#this is untuned btw
fillthelighter · 15 days
Around August, I preordered Noa hex; and I just got him yesterday.
So I was mucking around with him, slapping him over some vocal data (I might use him in a cover of neapolitaN); and while I was going through his vocal modes, I realized that his nasal vocal mode made him sound a bit like Ike Eveland.
And, of course, I knew exactly what to do with this information.
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spampai · 1 month
The Jester 17 Bucks Edition
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This is also the PJ’s Bitty used in the manga lol
‘Cause why not
PS: I’m not that good in blending so if the shading strays a bit from the og artstyle, that’s the reason.
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recapitulation · 3 months
can someone who plays percussion PLEASE tell me what these score shorthand names indicate im going to start biting things
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this is mahler 7 btw so youd think id be able to figure it out w instrumentation list but what the FUCK is "Hgl."
Pk. = timpani right?
Gr. Tr. = ???
Trgl. = okay this one is triangle i got it
Hgl = ??????
Glock. = glockenspiel :) my friend
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I just want to know what exactly it is I'm hearing at this particular moment I'm looking at... I think it might be cowbell but it might be untuned bells? ? HELP MEEE
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thepoeticfox · 6 months
Annoyance: I tune with a tuner. He tunes by ear. He does not, btw, have perfect pitch.
This might explain why I have to keep returning it so often. It's always the B string. Always.
I need my own guitar. For real. He can have his untuned equipment and I can have my tuned equipment.
I have my eyes set on one. It'll be okay. I'll just keep up practice and lessons and once it's proven it's not a temporary fixation, I'll get her. Maybe by my birthday but hopefully sooner.
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nanjokei · 1 year
one thing i recommend to any vocaloid fan is to pirate software and play around with it, tuned and untuned project files, try to convert a ust, plug n play, fuck around, truly try to familiarize yourself with the software a little. ive tried out every version since 3. ive recently gotten my hands on rin/len act1 (my favorite rin and len banks btw) via archive dot org but still havent played around with regedit to unlock them
but over the years, id play around. i have to say. i couldnt figure out v6 at all but its a much better software than v5 for sure. id LOVE to try synthv 2 out just for academic purposes as i usually do, but it seems like someone actually took action against cracked versions. actual cops lol (ive tried the original back when it was free)
sidenote, i am planning to buy gumi v2 eventually but im too lazy to fuck around with the japanese address stuff rn (older banks arent up for sale on the internetco overseas storefront)
my points: someone who pirates it probably wasnt gonna buy it anyway. i might buy stuff as a fan but i have no intention of buying anything currently, music is only my hobby as a listener. but trying it out just to understand HOW it works will deepen your love and make you not only understand the effort that goes into stuff, but also potential techniques people use (and you won't misuse technical terms randomly which is a huge pet peeve of mine)
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sniixnn · 2 years
warning : stranger things season 4 spoilers.
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pairing : eddie munson x (gn) reader
notes : LMFAO IM BACK FROM THE DEAD WITH A STRANGER THINGS POST WHO WOULDVE THOUGHT.. i’m literally so sorry though. from now on this is no longer a spoiler free blog as i can’t keep it in my pants for eddie munson and i’m going to be posting a ton about the new season ❤️ sorry y’all xx THIS IS UNEDITED BTW.
warning : stranger things season 4 spoilers. you have been warned again just to be safe lol. (there isn’t really any spoilers towards the show, but he’s a new character so i thought it would be good to put it there in case.)
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tick, tick, tick.
you eyed the clock as the sound of it consumed the room completely. there was no one in the shop except for you; business was slow on mondays. your hand rested upon your palm, and you slid a pile of cd’s over towards yourself to flick through some of the deals that your store has. only the newer trending bands, and you looked around for a moment before sliding a ‘the police’ cd into your pocket.
tick, tick, tick.
it wasn’t until the last people payed and left the store that you realized that there was nothing stopping you from shutting up and packing away at all. you could just waltz out of there with some new cds — though you were technically getting paid to do nothing. you thought about your boyfriend, eddie, and thought about the time that you could be spending with him instead. it fueled your urge to jump over the counter, but you restrained yourself. he was probably playing DnD again — not that you hated it, the people were cool with you being around and the game was withstandable, (you didn’t understand a thing no matter how hard he tried to teach you) but you could just never see yourself spending valuable time playing the game.
the bell that hung above the store entrance rung, and you jumped to straighten your posture and welcome the newcomer.
‘hello! welcome to—‘ you cut yourself off, recognizing the long curled hair almost immediately. you eased yourself up, smiling. ‘speak of the devil.’
‘missed me, did you?’ eddie shuffled to the front of the counter to lean against it, planting a soft kiss against your lips.
snorting with amusement, you replied, ‘more like missing civilization.’ you huffed and rolled your eyes. ‘i haven’t seen a single person since the first hour of my shift.’ he hummed, sliding the stack of cds over to himself to browse. sliding a queen cd towards you, he grinned and said.
‘i’ll be your… what, 3rd buyer of the day?’ he joked, handing a 10 dollar note towards you. he brushed his hands on his jacket, smiling. ‘yeah, well, i missed you too.’ you sat in a silence, a comfortable one however as you had become close enough together to know that you didn’t need to chat with him in order to have a good conversation.
you eyed him as he drifted off, looking through the shelves of sheet music with interest before hurrying towards the instrument section of your shop. you noticed him lingering in the guitar section, taking time to look at all you had to offer. plucking an electric guitar off of the shelf, he hoisted the sling over his shoulder. ‘god, she’s beautiful.’ he said breathily, grinning as he plucked a few untuned strings.
‘i wish i got a greeting like that.’ you rolled your eyes, pouting as he laughed, shaking his head. ‘plus, don’t you have one already?’
he tilted his head, walking over towards you with the guitar still attached to his hip. ‘who says you can’t have more than one?’
‘i dunno, any sane person?’ you raised an eyebrow as he laughed in response.
‘then you should know that that’s not me.’ mimicking devil horns above his head he laughed, going to walk around the back of the counter. he approached you and sat on the floor beside you, cradling the guitar and remaining out of sight from anyone entering the store. ‘may i?’ he gestured towards the guitar.
‘i’m not stopping you.’ you shrugged simply, turning your attention to him but keeping an ear out for the ringing of the doorbell. his hands made quick work of getting in position and you couldn’t help but notice every detail about him - you loved eddie so much, because there was just something unique to his look every time. today, his hands were decorated with big silver rings and chipped black nail polish, and his ‘hellfire’ T-shirt was still on.
he started playing one of his own songs, and you remembered it almost instantly. it was how you met in the first place — you were an onlooker and he was on the stage. you weren’t too worried about the crowd, if you could call it that; 4 drunk men staggering around to an upbeat punk song. you wanted to hear good music — and that’s what you got. you stuck on like a sore thumb compared to the other people in the venue, so it wasn’t hard for eddie to find you. it was too much of a coincidence that you two when to the same school, but it wasn’t that either of you were complaining. you were surprised you never really recognized him, especially when he was apart of one of the most hated clubs in the school.
fate, you joked with him; it must have been fate.
you drummed your fingers against the counter as the snail like pace of the day and the raw sound of the strings washed over you like a wave, a sense of fatigue filling your sense. you let out an audible groan, resting your head against the counter.
‘jeez. i’m not boring you, am i?’ raising an eyebrow, his fingers came to a halt almost immediately. shaking your head you mumbled,
‘just tired, i promise.’ eyeing him out of the corner of your elbow you grinned. ‘keep playing.’ he resumed silently and you waited for the bell to ring, occasionally looking at the time before you slide down the counter and sit next to eddie. he’s focused, but he still takes time to look at you through the corner of his eye. you lean your head on his jacket, running a finger along the headstock of the guitar. ‘will you teach me how to play one day?’ and then he’s quiet, but he still manages to laugh.
‘i can’t believe it.’ you give him a confused face, and you obviously pulled a weird expression because he laughed. ‘you work in a music shop and you don’t even know how to play guitar. that’s like, a necessity.’ he looks at you and he stops playing. ‘i don’t know if we can even date anymore.’
‘what?’ you exclaim incredulously and then you laugh, both of you do, and he picks the strap over his shoulder and slings it over yours instead. you look at him — the guitars heavy and it makes you wonder how he holds it and plays for longer than an hour every week.
‘you really want to learn?’ you nod your head quickly and he shuffles to face in front of you. he grins, and his eyes flash with a knowing twinkle that always appears when he is really excited. you’ve known him only for a couple months, but it’s felt like forever. ‘okay.. but i’m not going to go easy on you just because your my partner.’ he warns, holding his hands out cautiously. you shift, preparing yourself as he grasps your hand and puts it on the neck.
‘okay.’ he puffs. ‘from the beginning.’
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imma-lil-teapot · 4 years
TMNT 2003/2K3 Headcanon: Crying - (Raphael)
Feel free to scroll past this first part if you’re not interested in my silly rambling and nonsense. I won’t mind. Promise. ;)
Alrighty then, lockdown has officially started here. :/ *Unenthusiastic streamers fly* Oh well, look what we have all the time in the world for: WRITING! *Enthusiastic streamers fly* Not too much extra to add in this regard since the last headcanon (thanks a bunch for the likes btw, guys :D ), so I guess we’ll just get right into it. :)
Please bear in mind that I’m SUPER rusty! Haven’t written in ages so there are bound to be typos and all matter of general errors scattered throughout the post. Don’t pet them! They bite!  
Anyhoo~ Despite attempting to create and share with the goal in mind to uplift spirits, I decided to start on a rather upsetting subject (PLEASE DON’T LEAVE! They end on happy notes ;) ) because, Imma just come and say it, I enjoy seeing my favourite characters shed tears (not for just any old reason -their personality plays a huge role in this- and CERTAINLY not for sadistic reasons, land sakes no! But… well, you’ll see~ ;) ) It makes me all gooey and fuzzy inside to see them display such raw emotion and I just wanna leap into the TV screen to hug and console them. I dunno why. Maybe I’m nuts like that. (Remembers Raph crying at the farm when Leo was badly injured and wishes she could just hug them all and take away the pain) Oh well, if you enjoy visualizing the same, then *High Fives*. :)
So yeah, if you read the title, you’ll know this is based on the 2003/2k3 series (my favs). Hope you all enjoy~ :D Grab tissues cause sad turts ahead! :’(
Jibber jabber stops here~
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RAPHAEL - You are here
DONATELLO - Coming soon
MICHELANGELO - Coming soon
WARNING(S): Because of the subject, Angst and Hurt/Comfort will be present.
RATING: G (General)
WORD COUNT: Uhhh... *Shrugs shoulders*
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Well, you’re just gonna have to scroll down to find him, Master Splinter. ;) I really didn’t know what to add so... *Shrugs* And look at da squishy Turtle Tots, dey so cuuuuute!!! <3 
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– With his infamous hotheadedness and quick capacity for battle, it’s of course natural at first for one to expect Big Bad Raphie-Boy to be completely opposed to the very thought of crying. He is the resident ‘tough guy’ after all.  
– However, this notion couldn’t be farther from the truth: sure, he can be brash, quick to temper and lash out at those that give him enough incentive to, but underneath that rockhard exterior beats the heart of a real softie, and when something truly upsets that tender muscle, you can bet Mr. Hothead’s not going to try too hard to keep the tears at bay. 
– He’s as passionate as he is headstrong, and reining in such powerful emotions proves to be difficult at most times for him, so out of the four of them, and given the right circumstances, Raph can be surprisingly easy to get the tears flowing.
-- He’s no crybaby by a long shot, mind you, but he also knows that holding back on the waterworks is pointless and makes one just feel worse in the long run. If you’re going to cry, just cry. Simple as that. 
-- Like all of his brothers, Red can’t handle the thought of losing any of his family and close friends. It tears him apart inside and he’ll desperately attempt to protect and prevent anything terrible from happening to them, but when it does, he’s an emotional wreck and doesn’t always know how to handle his distress.  
– His initial reaction is to be by their sides before becoming outraged, and depending on the different situations, it’s not uncommon for him to also nag and pass remarks at the injured brother(s). It’s the only real way of expressing his fear of losing them before dampness starts forming in his eyes.
– Despite his tough guy front, he’s not against crying in front of his family and friends at all. He knows his place and doubts a few tears will have them seeing  him in a different light, particularly his father/master and brothers for they’ve seen the worst in him on many occasions. 
– It’s only when a particularly harsh meltdown wishes to happen does Raph choose to spare them the sideshow; he knows it’s not a pretty sight, so before the sniffling begins, he leaves the Lair and heads topside for some much needed air.
– He chooses the nearby rooftops as his destination; the ideal location to let go of the ever building waves of raw emotion that continue to grip at his chest, and by the time he makes it up the fire escape ladder, he spares little time letting out a rough growl in frustration, kicking an air vent a couple of times for good measure.
 -- With some rage and frustration now out of his system, he heads on over to the brick wall and turns his back to it, roughly sliding down into a sitting position and exhales a dismal sigh. As he subconsciously replays the earlier events through his mind, he finally allows the next phase of his sorrow to surface unbridled. 
-- He dolefully holds his head in one hand and balances it on a single knee pad as the tears now begin to flow freely.
– They instantly soak into his mask, and he grits his teeth as he feels the surges of emotion wrack his entire body. He doesn’t characteristically whimper or sob when crying, but he coughs a lot, and his nostrils leak like a faucet, forcing him to frequently sniff and snort just in order to breathe. This is the very reason why he refuses to really break down in front of the the others; not because of his tenacity, but because he simply finds the whole affair gross. His family certainly didn’t need to hear him constantly hacking up a lung and sounding like an untuned trumpet every time he blew his nose.
– The episode doesn’t last too long, though, much to his delight, and after some more thorough nasal clearing, Raph then wipes at his still somewhat wet eyes and mask before drawing out another -now exhausted- sigh. 
-- He’d begin gradually twirling a single sai around whilst he collected his thoughts. It felt more natural to keep his hands busy than have them being static when he was feeling this way. As his demeanor altered, so did the actions he performed with it.  
– He wouldn’t return to his family just yet for there was still some brooding left to be done... At least that was what he’d convinced himself he was doing. He wanted a clear head when he returned so for now, he’d remain in place on the rooftop in the crisp air with the city bursting with life just below him. 
-- He had to admit, it was certainly the best place for him to be with his thoughts. Comforting in fact. A true New Yorker at heart.
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– Aside from having everyone special to him perish, one of Raph’s greatest fears is his inability to fully control his own temper. On more than one occasion has it gotten out of hand and thus resulted in him injuring his own brothers, and it had shaken him to the core each time. 
– He’s come to the realization that he is his own worst enemy when it comes to reigning in his own inner rage, and it uneases him immensely that it could happen again and he’s fully aware that the probability is higher than he cares to admit. The more he concerns himself with it, the more it upsets him and thus, the tears of frustration start. 
– Fortunately, his bros are there for him and can tell when he’s feeling low about it. They know the best course of action is to have a light-hearted conversation about it with him and offer their reassurances... With Mikey of course adding his own two cents on the matter in his unique Mikey style, which usually involves poking fun at his brother in red and causing Raph to go from broody to enraged in record breaking time. Just how it should be.
– Not only is Raph A-okay with crying himself, but he’s often first on the emotional support committee to offer the shoulder of comfort to his friends, amazingly enough, and he’s actually pretty decent at it too. Though, not for absolutely everyone; he has his limitations when he knows someone’s really just blubbering for attention.
– He wasn’t always so accepting of shedding tears, though: as a very young Turtle Tot, he often thought of it as being too ‘babyish’ for him to do and thus despised it whenever something happened to cause him to tear up. 
– It took Master Splinter a rather surprisingly lengthy amount of time to change his perception of crying. No amount of explanations on how it was a perfectly natural expression of emotion would sway his son. 
– It got so out of hand that Raph would be in utter denial about crying right in front of his father, even while the latter would be staring at his tear-stained face directly in front of him. “M‘not cryin’,” the little Turtle would sniff. “Cryin’s fah sissies.” 
-- Splinter could only sigh and shake his head as he knelt down to embrace his son. When could he feel that Raphael would not fight the closeness, he’d give him the same lecture again, and Raph would finally succumb to his emotions and sob into his father’s robe whilst Splinter comfortingly rubbed his shell.
-- He could only guess that his words finally got through to his son for ever since that day, Raph’s entire attitude had altered for the better on the subject.
BONUS EXTRA EXTRA FEMALE READER OR S/O EDITION~ (Can also use an OC/FC insert if you wish, up to you)
From the moment you entered the Lair, you could clearly see something was up; Mikey was nursing an obvious wrist injury with a bag of frozen peas and hovering around Donny’s work area, complaining about the swelling to the purple-banded Turtle, who appeared to be paying little attention towards his ‘younger’ sibling as his back was turned.
"Hi, (Y/N).” 
You visibly jumped at the voice behind you and briskly turned, only to meet Leonardo’s placid form, and he swiftly apologized for the start. 
After the formal greeting, you gestured with a thumb in confusion at the former scene with an added, “Do I want to know?”
The leader’s facial features altered to a more serious aspect. “The end result of testing Raph’s patience,” he offered, which instantly had you more than a little concerned. Sure, Mikey could come off as being annoying, but to go so far as to physically harm him? 
“Are you sure it’s not worse than ‘just a sprain’?” You overheard the injured brother asking Donny, whose focus remained on a contraption of sorts you couldn’t quite make out on his desk.
“Yes, Mikey, you’ll live,” he responded with just a hint of weariness. “But no swinging your nunchucks around for a coupla days,” which was met with a typical whine in response from his patient. 
“It’s really not as bad as he makes it out to be,” Leo then added, turning your attention back towards him. Though you didn’t express it, you were grateful to hear the good news.
"Where is he now?” 
“Topside most likely.” Of course. It didn’t surprise you in the least that Raph had chosen to head there and you quickly set a course for the surface. “Need an escort?” The leader in blue offered, to which you politely declined. You knew he needed no further explanation. 
As you pushed back the manhole cover and made your way towards the nearest fire escape ladder, you were unable to put aside the various speculations as to why your special Turtle would hurt his own brother... Well, you would be kidding yourself to say you didn’t have at least one very plausible theory in mind, but as you neared the top of the ladder, the guesswork was instantly dropped and replaced with trepidation for you knew how Raph felt about injuring family. 
To put it simply, you were going to be dealing with a very dejected Turtle, and true to form, as you peered over the top of the building, the iconic emerald green hide and red mask tails met your sight. 
This was Raph’s favorite spot to gather his thoughts after all, so it was a no-brainer decision to begin the search there, and it was clear as day that it was exactly what he was doing for he made no effort to acknowledge your presence as he remained seated against the wall in a slouching position and gaze locked out front. 
As expected, he appeared to be moping. “Hey, Raphie,” you greeted, clambering over the wall. 
You were unable to tell if he had been aware you were nearby for he made no prior indication but instead merely replied with a gloomy, “’Sup, Kiddo?” No movement whatsoever. 
It amused you whenever he chose to refer to you by that nickname, especially since you were both the same age, but as you ambled on over towards him, you were left anything but amused as your former notion was set in stone when you caught the telltale signs of wet stains under his eyes. “You okay?”
It wasn’t the first time you had witnessed ‘ol Red crying, but it didn’t prevent your heart from breaking all the same. Something about seeing the bullheaded bad boy in tears left you in a real state of dismay, so without invitation, you seated yourself next him, affectionately leaning against his side, but before the consoling could begin, you had to gently ask, “You wanna tell me what happened?”
“Ugh, it was so stupid! Mikey wouldn’t quit goin’ on n’ on about beatin’ me in the Battle Nexus tournament and kept rubbin’ it in our faces about becomin’ the champ,” he exclaimed with shockingly little provocation, sniffing loudly. “I jus’ got so sick’ve it this time, an’ it’s not like we neva duked it out before or nothin’ but... I went too far this time, (Y/N), ya know?” 
He still refused to look at you as he began to wipe away some fresh tears that were forming in his eyes.
Your assumption had been correct all along; you acknowledged full well how Mikey’s triumphant achievement grated on Raph’s last nerve and how the orange-banded Turtle would seek out every opportunity to gloat about it in a bid to purposely provoke his ‘older’ brother. “Well, you know Mikey, Raph,” you said, not quite sympathizing with the actions he took, but rather offering some support. “He tries to get under your shell on purpose.”
"Yeah, I know, but... Dat’s no reason ta clobber the guy. Not like that, anyway” You noted how his voice gradually lowered grievously and you couldn’t stop yourself from placing your head on his shoulder. 
“No, it isn’t, but...” you knew you were grasping at straws by this point, but still offered, “They say it’s not as bad as he makes it out to be.”
He sighed dolefully. “I lost control again, (Y/N),” and you could feel the vibrations beginning to surge through him. “No matta what I do, I jus’... I jus’ can’t...” He trailed off, wracked with emotions as he covered his face with one hand and allowed the tears to fall, a cough slipping here and there.
You heart bled for this boy, and more than anything right then, you longed to relieve him of the pain, so you did the only thing you could think of: be right there by his side, comforting him through the breakdown. “Oh, Raph. It’ll be okay,” you calmly whispered, slinking an arm around his carapace and shoulders, bringing him closer and lightly squeezing his bicep with your free hand. “It’ll be okay.”
He leaned into the much needed support and continued to allow his misery to flow forth. You didn’t mind in the least for it was exactly what he required in order to heal, and you would be there for him every step of the way.
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WOOT, that’s Turt number two completed! Sorry it took a little longer than expected; I still feel rusty with sentence structure and all and am not entirely pleased with the outcome, but I did feel an improved ‘flow’ from the first so maybe things are slowly coming back to me? Or maybe it was the scenario; it felt more natural o write than Leo’s... Maybe cause Bloo Boi’s my fav Turt and I felt added pressure with his?
Oh well, Donny Boy’s next~
Thank you all so much for the read and hope you enjoyed~ :D
~Drag0n Mistr3ss’ Random Fandoms*
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angelosurmelis · 5 years
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I can’t be the only person who is freaked out, disturbed & saddened by all the face change/tune apps advertised on Instagram. Right? They are seriously appearance transforming and not in a change the lighting sort of way, but in dramatic shape shifter ways. What happens when you meet people in person and they look nothing like their heavily altered photos? Plus, on a much larger scale, what is it saying or reinforcing about our insecurities. I think of when I was a teen and riddled with self doubt about my appearance how these kinds of apps would have messed with my head. Now, I feel like I’ve earned this face. This body. We’ve all earned our place with ourselves and it’s an evolving journey. We should be celebrating that and each other as we truly are, not a false narrative. You’re amazing where you are right now and you’ll only get better, ‘cause you’re on it for real not because some app changed you’re facial structure. I remember when I first arrived in LA (I was a struggling actor from NY) and my first LA agent said that I wasn’t good looking enough to be a leading man, or interesting looking enough to be a character actor. He offered to pay for hair plugs and a nose job as an “investment” that I could pay back as I started booking work. I asked him why he signed me and he said he thought I actually had some talent, but that wasn’t even part of the equation. The sad thing is, I actually considered it for a hot minute before I shaved my head, fired him and left him with a minor memory of me. Don’t allow others to play on the insecurities you never had to begin with—they were placed there through outsourcing. You’re good! Great, actually. Man, and here I was feeling guilty and thinking that adding a filter to a random photo was stretching the truth. Tell someone you love how beautiful they are, or hell—freak out a total stranger and tell them! This is my unfiltered/untuned face, btw. I’m a big fan of YOURS! #weekendvibes #mood #facetuneappsscareme #beyou #yourebeautiful #dontblendin #instagay #pride #beyourself #nofacetune #nofilter #youveearnedit #thisismyfacegetoverit #loveyourself #loveyourface #beyourself #yourfaceisbeautiful #celebrateothers (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzEam65p9CP/?igshid=1wj0r2p1ho734
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zanaichzana · 4 years
Pendidikan : Tumbuh Cinta sebelum Biasa
Pendidikan akan sangat menjadi hal yang miskin jika hanya kita berkata soal pengetahuan saja, Begitupula akan sangat buruk terdengar jika hanya berkata soal pencapaian-pencapaian yang hanya membuat orang saling menjatuhkan.
Tapi, pendidikan menjadi hal yang sangat besar untuk segelintir orang. Bukan untuk mendapatkan gelar sarjana hingga profesor, atau hingga mendapat pekerjaan dengan gaji yang besar. Namun lebih kepada kecintaan mereka pada keilmuan yang membuat mereka penuh kebijaksanaan tentang banyaknya ketidaktahuan. Membuat orang-orang itu lebih tunduk dan mengejar kebaikan daripada upaya hasutan duniawi yang mati pun tidak akan dibawa.
Selamat hari Pendidikan!
Bukan berarti pendidik hanya soal guru di sekolah formal pun informal. Siapa pun ia yang dengan hati tulus mempunyai cita-cita yang baik terhadap didikannya, yang meluangkan waktunya, sang pemberi nasehat meskipun hanya sekedar bertemu sesaat. Dulu, menjadi guru adalah sebuah kebanggaan. Guru adalah pencapaian tertinggi dalam kehidupan, fase yang dilalui tidak banyak kemudahan. Tapi sekarang, guru-guru mulai kehilangan kebanggaan. Ketidaktahuan bahwa pendidikan penting untun diperjuangkan. Bukan hanya tentang pengajaran orang, bahkan menjadi kawah pengajaran sebuah bangsa. Ketidaktahuan bahwa pendidiklah yang menjadi prioritas untuk selamat saat kebencanaan di Jepang. Atau lupa, bahwa tanpa mereka tidak ada transformasi dan sulur-menyulur ilmu antar-generasi. Semoga semakin bangkit dan memaknai perjuangan pendidikan. Bahwa pengetahuan tidak lebih menjadi utama dari adab dan kecintaan terhadap ilmu, Adab dan kecintaan yang akan menunjukkan jalan terbaik sosok pribadi dalam rimba hutan dunia.
Salah sekali bila dikata pendidik adalah hanya seorang guru di sekolah. Ada banyak pendidik hingga yang paling dekat adalah sosok orangtua. Aku bilang sosok, karena orangtua bukan hanya melahirkan dan menumbuhkan saja. Sosok orangtua yang sejatinya menjadi teman untuk anak menjalani fitrahnya sebagai seorang hamba, yang mengenalkan aturan sebab-akibat, menjadi yang utama untuk bertanggung jawab dan menumbuhkan kecintaan soal pesona pada Pencipta. Tentang adab yang lebih utama sebelum lain-lainnya.
Diri adalah pendidik, minimal bagi dirinya sendiri. Mencari jalan di antara kerikil jalanan, bertemu pohon untuk berteduh sesiangan, melewati sungai untuk memberi air pada tubuh yang kehausan. Hidup memang soal kecukupan. Didik diri dengan berkata cukup, lebih dari itu bagi kepada kerabat dekat atau tetangga yang lebih membutuhkan. Hidup juga soal kesederhanaan, karena kekayaan tidak akan memperberat timbangan hingga sampainya dia pada amalan. Mendidik diri tidak pernah mudah, karena kehilangan arah tanpa bimbingan menjadi hal yang menyedihkan. Tengok kanan-kiri tidak banyak bantuan, harus pintar memilih di antara banyak pilihan. Semoga mudahmu tumbuh terdidik dalam kebaikan, pada pengajaran sederhana tentang kehidupan yang sederhana. Bukan mengejar kerakusan, kekuatan atau malah keabadian.
Sebelum memiliki nilai tinggi atas buahnya pencapaian, tapi kehormatan akan adab dan kecintaan untuk mempelajarinya yang menjadi utama. Selama tidak berhenti untuk mendidik diri, maka tidak ada namanya kegagalan.
Bukan soal kebiasaan, seperti robot mekanik yang melakukan sesuatu berulang-ulang. Jangan pernah didik diri kita demikian. Didiklah kita untuk menumbuhkan kecintaan pada sesuatu yang membuat kita untuk tidak pernah berhenti menjadi lebih baik dari kebaikan pun keburukan yang sudah lalu.
Sekali lagi, selamat hari pendidikan!  
Semarang, 2 Mei 2020
Btw, tahun lalu di tanggal yang sama, aku di wisuda. Sedang sekarang, di rumah aja.
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