#this is the one bonding activity no one in S4 will skip out on even Fushimi always goes
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
(1/2)My friend once gave me a manicure saying that it'll help me relax and it actually did so now imagine if Seri sees Fushimi being stressed and decides to give him a manicure and Fushimi is like NO but no one says no to her unless they have a death wish. Time skip to them sitting in room with Seri painting his nails and Fushimi ranting about Yata XD he wouldn't admit it but he actually liked it. Munakata finds out about this and is like "oya" *glasses sparkle* new bonding activity found
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Just imagine this eventually escalating into a whole S4 sleepover/home spa day type thing, like a few of the squad members are getting manicures, some pedicures, a couple of them are laying back with a cucumber mask over their faces, we've got some foot baths, it's just the most relaxed the squad has ever been and for once they have to admit that Captain had a great idea. Imagine this starts like pre-S1, Awashima's noticed how often Fushimi seems stressed and decides she needs to do something about it. She ordered a home manicure online a few weeks ago and found it wonderfully relaxing so she figures perhaps it could help, she knows Fushimi will likely scoff at the idea but he needs to find some way to relax before he pops a vein. She tells him she expects to see him in her room that evening, Fushimi keeps trying to find ways to get out of it and Awashima keeps catching him because she is going to make Fushimi relax if it kills him. Fushimi finally drags himself into her room, steeling himself for the worst.
Jump forward and Fushimi has just the best nails in the squad and he's meeting Awashima for biweekly de-stress sessions. He doesn't tell anyone about them because he isn't going to admit to anyone that Lieutenant's been giving him manicures, especially not to Captain. But then one day there's some emergency and Munakata needs to speak with Awashima, normally he doesn't go into the women's dorms but he will do so if needed. He knocks on Awashima's door and it creaks open just a bit, enough so that Munakata can see Fushimi sitting there with Awashima doing his nails while he goes on a whole rambling complaint about how he saw stupid Misaki today and Misaki was too busy staring at Suoh Mikoto what's so great about Suoh Mikoto anyway and besides if Misaki really cared why isn't he chasing after me. Awashima is like half-listening, more focused on doing his nails, but she's like nodding along at intervals and Fushimi just keeps talking. Munakata pushes up his glasses with a sparkle all 'I see.'
So then a short while later Munakata decides the squad will be having a sleepover in order to help them all relax, everyone's dreading this because who knows what kind of terror Captain has dreamed up what if he decides we're going to have a scary story marathon or something. Instead though Munakata, with Awashima's assistance, has transformed one of the conference rooms into a total mini-salon, everyone is going to get manicures and pedicures and just the total pampering package. I imagine the squad still being on edge because this is way too good to be true but for once Captain No has turned into Captain Yes and they all have a really nice relaxing time. Even Fushimi can't complain too much, though I imagine him sitting down for a manicure and there's Munakata right in front of him ready to try out new skills and if Fushimi would like to unburden his heart while Munakata does his nails he is most welcome to (Fushimi's immediately like 'no' and sits in perfect silence as Munakata does his nails with a small sad sparkle).
The sessions continue at least once or twice a month after this point, maybe stopping for a bit when all the mess of S1 and later ROK happens. Post-ROK though Munakata is determined to revive the tradition and that's how Homra eventually finds out about it, Awashima's getting a drink at the bar but she has to leave early for the bonding session. Kusanagi expresses his condolences and Awashima smiles a bit as she says this is actually one she looks forward too, she hasn't given a manicure in months. Anna is nearby and wonders about the manicures, Awashima explains that she's gotten very good at doing other peoples' nails. Anna looks down at her own nails and Awashima smiles kindly at her as she wonders if Anna would like a manicure too. Maybe Awashima even invites Anna to their sleepover, Kusanagi's a little concerned but supposes as long as Anna's with Seri she'll be fine. Anna comes home the next day super excited about her nails, Awashima's even offered to teach her how to do manicures she just needs someone whose nails she can do. Kusanagi's like 'is that so...' as Anna stares at him intently, the next evening all of Homra is gathered for the extremely important duty of letting Anna test out her manicure skills (with Awashima assisting of course). The next day Homra also all have the best-looking nails they've ever had and everyone's concerned that if they punch someone they might mess their nails up and make Anna sad. At the same time Scepter 4 are also being very careful with their perfectly-done nails and it's like to think all they needed to do all along to make the clans stop fighting each other was give everyone splendid nails.
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effloradox · 2 years
headcanons for dating eddie munson
there's no season 4 spoilers here beyond it being about a character introduced in s4
he might not look it (or be perceived as so) but when you get to know him, Eddie is a sweetheart and would be the best boyfriend
would love if you wanted to join Hellfire!! if you don't want to it's fine but if you wanted to join him he would absolutely love it
(your presence would distract him, the others actively ask if you're coming because he's always a bit easier on them if you're there)
if you decided you wanted to join, he'd help you create your character!! good couples bonding activity right there folks!!
he gives you one of his rings!!! he has plenty to go around but he always gives you at least one!!
(if they're too big for your hands he will buy you a chain to thread them onto, he will find a way to give you one)
he loves it when you play with his hair; you're the only one allowed to touch it, use that power wisely (he'll complain if you braid bits of it but he secretly loves it)
loves sharing music with you!! if he finds new music he likes, you're the first person he shares it with
if you watch his band play/practice, he'll love you forever
would try to teach you how to play the guitar, you can play together!! if you have any requests he'll try to learn them for you even if they're not necessary to his taste, that's love baby!
your most common dates are trips to the local cinema, or hanging out at one of your homes and getting take away
he will convince you to skip classes to come hang out with him in the forest by the school, you will end up making out there sometimes
he's not a particularly self-conscious person, but he does worry about what being around him does for your reputation
he's literally known as Eddie 'the freak' Munson, it has an effect on everyone who hangs around with him and his friends
you have different friends so you're not always together in school, but it's high school and it's Hawkins and people talk and it's not always kind (let's be honest, it's very rarely kind)
he knows there's people that claim he's corrupting you, bringing you into his 'devil worshipping cult', he knows exactly how people see him
small town, small minds y'know?
he knows why you're together, it's been long enough now that he trusts you with his life, but even the strongest of relationships have moments of insecurity
he sees you getting on with some of the more popular students and thinks you'd be better off being with one of them rather than with him, how much easier your life would be if the two of you weren't together
he wouldn't voice these insecurities to you often, he might only do so under the influence of something, please reassure him if he does (especially if revealed under the influence, being it up when he's sobered up so he actually remembers what you're saying)
it's a relationship full of mutual support, he'll support you in any of your endeavours (he is literally your number one fan)
sorry if these are a mess, I love him so much and had to write about him
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shipcestuous · 6 years
My Thundermans asks got a bit out of hand, so I decided to switch to a submission. Less copying and pasting for you, maaaaybe more coherence. No promises. Also, my previous ask was rude and I’m sorry for that. Like, I didn’t even say hi. I should know better than that. Just, to my slight defence, I was still affected by the show ending and some personal stuff. But I’ll make it up right now.
Hiiiiiiii!!! Thundercest anon back here for the final finale. Unbelievable. Well, mostly I can’t believe it’s been almost exactly a year since I binge-watched the entire show right up to the mid-S4 finale and then cursed (and also thanked) all of you guys who turned me onto the show. For a non-canon pairing, that was some A+ content and a fairly decent amount of it, too. Siiiigh. All good things must come to an end, I suppose. Happy watching, by the way!!
So, Looperheroes. I don’t know if it was intentional or not, or, if so, which version was intentional, or if it was just a plot hole that didn’t matter to them as long as they could conveniently advance their plot, but anyway, it is very, very, veeeeery interesting that Phoebe was the only other person besides Max who was conscious of the time loop. At first, you think it’s the Z-Force conducting another test and it makes sense. But when we find out it’s Max who’s created the time loop, with a device he made, and he might even be resetting it every morning to start the loop all over again, one has to wonder how come Phoebe is in the loop about the loop when nobody else is (besides the guy who actually makes it happen). As far as I could tell, there didn’t seem to be any “logical, science-y” reason that could explain it. Like proximity. Unless Phoebe and Max were sleeping in the same bed behind the scenes, and Phoebe had woken up early because she’s Phoebe, and anyway, the point is that Colosso and the rest of the family had logically equal chances of getting pulled into the time loop, but it was only Phoebe who ended up in it. So, any way you look at it, it’s all very… Thundercestuous. Now, I’ve come up with three scenarios so far. 1) “Blame it all on the superhero twins bond.” It’s been a recurring theme throughout the show that superhero twins have special bonds that manifest in multiple ways. So, Max and Phoebe had to stay within a few feet of each other when that meteor was close to Earth, and in the finale, that is “Thunder Games”, we also learn they’re supposed to have a special superpower that they can only activate together. So maybe this bond dragged Phoebe into the time loop. Not as Thundercestuous as the other scenarios but still a very nice thought. 2) Keeping the superhero twins bond, we add to the mix the actual emotional bond between Max and Phoebe. They’ve always had it, no matter what, even when Max was dead set on being a villain, but in S4 it’s developed so much more. They still mess with each other in true Phoebe and Max fashion, but now they are not enemies. On the contrary, they share a common goal and dream and they have to work together to achieve it. And we’ve seen them overcome their antagonism in order to do so. So, both bonds, one of them by nature, the other built by the twins both consciously and not, could have been what pulled Phoebe in the loop. Another factor might have been their mental and emotional states those few days before the final Z-Force announcement. I imagine both could only think about that and were very anxious over it. I mean, Max definitely was, he created the loop out of fear of failure, and it’s in Phoebe’s character to freak out over it. And taking it even further, this was a perfect case of suffering or going through something, and wanting to be around only someone who understands you perfectly, maybe even goes through the exact same thing. It’s all very Thundercestuous in any case. 3) Max chose to pull Phoebe into the loop with him. Just Phoebe. Not even Colosso. In a semi-crack, semi-serious take on this, Max knew that messing with time could have world-ending consequences (he admitted as much) and might have also been uncertain about the level of functionality of his device, so he decided his best bet was to have Phoebe in the know. Who better to brainstorm or share the responsibility of a catastrophe with? (Exhibit A through Z: Max hunching down in a protective position while Phoebe destroyed the looping device and then explaining that messing with time could have had world-ending consequences. Oh, Max.) Anyway, back to the main point of this theory: Max chose, especially if he had to reset the device every day, to spend at least 95 repetitions of the same day with Phoebe. And I say with Phoebe specifically because Max can put two and two together pretty easily. If Phoebe was the only other person conscious of the day repeating but not aware that Max was the one causing it, then she would think it was the Z-Force testing them (which is exactly what she theorized and Max was there conveniently going along with it) or some villain attacking them etc. With Phoebe working off of such an assumption, they would be forced to work together to come up with ways they could break the loop (and pass the test in the case of the Z-Force). And of course, it’s not like anyone would believe them easily or at all about the loop (as was evident when they told Barb, not to mention that Max was trying to deter Phoebe from asking for help). All in all, Max had to know beforehand that he and Phoebe would be spending a whole lot of time together, brainstorming ideas and putting them into effect. And so they did. From partying hard like there’s no tomorrow to saving the world from the smallest perceived evil, they were joined at the hip most of the time. That is a lot of time spent in each other’s company. Seriously, 95 mornings of Phoebe coming down to Max’s lair, of going to school together, of working closely together. They ended up in such a sync, too, even simply in their enjoyment of Bradford’s and Wong’s misfortunes. And one does have to wonder: what things did they try and what would have they tried or been willing to try in order to break free of the time loop? And the Thundercest kicks up a notch or two or a dozen when you keep in mind that Max was behind the whole thing and could have stopped it or even changed the settings at any time. Also, once again proving people over the age of 20 should not be watching teen Nick, can we talk about Max throwing in Phoebe’s face her “kink” about following direct orders? No need to get up. I’ll see myself out.
Thunder Games. Oh, boy. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: actual physical battle between Phoebe and Max is the stuff of legends (and Thundercest dreams). Phoebe and Max have been training together and under the supervision of the same people their whole lives. And in the past… however long S4 takes up in canon, they have been training together to be a team, in sync. To complete each other. Sort of like Jaeger pilots (where’s my AU fic?). So, the choreography is inevitably a thing of beauty. How they attack and deflect and it ends up looking more like an intimate dance, an intimate exchange, than a fight. I’ll say, this battle was a beautiful summation of Max and Phoebe’s relationship. It was their individual characters and mutual feelings summed up and put into the most prominent display.
Phoebe giving up her lifelong dream of becoming an acclaimed superhero so Max would get to live out his own dream of becoming a famous superhero? That’s peak Thundercest, in my opinion, and characterization consistency of a rare kind, because Phoebe loving Max so much that she would make this kind of personal sacrifice for him has been a recurring theme since S1, in spite of lapses in between that were convenient to one plot or another, and who even applies that kind of thoughtful criticism to the Thundermans (besides the very much adult audience that metas the hell out of Thundercest. Anyways).
And I think that Phoebe sacrificing her Z-Force dream for the sake of Max’s Z-Force dream is as consistent a characterization as is Max finishing Phoebe off in that battle. They mutually agreed beforehand that they would essentially give it their all until there was a winner (obviously without killing each other, which however didn’t seem like an undesirable outcome as far as the Z-Force and its commander were concerned… seriously, what even. Another case of misguided and harmful jokes on the writers’ part). So anyway, the point is that Max didn’t do anything wrong, but the twins’ individual choices in that fight made prominent my favorite, I would say, contrasting aspects of their characters: the quality of their individual goodness/their “good” alignment and the quality of love they have for each other.
(Fair warning: I don’t have the right words to clearly express what I mean. But I think you’ll get my point for the most part.)
Phoebe’s love for Max is, in a sense, pure. Of course, I’m not going to dwell on petty rivalries, pranks and the like. No, I’m talking about the love that’s there underneath everything, once you strip away all superficial layers, all antagonistic shenanigans and exchanges. Phoebe doesn’t want Max to be just alive and safe and well. She wants him to be happy. And when it came down to choosing between his happiness and her own, she chose his. You can argue, of course, that the Z-Force is only one thing that could contribute to her happiness in life and also that seeing Max happy would make her happy, as well. But I’m going to circle back to a point I made when we got the episode with the visiting Thunderman grandparents, where the Thunderkids’ grandpa, who until then was all about Phoebe because she wanted to be a hero and Max was the black sheep who wanted to be a villain, was now all about Max, neglecting Phoebe entirely. And Phoebe was hurt and rightly so: we know and we’ve seen her do everything right on her way to becoming a hero. Never skipping school, always a diligent student with straight A’s, forgoing parties and other outings, always following the rules. I’m not going to look into Max’s psyche and talk about the reasons he wanted to be a villain etc. That’s a whole other talk that involves the analysis of Hank and Barb’s parenting, the superhero society and it’s status quo etc. Still, Max did try hard to be a villain, topping it all with the S3 finale that almost got his entire family killed. He was stubborn and reckless and it was his instrumental involvement in his family’s near murder that finally acted as his wake-up call. And then the Thundermans had to face the consequences of being exposed as superheroes, which was also Max’s fault for the most part, and if President Kickbutt hadn’t chosen to leave their powers intact in secret, the consequences would have been: a) Phoebe, Nora, Billy and Chloe stripped of their chances to ever become superheroes, and b) the Thundermans officially and publicly powerless and at the mercy of all their superpowered past nemeses. And yet, even with all that, when Max realizes he doesn’t actually hate his family and he wants them alive, he works to rectify his mistakes but that isn’t the same as him setting out from the start to perform some heroic act, but all is still forgiven, he earns a superhero cape and then chooses to compete for the Z-Force. Now, with the lives Phoebe and Max have led, if Phoebe objected to Max getting a cape or was annoyed at everything being forgiven so easily etc, wouldn’t she have been in the right? But she doesn’t object and she cheers him on and teams up with him, essentially sharing her Z-Force dream with him. And I’m not saying Max should be constantly punished for his past or deprived of his chances to be as great a superhero as Phoebe (or any other superhero that has always walked the “righteous” path), but Phoebe has fought and made sacrifices for that Z-Force spot her whole life while Max had been working up until the S3 finale to be, one could argue, at the top of the Z-Force’s Most Wanted list. Anyway, even I’ve lost my train of thought. The point is, with all this in mind, Phoebe letting Max win is a huge sacrifice on her part and speaks volumes of the amount of her love for him and the quality of that love.
Max, on the other hand, has always had this extra touch of “darkness” -for lack of a better word- when compared to Phoebe, which is what differentiates the type of good he is from the type of good Phoebe is, and which is what led him to finish Phoebe off while her “good” alignment and “purer” love led her to fake defeat for his sake. Max loves Phoebe, possibly just as much as she does. (I can’t make up my mind on this issue.) But I think Max may never shed some other key parts of his feelings and his love towards Phoebe: his obsession and dependency on her. Max has always behaved and acted in a way that put Phoebe at the epicenter of his activities, made her the focus of his energy, even his target at times. And he probably doesn’t realize it, at all or mostly. I’ve said before that Max wants to be the center of Phoebe’s attention, he wants to monopolize her interest and her actions and her energy. I am personally certain that had he become a master villain, he’d have wanted and chosen no one else as his archenemy but Phoebe. And we’ve also seen him be aware of the kind of love Phoebe has for him, of its quality and quantity, and he took advantage of it again and again, until the S3 finale where he saw Phoebe react to his actions, his villainous shenanigans, in a way she never has before. Right then, Max realized with terror for the first time in his life that even Phoebe and her love for him have limits and he had been pushing her towards her breaking point for a long time now. And now, dealing the final blow and winning the Z-Force battle, I think he was still partly satisfying his need to be the prominent figure in Phoebe’s life, unforgettable, the leave-a-mark kind (which is what would have happened), while he was also beating her fair and square, winning a years-long competition that he never managed to put behind him (unlike Phoebe, who proved that she did by letting Max win). Frankly, I’m not so sure Max would have taken it so well if he’d lost to Phoebe. This is where the contrast between the quality of his goodness and that of Phoebe’s comes into play. I know for certain that had Phoebe truly lost, she would have still been good, heroic. She might have gone through some depressive phases but she’d eventually go on performing superheroic acts, just like tons of superheroes who weren’t and aren’t part of the Z-Force. But Max needs to be the best, needs the recognition (again, parenting etc are factors here). The Z-Force has been a big driving force in his heroics, and his leap over to the side of the heroes is still very recent. He’s still too volatile. Winning that official fight against Phoebe and choosing himself later on to quit the Z-Force in order to save his family were essential, I believe, in his tame reaction to losing his Z-Force spot. It matters a lot for his mental and emotional health that he won the spot and chose of his own volition to give it up. It makes all the difference in the world. Max loves Phoebe but he also has some deep-rooted issues and he needs to officially be better than her. Going forward, he would know Phoebe might feel some resentment and misery that she didn’t get to be on the Force, but she would hide it, and he would gladly pretend, and it wouldn’t taste unpleasantly to be the big Z-Force superhero and teaming up with his regular superhero twin when she needs him. In the end, what I’m saying is Max clearly hesitated to deal the death blow, but he still did, while Phoebe thought of his happiness and sacrificed her own.
Siiiiigh. I don’t know. I’ve put my Thundercest goggles on and I’m dissecting a teen show on Nickelodeon. What am I even doing? Truth be told, though, I don’t know if it was intentional or not on the writers’ part, and it probably wasn’t, let’s be real, but Phoebe and Max are written so much like an archetypical pairing of incestuous heterosexual siblings that you just go there straight away if you’re so inclined. Phoebe’s morality, Max’s moral ambiguity, the rivalry and the tension, the times he’s managed to make her stray even in a tiny, insubstantial (in the grand scheme of things) way, the times he’s pushed and pulled and stretched thin all her good will and love for him, his need to be better than her, but on one condition: Phoebe has to be second best. Because I think that’s how Max’s obsession with Phoebe manifests: he wants to be the best on a global scale, hero or villain, and he needs, he wants Phoebe to be second best, to be able to keep him on his toes but, in the end, individual battles aside, he always ends up having the upper hand in the war. Again, hero or villain, whether the war is them two against each other or together against the bad guys of the world.
Okay, the goggles are coming off because this got waaaay out of hand. I’ve gone from reading into things to reaching and someone needs to take the idea of a grown-up Thundermans show and run with it. No need for anything canon, we take care of that ourselves juuuust fiiiiine.
Oh, I forgot about the special twin power. I probably have more to say about this but I’m still very deep in the Z-Force fight thing. It’s left a mark. But holding hands and creating that kind of a bang? Incestuous pairing or not, that gets a shipper’s heart beating wildly. Also, I haven’t watched any Gifted, but from all the gifsets I’ve seen on this very blog, the way Max and Phoebe’s superhero twins power is activated and the explosiveness of it seems reminiscent of the twins (or just siblings?) on that show. And then, Phoebe and Max as heads of the T-Force? The through-the-roof cheesiness and ridiculousness factors aside (that commander needed to be gone ASAP but Max and Phoebe as the successors? Come on), the twins heading the Force conjures up all kinds of Thundercestuous images and I’m so down for it.
Well. Thank you for reading this monstrosity and for turning me onto the Thundermans. I don’t regret it for a second. Thundercest is dream incest and I’m glad I joined the rest of you guys on this ship. And I hope my mistakes aren’t that many. This was so huge. About 37 asks huge, to be precise. I’m so so sorry??? And I can’t wait to hear your own thoughts and meta and anybody else’s who wants to contribute. How on Earth did this ship come to matter so much to me? Okay, I’m done.
First of all, let me apologize for taking so long to answer this, Anon! I have just not been able to find the time/energy the past couple of weeks to make any significant progress on clearing out my inbox. And of course The Thundermans 5-episode finale blowout is a big deal and you sent in a lot of thoughts (BUT  AM SO GLAD - and also glad you did a submission instead of 37 asks haha) so I couldn’t just sit down when I had 10 minutes and do it. But I really do feel bad because I know you and others were excited to talk about it and I just always let everybody down when it comes to time-sensitive things. Every day I was thinking I would answer asks after I got home from work, but then I was just too tired. So, enough excuses, on to the good stuff!
I’m so glad you joined us on The Thundermans ride. It has been a pleasure discussing the show with you and especially just reading your insights and thoughts! Max and Phoebe really is dream incest. I’m still over the moon that the show ended with the two of them single and teammates like that. Unlike some other shows which drift more and more towards canon love interests, The Thundermans never did. 
Oh Looperheroes. What a gift! When we learn that MAX is the one who has been making the day repeat over and over again, which means spending all day every day with Phoebe, and Phoebe being the only one in on the secret (well, part of the secret)…the thundercest is real. It took me back to season 1, to that episode when they spent the day at school alone having snowball fights or whatever. (Haha, I can’t even remember why anymore.) It was like Max wanted three months of days like that. Regardless of why Phoebe was in the time loop with him, the fact is that they spent that time together and he could have stopped it at any point but never did. 
It’s wonderfully impressive that any explanation for why Phoebe is in the time loop with him is hella shippy, but I do very much like your theory that he has pulled Phoebe into the time loop with him. Maybe he really is thinking more and more like the two of them are a team, and he wants his teammate there with him in case something goes wrong. And also just to be with him!
I think your character analysis is spot-on. Max loves Phoebe in a way that manifests itself differently from the way she loves him. She doesn’t hesitate to self-sacrifice for his happiness, whereas Max can not entirely rise above his competitive feelings towards her or his own selfishness. But we see how much she means to him again and again, and there is what you mentioned - that obsession with her, almost, and that desire to put her at the center, and for her to come in second only to him. I really think it’s best described the idea that if he had become a super villain, that she would have been his nemesis, and he wouldn’t have had it any other way. That he probably became a super villain just for that. 
But let’s just take a moment to appreciate how much Phoebe Thunderman loves her twin brother. Because damn. After everything he has put her through, and she lost the Z Force challenge on purpose for his sake. *slow clap*
I am so thrilled that they gave us this last-minute twin power. It was exactly like Andy and Lauren on The Gifted - twins, who hold hands, and then basically the same thing happens too - white light and an explosion of some kind. Of course on The Gifted it gets all windy and turns slow-mo and is ridiculously romantic but this is Nickelodeon after all. It’s a comedy not a drama. This officially means that Phoebe and Max will always be strongest together - but we already saw that in the episode when they figured out that only together they could make each other fly. 
I am so pleased by this show in general and particularly by those final 5 episodes. Both The Thundermans and The Middle knocked their finales out of the park. 
I’m honestly on overload. Thank you, The Thundermans, for this incest playground. And than you, Thundercest Anon!
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xlivvielockex · 7 years
loisfreakinglane: SO MUCH AGREEMENT EVERYWHERE. ugh ats ending right before witw is my happy place forever. RAISING CONNOR, THE FANG GANG TOGETHER, ADOPTING NEW ADULT FAMILY MEMBERS ALONG THE WAY. also tara would move to la and join them p quick, and anne steele would be recurring, and maggie q would join the show as a kickass lady that tara makes out with
Isn’t this what happened? At least in my mind, this is canon. :)
queenofattolia: fandom doesn't like poe dameron? i seriously didn't know that.
The first draft of TFA had Poe dying when he crashed but you know, movies go through dozens if not hundreds of rewrites and little tweaks. The first drafts are not the final canon. But there is a very vocal part of the fandom that thinks that since Poe died in an early draft, he isn’t part of the new trio and they heap so much hate on him. Not as much as Finn but still. See a pattern?
queenofattolia: i don't know enough to know what characters he might kill off but i know he'll kill one off and it'll be a woman
I’ll give you the over under for betting? He will kill at least one woman but not more than three? Sound good for a dollar. Pays out 5 to 1. 
chorelle: ah i love me some stardew valley! haven't played in ages tho should get back on that! congrats on the job and hope you're feeling better soon :)
I was doing Mass Effect: Andromeda but I got so bored. And I didn’t really feel up to going back to Fallout 4 just yet. Stardew Valley is just SUCH a chill game. I love it. No pressure, just fun. Even husbear is totally addicted. Of course then we have to fight over the console (I might sneaky buy it for his PC lol)
the jasmine postbirth arc wAS good but could have been so much better. like imagine if cordy didn't fall into a coma but finally woke back up in control of her body? what if cordy was the one trying to convince everyone that jasmine was evil?
Okay imagine this if you will: Cordy comes back from the higher plane and she is already pregnant. Angel is like Cordy, omg, and she tells him that Groo left her because he realized before she did that Cordy loved Angel. Cordy is going to take single motherhood in stride though and Angel agrees to help, that this can be a do over cause he is so kicking Connor out. Keep The Beast but don’t make Cordy evil. The Beast and Jasmine could have done this a million times so he knows his mission by rote. (Also no stupid evil Skip.) Also since Angelus knew The Beast, can still have those awesome episodes but the stakes are so much higher because of Cordy’s pregnancy. Could go SO dark with Angelus. 
Basically just have her and Angel bond over her pregnancy during an apocalypse. Angel gets more and more protective of Cordelia and is worried that Connor and this Beast character might try something. Cordelia is worried too, like most new moms are. So Angel convinces Cordelia to go someplace different before the baby is born. Full grown Jasmine pops out, Cordy goes comatose. Angel brings Jasmine back, everything plays out (but higher and bigger stakes) as Charisma is on her maternity leave. Last two episodes Cordy comes back, can see the truth, and has to convince the gang. And then Angel and Cordy have to try to kill what they though would be their child. FEEEEELS! (as a side note, love Spin the Bottle so how about one where some demon does it and Lorne saves the day)
Cut to S5 where Angel tries to reconnect with Connor but Connor pushes him away cause he is not a substitute kid. In S4 Connor organized a group of street folks ala Gunn to help keep LA safe while Angel was busy on babywatch. So it would only be like a month or so old since the Jasmine arc played out over weeks not months. Have a few episodes where they are clashing but eventually they team up to take down Wolfram and Hart together. A few episodes where they find things out, planning and leading up, taking down some small baddies. So no mind wipe, no nothing, no Lorne the murderer, Spike stays dead. Just the final shot is everyone (including Connor’s vigilante group) staring down the dragon. 
Now in my world we would get a S6 but since Denisof wanted gone, we replace him with Maggie Q. Tara comes back...but as a ghost. So we got some episodes kind of Spike-ish in that way. Also s6, I like the idea in the comics of LA going straight to Hell. You can mine that for A LOT of stories, new characters, etc. We have activated Slayers and BTVS cameos. Could easily do multiple dystopian seasons. I mean look at Walking Dead. 
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