ties, but I'm assuming he's disposable in the POV of the third party, or he would have been found already
Oscurucho knows of the Eye Observer, who stalked Toob, Charlie, and Roier when they went into the Maze. When Forever, island President, was sent into the Nether, he got toyed with by Oscurucho for a long period of time until he was asked to sow discord for the Purgatory event.
If we're assuming the Eye + Oscurucho (assuming the two ARE connected), I think they're the third party supposedly the Eggs ran away from. I think ElQ is the Federation infiltrator (had been hinting at this since the Election and suddenly his desperate attempts to be President make sense now—he was appealing to Federation standard not knowing it would ruin his reputation with the islanders; he needed to be President so he could facilitate the will of the Observer significantly with much less harm) and Fl1ppa is the Resistance infiltrator. ElQ has been playing the long game, and as we know Fl1ppa can do her own thing as far as Resistance members are concerned. This third party is either a branch of the grander Federation engaging in department infighting, a different resistance group, or something else entirely. I don't think we have enough info yet on its motives. All we can be sure about is that this third party inflitrated the protocol to skew it into Purgatory.
The roulette wheels and dice I feel have to be part of the original Federation Protocol. Otherwise, Bagi and Carre, whose entrances were marked by the roulette wheels, would have relevance rn, especially that Bagi's known lore mentions no third party + Carre hasn't logged in for a bit. These give the islanders the tickets that would have taken them to Egg Island. The special tickets may have relevance to the original Egg island but who knows tbh. The infiltration had to be very deep, very high up, or we and the islanders wouldn't be shown dialogues regarding access to official Federation records. We know the third party has also been making effort to reveal information the Feds worked hard to hide too. It appealed to the Islanders' general dislike of the Feds, clearly, or it would have been withholding information from the Islanders too and clearly making their already begrudging cooperation significantly more difficult. Strange to do that, for an entity who claims to hate the Islanders. WHAT ARE YOU UP TO? uewlwhfvroep
Like I said, feel free to add and discuss especially if I missed something
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eyeofthechasm · 6 months
Hi hello I know we've literally just met this very moment but please tell me everything there is to know about your isat OC, I crave knowledge.
HWIWHSIWHEKWNS HI OK !!! This’ll be extremely scattered tho so be warned
Also sorry this took so long 😭😭 i was havin a day yesterday lmao
(Full game spoilers under cut)
So!!! Lorenzo Silvana Halloran ! He/him pronouns, Scissors/Rock dual type with the title of The Performer. He’s 22, half portian and half islander. (Mom was Portian, dad was an islander)
Starting w backstory stuff: When the Country disappeared, he was only 12. He washed up on some random beach with only some tattered clothes, a notebook and a small ring. He stayed with his mom for a little while though left to venture on his own at 14 bc she actually sucks and is terrible.
Living in Portia, he’d grown fond of live performances of all kinds. Music, plays, comedy shows, etc. He ended up doing a few of his own and building somewhat of a name for himself. It became a fine source of money for him.
Isabeau and Mirabelle heard about him a little after Isabeau joined. He’d tagged along for navigation to find the second orb and greatly impressed the two with his skills and he joined ! (After getting proper clothes bc the only fitting ones he had were. Performance clothes and coverups plus one other set of clothes)
Ok !! Now onto everything else
Nicknames, others to him-
Mirabelle -> Renzo
Isabeau -> Renz, Enzy
Odile -> Lorenzo
Siffrin -> Zo, Renzo, Enzy
Bonnie -> Zo/Zozo, Loren (he absolutely hates this. Bonnie thinks it’s hysterical)
He heavily prefers Renzo over Lorenzo, as his full name always feels too formal to him.
Nicknames, him to others-
Mirabelle -> Mira, Belle
Isabeau -> Beau, Ibabeau (hot stuff)
Odile -> D, Odile (shes intimidating leave him alone)
Siffrin -> Siffs, Rinrin, (pretty)
Bonnie -> Bons, Bonbon, Kid/Kiddo
He’s incredibly kind, though a little obnoxious and incredibly closed off. He doesn’t really know how to be super genuine without being incredibly uncomfortable. Also doesn’t ever show fear ever at all. Never he’d rather die.
He hates any blood in large amounts not his own. Hates it. Not a phobia, but it makes him freeze up completely. He didn’t do that good when Siffrin lost his eye. That was the very first time they all saw Renzo actually scared ! Like visibly shaken ! He never did it again tho
He loves puns. Him and siffrin are an absolute fucking nightmare together
His hair is naturally darkless, but he dyes it a vast number of shades. It’s fun and covers up his grays (yes he has grays at 22. Genetics <\3)
He’s the tallest party member ! 6’1 without heels
He used Craft to alter his teeth, which are pointy as hell now, and his vocal chords, so he can hit ridiculous notes he really shouldn’t be able to hit.
His accent is a fucking mess. Similar to Siffrin’s, but mixed with both Vaugardian and Portian.
He really wants to craft more ridiculous stuff onto his body (like pointy ears n shit) but doesn’t. Remember how to do body craft. So he needs to re-learn (from isabeau hehehe)
He loves chocolate, but would only try super weird flavors if Siffrin was doing it with him
Chatty drunk. Absolutely will never shut the fuck up
Has called Odile “mom” on more than one occasion.
He sleeps on the floor bc he can’t fit on the clocktower beds 😞😞 leg too big
Haven’t exactly decided on weapons yet but his weapon will either be an old modified guitar that literally couldn’t play anymore OR these
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Thats all for now, but i’m absolutely adding more as i figure out more abt him. Official Renzo info post
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harvester-0f-s0rr0w · 4 months
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A Tired Nights Breeze
This is my first post on here so I hope you guys like it :)
James Fluff (I was imagining RTL or MOP James while writing this)
Word Count: 1852
A Tired Nights Breeze
“You can clock out now.” I hear my boss yell from the back of the kitchen of the diner I worked at. “Okay, thank you. Have a good rest of the night.” I say trying to sound sincere when in reality my shift was horrible.
I headed out the back door to the employee parking lot and got in my car. I took a deep breath and then turned the key in the ignition. I glanced at the clock and it was 10 o’clock.
 I was supposed to get out at 9:00 but my boss decided that I had to keep serving the two drunk dudes in the corner booth that kept ordering toast and pickles. For what reason I have no idea, but I do know that they didn’t leave me a tip and I had to clean up the mess they left in the bathroom right before they ran out of the diner as fast as they possibly could. While still being heavily intoxicated too. 
I couldn’t stop thinking about how much James was probably worried about me because I didn’t call to tell him I would be late, but he also knows my boss is a dick so I’m sure he just assumed he was having me do some meaningless task for an extra hour. I turned up the radio as I got to an intersection. 
Late-night radio is always the best because they actually play good music, and they’re allowed to play metal past 9:30, thank god. (80’s satanic panic reference) Die, Die, Die My Darling by The Misfits is playing which makes me think of James even more because I always hear him humming it or him just actually singing it around my apartment. 
God I miss him. It feels like forever since the last time I saw him even though it was just yesterday that we hung out at his apartment with the other guys. 
James always tells me that he likes coming to my place more though because there’s more privacy. But I think part of the reason is that the guys pick on him for having a girlfriend, and I may or may not join in on the fun.
I finally pull into my driveway after the 10-minute drive that feels more like an hour when you just want to get home and be done with humanity. 
I open the front door and flip on the lights, which I find weird since James is supposed to be here, at least that’s what he said. I look around and see my apartment just as I left it. I tiredly say, “Honey, I’m home.” I tried to sound more upbeat and less tired than I was but failed pretty miserably. 
Then I heard someone open the sliding glass door that connected to the backyard and patio. “Finally you’re home!” I heard James say happily as he ran up to me wrapping his arms around me. In return, I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my head into the crook of his neck. “I missed you-” I get cut off by the feeling of James' lips softly caressing my own. 
We stood in the living room just embracing each other for probably a full three minutes before either of us said anything more. “How was work?” James asked as he released his tight but gentle grip on me to rest his hands on my waist and gaze into my eyes.
 I sigh, “Pretty shitty. Also, my boss is an asshole.” He fully lets go of me now and starts to walk to the island table in the middle of the kitchen. “Well I already knew he was an asshole, but what did he have you do now that kept you for an extra hour?” “An hour you could have been spending with me.” He says and then smiles at me.
“He made me clean the bathroom after two drunk dudes basically just released every single bodily fluid they had in them onto the floor. Oh and before that he made me serve them for an hour after I was supposed to be done, plus they didn’t even pay or leave a tip.” 
His face told me that he was pissed off at my boss and that he felt really bad that I had to deal with that. “I’m so sorry you had to deal with that honey.” He says sincerely as I sit down on one of the stools next to the counter of the table. 
“You don’t need to be sorry, my boss is the one that should,” I said, pissed off. “I hate that I have to keep going back to that shithole but it’s paying the bills so I guess it’s worth it.” 
I put my head in my hands and just closed my eyes to try and feel some sort of relief from the amount of stress I was feeling. I felt James’ hand move across my shoulders and then his arms wrapped gently around my torso. 
“How about you shower real quick, I’ll get your pajamas out, and then I have to show you something. Okay?” I look back at him resting his chin on my shoulder, he’s looking at me with those big, blue-as-the-sky, puppy dog eyes. I have no idea what he’s planning, but he has so much love in his eyes and reassurance in his voice that I know it will be just what I need to feel better after this shitty day.
 I just nod, he takes my hand in his, and I follow him into my bedroom. He stops at my closet to find some pajamas for me, I look back at him and he smiles softly at me as I go into the attached bathroom. I found that he had already gotten a towel and washcloth out for me before I even got there. 
I feel tears brim my eyes. I know it’s such a simple gesture but it means so much that he cares. Every little detail is so much more important when you’re exhausted and you’ve had a shitty day. I stripped off my grimy work uniform and got into the steaming shower. I hummed a song I couldn’t remember the name of as I washed my hair. 
I could hear James open and close my drawers as he looked for clothes that could pass as pajamas. I finish washing my body and turn off the shower. The room was filled with steam and the mirror was completely fogged over, God I love boiling hot showers. I wrapped my towel around my torso and tucked it in the corner so it stayed up by itself. I quickly washed my face in the sink as I remembered that James was waiting for me and I wasn’t just home alone again after a long day at work.
 A break from an old routine is always good for the mind, I thought. I stepped out of the bathroom and the cool air of the house made me shiver slightly. I saw that James left me one of his old band shirts on my bed, a Scorpions one, and a pair of pajama bottoms. I quickly put on the clothes and dried my hair with my towel.
 My hair was still damp as I opened the door of my bedroom, which James had shut to give me privacy, to see him sitting on the couch in the living room, flipping through one of my magazines, waiting for me to get out of the shower. 
“Are you ready to show me whatever you had to show me?” I say, curious to see what James has planned. He jumps up from the couch and grabs my hand. “Follow me,” he says excitedly and grabs my hand once again to lead me somewhere. He opens the sliding glass door and we walk out onto the porch. The first thing I see is the sectional that normally sits on the deck rearranged to make a giant cushion bed, covered in blankets and pillows that were illuminated by lights strung up overhead. 
“So what do you think?” James says looking back at me. My eyes start to well with tears once again. “Is something wrong?” James’ expression immediately switches from joy to worry in a matter of moments. I wrap my arms around James’ waist. “Oh y/n… you don’t have to cry, I can put all the stuff back easily, you don’t even need to lift a finger I’ve got it.” James says as he’s about to move to start putting everything back. 
“No no no James,” I say quietly trying to hold my tears back but a few escape the lids of my eyes. I pull him in closer to me and tilt his chin down to look me in the eyes. “James I love it…” I buried my head into his chest. He held my head into his chest. “Y/n you’re too sweet, now how about you go get comfy I’m gonna grab us some snacks, and then we can enjoy this beautiful night together.” 
He let go of me and I already missed his touch. I crawled onto the makeshift couch bed and covered up with the blankets. My eyes already felt heavy like I could fall asleep any moment. 
James walked back out with a bowl of fruit and some napkins. I noticed the radio sitting on the end table, I turned it on and found the oldies station that always played 50’s and 60’s love songs at this time of night, it felt like the perfect music for the moment. James crawled into the cushion bed and joined me under the covers. 
I quickly moved closer to him and snuggled up against him. He left the bowl of fruit at the bottom of the bed. “I assume you’re too tired to eat right now.” He gazed down at my half-shut, half-open eyes, I just nodded and somehow snuggled even closer to him. He moved down so that I could rest my head on his chest. He reached up and turned the string lights off above our heads. 
“It’s such a beautiful night,” James said, running his finger through my hair and rubbing my back gently. I could only muster out a quiet “mmhmm” because I was on the brink of falling asleep. I looked up at James and saw the night sky’s reflection through his eyes. I’m sure he could feel me looking at him because his eyes immediately darted down to me looking at him.
 “Good night, sweet dreams My Love,” he said softly and full of love kissing my forehead. “Thank you so much James, I really wouldn’t be able to make it through everything without you. I love you.” I pulled the covers up to my chin and kissed his cheek. “I love you too y/n.” 
I could hear the night breeze rustle the leaves in the trees and James' heartbeat beneath me. The warmth of his body and the rhythm of his breathing lulled me to sleep.
I had so much fun writing this so I hope you enjoyed it! (I also fixed my formatting so it would all fir in one post
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
I was in good fun, called Suresh's public defender yesterday and I feel like I need to uphold my title...so here we go
In the case of Suresh vs The People @litglola presented us with evidence as to why Suresh isn't getting a redemption arc, and rather why FB never intended to give him one. I'll proceed with my evidence as to why not only is he getting one, but he definitely deserves one. Not going to go line by line on her theory, more so just showcasing why i feel like we are getting a redemption arc. 
Please no hate to Lola💖 she scared the shit out of me with her theory so I had to write this to calm my own nerves 😭
Exhibit A: FORESHADOWING…There are multiple instances this season where people ask MC if she wants to take Suresh back, Suresh asks MC to take her back, and people just give their overall opinion on the matter. And there’s one thing that is said over and over again. IT’S GOING TO TAKE TIME. FB tells you from the beginning that if you want Suresh, settle in because it’s going to be a while. Even if you choose the options where you actively want Suresh back, MC still tells Suresh “he needs to pull out all the stops.” She tells Dana “He’s got a long way to go to win me back.” Alfie says “Yeah, might take a while to work out where your heads at.” Suresh says "It's how it ends, not how it starts. And it feels like we're just getting started again now." And then later, “I’ll give you all the space you need. I'm ready to play the long game.” On the date Finn takes MC on he tells her she shouldn’t look backwards and you have an opportunity to tell you still have feelings for Suresh and he says ``is that enough to heal all the wounds though?” And MC responds “MAYBE IT JUST TAKES TIME”.  TIME. TIME. TIME. They told us from the very start, we’re getting a redemption but it’s going to take time. Why give us all these hints leading us in the path of a long-waited redemption,if they weren’t giving us a redemption arc? And think about it his redemption isn’t going to come overnight, they’ve already told us multiple times throughout the season it’s going to take time. 
Exhibit B: SURESH HAS NO IDEA WHERE MC’s HEADS AT…This isn’t just true after Casa Amor but throughout the entire season. When they first walk into the villa, he pretends to not be threatened by the other boys but then in the same breath says to MC “Surprised to see you taking a break from riling me up.” And here’s the thing you could’ve kept it SUPER PG with the boys, even pieing them off but Suresh always gives you the same reaction. He always believes that MC is flirting with the other guys and trying to move on from him. But he’s not even the only one, Finn also tells MC that the boys in the villa are crazy about her and Eddie pulls her to tell her that Alfie is crazy about her as well. Suresh has to know all of this. And with MC hanging out with them, laughing at their jokes, going on dates with them, etc. This has to make him MASSIVELY insecure about where he stands with her. It’s why he pulls Alfie for a chat about MC and tells him the only reason why she’s flirting with him is to make him jealous. It’s why he confronts her about it and tells her that she’s just playing games to put him off. Boldly claiming “I’m going to win you back. I know I said I need to convince you, and I will.” But it doesn’t end there, GUYS MC ASKS HIM FOR SPACE atm…the game forces MC to pull back from Suresh when he’s feeling vulnerable about his position with her. Which again is a CONSTANT this season…we will get back to this again.  
Exhibit C: SURESH’S BEHAVIOR GOES FROM WORSE TO WORSER…I think we learn a lot about MC + Suresh’s dynamics, when they speak to one another and when we hear MC speaking about him to the other islanders. Suresh claims MC plays games and MC claims the same about him. “Suresh has a habit of making things complicated but I don’t think he would sabotage me on purpose.” Honestly, I think FB wants us to see that they’re both toxic and messy. Because let’s remember FB wants you to flirt with Alfie, they want you to be coupled with him and for it to appear to Suresh that you’re moving on. Which is why we see his immature and shitty behavior after he couples up with Arlo. It’s why when you walk in after the skinny dipping rumor, Suresh is going absolutely nuts looking for his shoe. The man is salty, he’s jealous, he knows he’s fucked up but he plays MC’s game right back to her. My MC played FB’s game and she flirts with Alfie and kisses him on the date, Suresh is fuming and does the same. He becomes reckless flirting with MC on his date with Arlo because he’s desperate, he’s finally seeing that he might possibly lose her and he is spiraling and can’t handle it. I never said his actions were good, we know he’s the literal anti-hero, but that’s precisely why he needs to be redeemed. 
Exhibit D: THE PRE CASA AMOR SPEECH…After weeks of having absolutely no idea where MC’s head was at, seeing her sleep next to another boy, kiss other boys, Suresh FINALLY laid his cards on the table. He’s VULNERABLE like we’ve never seen him before. He tells her he wants to be with her, he gives her an ultimatum to tell him that night which we obviously know never happens. But I think this speech is the catalyst for all of his shitty post casa amor behavior. AND THIS SPEECH IN IT OF ITSELF we see how much he still loves MC here. He was the ONLY one to go up and check on her. He deserves redemption off of this speech alone 
Exhibit E: POST CASA AMOR SHITTY BEHAVIOR…These past two weeks i’ve been so confused. How could FB give us such a massive break in character? This is quite literally not the Suresh I know but an evil twin. And then NOPE…add up all the evidence you see above and that is precisely why we see his post-CA behavior. Every volume before this the man is extremely expressive, Suresh looks at you, smiles at you, frowns at you, etc. After Casa? NOTHING. He avoids your eye. He doesn’t speak to you. Why? Because he’s been vulnerable, he’s put it all out on the line for MC, ALL SEASON and when he finally went super hard for her and really made a go for it she still didn’t reciprocate his feelings. He’s in his head. He’s lived in his head all season long, it’s not surprising that he’s still in there. During SMP, In my eyes this was Suresh’s moment to redeem himself to finally speak to MC in front of everyone and confess his feelings for her, in front of the entire villa. And then he kissed Gabi. Stab in the heart. And then he married Meera. I GASPED. I was so CONFUSED. I tried to make sense of it, especially Gabi and then I realized that Alfie did the exact same thing. Alfie kissed Kat, if you’re on his route that’s the equivalent of him cheating on you bc he did. So are they killing TWO LIs at one go to introduce Finn as the one and only LI?? No. There has to be another explanation. And then it became more obvious. It just doesn’t mean anything to him. I know that’s shitty but he doesn’t care about Gabi and he probably didn't think MC would care either since in his head, she doesn’t care about him. If MC kisses him, he says it was amazing. When Gabi proposes to him, he looks at MC. When MC proposes to him he thanks her for the second chance and says it means alot to him. I still think because we’re in the middle of this scene it’s still too open ended to finish commenting on the rest but his shitty behavior still deserves an explanation and redemption.  
Exhibit F: THE BOAT!!!!!!! We know from the leaked assets one of the final dates is on a boat.  The second I played Guilty Secrets and when they got to the question about someone having sex on the boat, Suresh gives MC a cheeky grin. BUT SHE’S NOT THE ANSWER, ITS KAT. And I always thought HUH?, that’s so strange why did he look at us? But I kept playing until weeks later when it’s mentioned AGAIN. And this time IT’S A BIG MOMENT FOR THEM. Suresh remembers their Monte Carlo trip and how they almost had sex on a boat one time. This is when they can FINALLY kiss again. The fact that the boat memory was weaved in not once, but twice AND it’s a final date asset it’s basically SCREAMING to be a Suresh date. We need the redemption JUST for bits on the yacht, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?! 
Exhibit G: IF NOT SURESH THEN WHO? I mean let’s be honest if we really dead Suresh as an LI are MC’s only choices really going to be Finn, Lulu and Gabi??? FINN?? The guy who hasn't looked MC's way since week one that's who we're going to close the show out with?? And then Alfie... we haven’t seen him lift a finger in a way of coming back to us either and even if he does, and only 2 male LIs??? I know this season lacked cast, period but that’s unheard of. For the sake of replayability this would give us little to no options.
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kafus · 5 months
i got to mallow’s trial and i’m taking a quick break before i do it to get some food and stuff… some updates:
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this random colress appearance was actually cool for me this time around!!! bw2 is the single pokemon game that i skipped when i was younger and when sun and moon came out i still hadn’t played it, but i’ve played it since so i properly recognize the guy. Very Cool
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this small encounter w gladion is funny as hell but also the contrast between his and his sister’s situation is a little sad 😭 lillie is helping the professor as an assistant and has a nice loft in his lab, meanwhile gladion is fucking around in team skull and is paying to stay in a random motel for at least 2 years in a row. hau is right about this guy needing some fun in his life
also i’m so mad at myself because yesterday i accidentally forgot to do island scan on melemele so now i have to go back to that next sunday AND i accidentally made the wimpod encounter on route 8 flee from me bc my brain died and i forgot that if i hit it w false swipe it would flee the battle and now i gotta wait 24 hrs for it to respawn unless i get to one of the other wimpod encounters first which is doubtful i’m gonna be busy soon 💀 have someone coming over
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bloobearr · 2 years
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ooting with the forgers! [1/5]
“Yor Forger at the Island of Mainau” / “Briar Rose”
• entry:
June 23, xxxx
It was a wonderful day to take the forgers out for a week long holiday. Handler approved of my request and i— no, i shouldn’t be talking about work.
For the first day, i took the liberty to take them on a short car ride, about 3-5 minutes if there are no traffics of the sort.
Anya seemed a bit bored, of course that’s a given—since young girls like Anya prefer a bit of a thrill or something she can play with. Though Yor was incredibly helpful—as always—she took Anya’s hand and showed her the different kinds of flowers the island has to offer, and told her the wonderful meanings behind them.
Yor looked—too—beautiful and ethereal whilst she was doing so, that…by no means am i a religious man. But, jesus. fucking. christ. My wife is so beautiful, caring and sweet that my fingers moved on their own.
—end of entry—
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“Breakfast with the Forgers” [2/5]
• entry:
June 24, xxxx
Yesterday’s trip to the island of mainau was very lovely. Oh! And Loid gave me a beautiful small bouquet of my favorite roses! they smelled wonderful..
We tucked Anya in since she was so exhausted from yesterday’s trip. Loid told me we could let loose for once and since there’s wine, we shared one glass—and one glass only!—i wouldn’t want to get drunk on our first outing together like this! i wish to cherish them, even the smallest of things, whether they’re mundane or not.
I woke up next to Loid, hehe. He’s so warm, i could still feel his warmth. Though, he won’t let me go until i told him that it was time for breakfast. Loid could really be adorable sometimes…
Breakfast was amazing, and it is even more delicious now that i have a family that i love sharing it with me <3
—end of entry—
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“Beach Day” [3/5]
• entry:
June 25, xxxx
So far, my stomach is safe, despite the chef from yesterday’s breakfast told us he had “accidentally” switched our jam with a bowl of raw egg mixture and at dinner, where the waiter “accidentally” gave us an uncooked fish—and no, it wasn’t sashimi, which i would’ve turned down just in case—this was undoubtedly an enemy of the forgers, no mistaking it. If it were the enemy of the thorn princess or twilight, they would’ve at least used poison or the sort. A rival from eden academy, perhaps? Were they stalking us?
Nevermind, i wrote and promised my family—and myself— that i wouldn’t talk about work during our time here.
There were lots of people—men, women and everyone in between—casting their—filthy—eyes at Yor. Thankfully none of them had the guts or balls to even approach her or engage in a conversation.
Yor seemed to notice my discomfort and took my hands and rubbed them gently between hers, comforting me with her gentle touch and whispering sweet words to ease my worry.
She’s everything to me. I’m very lucky to have her as my love and my wife.
—end of entry—
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“Anya and Bond’s ooting!” [4/5]
• entry:
June 26, xxxx
Anya is very happy today! Why?? Because Anya gets to play with Bond with the other kids here! They have a doggy park! Anya hears Becky does this die-uh-rih and brings this book with her—Anya only has a piece of paper but it’s ok!
Mama and Papa are shacking up right now or kissing so Anya needs to make this top-secret-do not touch or read- letter quick!
Anya has showed off my pre-tih ootfit that mama got me (Anya hears she got it after a bam! bam! assasin miss-yen last week! Very exciting!! That means Anya is wearing her very assasin-ny ootfit!)
Fhank You Mama and Papa,
Anya loves you! (Anya bets that Anya loves you more than you do, heh.)
—end of entry—
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“Forger Family Picture” [5/5]
• entry:
June 27, xxxx
The last day felt incredibly short compared to the previous days of our short holiday. Though, even short, i’m glad Anya, Yor and Bond had fun. They deserve the break, and i do believe that i, Loid Forger needs this outing as much as they did.
Here’s hoping to more outings like this. Hopefully, with a new member of our family joining our eventful outing.
Thank you for giving me this wonderful family.
Sincerely, Loid Forger.
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highladyjane · 10 months
1) Are you named after anyone?
2) When was the last time you cried?
3) Do you have kids?
4) What sports do you play/have you played?
5) Do you use sarcasm?
6) What's the first thing you notice about people?
7) What's your eye colour?
8) Scary movies or happy endings?
9) Any talents?
10) Where were you born?
11) What are your hobbies?
12) Do you have any pets?
13) How tall are you?
14) Favorite subject in school?
15) Dream job?
Tag someone!
Ooohh fun fun!
1) My parents decided to name me after my dad's 8 best mates who ALL had names that started with J & A & N & E lol
2) Yesterday, after finally daring to reread and actually finish The Assassin's Blade (my first book into the Maasverse) because my baby SAM CORTLAND DESERVED BETTER. I was so devastated after reading it the first time, that I couldn't read ANYTHING (not even the rest of TOG) for MORE THAN A YEAR after it (until ACOTAR 🤣). So yeah, I cried when I finished it yesterday. I'm a hopeless romantic who gets invested too quickly, so I learned my lesson there - both in books and in real life 😆
3) Nope. But planning on having ones in the next five years so I can name them Azriel, Cassian and/or Feyre lol
4) Footie ⚽️the longest, but I've also done 🏇🤺🏐🏑🏸🏉🏈 not because I was particularly athletic, but because my parents wanted me to have a hobby besides reading, baking, and sitting in my room daydreaming - so I got to try everything for a couple of years each. 🏇 and 🤺were my faves but they were too expensive.
5) If I know the other person enough to know they will get it... 'cause not a lot of people do 🙄
6) Their energy and their hair
7) The colour of something bittersweet and something smelly
8) HEA! I save all the scary movies for October 🤣
9) Being ME is a talent 🤪 I'd say I used to be talented in singing but after I got hit by depression in my teens, I stopped singing for years and now I just don't have it anymore. But my friends recently said I'm talented in baking and cooking, as well as pretending I'm the most extroverted person in the room when I'm actually the most introverted to the point of being a total recluse or dead for months until somebody checks up on me lol
10) In a hospital in the capital city of a country made up of islands in the most populous continent of planet Earth.
11) Making up fake scenarios in my head... And sometimes acting up someone else's head-made fake scenarios on stage 🎭
12) I have two - cutie Q below, and then one that people like to call my now 'Husband'
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13) Not tall enough to reach the upper-most shelf anywhere without a stepping stool or a ladder or a brother or a husband or a taller stranger to get what I need.
14) English, Arts, Languages, and Social Sciences.
15) Actress! Or anything that would allow me to travel a lot... Or if I'd had the brains for it - a CEO of a business/organisation that helps contribute to something good to the world rather than destroy it.
No pressure tags for my mutuals: @realitycheckeveryday @this-is-madnesss @kita98 @acourtofchaosandmess
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