#this is what like the third time aku has grabbed atsushi by the collar and pulled him into his personal space?
sad-emo-dip-dye · 1 year
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Why are they always within kissing distance
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glitchy-anime-fan · 3 years
Cat!Atsushi spending the day with Akutagawa (hc)
This is based off my “Atsushi w/cat like urges” headcanons (will be linked below). Feel free to take this as platonic or romantic 😉
TW- mild swearing (nothing to bad, just a few mentioned here or there)
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It originally started out as a way for the ADA to get at least one moment of peace to do their work without worrying about Atsushi accidentally swating something off the table or out of someone’s hands
It was one of Atsushi’s “bad days” where the cat urges he felt from the Tiger were more violent/prominent and between the broken mugs and near constant head scratches, everyone was starting to get frustrated
Atsushi included
He felt terrible for causing so many problems around the office and always got frustrated when he couldn’t control the urges the Tiger gave him
Of course no one blamed Atsushi, it wasn’t his fault his ability caused him to nap if he sat in the sun to long, or lead him to ignore people completely for no reason
But it was taking Kunikida all his will power to not yell at Atsushi when he swatted at his ponytail like it was a cat toy for the fourth time that morning
Of course Dazai, being the selfless mentor he was, offered an idea
“I have a job for you that should take up most of the day. I’ll even call Akutagawa to help out!”
It was clear as day that Dazai was scheming something, but everyone was to tired to argue.
And it would be good for the truce if the Agency and Mafia worked together more often
So thats what lead to Dazai and Atsushi walking across town to the Port Mafia HQ to steal Akutagawa on his day off
He refused to let Atsushi know where he lived, so they planned to meet at the Port Mafia instead
“Why do I have to be teamed up with him?” Atsushi had whined as they walked through Yokohama
“Because it’ll help the Agency and Mafia get along better!” Dazai had responded with a big smile as he wrapped an arm around Atsushi so he didn’t walk off
‘It’ll help You and Akutagawa get along better’ is what Dazai really meant
Luckily Atsushi’s discourage about having to spend the day with Akutagawa kept him from getting to distracted on the walk over (he only wondered off twice)
When they got there Akutagawa was patiently waiting outside the Port Mafia building, though he also looked less than pleased to be spending his day off with the weretiger
Dazai pretty much just dropped off Atsushi with a “Take care of him, and be careful around cups!” Before walking off
Atsushi and Akutagawa just glared at each other before Atsushi sighed and asked if Akutagawa was hungry
“We can go over the case while we eat, that’s all” Akutagawa didn’t argue, just huffed and started walking down the street
The first thing that Akutagawa learned about the Jinko was that if he didn’t keep a close eye on Atsushi, he would loose him in the heavy crowds of Yokohama
The first time Akutagawa lost Atsushi, the latter was helping a little girl who had gotten separated from her parents. Nothing new
The second time he lost Atsushi, he was found at one of the candy shops in town. “Ranpo-san’s birthday is coming up soon and this is his favourite shop” Atsushi had claimed
They spent much longer than Akutagawa would have liked in the candy store, but Atsushi refused to budge until he got all of Ranpo’s favourites
The third time they got separated, Akutagawa found that Atsushi had somehow been convinced to chase birds in the park with some of the little kids
Akutagawa had no idea how or when that had happened but he was already starting to loose his patience. This was the third time in the half hour since they left that Atsushi had wondered off
Akutagawa had to practically drag Atsushi by the collar to get him to leave, especially when Atsushi tried to get them to stay by giving him the big kitten eyes
It took all Akutagawa’s will power and “hatred” for Atsushi to not sigh and agree to five more minutes of running around
The second thing Akutagawa learned was that Atsushi ate...a lot...
“It’s the tiger” he had said sheepishly after scarfing down his 12th bowl of chazuke within the short time they had been at the restaurant.
Akutagawa just hummed and continued to eat his food. He wasn’t one to judge, Rashomon was the same way.
The third thing Akutagawa learned was to keep anything and everything glass or ceramic away from Atsushi
Atsushi had tried to explain that it was one of his “bad days” but Akutagawa didn’t catch on until half way through their lunch when Atsushi tried to swat the tower of empty bowls off the table
Luckily for them Aku was quick on his feet, using Rashomon to catch the bowls, and finding out it apparently wasn’t uncommon for things to get knocked off the tables according to their waitress
“The tables are pretty small, it happens all the time so don’t worry” she had said while Atsushi began to apologize profusely for the trouble
Needless to say, they took over the neighbouring table to keep their empty dishes on so they didn’t have another incident
The fourth, fifth, and sixth things Akutagawa learned was that Atsushi couldn’t sit in the sun for more then a few minutes without falling asleep, he was clingy, and he was addicted to head scratches
“Jinko, hand me that case file Dazai-san gave you.” Akutagawa had asked only to get no response from Atsushi.
“Jinko? Jinko are you listening to me?” He had asked, looking up to see Atsushi’s head resting in his arms and face towards the window. It was only when Akutagawa saw the sun illuminating his partners face did he realize Atsushi had fallen sleep.
“You have got to be kidding me...” it took Akutagawa two minutes longer than usual to wake Atsushi up. It wasn’t the first time Atsushi has fallen asleep during a mission. But it was usually during late night steak outs not in the middle of the afternoon at a restaurant. In the end Akutagawa had to blow in Atsushi’s face to get him to finally wake up.
“Huh...what’s wrong Akutagawa?” Atsushi had asked as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Akutagawa did not find it cute when Atsushi’s nose scrunched up as he stretched out his arms. He most certainly did not!
“You fell asleep”
“O-oh my gosh! I-I’m so so sorry Akutagawa! The sun makes me really sleepy! I’m sorry!” Atsushi had stuttered out, face red with embarrassment. Akutagawa just shook his head and told Atsushi it was fine.
“But sit over hear so you don’t fall asleep again, idiot”
So there they sat, Atsushi sitting as close to Akutagawa as humanly possible. Like he was borderline sitting in Aku’s lap as they looked over the files
“Jinko must you be so close?”
“Yes, it’ll be easier for both of us to read the files like this”
So there they sat, Atsushi practically in Akutagawa’s lap, his head on the mafioso’s shoulder as they read through the files Dazai gave them.
It wasn’t long before Akutagawa could feel Atsushi staring a hole into his hands. Every time Akutagawa moved his hand to turn a page or cover a cough, Atsushi’s eyes would follow like a hawk
Rather than just ask Atsushi what was wrong, Akutagawa decided to do a little experiment. He had remembered seeing Dazai pat Atsushi’s head a few times in the past, and the weretiger seemed to like it
So without much thought Akutagawa raised his free hand and rested it on Atsushi’s head. Atsushi squeaked a little in surprised confusion before eventually melting into his partners touch
That’s when Akutagawa discovered his favourite thing about Atsushi; thing seven, the jinko purred when he was happy
Though it wasn’t long before Akutagawa learned his least favourite cat trait that Atsushi had
It was getting late and both boys were starting to think Dazai had sent them on a while goose chase (took them long enough)
“I’m starting to think Dazai-san has sent us on a wild goose chase.” Akutagawa huffed out, rubbing his temples with his free hand. The other one was holding three of Atsushi’s shopping bags, apparently they were all gifts for the Agency members.
After a few moments of silence, Akutagawa raised an eyebrow.
No response.
“Jinko! Jinko are you listening to me?”
Still no response. Now Akutagawa was starting to get annoyed.
“Jinko you best not have fallen asleep again because I will NOT be carrying you back-“ When Akutagawa finally turned around he was surprised to see Atsushi still following him, and not asleep on a park bench (it had happened earlier, Aku was not happy). Though rather then looking Akutagawa in the face like his partner usually would, Atsushi was staring at his phone.
Okay. Maybe Atsushi just didn’t hear him, the weretiger did have an annoying habit of zoning out during missions when nothing was happening. So Akutagawa stopped and tried again.
“Jinko snap out of whatever trance you’re in. We’re still working remember?”
But rather than Atsushi snapping out of it, stopping in his tracks and apologizing like usual, he just continued walking down the street. It was almost as if he was ignoring Akutagawa.
“Jinko are you ignoring me!? Where are you going!?”
Still no response. Now Akutagawa was getting pissed. No way in hell was he just going to stand by and allow his cat like partner to just ignore him after all the babysitting he had to do! Atsushi had walked off three more times after lunch and Akutagawa did not want to be dragged around another department store.
So Akutagawa stormed over to Atsushi, grabbed his shoulder, spun the weretiger around, and snatched his phone.
“Atsushi look at me damn it!”
That seemed to pull Atsushi out of his daze. ‘Finally!’ Akutagawa thought as Atsushi looked up at him, purple and gold eyes blinking a few times before registering what was happening.
Suddenly Atsushi’s face turned a deep red and his face dropped in horror; Akutagawa had him by the shoulder, Atsushi’s phone in hand, and had actually used his name for once. He messed up and he messed up big.
“A-Akutagawa...I-I-I’m so so so so so s-sorry! Oh, it happened again, and in public this time! I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to, I just kind of zone out and oh my god your probably angry with me now!” Atsushi scrambled out in a mix of embarrassment, guilt, and fear. It was one thing when he accidentally ignored the ADA members...it was another thing to ignore Akutagawa.
Noticing Atsushi’s nervousness, Akutagawa let out a long, drawn out sigh and let go of Atsushi to run his hands over his face. While Akutagawa didn’t appreciate being completely ignored like that, he could tell Atsushi wasn’t doing it on purpose. Honestly, he was starting to think that none of the weird things Atsushi had done today was on purpose.
“It-its fine, just don’t let it happen again”
“Yeah, okay, I’ll try!”
It wasn’t long after that till they realised they had, in fact, been sent on a wild goose chase and neither one was happy about it
“Dazai-san! I can’t believe you would send us out on a fake mission like this! Well, actually I can believe it, but still!” Atsushi had said the moment they entered the ADA office
Dazai, of course, was laying on the couch with a smile on his face that clearly screamed, ‘But you both had a good time didn’t you?’
Despite a few hiccups here and there, Akutagawa and Atsushi had to admit that the day wasn’t all that bad.
They still kicked Dazai off the couch though. They were tired and needed a minute to sit.
It wasn’t long before Atsushi had passed out again, his head laying in Akutagawa’s lap this time.
“Do you want me to move him Akutagawa? It’s getting pretty late?” Dazai had asked when he noticed the silver haired boy had gone quite.
Akutagawa glanced down at his partner; he had covered Atsushi with his jacket so only his face was visible, but even so his face looked the most relaxed it had been all day and he could hear Atsushi’s purring as he combed through his hair. A ghost of a smile tugged at Akutagawa’s lips as he shook his head.
“No, it’s alright. It seems he’s claimed my lap for the time being”
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Wow okay, this is my first time doing a set up like this! I hope it turned out good 😅. Like I mentioned earlier this is based off of a mini series on my tiktok (@bigglitchcos) about Atsushi if he had cat urges. Someone had mentioned doing a skit where Shin Soukoku spend the day together, so here’s my take!
Cat!Atsushi hc pt 1 | Cat!Atsushi hc pt 2
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