#this is why my blog is titled 'tumblr scares me'
greatlyblessed · 1 year
WIP Files Game
RULES: post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have WIPs
I got tagged by @kiku91!
Okay so I use Scrivener so I tend to just chuck all my turtle-fics on a project dubbed... Turtle Fics. But the files/folders in progress there are:
Chap 6
5 +1 Times The Turtles Scared April
Slash's Origin Story (Rise)
Lou Jitsu and the Teenage Mutant Soldier Turtles
And then I have. A chunk of original fiction Scrivener projects, but the only one I'd say is currently a WIP is dubbed:
Urban Beach Fantasy
anyway a WIP snippet from my Original Fiction because, it's my post I make the rules! (I haven't made a ton of progress on the current draft of this, this is actually like 90% of what I've currently got--)
Rolling his eyes, Finn wandered out into the main floor. “Hi, and welcome to Prawn and Joy,” Finn started to mechanically go through the script drilled into him by his bosses. And then he recognized who had just walked in. “Oh. It’s you.”
“Finn!” Mr. Wagner bellowed from the back again.
“It’s just Sean, Mr. Wagner!” Finn yelled back. Crossing his arms, he shot a narrow eyed look at his little brother. “So what do you want?”
Sean shifted uncomfortably, eyes darting towards everything but Finn. “…Saw a merman at the beach today.”
“Yeah? Not the first time,” Finn said bitterly. “Why are you telling me? I’m the one thats nuts for talking about that sort of stuff.”
“That’s not--” Sean blew out an annoyed huff. “It’s that shark guy. He’s stuck.”
And now that sent a chill down Finn’s spine. “Bruce is stranded on shore?”
“That’s what I just said!” Sean said, throwing his hands in the air.”
“Mr. Wagner! Gotta go! Witch emergency!” Finn yelled, jerking off his (lame) work apron.
Aaaaaannnnd here's the part that I find stressful about social media I am going to tag people unprompted alkdfja;dls;ls f
Uh. @melonpalooza @plothooksinc @bluepeachstudios @hibiscusbiue @rosequartzish
(I only know like two of you I think-- sorry I just don't know people on tumblr feel free to ignore if you don't feel like doing it.)
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lawbin-archive · 7 months
Lawbin Dressrosa Analysis 1: Dating while handing over Caesar team
Finally, I finished re-reading dressrosa! It's probably one of my favorite arcs. Maybe top 3 haha The other two are probably Wano and Enies Lobby. The pacing in manga is definitely way better, so I actually enjoyed this arc more. I might missed something because I was too immersed into the story and sometimes I forgot to jot down notes lol But anyways, let's start!
As usual, things highlighted in purple are my delulus.
Warning: It's my personal blog so don't read it if you don't like lawbin, include lots of delulu :D
~LAWBIN ALLIANCE PHASE~ why can't I choose yellow on tumblr anymore?! :(
Chapter 700: Law hates bread
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Robin weird thoughts always live in my head rent free. I also like how most of the crew are complaining or interrupting Law but Robin (and Zoro) just listen to his plan. Of course it's also because their personality is similar (they mostly won't say anything unless something it's wrong), and I think they just trust Luffy hence they trust Law.
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I love the fact that Robin's favorite food is sandwich but Law hates bread!! It's gonna be a funny debate between them about bread!! >< I also find Robin and Zoro just follow their captain and ignore Law's plan are so funny. (Remember this, it's changing in the upcoming plot *wink*)
Chapter 701: Adventure in the land of love, passion and toys [This is the actual title of this chapter] That's kinda obvious is it? That's where all the love starts *smirk*
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Every time they are together is such a beautiful panel, (maybe I shouldn't said that people will say I ship them just for their aesthetic haha it's like that's a problem) The *aggressive* *calm* *calm* *aggressive* combo is also really interesting and entertaining, I can understand why Oda will choose Robin and Usopp to be Law's companion. Or maybe Law chose Robin himself to spend more time with her?! It didn't say how they assign the team but in any way, I'm sure Robin and Law realize they have similar personality. Robin even found Law's plan fun haha. Their mind just sync a lot and I think Law will appreciate to have Robin here because she's the only one that follow his plan without a complain lol. And from this point, Law & Robin started become a "I want to scare Usopp just for fun" team. (and also Caeser but I don't think they give a fk about him lol)
Chapter 705 ~ 711: Let's go to Greenbit
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Again, the aesthetic is just ~amazing~. I'm gonna compliment it regardless, they look good together and that's a part of why they have good chemistry to me. I'm not gonna deny it! And I like it so much that Robin and Law are sitting across each other, they can see each other clearly!
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They really look like they are on a secret date together! >< (minus Usopp and Caesar I'm sorry) I saw a newspaper poster (made by a one piece theme park in Japan, but it's closed now) and this "news" was saying they found out Law and Robin secretly meeting? (I'm just guessing) Literally create my vision of them getting caught dating haha And I like how they share a lot of common knowledge - they know how dangerous CP0 is and recognize them is right away. At least I think most of the straw hats won't recognize and realize who they are.
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The small bickering they have are so cute, Robin isn't scared and she's super calm but she has her little complain that she expected fish to look like a fish (maybe that's the only complaint she has haha) and Law was like "Looks like a fish to me". It’s like she hates gum because she expects food can be swallowed.
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I'm always wondering who's Law talking to here haha because Robin & Usopp are the ones who fight the fish after but from where he's pointing, isn't look like he's talking to Caesar either. So maybe he's telling Robin don't need to worry? If that’s true, that means Law cared about her haha I feel like the whole time, he just want to talk to her and teasing Usopp only
From this point, I think Law and Robin started to trust each other more and treated each other as friends. At least you can see their interactions are more friendlier. I will explain a little bit more later.
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They even sit together on the Caesar hot air balloon!! In my mind, it's probably Usopp scared to sit in the middle because he might fall and Law being a gentleman so he volunteered to sit in the center (less safe). If you think about it, this could be their date lol Going to a cafe, fight some fishes and sitting on a hot air balloon. Law planned the whole thing and Robin was like *I have fun with this* the whole time haha. Robin likes to explore and Law's hobby is wandering around. They just seem to get along so well together!
I think I already explained a few times that how they both get so investigative once they arrived at Greenbit they are so similary in lots of ways!! They both will analyze the situation and environment they are in.
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Robin can see through him so easily. She probably can figure out how he did it anyways And see how Robin changed her attitude so much?! From distrusting him and observing him a lot in Punk Hazard, and now she's teasing him. If she didn't get close with someone, she probably won't say anything and just observe. That's definitely a sign that she got closer with him and a friendly behavior.
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I like how Law already knew what each Straw Hat specialized with and ask them for help. And again, only Robin listened to Law. She looks like she enjoyed the adventure so much and I'm actually surprised Robin just followed Law here. I guess after Punk Hazard, she found he isn't a bad person so she just followed his plan. But also mainly because Luffy trust Law.
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The first thing Robin woke up is to think about how to contact with Law (and also care about Usopp of course) When I was reading the Greenbit part, I actually thought Robin is gonna tell Law where she is and he can use his ability to transfer him and Caesar to underground, so Doflamingo couldn't find them there haha. But my delulu didn't come true ;'(
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I also saw a person said the reason why they ship lawbin it's because Law treat Robin differently than others. And here is one of the evidences, when he was talking to other straw hats, he usually just order them around lol and for Robin, he's like *help me using your intelligence skills* *ok I understand* it's just seems he is so much calmer in front of her, like they can actually communicate without arguing. I wouldn't say he cared about her but at least he is nice enough to say good luck to her too. Robin actually treat him differently than others too. She said "Good luck" to him, something I rarely seen Robin did to other people outside of straw hats and Robin worried about him a lot in this arc (again I'll elaborate later on, there is so much to talk in this arc omg ><!)
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When the whole Greenbit shaking, Robin worried about Law's fighting. Their relationship really change drastically here. Robin seems to care about Law a lot more. To be fair, I think the whole crew started to care about Law's safety in this arc a lot and of course it's natural to care someone that's an ally of you. But also if I really compare, Robin seems like she cared the most about Law maybe after Luffy.
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I actually think Law is so similar to Robin here. He really gave me the Enies Lobby Robin vibe here. In my perspective, I don't think he really meant to use straw hats at this point (definitely yes before tho), I think he told Doflamingo he is using them to try to protect them. So Doflamingo will think it's useless even he threaten Law he is going to kidnap the rest of the straw hats because Law said he won't care about them. (the mind games). Law and pre-time skip Robin are so alike, they always try to take all the responsibility to themselves or sacrifice themselves in order to protect others. Law didn't even bring heart pirates to here is just like when Robin pretend to be betray the straw hats in Enies Lobby sigh :(
If Law is really using the straw hats, he is gonna betray them once Doflamingo is defeated, but he kept his promise to defeat Kaido. That's one of the reasons why Law is one of my favorite characters, even he looks so unbothered and sometimes mean on the outside, his actions always tell the opposite >///<
And it’s cute that during Dressrosa, Robin is the one who cares about Law a lot and once they get into Wano the situation switched haha the feelings are mutual!!!!
That's it for today! Thank you for reading! <3 I think I have talked too much again lol I will probably start writing about the rest of the arc soon! Hopefully I can finish writing the whole arc under 2 parts! (probably not) I actually have something to write about my thoughts on other ships during dressrosa, uhm maybe I will briefly talk about it next one.
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vote-gaara · 10 months
Why didn't you like Gaara Hiden?
My feelings for Gaara Hiden are complicated.
Oh, and if you haven't read the English Translations here they are. Someone formatted it from the Tumblr post that was originally on Cacatua's blog.
Now what was I saying?
Oh yes, my feelings for Gaara Hiden...Complicated. Very, very very complicated. I don't hate the story, but I don't really like it either.
Now before I absolutely lampoon this novel, here are some things I do liked about it:
Gaara content in which he stayed in character!
The story was more or less unnecessary (more on this later).
Gaara's fixation on how Naruto saved him took a back seat to other things going on, which was a breath of fresh air as it allowed the story to focus on other aspects of Gaara's life.
Sand sibling interactions are always welcome :)
Socially awkward Gaara is amazing, especially around romantic themes. Also, we love when Gaara can go off about his hobbies.
Strong things I dislike about the novel:
Gaara came across as really cold which irritated me, but also didn't surprise me. Gaara is a really complex character to write. He's simultaneously sassy, pessimistic and a bit of a meanie while turning around and being the most genuine, wholesome and inspirational character you would ever get to know. I'm not even saying Gaara was out of character, because they did a really good job of keeping him pretty true to who he is, but I wished the novel would have forced him to interact with other people as a normal person, rather than as Kazekage, which the entire book proceeded to do and thus we lost out on seeing Gaara's true personality. Like the book handled him floundering with Hakuto really well, but how he treated Shijima in comparison was just...Not good. It was boring. BORING! It was like watching a coworker talking to their boss the entire time, which just did not make for good reading and Shijima ended up coming across as very flat as a result. And I KNOW this is because they were on a mission, I KNOW they were just being "shinobi" but...like....I just wanted more of the genuine, good and wholesome "Gaara trying to interact with people" rather than "Gaara being Kazekage and acting like Kazekage and everyone treats him like he's the Kazekage."
We learned that Temari and Kankuro took a backseat in Gaara's life - The book did Kankuro dirty more than Temari. After I read the scene when Gaara and Kankuro are talking (which was like half a page long), and it said something like "this was the longest conversation Gaara had had with his brother in 6 months" I could not describe the amount of anger I felt. I know the sand siblings are busy, but 6 MONTHS???? WHAT??
Kazekage Clan - Crap. Crap, crap, crap and utter garbage. I think I wrote about this in a different post (on one of my other blogs, maybe? I don't remember now) but the "Kazekage clan" pretty much vetoed any meaning behind Gaara's speech to Kankuro when Gaara was like "I want to become Kazekage one day." In the beginning of the series, a person could've figured that becoming Kazekage would operate a lot like becoming Hokage, where only the strongest, smartest and most hardworking individual was selected, and that working towards that title was something not to be taken lightly. Assuming this, when you look at Gaara's speech to Kankuro, where he's professing that he wants to become special to others, to repair and heal the damage and pain he caused, and to connect to others, you imagine that Gaara has nothing but this treacherous, mountainous, up-hill battle to fight...Not only is it difficult to become Kazekage, but as Kankuro put it "the jonin don't think highly of you and people are as scared of you as ever." It had meaning to it. It meant that there was a lot at stake. And because of that, it meant so much when you discovered that Gaara did become Kazekage....But then oops, they just ruined that by making the position a family title. It just cheapened the whole thing, and it made no sense as to why Gaara tried so hard in the first place if it was just gonna be passed down to him anyways, since his siblings weren't interested in the title....Idk, just felt like it ruined any meaning behind Gaara's character development which just gutted me cause WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT???
The story was pointless - Okay, so I'm kinda thankful the story was pointless because I was hoping Gaara would remain single. (I know, I know, I KNOW and I'm sorry. Gaara deserves that romantic love, but also it's kind nice to have him be an ace/aro icon too). I just think it was realistic for him to just be by himself and to find happiness doing whatever Gaara does. HOWEVER, I also have a thing where I'm like...."Why tell a story that serves no purpose?" Which sounds so mean, and maybe it is, because I love any and all Gaara content, but also I don't know if I really got anything from this novel, either? Like it didn't develop Gaara's character and he was pretty much...stagnant the whole time, which is an interesting way to write a story. They could have gone in so many directions that would've had Gaara learn how to interact with people and to connect with others on a more personal level....Small changes that wouldn't have even been very hard to disprove in canon, but instead Gaara just....didn't change the whole time. He didn't learn anything and he just....was.
All the "gotcha" moments - Plot twists are only clever when there's proper foreshadowing (in my opinion). A lot of the "And then Gaara revealed that he knew about the person following him/the betrayal/the setup/the motive the whole time!!" was just....so....um...not good. It just felt like I was the constant victim of an ass-pull the whole time. In fact, the only plot twist/reveal the novel did well was unveiling that Gaara and Kankuro were in cahoots the whole time about Kankuro trying to take over being Kazekage, and believe it or not, that was because the novel took the time to set that up. They made you pay attention to it with relevant details. Meanwhile, in the end scene where Gaara stabs that dude that had apparently been following them the whole time just was a giant wtf to me, honestly lol. I was halfway expecting a T-Rex to burst from the earth crust and Santa clause to rain down from the sky just randomly, because why not at that point if we're just gonna make stuff up willy nilly? IDK maybe I'm wrong and maybe I missed some clever writing in it, but mostly I was just kinda underwhelmed.
That being said, Gaara content is Gaara content, so I am obligated to like Gaara hiden.
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redfish-blu · 1 year
An Open Letter to the Danger Days Tumblr Community:
Now that you’ve read that overdramatic title and are wondering who fucked up, I have something to say about the Danger Days Tumblr community: I Love You.
Danger Days was the first fandom I ever posted for on any site. All the way back in middle school (ho-ly shit). And let me tell you what I found out even way back when: this is not an easy fandom to be in.
For one, most people don’t even know it exists. For two, even less know it in the way it’s been cultivated on Tumblr. Almost every single person has such a niche interpretation of every little detail, that it’s impossible to draw a line through any two versions of the story. Which is a fact I personally love, but I also think it scares a lot of people away. You have to work to be in this fandom. Both as a passive and active fan. It requires patience and tolerance for disappointment.
But that’s exactly why I want to encourage everyone who creates and everyone who listens to Keep Doing That. Like I cannot stress this enough, that is what keeps this fandom and IP alive. Danger Days as a universe would be absolutely nothing without fan work (re: the California Comics), especially a decade later. Without fans who care about this story way more than it has warranted us to care, it would be six feet under. And sometimes I really think that’s what it deserves (and maybe the writers think that as well), but for the life of me I just can’t let that happen. I’ve tried to let this fucking thing go, believe me.
And funny enough, that exact feeling is evidenced by the community on this site too. Which has changed faces almost completely from what it was three years ago for better and less better in some cases. And it’s something I still struggle with adjusting to, but I look at the tag daily. I look everyone’s posts and blogs and art and effort. If you have posted even once in the dd tag my eyes have 100% seen it. So even if I still feel a little out of place, like a ghost of fandom’s past, at least I know everybody. And I know people feel the same way: No rest for the wicked.
When I reanimated from my fandom coma I was fully expecting to find that the community had gone extinct. Partially because all the blogs I used to frequent had straight up died in the three years I was gone. But I pulled up to the gates of the Danger Days tag like Rick Grimes outside of Alexandria, fully expecting to be devastated, only to find New People tilling the fucking field. And it didn’t matter that I now had no idea who any of you people were, it was The Most welcoming thing ever.
I’ll be the first to tell you this fandom bares almost no resemblance to the one I left, and I’m not going to lie and say it’s better now, but the foundation didn’t get blown away in the storm. That’s what I find uniquely profound. That everyone here still wants to try. And that makes me really want to try. And I’m sure everyone would agree that there is often little reward for the effort; but that’s precisely my point in saying all this shit. That even despite the not fun aspects, we all still clock in; and there’s a new post, headcanon, drawing, or fic every freaking day. It’s commendable, really.
If you’re lurking, or post sometimes but feel afraid to actually take a leap here because (the fandom is comparatively tiny to the greater MCR fandom) you’ll be way more out there, and the already established figureheads of the fandom will definitely see your stuff: post post post. This is my formal endorsement to Just Post That Shit. And Interact With That Shit. I spent a year gathering the courage to publish the tiniest thing while behind the scenes I literally wrote about 60+ works. You have to respect your own creativity and trust that other people will give it the time of day.
So do not feel crazy or discouraged about your ideas here! Like we literally need them to function, I would not be here if it wasn’t for all the people three years ago who just posted all their thoughts about Danger Days. About everything. Obscure or not. It’s truly a gift that this fandom has attracted people who are willing to work their brains because the original creators let it fall flat. I cannot tell you how much being in this fandom has actually helped me out in my writing and analysis skills.
So yeah. I fucking love this fandom, I love being in it and I love seeing that people are still stoking the flames. I wanted to say all this crap because I knew I’d be able to articulate it for the people who can relate but don’t want to be the first to say it. Which is okay, understandable. As I said earlier this fandom is like yelling your thoughts out into a very echoey room that only has a few people in it. So I’ll shout first and maybe it’ll make other people more comfortable to shout back.
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storm-of-feathers · 1 year
cant sleep gonna say my thoughts.
I think what a lot of people miss about tumblr (and especially unfocused blogs that, say, aren't fandom oriented) is that it's essentially an open journal. it's a microblogging website, and all blogging micro or macro is fundamentally a web log (where the term comes from!). if it seems like I'm not talking ab something enough, it's not because I don't care at all.
It's because first and foremost, this blog is a piece of my soul that I am choosing to share. I'm not trying to be an activist on the internet, I'm not trying to sway anyone to my opinions. I'm saying the things I think and feel. If I talk ab american politics too much, that's because im american. if I'm writing frustrated posts about performative internet activism, that's because it feels exhausting to be out there doing the work (because that's what it is. Its work. Its boring and taxing and it feels like youre getting nowhere. Until you see how far youve come) and having to come to tumblr and seeing people say I didn't talk about [disaster 30000 of the past ten years] enough.
if I seem angry and upset and scared and irrational, its because i am those things. you have to understand. in spite of my rather large follower number, this blog is, first and foremost, for me. I am writing things down and allowing strangers and friends and wanderers to read it. I won't call it a privilege that can be taken away, bc its not like some of my thoughts are exactly a treat, but it is something to keep in mind.
if you ask me why I'm talking about the supreme courts recent decisions but not similar decisions in other countries, the answer comes down to "one of those directly affects me, and therefore i can fight back."
but I shouldn't have to announce where and how I'm fighting back. if for no other reason, my own fucking safety. but also bc this blog isn't any sort of guide to activism, it's not any type instruction. it is, at best, my diary that I published.
and that isn't a bad thing!! and it shouldn't be!!! that's why I harped so hard on the carrd post. that's why I'm vaguely annoyed with my reddit posts. that's why I shared my marital status and sexuality for a long time. that's why i have a rwby icon. that's why my blog title which hasn't changed since 2018 is what it is.
I understand that sometimes I have opinions people don't like. oceangate in particular has proven to be a fantastic example of that. But i am, at the most basic terminology, venting my thoughts and feelings.
that's why I'm talking ab the supreme court and their awful decisions. why I may not be talking about issues that don't directly affect me, but might affect some of you. it's not because i don't care. It's never because I don't care.
It's because my target audience is a mirror.
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ladyvader23 · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by the lovely @fanfictasia and @the-real-azalea-scroggs and this seems fun, so here we go!
1. How many works do you have on A03?
24, though I have some on ff.net that aren't posted on AO3 from the very early days
2. What's your total A03 word count?
850,878 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly Star Wars, though I've dabbled in FFXIV recently.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Missing and Presumed Dead
Darth Vader Goes to Therapy
Just One Wish
Darth Vader Goes to School
Unexpected Truths (just like the title, I did not expect this one to be in the top 5 and I have questions)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to. I read and love every single comment I get, please don't get me wrong, comments absolutely FUEL me, but responding?? I have so much anxiety, it used to take me HOURS to respond to them all. Eventually it got to be so much on my emotional health that I decided it would be better to channel that into writing more for people to enjoy, so...that's what I do now. Again, comments fuel me, and I love you all, and I read every single comment and even have a lil' scrapbook of comments that I go back to whenever I'm feeling down about my writing, so I hope this doesn't give off the wrong impression...
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Easily Fracture. If you've read it, there's no explanation needed here. If you haven't...let's just say someone gets turned into a rug, among many other horrible things...
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uh...most of my fics have a happy ending of some sort. Some you just have to wade through more angst and whump to get to the happy ending than others. I think Missing and Presumed Dead had an ending I thought was perfect for it, as did Darth Vader Goes to Therapy. Both were happy endings AND endings that I thought were perfect for the story that was told.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I write for Star Wars. Yeah, I've gotten hate XD. Thankfully, it's rare. Usually people get upset with my interpretations because "iTs NoT cAnOn!" I really just don't care, so I just laugh and move on. Like if you wanted canon, why are you reading fanfic?? Probably the craziest though was when someone went on one of the biggest Tumblr blogs in the SW fandom and used my Darth Vader Goes to Therapy fic to support their argument that the Jedi were evil or whatever (idk, I wasn't part of the argument) and beyond the fact that it's wild to go into a fandom canon-based argument with super out of context quotes from a fanfiction to support your argument, but to do it with a fic that I 100% wrote as a COMEDY is just. Wow. I was suddenly flooded with so much hate from a bunch of people who had never read my fic, thought it was a seriously written piece of literature, and assumed I agreed with everything the person said and I didn't even know until I went to the post and had to defend myself...every once in a while someone will not see that defense and will message me more hate. Like it's a crack fic. Granted, I DID do research on real therapy practices because I didn't want to make a joke out of therapy, but everything else was 100% a joke. I'm really glad people love it (so do I!) and resonate with it, but it's not canon. I don't think the person intended for me to get so much hate, so I definitely don't blame them, but it was a lot.
9. Do you write smut?
Um. Ahem. I may or may not have a private stash from like. Deleted scenes in fics that had romance in them back when I wrote those. That I will. Definitely. Never publish. Don't worry about it. >>
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yes! Though I've only done a few. I think the only one on AO3 was the crossover with The Last of Us, done before the TV adaption.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Sort of. There was that scare a few years ago when everyone thought a random website had stolen everyone's fics, but it turned out it wasn't that exactly. AO3 isn't available everywhere, so there are sites that are just set up to mirror whatever is on AO3 so that people can read fics on that site, and it happened to be one of those sites. Oh boy, though, did they get a lot of hate mail before it got clarified. Then there was that time I had someone write a fanfic that they said they wrote with a similar concept to my ff.net story Second Chances, but then one of their friends was like "this is a rip off" so they asked me to read it before they posted it to make sure they hadn't ripped it off. Except...it was almost 90% word for word....so uh. I didn't give my blessing and I don't think it ever got posted lol.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I've had fics translated into Russian, Chinese, Korean and French. My most common requests for translation are Russian and Chinese. I've never actively tried to get something translated, it's just whoever asks me for permission.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! (I'm keeping Aza's answer for this part since it's true) There's the memorable Great April Flood, which was basically a dozen of Star Wars writers gathering together to do a massive round robin with tumblr asks prompt fills (those three sentence fics, if anyone remembers) in order to flood our side of tumblr on April Fools in 2020.
I also did an Inuyasha fanfic with my cousin when I was a teenager, and I didn't technically co-write it, but I did heavily work with a specific character for my Fushigi Yugi Genbu Kaiden series with my best friend in high school as well.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I mean, I'm pretty open to whatever. I think I've written Luke with like....5 or 6 different people depending on the story?? But if I had to choose, I guess I'm pretty consistently Percybeth, so I guess them???
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Assassins Blade. Like it was a great story....but omg. I got so much harassment about the most random things, sometimes on every. single. chapter. it just wore me down and I just don't write romance-centric fics anymore, which is sad because I DO like writing romance.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Finding the comedy in even the darkest moment. Taking a horrific situation and really just letting the characters feel the emotions of the moment, letting them bask in the consequences of either their actions or the actions of others.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Well, anyone who has ever edited my stuff will probably say "too many redundant sentences" and you know what? They're right. Fluff-centric scenes are difficult, as well. I also will disappear for months on end when I'm just. In a weird funk. Which I still kind of am in at the moment, but I'm actively trying to break through it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't really have an opinion on this one.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First one I wrote for: Final Fantasy X, but my mom wouldn't let me publish because it was the days of the internet when all parents thought their child was going to be kidnapped if they did anything other than look at the internet. It was bad though, so I'm not sad I didn't publish.
First one I published: Inuyasha. I published behind my mom's back, and got in trouble when she found out, but then she looked at everyone's comments and figured out that I was not, in fact, overly in danger of being kidnapped, so she let it go.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Darth Vader Goes to Therapy. I will never be that funny ever again. I achieved my peak comedy with that fic. But a very close second is Missing and Presumed Dead, and sometimes, depending on the day, that one is my favorite and DVGTT is a close second.
This was fun! Tagging @sunshinechildskywalker @25centsoda and @zoryany but definitely don't feel like you have to!
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sburbian-sage · 3 months
Arbiter, greetings. I am a native Smith of Flux.
A somewhat rare title, I’m given to understand. Nonetheless, I excel in that role, and often vagabounce to it. And over the years, I have gained a great deal of skill, and at at times reached incredible heights of power.
I once played in a session where I had a Seer of Flux as a coplayer. We developed a method by which I could gather massive amounts of our aspect within myself, and use it to essentially “supercharge” her, expanding her powers beyond what would normally be possible.
We never got far with it. The first time I ever want all-out, suffusing her with as much Flux as possible, I think she saw something she wasn’t supposed to see, or else saw too much, too fast.
In the moments before she died, she began describing to me something she called a “locked timeline”. She was soon distracted by other subjects- something about Toblerones, something else about the rumored “Huss” class, basically gibberish, and she only devolved from there.
She then suffered what we later determined to be a fatal brain hemorrhage. And cancer in basically every part of her body. And none of the available revival methods panned out.
This was years ago. In the meantime, I’ve tried vagabouncing to Seer of Flux myself, and have tried to examine those strange concepts she hit upon.
I think there may have been merit to some of it, especially the Locked Timeline concept.
I don’t want to get my hopes too high, but at minimum, if the glimpses I get with my (admittedly MUCH lesser) powers, and the things she said were true, I think we may have stumbled upon a way for Time players to branch a timeline without dooming one of the branches.
But I don’t know. I don’t know how to create one, hell I’ve not even been able to confirm for sure that they exist! I think I need to do the supercharged Flux-sight trick again- or maybe a similar trick, but with the Time aspect instead. But I’m scared. It’s not like I even really know what specifically went wrong the first time… or why kissing her didn’t bring her back, I KNOW her dreamself should’ve still been alive…
I want any advice you have to offer.
Man, Flux fuckers are the craziest, ten times out of ten.
I understand that a Seer of Flux would be able to divine the secrets of metatextuality, narrative, potential, and "the story" (making them, and Flux in general, really good at manipulating the Roleplay mechanics of SBURB by interacting with the "mythology" of the Session). But I don't think I can lend any credence to what she saw. Which was, in no particular order, Swiss chocolate snacks (I'm betting it was the Big Toblerone as well), a Class that doesn't exist, and something that fundamentally disregards how Time itself works. Not to mention that "Locked Timeline" sounds like how Time works normally, where there's "one path" and loads of doomed deviations if you free yourself of this fate. You said she died of a brain hemorrhage after you two super-Fluxxed her, wouldn't your first thought be that it was the fevered dreams of a literally broken mind?
To say nothing of how foolish it is to replicate a feat that resulted in someone dying a slow and bizarrely definitive death. But I know how you Flux guys operate. Right now I'm telling you not to do something, which sets up all the narrative framing. The Seer seeks council from a Sage, two Tacticians discussing a plan, which the Sage shuts down, citing the fatal flaw of Seers and Sages to act hasty and get themselves or others killed. This invocation of hastiness is, itself, hasty, as the Seer, disregarding the council in a display of symbolic and dramatic irony, moves forth with their original plan to great victory. Or perhaps...? I see it playing in your mind now, but I also know Flux-types hate it when you spell things out like this. There's a fine line between meta-textuality and breaking the fourth wall in so vulgar a fashion, and I'm Deadpooling it up over here. Ceci n'est pas une Tumblr blog post, this is a Prototype Towers archive site outfitted with an interface that makes the UI look exactly like Tumblr!
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novantinuum · 6 months
(I thought tumblr had finally changed it so you can ask shit from a side blog. Arrrrrgh did I imagine it? Well this is fanfoolishness yet again regretting this being my goddamn main 😅)
Morganite - 45, 54
Tourmaline - 28, 35, 42
Jean - 22, 31
Thank youuu! Yeah ahah tumblr defo let you send in asks from side blogs before because I'm pretty sure I saw you celebrating this in a post once.
I'm once again gonna provide a visual for all these OCs ahah. I think I'm gonna have to do that from now on out, it's fun and probably helpful to people reading 'em.
Morganite- (I am forever obsessed with this shit-eating grin sketch I did of her)
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45- What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
I answered this one for Morganite on another ask, but I'm gonna give another, because she just has so much hate and disdain stored up in that gemstone, ahah-
I have a silly OC headcanon that half-Gem Jean Maverick ends up introducing the game of billiards to Gemkind at Little Homeschool. Well, a modified version of the game that's about scoring points for the most mathematically "sick AF" shots eventually ends up spreading like wildfire across the galaxy proper, and plenty of Morganite's lackeys are sucked into it, playing it constantly. Thus, she really, really fucking hates billiards. It's constantly distracting her troops from their duties. Yet another way that damned hybrid keeps thwarting her plans.
54- What’s their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation?
Oh, absolutely fight.
With the circumstances she's lived through (a viscous war, a life partner defecting to join rebels, one's diamond being shattered and having to be re-assigned and rebuild one's reputation under a new leader-) she's easily paranoid, and always wide alert. You really do NOT want to sneak up on her, or spring anything unexpected.
Tourmaline- (rebel Tourmaline is soooo my scrunklie)
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28- What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
Courtier era Tourmaline tells people that she wants to be seen as the most intelligent, knowledgeable Gem in the room. Tourmalines are like... the bookkeepers, the ones who actually WRITE the history- at their Diamonds' behest, of course- and so it is their duty to be in the Know about everything happening around them at all times.
In reality though, all Tourmaline really wants is to make people laugh. To enjoy lasting conversation. To make an impression. For so, so many years, other Gems only saw her as like... a tool, a means to access knowledge, just a living repository for facts, but she wants people to gravitate to her because of who she IS, not what she can give.
35- What is the smallest morally questionable choice they’ve made?
The SMALLEST morally questionable choice? Well... hmm. I mean, she was a strategist in a war, so there were plenty of BIG morally questionable choices... but small?
The reason why these memes are so fun is that sometimes they inspire me to pull shit right out of my ass on the spot. Anyways, one day Tourmaline was sharpening her sword in Bismuth's forge at her permission and accidentally like, broke one of her tools.
She never fessed up to it, and eventually one of Bismuth's weapon smith apprentices gets blamed for it instead.
42- If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
"Rejuvenated, But By Choice This Time: How To De-program Yourself From Gem Society In Ten Easy Steps"
It's a comedy TED Talk about her own experience in defecting from Homeworld and joining the Crystal Gems that also ends up tackling some Real and Raw topics lol. Probably a talk you'd see given as part of some evening programing at Little Homeschool.
Jean Maverick- (I still eternally love this lovely art my friend @cynthi-arts did for me of them)
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22- What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
Eating food freely without having to scrounge over the nutrition labels to look at ingredients. Like damn, how do these people live?
The reason why is that Jean has a gluten intolerance- it's not... entirely so bad that it's a full-out allergy, but life is simply easier if they go to the effort of avoiding it as much as they can. This is a big reason why they always envied Gems growing up, in how they don't need to eat or drink or sleep to remain operational- just access to light.
Jean really wishes they weren't saddled down with this half-human bit a lot, suffice it to say. Surely everything would be sooo much easier if they were just a Gem. (So they believe.)
31- When do they feel the most guilt? How do they respond to it?
In the wake of drastic events that come far later, Jean ends up saddled with guilt in how they handled their first encounter with Morganite. They feel that Little Homeworld and Beach City wouldn't have come under such fire if they had acted more decisively that day- poofed her, perhaps, instead of simply cornering her to be ultimately led off in the custody of Homeworld reform officers.
Their way of dealing with all this stress and the needless what-ifs is by completely wearing themself to the bone around the clock in the manhunt for Morganite after her vicious attack on Little Homeworld/Beach City. Jean simply cannot rest until this loose end is tied up completely, and they will absolutely face negative bodily repercussions due to this.
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forgetfulminks · 6 months
Why I Started Posting
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I wanted to share a few videos that inspired me to start posting on tumblr! I grew up with the internet, so I've always wanted to make content of some kind, but I've been too shy to commit to it. I've made blogs, channels, and accounts in the past, but I would never be consistent because I was scared that what I was doing was not good enough.
Then, I watched these two videos:
The first is by Alivia D'Andrea and it's titled "How glowing up ruined my life". It's a video about how she started posting videos on youtube documenting her glow up journey. She analyses her journey and concludes that she wanted to glow up because she hated her present self and wanted to be someone else. After overcoming many struggles and combatting many mental and physical issues, she decides that she is instead going to learn to love herself. I found her story really inspiring and I related to a few parts. I am currently on my own self-love journey and it helped me see what good forms of self-love are and what toxic forms of it are. Towards the end of the video, Alivia D'Andrea mentions that there is not much content online on how to love yourself, or anything documenting someone's journey for self-love. This made me think that perhaps I could contribute to the conversation even in a small way. I am not as inspiring as this video, so I definitely recommend you watch it if you haven't already!
The second video is this one called "the mindset shift that broke my perfectionism" by itsamelinda. She is a lesser known channel, but her video had a big impact on me. In it, she explains an event in her life that changed her perspective and allowed her to think that she didn't need to make something perfect as long as it helped people. She then encouraged the viewers to create something even if they don't believe it is good quality, because the point is for it to help people, make them laugh, let them learn, whatever it may be. The point is not about you, it is about those who engage in it. I found this really inspiring and it helped me see that I didn't have to create something perfect, I just want to create something that might help people and make a positive impact on this world! I also encourage you to watch it if you haven't already! :)
So, for anyone reading that might want some motivation or just something to watch, here are some videos! I hope they inspire you just as they inspired me!
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pool-floatie · 7 months
I feel the need to share my g/t experience with erryone since its been on my mind for a while and I find it interesting how early on It showed up.
Ever since I was a little kid, probably 5-7 years old, I had little daydreams occasionally about giants taking me to their houses or a park or wherever and they would tease me and have fun with me, I was always scared of course because apparently ive always liked this fearplay bullshit, but i still found it exhillirating and fun. Of course it wasnt romantic or anything until I got older, just,,, like a really tall roller coaster, scary but exciting.
When I started reading, i found one of the borrowers books, i think my mom actually got it for me (maybe i had mentioned the daydreams??) ! I think it was The littles and The Biggs families, but yeah. I loved it and i tried to find more but they werent at my school library 😭 so Iworked with what I had, a book and a dream. (lol cringe-)
While i was in 4th- 6th grade I had kind of repressed it, I still thought about it on occasion but i started to realise that nobody else had that interest and it was just a wierd thing with me... Until I watched the BFG (cliche right 🙄) it was when the movie came out and people were talking about it! For a while it held the title of my favorite movie just so I could talk about it when people asked that particular icebreaker.
One night in like... 7th grade I had a dream that i was at church (lol cringefail imagine being religious...) and I picked up a piece of paper inviting people to come test out an experiment... Then i saw a flash And somewhere from the depths of my memories, my brain pulled out one of my old daydream scenarios.
I was in a laboratory with several other humans and we were all in a big glass box. Surrounding us were giants who took us out of the container and gave us baths, undressing us and scrubbing us down with toothbrushes so we would be clean for the examination.
I was taken away to a desk and meticulously examined from head to toe, the giant tried to probe me with questions but I was too shocked to speak.
Thats all I can remember but I was so fascinated by the dream that I started telling my family about it, now of course nobody wanted to hear me talk about my dream for 20 minutes, so my mom encouraged me to write it down.
And oh hell did I write.
My first long form writing stemmed from a dream I had, i wrote for months, of course, I was 13 do it was flaming garbage but I was so happy about it and thought it was a masterpiece.
So naturally as anyone would, I emailed it to my english teacher.
She never responded.
I wonder why.
To this day I pray that she never opened it, her emails being too cluttered with important school things that it got lost and never crossed her eyes.
But still, it was through this little writing that I began to realise my potential (lol cringe origin story-)
I still have the draft of the story, its plot and characters were a good foundation, and perhaps one day i will look it over, change a few things, get cancer and die.
During quarantine I discovered Sanders Sides, which led me down a fanfiction rabbit hole, which led me to tumblr, which led me to a creator called delimeful , not sure if they want to be tagged in this so I wont... They wrote some marvelous G/t Sanders sides fanfic and i soon realised... This is a community, it wasnt just them.. There was, so /much/ so many artists and writers that shared this niche interest, a community of people who g e t i t .
It started slow, I continued interacting with the tumblr community ( hell, the husk of my old blog might still roam this site (|||O⌓O;) )
Only ever looking for safe, wholesome g/t.
But where was the stomach-dropping exhilliration I had felt before, that rollercoaster feeling? What was missing??
I needed the fearplay, and in looking for it i stumbled into vore and that dynamic, playing with pred/prey and even more teasing. I was hesitant at first.
But lo and behold that was the gawd damn ticket. I started to write again, finding new stories and creators and tropes galore! I learned about the community, the terms and the subgenres!
Finally I gained confidence in my writing ability through a class that helped me grow my skills and practice.
And I eventually decided i could share all my hard work. All this time I had spent worrying if i should just keep it to myself, but i reminded myself of all the non beta read and unfinished work i had seen, and looking back at my own I was less afraid, people still liked it even then... So what could they say about mine ?
There ya go, thats my,, I guess life story told through the g/t Timeline.
Hopefully I was vague enough to not give away any behind the scenes, yall will never know who I am 😈😈😈
Also im not trying to bash any creators, I appreciate everyone who contributes to the community with anything they have.
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grandmasterwolfeon · 9 months
Tactician Magician ✨📚
For my very first post on my Tumblr blog I want to write about my dear husband Robin and how we came to be: In non-Fire Emblem Awakening lore, aka the real world, it all began when I saw Robin in his Smash Brothers reveal trailer in my middle school years. I remember being so in awe when I saw him floating down after casting Elwind at Captain Falcon, and I thought he looked so amazing and like a moth to a flame. I was instantly drawn to him. In the very beginning, I kept my crush on the tactician Magician to myself because I thought people would believe me to be a loon, and because of that train of thought for the longest time, I repressed my feelings for Robin as I forced myself to ship a pairing that left quite a bittersweet taste in my mouth. That ship was Robcina, and whenever I saw shipart of them together, it felt as if my heart broke a void filled, but I persisted in forcing myself to ship it even though it hurt me. Overtime I curshed on actual guys and some other characters, but I don't think my crush on Robin ever truly left, even though it felt that way, and from time to time I thought about him, but it was one fateful day on March 8th, 2018 that Nintendo teased Super Smash Bros. Ultimate at the end of one of their directs, and it made me remember how much I loved playing as Robin in Smash 4, but then something else stirred within, and it was a feeling of worry and sadness. I thought in my head "why am I worried Robin won't come back to roster?" before Nintendo revealed that EVERONE was coming back my mind raced a little and I wished Robin would come back because not only was he an amazing addition to the roster, but my crush on him came flooding back like Niagara Falls. I truly realized how much he meant to me as the time came when Ultimate was revealed in June of 2018 at E3 by then I secretly drew ship art of Robin and myself, but I wasn't fully public about it yet as it felt more like a self indulgence. Fast forward to May 12th, 2020 I stumbled upon a post by the instagram account lovnmm_selfshipping and they had an art even for selfshipping and at first I contemplated about it, but then I posted my first doodle of Robin and I together! Posting it I felt happy and others seem to love us and the bond we shared! And then one after another I started to draw Robin and I more and more where he just became my muse and I realized I always loved Robin~ I will admit that our realtionship isn't all smooth sailing as we've had bumps in the road from shippers and a ship scare in FEH (people saying it was canon even though it's not) we've stuck by each other and the fact a sweet humble tactician like him chose me to be his wife I couldn't feel more honored and proud to bear that title and be his~ 💜💚🐺🐾
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^ Art of my Awakening!Self by IdyllicGrove on ArtFight!
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dumelax · 1 year
shit I can write before the title uh, anyways
wha happen
Jesus it's a story. I created this account... god I don't remember when Hold on, how do I check that OKAY I found an email from May 23rd, 2021 asking me to verify my email, so I guess I've been dormant for two years huh why did I join again I don't know why I joined. But I am HERE! And I actually know why I did. Twitter crashing down, so my good pal COOKIE (hello cookie 👋🏻) showed me this website, with the lot of awesome things you could do with it. Including writing walls of text! Which I LOVE to do! Anyone who knows me knows I do!
The step after that was kinda funny. See Cookie (wassup cookie ✌🏻) was nice enough to welcome me in a voice call to teach me the ins-and-outs of tumblr. I do not think either of us expected what followed. I definitely remembered having an account, but the first challenge was just about to rise: remembering my PASSWORD ⛈ (it was actually okay- I remember those). The most difficult part was actually entering it in the browser. For some reason Firefox does not like showing the part that comes after entering your email address. Trying to clear the cache and tweaking settings for half an hour, I finally decided to switch browsers, but then... THEN!
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The cone of shame! And a bland background picture! These two were assigned to my profile. I tried to change them, but for some reason, tumblr wouldn't let me... Leading our investigation further in my account's settings, it appears my blog was flagged as “explicit” (reminder: I've been as useful and active as a rock for the past two years). Action had to be taken.
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Much better, right? All it needed was aesthetic colours and definitely not suspicious looking titles. We actually had a lot of fun setting these. I tried to understand the basic features that Cookie (how r u cookie 🤟🏻) explained to me to the best of their ability as my account was very restrained, it took one email to user support and three weeks and VOILÀ! I'M FREE kind of a mistake but THANK YOU nonetheless tumblr support ❤
what now
oh my god I can select F.O.N.T.S. and play with sizes I mean you've probably seen it many times in many places already but MAN this is NEW to me And it feels really good too!! I've always loved to scribble and write down shit for no reason note: I'm scared to swear because of the recent flagging I've been a victim of 😨 (<- scared emoji) I have no idea what I'll write how long I'll write it if I'll write more?? You're witnessing the live production of my tumblr discovery
what's next?
I want to do many things I want to do... everything 😩 no but for real I think trying to find a nice layout for a first could be nice. Like a theme and all. Ideally something similar to what cookie (hey cookie 👉🏻) cooked, someday :3c I'm also gonna follow all the cool artists I saw around (like Sirope who's the one who drew my current profile pic she deserves your love (and your money)). Tumblr feels more like a place for friend with lots of MAYHEM! while I like to use Reddit for games and communities, and Twitter for a bit of both. I like making friends and following game accounts there, but for Tumblr I wonder if that would work... I guess I'll dig deeper and see for myself!
Right now, this is the start of a NEW ADVENTURE! ⛵ Until next time,
take care and drink some water
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soulrph · 2 years
Hello ! I would like to ask for your opinion, please. I am being followed by strange accounts ; they have nothing to do with Role Playing whatsoever, they are all titled unknown with a woman picture and, most, have their description (I'm using a phone) like “ Money (emoji) something (emoji) something” and I have already reported/blocked about 50 of those people. Does anyone have similar experience ? How can I make them stop doing it ? It's putting me on the verge of a panic attack every time I see someone following me now and it's scary.
Thanks for the answers. And sorry if I'm bothering you.
this got swallowed by the ONSLAUGHT of notifs, but it's okay bc i'm here now and i am ready to respond!
so these weird accounts are called "spam bots". they're not real people. i have no idea why they're on tumblr, or why i took a two week hiatus and came back to find no less than 47 of the feckers on my followers list, and i still get the occasional follow from one, even now!
from what i've been told, reporting and blocking them is the best way to go. they're weird and annoying as heck, but ultimately, once you block them, you're fine! or do what i do, and wait a few days to just clear out a bunch of the bots at one time, because otherwise it's repetitive and exhausting and it just doesn't do the oul' serotonin any good at all.
i'm really sorry that they've been scaring you! but from my own understanding, they're harmless. just very, very, very irritating. they're like mosquitoes. but the warmer months are rolling in, and i think that's why i've been getting less of them on my blog!
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noblegasxenon · 1 year
why did you name your blog title that? was it to make fun of the way TUmblr adds "on Tumblr" to the end of every blogtitle?
That’s actually my first time hearing of that. It’s actually from a line from a one shot side character in don’t hug me I’m scared. (Specifically the sixth episode of the web series [Dreams])
Honestly the main reason for it is that I’m obsessed with this one character. It’s his only line.
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w4t3rgun · 2 years
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I posted 2,597 times in 2022
That's 2,561 more posts than 2021!
63 posts created (2%)
2,534 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 614 of my posts in 2022
#twisted wonderland - 177 posts
#void.talks - 136 posts
#void.txt - 134 posts
#twst - 133 posts
#void.talk - 132 posts
#text.txt - 121 posts
#muts.txt - 101 posts
#twst x reader - 76 posts
#disney twisted wonderland - 75 posts
#twisted wonderland x reader - 68 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
Well shit
I got an angst idea for Kalim and just basically parents who are like "here, go do whatever" and then ignore the kid and my brain is adding the fact that Kalim is so energetic and happy with people and parties because he's getting some kind of attention from people and when he was given the title of dorm leader for his dorm, he's kinda scared to accept it because they're supposed to be strict or something and he fears that if he does accept it and go by that kind of person, people will ignore him like his parents did. But he still did accept it. And from what I've seen from spoilers is that Kamil sees Jamil as his friend (even tho it's not from Jamil's pov) and adding this idea into it basically means "Hey, you give me attention, you're my friend!" Even if it's not true. Also the fact that Kamil was kidnapped a lot as a kid, just something seems like maybe his parents weren't paying much attention or something.
31 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
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(tell me if I did the ID transcript wrong)
[ID transcript; Link from Zelda on the far left, holding up half a xenogender flag on the left and other half Xenofluid flag on the right, with the words "its my Tumblr time and I get to choose my xenogenders" on the right of him]
48 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
"what kind of stuffed animal would they be headcannon" but I'm not serious at all, it's a school night & I'm only doing some of them
Idea gave by the one and only @thatonesebeksimp
(All photos in this post were taken from Google.
I am not sorry.
Also first ever post like this cuz I'm more like a rebloger than this ✌️😎✌️
I'm a Riddle simp but.... Here he is.
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Trey is THIS;
See the full post
75 notes - Posted September 25, 2022
- Vessel
79 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ayo bro, Bingo x3 (2 with Azul and 1 with Vil)
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(Sorry for tagging you but I found it funny to share, btw your works are great)
101 notes - Posted July 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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patheticpat · 2 years
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I posted 11,376 times in 2022
That's 5,021 more posts than 2021!
54 posts created (0%)
11,322 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 417 of my posts in 2022
#slimer.reblog - 278 posts
#slimer.post - 26 posts
#slimer.save - 24 posts
#slimer.liveblogger - 19 posts
#slimer.wip - 10 posts
#liveblogging - 6 posts
#slimer.sketch - 6 posts
#slimer.art - 4 posts
#slimer.ask - 3 posts
#lifesteal fanart - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#i momentarily forgot and stared for a second; followed by ‘don’t do it; don’t say it’ all the while staring like a person lost in grief
My Top Posts in 2022:
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2 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
Istfg, I’m trying to draw out the LifeSteal designs that I have and went “you know, I could also use this to practice drawing expressions!”
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And now I can’t look at Spepticle w/o fucking laughing. Even thinking about it makes me fucking laugh! Fuck!
3 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
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4 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
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And after, countless hours (and scares), I am done! I am very stupid proud of how it came out and I could probably ramble about everything that went into this, however I’m just gonna cut to the extra info.
Program Used? IbisPaint
Layers Used? 69 nice
Time Taken? 21 hours 45 minutes, at least for the digital bit
The title comes from Survivin’ by Bastille, I thought it at least fits :j
12 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sisters of Battle
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And after much much much struggle, I have done it. It is done! It is completed! I have finished my Ivorycello fanart and I am not looking back! Here’s the info:
The info!:
Program Used?: IbisPaint!
Layers Used?: 67!
Time Taken? 40 hours and 55 minutes, not including the traditional sketch!
Extra info?!: I gave her freckles, because why not! And I also decided that they are on one side of her face/body. I am going to be adding freckles and moles to my designs from now on, this is my agenda, try and stop me (/j)
I also didn’t name this until after I finished it, which has lead to a lot of deliberation until I decided on Sisters of Battle, which comes from the Hollow Knight ost! It just fit to me. Originally I was going to use Left to Bloom but I decided to save that for another idea… :)
Either way, have a nice night/morning! :D
13 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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