#this is the most couply shit you will ever see
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still not over their little matching saint laurent fashion show outfits
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finished s&b season 2, random thoughts below (spoilers obviously)
THE CROWS but esp wylan bc he's my son and I love him
not the biggest fan of how they ended up combining the two series together, the crows definitely deserve much more than this, and also I kind of hate how they're just pulling things out of both six of crows and crooked kingdom randomly with no regard for how the scenes reflected the characters' arcs
kaz and jordie though? TRAUMATIZING
idk why they included jesper's mom in there either, it was fun seeing him using his powers but the books do SO much better at realistically handling him overcoming his feelings of guilt and fear over an extended period of time with support from people he loves, rather than him suddenly gaining clarity because of a poison trip hallucination
also the last ep handled everything weirdly imo, like inej already hunting down slavers when that makes no sense for what her arc was in the books, and right after the "how will you have me" scene too (still iconic though)
wesper should've gotten their slowburn, but I will still happily replay their scenes until I feel something because I'm still a sucker for wesper being couply even if their relationship was super rushed
thank god for kit and jack doing the "just girls" scene during promo because the show's effectively eliminated any chance of that <3
really really hope they handle wylan and van eck properly if we get a third season
overall I just think the writers either didn't fully understand the crows' personalities and stories and picked whatever was most popular within the book's fandom, which, yeah, you have to do some fan service, but this has zero regard for what people who've read the books actually wanted, and while I did enjoy watching, I really would've preferred their stories getting handled with care (even if it meant less screentime)
also can we stop with the whole pulling shit out of our asses that have nothing to do with adapting the books faithfully and don't even contribute to the plot of the show thank you
enough about the crows ahjsgjkhfdhf let's move on to shadow and bone
still despise alina with either mal or the darkling, I'm sorry but they both do not deserve her and she had better chemistry with nikolai in five minutes than those two ever did
tolya and tamar were some of my favorites unsurprisingly, they're iconic and I would do anything for them (and tamar getting her sapphic love story oh my god)
I also loved alina's interactions with the crew and basically anyone who wasn't mal or the darkling, she's thriving this season and I'm glad she's becoming her own person
nikolai was so well portrayed, really hope he gets his king of scars arc and we get to see more of him, but I think they should've kept in the bit where he was basically a volcra for a while (probabaly got cut because of budget or smth but it added so much to his character)
why would they kill off david (I'm half-holding onto the show/movie logic of not seeing the body yet but STILL) it's way too early in the overall plot of the book series, and I can't enjoy the show when they pull things from different points in the timeline without any reasoning behind it, it's just lazy and stupid. also genya did not deserve this much suffering in one season istfg
I skipped most of the darkling's scenes because that man pisses me off so much, but ben barnes did a good job at adding depth to him after baghra's death
speaking of baghra she's an a+ character, no notes
that's it I guess? def forgot some thoughts that I might add later, but yeah this season was fun and I had a good time, there's just some huge issues with how they adapted the books to the show, and their handling of all of the characters
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Hi, may I request headcanons of levi x reader, of how would he act when the girl he loves is already dating someone in the military, so he has to hide his feelings. Thank you
Thank you for the request lovely! Let’s get this angst starteddd
One-Sided Love Headcanons w/Levi Ackerman
Levi is already pretty good at hiding his emotions, so it isn’t too difficult for him to act normal around you
Despite the popular belief, he isn’t jealous or immature
He usually just throws himself into his work and convinces himself that he doesn’t have time for a relationship, even if you did love him back 
Considering the world the two of you lived in, it’s pretty easy to think that way
Part of the reason he’s so good at his job is because he channels his frustration through it 
You were completely oblivious to how he felt (but then again, most people were)
The only person who had any suspicion was Hange, who knew better than to mention anything
Late evenings when the captain was alone with his thoughts were when his feelings become more difficult to deal with
Levi tries so hard to deny them at first, but your kind eyes and soft smile refuse to stop nagging his brain 
And then all he think about is how you're probably in your s/o's arms right now instead of his
When his mind drifts, Levi remembers the moments before you met your s/o in annoyance
Because if he had realized what he felt for you sooner, maybe things would be different 
“Stupid fucking brat. Making me feel shitty things.” 
Levi just wants to wake up next to you every morning
If people are wondering why he’s in an especially foul mood, it’s because he was a witness to how you and your s/o aren’t too shy about PDA
He hates it 
When Levi looks for you just to see the two of you hugging or chatting or doing anything couply he just sighs and walks away, hoping you hadn’t seen him
The two of you are always on friendly terms, however, seeing as you were part of his Special Operations squad
In fact, you consider the stoic man to be one of your closest friends
“If that shit ever hurts you, you tell me. Got it, brat?”
Levi ruffles your hair the same way he did for Isabel whenever you’re feeling upset/frustrated
On missions, he can’t help but keep an eye on you
Because no matter what, he just wants you to be safe 
Not that he would ever admit it
Levi is a professional, so he isn’t particularly rude to your s/o (but this is Levi we’re talking about so he’s just rude to everyone)
Your s/o has a lot of respect for the Captain which makes it difficult for him to dislike the guy/girl
Only sometimes, it’s actually very easy
Levi is always the first person you cry to when you fight with your s/o, which hurts him more than anything
Because he knows he isn’t the best at expressing himself, but he would never let you leave his sight feeling this hurt 
There are days where the simplest things trigger Levi’s affection for you, like the breeze blowing through your hair or the smell of your perfume lingering in the room or when you laugh at someone’s joke
Most days he’s okay and doesn’t think about it too much
Other days there are times when the yearning gets so unbearable that he punches the walls or kicks his desk over in frustration
But you never fail patch him up, not even asking why 
Moments with your undivided attention are bittersweet
Levi always insists that he can do it himself, but if anything you’re more stubborn
“I care about you, Levi. Please stop doing this to yourself.”
Levi feels better and worse when you say it 
He knows you mean well but the words sting because you don’t say them in the way he wants you to 
“She/He treats you well, right (Y/N)?” 
“I’m very lucky. There’s no need to worry about me, Captain.” 
He hides these battles so well on the outside, you can’t see past his monotonous expression
Levi accepted his love as one-sided a long time ago and decides to finally take a step back
You start to notice how he stops ruffling your hair and stops asking for your help with things and is no longer throwing fits when he is angry 
Truthfully, he pushes that all aside and thinks he should have a while ago 
And it hurts a lot for both of you when he informs you that will no longer be a part of Squad Levi 
Except you were the only one who showed it
The raven-haired man knows that with your sweet nature he could never tell you the truth; the guilt would only break your heart and that’s the last thing he wants
Afterall, no matter what, Levi means a lot to you and you’re never afraid to let him know it 
And he thinks maybe, for now, that can be enough
Because more than anything, as long as you are happy, Levi can be in peace
Even if it isn’t with him
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mrsgaryrennell · 4 years
I don't understand the hate some Bobby stans have for Gary. They're always whining about how he's not loyal and never acts mature when he's involved in drama but Bobby's the same, even worse in my opinion. He never took responsibility for Operation Nope even though he was the one who snitched on the plan and it was his mastermind idea. It's his responsibility to mend the aftermath of the Nope drama but NO! It's MC doing it instead and then he has the nerve to be all disappointed when things aren't solved. Literally any other girl's feelings comes before MC's. He never apologized for doing couply things, flirting, cuddling and caring more about Lottie than he did with us and when you confront him, he just acts all suspicious. He's constantly seeking reassurance but can't return it and when you reject him on a none Bobby route, he's still persistent and it's straight up creepy but they think it's cute and romantic...🤨 Gary at least respects being put in the friendzone when you're not on his route and if you are, he at the end was at least aware that he hadn't been the best partner but what did Bobby give us? Called us fit then booped our nose, like?????? I don't understand the mindset to slander Gary to make Bobby look good. How can you hate one man child then be madly in love with another one who's older and even more immature?? Make it make sense.
Thanks for listening to my Ted talk? Rant? Call it whatever I just really needed to get all of that off my chest after being seeing some shit on reddit😞😩
Ma’am 💀💀💀
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That’s was one hell of a rollercoaster and 😂😂 I’m laughing because I completely agree.
First of all, I think it’s ridiculous that there are fanfics that have to villainize and make other existing characters OOC to make the other guy look like a saint. If the anatgonist is in character and it makes sense, then it’s totally cool but I’ve seen a handful of Bobby fics that have taken that trope and readers parade the hate for the other characters btw like 💀 idek why. But I know there’s so many Bobby stans that are just the sweetest and most kind people I’ve ever spoken to but MAN haha there are some toxic ones 😬 and that particular group of Bobby stans make the rest look bad, it’s a shame really
Now, as far as Bobby as a character. Well, I must say that yes, he does seem a bit sketchy because of the whole Nope thing 😐 like, he’s with Priya on doing ON but then snitches about it later lol and when Priya’s dumped, he’s with Lottie and agrees to bring Nope together???? Like come on, which side are you on, buddy.
And oooofff girl 😩 THANK YOU haha someone brought that up! Yes! Bobby seems to not understand that MC isn’t interested in him if you’re on a non-Bobby route. If a guy irl was that insisting as Bobby with me 💀 hunnyyy lol I’d be lowkey watchful of him. It’s sweet that he has a crush on MC in all routes but the fact that he heavily insinuates every goddamn time he’s around MC it’s like
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Wtf lol and with Gary, yessss 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 gorilla boi is respectful a f 😭 he will back off and silently pin for MC which, to me, makes it more angsty like damn 🥺
I love the TED talks girl keep them coming lol 💛
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remywrites5 · 5 years
Hello! Humble prompt suggestion.. I can't seem to stop imagining Harry and Draco out to dinner with a group of friends, not dating (but wanting to). Then accidentally acting all couply and getting each other to try each others dishes and being so wrapped up in each other♡
           Harry was more than a little alarmed when Draco and Hermione of all people became friends. They worked together down in the Department of Mysteries as Unspeakables and apparently that kind of work fostered camaraderie. Since the war had ended and Voldemort had been destroyed, Harry didn’t exactly want to say things had gotten better. It just seemed that the pure blood wizards kept their bigoted nonsense to themselves because spouting it out in Wizard society made them look like part of the losing side.
           Draco had mellowed out a bit since school, even Harry could admit that. The uptight pure blood sneering wannabe heir of Slytherin was not exactly gone but less obnoxious. Now that they weren’t at school and worked in completely different areas of the ministry, there really was no reason for them to continue their rivalry. There was nothing to compete over anymore and it made Draco slightly less nasty towards Harry.
           Didn’t mean Draco wasn’t still a prick from time to time.
           “Potter, what the fuck is this?”
           Harry glanced up to see Draco poking at the coffee pot that Harry kept in his office. “It’s called a coffee pot, Malfoy. It makes a pot of coffee so I don’t have to go anywhere to get some, I can stay in the comfort of my own office.”
           Draco wrinkled his nose at it. “I would have thought you’d enjoy venturing out to socialize considering everyone here basically worships the ground you walk on.”
           Harry rolled his eyes and turned away from Draco. “Yeah well sometimes I just want to be left alone,” Harry said pointedly.
           Draco didn’t seem to get the message and walked over to the desk, leaning against the edge of it and crossing his arms over his chest. “I don’t understand why you bother with all that Muggle stuff.”
           “I grew up on Muggle stuff,” Harry responded, absentmindedly jotting down a few notes for the case he was working on. He risked a glance up at Draco, who was staring at him in a funny kind of way.
           “I just can’t imagine not growing up with magic,” Draco said looking slightly aghast at the idea. ‘I got my first broomstick when I was six.”
           “Well we couldn’t all live such charmed lives, Malfoy,” Harry said, ignoring the pit in his stomach as he thought about his childhood. In moments of weakness or self-pity, Harry would wonder how different his life might have been if his parents had lived and he’d known about magic all along. Still, it didn’t do to dwell on what ifs.
           Draco snorted. “Ah yes, a charmed life has been mine,” he said snippily.        
           Harry sighed heavily. “Did you want something, Draco, or did you just come up here to annoy me?”
           “I was curious to what the savior’s office looked like,” Draco confessed with a nonchalant shrug. “Somehow I thought it’d be nicer.”
           “I’m not the savior anymore, I’m just Harry,” he responded, putting his quill down and leaning back in his chair.
           “You’ll never be just anything, Harry,” Draco said, putting his hands on the armrests of Harry’s chair, effectively caging Harry into his seat. Harry was alarmed for a moment as Draco got uncomfortably close, his shoulders tensing. He thought for a moment Malfoy was going to attack him or hex him. Instead Draco’s grey eyes bore into Harry’s as they stared each other down.
           The air was rife with tension for a moment until Harry broke it by clearing his throat. Draco quickly straightened up, releasing Harry from his hold. “Malfoy?” Harry said uncertainly.
           “See you around, Potter,” Draco said, turning on his heel and heading for the door. He gave a dismissive wave with his back still turned.
           Well that was odd, Harry thought as he stared at where Malfoy’s retreating form had been only moments ago.
           There had been several more awkward run-ins with Draco. For whatever reason, the ex-death eater seemed to think he had an open invitation into Harry’s office. He would drop by unannounced and give unsolicited advice on pretty much any subject. He would critique Harry’s robes, the way he held his quill, the fact that his glasses had a scratch on the lens. In fact it seemed no subject was too trivial for Malfoy to comment on.
           Sometimes he would actually be helpful, like giving insight into some of Harry’s cases. Draco knew a lot about dark wizards and the darker side of magic and sometimes he was a valuable resource. But of course Harry would never tell Malfoy that. He didn’t need Draco’s head getting any bigger.
           “So Granger has invited me to dinner tonight,” Draco said casually as he rifled through the papers on Harry’s desk looking for anything interesting.
           “You still can’t call her Hermione?” Harry teased, batting Draco’s hand away.
           “You still call me Malfoy,” Draco shot back accusingly, shoving his hands in the pockets of his robe.
           “Only sometimes,” Harry said defensively. He took a moment to consider it. Maybe he had a point. “Fine, I’ll work on it.”
           Draco’s lips began curling into a smile that Harry could only describe as devious. “How about we make a bet, Pot- Harry,” he corrected quickly. “First person to call the other by their last name loses.”
           Harry cocked his head to the side and considered it. “And what does the winner get?”
           Draco shrugged. “Whatever they want.”
           “Within reason,” Harry amended. “Loser gets the right to veto and make the winner chose something else.”
           “One veto.”
           “Very well,” Draco said, holding his hand out for Harry to shake on it. “If you need that much of a security blanket then fine. You’re clearly scared of what I’ll do to you once I win.”
           Harry shook Draco’s hand a little harder than was strictly necessary. “We’ll see about that.”
           Harry sat down at the table with Hermione, Ron and Draco, thinking just how novel it was that the four of them were spending time together willingly. Ron looked a bit like he had just eaten a boogey flavored bean but he didn’t say anything rude to Draco. Harry knew Hermione had warned Ron to be on his best behavior. He knew this because Hermione had barged into his office an hour before the end of the day and given him a similar threatening speech.
           In truth, Harry hadn’t really needed it. Over the course of Draco stopping by his office, Harry now considered them something akin to friends. He certainly never thought he’d have a playful friendship with Draco where they made silly bets over dinner. Novel indeed.
           Draco picked up his menu and began to peruse it. “What do you think you’re going to get, Harry?” Draco asked him when there was a lull in the conversation.
           “Since when do you call him Harry?” Ron asked sourly.
           Draco glanced over at Harry and winked. “Since recently,” he responded vaguely, ignoring the fact that Ron was staring daggers at him.
           Harry picked up his own menu and skimmed it quickly.  They were at some French restaurant and Harry didn’t know how to pronounce half the things on the menu. “I’ll probably just get a steak or something,” he said with a shrug.
           Draco hummed as if that choice were acceptable. “I was thinking perhaps the duck confit.”
           Harry laughed. “I have no idea what that is. Do you speak French?”
           “Oui,” Draco said with a smug smirk. “I learned French from my mother at a young age. Learning French was a Black family tradition. I’m sure Sirius knew French as well.”
           “I’m not sure,” Harry said, furrowing his brow. It was still maddening how little he knew about his godfather and how few moments they’d had together. “I don’t think he ever mentioned it. Sirius was hardly a typical Black.”
           “That is true,” Draco said, taking a sip of his water. “Sorry for your loss. I feel as though I’ll never be done apologizing to your for the people my family stole from you.”
           “You don’t have to apologize to me for the actions of other people,” Harry said, placing his hand lightly on top of Draco’s.
           “And what about my own actions?” Draco asked, his eyes searing as he looked over at Harry.
           Harry laced his fingers through Draco’s and gave his hand a small reassuring squeeze before pulling away. “I already forgave those,” Harry explained with a shrug. “That’s why we’re able to be friends now, Draco.”
           “Friends?” Draco repeated softly, looking down at the hand Harry had been holding moments ago.
           Harry laughed quietly, not wanting to offend Draco. “Yeah, friends.”
           By the time their food had come, Hermione and Ron were deep in conversation about the wedding plans, with Harry chipping in as needed. For the most part though, Harry kept up conversation with Draco, reminiscing about old Quidditch matches and keeping away from heavy subjects like Draco’s family or the war.
           “You’ve got to try this,” Draco said, holding his fork halfway between them in offering.
           Harry made a face in response.
           Draco rolled his eyes. “Live a little, Harry.”
           Harry huffed and leaned forward, taking the fork into his mouth and tasting the bite of duck on it. The food practically melted in Harry’s mouth and he couldn’t hold back to moan that escaped. “Oh fuck, Malfoy that’s incredible.”
           Draco licked his lips and then they curled into a devilish smile.
           “What?” Harry asked self-consciously. He could feel his cheeks going red in embarrassment. He had no idea why Draco was looking at him like that.
           “You lost the bet,” Draco said triumphantly. “You just called me Malfoy.”
           “Oh shit,” Harry said, carding his fingers through his messy hair. “So, what are you going to do with me?”
           “You’ll see,” Draco said, his eyes glinting with mischief. “It’ll have to wait until after dinner.”
           “Can’t wait,” Harry grumbled unhappily, pouting slightly at having lost.
           Harry didn’t live too far from the restaurant so instead of disapparating home he decided to walk. It was a little disconcerting to have Draco as his companion on the way home. He wasn’t entirely sure he wanted Draco to know where he lived. Not that he thought Draco would spill it to the Dailey Prophet or anything, but Harry in general was careful giving out his address.
           “So what happened with you and the Weasley girl?” Draco asked in a way that wasn’t entirely polite but wasn’t rude either.
           “Ginny,” Harry said, hip checking Malfoy lightly. “You know her name is Ginny.”
           “Yes her,” Draco sneered. “What happened?”
           Harry sighed. “We tried the whole long distance thing for a while but it just didn’t pan out. We’re still good friends but she’s got her life and I’ve got mine and they feel very separate, you know?”
           “I feel that way about a lot of the friends I had at school,” Draco confessed. “I hardly see most of them anymore. I suppose you grow up and you grow apart. It’s inevitable.”
           They fell into a companionable silence for the next few blocks. Harry couldn’t help wondering what Draco’s old school friends would think if they could see him now, hanging out with Harry Potter of all people. Harry had certainly never imagined he would enjoy the pleasure of Draco’s company.
           “So how long are you going to keep me in suspense?” Harry asked when they arrived at his front door. “Or did you need the time to come up with a good enough punishment?”
           Draco raised an eyebrow at him. “What makes you think it’ll be a punishment?”
           Harry grinned good-naturedly. “Because it’s you?”
           “Well,” Draco began, taking a step towards Harry. “You may consider it a punishment but for me it’s fulfilling a childhood fantasy.”
           Harry swallowed around the lump that had formed in his throat. “And what would that be?”
           “I want to spend the night at Harry Potter’s house.”
           “Oh,” Harry said, laughing a little in relief. “You want to have a sleepover? That’s something you wanted?”
           Draco huffed. “Yes obviously.”
           “Obviously,” Harry echoed dumbly, still trying to rationalize the information he’d just been given.
           “Everyone wanted to be your friend, Harry,” Draco said as if annoyed to have to fill Harry in on this fact. “You were famous before even coming to Hogwarts. I knew you were going to be in my year. I used to imagine the things we would do together once we became friends. I would rehearse what I would say to you when we finally met.”
           One side of Harry’s mouth twitched with the want to smile. “You probably should have practiced that a bit more, mate. From what I remember you came off like a right prick.”
           Draco glowered at him. “I was an eleven year old boy trying to impress you. I feel like my whole life has been trying to impress you. Even if the things I did horrified you at least you would take notice of me.”
           Harry blinked a few times behind his glasses. “Draco, it wasn’t as if I ignored you. You made that nearly impossible with all the shite you pulled.”
           Draco took another step forward and cupped Harry’s face in his hand. “Even after all this time I still feel like that eleven year old who desperately wants to call Harry Potter his friend.”
           Harry smiled. “You are my friend. You don’t have to try so bloody hard.”
           Draco grinned in response. “Yes I do.”
           “Because now I have to figure out how to get you to fall in love with me,” Draco explained softly, letting his thumb brush over Harry’s cheekbone. “I can only hope it won’t take quite as long because I’m losing patience by the minute.”
           Harry felt his heart begin to race at Draco’s admission. “Then you should probably kiss me sooner rather than later.”
           Draco’s eyes widened in surprise. “You would let me do that?”
           Harry nodded. “Go on then.”
           “Don’t do me any favors…”  
           “For fuck’s sake, Draco,” Harry growled, grabbing the front of Draco’s robes and kissing him furiously. His lips were hard and insistent as he coaxed Draco’s tongue into his mouth. It was deep and consuming and Harry felt the moment Draco gave himself over to it. Draco was still touching Harry’s cheek, the gentleness of it a stark contrast to the fervent kisses.
           “Harry…” Draco whispered, his voice sounding broken.
           “Come inside,” Harry requested gently. “You can spend the night and we’ll work on that whole falling in love business.” Harry licked his lips and smiled knowingly. “It shouldn’t take long at all.”
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centhands · 5 years
Truth or Dare - Noah Centineo Smut
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AN: OK YA’LL, SO I haven’t written a fic or one shot in about, oh god I don’t know, SEVEN FUCKING YEARS?!?!?!?!? I was all about hazza back in the day but tbh there is some SERIOUS DIRE NEED for NOAH FUCKING CENTINEO SMUT on here and I cannot believe I wrote one?? Just spent the last 3 hours on it, instead of sleeping. It might be bad but idk it’s at least ONE MORE NOAH SMUT SHOT?? Idk :///// lemme know what you think!! It’s super long pls bear with me I TEND TO ALWAYS WRITE NOVELS OH GEE LOOK AT THIS LONG AF AN!!
TLDR: you’re about to play truth or dare (kind of?????) with Noah fucking Centineo. PLEASE SIT DOWN BC FILTHY SMUT IS ON THE WAY!!!!
Hope you enjoy, let me know if you do!! (Pls message me I need friends and followers on tik tok, jk, only jking about tik tok, I really need friends
You gazed at the clock once again, for the what was actually the thousandth time that night. 11:00PM on the dot. To make matters worse, it was a Friday. Not only could you not fall asleep for shit, but the daunting thought of being home alone on a Friday night, only made your insomnia worse.
You sighed as you rolled out of bed and walked lazily to your living room. As you plopped down on your couch, you decided to open up Instagram. While scrolling through your feed, you happened to notice you had a message notification. You clicked on it and instantly a smile lit up your face. A photo of your best friend, and roommate, Noah, with a sad, puppy dog face and a pair of nerdy 3D glasses. The simple message is what really did you in. “Wish you were here. Xo.”
You and Noah had been best friends for the last five years and have been living together for two. You’ve loved him since you met him. His gorgeous eyes, his toned body, his adorable, dorky smile, his hearty laugh. It all made you melt.
You were completely in love with him and he had no fucking clue.
It was absolutely frustrating, to be quite honest. At times, you get so fed up that you just want to pack up, leave, and go start over somewhere else, hoping you’ll forget all about Noah Centineo. Forget all the times he hugged you tightly and wiped your tears away as you cried. Forget all the movie and dinner dates you had gone on, one of the best parts being your spitball fights. Forget all those times he’d tell you he could never sleep, and he’d ask you to just lay with him until he dozed off, saying he just needed a quick cuddle before bed. Forget all of the little, most adorable, seemingly insignificant (but actually meant the whole world to you) moments you both had shared together.
But you knew there was no way that could or would ever happen. You were absolutely smitten.
You noticed he had sent that message over two hours ago. His guy friends had declared it their “Boys Night Out” and decided to go see a thriller 3D film. He looked so cute in those glasses..
You felt your phone buzz and noticed Noah had just texted you.
“Hey, you up? Be home in five. Let’s hangoutttttttttttt! :) Movie sucked. Should have just stayed home with you and watched Clueless for the 18th time. That bad.” He wrote.
You scoffed and instantly replied, “How dare you insult Clueless. Not sure if I can hangout with assholes who insult classic chick flicks.”
“I’ll have you know I’m well versed in chick flick classics. If you can honestly call that a classic….. yikes.”
You laughed, as you typed your response. “You’re evicted. Goodnight.”
“The lease is in my name, love. Let me in little bo peep, I’m outside.”
“We don’t take our keys anymore, now?” You inquired, as he strutted through the door, popping his collar to perfect his extra sassy entrance.
“Nope,” he said, popping the P, “I have them. Just wanted to annoy you and get greeted by your lovely face.” He said, wearing his proud smirk.
“Well, that trip from the couch to the front door made me tired. I’m going to bed,” You jokingly said, turning around to play into it.
“Noooooooo,” he whined, running over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind you, “Be nice to me!”
You felt yourself getting weak in the knees, your head spinning and your stomach churning. You didn’t know how much longer you could possibly put off kissing this boy. Especially when he put on his cute act like this. He could be so sarcastic one minute and so fucking cute the next. How were you supposed to control yourself?
“Okay, okay,” you said laughing, collecting yourself after what felt like an hour but had only been a few seconds. “What should we do?”
“I think it’s been quite a while since a proper game of “Truth or Dare”, wouldn’t you say, (Y/L/N)?” He asked, winking at you. Oh, this fucking boy.
“Of all things to do on a Friday night at 11:15, you want to play Truth or Dare?” You asked, giving him only slight fake tude, crossing your arms over your chest while smiling at him.
He grinned. “As a matter of fact, I do. Sit down. I’ll start.” He finished, patting the spot next to him on the couch.
You rolled your eyes but listened anyway, getting comfy next to him while you waited for him to start.
“Y/N, truth or dare?” Noah asked, staring at you intently.
“Do you still sleep with your nightlight?”
“Um, DUH! You know it gets way too dark in our apartment with these dark ass curtains you picked! I refuse to be tortured because you like to sleep in and not know the sun has risen!”
“That was obviously a touchy subject. My girl thinks the curtains are too dark. Noted.” He laughed as he spoke, obviously getting a kick out of you. He always did.
He would randomly throw in the, “My girl,” comment whenever you would get a bit snarky with him. He always pointed out how you two were already like a married couple. The playful banter would sometimes solicit him making those couply jokes, and as much as they made you melt, you would also realize it didn’t mean what it did to you, to him.
“Hello! Earth to, Y/N! It’s my turn!”
“Sorry. Uh, tr-Truth or dare, Noah?”
“I dare you to go ding dong ditch someone on the 5th floor.” You said, looking down at the ground.
“Y/N, you’re so boring. And I’m way too cozy to be getting up for something so childish right now,” he smirked. “I might as well give myself a dare.”
“Well, why don’t you go on then, Mr. Too Cool For Lame Dares?” You chuckled, looking at him now.
He suddenly got a little more serious, which you knew meant business. He was always lighthearted and happy go lucky. Of course when situations called for it, he was an absolute rock. He gave the best advice, best pep talks and words of encouragement, and you always felt like you had someone on your side. Something must have been weighing on him.
He licked his lips before he spoke. He started slow, “Alright then,” he said, letting out a small nervous, and slightly unsure laugh. “I…. I Dare myself to kiss you, Y/N.”
“You.. what?” Had you heard him right?
“I dare.. I fucking dare myself to fucking kiss you. It’s all I’ve been wanting and needing. This has literally been on my mind for way too long now and it’s driving me crazy. You’re driving me crazy,” he rambled on, his eyes fixated on you for your reaction. “I can’t keep pretending like every time I see you, or every time we hug that I don’t just wanna hold your face and kiss the fuck outta you,” he finished.
You were stunned, mouth open. Speechless, really.
He cleared his throat, his voice sounding much raspier, and sexier, as he reinstated, “So, as long as you’re okay with it and maybe want that too, I dare myself to kiss you.”
“Noah.. I-Uh.. okay,” you silently answered, looking at him with big eyes. You didn’t know how to react, you were worried it was some kind of joke. It didn’t seem real. This handsome, amazing guy, wanting you just as much as you wanted him?
“Okay,” he breathed out a laugh; his breath had hitched as he answered.
He kept his eyes on you as you both slowly leaned in. You closed your eyes and the instant you did that you felt his lips on yours and honestly, you could have cried. Everything felt so right and everything was hazy. You felt yourself get more comfortable and more into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands found your face, as he pulled away from you for a second, eliciting a quiet whimper from you.
“I cannot begin to express how long I’ve wanted this for. And I really cannot explain how beautiful I think you are. Everything about you, Y/N. You’re all I think about. All I thought about while watching that dumb movie was how small and delicate your hands are, how good your hair smells, how your smile literally lights up my day.” He then dropped the contact from your eyes to your neck as he dipped low and kissed your sweet spot. “How badly I want to be with you,” he continued on, sucking your neck a little bit this time. “How badly I need you.”
“Oh Noah,” you moaned, “I want you too. I want you to be mine. I want to be yours. I need you. I really fucking need you.” You were panting at this point, as he was still sucking your neck. You weren’t sure how but you realized at this point your fingers were wrapped between his curls and his breath was shaky against your skin.
“Fuck love. Are you sure you want this? I promise I do, I just want to be sure this is what you want too. I just want you happy, Y/N. I’ve been in love with you from the moment I met you, and I’ve been so nervous to fuck this up. I can’t lose you,” he said, looking back into your eyes, searching to make sure you were okay with what was about to happen.
His words had reassured you, and you finally felt a weight lifted off your shoulders. You gently kissed him, and felt him get into it, lips lightly caressing yours, tongue skimming your bottom lip. You pulled away to say, “I’ve never been so sure, Noah. I’m in love with you too. Always have been. Pretty sure I always will be. Kinda hoping that’s not too honest, but I’m just trying to keep it real,” you laughed a bit.
Noah laughed too, and replied, “You silly, silly girl. You think that honesty of yours isn’t one of the main reasons why I’m so head over heels for you? You’d have thought that in the five years you would have picked up a clue on one of my many obvious signs. Dork,” he teased.
Before you had a moment to retaliate, his hands wandered to your hips and he pulled you in for the most passionate kiss you’ve ever received. He kissed you so gently, yet so fervently, you felt your body turning to mush. He slightly tugged the tips of your hair and you moaned into mouth, allowing him access to slip his tongue in. His warm tongue glided over yours and softly caressed yours. He made you feel so fucking sexy by just kissing, you couldn’t imagine how he could make you feel kissing other parts of you or doing other things with other parts.
You’d only hoped you’d ever be able to find this out. It was your lucky fucking day.
You shifted your body to lay more into him and rested your hand in his lap, only to hear him let out a guttural moan. You’d been so into the heated kiss you hadn’t realized you were a bit further into his lap than you thought and you’d been grazing his dick.
This time, you smirked at him, and went right back in for the kiss, slightly palming him through his jeans, feeling him getting harder with each second that passed by.
“Fuck, Y/N, you make me fucking crazy. You make me feel so good,” he half whimpered, his voice, and his cock, straining.
“C’mere,” he muttered, easily picking you up and shifting you onto his lap. “That’s better,” he grinned cheekily, his hands now resting on your ass.
He put his hand behind your head and pulled you in for another hot kiss. He had one hand resting on your ass, and his other was used to tangle your hair around his fingers. He deepened the kiss by adding his tongue, and you felt your panties absolutely pooling. You needed friction and you were quite sure he definitely wouldn’t mind some.
You stood up, having to break the kiss and having Noah pout at you, to take off your pants. You went to get back on Noah, but he grabbed you gently to stop you. “Tsk, tsk,” he tutted at you. “I believe you’re still wearing too much clothing down there,” he said, pointing to your panties.
“Well, don’t you think the person who has a problem with them, should be the one removing them?” You quizzed, your voice sounding extra sultry and turning Noah on even more so if possible.
“That’s definitely,” he started, getting on his knees in front of you, his head right below your waist, “Not a problem.”
As he finished his sentence, you were a bit confused, but that only lasted a second. He made his way to the elastic band of your panties and locked his teeth into it, pulling them completely off, and pulling you back onto his lap, in one slow, seductive yet swift move.
“That’s better,” he sexily smirked, once again resting his hands on your, now bare, ass.
You decided to be the bold one, and begin to move on him, wrapping your arms around his neck. Slowly grinding down on his hardened cock over his jeans, the pressure feeling absolutely out of this world on your clit. You could tell Noah was into it too. Besides his hooded eyes resting directly on your face and his soft moans, his hands were pushing your ass back and forth on him and slightly down a bit, so it felt better for both of you.
You started slow, yes, but fuck, Noah was fucking packing and you couldn’t help but pick up the pace. You started grinding your hips faster, and that still wasn’t enough. Noah felt that you needed more so he pressed down a bit harder and pushed you a bit quicker back and forth over his cock. You couldn’t help but stare down at where your clit was rubbing his jeans and notice the big wet spot pooled on his pants. It felt so dirty, so raw, so fucking hot. Noah’s hands travelled to your tits, as he started to squeeze while you kept your fast rhythm, humping your bare pussy over his jeans.
“Fuck, Y/N.. I feel- I feel you through my jeans. You’re soaking. I need your shirt off. Now. Fuck,” he strained, his voice so raspy and needy.
He removed your shirt quickly, and proceeded to finally remove all of his clothes in one take. You took to your new found favorite place, yet again, on his lap and slowly lowered yourself onto him. You started grinding on his cock again, teasingly slow. The instant your dripping pussy touched his tip, he let out a moan from his belly, a long, dragged out, “Fuuuuuuuuuck.”
He flipped you over so you were beneath him on the couch. Both of you were silently thanking yourselves for deciding to purchase the couch from Ikea that turns into a flat sofa, big enough to be a bed.
He brought a finger to your mouth, in which you happily obliged and allowed him to put his finger tip in and you began to suck on it. He watched you from above, his mouth in a slight “o” shape, precum leaking from his dick from being so fucking goddamn turned on by you.
He removed his finger from your mouth and brought it between your legs and toyed with your slit, expertly gathering up your juices, and slowly bringing his fingers to your clit to rub circles.
“Noah, just like that. Right there. Feels so— yeah, feels so fucking good, Daddy,” you said, trying to wind him up. You had called him it as a joke previously one day during another playful fight, and he tensed up for a bit and shortly went to his room after. You now had a slight hunch as to why.
“Oh my god, Y/N. What are you doing to me?” He moaned, slipping a finger between your folds and then slowly entering your warm, wet, pussy. “You’re so fucking tight. God, I can’t wait to feel my girl wrapped around me. You’re gonna feel so good, love. I’m gonna make you feel so. Fucking. Good.” As he finished his sentence he gave you a couple of nice pumps with his fingers, as he added another one in somewhere along the way and it only heightened your pleasure.
You were a moaning mess and needed him. You weren’t beneath begging. In fact, it turned you on. You wanted Noah to have his absolute fucking way with you.
“Please, I need you Noah. I need you,” you whimpered, feeling his dick now pressed between your folds, slowly grinding up and down on your swollen clit.
“Mmmm, my girl is so polite right now, isn’t she?” He toyed, moving his head down to suck your nipple whilst staring at your eyes.
“Please, Noah. I need to feel your big dick inside me. I need you to fuck me so good that I can’t fucking walk after. I need you to be so deep inside me that all I know is you and your name. I need you to cum for me. Please,” you begged, whimpering as he was still sucking, and now moaning, on your tender nipples.
“You don’t have to fucking ask twice. Especially when you sound so sexy begging for me, love.” He stated, bringing his lips closer to your ear, “I’m going to be the best fuck you’ve ever had. You won’t remember anyone before me, and there certainly will be no one after me, I’ll make fucking sure, love. Grab my shoulders, babe. Or pull my hair. Your call,” he whispered, sucking your ear lobe at the end of his cocky speech. It only made you that much more soaked. You were dripping on his thigh that had been pressed between your legs during the duration. He also noticed this, as he said, “Mmmm, I love feeling you on my thigh. You’re fucking drenched.”
“All for you,” you whispered, totally out of breath at this point. How the fuck did you end up here, naked, under your best friend who you’ve been in love with for all these years, whose also naked and has just professed his love for you, as well? Um, WHO FUCKING CARES, WE GOT HERE!
He slipped a condom on and positioned himself at your entrance. “Like I said, let your hands roam wherever they choose. I’m gonna take you on the ride of your fucking life, princess.”
He slowly entered you, neither of you being able to contain the moans that erupted in your bellies. “Shit,” Noah whimpers, as one of his hands grabs onto the end of the couch, the other around your waist, “You feel so amazing. So warm, so wet. So. Fucking. Tight.”
He was all the way inside you, balls fucking deep. He slowly slipped back out and all the way back in, his cock caressing your insides and making you feel as though you could already cum all over him. You had your head in his neck as he continued pumping himself in and out of you, and you started sucking on his neck.
“Yeah, fuck, that feels so good. You feel so good. Fuck. I can’t believe we waited this long. I love you so much, Y/N. My god, fuck. You’re so fucking tight for me.” Noah said, panting after every other word.
“Oh, I love you too. So much. Shit, yeah Noah! Oh my god, right fucking there, Daddy! You feel so fucking good. Your big cock all the way inside my pussy, you get so fucking deep. My god, go faster. Yeah. Please, please keep fucking going,” you moaned, your voice definitely raising an octave.
“Fuck,” Noah whimpered, pumping faster to keep up with your demands, as he locks eyes with you, his mouth completely open as he slams in and out of you while keeping his fast pace. The couch is shaking and it’s only elevating the sex appeal of the entire situation.
Noah can tell you’re getting close, and he’s feeling like he could bust at any second, so he brings his fingers down to rub fast, hard circles on your clit, while he pumps quickly in and out of you.
“Fuck, Noah, yes. Oh my god, yessssssss! Keep fucking going, just like that,” you yell, turning Noah on more and more with each second that passes. He feels as though he can combust just fucking watching you. You’re absolutely perfect.
“Yeah, you like when I’m fucking you so hard and playing with that pretty pussy of yours? You like when I take care of you huh, my girl? I want you to let me know how fucking good you feel. Let everyone in the building know who’s making you feel this good, love. Cum on my cock, Y/N,” he panted and moaned, sounding just as close to his release as you were.
“Yeah Noah, you make my pussy feel so fucking good. Right there, you’re hitting my spot fuck. I’m gonna cum all over you, fuck. Oh fuck, yeah please, oh my god I’m cumming, Noah!” You yelled, definitely loud enough for all of the neighbors on the 7th floor to know exactly what you’re doing and whose doing it to you. You released all over him, your ears ringing and legs shaking. Your body felt ignited in a way you’ve never experienced before. You wanted him to cum so bad. You needed to see him cum. Ultimately, you needed to be the reason he had to cum. “Fuck, Noah, please cum for me. I need to watch you fall apart on top of me. I need you to show me how good I make you feel. Let me know how much you love my pussy,” you panted, pushing him to his release and his thrusts getting sloppier.
“Fuck, you’re so filthy. My feisty, dirty girl. Who knew you had such a filthy mouth? You’re gonna make me cum, Y/N. Oh fuck, yeah love, fuck I love you. Oh, yeah, shit,” Noah moaned, voice literally raspier than ever as he slammed his hand down on the end of the couch, gripping it for dear life. You felt his cock twitch inside you and his face scrunched up while he moaned inaudible words and chanted your name and he released into the condom, still inside of you, locking eyes with you just as he had cum but he had to close his eyes from the pleasure being so intense.
His body collapsed onto yours, and you wrapped your arms around him, as you both came down from your highs. He was silently tracing shapes on your arm while his head was resting in the crook of you neck, planting small kisses to the spots he had sucked on earlier.
As you both finally caught your breaths, he lifted his head and caught your eyes. He raised his hand to brush away a piece of hair that clung to your sweaty face, as he sweetly and softly laughed.
“I can’t believe I went to that dumb fucking movie and came home to tell you how in love with you I am,” he said, smiling down at you.
“All thanks to a solid game of truth and dare that hardly took off,” you chuckled, staring right back into his gorgeous, sweet eyes.
“Shit,” he said, realizing you hardly got through the game. He smirked, “Y/N, truth or dare?” He asked, as he grabbed your hand.
“I’m too tired for another one of your kind of dares.. Truth,” you said, snorting as you laughed.
He kissed you gently before placing his lips at your ear and whispered, “Will you be my girlfriend?”
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blameitonthebleach · 6 years
Can I request a headcannon for Shuhei and Yumichika. Cute couply things for cooking breakfast in the morning? Love you!
What a wonderful request! 
Shuhei Hisagi
–We all know that Shuhei is one hell of a cook. He’s got the best mentor and the drive to please whomever will be eating his cooking. It’s a passion of his, like the guitar, albeit a little more practiced, so if you share his passion he would be absolutely thrilled! Cooking with you would be one of his favorite ways to spend quality time, especially since he gets to see your pretty face as soon as he wakes up. He loves to see your messy bedhead and hear your groggy voice. He loves that you’re both completely unwound, relaxed, able to take your time and create something together. 
–If you live together, or even if you’ve just spent the night, he’ll already have plans for breakfast running through his head as soon as he wakes up. What would be the most delicious, the most fun, perhaps the most romantic? He’d think of ways for you to help if you’re not really kitchen savvy, like cutting strawberries as a pancake topping or mixing batter. He’d show you the best way to cut them for maximum aesthetic and efficiency. If you have a good eye for cooking, he’ll ask what you’d like to make, tasks you’d like to handle, and what he’ll divvy unto himself. 
– “___, I can handle frying the meat if you want to take care of the eggs?”– “Perfect! Just like that. If you cut them thin like this, they won’t roll off the top of the pancakes.” 
–Shuhei likes Japanese food, but he has a fondness for Western breakfasts, too. Something about the foreign, perhaps overly sweet, confectionery-like dishes cater to his taste buds–he’s got a sweet tooth, don’t tell anyone. Being with you always gets his heart racing, because damn if you’re not beautiful, and cute, and you’ve got flour on your nose.
–Cooking with him would be serious but playful at the same time. Shuhei is rather concerned with cooking something good, but he’s also over the moon spending time with you. He will take every opportunity to be cute with you, like stand next to you while you’re both buried in your own tasks, occasionally nudging your shoulder and wiping whipped cream on your face. 
Do it back. He’ll swoon. 
And don’t worry, if breakfast turns out burnt and inedible, Shuhei’s extremely understanding, unabashedly assuring you that no one is good at cooking their first time, or “shit happens, no big deal.” That boyish grin will grace his beautifully scarred face, and that’s how you know everything will be just fine.
Yumichika Ayasegawa
–Yumichika cannot cook. Do not let him alone in the kitchen. It’s more than likely he’ll set something on fire without someone else there to guide his actions. He might get a wild bug up his ass, feeling charitable, and attempt to cook you breakfast before you wake up (for something like your birthday). Don’t count on it, though. If by some miracle he did manage it, it would be inedible–just…don’t tell him that, if it happens. He’s quite indignant, you know. Additionally, he would just barely tolerate any attempt at teaching him how to cook, but he likes the aesthetic of chefs. (Remember the time he, Hanataro, and Rin had to ask Renji and Chad to taste the cake they made, since none of them had ever tasted cake?)He does want to make you happy, even if he’ll complain the entire time when he can’t get it right on the first try. Seeing you in all your beauty preparing food for the two of you flips some kind of switch in him, it’s like a gift.Point is, Yumichika is all for couples breakfast.
– He’s diligent about learning, albeit stubborn. Hellbent on mastering this new skill.
– “Why do I have to cut it like this if it’s only going to be mixed into something else?”– “Does it really matter how much of this I put in? More is better, isn’t it?”– “If it’s no good, just say so. There’s no point in cooking for you if it tastes awful.”
–Having never really experienced a Western breakfast, he might be reluctant to try it. He’s finicky about weird things–definitely seems to be the type of child who hated trying new food, if you ask me. Keep the recipe simple to avoid unnecessary frustration, despite the fact that he’s cute as hell when he’s frustrated. More than likely, Yumichika will settle for leaning against the counter, making salacious comments to you while you’re occupied. Really, he’s just enamored, hypnotized by the way your hands deftly handle utensils.
–If you aren’t any good at cooking, either, it will be harder to convince him to cook breakfast yourselves. If you have no skill, and he has no skill, then why would you waste your time when you could just as easily get something made for you by someone else? Just flutter your pretty eyelashes at him and he’ll concede with minimal grumbling. 
–Yumichika will be so pleased if everything turns out well, especially the things he made. Especially, especially if you enjoy whatever he made. He’ll insist on feeding you, watching your expression turn red and never relenting. That grin–you know the one–will melt your will, and he’ll be happy as a clam to watch you enjoy the meal. He’ll wait for the moment when there’s food on the corner of your mouth to wipe it away with his thumb and bring it back to his own mouth, eyebrow quirked. He’s decided that he likes cooking with you, and not for any reason pertaining to the food.
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spideyyverse · 7 years
Grease! AU
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3| Part 4
Chapter: 4/7
Characters: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom, Stan Uris, Mike Hanlon, Bill Denbrough, Audra Phillips
Pairings: Reddie, Stenbrough, Benverly, Madura (Audra x Mike)
Warnings: Homophobia, swearing, underage drinking and smoking
Word Count: 1,986
Author Notes: Chapters will be based on a song from the movie, I’m not sure I’ll do each song but if there’s a specific song you would like me to include, let me know in my ask box!
Also, the losers are very ooc. I understand they’re nothing like the way I’m portraying them in my story. Please do not get angry for the way I’m writing them, it’s solely apart of this au and this is not how I actually view them.
MAJOR NOTE: I’m so so sorry it’s taken me weeks to update, I recently just returned to school and things have been hectic. I’ll try my best to write more frequently but updates may be slow. I haven’t been too active on my account recently, I’m sorry, I’ll try to be better. I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Tags: @universal-gay 
This song was featured during the school dance scene. The original singer is Frank Sinatra but the band covered it.
Blue moon You saw me standing alone Without a dream in my heart Without a love of my own
Eddie--Nor Richie-- didn’t intend for anything to happen that summer leading up to now. It wasn’t like Eddie wanted to visit Derry in the first place, but the constant “Eddie Bear you need to visit!” and “Your aunties miss you!” from his aunts irritated him to the point where he booked the flights to Derry himself. After a long and extremely worded lecture (and a lot of yelling) from Sonia Kaspbrak, both of them set off on a summer that would change everything.
Now don’t get Eddie wrong, he loved his aunts to death (and would much rather live with them than that momster), but he couldn’t take an entire summer of endless cheek pinches and sloppy kisses on the cheek. He knew he had to make the most of his time so he may as well explore the town--Not that there’s was much to explore anyway.  
It wasn’t until he found himself walking through a forest that lead him to a quarry. He found himself not staring at the summer day in front of him, not the way water sparkled nor the way the soft summer breeze blew every now and then. No, he found himself staring the boy in front of him. He didn’t understand why, he only knew what the back of the boy looked liked. For all Eddie could know, this boy could be a serial killer. Maybe he was surprised that someone was here, someone was in this dead beat town. 
After an awkward greeting--well mainly awkward for Eddie, Richie didn’t seem to ever stop talking once he uttered a noise--Eddie found himself falling easily for a boy he’d only known for what? An hour? Or could it have been six? Richie truly didn’t know when to stop talking, but Eddie loved it.
It was a shock to Eddie that Richie had a loud personality. He’s never one to judge so quickly but Eddie found the boy sitting by himself, listening to Africa by Toto, while smoking. He seemed like a loner. 
“Says Eds, tell me something,” Richie spoke slightly lowering the radio.
“Yeah?” Eddie looked up, “Also, stop calling me Eds,” He quickly added.
“Cute! Cute! Cute!” Richie leaned over and pinched his cheeks, “Ever been in love?”
Eddie practically choked on air but it did get him thinking, has he ever been in love? Sure he’s had a couple of boys here and there, some relationships lasting longer than others, but he’s never actually been in love. Maybe some feelings towards his previous boyfriends had been stronger than others but nothing to ever consider being in love. Love was almost foreign to him.
“No,” Eddie broke the silence but continued, “My turn to ask you a question!”
“Hit me with it spageds,” Richie chuckled, taking a puff from his cigarette.
“Spageds? That’s the best you can do?”
“It’s a work in progress.”
Eddie took a deep breath but bit back a smile anyways, “As someone who’s only been visiting for two days, do you ever think about leaving this town? I mean, there’s nothing here.” Eddie looked around the quarry.
“No.” Richie simply replied.
“I’ve never thought about it. Not until now anyways,” Eddie patiently waited for Richie to continue, “I’ve never thought about it because I didn’t need to. I’ve never had anything to run towards but now, today in this very moment, I know where I need to run to,” 
Blue moon You knew just what I was there for You heard me saying a prayer for Someone I really could care for
It was finally the day of the dance. Most high schools would get into the spirit, hanging posters and the constant PA reminders that ticket sales go up every week. However, Derry high had been nominated by a TV station to host a dance competition during the event. Eddie didn’t pay much attention to the eagerness from everyone at school, it was something about the two winners getting a pretty big money prize. But in all honesty, Eddie could care less. He was more worried about being outed to the entire school--and on national television to make matters worse.
 Eddie was not--and will never--be ashamed for being gay. Richie neither will ever be ashamed to be bisexual but living in a conservative town where almost everyone will absolutely shit on you for being anything less than straight can be alarming--to say the least.
As much as both boys wanted to hold onto each other and dance together just like every other straight couple, it just wasn’t possible. 
Both boys walked into the gym, their entire ensemble of the Pink Ladies and T-Birds following right behind them. 
“Says Eds, how about I get us some punch?” Richie awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.
“As long as you don’t spike it Tozier,” 
Richie smirked, “Can’t make any promises my love!” He walked away with a wink, giving Eddie the familiar feeling of butterflies in his tummy.
“Everything all right Bev?” Ben asked. Bev sticked out like a sore thumb, a hair wrap was around her head. Whatever she was trying to hide, wasn’t subtle at all. 
“Peachy Benjamin,”
“Bev?” Eddie slowly asked.
“Eddie I’m fine! Everything is alright!” Bev tried to reassure the boys but failed. Bev ended up stomping away to the bathroom with a poor Ben following behind in her in hopes to cheer her up.
Eddie went ahead and found a table large enough to hold the nine leaving the remaining four at the entrance of the dance. 
Unfortunately, it wasn’t sunshine and rainbows for the rest of the group. 
While Audra and Mike were a happy couple, that still didn’t stop them from being racially discriminated against. It took Mike ages to convince his parents to let him go to public school once homeschooling for middle school ended. He didn’t realize exactly why his parents didn’t want him going to public school once he experienced how cruel kids can be. Being in the T-Birds gave him a place, but he still felt he could be much more than this.
Audra was Mexican (A/N: There’s not enough latinx representation nowadays so I’m making Audra Mexican-American. Also ya girl is Mexican so this is me trying to live through my stories.), both of her parents were immigrants, but Audra herself was born in America but being the daughter of the only two Mexicans living in an almost-all white conservative town was more than difficult. 
Being something other than white or straight instantly made you a bad person. No one could look past your skin color or your sexuality, they define you because of that. They don’t define you because of who you are. 
While Audra and Mike got nasty and dirty looks from practically the entire gym, they pushed it to aside and let themselves be together. 
This wasn’t the case for Stan and Bill.
While most of the school suspected Stan liked boys, they couldn’t think the same for Bill. It was one thing to suspect but to completely out someone is another thing. 
Stan was the rabbi’s son, he had to live up to expectations. If his father even heard a word about Stan being gay, it was over. 
Bill was close with his parents, but he still hasn’t come out to them--thinking of the idea scares him. His little brother Georgie on the other hand, he knew. When Georgie was nine, he found a fourteen year old Bill crying in the middle of the night. After a long talk and explanation of what being pansexual meant, Georgie was quick to accept him. Now being twelve, Georgie still loved his older brother with everything inside of him.
Despite the rabbi’s son, Stan himself was never religious. Sure, he attended every ceremony at the temple and even read from the torah at his bar mitzfah, but he was required to do that. Stan wasn’t religious, but if there was just one thing he could pray for, he would pray for Bill. He would pray to find happiness with Bill. 
From the corner of his eye, he could see Henry and his gang smirking at them. Bill seemed to notice this because he quickly made his way over to the table. 
If a prayer truly worked, Stan was praying for a miracle. 
And then there suddenly appeared before me The only one my arms will hold I heard somebody whisper please adore me And when I looked to the moon it turned to gold
The TV crew had been setting up for the big competition, people lining up at the restrooms to fix themselves up while others began to make their way towards the dance floor. 
“Hey Eds! We should join!” Richie suggested.
“Sure if you want the entire country to find out we like dick,” Eddie remarked then continued, “And stop calling me Eds!”
“Aw yeah! Spaghetti man with the dick jokes!”
“Beep beep Tozier.”
“Hey! Hey!” Richie put his hands up in defense, “You’re technically not wrong but that’s not the point. We don’t need to get up in each others ass to win the competition--I’ve already got your mom for that--the teachers will be on us if we even try. It’s disco isn’t it? We don’t need to do anything couply we just need to do something entertaining.”
“I hate the fact that you actually have a brain in that head of yours.” Eddie sighed while Richie smiled. 
“What should-” 
“Richie!” A voice squeaked from behind.
Richie whipped around and saw his ex girlfriend heading towards him, her arm locked around the one and only Henry Bowers.
“Greta, hi.” Richie clenched his teeth together and took a deep breath.
“Who’s this?” Eddie whispered from behind Richie. 
“Hi hun, I’m Greta,” She stuck her hand out in front of Eddie the continued, “I’m sure Richie has told you how great I am in bed?” She sneered.
“He would have told me if you really were,” Eddie muttered under his breath. Both Greta and Richie heard this, Greta bit back the urge to launch herself at Eddie while Richie tried to subtly hide his laugh with a cough. 
“See you in the competition Richie-kins!” She blew a kiss towards his direction and dragged Henry away.
“Let’s not talk about it.”
“Ladies and gentlemen! Gather around! Our annual high school dance off is about to begin!”
Everyone gathered with their respective pair and waited until the principle stopped talking about the rules. 
The principle finally walked off stage and the music began. Some couples were immediately eliminated while others tried to out-dance other couples. Some couples went for a simple attempt at the disco while others went for hand-jives. 
The cameras were going around the dance floor, people tried to make their selves seen but were removed from the floor. Eddie could feel himself getting more and more nervous as the camera got closer. Richie didn’t seem to care, he was in his element. As the camera reached the two boys, Eddie instantly made a B-line for anywhere but the camera. 
Richie’s face dropped, he tried to follow Eddie but was stopped when someone pushed him back. This ‘someone’ happened to be Greta herself.
“Where you doing handsome?” Greta whispered.
The pair were one of the only few standing left and it didn’t help that the host was encouraging them to dance while pointing the camera at them. Richie had no other choice but to finish the competition with a new partner. He seemed to forget about Eddie in that moment, but Eddie most certainly didn’t forget. He saw the whole ordeal go down. 
Eddie ran out of the high school gym and ran all the way straight home. 
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babylon-bitch · 7 years
Just Friends ~ First Love (part 45)
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Harper White is best friends with Luke Hemmings, they always have been. Not only is she friends with the rockstar, but with the rest of 5 Seconds Of Summer, as well as a really nice girl named Erika.
Harper has a few secrets, she can play all the instruments the boys play and many more. It’s a talent she has kept hidden, only very few people know.
What will happen to the six teens, wondering around the world together?
Throwing my phone across the room and hearing it clatter to the ground. “Fuck,” I mutter and sit on my bed, my head inmmy hands.
“Luke?” The voice of Ashton asks.
“What?” I snap.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” He asks from behind the door
“No.” I say and lean back on my bed.
“Come on Luke, you can’t just bottle this stuff up, as you’ve told her many times. Take your own advice.” He tells me and I roll my eyes.
Standing up I walk towards the door and swing the door open. “There’s nothing to talk about, I fucked up, she’s mad and upset at me for it, and is blaming this all on me, she has a point, and I see that but I just don’t want to believe it. She said she regrets dating me for a year and being friends with me for 18 years. Do you know how much that hurts to hear? Especially coming from her. I loved her, man, I still do. We promised we’d always love each other, I don’t know about her, but I’ve definitely kept my side of the deal up. Even 10-20 years from now, I can still see myself loving her, even if I’ve found a new girl and she is my wife, I have a couple kids, I’ll still love her. I think with ever big milestone in my life, I’ll always expect her to be there, if I’m getting married to a different woman, I’m gonna be convinced she’s gonna be there, either to object or just be there watching. I love her, you know that, but I miss her as a person, always being there. If I can’t have her as my girlfriend, I’d take her as my bestfriend. I want to go through life with my bestfriend if I can’t have her as my girlfriend, having families of our own and living next door to each other. We’ve made all these plans together as best friends before we were even dating, and now I don’t have anyone to do all these things with. I had my whole life planned around her and now that she’s gone, it’s all come tumbling down.” I let it all out. “Fuck it, fuck her, fuck this.”
“You’ll find somone, trust me.” Ashton says.
“I don’t want anyone, I just want her.” I admit. “Maybe I should regret all these years too, even if she was my first love.”
“I think your first love will always manage to stick with you. Whether it’s them or the experiences. Your first, wow. And your firsts are unforgettable. The first time for absoloutly everything. For loving, caring, giving your heart out. Experiencing sadness, grief, and betrayal. It all comes back to that one person who made you see these aspects of life. So no matter where you end up, always know that you should be grateful for the first person you passed when you realised what love truly is. Because it doesn’t matter if it didn’t end well, at least you learnt everything you needed to. In a couple weeks, months, years, whatever the amount of time it takes to get over Harper, those experiences were needed and the person was needed.” Ashton wisely states.
Harper’s P.O.V.
Harshly connecting my charger with my phone and slamming it onto my bedside table, I go get dressed into somthing more suitable to go out in. Just some leggings, an old band t shirt, and slipping on my leather jacket as I walk out the door.
Stepping inside of the elevator and pressing my head against the wall, after I’d pressed the ground floor. This elevator has always smelt weird, a bit of chicken and a milkshake, as well as shoe polish. If somone dropped their dinner in here once, I don’t think it was gonna be very nice anyway.
The elevator doors open and I step out, being met by silence and absoloutly nothing.
Pushing the doors open and I brace myself for the cold wind. “Ah fuck.” I hiss and stuff my hands into my pockets. I don’t have any specific destination, I’m just gonna walk till my mind is clear, which might actually take me all the way back to Australia and back 73 times.
I’m gonna have to face all my friends, knowing they’ve seen me in that way. They’re always on Twitter, so you can bet your ass they will see it. I’ve also got everyone at uni, who will also most likely see them.
There’s not just pictures of those sorts, they’ve got private photos of us. We weren’t too private about our relationship, but we also weren’t too public. Sure, there were always pictures fans or people had taken every fortnight or somthing, and we’d be holding hands, a little affectionate kiss on the cheek or forehead, but we’d rarely post pictures of us being couply and gross.
I remember the first time Luke posted a picture of us after we’d (well Michael) just announced it. It was a picture of us cuddling and the caption was ‘after show vibes’.
“Blake?” I question.
“Harper?” The voice questions back.
Here Blake sits on a bench, opposite his apartment building, on his phone. “What are you doing out this late?” You ask.
“I could ask the same.” He smirks.
“Touchè.” I mumble and take a seat next to him.
“You’re really pretty.” He says and puts a hand on my shoulder.
“Are you drunk, Blake?” I question and stand up.
“Maybe.” He giggles and reaches out for me.
“That explains why you are out here.” I mutter. “Come on, let’s go home.” I tell him and grab his arm, but stop when he holds my arm too.
“You have a tattoo? When did you get that?” He asks and brings it closer to his eyes.
“I’ve had it for ages.” I confess and glare at the ink.
“What does it say? I can’t read upside down.” He giggles again.
“Uh, it says Luke.” I tell him, my voice waving a bit.
“He’s your ex-boyfriend, right?” He asks.
“Um, y-yeah.”
“I don’t know him, but he didn’t deserve you. No one deserves that.” He says.
“Let’s just get you to your house.” I ignore his statement. “How drunk are you?”
“I don’t know.” He laughs and stands up. “Not enough so I can’t get up.”
“Evidently.” I roll your eyes.
We manage to cross the road easily, with him holding my hand and giggling almost the whole time. I’m guessing he’s a happy drunk.
“Where even were you?” I ask and I press the button to open the elevator doors.
“I was at some guy’s party, I can’t miss it, I’ve got a reputation to keep up.” He explains as we walk into the elevator, pressing his floor.
“Blake, this isn’t high school anymore.” I point out as we both lean on opposite walls.
“But partying is fun! You’re such an old lady.” He teases.
“Yeah, partying can be fun, but not every single fucking week. Don’t you get tired of seeing the same people, seeing the same people getting shit faced, probably waking up in some chicks room?”
“Ohhh, sassy, Harper, is here.” He laughs. “I don’t fucking know, I just want some cheese.” He whines.
“You don’t like cheese.” I point out.
“I do when it’s melted.” He says as if it’s the most obvious thing.
“So you want a bowl of melted cheese?” I ask.
“Ewww, no, I hate cheese.” He whines.
“I will hit you.” I threaten when the elevator doors open.
“Oh my God, how about melted cheese on pizza!” He excitedly exclaims.
“Melted cheese is on pizza, Blake.” I tell him.
“Can we get pizza?” He begs when we reach his door.
“You can get a pizza, Blake, but I won’t be joining you.” I inform him.
“But who else is gonna eat and watch cartoons with me, and has a pretty face?” He questions.
“What if I was ugly?” I ask.
“Well nothing about you could be ugly, I mean look at you.” He says.
“That doesn’t really answer my question, but okay. Where is your key? And I’m not reaching into your pockets.”
“You’re always welcome in my pants.” He winks and I glare at him.
“Come on.” I rush him.
“I would try and come but you haven’t even done anything yet.” He smirks.
“I will not hesitate to to turn around.” I warn him.
“Fine, geez, not a fan of sexual activities, I get it.” He puts his hands up in surrender and pulls out his key from his pocket. “Are you a virgin?” He questions as he opens his door.
“Blake!” I hit his chest, causing him to laugh.
“Well, are you?” He repeats.
“Uh, no, if you have to know.” I sigh.
“Ohhh, scandalous. When did you lose it?”
“When I was 17. You probably lost it when you were 7.” I laugh.
“No, 16. Was it good?” He asks.
“Why am I having a conversation about sex with you?” I ask in a groan.
“Because I’m a sex God.” He claims.
“And an ego the size of Kim Kardashian’s ass.” I say.
“When was the last time you had sex?” He asks.
“I didn’t sign up for a quiz about my sex life.” I sigh and we sit down on the sofa.
“When was the last time then?” He ignores me.
“Uh, Christmas time.” I shrug.
“That’s less than three weeks ago, damn.” He laughs.
“Let me guess how many people your fucked since then. So, 15, and you’ve probably fathered at least two of them, haven’t called any of them back, and already have another 15 lined up, pun not intended.” I tell him.
“I’ve been with about 3 or 4 people, no one has really come back. Every on has come back today, hence why there was a party. There are a few girls that don’t wanna get with them.” He corrects.
“Yeah, they’re smart girls. Who are they?” I ask.
“Juliet, Izzy, Tori, and you.” He answers.
“Well, sorry to crush your dreams, babe, but it’s gonna stay like that, at least with me.” I inform.
“The offer is always there.” He smirks.
“Gee, thanks, you’re so generous.” I reply.
“Or, I could always, hook you up with somone and then they could tell me what you’re like in bed.” He says.
“I’m so over this conversation.” I laugh.
“I’ve missed you.” He giggles and lays his head on my lap.
“You saw me last week.” I point out.
“Well it’s not yesterday.” He moans.
“I don’t think I could handle being with you everyday.” I tell him and run my hand through his quiff.
Luke’s P.O.V.
“Do I make this professional or ‘casual’?” I ask.
“Meaning?” Calum ask.
“Like, do I put, ‘I regret to inform you, but I fucked up my relationship with my girlfriend, now ex girlfriend, sincerely yours, Harper’s dick of an ex boyfriend’ or ‘Harper and I have broken up, sorry to burst your bubble, - Luke’ somthing along the lines of that. Which one?”
I’ve currently got my phone in my hands, constantly typing then deleting what I’ve written in my notes. I’m trying to figure out how to tell the fans that Harper and I are no longer together.
“I think casually.” Erika says.
“I agree, but not like really casual, add a little sophistication.” Ashton adds.
“Casual it is.” I purse my lips. “Can you check it after I’m finished?”
“Yeah, of course.” Michael smiles.
They start to talk about some kind of tv show, but my mind drifts elsewhere.
I’m sad to announce, that Harper and I aren’t together at this moment in time. We’d appreciate it if you gave us some privacy for a while, we will be back soon enough, but we both need some time to step away from the internet and stuff. You’ve also probably seen some pictures of us, we’d appreciate if you didn’t make a big deal about it. Maybe we were meant to be, maybe we weren’t, but it’s just another chapter in our life, it might be painful to tell, but it was one of the best experiences of my life. Love you guys, sorry to bring this awful news to you, but everything happens for a reason. Be back soon
- Luke xxx
“Um, d-done.” I say and pass my phone to Maddie.
“Yeah, I think that’s alright.” She nods after a while and passes my phone to Erika.
“Yeah, that’s absoloutly fine.” Erika smiles, passes my phone to Calum.
“Good job,” he tells me and gives Michael my phone.
“Well said.” Michael agrees, throwing Ashton the phone.
“Cool, are you just posting it to Twitter?” Ashton asks and returns my phone.
“Probably.” I say and screenshot it, before going to the Twitter app. I add a little heart as the caption and hover over the tweet button but I just can’t find myself doing it. “Should I send this to Harper first?”
“If you really want to, I don’t really see the point in it. She asked you to tell everyone, so here you are.” Calum says.
“Fuck, I can’t do it, somebody do it for me.” I sigh.
“I’ll do it.” Ashton volunteers and I pass him my phone. “Done.”
“Oh my God.” I mutter.
Harper’s P.O.V.
“Okay, bye Blake, I’ll see you later or somthing.” I say as I walk out the door.
“Bye, thanks for the food, you absolute godess.” He calls, making me laugh.
“Any time. Actually don’t take that seriously, or I will be here all he time.” I tell him and I close the door behind me
I make my way all the way down to the ground floor and and into the really fresh air. It’s still dark and dead out here, an occasional car going by every now and then.
Pulling my phone out of my pocket and scrolling through Twitter, I’ve got nothing better to do, other than stare at nothing, thinking about how it all went wrong.
Suddenly I freeze as I notice a tweet from Luke; the guy who broke my heart. He’s told the fans about our break up, I didn’t expect him to do it right away, I thought it would at least be in a few days or a week or so, not now. I didn’t prepare myself for it, I didn’t get a warning, nothing.
I re-read the tweet over and over, by the 15th time I’ve read it, I’ve got a fucking waterfall in my eyes.
It’s the next day now, well, I say next day, I mean it’s the morning and I’m in broad daylight.
I’m in my bedroom messing around with my acoustic guitar. I’m kinda writing a song, but also just jamming out. Placing a pen in my mouth, both ends of the pen coming out of my mouth, as I just finished a whole verse and try and come up with a way for the music to go well the lyrics.
After a couple hours, I finish the song, which I will say myself, I’m very proud of it. It really portrays how I feel right now, I couldn’t possibly say I’m happy, it would probably be the biggest lie I’d ever told.
Deciding to play it through for the second time, I place my fingers on the frets, before taking a big inhale.
“Well I’m so tired of the rain falling softly on the ground, Just enough to get my feet wet but not enough to let me drown. I’ve been laying in my bed wishing I had never woken, Begging god to rid my head of every word you’ve ever spoken. Broke my knuckles on the wall because I thought about the call Where you said you’d always love me, do you not tell the truth at all? Well if I ever cross your mind, make sure you write down the times So I will know the moments I was eating you alive.
Now I lay here waiting with the hope that I might find some sleep I need some sleep tonight, Cause I’ve been waiting on your call but I know it will never come but I’m still waiting by the phone.
And don’t you dare, don’t you dare, Say you ever loved me or even tell me that you cared Cause you knew what you were doing and you know just what you’ve done How dare you say you miss me with your spit still on her tongue. I am broken. I am beaten. I’m mistreated and I’m torn. I am cold with no direction but I’m lost without your warmth. I’m trying hard to find some hope that I might get the chance to breathe. Get off my mind, give back my heart and get the fuck away from me!
I know I couldn’t give you much, but I know I gave my best, I was always your princess, and now you’re sliding up her dress And I know I gave the world everything I’ve ever had, Johnny Cash said love would burn, I never thought it’d hurt this bad.
Well I’m so tired of the rain falling softly on the ground, Just enough to get my feet wet but not enough to let me drown. I’ve been laying in my bed wishing I had never woken, Begging god to rid my head of every word you’ve ever spoken. Broke my knuckles on the wall because I thought about the call Where you said you’d always love me, do you not tell the truth at all? Well if I ever cross your mind make sure you write down the times, So I will know the moments I was eating you alive.
You are the itch that’s on my back. You are the gum under my shoe. You are the horrors of my past. You are the chill that haunts the room. You are the creaking on my steps. You are cancer. You are plague. You are regret. You are disease. I wish that you would go away.”
I play the last the last sting and take my fingers off the frets, which now have little line indents on the tips.
“Wow, I didn’t know you could sing, let alone play guitar.” A voice makes me jump.
Whipping my head round, surprised my head didn’t fly off to France. Standing by my bedroom door is Tori, Izzy, Blake, Juliet, and three other people that are friends of Blake.
“Oh, uh, hey guys.” I awkwardly wave, before I hang the guitar on the stand.
“Is that an original?” Juliet asks.
“Yeah.” I nod.
“How long have you been writing?” Tori asks.
“Probably since I was 13, 14. When did you get home?” I ask, trying to change the subject
“Around 9 this morning.” She shrugs.
“You, Izzy?”
“Last night, I can’t quite remember I just face planted my bed, didn’t even get changed.” She laughs.
“So uhm, Harper, these pictures, you are looking hella fine.” James smirks. James is one of Blake’s friends, I’ve met quite a few times at parties or over at Blake’s house.
“What?” Blake questions.
“Have you not seen them? They’re trending on Twitter.” James says and passes Blake his phone.
“Holy shit, Harper. Did you post these?” He questions and passes James’ phone to Tyler, who is also here.
“Of course not, my um, ex boyfriend’s phone got hacked into and some pictures leaked.” I glare at the boys.
“Ex?” Tori questions.
“It’s bound to be trending too.” I snap slightly.
“The pros of having a famous friend.” Alex laughs, another one of Blake’s friends, I’ve only seen him at parties and I think I have a lecture with him.
“I’m not famous!” I exclaim.
“The verification mark says differently.” Tyler smirks.
“Babe, I’m so sorry.” Izzy says and pulls me into a hug.
“It’s fine, I’ll get over him.” I sigh.
It’s not fine and I won’t get over him, ever.
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sidnihoudini · 7 years
fork and knife: scott vs. pda
anon asked: The first time they show PDA around their families
“Gross,” Scott grimaces, making a sour face over the rim of his drink. On the other side of the table, Chris makes a face and asks, “What?” “You,” Scott counters easily, squinting at Chris, and then at Seb. “And you.” Seb wrinkles his nose and laughs at that. As if that isn’t the most offensive thing Scott has ever seen in his life. They’re not even THAT handsy with each other - though, Scott knows they’re playing a dangerous game with the jug of booze in the middle of the table. It’s just the way they look at each other that’s all… outrageous. Scott hasn’t looked at anything like that since the last time he stumbled across a ten inch dick on Grindr. “Mom is gonna love you,” he sighs, shaking his head as he goes back to eating. Chris frowns at that, and says, “Seb’s met mom before.” “Yeah, as some work rando,” Scott counters, snorting as he looks over at Seb again and rolls his eyes. “Good luck, by the way.” Seb chews, leans back, and smiles with his mouth closed. “Hey!” Chris exclaims, automatically resting one arm along the back of Seb’s chair. Jot that down as gross evidence. “Mom’s nice.” After swallowing, Seb shrugs and says, “I’m good with moms.” Chris, with his free hand, reaches for the water jug beside the sangria jug, and says seriously, “I bet you are, babe.” Oh, god. Now Scott really is gonna vom. “You’re all… couply and shit,” he reviews, studying the two of them. The last time Chris fawned over anyone like this, it was 1993 and he was trying to impress their babysitter. “It’s just weird.” Seeing a sibling in any kind of romantic embrace is weird, but Chris especially. “You’re weird,” Chris easily counters, reaching for the tortilla chips.
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emmaswanchoosesyou · 8 years
My sibling is besties with your sibling and even though we hate each other I guess we’ve got to start hanging out a little for Scarlet Beauty (we can make it Captain Swan being not besties but dating) I just really want where is Belle and Will despising each other at first!
Hey, @lenfaz– here this is, months later! I hope you enjoy these two and the disasters that they are. 
Unbeta’d, so all mistakes are mine. Rated T, for drinking and smut glitter. Around 2200 words of Scarlet Beauty, Captain Swan, and Captain Book siblings.
Also on Ao3.
something like hope
Okay, here’s the thing–Belle French isn’t entirely sure how she came to be making out with Will Scarlet on Valentine’s Day, because it sure as shit isn’t something she planned.
Four years ago
“Belle, I think I’ve met the perfect woman,” Killian says.
She smirks at her brother. “Haven’t you said that about at least three women you’ve taken home from the bar over the last year since Milah…?”
“Fuck you, this is different. I’d have thought my own sister would be more supportive.”
“Come now, Killy.”
“Not the nickname, for the love. I will dunk you into the harbor if I must. Pass me the syrup, please.”
Handing him the syrup, she looks over and sees how serious he is, in spite of the joking words. “Oh. Well, tell me about her.”
“Her name is Emma Swan, and yes, we did meet last night at the bar. But…” Killian prattles on, his enthusiasm making her think maybe he’s right about this one.
Killian is right, it turns out. Emma is nothing like Belle would have imagined for her friend, but they just work somehow.
They’ve been together two months when Killian drags Belle along to a party at Emma’s. It’s a way for their friend groups to meet, for them to emerge from their couply bubble and begin to interact with all their loved ones again.
It’s not that Belle doesn’t want to go, it’s just that she’s in the middle of a really good book.
Killian tells her she has to go though. “When is the last time you interacted with people who weren’t me or Merida?”
She looks at him blankly and shrugs. “But I have you two, I don’t need loads more people. And we had brunch with Emma just a few days ago.”
“That doesn’t count and you know it.”
“And why not?!”
“Because you wouldn’t have seen her or had brunch with her were I not, and I quote, ‘unable to be parted from the general vicinity of her v–’”
“I remember what I said,” she replies quickly, cutting him off before he can remind her of what she’d said in a particularly crass, drunken moment the previous week.
“Then you know my point remains.”
She scoffs.
“It’s just…you haven’t gotten out much since things ended with Gold, love. I worry.”
“Are you trying to say you liked things better then?!”
“Don’t be obtuse, you know I’m not. I just don’t want you to isolate yourself, especially when I’m not around as much as I was.”
“That sounds like it’s your problem.”
“Which is why I’m taking you with me to this party.”
“Fine. Fine,” she finally says.
It’s a nice party, and Belle is actually enjoying herself. Emma’s friends are all pretty cool people, from the kindhearted and lovey-dovey couple to her loud and strikingly gorgeous friend Ruby. (She tells herself not embarrass herself around the woman, but she’s drinking and can’t make any promises.)
All of them except for Will fucking Scarlet.
The man is obnoxious, to say the least. He’s loud, he’s uncouth, and she’s fairly sure he’s found himself on the wrong side of the law at least a couple times. (And she has no idea how that works, given that Emma is in bail bonds and David seems to be in law enforcement.)
But apparently he’s like a brother to Emma, the two having met in college and having been inseparable since, so she just grits her teeth and tries to bear it when he stares and makes an ass of himself with his idiotic words.
He just feels so good against her, his lips trailing down her neck to suck a mark into her collarbone. On one hand, this is probably a bad idea. On the other, she can’t believe it’s taken her this long to do this.
3 years ago
Killian is moving out. He’s actually leaving.
Belle knows she shouldn’t be so surprised. After all, he and Emma have been together a little over a year at this point. They’re stupidly in love. It makes sense. And a part of her is really, really happy for them.
But it’s annoying, it’s inconvenient, and it hurts a little bit.
She’s apprehensive–she hasn’t lived on her own in five years, and she’s not really sure how to go about it anymore.
But going to the housewarming party at Emma’s and Killian’s new house is probably a good start.
The downside to this plan is that it comes with Will Scarlet. Over the last year, she’s seen him enough to know she doesn’t much like him. He’s rude, chaotic, and he drinks too much.
The icing on the cake had been when he broke into the library a few months before. She’d been shocked the next morning when she’d arrived at work to find him curled up on the ground, his empty bottle and a copy of Alice in Wonderland tucked in his arms.
(He hadn’t been thrilled to wake up to Belle hitting him repeatedly with a broom, either. Or with her call to Emma.)
So she’s less than thrilled when he opens the door to her. He just rolls his eyes and moves aside for her to come in, and she stomps past as quickly as possible.
She feels a little more kindly toward him a few hours later when their friends and families are celebrating, the two of them left behind by Emma’s and Killian’s burgeoning relationship. He’s out a roommate now too, and she knows how that feels.
While everyone else toasts, they meet eyes and nod at each other in a moment of understanding and kinship. Then they begrudgingly raise their glasses as well.
She pulls him into her bedroom by his jacket. The jacket should probably go, actually. Maybe they shouldn’t be doing this, maybe she hasn’t planned it, but it’s probably not the worst idea she’s ever had.
No, that honor belongs to the day she finally decided Will isn’t so bad.
The day she got drunk and threw up in front of everyone she knew at Emma’s and her brother’s engagement party.
1.5 years ago
Living by herself works much better than she had thought it would, most of the time.
This is not one of those times.
For starters, there’s no one to remind her that this is an engagement, and even with their more casual crowd, it’s not the sort of event one pregames for. Then there’s the whole thing where she’s ashamed that she’s actually jealous that Killian and Emma have found each other.
Normally, it’s fine. Belle adores Emma, and they’ve gotten really close over the last two and a half years. Honestly, if she needs something or has an emergency, she’s probably a little more likely to call her than Killian. (She’s generally just a little cooler under pressure…unless it comes to emotions, romance, proposals–that’s where Killian shines.)
But she’s lonely. She’s tried the online dating thing, and that one guy, Gaston or Keith or whatever he had called himself–is more than enough to sour her on the experience.  Seriously, did she have to end up unintentionally going out with one of Emma’s bail skips?!
She has her fingers crossed that maybe Ruby will finally give her the time of day, though–oh, wait, no, she’s here with another someone. Blast. So Belle downs another glass of champagne.
Fast forward to a couple hours later–dinner is over, numerous toasts have been made to the happy couple and their love. She gets up to make her speech, teetering on her heels as she makes her way to the stage.
She faces the crowd, their faces swimming before her. Standing in front of the microphone, she says, “Thank you all for being here tonight! It’s been a fantastic night, and I’m just so happy for my brother and his new fiancee. I know–”
She cuts off, because that’s when it happens. She hurries to face away from the crowd as the drinking she’s been doing overwhelms her…and she vomits on the stage.
Everyone is looking at her, and she tamps down on the rising panic and tears. Killian looks alarmed and a little horrified, while Emma looks more amused, if a little concerned. Ruby and her date have that same concern, and Mary Margaret is already running to get things to help clean up.
Then she sees Will. The only thing in his face is compassion and kinship, and then he’s right next to her at the stage, wrapping an arm around her waist.
“Well, folks, there’s definitely just been an, uh, overflowing of joy for Emma and Killian, so let’s give them a round of applause,” Will says quickly, hauling her off the stage.
Once they’re in a private corridor, he asks her how she is, and pushes her hair out of her face. “Can I see you home, luv? I’ve been where you are, and I hate being alone when I’m ill.”
Belle just nods, a sob escaping her throat.
She’s so grateful, she thinks, pulling him onto the bed on top of her. He grinds into her, and she lets out a moan. Belle smiles against his lips, remembering fondly how he’d sat next to in the cab, awkwardly and gently patting her shoulder. They’re inseparable these days, have been even since that night.
And now…they’re definitely taking it a step farther, if his arousal digging into her hip is any indication. It’s new for them, and she kind of loves it.
It’s been awhile since she realized she has feelings for him, four months of pining and angsting. Now that she knows he feels the same? Heaven, she thinks, pulling at his shirt and tossing it onto the floor.
4 months ago
Belle is sitting at her kitchen counter, the cartons of takeout tempting her with the scent of ma po tofu and almond chicken. Will’s late, later than his normal ten minutes or so past when they’re supposed to meet. It’s almost an hour later than they planned, and she doesn’t want the food to get cold.
It’s become their weekly ritual, getting together on Friday for takeout and beer or wine. They generally see each other a couple times during the week, but this is theirs. There’ve been so few interruptions in this over the last year and bit–Emma’s and Killian’s wedding festivities, and the time Will got horribly sick.
So his tardiness is…worrying. She’s texted him and gotten no response, and she’s this close to sending out a search party.
Then her door opens and Will bursts in, no knocking or by-your-leave. She opens her mouth to scold him when he throws his arms around her and mutters, “Jesus Christ, it’s been a day.”
“What, happened?” she asks, running a hand down his back. Her heart is beating far too fast and is somewhere around her stomach at the feel of his embrace
He pulls back and runs a hand over his face. God, he looks horrible. “Ana. Ana happened.”
Her heart plummets to her feet. “Ana? But I thought she–”
“She left me? Aye, a few years ago, just before I met you and Killian. It’s why I was such an ornery arsebadger when we met.”
“You were, but that’s not the point. What’s happened now?”
“I was at the pub having a pint before coming over, and she just slides onto the barstool next to me like it hasn’t been years since we’ve seen each other and like she didn’t break my heart. I don’t even know how she found me.”
“Oh my god.”
“She wants to get back together. Says she misses me.”
Belle feels something inside her break. Suddenly she realizes what she’s feeling and wants to curse herself for falling for him–from his moodiness to his kindness and compassion–at such an inconvenient time. “Oh. Well, what are you going to do?”
“Well, I just stared at her a good bit. Never been more flabbergasted. Then I started hysterically laughing.”
In spite of herself, she smiles a little. “You poor thing,” she says, brushing her hand over his arm.
He looks down at where she’s touching him and smiles back at her. “I just left, but I think I’m going to tell her to shove off.”
And then she feels something a lot like hope.
They’re tangled together on her bed, sated and wrapped up in each other. He presses a kiss to her forehead, and she turns to beam up at him.
He lightly tugs on her hair. “This changes things, doesn’t it?”
She traces his cheekbone before pulling him in for a fierce kiss. “Yes. It-it’s been you, for months and months now.”
“Oh, thank god. I’ve been crazy about you for ages.”
“Really?! What about Ana?”
“I didn’t think you cared about me, and it was a shock to see her. But it wasn’t until that day I started to hope.”
“Oh.” A pause. “And then I kissed you today,” she says with a grin. She’s glad she did. Their usual Friday hangout had fallen on Valentine’s Day, and she…just hadn’t been able to resist today.
“Aye, and it was a glorious kiss.”
“I’m glad you think so, because I’m going to kiss you again.”
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thoughtsicantshare · 7 years
Hello there! I’m back (:
School:  The semester ended last week and I already got all my grades back! I’m super stoked with how I ended, I got all As. I didn’t think I was going to get As in 2 of my classes, but I pulled through. In one class, it’s a known thing that it’s really hard to get an A in this prof’s class and most people don’t, so I’m VERY proud of myself for that. In another class this prof called me out. So he goes to hand back our reseach papers and goes “Class, I need to make an announcement” So now the whole class is starting at him, listening. And he goes “Alisa’s topic paper was so incredible. It was the first time I’ve ever given a stundent and A+. It was very well written, well organized…… Truely, I suggest everyone go to Alisa if she is ok with that and ask her for advice on papers.” I was really honoered that he loved it so much, but massively embarrassed.
So yeah, that was this past semester. You could say I’m quite the nerd. 
Work:  I still like it, but just don’t really care for it. I get so bored all the time (our location isn’t really busy). I try so hard each shift to like this girl I work with, but I just can’t. She’s so annoying, such a stickler for the rules, but also for her own opinions. So if I’m doing something thats not particularly part of the scripts, she flips. But if she’s doing something differently than  the scripts, she doesn’t care bc it’ll benefit her and she’ll make extra money. I;m very close with the other set of workers, but I barely see them because they work in the back. ):
I have to start looking for internships and all that, so I’m gunna try to find a new job too. I feel bad bc I’ve only been there for like 4 months, but I just don’t really fit there.
Friends:  Haven’t spoken to the girl I was talking about (or the group) for just about a month. I’m upset about it for sure; she was my best friend. We we’re so close, we always had each other. But she was treating me like shit.  Like I said, she would go a week or two without texting me back, bail on all our palns (and literally not text and say hey, sorry I can’t come. she would literally just not text me for the day before our plans, day of and then 2 days.), and when she did text back, her tone was just wayyyy different than usual. Whenever I brought it up, she said I was too dramatic, making it up, or needed to omuch attention from her. 
I understand the whole people odn’t text as much when school starts bc it gets very busy and very stressful, and specially for us bc we work on top of commuting to school. BUT I know her and I know us and the way she was acting was not how we usually are. 
No one who cares about you is ever “too busy” to make time for you. 
So then when we really found, she texted a couple of days later and was like “so do you want to be friends or not. I can’t keep doing this back and forth” I was like are you fucking kidding me??????? absolutely no way is that remotely wanting to fix what happened. I straight up told her how I felt about everything, provided her with evidence to back up everything I said. AND SHE STILL DENIED EVERYTHING. Her story wasn’t even solid. She was caught, so her story kept changing. One second she did miss me, the next she was mad at me, then all of a sudden she wanted to fix things and then she said she was feeling to distant, and then again, nothing was wrong and she didn’t know why I thought somehthing was?????
So I’m done. I miss her, and how we used to be but I can’t be around someone who doesn’t care enough to even answer a stupid text ro treat me with enough respect to own up to their wrongs. 
Boys: Still slightly crushing on the kid I’m friends with, but he has a gf. And should I add, he’s very happy with her. So, if he’s happy, I’m happy.  We’re still really good friends and I so much so value our friendship, so I’m still at the decision where I’d rather have or friendship than be like hey I love you and he doesn’t like me back.  We still act very couply when we’re together. It’s corny, but we’re just so in sync together. We have so much fun doing nothing, we’re constantly laughing, we open up to each other (he is the WORST at admitting any emotion, but he does open up to me), and its just always a good time.  My friends and Lisa reall think hes into me, but think her feels the same way– better to be friends at least for now, than try and lose each other. 
Like I said, I’ve gotten over him, not completely, but mostly. I’ll always have that feeling for him somewhere in my heart, but right now, we’re still just really good friends. 
There was this other kid who I started talking to a little. He’s a friend of a friend. At first, we were talking a good amount (in person) and he seemd interested. But it never went anywhere. He gets very shy around me now. Like I’ll seem him talking to our friend and then when I come around he gets quiet. That could be because he’s nervous or he just actually doesn’t like me as a person at all and thinks I’m annoying? who knows.
I was really hoping he’d ask me out before break started, but he didn’t. My friends also think he’d interested, but we just don’t know. 
Still really want to meet someone. I’m sick of being sinlge. I just want some to want me, love me, whatever. But I’m losing hope. I’m thinking I’ll end up alone forever. Sounds dramatic and basic, I know, but theres NOT a single guy who likes me, is interest, or even looks in my direction at school.  I think some people think I’m dating one or all of my friends, but they all have girlfirends and I think it’s well known that they do. So people need to step it up and really realize that I’m single. ORRRR everyone can actually tell I like my one friend and just back off?
Idk, but I’m sick of it.
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