#this is why she stays queen
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ariadne-mouse · 2 months
mortal woman: i shall attain godhood! i shall become the goddess of death, more powerful than any mortal could be!
mortal woman: *becomes the matron of ravens, goddess of death*
[giant alien shows up that specifically likes to eat gods]
matron of ravens: ah shit
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hipsternumbertwo · 2 months
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Nightmare Time Future Episode: Hailey and the World Worm
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
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so like queen Was Going To be a calculator. i have to wonder how far into development this was changed, since her design is still clearly reminiscent of it but there are certain things in-game that do rely on her being a computer (like her concern for/fixation on noelle and her searches)
but since it was changed to her being the laptop, why didn’t they make it resemble her? like why not make it a blue laptop
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fish-shaped-mango · 9 months
Look at the little monarchs
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rosykims · 7 months
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they make me so fucking insane. absolutely bananas mode
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Baby Ahsoka and that clone she held the hand off :ˋ)
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They are still on that misty planet and he is letting her practice her force healing :D they’re friends now btw and while most of his injuries healed his arm sometimes gives him trouble and Ahsoka tries to help :)
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meowmix1100blr · 10 months
qiao wanmian deserves so much better than Xiao zijin mygodddd
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dullahandyke · 4 days
And that's another thing. I reckon I've done a pretty decent job of excising the culturally Christian values from my mind (obvi not fully but getting there) but if theres one thing I do hold out hope in, it's a very obviously Christian angel swooping down from heaven to be my caretaker and hold my hand. I miss her where is she. Cant look at historical art of angels bcos I'm reminded of her and I get sad
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deadbeatdadjokes · 2 years
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queenkaard stans run in here and come get y’all crumbs
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vaugarde · 7 months
i need to make frost more of a freak right now
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virgopropaganda · 6 months
Stop putting Brittany broski on things, thank u so much
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mazojo · 1 year
What's yuri's personality then? Being gay?
About Minho, being mean and making mean two liners towards Kitty every in between?
ma'am this is a McDonalds drive thru
#ASDFGHFD I make like 2 posts about a random show I watched at 2 am and I get haters damn 😎#I normally delete the hate asks but this was too funny not to respond to#The fact they think Yuri's personality equates her sexuality when queen went through a whole arc of facing her parents#while struggling to be happy when she couldn't love and show who she truly was because of all the constructs placed on her#all while finding out she has a brother she didn't even know about while having her first real friends in Dae and Kitty#I think we didn't watch the same show like dont get me wrong its not my favorite show or anything close but if your takeway from Yuri's#personality is that she likes girls and that's it then your honor I have something to tell you#and about Minho his personality wasn't also only one liners lol he was just naturally kinda funny and that's part of his personality but hi#plot line also revolves around learning how to be more authentic and the way he seeks validation from others sometimes#bc of the absence of his parents who he loves regardless and humor is coping anyways Chile I could write an essay but I am too tired for th#stay pressed anon!! Yuri and Minho Stans stay winning xoxo#i dont even want to fight anyone it just irked me the way this person phrased the ask and if you meant no harm then I didn't either but#saying that Yuri's personality is only being gay and Minho being mean is kind of a weird champ take sorry#anyways probably last thing ill say about this show this is why I stay in my anime corner life shows bring these kind of asks#xo kitty#anon#ask
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djappleblush · 2 years
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khalesci · 8 months
things that dany would change immediately after taking the throne:
adopting linear primogeniture inheritance laws like in dorne
more extensive laws regarding consent in regard to marriage and adding an age requirement to marry
more protections for bastards and requirements for fathers of bastards to monetarily provide for their children and their mothers on a regulated basis
no more taxes on the poor, tax the rich instead bc it's very clear that a lot of these fucks are just hoarding wealth like jfc no wonder the kingdom went broke if they were pulling all their money from the people who have none to begin with meanwhile joffrey's wedding had like 77 courses for dinner
portions of food, clothes, etc. from imports and exports will be set aside and regularly distributed to those most in need, especially during the winter
schools!! teach these kids to read and write ffs maybe then the populace can help take better care of itself
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
How about Thenamesh Oce Queen/ Tyrant King AU a little backstory about Thena teaching Gil how to throw knives? :D would be interesting
Thena tried not to groan as she pushed aside yet another paper. There was so much to sort through after being gone for so long. It wasn't her fault she'd been poisoned!--and even now that she was back, it would be a stretch to say she was completely recovered.
Kingo and Karun had done a valiant job of running the business in her absence, but even now, there was enough to check over that she was considering never leaving her office ever again.
Gil tossed another knife at her 'dart board' (really, it was a corkboard with other business connections on it).
Thena didn't even look up, "you're flicking your wrist too much."
Gil sat up from where he'd been slouching so low he was practically lying down on her couch. "What's that, Sweetness?"
"Your wrist, you're moving it to much," she muttered, scribbling on paper after paper. "Think of it more as a frisbee."
"A what?"
Thena sighed. Maybe this was the end of what she was going to be able to get done today for work. She set her pen down and looked up at him finally. "When you flick with your wrist, you change the knife's trajectory. They're weighted at the handle, almost like an arrow. If you throw with your arm and let go at the right time, it will fly straighter."
Gilgamesh looked down at the knives left in his hand and gave it another shot. What she said was true! He was still off, but it hadn't flown completely off course this time. "I did it!"
Thena bit back a smile. His excitement was maybe a little bit cute, but he didn't need to know that. "I wouldn't say that if your target is sill able to come after you."
Gil faked a long, dramatic sigh and looked at her, "will you help me, Ice?"
"Gil-" she sighed, sagging in her chair. She was exhausted just from signing papers all day.
"Please, Princess?" he tried again. She looked up at the shift in his tone. He looked down at the knife in his hand, "I...what if someone comes after you?"
"Gil," she rolled her eyes, but soon discovered he was being serious.
"Really, Thena," he said more softly, standing to walk over to her. He gripped the knife in his hand. "You're still not fully recovered, and there's only so much I can do to protect you."
"I have people for that," she frowned.
"So do I," he shrugged without hesitation. "It's not enough, sometimes."
He had a point. Thena looked between his sad puppy dog expression and the knife in his hand. No one else had ever been allowed to touch them and she had let him occupy himself with them while he waited for her to be done with work.
"Angle your hips more."
Gil blinked as Thena rose from her chair and walked over to him. He let her guide him back to the corkboard and position him. Her hands ran over him, setting his shoulders, turning his hips as desired.
"Keep your arm steady," she advised quietly, her breath close to his ear. "Think of it as closing the distance between you and your enemy."
He risked a glance at her with a smile, "you have a real poetry when it comes to this stuff, huh?"
"Focus," she drawled, turning his head back to the target again. She raised his arm for him. "Don't think of it as throwing the knife. Think of pushing it forward yourself."
Gil took in a breath, thinking of the day he might have to throw one of these at someone coming at the Ice Queen--his Thena.
Thena watched passively as he made another throw, this one actually landing in one of the photos posted. "Not bad."
Gil looked at her, although she immediately moved him back into position. He chuckled, "must be my hot teacher."
"So insubordinate," she rolled her eyes at him. Once she was satisfied with his stance again, she let go, "again."
"Again, higher."
"Again, faster."
"Y'know, Princess," Gil spun the knife in his hand before his toss, letting his improvements fuel his confidence. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to seduce me."
Thena shook her head at him. He was lucky she loved him. "Well, do you?"
Gil blinked as she leaned up, only to slip the knife out of his hand for herself. "D-Do I-?"
"Know better?" she laughed, tossing hers over her shoulder and directly into the clock on her wall, stopping it before it hit the hour.
"Okay, okay, you win," Gil conceded, quietly pleased with the smile he got for it. That was the last of their throwing knives anyway. "What do you want for your prize?"
"Hm," Thena sighed, her fatigue coming over her again. Maybe it was a little too obvious - or maybe Gilgamesh was a little too good at reading her - because he had her in his arms in an instant. "Anything?"
"Anything," he whispered, kissing her temple and then her cheek.
Thena grinned, stopping him before he could get to her lips. Not that she was opposed to it in any way, but she most certainly didn't have the energy to keep up with him for even the gentlest of sessions. "Tteokbokki?"
Gil just smiled, his lips pressing against her fingers. He leaned down, kissing just beside her lips, "I'll have them delivered."
"That sounds perfect," Thena sighed, leaning against him heavier (and barely noticing as he pulled her into his lap on the couch).
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