#this is way longer than i expected this hobby to last; and tbqh im really glad it did last
4ourleafclover · 8 years
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‘"Consider this a privilege. You have been chosen. You are going to participate in a game. The Nonary Game. It is a game... where you will put your life on the line." 
First, what this is: for my third anniversary of tumblr RP, I’m giving away one digital copy of The Nonary Games, which is a double pack featuring 9 hours 9 persons 9 doors, and Virtue’s Last Reward. This will be a steam copy of the game only.
-Must be 18+ to enter! -Please be aware of the content of these games: they contain swearing, gore (both visually and graphic descriptions of it), suicide, murder, manipulation, and psychological horror, as well as sexual innuendo -Must be following one of my RP blogs (full list under the cut) -Maximum one like and two reblogs per person -we don’t have to have interacted in the past for you to enter -There will be one winner only, who gets a steam copy of The Nonary Games
Start date: March 5th, 2017 End date: March 24th, 2017
Under the cut: included blogs, as well as a bit of a blurb.
Qualifying blogs: @4ourleafclover, @ninthextrication, @frozenheartedvalkyrie, @aspiring-starlight, @parasolseraphim, @spacedaydreamers, @detectivenoire​
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First thing I have to say, is thank you. I’ve been a part of tumblr roleplay since march of 2014, back on my Emil blog. I’ll have been roleplaying on tumblr for three years now- honestly, I can’t even believe it. It’s a hobby that’s led to me meeting some of my best friends, and I’m eternally grateful to everything that’s happened over these years. There’s been ups and downs, blogs have come and gone, but I wouldn’t take it back for the world.
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I’ve been planning this giveaway ever since the remake was announced summer last year, because Zero Escape means a lot to me. It’s a series that I am endlessly fond of- as you might have guessed, considering I now have 2 zero escape RP blogs. But in all seriousness, they mean a lot to me. They’re dark, but despite everything, they still resonate with messages about hope, trust, and what it really means to be a human.
Being human is about fighting even when it seems hopeless, and finding happiness even in a world that hates it.
That quote in particular means a lot to me. I won’t spoil where it comes from, but the person who’s said it, much like every nonary game participant, went through hell. Even still though, they didn’t give up. They fought to make it through the game alive not just for themselves, but for everyone. They truly believed that a happy ending was possible. Despite their cynicism, despite life being unfair to them, they still had hope.
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And to me, that’s the biggest reason I love these games, and I want to share them with more people. Zero Escape is a series of games about death, murder, and betrayal- but also about trust, and the belief that you can find a better way out. 999 is my absolute favourite game of all time- it is the closest I could think of to a masterpiece, and I can recommend every Zero Escape game without hesitation. I always like to say thank you to the people who follow me and interact with me, and this feels very fitting for what’s essentially my three year anniversary. I figure I can share at least a little bit of the love you’ve all given me back at you. I say this every time I do one of these things, but that’s because I mean it every time. I really do love you guys.
This is the main ending of my really sappy blub part, the bit below is a few recommendations for anyone who’s planning on playing The Nonary Games for the first time. Obviously, these are only recommendations- you can completely ignore them, they’re just a couple of heads ups that i consider worthwhile sharing.
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Blacklist, blacklist, blacklist! Don’t go into any of the tumblr tags, and avoid the wiki with a passion. Almost every character has spoilers in their first google result, and the wiki pages are all spoilers. Especially for 999, where most character’s names are a spoiler. (heck, you can even softblock me here, and if you’re worried about spoilers in RP just shoot me a message!)
when playing 999, consider not using the flowchart until you’ve finished an ending. It’s handy as all hell for later on/completion because you don’t need to replay puzzle rooms you’ve already completed, but the story flows much more naturally if you take things one ending at a time.
Beware saving in puzzle rooms- in the original retail version of VLR, there was a game-breaking glitch that could corrupt your save file if you saved in a couple of the puzzle segments (the PEC in particular I remember, not sure about the others). This will probably have been fixed (i see no reason why it wouldn’t have been), but keep an eye out for reports.
Don’t read the gold files! You need to collect them for VLR, but I recommend waiting until you’ve finished the game to go through them. They sometimes spoil things that are going to happen shortly afterwards in the plot. (why, i’ve never been able to figure out.)
And most importantly, have fun! Video games are meant to be enjoyed, and Zero Escape is no different. The games have a wonderful sense of humor, ranging from dumb puns to heavy innuendo to innocent pipe jokes.
Also, totally liveblog this shit to me. Show me your reactions. Nothing makes me happier than watching people react to Zero Escape for the first time. Trust me, it’s a good time. I’ll be going through the games myself, so we can scream together.
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