#this is why I just. on principle. have not watched legend of Korra yet
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otaku553 ¡ 8 months ago
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Save me yi nine sols
(You should play nine sols it’s very very fun)
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abigailnussbaum ¡ 5 years ago
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, S5
Overall I’d say this was the best season since the first one, and the ending it gives the story is a satisfying and moving one. I really liked how the show gestures back at some canonical She-Ra concepts - the rebels hiding out in the Whispering Woods, for example - while at the same time doing things that are completely outside the original canon’s scope - She-Ra in Space! And I thought the ensemble was well-used, main characters, side characters, and antagonists all getting their own storylines and resolutions in a way that isn’t easy with such a wide cast of characters, but was handled with elegance.
But look, if you’ve read anything I’ve written or tweeted about this show over the last four seasons, you know I have fundamental issues with how it chooses to direct its storytelling and characterization energies. It doesn’t come as much of a surprise that the concluding season didn’t address most of those issues. A big part of that is that the show I wanted She-Ra to be clearly wasn’t the one Stevenson and her team were making, and that’s fine. But I find it genuinely strange that of the three series that are obvious thematic and emotional successors to Avatar: The Last Airbender - She-Ra, The Legend of Korra, and The Dragon Prince - none of them reach the same heights of plotting and characterization, and at least in She-Ra’s case I think this is rooted in an unwillingness to complicate a rather simplistic central theme. 
(Also, at least part of the problem has to be that the show’s five-season, 52-episode run spanned only seventeen months. Even if you add in the production period for the first season, that’s a truly bonkers schedule that must have told in the depth and complexity of the final product.)
Take Catra, for example. If you’d asked me where I thought her storyline was going before watching the season, I would have said pretty confidently that she was going to get at least some level of redemption story. After all, her situation at the end of S4 perfectly positions her to switch sides by stripping her of all the things she thought she wanted and placing her in a precarious position that she might not be able to talk or manipulate her way out of. The season premiere establishes those facts even further by making Horde Prime a literal monomaniacal monster. And yeah, it’s pretty clever that in a series that places so much emphasis on the importance of friendship as the path towards moral growth, the villain is narcissism personified, a person who has no use for others except as they reflect himself, and subjugate themselves entirely to his will. So it’s not surprising that, finally cut off from any realistic path towards power and made to feel her own vulnerability, Catra would finally start doing some soul-searching and realize how badly she’d treated the people who cared about her. 
(Though if you’ll allow me a snide moment, I can’t help but point out that in the Best Redemption Story Ever, Zuko actually gets all the power and approval he’d thought he wanted before realizing that it means nothing without his honor and self-respect. I think we all know that if Catra had gotten a position of power from Horde Prime, she would have felt no loyalty towards Adora and Etheria, and helped him to conquer them.)
Similarly, I think I would have given you better odds than even that the series would end with some romantic storyline between Catra and Adora. And I don’t want to downplay the importance of depicting a story like that - before the end of the season I found myself wondering why Bow and Glimmer’s romance was being depicted so chastely, before realizing that the writers wanted the first kiss on the show to be between two women. I respect that impulse and the representation the show ends up delivering - we’ve come a long way from Korra and Asami holding hands at the end of their show. But at the same time, I can’t help but feel that the way that the show arrives at this point requires a significant rewriting of Catra’s personality and character arc, not to mention the history of her relationship with Adora.
As the fifth season argues it, the root of Catra’s resentment of Adora is romantic disappointment. She complains that “Adora doesn’t want me. Not the way I want her”, and leaves the team when Adora decides to risk her life by destroying the Heart of Etheria because she takes it as a personal rejection. But this is, to say the least, a massive whitewashing of what we’ve seen of Catra and Adora’s past relationship. In flashbacks, particularly the ones from S4, it’s made clear that even when they were on the same wavelength, Catra and Adora’s friendship was toxic and dysfunctional. Catra may have always loved Adora, but it was a selfish love, one that saw Adora as an instrument for the validation of Catra’s confidence and self-image, and denied her any opportunity for pursuing her own interests and desires. 
There’s room for a story about Catra growing past that selfishness and learning to love generously and openly, of course, but we don’t get that story in S5. When Catra complains that in sacrificing herself for Etheria, Adora is refusing to want things for herself, it’s not an honest character moment. Catra has never cared what Adora wants - in fact, her refusal to acknowledge Adora’s right to make her own choices and take a path in life that left Catra behind has been the crux of their enmity since the series premiere. Having her suddenly change tunes doesn’t feel organic, but like a parachuted-in personality transplant.
To put it back in ATLA terms, Catra was never Zuko. Adora is Zuko - someone raised with bad principles who nevertheless has enough innate compassion, and a powerful moral compass, that with a little support - emotional or magical - they can break through their indoctrination and become a hero. Catra is Azula - obsessed with power, possessed of very little compassion for others, and, most importantly, seriously emotionally unbalanced. I’m not saying someone like that can’t be helped and can’t become a better person, but it takes a great deal more than what the last season of She-Ra has given us.
Meanwhile, if you look at Adora’s storyline, on one level it gives us what I’ve wanted for a while. I’ve complained a lot about how Adora has remained static throughout the middle seasons of the show while other characters - Glimmer, Catra, Scorpia - got character arcs and changed meaningfully. One effect of that has been to create a strange disconnect between the show’s central themes and its main character. In a story that is supposedly all about the importance of friendship and personal connections, the heroine is someone who achieves her heroic destiny by rejecting those connections in favor of a more global morality, and who then had to struggle with balancing her sense of global responsibility with personal attachments - to Glimmer and Bow as much as to Catra.
The fifth season finally circles back to these ideas and places Adora at its center. I thought her conversation with Mara about having the right to be more than She-Ra, and to do more with her life than sacrifice it for others, was a really powerful moment. I just feel like, once again, the foundation wasn’t laid for it. First because Adora’s growth has been mostly ignored during the intervening three seasons, and second because this is a character arc that clashes with the show’s friendship-above-all message in ways that aren’t really acknowledged.
When you think about it, the moments when Adora has been the most herself are the ones when she rejects toxic friendship and stands up for herself - in her confrontations with Catra, especially over the course of the first season, and when she defies Glimmer’s decision to use the Heart of Etheria and the end of S4 and destroys the sword. So to the already complicated issue of where to draw the line between the things you want for yourself and the things you owe others, you add the thorny matter of when to detach yourself from toxic friends who see you only as a means to an end. Except that She-Ra never really grapples with this extra wrinkle - and again, Catra’s hasty personality transplant plays into this, because we get to pretend that the only problem she and Adora ever had was romantic miscommunication.
In a season that is all about putting aside differences and personal grievances to fight for a common cause, there is a refreshing number of instances that remind us that those grievances are still relevant - the fact that nobody will ever really trust Shadow Weaver, for example, or the other princesses calling Entrapta out on her seeming indifference to the consequences of her actions (though in this case, and yet again, Entrapta’s neuroatypicality is used as a get-out-of-jail-free card from taking personal responsibility). Even Glimmer gets to spend a bit of time in the dog house, at the same time that she and Bow work together and save each other’s lives. But once again, when it comes to the main character, we can’t let pesky matters like a lifetime of toxic friendship get in the way of a happy ending in which lesbian love conquers all.
There was a good story to be told here, one that could have easily ended up in the same place as the series actually did. But it required actually delving into the complexity of a character like Adora, and dealing honestly with the problems in her relationship with Catra. She-Ra ends - as it did throughout it run - by choosing to paper over those difficulties in favor of a friendship-conquers-all message that is a great deal less convincing.
(Also, am I wrong or are there a lot of loose ends still? I don’t think we ever find out who Adora was, what Greyskull is, and what She-Ra actually is.)
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thatshinobilife ¡ 6 years ago
i know ive seen you sy in the past you like Avatar, I was wondering what you thought about the live action series netflix just announced ?
Hmmm……how to put this. This is how all avatar related content has gone since the original series concluded in 2008: 
Legend of Korra: badAvatar Comics: REALLY bad2010 film: SOUL shatteringly terribleLike don’t get me wrong - I WANT this to be good. I WANT this to be worth watching, to be worth making, to be worthy of the original series. But literally nothing that has happened in the franchise since 2008 has given me any hope that it will be. While I respect the work Bryan and Mike did on the original series, they are FAR from the only reason it succeeded and a mass amount of credit is owed to the rest of the writing department who as I understand it will have nothing to do with this live action reimagining. Bryan and Mike are very much an example of writers who believed too much in their own hype and no longer have a firm grasp on what actually made the original show good in the first place. They freely admit half of the things that were great about ATLA were not their ideas and they had to be talked into including. They also committed what I feel is the cardinal sin of writing…….the magnum opus of creator fuck ups…….they retroactively ruined good things about their original show when they attempted to make a sequel. The second you start doing that, I lose all faith in you as a writer. I talk about this with Naruto all the time - if it’s between getting new content at the cost of having the original dragged through the mud or getting no new content at all, then I would rather have no new content. And that’s kind of how I feel with this. 
I’m also…..extremely attached to the entire atla cast and don’t want to see them flanderized or written out of character. Azula specifically is my favorite fictional character of all time (even more than the sand sibs!) which is very worrisome as she’s also a hard character to get right. Aaron Ehasz - head writer on ATLA - made a comment that even the internal production team during the run of the show commonly misunderstood her. Bryke clearly don’t understand her given the way they greenlit the comics god awful interpretation of her as ~psychopathic-straightjacket-crazy~ which like…..ok…..actually I can’t even talk about this because it makes me so irrationally angry. I want to be in a good mood so I have to drop this subject right now immediately. I think there’s also some valid concerns about it being done in live action. Avatar is a show that worked VERY well as an animated story. The visual tone and style would require high budget to adequately pull off and even then I’m not sure it would work. While the thought of seeing some of the more epic moments in live action is admittedly exciting to me, I also worry the aesthetic charm of the original will be lost in that format. While bending is based heavily on martial arts, there’s still a fluidity in motion showcased in the original that’s simply not possible to achieve in live action. There’s also just the question of “why” we need a live action version in the first place as there’s not a ton of ways to improve on the original. It makes me think they’re just using this as an excuse to produce a ~darker~ more “mature” version of the original which…..lmfao. Part of the reason ATLA was so good is because it DIDN’T rely on cheap shock factor or graphic content to communicate its themes. There was a quiet yet deeply honest simplicity in the way they addressed the darker aspects of the show that made it so emotionally compelling. I know ya’ll think Game of Thrones is cool but not everything benefits by being made more ~edgy~. ATLA is already a mature show and the fact that its a cartoon doesn’t change that. 
My greatest fear though is that they will change the original story to try and forcibly integrate the lore-breaking nonsense that plagued the legend of korra in a completely transparent attempt to validate their own poor writing decisions on the sequel. One mention of raava and I’m cancelling my netflix subscription. 
So to summarize: while I’m involuntarily excited on principle, I can’t help but feel this entire project is going to end up just as rage inducing and shoddily written as every other spin off that’s come before it. I genuinely hope I eat my words though! ATLA is an absolutely beautiful show rich with content and I would be over the moon if this new series manages to improve on it or at least lives up somewhat to the quality of the original. I’m just very cautious about it as of right now. I’m not trying to be overly negative but I’m just……I’m so tired. The only sequel/spin off/remake in the entire universal literary canon that hasn’t let me down is Bambi II. 
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celmation-gibson ¡ 7 years ago
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Well, It's Time I started these 'Best of' Reviews for what Animated thing had Happened this Year, and Now I'm ready for it, and for me, I think that 2017 was a great Year for Cartoons on TV (and one on the Net), and here are my Reviews on why.
Ben 10(2016 series) – Although the Show was Made and Released in 2016 at other Foreign territories, It finally got a Release in the US in 2017. And some Folks might say that some reboots aren’t very too Bright (and I would agree on TTG and/or PPG 2016), But I find this to be a Nerve Calming excitement, some of the Character Designs/Re-Designing look Cute & Likable to Me. And the One Thing that gets me Fired up for this Series is that some Artists I know worked on this Program, like Mr. Ryan Krammer(Uncle Grandpa, & SpongeBob's 'Food Con Castaways' episode), Ms. Monica Ray(Harvey Beaks, Magic Children Doing Things) as Storyboard Artists & additional Writers& Mr. Colin Heck(Legend of Korra, Harvey Beaks) as Supervising Director. And It was Wonderful to hear Ms. Jessica DiCicco(Lynn & Lucy Loud) voicing a Different-looking FrightWig, who the Character was previously voiced by Cree Summer in the Original Series. But believe me, I remember seeing the Original Ben 10 series along with Alien Force, but didn’t quite go thru the Rest of the Series until the Reboot came. Even the Original villains of this Show look so Cute (except for Billy Billions), which that Cuteness also goes to the re-Designing of the other Villains from the Original ‘Ben 10’ series, and the More appearance I’ve ever seen from a Villain is Steam Smythe (voiced by Roger Craig Smith of ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ & ‘Regular Show’).
Billy Dilley’s Super-Duper Subterranean Summer – Quite an Interesting Show, and I bet many people thought that the Program reminded them of ‘Uncle Grandpa’, so Keep in Mind, Most of the Artists & Writers who worked on this Series previously worked on ‘Spongebob Squarepants’ & ‘Uncle Grandpa’. Even the Show’s Creator Mr. Aaron Springer voicing Billy almost sounds like Paul Rugg of 'Freakazoid', 'Pig, Goat, Banana, Cricket', & 'Secret Mountain Fort Awesome'.
Samurai Jack(Season 5) - I truly Enjoyed watching 'Samurai Jack' when I was Young, this Program along with 'Courage the Cowardly Dog', 'Juniper Lee', & 'Chowder' are Probably the only Good Old Cartoon Network Programs that I give Full Circle to in my Childhood. After the "Jack and the Baby" episode, the show went into a Deep Cliffhanger, and I truly Sympathize the Great Hero Jack for it, But Twelve Years Later, a New Season had Finally cometh, with the Show's Original Creator Mr. Genndy Tartakovsky coming to Ex. Produced the series after some Great Work back at Sony Pictures Animation(Hotel Transylvania films, & that Popeye Test Footage). And Instead of the Program being a-little Lighthearted like the Past Seasons with just Slime, Oil & Robotic Guts, and Major Boo-boos, the New Season 5 now airing on Adult Swim has moved to a Darker Tone, which I like as much as 'Return to Oz', 'Over the Garden wall', & 'the Black Cauldron', with some major Blood, Profanity, and some Grown-Up jokes put into it. And it was a Surprised to see some Old Characters that I recognize to make some Cameos in that one episode(or few), such as the Woolies, Demongo, and the Ravers, the Robots and their Robo-Samurai, and the "Jump Good" Monkey man & his Tribe. And some Fresh New Voices came in by Surprise, such as Mr. Chris Parnell & Keegan Michael Key in some Episodes. And I was Lucky to film the Final Confrontation between Jack & Aku during the Premiere of the Series Finale for Instagram. And did I nearly weep during the Part that Now that Aku is Gone, Ashi will Never be Born in the Future(because of the Space Timing Continuum), and I got to say, Ashi was a Cute Character that I truly Sympathize because of her Dark Past & People Torturing her back then, and I like her Voice Actress, the Legendary Ms. Tara Strong (Powerpuff Girls, My Little Pony, Ben 10, & Chowder). And even since Aku's Original voice actor Mr. Mako passed away back then, I say that Mr. Greg Baldwin really did a Good Job impersonating Mako voicing Aku, just like he did with Iroh of 'Avatar: the Last Airbender' & 'Legend of Korra', almost sounded like If Mako aged Puberty. I would say I'm Gonna Miss this Show, just like how I'll miss Chowder, Regular Show, and soon Uncle Grandpa.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil: Battle for Mewni /SvtFoE Season 3– To come Clear, I only watched the First Four Stories of that TV Movie Special, from “Return to Mewni” to “Marco and the King”, Because during the Further Episodes there was an Artist whose Career I clearly dislike, Tyler Chen of ‘Clarence’, ‘Fish Hooks’, ‘Pickle & Peanut’ & the Overrated Bravest Warriors minisode “drama Bug”, and that’s why I never made it to the Ending point, But I do read Perfectly that Star won the Battle against the Vile Toffee, and she got her Wand Redesigned. But what I can tell you that one of my Favorite Episodes from that so Far is “Moon the Undaunted”, and I gotta say that Eclipsa, Queen of Darkness is one of my Most Favorite Characters from the show so far. As for the Rest of Season 3 so Far, I’ve only watched Episodes that are NNOT directed by Chen, cuz remember when I said I don’t like his Career, but my Most Favorite Episodes out of Season 3 so Far is ‘Stranger Danger’, ‘Lint Catcher’, & ‘Trial by Squire’. Also, Despite having appeared in the 2016 episode "Page Turner", I like Hekapoo's appearance in the 2017 episode "Running with Scissors", which is One of my Most Favorite Episodes of Season 2.
The Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos - I really Enjoyed this Half-Hour Special of ‘the Loud House’, the New Characters there seemed Likable/Lovable unlike the Unlikable/Hate-able ones in Royal Woods where some Folks aren’t that Disgusting as Hell(Funny Business, Cereal Offender), and It’s also a Good Episode where no Sister Siblings were Complete & Utter jerks(Sleuth or Consequences, a Novel Idea), Even what surprised me Completely is that this was the First Thing in a Kids’ Cartoon to showcase a person with Down-Syndrome, and believe me, I felt Really Disappointed on how they were Portrayed in Adult Cartoons, Mostly *COUGH*Family guy*COUGH*. But in a Kids Cartoon, they were Treated Properly with Good Respect. And the Character Rosa reminds me of Mrs. Claus/Mama from Rankin/Bass’ ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’ for some Wacky Reason, “Eat, eat, EAT”. And I still Love the RonnieColn Fandom Completely, that one LH Episode “Back Out There” almost Ruined some Things, and that Led me to have Mixed to Negative Feelings for Lincoln’s Friends Clyde, Rusty, Liam, Zach. So I would say that ‘the Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos’ is a Fun-Filled Episode that I could watch Multiple Times, It’s got Cute & Funny moments, some Heart-Warming Drama, and some Great Entertainment when the Alley Cats run amuck in the Casagrande apartment.
OK K.O! Let’s be Heroes – This Show has become a Great New addition to the Grand CN, It was created by Mr. @ianjq, who was previous storyboard supervisor & storyboard revisionist of ‘Adventure Time’, Writer & Story Artist for ‘Secret Mountain Fort Awesome’, voice of Wallow of ‘Bravest Warriors’, & developer, co-executive producer, supervising director, storyline writer & storyboard artist for ‘Steven Universe’, and I really like him Voicing Rad & other Characters such as Darrell & Crinkly Wrinkly in the K.O. program. It was based off a short Pilot episode ‘Lakewood Plaza Turbo’ back in 2013, in that Great Year of Discoveries along with other pilots for ‘Steven Universe’, ‘Over the Garden Wall’,  & ‘Clarence’, and that was a Time when I was also Fascinated with Disney’s Nine old Men and their Work/Book ‘the Illusion of Life’, and watching that Awesome Documentary on Cartoon Network’s ‘Next Generation of Animation’, I will always accept New Cartoon Network shows like ‘Adventure Time’, ‘Regular Show’, ‘Uncle Grandpa’, ‘Over the Garden Wall’, ‘Steven Universe’, & ‘We Bare Bears’ into the Cartoon Society. But as for ‘OK K.O.’ , the seems pretty Wonderful, It has a Blend of 1970’s Obscure Anime looks into the Western Animation looks, and How they have some Classical Cartooning Principles(Funny Cartoon Noises, Jokes & Gags) into the Modern Day Greatness. Even some of the characters seemed likable, Mostly on either Lord Boxman(voiced by the Great Jim Cummings), some of the Villainess Characters that the Heroes might met(Professor Venomous, Cosma, & Mr. Cardsley), and even some of the Main Good Characters, especially the Ones I also Sympathize like K.O., Rad, Enid, Dendy, Carol, & Mr. Gar, and I gotta say that Character Crinkly Wrinkly is the Funniest character that I’ve ever seen. I think it was Good that I first get to watch the Series when It was On-Demand before it aired on actual TV, but I have yet to see it’s 2013 Pilot episode along with the Rests that Aired on 2013, But I do know that it had a Mobile Game back then (though I did not Download it or played it) and a Series of Shorts by other Animation Studios, but I haven’t watch them because I am Never a huge fan of SCIENCE SARU and I’m Not too certain about Studio Yotta. But I gotta say also, This Show is a Fanstastic Experience on the Grand CN, Filled with Precious Heart-Warming episodes with Good Life Lessons like How to handle your own Duties as an Employer or how Great your Boss can be (‘Legends of Mr. Gar’), or If you Try not to Spoil your life by being a Self-Proclaimed Selfish ‘Cool Kid’ like Brat, you should have a More Focused Future ahead of you, even without going to Jail (‘We’ve Got Pests’), and the Show had some Crazy Developments such as Enid & Rad used to being a Couple (‘Second First Date’), and Enid being a Witch and being in a Family of Halloween-Themed Characters (‘Parents Day’). Plus the shows got a Good crew, Like the Program's Supervising Director Toby Jones, who Previously worked on 'Regular Show', and one of the Show's Story folks Dave Tennant, previously does some Stories for Pete Browngardt Cartoons, Which I think makes it Better for Me.
Pickle Rick – Why not, It’s “PICKLE RIIIICK!!!!”, I thought I would pass on this, But eventually won my Heart, don’t ask why, but Things just happen like that.
The Summoning - I just Discovered this while browsing on the internet probably from Fan-Art on DA, and I watched it on Youtube, and I gotta say, this Cartoon is Really Cute, Funny, & Creepy at the same time. The Main Characters seemed Lovable, and I mean Claire & Edgar, the Bunny Character is hugely Funny in a way, Though I feel Terribly Bad for the characters accidentally eating some things like Eating some Dandruff from a Big Head Island which Claire thought it was Dirt, and Eating Poop which Edgar thought it was Chocolate. But to make Matters Better for the Cartoon, Celmation Hero Ms. Natasha Allegri(Bee & Puppycat, Fionna & Cake) worked on the short as Director, Story Artist, & Character Designer, WHAT A HERO!!! And the Animations/Celmation was done by Digital eMation inc., the Celmation Team behind ‘Ok K.O. Let’s be Heroes!’ & the Season 5 of ‘Samurai Jack’.
The Movies of 2017 & Probably some on Video Games should be made soon.
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adoranymph ¡ 5 years ago
I love fantasy. I love battles of magic. I love clashes of light magic and dark magic. But, in the hindsight of realism, the use of one side using “dark magic”, a side that’s otherwise composed of both good and bad complexities, mind, can often prompt a raise of the eyebrow from the reader/audience. One that asks, “Why would you use something when you know it’s dark magic? Why would you use something so ‘obviously evil’?” Kind of like why would you keep trusting Saruman the White the minute you saw the kind of tower he lived in.
Now we come to The Dragon Prince, from, in part, Aaron Ehasz, from Avatar: the Last Airbender TV series renown. Arguably, it’s a much better successor in the spiritual sense than Legend of Korra was in the literal sense (though that may change if I change my mind one day and decide to give in and watch Korra). Then comes me, deciding to give Dragon Prince a shot now that I have no excuse to avoid the 3D animation style based on principle, given I’ve forayed into Land of the Lustrous, Beastars! and Blame! and liked them fine. Though, arguably, Land of the Lustrous and Beastars! are pinnacles of the 3D anime, but nonetheless, given The Dragon Prince is a 3D anime style (so anime in the same way that Avatar: the Last Airbender was), and given that I rewatched Avatar: the Last Airbender again recently and revisited that unfillable void, I figured I might as well dig in.
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And already by episode 2, it’s clear how far we’ve come in realistically complicating the typical good forces vs. evil forces story in high fantasy. It struck me when King Harrow and his advisor Virin were arguing over the use of a form of–what else?–dark magic to use that could save Harrow’s life. He knows he’s about to be assassinated by Moonshadow elves, and Virin proposes a plan to save his life using the tenant of dark magic, that is, sacrificing another’s life to preserve his own. Harrow refuses, having already demonstrated that he’s been struggling with his allowance of “dark magic” being used in the past for the “greater good” of protecting his kingdom. That it’s the use of dark magic all this time that’s led to this critical point. On the surface, that might prompt another, “Well duh, it’s dark magic, of course it’s going to come back to bite you in the ass!”
But, first, some context.
In The Dragon Prince, magic is drawn from “Primal Sources”. So, the elements. Because this has the earmarks of a piece of work influenced by a previous work. We go from Avatar: the Last Airbender and the four classic elements of Air, Water, Fire, and Earth, to The Dragon Prince and magic comes from the Moon, the Sun, the Stars (even the sun is also a star, as you know), the Ocean, the Earth (not our Earth, anymore than it was in Avatar: the Last Airbender, ha), and the Sky. And this continent in this fantasy land, called Xadia, was rich with all this stuff, being all these Sources are of nature itself. Makes sense.
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Magical creatures like elves and dragons got all that on lock from the moment they’re born, but humans, of course, not so much, since they’re not inherently born with it. And, of course, humans are not necessarily down with not getting a natural cut in magic, and eventually learn to draw from an as-yet-undiscovered seventh Primal Source, that being Dark. As you do.
And being that it’s Dark Magic, there has to be a few prices for using it. First is that doing Dark Magic means sacrificing the life of a magical creature in order to draw power, rather than the natural means drawing from the Moon, the Sky, etc that elves and other magical creatures can do innately. The other is that using Dark Magic is detrimental to one’s physical health (surprise, surprise). And of course you can use Dark Magic to counteract this, but, of course, that just feeds a vicious cycle, because that’s how that goes.
You know when you’re evil when you look at butterflies like they’re snacks.
Here’s the thing though: later on we learn that there is a way for humans to perform magic without either resorting to Dark Magic or managing to get their hands on a Primal Stone, a stone that contains the essence of a Primal Source. Like there’s one for Sky Magic that contains an actual storm inside it. Thus, a human drawing from that can perform Sky Magic.
The other way that’s discovered later though is basically through hard work understanding how that Primal Source works, its mechanics and relationship with the rest of nature. Dark Magic meanwhile is characterized as a cheating shortcut. For those who have an appreciation of efficiency then, one can understand why anyone would use something called “Dark Magic”, that otherwise has a, “Come on, you’re really gonna use that?” vibe. And gives further credence to the idea that anyone who seems overall a good person can quickly fall down the rabbit hole of “turning evil” by using “dark magic”–i.e., the faster way, the “creative solution”.
With Dark Magic, it’s not just characterized as something that’s spooky-dark that makes your eyes go evil-eye-black, but also as cheating, as a shortcut to actually putting in the work to use power. Because, as it turns out, humans can do magic without having to resort to the methods only Dark Magic offers, they just have to put in the work to do it. Cheating is bad, fam!
Thus, we already see something labeled as “dark magic” as being used as honestly relatable, not unlike the same quandary of using something like a nuclear bomb (or two) to put an end to a war like WWII.
This is something I’m struggling with in my own writing of another manuscript I’ve got on the zero draft docket at the moment, one involving a fantasy world taking place on a continent of nations on the brink of war with each other, one that explores the complex inter-political intrigues and fundamentals of war therein. And The Dragon Prince has already given me plenty of clarity on these concepts, including why a nation of essentially good people, helmed by an essentially good ruler who is essentially a good person, would use something labeled “dark magic”. Definitely something to keep in mind if you’re having your own good time struggling with the use of less-than-moral methods in war, fantasy or otherwise.
Also, lowkey this is big rec from me to watch The Dragon Prince.
Keeping this link up to their donation page!
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Dark Magic: How the Dragon Prince Uses a Lense of Realism on an “Obviously Evil” Trope I love fantasy. I love battles of magic. I love clashes of light magic and dark magic.
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