#this is why i dont get into nitty gritty details it takes SO LONG to write out
rassicas · 2 years
If I recall correctly, you bemoaned the “Grizz is a space bear” reveal for many reason (modt od which I think were very valid), but one the rubbed me the wrong way a little was that that somehow invalidated the idea that they functioned like an actual shady company with more “grounded” motives. I wanted to ask, are these really mutually exclusive? Obviously Grizz was trying to fund his sea-creature genocide, but we know that they still sold SOME eggs or else the company couldn’t have really existed, so that doesn’t mean that there weren’t many self-centered cephalopods tagging along for the ride in middle management. I’m actually now sort of enamored with the idea that Grizz, who clearly wasn’t very mentally stable, was, in a way, being manipulated by his underlings (and potentially capitalism as a whole) for profit.
most of my issues with ROTM right now are hardly about grizz being a bear, tho i will stand by with my dying breath that the bear foreshadowing was poorly handled for reasons that i basically covered in my mr grizz theory video i made a year and a half ago. ...i havent really said much about rotm because folks were unbearably rude and annoying to me about it for the first few months and would try to argue whenever i opened my mouth. anyway yes, its been several months so some of my opinions have changed. i dont recall if i said it was mutually exclusive, of course grizz sold eggs and did business, thats how grizzco as a company exists. it still just bugs me how an extinct mammalian bear got a way into the inkling world and who he had to have made contact with to actually make the business happen(yes yes i know 'what if lil judd' but there are still issues with that). kinda bothersome that we have no choice but to make headcanons to explain because knowing how the splatoon team hasnt really revisited these sorts of nitty gritty questions on previous story modes except in dev interviews, it feels like its doomed to be a plot hole for now. grizz being manipulated by inklings? hmm, his reason for profit was just to fund what he needed to put his mammalization plan into action, and he certainly made enough for that... though the english localization foolishly carried that motive into the finale of his story when it didn't make sense to do so. (personal headcanon) i do like to imagine there are some shady folks on the inkling side of the business that work under grizz, not knowing that he was a bear, and carry out most of the nitty gritty parts of the business within the inkling world. ultimately being manipulated by grizz as they have to funnel eggs and profits to him, but using the business to advance other motives...idk if thats what you mean by grizz being manipulated. i also like the idea of ORCA secretly working against grizz too, honestly is one of the only reasons ive heard that makes more of ROTMs weirdness make sense.
wow this got long
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syrips · 9 months
thinking about the poll/post (omg i found it!!) asking about if strahd would be a vampire ascendant and i decided to ramble about it along with other random things because dont mind if i do indulge!! hehe
shoutout to @/thecatslug for inspiring me to colorcode my rambles because oh my god i love colors. also sorry the color code might not make sense its just syrips color coded my brain likes it gfdgdfg
ravenloft / bg3 spoilers below:
so, im not sure if the question meant 'would strahd be considered a vampire ascendant' or if it meant 'could strahd become a vampire ascendant', so i decided ill try to answer this: would strahd be considered a vampire ascendant? sorry if this wasnt the original question i just wanted to ramble honestly
before we get into the fancy nitty gritty stuff, let's take a look at the details of four main things apparently i cant count heh, get it, count? anyways im not fixing that four sorry numbers are hard
Vellioth the Martinet
Baldur's Gate's Master Vampire List
The Black Mass Scroll As A Whole
Cazador and Jander (what?)
Vellioth the Martinet
so, random fun theory that no one asked but i just wanna ramble it. did you know that 'vellus' means fleece or wool?
just gonna leave this here. unrelated to anything else btw i just wanna ramble it.
random wiki stuff:
"vellus / villus / veillier = fleece, shaggy tuft hair, wool villi = in france, to watch over martinet = wikipedia: 'in English, the term martinet usually refers not to the whip but to those who might use it: those who demand strict adherence to set rules and mete out punishment for failing to follow them.' vellus hair = 'peach fuzz'"
🩸✨💛 random theory no one asked for 💛✨🩸
vellioth has hair with:
color range: peach (fuzz) to wheat blonde
length: medium to long
type/shape/texture: curly to kinky; 'shaggy/woolly sheep' texture
anyways back to the actual stuff.
... hi.
so! the narrator/cazador describe Vellioth as 'ancient', or at least they call his skull ancient? which is very strange to me for two main reasons. Vellioth isn't old. and i know, 'but syrips, you say everyone isn't old because strahd's a big old dusty super elder!.' and yea. hehe youre right. but for now, just remember this - Vellioth was Baldur Gate's Master Vampire from 1204 DR to 1276 DR. this will be important in a moment, not even because of the age, but because what ill describe below.
Baldur's Gate's Master Vampire List
so. one thing that i see thrown around a bit, is that people may assume that the vampire list left by Lady Incognita is based on birth and death or other stuff, but! i will clarify it a bit:
the title of Master Vampire does not mean the previous one's destruction or death. it only means their defeat upon someone else taking the throne. sure, they may occur at the same time, but one can take over without killing the former.
the master vampire list is a self-proclaiming title, and one that others can attempt to contest
each city/point of interest has their own master vampires fighting in their own little territories. we only see those of baldur's gate. not of waterdeep. not of other towns or cities or locations. if you're feeling the vtm clan vibes/drama, then youre absolutely right! cazador penpalling another master vampire to brag about his master vampire status in baldur's gate is both him bragging and him potentially preparing to claim other places once he ascends
the master vampire title gives no actual vampiric, magical, or physical power. it's an entirely a social construct, in the most literal way possible. it provides social influence, social intimidation, etc. but, it's just like putting on a mundane tiara. grats, i guess.. its shiny at least-
anyways, this stuff is mostly put down just to say - nothing about this "Master Vampire" status is about ascension, power, and/or 'special abilities'. it's a moot point/status. which leads to why the master vampires need other ways to gain power.. which is why.. woah! cool transition to-
The Black Mass Scroll As A Whole
if you got this far then thanks for reading. sit up and hydrate because it's time to talk about the black mass and why you need to be in tip top shape for reading this part. ahem:
the black mass scroll is not just one ritual, it is a collection of Vellioth's schooling, a list of rites/rituals, details of soul, divine (good, neutral, and evil) magic, and the methods of manipulation of the soul, divinity, and magic.
tl;dr - the black mass scroll is a list of lists. a collection of collections. the black mass scroll is.. an archive!
one could say it is massive. heh. anyways yea, the mass is a double meaning - a mass in the ritual sense, but also the meaning of 'a bunch of somethings.'
why is this important though? well. because this black mass has 'all the ways death can be turned to one's advantage or made more interesting', such as 'The Rite of Perfect Slaughter' and the 'Rite of Profane Ascension.'
so, let's talk about the Rite of Perfect Slaughter, which is actually fairly easy - Cazador killed Vellioth in the Rite of Perfect Slaughter. yet, Vellioth, who should be 'dead,' is recalling this. we should note, both of these people are undead. and undead death doesnt always work in the same way as complete removal/destruction. literally look at the other undead/'dead' in bg3 itself. look at those who 'died' in ravenloft. yet, some return, despite being 'killed' in the human perceived way.
either way, all we can confirm, based on this Rite of Perfect Slaughter, is that it removed Vellioth's authority/status as a Master Vampire. that is literally all the information we have right now. anything else is speculation, theory, or even deception by an undead or someone affiliated. which makes me wonder, who came up and formed that name, the "Rite of Perfect Slaughter"? cazador and vellioth both have a distorted view of what 'perfection' means, and we've seen cazador lie/hide information that will work against him. and also, Vellioth was laughing as cazador did the Rite on Vellioth. why didnt cazador and astarion laugh together when astarion performed the Rite of Ascension? because cazador didnt want the rite used on him. i guess the point of all of this is, who originally discovered or created the Rite of Perfect Slaughter? because, we dont know! for all we know, Vellioth couldve wanted to be 'killed' to give his soul to someone else, to preserve his vampirism/unlife or something. afterall, the black mass has 'all the ways death can be turned to one's advantage.' it doesnt say by who benefits from it. but anyways. the origin isnt really relevant for this, i just wanted to point out that these Rites are all a various and mixed collection of times, rituals, affiliations, and intentions - most that we dont even know fully, if at all of who benefits from it. and, considering we dont even know what some mean, or who made them, the original people who discovered them may not even be Cazador or Vellioth.
why? or how?
because, the line Astarion says when he picks up the Black Mass Scroll: "[Cazador] stole everything, even [Vellioth's] precious rules."
it doesnt matter who made the rites, rituals, weird strange description/stuff. all that matters is that Cazador has the entire bundle of stuff that is from previous vampires and creatures. and, the symbolism that Astarion picks it up and takes it, means the collection of potential power - of The Black Mass Scroll - Astarion is the current inheritor of potential power.
Cazador and Jander (what?)
now, reader. you might be like. 'syrips, what does this have to do with if Strahd is considered a vampire ascendant? why is jander being brought in here?? im so confused, just answer the question about strahd!' well, too bad! you gotta wait! into the sealed tomb with leo dilisnya you go!
anyways! what we learned so far (as well as random rambling cuz why not):
cazador literally takes things that aren't his
cazador learned this from 'ancient' vellioth
Vellioth become a master vampire at 1204 DR of baldur's gate
Cazador became one at 1276 DR of baldur's gate
but! let's take a quick look and compare this to our beloved Jander Sunstar's lore:
they are incredibly weak when compared to an already existing Jander and strahd, as Anna has existed on the sword coast beginning around 970 DR
not only does time work differently in barovia, but in Toril / DR time, strahd already exists at this point as The Vampire. he is already the ruler of barovia, as well as the center of attention in the domains of dread
time isnt really important here, but its worth noting this because of Jander. not only did he kill his vampire master (which can be considered a 'vampiric ascension,' as you break the chains and limits of your master and are now free to grow in vampiric abilities), but he literally wielded an ancient and holy relic that vellioth and cazador could not even imagine to do.
and, not only did Jander do that, but he challenged the cause of vampirism and was brought by the mists into barovia. he was a candidate to challenge the master, founder, and origin of vampirism - strahd. Jander had the potential to ascend. to break free from the true master and curse, of The Vampire.
anyways, jander (and astarion) is a great reference character for vampire ability when comparing vellioth and cazador to jander/strahd.
but yea. tl;dr - jander makes vellioth and cazador look really pathetic. like baby levels pathetic. vampire ascension is about going 'backwards/upwards' on the vampiric bloodline tree, gaining your agency back so that you can climb up the ranks to more 'potent/ancient' generations. basically, it's about being free to go as far/deep as you can attempt. ascension is not about 'the removal of weaknesses', it's about 'the reduction of vampiric inferiority'. and, being unable to be in the sun is not of inferiority. they can go in the sun, but it will hurt. what one cannot do without suffering, teamwork, pacts, and/or luck, however, is breaking their seal on the master they're forced to be inferior to. even in the cazador fight, the only thing that saved astarion was literally the tadpole helping to reduce his inferiority with cazador. on a side note, vellioth laughing at cazador during the rite of perfect slaughter makes me believe that vellioth benefitted and only caused cazador to descend deeper, instead of ascend.
anyways. back to cazador. the only way that he can reduce the vampiric inferiority (as well as ascend himself) is for him to confront more and more ancient vampires, you know. like what jander attempted. but, cazador doesnt want to do that. instead, he works with an archdevil to attempt a cheap temporary bandaid/loophole around the wrong problem. instead of focusing on his own inferiority complex heh pun intended, he focuses on how to get a tan and how to be less thirsty..? like. what? either he has no idea what hes doing, or he believes removing all weaknesses and flaws will make him a more perfect vampire. what a silly head.
anyways. the rite of 'ascension.'
yea, let's go into that!
what is the Rite of Ascension??
here you go, reader!
🎇🩸🏹 The Rite of Profane Ascension 🏹🩸🎇
Oh, piteous dead! Oh, ravenous dead!
syrips translator: oh pathetic hungry un/dead people!
Immortality is your gift, but darkness is your prison and hunger its gaoler.
syrips translator: you can't be out in the (sun)light, and your hunger imprisons you because youre in denial of how to manage your vampirism.
The Rite of Profane Ascension will release you. Walk in the sun. Suffer not from hunger. Grow your power beyond anything you imagined.
syrips translator: with just 7 payments of 999.99 souls, you too can remove the ailments of sun allergies and midnight cravings! call now to receive your 'ascension' kit!
A pact has been made with the Lord of Hellfire. Deliver unto him seven thousand souls, each bearing an Infernal mark, and you shall be free of your chains. You shall know true power.
syrips translator: -fast disclaimer speak- your sun and anti-hunger status is not actually included or garaunteed. you are agreeing to the terms and conditions that you are only receiving the kit to build and perform the sun and anti-hunger ritual. 'free of your chains' is only used to describe the 'chains of darkness and hunger' and nothing else. purchase not necessary to be 'ascended.' call now and begin your journey!!
Deliver the souls.
syrips translator: i really dont care who gives me the souls. just gimmy. thanks
Speak the words.
syrips translator: okay the actual pact is below. everything else was just to hype you up and was just the advertisement, hehe! anyways. anyone who says the ritual below with the right components is all i care about. because the stuff below is the actual trade. and no, you didnt get scammed. this isn't a vampire ascension, it's just an advertisement targetted towards a vampiric audience. you read the terms and conditions correctly, right? silly guy.
Ecce dominus,
syrips translator: "(google translate) Behold, the Lord" / 'uhh hi -opens trade window-'
Has animas offero in sacrificio,
syrips translator: "(google translate) I offer these souls in sacrifice," / -puts 7k stack of souls in trade window- 'here's the actual trade that you wanted -presses confirm trade-'
Nunc volo potestatem quam pollicitus es mihi.
syrips translator: "(google translate) Now I want the power you promised me." / -presses accept- so this trade goes against the ToS but.. youll give me the power i asked for, right?... oh thank god i was so afraid. illegal ingame-to-irl-currency trades are so scary.. thank god, or thank meph in this case haha get it- oh okay im leaving.. s-sorry.. thanks..-
wooo hooo! we made it back to the original question!! we did it!!
now, lettuce answer this question that we we've been waiting on for so long. i dont want to leaf you hanging.
would strahd be considered a vampire ascendant?
big drum roll! bhrrrbhrbrhbhrr!!
okay so. why isnt strahd considered a vampy ascendant?
well, before we talk about that. let's consider what a 'vampire ascendant' is considered, by Vellioth, Cazador, and the Rite of Profane Ascension's terms:
an 'ascended vampire' is just one who has the ailments of sunlight and hunger removed by the process of this specific ritual. remember that line i said of a Master Vampire being a moot point? well.. to burst the blood bubble, the "Ascended Vampire" line isnt a literal 'vampire ascension'. it's also a moot point, in its own way. but not as mooty, it's more of like a half-truth. like something an archdevil would do to tempt someone into doing something for a small dose of infernal - not raw vampiric - power in return. take note that nowhere in the actual ritual lines does it talk about ascension, let alone vampiric ascension. all it talks about is to say the words 'you made a promise.. i hope you keep it..pls gimmy Infernal powers..'
you know how raphael is making a deal with you and how off it feels? that's because youre not ascending when he mutes your tadpole. he's just using his abilities to manipulate/mold something in you with his powers. that's how this ritual also is. it's just a half-truth, unempathetic advertisement, masked as a pact so that the one who does it feels satisfied, despite the archdevil just receiving much more power than the one who sacrificed all the souls.
but, let's say this ritual is legitimate, and one does 'ascend' by the archdevil's abilities to remove the ailments. so, they are technically 'rising,' in a way. they are becoming a 'stronger infernal-gifted vampire' because of less weaknesses. but, what are they trying to ascend to? what is the purpose of removing all of these weaknesses? why go through all of this?
because. they hunger. they want power. they want true immortality. they want to remove all weaknesses in mortal life and immortal unlife to have free agency, without inferiority to anything. they want to be able to transcend time, space, and death, to be on a level of the highest peak of vampirism.
and, of course. who would that be? who would be the most ancient, powerful vampire, cursed and imprisoned by their own success in achieving what other vampires can only dream of?
who was imprisoned not from failure, but from succeeding too well that something else had to intervene?
anyways, as much as i love stroking strahd's ego LOl i keep going tho, his novel-canon potential is severely higher than the CoS potential. but, through all the modules, novels, and other media, it's still heavily implied that strahd's major weakness is tatyana. if he had tatyana, or felt he was losing the chance to pursue her, if he lost this weakness, he would unironically be scarily unstoppable. the only thing stopping strahd from being a huge dictator or even more power-hungry tyrant is literally because of his obsession/'curse' with wanting to have a bae. which i find very hilarious but focus syrips that part isnt the point-
anyways. tl;dr - strahd has nothing to ascend to. he has no vampire that he's inferior to. if anything, he wants to descend. he wants to be 'less' of what he is now, to be with tatyana. or, to ascend tatyana to his vampiric level. it's his entire curse. and, because of this, he also cannot descend. if he does, he will either lose himself, or he will lose tatyana. and he will not dare to risk that.
he also has nothing that he has or can ascend from. he is the 'original'. at most, he just ascended from 'himself.' but, that's not really an ascension more than just a transition. (and, moving from the material plane to the domains of dread kind of shows that he's not really ascending/rising, more than he's just moving into a warped/slanted plane that operates differently in time and space.) and, unlike in the Rite of Profane Ascension, strahd used himself (and everything affiliated to him) as both the component and result, because no other method existed. he is the origin and reason that rites/methods to 'becoming a more powerful vampire' even exist. he's the reason that vampires exist. when strahd says he's the ancient and land, he's not just saying it for the cool monologue phrase even though we all know he totally enjoys saying it everytime. he's also bluntly saying, 'i am the ancient because i, with barovia, transcend time. i am the land because i, with barovia, connect with the domains of dread. and, the domains of dread, connects with all planes. i am beyond 'a vampire.' i, strahd, am the concept and definition of the vampire.'
everything that all vampires do, by definition, are mock versions, mock attempts, and mock methods that strahd has already mastered, influenced others to do, or that he has knowledge/creation of. everything all vampires do, is attempting to do what their masters had done. with every new spawn, they start at the bottom, trying to climb to their master's level. and even more rarely, attempting to climb to their master's master's level. but strahd is at the top of the MLM vampire pyramid. he has no master to climb up the ranks to. he's already the CEO, founder, etc. (idk how business works), he can't out-climb himself. -strahd pompous voice- 'ouhhh.. it's so lonely being at the top, ouhhh..' but anyways, he can ascend or assist others, since he's a patron. but most power-hungry vampires wouldnt want to do that, especially because they're probably trying to climb up just to compete or be on strahd's vampiric level. and yet, asking strahd for ascension is incredibly easy - all it would mean is making an eternal pact to always be subservient and inferior to strahd.. he'd gladly ascend you, you'd have the potential to be superior to all other vampires.. the only one above you would be personally him. and.. suddenly, a deal with an archdevil who doesnt care about the pettiness of vampire superiority, kind of sounds safer in comparison now..-
or idk. i could be wrong. just a ramble i had fun doing. hehe ty for reading
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ravenloft novels/modules/games/media/editions from like everywhere
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haruharuz · 2 years
I saw that you currently in the process of learning Korean. I also wanna do, problem is that every resource (Books, Grammar Books etc) start somewhere else and often provide the stuff i dont consider important to learn first (for example i dont need to know the words for Aunt or Uncle right away as i dont have any and don’t think that would be a beginning conversation topic) so i wanted to ask: how do you learn? When do you learn Grammar? Which words did you learn first? Any other tips you have?
OO oo! A question about Korean !! Yay!! Okay so this might be a bit of a long answer but I highly encourage you to read through it.
Something really important to understand is that while those lessons might not seem important, they are. In Korean, you're much less likely to call someone by their name, especially if they're older. This is why they're teaching you things like "aunt" and "uncle" in korean. Because you typically refer to someone by their title and not their name. Now this does change, you CAN refer to people by their name, but it's kind of complicated and you can learn about that later.
Secondly, I use multiple resources but the two highly encouraged will be talk to me in korean and how to study korean.
Talk to me in Korean is typically much easier to grip onto and understand for people, the lessons are very simple and plain. Where as How to study korean goes into a lot of detail and can sometimes be confusing but it is really good for when you need the nitty gritty of some grammar.
Here's what I recommend as someone who has failed time and time again and learned from my mistakes!
Learn the alphabet (it takes about an hour and a half)
Learn basic vocabulary (NAVER dictionary is your friend) and so are anki flashcards
Learn basic grammar (How to study korean / talk to me in korean)
Immediately begin immersion (listen to music, watch shows in korean, begin reading in korean even if you don't understand it)
Use a language exchange app to further your learning
Something I want to stress is that a large part of learning a language is doing pretty much everything at once. An example of a good study routine for korean would be : Vocabulary flashcards > Grammar practice > Immersion > Post to language app
For practicing grammar, take sentences you see and spend time breaking down each part of it. Grammar and all. This will help you get a good grasp on where things are placed in korean!
Listen listen listen! You have to learn how to hear Korean. You can't just magically understand it, there are double consonants etc that are REALLY difficult to distinguish from eachother especially at first. So make sure you're reading, listening, and speaking (out loud) daily. That was a big mistake I made.
My first ever word / phrase in Korean was 배고파요! (bae-go-pa-yo) In Korean, this means "I'm hungry!"
I wanna get into some personal tips about it!
Don't ever let anyone immediately speak in banmal (informal) to you! That is a huge cultural no-no, they're just doing it because they think they can disrespect you. They need to speak formally until permission is established.
When you're talking to someone in korean, do not use 당신 for "you" It's considered disrespectful
Speaking of that, Korean's don't state the obvious. If everyone knows who you're talking about (as in it has been established previously) or it's just super obvious, you don't need to say "i/you/etc" because they already know.
Culturally, Korean people tend to avoid being "too straight forward/too blunt" I'm not sure why, but it's a really big deal there. If you're very blunt, they'll be shocked.
Kids shows and songs in korean will be easier for you to grasp than watching something complex!
Don't be afraid to text people in korean :0 typically Korean people are very sweet when it comes to mistakes. You'll run into some assholes but that's everywhere.
If you have disney plus, watch movies and shows in korean (you can change it in the little sttings for subtitles)
Other stuff and resources:
Test your Korean listening
Listen to korean on your commute
Korean children song
Here's some phrases and words I recommend learning first:
Stop that!
I'm hungry.
I want to eat
Did you eat well?
How have you been?
Of course/Right
Learn well and good luck! You can always send me an ask if you are having trouble and need some help looking for grammar etc. Just remember, it may seem useless to learn certain words/things but it is vital to your fluency later on.
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(Do yall know how many asks I get requesting details and preferences on the intricacies of anal sex prep? Yall. Suspension of disbelief. There's so many advice and sexual health articles out there to read up on if you're so curious, it's... implied. No offense to the curious mind, I appreciate the genuine approach, but I ain't including all that in a fic hahaha. ANYWAY
you thought you could hide this in the strikeout but vinny dahling, i can read Strike (TM) AAAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA CRUELLA DE VIL LAUGH
anyway. so i have never asked for this in an anon lol but i have to empathise with the dear and curious readers (most likely girls but maybe baby gays or straight guys who are curious???? shoutout to all the lurking straight dudes here on vinny's blog lol). i think sexfic can be hot and heightened reality, but its also nice to add some realism and it can be aspirational too. youre kind of a king of realistic sex in hcs and fics in the spicy byler fandom tbh. youre invested in realism and emotion in a way many other writers arent. and ofc, you have life experience.
so i think its just a case of - well, for me, i think its just interest to see how the practicalities could be worked into fic. because yes there is info available, but those articles dont tell you how to incorporate the necessities into an actual scenario or story thats still sexy. i just think it would be incredible and so sexy to read a fic (or see a film!) where the nuts and bolts of everything were included. messy, maybe it fails, but yeah. it makes younger people especially hopeful, because it validates the frequent fails of early sex experiences. and thats byler! i know youre working on a fic of their early relationship so I'm sure you'll grace us with some Very Realistic details about anal sex prep and make it poetic in its realism, too. if anyone can, its you! whenever youre ready, im sure lots of us will be happy to read that.
love you vinny.
HAHAHA well 😉
And it's no shade to those lovely, curious, inquiring minds. It's realistic!! It's obviously going to cross the mind, I get it! Maybe, just getting too nitty gritty and acknowledging all the hyper-real aspects of stuff has a twinge of embarrassment, a sort of mindset where it's like, oh I'm enjoying writing about fictional sex and sharing little hints at personal sexcapades, but there are times where I don't want to be seen as a beacon of real advice and especially not become a go-to sexual health educator hahaha. I'm just being silly or creative most of the time.
But... yeah. I can't deny the fact that I do enjoy having my niche being a little bit of a realistic approach to my fanworks. It's pretty fun, because I've mostly dabbled in the ridiculous or lofty before now - but I switched up styles and approach and what I always wanted was an honest sort of insight and writing style. Found it in this fandom of all places, wild. So, yeah. Authenticity. Love that, strive for that. I appreciate the kind words and faith in me!!
Very true though that more very realistic media in general would be super interesting, and I think more things these days are surprising me in positive ways. We do need more realism for many aspects and depictions of the intricacies of intimacy and relationships. For sure. I will say... I do think you and others will find a lot of this in that fic I'm slowly working on. That's why it's gonna take awhile! I think something like that is gonna be more long form if I want to say what I want to say. Of course here's stuff in the fic meant to be hot, but most of it is just... exploratory and trying stuff through storytelling. Depicting how two young men entering a sexual relationship together with very little reference points might deal. Ohhh, it's got awkward moments, it's got not-so refined sex, it's got realism in what is actually happening - I think you'll find what you and others are looking for there. It's my realism fic while a lot of my other stuff does have that typical fanfic mystical world where things just somewhat... gloss over reality to an extent haha.
Love you too anon ❤️❤️
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harley-style · 4 years
ive read some reviews about tsubaa resevoir chronicle and while they dont actually matter to me since i genuinely enjoy the manga, i just wanted to give my two cents on the matter of the plot moving from light hearted to Acid Tokyo.
you heard me.
a bunch of people complained that it went dark and gory really quickly and they preferred if it stayed to its usual formula, but that wasnt the case with me. i will tell you now that this is a completely biased opinion and you do not have to share it, but if you're reading this far ill assume that you'd like to hear me out.
the shift from light hearted to dark WORKS in TRC because:
CLAMP was already building up to this tone, while I didn't know what was going on, 11 year old me could feel the palpable tension and foreboding sense of doom during the earlier chapters. they hinted at fai's fake smiles. tsubasa li. they showed a huge warning, blaring sign with kurogane's backstory. at that point, i was like "oh, now we're getting to the nitty gritty" and buckled the fuck up. i dont know where people were coming from when they said it was abrupt -- it wasn't. not from that context.
of course it would be a little dark. they just lost an important member of their group. remember that this gang had been travelling for a long damn while now, obviously, despite fai being fai, they would grow closer together and come to care. this was explicitly mentioned in piffle. it wouldnt make sense for them to go back to a happier sort of tone with a (im so sorry my sweet boi tsubasa) replacement of the one they lost, an emotionless doll being controlled by a, say it with me folks, "A MAN CRUEL ENOUGH TO KIDNAP A CHILD AND KEEP HIM PRISONER FOR 7 YEARS" the doll (sorry clone syaoran but this was what yoy were after tokyo) TEARING FAI'S EYE OUT, goodness gracious, and like. guys. they were in a world where death and despair and despolation were absolutely normal. despite their talents and innate ability, they are PEOPLE with FEELINGS. they react to things like trauma as you do. not well. and maybe some unhealthy coping habits (coughcoughignoringhelpfromlovedonescoughcough)
in the story context, they landed in worlds where violence was a given. what the fuck did you think they were going to do? cafe???? again????
because this is important, i feel the need to restate that theyve gone through some shit that cannot warrant a happy attitude. that is very unhealthy and a very pretentious way of writing. FAI LOST HIS EYE. he smiles, yes, BUT IT MAKES SENSE THAT IT DOESNT FEEL AS LIGHT HEARTED AS BEFORE. these people have pasts that are catching up with them.
the light-heartedness, for me, was getting a tad redundant. i came here to get attatched to these characters and get my heart ripped out of my chest as they go trhough perilous trials. I got what I wanted, and more.
I will concede, however, that the plot was CONVOLUTED TO HELL AND BACK because it WAS, CLAMP. I had to reread it a bunch of times and read fanfcitions and a certain cite to clarify on the details that were lost on me before. But hey, at least it isn't Kingdom Hearts. or Homestuck. Thank god for that, right? Right.
Anyway, this has been my hot take on why the Tsubasa Chronicle Plot actually works. Thank you!!
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kyleoreillysknee · 5 years
@atomicuniversityathleteflower said: I think that describing what’s going on and the setting is my weakest part. I feel like I use “and” way too much any pointers? 
this might get long and rambly bcs i love diving into the nitty gritty of any creative process and im an analytical person so im gunna try my hardest to not go full university research paper mode.
gotta get this out of the way but “and” is a fantastic, useful and helpful word. i think of it as a bridge that can make the move from one element to the other simply and efficiently. i have spent years trying to hone my writing into being efficient and effective and a lot of that was done by reading what i’ve written outlout to myself. your ear can pick up on the strangeness of writing more easily than your brain bcs you’re often reading what you think you wrote rather than what’s actually on the page. 
some alternatives to using “and” is to simply break the sentence in two, it can make the pacing/flow of the writing a bit more punchy or immediate. or cutting away from the primary action of the sentence to include a secondary detail that enriches the moment. that was a bit dense so im gunna give examples.
“The leaves began their lazy dizzy dance and scattered across the pavement.”
Going with the first breaking it apart approach the sentence can be transformed into:
“The leaves began their lazy dizzy dance. Scattering across the pavement.”
the second half of that description feels a bit empty to me so I would then add some more flowery language but there are some cases where the stop adds a bouncy pace to the language that pushes the reader into reading quickly. a frenetic use of punctuation can completely elevate a bland action heavy paragraph into something that reads like you’re dancing on hot coals.
for the second, additive approach the sentence could become:
“The leaves began their lazy dizzy dance, she balled her hands into fists as she watched them scatter across the pavement.”
so its essentially interrupting the description in order to bring in plot or character development. its very easy to get carried away with this and end up having sentences that are too long to maintain the reader’s attention. if you end up with a lengthy, long winded sentence make sure to bracket it with short ones so the reader can have a bit of a mental break.
im gunna admit to smth i probably shouldnt. i steal a lot of how i describe things from stuff ive read or heard. i dont mean that i just copy paste neat phrases or anything. but when i come across writing i really like i take a bit to really look at it and try and figure out why that sentence or description stuck out to me. actively reading is the easiest way to improve your writing. also if you have no idea how to really describe something just throw a metaphor at it, compare it to the sun or something in nature. people love that shit bcs the sky is great.
i hope there’s some amount of useful info in this rambly mess. good luck with all your writing!
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samtheflamingomain · 7 years
welcome to death note, where the plot makes no sense and the rules don’t matter
Unless you've been living under a rock the past few months, you're aware that there's a live-action American Death Note movie on Netflix.
I wasn't going to watch it because I knew it would be bad and I am a MASSIVE DN fan. I didn't want it to ruin one of my favourite things.
While I wouldn't say it did that, I will say that it was, without exaggeration, the worst screen adaptation of anything I've ever seen.
I went in with low expectations and knowing they'd have to change the plot around to fit into 90 minutes. The bar was so low and yet they managed to disappoint me at every turn.
So let's get into the details. Spoilers ahead, but who cares this movie is garbage.
I'll break it down into several aspects: acting and characterization, pacing and plot, visuals and sound, and finally, the sheer amount of nonsense and bullshit this film vomited into my face.
Okay. I hated every single character's personality. NONE of the characters were even remotely similar to the characters in the manga/anime. Light is a stupid, naive teenager who thinks with his dick. Mi(s)a is a sociopathic, manipulative cunt, Light's father is EXTREMELY stupid, Ryuk is not a neutral character (which is extremely important), and, finally, L. Oh, lord, L.
L is a cold, detached, calculating super genius detective. In the original. In the movie, he's a ballsy, irrational, emotional mess who somehow knows how to drive and wield a gun - unthinkable of OG L.
And to touch briefly on the acting: Nat Wolff is the only one I really have a problem with. He wears a constant look of confusion the whole movie and acts like a troubled child, not like a fucking serial killer.
Now, to your immense surprise, there is one character that I found was nearly spot-on: Watari.
And finally, the movie lacked in sheer number of characters. The ones I listed are, quite literally, the only ones in the film who speak. I get it, they didn't have time to do the Near, Mello, Takada, or Mikami plots. But I guarentee this movie would've greatly benefited from a Matsuda character, a Rem character, and Light's mother and sister.
Onto pacing and plot.
Again, I know they only had 90 minutes, but within the first ten minutes, Light has the notebook and hooks up with someone he barely knows (Mia), shows her the notebook, and they’re instantly dating and having some creepy murder sex. Within the first 30 minutes, nearly everyone knows Light is Kira.
Now to the main problems with the plot itself: there is no reason to give Light more motive to become a killer. It's his personality and his worldly outlook that causes him to take up killing. In the movie, they sloppily throw in some bullshit about his mom being killed, but they don't make that the actual motivation for killing. How do we know this? Well...
In the movie, his first kill is a bully at school (something OG Light was smart enough to realize is fucking stupid) and when told to add a cause of death, he immediately jumps to "decapitation" - revealing instantly that he's a sick fuck. Sure, bullies suck, but do they deserve to be fucking decapitated? Light Yagami only killed actual criminals (until he has to kill people investigating him).
This might seem petty, but it's actually super important: Ryuk shows up before Light kills anyone. In the original, Light needed no prodding from a Death God to begin his murder spree. In the movie, it's Ryuk that goads him into his quest. This goes back to the fact that Ryuk is supposed to be neutral. It takes away Light's agency and makes it feel like Ryuk is controlling him.
L makes WAY too many guesses with little logic or evidence. It takes a lot longer for L to deduce Light is Kira in the original. Movie L makes some very uncharacteristic leaps of logic just for the sake of driving the movie on.
There's a scene pretty early on that mimics a similar scene in the original with Light and L sitting in a diner together. In the original, it’s not super important. Movie version involved L outright accusing him of being Kira on flimsy-at-best evidence, and then, in what might be the worst event in the movie, Light readily admits to being Kira and taunts him about not knowing how he kills.
After some bullshit about Light mind-controlling Watari (more on that later) to try and get L's name and Watari dies, L goes on a destructive car/foot chase with Light. In the original, it's important for L to figure out how Kira kills before killing him. This movie L doesn't seem to care about anything but revenge and being proven right.
I keep saying this, but another horribly-written thing happens that might be the worst part: L has Light cornered with a gun on him and someone randomly comes and knocks L over the back of the head, the very epitome of a Deus Ex Machina.
Then we get to the climax, which is an extremely long scene where Light and Mia hijack the Seattle ferris wheel, take it to the top and fight over who should own the book. They've both written each others' names down and the pages need to be burned by midnight if they want to live (groan, unnecessary race-against-time). They spend a good 5 minutes dangling from the wheel when RYUK causes it to collapse; something OG Ryuk would have NEVER EVER DONE, because, as the movie fails to explain, Ryuk’s motivation is supposed to be boredom. I’ll touch more on why this happens in a bit. Mia falls to her death, Light falls into the water, into a coma, and wakes up two days later.
Okay, now I do have to give the movie a bit of credit here: it seems at first like a bunch of ridiculous coincidences that lead to Light outliving Mia. Turns out he saw all this coming (somehow) and had quickly used the book to ensure that: the wheel collapses, Mia falls from the wheel and dies, the page with his name is burned so he will live, that he's rescued from the water after his fall, that he's in a coma but murders continue via a random criminal writing in the book before delivering it back to Light just as he wakes from the coma. I'll pick this part apart in a minute because there is just so much wrong with this sequence of events that I can’t even.
And finally, the ending, if you can call it that. The writers were VERY clearly trying to be clever and leave us with a cliffhanger.
L is "proven wrong" about Light being Kira because the murders continued while he was in a coma, and is supposed to go back to Japan, before he suddenly remembers that Mia has a page of the book at her house. He gets there and finds the page she used to kill invesigators behind Light's back. The movie ends with L, shaking in uncharacteristic anger, about to write Light's name. Fade to black.
Finally, one last thought on the plot before I touch on other elements: this is a terrible adaptation, but an even worse movie. As a stand-alone movie, viewers new to Death Note would no doubtedly leave feeling confused and like nothing important was said in the movie. It does nothing to touch on the ambiguity of Kira's actions vs. L's. It has no underlying takeaway besides "Hey look at this cool book!"
Okay, quick thoughts on visuals and sound. Visuals are great (minus whatever bullshit paper mache project that is Ryuk). They dont' shy away from gruesome depictions of murders. I'd cite the incredible series of events that lead to Kenny being decapitated as the best example.
Hated the audio. Random songs start playing where score would've been better.
Okay, now onto the nitty-gritty details that make this movie absolutely fall apart.
Most of them are to do with the mechanics of how the Death Note is supposed to work. The original only has one page of rules and no names in it yet. Movie Book has pages and pages of rules and names filled in. There are rules that don't exist in the original (like the burning of the page to save the life of the victim, the fact that Mia can't see Ryuk after touching the note*, and most deplorably, the rule about "must be physically possible" being shattered into pieces at every turn.
*When Light first shows Mia the book and has her touch it, he assumes she’ll be able to see Ryuk WITH NO REASON TO BELIEVE THIS. In the original, Ryuk has to tell Light about this rule. In the movie, Light GUESSES that that’s how it works. And he’s wrong: unlike the original where Mia would’ve seen Ryuk, Ryuk claims in the movie that only the owner of the book can see him - super convenient for Light, who walks around school with the book in full view.
But there's a lot of other bullshit that ruins this monstrosity. There's a turning point in the movie where Mia tries to convince Light to kill his own father. The prompting event doesn't happen in the original, but I have no doubt that OG Light would've killed him without hesitation, as he outright says in the original. Because OG Light would be smart enough to know that leaving his father alive in that situation would immediately implicate him.
Here's one of the worst offenses (again, I know): Light writes the name "Watari" in the book. And it works. Watari is not his real name, and even if it were, who only has one name?
L does the whole "taunting Kira to kill him on TV" as in the original, but this event leads him to the conclusion that Light needs a name and a face - something that makes absolutely no sense for him to instantly know after one test.
Now, about the ending sequence at the ferris wheel and the hospital. The police are chasing Light and Mia, the two threaten the wheel's operator with a gun to take them up. And then he's later "officially" exonerated because the murders continued while he was in a coma, but because Light killed his mother's killer, his father "knows” he's Kira, which, of course, Light admits. If he's "officially" not Kira, why did he run from the cops and hijack a ferris wheel? L knows the power of killing can be transferred to another, yet doesn't explain this fact to anyone when the killings continue during Light’s coma.
And the biggest shitshow of nonsense? The way Light kills Mia and ensures he lives and ends up with the book again. Waaay too much of it is contingent on luck, along with some great rule-breaking.
Light writes: Mia takes the book, the wheel collapses, she falls to her demise, and the page with his name on it is burned. That's not how it works. There cannot be a passive action in a Death Note murder. He would've had to write: Mia takes the book, burns Light's page, then falls to her demise.
He also writes that he himself falls but goes into a coma, set to wake up in two days. Also impossible. You can't create a sequence of events that affect someone other than the murder victim. And you especially can’t use it to (directly) save someone’s life.
Essentially, Light is writing things he'd like to happen in the book. It's a Death Note, not a Life Note, and certainly not a Wish Note.
He also writes that criminal number one retrieves him from the water and revives him. The criminal would have to know there's a kid in the water, where he is, and how to revive him. Possible, but not foolproof because of the "physically possible" rule. If dude didn't know CPR, Light would've died.
Then, he has criminal number two retrieve the Death Note and continue writing names in the book for the two days he's in the coma, and then return it to him in the hospital. This is less about "physically possible" and more about somehow being able to brainwash him. The events leading up to his death have to be something he could conceiveably do on his own. See also: the brainwashing of Watari.
Let me explain a bit more: in the original, Light experiments with the "physically possible" rule. In one test he writes: (criminal) draws a perfect likeness of L's face on his prison wall before dying. This isn't physically possible because the criminal doesn't know what L looks like, so it's inconcievable that he could, under any circumstance, draw L's face.
Similarly, there's no way that Watari would think of going back to the orphanage to get L's real name, nor is there a conceivable way that a criminal would think to go to Light's specific hospital room and leave him the book. It has to be something they could potentially think of themselves.
Now, I know these are a lot of extremely fine details, but to people who know how the book is supposed to work, it all looks messy and contrived.
Finally, let me leave you with one last gripe/thought. Death Note is an IP originating from Japan. I get that it's a purposely American adaptation meant for American audiences, but something in the movie happens that kind of pissed me off:
Light chooses the name Kira (instead of his fans choosing the name) largely because it means "killer" in Japan, then decides to try and throw people off his scent by focusing his murders in Japan. I have no doubt that this was meant to be a nod to its Japanese origins, but it comes off as... kind of like kicking the original when it's already down. You're taking a Japanese IP, taking it to America, then using Japan as a scapegoat for American Light. Maybe it's just me, but it really made me think, "Haven't they suffered enough just by the fact that this movie exists?"
I'm sure there's a bunch of stuff I've missed due to repressing the memory of ever seeing this terrible movie, but those are my major (and minor) problems with it.
Don't see it. It's bad.
Stay Greater.
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violentviolette · 7 years
How does disagreeing with that ask make you a hypocrite?
okay so i was WAY too high to answer this last night so my apologies that you had to wait so long. 
so i don’t usually share the nitty gritty details of this because frankly i dont feel like dealing with the monster pile of shit i’d get on this site but like, oh well
i abused my current partner extensively for years the first time we dated but she gave me a “second chance” and we are now back together. it was unintentional and i didn’t realize i was being abusive at the time, but regardless i did abuse her and she has the long term consequences to show for it. so that’s why i felt like saying that no, people don’t deserve second chances when i got a giant ass one myself made me a bit of a hypocrite. 
before i get the flood of hate tho i just wanna make something clear. it took A LOT of work to get to where we are. we went through counseling, both together AND separately, we had to learn how to have a healthy relationship, i DRASTICALLY changed my behavior and my way of thinking. and even then, it’s not a one stop fix. we still deal with the consequences of my past abusive actions every single day in our current relationship, and we will be working through them probably for years. our relationship only works and is healthy now because i take full and complete responsibility for everything i did during that time. no excuses, no exceptions. and this allows my partner to work through her trauma in a healthy and productive way.
our relationship only works because she feels safe to say “you abused me and that wasn’t okay” and i always respond with “your right, you didn’t deserve that and i was wrong. here is exactly how i will never repeat that behavior” and then i never repeat that god damn behavior. like i can’t stress that enough. there are words i cant say anymore, tones i cant use, places we cant go, things i can’t do. but i accept that in order to date her again and have it be a good and healthy experience for her, that is what i have to do. i made my bed and i will lie in it like a grown ass man and accept the consequences of my actions. intentional or otherwise. 
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adultstories4u · 5 years
One boring afternoon, did not have much to do, so thought would log into chat and kill time. Generally in chat, guys come under fake names and that is a killer by itself and puts you off and kept moving one room after that other and then talked to a couple of people before I hit on this lady and we exchanged the mundane as pleasantries and this is what I got
She said she was Usha, 28, married and has a kid. I replied I am 30, unmarried and yet to make kids just to kick in the lighter side the normal conversation progresses and we hit upon body statistics and she said she was 34 C 30 34 which sounded good for a married one with kid next we touchbed upon her hubby who is a marketing manager with a multinational and keeps busy on road for 30% of times, so that was a boredom where she entered chat. 2 weeks go by and we get a little comfortable on chat and I dig out some secrets about her sex life. One of her husband’s relatives used to visit her house to meet as family as he lived alone. He was a young fresh out of college stud that got a new job in town. He being new to town came to her place to have food on weekends and also watch TV or just hang out as long as husband was in town the hanging out was different but when he is not in town. He had asked him to come home when he felt like having home cooked food. He meant the real home cooked food I would assume as the days went by she and this young fellow started to get intimate and he was hooked. She was his goddess in town and he frequented more and she was able to statisfy her body needs as hubby travelled and she got online to chat as this guy was chatting to her from home as well and here I am interrupting their chat and also getting to talk to her. I guesss she was managing two chats at the time, well that was a good start. We opened up the cam and we could see each other and also commented on her looks and body. I said that for her kind of body, I can be around her house all day doing chores. Two months went by and we were really close and I got all the nitty gritty details of her sex life and I asked if we could meet and she said that her kid was with her. I said we can just meet to say hello in a coffee shop and that way she and I get to see each other in person. So we planned the day and the D-Day came and at 5:00 PM was in her area in a coffee shop. She was about 5’3″ the body size as she mentioned approximately is what I assume and neatly kept fingers and hair clear face and eyes that were bright lucious lips and her breasts were packaged well inside her shirt and I was able to place where her nipples were as we started to chat more. She made it to the coffee shop with son as she was shopping in that area for her house so said Hi to the little fellow. We had coffee the conversation was for about 30 minutes and she had to leave. I asked was she was up to this evening and she looked me which was kind of asking why and then said you wanting to come home? I did not want to miss that opportunity and I said would be good if you had time to catch up later. She smiled and said if you cane come after 9:30 PM since her son goes to bed at 9 I get all excited, come home taking a shower I think about getting to see her nipples which were a prefect icing on her rounded breasts, holding the waist and pulling into me, really got me excited and I was hard in the shower masturbated thinking about the night earlier masturbation helps as it takes longer time for the second round of ejaculation. I knock her door sharp at 9:30 and she comes to the door and opens it and says come in. I quickly slide into her house and the door is shut. I look at her and she was in her evening clothes and all freshened up smelling good. I whispered asking about her son and she said don’t worry he is fast asleep. She was also online with that yound stud and she said lets go to the other bedroom so here we are, in the room and she was talking to him online. He was insisting on her coming online but she kept saying that her kid was around and cannot come online. I was sitting next to her and I kept my comments rolling in and making him horny and she too was eagerly typing all that I said as we typed, his invite for cam came in and she accepted and said that his dick will be out now. I was now standing up and went hehind her chair, with my hands on her shoulders as she typed. I massage the shoulder muscle and rubbed her shoulders at the back as this guys get to pull his dick out for which he has positioned his cam view I said hey I cannot see this guy stroking it not my interest and she giggled loudly. This is a new type of 3 some with one going cyber and by this time she closed his came window but kept typing in and I closed in on her neck and chin as my hands were slowly caressing her skin which was growing warm. He was typing that his dick was hard and was stroking it for her to see. I whispered don’t open the cam and by this time, my finger was rubbing her lips. She kissed mine and allowed one to slip lightly into her mouth. Now my plans were caressing her cheeks and I slowly glided My hands down her neck to the side of her hands and then to her breasts over her shirt. Gently massaged them without pressure and rubbed over the nipple area to converge at the neck button of her shirt and she stopped to type as my hands pulled her chin upwards to see me standing behind her chair. I bend down and kiss her mouth gently and waited for her to respond with pressure lips caress and my mouth gently wets her lips. I start to kiss with more pressure making her open the lips. My hands by now are sliding inside her shirt over the neck line and inside feel the bra fabric and caress the breasts over it. I can feeel the nipples now and they are growing hard as I caress and gently squeeze them each time I caress my tongue digs deeper into her mouth and after a minute or so I let go of her chin as that would hurt her neck leaning backwards. This guy has typed a whole page and she said time to see a hard one on cam or in here. I move to her side and open the button of my jeans and pull the fly down my 7″ swollen hardness is packed sidways and bulges thru my underwear and she could was staring at it with wide eyes. I bend towards her and close the chat and slowly bend down and kiss her again this time we face each other my hands unbuttoning her shirt as fast as it could and I fling them open her hands went from holding me to my croctch feeling my hard dick over the underwear. I slowly move her hands away and kneel in front of her between her legs while she was sitting my hands pulls the bra straps from her shoulders and slides them to the side and hands rub over the breasts this time the nipples are poking themselves thru the bra fabric and I lean toward the bra to gently bit and cup them with lips slowly moving down I feel the fresh raw skin under the bra kissing along the rib cage my mouth moves down to the navel. I unhook the bra with my hands exposing her breasts on my face. I suck on the nipples while my fingers keep rolling the other and pressing using my lips I cup the nipple with areola and gently bite and my tongue flicks the nipples inside mymouth and she moans and pushes her breasts towards my mouth and holds to my head pressing into her as I move closer into her my legs push her legs wider and I suck and bite harder at her nipples and she closes her legs in me. My hands reach down to her skirt and unhook the band and unzip it by the side and slide it down her butt by lifting her up now I move back skirt down and her legs spread with panties and I slide my pants down and pull my underwear down, which make my hard dick jump out, sticking out hard she gently places her hand over it and pulls it to her. I move to her and she strokes it gently applying the precum over the head of my dick and put her toungu to taste the head. I move closer to her face and she opens her mouth and gently covers it’s tongue gently rubbing my cock head and she moving down the shaft makes me slowly fuck her mouth but I dont move just enjoying the warm mouth and saliva on the head she slowly bobbs up and down the shaft her hands rubbing my hairy thighs and making me more harder at the dick head and caressing my balls which are by now raised to be under the shaft. I slowly push her head away and start to go down and tug at her panties slide them from butt down to the thighs and off they go again spreading her legs and making room for me inbetween I kiss her navel and slowly rub her thighs. the inner thighs and then outer and her waist and hips bones kisssing gently down the hip bones to the thighs with open lips making it wet and flick my tongue to taste the skin my hands push her legs wider and reach to her pussy aching to me touched and kissed. I can see it wet and I move into and kiss on the labia fully and gently suck on the skin using my fingers spreading the lips open I put my tongue out and gently lick the walls and move to the clit which was swollen tongue wetting the clit and I press hard on it before cupping with lips and gently sucking with wetness and tongue flicking it slowly she arches backwards and her butt moving front to the chair edge. I can see it wider. I start to increase the flick of my tongue on the clit which by now is out of the covering sheath gently I run it with my tongue as my finger slowly prods the pussy and hole and slides in and its is wet feeling the side of the pussy walls I pull the finger out while my tongue starts to flick and press and nudge the clit with more pressure and she keeps moaning and then also covering mouth to make sure kid in the next room does not wake up. I am hard and she yells get inside me. I stand up and pull her face ot suck my hard dick again and she does it with animal fervour and I loved each sucking move pulling my dick I stand in front of her pulled her butt to the edge of the chair, exposing the swollen pussy to my and legs spread she slides the condom on my hardness and I place it over the clit and gently rub and pat it with my dick head making her arch and push to get more of it holding it. I press and slowly slide down from clit into the pussy hole and I push to slide into the wetness and she gasps a bit to allow my hardness in and then it goes in smoothly all the way down to my base of the dick. My balls at her pussy base I am fully in. I then slowly pull it out until the dick head is at the pussy hole and not outside totally and hold it there before pushing it in aagain everytime I hold it at the pussy hole my dick head swells making her give out a moan She loves every thrust and so am I now start to build the rhythm in moving into her and out and I can hear my thighs make noise as it hits her. We go harder and she lifts her butt to meet my thrust. I get faster and the rhythm making me breather harder and fastser she enjoying it and her head going backwards my hands start to squeeze her breasts as I keep pushing my dick in to the swollen pussy lips which are now grasping my dick and relaxing for every move. My bals danlging to hit her butt hole and this makes it more harder and wanting to break out as I start to climax I knew she was climaxing too and I dig deeper into her and finally I pushed deep letting oout a groan with pant and I shoot cum inside her deep pussy all the white protien load into the rubber as I could feel her pussy walls clasping my hard shaft and milking the last drop as the pussy milks my dick. We kiss pasionately with more tongue. I slowly pull the half swollen dick out now which has a loaded condom with lots of cum. She pulls the condom and sucks my dick which I could not bear and I pull off stepping back she lays back in the chair and I start to wipe my dick dry, we kiss and then move to the bathroom to clean up.
The post A Hot Mama Was Seduced appeared first on Desi Stories.
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skychaser787 · 6 years
180425 - First Rant
Why do apps like fb, ig, whatsapp and tumblr always keep asking me to update to the latest version... i hate how it just takes up more space in my phone. I dont mine having updated service every now and then but not this often... I mean it's not like there's major changes every time, and when it does i'd much prefer it when it the navigation stays the same / become easier as opposed to complexifying everything...
System operational updates - i'm too bad at technology to care lol
Terms and agreements updates - biggest lie in my life to say that i've read it lol. I think i heard someone told me that the entire text body with all the clauses are pretty terrifying haha
Probably concerns some privacy agreement and all those stuff.. Gosh reminds me back of that popular english essay topic in highschool "Is it worth it to sacrifice personal privacy in the names of development (or was it security lol)? Discuss". I mean it's already an open secret that government and MNCs tap into every area of our lives and know every nitty gritty details of our lives. All the saga about how facebook sells our private information to big companies haha. Unless we're under a rogue government i doubt they'd care about who you fucked last night or what kind of bag you purchased last week from amazon. And unless you did something wrong or in the midst of plannong a terrorist attack i doubt that they'd pay attention. The existing logic premise is that if you don't do anything wrong, you got nothing to fear. Well of course it would elicit another debate on what is wrong and right, what is moral and ethical, and where should government and people in power place that barrier of personal privacy.. but cant people just take things at face value sometimes? Or rather it's tiring to care so much about everything. Of course some stuff like how grindr shares its user's hiv status to firms is extremely worrying since people with hiv are still highly stigmatised in some countries, and the lgbtq+ communities are still highly discriminated against in many parts of the world. Nevertheless (why do i suddenly sound so formal lol) as long as those datas aren't used against us (again another debate here on how much should they know and how much should they let us know lol) i think we can just close an eye, (pretend that we) don't care and move on with our lives. Maybe ignorance really is a bliss. But it's never an option to stay ignorant :/
Not really related to privacy. But while i'm on this topic about technology and fear i won't say that i'm not scared at times at the robotisation, automatisation and machinisation in our industries... i admit it's not as easy for me to swallow the truth pill and foresee that this is indeed the future - automated world where machine takes over and probably exploit human. But again, i guess my fear is due to my lack of knowledge in this field, not knowing what are the risks and safety barriers that are already in place. Yes it concerns me that some of us will lose out to machines and wont be able to make a living. But won't there be government bodies or NGOs there that will always act as the opposition? (Luckily people always looovveeee to argue and disagree over everything lol)
Whatsapp emoji updates - all these years and not even a faceslap emoji.. and i miss the simple plain old emojis. Well getting inclusive is good and yes it should be promoted but how many of us actually use all those random obscure emojis long down the list..? Do we really need all those occupations, plants, animals, objects, and whatever it is in the list... it's just for the sake of making the representation simpler...
And i swear that skin tones option is a slippery slope lol. I know that i have east asian heritage.. but i'm still southeast asian! Is it wrong if i opt for a darker shade that i think represents me better and not the fairest shade.. and when we use the darkest shade (which doesnt really exist in my country's demographic) are we being racist..? Well true that the yellow default solves it all.. but it's just ugly lol. I guess i'll write a rant about cultute and racism another time haha.
What other random updates are there that i haven't included in... 🤔
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