#this is what i think of while waiting to watch the new episode pfft xD
aceofstars16 · 8 years
Random SWR idea
So, while thinking about what I should write for Rogue One, I realized that I keep being disappointed at the lack of Rebels stuff in these things. And that made wonder if the Rebels fandom would want to do something like a secret santa/red robin thing (a secret santa is where people have prompts or parameters, and everyone is assigned someone to makes something for, whereas a red Robin has like two or three rounds and each builds on submissions from the last round). Only, Christmas is a while away, so I was thinking if we did something it could be during the hiatus/during summer so people would hopefully have more free time to work on it, and it could be a fun way to pass the time while waiting for Season 4. 
I’ve organized a secret santa before, so if this is something the fandom wanted to do I could help with that...though I’d probably need some help because I have a feeling Rebels could have a lot more people participating that TSE haha.
Anyways, if anyone would be interested in something like this maybe let me know, and also which event you would prefer, a secret santa type event or a red robin type event? And if you would want to help run it also let me know! I’d love to have a few people I could talk over stuff with if this actually becomes a thing ^^
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
I literally cannot wait until season 4 so that mileven being endgame can prove ur crazy ass wrong 🙄
lmao... spoken like someone who hasn’t watched a single movie said to inspire S4 . I CAN’T WAIT FOR S4 XD
Mike saying on the phone “El, sorry not interested “ (IN S3) was foreshadowing. In s4 movies- ‘swingers’ the guy name mike hangs up on his ex who wants to get back together so he can talk to his new love interest (Will) -hangs up on his ex as she says  “I love-“. Then in ‘splash’ he breaks up with his gf on the phone says “do I love you?well what about you?” To dodge the question (then yells at a family member ease dropping on the other line -Karen). And they break up on the phone. And he tells a friend later he never loved her. 
In ‘altered states’ and ‘children of paradise’ the characters admit the people they dated were being used by them and the whole time they were pretending it was the Will character. In altered states they say “she’s crazy about him and he’s crazy.” The guy even has episodes and sees another world just like Will. The women even says “ no matter how much I pretended it was him I just felt empty cause it wasn’t  . It’s crazy.”and the friend says “I think that’s how it’s supposed to be.” (in ‘twister’ and ‘it’s a wonderful life) the mother/aunt tells a childhood friend they other person is  “crazy about” them not their current partner (we love Karen) . In ‘drop dead fred’ the guy named Mikey breaks up with his wife before the start of the film and gets with the “crazy” childhood friend he knew since he was 5. Also lmao in sky high . The future couple knew each other since the 1st grade. And she gushes about the character named Will. And her friend says “so that’s was the first grade... but when did you fall in love with him?” Her: “no... pfft. I don’t love Will... is it that obvious 😞?”
The exes constantly call him and are cray in the films (el stalking and never apologizing for spying. And mileven dancing to a song about stalking ‘every breath you take’ wasn’t a coincide). 2 movies the ex saying they’ll get back together and their new relationships are “just phases” etc ( waynes world,  high fidelity, dumb and dumber). Saying they’re still together when they aren’t (wayne’s world). Loads of movies had the crazy ex sabotage, call constantly, and flirt despite the exes discomfort and repeatedly saying it’s over (despite not loving them and just be possessive ).2 movies (clueless and birdcage) had a girl (one being an ex) hitting on the gay guy, despite knowing he was gay . El gets over it once the supernatural plot kicks in -like s2, but yeah ...
In ‘fisher king’ a man and women who work at a video store tries to set up the 2 characters who no one expected to end up together. The girl who helps (Robin) says “stranger things have happened.” And the guy who was set up also hallucinated a mythical creature (like Will). In highschool musical Troy and gabriel say it’s like they known eachother since kindergarten- and their 2 friends sabotage it saying “we need to save them from themselves” (my guess Dustin and Lucas) .Also in ‘swingers’ the guy friends mocked mike for “being gay” (he wasn’t but they did - while trying to set him up with girls). In wet hot American summer the 2 guy friends try to set up their friend with girls and even say as a joke he’s “gay” for writing letters (cough to Will) instead of hitting on girls. And in that movie he was gay the whole time while they were trying to set him up with chicks.   2 guys at a dinner table (birdcage) hear homophobic comments and the Mike character spills water and tries to change the subject to football which he knows nothing about (s2 ref with Mike and his dad). (in wedding crashers) the painter guy is also called a “homo” and storms away upset from dinner. In ‘don’s plum’ one of the friends outs a his male friend on purpose as bi at dinner.
This is only a taste... lmao. There’s so many other byler hints and mileven burns.But I’m saving that for the full s4 analysis. Mileven is/will be dead as F*CK . I can’t wait for s4- the Duffers have been setting up these burns for a while. XD
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Do you like Chanel purses? no
When was the last time you had Pepsi? ages ago
Do you know anyone with exaggeratedly big muscles? not personally
What is your favorite endangered animall? elephant
Can you name someone with the same last name as you? my parents
Who was the last person to scream your name? ...
By the way, that wasnt meant to be perverted.  too late  I have no idea why I thought about that - no one ever screamed my name this way and nobody ever will :x
Do you struggle to articulate your thoughts and feelings? it seems Name something that you are doing tonight. nothing and I realized that I don’t want to go to sleep more than ever before, I just don’t want to wake up tomorrow and yet I’m scared of dying (suffering)
Do you like the smell of a barbecue? nah
Would you date an 18 year old at the age you are now? too young for me Are you more likely to show affection through your words or your actions? words I guess Do you have an easy time falling asleep? I wish Are you a crier? crybaby Do you like to wear makeup? no Do you have a high tolerance for people? pfft Do you like your bed? why not How many times have you been to the ER? few
Are you wearing shorts? basically never
Do you eat randomly, just whenever the hell you want? ...
Did you have trouble getting up this morning? yeah What’s a few things that automatically make you go, “Awww”? cute little dogs Do you have soft hands? Do you like holding hands? do I? I like to hold hands tho What’s your opinion on perfumes that are REALLY expensive?  dumb, I hate perfume but expensive - that is ridiculous! Have you ever really hated a teacher and practically made it clear you did? Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know. Are you a little bit cautious around horses? Do they scare you a bit? I’m just a cautious person in general  If you could live next door to ANYONE, who would you want to live beside? love of my life, I mean - we can live together but for now it would be cool if we were neighbors at least, you know what I mean? Do you think your friends are pretty? Do your friends think your pretty? what friends... Are you currently worried about your parents finding out about something? maybe mom about that one particular thing that starts on S and ends with X
What is your opinion on air pollution? less cars!
Were you forced to read ‘The Odyssey’ in high school? from what I remember
Who was the last person to come visit you? M.
When was the last time you shaved your legs? recently
Do you own any superhero shirts? nope
What is your opinion on the “Team Edward/Team Jacob” shirts? I dislike Twilight
If you had to teach a class, what would you teach? if I really had to then art
How did your parents meet each other? personal
What profession do you think is the most under-appreciated? garbage collectors, those who clean the streets or hospitals, postmen etc.
Have you ever drawn on someone while they were sleeping? don’t do that
Does time really heal all wounds? Or is that just a trivial saying? trivial saying
Where is your favorite place to take a nap? I don’t do naps but my bed
Would you rather lose all your old memories, or never be able to make new ones? not be able to make new
Have you ever swerved off the road to avoid hitting an animal? I don’t drive
What’s a tradition you hope never dies out? it’s a secret
Do you have any exes you’d consider dating again? I’m dating my ex 
Have you ever went a year without getting your hair cut? yes Do you think you could go a week without sugar? without sweets? I already do, I don’t even drink tea with sugar  Would you be willing to go one day each week without meat? absolutely Do you feel comfortable telling people how much you weigh? whatever Are you any good at sewing? I know basics Have you looked at any old photos of yourself lately? this year Do you carry a calculator around with you everywhere? I don’t need it that often Do you like to plan things out or just go with the flow? plan but not strictly
Do you garden at all? If so, what types of things do you grow? I help my parents which I find pointless because there is always much more work than results Do you consider cooking to be an art? when done right How many pairs of sunglasses do you own? too many considering that I barely wear ‘em ^^” Are you a fast or slow reader? fast Would you ever spend $500 on concert tickets? hell no Do you know anyone who looks like you? there was a gal who was similar to me on tumblr but younger than me, I lost contact with her  Do you get nervous when you go to the doctor?  yeah :( Are you a short tempered person? oh well...
Does it take a lot to gross you out? I’m easily grossed out  Last time you seen an ocean: never saw ocean in person Do you collect sea shells? not as much as I used to
What is one change you need to make in your life this month? lets not talk about it, ok?
Would you have sex with the last person you texted? done Are you planning on kissing anyone tomorrow evening? she’s gonna be busy working Do you require a lot of private time? yasss Have you ever told a guy you were a lesbian to get him to leave you alone? it’s because I’m a lesbian lmfao If you have a favorite television show, who’s your favorite character? in my most fav shows plot was more important to me than characters tbh, it’s hard to explain, I hope I’m not the only one who thinks this way haha but in Buffy I didn’t like Xander and Angel was annoying even though he was necessary, I wasn’t a fan of Faith and didn’t understand Riley existence in the universe, also Dawn changed a lot for worse but I swallowed it with patience, in Call the midwife I felt crappy when they took Chummy and Jenny away, I didn’t watch newest episodes so I have no idea who Lucille and Valerie are, I horribly miss sister Evangelina :(
What’s the best part about flying? don’t ask me, I’ve never been on a plane
Did you ever watch Sailor Moon? fragments
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Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream? vanilla
If you had to get glasses would you wear contacts? I’d prefer glasses
Are mac’s really better than PC’s? I’m a PC gal
D0 y0u l1k3 t0 t@lk l1k3 a 5c3n3 k1d? *cringe*
When you were red and green clothes do you feel like a Christmas Tree? lol
What TV show has the best theme song? hard choice
New Year’s Plans? I don’t plan to live that long
Would you agree that Sex and The City is the best show ever? no way, I didn’t even care enough to watch one episode of it
Do you call your friends with red hair “ranga’s”? wtf
Have you ever been surfing? me? surfing? r u kidding?
Would you feel funny if you kissed somebody of the same sex? excuse me, I’m into women exclusively
Name a thing in your room that other probably don’t have in theirs: me ha!
What’s your best jacket like? comfy :3
What’s something you can cook or bake like a pro? nothing 
If you could pull off any hairstyle, what would it look like? I have couple of ideas ;)
What is the worst thing that happened so far today? my failed appointment as I didn’t get any answers nor help for my heart condition and allergies and that was the last attempt, I have no other ways of fixing things to survive next months, my life;s officially over, I only have suffering and fear left, I’m a burden and I want to kill myself sooner than food or cardiac arrest 
Did that ruin your day? it ruined my LIFE
What’s something good you’re looking forward to? sweet relieve of death?...
What’s something that you think is really cute?
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*wish it was mine
Describe your feet: eww, why, better not
If you see somebody crying, do you start crying too? depends
How do you like your hoodies? oversized, without kangaroo pocket in front and/or a zipper, yuk
Is having to pee really badly worse than being really thirsty? it is to me at least
Were you a cute baby? I was a red haired potato
Are you talking to anybody right now? online 
How tall are your tallest socks? I kept my rainbow knee high socks but I don’t use them anymore
Are you waiting for a phone call? at night?...
Do you look forward to swimsuit season, or get really nervous? I was skipping swimsuit seasons for over 10 years until this summer - I bought the cheapest and went to stand/walk in the water and sit on a beach despite my insecurities 
If you could live for a year with any foreign family, where would you go? don’t wanna, scary
What do you wish people would pay you to do? browse the internet XD
Do you take good pictures? I try
Should you be doing something else right now? wash my hair, drink water, commit suicide - who knows
Did that question make you nervous? that question made me sad 
Why don’t girls like porn? some enjoy it 
Tell me a memory of this summer: this summer is all about romantic love, illnesses and nostalgy
Do you think it’s pretty when 100s of balloons are let loose into the sky? a waste but still pretty, sorry love, I know you’d be irritated so don’t worry - I will never do smth like that to ya
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optimisticcritique · 6 years
Gotham 4x17 - Review
The season is getting close to the end, things are about to get crazy(er). Let’s see what crazy stuff happens this week. Tagging characters that I mainly focus on in the review. Sorry if it is kind of long.
Getting right into the action! Go get him Bruce!
How did Jerome have time to get dressed, meet back up with Scarecrow, release Tetch, and send Tetch to hypnotize the guy before Bruce got there? He wasn’t that far behind Jerome. No GPS? Was he stuck in traffic? Maybe Tetch hypnotized his way through the traffic to get there first. I mean, that’s what I would do if I could hypnotize people.
Xander…yeah, seeing spoilers, I predict this is Jerome’s twin brother, right? This is the one time I wish I hadn’t seen spoilers, no big reveal.  
Oh boy, he has a bomb. Duck and cover!
See, now Jim and Harvey aren’t that far behind Bruce. Did they take the short cut?
Bruce trying to help the guy. I love it but I don’t know if it’ll work.
Question: Why did Tetch hypnotize the guy to trigger the bomb by a clock? Wouldn’t it make more sense to have him press it on like a key phrase (like “if someone asks you about Jerome/Xander, press it”) so that Bruce couldn’t have time to jump away? Or was killing Bruce (or anyone else) not the intention?
Shooting the clock! Quick thinking. Learning tricks from being a Tetch survivor.
Aaand he has a watch. Of course he does. Well, at least you tried.
Wait, it’s the dinner already? That happened fast. How did Jerome get them all together? How did he contact Oswald and Oswald just agreed? Did it take some time or was he reluctant at first? Were they all agreeable at first? Did he threaten them? Bribe them with free food?
This is the villain dinner I always wished for…if you had told me we would have all these villains together in one place seasons ago, I would have been floored. I probably would have freaked out, running down the street while yelling “Yessss! Bring me all the villains! A few years can’t come fast enough!!!!” as all the neighborhoods stare at me.
I love villains interacting. I also love seeing characters that have been previously introduced, having scenes with one another that they have never shared scenes with before. It’s the individual character build up and mixture of personalities.  
The only thing missing from this wonderful dinner is Ed :( I guess The Riddler isn’t considered “freak” enough for them…
“Put all questions on ice until the end” Awe the ice puns. Well great, now I want to know what Victor’s question was going to be. I do love how he just raises his hand, like he’s in school and trying not to interrupt the teacher.
“Mr. Oswald” lol well, that’s an interesting choice. I would have thought he would call Oswald by his Penguin name. Really gives me Ed flashbacks to “Mr. Penguin”, which is fun.
Oh Oswald looks just…I have no words. What a fashion icon. I love his fur coat and hair. Real perfection. Fish would be so proud!  One of these days, I really want to see him doing his hair in an actual scene, instead of being off screen. I’m curious how long he spends on it.  
This is Sofia’s old place that Oswald took over XD Wait, Oswald hosted? Option A: Jerome barged into the house and just told Oswald that they are having it there or Option B: Oswald wants to seem supportive, just so he can be involved and know what is coming for his city. Me: Probably both.  
“Anything for a friend” pfft uh huh. I bet. He is probably planning a back stab or just waiting for Jerome to fail.
Got to say, I wasn’t sure about the new scarecrow actor but he’s pretty good. His facial expressions are dead on.
Yeah, Oz doesn’t seem very keen on these plans. His facial reactions say it all.
He’s probably thinking either “What I have I gotten myself into” or “I should have made more food”  
Alfred!!! Where have you been? Been partying? Taking a spa day for a couple of episodes?
Jim, no! Let Bruce do his thing! Sure, he could potentially die horribly but be reasonable here…
Yeah, Bruce will not take no for an answer. Will Jim change his mind or will Bruce take on a mask again?  
“Maybe he wants him to build him something” You can’t fool us! We all know what he is really after!
Yeah, that woman is probably regretting not calling in sick to work today.
Jerome trying to whistle… it wouldn’t surprise me if that is the only thing he hates about his new stitched up face. Who cares that his face is different…he can’t whistle anymore!!!
“Don’t bother going to security! They are all…headless” Wait, you have a gun. You could shoot them in the heads but not cut off their heads. How are they headless?  
“Drop the gun!” “Oh you are such a stick in mud” Would you have preferred a western style shoot out or for him to just be like “Oh hey Jerome. Go on ahead and do what you do with the gun. Have fun” as he casually walks past you?
Xander knowing Bruce’s father…hmm…
“What time is it?!” Tool-no-Mail-no-Extra time!!! “Riddle time!!!” …that was my next guess.
Wow, everyone is so loving this. I guess this has been going on for quite awhile.
Speaking of which, what did happen between that pier scene and now? Did Oswald and Ed become friends again? Make a deal? Just go their own ways? I feel like there is something missing here.  
Oh, you know Ed is just loving this. This reminds me of that episode back in season one (1x09?), where he is listening to a game show on the radio and answering the questions as he is working. You know that was one of his inspirations for this!
Bet you that brief case has no money even in it. The Riddler is just that cocky.
“The street demons!” Lol the way that he says that! I just love it when he does voices or accents. Pulling out all the stops to make things extra.  
The Riddler totally doesn’t even seem like he cares about what is going on in this guy’s life.
How happy he gets when he hears “Riddler”. Not many people have called him that in the show yet, have they?
“I’ve fallen on hard times but happy to be here with you Riddler” I relate to this on a spiritual level. Ed making my week better <3
Ooh this Lila has the best get up. Please tell me Ed made it himself.
Lars, you are over thinking! Don’t ever over think it!
I would half expect the crowd to give out answers but you just know they want to see people getting tortured.
“Rabid sack of rats” Awe man, I was hoping for the barracuda stapled to the forehead….you know, for curiosity purposes…
“Enough!” Nooooo! Never! Don’t ruin this Lee!
I actually saw an interview right before this episode, with Cory saying the episode will end “hot” and “romantic”. It won’t surprise me if Lee/Ed kiss by the end of this.
Wow Lee, you look stunning. Love the new hair.  Also love Ed’s too.
What’s up with the new hair styles lately though? First we mourn see Jervis and Harvey getting their longer hair cut. Now we see Ed and Lee both have hair cuts, with Oswald serving up a new hairstyle. Did we miss a national “change your hair day” in Gotham or something? Or did one person do it and the rest got jealous so they changed their hair too? Or did the actors all decide to get new hair styles at the same time?
“We put Oswald on ice” you make it sound like you both attempted to kill him or something. The vagueness.
So I guess Ed knows about Sofia. Is he impressed with her doing that or not so because she didn’t finish the job?
“Whatever the hell this is, it’s over” “I don’t think so” I’m just waiting for this to be turned into a reaction gif. Like, people upset about something to Gotham writers and Gotham writers going “I don’t think so” or vice versa.
“And my name…is The Riddler” Awe so we are on this again. So, he still isn’t whole. Funny how he is still saying this to people a season later. Also, Oswald called him Ed…but maybe it is because he called him The Riddler first? Or “because we have history” thing? …Even though he and Lee technically have history too, with working together at the GCPD.
*challenges Ed* First: Lee that is bold and I am impressed with you. Second: Noooo! I knew this was going to happen but I didn’t want it to happen so quickly. We only got to see him have one contestant, who we didn’t even see get tortured. Let Ed/Cory have more fun! Let us have our showman Riddler!
Who is this woman? Just a random character that’ll die this episode or the next?
Umm are you implying Jerome is a dog? ;) Also, isn’t that cage a little bit small to fit Jerome in? I just picture her trying to push and squeeze him into that cage, just barely closing it.
Oswald and Butch reunited again! I kind of missed their…complicated relationship to be honest. They also have a long history, probably knowing each other as long as Oswald knew Fish so I can only imagine what Oswald will think of this new Butch.
Oswald’s eyes when he sees Butch. Yeah, totally unprepared for that.
“I will be honest, I like it…” It’s like when a friend pretends to like your bad hair cut, even when they know it looks bad.
“Just came from brunch with Jerome Valeska…” Oh yeah, that’s a great way to start this. He says it so casually, like it was just an everyday civil affair with food and great conversation. Bet he thought he would never utter those words though XD  
“Seemed to involve a great deal of paint” lol that was totally not the point of that, you forgot to mention the mass crazy Ozzie.
Oswald wearing green gloves with that outfit.
“You must be all out of allies” “Don’t be modest” Yeah, he still has Ed as an ally so he isn’t COMPLETELY out of allies. He has…one….
Again, what happened with Ed and why Butch? Option A: He asked Ed, Ed refused, saying he wanted to do his own thing. Option B: He started to ask Ed, Ed talked about a Riddle factory and he immediately went “yeah, nope. Never mind” Option C: He knows Jerome will want someone who is a “freak” to add to the group. Oswald also wants someone strong (let’s face it, Ed is not) and not easily killed. Butch fits that mark, not Ed. He doesn’t want Ed to get involved with this mess either. Which I think is the most likely. Option Q: Forgetting own writing.
Oh, you just totally made him angry. You won’t like him when he’s angry! …Wait, totally wrong universe and different comics.
Okay, I know you look bad now Butch. But look at the bright side, you’re strong, you’re practically immortal, and-with a good hair dye and spray tan-you could look fairly the same. Think positively!
*pushes Oswald on the floor* Nooo! Don’t ruin the majestic hair and coat! They must be protected at all costs!
I don’t know why but, even though I already love Oswald, this episode has made me love him a million times more… *stares at his hair and coat* Not sure why…
“like a flower” well, that choice of words is threatening but also not.
Oh sure, you only want them involved when you want something. It’s a two way street, Jim. Now you have to let him risk his life and you can’t say a thing.
“I love you” In your own twisted way, I bet.
*does a heart with his hands* Jerome fans: Awe that’s what we do when we see you on screen… :’D
He’s freely letting Harvey and Jim in? No booby traps? It kind of looks like a place that would have traps like that.
Ecco! In the same episode as the riddle factory…Some say this woman would be Harley Quinn because she is devoted to this guy…I kind of doubt it. There is also an Echo who worked with the Riddler (although I think Query was the blonde, not like it matters) The name is spelled wrong so she is most likely a throw away character but…why Ecco? Why use a similar name to tease fans?! Why?!    
“Oh my god, there’s two of them!” Oh Harvey…seriously, this is a Cameron/Jerome fan’s dream right there. Not one but two? Alittle over a season ago one didn’t exist and the other was “dead”.
“Please don’t touch that! That is very sensitive equipment” Yeah, sure looks sensitive to me. Especially the couple of buttons that turns it on.
Jerome doing yoga because why not?
Him waving right when Jim sees… o_o It’s like he knew…  
How much you want to bet that someone followed Jerome? If Firefly followed to the office, you can bet he didn’t go see Ecco on his own. It’s the only way I can see him getting out of there.
“She thinks stapling a live barracuda to someone’s head isn’t damn good entertainment” The nerve! Wait…did he just say “damn good”? Has he ever said that word before? :O But your fake swearing was so pure, what has the world done to you?!
I think it is interesting that he only puts his hat on when he speaks a riddle.
I’m not going to even attempt these riddles. I suck at logic.
Scenes like this make me wonder if we will ever get a “whole” Ed or just get this Riddler from now on.
Wow. Who knew the Riddler was so upset about all this?
Lee’s face…yup, she got what she wanted. Smart cookie right there.
The Riddler totally played himself.
Haha! Called it! Knew he would be followed. Don’t underestimate him.
“If I knew this thing was a 100 acres, I would have stopped and had a sandwich before we came” Harvey, you are so relatable. I don’t blame you. My ship of Harvey + food continues to sail. The ship I can always count on <3
“The End” Wait, is the episode over? Is this where the story ends?
Wow, the acting right here is so good. I keep forgetting both Jerome and Jeremiah are both Cameron.
“His bearded sidekick” Hey! He has a name and thy name is Harvey!
“Born bad” that’s lousy reasoning.
Ooh so he lied? Well, this intrigues me. I am so skeptical of this guy. I just know there is more to him than meets the eye. I don’t believe this facade!
“You killed our mother” “She did deserve it though” Lol no care whatsoever. Again with the lousy reasoning.
“Listen to what I have to say” “Oh hell no! You are not hypnotizing me again!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHH!” *Jervis and Jonathan run for their dear lives as Harvey charges towards them* ….LOL Oh my god. Harvey, you are a blessing to this world. Most iconic moment. He is so done with Jervis. The way he just let out a war cry, causing the duo to flee is just…it’s beautiful. I’m dying. I will never be over this. Favorite part of the episode. Batman should take notes.
Jim being like “Welp, okay then” as he follows Harvey.
Just imagine Harvey chasing them all around the maze, with the video sped up and silly music playing. Or slowed down with suspenseful music playing. 
“Must go! Must go! They’re after me and the Scarecrow!” Oh my god I love this so much. I am going to put this on a loop forever.
I love how Jonathan doesn’t even try spraying or anything. He just follows Jervis wherever he goes. I am loving this duo.  
Jerome watching them run off like “whatever”.
*can still hear Harvey screaming* Me: *is dead*
*kisses Jeremiah’s head as he flees* Awe brother love…nothing like wanting your sibling dead and in misery one minute and kissing him in the next.
Whoa. That disappearance happened fast. Did he find a prototype invisible jet or something? Or did Jervis just have the car right outside the door, Jerome leapt in, and they drove away as fast as possible? Scratch that, they are totally hiding on the side of that building, shushing and tip toeing away.
The Riddler being all cocky and smug. Yeah, you probably won’t be feeling this way in a few minutes…
Hey, even I know this riddle! Oh, I see what you are doing there Lee.
It’s simple Ed. Just look at the audience as you say “I love you”. There you go!
Wow, he is pushing Ed back so much that he risks losing in front of an entire crowd.
Lee outsmarting him, good on Lee but sucks for the riddle factory :( I feel robbed.
A little bit late but I’d like to imagine Ed making all of these props himself. Cutting out a giant wheel, painting it, sticking two giant beakers together…
Wait, Oswald knows how to reverse it? Will it actually work though? I kind of feel like it would be a bummer to get rid of Grundy after all this…
Hugo Strange! Of course it’s Hugo. If it is monster related, it’s always Hugo lol
Yay! Oswald and Butch team up once more!
Poor Ed losing his riddle factory. A loss for us all :’(
“they didn’t come here because they love you, Ed” Wow, that’s harsh.  
“Because I know what you really want…” Validation? Wait, no… Lee:  *pulls out the glitter suit from thin air* The Riddler: :’D You found it! I thought I lost it!
Knife to the neck! Always going for the neck.
Oh, they are totally going to go on a robbing spree. Does Lee really need the money? Or is this also a way to appeal to The Riddler to get him back on her side?
I am reserving any specific opinion/judgement on this situation until I see more of it. But I definitely see some manipulation at play here. The question is, is it just one or both manipulating? I am actually a bit surprised Lee would play this card.
Oh, I can just imagine reactions from others. Jim, Harvey, Oswald, Butch, Barbara…they all have a decent history with both of them.
The music is the same music that played when Ed killed Kristen. Hmm…This does not bode well. It never does for Ed and anyone he is involved with.
“I don’t know. I thought it already was” Oh, you have no idea how mad this city can get Harvey…you don’t even technically have the Joker yet.
No! Not Carl! We hardly knew thee. Justice for Carl!!! 
*Jerome punches Grundy’s shoulder, shakes hand* Parallel to when Ed high fived him and did the same thing. Probably like hitting a brick wall.
Joker toxin!!!
The Jervis reaction XD Like, he knew the plan right? He looks so shocked.
Everyone’s reactions emoticon style: Jervis: 😮Jonathan: 😬  Jerome: 😆  Bridgit: 🙂 Victor: 😏 Butch: 😕Oswald: 🐧  
Oh god that looks painful. Looks like the “fun” is about to begin.
Man, if Jerome does end up dying, I won’t know how to feel. Jeremiah intrigues me and I think he will eventually grow on me but...he doesn’t have the same history that Jerome has with the characters. Why even have the twin twist? ...I guess I’ll just have to wait to see how it all plays out before deciding what I think. I will say, at least Cameron will still be playing him so it isn’t gypping him from the role.
Over all: Good episode. I felt like some of it was a bit fast paced. I was a bit surprised by how quickly the dinner began, Jerome got his info, the riddle factory ended…that being said, some good villain interaction and Harvey being amazing. The legion of horribles succeed in finding Jerome’s twin brother Jeremiah, the GCPD to put Jeremiah in protective custody, the Joker toxin has been created, Ed/Lee kiss while deciding to go rob banks, and Oswald recruits Butch in promising he could reverse his condition by finding Hugo Strange.
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