#this is what I get for crystal farming all day
fatedroses · 2 months
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Random 1am Tsu content because I am not immune to how pretty she is sometimes.
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yandere-3-sagau · 2 years
Can I request SAGAU with reader coming into Teyvat but being very hush hush about it and they get a job at Wangshu inn or something but one day they end up cutting themselves and boom golden blood? Sorry if this is too specific
Don’t apologize, I love this idea!
I have so many ideas for this one ranging from crack to angst hskakdk
Let’s say that all the documents about the creator have vague descriptions so they aren’t too sure about your appearance. The only key signs of being the creator are golden blood and crystal like tears.
I hope you like it! I think this may be my first request ^.^
Yandere!SAGAU x Secret!Creator!Reader Part 1
Your arrival to Teyvat is sudden. One second you had fallen asleep at your desk after a long night. The next second you lift your head and you’re in a completely new environment.
Surrounded by greens and vegetables you note you’re on some sort of farm. You warily get off the ground, dusting off the dirt from your clothes. You look around hoping to figure out where and how you had ended up in this unfamiliar place.
However, what catches your eyes in the dimly lit farm, is a little glowing blue figure floating wispily.
A seelie?
Your heart drops and your eyes squint through the dark taking in more of your surroundings. Your eyes finally land on a large statue in the distance.
Your thoughts are confirmed as you drop to your knees, eyes locked on a Geo Statue of the Seven.
You’ve read the stories, you know what happens.
“Hello? Who is out there?” a shaky voice calls out. You want to get up and run but the shock kept you in place.
An old man makes his way over, holding a lantern over you. The light illuminates your worry-stricken face. Thoughts run wild in your head as the old man helps you into his home.
Not wanting to risk being chased by all these powerful characters thinking you’re an imposter, while also afraid of being confined by obsessive acolytes, you think it’s best that your arrival to Teyvat is kept a secret.
The farmer that found you, a widowed man with no offspring, decides to take you in. To avoid feeling like a burden, you help out the old man in anyway you can, starting with farming. As if the land is trying to show their love for you, the vegetables you plant grow absurdly quick. They grow larger than the farmer had ever seen before. Vegetables farmed by your hand come out with the perfect texture and consistency. To the farmer, you’re like an angel descended from the skies.
It isn’t long before the old farmer’s business booms with the best vegetables in the market. However, he’s become too old and it’s become too difficult for him to transport all of these vegetables from his isolated little home to the shops down in Liyue Harbor.
You volunteer to do it for him. It’s the least you could do in return for him letting you stay rent free. Despite your willingness, you still can’t fight the anxiousness that comes with traveling in Teyvat.
The first time you enter Liyue Harbor, your hands are so sweaty you nearly drop the boxes of vegetables you are holding. Staying the whole day to sell vegetables in Liyue Harbor means that you are exposed. But when you finally came across your favorite characters, you realize you worried for nothing.
You first meet the Traveler and Paimon. The exchange is simple. They buy a few of your vegetables then leave to Wanmin restaurant to use the stove to cook some meals.
Then you meet Xiao. One day, a group of Hilichurl’s almost attack you while you are transporting goods to Liyue Harbor. He quickly wipes them out while you hide behind the cart you are pushing. Xiao simply looks at you for no more than 5 seconds before disappearing.
After that, the worry of your face being recognized begins to fade. If it weren’t for your oddly golden blood, you would have forgotten that you’re the creator.
You become accustomed to living life in Teyvat. It is peaceful. No exams or deadlines. Such simple tasks done day by day. You spend one day farming and the next transporting vegetables. You sit at your little shop selling items before heading home and helping out the old man. It’s not super easy but it’s a lot less stressful than your life before.
Everyday you get to bask in the sunlight and enjoy fresh air while you admire the scenery you had only ever seen through a screen. You are content and happy.
Until one day you accidentally make the smallest mistake.
Xiangling is a regular of yours. Your vegetables are by far the best she’s ever had and you quickly become her source of ingredients for her dishes. She speaks so highly of you that Zhongli, one of the characters you fear most, decides to drop by your little shop.
His presence is intimidating with his golden eyes peering down at you and his tall stature towering over your little stall.
Despite his slightly domineering presence, his voice is as smooth and soothing as you remember it to be and you’re able to calm down enough to treat him like any of your other customers. You’ve already met many characters and none of them were able to recognize you. How could he be any different?
Except he’s not like the others.
He’s nearly 6000 years old. He’s seen things others haven’t and most importantly, he’s worshipped the existence of the creator far longer than any of the Liyue Citizens have been alive.
From the very beginning, he sensed that there was something different about you. Something familiar and oddly inviting. The former Geo Archon thought he knew everyone residing in Liyue but it’s his first time coming across you.
His eyes can’t help but follow your every move as you wrap up his box of vegetables. You finally finish tying up his box with some sturdy rope and grab a knife to cut off the long ends. Just as you’re cutting the rope, your hand slips.
The sharp knife slices shallowly into your opposite hand. Zhongli is only barely able to catch a glimpse of gold before you drop to the floor.
It isn’t the pain that’s brought you to your knees but the fear. You crouch over your hands, covering the wound as best as you can hoping with all your being that he hasn’t seen anything.
Both you and Zhongli can feel your hearts beating faster than ever before.
“Are you alright?”
The former Geo Archon attempts to walk over to the other side of the stall, when he hears the Traveler call his name. His attention wavers and it gives you just enough time to wipe your blood away and stuff the handkerchief into your pocket.
Zhongli glances at you amidst his conversation just to see you finish covering your wound with a bandage. Any trace of blood is gone and the wound is completely covered.
He walks away from the Traveler to speak with you. The geo archon’s eyes never once leave your hand as he stands in front of you.
“Is your wound alright?”
You nod waving your hand a little.
“Just a small wound,” you say, hoping he’d accept your answer and move on.
But he isn’t satisfied.
“Are you sure? It look like it hurt. It’s important to put some cream on it so it doesn’t get infected.”
“Of course! I’m a lot stronger than you think.” You smile before repeating his total. The Traveler ends up paying for the vegetables and the two leave, but not without Zhongli glancing a few more times at you.
When his figure completely fades, your smile drops.
It seems you’ve stayed a bit too long in Liyue.
Shaky hands clumsily pack up your stall as you race to close up the shop early and quickly head home before the Geo Archon decides to return.
While you rush, you don’t notice the small white handkerchief falling out of your pocket nor do you realize that the small piece of cloth would be the sole cause of the upcoming chaos that erupts throughout the nations of Teyvat.
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rose-edith · 4 months
Being in love with Anthony Bridgerton and being set-up with him would include:
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•I mean, who of the ladies of the ton aren’t in love with Anthony Bridgerton? He is THE catch of the social season.
•you can’t help but stare longingly at him every time he enters or leaves a room. Which naturally, both Lady Danbury and Lady Bridgerton notice, and they start plotting with glee.
•as a daughter of the L/N’s you’ve been friends with the Bridgerton family for years! Every summer you had visited each other at each others country estates. You’d played in the mud with Daphne, read to Eloise, learnt how to tickle for trout with Colin and Benedict, and Anthony…he’d been your first ever dance partner when you had been presented and attending Lady Danbury’s first ball of the season. What a moment that had been! The feeling of his fingers against your arm had been burnt into your brain, and you’d not stopped glowing and grinning for the whole night!
•so when you and your Mama received a card to visit the Bridgerton’s for dinner one evening, it was hardly out of the norm, it was all very exciting and pleasant.
•you arrived and saw the dining room had been set with incredible splendour; flowers, candles, crystal candelabra- suddenly you’d felt very glad that your Mama had trussed you up like a chicken in the finest silks and jewels, hair curled just the way you love.
•as the host, you would’ve expected Anthony to be there to greet you; but he was flabbergasted when you arrived- Lady Bridgerton on the other hand, swept your mother away, leaving Anthony to escort you. Oh how you loved her in that moment!
•dinner was perfect. Sat on Anthony’s left side, you could laugh and chat and things were the same as they always had been. He was your best friend, but more than that, he was the man you loved.
•from the other end of the table, your Mama, Lady Bridgerton and Lady Danbury raised their glasses to each other.
•you didn’t want the evening to end- you’d delighted to room with a pianoforte duet with Hyacinth, laughed with Eloise and listened to Colin. But most importantly, you’d been locked in a corner with Anthony, discussing books, farming developments and how the lambing season had been. Anthony found himself utterly bewildered. You’d always been so easy to talk to, but tonight you were glowing, you fit in…his mind turned to marriage.
•the next day the biggest bouquet of flowers had arrived for you and your mother, delivered by hand by none other than Anthony Bridgerton. Your heart fluttered!
•he joined you promenading, riding in your carriage with you and your Mama. You had to fan yourself the whole way, his eyes…his hands…his lips…the scent of Anthony filled the space. And you wanted more, you wanted…you don’t even know what you wanted! The promenade was wonderful, hanging onto Anthony’s arm and every word, laughing with him.
•you didn’t even notice when Anthony had managed to sneak you away from your Mama. But here you were, under a beautiful willow tree, hidden by the flowing branches.
•you couldn’t help yourself, you launched yourself at him. Wrapping your arms round his neck, and kissing him. Oh he was warm! Warm and hot and delicious! He laughed into your mouth and pressed your body back against the tree, his hands exploring your body above your clothes.
• ‘not enough!’ You moaned into his mouth, dragging his hand to between your thighs, and then grinding yourself against him. ‘I need you; I want you.’ Anthony moaned and started to touch you, hands desperately seeking your flesh beneath your dress.
•a cough broke through the dreamy state you both found yourself in. Lady Danbury stood there, grinning, and looking thoroughly impressed. ‘I take it you’ll marry the girl now Bridgerton?’ She quirked her brow with impossible preciseness.
• ‘If you’ll forgive us Lady Danbury. My fiancé and I need to borrow a carriage and get to Gretna Green.’ Lady Danbury laughed and offered her carriage. Anthony straightened your dress, before grabbing your hand and running with you to the waiting carriage.
•the news broke the very next day in Lady Whistledown, that there was a new Vicountess Bridgerton, and that she had won the Vicounts heart a long time ago. But neither you or Anthony knew about the article, given that you were too busy wrapped in each other’s arms as man and wife, brand new gold rings flashing on your fingers.
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callsign-marlie · 2 years
Hey Pretty Girl
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The Five Times Jake calls you his favorite pet name + one bonus little baby taste of angst :3
pairing: jake 'hangman' seresin x f!reader genre: FLUFF warnings: unedited, light teasing and innuendos, mention of pregnancy and child birth, no y/n used a/n this is total fluff and it was just what I needed. very short in comparison to my normal things but i almost wanna do all of the young pilots with this prompt and a different quote each time, it was so wholesome ;^;
Please feel free to like, comment and reblog. Much appreciated and much love - marlie x
The First
“Hey pretty girl, slide me a bud, will ya?”
Blonde hair and blue eyes, a coy smile. Tanned skin pinched with a glaze sunned pink at the top of his cheeks and a clean pressed khaki uniform. The cap popped off of the glass with a fizz before you slid the bottle to him. “$5.50 for the boy in brown.”
“The boy,” he scoffed. Thick fingers gripped around the neck of the brew to coat his nails in condensation. The amber liquid swirled the enclosure of glass as he placed the rim to his lips. His eyes never left yours. “Not a boy. A man, darlin’. More of a man than any one you’ve had before tonight, I can assure you that.”
“And who said I wanted you, fly boy?” Your elbows were on the bar, leaning over the mahogany top. Even with the challenge of cleavage at your disposal, he never broke away from your gaze.
“Your eyes say enough. See ya soon, gorgeous.” He scribbled his name on the merchant copy of his receipt. A wink, the shine of a grin, and away he turned. 
You grabbed at the soggy slip of paper to find chicken scratch handwriting with ‘Jake’ and a phone number written on the bottom. Jake, huh?
The Second
“Hey pretty girl, that spot’s perfect. Just like me, right?”
He had bought you a bundle of sunflowers on a whim. They were gorgeous and tall, standing bright against the navy of your entry way in the antique crystal vase your mom had given you. Jake had cleaned up nicely in a crisp button down and slacks for your date to the local brewery down on the coast and had bought the bouquet for you on the ride home from a local farm stand. “Now you can think of me every time you leave the house and smile to start your day.”
You rolled your eyes, an endeared grin on your face. “You’re an ass, Seresin.”
“Maybe, but I’m your ass and that makes me the best ass around,” he chimed, jokingly hitting the back of his rump. “And this ass ain’t leavin’ for quite some time doll.”
“Then tell me, baby, what happens if the flowers die? How would I ever remember you then?” You lovingly wrap your arms around the top of his shoulders, careening up on your tiptoes to touch his nose with yours. 
His fingertips brushed a strand of hair that roguishly fell into your eyes. His eyes were the color of sea grass and his gaze was softly focused on your lips.  “Guess we’re just gonna have to go on more dates so I can get you more, right?”
The Third
“Hey pretty girl, may I have this dance?”
The reception was over and your feet were on fire, but you were finally home in your little shared apartment on base. Your hand, now coveted by a new diamond wedding band, sparkled under the high hat lights as Jake helped you up from the couch to the smooth sounds of John Mayer echoing in the background. Your white gown sweeped against the floor as he pulled you to his chest. 
Jake, your perfectly perfect Jake, dropped a soft kiss to your forehead, to the tip of your nose, to your lips. “Mrs. Seresin,” he whispered at each pass of his lips. You let your bare feet stand atop his, still encased in his military issued loafers and let his strong legs take you on a slow rock in your living room. It was the first time today that the two of you had been just alone: where the room wasn’t vibrating with clinking glasses or loud party music. 
Jake swayed with you gently even as the song changed, his hands dropped to your waist to rest on the crest of your bejeweled bum. You raised an eyebrow at your cheeky husband, who simply rolled his eyes and gave a boyish grin. “Just let me enjoy this baby.”
The Fourth
“Hey pretty girl, lemme help you, hold on.”
Jake’s large hands snuck underneath your rounded belly, lifting just enough weight to let your spine relax under the constant pressure of pregnancy. The dishes you were washing were suddenly forgotten and slipped from your fingers. A blissful sigh. “Ohhh, that’s the stuff, don’t stop.”
“Damn, all of my talent in bed and I’ve never heard you sound like THAT before,” he huffed, slowly letting your belly back down. “All I had to do was lift up peanut here and you’re putty, huh?” 
You pouted at the returning strain and snatched his hands back to place. You tilted your head to the side to leave a kiss and a teasing nip on his bicep. His fingers tickled over your skin in amusement.
“Uh-uh, don’t even think about it, Seresin. You stay right there.”
The Fifth
“Hey pretty girl, I’m your daddy.”
Tears were welling up in his eyes while he held the small pink bundle in his arms. She was so sleepy after making her grand entrance, kicking and yelling the entire birth. “Oh my god, I’m your daddy!”
“She looks just like you.” You were laying in your bed, completely spent, but glowing after all of your hard work pushing your new little love into the world. “You’re gonna be a great daddy, Jake.”
“And you’re gonna be a great mommy, honey girl.” He carefully made his way over to the bed and sat on the side to let your little girl close. Her eyes were closed and soft little breaths were leaving her mouth. Jake leaned over to plant a chaste kiss into your hair, your nose, your lips. He lingered longer than normal, touching his forehead to yours. 
“My pretty girls. All mine, all mine, until the day I die. I’ll never want nothing more than this.” 
Bonus: The Sixth
“Hey pretty girl, I’m alright.”
You launched yourself at your husband, tears streaming down your face. He winced under your arms, but did his best to wrap himself around you through all of the wires tubing he was attached to. Safe. His smooth hands rubbed up and down your back as you sobbed into his shoulder, leaving light taps on his back. “Don’t. You. EVER. Do. That. Again.”
“What, eject? It’s either that or die, and I’m too good to die while I’m still so young and handsome. You don’t want me to leave you a widow so soon, do you?” His megawatt smile showed reassurance, but you weren’t so sure it was real. You knew Jake better than he knew himself. His eyes, blackened from his impact, held something behind them that wasn’t there before: a fear. His façade was cracking at your worry.
“You won’t lose me, pretty girl. I’ll be here. I’m not leaving.”
“Promise me?” Your eyes just wouldn’t stop tearing up. “Promise. Cross my heart and hope to die.” His fingers made an ‘x’ over his heart. “And I really, really don’t wanna die. I have my whole life with you to look forward to.”
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samptlay · 6 months
This is perfect
Finished it. Alright, so this is a work of art. I'm so sad it seems abandoned and the creator is not even reblogging anything, so I believe their poof, gone. They will most likely come back eventually but for now, I'll feed your hunger.
Now I completely understand the AU you want me to make. It would be similar to @yandere-3-sagau's, yet different.
This is my rundown of my own AU for this, Simple!Creator!AU :
Now with the way I would have the Reader wake up in Liyue as well, though she doesn't run into a grandpa who takes care of her. She is aware that her blood is golden and she cries crystals, so she could never really be accused as an imposter, there's no worry on that part.
But Reader wants to live a quiet, peaceful life. She no longer has to worry about exams or deadlines. She finds an abandoned family cabin somewhere in the open fields of Liyue, renovating it herself to call it her own. The reader does farm work to get by, and with how much power she holds, all her fruits & vegetables are always sold out the fastest due to how fresh they are.
Word gets around about how amazing your supply is, and of course, eventually, even Zhongli is curious about the commotion.
So when he one day runs into Childe who had just gotten back from your stall and the ginger offers him some of your own fruits, he is, awestruck. Out of his 6000 years of experience, he had never tasted something so sweet & juicy. Not a single taste of bitterness in sight.
This couldn't have possibly been produced by a regular human being.
As an Ex-Overlord (Like An Archon, but we’re thinking of dynamics,) his suspension was too high for his too drop the concern so he hunts The reader down, eventually finds out the truth about who she really is and suddenly becomes as submissive as a loyal dog.
Though it feels nice, it’s not what she wants. So what else then to keep him on a leash, making a pact with him to silence The reader's existence. 
A LOT more happens, the story would be way more detailed but this is just a rundown. Each Genshin Man would discover her secret in different ways, and the reader eventually has them all wrapped around her fingertips.
The men are just happy to have their souls connected with the creators in some way.
I might make the pacts with Archon’s (including Neuvillette) a lot stronger, so they're somewhat more at her mercy, something in that manner.
What do you think? I’d like to hear more ideas and comments about this AU and how it should be constructed.
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Taglist For Those Who Want To Maybe Contribute Ideas. Edit: The reader will be Gender Neutral, though it'll be my first time writing like that so please forgive mistakes.
@uhfhfhfhf @xdrin @msun1c0rn @lovingnahida @strrawb3rrysh0rtcak3 @ssecylia @skyl8ver @immahuman @meowmeowraven @01234 @markexplanation @esthelily @dawnofazrael
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Hey so how would lilia feel about apocalypse yuu and the obvious world ending war and after effects from where yuu is from?
Thank you for feeding us apocalypse yuu <3
I started maniacally laughing as soon as I read the name lilia
How Lilia Vanrouge reacts to the war and its effects: 
Lilia would say your relationship was pretty good. As nameless and as vague as it was. It was...peaceful. 
It was nice.
You were learning to trust people, to trust him. To let your guard down just a little bit more each day. To speak your mind and make decisions and to just simply walk with him without looking over your shoulder every few seconds. 
He’ll never forget that feeling of happiness and relief when you fell asleep with him right there next to you for the first time, or when you saw him enter a room and he saw your shoulders drop just that much. 
Once, in the pop music club room, Cater had asked him how he got you to relax around him so easily. He only gave a small chuckle and a vague response, as he himself didn’t truly know at the time. 
He still doesn’t. only having a few loose theories here and there, but he is grateful to be able to know you just a little bit more than the average person. To be able to live this long to see you come here, to this world, scared and confused and hopelessly, utterly lost, and then to see you start to really live for the first time.
He hopes he hopes that he’ll be blessed enough to live to see you thrive. 
Honestly? he thinks it’s because of something simple. So, so simple
He listens.
Not to say the others don’t of course, they listen!
they just ...don’t really believe you. 
Lilia doesn’t blame them, honestly.
It truly feels like you exaggerate your past and lack of knowledge at times.
The most obvious example he can think of is when epel, that pretty first year boy, gifted you one of those beautiful red apples that grew on his parents farm, only for you to look at it with confusion and distrust. 
You didn’t know what an apple was.
You didn’t know what most fruits were period. (Or cheese, or most meats,or most vegetables, he thinks he saw you reboot like an old computer the first time you saw milk) Often confusing the names and refusing to eat them if you forgot what they were. 
It was at that point where he could tell your rag tag little group of friends started to doubt your words. Just a bit.
He would have too, if not for the clear, heavy distress that simply couldn’t be faked that was ever so evident on your face when he'd asked.
“Perfect, do you really not know what any of these fruits are”, he has taken extra care to keep this conversation playful. He wasn’t trying to embarrass you after all. 
You simply huffed, a bit of frustration showing. 
Lilia ignored the little happy spark he got from seeing you show what you were feeling. You were getting better at that.
“Of course I don’t! we don’t have fresh fruit in the tunnels! Not to mention things like "cheese" and dont even get me started on good meat!”, you said it like it so obvious...
You never explained what the tunnels were. But lilia could guess.
He had a bad feeling about them either way....
So yes. The others listened. But you could both see crystal clear that they took what you said with a heavy grain of salt. 
Lilia on the other hand, believed every word. Or at least tried too.
So when you asked him to swing by Ramshackle saying you wanted to show him something, how could he refuse?
Really, how could he?
Lilia Vanrouge didn't know what he was expecting. He knew it was probably something big, judging from your earlier tone of voice.
But this....
this was just sickening.
you sat shirtless on the floor, with your arms out in the air in front of you. 
with your scars on full display. 
there were (oh great seven) there were slash marks all across your chest. Ragged and uneven and ugly. Looking like whatever cut them in took extra care to truly rip and tear your flesh apart.
There were burn marks on your shoulders and your stomach. Looking like they came from both fire and electricity. The electric burns spiderwebbing their way up the side of your neck and around your sides.
There were what looked to be claw marks and dog bites on your stomach as well, like you were almost frantically mauled to death and just barely made it out with your life.
There was a circular hole he didn't know the cause of on both sides of your right forearm, the underside scar being in the same spot but significantly worse.
There were like deep (deep) bruises that he could see everywhere on your body.
and then there were the marks on your back....
There were whip marks and lashes absolutely everywhere. Slashed across every which way, overlapping with each other and digging into your flesh. there were a few places that he swore had less skin than others. and oh God some of them only looked a few months old. 
Some of them were fresh when you came here.
Lilia didn’t know what the rest of your body looked like, but he already knew that your back was in the worst condition out of everything.
A small whimper snapped him out of his thoughts.
You were still on the floor, now sifting slightly, like you were embarrassed.
Embarrassed. What an odd little human.
Lilia immediately got down on the floor and sat in front of you, dust and possible bugs be damned.
He didn't touch you, only looking at your face and tried to make eye contact.
He tried his best to avoid looking at your neck. The lighting in this old dorm was bad but he swore he could still see a slash-
"Y/N....can you please look at me?", gentle. Just keep the tone gentle for now.
You still looked away from him. Lilia sighed.
Gently, oh so gently, he brought his hand to your face and slowly turned you head towards him.
You didn't flinch. Not once! And if lilia silently celebrated this feat later? Well, that was his business, and his alone.
Your eyes held a hint of fear when you looked at him. Fear of rejection.
Why would he ever push you away for something like this?
...Did someone do that before?
He heard you let out a faint, shaky breath, trying to find your voice.
He still didn't say anything. Just let you take your time. He couldn't rush something like this.
So he sat there, just out of reach as to not overwhelm you, as you took a deep breath and tried to compose yourself.
"So uh...I'm sure you have questions", you tried to say it in a way that lightened the mood, but your voice came out small.
It was fine. You couldn't lighten something like this either way.
The fae infront of you looked at you with the patients of a someone who's lived a dozen lifetimes and counting, which made you relax just a bit more.
"That I do perfect, but make no mistake, you are not obligated to answer"
"No! No, I- I want you to know. I wouldn't have shown you otherwise...", your voice trailed off.
Lilia took a deep breath.
Ok. Sharing scares.
Sharing memories.
Sharing war stories.
He could do that. He's done it before hundreds of times. He could do it again.
He just...didn't want to do it with someone so young. Someone who had absolutely zero business doing any type of life or death fighting.
Unfortunately, life was a total bitch and just loved putting him in these exact situations.
"Ok...ok. so why don't you tell me about...this one first", lilia pointed to the circular hole that went through your arm. He wanted to know what caused it.
(And maybe. Just maybe, find something that could heal it)
You sighed a bit. He thinks in relief? And smiled just a tad.
"Ok... that one was caused when me and a rescue team were trying to locate one of the medics that had gone missing during a surprise raid on the southwest base.... I wasn't even supposed to be there really...", you trailed off again. Your eyes glossing over a little.
Well. That couldn't happen.
The last thing he wanted here was for you to relive any one of these scars.
"What was the medics name?", it was the only thing he could ask, really. He didn't understand much of what else you had said.
You took a deep breath. Right.
You weren't there anymore.
"Caroline. Her name was Caroline. And she has a sister named Kate.... she's the one who put in the request for her to be found. Her body, at the very least"
Lilia began to wonder what exactly happened during these "raids". And why it required children to clean up the aftermath.
"Caroline. She was the medic. Ok.... you said you weren't supposed to be there?"
You looked a little sheepish at that.
"Yeah... our base was short on explosives manufacturers so they sent me. I was still learning but apparently I knew enough to go out there anyway. Heh...yeah, it didn't turn out too well"
....explosive manufacturers?
Lilia had met and worked with plenty if mages that specialized in more.. dramatic shows of magic. Especially during the wars.
How, lilia wondered, was something like that simulated without magic?
...He didn't know if he wanted to find out.
Instead of asking what in the seven an explosive manufacturer was, he asked:
"Why did you have to go though? Surely there were other uh...people in your field? That had nore experience", he kept his tone soft, trying to keep you unaware of the anger that was slowly building in his gut.
You silently shifted where you were sitting, looking like you regretted this more and more.
Carefully, he added, "where were the others?"
"...active combat was getting more and more rare....no one thought- I mean- we just needed farmers and hunters and medics more than we needed weapons at the time"
The look on your face was...hard to describe as you struggled to explain your past situation as quick as possible. Like you would be punished if you didn't do it fast enough.
"Y/N...", lilia started slowly
He had an idea of what your world was like.
He had a good idea of what your world was like.
And he was hoping that he wasn't right.
Your head raised a bit. Making eye contact with him and calming down just a little. Good. But he was going to feel all the more guilty about what he was about to say.
"Were you by chance, involved in any type of warfare?"
Lilia didn't know what you'd do. He had been ready for anything. For you to scream and shout and scratch and fight. For you to try and deny what you both already knew for whatever reason.
But you never did.
Instead, you just tilted your head to the side, like a confused dog.
Then you said:
"The war ended around...50 years ago? 60? I don't know for sure. The records were all destroyed, and the elders that fought in it are quickly dying out"
Lilia breath hitched.
All those scars. All their stories. Are from the aftermath? The aftermath of a finished war is still producing what lilia believes might very well be child soldiers.
And then you spoke again.
"When I was...I think twelve? I don't know. No one really knows their age. But I was definitely around twelve. The other manufacturers with more experience and a better idea if what they're doing got sent to the northern bases. They were needed there. They wouldn't tell me why"
"Anyways, a couple months later -or were they weeks?- some time later, Caroline went missing"
"And I was really all they had to send"
"Now that I think about it...it was probably because they could replace me well enough if it didn't go as good as it did"
Fucking TWELVE?!
"As good as it did?!", lilias voice startled you out if your own head.
You looked at him. He looked back at you with an expression of exasperated rage.
You stopped talking.
"As good-as GOOD as it did!"
"Y/N. Y/N there is no good in this! This-" He grabbed your arm. Gesturing to the old, half healed scar that had started this whole mess "-is terrible! Dammit this is a crime against morality!"
You looked at your arm. At the old shot gun would you had gotten after getting your arm stuck just outside if the entrance to the tunnel you and your temporary team had taken.
You could barely even remember why you had it out in the first place.
To throw a grenade you had put together on the spot? A stick of dynamite? You didn't know.
All you knew was that it hurt.
It still does sometimes.
You looked down at your own body.
They all still do sometimes.
Oh God...
You looked back at lilia, and the night resumed.
None of what you said will likely never be repeated outside if the walls of Ramshakle. Not all of it at least.
You didn't tell lilia about the scars on your back. You probably never will.
That was fine.
You told him what you had to do to survive, and he told you that you shouldn't have had to do that in the first place.
There were things that were never really explained. Like guns or grenades or that old, abandoned army tank that you played when you were a child.
("So it's a car...with a Canon on it?"
"Uhhhh. Sure. Yeah")
And other things...
Well. Turns out some scenarios are seen a bit different here.
You don't your age.
That's sad. Not bormal.
You don't know who your real parents are. The high infant mortality rate in the southeast base and the tunnels surrounding it that most mothers simply give away their children to avoid the pain of burying their babies.
That's a tragedy. A horrible, horrible tragedy.
Not normal.
Just like your life.
As soon as he got back to Diasomnia, lilia went to check on silver. Then sebek. Then malleus.
Silver and sebek were asleep. And he could see malleus taking a walk about the dorm from his bedroom window.
They were safe. Lilia felt his shoulders drop for the first time that night.
...and then he did something he never thought he would need do again.
Slowly, lilia walked over to his desk, lighting a tall, white candle and setting out an expensive piece of meat.
Wasn't the best offering, but it'll due for now.
He hoped it would at least.
Religion had long since died out of twisted wonderland as a whole, with only a few churches and temples remaining in certain parts in the shaftlands and a few of the older families in briar valley truly practicing in this modern age. 
Even so, later that night when his dorm and his children were all sound asleep, lilia knelt beside his bed and prayed to his old god for the first time in centuries.
He could only hope that they would be answered. 
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valley-of-headcanons · 4 months
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bachelorettes' first kiss with farmer || headcanons
sharing such a magical experience with your lover is better than you could've ever imagined! <3 part one here!
warnings: penny mentions pam and hints towards abuse :( a few unconsentual kisses, ruh roh :/ all fluff!
requested by: anon! hi, hope you enjoy! keeping this short and sweet since it's a part two. thanks so much for the cute request! :)
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• It wouldn't take Abigail too long to kiss you once you've started dating. It wouldn't be before, but she has no problem with kissing you pretty soon. Abigail invited you to hang out at the cemetery one night, wanting to show you her favorite hang-out spot. She set up a few candles, sitting against one of the tombstones. A bit disrespectful, but she doesn't think they mind. You two were cracking jokes and having a wonderful conversation about Abigail's parents. They seemed so stressed out about her, and she wasn't making it any better.
• She laughed loudly, “Uh huh, my parents would be pissed if they saw us out here together! Or if they knew we were dating period! They'd probably flip their shit if they saw us sneaking around town, and if they caught us doing anything? I would be fuckin' dead! Hah ... imagine if they caught us kidding? ... would that be such a bad thing?” She was definitely a tease, but she loved seeing the cute look on your face.
• After seeing that you weren't exactly upset with the idea of kissing, she leaned closer to you. She slowly put a hand on your cheek and kissed you happily. Passionate, but playful. Like a sparkler being twirled around by a child. Wild and chaotic, yet beautiful and lovely. Feeling her lips against yours was a moment you wish you could keep in your back pocket forever.
• Emily wouldn't wait to kiss you. She doesn't have any worries about kissing you, even before you've started dating. She doesn't mind being open with you in this way. You two were sitting on the bench close to the saloon, relaxing after a hard day's work. She was showing you her crystal collection, which she brought outside because she said she needed to feel the sun. You go, girl.
• “This one is rose quartz! It represents love and romance. Hmm, I wonder what I've been using that one for,” she said with a cheese-y smile, giggling like a mad man. This gives you a little blush, to which she puts the crystal in your palm and closes it. “Close your eyes and feel the moment. Feel the vibrations transfer from your hand to your heart ... do you feel this?”
• Emily then firmly planted a kiss on your lips, excited that her little plan worked. When you kissed back, it was as though the stars had aligned to create this moment, and you had a sneaking suspicion that Emily had something to do with that. The crystal wasn't exactly the reason you were finally sharing your first kiss, but you would let her win if she argued in its favor. It was wonderful regardless.
• You and Haley would share your first kiss before you start dating. Haley is a romantic, and what's more romantic than a spur-of-the-moment kiss? You two were walking around Pelican Town, Haley dragged you along on one of her nature walks to take photos. Below your farm, you were standing by the lake as Haley snapped some. She then flipped the camera towards you, playfully taking a few photos.
• “C'mon, give me a good pose! No, I'm not going to show this to anyone, I promise these are just for me! Fine- let's take some selfies instead then,” Haley laughed before getting closer to you. “Give me some silly poses, but not too silly, they still need to be good pictures!” She snapped a few, changing her pose every few seconds. She leaned up, kissing your cheek. When she checked the photos afterward, she noticed your red face.
• “Aww, you're all red from just a cheek kiss! ... wow, you're still red ... is it that you, uh ... wanted more?” she suggested, a soft smile of her lips. Her cheekiness faded away as you nodded, her own face just as red. She was incredibly nervous, slowly creeping toward you. She wrapped her arms around your neck, touching her lips to yours. It felt like you two were flying through the air, soaring as you two felt each other's warmth. The nervousness wore off, and it felt like a dream came true. Maybe taking pictures together wasn't such a bad idea after all.
• Leah would like to wait for at least a month or two to have your first kiss. She wants to make sure this is the real deal, so kissing you right off the bat may not be the best option. Leah was relaxing at her cabin when you stopped by. She was working on a new sculpture, which you complimented with a smile. It warmed Leah's heart to know that you loved her work so much. You then presented a bouquet of flowers for her. Not the ones you asked her to be your girlfriend with, but some similar.
• “Oh, hon ... you always go out of your way to do stuff for me, and I really appreciate it. You're just so sweet,” she smiled, getting up from her work and smelling the bouquet. She put it in some water before walking back to you, wrapping her arms around your neck. “What could I ever do to repay you for everything you do for me? You've put me into insurmountable debt, my dear. I guess there's something that I could do to repay you ...”
• Leah looked up at you with loving eyes before leaning into you, planting a careful kiss onto your lips. Her lips painted a picture with more skill than her brush. Colors exploded in your mind as you held her close. It was as though nothing else mattered except you and her. A moment in time that would never fade.
• Maru is a bit cautious to kissing you at first. She has a lot of common sense, and she wants to make sure that you're not a bad partner beforehand. It would take her maybe three or four months. Maru had brought you out stargazing, sitting outside her room under her telescope. You two had been here many times before, but this night felt different. It was as though Maru had a mission, her mind had been set.
• She looked nervous, staring down into her lap instead of up at the gorgeous stars. She took a deep breath before taking your hands in hers and looking into your eyes. “I'm sorry for obviously acting a bit nervous, I've just been thinking about taking things a little further. Not insanely far, but ... I want to share my first kiss with you, if that's okay. I know that it's not exactly ... romantic ... me asking like this, but I want to know that we're on the same page! So ... what do you say?”
• You don't say anything, actually. You let a soft laugh escape your lips before wrapping your arms around her. You press your lips onto hers under the glow of the stars. She looked so beautiful like this, you were thinking about kissing her too. It felt so sweet, like strawberries on a spring afternoon. A taste that you want to keep going back to forever.
• It would take Penny a while to warm up to the idea of kissing you. Maybe around the six month mark, she would finally be okay with it. She's not used to physical affection! Penny had stopped by your house to see if you needed help on the farm. Well, she really needed to get away from Pam for a bit, and you were her safe place. You had finished your work, so you two ended up hanging out in the kitchen. You decided to cook a meal together, but Penny's cooking skills are a little ... less than desirable.
• You tease her about her cooking skills, to which she starts to pout. “Hey, I'm trying for you, I promise! I was just never taught! I'm watching how you do it though, and I promise I'll get it eventually!” She had taken your comments too seriously, for which you apologize and reassure her. “... I'm sorry I got so defensive, I ... I really appreciate you, and how understanding you are and how patient you are with me ... I just- ... I just really love you.”
• You rest your hand on her cheek, staring into her eyes. You ask if you can kiss her, and she thinks momentarily before nodding. Her face was as red as a poppy as you leaned in, planting a soft kiss against her lips. Gentle, like you were kissing the petals of a gorgeous flower. It was like you two were surrounded by a flower field, far away from anything wrong with the world. She really needed this, something to truly clear her mind.
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bucky-barnes-diaries · 10 months
Day 3 — Christmas Tree Farm
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Pairing || TFATWS!Bucky x Female!Reader
Word Count || Around 500
Contents & Warnings || Fluff — no warnings.
Disclaimer || English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings!
Advent Calendar 2023
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During the festive season, having a Christmas tree was a must for you and Bucky. It symbolized the essence of Christmas and brought joy to your shared home. Without the majestic presence of a beautifully decorated tree standing tall and proud in the living room, your house would feel empty and cold.
Hence, it had become an eager tradition for you and Bucky to visit a Christmas tree farm and cut a perfect tree for your home.
As you arrived at the tree farm, a picturesque scene unfolded before your eyes. A fresh blanket of snow had fallen the night before, gracefully covering the ground and adorning the array of trees that stretched far and wide. The air was brisk, and the sky a crystal-clear clarity.
Amidst other families and couples, all on their quest for their ideal Christmas tree, you and Bucky equipped a hand saw and other necessities from the farm employees.
Hand in hand, you strolled along the rows of fir, spruce, and pine trees, considering their size, shape, and variety. The aroma of them a pleasant smell.
“So, what kind of tree are we aiming for this year, doll?” Bucky questioned as you traversed the paths.
“Hmm, I’m not sure,” you responded, examining the diverse options before you. “How about we go all out this year? The biggest one we can fit in our living room? With our new house, we do have space for it.”
“I like that idea,” Bucky murmured against your temple, sealing his agreement with a gentle kiss on your cheek.
Upon reaching the outer edges of the farm, you found yourself torn between several larger trees. After careful consideration, you pointed to one with enthusiasm.
“I think this one,” you declared, running your gloved hand over the pine needles. “It’s a bit smaller than the others but much fuller and plumper.”
Bucky, deep in contemplation, tilted his head as he pictured the tree in your living room. Choosing the perfect Christmas tree was serious business for both of you.
“Yeah, this is the one,” Bucky nodded in agreement.
With Bucky taking charge of cutting the tree, you offered encouragement from the sidelines, occasionally lending a hand when needed.
“I think it’s about to come down, doll. Watch out!”
The tree fell with a soft thud; the snow beneath cushioned the impact. Together, you maneuvered it onto a blue tarp for easier transport back to the car.
After getting the tree wrapped in netting and completing the purchase, the staff assisted you in securing it on top of your car.
“I’m so happy, Bucky!” you exclaimed, embracing him tightly, bouncing lightly on your feet. “I can’t wait to decorate our tree, our house, our life.
“Hey, slow down,” he chuckled, hugging your waist and drawing you closer. “We’ve got the entire month of December for all those things and more, doll. But let’s start by taking this tree home and decorate our house.”
“Hmm, yes,” you murmured before sharing a kiss. “And then lots of Christmas goodies,” kiss, “Christmas movies,” kiss, “all the Christmas joy,” kiss, “and so much more.”
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Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
I don’t do taglists so please follow @bucky-barnes-diaries-library and turn on notifications to never miss out on my writing!
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monsterkasa · 10 days
PRSK Crystal Farming Guide
I'm 2+ years into the game and there's a lot I've learned that the game doesn't really directly tell you. Here's all the ways I've found to get crystals!
Getting a full combo on a hard, expert, and master will give you crystals (more per higher difficulty).
Getting an S rank on a song (can be any difficulty) will award you crystals. This is easy if you have a strong team, otherwise it's best to go to co-op.
Hitorinbo Envy is the best song to play during your challenge show (it provides you the highest max points because it's short + card skills activate more). Play it at the highest difficulty you can get close to full combo/actually full combo.
If you haven't already, unlock every character's challenge show. There's a lot of crystals you can farm (3,250 per character).
Level up your best cards for each challenge show character team to maximize the highest rewards.
You get 10 crystals per area conversation. More unlock as you view events + as the game updates.
Character Ranks are the biggest crystal farming strategy in the game. There's a lot of ways to unlock the ranks (buying stamps, costumes, alt covers, playing enough songs with a card leader) but I'll just cover the ones that you can get a lot out of at one time.
Max the mastery level on all of your 1* and 2* cards. If you have enough materials, begin maxing your 3* cards as well.
Max the skill level on all of your 1* and 2* cards. Again, if you have the materials, begin on your 3* cards.
Watch the card stories on all of your 1* and 2* cards. This can get expensive because you have to level up the cards, but you get crystals from just watching them + character ranks. If you have the materials, begin watching the card stories on your 3*s.
Train all of your 3* and 4* cards. This may take a while if you don't have level-up materials, but you can just put them on your team and level them up organically.
Level up area decorations (character items in Sekai and the plants outside of Kamiyama and Miyamasuzaka).
The event exchange always has crystals. Exchange for those. Also always exchange for the cards because they help with character ranks.
Play enough to rank T50000. You will get 500 crystals at the end of the event. It's not very difficult if you utilize your auto shows every day (Melt) and make a decent event team.
Watch through all the event stories. You don't have to actually read them if you don't want to, just skip through them. They only give you crystals if you "read" them when the event is ongoing.
Attend the event show. You obtain 300 crystals from this (along with the event sticker, which helps with character ranks). As long as you enter the show, you can leave and it'll still count as "viewing."
If you buy the mission pass (~15 USD), having Colorful+ (~5USD) is very useful in getting it completed in time without having to spend too much time playing (in case your schedule is busy).
Log in every day to get your daily rewards. Sometimes you can get additional rewards depending on what campaigns may be going on.
Play your challenge show (Hitorinbo Envy).
Watch the daily ads (if they're available in your version).
Use up all your energy (20 if you watch the ads) by either playing or using the auto show feature (I recommend Melt, since it's so long it'll give you the highest amount of rewards).
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krisdreaming · 1 year
Rain is a Good Thing
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Pairing: Kita Shinsuke x gn!reader
WC: 965
Summary: It hasn't rained for a while now, and you can tell that Kita is getting concerned.
A/N: Yes, the title is a Luke Bryan song. Yes I listen to country music sometimes, sue me. Also, one day I will actually research what is involved in rice farming. Today is not that day.
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This morning, like every morning lately, you watch Shinsuke peer out the kitchen window and heave a sigh. You look out, too, and see a clear blue sky, the newly risen sun already beginning to beat down strong and hot. You can't recall exactly the last time it had rained. You think it must have been almost a month, and you can feel your husband's concern.
These few weeks are the most critical for a good harvest. By now, you know it without Shinsuke having to tell you. You feel anxieties of your own creep up every time you look out over the fields and see the growing plants. Last week you'd noticed their leaves just beginning to curl at the edges. Please, you had murmured up at the sky, watching a white puff of a cloud scud by.
After dinner, Shinsuke turns on the TV to the weather channel. It's become an almost nightly ritual. You curl in next to him, watching with more anticipation than you would have ever thought possible. When the weather woman predicts more of the same dry heat for the coming days, you can feel your husband deflating beside you.
"It's got to rain soon," You pipe up uncertainly, not quite sure if such a statement is more of a jinx than anything else. "Right?"
He turns to you with a small smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes like it usually would. "Yeah. It's gotta." He doesn't sound entirely convinced, but he presses a kiss to your forehead before rising to his feet. You stay on the couch a few moments longer, watching him make his way to get ready for bed. If you could reach up into the sky and wring rain from the clouds yourself, you would do it in a heartbeat.
The next few days pass exactly as predicted. The grass in the front yard has begun to crisp and brown, and puffs of dust have begun to settle on Shinsuke's clothes as he works beneath the hot sun. He's careful to brush himself off before coming inside, but it still collects in a few corners. After sweeping it up one afternoon, you make your way out to the porch.
The sky is crystal clear, a breathtaking blue that, under different circumstances, would fill you with wonder. It would make for a pretty picture if the land beneath it was lush and green instead of slowly browning. "Please, we need rain so badly." You're murmuring up to the sky, but you can't say who you're actually talking to. At this point, it's any being that will listen. "It would mean so much. Shin works so hard. Don't let it be for nothing." You know you aren't making much sense, whispering up into the blue, but somehow you feel just the slightest bit lighter after.
That evening, the weather woman announces a chance of rain the following day. Your eyes meet Shinsuke's, and you grin. Surely, this is a good sign. "It's not a very big chance," He hedges, but his eyes look a little brighter with hope he doesn't dare put into words.
The next day, you find yourself watching the sky all day. The morning starts bright as any other, and you try to ignore the sinking in your gut. If Shinsuke also feels it, he doesn't acknowledge it either.
Towards the afternoon, you spot clouds gathering in the distance. You know he sees them too, but neither of you says a word when he stops in the house for a long drink of water before heading back outside. It feels too fragile to even mention.
You're nearly finished eating dinner when you hear it. A few splattering drops hit the kitchen windowpane, and Shinsuke's head instantly lifts. He shovels a last bite in his mouth before jumping to his feet. "Thanks for dinner," He mumbles quickly, pressing a barely-there kiss to your cheek before dropping his plate in the sink and darting for the door.
As you carry your own plate to the sink, you hear the steady drumming start up on the roof. Looking out the window above the sink, you can see the rain falling steadily, and you can't help the bubble of laughter that slips out.
Quickly deciding that the dishes can wait, you make your own way to the door. Stepping out, you see your husband standing a few paces into the driveway, arms slightly lifted out from his sides as the rain pelts him.
"You're getting soaked!" You call from the porch.
"I don't care!" He says in response, tilting his head back and letting the droplets slide down his cheeks. "This is wonderful." It really is, you agree silently, watching him with a growing smile on your face as he grins full and closed-eyed up at the sky.
It's a split-second decision to step off the porch, and the cool rain immediately begins to dot your skin, feeling like dozens of tiny kisses. When you reach him, he turns to you and reaches for your hand. In an uncharacteristic gesture, he spins you around and into his arms, and you both laugh breathlessly.
"It's raining," Is all you can announce, stupidly, arms tightening around his neck as he holds you close. His smile is wide, and you can't help but lean in towards it.
"It's raining," He agrees against your lips before crashing his own against them in an enthusiastic kiss. You're both soaked through now, but you can't bring yourself to care. Your fingers slide into his wet hair as his grip on your waist tightens, deepening the kiss. Finally, you pull back, his dear face cupped in your hands.
Thank you, you offer silently with a fleeting glance to the sky, to whoever must have been listening.
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itsgrimeytime · 1 year
my oneshots masterlist \\
series, blurbs
😳 - smut
🫣 - suggestive
💞 - fluff
⛈️ - angst
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bite marks || (😳, 💞) SMUT *request
'That night was a nightmare, with blood spilled and threats to your group's lives. You weren't sure that everyone could recover from it, including yourself. What Rick did had to be done, there was no other choice. You knew that. So, why did it keep replaying in your head? And why did you like it?'
Available on Ao3
Don't Let Me In || (⛈️,💞)
'That day, your camp was raided. Gunfire and hostages, so many of you were lucky to be alive. After Rick and a few others gained control of the situation, you realize you were hurt. It was just a few scratches, there were others with worse. Rick highly disagreed.'
Available on Ao3
feelin' flirty || (⛈️,💞,🫣)
'Being a long-lost friend of Maggie's, you wind up at the prison, a line of dead walkers behind you. You are promptly confronted with one Rick Grimes, and it's suddenly your life's goal to flirt with him as much as you can. Rick doesn't usually respond, but what if one day he does?'
Available on Ao3
he's such a pretty liar || (⛈️,💞)
'You and Rick had gotten along at some point, at the farm and prison. You were friends even. Until the Governor killed Hershel, which you believed to be perfectly preventable. Because of his inaction then, you'd gotten a bitter taste in your mouth at the thought of him and eventually, he started to reciprocate the behavior. But as time passes, and you experience more and more with him, is it really hate that you feel?'
Available on Ao3
i know i got him || (💞)
'Ever since you showed up, you've had an effect on Rick. At least, that's what everyone said. Initially, you hadn't recognized it. But after one too many coincidences, it's starting to become a little impossible to ignore.'
Available on Ao3
I Told You Now || (⛈️,💞)
'You were in love with Rick, not that he knew. You weren't sure you were ever going to tell him. What could you say, you loved the kids and didn't want to lose them too. It was too risky. But finding out he was chasing after some married woman was just the last straw.'
Part 1, 2
Available on Ao3
Late Night Talking || (⛈️, 💞)
'You haven't been sleeping -you can't. You weren't used to this... safety that Alexandria brought. Or, at least, they said it brought. So, instead, you found yourself outside, staring out into the wilderness -with no purpose other than to keep watch. One of those nights, you had a visitor.'
Available on Ao3
like father, like son || (⛈️, 💞) *request
'Taking care of Carl, was like instinct. Ever since you've met him, you've just cared for him like your own. You don't know why, you just slotted into his side. And you thought that was pretty simple. But, what you had never thought about, was what it would mean for Rick.'
Available on Ao3
Scratch That Itch || (🫣, 💞)
'Honestly, you weren't sure how it started. It wasn't a competition, at least you didn't think it was. There'd been something between you and Rick, something that people couldn't quite label. And maybe you batted your eyes the first time, and maybe he smirked the second. Either way, this was getting out of hand.'
Available on Ao3
show me || (🫣, 💞)
'You and Rick had something, you weren't quite sure what it was. After a few drunken mistakes during one of the dinner parties at Alexandria, Rick wants to make things crystal clear.'
Available on Ao3
The Life We Could've Had || (⛈️)
'Rick knows you're gone, he does. He just keeps seeing you in everything -the distant smell of coffee in the morning, or the sand beneath his toes (when he finds himself on a beach.) And as he tried to scrub what pain he felt out of his head, he wondered just when he could see you again.'
Available on Ao3
wipe it clean || (😳) SMUT
'Rick fucks you up against a counter, that's it.'
Available on Ao3
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All reblogs and comments are appreciated!! Feel free to send an ask or comment to get on any taglist :)
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kingstonwrites · 7 days
🍀🧵!.Cabin Fever.!🧵🍀
°❆⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ The situation was less than ideal. It was winter; food dwindled as soon as it was collected, everyone layered themselves with every piece of clothing they could find, Even the berries ran low. So it made sense that Taissa was ordering everyone around all morning. Jackie got fussed at about her farm, but it was unfair! Hardly anything could grow in this cold. Misty and Crystal were nervously scrubbing down the cabin, Shauna was out in the shed doing a count of the microscopic rations that would inevitably get cut smaller, and Akilah and Lottie were haphazardly sewing new blankets and coats from animal pelts. Now, though tensions just grew, Nat and Tai were arguing about making her go hunt alone, because Travis was one of the few strong enough to help break the ice from the lake.
“God, she’s being so annoying.” Jackie muttered to you while making the beds. You were regressed, it was the last thing you wanted to be but- “Like- cmon, we’re all freezing our butts off! Shauna’s in that stupid shed all day, like, her staring at the meat isn’t gonna make it multiply!” You nodded… you just felt shy. Maybe if you didn’t say anything, Tai wouldn’t fuss at you.
And it seemed to work! Tai, Shauna, Travis, Van, and Javi went out to the lake to break the ice. It just kept piling up more and more, especially with the snow keeping you all inside. Maybe you all could build snowmen! Or have snowball fights! You just never understood why everyone had to be so sad all the time. But when Laura Lee tried to bring up the idea of Christmas: everyone immediately told her to-
“SHUT UP!” Tai came stomping in, frustrated. “We’re gonna go back out there! We need more food, Van. It’s just a fact. If we can catch something- I just-“ she sighs and sits infront of the fire, covering her face in her hands, “we try again tomorrow. Maybe with torches to try and melt it first. We have to try and fish. We have to.”
You knew Taissa was angry… everyone did chores around her, so you looked around… then it clicked! The stuffed animals needed organizing, so you got to work. Jackie’s pinecone dolls lined up near the foot of the beds, Leonard tucked into Laura Lee’s blankets, and now, you’re organizing your many toys. Ducky next to Mrs Shark… Mama Penguin next to Baby Penguin…
“Hey, what the hell are you doing? What are you even- fidgeting with!? We’re all being productive and doing something! Cmon get up, I said get up!” Taissa was right behind you and gripped your shoulder.
you didn’t know what else to do. Tears immediately fell down your cheeks, sniffling and whimpering… you didn’t mean to make Tai upset. You really didn’t mean too, you didn’t know what other chore you could handle at your age. Tai had been so busy and- Her face softens, you never really got what that term meant until now. There’s a moment where the realization settles like a new foot of snow on the terrain, she reaches out to you but pulls back, the only word you can think of when you look at her face is “Guilt”.
"Come here." Taissa mumbles, sitting down beside you and pulling you into her lap. She doesn't mean to get frustrated and it's definitely on her for not noticing. That's when she realizes that everybody, not just you, needs a moment to be kids again.
"Everyone is finishing up, is there anything you want to do once we're done?" ⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆.
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@fun-k-boards @lottiesfavoriteacolyte @jackieeshauna @jesterofcringe @javiimartinez @winters-witch24
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teecupangel · 9 months
Catboy nonny again
Desmond with a collar with a bell.
From @auroramoon-draws16
Consider: Desmond also in a collar, a cat collar with a lil bell
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The catboy!Desmond ask, the Desmond hates baths sequel and additional ideas of catboy!Desmond for those unfamiliar with it.
Desmond hated the damn thing.
Sure, it was padded so it didn’t leave a mark and it was the right size that he didn’t feel like it was choking him.
But the problem was…
the little bell.
The fucking bell that makes a cute chiming sound every time Desmond move.
Assassins should be required to wear this damn bell. Let’s see them try and be stealthy-
“Desmond, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?”
Desmond froze.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
He had kept a hold of the bell the entire time but Ezio’s Eagle Vision was already at the level that his hearings were more enhanced than usual.
Was it possible that he heard the bell anyway?
It wasn’t like Desmond could stop the little ball inside the bell from jingling-
“Desmond…” Ezio looked worried as he asked, “Are you planning to chase the guards again?”
Desmond blushed.
That had been an embarrassing moment in his life.
It had been the middle of the night and Desmond saw the light of their lamps and…
He couldn’t explain it.
He just felt the need to chase it.
He wasn’t a fucking moth!!!
Desmond quietly nodded, believing it to be the lesser of two evils.
“Then it’s not that.” Ezio said, rubbing his chin, “There’s no way you would confess your plan.”
Desmond glared at Ezio.
So it was a trap then.
Ezio hummed before he looked around.
There was nothing in the garden that Desmond would want to hide as far as Ezio could remember which meant…
“You were planning to jump over the walls again, weren’t you?!” Ezio said as he walked towards Desmond who took a step back, “Do you remember the last time you left without telling any of us?! We looked for you all day and where did we find you? In one of the farms outside! Getting chased by dogs!”
That was one time!
The other times, he was able to return before they even noticed he was gone!
That was an anomaly!
Desmond didn’t say any of that (since it’ll come out as meows anyway) and simply…
… ran.
He knew Ezio was chasing him and his entire body honed in on the very thought that something was chasing him.
And ran even faster…
Desmond chasing (and freaking out the mercenaries on patrol) is inspired by @supercomicgirl’s replies:
Pointing out, you can make lasers with any crystal. Not necessarily a very sharp light dot. But you can make a beam and have it move around. Cats will chase it. and dogs too… don’t do this unless you want a dog with potentially hyper fixation on light beams. Which, you know, kind of works??? So imagine Altair or Malik holding a crystal up to the light and its refractions causing a little rainbow colored beam. They won’t even notice, but Desmond sure does. Suddenly, flying catboy
It’s not a laser but I kinda like the idea that Desmond’s catboy instincts makes him see ‘lamps’ as something that must be chased.
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jinxxsims · 2 years
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*Deep Breath*
Okay, so I started work on this download back when it was 100, but life got busy and when I was able to resume working on it, there were 150. Life got busy again before I was finished, and now there are 250 of you amazing people... but I’m actually getting this thing out there, so yay for that.
There are 61 meshes in this download, and hundreds of recolors. A quick rundown of what’s included:
Some of @aroundthesims 4t2 tattoo parlor set. The chair is cloned from pikkon’s tattoo chair, so it’s a double for the makeover chair. The single rolling drawer is an end table that is slaved to the double sideboard, so you need the double for the single to show up. 
High School Years’ Starry Eyed prom/dance set, which contains the balloon arch (sculpture), backdrop (sculpture), dining table, dining chair, and banquet table, cloned from a very similar table by @veranka-downloads
And finally, I converted at least one thing from every expansion pack and game pack from Sims 4 currently released that hadn’t been converted before, plus a few deco things from Sandy @ ATS that I really wanted in my game.
From top left to bottom right...
Girl Scout cookies (ATS, sculpture) • Pepperidge Farm cookies (ATS, sculpture) • Royal Dansk cookie tin (ATS, sculpture) • Teddy Grams (ATS, sculpture) • Arrrmed Dining Chair (Base Game) • Captain Rodrigo Dining Chair (Base Game) • Salyut Aeronaut Chair (Base Game) • Booping Shnoops (Cats & Dogs, sculpture) • Crate End Table (Cats & Dogs) • Town Statue 4 (Cats & Dogs Debug) • Town Statue 5 (Cats & Dogs Debug) • Fuzzread Article (City Living) • M.A.P. Most Amazing Player (City Living) • Chicken Competition Prize Ribbon (Cottage Living Debug, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and participation ribbon recolors included) • Food Platter (Dine Out Debug) • Party’s Over Chair (Discover University) • Polymer Chameleon Barstool (Discover University) • Very Impressive Lawyery Desk Chair (Discovery University) • Very Impressive Lawyery Desk (Discover University) • Fabric Sampe Book (Dream Home Decorator Debug) • Bougie Burlap Sofa (Eco Lifestyle) • Biochemical Medical (sculpture, Get Famous) • The Queen’s Gossip Chair (Get Famous) • Seat of the House barstool (Get Together) • Doctor of Medicine Diploma & My First Simolean (Get to Work) • Ever-So-Versatile Chillbox End Table (Get to Work) • Modern Metallic Illuminated Display Case (not illuminated, but functional table, Get to Work) • Stainless Steel Fab Slab (Get to Work) • Bubbly Barstool (High School Years) • Cheer Megaphone (sculpture, High School Years) • Clear as Crystal Coffee Table (High School Years) • High School Event Banner (High School Years) • Modest Marcel Dining Chair (High School Years) • Call Me Ottoman (functional living chair, Island Living) • Bug Bite Cure (Journey to Batuu) • Supply Crate (functional end table, Journey to Batuu) • Stool de Selvadorada (Jungle Adventures) • Fenwick the V Banquet Table (3-tiled table, My Wedding Stories) • Not Your Average Firewood Loveseat (Outdoor Retreat) • Timber Log Chair (Outdoor Retreat) • Brohill Barstool (Parenthood) • Magical Crystal Cluster 2, 3, and 4 (Realm of Magic Debug) • Violets are Blue Flower Arranging Station (functional table, Seasons) • Spirit Doll (Snowy Escape) • Pillow for Deep Thoughts (was a throw pillow, but I turned it into a functional bean bag chair, Spa Day) • The Sign Saw You (Strangerville Debug) • You Saw the Sign (Strangerville Debug) • Dead Hawthorn Tree (sculpture, Vampires) • Fenry Chompsalot Jr. (sculpture, Werewolves)
When it comes to the downloads, there are two options for you to choose from. One offers each of the meshes in a separate folder with its recolors and the textures for each so you can pick and choose what you want to keep. The second zip is all the recolors merged with their respective meshes, so there are 61 total files. You only need to download one.
I hope everyone finds at least a few things they can use. Enjoy! And thank you for following! 
Download Individual Files
Download Merged Files
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meowsgirldrawing · 2 years
Small idea for my Fellow Sebastian Lovers! Hear me out!!
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So we all know that Sebastian from Stardew is the famous emo marriage option, a very popular one at that if media doesn't fail me.
So during the time him and the farmer are starting to get to know each other, like see each other more, hang out more, all that fun definitely platonic pinning stuff
Its all nice and sweet, like Sebastian is starting to get somewhat comfortable, not a whole lot, but definitely better than before.
So much so that hes seen sometimes lingering just a little longer outside or inside when he leaves his room, kinda hoping to catch at least a glimpse of the farmer.
Doing little actions like these while he doesn't even realize it!
But someone does 👀
Not only Abigail and Sam- Not only the other two of the ASS squad- The two who share knowing smirks and small nudge nudges all while Sebastian is too busy talking with the Farmer infront of them.
More like stuttering and flustering about-
Who am I talking about?
Maru? Ehhh, not exactly.
The frogs? Yes but also no-
Robin? Nohoho- Oh wait, your right!
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Robin, the beloved only Carpenter of this amazing town!
She notices after witnessing Sebastian cross by the hall, taking a tad bit longer glance at the door before leaving. Multiple times!
Shes like "Hm. Is he waiting for someone? One of his little buddies?"
But she never says anything cause she thinks its probably nothing, y'know?
Until one day it occurs-
Sebastian stays long enough for the farmer to waltz in, at the right time, at the right place.
Instantly she notices a change-
Sebastian sticks near the doorway, waiting for the Farmer to finish their order for a new addition to the farm, and once their finished, he greets them.
Robin stays near the counter, counting through whatever blue prints for the commission, but keeps glancing up.
We just love mothers, dont we?
Her jaw nearly hangs when Sebastian gets offered a crystal but gets a bit flustered at it, taking the gift with such gentle hands as he thanks the Farmer.
He ducked his head a little, gave a small chuckle, and grateful nod- all while giving the Farmer all his attention without an inch of seeming like he wanted to be or hide somewhere else.
She knows. She immediately knows.
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But she doesnt say a word-
Not to Sebastian at least-
She does tell Demetrious a bit of it, the more she notices.
What can you say? The woman, who thought her son just wasn't interested in just about anyone or anything besides his room and computer stuff, finally sees her little man find someone he's clearly interested in.
Demetrious is all like "Thats great, honey :)"
....We know you were just thinking of your work, Demetrious, you dont gotta lie. 💀
Anyway! Robin feels satisfied, knowing her Sebby will probably-
Wrong, she knows that man will never confess on his own terms.
She starts planning like its the Egg Festival and she got put in charge of hiding all the eggs- aka, the clues for Sebby to figure out
First- Find out if the Farmer likes him back!
Shes not just gonna do it if she knows theres a chance the Farmer will reject Sebastian. If that were the case, she would let Sebby handle it the way he feels is just.
The next times the Farmer comes around, she asks subtle questions.
"How's the Farm doing? It doesnt feel too lonely, does it?"
"I seen you met my son, Sebastian! Hes treating you good, I hope!"
"Do you like my son-" (Robin no-)
Little stuff like that until eventually- she gets her answer. The one shes been hoping for!
The Farmer, despite their usually calm persona, turns a wee bit heated at the cheeks, scratching their neck and giggling/chuckling nervously while answering yes, Sebastian is a good guy!
Boys, we got em.
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Now Robin can do what mothers do best, interfere
(Mom, if you are ever reading this cause whatver reason, I love you and promise that isnt the truth-") what I said, y'know, like a liar.
Now that we think about, Robin probably cant do too much in the position shes in. She doesnt want to overwhelm her son, nor does she want to accidentally scare the Farmer away. Hmmm.
Maru, the beautiful genius comes in with, "What if you sent Sebastian to help the farmer ?"
So she does.
Anytime she can, Robin asks Sebastian if he can either go drop off something or help the Farmer bring something into the shop, or plain and simple like "Sebby, I need you to run this fish down to the Farmer."
"Why do (they) need a fish? Cant they just get some-"
"Go talk to your crush already-"
He does so.
She doesnt just do that, whenever they're at the Saloon, she'll ask Sebastian and the Farmer to help her bring drinks to their table even if they arent sitting with them.
Maru even pitches in sometimes with asking Sebastian if he can ask the Farmer to bring her something for one her experiments/robots.
Anything and every chance is given directly to Sebastian to talk to the farmer when hes free.
And it pays off- On calls Sebastian takes for Robin from the Farmer, Robin can hear him laughing a bit with them after getting their order in.
Maru catches them jokingly nudging each other as they walk to the table with drinks.
And Sebastian seems to take a good bit longer to come home even though they have a shortcut to the Farmer just a little higher up the mountain.
Even Demetrious commented about one time seeing Sebastian snuffing out his smoke as the Farmer immediately came into view, and quickly striking up a conversation as they were walking through.
The girls were giddy with excitement and Demetrious was.....there.
Listen, I dont hate him but he isnt exactly my favorite either-
Then it came!
The day the Farmer walked into the shop, grasping a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a Tear Drop in the other.
Robin had to hide the large and practically beaming grin on her face with a handbook of what you guessed? Carpentry, infront of her.
Maru noticed the Farmer walking past with a handful wave and waved back so fast and so giddy like.
When the Farmer came from the basement, you could tell no one can wipe the smile cemented onto their face. The items were gone and they were basically skipping in their walk out.
And that ladies, gents, and nonbinary boos, is how Robin (noname), Pelican Town's only Carpenter earned her rightful spot upfront for her son and new in-laws wedding in the future.
And you can just imagine the look on Sebastian's face when he realized how his mother had a hand in getting him and his now S.O. together HAHA💜💜
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mermaidgirl30 · 9 months
Look for the Light Epilogue
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Series Masterlist
- Summary: Aly finds herself trying to escape the Boston QZ. What Aly doesn’t know is Tess is pairing her up with Joel to go on a dangerous mission to find Tommy. Will Aly survive the brooding, moody Joel or will she find herself falling hard for him?
- Notes: I am so so sad this story is over! I loved every second of writing this and put in so many hours on this masterpiece. This was my first ever fanfic and I hold it so dear to my heart. I can’t tell you how much I cried writing the epilogue. It ended perfect, and I just can’t get over that it’s over 😭🥹 My heart hurts
This is the song I played over and over when I wrote this chapter, fits so well 🥰🩵
You watched the rest of December disappear just like the snow on the ground. The last few weeks were magical as the town was donned in glittery Christmas lights and garland foliage. Joel had even decorated the living room with a little pine tree and splayed pretty Christmas lights all over it. It was the comfiest Christmas you’d ever had. Your favorite part was being wrapped up with him on the couch as you drank hot chocolate and sat in front of the fireplace on Christmas Eve, keeping warm as he kept you in his lap, running his fingers through your hair and sending light kisses against your temples.
You watched the seasons fly by in Jackson as the months came and went in the blink of an eye. You watched the frigid, snowy days turn to lush, rainy days as the spring flowers started to blossom outside the gates.
The town was quiet for the most part. You had settled into your normal routine in Jackson, taking care of all the horses and even some of the other animals like the sheep which was Joel’s favorite. He had always wanted his own sheep farm, so he’d stop by every time you were tending to them.
Joel started working on more projects in town, helping build new buildings, fixing things around houses, and even doing a little woodwork in his spare time. He always loved working with his hands and making new things. He had a knack for it and was good at it, too. Some days you’d just sit there in his woodshop and watch him work. The way his rough hands would cut the wood, the way he’d turn an ordinary item into a beautiful piece of art. The way his broad shoulders and massive biceps would flex each time he brought the hammer down onto the table. He was a masterpiece in himself. A gorgeous work of art.
And then there was Ellie. You got to witness the budding relationship between Joel and her take place over the changing seasons. That was your favorite thing to see. He taught her so many things, even taught her how to swim in the deep crystal lake that was nearby. He was so careful with her, so patient. You could see he deeply cared about her now.
He was always grabbing up comic books on patrols that he thought she’d like, always putting her needs before his own. He was quite selfless and so kind. You loved seeing him turn from that angry, brooding man into a protective, sweet, loving one. He was so different than the man you once knew. You liked this version of him. No, you loved this version. You loved him, intensely.
Most evenings were spent sitting on the porch swing as you watched Joel teach Ellie more songs on the guitar. He had found her her own acoustic guitar and gifted it to her at Christmas. The way he lit up when he saw Ellie’s face as she opened the gift under the dazzling tree was worth the trip to find the guitar in the first place. It made your heart burst at the seams. She had been so excited to have her own guitar, and she practiced every day as it became her new favorite hobby. Joel and Ellie had become quite the duo.
The crisp, spring days turned into warm summer days as July rolled around. Joel was taking you on an adventure today or so he said. He wouldn’t tell you where you were going. He wouldn’t even do so much as give you a hint. He kept his jaw locked tight as you rolled your eyes and gave up.
As he led Shimmer out of the barn, you saw Tommy and Maria smiling brightly at Joel like they knew something you didn’t. You saw Joel whispering to Tommy and Maria earlier in the week, even doing the same to Ellie. You didn’t know what all the secrecy was about, but you’d figure it out eventually. Your birthday was only a month away, so maybe they were planning a secret party? Oh well, you wouldn’t worry about it today. You’d just enjoy whatever adventure he was taking you on.
Joel was dressed in his usual attire, even though it was above 80 degrees outside. He had on a grey t-shirt and his green flannel shirt hung unbuttoned over that. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows as he showed off those thick veins that spread across the width of his arms and ended at his massive hands.
He had put on even more muscle during the springtime with all the projects he was doing, so his biceps were clinging to his flannel, threatening to tear the material at any given time. You loved those strong arms, loved being inside them as he held you close at night. It was one of your favorite things.
His blue jeans hung snuggly across his waist and showed off his muscular thighs. He was all ripped, all muscle. And he was all yours for the taking.
Before you could jump up on Shimmer, Joel put a hand on your shoulder and stopped you in your tracks. He clicked his tongue and smiled up at you. “Hold on, darlin’. Gotta put this on before we go.” He held out a big, oversized black ribbon in front of your face as you questioned the gesture of it.
“What’s this for?” you asked as your eyebrows furrowed together.
“You gotta put it on so you don’t see where we’re goin’,” he answered as he kept his hand in place with the ends of the ribbon flying softly in the wind.
“But why would I put that on?” you asked with a dazed expression.
“It’s a surprise. Don’t want ya seein’ where I’m leading you. Can I just put it on you?” he asked with a calm voice, trying to convince you the best he could.
You sighed and rolled your eyes. “Okay, okay. You win. Go ahead,” you said as you crossed your arms. He gently smiled at you and nodded.
“Alright, turn around for me,” he asked, delicately grasping you by the shoulders and turning you as he wrapped the ribbon around your eyes as you watched the sunlight disappear into darkness.
“Can you see anything?” he asked as he tried waving a hand in front of your eyes.
“No, think you wrapped me up tight enough,” you replied as you heard him chuckle under his breath.
“Alright, then up you go.” He lifted you up as you felt yourself leave the ground as you landed on top of Shimmer with your legs dangling and your hands frantically feeling for something to grasp. You felt for the saddle and held on tight.
“Joel, don’t you dare let me fall!” you yelled as you held on for dear life.
He laughed under his breath and jumped up to join you on Shimmer. “I’m not gonna let you fall, sweetheart. Just hold on to me and keep a tight grip. I got you,” he promised as he grabbed a hold of the reins.
You wrapped your arms tightly around his waist before he took off into the heat of the day, letting the wind catch your hair as Shimmer’s pace picked up. The sun’s scorching rays caught your bare shoulders in the white lacy tank top you were in along with the blue Jean shorts that grazed your thighs, making your skin glow with that shimmery summer tan.
You rode on for a couple miles until you finally broke your silence and laughed against the racing wind. “Where are you taking me?”
“It’s a surprise, darlin’. Can’t tell you even if I wanted to,” he replied as you could hear his smile and how it crinkled up at the corners of his mouth.
“Fine,” you sighed.
He chuckled again softly. “We’re almost there. Just a couple more minutes,” he promised. He squeezed your hand in response, sending vibrations buzzing through your body.
After a few minutes you heard Joel halt Shimmer as she came to a complete stop. He jumped off her back and gently lifted you off, bringing you safely back to the ground.
“Can you take this off me now?” you asked, anxious to take the blinding ribbon off.
“Almost, just give me another minute. Follow my voice, we’re almost there,” he promised.
He took your hands in his and led you forward. You couldn’t see anything, but you could smell sweet, fragrant scents of honeysuckle and floral aromas around you. The smell was overwhelming as it took over all your senses. Flowers were one of your favorite things, and Joel knew this. So you just wondered where exactly he was leading you.
What was he up to?
You could feel the lush grass underneath your feet with every step you took. The wind whistled through your ears as you heard the rustling of branches swaying gently in the breeze and could feel the faint touch of summer heat on your tan skin.
You felt the ground turn softer, almost like you were walking through moss. You heard Joel’s footsteps in front of you faintly, the sound of leaves and sticks crunching under his weight.
“Joel! Not so fast, I don’t want to fall,” you laughed as he led you further into the unknown.
“Do you trust me?” he asked, turning towards you with that soothing voice that could lull all your worries away.
“Yes,” you said automatically. Of course you trusted him.
“Then believe me when I say I’d never let you fall. I’ve got you, I promise.”
The floral scents became stronger as you wandered further into the distance, getting closer to wherever he was leading you. The hint of something sweet like candy filled the air. You breathed in deep and caught the scent of something you’ve smelled before but couldn’t quite grasp what it was.
What was that smell? Something soft…maybe roses? No…something else. You inhaled deeply and got another whiff of lush fragrance. It almost smelled like lilacs. One of your favorites. Joel had always said how much you smelled like lilacs, and it quickly became his favorite trademark of you.
Could it be? No…there weren’t lilacs around this area that you knew of. Maybe jasmine was what you were smelling? Yes, that’s what it had to be.
Joel slowly stopped you as he dropped your hands. “You ready?” he asked with a small laugh rumbling in his throat.
“More than ready,” you said prepared.
“Okay. Open you eyes,” he said softly as he untied the ribbon and dropped it, freeing you from the darkness as blinding light took over. You took a moment to adjust your eyes and then you saw just where you stood.
You gasped as you took in your surroundings. You weren’t just anywhere. You were in the middle of a giant field filled with lilac and violet flowers. The field was absolutely covered as vibrant purples blossomed all around you. Thick vines of lilac climbed up the sides of oak trees and got buried in the pinks and whites of wild flowers in the distance. You never saw such beautiful flowers before. The deep, rich shades of light and dark purple completely took over the area. It was like nothing you had seen before.
“Joel…how did you find this place?” you asked in disbelief, making a clear circle as you turned to face him again.
“This wasn’t exactly here before,” he answered as he raked a hand across his salt and pepper scruff, staring at you nervously.
“What do you mean it wasn’t here?” Your eyebrows furrowed as you took a step towards him, taking in the sweet smell of lilacs as it encased the air.
“I planted them by hand in the winter. Well, not just me. I had Maria help me since she’s a master at that sort of thing. She said they’d be fine over winter and wouldn’t take too long to start growing. They’re not fully mature yet, but it’s just the beginning. Another year and they’ll be fully grown. Thought you might like it….ya know since they’re your favorite flowers and all,” he said blushing, a small smile edging his lips as his dimples were in full effect now. Making you all warm and fuzzy from the view of him. That beautiful smile.
“You…you did this all for me?” you whispered, your eyes wide in shock.
“That’s right. All for you, sweetheart,” he answered affectionately.
“Joel, that…that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me,” you said quietly, still in a daze.
“So, ya like it then?” he asked with raised eyebrows, anxious for your answer.
“I don’t just like it, I love it!” you said excitedly as you beamed at him.
“Good, that’s good,” he smiled again as he scratched the back of neck restlessly.
What was he so nervous for? Was he afraid you wouldn’t like it? Because obviously you loved it.
You spun around as you glanced over the glorious flowers as they were on full display for you, their heavenly scents surrounding you as you drank in the sweet fragrance. You grazed your finger over a deep purple violet as you took in its delicate, velvety petals. Examining how succulent and pretty they all were.
You turned back around towards Joel as you were about to ask him a question. “Joel, do you…” You stopped mid sentence when you saw him down on one knee right in front of you. Your eyes went wide and your jaw dropped at the sight as you took in his sincere and longing eyes as he stared at you in awe.
Was he about to ask you to…oh my God.
He took both of your hands in his as he took a deep breath and smiled admiringly at you. “Alyson Harper, my love. Where do I even begin? You are the most beautiful, incredible woman I’ve ever met. You’ve taught me so much over the last year, so much about life. You’ve shown me how to be patient, how to be kind. Especially with Ellie. I could not have brought her all the way here without your help and support. And I definitely couldn’t raise her on my own without your help and guidance. You are incredibly patient with her, and that’s something you taught me how to be also. You’ve taught me how to be completely selfless, how to be gentle. You helped me find my way to the light when I was stuck in the darkness, unable to find my way out myself. You’ve taught me how to trust again, how to love again. You reminded me what it was like to live again. You’ve been exactly what I needed all along. You made me a better man, made me want to be better. For you and for Ellie. And I just could not picture my life without you in it. You are the love of my life, Alyson. And I don’t want to do this life without you.”
You felt a teardrop run down your cheek as you quickly wiped it away. His speech was so beautiful, it was like music to your ears. An entire symphony that was only playing for you, and Joel was the composer. You were internally screaming at his words, at how intimate and loving they were. The way he was looking at you with those warm, serene pools of honey in his eyes almost knocked you down by how intense it was.
He dropped one of your hands and dug around in his pocket for something until he found exactly what he was looking for. Once he grabbed it, he fished his hand out of his jeans and held up a glistening, purple amethyst diamond ring to you which made you about topple over.
You gawked at the sight as your eyes went wide and you quickly covered your mouth with your hand, completely stunned at just what was happening before your eyes. Joel’s deep brown eyes were watering as he continued on with his speech as he held your hand tightly and looked at you as if you were the only girl in the world.
“Alyson, will you please do me the honor of marrying me? Make me the happiest man in the world,” he asked as he poured his heart out to you.
You felt your heart skip a beat as happy tears fell down your cheeks. You bit your lip and held in anymore tears that were threatening to spill, wanting to compose yourself in the best way that you could.
“Joel, I don’t know what to say…” you said stunned, your voice carrying faintly across the soft wind.
“Say yes, baby,” he pleaded, his eyes honing in on you as they sank deep inside your soul. You swear you could feel that string attached to his heart connect to yours as you were pulled to him like a moth to a flame.
He was asking as if you needed enticing. Of course you didn’t. This was a hard yes, the easiest yes you’d ever have to say. Joel was your future, your best friend, your forever lover. And you wanted it with him as much as he wanted it with you. A life of happiness, full of love and joy.
“Yes, yes! A thousand times yes,” you yelled in pure bliss as you met him on his level and cupped his face in between your palms, pulling him in for a passionate kiss.
His lips tasted like honey as his soft, delicate lips crashed down on yours. He wrapped his arm around your waist and picked you up, spinning you in circles as he kissed you again and again, finally putting you back on the ground and keeping his arms around you.
“I was hoping you’d say that,” he said as he smiled down at you, brushing his lips against yours.
He took your left hand in his and gently slid the sparkling ring on your ring finger. It was a perfect fit. It was so gorgeous, you’d never seen anything quite like it before. The way the iridescent diamond was etched, you swear you could see Joel’s heart beating inside it. A clear marking of something you could wear forever that was a piece of him.
“How did you find this? It’s gorgeous,” you breathed out as he held your hand up and observed the ring.
“You know all those late nights I spent on patrols with Tommy?” he asked as he looked into your eyes with big, dreamy brown eyes, nearly taking your breath away at the sight.
“Yeah,” you whispered back.
“Well, turns out Tommy helped me search high and low for a jewelry store. He knew there had to be one around Wyoming somewhere. Took a long time, but we finally found one. It was pretty picked through. I didn’t have too many options, but I wanted to find the perfect ring for ya. You always said purple was your favorite color, so when I saw this I just knew it was the one. And it’s beautiful on you, really brings out the sapphire blue of your eyes. My little lilac angel,” he purred as he caressed your check with the base of his thumb, slowly easing you into a hypnotic lull that you didn’t want to shake.
“Joel…I have no words. This is…this is just so incredible. You’re incredible. You’re amazing. You’re everything I ever wanted.” A tear trickled down your cheek and Joel caught it with his thumb, wiping it away as he kissed the damp area on your face gently.
“You deserve the best, and I’m going to be that for you. I’m gonna take good care of ya, sweetheart. Gonna love you with everything that I have.”
He slowly brought his lips back down to yours and gave you a long, passionate kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck and gently scratched along the tousled curls at the back of his head as he slid his tongue into your mouth, gently massaging yours in tune with his as you tasted a hint of coffee. That taste that you loved and couldn’t get enough of.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and brought you down to the ground playfully as he climbed on top of you and caged his arms around you, hovering just about you as he blocked the sun from your vision. All you saw were those magnetic, syrupy brown eyes and an infectious smile that played across the corners of his mouth, making him look like the gentle soul that he was. His eyes were lit up like he had just won the lottery the way he was looking at you. It made your heart melt all just the same.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you asked as you laughed, taking a hand and running it up and down his inner arm slowly, making you want to pull him down on top of you.
“Because the prettiest girl just agreed to marry me, and now I get you all to myself,” he beamed as his eyes lit a fire in your soul.
“Oh, you get me all to yourself now?” you laughed, trailing your fingers against his salt and pepper scruff.
“Mhm,” he hummed as his lips hung just above yours.
“I am all yours. Now come here, handsome.” You grabbed a hold of his t-shirt and pulled him down to you. He landed on your lips as he placed a hand under your chin, keeping you glued to him as he explored your mouth with his tongue, lapping you up completely as he rolled over and pulled you on top of him, his arms going around your waist as he slowly ended the kiss.
You laid there on his chest and ran your hand through his dark, tousled curls, taking in his warm eyes and infectious smile as he stared up at you in awe.
“What are you thinking about?” you asked dreamily as you played with an out of place curl, gently running your fingers across his scalp.
“How I’m gonna get to call you Mrs. Miller,” he said with a sideways smile as a smirk etched the edge of his mouth, making him look that much more handsome.
“Why don’t you practice now?” you asked flirtatiously.
“Okay. Mrs Miller…” he whispered. “Or how about Alyson Miller?” he asked with a breathtaking smile.
“I like the sound of that. Actually, I love that. I love the way you say my name. The way it just rolls off your tongue without any hesitation. You just make it so melodic,” you replied in a dreamlike state.
“Alyson…” he said with a breathy, drawn out voice. Making your thighs squeeze tighter around him as he lit a fire deep inside you.
“Keep going,” you begged as you got closer to his lips. Just an inch from tasting him.
“Alyson…my love, my everything.”
And then you were on him as you dug your fingers into his messy curls and connected with his lips, tasting sweet coffee again as you got lost in his fresh mahogany scent. After a few minutes of kissing and showing him affection, he pulled you into his side as you wrapped an arm around his chest and placed your legs over his, getting comfortable against him.
“I can’t believe I get to marry you,” you said in a daze as his hand covered yours, slowly entwining his fingers with yours.
“I can’t believe it either, sweetheart. I’m just so happy that you’re mine. You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you,” he said with a sigh as he kissed your temple.
“You’re incredible,” you whispered into his ear. “I want you to know you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And there’s not a day that goes by where I don’t just stop and go, God, I love Joel Miller,” you said with a smile pressed against your lips.
“Oh, sweetheart. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to ask you. You know I told Ellie I was gonna marry you?”
You turned your head and looked at him with wide eyes. “When did you tell her that?”
“A few months ago. I’m just glad she didn’t say anything. I swore her to secrecy. You know she helped too. With the flowers. She was so excited when I told her what I was planning. Had her jumping up and down. That girl is a mess,” he laughed as he gently placed another kiss on your cheek.
He knew for months he wanted to marry you and planned it for that long? Wow… he really was incredible.
“I love you, Joel. You’re everything I could’ve wished for and more,” you said as you held back tears.
“Oh, Alyson. And you’re my everything. My favorite person, the love of my life. I’m never ever letting you go, sweetheart.” He placed a tender kiss across your lips and then pulled you in close as you closed your eyes and breathed him in. Your sweet, gentle lover. Yours.
You laid in the bed of lilacs and violets for several minutes as you took in all the sights around you. Soaking up the sunshine, memorizing every line on Joel’s body, getting lost in his warm brown eyes, and losing yourself in the delicious scents of budding flowers, pine cones, and mahogany. Taking it all in so you could remember this day as the best day of your life.
Joel ran his hand up and down your thigh slowly as his calloused fingers brushed up against your skin, making you sink into him even more. “You wanna stay here awhile?” he asked with a low drawl.
“Yeah, let’s just enjoy this. It’s peaceful out here, and I get you all to myself. Let’s stay here for a few hours, maybe watch the sunset go down. Doesn’t that sound romantic?” you asked in a sing-song voice, completely lost in the bliss.
“Whatever you want, darlin’. We can stay as long as you want,” he said as he drew a line of kisses down your neck, sending heat into the center of your body.
“I love you, Joel,” you whispered.
“I love you more, Alyson,” he said with a lull. And then you were covering yourself in him as both of you got completely lost in the other. Making love in a bed of lilacs as you confessed your undying love to each other over and over again.
And you did stay there till the sun set. You stayed there till you had nothing left to give as you laid tucked into his side with just his plaid shirt over you, basking in the scent of each other. You slowly watched the orange sunset as it lit up the sky with painted pink and deep purple colors as you got lost in his lips again, sinking into him like he was your lifeline. But he was. He was your everything, and you’d spend the rest of your life showing him just how much you loved him.
This is where you felt most at home. Wherever he was was where you wanted to be. And you’d follow him until the end of time. Show him day and night just how much you loved him. He was your guiding light, and you’d never let him burn out. Promising to keep him in the light forever. Your eternity.
Epilogue: Pt II
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