#this is the tale of how i now have 11 plants
yarakoro · 1 month
I don't know if anyone but me has this dilemma but plants do this thing where they will outgrow their pot and then what? i just have a cool empty pot? but not that pot is so neat, it can't just sit around empty? how tragic
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headspace-hotel · 8 months
Just spent a couple hours digging into this book. I'm not even sure what has worse environmental impacts, the paper the book is made of or the opinions printed within.
Is "post-colonial" literary theory a joke? It's distressing that a book printed in 2021 by a reputable academic press can be so painfully Eurocentric, and I mean PAINFULLY. The philosophical and literary frameworks drawn upon in most chapters are like what some British guy in 1802 would come up with. In most of the chapters, every framework, terminology, and example is inseparably fused to Latin, Greek, and/or Christian philosophers, myths and texts, even down to the specific turns of phrase. You would think only Europeans had history or ideas until the 20th century.
Don't get me wrong, non-european and even specifically anti-colonial sources are used, and I don't think all the writers are white people, but...that's what's so weird and off-putting about it, most of the book as a whole utterly fails to absorb anything from non-European and in particular anti-colonial points of view. The chapters will quote those points of view but not incorporate them or really give their ideas the time of day, just go right back to acting like Plato and Aristotle and Romantic poets are the gold standard for defining what it means to be human.
In brief, the book is trying to examine how literature can shed light on the climate crisis, which is funny because it completely fails to demonstrate that literature is good or helpful for the climate crisis. Like that is for sure one major issue with it, it shows that people *have* written stuff about climate change, but it sure doesn't convince you that this stuff is good.
Most of the works quoted are rather doomerist, and a lot of the narrative works specifically are apocalypse tales where most of Earth's population dies. The most coherent function the authors can propose that literature fulfills is to essentially help people understand how bad things are. One of the essays even argues that poetry and other creative work that simply appreciates nature is basically outdated, because:
“One could no longer imagine wandering lonely as a cloud, because clouds now jostle in our imaginations with an awareness of atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other atmospheric pollutants” (Mandy Bloomfield, pg. 72)
Skill issue, Mandy.
The menace of doomerism in fiction and poetry is addressed, by Byron Caminero-Santangelo, on page 127 when he references,
the literary non-fiction of a growing number of authors who explicitly assert, some might even say embrace, the equation between fatalistic apocalyptic narrative and enlightenment…they are authoritative in their rejection of any hope and in their representation of mitigatory action as the cliched moving of deckchairs on a sinking ship
He quotes an essay “Elegy for a country’s seasons” by Zadie Smith, who says: “The fatalists have the luxury of focusing on an eschatological apocalyptic narrative and on the nostalgia of elegy, as well as of escape from uncertainty and responsibility to act." Which is spot-on and accurate, but these observations aren't recognized as a menace to positive action, nor is the parallel to Christian thought that eagerly looks forward to Earth's destruction as a cathartic release from its pain made fully explicit and analyzed. Most of the creative works referenced and quoted in the book ARE this exact type of fatalistic, elegiac performance of mourning.
I basically quit reading after Chapter 11, "Animals," by Eileen Crist, which begins:
The humanization of the world began unfolding when agricultural humans separated themselves from wild nature, and started to tame landscapes, subjugate and domesticate animals and plants, treat wild animals as enemies of flocks and fields, engineer freshwater ecologies, and open their psyches to the meme of the ‘the human’ as world conquerer, ruler and owner.
This is what I'm talking about when I say it's dripping Eurocentrism; these ideas are NOT universal, and it's adding nothing to the world to write them because they fall perfectly in line with what the European colonizing culture already believes, complete with the lingering ghost of a reference to the Fall of Man and banishment from the Garden of Eden. It keeps going:
“Over time, the new human elaborated a view of the animal that ruptured from the totemic, shamanic and relational past.”
Okay so now she's introducing the idea of progression from shamanic nature-worshipping religions of our primitive past...hmm I'm sure this isn't going anywhere bad
“While humanity has largely rejected the colonizing project with respect to fellow humans, the occupation of non-human nature constitutes civilization’s last bastion of ‘normal’ colonialism. A new humanity is bound sooner or later to recognize and overthrow a colonialism of ‘nature,’ embracing a universal norm of interspecies justice.” (pg. 206) 
Not only denying that colonialism still exists, but also saying that humans' relationship with nature constitutes colonialism??
Embracing limitations means scaling down the human presence on demographic and economic fronts…(pg.207)
ope, there's the "we have to reduce the human population"
Embracing limitations further mandates pulling back from vast expanses of the natural world, thus letting the lavishness of wild (free) nature rule Earth again” (pg. 207) 
aaaaaaand there's the "we have to remove humans from wild nature so it can be freeeeeee"
don't get me wrong like I am a random white person with no particular expertise in anti-colonialist thought but I think this is an easy one. I'm pretty sure if your view of nature is that colonialism involving subjugating humans doesn't exist any more and actually humans existing in and altering nature is the real colonialism so we should remove humans from vast tracts of earth, your opinion is just bad.
Anyways y'all know I have an axe to grind against doomerism so it was probably obvious where this was going but good grief.
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yandere-sins · 5 days
Monstober 2024
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Monster-Enthusiasts, Monster-Lovers, and Monster-Fucker, I call upon thee! This upcoming October is going to be spooky!
It's time for a whole month of delicious monster content! Whether you want them to stalk, to hunt, or to devour your little protagonists (mind you, the monsters are the real protagonists of the story, hehe), I want to see a month dedicated to the beauty of the Ugly and Horrible! All things monster are welcome—art, writing, any kind of showcasing a monster! No matter how cruel or how obscene you like it—now's the time to show it off! ♥
I have prepared a list of monsters & prompts for your guidance, however, if you'd rather do a different monster or a different prompt, that is totally fine! If you prefer to stay private and not have your post reblogged to this blog, that is totally alright, too! This is merely for fun and giggles, and I welcome everyone who wants to challenge themselves this upcoming October to use this list if they want!
How to participate in my Monstober:
- Starting October 1st create something with the monster or prompt of the day! That is all you have to do.
You don't have to do all days or even in chronological order. Feel free to alter the prompts as needed. Your monsters do not have to match the usual descriptions of their kind! Post whenever and whatever you like as long as it is still connected to monsters!
- If you want your entry to be reblogged: @ me yandere-sins in your post, don't forget to put content warnings if any apply (especially Violence & Sexual Content—however, those are very welcome!), and put long texts (once they reach 3k words) under a read more! I'll reblog the posts as soon as I see and have the time to get to them!
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Day 1: Chimera | Mixed // Misunderstood // Insanity
Day 2: Werewolf/Werecat | Full Moon // Claws // Beastly
Day 3: Alien | Otherworldly // Uncanny Valley // Space
Day 4: Harpy | Cliff // Flying // Illusion
Day 5: Nymph/Dryad/Leshy | Plants // Playful // Nature's Bounty
Day 6: Naga/Lamia | Scales // Wrapping around // Poisonous
Day 7: Sphinx | Riddles // Sand // Giant
Day 8: Merfolk | Water // Singing // Alluring
Day 9: Folklore Creatures | Cautionary Tales // Truth // Naivity
Day 10: Mimic | Treasures // Hungry // Wrong
Day 11: Yuki-onna/Snow Spirit | Snowstorm // Promise // Guiding
Day 12: Witch/Wizard/Magician | Magic // Spells // Towers
Day 13: Shifter | True Form // Unbelievable // Transformation
Day 14: Minotaur | Labyrinth // Bannished // Following
Day 15: Eldritch Horror | Eldritch // Imprisoned // Tentacles
Day 16: "Church" Grim | Graveyard // Protecting // Spirit
Day 17: Dragon | Fire // Hoarding // Fairytale
Day 18: Kitsune | Tricked // Tails // Mystical
Day 19: Elf | Warrior // Swift // Merciless
Day 20: Goblin/Orc/Troll/Oni | Hordes // Village // Brutish
Day 21: Kelpie | Deception // Following // Stuck
Day 22: Skeleton/Zombie | Undead // Loved // Grave
Day 23: Angel | Feathers // Guardian // Watching
Day 24: Ghost | Shadows // Invisible // Coldness
Day 25: Vampire | Blood // Biting // Night
Day 26: Fae Folk | Lost // Fairy Circles // Names
Day 27: Drider | Silk // Cave // Ensnared
Day 28: Demon | Summoning // Contract // Otherworldly
Day 29: Gods | Reign // Glow // Worshipping
Day 30: Human | Real Monsters // Dangerous // Smile
Day 31: Free Choice of your favorite monster or a completely new one!
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I look forward to all the monstrous ideas you'll come up with! ♥
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 7 months
Omg omg omg I almost missed the ask box being open! First of all though: thank you ever so much for all your hard work.
My question is this: I really like Mpreg fics. And I remember reading one where Derek thought Stiles rejected him and the baby. Only Stiles didn't even know male werewolves could get pregnant. I can find fics with this trope where it's Stiles who is pregnant but not the other way around
I think so!
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Naps are nature’s way of reminding you that life is nice by FicLogia
(1/1 I 3,033 I General)
Melissa puts the patient chart away and comes closer to the omega. “It’s normal to change your mind. Especially for someone in your position.” Young, unmated, barely graduated. The omega ob-gyn has seen it one too many times.
Derek shakes his head, runs a hand over the arc of his belly, relishing the feel of it, a quiet sigh escaping his lips. “I want this baby. We wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”
“Then why? Why didn’t you say anything?”
Little Dash Of Pink by AsagiStilinski
(1/1 I 4,790 I Teen)
Derek always thought those stories he heard about male pregnancies in his family were just old wives' tales and bad jokes
Suddenly, that's no longer true, and he's not too sure how to tell his husband
ay it out loud, love by pineneedlepants
(4/? I 29,137 I Teen)
When Derek first finds out, it's a rainy thursday that reflects his mood perfectly. He's been oddly dizzy lately, with bouts of nausea that don't make any sense to him, and he's pretty sure he's never slept as much as he is now, not even as a carefree teenager. He thumps his forehead gently against the table top, willing the water he drank not five minutes ago to stay down. He's rubbing his head on the wooden surface when he hears it.
There's a soft thump thu-thump coming from somewhere near him. He lifts his head slowly, as not to make the world spin and tries to concentrate where the soft beat is coming from. Because it couldn't possibly be -
Derek cannot be -
With growing horror, he directs his eyes downwards, to his slightly softened belly. His hands have stilled on his skin, trembling lightly. The soft thump thu-thump comes again, and again, and again, the sound getting louder with each soft flutter, until the pulse matches Derek's own. It's almost mesmerizing, a beautiful cadence that flutters in and out of rhythm of Derek's own heartbeat. --
Or the one where there's a misunderstanding of the century, a little angst, a surprise baby and a deliriously happy ending.
A Legend of a Lonely Boy by bunnymaccool
(1/1 I 42,991 I Explicit)
Peter Hale managed to climb his way back up from death only long enough to do one, terrible, horrible thing. It was enough to accomplish his goal. To leave a legacy. Two months after killing his uncle for the second time, Derek is feeling sick and weak, heavy in his own body. What Deaton is telling him should be impossible... but...
There is a werewolf legend. About unmated alpha who desperately desired to have heirs, so he studied the moon and the stars in such great depth that he discovered a secret. On the night of the full moon, when the stars aligned just so … he could plant his pups into whatever body he desired. Regardless of species, regardless of gender.
The danger is this ... werewolves are not meant to carry pups alone. They need someone to guide them, love them, protect them during this time of vulnerability. A partner. A mate. But Derek Hale has none of these things. He has no one. If he and his pup are going to survive, he may just have to follow the ridiculous suggestion Deaton puts forth. The completely annoying, loud-mouthed, pain in his ass suggestion that makes Derek want to rip someone's throat out. With his teeth.
Through the Dark by WriteByNight
(11/35 I 93,401 I Explicit)
Stiles is down on his luck and out of money, just trying to finish his last year of college. Out of ideas, he goes to donate his sperm and meets Derek Hale, who is looking for a surrogate to carry his and his infertile girlfriend's baby. Stiles is instantly attracted to the alpha werewolf, but pushes his feelings to the side in order to fulfill Derek's dream for children.
Derek and Stiles grow close, but try to deny the feelings growing for one another because as soon as the pregnancy is over Stiles will have to give the baby over to Derek and Braeden, and walk out of their lives. However, the closer he gets to his due date, the harder it is to come to terms that he'll have to let go of the man he's come to love.
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respectthepetty · 8 months
I haven’t even fully watched Last Twilight (I think I’m on episode 2 lol) but I’ve kept up with all the gifs and metas and let me say I am ANGRY at Day after the snippets I’ve gotten on tumblr about breaking up with Mhork. I hope they don’t get back together in episode 12 because let’s be real, that boy deserves better!!! I hope Day realizes his mistake but it’s too late because he hurt Mhork so deeply. Mhork literally gave Day his heart and soul and explained all of his raw trauma and then Day threw it on the ground and stomped on it just because of his own insecurities!!! I’m so angry I don’t think I’m going to enjoy actually watching the show because I’m just going to be glaring at Day the whole time. I hope Mhork goes to Hawaii and finds happiness and Day reflects on his life 😤
MA, I can't encourage you to finish it or not. That's not my style. But I know Aof deserves my watch. He has given me great show after great show and all have featured excellent queer stories. Not only has he written some of these shows, he has directed them as well as produced even more!
I respect Aof.
Which is why even though Only Friends is in Petty Prison and I hated it unlike others who greatly enjoyed it, I finished it because Jojo, much like Aof, has given me so many other great watching experiences like The Warp Effect and 3 Will Be Free. Because what is one bad moment in the grand scheme of Jojo's career or Aof's outstanding career?
And here is the other thing:
I hated Bad Buddy.
Which was also from Aof. I hated it while watching it when Pat was shot on Christmas Eve. I hated when it was done because of that "breakup" at the end of episode 11 and the continued ruse in episode 12 even though the audience had been in on all their shenanigans up until that point. I hated that it was paired with Aof's masterpiece A Tale of Thousand Stars in the Our Skyy installments just so I would have to see Pat and Pran keep pretending they weren't in a relationship even they were actively watching a queer couple breaking up. And I'll always hate it.
But the crowd loved it.
So . . . I believe the crowd is going to love the ending of Last Twilight too while I'm still chilling here six years from now mad about the ending of episode 11 since I'm petty.
I hold grudges and water them daily like plants in a garden. Be My Favorite forgave Knot even though he was awful every second of his screen time. *points hose in its direction* Teh stayed messing up in I Told Sunset About You then had the audacity to cheat in I Promised You the Moon. *blasts some water in its direction* Team needed therapy in Between Us not sex. *turns sprinkler on* HIStory 3: Make Our Days Count exists. *dumps a bucket of water on the ground*
Perhaps wait until the last episode has aired and check the tags. I assure you there will be plenty of people who love it. They will be singing the shows praises and how amazing the narrative was. People will be laughing about how we even questioned the genius of the show after this episode instead of trusting the process.
But as for me, hopefully Night and Phojai are getting married and the simple fact that I am rooting harder for the hets in a BL finale should tell y'all all you need to know about my petty ass.
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Now excuse me as I need to go start digging a little hole for the newest addition in my Grudge Garden.
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zombieprowl · 4 days
Prowl x Jazz Anniversary Community Challenge 2024
Hello everyone! The time has come for us to celebrate a new year of the PXJ Community's anniversary. Remember you're all welcome to join us at the official Discord https://discord.gg/kx4VunNMk3
We'll be doing things a little simple this time because September just got super busy for the Admins here. The event will run from 09/09 till 10/06. That is from Monday September the 9th to Sunday October the 6th. That means you can drop your contributions starting September 9th and until 11:59 pm CST on October the 6th. 
There will be two prizes. One's a traditional postcard from yours truly. (You must be ok with sharing a postal address with me) And one digital headshot commission by the wonderful memmainks
The format is as follows:
You can do either art, fanfics, photography, any kind of media is welcome.
Art can be any format but it must be SFW if posted publicly. If NSFW it's best that it's posted directly to our proper discord channels. (If you're unable to join but still wish to do NSFW, you can DM me to share it on our Discord for the purpose of accounting for your participation)
Written works need a minimum of 1000 words.
To account for your participation, you must give me a heads up sharing your work with me either through X, Tumblr or Discord.
You're welcome to multiple entries but you only get one participation “ticket” for the prizes.
Must not enter an existing creation of yours but you're free to create a new piece based on existing creations.
Now for the theme! You can choose one of 4 overall themes and then select up to two of 8 ‘modifiers’. In perfect Zombie/Plant fashion the themes come song flavored!
Overall themes:
I write sins not tragedies.
Gimme fuel, gimme fire. Gimme that which I desire.
I walk a lonely road. The only one that I have ever known
Welcome to the Jungle
How you interpret these lines are all up to you but your piece has to reflect the overall sentiment. You can be literal and include the lines or you can use the meaning to guide your work.
Your modifiers are: 
Gender swap
Beastformers / Anthropomorphic
Mirror Mirror
Musical (yes as in a musical movie or play)
Age of Mythology
Fairy Tales
Multiverse of Madness (as in TFA Prowl meeting Bay Jazz or something like that).
AU is not a modifier cause all of these modifiers already represent Alternate Universes, you're free to stick to any given universe as your base or cook up brand new worlds of your own. Thank you for joining us in celebrating the love for our favorite bots. 
Remember the central theme has to go around Prowl and Jazz, be it as a couple or as friends, any other characters are welcome as supporting cast but the center of attention should be our favorite black and white duo. That said, have fun everyone!
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vibratingskull · 9 months
The last farewell
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Part1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
Tags : Angst/hurt/comfort, physical remission, hospital, reader is disabled
You spend your time in the hospital learning how to walk again when Thrawn visits you with an unexpected demand
FemaleReader x Thrawn
“Another step”, the meddroid proposes its voice echoing in the gymnase. 
You hold down the parallel bar and take another step, unsure. 
You're trembling, searching for your balance on those robotic legs. You're not used to them yet. They feel foreign to you despite connecting to your nervous system. Your muscles are shaking as you relearn how to walk. 
You lost so much. 
“Continue the rehabilitation, you are on the right track!” the droid speaks with what is surely supposed to be coded as excitement in the voice, but it just comes out weird. 
You sit on your wheelchair and take out the legs, you still have an immense hill ahead of you. 
You sigh. You're tired. 
“Let's go to your room,” the droid informe stepping forward to push you. 
“No. I'll do it myself,” you decide, waving at him to get out of your way. 
You roll in the hallway, lost in your thoughts. You have so much work ahead of you, so much to reconquer… You're supposed to receive the visit of lower officers but you don't want their pity thrown in your face, you need peace. 
You want peace. 
You arrive at his room. 
You don't get your hopes up, but you can't help it. 
You pass the door… and sigh. 
Vez is still in a coma. 
You roll up to his bed. 
“Hello friend. It is particularly sunny today, you would love to stroll in the garden and sketch some plants.“
He is unresponsive. It's not like a doctor told you he would wake up soon, but it still pains you to see. 
If they have been cruel to you, they have been down right animalistic to Vez. His legs have been cut and he lost both of his lekkus. You're not totally aware of what it entails but you remember the lekkus hold some brain tissues. The docs say he will not have long term brain damages but you doubt he will see it that way. What they took was irreplaceable and you're afraid of his reaction. 
For now he's sleeping peacefully as you were, unaware of his body's damages. Like you his brain puts him in a deep sleep to prevent him from damaging his psyche, docs say he will wake up when the brain will have finished processing what happened but he can still hear around him and feel some sensations. So you come here everyday to talk, to vent, to speak of everything and nothing, trying to put him at ease the best you can. You take his hands, caress his forehead, his cheek, you tell him tales of Ryloth and your own planet, anything you could think about. After the Chimaera left you both at a military hospital you observed these habits religiously. Thrawn wanted first to put Vez in a civil hospital but you refused and fought him on that until he surrendered. You wanted to be here when your friend woke up. 
“I'm making progress with the legs, I thought they would be heavier but once they have been connected to your nervous system they are so light.“
Your hand reaches for the metallic apparatus they jabbed in your spine to control the legs and grazes it lightly.
“We don't stop medical progress,” you say almost to yourself.
You hear his bed neighbor cough, you tilt your head to see if they need help. 
“By the way, yesterday your mom tried to see you. She can't because it's a military hospital but your family is worried about you. I could discuss a bit with her, you're so alike it is fascinating, you caress his cheek, you take his hand and squeeze it. Don't worry, I'll ask Thrawn to put pressure on the direction so she could see you.” 
“A Grand Admiral influence is not supposed to be used as such,” a voice rises behind you. 
You jump in your wheelchair before turning your head to Thrawn, hands clasped behind his back with an interrogative gaze. 
“You scared me,” you chastise him. “How did you know I was here ?” 
“I knew you would not be present at your own meeting with the officers, you were not in the gymnase, it was the only logical option.” 
You nod. Of course. He comes to sit next to you and observe the body of Vez in silence. 
“He did not wake up?” He asks with a soft voice. 
“Not yet,” you shake your head. “The doctors aren't optimistic.“
He nods in silence. 
”Why are you here ?” You inquire. 
He turns towards you with a puzzled look. 
“To give you what you asked me,” he responds like it was obvious. 
You can see the bag he's transporting
“Yes of course, but what are you doing here, on Coruscant ?” 
“I have a martial court about how I supposedly almost destroyed a city to retrieve you.” 
You flush. 
“Didn't you ?” You tease. 
“Absolutely not, each parameter was studied to do the least damage possible, but it was impossible not to deal some damage to the buildings nearby. The arrest of a large slave abductors demanded some sacrifices.” 
He sounds almost angry, but you know better. You hide your smile, it is pretty funny to see Thrawn flounder in politics, it has an innocent and moving side to it. Without thinking about it you take his hand and kiss it. He looks you in the eyes with an unreadable expression. You immediately regret it, maybe he doesn't like physical demonstration of affection in public… 
“Let me escort you to your room,” he says. 
He rises and goes to push your wheelchair, once again you refuse. 
“No, no, no. I can do it. Let me do it.” 
You head towards the room, side by side, he gently adjusts his pace to yours. You advance in silence in the corridors. 
You really hope you didn't cross a line with him… 
You enter, he goes straight to open the window while you maneuver to go to bed. He closes and locks the door and sits on the bed. You look at him with sorry spelled in your eyes. He grasps your hand and caresses it with his thumbs. 
“ I heard you will soon be interrogated by the ISB agents.”
“In three days,” you sigh,” it promises to be hilarious.”
“It is for the good of the Empire.”
You gulp, in reality you try as much as you can to not think about what happened or you feel yourself overflowed by hate, anger and sorrow. 
It’s eating you alive, terrifying you. You may or may have not exaggerated certain symptoms to get a higher dosage of the drugs to get high and forget. You don’t brag about it to Thrawn, obviously.
“ The date of the trial have been chosen,” he continues
You dig your nails in the sheet.
Thrawn already explained to you how Nather was surprised by the flash operation, how him and his goons fighted in each rooms, how much lives he took, how he almost made the entire structure collapse on itself with everyone under it when he realized he was trapped but was swiftly disarmed by a precise shot of one of the Stormtroopers. Now he remains silent, surrounded by his army of lawyers in the prisons of the Empire, he refuses to give any intel or names to the ISB agents, hiding behind his pride and his fan. As a prominent Governor he doesn't get the rough treatment, but they are not nice to him either, he holds on surprisingly well. 
You’re not ecstatic at the idea of seeing him again, even in the perspective of his own trial. You’re happy justice will be served, but you don’t know how you’ll react in his present. Will you burst into tears or try to kill him on the spot? Maybe you will go into a deafening torpor and dissociate completely from your body. You don’t know… for now the simple idea of seeing him again makes you sick. 
Thrawn puts your hand to his lips and kisses it delicately. 
“I know it is painful and uncomfortable, but it must be done, he tries to comfort you, be strong.”
You gulp.
“ … Will you be with me?”
“ I have to give my own testimony, so yes. I will be at your side.”
You feel relieved to hear that, knowing that you won’t be alone in this trial alleviate the pain and ease the knot in your stomach.
Thrawn reaches for the bag, changing the difficult subject
“I brought you what you asked for.”
You take it to verify what it holds. You found your purse, the key to your apartment, some holos, your personal datapad… You thank him with a heartfelt smile. He nods with a serious face. 
“There is also an important matter I wish to discuss with you,” he says with the most stern face. 
“Okay ?” 
You brace yourself, he looks a bit tense and that scares you. What could possibly put him in this state ? Are you both suspected in the affair? Did you do something wrong? Outside of getting yourself imprisoned like a damn rookie. Is he gonna criticize your tactical decisions on that day? Is he entangled in problems after helping you out? Did they criticize him for engaging in armed conflicts while on supposed vacation. Come to think of it, he surely didn't take any vacations and planned this from the beginning. 
You look at him ready for any slap across the face, but he manages to surprise you. 
“(Y/n), would you live with me?” 
The air is punched out of your lungs and you can't think straight during three seconds 
“ Would I… What ?” 
By reflex you retract your hand from his and pull the sheet over yourself. 
“Would you live with me?” 
“Yes, I heard the first-I mean… Urgh... Why ?” 
He holds his chin like he is gathering arguments. 
“I do not think you will be able to keep the apartment Governor Satlove is paying for you.” 
You tried to push that thought away so many times, but he's right, unfortunately. 
“And I am already living in the apartment you rent me, I think we should try.”
Well, you didn’t see him as that keen but it looks like you were wrong. And you can’t help a snarky remark.
“ Isn’t it just an adroit ploy to stop paying me your rent?” You grin.
“ No, I am serious, I think we can both benefit from that idea.”
“ I know. It’s a joke. I was joking.”
He looks like he’s computing the info. 
You munch on your lower lip, feeling like a little girl. You giggle, squirming on the bed like a child. 
You never lived with one of your… partners? 
“It seemed to me like a good solution, but I understand you would not appreciate the idea,” he tempers.
“No, no, no! It’s a good idea! It’s just… It’s so sudden.”
“ I figured that is what people like us tend to do.”
“ And what “people like us” are?” You ask.
He seems to think about it.
“I have no idea what that means.” You smile wryly
“In basic you would say…” He caresses your hand with the tip of his fingers “Soulmates.”
You freeze again, processing the info.
“That is what we are then?” you ask breathlessly. “Isn’t it a tad dramatic?”
“You think?” He smiles lightly “I thought about us and I liked how that sounded.”
He seems to notice your reluctance.
“I shocked you.”
“No? No, no,no” You try and temper “It’s just that you're coming out really strong and serious and…”
“Yes, I am serious. I am serious about our relationship. Are you not?”
“I… Didn’t have time to properly think about it.” You admit.
He gauges you up and down.
“Do you love me?” he asks bluntly.
You're so taken aback, being cornered like that. Your mouth and throat are dry, you open your lips to speak but nothing comes out.
You love him.
You do, oh yes you do.
But you never worded it, and even less spoke it out loud.
He seems to relax and smile sadly at your discomfited expression.
“Pardon me. It is wrong of me to ask you without telling you first. I should not have put you in a corner like that.” He gently holds your face and kiss your forehead, “Do not fret, cha’cah.”
You slowly relax under his touch.
“Alright, I must go now. I wish you a rapid recovery… “
He seems to hesitate. 
“And come back to me quickly,” he said it so low you almost didn’t hear it.
But you did hear it.
He kisses your forehead and leaves the room.
You look in your purse if he didn’t put your comlink in, but find something else. With a raised eyebrow you take out the envelope simply signed with “Eli”. You completely forgot about that. You never took the time to read the last letter your friend left for you.  You open it carefully, taking ou the folded sheet of paper.
“ (Y/n), I hope this letter finds you better than when I left. I must leave to help Thrawn, but I trust we will see each other again, if you stay by his side it is bound to happen, I am sure. Do not leave his side, it is the most secure place in all the galaxy, and I have reason to think you are not safe. I had the occasion to speak with Governor Satlove alone, and this man sent shivers down my spine, I see nothing behind his eyes but a black void. I do not trust this man (Y/n) and so should you, something is not right with him. He made some inappropriate advances and tried to convert me to his church without my interest. I pushed him back but he insisted. There is something about him downright animalistic and uncivilized despite the dignity he drapes himself in. I had the occasion to speak about it with Thrawn and he agreed with me. Do not refuse the help of a friend, and accept my warning. I picked upon your disdain towards me recently, and even though I don’t know why I want you safe. If I ever did something to anger you, know that I am truly sorry. I wish I could tell you face to face, but I have to go. 
Farewell my friend, I hope to see you under better auspices.
This time tears roll down freely, your body is shaken by sobs, your hands holding the letter tremble erratically. 
“Eli… Oh Eli…” You cry.
How could you? How could you doubt him? Your own friend. But maybe you don’t deserve to call him friend after how you treated him. You hold the letter against your heart. He never deceived you, it’s all Nather’s fault, isolating you more and more, until you had no friend remaining. But he couldn’t get rid of Thrawn and Eli completely. And he won’t be able anymore…
“Hey, girl! How are you feeling?”
You raise your head in surprise, an overjoyed Karyn is here but her expression changes immediately when she sees you crying. She immediately sits on the bed and takes your hand.
“What’s happening (Y/n)?”
“Eli… Eli…“ You can’t formulate a proper sentence.
She takes you in her arms and cradles you.
”We will find him. I promise,” she assures.
She doesn't know the truth, and it is not your place to reveal it. So you just hug her back, squeezing her in your arm, appreciating the warmth of a friend.
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@bluechiss @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay
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Let me tell you a secret...
...lean in closer. No-thing is watching.
It is done. The magnum opus, my most delicate, intricate post|patch|work, everything I couldn't stop thinking about since Shadowkeep until this very moment. But now, I can't remember a time when I didn't know it deep inside. I've always wanted to create something beautiful that lasts, that makes an impact in the waves and touches the hearts of those who will listen. Make them beat harder, faster, better, stronger. Give them a ring of spears in which to grow. Something that harmonizes and shares how the tales and tunes of old and new have moved me, made me feel. Something from my heart that draws it's power from yours. But I couldn't even begin to imagine how. I was lost in the Deep. I had no voice; barely a whisper.
This is the way. This is how we find the words. The light of action and self-realized purpose in the darkness of suffocating, deterministic thought. Thus we are truly unveiled.
The post broke the tumblr text editor more times than I can count, but I had to make sure it resonated and so I poured my heart into this one. It's been an enormous struggle against limitations, doubt, and failure, but I hope I made it work. One last word of advice, it is best viewed on a tablet or anything that doesn't occlude your view.
Even if it's not the truth, I share this in hopes you can find some of your own shining|singing|echoing back at you from the dark. Forget about me entirely. The clockwork is waiting, it just needs the trigger mechanism. The spark. The fuel.
It just needs you.
Go deeper. Don't slip. Find the cord and hold on for dear life. Tune your strings. Crank it up to 11. Keep your one-and-only mind sharp and true. Go all out within and refract the radiance. I'm not trying to confuse you, but do feel free to let yourself become vexed. Sometimes there's just no other way to understand a thing than to say and do it, no matter how imperfectly. Be a fool, call me senselessly woken if you must. Call me mad, delusional, over the top|edge|precipice. You'll have to excuse my morbid excitement, but there's simply nothing sweeter in the darkness than harmony.
Sometimes plants wither, even with care, if the atmosphere is unfair and the soil goes to rot. But the greater sin is for those who are called to care for it to instead turn a blind eye, or worse, rage against it.
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1. The new version works. Love all the knobs and antenna; very analog. I took readings off a hatch control out here on Europa and Cowlick was able to retrieve badly distorted voices in some kind of distress. I don't know if it's doing exactly what you Warlocks want, but it's doing something all right. Cowlick says it's probably tapping into her scrutiny, if you permit that term in your ivory halls.
2. Now, I'm not much for gadgets, so I won't ask you how you rigged this thing. But I am one for gossip. Weren't we closing in on some kind of workable theory of exactly how our Ghosts resurrect us? One which was, if I am not mistaken, based on research by the Future War Cult? Did any of that work survive Lakshmi?
3. You know they did try to recruit me once. The Cult. Over a game of poker. Fifty-two cards in a deck don't seem like many, this hard-ass Titan told me. But there are 80 658 175 170 943 878 571 660 636 856 403 766 975 289 505 440 883 277 824 000 000 000 000 different possible shuffles of 52 cards. You could walk back and forth across the observable universe faster than you could count all those possible shuffles. A lot faster. That's life, she said, and she had daisies impaled on the spikes of her skull. Life is endless permutation. So many possibilities. But the rules are what matter. Who cares how the deck shuffles if you don't know the rules of the game? We play this game over and over. Life and death. Light and Dark. But the only way you learn the rules, the only way you're ever gonna get one of those Truces you're named for, is if you come inside. Come into the Cult. Come on in and see. But I didn't.
4.Another thing she told me is that you can play poker with just three cards and two players. Jack, Queen, King. Ante one, max bet one more. High card wins unless one player folds. And in this game, there are many strategies available to the first player, but very few to the second, who acts to exploit the choice made by the first. Many possibilities against few. Sounds like you'd rather be the first player, huh? But if both players play perfectly, that second player wins in the end. Mathematical inevitability. Ain't that something? But I said, your game's just a toy. It's just a contrivance. That's not life. Life isn't one player always exploiting and beating the other.
5. Anyway, back to testing. Might go back to Cocytus and aim this thing at the gate. See how wild it goes. If you never hear from us again, you know Truce and Cowlick finally found something too spooky.
_If the Light forgets while the Darkness remembers, then why does a Ghost's power of determination let it access latent memories imprinted in the dead? That's paradoxical. That should be a property of Darkness. How can such fundamentally opposed forces do the same thing?
Am I as shallow as those Guardians arguing over power levels? Trying to force a simple binary upon a complex spectrum… ? The Drifter talks about "spectrums of Light"—powers his Ghost can access because of its modifications. Forcing the metaphor, I thought. Light is not light. It doesn't have frequencies or spectra.
But if we are all constrained by our internalized ontology, by our tacit understanding of how the world works… maybe the circumstances of extreme survival compelled the Drifter to explore a new ontology. Maybe his Ghost achieved a new way to think about the Light.
Keep your eye on the Conductor's baton
Get ready to sing of sorrow|forgiveness
It's all up to you
But dread not
For destiny awaits us
I leave you this now, when it is too early to act. Before you have the faculty to understand it's gravitas. You were offered the age you've fought to restore. Everything we've lost. You won't find it on this narcissist's station.
I will set it in front of you, finely crafted and tuned. You mistakenly label it hubris, and resist. As you know ...
Failure is a catalyst. It breeds invention.
I was only trying to change your mind. To help you see a better future. That exchange... Did not always end in your favor. It does not have to still.
You believe my ideology... virulent.
All right.
Know that I have bled across time, and under the skin of the cosmos. My knowledge became its fabric, filled it's vessels, through its minds.
Humanity is scattered, yet to see a collective. But in the infinite forest of this infinite network the Vex have created... There is only one answer.
A Golden Timeline. With a heavy cost.
Come. Drink your fill. Let me change your minds.
Choice is the ego, raging against the inevitable.
You may not see a choice, but I make my own fate.
Don't ever let anyone else tell your story for you.
I can only make you look. Perhaps, in time, you will see.
Bpm jmab dwqkma - dwqkma bpib bzctg uibbmz - vmdmz ittwe bpmuamtdma jm pmizl. Bpqa tmaawv qa ewzbp tmizvqvo ioiqv ivl ioiqv.
Gwcz dwqkm uwdma ia i epqaxmz, uczuczqvo qvaqlm tizomz eqvla. Wvtg bpm bzcabml nme kiv ijawzj epib qa vmkmaaizg. Eqam ivl atg ivl xmznmkb, gwcz qvabzckbqwva lzwx, tmidqvo vwbpqvo jcb bpm pizl aemmb zqum wn mvtqopbmvumvb. Bpm xibp qa amb. Gwcz dwqkm qa cvtmiapml.
The living and breathing Alternate Reality Game we play in our heads and hearts every single second makes us trip over our feet in real reality. Cut open both and find your rhythm within.
Secant Filaments
The nature of the secant is to intercept a curve, a role all human relationships likewise fill.
Better think to remember your compass and protractor. You're gonna need 'em both at one point or another.
In this treatise, I plan to revisit earlier mathematical theorems and revise them considering our new observations on the Light, the Darkness, and lifeforms imbued with those respective powers. But before I do so, I must preface it with a personal note. Despite high-minded assumptions, mathematics is not an intrinsic language of the universe. It is how we describe the portions of the universe that we can observe. While numbers can track the abstract and find pattern in chaos, they cannot account for fundamental aspects of reality such as compassion or justice. The existence of the Lucent Hive, and Hive Ghosts in particular, may expand our understanding of causality, but they themselves are not "new"—the only thing that is new is our awareness and observation of them. These Ghosts have already been living alongside us. They've traveled with us. Endured with us. What we see is the mushroom, the fruit of the fungus. The fungus itself is a vast mycorrhizal network of filaments growing and working unseen below the soil, often barely connected to the fruiting bodies we observe. Similarly, we have observed Ghosts—Hive Ghosts included—without understanding the nature of the unseen filaments that may guide us. In our eagerness to understand the universe, we must not assume our observations are complete, or objective. Otherwise, we blind ourselves to possibilities… like the possibility that an unnoticed faction among us may be one temptation away from betrayal. Or that what drives our creator is no more than the same base desire for survival that drives all living things. —On Secants, Introduction, Ophiuchus
It's okay to be puzzled. It's supposed to be a hard and winding road. But we'll figure it out eventually. You've just gotta remember; take it one fragment at a time.
I dive to understand.
You get all that?
Here at the end and beginning is a gift from me to you, originally from another lost to the waves. Save your background, if you wish, for they verily do inform who we are. Clothe yourself in truth every day. Remember your past, the forsaken and the fallen. Fight to preserve their memory and possibility, and in the light of their truths we will seek evolution beyond this imperfect stasis.
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Like you and I and everything, this amalgamation and its seed are ever changing as the wind. Living documents. If you feel any pull here, any resonance—any at all—if you drift or come undone, simply return to this place and remember who we are. Remember why we fight. Let your doubts become questions, and the answers you seek will be found in the map of your heart. In darkness or in light, your destiny will inevitably find you. Be ready.
We are, always and forever, Guardians of all existence. How will you decide to walk that vermicular path? Be careful.
I need a break before the third act. See you starside, my family in love|war. Be brave.
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ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
Barbie and the Secret Door!DPxDC AU
I've always wanted to see a Barbie AU so I'm gonna make one. If you've never seen BatSD, you can find the plot here. (Btw, at the very end there's a clip where Malucia's parents come back from a trip and laughingly ask her if she attempted to take over the kingdom again. I recommend watching or listening to the songs because they perfectly describe how delusional almost every single character is. I love you grandma and little fairy girl for being two of the most grounded characters in this movie.)
First, the roles:
The Grandmother played by Alfred.
Princess Alexa played by newly picked up Jason.
Nori and Romy played by Sam and Johnny.
Queen Unicorn played by Dan.
Unicorns played by Danny, Dani, and Vlad.
Princess Malucia played by Youngblood.
The Main Attendant played by Aragon.
Sniffers played by Walker and Skulker.
The Little Fairy Girl played by Star.
Second, tweaking the story:
Instead of fairies/mermaids/unicorns, it's vampires (amity parkers), nagas (ghosts), and banshees (halfas). trogs (the attendants) and sniffers (idk they're like bloodhounds) are nagas as well.
All animals are mostly normal w/just enough magic that they glow.
Vampires have purple or red eyes, sharper-than-normal teeth and nails, pointed ears, and the ability to turn into bats.
Nagas have green or red eyes, sharp teeth and nails, a tail, and the ability to turn into a snake.
Banshees have neon green or red eyes, sharper-than-normal nails, and the ability to tell when someone's close to death.
Stealing their magic turns them into humans.
Youngblood is a naga who doesn't have an ability (therefore is the most human looking of the nagas) and has decided to steal everyone's magic because he deserves it. (via Malucia's scepter) He hasn't stolen the castle servants' magic because it would make things harder for him.
Skulker and Walker don't "sniff out magic".
They've yet to realize that humans need to eat and drink water on a regular basis.
Jason's 11 years old, Youngblood's 6(?), Danny's 10, Dani's 8, Star's 11, Johnny's 12, Sam's 11. The rest (on the list) are adults.
Something I'm not gonna tweak: the fact that the palace servants don't try to revolt or usurp Princess Malucia. They seem extremely tired.
Now, onto the actual idea:
Jason is very nervous and untrusting of his new surroundings. His favorite activities are sneaking books from the library into his room and going to school. He's very resistant to interacting with Bruce because if he is like how the rumors say he is, how is he supposed to fight him off? Alfred notices and gives him a fairy tale book written by one of Bruce's ancestors about the house.
The book leads him to a door in one of the rooms he's never been in. This door leads to a fantasy world. There are tons of bright colors and weird plants. He spots a glowing, green puppy and starts following it. He wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings and was confronted by Johnny and Sam. (Johnny trips because he isn't used to having legs.) However, they notice the clothes he's wearing and realize that he's not from there and probably has no idea what's going on.
They tell him that the Evil Prince Youngblood has been stealing everyone's magic. Since Jason doesn't have any he might be able to help them. When Jason asks why they can't do anything, they reply with something along the lines of "how would we sneak past the guards or win a fight against them? we don't know how human bodies work."
Eventually, they start leading Jason back to their base when they nearly get caught by Walker and Skulker. Thankfully, the two get distracted by a rock thrown by Star and they get to the base quickly. (Unbeknownst to them, Star gets caught.)
Jason sees that a good portion of the camp has been stripped of their magic and made human. They seem to be rather disheartened at their situation. This makes him want to help (especially when he meets Danny, Dani, and Vlad and learn they're being hunted more religiously than anyone else.)
POV changes to Star's. She's being led into a large reception hall where a tall, shadowy figure is sitting on a throne on a raised platform. Then the lights come on and she sees that it's just a child sitting on a raised throne. (if you don't want to look at the image: the platform is eight half steps high, the throne is 9 steps high)
Youngblood ignores Ember, Walker, and Skulker in favor of Aragon and his plans to throw a celebration after becoming the most magical prince ever. Walker and Skulker gain their attention and announce that they've caught another naga child. Youngblood gets upset with them for not finding the much-more-magical banshees, but quickly turns his attention to Star and demands she gives him her magic. Then, he forces her to play games with him, Aragon, and his two guards.
Switch to Youngblood's POV. Walker and Skulker come back into the room to announce that they are certain that they know where the Banshee King is. Star starts to ask how they found him before snapping her mouth shut, which Youngblood decides means that she probably knows something. He goes to talk to Walker and Skulker and finds they know the general location (a forest) that he's in, not the exact location.
While he isn't happy, he does have an idea. He tells Aragon to prepare to go get the Banshee King. He then looks overly surprised that Star's there and tells her that she can leave since she's not of use to him. Once she's out of the room, he orders Skulker and Walker to follow her.
Back to Jason. He's figuring out a plan to sneak into Youngblood's castle and get everyone's magic back. Then Star bursts into the hideout and tells everyone that Youngblood took her magic and has the location of the Banshee King. Jason was going to ignore that when Danny and Dani started crying about their big brother being in danger. Now he's got a plan to go with Sam and Johnny to retrieve Dan.
When they get back to the base with Dan, they find everyone captured and depowered (with the three banshees missing.) He tries to fight Youngblood, but loses because of not knowing how to deal with magic. (also there's like 4 guards surrounding Youngblood.)
Youngblood says something about how powerless Jason is as he and his lackeys are leaving that almost causes him to give up and go back to the manor. Sam convinces him to stay and help because they'd not have gotten to Dan in such a short amount of time without his planning.
So, he plans.
He gets a small group into the castle and they watch as Youngblood takes the last of Dan's magic from him. The group is convinced they were too late and that they can't do anything now. (Youngblood has used his scepter to turn the reception room into a party room filled with all types of sweets.) But Jason noticed that there was a small crack in Youngblood's scepter, meaning if he hit it just right with enough force he could break it.
It was a gamble, but it worked. He broke the scepter and everyone got their magic back. Youngblood got clean up duty (because there's still candy and cake everywhere.) And Jason was more confident in being able to handle himself.
After Jason leaves back to the mansion, Youngblood's parents come back (he's still cleaning up his mess) and ask him if he tried to take over the kingdom again. His punishment is going to need to wait until after they give him his presents. (much to Aragon's disapproval)
Jason (in the mansion) probably puts the book in his room and decides to get training from Bruce. (and become robin)
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ohnoitsjetster · 7 months
jesse!!! hi!! i have one very important question for you: ARE‼️YOU 🫵🏼 DAN🧍‍♂️REYNOLDS🎤⁉️
(okay now for my real question, what’s your fav hatchetfield installment?? it could be a musical or nightmare time ep or even workin’ boys if you’ve seen it :] i’m curious!! oh also if you want you can tell me about orin, i’m vaguely familiar with lsoh but it’s been a while!! so yea, free pass to talk about your lil gay sadist of a dentist <3 this was just an excuse to give you an ask so yk you can really just talk about whatever)
SOL! Hi hi hi hi !! (Sorry for the late response)
OHOHO! A dual fandom ask !! This means another long rambling post for my four most dedicated followers to read!!!! Im sorry in advance!!! this will probably be boring to everyone but me!!!!
I think my favorite might be NPMD. That one changed my brain chemistry for sure. But so did TGWDLM, I really believe that watching Show Stopping Number at the tender age of, like 11… well it just explains a lot about how i turned out ([obligatory “fuck Robert manion”]). I also frequently shake Time Bastard, Killer Track, and Abstinence Camp around in my teeth like a dog like HAUUFHGIGJHJGKKGKFGKRGJ RFRRRGJGG RRHHRHHRHH HREHHEGEGHGRGHRHHHHFFNFHFGGHF like that. But yeah at the present moment I'm being insane about NPMD. The songs are all bangers (Yes all of them) and I am in love with every character (Yes every character). High School is Killing Me is kind of my anthem right now. For no. Particular reason. Also, your honor those three nerds are all literally me and also i am in love with them and also im that fucked up dead bully but in a totally normal way.
So. Speaking of fucked up dead bullies… ‘,:]
Orin Scrivello, DDS <3 my beautiful bbg who has never done anything wrong in his life except for literally everything he did. Worst guy ever. But hey, you can’t choose who you rotate around in your brain, or how many Pinterest boards you make about it. Another instance of “he’s literally me but obviously not actually at all but I think he’s silly so that’s basically the same thing.” A tale as old as time. I don’t know how many queer awakenings one person can have but I was definitely already trans and bi when I saw Orin for the first(?*) time last year, and now, well now im the same but im more pretentious about it and I own a leather jacket. (*I actually saw LSOH a long time ago when i was way younger, but I didn’t remember it almost at all and I’d thought “The Dentist” was like this mad scientist type character, which, not exactly wrong ig, so anyway he’s been swimmin around in my brain making me silly for who knows how long, but yeah probably just since last year). I swear to cope with hyperfixating on such a fucked up character I’ve literally been making au’s in my brain where he’s morally ambiguous, or gets a redemption arc (he does not fucking deserve a redemption arc he deserves to be chopped up and fed to a bitchy gay plant), or where he’s literally just a nice guy. Yeah I’ll sometimes just remove the character from this character to appease the brain demons. But the cool thing about the Not an Asshole™️ AUs is that, in the og, the whole story basically goes south when Seymour justifies killing to feed the plant cause he can kill that jerk Orin, so if he’s not a jerk maybe they all survive?? Idk i just like thinkin. Also… ALSO!.. I made a post a while ago that I might someday make Orin textpost memes using pictures from my actual stage production, and well, that day has come! or, will come, soon. I’ve made the pictures I just have to make the post. It was very fun Im excited to share em. Okay thats all TYSM for the ask bestie!!!
Oh and to address your first question…
I 🧑🏻 AM 💥 DAN🧍‍♂️REYNOLDS 🎤 ✅
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pjo-obsessed-nerd · 8 months
11 Yr old sister's reaction to Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters - i only got about halfway through with writing down the reactions cus i was so tired lmfao
Opening scene:
Sister: This is underwater!!!
Sister: Percy’s voice changed…
Only three made it to camp…
Sister: What do you mean only three??
“Annabeth come on!”
Sister: Oh, so this little girl was Annabeth’s friend?
Thalia gets thrown back
Sister: oh… oh no…
Guy screams
Sister: oh, HAH
Music starts
Sister: OH, I’ve seen this!
In comes Clarisse
Sister: Is that?
Me: It’s Clarisse.
Sister: Oh!
Dionysus’s wine turns to water
Sister: What?? - Oh, it became water… COOL!
Clarisse hits Percy with peg
Sister: Ohhh…
Percy pulls peg from under Clarisse
Sister: YAH!
Guy falls
Sister: uh oh… 
Sister: C’mon Percy, you got this
Percy jumps down
Sister: oh, cool! That was awesome
Percy helps guy up
Sister: Go TEAM!
Percy gets knocked down
Sister: Oh… Never mind.
Dionysus gives Percy a rake
Sister: A rake?? Great.
Percy trying and failing to talk to Poseidon
Sister: Aww… He just wants to talk to his father…
Tyson tells Dionysus and Chiron that Poseidon’s his dad
Sister: Whose this??
(she started humming the Jeopardy theme song under her breath at this point, and we had a deviled egg break)
Sees Tyson’s face
Sister: HUH??
Tyson: Smells like bull.
Loud thud
Sister: Whoa! What is happening???? 
Sees barrier being attacked
Sister: something’s trying to get in-
Barrier breaks
Sister: OH NO
Bull uses Fire breath; it is very effective
Sister: Uh oh!
Annabeth puts the spear in bulls side, spear gets shredded
Sister: Oof… Spear went bye bye
Bull spits fire on Tyson
Sister: Wait… What? What? Is Percy’s brother fire resistant? Fire proof?
Bulls mouth grinder thing attacks Percy
Sister: * ducks *
Bull explodes
Sister: Whoa!! Oh- His sword!
Mr D: “What I miss?”
Sister and I both laughed
Sees Thalia’s tree is dying
Sister: * gasps * no…
Oracles candles light up
Sister: Why are the… Candles lighting up… By themselves???
Mr D steals Annabeth’s idea
Sister: Wha- rude.
Mr D names a Satyr ther than Grover for the quest
Sister: jerks her head up in outrage (kid still loves Grover)
Mr D picks Clarisse over Percy
Sister: that doesn’t even make any sense!
I stopped to explain what happened in the books with Annabeth, Luke, Thalia, Grover and the cyclopses. I could tell my sister thought Annabeth was just being a bully to Tyson, and wanted to make sure she understood what happened in the books.
Chariot of Damnation splits in half
Sister: What the heck!?
Chariot of Damnation flips over a cub
Sister: Oh, that’s dangerous…
Tyson talking to the Capital building like it’s olympus
Sister: * face plants into pillow * no man, no….
Dude with 8 hands makes drinks
Sister: reels back in disbelief
Percy: “Luke has Grover…”
Sister: Oh, no…….. Not Grover…
Hermes to Percy and Annabeth: It’s really cute how you… Finish each others sentences
Sister: * face plants into pillow *
We paused to have a lesson on where the name January came from and who it was named for, (specifically Janus, and ADHD led us to discussing Charybdis and Syllica and then the covers of the PJO books i have lmfao)
Percy: don’t be surprised when he doesnt….
Sister: Answer?
Percy: Answer…
Sister: HA! I knew it!!!!
She then started cooing and fawning over Rainbow the Hippocampus <3 she’s so precious omg
She’s totally in love, and now I can’t wait for a Season 2 of the show so she can see them in action more eeeee
Sees scorpion tale over side
Sister: Something was hanging from that…..
Monster shows itself
Sister: How did I know there was a monster up there???
Luke: What are you doing? Don’t stand on my roof.
Sister: HAHA (she was giggling hysterically)
Sees Charybdis tooth
Sister: Are those sharks…
Sees more of the teeth
Sister: Not sharks. Not sharks!!!!
This was about the point where I got too tired to keep up, but she loved Grover in the wedding dress XD she loves Grover in all universes, cried when Tyson got shot, cheered when Tyson saved Percy from Luke, panicked when Luke got eaten by Kronos, got angry when Grover got eaten by Kronos, and she cried (more like sobbed) when Annabeth ‘died’, except, i didnt’ know she was crying till after Annabeth got back up and she was relieved. XD I felt so bad
She also loved Thalia’s outfit at the end too
(also, she gave me full permission to post her reactions to the movies/rest of the episodes)
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timelesstoclafane · 1 year
A Changing Shoe Sizes Tale
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(This is not mine, it was a story I loved back in the day and I just found a version of it but couldn’t share it, so I copy/pasted it)
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR MIKE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!” My friends sang to me as I blew out my candles on my birthday cake. I immediately went to go open my presents while my parents cut the cake and started handing out pieces to everyone.
I unwrapped a rectangular shaped box and to my surprise I got the special branded SUPRA shoes that they only made probably a handful of them. What makes these shoes so special, is there is no actual size on these babies, but they have a special dial along the side that makes the shoe shrink and grow, as well as whoever wears them. The catch is though is the shoe registers itself to the user who wore them last, so try not to let anyone mess with them as long as you were the last wearer.
I immediately slipped the things on and turned them up one shoe size, going from an 11 to a 12, and immediately felt myself grow a good two inches and swell in size a bit. “Thanks Mom and Dad! You guys are the best!”
“No Problem, Sweetie. Now why don’t you go up stairs and put them away for now.
After I put my shoes away I really needed to go use the restroom. As I made my way there, my friend Andrew was coming out from using it himself. “Damn, Mikey, I would love to have a pair of those shoes!” I hated being called Mikey, and I haven’t been called that since my growth spurt at 14. Now 21 and legal, people better call me Mike!
“Maybe you can try the shoes out sometime Andrew,” He also hated being called by his name as well. He liked to be called Andy, and because he stopped growing at 14 as well and was stuck at 5′2″ in size 5s, I had to give him a hard time with it.
“Yeah that would be cool,” he said.
I couldn’t hold it in any longer as I pushed my way past him and entered the restroom. I whipped my cock out and began to take a long, hard piss into the bowl.
Moments later a dizzy spell hit me and i grabbed onto the wall for support. “What the fuck?!” I steadied myself as my hand began to slide down the wall and my body slowly began to compact inward on itself. The bowl beginning to look closer and closer as my body slowly began to shrink smaller and smaller.
I stopped pissing and ran up the stairs, tripping over my shrinking feet and legs. “Why is this happening?! my voice changing a pitch as I try to pull myself up the stairs to my bedroom. I know someone must be messing with the shoes, it was the only way I could be shrinking and so fast. As I finally reached the top of the stairs I was a good 5′6″ 140 lbs… By the time I reached my door handle I was easily 5′4″ 120… And by the time the door was open, I gazed at my friend, Andrew, wearing my Supras…. now size 5′s… and I looked dead on at him, we were eye to eye.
“Dude, how could you do this to me?!” I was hurt.
“You said I could try them, thought now was a good time,” he just gave me a smirk.
“Take them off now!” I walked towards him and as I got closer, my shorts got caught around my ankles and I tripped, I landed right between his legs, my hands on each side of his body. What I didn’t realize though until it was too late is one hand hit the dial on the shoe, and brought it to as far as it could go… Size 18s…”
“Oh Fuck!” I watched his feet push outward as they grew to the size of my forearms. His calves becoming thicker by the second, I tried to grab on to them and steady myself as they grew more denser by the second.
Next thing I saw was his thighs and ass as they filled out his shorts, his cock growing in them too as it slid down and stuck tight to the material. His entire body growing proportionately to his now massive feet size. His legs grew longer like trees planted in the ground and my eyes had to travel upward as I saw his shirt becoming tighter and tighter by the second.
Not only was the shirt becoming tighter, it literally bunched themselves up onto his expanding pecs and biceps, exposing a washboard hard 8 pack and a perfect V taper leading down to his prized growing meat in his uncomfortably tight shorts.
Soon I wasn’t even able to see his face as his pecs had grown so immense, and in my position, completely overshadowed anything above them. I began to hear some tearing sounds from his clothing as the shorts began to explode off of him, his semi hard phallus appeared monstrous to me. Next came the shirt and with a quick flex, tore right down the back and up the arm sleeves.
In one last moan, my nightmare came true… the sound of tearing cloth and leather as his feet began to tear through the Supras, “NO!!!!” I shouted, watching his toes push through the front ends. I guess there was only so much material a growing pair of shoes can actually contain in them.
Andrew slowly bent down, his cock brushing over my body, until he was once again eye to eye with me. “Happy Birthday, Mikey…”
Changing Shoe Sizes - The Locker Room
(Again, not mine, but a sequel that I wanted to share)
“Come on man, let me try on your shoes!” I asked Chad. The lucky bastard won one of the new prototype’s from Adidas new shows that can change the wearers size of their feet with a quick turn of a knob on the shoe. The original model was by Supra, but people went a bit to far in terms of seeing how big they could grow, causing the shoes to literally burst off of peoples feet. Some guy decided to sue them and made a huge profit, even though getting a chance to get one out of a hundred pairs of them that were invented and being a now 8 foot god shouldn’t have been payment enough.
“No way Arthur! These are my Adidas. You can get a pair when they launch in a few months.” He practically laughed under his breath. He knows I can’t afford a pair of those shoes, they are already retailing for pre-order for $2500. I watched as he twisted the knob, growing to a nice 6′8″ before getting dressed in his workout clothes to go hit the basketball court. He took off his shoes and put on an impressive pair of size 15 Nike’s on before leaving the locker room, tossing his Adidas in his locker and slamming it shut. “Catch you on the court dude, he walked off and left me alone to get dressed.
I sighed to myself, Pulling off my shirt, shorts, and boxers. I gave a tug on my 6 inch cock before pulling my jock strap out of my gym back and slipping it on. I readjusted my package before picking up my shorts that I had dropped on the floor to put back on.
To my surprise, I noticed the locker that Chad was using never actually closed all the way. It has been a while since he has been gone. I made a quick look around the room before pulling the door open and grabbing the shoes. “Fuck yes…” I whispered to myself, bringing the shoes up to my nose and taking a whiff from the inside of them. He must have not broke them in yet, they still smell new…
I myself wasn’t really a small guy. I stood about 5′6″ and weighed around 180lbs… But I needed to be bigger.
My hands shaking, cock throbbing in my jock, I placed my hand on the knob and turned it till it was at a size 8… I watched in amazement as the shoes shrank and then heard a Wallop of noise from outside, as I heard the noise of shoes screeching against the polished basketball court. It’s all true… He must of just shrunk, maybe doing a layup… or trying to dribble… he probably just fell on his ass and made a full out of himself.
I quickly pulled the shoes on my feet. I know at any moment, Chad would be coming through those doors, wondering what just happened. I stood up, bent down, and twisted the damn things till it hit Size 18…
“Oh FUCK!” I moaned as a wave of pleasure hit me, my body firing up a few inches. My muscles expanding to keep up in proportion. Then another wave fired through my body. My jock filling up more and more as it grew to epic sizes in the thin material used to just keep my junk in place as I worked out. Another… And another….
I watched the doors swing open, and in walks Chad. Still bent over, feeling the euphoric bliss wash over me as I hit 7′6″ and over 350lbs of muscle.
“Those are my shoes!” He had to hold up his clothes as he ran towards me. “Take them off!” I watched as he tripped, falling over his gym shorts and much larger shoes that he still tried to wear back into the locker room. He fell face first right between my legs as I watched his hand make contact with the knob, and send it flying towards 25…
I grinned, feeling the power begin to wash over me again… My cock already stuffed to the max in this tiny g-string of a jock… I hope it explodes with this next wave…
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eli-elien · 1 year
henlo :DDD i am here for the Ask Game!!
2, 5, 11, 14, 30
this makes me sound like im ordering from a drive through XD
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
I think a left 3rd view of the face is the easiest second to that is facing forward
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
60% or so is for myself the rest if I think its good I'll post online and you already seen what I usually post on servers being stupid lil doodles lol
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
Honestly this has turned into a playlist of music I just love that happens to relate even to one lyric about my boy lol
but specifically these:
and you definitely know why I've been listening to this one ;)
14. Any favorite motifs
There's alot and since this is my post and my answers and you're my friend
So I love love wolves/dogs and rabbits/deer as both are very interesting the differences between dogs and wolves is a fact of freedom, that sure a wolf miiight listen to you (but mostly bc of food or other sources you might give them I mean they're wild) while a dog is absolutely domesticated but...they still bite and when pushed they WILL fight back even if they're loyal
Rabbits and deer esp when combined for a Jackalope are two things: my love of contrasts and double meanings and metaphors for transness!! I see antlers personally, esp since its different between sexes in deer when it comes them and growing/shedding them as a trans thing idk how to explain it lol
now with the contrasts and double meanings with rabbits!! its such a cute lil fluffy thing but its interesting when the rabbit bites down, when you see that the black and white world-view of carnivores and vegetarians are actually blurred and that during winter they'll eat meat when its available most animals and esp rabbits are very opportunistic
and ofc there's the predator and prey aspects of both between dogs/deer and wolves/rabbits!!!
also side note but I also been loving lizards/shrikes and returning to the classic motif for reverie: foxes/ravens (both clever beings that get a bad rap in fairy tales)
also I looooove fairy tales and myths, William several folk tales that I got inspired by, I wonder what sorta scenes and designs and skills based of these: Red Riding Hood (#1 FAIRY TALE) Anything with the big bad wolf, sleeping beuty, beuty and the beast, the white knight/prince charming motif, witches motif, and hansel and grentel but what if one of the kids take the other instead of a parent? Can you really call that your sibling?
like for instance Will has his red cloak that acts as a red "heroic and prince charming/white knight" cape that also has a red hood, not too mention his motivations are mainly pure righteousness and his desinated roles by the story are either prince charming/white knight or love interest (mainly both if he was saving a princess from the princess pov but instead he's saving and protecting the "evil" dragon)
alsoooo MORE CONTRASTS like life/death and growth/rot and sun/moon and ice/fire (again these can be applied to will who has a rot curse but inherant magic for healing and being related to plants and also ice and fire magic
also persephone/hades dynamic esp where you think on the surface its the cute bubbly life and flowers girlie (doesn't even have to be a girl again: will) with their gloomy dark death and rot guy (yes this is talking about the dragon guy buuut he's honestly more of a dark golden retreiver that would eat and kill anyone who messes with will who also has 1 braincell that uses 60% of it to think abt will)
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
honestly every one of my oc stuff cuz man I put alot of effort into this shit and since this is my post I'll post the ones that I think aren't getting enough attention
I don't think this is underated but putting this here bc I did it on a tablet with a shitty diy stylus that didn't even give me good control and I think I deserve something for how well this came out under those circumstances
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uefb · 1 year
Final chapter of The Riot Act link
Summary: In which the Scamanders write a lot of letters; Uncle Hesiod is effectively blackmailed by every single member of Newt’s family (including Newt himself); Theseus shows every shade of who he is and who he will become; and Newt and his father have a bit of a “glow-up”, as the kids say in the year of our lord 2023. (Click for relatable Newt & Theseus meme.)
Also, 11-year-old Newt dropping truths: “I know I annoy people, Uncle Hesiod, but I think all creatures must be met with a baseline level of compassion, and I wonder if I am sometimes not afforded that because I am different.”
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Gifs by @whumpypepsigal
Excerpt (opening letters):
Floo Telegram (extra charge for weight)
Helios Scamander to Rowan Scamander
Dear Rowan,
Wanted to let you know that Newt’s day at the Ministry was rather awful. It sounds like he comported himself reasonably well, while Hesiod—on the other hand—behaved beastly. I expect we’ll be dealing with the damage for a week or so. No “fairies”, per se, but he’s gone a bit more quiet than usual, so I’m giving him the day with Theseus and his projects to see if that helps.
All that being said, Newt is—strictly speaking—physically all right, so there’s absolutely no need to worry on that front. (No doxy disasters or broken limbs, thank Merlin.) However, you and I will need to have a good long talk, I’m afraid. Make some decisions about the nature of our own relationship with Hesiod and my family generally, as well as revisit more realistic plans for Newt’s future. And then also, on quite a more basic level, we must contend with the now (while somehow not reinforcing the mess Hesiod has dumped into our laps—he planted some rather upsetting ideas in Mud’s fertile little head). Nevertheless, our son went on a bit of a solitary nighttime wander after, more or less, lying to me by omission… So that’s obviously behaviour that must be addressed. I’ve just absolutely no clue how to do it.
Anyway - I’ll be bringing him home tomorrow after work. (And yes — Theseus and I have both enchanted him to within an inch of his life. If he so much as sneezes before we’re back in Derbyshire, we’ll know it.) T has requested to come along. I shall tell you all the details in person, as I’ve got my hands surprisingly full on the one with an enraged 19-year-old who still thinks I can’t tell when he’s scheming; and, on the other, with an 11-year-old, who apparently requires magnificently compelling evidence just to convince him to eat his damn breakfast.
With love,
Floo Telegram
Rowan Scamander to Helios Scamander
Helios — So sorry to hear it went horribly but happy to know he mostly behaved(?). Unsurprised he fled the flat if upset, though still unacceptable. (How in the world did he get past you, though?) Must admit, am quite worried without details, esp. if T is concerned enough to leave training. Floo chat, please? Or at least summarise? Regarding breakfast: If you move whatever N is working on to left of his plate and then push plate twd him, he’ll typically eat w/out realising he’s doing it. (But thank him when he finishes, so he notices he’s done the routine—we don’t want him starving at Hogwarts…!) Please give both our boys my love.
Helios Scamander to Hesiod Scamander
Dearest brother,
I’ve been made aware that Newt’s visit to the Ministry yesterday did not go the way either of you had hoped. Certainly, I heard the tale from Theseus who had had to wrangle it from Newt in fits and starts, but the boy keeps incredibly detailed notes about creatures or interactions that fascinate, inspire, or confound him; and I’d assume he’s classed yours as confounding. I’ll be sending him to the grocer at some point, during which time I plan to unashamedly steal his journal and read all about it myself. So you may rest assured the truth shan’t be twisted by the party line. (That’s a Muggle invention, Hesiod. Quite novel. Not that you would know.)
So, here is the heart of it, brother:
I did not think I needed to make this clear as I’ve already done so in the past… But I do not need your assistance in rearing my son. I have appreciated your efforts to show interest and befriend him this past year, but I’m afraid I will be putting a stop to that, as well. You will not lay hand or wand on him. You will not reprimand him. You will not disclose information—to him or anyone else—that Rowan and I have kept to ourselves for a reason. You will bring any and all concerns directly to me instead of breaking the heart of a child. Furthermore, Newt will be doing any future career preparation with myself or with Rowan; and you are not to even speak to him without one of us present.
Finally… Newt has requested he be allowed to write you an apology for his behaviour—he is a far better man than me, because I didn’t intend to make him do that—as well as “tell [you] some thoughts”. As Newt’s not typically one for telling anyone thoughts of any sort if they’re not specifically about animals, I’m hardly going to discourage him... However, because we will be using this as an opportunity to practice letter-writing and grammatics, I expect it may take a few days, as his Mum and I are both busy through Saturday.
A word of warning: Theseus has just left the flat with a look on his face that usually means trouble, so I do hope you enjoy the visit.
Your loving brother,
P.S. - Please send any mail beginning tomorrow evening to the Derbyshire address.
Floo Telegram
Helios Scamander to Rowan Scamander
Rowan — Thanks for suggestion. Breakfast eaten. (Who knew earthworm digestive systems were so compelling.) Regarding floo: Can’t while N’s around. But he’s more chipper now, so I’ll try to have T take him out for chips at tea.
The summary is that N repeatedly spoke out of turn + H rather severely punished him. Please don’t discuss in detail w N until home. T + I are handling it delicately and T’s off to MOM right now so there may be nothing of H left for you to worry about, anyway
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blankdblank · 1 year
Protego Pt 11 - Practice
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Masterlist here
Summer of Jewelia’s thirteenth year proved to be the biggest yet for her home life and her career. If they assumed having three adolescent daughters in the home would be peaches and cream the Evans were now in a worse spot than the terrible twos while all three girls were adjusting to growth spurts and various changes in their bodies and minds.
Petunia now was talking about boys. Lily as usual had been talking about everyone from school only Severus could confirm if they were real or fake tales on his pops by daily to avoid the few hours his parents were home. He would only catch flashes of Jewels between trips to the theater when she would sit and brainstorm with him on each advanced potion he was adapting to make stronger in attempts to shake something loose on his own Lycan potion to make it more efficient and stronger.
And Jewels tried not to talk about boys at all. Howlers off tips from Alastor and Severus daily sent by James were destroyed. He wanted his cloak back and was bent on harassing her to get it back, enough so that after the first time he snuck in to heckle a rehearsal his face was posted on the ban list to keep him off premises. Question if Sirius would bring up the cloak or not daily was a hard no, as he did all he could to steer the conversations away from his friend who was all too happy to use him as a target for his rage as well. Gaining his own Howlers emphasizing it was his inheritance from his grandfather and he needed it back urgently or he wouldn’t be held responsible for what he did to do so.
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Today however, Sirius tried not to push any topic at all seeing how wound up Jewels was at this first run through of the play a week before it debuted. Full out, kiss scenes and all. Not to say he was pleased at seeing her kiss that Piris bloke for her part against older couples varying in age from early adulthood to an elder couple throughout this romance based play. He even had a peck on the cheek from another young actress in her early twenties for his character being so adorable but too young for her to justifiably date in a mild rejection of his offer to take her to a dance. But he’d never seen her like this, barely able to talk at all or even keep control of her eye color the closer it got to call for marks.
Bernadette out of the corner of his eye had taken hold of his wrist and up he rose to the tug she gave it. Quiet and confused he’d not noticed Jewels was now gone perplexing him more. Inside a quiet room off to the side of larger storage room he was let go in the center of a line of mannequins used to mock up lines of soldiers in the second half of the play. Then he saw her. Right on the center of the front of his bulky wool sweater Jewels’ hand planted and like a board he went rigid to the internal thunder storm creating kiss she planted on his lips. Blurry to clear again she shifted in his vision and then looked to Bernadette with brows raised.
The redhead saying in as least a plotting tone as possible, “The script says you touch his cheek too. Try more a hasty plop than a peck.” Jewels clear in fight to keep nonchalant about this turned to give it another go. Five tries and a time check later, she simply fixed his sweater and patted him on the arm then left the room to be on time to be called to her mark.
Straight to Bernadette he looked blinking out of his stunned posture, having been unable to register that these were the first times he could and would ever be kissed willingly and surprisingly out of nowhere by her. His first kiss, hers, the first five, always hers. “No one is a natural at this you know.” Bernadette said edging into an amused tone through her fading straight expression. “Have to practice you know.” She settled a hand on her chest, “I would have volunteered, only the role called for someone, taller.” Out of the room she stepped, now unable to hold back her brewing giggles, and he smiled.
Jewels had picked him to stand in practice for the stunned boy who would have a kiss planted on him mid scene and then be left abruptly. And for the sting in his chest to be back stage to watch her now calmly plant a kiss on Piris he supportively did just that. When she strolled off stage left he was there to grin and give her a thumbs up for a job well done at the scene that had the Director and the other crew and cast amused fully at the beyond convincing scene.
Secretly Jewels had not wanted her first kiss to be with just anyone, true not exactly with him, but given her choices of the teens present somehow she’d decided on him, the one she knew she could get in private without much trouble or care for what might be missed while the trio were gone. And she hoped if it was framed as practice it might not be boasted on afterwards, at least not too much.
But after her scene all that kept spinning in her head were the four girls he had asked to the post Quidditch match cocoa parties the prior year and then left abruptly to sour their evenings and anyone who had to listen to the ordeal. He didn’t seem to stick around long, and if they had shared any intimacies the girls surely weren’t forthcoming about it.
This was just practice, she tried to recite in her head only to fall prey to the notion she was another etching in a bedpost of some sort on his expanding dating history. Possibly now to lose his company forever now he’d gotten a sample of what he’d been missing without much effort past his company these past couple years.
“Would have hated to had my first kiss on stage.” The flirt happy teen himself said on her right that snapped that train of thought right off so she could turn her head to look up at him.
“First, you’ve dated-,”
His head cocked to the side, “Cocoa is one thing. I’m not so easy as to just kiss or be kissed by anyone.”
“Easy, I just-,” she squeaked and he cut her off again.
“True,” he said stealing a wink her way. “But you’ve been wooing me for two years now.”
“I have not!” she whispered shrilly to the now smirking teen who fixed a stray hair touching his nose.
“I feel very wooed, intent or no intent.” He teased her open mouthed self and kept his urge to chuckle to himself in her slump deeper into her seat and prop of an arm up so the fingers on it could curl against her lips.
Breakfast 7:30
Magical creatures 8
History of magic 10
Arithmacy Mon, Wed, Fri 10
Muggle Studies Sun, Tue, Sat 11
Herbology Mon, Wed, Fri 11
Break 12
Art Sun 12
Lunch 1
Break 2
Potions 3
Charms 4
Transfigurations 5
Divinations Son, Tue, Sat 6
Ancient Runes 6
Dinner 7:30
Curfew 8
Astronomy Wed 12
Ghoul Studies Thur 12
“What are you doing?” Lily asked her sister in a look over her class schedule mailed to their house with twelve classes, Art and Choir clubs on top of her Quidditch duties compared to her elder sister’s chosen eight classes. “Why are you taking all of these?! Ghouls Studies? Who takes Ghoul Studies?!” Petunia mouthed the class to her parents who shrugged in amusement, not certain if it was a farce or not for their amusement. “Astronomy is not required anymore, Ancient Runes and Divinations, not to mention Arithmacy and Muggle Studies?! What are you supposed to learn in that?!”
“I don’t know, Lily, but Ted Tonks said it was amusing for a year or so if I wanted to try it. I just want to see what all they have to offer.”
“Well you are going to ruin your entire year, I have every other day free at 10 and 11 and every day at 6 free, not to mention midnight. I can actually get a full week sleep through the night. Make a far better season in Quidditch for it too. You won’t be able to guard your hoop. You should drop it.”
“I think you’re just scared we’ll beat you out of line for House Cup on grades again.” Jewels challenged and got a scoff in return.
“I out perform you in grades,” Jewels’ brows furrowed challengingly and Lily said, “History does not count! Not counting History I have better grades than you!”
“I whip you in Magical Creatures and Transfigurations and Charms, and you know it!” Jewels said with a victorious grin at her sister who rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out in a loss of a comeback.
“You can’t touch my record in Potions. I am the favorite.” Lily replied making Petunia smirk to herself, holding back her chuckle when Jewels rolled her eyes.
“Well they’re electives for a reason. Choose or not to sit for them. Might be surprised what happens.” Jewels finished off the talk then delved into the required supplies as her sister did, the price worrying their parents at first until Jewels shared she’d gotten enough money over the breaks to pay for her far more expensive set.
The trip was settled and same as the two years prior the family would take the train to London to stay the night in the Leaky Cauldron and shop the day before the train ride to Hogwarts. This year though including Severus, whose parents were expected to travel to deal with an issue his uncle was facing. He mainly would keep Lily distracted as Jewels focused mainly on her supplies and eagerness to see what these new classes would be like.
“Oh,” Jewels eyed the man behind the register for the new cauldrons she would have to replace her current set and she said, “I was told at Gringotts I could have the receipts sent to be taken from my vault.”
“Ah, no harm done little miss,” the man said with a chuckle and moved to tear off the receipt and gather a pen he handed to her, “Just jot the vault number on it if you please.” Numerous shops after the trio gathered all they needed, and every stop had Lily more puzzled at how much Jewels had in that vault of hers. But the sight of Severus trying to detail an enchanted quill he fancied the look of to try and charm one up himself at school had lured Jewels to take hold of it to add to her things easing a grateful grin across his lips. To the wall away from the duo Lily forced her body to not make a scene, missing the timid gesture from Severus to a new ink well his friend gave a nod to and let him collect it to add to her things with ample thanks from the grateful teen.
A dynamic that had Petunia break from her usual habit of trying to ignore the things she couldn’t afford to be interested in and felt refused chance to research in case only Wizards could buy and use them to go over to her youngest sister’s side. Lowly she asked, “Just how much money do you have? I recall one sickle a winter break being the going rate by what you have shared.”
Unwilling to lie to the sister who was left out of so much Jewels answered lowly, “I sort of got an inheritance, from my birth parents. Not sure how to tell Mummy and Daddy just yet.”
“Oh,” Petunia said and gave a brief nod. “Carry on then. But do mind Lily, she seems out of sorts you spoiling Severus.”
“I did offer her some spare journals she likes,” then said with a quick grin, “They have a nice quill, I’m getting you one,” a few rows over she hurried and came back easing a curious grin across Petunia’s lips to see the rather fancy looking feather ended mother of pearl pen tipped quill. “It shimmers when you are excited, keep one for my dream journals. Can’t use it at school, but for home you can doodle to your heart’s content. Won’t go dry for five years, least that’s what the advert says. I chose your favorite color.”
“I,” Petunia began to try and refuse the gift only to say at the proud grin aimed up at her, “Thank you. It looks expensive.”
“Oh no, quite the deal, these are the same as five self writing quills and those only last five months a piece in warm temperatures. They do have a fun variety, but I heard from older students there is more selection at Hogsmeade. We get to go there this year, third years up only, whole set of shops similar to this marketplace.” The conversation carried on into Petunia’s own school that was a total mystery to the younger sisters, which she felt a bit more special about attending for how Jewels kept asking for any details she was willing to share on it.
Lunch though would break the shopping and give way to an evening where Severus and Jewels could look through their freshly bought supplies, while not all entirely new some were acceptably worn second hand. But her eyes always seemed to shift back to her schedule for the coming year. Although curiously the time slots for some of the spare classes puzzled her, but not as much as her welcome back to the station.
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On the end of her sleeve Barty’s fingers pinched to give the sleeve a tug to get her attention. As soon as her eyes hit him he said, “Professor McGonagall said we’re to head to her office after supper.”
“I haven’t even gotten on the train yet, how can I have detention?” she asked before she could help it and in a slink of his arm around her back he led her a few steps away from the other students at the luggage car to murmur by her ear. “Not detention, little gemstone, for our class slots.”
“But, we have to choose from the classes?” she asked and he held back a chuckle to answer her.
“No, best to let her explain.” He tried to calm her down only to sigh when she didn’t want to let it go just yet.
“Barty,” he sighed and looked towards the third year car.
“Fine,” hurrying her along to split the crowd ushering comments to everyone in the way until he was able to get to an empty train car one of her good friends who usually sits with them was about to step into. “Rog, hey give us a moment, eh. Need to tell her something.” The stunned teen froze and watched Barty guide Jewels into the car and shutting the door behind him causing other students to lean in around Roger to see if they could see what was going on.
“That-,” she tried to speak but was cut off in her step away out of hold of his arm to face him fully with a confused furrow to her brow aimed at him.
“Time turner.” He said and her brows furrowed more trying to repeat what he said.
“Shh,” he shushed her and she let out a displeased huff.
Up to his chest his hand moved to tap fingertips there, “My dad works in the Ministry and the school gives names of students who pick classes in time slots that overlap. The Ministry loans out Time Turners to those students, in your case you have to share with me.”
“What’s going on?” more than a few voices gave the same muffled inquiry on the other side of the sealed door Barty kept shut with his free hand and foot.
“That doesn’t make any sense. Why not just have the classes in separate time slots.” She asked and he shrugged.
“It’s magic. Doesn’t have to make sense.” He answered and her head tilted in a defeated huff. “But the rule is we don’t talk about the Time Turners to anyone, only each other. Bad things happen to Wizards who meddle with time, so we stick to a schedule and at the holiday breaks and end of term hand it back in.”
“Magic doesn’t have to make sense,” she huffed to herself and turned to plop onto her seat widening a grin across his lips. “Okay, I won’t tell anyone. Not sure why I bother keeping anything but secrets these days… I know the Baron will be a hard one to get past.”
“Oh all the ghosts know about it,” he said and she looked up at him from the floor she’d let her gaze fall to and he nodded, “Promise.” His head ticked to the side in a warning and he stepped back to smile widely and give Roger a slightly awkward hug. “Roger, there you are old pal, come in, before you catch cold in the hall!” ushering him inside so he could take up the usual spot across from Jewels to have the rest of her friends fill the rest of the car still confused about the brief secretive conversation.
Numerous things had changed this year. Only by letter in her first breakfast the following day would she be welcomed back by Andromeda Black and Ted Tonks, who still wished to keep in touch and help however possible even after their graduation. Regulus had been welcomed by his relatives and new friends by association to said relatives, and James aspired for his first chance at the Quidditch team. Severus as well had a fuller schedule and did not wish to keep up the daily urge for the spectacled teen to be in and out of the Hospital Wing at least until he’d earned it.
Captain Potter was the goal for James, and by the first round of puddings he had smooth talked his way into a secured tryout even though they had a full team. He would be Captain, he would get closer to Lily in the process, and Sirius would have no choice but to be best friends with him again like they were before their last fight.
“You, are not surprised,” McGonagall said with a sigh and looked directly at Barty who gestured to Jewels.
“She was going to dig it out of me, you just should have sent her the letter, respectfully. Still would have drug it out of me, only she’d have had to figure out I was involved in the first place.” He said a bit wide eyed and gave a nod she tried not to grin or chuckle at his slightly ridiculous self at the moment.
“Truly, well, let us hope you may yet keep a secret from the remainder of your classmates, or the Ministry will be contacting your father.” She replied and he swatted a hand between them.
“Oh no problem, I can lie to the common rabble.” That had her give a shake of her head and move to the desk behind her to lift the sealed box containing the Time Turner to present to Barty.
“Professor,” Jewels asked luring eyes to her, “Do I have to share because I’m raised by Muggles?”
“No, word has traveled however, that you are adopted. Should the notion arise for you to go back in time to learn who your birth parents were, well, now that could spell disastrous. Not just in matters of consequence to time, but for your permanent record.” The Professor said and both teens nodded and listened to the specific rules to follow.
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No matter where they seemed to set up a hiding spot to use the Time Turner Barty could always feel her tense just at the drop of temperature Dolph let off in a room when he came to find her or leave her some unwanted token. Several times she had tried to write to Dumbledore but was told to take it as a compliment to be so admired, and that the older teen should be prized for his confidence with such a sparkling young Witch sure to be the brightest of her age. But it didn’t feel like a compliment, and as much as she hated being the focus of a crowd she hated his attention even more.
The first Hogsmeade trip was coming up and he wouldn’t drop his efforts to ask her to some pink tea shop, much like Sirius apparently had asked some fifth year who hoped to link with the family line off an old family aspiration post dissolved engagement ages ago. She didn’t know what she hated to hear about more over lunch, the planned date of the one she had her first kiss with or the overheard plans of the scumbag who hoped to surprise her on some never to happen date. It seemed he was one of the only students not targeted by Potter, even when she once had tried to frame him for a slight against James, much to her disdain at how this was being allowed to continue.
Irritation and avoidance was palpable to any nearby any interaction of the two, and so as his elder brother tried to wiggle free of his date Regulus laid his own plot to handle the unwanted attention. Freeing up a full day to enjoy the shops for his hopefully sister to be. Him and Barty would move in a team to make this trap inescapable and the teen not to be discovered until the day was mostly over with to prevent any last minute races out to the magical shop filled city.
 “Do you want anything Petunia?” Jewels had asked her sister with hold of the permission slip to Hogsmeade her parents signed for her. Again the words echoed in her ears while she had hold of three Knuts she hadn’t spent after buying a special pack of sparkling quills she wanted that would shimmer the ink the more excited one would get for some fun in keeping her lesson planner, diary and dream journals.
“You have your key, right?” Regulus said turning her head to have her furrow browed at him inside of Gladrags clothing shop.
“How’d you get… the boys snuck you,” and she shook her head at that fact and her having missed on coming here sooner if she’d just have bribed them or something like that earlier.
“Yup, wanted to check on you. You have your key?” Again she looked at him when he asked, “For Gringotts, your dad’s?”
“You can use it here, they’ll confirm it’s real and send the receipt to be settled out of the vault.”
“Like, a credit card?”
“That’s, a Muggle thing, I’m guessing. If it means you get the goods now and the funds are billed to the bank then yes. Vault can’t be bone dry or they wouldn’t give you a key until accounts are settled. Buy some things. Have some fun, just might lure another certain someone over.”
“If you’re talking about that Dolph guy who asked me-,”
His face grew serious and protective at the mention of that name, “That creep is dangling from a tower under knockout draught. Made sure to keep him away from your exploring day. No good that guy. Him and his friend Patricia give Binns nothing but trouble.”
“Well I don’t know who else you were aiming to mean then.” She said and he smirked at her. Instantly making her turn her head away as she pocketed the coins in reach for a special keychain she kept her theater coin and vault keys on.
“Whoever did I mean? We may never know.” He teased and slipped out of sight from a Professor passing by to hide behind Lucius Malfoy, who strode around a display to find some spare Quidditch training shirts he wouldn’t mind ruining, after having forgotten to pack some of his go to favorites before the semester began.
“Does your dad really have a car that can fly?” she asked the blonde, who looked her over aloofly at the out of place question. “Heard he did. Does it use a balloon, or a propeller to fly?”
“My father owns several models. None use balloons or, well, one has a decorative propeller, but he always complains it turns the car when it rains.” He said continuing on to his goal with a simple glance back as if she might be welcome to follow him if she cared to.
“Malfoys are old,” she said, and he blinked at her in the stop of his feet, “Your family records, are just trees, too, right? So you have missing names?”
“Not trees exactly, we have a family ledger and mural of plaques each generation inherits, like a chandelier of sorts to make for easier display. The only missing names we have are Witches burned during the Salem trial separation from the Muggles who sold their names in return for destruction of those who aimed to murder their bloodlines. We know their names, merely honor their wishes to not record them.”
“Oh, that sounds really unique. You wouldn’t happen to know of any spells on uncovering hidden names, would you?”
“You might wish to conference with Rudolphus Lestrange, his father is quite skilled in interrogations in the Ministry and Azkaban.”
“I will, thank you.”
“The day you wed Sirius I look forward to sight of your name etched into the link between the Malfoy and Black lines.” He said confident and smooth, continuing on to the shirts.
“Is your brother telling people we’re getting married?” she asked Regulus, who could only laugh at the look on her face.
“No.” Regulus answered still smiling.
“It is foretold in the stars, Saturn has crossed the Canus Major constellation within models according to Narcissa. Their models are most accurate.” Lucius explained.
He walked away again and she poked Regulus in the arm, “Tell your brother to keep his stars to himself.” Making Regulus chuckle again, “Next thing I know he’ll be buying me a wedding gown and planning a date off some ping pong ball model.”
“Um,” Regulus said following her on her way around a tall rack of clothes, “When he said model, it’s a person,” and she looked at him, “Sounds worse than it is, but they’re put in a meditative trance and they levitate within a circle to be oracle opposite a Kneazle familiar.”
“Magical creature, it’s close to a cat. Your sister’s cat is half Kneazle.”
She reluctantly replied and asked, “Oh, nifty. Does it hurt it?”
“No, there’s a paper map of stars they touch with their feet where it matters. No pain, just some grogginess afterwards for an hour or so. I’ve done it for Mum before at concerning topics over supper.”
“So, it’s a group thing?”
“No,” he said haltingly, “But you have to be really powerful to do it alone.”
“Do, you die?”
“Worse, or what some would call, worse.” He answered. “You, aren’t you anymore. Something else, anyone else who can link out can link in to your mind.”
“Has that happened before?”
“The stars told our ancestors about it. When we die we join them, why we pick star names, they try to protect us as much as they can.”
“I wonder what my birth families’ traditions were.” She said haltingly.
“We’ll find out.” He reassured her. “We will.”
Once at the registers, Regulus stated in her nervous stance, “She has a vault to play purse.” Having stood there watching her armful of things be rung up to what felt to be a ridiculous sum to hear let alone count out.
Crystal and clear out of a drawer beneath the counter a tube was brought to be split apart at the hinge. Inside of it the key she placed there was secured in the snap shut. At the bleed of a green hue across the tube confirmation of a valid vault was silently voiced and over the receipt the tube was rolled to mark it with the vault information they would send out later.
“Thank you,” she about whispered to the return of the key, the receipt added to a special box that was emptied each day and she simply picked up her bags to move onto the next store.
“I said I don’t want anything!” Lily sharply whispered back to her sister she left behind in the second hand book shop they’d crossed paths in. Severus however was grateful to have had her add the books he had been mulling over which to choose between them. And when his back was turned she had slipped a few more books into her collection to give away at a later date for gifts.
Sirius popping up at her side when she was looking over a couple jars of special seeds in an Herbology shop next on the walk had her add the repaired jars to her collection that continued to grow. “Found some box sets over here,” Remus said inside the following shop in his try to help her find a way to send a nice gift set home to her sister who was privately enjoying her previously gifted quill.
There was a glow about her in every new discovery, and that was what this was. Not a way to blow an inheritance but a hungered search of this still new world. And no matter the second glances she gave him, or times she tried to point out the girls staring daggers his way Sirius only wanted to see her and this spare time together.
Cocoa was offered, and as a group she accepted. Slightly more amused at the curiosity of how he intended to fit inside a booth with his own collection of bags he’d picked up along the way in not allowing her to miss a single thing that could draw out that same awed smile. No fights were allowed, meaning Barty took up a side job same as Alastor when they’d taken their rounds of the shops in turns to keep an eye out for not just James but now Lily as well after their earlier huffing moment. Nothing was going to spoil the first magical trip here for the girl of Sirius’ dreams.
Well, almost nothing, the explosion of pink shop he’d chosen complete with pink cocoa offered came awfully close. She might have picked him for a first kiss, but this obvious first date go to location almost had her race away to not let him get any ideas. Or her, if she had to be honest, what to think about the perplexing and irritating teen seemed to change by the hour. And that seemed to scare her more than the notion of his hand resting on the table so close to hers in pauses of conversation between refills on the warming rounds of drinks.
Five more receipts were marked to be sent off and with an amusing amount of bags she walked with her equally amused friends who took the place of the now fled guys who covered Regulus’ trek back to school unseen. When they had split as well to keep savoring free time before supper Jewels alone went up to the Ravenclaw Tower to go through them and ready what she wished to be put away or washed before wearing. Lovingly the gift box was readied, complete with a letter to her elder sister. Secured with enchanted twine to keep it safe that she carried off to the Owelry where inside a parcel shrinking pouch it would be eased for her owl to carry off home.
More trips to Hogsmeade meant some more fun treat boxes to send back home to Petunia, who for no matter how much she wished to complain about magic things in a world she was excluded from, appreciated the gifts all the same at the thought to include her somehow. Smiling to herself Jewels took her time to get back to her room, stopping only at the sound of her sister Lily’s voice. “I can’t understand why you are using all that money from your birth parents. Petunia said that’s where you’re draining those coins from. Should be saving it in case you don’t make it on the stage.”
The tone and bite of Lily’s words had Jewels fire back, “I have more studying to do, just like you should be doing if you want to be an Auror. That has a high educational requirement and you’ve been slacking in classes. Certainly won’t take any OWLS beneath Exceeds Expectations, and you’ve got three A’s on your card I know of.” Lily’s jaw fell slack in a scoff just watching her sister keep on walking back to her dorm to go study. So very far from caving in to doing what was suggested, just in case Jewels had failed at her dream.
An hour past curfew she’d not noticed blew by Jewels was sneaking out of the library and froze when she saw naked Alastor dart behind a statue at the sight of her. “Why are you naked?” she asked before she could help it and he cleared his throat to answer in a somewhat calmer tone than he felt his body hoped to use at the moment. “Haven’t you been sick the last month? You’ll catch your death and get sent to that Mungo’s place.”
“No, um, see, there’s a leaf you have to use. Under your tongue to become an Animagus for a month. Chose the Potoo bird, but um, you see, forgot the charm to call my clothes to me as I shift back.”
“Oh,” she said and drew her wand to help charm up a painted silk scarf of a set he used to make a sort of kilt to hasten alongside her with her word to keep his secret, but when he caught sight of Filch he shifted back into his Potoo form to land on her shoulder. A normal looking bird until the light of the lanterns ignited the solid black eyes to a yellow ring around a black pair of iris that sat a bit off center to aim outwards on each side. An odd bird that about had her in giggles keeping it together explaining she’d just lost track of time to the man on patrols who was staring right at the bird Mrs Norris was as well at his feet.
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“Thanks,” Alastor said on the other side of the old storage closet he was changing inside of. “Ministry likes to have a record of Animagus forms. Longer I go without registering the better my spying chances are.”
She giggled to herself and replied from her place leaning on the wall outside the door, “Well, look like that you’d need a suited nickname. Mad eyes, that little ghost bird gawking at fiends.”
A step out the door when he’d finished he leaned to grin at her, “Mad Eye, aye, now that is a name to strike a reputation on. Thank you, I think I’ll keep it. Mad Eye Moody. Truly sublime for a man striking out for a career like mine will be.”
“Well, every actor needs a good stage name,” she joked drawing a chuckle from her agreeing friend.
“Now, that it does.” And they both began to walk the shortest way to the split of staircases that led up to both of their house towers.
The water seemed to still with the sisters, but to the creep of another Hogsmeade trip and a third secluded trip to the Hospital Wing for Jewels bubbles began to rise to the surface for more than just Lily.
A huff was the warning signal that had Severus inch a bit closer to the library table to focus on his notes for an upcoming exam. Lily in refusal to remain silent anymore in her frustration asked her oldest friend, “What do you think of Jewels spending all that money? You’re from the same town as her, you wouldn’t do that.” Severus chortled at that notion and she furrowed her brows at him.
“If I inherited money I’d go and rent a room in the Leaky Cauldron all summer and never go home again.” Before she could argue he continued, “You should let Jewels buy you something.”
Curtly she fired back, “I want nothing to do with that money!”
“Then tell her now before she goes buying you any gifts or prepare to strike up a war demanding proof of where funds for anything she gives you.”
“I wouldn’t do that,” she argued and he chortled again.
Joking back, “Oh really? You wouldn’t let her loan you a quill the other day and had to barter one of your favorite hair clips for a set from that cockroach girl.” The words luring her to reach up to her flaming locks. Particularly the strip by her ear pooling more into her face than usual without the clip normally above her ear to hold it back.
“It’s not the same thing at all! I would never do that for holidays or a birthday, or something, and spoil the party for our family.”
“Sometimes I wish you would act like your family was here,” he sighed, shaking his head in a shift atop his seat to focus back on his notes again and stop talking about this.
“What is that supposed to mean?” she asked defensively.
“Just what I said, I wish you’d stop spoiling things. If you want to be close again then stop throwing mud on the fence she’s trying to mend, if not then go ahead and keep refilling that bucket of yours.” He answered without looking up.
“You’re not making sense Severus. And I never thought you would go and let someone buy your friendship so easily.” She just about hissed at him bitterly.
Pointedly he looked up at her, hands moving to gather his things to the rise of his body to stand. Without another word he picked up his things and began to leave the library to head to his dorm where she could not follow him without being barraged by insults by the his housemates. Remus though as soon as he exited the door took hold of Severus’ arm to pull him a few feet away to a secluded dip in the far wall between two open bowl lanterns burning hotly to light the shadows filling the hall even though it was not even noon.
“Jewels got taken to the Hospital Wing, third months this year, and two of the girls said this happened last year too! Madame Pomfrey sent me away, said there were special meds to brew up.” A bit quieter in a step closer Remus asked him, eyes flooded with concern, “Did she say I was able to scratch her or, anything else?”
“She wasn’t injured,” Severus answered, but fully grasped the concern Remus felt in hearing this was another possibly long bout in the Hospital Wing no one could seem to get an answer from her as to the reasoning why. “I will go check on her.” Left his lips and he made his way off to the same place he intended to go in the first place. “Ahem,” Severus turned Narcissa’s head from her own notes when he settled on the lounge she’d chosen in wait for Lucius who went to the kitchen for their afternoon tea.
“Hello Severus,” intrigue heavy in her tone aimed at the teen who usually kept his distance to focus on studies except for in group projects or Quidditch practices and games.
“Jewels is in the Hospital Wing, I was wondering if you might be willing to go slip in and see her while I distract Madame Pomfrey. Remus already has been turned away, and this seems to be a growing trend.”
Subtly she smirked at him and replied, “The source is obvious to any girl, Jewels is clearly fertile now and requires medication for unruly cycles. I warned Sirius and he is fetching her treats for Hogsmeade I am sworn to deliver on his behalf. They have a private room for these sorts of troubles and supply rooms for all the female student populace might require.”
“Hmm,” Severus said turning his head to find Lucius re-entering the common room with tea cart rolling behind him on its own loaded with tea and treats, looking to the darker haired teen currently but apparently innocently in his spot.
Narcissa chuckled to herself and added, “Apparently Veela and Morpher blood is complicating the search for a proper treatment, but they are growing closer, last month she was only in bed three days, poor dear.”
“Thank you, enjoy your tea.” Severus stood and nodded to Lucius in their passing so Severus could head to his room and write Remus a note to calm him down as for their dear friend who seemed to have her own monthly troubles to grapple with now. An issue he would also bring up to Lily and be completely perplexed as to how she took her own fairer troubles as sign some of the girls who took refuge in that room were making a mountain out of a molehill. A comment he had snapped at to force Lily to go and check on her sister, seeing for herself just how poorly her condition had grown in a matter of days, and not half as bad as it was without the medication she was given. But like always it would wane and she would have another three weeks to dread it coming on again with a new daily chewy dose to see how that took.
Pt 12
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linaselandbasil · 1 year
Hear the tale of how I grew chestnuts this year! I promise it's not too boring! It also includes some good gardening tips if you're interested in learning. If you don't want to read my damned long rambling about random things, they're going to be a different colour so you can skim through.
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Chestnuts!!! I love chestnuts! Though I'm not fond of eating them, I love collecting their seeds because I'm a country boy from the countryside and I didn't start playing video games until I was 11. There wasn't much to do in my small town aside from bullying nature.
I've never considered to grow chestnuts before this year, but in an instant I've made my mind up when I found a single chestnut in my school's courtyard. It had sprouted a tiny little root in the cold January soil. I immediately took my hat off and put it in there for safety.
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I would have gladly left it if I didn't know that they would be mowed down by the gardeners. I simply couldn't stand the thought, many of you might know that I'm like a pet rescue person but for plants.... I went to look for more and more I found!
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I had a few empty pots, so according to my best knowledge I chose a deep, dark brown one to put all the little babies in. Chestnut seedlings are quite sensitive, but I fucked up a bunch of times and they lived, so all you clumsy besties out there shouldn't worry too much!
I put them in sand mixed with garden soil and put a bunch of dry leaves on it as mulch. (Make sure you put leaves that are good for mulch, some leaves such as walnut leaves stunt germination) the pot being dark would make it warmer, thus making them grow quicker.
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I knew some of them would probably not make it, so when they were big enough that I could tell which ones are strong, I put those in their own pots outside. They were put in very nutritious flower soil and I put pinebark mulch on them. It's not as insulating as leaves, but it helps retain moisture better and is less likely to be blown away by wind.
I didn't throw away the ones that I thought wouldn't make it, I kept them because I wanted to give them a chance. They staid in the warm nursery pot.
I found one that hadn't sprouted yet, when I was looking for seeds in January. It didn't grow a root in time, so I threw it in the compost with the definitely dead ones. I was building a raised garden bed with my father, and when we filled it with soil, we found the chestnut seed had sprouted in the compost. I immediately put it in a pot and placed it with the other ones.
At that point an unexpected frost had ravaged the garden and I was devastated, because all of them looked dead... But they lived, literally none of them froze dead!
I never counted them, but I had about 20 of them at the beginning. And now I have 11. That's 55% success! (I'm bad at math don't argue with me if I'm wrong I don't care)
When they first started to grow leaves I took them inside. It is not necessary to do that, but every plant grows quicker in warmth, so I thought it would benefit me. The ones who were the quickest immediately got themselves their own big pots and were left on a windowsill with pine leaves for mulch. They block wind, but not sunlight. (If you pick the right pine) Since it was cold out, they're still nowhere as large as the ones I took indoors, even though they started sprouting leaves weeks in advance.
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These are the ones I took in, they looked like this a week after I put them in their pots. The ones I left outside are not struggling, but they're still this small after two months of growing. Meanwhile the indoor ones grew their nursery pots out. I planted them in larger pots just last week. Only one of them looked to be doing worse off than the rest, but the only problem seemed to be a lack of root growth,(blue pot) which didn't stop it from having the most perfect and symmetrical leaves. I planted it in the big brown pot with one of its siblings because when their roots meet in the soil, they will help each other out.
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Next week, one of my friends will come and pick one of the chestnut children and take it home with. I feel really accomplished, but so saaaad! They grow up so fast, I'm going to cry! Aaah, my little babies....
That's about it for now, let's talk about why chestnut trees are the best!
They are drought resistant, they are one of the best carbon bonders that the average person can plant in their garden and they're outstandingly resistant to fungal infections! They look iconic, I can recognize a chestnut tree just by their branches alone~ They grow tall without much help from humans, since their branches and roots prefer to expand vertically as opposed to just going all over the place. They like sunlight a lot, so they have full canopies that give great shade in the summer. Unfortunately their leaves aren't the best compost, but that minor inconvenience is dwarves by all the amazing things this plant can do.
Their wood is strong and rot resistant, so it can be used for all sorts of crafts.
Bye besties, that's all the knowledge I'll be dropping on you today!
(Get chestnuts, now.)
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