#this is what i talk about when i talk about how spending his adolescence dealing with rebellions and civil wars etc etc affected henry v
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So, we know Thomas Percy, Earl of Worcester was at Shrewsbury with the 16-year-old Hal (Prince Henry, the future Henry V etc.), whose guardian and governor he was. We know that some point before the 20th, Worcester slipped away from Shrewsbury to join with Henry "Hotspur" Percy in the lead up to his rebellion, bringing with him "a significant proportion of the garrison" and according to Walsingham, perhaps having stolen money and treasures from the Prince.
I sometimes wonder if Worcester had hoped to or tried to abduct Hal to serve as a hostage against Henry - or perhaps hoped to get him to defect to their side.
And can you imagine this poor 16-year-old kid discovering his guardian just abandoned him to join a rebellion against his father and the city's about to be under siege and his dad's nowhere in sight and a lot of the garrison's troops are gone? And he's in charge?
#this is what i talk about when i talk about how spending his adolescence dealing with rebellions and civil wars etc etc affected henry v#even if in this scenario the siege and/or hostage situation never came to anything... like jfc that poor kid#(and yes a 15th century 16 year old would be considered more mature than a modern 16 year old but not that much more mature)#he should have been worrying about pimples and sex not worrying about how to defend a city against a siege led by his own guardian#(edith pargeter in a bloody field by shrewsbury has hal being torn between his loyalty to his distant father and his love for hotspur)#(hotspur in the novel iirc refuses to force hal to decide between the two of them (this after all is a saintly chivalric dreamboat hotspur)#(is there any other kind?)#(and the choice is ultimately made for hal because henry iv's unexpected early arrival prevents hal from having to deal with a siege)#blog#henry v#thomas percy 1st earl of worcester#the battle of shrewsbury
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The Photo (You Know The One)
This is a personal post. Very personal. Very waffling. And TMI. And deals with some mental health issues (and grief stuff and trans stuff and alcohol), so if you decide to read on, be forewarned. Apparently it's too big for tumblr's liking, so i'll have to post this part one then reblog that with part two added on. (seriously, tumblr, it's only just over 1500 words! just lemme post the stupid thing!)
I kept promising @fecklesheckleshacklesschmeckles that I'd try and explain eventually about how The Photo (you know the one) wrought its change upon me. And I got up early this morning and just started waffling and it became this. Apologies in advance! :)
I Have Issues
I'll try to get this background stuff out of the way quick as possible.
~ Alcohol Abuse Issues - see end of section for notes
~ Mental Health Issues - Introvert, social anxiety, chronically self-conscious, shy, past panic attacks, breakdowns in 1989 & 1997, lifelong cycles of depressive episodes, short manic episodes, and some generalised sort of... stasis.
~ Gender Issues - miserable late-childhood and adolescence through to young adulthood due to railing (angry fucking RAILING!!) at myself, at my femininity, at my body spectacularly failing to be the image in my head. Seriously started looking into medical transition in my late teens (we're still in the 1980s here, folks!) but got talked out of it by the gay man I was in a relationship with. Found some self acceptance in my 20s and managed to stop railing so hard at things I couldn't change / stop being quite so angry at myself all the time for soomit that wasn't even my fault. Found a wonderful bi man in my early 30s who completely accepts me (yay!)
~ Grief Issues - *takes a deep breath*
My only sister died in 1992, my closest sibling (brother, Alan) died in 2005, then between 2013 and 2019 we lost two more of my brothers and my brother-in-law (my sister's widower). I'm the youngest of 6 but there's only 2 of us left now.
There's also my best friend from childhood, one my closest fandom friends, others... To live is to grieve, right? There's no life (or love) without death, etc, etc. You have to accept it or you'll drown.
Our cat Eddy died the week before Xmas 2021 and just 20 days later, in the first week of 2022, we had to have my cat familiar, Sparty, put to sleep because his cancer had spread. All the human deaths I've absorbed and kept going from, but THIS was the death that made me weird.
During the days, while D was at work, I became -for the very first time in my life- the only living thing in the household. Even my potted umbrella tree (a present from my sister, it had ended up being in my life longer than my sister had), developed a fungal infection and died.
I developed some new neuroses. I started having to physically check the locks after D had left in the mornings. Check the knobs on the gas stove. When the first anniversary of Sparty's death rolled around, I wore his collar around my wrist for the day and slept that night with his ashes urn in the bed with me.
Are you guys keeping up with this list of misery okay? Because then... my Mum was diagnosed with terminal cancer.
March to May 2023, I spent a lot of time cleaning cleaning cleaning Mum & Dad's house while we all waited for a place in palliative care to come available. Some of those days were very fraught, as I'm sure you can imagine.
Mum died in the May. Dad tried living on his own for a bit but his health slid, too. By the September, my brother David and I started taking it in turns to spend 3-4 days at a time living with Dad, so that he'd never be on his own in the house. It was exhausting and unsustainable (would've been easier if we'd had a few other siblings around to help share the load!), but we did what had to be done.
Finally, at the start of February last year, Dad went into a care facility (initially just for 4 weeks of respite care, and to see if he liked the place; he's continued living there and is the most independent resident they have).
I could half-way breathe out again.
End-of-section Notes:
Q - Why do you abuse alcohol, Welton?
A - *refer above*
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teach - @bartylusmicrofic - words: 1,096 [mature content: discussions of sex and under-age sex]
note: different take. pov Evan, does not feature regulus?? focussing on bartylus relationship?? it probably doesn't qualify, and I'm so sorry. but based on the (y)earn comment that Evan had to teach Barty how to help Regulus experience pleasure
Evan really just doesn’t want to have to deal with this.
On his best days, he doesn’t have a whole lot of patience for…well, anything. He does not tolerate stupidity: it irritates him. He does not tolerate people as a general rule: they annoy him. He does not tolerate fear or weakness: he is above all of that.
Survival of the fittest. All that jazz.
Granted, where Barty and Regulus are concerned, things will always be different. Where Barty and Regulus are concerned, Evan has significantly more tolerance for pretty much everything. Sure, he believes in tough love and will do the ‘difficult thing’ if it means he’s protecting them.
But. Well. Evan loves his friends too much to let them have bad sex.
This is the way it all happened.
Evan is well aware that he was sexualised at too early an age. That growing up in Rosier Manor around his emotionally abusive arsehole of a father has probably damaged him in ways he has still yet to discover. He knows that he has an unhealthy relationship with sex that’ll cause all kinds of issues in the future. But, those are entirely different matters to be addressed at an entirely different time.
The fact of the matter is: when you’re a teenage boy sharing a dormitory with two other teenage boys who’ve just discovered the wonderful world of sex, you hear things. And when you hear things and you’re familiar enough with what sex looks like, sounds like, feels like…well, you know when you’re listening to two people having bad sex.
And unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at things), it falls to Evan to remedy the situation. There are pros and cons to this situation, as there are in all situations.
Pro: Barty Crouch Junior (proverbial headstrong menace) will actually listen to and take advice from Evan. There are few things Barty doesn’t know, but apparently Barty does not know sex. Evan has a chance to school him and be a guru. Definite pro.
Con: When Barty Crouch Junior and Regulus Black do figure out sex (good sex, at that), Evan will get even less sleep. And Evan loves his sleep. Evan needs his sleep. Evan is an absolute monster without enough sleep. Evan doesn’t need to spend more time listening to his best friends having a good time.
Pro: Evan loves Barty. Evan loves Regulus. Evan knows that Barty and Regulus love him. So, who better to bestow the knowledge and wisdom than Evan? And because Evan loves his friends dearly, he really thinks that they deserve to have a proper good time.
Con: Barty may not take this well. Evan does not need Barty mad at him. He does not need to risk Barty punching or hexing him because he has managed to offend his friend. Evan does not want to lose his friends.
Another con that deserves repeating: Evan loves his sleep. Like, a lot.
Barty does not punch Evan, which is a relief. Granted, Barty would never actually lay a finger on his friends and Evan should have known that…but the thought had plagued Evan, who does still occasionally wonder how and why Barty and Regulus had ever come to want him around to begin with.
Actually, if anything, Barty looks flustered and confused. Adorably so, because Barty is rarely confused and even less often is he flustered.
‘What do you mean I’ve been doing it wrong?’ Barty demands loudly and unashamedly, because he’s Barty. ‘And why are you talking to me about this? Why not Reg?’
‘I didn’t say you’ve been doing it wrong, per sé…’
‘Per. Sé?!’
To be honest, it’s an absolute travesty, Evan thinks, that Hogwarts doesn’t educate its students on anything within the realm of sex and the human body. Especially when locking together hundreds of horny adolescent students day-in-day-out. He wouldn’t be surprised—actually, he knows that—his peers are going around having bad sex while not knowing how to identify and name their own body parts.
Sometimes he wonders if they’re slipping contraceptive potions into the food to avoid unwanted pregnancies.
Evan sighs. The thing about people like Barty—people who are so used to knowing absolutely everything and finding everything ridiculously easy—is that they don’t know how to not know things. Barty is confused and struggling, and looks on the verge of having a tantrum.
‘I know what I’m doing,’ Barty says, puffing his chest out, trying to appear convincing. ‘It feels good, so I reckon we’re doing fine.’
Evan snickers. ‘I feels good for you, but sex isn’t just about you, is it?’
Barty straightens, wide-eyed, looking adorably stricken. ‘Did Reg say it doesn’t?’
‘No!’ Evan tries to smile reassuringly, only he’s sure it doesn’t come out right because emotions never come out right for him. ‘Actually, he said it felt really good.’
It wasn’t really about what Regulus had said, but what he’d not said, that had led Evan to fill in the blanks. Evan knows Regulus inside and out. He knows Regulus has a complicated relationship with intimacy, what with being a Black and all. He knows Regulus has a complicated relationship with his own body, what with being trans and all.
He knows Regulus will not be talking to Barty about any of this. Because Regulus just doesn’t communicate well. He bottles and then he explodes.
Evan is also familiar enough with the pureblood aristocracy, as well, to know that they don’t exactly educate their children about such ‘delicate matters’. And when sex and gender and sexuality are all involved together? Things get messy.
And, well, that omission and ignorance is a different kind of travesty.
‘Regulus has different…parts…than we do,’ Evan begins slowly.
‘I know that,’ Barty snaps, rolling his eyes. ‘I did manage to figure that out. Ages ago.’
‘…so, it’s not as simple as you just…sticking it in and going at it. That’s not going to cut it.’
Barty looks even more confused, like he’s never considered this before, and he probably hasn’t. Because while Barty is the most naturally intelligent person Evan knows, he also completely lacks understanding of…well, people. No matter how much Barty enjoys people. It really is a little bit tragic.
Barty also looks devastated and Evan would be lying if he said it wasn’t making him feel a bit sad for his friend.
‘All right,’ Evan sighs again, because he knows this is going to be a long talk. ‘Buckle in, student. Listen to your guru.’
#harry potter#fanfiction#myfanfiction#microfics#regulus black#barty crouch jr#evan rosier#bartylus#starkiller#mybartylusmicrofics
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Him and I (Steddie X You)

Prequel to Without Me / Part 2: You Should Be Sad Here
A/N: ENTER WITH CAUTION! Like my previous chapters THIS WILL MAKE YOU FEEL! Its angsty and dealing with dark themes of addiction. I WILL STILL LOVE YOU IF YOU CHOOSE TO SKIP THIS STORY!
Warnings: Toxic Steddie X Fem Reader, SMUT, I wanted to show the two parts of them and how the treated her before and after they started getting worse with their vices. The first half involves loss of virginity for the reader, dirty talk, kinda rough but more passionate I would say, The second half is definitely rougher, more dirty talk, degrading (whore, slut, etc), spanking, choking, Y/N is a willing participant in both instances!
Some FLUFF, they really do love her and vice versa but unfortunately they love their addictions more.
ANGST: DARK THEMES OF ADDICTION! Steve is an alcoholic and Eddie is a drug addict. Reader mentions more in Without Me how she's addicted to them and I feel like that's explored a bit more here. She gets on them a lot about their vices and every time they are dismissive. There are mentions of their childhoods and we do get an interaction with asshole older Harrington here (he belittles Steve and smacks him).
The accident from Without Me is here but with some details. Its more about Eddie and Steve's interaction before they ran and left her. We also get a glimpse of her in the hospital waiting for them.
Again NOT A WARM FUZZY STORY! I won't blame you if you choose to skip it <3
Word Count: 7874
“That was…the grossest fucking thing you two evil people have ever shown me.”, Steve shudders as the three of you exit the theater.
You and Eddie cackle as you follow behind him out the front door.
“Oh, don’t be a fraidy cat, Harrington. It wasn’t even scary.”, the metalhead teases.
“I thought it was creepy. What would you do if I started to transform into some evil screeching alien?”
“I would still think you’re beautiful, honey.”
“Aw, Steve Harrington, you’re so sweetheart.”, you joke as you stick out your tongue.
Tonight was a much needed reprieve from all the chaos you and your two best friends had been dealing with. Junior year at Hawkins high was shaping up to be an exhausting one. Steve’s dad was on him much more and with more vigor than he had before reminding the younger Harrington that his future was looming just off in the distance.
“Steven! It’s time to buckle down and really focus. No more playing around, son. You need to focus on bringing up those grades and being a better athlete so you can get into a good college. I don’t hire losers at my firm!”
The older Eddie got the worse the town and student body seemed to be with him.
“What’s wrong, freak?! To busy focusing on your satanic shit? Get lost and take off that fucking Dio vest! You look fucking stupid.”
He did everything he could to focus on other things but idiots like Jason Carver and the other jocks were always around to make his life hell.
That’s probably why they both seemed to “let loose” more than usual or at least that’s how they described it to you the first time you noticed them excessively drinking and doing drugs.
“It just takes the edge off you know?”
“Is it? Steve, you have a flask now that you carry with you. Why would you need to do that?”
“It’s not a big deal, Y/N. It’s not like I have a real problem or anything.”
“Yeah, it’s just to relax. Here, sweetheart, you look like you need to chill out for a bit.”, Eddie adds as he offers you some of the white powder from the bag you noticed on his dresser.
“Um, no thank you. I think I’m ok weed.”, you giggle trying to laugh off the worries that bubble in your stomach.
You had started worrying about them more and more since this past summer. When you guys started high school, you noticed a change in them that wasn’t just normal adolescences. Steve’s words started to slur more throughout the day and whenever you three would spend time together his breath would smell so strong like a bar that you’d have to take a few steps away from him so you wouldn’t cringe every time he opened his mouth.
Eddie’s personality would shift at random points. In the mornings he would seem like the metalhead you befriended and then by lunch his behavior would be so erratic that it would frighten you sometimes. By the final bell, you would notice him staring off into the wall or even find him passed out in the back of the library.
Your mind always explained it away with different excuses almost as quickly as the ones they gave you when you asked questions.
“Hey, do you guys want to come over? My parents are out of town this weekend.”
“Sure. Sounds like fun.”, you beam up at him.
You woke up that following morning on Steve’s bedroom floor with Eddie beside you and the other boy passed out leaning against the wall with his long legs stretched out towards you both. Quietly, you got up to use the bathroom, checking your reflection in the mirror before you ventured downstairs to grab some breakfast.
Your eyes scanned the photos along the stairs, sympathy washing over you as you noticed Steve’s uncomfortable demeanor in all of them. His house always had a sad air surrounding it. It never felt exactly lived in and when his parents were home, neither seemed happy. Both he and the metalhead spent a lot of time at your place which you didn’t mind. You loved their company and you wanted them to feel safe.
Your parents always treated them like family and that’s how you saw them as well. You knew what both boys had been through and were still going through. Anything you could do to make things easier for them, you did with little to no question.
After opening his pantry, something immediately caught your eye. Within the trashcan were a ton of empty liquor bottles. Not just single beer containers but bottles of whiskey that should last a long time in a house with one occupant, emptied and discarded.
“Hey Y/N. What are you doing up?”, Steve groggily asked as he entered the kitchen.
“Steve Harrington, what is this?”, you inquire back showing him the contents within the trash.
The man’s eyes widen and it takes him a moment before he nervously chuckles.
“Uh, my parents had a party last week so—”
“Your parents weren’t home last week. You told me they were on a business trip which is why you spent the night at my house because you didn’t want to be alone.” The two of you stared each other down until you finally continue. “You drank all this by yourself?”
“It’s…it’s not a big deal, honey.”
“DON’T you honey me, Steven!”
“What’s going on?”, Eddie asks after loudly banging down the stairs.
“Did you know he was drinking this much?!”, you shriek as you show him what you found.
“I mean, it could be worse, Y/N.”
“HOW?! How can it be worse?! Are you fucking kidding me?! Rock bands don’t even drink this much!”
“Y/N! Come on. You’re making this into a big deal when it’s not!”
“Fuck you! I’m not going to watch you drink yourself to death. I love you but this is excessive!”
Stomping past them both, you head for the front door but the man hastily cuts you off and blocks you from leaving with his body.
“Y/N, please. Shit… I’m sorry, okay? You’re right. I have been going overboard lately. It’s just everything with my dad and school… I promise this will never happen again.” As your arms fold over your chest, his beautiful eyes scan your angry frame. “You’re the only one that ever cared about me, Y/N; you and Ed of course.”
You sigh as your demeanor softens.
“I DO care about you a lot, Steve. You know you can talk to me about anything and I’ll be there for you no matter what. You both don’t have to numb yourselves the way you do.” Eddie nods as you turn towards him, his head hanging in shame. “I worry about you two so mu—"
As you swivel back towards the other boy, you’re surprised when you are met with his lips on yours. You had never been intimate with them in any fashion up until this point, always seeing them as your best friends. You’d be lying, however, if you didn’t say Steve’s lips tasted good.
He pulled away from you for a moment, the two of you panting into each other’s mouths as you process what just happened. Before you could do anything or even respond, a ring covered hand grabbed your arm and yanked you against a bare chest as Eddie’s own lips connected with yours.
You could still hear the other boy’s heavy breaths causing you to groan at the sound. Lifting you onto the end table by the door, the metalhead hastily tugged down your pants and panties while Steve came up beside you to lift off your shirt and toss away your bra.
Eddie’s fingers dug into your thighs as he opened your legs wide and kneeled in front of you, making you whimper when he shoved his face into your cunt.
“Wa-Wait. I’ve—fuck—I’ve never done anything s-sexual before.”
A heavy growl emitted from both men as the long-haired boy sucked and flicked his tongue along your clit while Steve’s lips attached to your neck. Moving his friend out of the way, he lifted you in his arms and carried you to the couch.
You watched with wide, lust blown eyes as Steve pushed his shorts down enough to free his cock, spit in his hand, and stroked it along his length.
“St-Steve, you’re so big. It won’t fit.”
His honey brown eyes met your own and it was almost like for a moment he had forgotten it was your legs he was between. Tenderly, he leaned forward to kiss your lips.
“It will, honey. I promise. I’ll go slow, ok? Unless…do you want me to stop? I just…you are the only one to care about us. I love you so much, Y/N. Let us make it up to you.”
Your gaze momentarily shifted to Eddie who was looking at you with the same gentleness that you saw when you first met him all those years ago. Licking your lips, you kiss him again before shaking your head.
“Just…go slow…and keep talking to me…please.”
Your arms clung to his neck when you felt the head of his cock line up with your entrance. Your breath caught in your throat as he began pushing in and on instinct you tried to push him away from you.
“No, no, baby. You’re ok. E-Eddie, fuck, can you—”
Eddie quickly came up to your side and held you still with his hands as Steve pushed another inch into your hole.
“God fucking damn it, you’re so fucking tight.”
“Are you ok, sweetheart?”, the other boy whispered in your ear.
“I know, baby. It’ll feel good soon. I promise.” His lips comforted you as he kissed your cheek and your head arched back as the other boy slide further into your body. Eddie licked his fingers and reached between your bodies to rub slow circles into your bundle of nerves as Steve kept going.
“Fuck, Eddie!”, you screamed causing the boy inside you to grunt when your pussy clenched around him.
“Y-You like that, honey? You like Eddie’s fingers on your clit. Fuck, you’re doing so good, Y/N. I’m almost all the way in.”
“Steve…you’re so big…”
His cock twitched at your words and you groaned as the pain began to slowly dull. When his hips connected with yours, your eyes rolled back as his length grazed against that sensitive spot inside of you, you didn’t even know existed.
Leaning on to his knees, his palms held your calves as he pulled himself almost all the way out before roughly thrusting back in.
“Fuck, Y/N. Keep shouting my name like that, baby.”
Eddie’s hand petted your head, as the other boy set a steady pace.
“You’re doing so well, pretty girl. You look so beautiful like this. You deserve to feel good to. Does it still hurt?” He smiled when you shook your head. “How does it feel?”
“Yeah? Tell him, sweetheart.”
As your eyes scanned over Steve you couldn’t help but marvel at him as you view him through this new filter. Usually, you only saw him as a friend. You never really thought about his gorgeous eyes or perfect lips. The way his broad hairy chest looked so sexy glistening with sweat. You never noticed that one lock of hair that fell just so as his head tilted forward or how low and gravelly his voice was when he was turned on.
“You feel so good, Steve.”
“Oh come on, Y/N. Tell him how you really feel. It’s just us.”
The boy tilted forward, taking one of your nipples in his mouth and you moaned as your fingers tangled in Steve’s hair.
“F-Fuck… your cock feels so fucking good. I-I can feel you in my stomach.”
His lips trailed up your chest to your neck and your eyes fluttered shut as you turned your head to the sound of his voice in your ear.
“I feel good, baby? Fuck, Y/N. I’ve—I’ve never had a pussy that felt this amazing before. You were made for us, honey.”
“Steve, I… I feel… Something’s happening.” Your arms circle tightly around him as he thrusts into harder and faster. “Steve!”
“That’s it, pretty girl. Oh my god. Cum all over my cock!” You screamed his name as an intense, pleasurable feeling you had never felt before washed over you. “Goddamn it.”, he grunted as he quickly pulled himself out of your quivering entrance and you watch with heavy eyes as he stroked his length over you, releasing his seed on your belly.
Lost in a haze of bliss, you barely felt both boys switch places and Eddie flip you over positioning your ass in the air. When his tongue licked a long strip up your folds, however, you gasped as your body shuddered against the couch.
“So sensitive. I like that. Jesus, sweetheart, you taste so sweet. Are you ready for me?” When you don’t answer, his chest presses against your back as his fingers move your hair to the side. “Are you ready for me, Y/N, or did you want to stop? We can stop if you want to, baby girl. We’ll still love you.”
Craning you neck slightly, you able to meet those beautiful chocolate eyes. You had never noticed how intense they were especially when they were full of care like they were now. You never noticed how kissable Eddie’s lips were or how seductive they looked when they pulled back into a smirk. It never occurred to you how much bigger his gorgeous hands actually were compared to yours as he balanced himself so he wouldn’t crush you as he whispered in your ear.
“You both love me?”
Your question threw them both off guard.
“Of course, we do. There’s no one else in the world like you.”
“You helped make us who we are, Y/N.”
Steve’s words hit you like a train. You just found a trashcan full of liquor he had been hiding from you. They were both utilizing drugs and alcohol to a degree that was beginning to become concerning. Maybe…maybe they’d be worse if it wasn’t for you. Maybe you could help them get better and heal so they wouldn’t need to turn to that stuff.
“I love you to. I’m ready, Eddie.”
You both groaned as he ran his mushroom tip between your puffy lips, collecting your slick before he gradually began guiding himself inside of you. Your back arches up, pushing against his chest as he stretches you open. It didn’t hurt as bad as with Steve but Eddie was thick and it still felt like you were being ripped in half.
“G-God, Y/N. Steve was right…how can you still be this tight?”
His arms wrapped around your body as he began pounding into you. In this position, you were feeling all new pleasurable sensations that had your toes curling as he grunted into your ear.
“Do—mmm—do I feel good to, sweetheart?”
“Keep talking to me, Y/N. The way you did with him. Really let go, babe.”
“Your cock…feels so good…Eddie. You’re so…deep.”
Lifting himself onto his knees, he yanked you up with him, the sound of skin slapping echoing through the house.
“K-Keep going.”
“I can’t. Fuck. I’m…”
“Yes, you can. I can feel your pussy squeezing me. Beg me, baby. Beg me to make you cum like he did.” When you didn’t answer him again, he placed his fingers on your clit, moving them so fast as he matched his own rhythm.
“Eddie! Oh my…Please! Make me cum. I want to cum again! Please…”
The metalhead pushed your face down into the sofa as he did what you asked, slamming is cock into you till the coil snapped and you shouted his name as you came. He soon followed, moaning obscenities as he pulled out and came on the meat of your ass.
Unsure of what happens next, you remained frozen in that position as you listened to Eddie’s heavy pants. You were a complete mess, naked, hair frayed, and everyone including your own arousals dripping from your body.
“Whoa! Hey, it’s ok. I’m just picking you up to take you upstairs so we can get you clean.”, Steve explained when he felt you flinch.
You sighed exhaustedly as he lifted you up and you clung your arms around his neck. Eddie ran ahead and as soon as you both entered the bathroom your bath was ready. Sitting there quietly, you starred off into the tile in front of you as they ran a washcloth along your skin.
“Y/N?” The metalhead reached for your chin and gently turned you to face them both. “Are you alright? We didn’t hurt you or anything, right?”
When you shook your head, they exchanged a glance.
“What are you thinking about, honey?”
“Why? Why now? You two have had so many other girls in your life—”
“None like you.”, Steve interrupted. “I wasn’t lying, Y/N. I love you. My dad doesn’t give a fuck about me, my mother is never here, the girls at school just want me because I’m ‘popular’.”, he rolls his eyes. “You’ve never wanted or expected anything out of me. You treat me like I’m not fucking worthless.”
“Because you’re not, Steve.”
“When my mom died, I thought I’d never be happy again. Then I met you guys. Baby, I love you to. Even with Wayne sometimes I feel like I’m burdening him.”
“You’re not, Eddie. He loves you.”
“I know but I get what Steve is saying. We hear all this bullshit enough and it just sinks in you know? But with you…”
“We’ll still be your best friends, Y/N, even if you don’t want us like that.”
“I didn’t say that.”, you smirk as both their gazes shift towards you. “I would like to be wined and dined though.”
“You wanna go out on a date?”
“Yeah. Maybe we can check out that new Star Wars movie and then—”
“We can take you to dinner.”, Eddie beams. “Treat you like a princess.”
“Wow, Steven, you suck at this.”, Eddie teases as you giggle from the side while you both watch Steve try to shoot one of the balls on the pool table into the corner pocket.
“Well shit, Edward. Do you wanna wrap your arms around me like you do with Y/N and teach me to be better.”, the pretty boy slurred as his cue missed the ball entirely. “Fuck.”
The metalhead extended out his arms toward him as he began to sing.
“Love lift us up where we belong.”
“Don’t you touch me.”, he laughs as they both flash each other a toothy grin.
“Come on, princess. Show him what I taught you.”
Playfully swaying your hips as you saunter over, your eyes flick to them as you line up your shot. Steve tosses back the liquid in his flask and Eddie lights his fourth cigarette in a row. He’s getting antsy which means soon, he’ll excuse himself to the bathroom where he’ll snort his powder and come back with half lidded, glassy eyes.
You savored small moments like this where you could. Where you three were having fun and they weren’t totally clouded over by their vices. Tonight was a regular date night and you were so happy that they didn’t seem to be in a bad mood. You always knew how ever it wouldn’t take much for that spark to ignite though.
Beaming at them, they clap for you obnoxiously loud as you make your shot.
“That’s our girl!”
“Shut the fuck up, freaks!”, Jason Carver hollers from the corner of the bar.
“Go to hell, Jason!”, you shout.
The jocks cackle at your comment as Andrew’s eyes rake across your body.
“Little girl has a mouth on her. Maybe we can show her how to use it.”
Eddie stomped towards them before you could stop him.
“Say that a little louder, asshole. I don’t think I heard you correctly. That ‘little girl’ is my best friend and you willshow her fucking respect!”
“Go to hell, Munson.”
“HEY! Knock it off or I’ll kick you all out!”, the owner shouted as he glared where you guys were standing.
“Come on, Ed. Let’s get out of here.”, you try and sooth him in a calm voice. “Please.”
Angrily turning away, he barrels out the door as you run after him.
“Eddie, it’s ok.”
He ignores you as he opens his van door, pops open the glove box, and pulls out the little glass vile of his drug. You watch with helpless eyes as he pours some on the edge of his hand near his thumb and snorts the contents.
“That’s not going to help anyone.”, you growl.
“Yeah, well, no one fucking asked you. Let me ask you something. Why did you want me to stop? Huh? Do you want to fuck Jason and his stupid friends?”
“Have you lost your fucking mind? Of course, I don’t.”
“Pfft, please. Little whore like you can’t help herself.”
“Fuck you, Eddie.”
As you turn and try to walk away, he grabs your arm and tries to keep you from leaving.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”
“I’d rather walk than deal with this bullshit.”
“Guys…”, Steve slurs as he appears beside you. “Can we do this later? I’m fucking exhausted.”
Driving his van for them, you all went back to Steve’s house and let them talk you into staying over. Around two in the morning, yelling startled you awake causing you to panic when you realized Steve wasn’t beside you.
“Eddie.”, you murmured forcefully as you shook him. “Eddie!”
“Jesus H Christ, WHAT?!”
“Something is happening downstairs. I think Steve needs our help.”
“He’ll be fine. Just shut the fuck up and go back to bed.”, he grumbled as he rolled over.
Ignoring him completely, you quietly tiptoed out of the bedroom and leaned against the railing as you listened to Mr. Harrington screaming at his son.
“This is a $500 dollar bottle of bourbon, Steven! I save it for important clients not my idiot kid and his friends.”
“For the thousandth time, I didn’t drink it!”
“Oh, so all of my alcohol just disappears then. Even though you, the freak, and that whore are here a majority of the time alone.”
“Don’t call her that.”, Steve grunted through gritted teeth.
His dad stepped forward and smacked him hard across the face.
“Don’t talk to me in that tone of voice.”
Running down the stairs, you put yourself between them.
“Leave him alone! He’s not drinking what’s yours.”
“Everything in this house fucking is mine, little girl. I paid for it with my hard-earned money. What the fuck has he done? Nothing and that’s all he will ever be. The sooner you figure that out the better.” Mr. Harrington raises his finger and points to his son. “You owe me $500 dollars or I swear to God, Steven.”
With that his dad furiously left the house, slamming the front door for emphasis. Quickly facing him, you cup his cheeks in your hands, and check him over.
“Are you alright, baby?”
“Why the fuck did you do that, Y/N?”, he asks in a sharp tone. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Marching towards the kitchen, he opens cabinets till he finally finds a bottle of whiskey that actually still has some liquid within it. You glared at him as he knocked it back, panting when he finally removed his lips from the glass.
“You both promised me you would slow down on stuff like this.”
“Yeah, well, we don’t answer to you, honey. If you don’t like it, you can fucking leave.”
“Maybe, Andrew is still at The Hideout. He can give you a bed for the night.”, Eddie sneered as he rounded the corner and leaned in the doorway.
“Fuck you both. I’m fucking done.”, you spat. “You want me to leave? You got it.”
You headed towards his room, throwing off his clothes so you can put on your own and head home. You knew better. You knew you should have just left but part of you was hoping they’d beg you to stay, groveling at your feet as they told you they loved you. You wanted them to fight for you…show you that they needed you as much as you felt like you needed them.
And they would…in their own inebriated way…
“Why the fuck are you still here?! I thought you were leaving?!”, Eddie shouted when he found you. Grabbing your pants from the floor, he threw them down to the first floor with your shoes and socks. “Get a move on, baby!”
Ignoring him, you banged your feet loudly down the stairs but as you bent down to grab your jeans, Steve came up behind you and captured your wrist turning you to face him.
“You made things worse by butting in.”
“No, Steve, you make things worse by continuing to drink. Why?! Why do you two do this?”
The man rolls his eyes as he takes a swig from the bottle in his hand.
“Please. Like you fucking care. You’re going to break our hearts just like they did. May as well just leave now, honey, and leave us in peace to destroy ourselves. It’s what Eddie and I are good at, right bud?”
Eddie’s only response was a deep inhale that you knew was his him snorting his blow.
Shaking your head, you turn to leave but he doesn’t release you from his hold.
“I thought you said I could leave, Steve. That’s what you want right? To fulfill your own prophesy of me abandoning you.” You try to yank your arm back but he just tugs you close to his chest, glaring down at you with angry eyes. “It’s not like I’ve been by your sides and both your best friend since we were little kids.”
Sarcastically, you laugh knowing what you say next will rile him up but you don’t care. In this moment, you were in so much pain after the way they spoke to you. You were fully prepared to give them a taste of their own medicine.
“Your dad was right. You are nothing.”
In one swift motion, he released your wrist and took hold of your hair, leading you to the couch where he bent you over the arm.
“I’m nothing, huh? HUH?!”, Steve shouted near your ear as he leaned over your back. “Say it again, little girl! Come on. Let me hear it!”
“You’re nothing, Steve Harrington! I thought you wanted me to fucking leave! I’m going to abandon you anyway, RIGHT?!”
His palm came down hard on your behind, making you yelp before he moved the cotton blocking your core and abruptly pushed two of his long, thick fingers into your sex.
“You’re not going fucking anywhere tonight, babe. Not until we’re done with you.” You groan as he curls his fingers inside you and spanks you again. “You always talk back but you’re still so fucking wet for us, aren’t you? AREN’T YOU?!”, he yells as he hits you again.
“Fuck, just listen to that pussy, Munson.” The sound of your slick fills the room as he thrusts his fingers at a faster pace. “Fucking whore is always ready.”
“Probably why she can’t help but eye fuck this entire town.”, Eddie condescends as he comes around to sit on the couch in front of you.
“Please…”, you moan as the coil tightens in your stomach.
“Please.”, he mocks making you growl before his fingers roughly pinch your cheeks. “Control the fucking attitude, Y/N. Since we’re nothing and we do nothing for you, might as well use you one last time and I’ll be damned if you’re going to look at me like that.”
Steve spanks you again causing you to whimper as your pussy clenches around his fingers and you cum hard around them. After literally ripping off your panties and Eddie tugging off your shirt, the other boy loops his arm around your waist, carrying you around the front of the sofa, and tossing you on it. You wince as you fall a little harder than you should of making both boys freeze. They don’t genuinely want to hurt you; they never have. You know what they’re doing right now is an outlet especially for Steve after what happened with his dad. They needed to feel in control and so did you. You desperately needed to feel like you could reign them in and keep their vices in check so it didn’t get worse.
If they needed to use you so they didn’t use themselves, so be it.
Your eyes flick between theirs before a slow, cool laugh leaves your lips.
“Oh, come on, boys. Don’t pretend like you fucking care now. I’m a whore right, Ed? Steve? Come on, baby.” You coo in a sarcastic tone as you push up on your knees and wrap your arms around the man’s neck. “Prove to me you’re not nothing. Show me what a real Harrington man is.”
With newfound motivation, he manhandled you till you were on your hands and knees facing Eddie’s lap. You mewled, biting your lip at the feeling of Steve’s spit hitting your cunt before he pushed down his shorts enough to free his cock and roughly thrust it into your entrance.
Ringed fingers tangled in your hair, tugging you back till you were looking at the metalhead’s angry face.
“You’re going to suck my cock, little girl, and you’re going to take all of it. No whining or complaining. Sluts do what they’re told.”
You nodded with heavy eyes as the man behind you abused that sensitive spot inside you over and over till your toes were curling. Shimming out of his boxers without letting you go; his dick sprang free and you wasted no time taking him into your mouth.
Eddie groaned as you did what you were told, his tip hitting the back of your throat as you drooled around him. Every time you moaned at Steve’s thrusts, his fingers gripped you tighter as his eyes fluttered shut.
“Fuck, baby, that’s it. At least that bratty mouth is good for something. Shit.”
Looping his arm around you, Steve’s hand reached between your legs and began rubbing fast circles into your clit that had you screaming around Eddie as you pushed back against his hand.
“Fuck, Steve!”
“Yeah. That’s the fucking spot. I know. No one knows you better than us, little girl. Cum. Cum hard on my cock, Y/N!”, he demands as he spanks you with his other palm.
As the ball drops, you moan his name as your pussy quivers around him.
“Fuck. That’s it. Good girl. Good fucking girl.”, Steve grunts as he pounds into you chasing his high.
Clinging to your hair, Eddie holds you still as he thrusts up into your mouth and fucks your face as you gag.
“There you go, you little whore. Choke on my dick.”
Steve’s rhythm falters and he grunts as he releases his spend roughly into your cunt. As he fills you up, the metalhead pushes you lower onto his lap and growls loudly as your throat constricts around him. They both pull out of you at the same time and Eddie forcefully tugs you onto his lap facing him.
Your jaw falls open as he grips your waist and brings your down onto his cock, your hands clinging to his shoulders as he guides your movements.
“Harder, Y/N! Fucking make me believe that you fucking care!”
As you wrap your arms around him for leverage, you bounce faster and harder on his lap, throwing your head back as you moan loudly.
“E-Eddie, please!”
“Fuck.”, he grunts, lifting you into the air without pulling out, sitting you on the sofa while his palm grips the back as he takes over thrusting into you. “God, you feel so fucking good. You’re ours, little girl. This pussy belongs to us.”
When all you do is mewl and nod, his fingers take hold of your jaw, and force you to meet his intense gaze.
“Say it, Y/N. So we know you fucking understand.”
“I-I…my pussy be-belongs to you. Fuck.”
“Who do you belong to?”
“You two.”
“WHO?!”, he snarls as he rolls his hips hard.
“EDDIE AND STEVE! Fuck, I’m gonna—”
The metalhead’s ringed fingers grab your throat and you whimper as you cum again. Eddie’s grip tightens and you feel your air slightly cut off. Right as your panicked eyes find Steve’s, the other boy paints your walls as he fucks it deep into your core.
Steve reaches over and tugs at his friend’s wrist, signaling for him to release you which he does. His chocolate eyes scan you over with worry, when he hears you cough as you catch your breath.
“I…I…shit. Y/N, are you…okay?”
When you don’t answer, they swiftly kick into action as Steve lifts you into his arms and carries you to his bathroom where he gets the tub ready. Eddie appears next to you with a bottle of water but as he offers it to you, you turn away.
“Sweetheart, you have to drink something.”
“Like either of you care.”
“Honey, of course we care.”
“DON’T! Don’t you honey and sweetheart me! I’m a whore who wants to fuck the entire town, right?! I’m butting into your business and making things worse, right?! I don’t love you and you don’t care if I leave, RIGHT?!” Pushing Steve away, you wince as you lower yourself in the warm water and bring your knees to your chin. “What do I have to do to prove to you that I only want you two? That I’m not going anywhere? Why does it have to be this way?”
They hang their heads as they silently clean you and you allow it. After drying you off and finding you a new pair of clothes to wear, you continue to ignore them as you climb into Steve’s bed and close your eyes. Both boys do the same, placing themselves on either side of you as Eddie presses himself against your back looping his arm around you and pulling you to him while Steve tenderly caressed your face.
“We’re sorry, baby.”, he whispers. “You deserve so much more than this. We’re fucking assholes.”
Steve watched your bottom lip quiver as Eddie held you tighter to his chest and he pressed his face into your shoulder as he began to quietly cry.
“I’m sorry, princess. I didn’t mean to grab you so hard. I love you. You’re not a whore. You’re our perfect angel. We can be better, Y/N.”
“Hey, Y/N. Are you alright? You look tired.”
“Oh, thanks Glen. You know I’m trying this new routine—”
“Ok, ok, I get it. That was a little rude.”, he laughs. “You know, you always look beautiful.”
You softly smile as you turn towards your locker. These were the moments you wish you could tell people that you, Eddie, and Steve were more than best friends. Glen was a nice guy but you were in love with someone else. You knew it bothered them (especially Eddie) when men hit on you and it equally upset you when girls would do the same with them.
They knew better though just like you. You knew when Steve stumbled into a room with a girl on his heels they were probably just talking. Whenever he would call you over at 2am sobbing about something you couldn’t understand under his slurred words, you were positive that the perfume you were smelling was most likely yours from days ago when you spent the night.
They made sure you never had to worry about things like that…
As you opened your locker a note tumbled into your hand.
“Hey pretty girl,
We just wanted to say we love you so much and miss you.
Can’t wait to see you later tonight.
You deserve the world, angel.
-Steve X Eddie”
“Are you, um, going to the party tonight?”
“Yeah.”, you answer him as you hold the note to your chest. “Steve is probably going to pick me and Eddie up.”
“Oh. Ok…I thought, maybe, you’d want to ride with me.”
“Glen…I…thank you but I’m just not…”
“Hey. No worries.”, he grins. “I’ll still be your friend and think you’re cool.”
“Geez, this fucking house is insane. How many people live here?”, Eddie asks as he takes a sip of the “punch” in his cup.
“I think 3 but…”, you laugh as you wonder around with them.
“Pfft. Jamie’s parents and herself makes three people who are never home.” Steve picks up a figurine and shows it to you with confusion before putting it back. “I will never understand why rich people buy these massive houses but are never in them. Our house isn’t that big but it’s just me or the three of us 99% of the time.”
“Ok, got it. When we move in together no big house.”, you giggle causing him to stick out his tongue at you.
“That’s too bad. When I became a rockstar I was going to buy us a HUGE mansion.”, the metalhead muses as he glances up another spiral staircase that was blocked off. After looking around, he tugs down the ribbon, and grabs your hand to guide you up to the next floor.
“Hm, baby. This reminds me of The Shining.”, you whine.
Eddie chuckles as he turns around and wiggles his index finger in front of your face.
Continuing to laugh, he pulls you to his side as you wrap your arms around his waist. You loved these moments; the moments where they seemed like their old selves before things had gotten worse. It gave you hope that you could save them; that you could bring the Eddie and Steve you first met on those swings back to you.
“Hey guys. Come look at this here.”, Steve calls as he opens a random door. “This must be her parent’s room.”
As he stared at the massive sized bed with a canopy, you ventured into the bathroom while Eddie looked around the closet.
“Jesus Christ, this is bigger than our fucking trailer.”, he scoffs as he flashes Steve who followed him in some of the clothes. “If you need a bench in your closet, maybe the closet it too big, yeah?”
The other man took a swig from his flask as his eyes scanned everything around him.
“I don’t think I’ll every be rich enough to give her this.”, he mumbles causing the metalhead to abruptly turn his way.
“Don’t say that, Harrington. Just because your dad is a douchebag doesn’t mean you won’t own a company one day. It doesn’t have to be his.”
“Pfft, said the rockstar.”
“Ha! Yeah. That’s if I can get my fingers to do what I want them to do.”, Eddie sighs as he begins digging his is pockets, finding his little vile. “Or my brain for that matter.”
“Maybe…maybe we really should slow down, ya know?”, Steve whispers.
“It’s not that serious, Steven.”
“You almost choked her out.”
“And you fuck other cheerleaders. Do you really want to play that game right now?”, Eddie hisses.
“Shhh! I don’t…I don’t mean to. We go somewhere and then I wake up the next morning…”
“Yeah, tell her that.”
“I love her.”, Steve growls. “I don’t want to hurt her.”
“Well, I love her to.”, he sighs before patting his friend’s shoulder. “Everything’s fine, man. Trust me.”
The sound of you jumping onto the bed brings them back into reality as they exit the closet and find you sprawled out with a wide smile on your face. Crawling in beside you, the three of you lay there in comfortable silence as you listen to them breathe.
“I love you both…for who you are…I hope you know that.” You feel their eyes shift towards you as you continue. “No matter what. It’s always been just us and I’m always going to be here for you. I don’t care if we have a house like this or… a tiny trailer.”
“We’re not going to let you live your life in a tiny trailer, sweetheart. I don’t care what I have to do but that’s never going to be your reality.”
“Whatever WE have to do.”, Steve clarified. “We’re always going to be there for you, honey. You put up with a lot when it comes to us. Soon it will all be worth it.”
“Hey, I have an idea. Why don’t we ditch this party, go back to my place, and watch some spooky movies that will make Harrington pee his pants?”
Nodding, you giggle as Steve rolls his eyes. After running down the stairs, a face you recognized abruptly stopped you to say hello.
“Hi Glen. I’m actually about to leave!”
“Really? I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” His nervous eyes scan Steve’s stumbling frame as Eddie bounces on his heels waiting for you. “You’re leaving with them?”
“Yeah of course. We’re going to go hang out at Eddie’s trailer.”
“You’re driving right? Or, maybe, even I can.”
“Oh, um…” Your own gaze shifts towards them, taking note at the longer you take the more annoyed their eyes seem to become. “His place isn’t that fair. It’s not a big deal. I appreciate the thought though.”, you smile as you give him a quick hug.
Before you can turn away, Glen holds you in his grasp.
“Don’t go with them, Y/N. Please.”
Holding your smile, you pull away and nod your head, slightly assuring him that everything would be alright.
“What did he want?”
“Just to say hello. We have a couple of classes together and we help each other sometimes.” As you three search for Steve’s BMW, you anxiously watch him fumble with his keys. “Stevie, baby, maybe you should let me drive.”
“Pfft, I can drive, honey. I’m barely even drunk.”
Eddie’s arms wrap around you from behind as he tenderly kisses the nook between your neck and shoulder. “Come on, princess. You can sit in the back with me.”
Steve frustratingly tries to yank at the car door but it won’t budge.
“Steve…”, Eddie calls to his friend as the sirens begin to wail in the distance.
“I can’t…the door…” Desperately, he falls to his knees and tries to reach for your hand through the shattered window as you dangled upside down from where you were still buckled in. “I can’t reach her…Y/N…w-wake up.”
“S-S-Steve.” The sound of sirens got louder as the metalhead panicked going into sensory overload. The sirens, Steve grunting as he tried different ways to get to you, the smell of metal and blood. “STEVEN! We need to go. NOW!”
“Eddie, we can’t just leave her here!”
The long-haired boy tugged at his friend’s sweater, dragging him to his feet.
“Yeah? And you’ll never see her again if you get arrested for drunk driving and me for possession. She’ll be fine. They’re almost here. They can get her out!”
Steve had his own internal battle pausing only for a second when he heard the sound of you groan.
Both boys run and disappear just as Hopper’s police car skids onto the scene.
“Hey, Y/N. This feels like a stupid question but how are you feeling?”, the police chief asks as he takes a seat beside your hospital bed. It had been almost two weeks since the accident and people could barely get anything out of you.
Your parents had been by your side the entire time, holding your hand, and caressing your hair as you cried through every painful process the doctors put you through. Your mom and Hopper exchange a worried glance as you ignore the question, continuing to stare at the phone by your bed.
“I’m not going to bug you too much but I was hoping to get some more details about what happened. We know you weren’t driving because we found you buckled in the backseat.”
Again, no response.
“We, uh, got a tip that you and some friends left a party at the same time. Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington? The car in the accident is also Mr. Harrington’s.” Your eyes start to tear up and you quickly suffocate the notion by closing your eyes. “Um, Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N, may I have a moment alone with Y/N?”
After your parent’s leave, Hopper comes to sit on the opposite end of the room directly in front of you, his gaze soft as he scans you over.
“Y/N, you’re not in trouble. I know you didn’t cause this. I also know that you’re very loyal to your friends but, honey, you’re not helping either of them if they don’t face the consequences for what they do.” Your eyes open finally meeting his and he doesn’t faulter as he continues. “No one is in trouble here. I just want to help them and you. I also want to make sure no one else gets hurt.”
Shifting you gaze towards the phone again, a montage of everything they had been through ran through your mind. Eddie had lost his mom and his dad was abusive before going in. After moving in with Wayne, things got better at home but not at school or in Hawkins. People bullied him relentlessly making him feel like he was a freak who would never be anything but.
Steve had basically raised himself being alone most of his childhood. His asshole father and absent mother were always away on business or even pleasure leaving him behind. When they were home, his dad said terrible things to him and broke him down constantly telling him he was worthless. While the boy was popular school, adults constantly seemed to underestimate him adding to his insecurity.
They didn’t need prison, they needed you. It was just you and them against the world. Yeah, they hadn’t called yet but they would. They would give you a rational reason for leaving you behind and comfort you, telling you everything would be ok. Then things could go back to how they used to be or even better. Maybe this accident would wake them up to the damage their vices can do…
“I don’t remember who was driving. I just remember something darting into the road and then waking up here.”, you whisper.
The police chief sighs as he nods. He can’t force you to say what you need to say. If that’s the story you want to stick with, he’ll write his report and give it to the insurance companies.
“I see. Ok, Y/N. Thank you for your candor and I hope…I hope you feel better. I’m always here if you need to talk.”
Softly smiling, you turn your attention back to the phone as you continue to wait.
They’ll call or come by. They love me. We need each other… I know it.
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"Maybe the real treasure was the friends we made along the way."
Friendship is a journey, not a destination. Friends accompany us through many miles of trials and tribulations, wandering high and low together, but friends can also fade away when the time has come. Yesterday, I listened to a podcast on “Distancing Yourself From Friends You’ve Outgrown” by Teenage Therapy. There are many issues brought up by the podcasters which I personally can relate to because my friend and I went through the same 💩 situation. As time passed, we grew apart and distanced ourselves from one another. Today, I'll summarise the podcast’s idea, reflect on my own experience and voice my thoughts on the podcast’s perspective.
In this week’s episode, three main points were highlighted throughout the podcast. In the beginning, the podcasters Thomas, Kayla, and Isaac discussed how friendships made during high school were formed out of convenience as people were in close proximity and a shared environment. People mostly found themselves in cliques and groups to avoid being left out or seen as social outcasts. As the conversation went on, they talked about college friendships made in the later years of adolescence, where people made friends with others who align with their personal values and future goals. 🌈Thomas came up with a rather interesting point of how these friendships were more long-term and inspiring compared to high school friendships. Lastly, they brought up the challenges of maintaining relationships with friends who hold problematic values and beliefs, especially if they are a family friend or someone you’ve known for a long time. 🕰️
Reflection 🙌
Overall, this podcast resonated with me since I’ve definitely had moments where I’ve felt myself drifting away from certain friendships, and it is not always easy to navigate. I can distinctly recall one friendship in particular that did stand out back then, and it was someone I was incredibly close to during high school. We did everything together 🫶🏽, from the smallest things such as spending hours talking about the most random stuff to the biggest things like having each other’s back 🫂 when dealing with our personal struggles or when life got heavy. In simpler terms, he was always there for me and was such an important part of my life at the time. But, as we grew older, our paths eventually diverged. He became more focused on his dreams that did not involve me, and I found myself growing in ways that didn't align with his. Something changed between us, and we let it happen.
At first, I felt guilty about pulling away. I wondered if I was being a bad friend or if I should try harder to hold onto what we had. Eventually, I realized that our friendship started to feel forced like we were trying to hold onto something that no longer fit. That didn’t mean that I stopped caring about him though; it just meant that we were no longer on the same wavelength. As a young adult, I found it necessary to be drawn to people who inspire and share similar values that did not diverge from mine in order to have a fulfilling friendship.
What helped me was taking a step back and reminding myself that friendships, like people, go through seasons🍂. Just because it changes doesn’t mean it’s a failure. We let the distance grow naturally, without any explanation, drama or closure involved because both of us found new circles that aligned better with who we were at the moment. When we cross paths again some other time, it’s warm, sweet🍬 and respectful even if it’s not as close as we used to be. 🌚🌝❤️🩹
I wholeheartedly agree with the podcast's core ideas about how friendships shape our identities and contribute to personal growth, particularly in the context of adolescence and young adulthood.🤸♀️ The podcast's observations about the evolving nature of friendships, from those based on proximity and circumstance in high school to those rooted in shared values and aspirations later in life, strongly resonate with my own experiences. I especially agree with the idea that as we mature, we consciously seek out friendships that align with our personal values and goals. These connections feel more authentic and supportive, and they genuinely contribute to our growth as individuals. I've found that these value-driven friendships provide a sense of belonging and understanding that’s crucial for navigating the complexities of life.🥊
Furthermore, I strongly agree with the podcast's discussion of the challenges involved in maintaining friendships with individuals whose values diverge from our own. This is a difficult but crucial aspect of personal growth. It's not about being judgmental, but rather about recognizing the importance of surrounding ourselves with people who uplift and inspire us🌟. I believe that our social circle significantly impacts our mindset and well-being, and choosing friends whose values align with ours is essential for creating a positive☀️ and supportive environment. It can be painful to let go of friendships, especially long-term ones, but sometimes it's necessary for our own emotional health and growth. I appreciate the podcast acknowledging this complex dynamic and validating the difficult choices we sometimes have to make regarding our friendships. In essence, I agree that as we grow and change, our friendships often reflect that evolution, and that's a natural and healthy part of life.🌹
Conclusion 🌼
In short, Teenage Therapy highlighted that friendship can change with time, from us having to make friends just out of convenience due to our close proximity to building a deeper connection with people that align with our values. My experience has taught me to let the distance between friendships grow naturally because it is a normal part of our journey. I have to agree to the podcast’s ideas and discussions because it acknowledges the dynamics and difficulty in maintaining a friendship. I hope everyone can learn something new today and don’t ever blame yourself for any mishap or challenges you are going through with your friends. Wish to hear your thoughts in the comment section!🙋♀️🙋🙋♂️
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Adolescent Antichrist (Book 3) Chapter Six
Father Figure! Lucifer x Reader
Chapter Six: That's Exactly the Type of Shenanigans You Like
Summary: (Y/N) realized Lieutenant Pierce is more suspicious than he seems.
“Lucifer, what’s happening?” asked (Y/N) as Lucifer guided them into the LAPD office, looking strangely on edge.
“I need you to stay here,” said Lucifer. He sat them down at Chloe’s desk and put his hands on their shoulders. “The Sinnerman…we caught him.”
“That’s supposed to be good, isn’t it?” questioned (Y/N). “So what happened?”
“First, he, uh, gauged out his eyes so I couldn’t use my abilities on him,” said Lucifer.
“First?” (Y/N) wrinkled their nose. “There’s more?”
“Unfortunately,” muttered Lucifer. “There’s a girl. Another victim. She’s…She’s being drowned. She’s still alive, and we need to find her.” His hand went to (Y/N)’s cheek, softly, fatherly. “He’s working with someone on the outside. I—I can’t risk you getting hurt, so please, please listen to me this once and stay here. I have Emeranne and Mazikeen watching outside, so you’ll be safe, but please, don’t try anything this time. I want-no, need you to be safe, alright?”
(Y/N) blinked. “Yeah, I, uh, yeah. I’ll stay here.”
“Alright.” Lucifer breathed a sigh of relief. “Good, good. I promise, I’ll be right back. I just need to make sure we take care of this girl. We have a clue to where she is.” Then I’ll take care of the Sinnerman. With a final comforting squeeze to their shoulder, Lucifer stood and left.
(Y/N) leaned back at Chloe’s desk. Alright, so what am I supposed to do now?
“Why are you at my mom’s desk?” asked a young voice.
(Y/N) glanced to the side and saw a young girl. “Lucifer told me to stay put. You’re Detective Decker’s kid?”
“I’m Trixie,” she said. “Are you the kid Lucifer took in? Mom’s mentioned you.”
“Yeah, I’m (Y/N),” they said. “What does Detective Decker say about me?”
“Usually I hear her talking with Maze about how she worries that Lucifer is a maniac that probably isn’t a good influence,” said Trixie. She smiled. “I think Lucifer is cool.”
(Y/N) considered. “He is, but she’s not…wrong.”
Trixie grinned. “Really? Have you learned how to gamble and…do deals like my mom says Lucifer does?”
“I’m good at knowing when I’ll win a bet,” said (Y/N), shrugging.
“Really? Make a bet with me,” said Trixie.
(Y/N) smiled. This kid was fun; they could get along. “Okay, sure. How much is your allowance?”
“Five dollars,” said Trixie.
“Fine, I’ll bet you five dollars, then,” said (Y/N).
“For what?” asked Trixie.
“For knowing your mom is going to solve the case she’s on,” said (Y/N).
“That’s not fair! Of course she will,” said Trixie.
(Y/N) shrugged. “Hey, I warned you I know when I’ll win a bet.”
Trixie grinned. “Okay, okay. I guess that was smart of you.”
“Thanks,” said (Y/N). They leaned forward. “How about this—I won’t ask for your money since that was a trick, but you have to give me some gossip. You spend some time around the office, don’t you?”
“I do,” said Trixie with a mischievous grin.
“Alright, whaddya have?” asked (Y/N) conspiratorially.
“My dad likes this lawyer lady,” said Trixie eagerly. “I’m going to go talk to her later to help my dad.”
“Nice,” said (Y/N). Even though it is weird to know Espinosa knew Charlotte when she was…Missy. “Anything else?”
“My mom doesn’t like the new lieutenant,” said Trixie. “Or, well, I think she does but isn’t sure yet. He seems uppity, so I dunno. I like Lucifer more.”
“Because of Maze, I’m guessing,” said (Y/N).
“Yeah,” said Trixie, shrugging. “I like her being my mom’s roommate. She teaches me how to use knives and takes me trick-or-treating.”
“She taught me a little, too,” said (Y/N). “She’s good.”
“What about Lucifer?” asked Trixie.
“What do you mean?” asked (Y/N).
“What does Lucifer think of the new lieutenant?”
(Y/N) considered. “I don’t think he’s the biggest fan.” They shrugged. “Neither am I.”
“Me, too,” said Trixie. “I don’t like his tattoo. Doesn’t look like anything, just a circle. I would have at least done a smiley face.”
(Y/N) chuckled. “Who knows, maybe it has some meaning.”
“Maybe,” said Trixie. She glanced at the clock. “Oh! I think Miss Richards is getting in now. Bye, gotta go help my dad have some luck with women. She’s cool.” Trixie waved before leaving.
(Y/N) raised their hand in a short wave. They looked down at the desk before them. Would it be rude to go through the case file? Yes. Is it illegal? Yes. Am I still going to do it? Yes.
They flipped open the Sinnerman case filed and flipped through the profile. So this is the guy? Way less impressive than I imagined since Lucifer thought he had some divine magic.
(Y/N) pulled out some of the photos and looked at them. They frowned when they came across a childhood picture. Looks like a normal kid. They considered. Well, I guess I thought all murderers were sort of weird since my uncle always was.
(Y/N) furrowed their brow as they noticed a mark on the arm of the man hugging the young Sinnerman. The face was out of frame, but the circular mark on his bicep was clear as day.
It can’t be Pierce, he’s too young to be that age back then, right? They frowned. And this has to be a coincidence?
Getting up, they snuck into Pierce’s office. Luckily, everyone was busy coordinating with the Sinnerman issues to pay them any attention.
Photos, photos, photos, thought (Y/N), pulling out files from Pierce’s desk. Interesting, he was in Chicago at the same time the Sinnerman was, according to the file dates. Finally, (Y/N) arrived at a photograph of Pierce in a t-shirt. The mark on his arm was identical to that of the man holding the Sinnerman all those years ago.
It’s like no time has passed. It’s like he’s immortal. (Y/N)’s eyes widened. Divine shit. Fits with what Lucifer thought, even if the Sinnerman doesn’t have the power to give me abilities or wings. It makes sense.
(Y/N) fumbled for their phone and called Lucifer. He didn’t pick up, and they cursed, calling again. Pick up, pick up, pick up!
Finally, Lucifer took the call. “(Y/N). It’s over. The Sinnerman…we had a disagreement. Lieutenant Pierce had to shoot him. The girl is safe, but we don’t have our answers, and it’s strange, because he wanted to die, but why would the Sinner—”
“Lucifer!” interrupted (Y/N), knowing he could go on forever. “He’s not the Sinnerman.”
“What?” asked Lucifer.
“I was…sneaking around the LAPD office—”
“Good job,” said Lucifer, proud of their cleverness.
“—and I found that Pierce has the same mark on his arm that a man in a photo with a ten-year-old supposed-Sinnerman does,” said (Y/N). “And the man seems to be the same age as Pierce is now, but it can’t be difference. It’s exactly the same.”
“…A mark?” asked Lucifer as the pieces came together.
“Yeah, a mark. Sort of a circle, looks like a scar more than a tattoo in my opinion,” said (Y/N).
“(Y/N), I want you to go back to Lux right now. I want you out of the LAPD office,” said Lucifer. “Grab the pictures and go. I’ll deal with this when we get back, but stay there until I’m with you.” He hung up.
(Y/N) blinked. “I have a feeling some shenanigans are about to happen.”
“Alright, Lucifer, what’s going on?” questioned (Y/N), arms crossed, when Lucifer walked into Lux.
“Do you have the pictures?” asked Lucifer.
“Obviously,” said (Y/N), handing them over. “Who is Pierce? He can’t be human if he’s the same age now that he was in that picture.”
“He is human, of a sort,” said Lucifer.
“Can you be any more specific?” sighed (Y/N).
“He’s Cain.”
“Cain? ‘Cain and Abel’ Cain?” asked (Y/N).
“Yes, cursed to never die because he killed his brother,” said Lucifer.
“And he’s the Sinnerman?”
“And let me guess, you decided to just…invite him here?”
“How did you know?” asked Lucifer.
“Because that’s exactly the type of shenanigans you like,” said (Y/N), deadpan.
“You’re right,” admitted Lucifer. “I’m going to stab him just to make sure, and then I’ll figure what he’s up to.”
“I’m staying,” said (Y/N).
“What? No,” said Lucifer.
“Yes, I am,” said (Y/N). “You think he’s involved with God or whoever gave you your wings back and caused me to get some. If that’s true, I want to be there. I’m already involved.”
Lucifer sighed, seeing the determined expression on their face. They would ignore any commands he gave if he tried to keep them away. “Very well. But you stay by me and away from Cain, understand? If he tries anything, I’ll handle it.”
“Got it,” said (Y/N), crossing their fingers behind their back.
#adolescent antichrist#lucifer tv#lucifer x reader#lucifer fic#lucifer#lucifer netflix#netflix lucifer#netflix#x reader#x gn reader#gn reader#x nb reader#nb reader#lucifer x teen!reader#x teen reader#x teen!reader#father figure#found family trope#found family
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Quickly, While They Still Have Horses

Quickly, While They Still Have Horses: Stories by Jan Carson
i am really getting into this little microgenre of connected surreal short stories/vignettes/narratives. Craft was so excellent, and Rakesfall broke my brain in great ways, and Tauhou was so dreamlike and encompassing. Quickly falls right into this tiny category for me, more on the short story end of things than the others but still feeling like it's creating a world that looks like some part of ours, with just the smallest unreal quirks.
the connective tissue here is the political and social landscape of Northern Ireland, and the shadow of the Troubles across stories that span time, borders, boundaries, and peace lines. the emotional logic of the surreal elements—a severed hand that keeps reappearing in a fridge in Ulster, a Catholic ghost haunting a used car bought by Protestants, miracle healing offered and joked about and achieved—hits just right in a setting haunted by violence and division and getting on with life in spite of those things. if a bomb could go off anywhere, any moment, and a fenced wall divides that sort's neighborhood from this sort's, then why couldn't a pillar of heatless fire and smoke be a mental health support device? even the stories that aren't explicitly surreal deal little electric shocks of surprise, highlighting grief or numbness or resilience or love within the mundane everyday.
for half a minute i thought about picking a favorite story to highlight in this review, but looking through them i don't think i can! each one was so sparkling and funny and breathtaking like a punch in the chest. i have endearing love for a woman who admires her lesbian sisters-in-law and does her best to support her soft-spoken husband. i laughed so hard at the adolescent impulsivity and shitheadedness of kids who threw a burning baby doll over the peace wall. i can't stop thinking about the boy who chooses to believe his blind friend when he says he's been healed and wants to learn to drive, and the girl who spends all summer working for a space of her own and is denied by a father who must be recontextualized in that moment between childhood and growing up. what a treasure trove of jewels.
the deets
how i read it: another e-galley from NetGalley, i'm still playing catch-up! but i'm definitely going to buy this one when i have the chance.
try this if you: are delighted by dialects written out, are into surreality, enjoy stellar and quick character development, or dig getting dropped into the day-to-day culture of a place.
some lines i really liked: gosh the prose is just so beautiful
At high tide the seaweed swims with me. Its smooth tongues lap my arms and legs. I think about Jonah in the belly of the whale, all those slick intestines sliding against his skin. I feel small in myself and held.
In a way, it's good to be kept busy. It wears the howl out of her. She wonders if it is the same for Dad. By the day's end, there's no talk left in either of them.
After Rob, I lost the sea. I let Malcolm have it. I did not want it anymore.
The pair of them are always getting on like this. Smiling. Touching. Kissing each other in unusual places such as shoulders and earlobes. They are stupid happy. I wouldn't want to be a lesbian myself, but I envy Cathy all the same.
You start being honest with each other, and it's like opening what's-her-name's box. You never know what'll come slinking out.
pub date: July 9, 2024! go get it and read it!!
#books and reading#booklr#bookblr#book recs#book reviews#speculative short fiction#quickly while they still have horses#jan carson
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Klaus Mikaelson headcanons:
Klaus Mikaelson being a parent if the hollow didn't fuck things up
- Klaus loves being a dad! 😁
- he's always being so protective
- not knowing the word, boundaries
- "WHO IS THAT!" "Dad! I'm on a call!!!" "Oh..."
- He thought Hope would still be that innocent little girl he met several years ago
- "hey sweethea-" "get out!!!!!" *Throws stuffed bunny*
- deals with adolescent Hope
- thought Hope was straight until she found her kissing a girl in her room
- hunted the girl she kissed and almost killed her
- When Hope came home with her new girlfriend he ran a 2 hour interview with the poor girl
- research safe lesbian sex to be supportive to Hope and accidentally found porn
-it made it worse when Hope caught him searching it up
- "what the fuck dad!!!!" "It's not what it looks like!!!!!!"
- after the "incident" he invited Hope's girlfriend and gave them a long talk about safe gay sex... With pictures (we live for an ally Klaus)
- "you put the top of the dental dams near the clitoris and the bottom on the bottom of the vagina-" "oh my god!!!!" "How do you know so much about gay sex Mr Mikaelson?" "Let's just say the 20s was a fun time" (klefaaan!!!!!!!)
- Hope refuse to talk to him for 2 weeks and also found out he's a little fruity in the booty
- "dad... Did you and Stefan actually... Did it?" "Of course! We also had many orgies!" "Okay dad that's enough!"
- visited Hope with Hayley and had many students and teachers whispering about him
- "he's sooo hottt!!!" "Damn! I wanna him to be my daddy" "he's such a dilf" "I wanna kneel in front of him and such his di-"
- Hope was embarrassed
- he decided to have a ball to make a peace offering to the people of myself falls and when he saw Hope's dress, he immediately covered her with a blanket
- *you can't wear that!" "I'm not a child anymore" "you're too young!" "I'm 18!"
- Rebekah had to snap his neck just so you can go out
- when hope triggered her vampire side Klaus cried like a baby
- "you're growing up!" "I'm already growned up! I'm 21-" "NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Klaus cried even more
- Klaus loved Hope so much that he barely spends any time with women
- "dad! You need to date more" "what?" "You should go to the bar or something and get a girl" "but it's game night?" "Goo!!!!!!"
- Klaus listened to Hope and got laid...
- he got the girl pregnant
- at least he has a new child to go through this hard, long, journey... Again...
- Klaus loves being a dad! 😁
#klaus mikaelson#the orginals#tvd#hope mikaelson#hayley marshall#klaus is a dilf#Klaus Mikaelson being a parent
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This homosexual spends its time pursuing, soliciting, and propositioning this what the tp self identifies as a "white man" asking him to have her and asking to live my life... I wonder does her family know that she is this sick... I mean they know the felony charges, anything goes lifestyle and no modesty nor dignity, but do they know that it is pursuing a dignified adolescent that grew to be more than it could imagine, it being not 30% of me. Do they know that it spends its time soliciting this "white man" asking to live my life and that While narrating what it calls black love to the community and portraying that it was making a simp out of him and relaying that he was a character who would leave his family because it had superior prostitution skills. I'm sure it knows how I might be regarded... And so life for it is trying hard to compete. Why I do not know, just an obsession. The entire illustration is interesting. When rejected it was even more disrespectful while making effort to "motivate" the tp to let it play a role as me in life... So that others will find it acceptable or worthy more than what it is. It made it a group effort. The very best it has been offered is an acceptance when it solicited the woman that lives as a man for its relationship.. While at the same time have a ball pretending to be me offering its body to the tp and talking yes publicly about what it calls p****. It is treacherous. Telling publicly the woman who lives as a man that it "swears it loves her" and likely telling this tp the same thing... At the exact same time to see if he would have it... And then update the band and they get giddy about any harm that could come to me. It is a fascinating sickness and you'd think they were all 15 years old. They have kids and have no problem with the filth that they are... Cannot even understand that they are filth... Oblivious. That is what they teach how to stalk Those that want then nowhere near their lives. How to use Treachery if ya want to get away and then.. Praise God as if he will be mocked ultimately. It is a sick stew of disgust. Because the homosexual, it narrated and made folk aware... And so if they think positively of the woman I am, they'd have to find it something if it could get the tp to let something like it harm me and play a role. Such success happening of this woman and if the tp would be reduced, it could look like..... Well, something, anything worthy. I have several real ones with their actual names assigned to the assets they pay for and they pursue me to no success. But those are not men that would pursue the homosexual, they know what that is and it is 10 for $1.00. This is the best that this homosexual could do. Try and make a life from my life. And continuously solicit. But I will admit that this tp is lowly... If true, yes. He understands that I will not be okay with being harassed and absolutely we need to understand what he is. Cause if doing this, he does not understand even the basics of life or personhood. And I need to understand this homosexual harassing and pursuing me. Stalking.
Meanwhile the tp who shall be named... Definitely shall. Says anyone who would do such with my stalker enemies would be a scumbag. And he is a white (really only half) Trump voter lauding conservatism and he would not do things like this or deal with these types.. And says none of his friends will believe he is this. They wouldn't believe that having a beautiful dignified woman and the success born of her in family due to her and definitely not an effort of him.... would have him reaching in the garbage to collude with her homosexual enemy stalker and every bit of what that is and brings. But all appearances say.... Yes, this is exactly who and what he who shall be named is. He was never the decent part of the equation.... That was always me, he was just improved by it. But when lowly Sadistic gets the ear of closet lowly, weak and cowardice you see trash from the side of town that he keeps telling me he might of by happenstance resided in. If you are not trash.... It will come to pursue you... If you are well then "you cool"
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I wanna talk about how 5e / bg3 Lyric's time in what was just short of total isolation on their island for ~8 years has affected how they interact with others and their environment in more detail but it's kind of a jumble in my brain so bear with me.
For starters, when Lyric makes The Deal they are somewhere between the ages of 10-11, which is around the peak of brain size development for dfab. The areas of the cortex related to movement and sensation at this age are reaching maturity at this point faster than the ones that are involved in executive control ( processes such as attentional control, cognitive inhibition, inhibitory control, working memory, and cognitive flexibility as well as finer things like reasoning and problem-solving. ) It's after this point in adolescent brain development that environmental and social experiences can have some of the greatest effects; teens take notes on behavior and socialization from their peers. They learn more about reasoning and impulse control, they are refining their personality and behavior and their interests.
( it's also the time where mental disorders can begin to show, and there is a correlation between more Adverse Childhood Experiences and a higher chance of mental disorders. )
But so much of that relies on the people around them, and Lyric doesn't have anyone. Lyric has Zargeicirinth to watch over them only sometimes. Their survival is much in their own hands for months at a time, rarely intervened with by the dragon or his followers, who are often just as scattered to the winds. In a time following an extreme tragedy for them they have to go through it alone, anxious and distraught. What happens then?
"Our need for social interactions is as fundamental as our need for proper nutrition and adequate sleep. Social isolation causes decreased white matter in brain regions critical for thinking and emotional control, and changes in connectivity between the amygdala and frontal lobes is associated with increased behavioral problems."
And Lyric does that for 8 years, only broken up by 1) Zargeicirinth returning for a month or two at a time 2) Lyric's fervent reading of any and all books remaining, over and over, practicing reading them out loud so their speech doesn't decay 3) the occasional visit from Heralds who serve the Dragon, who sometimes spend a brief amount of time ( a week or so ) caring for Lyric, but this is not out of pity but rather reverence for their "Child" position. A feeling of service, essentially.
As a comparison, some recorded symptoms of extended solitary confinement found in inmates are things like:
hyperresponsivity to external stimuli ( noises, lights, smells )
perceptual distortions, illusions, and hallucinations
panic attacks and anxiety
difficulty thinking, concentrating, and with memory
intrusive thoughts, particularly aggressively violent, gory ones
So when Lyric leaves the island, they are immediately overwhelmed by the amount of things they have to adjust to: crowds, loud noises, new terrain, new animals, social etiquette they don't understand and never learned, new languages. And when they become overwhelmed, the only way they know how to mitigate that massive amount of whiplash to their nervous system is to: isolate themselves, self-harm, or damage their surroundings. RE: Lyric has a +5 to Deception but +0 to every other CHA stat --- Lyric has never had to lie about themselves. Lyric has never had to perform to expectations: gender, emotional, sexual, any of it. They have never experienced pressure to conform or having to draw boundaries because there was no one else around! To do so now feels impossible for them, so they're always hiding themselves in crowds or shying away from conversation. Lyric looks to other people who are good at manipulating others and has no idea how they do that.
This is partially why Lyric phases in and out of traveling with groups, as well as why Lyric keeps extensive journals with details of everything they experience. Especially because, when alone, they certainly had periods of hallucination or perception distortions. It's all the more important to record things and refer back to them later, draw things they've never seen before and ask what it is. Lyric is doing their best to learn and grow, but it's hard. They are still prone to outbursts; they are still likely to lash out at others and hurt themselves, especially with magic; they rarely get more than a few hours of sleep a night yet are overly reactive to any noises and sounds. Lyric is always, always on their guard assuming something or someone can hurt them and very slow to trust anyone other than their familiar who is always their second set of eyes.
so Lyric traveling with a tight-knit group, or with Tav and the companions, is... difficult. They come off as cold and cagey because they are, but they want to be there. They want to understand people, and relationships, and want to feel safe and not lonely. But all those things are at extreme contention with the myriad of psychological problems they're going through, which can make them hard to get along with or get close to. It takes a lot of patience, and even that patience isn't always rewarded, since they can backslide. But they want to be there. They want to know.
idk where I was going with this I just wanted to like. break it down a little. Lyric isn't just Edgy Rogue Behavior for fun, they're kinda fucked up a bit
#* ooc.#* headcanon.#⋇ NO ONE KNOWS HOW FAR I’LL GO: DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 5E#⋇ I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN KNOWN TO LEAN INTO THE HAND THAT BEATS: BALDUR'S GATE 3#the kids who are actually adults are not alright.
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Oh look, something else to distract you! 😈
When you get this, answer one of the questions (or all if you really want!) then pass it on to 5 writer friends! 🥰 If you have more than one WIP, pick at random! We want you talk about your works and celebrate with you! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 1. What are you most excited to write with this WIP? 2. How has this WIP changed since the “daydream/brainstorm” stage? 3. Who is your favorite character in this WIP and why?
NICE TRY but i already submitted my swap write-up 😌distract away, demon
i will answer :
2. How has this WIP changed since the “daydream/brainstorm” stage?
i'm going to talk abt erotica now lol
so i've mentioned before that wolf's tooth was initially just, like. i was at c2e2 and i was sitting in on panels and i needed something to do with my hands so i started designing characters for a smut comic feat. werewolves and that those characters were raleigh and kirby. and then i never finished the comic lol but i kept drawing the characters-- raleigh in particular, who's made of such fun shapes and doesn't have kirby's fucked up nose and is just so fun to draw over and over again for eternity.
EXCEPT.... you'll notice that in the drawings from 2019 ( those trad sketches are, like, The First Raleigh And Kirby Drawings, Ever, Drawn At-Con) raleigh Already has his story-reliant neck scars. that's because those were initially a sex thing lmao, BUT because i wasn't going to be finishing that original comic and i was getting more and more attached to the characters (and because i love thrashing my characters), i couldn't just... Not... explain those scars. And Therefore:
(look at how itty bitty the scar on his face is btw... it's just a baby :')...)
so the concept behind this stage in wolf's tooth's narrative is largely the same: raleigh goes to his boyfriend's mother's house with kirby's cousins and the house is surprise-attacked by another pack of werewolves; raleigh is bitten but he doesn't turn into a werewolf (at this point it was just, like, biology; sometimes it doesn't work and we don't really know why-- may revert to this if my balls out draft doesn't mesh in the end) and the gang goes on a roadtrip to get some revenge. However, in this stage the pedersen pack was much more, like... Chill. i'm really into werewolves and i love reading werewolf stories, and i'm really into comics so i had been spending a lot of time reading on tapas, and i realized that there was like a veritable wellspring of indie werewolf prose fiction on tapas. Unfortunately a lot of what i ran into was that, like... essentially-just-omegaverse; crazy-unexamined-power-dynamic; gender-essentialist; one-of-these-characters-is-just-going-to-be-a-woobie-nervous-baby-while-the-other-one-is-a-hotheaded-d-bag; one-of-them-is-16-the-other-is-30; horny-but-in-an-adolescent-way -type deal, and a lot of them had these like heavily abusive hypermasculine misogynist (without any women???????? this is the omegaverse factor bc even the, like, gay omegaverse is like bioessentialist misogyny with extra steps) pack dynamics that were seen as like Genre Standard (and i think it's because the Algorithm was feeding me largely romances + genres tend to eat each-other like that) and the oversaturation of it was really grating on me so my little transgay anarchist ass was like 'my werewolf pack is just going to be one big happy family', so i had essentially just cut the power dynamic factor entirely.
uhhhhh but then i had trouble writing the story, because there was a single conflict and i couldn't make that conflict work in my fluffy little werewolf world-- it just didn't fit the vibe, it didn't make a lot of sense. so i started to add power dynamics back into the story in a way that felt more meaningful and thematic: lovise wants her direct bloodline to maintain control of the pack but kirby doesn't want to be the alpha; the pack is too large for a single alpha to direct, because she can't be everywhere at once, so her subordinates are becoming impatient with the rigid rules she's implemented to try to keep up; individual interpersonal conflicts between wolves in different pods that make the pack less cohesive; external pressure from other smaller packs because the pedersens are just so scary powerful, etc. it's much darker and more stressful a narrative than it was initially, but to my genuine relief it's nowhere even close to those stories that i was trying so hard to push away from lmao
and that's how awtfr went from pwp (porn without plot) to pwp (porn With plot) to handing out trauma like i'm bad santa
thanks for the ask lol
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More Than Friends

Pairing: Elvis Presley x reader
Summary: You and Elvis have been best friends since birth. You have been each others' first for pretty much everything so you couldn't picture yourself losing your virginity to anyone else.
Word count: 4,4K
Warning(s): fluff, inaccurate timelines etc, reader and Elvis are both 17 (you can picture them a lil older if you want), 1950s!Elvis, virgin!reader, virgin!Elvis, smut; oral (f. and m. receiving), vaginal penetration, accidental creampie, unprotected sex.
Author's note: this was requested by (i believe) anon a while ago but i never got around to write it, woops. something light and cute this time - enjoy luvs <3

You and Elvis had been friends for as long as you could remember.
Gladys and your mother went to school together and had been inseperable the moment they exchanged ‘hello’s’, so it was only natural for them to let their kids grow up together.
The two women were pregnant around the same time and you were born on the 8th of February, exactly one month after Elvis. Just like your mothers, you and Elvis were glued to the hip ever since you could walk and talk.
Once the Presley’s moved out of Tupelo to Memphis, your family followed not long after. Sunday dinners and holidays were always spend together, as well as birthdays.
Elvis was the only boy who was allowed to stay the night in your household, your parents not too worried about anything happening as you two got older because you could bicker like brother and sister.
What they didn’t know was that Elvis had been your first kiss and you were his. And the older you got, the further you two were taking things.
In your adolescence mind, you weren’t in love with Elvis and he wasn’t in love with you.
You couldn't be. He was your best friend, nothing more, nothing less.
You hated how he flirted with every girl in school and his young arrogance. You hated how loud he was whenever his male friends were around and he put up this facade of a bad boy to appear cooler. You hated that stupid sailor hat he started wearing everywhere he went.
He hated how every boy, including his friends, fawned over you when you’d walk down the halls. He hated how every year the tops and dresses you wore filled up more and more. And he especially hated that you were entertaining those boys that gave you attention.
Because truth was, you both were jealous of the attention the other received. Despite you telling yourself it wasn’t so, you were in love with your best friend and he was in love with you. But both of you were too stupid and too scared to admit it, not wanting jeopardize your friendship.
Both of you were at an age where you wanted to experiment, getting more and more curious about sex. While you and Elvis had enough people to choose from to do this with, because you were confident enough to say you belonged to the popular crowds at school, it just felt right to do this together.
Maybe this could ruin your friendship, maybe things would never be the same anymore but the more you thought about the deal you and Elvis made, the more excited you got.
Your parents trusted you both enough to go out on a Saturday night and leave the house in your hands. Because both your parents were all together, you knew it wouldn’t be a while until they’d come home and that was exactly what you hoped for.
“A-Are you sure?” Elvis whispered softly as you sat on the edge of your bed together, the reason why you were in this position very obvious tonight.
The bad boy that he’d often pretend to be around his guys was nowhere to be seen. It never was when you had him alone.
“Yes.. yes, I’m sure. I’m a little nervous though,” you laughed softly, looking at him as you kept your hands in your lap, picking at the fabric of your dress. You decided to wear your favorite one tonight; baby blue, tight on top and flowy skirt sprawling out graciously. You had worn white flats with it, but kicked them off minutes ago.
“Do you still want this?”
“Yes!” Elvis immediately exclaimed, clearing his throat a little before he spoke again – this time hopefully not as eager and desperate he did the first time. “Yes, I-I still want this.. I wouldn’t want this with anyone else,”
You smiled at him and nodded, swinging your legs back and forth a little as silence fell over you two again.
You two had kissed before – had full out make out sessions during sleep overs and study sessions. He had touched your boobs over the fabric of your clothing a few times and you felt him up, feeling how kissing you got him hard every time. But you had never touched each other without clothing, never been able to give each other the pleasure you heard your girlfriends brag about so many times.
They had all lost their virginities already, so other than their stories, you had nothing to go off on. The only education you got was in school and you never paid attention, feeling too awkward at the young age of 13. But now you and Elvis were both 17 and you felt like you were blossoming into your womanhood – this was simply the last step that needed to be taken for you to turn into the flower that you wanted to become.
Elvis startled you by jumping up from the bed and walking to your record player in the corner of your room. He turned it on, letting the record that was already in there play. He didn’t care what it was, he just needed something to fill the silence that hung above your heads.
Your heartbeat quickened alarmingly fast as he walked over to you, looking down at you as he stood in front of you. A small gasp got stuck in your throat as he leaned forward, your body automatically moving back until you were laying on your bed. He was on top of you now, his lips pressed against yours.
Kissing him wasn’t foreign, but knowing that wasn’t the only thing about to happen tonight got you even more nervous.
Elvis wasn’t doing much better than you. Just like you, he had nothing to go off on other than stories he had heard from friends. While nervous, he was excited as well, blood rushing to his cock from the feeling of you sucking on his lower lip.
He was curious how your lips would feel on other parts of his body.
“Don’t be nervous,” he whispered after you managed to crawl further up your bed, laying against your pillows with Elvis still hovering above you. He had managed to get in between your legs now, your skirt tightening around your thighs as he pressed his pelvis against you firmly. No friction was created due to the fabric in between your bodies, but the pressure was enough for arousal to tingle in between your legs. “Just.. just do like we always do,”
You nodded your head slowly, kissing him again when he leaned back down into you. You held your arms around his neck, gasping softly as he creeped one hand underneath the skirt of your dress to caress your thigh. His hand was moving closer and closer to your panties and it felt as if your entire body was set ablaze, your heart thumping in your ears.
Sliding your hands down over his shoulders to plant them against his chest, he pulled back and looked at you. Before he had time to question if you were okay, you pushed him further back and sat up. Reaching your hand behind your back, your fingers were quick to pull down the zipper of your dress, pulling the fabric down your torso.
Elvis immediately mimicked your actions, pulling his shirt over his head and taking off his trousers with shaky hands. He took his socks along with it, knowing from the stories of his friends that girls didn’t like if boys kept them on in bed. He wanted this to be perfect, a fond memory to look back on – not only for himself, but also for you.
Especially for you.
When the both of you were in nothing but your underwear, he couldn’t stop his eyes from wandering down your body, drinking in every detail of your bare skin as if you were the sweetest tea on a hot summer’s day. He had only ever seen you in a bikini and this was so much more intense and exciting.
He was as hard as rock, his underwear sitting tight around his waist. And when he noticed the white panties you were wearing, a small stain of arousal seeped into them, he could feel his cock twitching as if his body had a mind on its own.
At this point, he was pretty sure it did.
“Y-You’re p-pretty,” he complimented, sitting on his knees in front of you. A blush crept upon your cheeks as you squeezed your thighs together, embarrassed at the view he had of you.
“You too,” you whispered, watching as he placed his hands on your knees, spreading your legs again. Although a little shy, you didn’t stop him because you wanted him just as bad. You wanted him to touch and kiss and taste you in places no one ever had.
As he placed shaky kisses along your thighs and hooked his fingertips behind the elastic of your panties to pull them down, you grabbed onto the small stuffed panda bear that was on your bed.
He had gotten it for you at last summer’s fair and you hadn’t slept without it ever since.
While you usually cuddled it up to you, now you were squeezing its face so firm the eyes nearly bulged out. Neither you or Elvis paid attention to it, far too occupied with other things.
Elvis let out a shaky breath, the cool wind of it accidentally hitting your clit and it made your hips stutter at the feeling. He looked up at you, wide eyed. “S-Sorry,”
“N-No.. It felt nice..”
He licked his lips as he smiled softly, looking down at your exposed pussy in front of him. He could see the slick of your arousal and he couldn’t hold himself back anymore, too turned on and too curious to wait any longer. Leaning in, he licked hesitantly.
The taste was nothing like he had ever tasted before, but he soon found himself wanting more of it. He went in again, his movements gaining confidence as he heard the moans leaving your mouth. He didn’t know if it were those pretty little noises coming from you or the way you tasted so good that made him more and more turned on, but he didn’t have control over his hips as he grinded himself against the bed.
His tongue flicked at your clit curiously and when your moans got a little louder, he realised that was probably your most sensitive spot. He did it again, and again, and again, until he suddenly sucked on it and your eyes rolled into the back of your head, your back arching off the bed.
“Does that feel good?” he asked as he pulled back, his fingers slipping through the wetness of your folds as he looked up at you. His voice was raspy and deep, making you look at him as a moan rolled off your tongue.
“Y-yes.. Elvis.. please.. please don’t stop,” you whined, bucking your hips up at him and he smiled as he leaned back in to repeat the action. You were greatly stroking his ego, but he wasn’t going to tell you that.
He decided to take things a step further, slowly sinking in his middlefinger. Your hand let go of the stuffed animal, clasping both of your palms over your mouth to muffle the shriek that left you. He looked up at you with worried eyes, afraid that he was hurting you but before he could pull his mouth away from you once more, your hand flew into his hair. He let out a small huff as you pushed him firmly against you but immediately went back to stimulating your clit as he slowly moved his finger in and out of you.
You never had an orgasm before. You’d touch yourself now and then but you always stopped it as soon as you felt that knot in your tummy threatening to explode. You were afraid of making too much noise all alone in your bedroom or dirtying the sheets, because your mother was the one who did the laundry.
The fact that Elvis was about to give you your first one was almost poetic to you. After all, he had already given you so many of your firsts.
You didn’t want anyone else to be in his place.
Elvis kept his eyes on you the entire time as you came undone, grinding harder against the bed as he felt your walls tightening firmly around his digit. The way you were moaning and writhing on the bed made him nearly lose his mind and while he removed his finger out of you, he didn’t pull back. Not yet. He wanted more.
You weren’t able to keep your hips still as his mouth nearly engulfed your entire pussy, tongue eagerly lapping up your essence. It was becoming too much but you didn’t have the strength to pull him away – all you could do was moan and whine and tug at your own hair.
Once he did pull away and raised his head to look at you with his lips and nose glistening of your arousal, your heart skipped a beat. His hair was messy because of your hands and he looked so pretty, you never wanted this night to end.
“W-was that good?” he asked as he laid down beside you, throwing the stuffed animal to the end of the bed. You laughed softly, still catching your breath as you nodded.
“Really.. really good,” you told him honestly and he smiled, leaning closer to you to kiss the corner of your lips.
“It was good for me too,” he whispered, his eyes meeting your eyes as you turned your head to look at him. He brought his hand up to your face, thumb caressing your lower lip. “You taste sweet,”
You blushed at his words and at the way he was looking at you. As far as you knew, he had never looked at you like this. As if you were the only person on the planet.
It made your heart jump for joy against your ribcage.
“I want to taste you too,” you whispered as you smiled sweetly at him, moving away from him and further down the bed. You sat on your knees as you pulled his underwear down, watching how prettily his cock bounced free against his lower abdomen before standing upright in front of you.
He spread his legs a little as you got in between them, making yourself comfortable by laying on your tummy. You kept your eyes on his cock as you wrapped your hand around it, moving it up and down once, taking his foreskin down to expose the tip. A drip of pre-cum wandered down his shaft and to your fingertips, making him let out a deep breath.
He raised himself up by pressing his elbows in the bed, too curious to look away as you stuck out your tongue and lapped at the head of his cock once, his toes curling.
“Oh my God,” he whispered to himself as you looked up at him and boldly wrapped your lips around him, slowly sinking down onto his length. He gasped, hands grasping onto the sheets firmly as he tried his best to keep his hips from thrusting upwards.
He had no idea where you learned all of this, but he sure as hell wasn’t complaining as you were bobbing your head up and down, sucking him off hungrily. The sight of saliva dribbling down the corner of your mouth and your hand wrapped around him to help your movements had him moaning freely, shamelessly.
He was turning to putty in your hands, hips rolling up out of his control and his head hanging back as his eyes fluttered shut. He couldn’t stop himself from moaning, not caring that some of them sounded high pitched. He remembered his friends telling him girls didn’t like that, but he simply did not give a damn.
Just like you had been doing to him, he was feeding your ego now as well, motivating you to pick up your pace.
And when your other hand found his balls to fondle them softly, he was an absolute goner.
“Fuck.. my G-God.. yes.. Y/N,” he looked back down at you, his breathing growing more erratic as he couldn’t keep himself quiet even if he wanted to. “So good, baby.. shit.. M’close, so close,”
Compared to you, Elvis had given himself an orgasm plenty of times and he was familiar with the feeling, but now that you were the one giving it to him, it was so much more intense.
So so so much better.
You weren’t sure how you could tell, but you pulled back just in time, watching as he came undone right before your eyes. He painted your fingers that were still wrapped around him and his own abdomen white, a long moan escaping his throat. His head was pressed in the pillow, hips stuttering up into nothingness.
You slowly took your hand off him and giggled softly as you laid down next to him, watching him catch his breath as his eyes were screwed shut, shade of crimson on his cheeks.
“You taste sweet too,” you whispered to him as you snuggled up to him, kissing his neck. He tilted his head, wrapping one arm around you to tangle his fingers in your hair, keeping you in his neck.
“Fuck,” he sighed, biting his lip as you were ghosting your lips over the shell of his ear now. “Where’d ya learn that, baby? You were so good,”
The both of you froze at the pet name. He called you the same when you had his cock in your mouth but you figured it was because he was close to climax. Maybe it was because of the sex haze you were still in, but the sound of it made the beat of your heart speed up again.
He had never called you that. Sure, he used pet names with you occasionally, but in this moment it felt… different.
Like you were the only girl he had a name for. Something you knew definitely wasn’t true, but you liked the delusion of it.
His eyes met yours as you pulled your head out of his neck, a small smile on your face. He let out a soft sigh of relief, pushing your head closer to him with the hand that was still in your hair. You kissed him back immediately when he firmly pressed his lips against yours and allowed him to push you back onto the bed.
In your state of arousal, you quickly took off your bra and threw it over his shoulder. His eyes wandered down to your exposed breasts immediately, leaning in to kiss his way across your chest, dipping down further. Your hands flew into his hair again as he wrapped his lips around your nipple, swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud.
“Wanna be inside of you,” he whispered against your skin as he had kissed his way back up to your neck after giving both nipples equal attention. He couldn’t keep himself in one place, wanting to kiss you all over. As he pulled back and raised himself on his hands to hover above you, both of you looked down and you giggled softly at the way he was hard already again.
“Don’t laugh,” he whined softly with a chuckle of his own as he hid his face in your neck, his cock heavy against your folds because he pushed his hips forward. “S’because of you… you make me so excited,”
“I’m not laughing,” you whispered with a smile on your face, kissing his shoulder as you wrapped your arms around him. “I want you, Elvis,”
He pulled back to look at you, smiling sweetly as he nodded and kissed your lips. Moving his hand in between your bodies, he wrapped his hand around his cock and pumped himself into his fist a few times before he aligned himself at your entrance.
“P-Please go slow,” you warned him with a shaky voice as you looked up at him, hands holding onto his shoulders. He nodded as he frowned in concetration, slowly pushing himself into you. Your nails dug into his skin, thighs shaking as you let out a soft cry, squeezing your eyes shut.
It took him a while to bottom out and once he did, he was too afraid to move. You were so incredibly warm and tight and he had no idea how long he would last once he’d start to move. The fact that you were close to tears and shaking like a leaf underneath him didn’t help either.
“Baby, do you want to stop?” he whispered as he looked down at you with worried eyes, one of his hands reaching up to caress some hair out of your face. He was leaning on the bed with his forearms on either side of your head, chest pressed against yours while he was buried deep inside of you. “You’re cryin’,”
You could hear the worry in his voice and opened your eyes, shaking your head. It hurt – God, it hurt like hell, but you didn’t want to stop.
You wanted him to take your first time, even if it meant you would have to bite down on your teeth for a little bit.
“S-Sorry,” you apologized, not wanting to ruin this experience for him. He leaned down and kissed your tears away, shaking his head.
“Don’t say that. You’re allowed to cry,” he smiled softly, pecking your lips before looking at you again. “We’ll go at your.. at your tempo, okay? I’ll go slow,”
You sniffed, nodding your head as you cupped his cheeks. You told him to move, because it had to happen eventually and despite the sting and the feeling of being so full, you were curious.
You were positive the pain would go away soon.
He thrusted slowly and gentle, moaning softly as he watched your face the entire time. You couldn’t seem to relax around him, walls firmly tightening around him as you held onto him for dear life. But the longer he thrusted, the more pleasure crept its way into your bones to take over the sting between your legs.
“F-Feels good now,” you moaned softly and his eyes lit up a little, grin tugging at his lips.
“Can I go.. go f-faster?”
All you could do was nod, the both of you moaning together as he picked up his pace a bit and kept himself up, fingers sprawled out against your sheets. You lifted your legs a little, wrapping them around his waist and grabbed onto his arms.
He looked so pretty on top of you like this – upper lip tugged upwards as he grunted, eyes squeezed shut as he snapped his hips forward faster every time to chase his second release of the night. Despite it not being completely painless, you couldn’t care less. You didn’t want him to ever leave you, wanted him inside of you every minute of the day from now on.
You didn’t want this to be the first and last time you’d ever see him like this.
Due to his inexperience, he didn’t have much control yet. His orgasm reared its head around the corner sooner than he wanted and he couldn’t stop it – nor did he have enough self control to pull out of you before he came.
You were both too far gone to think about using a condom or about the fact you were playing a dangerous game. You weren’t on birth control.
Your mother would have a heart attack if you would ask her to put you on it.
The thought of pregnancy never occured to you and Elvis, not even right now.
You were too enchanted by the way his hips stuttered into you, your name falling off his tongue in a string of moans and grunts as his eyes were boring into yours.
You didn’t cum the second time, but you didn’t care. To you, it was just as good and seeing your best friend like this was worth it.
As he slowly pulled out of you, you whined softly and kissed his lips before he rolled off of you and next to you on the bed. Other than the sounds of both of you catching your breath and the music from the record player, silence lingered between you.
Before you could, Elvis was the first to break it. “That was… really nice,”
“Y-yeah,” you agreed softly, turning your head to look at him. “I’m glad it was with you,”
He looked at you and smiled, nodding. “Me too,” he mumbled as he reached his hand out to caress his finger along your cheek, to your lips. “I wanna ask you somethin’,”
You turned on your side and watched him do the same, leaning on his elbow as his hand wandered to your hair. He didn’t look at you, rather at his fingers and the way he was tugging a lock of hair behind your ear.
“I-I wanted.. wanted to ask this b-before, but, uh..” he cleared his throat a little, looking at you for a second but he avoided eye contact as soon as he continued. “Do you.. Would you like.. d-do you wanna be.. be my g-girlfriend?”
You stared at him, feeling your cheeks heat up as your heart was embarrassingly skipping beats again before it’d drum in your ears. You were quiet longer than you realised and Elvis pulled his hand from your hair, coughing a little as he looked at the bracelet around his wrist as if he had never seen it before.
“I mean, it’s okay.. if you don’t want to,” he mumbled, his ego bruised. “You can just tell me,”
“I want to!” you immediately said, laughing softly as he looked up at you with wide eyes. “But only if you stop feeling sorry for yourself,”
He gasped softly, about to tell you he definitely wasn’t feeling that way, but you had already pressed your lips against his. He laughed softly before he kissed you back, pulling you into his arms as he let himself fall back on the bed.
Maybe your friends and Elvis’ friends had plenty of stories to tell about how they slept with different people already, bragging about what they had done in the bedroom. Maybe you and Elvis were more inexperienced and still had a lot to learn.
But at least, you got to do it together. Being intimate with someone you truly cared for and loved sounded way better to you than with a person you barely knew.
Your best friend was your first everything, maybe he’d even be your last. And nobody in this whole wide world could take that away from you.
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A Night to Remember
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Summary: All you wanted was for Eddie to ask you to senior prom. After one wisecrack too many from him about prom, you decide to just ignore him and go with a group of your friends instead. So you’re surprised when Eddie shows up to prom after all.
Warnings: A little bit of angst, some pining, a good bit of fluff.
Notes: That wink and that smile. That is all. @hellfirehoe thanks for encouraging this fic lol.
To say you had a crush on Eddie Munson was a bit of an understatement. You two had been friends since you joined Hellfire Club during your sophomore year. The two of you were practically inseparable by junior year. You had hoped he would go to junior prom, but he no showed which wasn’t too surprising. So you went by his trailer eager to see him that night only to see him get out of his van with a cheerleader. You briefly thought maybe he was just making a deal with her until you saw her kiss him on his front stoop. Your smile faded and you quietly drove home.
Now it was senior year and you were actually excited for senior prom. It was the last hurrah of senior year, so to speak. It was bittersweet seeing your various classmates get asked to prom when the one person you wanted to ask you had no interest in the event at all. You sat at Hellfire’s table like you usually did talking with your friends excitedly about prom.
“Shut up. Prom is so lame. It’s like the peak of adolescent conformity. You waste money just to dress up for one night, rent a limo, and go to a dance surrounded by people you can’t stand.” Eddie scoffed ranting a bit as he ate some pretzels.
Your excitement visibly deflated and you stood up gathering your things. “Well the world doesn’t revolve around you, Munson. You have every right to think prom is lame, but that doesn’t give you the right to ruin it for everyone else.”
His beautiful brown eyes were wide as he stared at your now retreating form in shock. You avoided him for the rest of the day until the final bell rang. Eddie was standing at his van in the parking lot talking with Gareth and Jeff. Unfortunately, your car was parked beside them. You made a beeline for your car moving to open the driver’s side door only for your breath to catch in your throat when an all too familiar hand adorned with silver rings reached out holding the door shut.
“Whoa, what’s the rush, sweetheart?” Eddie smiled at you.
You rolled your eyes at him and tugged at your car door. “Just let me go, Eddie.”
“No. Not until we talk this out. Look, I’ve obviously upset you and I’m sorry.” He apologized with a soft sigh.
Unshed tears welled up in your eyes as your emotions got the best of you. “No you’re not. Look we all get it. School dances aren’t your thing. You hate prom. We’ve only heard it a million times from you. Do you know what it’s like watching every girl around you get asked to prom while the one guy you want to ask you hates prom? God, I don’t even know why I’m even wasting my breath. Why don’t you go spend prom night screwing another random cheerleader?”
“What?” Eddie looked at you in shock making the mistake of moving his hand off of your car.
Without another word, you got into your car tossing your bag onto the passenger seat. You shut the door and wiped your eyes. He just watched helplessly as you pulled your car out of the parking spot then drove away. Once you were out of sight, Eddie turned back toward Gareth and Jeff who gave him knowing smiles.
“We told you, man.” Gareth chuckled softly at him.
“Yeah that is so not helpful. Fuck. I can’t lose her.” Eddie swore running his fingers through his hair.
Jeff nodded his head as he patted Eddie’s shoulder. “Then make it up to her. Maybe it’s time that you tell her how you really feel.”
You avoided Eddie completely after that outburst. It was pointless to want him to be your prom date so you agreed to go with your friends to prom as a group. The day arrived faster than you expected. It was fun getting ready for prom though. When all was said and done, you felt like a princess. Prom itself was fun, but seeing all the dancing couples got to be too much so you stepped outside for some fresh air.
“Sorry I’m late, Sweetheart.” Eddie winked then slowly smiled as he approached you.
Your breath hitched in your throat as your eyes widened in awe. “Eddie?”
Sure enough, there was Eddie Munson standing before you dressed for prom. His long dark hair was loose yet somewhat neat. He was wearing a black dress shirt with the top buttons unbuttoned giving a glimpse of his chest tattoo. His pants were black and you noticed his signature handcuff buckle on his belt.
“Look, I know you’re royally pissed at me, but just hear me out for a second, please?” He pleaded with you.
You sighed and gave in. “Alright I’ll hear you out.”
“Okay you were right. I was being an asshole and I’m sorry for that. Truth is that yeah, I do still find prom lame as all hell, but it’s worth it just to see you smile.” Eddie admitted.
You were confused yet surprised at the same time. “What?”
“I told myself it was just a crush. I always thought you deserved so much better than Eddie ‘the Freak’ Munson. Because you do. You deserve the world.” He took a step closer to you.
You took a breath gazing into his brown eyes. “What if I don’t want the world? What if I just want you?”
A slow song could be heard playing from where the prom was being held. Eddie took that moment to pull you to him and began to sway along to the music. You smiled softly feeling most of your anger and disappointment toward him melt away. The two of you swayed quietly for a few minutes then you tilted your head up slightly to look at him. He looked a bit nervous and you couldn’t help finding that endearing.
A soft giggle fell from your lips. “You can kiss me if you want.”
“Oh thank fuck.” Eddie chuckled softly and leaned in capturing your lips in a gentle kiss.
The two of you got lost in the moment as you savored kissing each other for the first time. It was a moment which didn’t last long as your friends found you and a chorus of ‘It’s about time!’ surrounded the two of you. The group stayed at prom a little bit longer where you and Eddie got to slow dance on the actual dance floor. You guys decided to ditch not long afterward.
“So you saw me and the cheerleader huh?�� He remarked as he helped you into his van.
You carefully climbed in and sat down. “Yeah. I got bored and ditched junior prom after a bit. I thought I’d surprise you, but uh, I was the one surprised.”
“I didn’t sleep with her. She just kissed me trying to get a discount.” He admitted after getting into the driver’s seat.
Confusion appeared on your face. “Why not? She was pretty.”
“Yeah well I was too hung up on the prettiest girl I have ever seen.” Eddie winked at you and started the van.
You smiled brightly at him. “You think I’m pretty?”
“I think you’re beautiful, Sweetheart.” He grinned softly.
You giggled relaxing while he drove to meet up with the rest of your friends. “Careful, Munson. I might just have to keep you around if you keep sweet talking me.”
“Oh now that I’ve got you, you’re stuck with me, beautiful. I’m not going anywhere.” Eddie promised smiling as he focused on the road ahead.
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Warnings: fluff, little profanity (17+ Blog)
Relationship: Ran Haitani x fem!Reader, Wakasa Imaushi x fem!Reader
Requested: Yes, see it here

Your heart drops as the teacher slides your test paper across the table, the bright red markings are enough to put anyone in a bad mood. Your eyes widen in disbelief as you read the score, a ten percent drop since the last test. If you continued down this road, you’d fail this class and that wasn’t a viable option.
You glance at Wakasa, slouched in his seat, the same bored expression adorning his face, and then to his score – of course he passed, with flying colours at that. He’s one of those people who just need to learn something once to remember it, the ultimate blessing.
Holding your head in your hands, you let out a huff, it’s so unfair. Setting self-pity aside, you brainstorm ideas on how to improve your score. After a few moments realisation hits – you need a tutor!
Spending the rest of the lesson trying to gather the courage to ask Wakasa for help, you bite your lip, trying to think of the most casual way to approach him. Although you were childhood friends, many factors including school and adolescence had caused you to drift – you were just on different paths leading to different people. Thankfully there’s no bad blood between you, but you hadn’t spoken to him in so long and his extracurricular activities made you nervous.
To your dismay, however, as soon as the bell rings, he’s out of his seat and gone before you can blink. You’ll just have to find him another time.
The lunch buzz is at its peak as you set your tray down next to your friends – ready to throw yourself into the conversation to forget about your bad grade. Just as you’re about to sit, you notice a familiar head of blonde hair. Excusing yourself from the group, you nervously approach the table of gangly boys, their boisterous conversation making up nearly half the noise in the whole hall.
“Wakasa-san,” You say, trying to catch his attention. The table immediately becomes quiet as all pairs of eyes land on you – it’s hard not to squirm from all the attention. Finally his lilac gaze meets yours and you almost sigh in relief.
“Can I talk to you please,” you request formally.
As Wakasa wordlessly gets up, his friends jibe, ‘ooooh’, some nudge him with a cheeky grin, ‘Waka you’re in trouble’. Fighting the heat blistering across your skin, you march out of the hall, your target following hot on your heels.
“Sorry ‘bout them,” he says politely, the lollipop in his mouth rattling against his teeth.
“Don’t worry about it,” you assure him.
“So, what do you want?”
Deciding to be forthright and direct, you exclaim, “Please tutor me!”
Momentary surprise flits across his face before neutrality returns, “What’s in it for me?”
Your eyebrows nearly shoot off your head, that’s not what you were expecting. The old Wakasa would help you without a moments hesitation, but you suppose things are different now. Something from your past twinkles in your mind as you regard him, “When we were younger, you said all I had to do was call on you, and you’d be there. Has that changed?”
He holds your stare for a minute, lilac eyes boring into yours before his mouth twitches, “Fine, but you owe me,” he barters, “Food, your treat.”
You wince at the thought of opening your purse but concede, you needed his help and you weren’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
“Deal,” you beam, lifting a hand for him to shake.
“I’m not shaking your hand, that’s weird.”
“Well now I feel stupid,” you say, your dejected hand still floating in the air.
“That’s cause you are,” he mutters. Rolling his eyes, he sighs in defeat, grasping your hand in a quick shake.
Before you can say anything else, he turns on his heel and heads back to the cafeteria, “See you later then.”
Your breathy shout echoes around the empty stairwell mockingly. Your eyes scrunch shut as you go over your options, not that you really have any. A perfectly good day is ruined beyond repair by your teacher who held you back from class, her words stabbing your pride.
“Now, I wouldn’t usually be concerned about a drop in your grade, but it appears to be consistent with this topic we’re working on,” she said gently, trying to lessen the blow.
“This topic isn’t my strong suit,” you replied through your teeth. It hurt to admit since you studied extra hard for this test.
“Maybe a little extra help might be beneficial? why don’t you talk to Haitani and see if he can help you out.”
Your mouth soured at the mention of his name, forcing out a polite, “Thank you,” before running away to the solace of the stairwell.
Ran Haitani, famously known as your academic rival is a piece of work. Years of friendship as children gone down the drain and mostly forgotten as you battle each other day in and day out for first place. Your rivalry is no secret, in fact, the whole school thrives on it, making bets on your academic lives to fulfil their own.
His teasing and light nature makes him all the more irritating, although you’ve tried, it’s rare to get a rise out of him. Your only solace being your house, a perfectly Ran free environment, and now you were going to have to invite him there?!
But how hard could it really be? All you had to do was move your lips and force the words out, ‘Ran please help me study.’ You shiver at the thought of even trying to have a serious conversation with him. Slapping the wall, you groan in discontent, this is never going to work.
“What’s up with you?”
Swivelling around, you watch Ran descend the stairs with an air of enviable grace. There’s a specific glint in his eye – one that told you nothing good was going to come out of this exchange.
“Why are you here?” You ask, annoyed he interrupted your little pity session.
“Was looking for you actually.”
Eyebrow raising, you wait for him to continue. As he reaches the last stair he drapes himself on the railing, murmuring, “A little birdy told me you need some help.”
The colour drains from your face as it dawns on you, the teacher must have talked to him too. Now his extra smugness, the skip in his step, all make sense.
“Well, don’t you have something to ask me?”
“C’mon don’t be like that,” he croons, “it’s only a few words, then you’ll be right on track for passing that class.”
Your resolve is cracking, after all what’s a lifetime of embarrassment as long as you can pass this class, right? Fixing your gaze on the floor calms you down, it’s a nice break from his gleaming violet eyes that take pride in your very misery.
“I – i-“
He waits patiently, probably savouring this moment, committing it to memory so he never forgets it. You can already see the future, his incessant bragging over how you came to him for help.
“Can you please help me study?”
Your words are rushed, trying to force them out as quick as possible as if that would make the situation any less uncomfortable.
“What was that?” He teases, bending over you with a hand behind his ear, “I didn’t quite catch that.”
“Whatever,” you say, shoving him away, planning to make a quick escape through the fire door, and never show your face anywhere again. At this point, you’d rather fail the class than spend another minute with him like this.
But a hand snakes out and grips your arm, forcing you still. Your skin burns in humiliation as you look up at him through your lashes, the playful glint is still there but thankfully he’s wiped the stupid smirk off his face.
“Okay doll, I’ll help you.”
The close proximity is enough to make your head flutter, as his eyes hold you captive. It’s easy to admit, he’s beautiful, easily the most handsome man you’ve ever laid eyes on, it’s a shame it all goes to shit when he opens his mouth.
A hand waving in front of your face catches your attention and to your mortification you’ve been daydreaming about him, in front of him. His knowing smile is enough to make you want to transfer school across the city.
When he finally leaves, you sink down the wall.
What the hell just happened?

#tokyo revengers#tokyo rev#tokyo rev x reader#tokyo revenger fluff#ran haitani#ran haitani fluff#haitani ran x reader#haitani ran x you#tokyo revengers ran#imaushi wakasa#wakasa fluff#imaushi wakasa fluff#wakasa x reader#tr fluff#tr imagines#tr drabbles#tokyorev#tokyorev fluff#tokyorev imagines#tokyorev drabble#honey: writes#honey: Wakasa#honey: ran#imaushi wakasa x reader
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Okay so, as we all know, aged up!Jon has no soul.
Or, well, he lost his personality and now mimics his dad to a somewhat creepy degree while also preaching very boring moderate liberal politics. Same difference.
The process of Jon’s aging up is, it’s worth noting, one in which he spends the vast majority of his teenage years either in solitary confinement in a fucking volcano with irregular visits from an evil version of his dad or homeless and on the run in a dystopian hellscape from an evil version of his dad. AKA, a major trauma. Not that that’s been discussed at any point.
Discussing it, in fact, would provide an easy jumping off point to give Jon his personality back. He hasn’t talked to people in nearly a decade or had the normal adolescent experiences of developing a moral code, much less those of an adolescent superhero. He needs to rediscover himself
Damian is, it just so happens, kind of in a similar place, and someone who we’ve seen push Jon’s growth in the past. (Damian’s place is, unfortunately, repeating yet again the question of how he feels about murder. Robin (2021) has kind of ignored that the arc leading up to it had Damian go full murder, but the truth is his feelings on the subject are currently pretty undefined. Also, he’s a teenager! Which is when you figure out how to be who you’re going to be!)
So, a Supersons pitch:
Jay challenges Jon to tell him who he is and what he stands for, small and big. Whether that’s by breaking up with him for being a non-person, gently prodding him, or anywhere in between, it sparks the realization that Jon is actually kinda fucked up.
Who does he go to? His best friend, of course.
Damian basically goes “You’re Jonathan Kent, you know who you are, fuck off.” (Jon, being able to speak Damian, finds this immensely comforting.) But it strikes a chord in him too, especially as Jon talks about how he feels like he knows how to be his parents more than himself. Who is Damian, after all, if not his parents’ son?
Enter the villain: shapeshifting alien invaders
Jon—having been dealing with immigration issues with Jay, and being an alien himself—goes for a plan of communication: what do they want and how can we talk them down. Damian is like “are you sure because I can totally just kill them. Which is probably safer”
Jon straight up doubts himself. We get an Ultraman flashback. Exactly what Jon doesn’t want to be.
He goes in, and tells them to do this peacefully or he’ll kill them. Smiley face emoji.
End round one: no one knows how they feel about murder and the threat of force, and no one is necessarily a good person or a healthy one. Also, Jon’s a space diplomat and Damian’s kind of his wet works guy
So he gets a reputation as “the guy from krypton”—and, ofc, eventually has to correct that he’s the guy from earth, thanks, and starts getting called in to deal with these disputes and bringing Damian along
While Jon is the one moving them externally, Damian pushes their internal conflicts—he challenges Jon, from his plans to his pet peeves to his white lies about being okay, and he sets Jon up to challenge him in return. Eventually, the major turning point is Jon being forced to choose whether or not to kill someone himself, and being unable to
He’s a coward who’d let Damian do it even when he can’t, he says, and Damian forces him to take the stand that he won’t let Damian do this, not just because he’s better than that but because it’s wrong
Idk I just think a Supersons book about teenagers with too much power and too much trauma going and hauling themselves out of a pit of good intentions and bad morality would be fun, and it would fix some of the stuff going on with them rn how about you
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This might get a bit rambly but its been on my mind since I read chapter six. A while back there were a lot of asks talking about how their MCs might feel cast aside or like they’re getting in the way if/when Malcolm returns, at least with regard to Milo. And I remember thinking at the time that for my MC, she’s far more concerned with how Milo would cope with things if Malcolm came back. What if he comes back like her and doesn’t remember anything, what if he’s been stuck in some… in-between state for ten years. Those were the thoughts that I’ve felt my MC was thinking more so than, “will Milo still love me” or “I don’t want to be in the way.” And I just love LOVE LOVE how that very thing was touched on in chapter six. When you can ask Milo if he doesn’t believe Malcom’s can come back because he doesn’t believe it, or because he doesn’t want to deal with the guilt of whatever situation Malcolm would have been in. Like that has been the thing on my mind all this time, before any kind of relationship drama or angst with Milo. It’s that if Malcolm has been suffering for ten years… what is that gonna do to Milo. So yeah I really love that little part of chapter six and that you can bring that up to him. Anyway, before I ramble even more, I just wanted to say that I love every update. It just keeps getting better and better!
Yes! Yes yes all the yes!
I'm going to ramble back at you. While I understand the people who feel like that is going to be where the drama is when Malcolm returns, I can guarantee that it is not going to be written that way. Will it be touched on? A bit. Mainly to tie up some loose ends and because there are some questions that logically need to be asked. But this idea of the MC being more concerned about whether Milo loves them or if they are standing in the way, or being jealous of what Milo and Malcolm had, will not be something I have play out. Mainly because while Milo and Malcolm were together, they spent far more years as best friends. People that had each other's backs. They were two individuals who went through the hell of childhood and adolescence together. Malcolm transitioned during that time and went through each step of that with Milo and Hazel by his side. Milo lived on the streets. Hazel was being used by her mother. All of that forms a strong bond. Much like the bond Milo has with Hazel.
The guilt Milo feels over Malcolm dying is far more concerning than the jealousy that the MC may or may not feel. He never dealt with Malcolm dying. There were things surrounding that death that he never faced. And now, with the possibility of him being back, he is not concerned about an old flame coming back or what that might mean for a new relationship. He is concerned that he let Malcolm down. It would be the same concern he would have had if Hazel was in this position. And hopefully, if the MC truly loves him, they will be willing to be there with him in those really ugly moments.
I think that while there are plenty of readers who will project that jealousy into their MC (which you can do) it is probably not something that is going to be addressed within game in my writing. I am in my mid-thirties. I have learned in my life that love comes in many forms. Your heart can expand to many others. Life and love are messy. They are never tied up in neat little boxes which makes it far more real and far more interesting in my opinion. A reader absolutely can have a head cannon of jealousy and I think there are some authors who would love to explore that. But that is not me. I would rather explore, at least in the Milo and Mal context, what this all means in the grand scheme of their lives. How that passing effected both Milo and Hazel and in some extents, the surrounding world. How your MC can either be a bridge that helps heal some wounds that are not being talked about, or can spend their time on other endeavors. Because there will be many important ones popping up. The MC, when it comes to Milo and Malcolm, is going to have so many other important and interesting situations to dive into that have nothing to do with love and that is what I will be focusing on in the story.
So yes, when you pointed out to Milo in Chapter Six a harsh truth he didn't want to hear? He reacted badly. Because Milo Next is someone that controls every little thing around him and this situation is one he is spiraling within and has been for ten odd years.
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