#and that likely will not change for a hot minute so if this makes no sense yall know why
ennabear · 2 days
how do you think mean!abby would react to reader being overstimulated? out in public or at home?
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when you’re in public, i think she’d be more alert, more understanding. especially if you’re somewhere loud, hot, crowded, or just uncomfortable in general. she’d be quick to whisk you away from wherever’s overstimulating you, finding a private place, whether it be her car or an empty bathroom.
abby noticed you pouting after giving her short, one syllable answers for the past twenty minutes. obviously, you were in a bad mood. she stops dead in her tracks, causing you to bump into her from behind.
“are you okay?” she asks, although she knows the answer.
“yeah.” you mumble.
“are you lying to me?” she smiles.
“tell me what’s wrong?”
“i’m not mad, i swear.” she says calmly. “i just wanna know what’s wrong so i can help you.”
“what’s wrong is that i’m tired.” you start. “we’ve been here for like 4 hours, it’s a hundred degrees out, i’m sweating so much my shirt is sticking to my body, my feet hurt, i’m hungry, and i wanted to leave 3 hours ago.” you gush.
abby chuckles, she knows she’s right. you scoff at her, apparently she thinks your discomfort is hilarious. she ignores your complaints and instead wraps you up in a hug, rubbing up and down your back. “do you wanna leave?” she asks.
“yes!” you practically shout. “i’ve wanted to leave. for hours.”
swiping away the tears that escape from your eyes, she picks you up in a bridal carry and hauls you all the way back to the car. you can’t help but giggle, suddenly so grateful for your girlfriend’s giant muscles.
soon enough she’s setting you in the car, the hot black leather stinging your skin. she climbs in the drivers seat, starting up the car and flicking the air conditioner to the coolest setting. you sigh, the change of scenery starting to calm your nerves. abby reaches over to grab your hand and places a kiss to each of your fingertips, punctuating the last one with a whispered “i love you.”
as for being at home, i think she’d be a little less put together. her home is her safe space, so why are you so worked up? she’d still take care of you, obviously, but it would take a little longer for her to figure out exactly what’s wrong.
abby hears your muffled sobs coming from the kitchen, so she rises from the couch and practically flies over to you, terrified that you chopped one of your fingers off or something. instead she finds you sitting on the floor, holding your head in your hands. you gaze up at her sudden appearance, your dripping eyes making her figure look blurry.
“what’s wrong?” she asks, panicked. “are you hurt? did you burn yourself?”
“abby.” you groan through your tears.
the panic in her chest rises, she searches around you for any smears of blood or any massive spills in the kitchen, but finds nothing. “answer me.” she demands, prying your head out of your elbows. “what’s wrong?” she asks again.
you swat her away, squirming against her hold on your head. she pulls you close to her, her body temperature making you overheat more than you already are and the position adding to the ache in your back.
“abby. leave me alone.” you cry. doesn’t she know that she’s making it worse? the last thing you want is to have a conversation right now, the pounding headache almost making it impossible for you to speak. “i don’t wanna talk, please.” you moan, sniffling into your sleeves. “just put me back down.”
“tell me what happened first.” she demands, smirking like something’s funny.
you choke on a sob, damn her for being such an asshole. “i have a splitting headache, i’ve been standing up all day and it’s hurting my back, i’m overheating and standing in front of the oven isn’t helping, and i got sugar all over the place and now everything’s sticky.”
oh. well shit, now she feels bad for manhandling you and laughing at your dismay. but she doesn’t say anything back, instead scooping you up and carrying you to bed. “there are still cookies in the oven.” you complain, and she kisses you sweetly. “i’ll get ‘em.” she assures you.
and once she pulls the last tray out of the oven, she wipes down the kitchen and rinses out all of the bowls and measuring cups before grabbing you a glass of water and heading toward the bedroom. the sight of you sleeping soundly with both kittens curled around you makes her knees weak, and she can’t help but plant a few more kisses on your cheeks and whisper “i love you, i’m sorry for being a jerk.”
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alchemistc · 1 day
both your hands in the holes of my sweater
It starts innocently enough. There's a chill in the air, a crisp and cool morning where neither of them have anything in particular to do, and when Evan plates up two decadent looking omelettes and suggests they eat them out on Tommy's patio Tommy can't think of a single reason why they shouldn't. The pergola is actually fully built, now, wisteria just beginning to creep across the lattice, the Adirondack chairs that have been sitting at the fence line for six months have been sprayed down and placed catty corner to the table with a built in fire pit Tommy had spent months staring at before allowing himself the indulgent purchase.
They're outside for five minutes before Tommy notices how tight Evan's arms are to his body as he eats, how the hair on his arms is standing on end.
Tommy gives it five minutes.
Evan is pretending not to shiver by the time Tommy decides Evan is officially more stubborn than he is. He'd come just off work, in a tight tee and jeans, and it's been hot as shit for weeks and he'd stopped bringing an overnight bag basically immediately when Tommy cleared out a drawer for him, so he doesn't have a jacket here.
"Evan," Tommy admonishes, after Evan's teeth clack together. "The omelettes are amazing, please go grab a jacket before you vibrate right off your seat."
He looks like he might protest, but after a careful moment where Tommy stares him down, he nods, stands - gives in and rubs his hands over his forearms as he books it back through the sliding glass door. Tommy spends the time waiting scrolling the same website he'd gotten what Evan has dubbed his "old-man robe" - he gets all the way through to choosing a cornflower blue one for his cart before Evan returns, snug as hell in one of the cardigans Tommy hasn't pulled from the back of his closet in at least a few years.
And there's something to that, actually. Tommy's dated around plenty - still remembers the way his first girlfriend had blushed beet red the first time he hooked her by her elbow to drop his letterman over her shoulders and how he'd wondered if there was something broken in him that seeing his name sprawled across her back didn't do shit for him. Still remembers the first guy who'd wrinkled his nose at Tommy's Carhartt and flannel, always half a step from dragging him into some high end shop for something Tommy absolutely knew they didn't carry with shoulders wide enough to fit him. Remembers the only other guy he'd dated who came close to matching him for size, and how he'd owned a grand total of three jackets that were tailored at the waist in a way that would have made it impossible for Tommy to close them.
So it's a first - Evan's style is changing, muteable, seems to hinge on his mood and his plans and the position of the stars in the night sky, but Tommy's never seen him in a cardigan. Give him some glasses and a collar under that shirt and...
Evan catches him staring and his grin goes wide, tongue pressing against the backs of his teeth in a way that promises at least one of them is getting a blowjob after breakfast.
Tommy winces against the sting as the tequila warms his throat and actually does a double take when Lucy wolf-whistles right in his ear. An hour ago, Tommy had been nursing his one beer and waiting for the text from Evan that he was leaving the firehouse, but a rollover on the 401 had run his shift long and somewhere between Evan's profuse apologies and Donato sidling up to him with a pool cue he'd agreed to shots. Date night was a wash, anyway, and Evan had seemed happy with the idea of meeting Tommy and his coworkers at the bar, and Donato was sneaky about her shots.
Tommy's - warm. Glad he'd ordered them both burgers once he got a text that Evan was on his way. Tommy is absolutely not going to make a fool of himself when he catches sight of Evan and feels the hinge of his jaw go loose.
Evan grins at him and waves at Lucy as he slides into Tommy's space. "Hi," he says, and Tommy knows he's a fucking dork but he's usually a smooth dork. Tommy's fingers drift over the pocket of his fucking flannel, dart over the rolled up shirtsleeves and the bulge of muscle stretching the seams at the shoulders and - "Nice shirts, Buckley," Donato snarks, already sliding a tequila shot past Tommy.
He's wearing one of Tommy's Henley's underneath, too. The fucker.
Evan looks a little bashful as he admits that he'd maybe gone a little too dressy for date night, and Tommy's place was closer.
Tommy knows for a fact Evan has a whole drawer of casual wear at Tommy's, but he doesn't call him on it, because this is doing something for him.
Their waitress is dropping off their burgers at the table in the corner, and Donato has already wandered off, so Tommy snags one of Evan's belt loops to tug him in, to press his lips to the bow of Evan's lip, to inhale Evan's pleased sigh. "If you catch up to me in drinks before we finish those burgers I might be convinced to let Donato mack on you again."
Evan swats his ass as he dances away, but Tommy can hear him adding a beer to Tommy's tab as he makes his way back to the pool tables.
Donato spends a month calling Evan "Tommy Too" around the station and Tommy's too smitten to care when half the crew picks it up.
It makes the next time Evan runs into the 217 on a call a little awkward, but Evan takes it in stride.
"No offense to the whole carpenter mechanic vibe you have going, but it's not even my style," Evan tells him, in the midst of explaining that he can't actually explain why he's constantly pilfering Tommy's shirts, jackets, and on one memorable occasion a pair of grey sweats that hadn't even made it past the bedroom door.
"It's - you can just say blue collar, Evan." The whole conversation had started when Tommy realized he was missing four different flannels and one of his tan jackets to boot. "It's fine, just - maybe stop hoarding them at your place, please? I'm running out of clothes to wear."
"We could go shopping," Evan says, with a gleam in his eye, and Tommy thinks of the party supplies debacle last month.
"No. Never again. You're a goddamn tyrant." He eases the words with a nudge of his shoulder against Evan's, and Evan grins back. He'd been mulish as hell about which balloons to get and what type of tape was allowed, and it had worked Tommy up so much they'd barely gotten through the door before Tommy was crowding him against a side table and reaching for his zipper.
One day they're gonna have an argument about trans fats in the freezer aisle of Ralph's and Tommy's gonna get a nationwide ban for public indecency.
Evan blinks away an expression before Tommy can parse it, but even though this is his first real foray into dating a clothes stealing fiend, he's heard the women in his life talk about the sentiment enough to sort of have an idea what it's all about. He takes a shot in the dark. "You can have one thing at your place at all times. Rotate them out if you want, but for the love of god don't make me go to work naked."
Evan's blink is a little less focused this time, which is absolutely Tommy's bad.
He doesn't really get it, is the thing. Until he does.
He's sulking. Tommy is absolutely sulking and he has no one to blame but himself.
"A whole wide world of fluke accidents and cursed injuries and you sprained your ankle on a basketball court," Eddie says, and they share a quick smirk between themselves at the memory of the last time they'd been to this particular urgent care.
He's got Evan's Jeep, and when Eddie gets him up into the back seat Tommy can feel the edges of his eyes getting heavy. It feels like barely a second has passed before Eddie's popping into the drivers seat
"These are good drugs," Tommy says, and then tosses the bag the pill bottle is in into the passenger seat. "Take them with you."
Eddie glances at him askance in the rearview, and Tommy's pretty sure he mumbles something vaguely coherent about addiction being a fucking genetic gift, but he's distracted by the shot of emerald green tucked into the back of the passenger seat pocket.
It smells like Evan, is the first thing he notices as he yanks it loose, and Eddie is most likely chuckling about Tommy pressing it to his face but there could also be a funny street sign. They'd gone to that brewery up in San Luis Obispo and when they'd left for the day trip it'd been chilly, but by the time they got there it'd been scorching.
Tommy spends a good ten minutes trying to figure out if he can separate the sandalwood body wash from the vanilla and vetiver cologne and then loses that train of thought when Eddie checks in. He's forced to remove the hoodie from his face with something vaguely approaching embarrassment, but Eddie just laughs. "You two are something else," he murmurs, and - it's a sentiment that's been repeated a million different times with a million different facial expressions but from Eddie, here in the quiet comfort of the Jeep, with NPR turned down low even though Eddie complains about it every fucking time he hops in to find Evan listening to it - here, it feels important.
That's probably the good drugs talking.
"I'm gonna marry that man," Tommy blurts, and Eddie doesn't do anything crazy like slam on the breaks or whip his head around. What he does do is catch Tommy's eye in the rearview and take stock of Tommy trying to stuff himself into the hoodie without unbuckling his seatbelt. He's probably gonna regret that, when the drugs wear off.
"He know that?" Eddie asks, and the edge he'd maybe expected is missing from Eddie's voice. He sounds - pleased, maybe. Knowing.
"I thought we had a hard rule about relationship talk."
Eddie hums. "You started it."
And he did, at that. Tommy isn't subtle at all about tipping his head to the side to nose at the hood of the sweatshirt. God, it's like rolling into Evan's pillow after he'd left for work.
"We've talked about it." He's aiming for casual, and it sucks that his vision isn't the best right now because he can't quite read the tilt of Eddie's brow.
Eddie makes it clear, though - a long, low whistle. "Kinda early for 'til death do us part."
"I woulda married him a month in, if he'd asked," Tommy admits, and - that's something he hadn't really planned to admit even if it's the truest thing he's ever said.
Eddie snorts. "A month after you ditched him halfway through a date?"
Tommy narrows his eyes. Tips his chin against the warming metal of the zipper where it rests against his chest. "There were extenuating circumstances."
"Like I was already way too invested and I didn't realize he didn't even know he was into men until I kissed him."
Eddie stews over that for the next however many blocks. Tommy tucks his thumbs into the sleeves of the hoodie and strokes them over the still downy-soft fleece lining the inside of the jacket.
"So what's the protocol with two dudes, anyway? You gotta ask each other's parents if they're cool with their sons no longer living in sin?"
Tommy snorts. "Your religious trauma is showing, jackass." He flicks a look at Eddie. "Besides, Phillip Buckley fucking loves me."
Evan had been more surprised by that than Tommy. Tommy's got a way - with fathers, with white collar men in their fifties and sixties, with - well he's got a way. They either secretly wanna fuck him or secretly wanna be him and Tommy knows how to lean into that. Without making it weird.
The rest of the drive is quiet. Eddie seems to be processing, though what, Tommy can only assume. He's got no clue what Evan tells Eddie about the two of them, unless Evan has mentioned it himself.
When he pulls into the drive, Evan's already pushing out the front door with a hand on his hip. He stills when he catches sight of the no doubt haphazardly thrown on jacket Tommy's wearing, and - yeah. Yep. He gets it now.
"I'm staying for dinner," Eddie says, with a finger aimed at Evan's face. "You get that look off your face."
Evan gestures, splutters. He's doing absolutely nothing to help Eddie guide him up the walk.
Five minutes later, when Tommy's settled in the couch with his leg elevated, Evan sends Eddie to the kitchen and spends a ridiculous amount of time fluffing pillows and gentling his hands over Tommy's legs - the good and the bad one.
Tommy's expecting a kiss, but all he actually gets when Evan draws near is an annoyed groan and a punched out sigh. "After Eddie leaves I'm gonna spend an hour telling you all the different shades of green in your eyes I've never noticed before."
Tommy grins dopily. Tugs at the hem of Evan's sweater - an old, old cable knit Tommy's surprised even fits the breadth of his shoulders when Tommy hasn't worn it since the aughts. "Eddie said no dirty talk," he admonishes, and Evan's grin as he drops his lips towards Tommy's is bright enough to power a city grid.
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tpwk-formula1 · 3 days
Hello! I'm a sucker for menu style requests, expect more of me lol
I would like a gluten-free pizza with red sauce with roasted peppers and pulled pork, plus a mango smoothie with no dessert. All served by Oscar Piastri
I've read a couple of your fics, and they're really good! Keep it up <3
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Lee-Lee's Pizzeria Menu
gluten-free enemies to lovers red sauce rough sex roasted peppers "Such a good whore" pulled pork "God, I love when I fuck the attitude out of you" mango smoothie baby trapping dessert yes served by Oscar Piastri
Oscar x Fem! reader
TW mention of pregnancy, creampie, unprotected sex, fingering, orgasm description, MDNI 18+
WC 1200+
"Oscar, get ready now. You need to be in the Fan Zone in less than 15 minutes and I'm not fucking sprinting there this week," I snap at Oscar after having found him asleep in his driver's room when he was supposed to be getting ready to go on stage.
"Go away, Y/N! I'll be there on time," Oscar groans back turning his back towrds me making me march over to the Aussie, where I pull him arm slightly.
"Let's fucking go. I'll be damned for you're the fucking reason I get fired," I snapped again while attempting to yank him out of the bed again.
"You do realize my pinky has more strength than your entire body?" Oscar says while looking up at me softly.
"Please, Osc, we need to go," I ask back cleanly getting desperate.
"Fine, but when I'm done I want you back in here with me," Oscar says with a small smirk playing on his lips. I just groan but agree knowing how it goes for Oscar and I.
"You know you love when I use that little body of yours," Oscar whispered in my ear as we walk towards the Fan Zone making my face grow hot but I just laugh lightly trying to play off the moment like Oscar had told a joke since did have eyes on us.
"Get on stage and behave, and then we'll see about me coming back to your room," I tell him softly while standing backstage to make sure I was close to everything in case Oscar or Lando needed something but far enough away not many people could see me.
When the boys finally wrapped up both of them head back off stage and we all quickly usher ourselves back to the garage where we could finally wrap up for the day and head back to the hotel to get ready for race day tomorrow.
"You're coming to my hotel instead. I wanna take my time," Oscar whispers in my ear making me groan and roll my eyes.
"Drop the fucking attitude," Oscar whispers in my ear before we both go separate ways.
When I get back to my hotel room I quickly change out of my McLaren uniform and into a pair of sweats and a tank top before walking out and down the hall towards Oscar's room.
I knock on the door softly when Oscar opens the door and quickly pulls me into his room and in for a kiss.
"Fuck, I've wanted to do that all day," Oscar groans while guiding me toward his bed.
When he gets me on the bed he instantly slips my sweats off leaving me in my tank top and thong.
"Holy fuck Oscar, I've been in your room less than 3 minutes, have some fucking decorum," I gasp when he leans down and takes a teasing lick at my thong-covered pussy.
"I've waited all day 'cause someone insisted work was more important than coming over this morning," Oscar says while sending a slap down on my inner thigh.
"And drop the fucking attitude," Oscar says before sending another slap down on my inner thigh.
"Osc, please," I whine lifting my hips and trying to get Oscar where I need him.
"So fucking needy! You just told me to have decorum," Oscar says with an eye roll but still proceeds to rip off my thong tearing it to shreds.
"OSCAR! That's the third fucking pair this week," I complain but am quickly shut up by Oscar's mouth on my pussy making me moan loudly.
"Just shut up," Oscar groans burying his face back into my pussy. Oscar knew what he was doing, he knew all the spots to hit with his tongue that would leave me with shakey legs and begging to cum for him.
"Oh, Osc," I scream when I feel Oscar roughly shove 2 fingers deep into my pussy making sure to graze my G-spot.
"Fuck, I love when you get close," Oscar groans making me whimper from the vibrations on my clit.
"Cum for me," Oscar says while speeding up his actions sending me into a shaking orgasm.
"Fuck," I cry out starting to try and get away from Oscar's quick and relentless fingers.
"Stay fucking still," Oscar roughly tells me while using his free hand to send a harsh slap down on my inner thigh.
"Osc, too much," I beg trying to get away only resulting in Oscar roughly pulling his fingers out and shoving them into my mouth.
"Fucking finally some silence," Oscar tells me while sending another slap down on my thigh. Oscar makes quick work of taking off his clothes and roughly burying himself deep into my pussy and giving me a few seconds to adjust to his size.
"Fuck, how do you get tighter the more I fuck you," Oscar groans when he starts rocking his hips clearly getting lost in the pleasure.
"So good, faster please," I praise and beg needing more from Oscar.
"Such a good whore," Oscar groans making me whimper when I feel his fingers back on my clit only adding to the pleasure.
"I love feeling you clench around my cock, lets me know you're just a little slut ready to cum whenever I want," Oscar tells me only speeding up his actions and bringing me impossibly closer to the edge. Oscar knew I was gonna be cumming for him if he kept up his actions so he slowed down just a bit.
"NO! Osc, please," I shout out not happy with being denied the orgasm that was so close I could practically taste it.
"You'll cum, but when I'm ready," Oscar tells me making me whimper.
"Please," I begged while trying to sneak a hand between our bodies but Oscar quickly caught both of my hands and pinned them above my head where he continued to pound into me.
"Osc, I need it," I whine again for him.
"I'll do anything," I continue.
"God, I love when I fuck the attitude out of you. One second you're being a little bitch and the next you're like putty in my hands willing to do anything to cum for me," Oscar scoffs making me whine and continue to buck my hips trying to cum for him.
"Go on, cum for me," Oscar finally says while letting go of my hands and bringing one of his down to play with my clit while he brings me over the edge in a screaming orgasm.
I feel Oscar start cumming deep in my pussy making me whimper at the feeling of being filled up with his hot cum.
"God, I would love to watch you get pregnant with my child," Oscar says with a smirk while falling next to me in pulling me in for a chest.
"I would ring you for all your money," I joke with a smirk on my face only making Oscar roll his eyes.
"I would very much be involved in my child's life. But by all means you can have my bank account if you carry my babies," Oscar tells me making me shake my head. It was a conversation for another day.
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justallmyfantasies · 2 days
under these lights you look beautiful
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are we dating? are we fucking? are we best friends? are we something in between that?
series masterlist
contains: 18+ smut! (teasing, fingering, unprotected piv, blowjob,
word count: 8.1k (i feel as if this is the longest thing i’ve ever written.)
alex was your friend, well best friend. you did everything together from first learning how to ride bikes to then getting your first job together at a coffee shop. both your parents knew you both wouldn’t concentrate working together but surprisingly they were wrong.
he invited you, his friend jamie and his other friend, matt to a party. this wasn’t his party, this was a party of a girl he had been crushing on for a few months.
he was determined to speak to her at this party, so he was hanging around her group for most of the night, looking like he was failing badly. you and the rest of your group silently laughing at him from afar. he was embarrassed.
eventually, he came walking back over. his shoulders slouching and his face miserable. “mate, she’s a psycho.” he sat back down, nicking your drink and chugging it all down.
“hey!” you protested. “that was my drink!” you playfully slapped his arm.
jamie turned back to the main conversation. “what did you say to her this time, man?” amused with his friends lack in the romantic category.
alex shrugged, his cheeks flaring up red in embarrassment. “i didn’t do anything, all i said was that she looked nice.”
you snorted, alex stared at you. you quickly changed your facial expression and started to fix your lipstick, trying to avoid his gaze.
you couldn’t help but say a snarky comment. “you seriously know how to charm the ladies, don’t you, al?” you smiled mockingly at him. al was a nickname all his friends used for him, he didn’t mind.
alex couldn’t help but smile at your comment, “piss off, you. you’re not any better than me.” he chuckled, playfully shoving you. “remember kyle?”
kyle was your ex boyfriend, well, would you even class him as that if you only dated him for 20 minutes?
you laughed, shoving him back. “okay yeah, i remember. and you’re right, i’m no better. but the difference is, you’ve had countless failures and i’ve only had one.” you paused, poking him in the arm. “so statistically that makes you worse.
he rolled his eyes at you. “statistically speaking, you’re a knobhead.”
"watch your mouth." you shot back, swatting his arm again, though you couldn't help but smile.
the party went on, you and alex spent most of the night chatting and laughing with your friends together. eventually the party was winding down.
you and alex were now walking home, he was drunk, but not crazy drunk, although his intoxicated state making him more bold made it seem so. you walked side by side, you kept your eye on him as he stumbled about.
the chilly night air made you shiver as you walked. alex noticed, but before he could say anything, he tripped on his feet and fell forward. he would’ve face planted the pavement if you hadn’t caught his arm and steadied him.
“you can barely walk without falling, you idiot.” you rolled your eyes, helping him stand up straight. “here, give me your arm.” he did what you said and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, leaning on you slightly. you could feel his warm body press against yours as you walked.
you tried not to notice the heat that pooled in your stomach. you pushed that thought down deep inside of you, shaking your head to try and rid yourself of those thoughts. it was alex for god’s sake, he was your best friend.
alex chuckled, resting his head on your shoulder. “you’re a good friend, y’know that?” he slurred, his hot breath brushing against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine.
you swallowed, trying to ignore the way your heart rate sped up. “yeah, i know. and you’re a total mess when you’re drunk.” you teased, trying to act normal.
he laughed, his arm around you tightened a little bit. “maybe i should get drunk more often, then you’ll take care of me.” he joked, grinning at you.
you rolled your eyes, smiling to yourself. “shut up, you’re a handful as it is. i don’t need you being a drunk idiot on top of that.”
“oh come on, you love looking after me.” alex said, his words a bit mumbled. he was still leaning heavily against you for support as you both continued walking.
finally, you arrived at his house. his house was small but homely, you had been in there before as he wanted to show you some new tunes he had been working on. he was music obsessed.
you helped him walk up the front steps, supporting his weight as you led him to the door. he stumbled a bit, almost falling again, but you managed to catch him. you shook your head, a mixture of annoyance and concern. he really was a mess.
once he has managed to open the door, he leaned against the frame. “thanks for bringing me home.”
“no problem, just don’t expect this every time you go out and get shitfaced.” you retorted, “and tell penny i said hi.”
he chuckled, rolling his eyes. “yeah yeah.” he paused. “you could stay here, y’know. it’s late and i don’t want you walking back by yourself at this time. plus, me mum won’t mind.”
you thought for a moment. staying over at his place would be more convenient than walking all the way home. and he was right, it was late and you didn’t feel safe walking back alone at night.
“fine, i’ll stay.” you relented, pretending to sound reluctant.
“great, come on.” alex said excitedly, grabbing your hand and pulling you inside. he led you up to his bedroom, which was just like the rest of the house, nice and cosy.
he let go of your hand and stumbled over to his bed and flopped down onto it. he let out a satisfied sigh as he sunk into the mattress.
you stood awkwardly for a moment, not knowing what to do with yourself. alex suddenly patted the empty spot next to him. “come and lay down.”
you raised an eyebrow at him but didn’t refuse. you walked over to the bed and laid down next to him, trying to keep as much space between you as possible, which wasn’t easy in a single bed.
alex rolled over slightly, facing you. despite being slightly drunk, he looked at you intently. “me and the lads are playing a gig this weekend.” he murmured, a lazy smile on his face.
you turned your head to look at him. “oh yeah?” you replied, shifting a bit to get more comfortable. “where is it?”
“just somewhere ‘round the corner.” alex said, he suddenly smirked at you. “you should come.”
you chuckled, rolling your eyes. “yeah? why should i come?” you asked mockingly, though you would probably end up going anyways.
“because i want you there, you twat.” he replied, the alcohol making his words slur together. he suddenly poked you. “say you’ll come.”
you batted his hand away. “alright, alright. i’ll come then.” you relented, knowing you’d never be able to deal with his constant pleading if you didn’t accept.
he smiled. “good.” he mumbled, he suddenly moved a bit closer to you, his body now pressing against yours. “i’ll need someone in the audience to cheer for me.”
you could feel your breath catch in your throat, your body suddenly feeling warm. the space between you had shortened considerably and you couldn’t help but feel acutely aware of every place where your bodies touched. “don’t be so cocky, i might not cheer. i might just boo you instead.”
he laughed, the vibrations of his chest against yours sending a shiver down your spine. “nah, you’re gonna cheer for me. you like me too much.”
you could feel your heart pound in your chest at his words, but you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing how his words affected you. you forced yourself to scoff. “yeah, keep telling yourself that.”
“i will.” he said matter-of-factly. he lifted his hand and gently touched your hair, playing with a strand. his fingers moved from your hair to your cheek, caressing your skin like some sort of treasured object.
you couldn’t suppress the shiver that went through your body at his touch. the air around you shifted, becoming thick and charged with tension. alex’s hand lingered on your face, the skin-contact making your pulse race.
“you’re blushing.” alex mumbled with a smirk, his hand still on your cheek. he suddenly looked thoughtful for a moment. “y’know, you’re pretty. it’s a wonder you don’t have some boyfriend drooling all over you.”
you gulped, your heart skipping a beat at his words. he was so close, you were nearly nose-to-nose. “oh shut up, you’re drunk. you don’t know what you’re saying.” you muttered, trying to cover up how flustered you felt.
alex chuckled, his hand moving from your cheek to your neck, his thumb drawing lazy patterns on the sensitive skin. “i do know what i’m saying.” he said, his voice lowered to a soft murmur. “you’re gorgeous, but you never see it.”
your brain was going into overdrive, the feeling of his fingers on your skin sending electric sparks through your body. you were having trouble forming coherent thoughts, but you tried to stay calm. “you’re drunk and you’re just saying nonsense. you don’t mean any of that.”
your eyes widened at the sudden change in position. your legs were straddling his waist, his hands resting on your hips. you were practically sitting in his lap.
“i do mean it, you know.” he said, looking up at you with something in his eyes you couldn’t quite recognise. his hands squeezed your hips, almost like he was trying to anchor himself.
your brain had short circuited from the way he was looking at you. there was a heat in his eyes that had your mind racing. you were too close to him, your thighs pressed against his waist, your chest almost touching his.
your heart was racing, and the butterflies in your stomach went wild. alex’s hands were on your hips, his fingers slipping underneath the hem of your shirt and gently caressing your skin. he was looking at you with a mixture of desire and something else you couldn’t quite identify.
“alex…” you breathed out, your voice low and shaky. you needed him to say something, anything. the way he was looking at you was going to drive you insane. one of his hands moved up your side, his thumb brushing against your ribcage. the feeling made a shiver run through your body.
“you look so pretty like this,” he said huskily, his eyes raking over your face. “on top of me, straddling my hips like you belong there.”
his words made your breath catch in your throat, your head spinning at his bluntness. you swallowed, trying to think of something to say. the heat of his body pressed against yours, his hands on your skin, was making it almost impossible to think straight.
you kissed him, that took alex by surprise. he froze for a moment, his eyes widening. but then, he responded, kissing you back with a fervor that caught you off guard.
his hands gripped your hips tightly, pulling you down so you were fully resting on top of him. his tongue slid into your mouth, coaxing and teasing you into a dance that left you breathless.
you gasped against his mouth as his tongue moved against yours, your hands coming up to grasp the material of his shirt. your brain was no longer functioning, all thoughts having been replaced by a burning need to be even closer to him.
alex groaned into the kiss, his own hands snaking underneath your shirt and roaming over your skin. the heat of his touch sent shockwaves through your body, making your head spin.
you moved your lips away from his mouth, trailing kisses down his jaw and to his neck. you latched onto the sensitive skin of his neck and sucked gently, the way he had done to you before. alex let out a guttural moan, his hands gripping your waist tightly. the sound made heat pool in your stomach, making you bite down on his neck.
he cursed under his breath, his hands moving to your back and pulling you down even closer. you could feel the hard planes of his body pressed against yours, the feeling was intoxicating. you continued to explore his neck with your mouth, nipping and licking at the flesh.
“god, you’re gonna kill me, doing that.” he groaned, his head falling back and giving you more access to his neck. one of his hands moved to your hair, tangling his fingers in the strands and tugging slightly.
you smirked against his skin, enjoying the way he was coming undone under your touch. you continued to explore the column of his neck, leaving a trail of kisses and nips along the way. alex’s breathing was getting erratic, his hips arching slightly, seeking friction.
you suddenly bit down on his neck, sucking the skin into your mouth and leaving behind a mark. this action caused alex to let out a strangled moan, your hands go straight to his mouth to cover it. his hands gripping your hips with an almost desperate force. the sound of his reaction sent a jolt of arousal straight through you, making you moan against his skin.
he suddenly flipped you over, switching positions so he was above you. his hands pinning your hips to the mattress, his eyes burning into yours. his gaze was dark and hungry, his lips slightly parted in an open pant.
the shift in position left you breathless, your brain unable to process the sudden change. your back pressed into the bed, alex’s body hovering over yours, pinning you in place. you could feel the heat radiating from him, his breathing ragged and his cheeks flushed with arousal.
his fingers moved to the hem of your shirt, slowly lifting it over your head. alex paused for a moment, taking in the sight of you lying underneath him, now only in your bra and pants. he let out a low growl, his eyes roaming over your exposed skin.
“god, you’re beautiful.” he murmured, his voice thick with desire. his hands moved to your waist, his fingers dancing along the edge of your bra. he suddenly paused, his eyes meeting yours, as if asking for permission. you knew what he was asking, and you nodded, unable to speak. alex’s eyes darkened, his hands moving to the clasp of your bra and quickly unfastening it.
he pulled the garment away from you, leaving you exposed to his gaze. his eyes took in the sight of you, completely unguarded and vulnerable. you could see the way his breathing quickened, how his eyes dilated with desire.
your body was on fire, the feeling of his mouth on your skin making your head spin. your hands clenched the sheets, trying to find some sort of anchor. when his lips found one of your nipples, you let out a choked moan, he smirked against your skin, his tongue swirling around the sensitive bud. you could feel the heat of his breath, the wetness of his mouth, like a brand on your skin. his hands continued to rove over your body, his touch leaving a trail of fire in its wake.
you could feel his body pressing against yours, a slow grind that made your head spin. his mouth moved back up to your neck, sucking and biting at the skin in a way that had you writhing beneath him.
“alex please.” you gasped out, your voice breathy and desperate. “i need you. please.” you hated how needy you sounded, but you were too far gone to care. alex let out a growl against your neck, his hands gripping your hips tighter.
his mouth was back on yours, his kisses frantic and desperate. his tongue slid into your mouth, mimicking the movement of his body. you could feel the muscles of his back tense under your hands, the heat between you continuing to build.
his hand suddenly snaked down to your pants, undoing the button and slipping under the waistband. you arch against him as his fingers brush against your sensitive skin through the tin material of underwear.
he breaks the kiss, his breaths coming in ragged pants, “god, you’re so wet.” he murmurs, his words making you shiver. his fingers continue to explore, dancing over your sensitive flesh.
his touch is driving you wild, making it hard for you to think straight. your body is on fire, your thoughts consumed by him, by the sensations he’s creating. his lips find your neck again, leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses and nips as he moves down your body.
you can feel your body responding to him, your hips moving to meet his touch. his fingers delve deeper into your heat, exploring and teasing, while his mouth continues its path down your body, leaving a trail of fire in its wake.
he looks up at you, his eyes dark with hunger. he can see how far gone you are, how desperate you are for him. he moves back up your body, positioning himself between your legs, still fully clothed.
he leans down and captures your lips in a kiss, one hand coming up to cup your cheek while the other continues its exploration between your legs. you moan against his mouth, trying to communicate the need and desperation you feel.
his touches are maddening, drawing out every little sound from you while keeping you on the edge. one of his fingers circles your entrance, just teasing and not giving you what you want, he swallows your moan.
you can feel him hardening against you, the friction between you both almost painful. you need skin on skin, you need all of him, and you need it now. you break the kiss, pushing against his shoulder and flipping him over onto his back.
he lets out a surprised gasp, looking up at you with wide eyes. you straddle his hips, enjoying the fact that he’s now underneath you. you can see the way his chest is heaving, the way his pants are tented in the front. you move your hands slowly down his body, relishing the way he’s looking at you.
you slowly start to unbutton his shirt, your eyes never leaving his. the sight of his exposed skin has you salivating, you just want to touch and taste every inch of him. you slowly slide the shirt off his shoulders, revealing his toned chest and stomach.
your hands move to his pants, unbuttoning and unzipping them. you can feel the heat wafting off his body, the muscles in his thighs tensing. you slide the pants down his legs, leaving him in nothing but his boxers.
he looks up at you, his eyes filled with a mix of desire and awe. you can tell he’s surprised by this new side of you, but he’s clearly enjoying it. you lean down, letting your breath wash over his ear, “i want to taste you.” you whisper, your teeth gently nipping at the sensitive skin of his earlobe.
he shivers, a low moan escaping his throat. “please…” he manages to get out, his voice rough with need. your hands move up his chest, mapping out every contour of his body. you slowly move down, your lips following your hands in a trail of wet kisses along his neck and chest.
you take your time, savoring every little reaction you get from him. each twitch of a muscle, every gasp, everything. finally, you reach the waistband of his boxers. you look up at him, waiting for his consent.
his eyes are dark with lust, his chest heaving. he nods, a silent command to continue. you hook your fingers into the waistband and slowly pull them down, freeing him. you take in the sight of him, hard and leaking. your breaths start to quicken at the sight, your tongue unconsciously darting out to the tip of him. the shudder that goes through his body at the contact is everything. you flatten your tongue and slowly drag it up his length, collecting the bit of precum leaking from him.
his hands move to your hair, tangling in the strands and gripping tightly. he lets out guttural moan, his head falling back against the pillow. the sound is amazing, to have him this undone because of you, it’s overwhelming.
your own desires are growing more intense, the taste of him on your tongue making your mind spin. your hands flatten against his thighs, your nails digging into the the muscles of his thighs, and he lets out a hiss of surprise. his grip on your hair tightens, and you can feel his body tense. clearly, your nails are getting just the reaction you want.
you circle your tongue around his tip, teasing and tantalizing. you can hear his breath coming in sharp pants, and you can feel his body trembling under your touch. his hands move slightly, not sure if he wants to pull you away or pull you closer. his head tilts back, a string of curses falling from his lips. you can taste the saltiness of him on your tongue, and you’re intoxicated by it.
he’s the most delicious thing you’ve ever tasted, and you can’t get enough. your mouth engulfs him, taking him in as deep as you can, wanting to bring him as much pleasure as possible. he lets out a strangled moan, his hands now gripping your hair desperately. he’s losing control, the sight filling you with a strange sense of power.
you continue your assault, your tongue swirling and sucking him with everything you have. his hips are arching up, his body writhing and shaking, overwhelmed by the sensations you’re creating. he’s getting close, you can tell. the sounds he’s making are absolutely sinful and they’re driving you wild.
the fact that you’re doing this to him, bringing him to the edge like this, it’s the most addictive thing you’ve ever experienced. his hands suddenly move, tugging at your hair, trying to pull you up.
“please… i need you, need to be inside you.” he gasps out, his voice ragged and pleading. the sound of him begging, the desperation in his voice, it’s almost too much to bear. you move up his body, your lips finding his in a passionate kiss.
your bodies press together, the skin-on-skin contact making your head spin. his hands are everywhere, roaming over your back, in your hair, trying to pull you closer. you can feel his heart racing, his breaths coming in short pants. you lift yourself up slightly, positioning yourself over him.
he looks up at you, his eyes burning with desire. “please…” he says again, his voice a low growl. you can feel his need, how badly he wants you. you slowly sink down on him, taking him in inch by inch. his hands instantly grab your hips, his fingers digging in to the the muscle.
the feeling of him stretching you, the way he fills you completely. it’s overwhelming, and it’s everything you’ve been wanting for a long time. you sit still, adjusting to the sensations, while he just holds on to you, his eyes closed, his breaths coming in uneven pants. it’s like you’re both taking in this moment, relishing the feeling of being together like this. but then, he rocks his hips slightly, a small movement that sparks fireworks in your body.
you let out a gasp, your body going taut. it’s a silent signal to continue, to move, and you oblige. you start to roll your hips slowly, getting used to the feeling of him inside you. his hands tighten around your hips, his nails digging into the flesh for a few seconds before releasing. he’s letting you set the pace, giving you the control. but you can tell by the way his muscles are tensing that he’s hanging on by a thread.
you start to move faster, the sounds of your mingled breaths and moans filling the room. with each movement, the heat between you is building, the tension growing tighter and tighter. his hands are roaming over your body, touching every bit of you he can reach.
he’s murmuring praises, words of how good you feel, how beautiful you look. it’s like he’s worshipping you, and it’s more intoxicating than any drug. you start to ride him in earnest now, the pace fast and needy. you can feel the heat building, the sensations overwhelming.
you lean down, your lips finding his in a messy, desperate kiss. his hands find their way to your hair, gripping tight, pulling you closer. the intensity is growing, your bodies moving together perfectly.
he breaks the kiss, his lips moving to your neck, mouthing and sucking at the skin there. “i’m close.” he gasps out, his breaths ragged and uneven. “i don’t know how much longer i can hold on.”
“look at me.” you say, your voice firm, demanding his attention. his eyes snap open, locking on yours. they’re burning with need, filled with a fire that you can’t resist. you cup his face in your hands, your eyes never leaving his. “i want to see you let go. i want to see you lose control.”
his eyes widen at the words, his brain processing your request. then, like a dam breaking, he lets go. his body tenses, his muscles straining. his hands grip you tighter, almost enough to leave marks. his eyes are locked with yours, and you see the moment he loses control.
his eyes roll back, his head falls back on the pillow, and a guttural moan tears from his throat. his release is intense, shuddering through his body in waves, his hands pulling you down against him as he rides the wave. watching him, feeling him beneath you, it’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.
it’s like seeing a god unraveling before you, and it’s so much more than you ever expected. you collapse on top of him, your body feeling weak and shaky. his arms wind around you, holding you tight against him.
his breathing is still coming in harsh pants, he’s trying to regain his composure, but is clearly having difficulty. you bury your face in his neck, inhaling his scent, relishing the familiarity of it. you can hear his heart hammering in his chest, so close to your ear.
you just lay there for a moment, wrapped up in each other. neither of you have the energy to move, and it feels like time has stopped. it’s like the world exists only in this moment, nothing else matters but each other. he brushes a hand down your back, a gentle, soothing gesture.
“i think you actually broke me.” he says after a while, his voice still rough and thick with emotion. you lift your head and look up at him. his hair is sticking up in all directions, his face flushed. he looks well and truly ruined, and the sight fills you with pride.
“good.” you reply, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
he lets out a weak laugh, his eyes full of affection. “i didn’t know you had it in you.” he says, his hand still stroking your back. you just shrug and rest your head on his chest.
his heart rate is finally slowing down, his breathing evening out. the two of you are silent for a few moments, just soaking up the afterglow. he lifts his hand from your back and starts running his fingertips over your skin, drawing invisible lines over your back, shoulders, arms. it’s soothing, almost lulling you to sleep.
but then, he speaks again, pulling you from your near-slumber. “can i ask you something?” he says, his voice uncharacteristically hesitant. you lift your head and look up at him, seeing the hint of uncertainty in his eyes.
“if you want.” you reply, your voice gentle. you can tell he has something serious on his mind, and you want to hear what it is. he’s silent for a few long moments, his fingers still tracing patterns on your skin.
“what are we doing?” he finally asks, his voice quiet and a little guarded. “like, we’re best friends.. this isn’t normal, is it?” you’re surprised by the question, by the vulnerability in his tone. but you also know that it’s a conversation that needs to happen. you take a deep breath and think for a second before answering.
“normally, no, it isn’t.” you answer honestly. “friends don’t usually do what we just did.” you can feel his body tense slightly at your words, but you continue. “but to be fair, we’ve never been normal, have we?”
he lets out a small chuckle, the sound filled with both understanding and relief. you can tell he’s glad you agree with him, that he’s not the only one feeling a bit thrown off by the situation. he’s quiet for a moment, mulling over your words.
“so what does this mean for us?” he asks, his voice filled with uncertainty. “are we just friends who occasionally do this?” he gestures between the two of you. you can feel the question hanging in the air, heavy with implication.
you take a deep breath, trying to find the right words to explain everything you’re feeling. “i don’t know” you say truthfully. “i mean, obviously i care about you, more than just a friend. i don’t do this with just anyone.” you can feel him relax slightly, relief washing over his face at your admission. “but i don’t know if it’s a good idea to put a label on it right now.” you continue, trying to be as honest with him as possible. “i care about you a lot, and i don’t want to lose our friendship, but… i don’t want to mess things up either.” he nods, his head bumping against the pillow with the movement.
“i feel the same way.” he says, his voice quiet. “i don’t want to lose you, and i don’t want to mess this up either.” there’s a pause, the room filled with the sounds of your breathing.
the work is boring as usual, a slow day in a slow week. you’re manning the counter, your chin resting in your hand, bored out of your mind. alex is in the back, sorting through a box of new arrivals.
you let out a sigh, tapping your fingers against the counter. you swear it’s been hours, and there hasn’t been a single customer. you glance towards the back room, wondering what’s taking alex so long.
finally, you decide to go see what he’s up to. you push away from the counter and head into the back. you find him standing there, going through a box of records, his back to you.
“find anything good?” you ask, walking over to him. he jumps at the sound of your voice, clearly not expecting you. he turns around, a sheepish look on his face.
you can’t help but smile at the sight. even though he’s just doing mundane work, there’s something about him that’s always so endearing. you clear your throat, letting him know you’re there.
he jumps a little, clearly surprised by your presence. he looks up, a sheepish smile on his face. “ah, hey, uh nothing good.” he says, running a hand through his hair. “how’s the front desk?”
“boring as hell.” you reply, moving further into the room. “i swear it’s been hours, and we haven’t had a single customer.” you come to stand beside him, peering into the box of records.
he lets out a huff of agreement. “yeah, it’s been weirdly quiet today.” he rummages through a few more records. “i think we’re just gonna have to entertain ourselves.”
you raise an eyebrow, a sly smile spreading across your face. “and how do you propose we do that?” you ask, leaning your hip against the table.
he looks up at you, a similar smile spreading across his face. “hmm, i’m not sure yet.” he says, his eyes looking over at the janitors room then back at you.
you follow his gaze, a shiver of excitement running down your spine. “the janitors room?” you ask, your voice lowering. “what about front desk?”
he just shakes his head, a sly grin on his face. “i’m sure it’ll be fine. besides, lucy is out there.” he sets down the record in his hand and reaches out, grabbing your wrist and tugging you forward.
you let him lead you deeper into the back of the store, your heart rate picking up in anticipation. you’ve never done anything like this here, and the thought of it is making your body hum with excitement.
you reach the janitors room, the tiny space just big enough for two people. alex pulls you inside, shutting the door behind him. the room is small and dark, the only light coming from the cracks in the door.
he presses you against the back wall, his body trapping you in place. his eyes are burning bright, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. his hands are on your hips, his grip tight.
“you know we’re gonna get in trouble if anyone catches us.” you say, your voice barely a whisper. your body is already responding to his touch, growing eager and needy.
“i don’t care.” he replies, his voice low and rough. he leans in, his lips moving to your neck, mouthing at the sensitive skin there. his hands move to the hem of your shirt, slipping under the fabric, his palms hot against your skin.
you let out a gasp, your head falling back against the wall. your body is already reacting to his touch, heat pooling between your thighs. his mouth is making it hard to think, your mind becoming filled with a fog of desire.
he pushes you further against the wall, your body pressed fully against his. you can feel his erection against your hip, a hard reminder of his own desire. his lips move up your neck, his teeth biting down on your earlobe, causing a shiver to run down your spine.
his hands are roaming over your skin now, touching you everywhere he can reach. they move up your stomach, tracing the curves of your body, leaving behind a trail of heat. he grinds his hips against you, the friction making you moan softly.
“you have to be quiet, love.” his voice is hot against your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. you nod feebly, trying to hold back another moan as he grinds against you again. his hands are moving higher now, slipping higher under your shirt.
he pushes your shirt up, exposing more of your skin to his roaming hands. his fingers find your bra, teasing the edge of the fabric. he lets out a soft huff against your neck as he toys with the fabric.
you arch into his touch, your body practically begging for more. he seems to get the message, one hand leaving your skin to fumble with the hooks of your bra. your breath is coming in short pants, the wait and anticipation almost too much to bear.
finally, he manages to undo the hooks, the bra falling loose around your shoulders. his hand is warm against your skin, palming your breast, his fingers tweaking your nipple. you let out a moan, biting down on your lip to try and keep yourself quiet.
his lips are back on your neck, his tongue tracing patterns against your skin. you can feel him shifting slightly, his other hand undoing the buttons of your jeans. his hand slips under the waistband of your jeans, his fingers rubbing against your panties. you can feel how soaked you are, the fabric already clinging to you.
another moan spills from your lips, the sounds of your ragged breathing filling the small room. alex presses his lips to your neck in a silent warning, telling you to keep your voice down. but it’s hard, almost impossible, when he’s touching you like this, when your body is buzzing with desire. his fingers are tracing patterns over your panties now, adding to the growing tension. your nails dig into his back, desperate for something to anchor yourself to.
he let out a low groan, biting down on your shoulder. he clearly likes the way you’re clinging to him, the sounds you’re making, because he’s pressing you harder against the wall, his body pinning you in place.
his fingers finally push your panties aside, his touch making you whine, the sound only muffled by the skin of his shoulder. “fuck,” you gasp out, your voice pleading. “please.”
you can feel his smile against your skin, clearly enjoying how needy he’s making you. but the smugness only lasts a second before he obliges, his fingers slipping into your wetness, making you bite down on his shoulder again.
you’re trying so hard to keep yourself quiet but it’s difficult, his fingers are doing things to you, making you feel things that are hard to restrain. his movements are firm and sure, clearly intending to take you apart, to push you right to the edge. the room is small and dark, filled with the sounds of your combined ragged breathing and the rustle of clothing against skin.
his fingers are working you now, his mouth back on your neck, sucking and biting at the skin, leaving behind marks that you’ll have to hide later. your hands are fisted in his shirt, your nails digging into the fabric. it’s all becoming too much, the pleasure building and building, but just out of reach.
“please,” you gasp out again, your voice desperate. “I need you, please.” your body is taut, practically trembling with tension. you’re so close to the edge, but you just need that last little push.
alex lifts his head from your neck, his eyes meeting yours. they’re dark and intense, filled with a desire that matches your own. his voice is thick when he speaks, his body clearly also affected. he withdrew his hand from you, placing them onto his belt and undoing it.
your eyes follow his movements, watching as he quickly undoes his pants. you’re eager and impatient, wanting him as close as possible. he pushes the fabric down his hips, freeing himself, and you reach for him, your hands gripping his shoulders.
he spins you around, pressing your front against the wall. you can feel the coldness of the concrete against your skin, a stark contrast to his warmth. his hands are on your hips again, his body pressed flush against yours.
his lips are at your ear again, his voice ragged. “do you want me?” he asks, the question a mix of teasing and genuine need. you arch against him, pushing your hips back against his.
“yes.” you gasp out, your voice filled with want. “yes, please, I need you.” your body is buzzing with anticipation, desperate for more.
he lets out a low growl at your admission, his hands gripping your hips tighter. “good, because I need you too.” he says, his voice rough with desire. he pushes himself against you, his chest pressed against your back.
you can feel his hardness rubbing against your backside, the friction making you whine. your own body is practically begging for him, your muscles quivering with need.
he shifts slightly, his hand moving to your thigh, lifting your leg up. he lifts it, hooking your shoe to the edge of the counter. this new angle makes you whimper, your body now open and exposed.
he pauses for a moment, his hand ghosting over your inner thigh, his touch light yet electrifying. “you okay?” he asks, his voice quiet but hoarse. you can only nod, your body practically vibrating with anticipation.
he clearly takes your nod as an okay, because suddenly, he’s pressing himself against you, his hips fitting perfectly against yours. you let out a gasp, your skin feeling electric, your hands gripping the edge of the counter.
his arms wrap around your middle, holding you in place, his lips at your ear again. “you’re so tight, so perfect” his voice is a low rumble, his words making you shiver. one of his hands moves up your torso, his fingers teasing your skin.
his touch feels maddening, your nerve endings firing in response. you push back against him, trying to get as much contact as possible, your body craving more. he lets out another low growl, his hips moving faster now, the rhythm picking up.
his hand moves higher, his fingers ghosting over your breast, his touch just a tease. it’s driving you insane, the way he’s touching you, his pace and the angle he has you at, it’s all slowly driving you towards the edge.
you can feel him everywhere, his hands on your skin, his body against yours, his breath hot against your ear. with each thrust he’s pushing you closer and closer to the edge, each movement making you gasp and whimper.
“please” you find yourself whispering, your voice needy and desperate. “please, harder.” your body is screaming for more, the pleasure becoming nearly overwhelming. alex’s response is immediate, his grip on you tightening, his movements becoming relentless. you’re being pushed against the wall, your feet just barely able to stay on the ground as he moves behind you. his body is pressed against yours, his chest against your back, his breath coming in short pants against your ear.
“you feel so good.” he gasps out, his voice broken with need. “i’m so close, i’m..” the rest of the words are lost as he buries his face into the crook of your neck.
you can feel his pace becoming erratic, his movements becoming less coordinated. he’s close, you can tell, and that thought alone pushes you closer to the edge as well. his hands are gripping your hips now, holding you in place.
you arch against him, the sensation almost too much to bear. the room feels hot and cramped, your sweat mixing with his as you cling to each other. you’re so close, your breath coming in short pants, your muscles taut with tension.
“please.” you gasp out again, your voice broken and needy. “please, i need.. fuck.” your words are cut off as another moan slips past your lips, the pleasure building and building until it’s almost unbearable.
his movements become more frantic, his hips moving harder and faster, his breathing ragged. you can tell he’s close, the way his body is tensing, the way he’s gripping you tighter. it’s enough to send you over the edge, your body jerking as pleasure rushes through you, a wave of heat and ecstasy that makes your vision go white.
alex lets out another groan, his body stilling against yours as he reaches his own climax, his breath hot against your skin. you both collapse against the wall, your breaths coming in ragged gasps. your body feels heavy and shaky, your legs barely able to support you.
alex’s arms are still around you, his body pressed against yours. he’s still breathing heavily, his forehead resting against your shoulder. for a moment you both just stand there, basking in the afterglow, the only sound your ragged breaths.
“well.” alex finally says, his voice slightly hoarse. “that was…” he doesn’t finish the sentence, but you can feel his grin against your skin. you let out a shaky laugh, your body still trembling slightly.
“yeah.” you agree, the word coming out as a sigh.
alex lets out a huff of agreement, his hands gently stroking your hips. “we should probably clean up.” he murmurs, kissing the skin of your shoulder softly.
you nod and slowly push yourself off the wall, your legs feeling shaky and weak. alex steps back, giving you room to turn around and grab some paper towels. your hands are still shaking slightly as you clean yourself up, but you can still feel the afterglow buzzing beneath your skin.
“god.” alex says, his voice still low and ragged. “i’m never going to look at this room the same way again.” you glance over at him, and he’s standing there with his pants undone, his shirt wrinkled, and a satisfied smirk on his face.
you can’t help but laugh, the absurdity of how disheveled you both are hitting you. “well, we can add ‘janitor’s room’ to the list of places we’ve… uh, defiled.”
alex actually snorts at that, his grin widening. “oh yeah? what other places are on that list?” he asks, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
you were about to reply when somebody knocked on the door. both you and alex freeze instantly, the knocking interrupting the peaceful afterglow. alex curses under his breath, quickly doing up his pants.
you shove the used paper into a nearby trash can, quickly checking your clothes to make sure nothing is obviously out of place. the knocking comes again, more insistent this time.
“just a second!” alex calls out, his voice sounding deceptively casual. he glances over at you, raising an eyebrow in a silent question.
you give him an affirmative nod, smoothing down your hair one last time. you’re both presentable, as long as whoever is on the other side of the door doesn’t look too closely. alex reaches out, taking a deep breath before unlocking the door and opening it a crack. you hold your breath as you hear a familiar voice.
“there you are!” lucy’s voice filters through the crack in the door, and you can just barely catch a glimpse of her blonde hair. you can’t see her expression, but she sounds slightly annoyed.
“uh, hey!” alex says, his voice coming out a bit too cheerful. he’s covering for you both well enough, and you’re not sure whether to be impressed or concerned.
“what’re you doing in there?” lucy asks, and there’s definitely a note of suspicion in her voice now. she tries to peer around him, but he quickly steps forward, blocking her view.
“oh, uh, i was just… looking for something.” alex replies, his voice slightly strained. he’s desperately trying to sound nonchalant, but you can hear the slight edge of panic in his tone.
“like what?” lucy asks, her voice growing more curious now. you’re almost afraid she’s going to push the door open and catch you both in the act.
“uh, my phone!” alex says, his voice taking on a falsely positive tone. “i thought i lost it in here.” he holds up his hand, showing the phone clutched in his grip.
there’s a pause on the other end of the door, and you can practically feel lucy’s skepticism through the wood. finally, after what feels like an eternity, she speaks again. “alright. come back out now. we’ve got customers.”
“be right there!” alex calls out. he waits for a moment, probably listening to make sure lucy has walked away, before he closes the door and turns back to you. he groans, running a hand through his hair.
“that was close.” he mutters, and you can see the tension in his shoulders. he’s trying to hide it, but he’s clearly shaken up by the near-miss.
“yeah” you agree, your voice coming out a bit breathless. “too close.” you can still feel the lingering adrenaline from the near-miss, mixed with the heady afterglow from before.
alex lets out a sigh, his shoulders relaxing a bit. “guess we should get back out there.” he says reluctantly. he takes a step closer to you, his hand cupping your cheek softly. “you okay?”
you lean into his touch, relishing the feel of his skin against yours. “yeah, i’m fine.” you tell him, giving him a small smile. his concern is warming, and you can see the worry in his eyes.
“good.” he replies, his voice low and soft. he brushes his thumb over your cheekbone, his gaze studying your face. his touch is gentle, almost reverent, and it makes your heart skip a beat.
he leans down, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. “i better get back out there.” he murmurs against your skin. “you follow in a bit. try to look a bit less… disheveled.”
you huff out a laugh, knowing he’s right. “okay” you tell him, letting go of his hand. “i’ll be out soon.” alex nods in acknowledgement, giving you one last lingering look before he opens the door and steps out, closing it quietly behind him. you’re alone now, the silence of the room surrounding you.
was it this normal to catch feelings for your best friend?
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I Wanna Be Yours.
I was listening to the song “I Wanna Be Yours” by Arctic Monkeys when the idea for this fic came into my mind.
A special thank you to @its-interesting-van-kleep for proofreading and listening to my ramblings over this! ❤️
Pairing: Jake x female reader
Word count: 6.3K
Warnings: NSFW 18+ONLY, graphic sexual content, thigh riding, oral (m! and f! receiving), protected penetrative sex.
Summary: Insomnia leads to unexpected turns of events.
A loud groan echoed into your room, followed by the dull sound of something heavy hitting the carpeted floor.
You couldn't believe it.
You were so close.
Just one more minute would have sufficed, but clearly, your vibrator had other plans, that included dying in the middle of its duty.
Insomnia had always been a constant in your life since you were little.
You tried everything you could to overcome it. Your friends suggested yoga, relaxing ambience music, incense, hot baths with essential oils but you were afraid that the only thing that could save you was a deal with the devil.
The frustration in your chest grew to the point that you felt like you couldn't even breathe properly, despite the window being wide open.
You sat up on the bed and tugged the crumpled bed sheet away from your sweaty body.
Then you stood and changed the t-shirt you had on with a new one, reveling in the feeling of the cool cotton on your flushed skin.
You needed to get out of that room.
Maybe you would find some needed rest on the couch in the living room. And maybe a cup of tea could help you relax.
You made your way to the kitchen on tiptoes and in the dark, trying not to wake your roommate who was sleeping in the bedroom right next to yours.
You turned the kettle on and were on the tip of your toes trying to grab a mug from the upper cabinet when someone clearing their throat behind you made you squeak and jump, almost causing you to lose the grip you had on the mug.
“Fuck, Jake, you scared me,” you hissed towards him. His silhouette was barely visible, but you could see that he was facing you and there was a beer bottle on the table in front of him.
You huffed, regretting leaving your room altogether.
“Hi, sweetheart. I'm happy to see you, too” he greeted you, his tone condescending and irritating, like always.
“What brings you here on this fine night? You heard me coming downstairs and you were dying to see me, weren't you?” he went on taking a sip from the bottle, slowly.
“That's none of your business, Jake, and no, I didn't hear you or I wouldn't be here.” You hissed and he scoffed at your words.
“Don't worry, I just need to make a cup of tea and then the kitchen is all yours.” You went on, whispering impatiently.
He was the last person you wanted to see and it showed from the way you glared at him.
And you could sense the sentiment was mutual, since he kept trying to tease you.
The relationship between the two of you had always been like that. You kept teasing each other every chance you got and, ultimately, someone (usually him) pushed it too far, resulting in you ignoring him until you both forgot what had happened. It was a pain chain.
The tension was always palpable.
“Oh please, be my guest,” he said, kicking out a chair towards you, signaling you to sit down with his outstretched hand.
You did as you were told with a huff and heard the smirk in his voice when he spoke again.
“You didn't answer my question,” he said.
You huffed, annoyed.
He really wasn't able to mind his own business.
“I can't sleep, ok? And now that you know it? I don't think you can do anything about it.” You answered him, harshly.
Your patience was wearing thin.
“And what about you, what are you doing here at three in the morning? You don't have one of your girls to spend the night with?” You inquired, maliciously.
He snickered at your remark.
Now that your eyes had finally adjusted to the darkness, you could see him better.
And what you saw made a strange shiver run down your spine.
He was shirtless and his hair looked a bit disheveled, but the sly smirk he was sporting was what made your blood boil the most.
“I sense a little jealousy in your tone, sweetheart,” He whispered sultrily.
“That's just disgust, Jake” you rolled your eyes “and don't you dare call me sweetheart.”
He laughed heartily and shook his head.
“You are feisty tonight. Did something happen?” He asked then.
You groaned at his incredible ability to read you perfectly.
You hated him.
“I just can't sleep, ok Sherlock?” You hissed.
He was about to speak again when the kettle started whistling.
You stood and poured yourself a cup.
When you turned back around, he was already watching you with a strange glint in his eyes.
“That won't help you, you know this, right?” He said pointing to the steaming mug in your hands.
“So, what's going to help me, according to you, Insomnia Guru?” You snarled.
“You just have to let your body relax,” he said, like it was some kind of divine revelation.
“Wow, thank you Jake, I really didn't know that. As if I haven't already tried.” You exhaled and then grasped your head in your hands in defeat.
“Oh, believe me, I know that.” He said then knowingly, and you froze in your spot.
What the hell did that mean?
He didn't hear you, did he?
You slowly raised your head and, when you reluctantly met his eyes, he went on with a devilish smirk on his lips.
“And from what I gathered, it didn't end like you hoped.” He went on, in a mocking tone that had an uncontrollable need to punch him raise in your chest.
When you glared at him, he only raised his eyebrows suggestively.
“Fuck you, Jake” you hissed. Then you grabbed your mug and started walking towards your room ready to put as much distance between you and him.
You knew for sure that you weren't going to sleep a wink anyway, considering the anger growing in your chest.
“Wait-” his voice, deep and raspy, echoed in the room the moment your foot touched the first step.
You didn't know why but you stopped.
“Come here” he said, and again, you obeyed him, like in a frenzy.
He had turned on the chair and was now facing you.
You found yourself in front of him with no recollection of how you ended there.
He was so close that you could feel the heat radiating from his body and suddenly, all you wanted was for him to touch you.
You shivered when you realized that all this time you had been there in just a t-shirt and panties and nothing more.
And your eyes widened when you noticed that he was wearing very short pajama shorts. That simple cotton garment was hugging his thighs deliciously. His muscles caused the fabric to visibly stretch and you had to bite your lower lip not to whimper out loud at the sight.
Jake had been your roommate for over a year now and you had found yourself staring at him from time to time. He was a handsome man, but his know-it-all attitude really irked you. Not to mention the many girls that came and went from his room every once in a while. They especially came, for the absolute displeasure of your ears, and he loved bragging about it every chance he got.
He saw you gawking at him and smirked, removing the mug from your hands gently and patting his thigh.
“C'mon sweetheart, take a seat. Let me help you relax,” he patted his thigh again and you felt yourself fall under his spell.
He placed a warm hand on your hip and squeezed lightly making your legs feel like jelly.
“Stop overthinking sweetheart. I won't bring this up in the morning, I promise.” He whispered and his eyes were sincere.
After a while, you did as you were told but, as you placed your hands on his shoulders, you spoke again trying, and inevitably failing, to seem in control of the situation.
“I'm not your sweetheart, Jacob” you hissed.
When you felt the muscle of his thigh press in between yours, so hot and sturdy, your hard demeanor faltered and your eyes threatened to roll back into your skull.
“There's no need to bring up my full name” He whispered into your ear, gently caressing your hair and making it fall down your back. Then he placed both his hands on your hips and tugged you down flush against his thigh, making you groan and stifle a moan.
“Good girl” he whispered and you whimpered involuntarily, blushing immediately after.
He smirked again, knowingly, at your reaction.
“Oh, you're not my sweetheart. I think you like good girl way better.” He whispered.
His lips touching your ear made you shiver but you ended up moaning his name when he spoke again.
“You'll be my good girl tonight, won't you?”
Your nails dug into the skin of his shoulders upon hearing those words.
“You are so wet and warm here, I can feel you” he went on torturing you with his beautiful voice as you pulsed already against his thigh, feeling your wetness increase by the second.
“Now relax, and use me, take what you need” he said, gently pulling you forward by your hips and pushing you back. The friction he created made your eyes squeeze shut as you started panting heavily already.
You started moving your hips, rubbing yourself against his thigh and reveling in the feeling of his sturdy muscle against your center.
After a while, you had your eyes shut tight, your head was leaning against his shoulder and you were about to reach your much awaited orgasm when he stopped you, grabbing your hips and forcefully detaching you from his thigh.
“Jake, what the fuck?!” you snapped, anger was already bubbling in your chest at his interruption when he had promised to take care of you
“Shut up and take your panties off.” He said, out of breath.
In a second, your panties were laying on the floor, ruined and crumpled.
At that moment, he grabbed your jaw and angled your face downwards, towards his thigh.
Even in the darkness you could see the outcome of your previous actions glistening crystal clear on his skin.
"Can you see it?” He asked, breathing heavily.
You nodded, incapable of forming a single word.
“I want you dripping down my thigh now, alright?” He went on, hissing through gritted teeth.
“Now be my good girl and make a mess all over me” he whispered.
Goosebumps covered your skin at his words.
Your eyes traveled from his to his lips, and down to his chest before moving even lower, stopping abruptly at his crotch.
You gasped at the sight before you.
His shorts were having a hard time concealing his prominent erection that was begging to be set free.
When he guided you back down on his thigh, you both whimpered at the feeling of your bare skin on his already damp one and your eyes rolled back when you saw him slightly twitch in his shorts.
You started riding his thigh faster, guided and encouraged by the firm grip he had on your hips.
Your moans started echoing in the kitchen and you heard him curse under his breath.
Your eyes fell to his crotch again and you saw him palming himself. You felt bad for him so, without thinking, you swatted his hand away and tugged at the elastic of his pants to free him. He wasn't wearing any underwear so it was easier for you to reach his skin.
A loud groan left his lips when he was finally free and you genuinely gasped at the sight of him. He was beautiful and you felt your walls flutter at the sight.
When your hand wrapped loosely around him, he grasped your face and kissed you, making your eyes widened in shock.
But the shock was short-lived. You ended up melting on his lips like chocolate in the sun and you kissed him back almost immediately as you kept moving your hips against his leg. His skin was drenched then, making your movements smooth and electric.
He started placing little kisses down your neck and, suddenly, he tugged your t-shirt up and wrapped his lips around one of your nipples, suckling at it gently while making eye contact and smirking.
As his thumb gently rolled against your clit, you felt the muscle of your legs stiffen.
“I feel how close you are. Be a good girl and come for me now,” He sultrily whispered into your ear, making your back arch. You felt your orgasm hit you gradually. It started from the tip of your toes and spread languidly through your entire body.
You let go of him to grab his shoulders for leverage as your hips moved quickly, chasing your much awaited high.
You leaned your forehead against his shoulder and bit down harshly at his trapezium when you finally reached your orgasm.
He praised you throughout it, helping you ride it out by keeping his strong hands on your hips and guiding your movements that were getting more erratic and uneven.
After the last shockwaves, you slumped onto his body, tired beyond belief. It felt like all the fatigue accumulated during the day fell on you, making even a single movement impossible.
He kept caressing your hair and you relaxed completely against him.
Just as you were about to drift off, Jake moved you from his thigh with a gentle grasp on your hips. The faint sound of your wet skin detaching from his muscle made you both groan.
He sat you down sideways on his other thigh and fixed your t-shirt.
You felt him stifle a whimper when you involuntarily brushed your hand against his crotch in the attempt to grab his shoulder and suddenly you were no longer tired.
He was still hard but he had tucked himself back into his shorts.
“Let's get you to bed. I'm gonna get you tucked in so you can finally get some sleep.” He whispered but you stopped him as he tried to stand.
“I don't want to go to sleep yet,” you mumbled against his neck.
“But-” he tried to say but you interrupted him with a finger on his lips.
“Shhh,” you whispered back, meeting his confused stare with sleepy eyes as you slowly slipped down his thigh until you were kneeling on the floor between his legs.
Your hands caressed his thighs upwards and, when you reached his crotch, you heard him whimper.
He was still painfully hard and the cotton was straining against him.
As you dipped a finger inside his shorts, he clenched his jaw but didn't stop staring down at you closely.
“What are you doing?” He said, trying to look unaffected by everything but failing miserably when his voice faltered.
“You did something for me, it's only fair I return the favour.” You answered truthfully and a little smile spread onto your lips as you saw his jaw clench and his eyes squeeze shut.
A little whimper left his chest when you lowered the elastic band of his shorts to free his length and the smile on your lips turned into a knowing smirk.
He was just as needy and desperate as you were.
“If I were you, I would wipe that little smirk off my face, pet, before I do it myself.” He whispered, caressing your hair and twisting a few strands around his fist to tug a little while trailing the pad of his thumb across your wet bottom lip.
The sight of him towering over you, with his chest covered in a light sheen of sweat and his eyes glinting mischievously made a shiver run down your spine.
His cock was twitching almost imperceptibly, ready for your touch and you were about to reach for it when you hesitated.
His stare was almost intimidating you and your hands started shaking a little.
You were starting to get tangled in your thoughts when a little sound left his lips.
“Please, baby” he whispered and that sound made you snap out of your reverie.
You wanted to hear that little sound again.
You wrapped a hand around him gently and rolled your tongue over the little spot right under the tip.
He cursed at the feeling and tugged off his shorts to spread his legs more, silently begging you to go on.
You started licking up and down his shaft and his hands sank in your hair.The weight and the warmth of it made you crave every inch of him.
When you reached his balls, you twirled your tongue around them and sucked them into your warm mouth making a loud groan echo in the dark silent kitchen.
You kept repeating that motion over and over again and you were feeling your eyelids becoming heavier by the second until he grasped your hair and forcefully separated you from his skin.
“Stop teasing me, please, and I might call you good girl again, since I know how much you love it,” he almost whimpered, panting heavily.
You obeyed and slowly enveloped his tip between your lips, sucking gently and making his head fall backwards with a low growl.
As you sank him deeper down your throat, he started becoming more vocal, making your toes curl and your pussy throb again.
You slowly trailed a hand between your legs to take care of yourself and you moaned around him at the feeling of your fingers slipping easily through your wetness.
When you swallowed around him, he moaned and grasped you by the hair, tugging you forward and making you almost gag.
Your eyelids threatened to close as your movements became sloppier and sloppier around his length. You were downright slobbering all over him and by the unbridled sounds leaving his lips he was loving every second of it.
“Such a needy girl. God, this mouth of yours is heavenly,” he groaned gently thrusting into your mouth.
At that moment, your eyes met his again. As the feeling of his girth started making your jaw hurt, your brain started wondering about how he would feel like buried to the hilt inside your pussy and, unknowingly, you stopped bobbing your head.
His smoldering stare made you almost burn down to your core as his mouth twisted into a devilish smirk.
Maybe all you needed was really a deal with the devil.
But he was no devil.
He just knew what you were thinking. Probably because he was thinking the same thing.
For an unbelievable twist of fate, the moment the thought of having him buried inside you to the hilt crossed your mind, his own was invaded by an irrepressible urge to feel your walls squeeze around him with a death grip.
Suddenly, you two found yourself standing in front of one another.
Your scalp burned where his hand was wrapped around your hair, but the feeling was nothing compared to the absolute craving you felt for him
“I know what you are thinking, pet. And there's only one way to find out.” He whispered onto your lips.
You didn't even give yourself time to overthink about it. You grabbed his hand and took the stairs two steps at a time with him hot on your heels.
Once inside your room, he pressed you against the wall with his naked body and kissed you, stealing your breath away.
After a while, he broke the kiss and placed a single peck on your neck before whispering into your ear.
“Get on the bed, now.”
A shiver ran down your spine at the realization of what was about to happen.
He watched you closely as you obeyed, and when you were settled, he moved towards you.
But suddenly, he stopped abruptly and bent down to retrieve something from the floor.
Your cheeks flushed red when he stood with your dead vibrator in one hand and a devilish smirk on his face.
You hid your face behind your hands ready for him to mock you for it but the snide remarks never came.
Instead, he caressed your shoulder with gentle fingers to get your attention before speaking.
“You should always keep it well charged, you know. Where's the charger?” He whispered making your cheeks flush red even more at the extreme ease that he used when he asked you such a thing.
You were unable to answer him so you just pointed at the last drawer of your nightstand with trembling fingers.
You observed as he bent down and retrieved the charger before plugging it to the wall and then to the toy like it was the most natural thing in the world. You felt your heart flutter at the sight.
Your eyes traveled down the expanse of his muscular back when he was turned and slowly reached his perfect ass. You wanted to feel that supple skin and strong muscles under your fingertips. You always thought he had a nice ass but your mouth watered seeing him like that, in all his naked glory.
When he turned, he caught you staring and approached you with a wolfish look in his dark eyes. He crawled on top of you and you fell down with your back against the mattress, helpless and completely at his mercy.
He took you in so slowly you were afraid that his eyes could incinerate you where you laid.
Then, in a sliver of voice, he spoke.
“Are you really sure about this?” He whispered.
“Yes,” You whispered back without a single doubt.
But you immediately regretted it, in fear of appearing too easy to him.
The fact that he was naked and basically on top of you was making it difficult for you to properly concentrate.
“But this is a one-time thing so don't flatter yourself,” you sharply added, to try and save your face.
“Mhmh,” he mumbled with his usual smirk and he started trailing the tip of his nose along the column of your neck, making you shiver.
His fingers, that were toying with the hem of your t-shirt, slipped under it and lifted the fabric slightly, exposing your naked center to him again.
You shivered as his hand moved further up your body and he stopped again to check on you.
“Still ok?” He whispered.
You were slowly starting to lose your mind.
You needed him. Inside. Immediately.
As an answer, you quickly removed your t-shirt, presenting yourself to him in your birthday suit for the first time.
He cursed and didn't waste time in sucking one of your nipples into his mouth, making your back arch, chasing his lips.
Your eyes squeezed shut because of the intense waves of pleasure coursing through your body and your hands grabbed his biceps to try and keep contact with reality.
His whisper of your name in your ear made you whimper.
“Do you have a condom?” He asked, sitting up.
“Yeah. First drawer.” You said as your eyes traveled down his chest.
He opened it and a little laugh made you frown.
A louder one quickly followed.
“What's so funny?” You said, a little worried.
“I can't believe this. This is the same box you had last time I asked you for a condom. When was it? Three months ago? And back then it was new. And now only one is missing… the one you gave me. Oh, pet, that's why insomnia is bothering you. You really need some action to let out your frustrations.” He said nonchalantly and you felt your blood start boiling again.
You pushed him off you, outraged by his words.
“Fuck you, Jake!” You hissed, already looking for your t-shirt to cover yourself.
“No, wait, I didn't mean it like that at all.” His eyes widened when he understood the enormous mistake he made.
“Oh really?! And what the fuck did you mean?” You hissed again feeling betrayed as fresh tears started welling up in your eyes.
You hated yourself for letting your guard down with him. For trusting him in the first place. You wanted to disappear altogether.
“I meant that you should have come knocking on my door way sooner. I would have helped you.” He said matter-of-factly, like it was the most usual thing in the world.
You scoffed at his smug, full-of-himself demeanor. You wanted to slap him.
“Of course, like that's the easiest thing in the world. Knock-knock, hey Jake it's me, I'm so frustrated. I was just wondering if you could just fuck me senseless so that I can sleep. Yeah, easy,” you answered him, amazed by the absolute audacity that man possessed.
“Wanna bet that you can sleep like a baby after I'm done with you?” he whispered sultrily wrapping a hand around his cock while licking his lower lip suggestively.
You scoffed yet again. “You are so fucking sure of yourself, Jake. As if I'm going to let you touch me after how you just treated me.” You really hated him.
“I mean it, but you can just enjoy the show if you prefer.” He winked at you and sat down at the end of the bed facing you with a hand propping himself up behind him and his legs spread while his other hand moved languidly up and down his length.
His face scrunched up in pleasure and your resolve quickly crumbled. The more his hand quickened, the more your need to feel him inside grew.
In a second, you made up your mind and you were on top of him.
“Stop. Since you are so sure of yourself, prove it. I wanna feel you inside.” You whispered onto his lips and he pushed you back on the bed with his body.
He kissed you hard and you felt his hips shift against yours.
You thought he was going to enter you immediately but he didn't. He wanted to take his sweet time with you.
He broke the kiss and kept a relentless eye contact as he lowered towards your center.
“This is to make up for what I said earlier” he kissed your inner thigh before nipping at the muscle with his teeth, making you whimper.
“And to make it clear that I mean business.” He whispered, right before licking a slow broad stripe against your slit.
Still sensitive from earlier, your body tried to pull away from the intense feeling, but, at the same time, needed more.
His mouth felt so hot against your center that your body covered in goosebumps and you bunched up the sheets into your fists at your sides, digging your nails into the fabric.
His pointed tongue kept licking you up and down and when, finally, he sucked your clit into his mouth your hands slipped into his hair holding him in place.
A loud whimper echoed into the room when he flicked your clit repeatedly with his tongue and your thighs closed around his head, trapping him there.
He groaned then and the delicious vibrations made your back arch abruptly.
Now you understood why all the girls he brought home seemed unable to stay quiet when they were locked in his room. You always cursed them because you thought they were making a scene and just wanted to make you, his female roommate, jealous.
At that moment you learned it wasn't the case. He was just so good it was impossible to keep silent.
Your legs clamping around his face didn't stop him. He seemed completely lost in what he was doing and kept rutting his hips against the mattress. What he was doing was affecting him too and the mere idea had you moaning out his name again and again.
Suddenly, he untangled himself from your legs and lifted up his face to speak.
“Is it ok if I use my fingers too?” He said with his raspy voice and glistening face. His eyes were burning and showcased a need you had never seen.
You breathed out a little yes and he immediately obliged.
He caressed your center with gentle fingers and, when he used his thumbs to spread your outer labia, you shivered.
He licked at you again, tracing his tongue around your entrance over and over to be sure you were wet enough for him.
Your hands were gripping the pillow on either side of your head in anticipation and you were unable to pry your eyes from his focused face.
You felt your eyes roll back when he met your eyes, winked and let a string of saliva dribble from his tongue to your center, before spreading it on your skin with his thumb.
You felt like your heart was ready to burst out of your chest the more he edged you.
A single whispered plea left your lips and he cursed at the sound of your already fucked-out voice.
Immediately after, his middle finger slid all the way inside you and your mouth opened in a silent moan.
Instead of moving his finger in and out, he curled it upwards gently and you screamed his name, feeling the need to grab his wrist and keep him there forever.
He did that again and again, increasing the pressure every time.
“I'm going to add another, pet,” he whispered and you stopped breathing altogether.
“But I need you to breathe,” he whispered against your bent knee, looking you in the eyes.
“No wait. I can't. I'm afraid I'm going to cum already if you keep that up,” you whined covering your face.
“Well, that's the plan. Relax for me and breathe” He whispered and sounded so sexy you were afraid you might implode.
“Ok” you whispered back, biting your bottom lip to try and conceal your moans.
You failed miserably, because the moment he inserted a second digit, you moaned his name out loud, feeling your walls clamping down around his fingers.
The smirk he was sporting after that was massive and you wanted to tell him off but the moment your mouth opened, both his fingers curled inside of you, hitting your g-spot.
A moan of his name echoed loud and clear in the room and he groaned. He kept massaging that spot over and over again while his lips wrapped around your clit.
Involuntarily your hands grasped your breasts and your fingers started toying with your hardened nipples making the feeling of your approaching orgasm intensify through your body.
You felt your walls spasm around his fingers and he noticed too. The sensation was too overwhelming and you were having a hard time controlling your hips that kept bucking against his hand.
“There she is. Just like this. Take what's yours” he whispered, watching you with rapt attention as your orgasm hit you.
Your vision went completely blank and everything turned eerily quiet.
You couldn't feel your body at all, but you were aware that your heart was beating incredibly fast.
Suddenly, you felt something warm and soft against your cheek.
“Are you here on Planet Earth with me, pet?” Jake whispered, caressing your cheek with gentle fingers.
When you finally opened your eyes, he was towering over you, with a concerned expression in his dark eyes and a little nervous smile on his lips.
“Are you ok?” He asked again when you didn't answer the first time.
You nodded and watched as he visibly relaxed.
You felt incredibly sleepy but still, you were aware of the fact that he was still painfully hard. You could feel him against your thigh, pulsating and leaking.
“Are you tired?” He whispered into the crook of your neck, while his fingers combed through your disheveled hair.
“Yes, I am…” you answered and were about to continue but he interrupted you.
“You should sleep. I'll get out of your way.” he whispered back and was already starting to stand up when you grasped his wrist.
“Where do you think you are going? I think you were trying to prove a point. You really want to throw in the towel now?” You purred and saw his eyes darken at your words.
“You should know I never back down.” he whispered back against your lips.
Your hand slowly made its way down his chest and wrapped around his cock making him whimper.
You stroked him a few times watching mesmerized as he twitched and leaked in your hand but soon you stopped.
“Prove it.” You whispered against his lips.
“Alright, pet. I'm gonna give it to you good.” He said and gently turned your body on your side, so your head could lean comfortably against your pillow.
Then, he maneuvered himself so he was laying on his side behind you, spooning you.
You faintly heard as he put on the condom and suddenly his body was flush against yours. His chest against your back, his hips against your ass and his legs bent at the same angle as yours. Everything you were feeling at that moment was Jake.
You felt his warm breath against the back of your neck and you shivered.
“I need you to relax completely” he said, placing the arm on which he was laying underneath your neck and caressing from your shoulder to your hip with the other hand.
Then he traced his fingers up and down your back a few times, making you effectively relax.
“Are you ready?” He whispered into your hair, while stroking the tip of his cock up and down your slit, and making your back arch.
“Yeah, please Jake. I need you inside” you whispered not even remotely ashamed of the pleading, desperate tone of your voice.
With a hand wrapped around your hip, he pushed all the way inside excruciatingly slow with a drawn out groan that made you shiver and your mouth hang open in a silent scream of pleasure.
You were petrified by pleasure. Unable to utter a single word or to even move an inch, your brain was entirely occupied but the absolute feeling of fullness he was providing you. You had never experienced anything even remotely similar. Not even your vibrator made you feel like that.
In the back of your mind, you already knew that the whole “I'm not going to bring this up in the morning” thing was a bad idea, but you played along nonetheless.
You were already addicted to him now. It could only backfire in the future.
But, at that moment, your mind was completely blank. The euphoric feeling of Jake's member deliciously stretching your walls was everything you could comprehend.
He was already panting behind you and breathing sweet words of encouragement into your ears.
“You feel so good. God, you are like heaven.” he whimpered loudly, squeezing your hip with his hand.
“I'm going to move, alright?” He whispered and you felt him pull almost all the way out before starting to slide back in. Your walls spasmed and contracted around him, making him stop with an hiss.
“Pet, please, relax.” He said, groaning. “If you keep squeezing me like this I'm going to cum.”
You took a deep breath and tried your best to relax. You focused on the scorching hot feeling of his sweaty body flush against yours. It was one of the best sensations you had ever felt.
You felt him exhale a relieved breath when finally you relaxed enough for him to start moving and you had to bite your lip when he bottomed out inside you.
He set a steady slow rhythm and you felt yourself melt against him.
You had never had sex in that position, but you already loved it. It allowed you to feel him completely, every ridge and vein of his cock, and every sound and whimper coming from his mouth. It was so intimate that you knew you were going to soak your panties every time you thought about it. He enveloped you completely, monopolizing your senses with his presence.
His hand moved from your hip to your breasts, massaging the skin languidly while he praised you.
“You are such a good girl. Look at you, taking me so well.” He whispered and you sobbed out a moan. His name came out of your mouth in a needy whimper that had him biting your shoulder.
You felt yourself dripping all over him and you moaned his name again.
Suddenly, he bent the arm that was laying under your neck to grasp your shoulder to keep you still and flush against him and his other hand squeezed your hip again.
His rhythm quickened until he was slamming his hips against your ass, panting heavily.
Your orgasm was around the corner and you started countering his thrusts pushing your hips against his, feeling him impossibly deep inside of you.
You were unable to utter a single word. The only thought in your brain was made up of four words that kept repeating over and over like a mantra.
I wanna be yours.
I wanna be yours.
I wanna be yours.
“I wanna be yours”
You were too lost in pleasure to notice that the voice kept echoing in your brain because you were whispering it out loud before you came.
When he heard what you were saying his nails dug into your skin and he let out a wailing scream, spilling into the condom. He kept thrusting a few seconds more bringing you both over the edge of overstimulation before he stopped.
He didn't unwrap himself from around you though, he kept you so close you felt like one.
When finally he slipped out of you, he placed a little kiss in the middle of your back.
“I'm going to get you cleaned up. Give me a second and I'll be back.” He whispered.
After a minute he was back, but you didn't hear anything. You were already fast asleep.
He cleaned you up gently and then covered you up with your bed sheets.
Then he silently left your room.
Before shutting the door, he whispered something only he could hear.
“I'd love that, pet.”
Taglist: @gvfpal @sammyslappers @spark-my-nature @highladyofasgard @sparrowofthedawnsworld
@jessicafg03 @doodle417 @hellowgoodbye @ejoygvf @jaketlover
@jakekiszkasbabymama @objectsinspvce @indigostreakmorgan @witchofendora @myleftsock
@gretavanshmeat @gretasfallingsky @giraffehippy @jennasometimesreads @katiegvf
@sinarainbows @laney_gvf @themorningbirds @starcatcherchords @lipstickitty
@meetingthestardust @joshskittytickler @livkiszka @twistedmelodies @ignite-my-fire
@gvfmarge @writingcold @brujamagik @edgingthedarkness @gold-mines-melting
@mindastreamofcolours @blacksoul-27
@jakekiszkapunchmeintheface @mapelsyrup07 @klarxtr
@takenbythemadness @peaceloveunitygvf
@lyndz2names @jazzyfigz @its-interesting-van-kleep
@katuschka @fleet-of-fiction @lvnterninthenight @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @hollyco
@i-love-gvf @psychedelectable @emojakekiszka
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murrpa · 2 days
heart wrecking angst⇩
In Deadpool 4, Logan discovers his presence in Wades universe messes up cycle of events and if he continues to live in it— the universe can collapse (butterfly effect kind of thing), so in the end of the movie B-15 and minute men show up dramatically a they do at Wades apartment, and escort Logan back into the headquarters planning to send him back to his “home”. Both Logan and Wade see the scale of this, and Wade soon is taken to talk to him one last time before never seeing him again since B-15 felt generous that day. So she give them this moment.
Wade scoffs: So now is the time? Hah, I should’ve known, TVA has every event written down to nanoseconds… I swear, it puts someone’s strict mother’s skill to plan the whole year in advance and never let her kid see the light of day without her permission at shame!
All that while Logan looks at him. Though he has so much to say, to confess, but decides not to do it, maybe because it’ll hurt letting him go more than it already is.
Wade approaches him: I… ugh, was not prepared, otherwise I would’ve pulled out my 100 page essay and read it to you in British accent as you walk further away from me into the sunset.
Logan: Wade?
Wade: Yeah?
Logan struggles. What is there to say now? His heart is aching, and cracks with each passing second there’s left. He wanted to say his life was at its fullest by Wade’s side, how he’s now changed man, all because of him. For him. That he will continue being that person in his world simply because Wade will be proud.
Logan: I might have my own place, my house and whatnot… But I never dared to call it my home, y’know?
Wade listens, no longer daring to quip a sound. And hazel eyes of Logan glisten in nothing but sadness. If that emotion could be painted— it would be him. Right now.
Logan: I wish the world was on my side, fair to me, to us, Wade.
His voice shakes. And he no longer cares to control the tear that soon oozes out the corner of an eye, to his hope, telling at least a tenth of all what his heart wants to say. Then it finally hits merc. Is this really it?
Wade: Peanut, I promise, it’s okay.
No. It fucking hurts. Wade never hated to say goodbye so damn much like now, but understands, that to love someone is letting them go.
He’s only doing it for Logan, for his universe. Sure there’s something that’s waiting for him, something better than this. Which what Logan deserves, after non consensual involvement in Wade’s goal to save his own world. After what he had been through.
Logan softly sobs: It shouldn’t be, I wish I had a choice. Because coming back is long time off my list.
Wade realizes his emotions reveal, a hot heavy tear drops off his chin, and fake but bitter smile grows to comfort Wolverine. Ignoring everything what’s falling into pieces in his chest.
Wade: I just… I just never want you to get into dangerous shit cause of me. I want you to be okay.
But Logan doesn’t care, even if his old life promises to be as peaceful as Swedish government. In the end, being next to Wade— suddenly makes chaos worth it.
Logan: I was okay, Wade, I was… so happy— but as soon as my foot steps through the teleporter…
Logan breaks as more tears rush down his face. His gaze locked with Wade’s.
Logan: … I will comeback being the same pitty guy you picked up at the bar.
But Wade protests.
Wade: No, nope, you’ll comeback better than ever.
He gives up smiling, then reaching out for the man, locking him in the most loving hug, arms wrapping waist, one digging fingertips into the shirt, and second one cards Logan’s hair. Which makes older man hate himself for not hugging Wade often before, when they were so happy, and lived under one roof not knowing this day would come.
Wade: You are, and always will be the best wolverine.
Logan hides his face in Wade’s neck, ashamed someone might see him, how destroyed he is with pain of leaving him, forever.
Wade: Thank you infinitely, for staying, saving my world.
Wade’s hushed voice sends chills, and throat begins to burn, yearning to say one last thing as he hears footsteps approaching.
Logan: Thank you for becoming mine.
(lmk if you’re interested in me writing full fic based off of this💛❤️)
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dumbpsique · 2 days
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DATING OLIVER AIKU; how it feels.
|If by a miracle you won this man's heart, what kind of boyfriend would he be?
|Red stars: NSFW
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☆ I disagree with those who say that Oliver is not jealous. He is absolutely very jealous, after all, he understands very well how the male mind works.
☆ lots of hugs in public, without caring if the entire press is pointing cameras at you.
☆ He wakes up early and plays on his cell phone, which means he will have lots of photos of you sleeping with your mouth open, drooling or even videos of you snoring.
☆ It absolutely makes you embarrassed. without wanting to? Don't be silly, it's a hobby.
☆ He eats while playing on his cell phone, so while you're complaining about all your problems, he's watching some tiktok at full volume.
☆ your dates are car trips where you can put your feet up, choose the music and adjust the air conditioning temperature.
☆ When he comes into contact with kids, he acts like an idiot, running after them, spinning them around, jumping, doing whatever they want. then you comment about wanting to start a family and he blanches "god, no."
☆ 100% needy when he wants something. holding onto your waist, sniffing your neck and whispering "pleeeeease" in your ear.
☆ calls you the most shameful petnames possible in public. Are you in front of a waiter? "my little parakeet." They are having lunch with his parents "cute baby, can you pass the salt?" Yes, he is ridiculous.
☆ He never knows how to give you gifts, he always buys the most expensive one.
☆ thinks you're the hottest woman in the world and loves showing off by your side. points to all the guys on the team "that's my girl"
☆ He stresses you out in fights because he doesn't respond to your insults. use sarcasm or just respond with "okok, if you think you're right"
☆ his parents adore him. Oliver is a natural extrovert and even gets along well with his grandparents. he talks about football, helps your mother in the kitchen, plays with your younger siblings and bothers your father.
☆ It cooks SO badly that it's depressing. Every romantic night ends with a burnt pan and a last-minute pizza order.
☆ squeeze your ass regardless of who you are in front of. zero embarrassment, every couple does this, right? in public or not, what changes?
☆ he says he's going to braid your hair (you always end up with knots, but you leave it because you think it's cute.
☆ 8 or 80. he will open the car door in a gentlemanly way or forget you outside and leave.
☆ the kind of guy who if you ask him to buy pads he will ask you what size your pussy is.
☆ makes jokes about having lovers, but would never trade you for anyone.
☆ double meaning jokes ALWAYS! this guy has no discernment of limits (he dies laughing at his own jokes.
☆ every event he takes you to, you end up on a couch with a glass of wine in your hand while cursing everyone there.
☆ he enjoys semi-public sex, he feels turned on by the fact that he can be caught or that he can hear you melting for him.
☆ tags you anywhere you consider hot. his fingers are marked on her waist, bites on her neck and breasts. That's why he thinks he's exceptional.
☆ "do you like this? oh you do, look at the way you're whining." damn, he's dirty.
☆ it will break your ego painfully, denying you orgasm and making you beg for it.
☆ I would ask to record. no one is made of iron, what would he do when he was horny and in another country without you? having videos made everthing easier.
☆ have rough sex and sleep spooning FR
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bamber344 · 3 days
Invested In Your Succes
sup gang. this chapter is frickin huge. good luck lol
i feel like the character dynamics go pretty hard in this one but maybe that's just me
a few minor spoilers in the cws this time but if your worried about the content make sure to check 'em
CWs: Caning, stress positions, mentions of previous torture (beating), mentions of previous gun violence, controlling whumper, creepy whumper, lowkey whumper turned whumpee, allusions to non-con prostitution (briefly mentioned), minor cosmic horror, threats of violence, forced to drink alcohol, drunk whumpee
Invested In Your Success
“P-please, Father… No more… I- I’ll be good.”
My voice croaked out weakly, wavering and cracking with every word. Exhaustion and pain gripped every single fibre of my being in a stranglehold. I just wanted it all to end. I knew that I’d made mistakes, disobeyed Father’s orders, and that was why I deserved this, but I just couldn’t take it anymore. It was too much.
I yelped at the sharp sting of the cane across my back, taking its place among dozens of other hot, stinging welts. I supposed I should just be grateful that Father had chosen to wait for me to recover from my concussion and broken sternum before continuing my insubordination punishments. Those few weeks of rest were the most peace I’d felt in… I couldn’t even remember. Maybe my whole life. It was all undercut by the dread of what was awaiting me once I was better, though. 
It started with the discipline training days. A few days after my beating for failing to protect the SWAT officers, Father dragged me into a room of the facility I’d never been in before. Metal fastenings lined the walls and buckled ropes hung from the ceiling. He set me down on my knees and fastened my hands behind me with some cuffs, hooking them onto a rope so that my arms were wrenched upwards painfully. My ankles were subsequently cuffed to the fastenings on the walls, so I had no choice but to kneel, sitting up off my calves to try and alleviate the pain in my shoulders. Then, Father just left, closing the door and leaving me in the dark.
For eight long hours, I suffered there in unknowable agony, amplified by my lack of sight. By the time he came and released me, the strain in my muscles was so great that I couldn’t move for a good forty minutes afterwards. Then he told me that, until I learned to respect him and his authority, and to never talk back again, this was going to be a weekly thing. I couldn’t stop myself from crying.
Getting shot was almost a good thing, in that regard. It was nice getting to talk to Vivienne and Brianna, and my injuries meant that Father couldn’t justify doling out my punishments for a while, lest he make them worse and ruin my performance as a hero. All that was over with now, though.
“Agh! F-Father! Dad, please! I’m sorry!”
I’d already been in this position for hours, though I’d lost my exact count once the pain got too bad. My arms were restrained over my head, pulling me up onto the tips of my toes. Do I support myself and use up my dwindling muscle strength, or do I just let myself hang, ruining my shoulders with steadily worsening dislocation? That was the question I was left with, though it quickly became pointless to wonder as my calves steadily lost strength and more weight was put on my arms regardless. Now, instead of letting me go, Father was caning me.
“Stop talking, Jordyn,” Father said, calmly. “You know you were forbidden from informing those superheroes of your circumstances, yet you did so anyway. Now be quiet and accept your punishment.”
It was the truth. In my never-ending stupidity and my concussion-induced haze, I’d said a lot of stuff to Vivienne and Brianna that I hadn’t intended to. Father watched the whole thing unfold through my visor camera, sealing my fate. He was right, I deserved this. But, deserved or not, it didn’t change how weak I was. It didn’t change how much I just wanted it to be over. I stifled a sob as the next hit came, vowing to at least follow Father’s orders and not speak, if I couldn’t stop myself from vocalising at all.
A few more strikes, and the punishment finally ended. Father unlocked the cuffs on my wrists and I collapsed with a cry, my dislocated shoulders sending a lance of pain through my body.
“That will be all for now, Jordyn. You have one more discipline session next week, and then we’ll see if the training holds or not. You have two hours to get yourself fixed and rest. Then, you and I have an engagement to attend. I will meet you in your quarters then. Do not be late.”
An engagement? That was the first I’d heard of this. And apparently, that was all I would hear of this, as Father left the room before I could sum up the energy to ask any questions. Oh well. That wasn’t super important right now, anyway. What was important was getting my shoulders back into their sockets. This was really gonna suck.
I grimaced, gingerly rolling onto my back and trying not to hiss at the feeling of my welts against the cold floor. I needed to calm down. This wouldn’t work if I wasn’t relaxed.
I closed my eyes, spending several minutes just breathing, and thinking about calming things. Sitting on rooftops on quiet evenings. Relaxing in my room with a book. Drawing. My shower. Talking with Vivienne and Brianna. I wasn’t expecting those two to pop up in my mind's eye, but it made sense. Their calm demeanour while Vivienne was treating me was part of the reason I didn’t freak out nearly as much as I could have, considering the situation. Brianna was especially good at keeping my mind off of it, her low voice hitting my ear at a comforting frequency as she told me how brave I was being. The thought of that memory made my stomach flutter a bit.
Now that I was calm, I slowly shifted my right arm up until it was over my head, and then carefully reached for my other shoulder. Sure enough, the joint popped back in with one last terrible shot of pain before everything subsided – on that side, at least. Now to do it all over again.
I cursed, spitting one of the words I’d heard the other officers use up at the ceiling. Did everyone’s life involve this much pain?
The designated time had come and I stood at the ready in my room, donned in my armour, trying to fight back against the shakiness in my exhausted muscles. Father should be here any minute.
Sure enough, the door slid open and Father walked in, looking me over. He nodded.
“Good, you’re ready. You can leave your helmet here. You won’t need it.”
I frowned, pulling it off and leaving it on the bed. That was highly unusual. Half the reason I was being punished was simply for removing my mouthpiece in front of Vivienne and Brianna. I didn’t even want to consider what Father would do if I’d taken my whole helmet off.
He raised an eyebrow. “You haven’t shaved your head yet.”
A spike of adrenaline shot through me as I reached up to touch my head. He was right, I’d totally forgotten. I hadn’t needed to during my month of recovery, and to be honest, I’d been putting it off, savouring what little hair growth I could get. Right now it was sitting at around half an inch. Surely that wasn’t so bad, right? Still, I couldn’t afford another mistake.
“I- I’m sorry, sir. It slipped my mind.”
He sighed, turning to leave the room and motioning for me to follow. “I suppose it can’t be helped. It’s too late now, and in all fairness, you are recovering from a brain injury. Forgetfulness is to be expected.”
Relief flooded my body. He was letting me off the hook. “Thank you, sir.”
“I expect it to be done before you leave for patrol tomorrow.”
“Yes, sir.” I tried to hide my disappointment, already mourning the little bit of soft fluff I’d managed to grow.
The silence dragged on as I followed him down the hallway and into the elevator, and with it, my curiosity about the night only grew. “Permission to speak?” I asked. 
“What is this event we’re going to?”
“A party among my friends, to celebrate your relative success.”
“What’s a party?”
He looked at me, a hint of amusement at the edges of his eyes. “You’ll see.”
Once we reached the garage, we got into Father’s car and he drove me through the city. It was nice to be able to see everything without my helmet on for once, and when we arrived at our destination, I finally got to enjoy the sensation of something I’d been waiting for since the day I woke up; feeling the wind in my hair. It almost made up for the terrible day I’d had. Sadly, it was only for the short walk from the car to the building, though.
Once inside, we took an elevator all the way up to the penthouse floor. When the doors opened in front of me, I was greeted by the sight of dozens of older, suited people milling around a large space. Music was playing, and the air was thick with the scent of perfumes and colognes. They all turned to see who the new arrivals were, and all of their eyes quickly locked on to me. I tried to school my expression of discomfort, remembering that I couldn’t hide behind my helmet. The urge to turtle behind the neckpiece of my armour was strong.
“Andy, it’s good to see you!” A man approached us as we stepped into the room; sharply dressed, with his dark brown hair slicked back. A quick glance around at the faces and body language of everyone present confirmed my hunch: this man was the most important person here. He was younger than most of his companions, probably around 40, with angular features; high cheekbones and a sharp jaw.
“Mr. Beaumond,” Father greeted, shaking the man’s hand. “A pleasure, as always.”
Mr. Beaumond turned to me, his dark eyes travelling up and down my form appraisingly. They settled on my face, staring into my soul. A shiver crawled up my spine and I nervously averted my eyes, looking down at his shoes.
“Wow, Andy. I mean, seriously, wow. You’ve outdone yourself. The resemblance is actually uncanny!”
“I should hope so,” Father replied. “If her appearance wasn’t exact, it would mean something went wrong.”
I had no idea what they were talking about, but I was used to that by this point. I’d already accepted the fact that I was an idiot. No reason to agonise over not understanding the conversations of my betters.
“So, how much to rent her out for a night, huh?” Mr. Beaumond grinned and waggled his eyebrows, lightly elbowing Father. Then he burst into laughter, like it was all a joke. Something in his eyes told me it wasn’t. Despite not really understanding, a deeply uncomfortable feeling settled into my gut.
Father’s expression changed slightly, though he maintained the cordial smile. “Jordyn is not for sale, I’m afraid. I prefer to keep her activities tightly monitored in order to maximise her effectiveness. Perhaps we can discuss this in the context of some of the subjects still in development, but given the risks to the program that would involve, I would need quite the hefty funding bonus in order to consider it.”
Mr. Beaumond patted Father on the shoulder. “Ah, lighten up, Andy. It was just a joke! That being said, I’ll hold you to that.” He winked. I was shocked. No one had ever treated Father so casually before, and the way this man was acting was clearly putting Father in a bad mood. If it had been me, Father would have had me nursing multiple broken bones already. And yet, Father was still maintaining that calm, diplomatic smile. An icy sensation crept through my body. 
This man held power over him. I could barely wrap my head around the concept. It just didn’t fit with my idea of how the world worked. Father was always at the top of the food chain. The employees at the facility and the police were below him, and I was below them, sitting with the rank and file officers, if not below them, too. Simply put; I was the prey, and Father was the predator. He hunted. He controlled. No one stood against him. The idea that there was anyone that Father was beholden to was terrifying. That the man could cause me so much pain and not be the most powerful was incomprehensible. It made me wonder how much worse Father’s predator would be, when their ire was faced upon me.
“Enough about business, it’s a party!” Mr. Beaumond jovially announced, snapping me out of my paranoid spiralling. “Come, you two! It’s an open bar, so get anything you like.”
He corralled us towards the tall bench that many of the party-goers were milling around. The wall beyond the bench was covered by floor-to-ceiling shelves, all filled with bottles of varying shapes and sizes. A man in a waistcoat stood behind the bench, rushing between people and filling glasses with the liquids inside the various bottles. His speed and efficiency in his work was fascinating to watch.
“Jordyn doesn’t drink,” Father said, to which I was tempted to argue that I do indeed drink, I have water all the time, when he continued, “She’ll just have a coke.”
The man behind the bar nodded and started filling up a glass with some sort of bubbly, dark brown liquid. Mr. Beaumond laughed that laugh of his.
“What is she, fourteen? Come on, Andy, don’t be a stick in the mud. She’s an adult; she can have a drink if she wants to.” He turned to me, and I had to resist the urge to back up. “Well, Jordie? What do you say? Care to have a drink with the grown-ups?”
I found myself at a loss for words, gaping like a fish as I kept trying to speak, only to come up empty. To say yes would be to go directly against Father’s wishes. To say no would be to go against Mr. Beaumond’s wishes. I didn’t know which was worse. Even outside of that, I had no idea how to respond. Wasn’t I getting a drink anyway? Maybe I was misunderstanding some terminology that the two men took for granted. It wouldn’t be the first time.
“As her handler, I would prefer that Jordyn doesn’t drink anything alcoholic tonight.” Father said pointedly. “She’s going out on patrol tomorrow for the first time since her injury. I would rather not have a hangover muddy her performance any more than inactivity no doubt already has. We wouldn’t want your investments to go to waste, after all.”
Mr. Beaumond put his hands up in mock surrender. “You’re her boss.”
Father handed me the glass of brown liquid as he ordered a drink of his own. I took a sniff and immediately recoiled as the sweet smell seemed to fizzle up my nose. Father laughed at my reaction as I tentatively took a sip. Again, the sweetness was almost overpowering, and it felt like the liquid was gently stabbing the inside of my mouth, tingling as it travelled down my throat. Surprisingly, that wasn’t actually a bad thing. It was just… weird. And new. I’d only ever had water before, so this whole thing was a very novel experience. I actually kind of liked it.
“Well, you two have fun now,” Mr. Beaumond said. “I’m gonna go mingle. We’ll talk business soon, yeah Andy?” He turned to me, giving me a wink. “Catch you later, sweetcheeks.”
With that, he sauntered off into the crowd. Father and I watched him go.
“Who is he?” I asked quietly.
“Sebastian Beaumond,” Father answered. “He’s a senator, and one of the key investors in your rehabilitation program. Treat him with the same respect you would treat me.”
I could have sworn he said the last part through gritted teeth.
If there was one thing I’d learned about parties throughout the night, it was that they were incredibly overwhelming. As soon as Mr. Beaumond left us alone, it seemed like everyone wanted a piece of me, and Father was little help, often engaging in completely unrelated conversations while I was left to fend for myself among all of the strangers who had a weird fixation with my face, for some reason. I lost count of how many times some old person pinched my cheek or poked me. It didn’t help that I was still in quite a lot of pain from the day’s punishments; my calves quivering and my shoulders steadily pulsing with sharp muscle stabs, the welts on my back still stinging with every movement. At least the drink Father gave me was nice…
Finally, after enduring the unwanted affections and confusing compliments from dozens of people, I was able to find the space to duck away and hide in a corner, catching my breath away from the crowd. Most people had gotten caught in conversations with each other, leaving me free to slip into the shadows, subtly pulling them around me to further obscure myself from view. I’d had enough interaction for one night, and not having my helmet on, despite how I usually disliked its oppressive cage around my head, was making me feel exposed and vulnerable.
A felt a presence coming closer, and a shiver travelled down my spine. Mr. Beaumond approached, two drinks in hand. I watched him warily as he came near, crowding me into the corner of safety I’d hidden in.
“It’s pretty dark around here,” he said, looking around. “That your doing? Don’t tell me you’re trying to hide away, Jordie? You’re practically the life of the party!”
I blinked up at him, trying to avoid staring too hard into the black pits of his eyes. Something about them was unsettling. “I… I, uh…”
He let out a small laugh. “Not much of a talker, are you? Here, drink this. It should help with that.” He held out one of the glasses. Inside was a brown liquid; lighter than the drink I’d had earlier, and without the bubbles. Its scent made my nose burn.
“I… I shouldn’t. Father said I wasn’t allowed.”
“Father did, hm? That’s what you call him? Ah, that’s cute. Well, he’s not around right now, is he? Besides, this party is to celebrate you! You deserve to cut loose a little. Go on, drink it.”
Mr. Beaumond leaned in closer. I didn’t want to say no to him, but the knowledge of what would await me if I disobeyed Father was too strong a warning to ignore. I hesitantly shook my head.
“Father would find out. I don’t want to be punished. I- I’m sorry, Mr. Beaumond.”
His face dropped all expression, becoming totally blank. The darkness of his pupils seemed to draw me in. There was nothing behind them; no light, no goodness, only a strange flickering at the edges of my vision that filled me with awful, primordial anxiety. It was the exact same sensation I felt right before my seizure a few months ago; a predator was watching me, and I was completely helpless against it. I was staring into the abyss, and it stared straight back into me.
“A word of advice, Jordyn, since I know you’re new to the whole ‘being alive’ thing. When someone offers you something, it’s polite to take it, regardless of what you really want. Maybe you should worry less about how Andreas will react, and worry more about me. Who knows, I might feel slighted by your snubbing of my offer. Andreas owes me a lot of money; I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if I paid you a visit in the facility some day to teach you a lesson in respect. And I would be very thorough, Jordyn. You think you know pain? You think you understand humiliation? I can break you in ways you can barely comprehend, ways Andreas wouldn’t even dare think of. Andreas may own you, but I own him. I own this city. There is nowhere you can go to be safe from me.”
He leaned back a little as I stood there, completely frozen. My heart raced like it was trying to escape from my chest. That same old easy smile overtook his face, replacing the cold, empty blankness. The smile was honestly worse.
“All that is to say… C’mon. Don’t be boring, Jordie. Take a drink with me.”
I took the drink from him, too petrified to do anything but obey. The liquid inside sloshed against the glass from the way my hands were shaking. He noticed it, and the edges of his eyes crinkled in delight.
“Aww, did I scare you? I’m sorry, babe. Drink up, it’ll make you feel better.”
“Mr. Beaumond, what are you doing?”
I’d never been so relieved to see Father in my life. He strode up to us, a stern look on his face that, for once, wasn’t directed at me. Mr. Beaumond didn’t look at him, keeping his horribly empty gaze locked on to me. 
“Just giving the little lady a drink, nothing to lose your head over.”
“I thought I told you that wasn’t happening.”
Mr. Beaumond rounded on him, seeming to tower over Father despite being slightly shorter.
“Tell me, Andy. What makes you think you have a say? If I recall correctly, I own almost seventy percent of the shares for your little project. Doesn’t that mean I have a say in how things are run? A bigger say than yours, even?”
Father took a deep breath. I could almost feel his anger rising. “Even so, as I said earlier, I believe it would be foolish to get her drunk the night before her redeployment. Her public image could be at stake.”
Mr. Beaumond tilted his head. “It’s funny that you think I don’t know what your real goal is. ‘Revitalising the police?’ Please, don’t make me laugh. I know what you’re really planning with this little project of yours, and I just want you to know, I am invested in your success. Believe it or not, I want you to succeed. This world needs changing, and I do think you’re the one to do it. That being said, I could just as easily change my mind. It would be a cinch to cut your funding down to nothing. You’d have to downsize quite a bit. Maybe even let go of poor little Jordyn here. I would take good care of her, of course, but you’d be left without your soldier. You could start again with another subject, but how would that look in the eyes of the public? Your pet superhero just up and disappears, but it’s okay, because now you’ve got a new one, with no news of where the first one went? That wouldn’t go down well, especially with the rumours that are already floating around about Jordyn. Tell me, Andy. What’s worse? A hero in a program people are already suspicious of disappearing? Or, said superhero going back to work with a hangover? Hell, it might actually convince people you don’t hold the leash as tight as you do. It would be good for you. Just think about it.”
Father grit his teeth and finally submitted, looking down at the floor. “Do as he says, Jordyn. Drink.”
I didn’t even know what the drink was, but after how insistent Mr. Beaumond had been, I felt hesitant out of pure principle. “But-”
Father looked at me sharply and I had to resist the instinct to recoil. “You still have one week left on your insubordination punishment. Don’t make me extend that further.”
He was right. I couldn’t afford to be forced into that horrible room for even a second longer than I already had to. Whatever this drink was, it couldn’t be worse than that. I took a deep breath and brought the glass up to my lips, taking as big of a gulp as I could manage in order to finish it quicker.
That was a mistake.
The bitter liquid burned the inside of my mouth and all the way down my throat. I had to resist the urge to retch, forcing myself to swallow. A sudden nausea snapped through me for a split second before fading. 
“That was awful,” I muttered, pulling a face.
Mr. Beaumond laughed. “Keep going, you’ve still got half a glass left!”
I tried not to shudder, steeling myself for the unpleasant experience before taking another large sip. Better to just get it over and done with.
By the time I was done, I was actively resisting the need to throw up. I put the glass down on a nearby table and stumbled back to the wall, leaning heavily against it. My head felt like it was spinning slightly, and the sensation was awful. I felt like I was slowly losing control of my own body, and in a place as dangerous and unsafe as this, I needed as much control as I could get. 
“There’s a good girl,” Mr. Beaumond said. He held out the other glass. “Not done yet, though. Come on, you can do it.”
I let out a whine as my stomach dropped, looking to Father for help. He just nodded. I was completely on my own.
I stared at the floor, trying not to puke as the world spun horribly around me. My entire face felt numb, and my thoughts felt slow. If I thought the sensation of lacking control was bad after one glass, I had no idea what was coming once I’d finished the second one. Thankfully, Mr. Beaumond left me alone after that, patting me on the back and congratulating me for a job well done before sauntering off to bother someone else. Father told me to keep my head down and not talk to anyone for the rest of the night, so that’s what I was doing, lounging in a chair, hiding behind my shadows, and just trying to stay alive. At least the numbness made my injuries hurt a little less. It was a very minor comfort, in the face of everything else. 
Time lost all meaning as I sat there, swaying back and forth. It felt like I’d been at this party for hours and hours, but that couldn’t be right; the clock on the wall hadn’t changed enough for that.
I looked up at the sound of my name. Father stood over me, a carefully even expression on his face. I knew him well enough by now to notice the hint of worry underneath it, though. Behind him, the room had almost emptied out.
“Yeh…yeah, dad?”
His lip curled downwards a little at that. “We’re moving to a boardroom to discuss business. Given your… state, I believe it best that you do not attend. You can go home.”
I blinked. “R-really?”
“Yes,” he nodded. “Use your shadows to obscure your face. If you allow anyone to see it, I will know, and there will be dire consequences. Am I understood?”
I nodded rapidly and immediately regretted it, as a wave of nausea travelled up my throat. “Yea- urp.” I quickly covered my mouth in case anything came out.
Father sighed. He waved a hand at me, as if shooing me off. “Get going. And if you need to throw up, do it somewhere no one will see.”
I nodded much more carefully as he walked away. Standing up was difficult, but I managed it with a bit of effort, stumbling over to the elevator and failing multiple times at pressing the button for the ground floor. This trip was going to be a pain, that was for sure.
I was lost.
No matter how hard I looked, no matter how many street signs I stared at, no matter how much I surveyed the area from atop a building, I just couldn’t find my way back to the precinct. My sense of direction was completely shot from the spinning in my head, and I’d already had to stop to throw up once. This night couldn’t possibly get any worse.
Father was going to be so mad at me.
The thought made a sob rip from my chest. I stumbled back against a wall and sank to the floor, unable to hold it back anymore. Once he found me, he was gonna hurt me again, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. 
“Seven? Is that you?”
I blinked away my tears, looking up and ensuring that a cloud of shadows remained around my face. Vivienne stood not too far away, dressed in street clothes with a satchel around her shoulder. Her outfit was simple but cute; a yellow long-sleeve underneath a dark green cardigan, and a pair of skinny denim jeans. It made envy and longing burn deep down in my gut. What I wouldn’t give to get to wear cute stuff like that.
I sniffled. “Vivienne?”
“Hey,” she said. “Haven’t seen you around in a while. Are you alright? What’s, uh… what’s going on with your helmet? It looks like a cloud.”
“I left it at home. Usin’ shadows to hide m’ face.”
Vivienne frowned. “Are you drunk?”
The question brought the memory of Mr. Beaumond forcing me to drink straight back to the forefront of my mind and I crumpled into another fit of sobbing.
“Woah, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to upset you!” Vivienne said. “Here, c’mon. Let’s get you up off the floor, okay?”
She reached down and I took her hand, using it to help myself up. My balance was off though, and I stumbled against her, my head falling down onto her shoulder. She smelled nice.
“Are you… okay, Seven?”
No. I wasn’t okay. I didn’t want to feel like this anymore; so helpless and out of control. I didn’t want to be lost. I didn’t want Father to hurt me anymore. I didn’t want to be a superhero. I choked on another sob and shook my head against her shoulder.
“What’s wrong?” She wrapped her arms around me, burying one in the short hair on the back of my head, and I practically melted into her. No one had ever held me like this before. No one had touched me so gently, not since the early days of my rehabilitation. I never wanted it to end.
“He… H-he made me drink… I di’n’t wanna, but he made me… sss…said he’d hurt me. I feel so bad ‘n I’m lost ‘n dad’s g’nna punish me again ‘f I don’ get back.”
Vivienne stiffened in my arms. “Who made you drink, Seven? Who said they’d hurt you?”
“Please don’ call me that,” I muttered. “Nn… N-name’s Jordyn. M’ not a number. I’m a person ‘n I’m not a number… I just… I wanna be a person…” My eyes pricked with hot tears.
“Okay. Okay, Jordyn,” Vivienne said, rubbing the back of my head. “That’s a nice name. Much better than Seven. Now, who did you say threatened you?”
“Mr. B- Beaumond.” 
“I… I’m sorry, I don’t know who that is. I wish I could help you more.”
I groaned, shaking my head and burying my face in the cotton of Vivienne’s cardigan. “S’ okay… You… you smell nice…”
Vivienne laughed. It sounded like music. The thought brought a small smile to my face. “Thanks. It’s probably my perfume.”
I hummed, closing my eyes. If I wasn’t standing, I could easily fall asleep like this, cuddled up to Vivienne. Her shoulder was at just the right height for me to rest my head on. Hell, I was almost about to doze off just like that when I remembered what I was supposed to be doing.
“Can you… help me get home, please?” I asked.
“Okay, sure. Where do you live?”
“Precinct 23.”
“You… You live at the precinct?” I could practically hear the frown in Vivienne’s voice.
“There’s a big facility un’er it. I’ve lived there forever.”
“You’ve been under the precinct your entire life?”
“As far back ‘s I rem’ber, anyway. I dunno what I did before then. ‘S been a year since I woke up. Dad says I’ve always been a hero, but I don’ remember it. I… I don’t really like it. I don’ like the fighting.”
“I… I see…” Vivienne muttered. I was probably saying too much, but I couldn’t find it in me to care, and without my helmet on, Father wouldn’t see, anyway. For once, I was completely free of his surveillance. The moment would be over far too soon, though.
“Alright, well… I can take you to the precinct, but you’ll have to get inside yourself. Is that okay?”
I nodded against her shoulder. “Mhm.”
“Hold on to your guts. I’m about to teleport.”
The air popped in my ears as the scenery changed to the front entrance of the precinct. What a handy power to have.
“This is you,” Vivienne said, finally pulling back from the hug. I quickly amassed my shadows again to hide my face as we parted. “Do you need anything else?”
“Mm, no,” I replied. “Thanks for… Thanks for talking to me.”
Vivienne smiled, tilting her head slightly. The streetlights sparkled in her eyes. My stomach filled with butterflies at the sight.
“No problem. See you around, Jordyn.”
With a slight pop, she teleported away.
God, what an amazing woman. 
I looked at the precinct. Now I just had to find my way back to my room. Easy, right?
I awoke to the feeling of someone nudging me in the side. My head was pounding. There was so much noise, and the light that was creeping through my eyelids was like needles being driven directly into my brain.
“Jordyn?” someone asked. I thought I recognised the voice as Mr. Sadler’s.
“Wh… what?”
“Why are you sleeping in the corridor?”
The memories of last night came rushing back. Stumbling into the elevator and heading down. Wandering through the halls, trying door after door to no avail. Finally, giving up and flopping down on the floor, sleeping right there in the hallway. I groaned, burying myself under a dark sheet of shadow to hide away.
“Leave me alone…”
Mr. Sadler laughed. “Long night, huh? Sounds like you’re gonna have fun at work today.”
The reminder felt worse than a broken sternum. I would legitimately rather die.
taglist: @steelandblood @sapphicwhump @urnumber1star @alsolucakairomi @idkwhattodowiththisaltiamsorry
@iamheretohurt @anoyedartist @dontyoubleedoutonme @seastarblue
Did not expect to get a new whumper out of this chapter but Sebastian just forced himself into the plot anyway. He's creepy and awful and i kinda love it. I hate him.
jordyn just keeps having a real bad time. It won't get better any time soon i'm afraid. at least she gets occasional homoerotic encounters to keep her going.
Thanks for reading! leave a comment or reblog and lemme know what you thought! it's very appreciated :)
see you all next time for the return of our beloved bird woman. Ciao!
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midnight-mourning · 23 hours
Hiii! I saw your post and just couldn’t resist sending in a request XD
The part where Y/N tells Moon he could have been a good lawyer kinda stuck with me. I'd love to see a conversation between Y/N and Moon/Sun about what they would have liked to do if they weren't tied to Fazbear Entertainment. I feel like there's so much potential there!
Or also! It would be really cool to see Moon and Y/N building something together :)
Thanks so much for considering my request, and I hope you have fun with it if it sparks any ideas!
Another Path.
Requested By: @phantasmaghostic
Word Count: 499
Summary: Were things not like they were, you wonder what the Attendants may have done instead of their current line of work. So you ask.
Note: Kind of combined both ideas because i thought it would be interesting, also this was super fun! I love writing scenes like this :) Can be taken as canon or non-canon to CS
"Patent law?" You ask, "Surely you jest."
You'd been stuck working on map-bots for a few hours, and had invited Moon to join you. Mainly in the hopes of deterring him from doing ‘upgrades’ on himself. Though honestly you think you may just end up making the problem worse.
To pass the time you’d been chatting back and forth on a variety of topics, and landed on this one soon enough.
"Not this time," Moon chuckles. 
You shake your head. 
"I take it you're not a fan?"
You fake a gag, "Patent law is so gross. Just hours upon hours of reading. Pays good, yeah. Pays great, even. But god," You shiver, "So boring."
You realize yourself, "But that's just me! Sorry, that was harsh, I understand the appeal don't get me wrong. But um, why that of all things?"
Moon clips a couple of wires before removing them from the map bot’s chest, "Despite my, inclinations, to machinery and the likes, I find myself ever more curious about the ideas behind it," He reaches for a handful of new wires, beginning to install them, "The concepts, I feel, allow insight to how people think."
"Huh, guess that’s true."
He nods, "The additional aspect of assisting others in the protection of their craft also appeals to me."
"Wow," You say.
You solder the replacement wires into place, "You just completely changed my perspective on patent law. Not enough to want to do it myself, but damn. That’s really sweet, Moon."
"It’s simply my honest thoughts, Pandora," He chuckles, handing you the back panel to the bot, "Were I given such an opportunity I may find myself to be more inclined to your way of thinking on the matter."
"Maybe, but still," You put the panel in place, then use your Faz wrench to reboot the machine.
It’s a few repairs later that you broach the subject again.
"What would Sun do?" You ask.
There’s a rift of binary before Moon answers, "Kindergarten teacher."
"Really? Huh."
The naptime attendant seems to know what you’re thinking, "He has a tendency to not think beyond his own limitations."
"What do you think he would do then?" You wrinkle your nose as you discard another paper towel covered in burnt hot sauce.
"Why would you ask me?"
You scoff, smirk on your lips, "Because you know him better than I do. Better than I ever want to, as well."
"Only to a point," Moon’s faceplate twists to the side, eyes crinkling into crescents.
You wait for your answer. It doesn’t take long.
"University librarian," He drawls, "Or a Classics professor."
You chuckle, "Aren’t you the one with the passion for myths?"
"Where do you think it originated from?" Moon counters, plucking Hot Sauce’s new amplifier from your fingers.
You stew on that for a few minutes, that response not being what you expected in the slightest.
Then, you ask your last burning question.
"And his thoughts on you?"
Moon chuckles, "Mechanical engineer."
And that's all, folks! Had a lot of fun with these requests, hope everyone enjoyed them as well. Again, if you'd like to see more of this kind of thing, you can vote here for such. Thanks for reading!!
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siremasterlawrence · 2 days
The Evolution Of Jay
Part 1
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Slave Jason Michale Maxwell Lyle Harper is my newest subject slept in for a bit whenI woke up myself and fuels his number waking him up from his deep slumber to come to my aide. He yawns hearing his fun as he blares on so loudly waking him up as he rolls over to the opposite side of the bed picking him up his cell phone and lifting it to his ears as a very familiar voice roars.He comes through the door deck in yellow tee, grey tee and tight jeans sneakers so lazy a easy put together assemble like it is never before and he has this incredibly sweet smile. So damn hot I cannot even try to deny what is going on as he slams the door and he begins foal approach me with such kindness and he falls even more deeply for me.He smirks gleefully with wide gigantic hug with huge arms wrapping around my body like a towel and his arms hold me downward like a blasted hanger he lifts me up to the years. I am smacking his ass harder as he climbs on top of him the force of his body slamming me down on to the bed and his heft body clocking me and all I can think it is heaven.
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“Good morning boi”
“Mmmm…yes master”
“I love you “
“Me too”
“Hurry up!”
“I’ll be there in ten minutes “
“Make it eight ”
“Yes Master”
“I’m here “
“How much do you love me?”
“Here to the moon”
“How much do you want me?”
“With my life “
“Your life “
“I give anything for you “
“Woah! Wow!”
“You are my idol”
Part 2
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Jay smirks as the spell I cast begins forcing his body to ripple upward and downward with muscles and super sonic speed he looks stunning with better body built likea tank and my life is completely about to have a change. His body grows a bit taller towering over me in a sexy splendor of utter pure undiluted love, sex and pleasure like no other before except to serve me as be overshadows me with a powerful shift is happening and his body drapes over me.A sweep of power swoops over his body in a sea of lust, love, desire and sexual pleasure the weight crushing on top of me moving my upward and downward as my cock inserts in to his ass plunging deep and with that he is crying vigorously.His nipples are so sensitive at the touch of my hand to see him swoon with a simple lite touch, my lips touch his lips tracing down to his neck, through out the rest of his you as he swirls in pain and I can see the pain but also the pleasure. Climbing on top of him once more I lay my lips on him as we make out at first very slowly the pace increasing a little bit at a time and we make out and I can see his heart beat raising with him tearing up as his face shifts. I have fallen for him as I rise up to a pillow playing behind my back by him as I look up to see a new male version of the person I own and soon enough he is undoubtedly is the same guy but with a even better person and I lovingly am in awe fully accepting his wondrous new form.
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“My master! Please”
“What boi? I fucked you “
“Hold me tight “
“Come here! My dear”
“Yes Master”
“Oh thank god!
“Mmmmm! Feel so safe”
“I am not a man! Am I?”
“No! You are most definitely not!”
“What am I?”
“A pussy, a cunt! A bitch”
“Can I stay with you ?”
“You are staying the night “
“I meant move in”
“That is fast pussy”
“Mmmm! Fuck! I want you! I need you “
“Can’t live without me? Too scared to be separated.”
Part 3
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I inform he smells like shit after a long day to go take a shower for me cleansing himself for his transformation to come as he sighs a bit and he stares at me for a few minutes or so.He strips off his clothes throwing them on to the nearby chair as he makes a huff walking back to his bedroom determined to please me and shuts the door as he enters the bath room.He lays his back on the door staring up in to the ceiling as he wonders his faith as he sigh one more time watching his face begin to be able to shift and he sudden in little effort becomes a bit older and a sort of grizzled. Walking towards to the mirror he cannot see past his face at how much more handsome he has become slowly his body grows more muscular and blowing him up in to this very insane sight of a man. He takes a look at himself with this gaze of lust of his one desire with so much need to please me simply because he can’t get a image of me and finally he pulls away to side the window open.He hops in to the shows yanking the shower curtain to the side, swigging the knob as the shows rains down on him like a bath from his god and he is so blessed to be whatever I want or desire.
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“Ooooohhhhh Ggggoooooddddd!”
“What a bitch?”
“Master! I want you to”
“I need you! Claim me it’s about time”
“You have captivated me”
“I have fallen in to your trap “
“I can’t lie to you “
“Your plan is unfurling “
“I am at your behest “
“I am enthralled by you “
“Use me like the worthless punk I am “
“Give me life “
“I hear you cry baby”
“What? You installed a camera, microphone and audio!”
“A need to track my property!”
“Fuck YES!”
“I am Jay now, I am happy and on my way”
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The end
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anon-sect · 2 days
I'm just looking to be turned into a bodybuilders pecs. I don't care I'd it's slow or instant. I just want to be a big pair of pecs on a sweaty bodybuilder.
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Picture source: @secretladyobservation
"Are you serious?" Talvert asked his younger friend of two years. He had a strange request that was partly doable, but he wondered why he would even request it.
"I am very serious. I really want this, please, Talvert." Jamison request with even more varsity in his voice. He found his friend's body so hot that he wanted to be part of it. He wanted to be part of his pecs. He wasn't going to take no for an answer.
"But why? Don't you like being human?" Talvert asked back, wanting to know why his friend would even want to lose his humanity just to be part of his body.
"I just want to so badly. Please take me." Jamison pleaded, even to the point of on his knees before his friend.
Talvert didn't know what to think about it. He wanted to say no, but he knew Jamison would keep begging. He would keep bugging him about it till he said yes. The only way to get some relief from it was to give him what he wanted. But he would try to discourage the request one more time. "If i were to do it, I would keep you part of my body forever. You would be trapped in my pecs. I would not speak with you. You would just be my personal property on my body, and I would treat you as such. Now, do you really want that?" He explained and asked. He hoped that his response would make him change his mind.
Despite all Talvert said, Jamison would not be persuaded otherwise. "My mind is made up. Either you do it, or I bother you till you do. Your choice. I want this so badly." He reiterated back to his friend.
Talvert saw in order for him to get some peace. He would have to quiet his younger friend for good about his request. "Okay, you got it. Suck in one of my nipples and I will do the rest." He commanded. He watched as Jamison obeyed him. He started sucking on the left nipple. As he was sucking, he grabbed hold and started shrinking Jamison. He then started to absorb him into his left pectoral at the same time. In less than a few minutes, Jamison was gone. He now had an addition to his pectoral muscles.
True to his word, Jamison watched as Talvert didn't say a single word to him once he was part of his pectoral muscles. He was Talvert's property now. Yet, truthfully, he would not have it any other way. This was what he wanted. He was now part of his friend's hot body. He didn't care if Talvert never spoke to him again. As long as he was part of his body, that was all that mattered.
Talvert sort of liked the additional muscle mass added to his body. There was no way to reverse the effect. Jamison was now his. He hoped his lost friend found it to he exactly as he expected to be. He couldn't tell since he was nothing but muscle mass now. Either way, he would enjoy his friend's sacrifice to his body.
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orange-imagines · 3 days
Mud Dogs x Sick Reader
Relationship: Platonic
A/N: *blows dust off my keyboard* Uh hey guys. Fancy seeing you all here! Anyway I'm feeling blehhh and I've been thinking about the mud dogs a lot lately, so here you go have this for free <33 Also if you have mud dogs requests, send em in! Will I get to them? Who could possibly know. But reqs are open all the same
Well, they don't like seeing you miserable, that's for sure.
None of them are really used to dealing with this kind of thing. Sure, they all have experience being around people who've been sick and sometimes even helping with it depending on who the person was, but since taking up a life of crime they've gotten a bit rusty. They're way better at patching up the cuts and bruises you all get from your various missions and heists, but taking care of someone who's just caught a bug or has invisible pain going on? It's not their strong suit. But that doesn't mean they don't still try.
Danny's the best at looking after you by far. While he might make a joke here or there, he's the least likely to get on your nerves, and the most likely to make you a warm beverage and a hot meal unprompted. He looks after Len and Mick enough when they overwork themselves or go too far on a job that he has a good understanding of what you need: time, rest, and peace and quiet (the latter said while he glares at your other two friends). I take back all my generalization, actually- he's not a bad caretaker at all! He'll stop by your room/your spot on the couch and ask how you're doing and if you're feeling up for accompanying them on some task, and he'll sit with you and rub your back and let you complain about how bad you feel if you want to. He keeps as many worries as possible off your plate, and encourages you to rest as much as you can. He doesn't care if you're all actively being hounded by the cops (which you probably are), he just says "that ain't for you to worry about. Go take your meds and lay down". While he may come across as stern, he really just wants you to feel better. He doesn't like seeing anyone he cares about in pain.
Leonard is brash and can be quite loud and irritating when the others are involved, but when left alone with you he's way softer than he is on a daily basis. He won't baby you, but he's way more likely to do what you ask of him without complaint (holding things for you, getting up and getting you stuff, microwaving lunch, changing the channel to something he normally would never watch). If you want to vent about how bad you feel, he's your man. To him, your pain is something he can shit-talk with you about ("That fucking sucks. Why's your body doing this? This guy bothering you? Next time someone sneezes on you, tell me. I'll take care of them"), and he's only a little bit serious. He'll continue on with the bit if it makes you laugh- actually, there's little he won't do to try and lighten your mood, so if the two of you have any embarrassing/silly inside jokes that you want him to recreate or a funny voice you want him to do, this is the time. He'll deny you for a few minutes, but he's super easy to sway when you're sick. I hope Danny and Mick were there to see him do some cheesy shit to make you feel better. The big softie. They'll never let it go.
Mickey's just a pure wild card here, god help you. It's not like he's bad, he's just a bit chaotic because he really wants to fix whatever's going on with you, and gets impatient when he realizes there's nothing either of you can do but ride it out. He's very good about reminding you take any meds or painkillers you need though, and he comes up with a lot of other ways to ease your discomfort. Anything that usually helps you, he's down to do, no joke. He'll be your body pillow or heating pad or wrap his arms around your face if you have a headache. He cares the least about the possibility of you getting him sick and will be in your space and company as much as you want him to, though if you're feeling touch adverse you may have to shoo him away. If he's pestering you, feel free to tell him you're annoyed- he's got thick skin and knows you love him, so he won't take it to heart. He's a good sport.
Mick's also the most likely to procure mystic medicine for you, not realizing the potential negative effects that could have on a human, especially when a few of his medicines definitely came from the black market.
"Yeah I'm sure Y/N would appreciate this crazy plant I got. Funny that it's making my arm all tingly." "C'mon Mick for fuck's sake-"
I won't lie, it's not the most ideal situation you could be in. The guys' lives are chaotic and messy and often lacking in common physical comforts. But they always look out for you when you need it. Them having your back doesn't just apply to high-stakes cons and heists, they're there for you 24/7 (no matter how much beauty sleep they might lose). You're part of their messy little family, and they'll always do their best to take care of you, even if they might be lacking in a few areas.
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edosianorchids901 · 2 days
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@flashfictionfridayofficial prompt - "change in tone"
Crowley had seemed perfectly all right, at the start of the day. He’d talked with his usual zest about his plans for the garden, the lecture he planned to give the underperforming tomatoes, the idea of planting some more fruit trees. He’d also complained about the brightness of the sun, again just like ordinary.
But when Crowley announced that he was going to take a nap, the change in tone was enough to shatter Aziraphale’s attention on his book. He looked up at once, tucking a bookmark between the pages. “What’s wrong?”
Crowley’s expression froze, went brittle. He swallowed hard, throat rolling. “Just tired, that’s all.”
“Hardly. I know your tired voice, my dear. That isn’t your tired voice.” Even more concerned now, Aziraphale rose and put his book aside. Novels were nothing compared to his dear partner’s well-being. “And you’re flushed. And sweating.”
“Nnnh. It’s a hot day. Summer, y’know.”
“It is summer, yes, but hardly hot enough to make you sweat like this. Particularly if you were working in the shade, which you were. I saw you out the kitchen window.”
Crowley sighed, shoulders dropping. Oh dear, he did look simply awful. “M’ not feeling very well.”
Aziraphale could certainly see that much, but he resisted the urge to point that out. “Did you hurt yourself gardening? You have done an awful lot of it this week.”
“Nuh. I mean, my legs aren’t terrifically happy with me, but that’s not the problem.” Swaying a little, Crowley leaned against the wall. He looked as if he could certainly use his cane, but didn’t have it out at the moment. “Different sort of not feeling well. I think I’m sick, angel.”
“Oh dear.” Aziraphale crossed to him and gently took his arm, steadying him as he swayed again. “What sort of symptoms?”
“Well, if I’m flushed, I’m guessing fever. And I’ve got a sore throat.” Crowley took a deep breath, then winced and swallowed hard again. He really did look just dreadful, and worse every minute. “A really sore throat. I don’t think I’m gonna be doing dinner out tonight. Or possibly tomorrow.”
“If you’re sick, certainly not. I want you to rest, my dear.” Gently, he coaxed Crowley into motion, being sure to support his weight as much as possible. Being sick would no doubt make Crowley even more achy, even if he hadn’t quite wounded himself gardening. “Would you like me to make you some nice tea or something? Perhaps with honey?”
Crowley nodded, still looking rather miserable but perhaps encouraged by the thought. “Maybe I’ll watch a film or something instead of sleep.”
“I don’t think that’s really a very good idea. You look so, so exhausted. And you love sleep.”
“I also love watching films,” Crowley muttered, but he sank into bed almost as soon as they reached the bedroom. He hadn’t even taken off his sunglasses, or his shoes for that matter. “Could go for something exciting.”
Aziraphale patted Crowley’s shoulder, then removed his shoes and set them aside. “Perhaps your dreams will be exciting.”
“Hrgh. I don’t like the sort of excitement my dreams usually have.”
Wincing, Aziraphale smoothed Crowley’s hair again. The poor old dear did have an awful lot of nightmares. “I’m sorry. Perhaps if I put on a film for you, you can dream about that instead?”
A faint smile tugged at Crowley’s lips, although his eyes remained firmly closed behind the dark glasses. “Nnnh. I definitely won’t take a nap if you do that.”
“I could read to you.”
Crowley gave a soft sigh. “Could. Probably shouldn’t. M’ really, really not feeling terrific.”
“Then you should sleep. Excitement can wait until later.” Gently, Aziraphale stroked his hair again. “Would you like me to take your sunglasses? They’re awfully smushed into your face right now, which I don’t imagine is very comfortable.”
“Hadn’t actually noticed. But yeah, sounds good. Thanks.”
“Of course.” Trying not to disturb him too much, Aziraphale pulled off the dark glasses and set them aside. He almost pulled a blanket across Crowley, then looked at how badly he was sweating and changed his mind. “I’ll fetch your tea now, hmm? Do you want anything else?”
Trying not to fret too much, Aziraphale returned to the kitchen and turned on the kettle. He and Crowley had both gotten sick on occasion over the course of their existence, and it usually didn’t get too serious. So long as Crowley got some nice rest, he ought to recover without any real trouble.
Carefully, Aziraphale made a cup of tea, stirring some local honey in, and then added just a little bit of tepid water to cool it. Searing hot water likely wouldn’t be very pleasant on Crowley’s sensitive throat.
He had intended to suggest that Crowley should drink his tea before taking a nap. But when he returned to the bedroom, he found Crowley already quite thoroughly asleep. Almost snoring, in fact, his breaths deep if congested.
“My poor dear. You just rest, and I’ll tend to you while you recover.” Aziraphale set down the tea, then bent and kissed Crowley’s warm cheek. “Sleep, and dream of the good sort of excitement.”
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stopthatfool · 10 months
Consistently shocked by the idea that people think Bradley Rooster Bradshaw is chill and laid back. He’s actually shockingly unchill. He is the opposite of chill. He did not inherent any of his parents chillness. He’s a loser who’s too invested in everything.
Like ya hi I’m Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw and I cut off my remaining family, surrogate father, and support system for 15 years cuz he pulled my naval academy papers because he didn’t want me to die like my biological father and because my mother wanted me to be free of the navy’s confinements and to exist outside of a system that physically uses me for their own power and political gains— gains I will never experience and feel for myself. A system that sees me as no more than a number, a soldier, something easily replaceable, as a body to be sacrificed in a war that i did not start nor will i finish.
“Bradley's chill.” No he’s not. He’s a beast. He’s a 30 something year old man whose entire purpose revolves around holding a grudge and proving his surrogate father wrong. This beast who literally said this to his surrogate father— "No wife. No kids. Nobody to mourn when you burn in." Beastly. Ghastly thing to say. 15 years and he still hates the guy who's been there for him since day one. He’s a guy who refuses to even begin to understand where Mav was coming from or to even think of what his mother wanted. He’s evil. And I love him.
Hi I’m Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw and when someone brings up a well known, easily accessible fact that my father and surrogate father used to fly together I will try to cause physical harm against them and my friends will have to physically hold me back. I’m Bradley Bradshaw and I was willing to put my entire career on the line (the one in which I put my family aside for) so I can attack and beat this guy up.
I love his big ol’ Bambi eyes… he’s evil and fucked up and he’s not chill. Yes he wears jorts and tropical shirts, but that just means he’s gay and a fucking liar. Just cuz he looks like some surfer dude does not mean that he’s actually laid back like one. He’s lying to himself— trying to convince himself he is something that he is not and never will be. He is unchill. He’s lame. He has undiagnosed anxiety and it physically expresses itself through anger and loserly-ness. He cares so much to the point of self sabotage. He will always be unchill, no matter how much he tries to change that fact.
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Y’all ever want to cradle a grown man in your arms? (graphic design is my passion)
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luck-of-the-drawings · 7 months
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OH ARTHUR BENNETT.. such a gorgeous and intriguing character. terribly burdened by a GRUESOME set of crimes, his light suffocated by a HEAVY century of GUILT. so tragic, so dark and broody, and yet PAINFULLY awkward in any social setting ever
#jrwi fanart#cw blood#jrwi show#jrwi suckening#arthur bennett#OUHH THIS ONE WAS SITTING IN MY WIPS FOR SO LOOOONGwhen i took it out there was mould on it :sob:#BUT i think i was able to fix it up okay#i keep seeing SO MANY MISTAKES RRAAAHHH BUT YOU DONT SEE THEM RIGHT?? THATS ONLY ME. RIGHT?? EXACTLY.#THE KEY IS TO SAY. AND REPEAT AFTER ME. 'FUUUCK IT WE BALL#so anyway. arthur bennett huh? grizzly says that arthur is reaal fuckin difficult to play. and i SUPER get that. i mean LOOK AT HIM..#grizz often needs a minute to think abt what hes gonna say in a way that matches w that Stoic Personality. which is FAIR but also that#ends up making way for awkward confrontations like: the lady in the parky lot. he took too long to answer and scared her away.& I LOVE THAT#arthur is tragic and sad and cool and stoic but hes ALSO awkward and silly and kinda dumb and short sighted. HE HAS COMPLEXITIES#I LOVE WHEN TTRPG CHARACTERS HAVE A GOOD SET OF SHORTCOMINGS. ESPECIALLY WHEN U FIND THEM ONLY AS U PLAY THEM.#I COULd go on and on saying the same things w different words abt arthurs intriguing and entertaining character but i shall spare u. for no#ILL ALSO MENTION HOW MUCH I LOVE HIS FLAVOR THO.. I LOVE TALL HOT BOY WHOS ONE W THE DARKNESS.. I REMEMBER WHEN HE FIRST MENTIONED THE#BADLUCK. N I WAS LIKE OOOHH THATS WHY HIS DESIGN IS SO COOL N CHAOTIC N ASYMMETRICAL. HES UNLUCKY!!! i love love love his design so much...#GRaaauruguguraguhhghghgh what else what else is there for me to spew on abt...i think im reachin a limit here..OH MAGNUS. i hope that#we get to know more abt how magnus and arthur met.. like How they became besties... ouuhh... I ALSO WANNA KNOW MORE ABT MARY DAVIS. LIKEHOW#he also apparently spent alotta time in a zone dominated by edward twilight? all he remembers is constant partying? I WANNA KNOW MORE..#i think i got room 4 one more ramble SO. THE ART PIECE.as i said its gone a lil stale BUT. im still very proud o the bits where hes allScar#I WANNA SEE HIM GET SCARYMORE. I like the idea of shadows solidifying to make him strange and eerie.like TEETH n CLAWS n SPINES n YESS#also the SILVER EYES.no1 does silver eyes like the show Claymore. they make em look so striking and eerie...i also like to think that#human arthur had deep beautiful brown eyes.just in my beaitufl heart.i mean look at him..i wanna cook him n eat him.ANYWAY#i think thats all my ramblin for this piece. now i gotta go cancel a single day i had ata hotel bc my work schedule change last minute FUCK#feel free to ramble in my tags aswell tho i read all of them and i chew on thenm and i love them so sos os mcuh
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twistedappletree · 1 year
The funniest “Jin Ling damsel in distress moment” is actually in the donghua on dafan mountain when Lan Jingyi kicks Jin Ling into the cave with so much force (infamous Lan Clan hamstrings?) that he just disappears??? I mean logically, he probably just fell on his face then got up and was like “screw this loser” and started exploring the cave for the heck of it but it’s so much funnier to imagine LJY kicking him so hard that he just rolled through the entire cave system for like 5 minutes straight until he crashed into the dancing goddess statue
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