#this is the low key the equal of him wearing his jacket and winking at the camera while chewing his gum
souvenir116 · 1 month
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he's so 😮‍💨
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winter-fox-queen · 3 years
Final Bets
Summary:  Alejandro enacts his daring plan to get You and your daughter free and clear.  But will things end the way he thought they would, when he foist came when you called?
Warnings:  Some violence, cursing, and the attendant and You are both female.
Final one.  THANK YOU for reading this.  And special thanks to @hnt-escape for being amazing, talented, and putting up with me.  (Also for creating the collages.). Her awesome poem is here:
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This time, he knew who was on the other side of the door when someone knocked on it.  He opened it up, resolved, serious, a little nervousness building, coiling inside his stomach.  
The front desk clerk.  Looking equally resolved.  He nods, tosses the key on the bed, and shuts the door.
“You remember what I told you?”  He pulls over in an alley, dropping her off in a blind spot so there’s no record of them together.  Casablanca rises like a debauched king over them, not too far a walk.  He hands her an envelope.  She nods, shoves it away.  He takes her chin gently.  “If it looks dangerous, if there’s even the tiniest bit of danger…run.  Nothing’s worth your life.”
She nods again, smiles.  “You can depend on me.”
“Take your cut before her daughter gets there, leave the bag, and split.”
“You don’t trust her?”
“I didn’t raise her.”  He says, looking at the rearview mirror, watching now, always.  “I could have been…not biologically, I was out of the picture, then.  But if she needed help, I would have come.  I always made sure she had a way to reach me.”  He shrugged.  “So, her kid doesn’t know me…why would she trust me?  And that means I…we…can’t trust her.”
“But you trust me?”
He smiles at her, and nods.  A bit like he’s surprised to admit it.
“Alright.”  She gets out of the car and he reverses down the alley, finds a cruddy lot where the cameras are probably broken and parks.  Pays the guy at the kiosk cash.  Reviews what your daughter told him about security protocols.  Hope you were right, that the whole staff had grown soft, because people were too afraid to try and steal from the Casablanca so the guards were really more show than tell.
Every step, he has two things going on in his mind.  Mentally he’s estimating where the attendant is, sees her enter the casino just ahead of him, so he slows down, resets the timer in his head.  The other thing, of course, is looking for you.
He told her daughter, on the phone earlier, not to let you know.   So when you look at him, at first just a security guard in a trim suit looking for danger, then realization as to who he is warms your eyes and there’s a softness to your face for a moment before the mask slips back into place.
He’s wearing a white shirt and black pants, and the red jacket again.  He know he smells of chlorine and bad decisions.
But still, he makes his way over.  Watches a craps game but does not wager. Cashes the 5,000 chip out.  Thinks. She left the gift shop by now.  She must be at the elevator.  Now she’s on the third floor.  Now it’s the restroom.  Let’s give it a moment, in case someone is in that stall…
He buys one 100.00 chip.  The teller didn’t want to give him something so low, but he just stood there and smiled, with his biggest, sharpest smile, tacky sunglasses hiding his eyes, changing the shape of his face.
He plays the roulette, the ultimate wheel of fortune.  Wins, which is annoying because he knows he doesn’t have time to cash it in, so he dumps in on the tray of a nearby waitress and finishes his approach.
“I’m sorry.”  He says, when he gets close enough.
You frown.  “For what?”
He sticks his hands in his pockets.  Casablanca was one of the casinos that still armed their guards.  The gun was casino property, logged in and out.  
“Everything.  I wish.  I should have gone with you.  I should never even have left you for any reason at all.”
You’re scanning the room, trying to stay composed, but he can see it, a flicker here and there of emotion.
In his head, the elevator dinged.  She’d be leaving, making her way to the doors.  The loot in a brand new bag.  
“I could stand here all day and apologize.  But it won’t matter.”
“Why not?”  Did he hear a little desperation, a little longing?  Or was he hoping to hear it?
“Because of this.”  He grabbed her wrist, slung her roughly around, his right hand yanking her gun out of its holster.  Left arm around her, pressing her to him, right hand shooting in what he hoped was a civilian safe direction before pressing it to her temple.
“I am so sorry sweetheart.”  He whispers in your ear.  
“What do you want?”  you scream.  “Let me go!”
He doesn’t want the guards to think heist.  He doesn’t want them to think money, or danger to the casino.  He wants the other guards to think there is just one problem, and it is right here.  He wants confusion.  
“We’re going outside and you can tell the moon and the stars to stop talking to me!”  He screams.  “I am so fucking sick of them talking to me!”
He starts pulling you back, ranting and raving, into the men’s room.  No cameras, and one of those that was positioned with two sets of doors.  
“Run on through, and start screaming.”  He says, shedding his skin, shoving the red jacket into a bin.  “Your daughter will text you the meeting place.”
The guard ran in only a second later.  They look at the messy haired man, hands up, thick rimmed glasses, blue tee shirt.  
“He took her that way…through the other door.”  His voice is completely different, thick Spanish accent, soft and timid and very afraid and completely non threatening.  
The guard kept going. Alejandro adjusts his glasses, takes one more look at himself in the mirror, and leaves the restroom, flowing through the crowds.  Worried over you.  Hoping you were shedding your skin, too, coming out the other side safe.
There you were.  Hair down.  Suit coat off.  You were wearing a white shell, arms bare.  You winked at him, and then the crowd took you away, just as they started, finally, locking down the casino.  He made it out, barely, and kept walking.
He pulled out of the parking lot, and she was there.  The attendant.  He stopped, smiling up at her, and she took something out of her bag.  A smaller purse.  Tiger stripped gold leather.  She hands it to him.  “To go with your shirt.”  He opens it.  500,00 dollars, probably, give or take.
“Is this?”
“Your share.  I don’t trust her either.”
He tucks it under the seat, behind his legs.  “You know,” he says, contemplatively.  “If we go left, we could go off, become private eyes.  I think you could probably buy your way in to a very new practice.”
She leans on the door.  “And right?”
He grins up at her.  “How do you feel about moral ambiguity?  
“I don’t know.”  She’s smiling a little now.
“Or…I could drop you off at the bus station.  Then you’d really be free.”
She came around to the passenger side and got in.  He started driving away, not wanting to draw any more attention by stalling.
“No to the bus station,” she says after a bit.  “Can I think about the other two?”
“Absolutely.  You have time…I need to drive us somewhere first.  Make sure of something.”  He clears his throat.  “If you don’t mind?”
She shakes her head.  “Does it have to do with the note you asked me to give her daughter?’
“Yeah.  Go ahead and sleep.”  He says.  “It’s a long drive.”
He’s sitting on the edge of the pool, tee shirt and shorts, clean shaven.  He looks like no one he’s ever been before.  His legs are in the water, and rose petals swirl around.  The one place you’d be able to find easily.  If you wanted to.
“How long should I wait?”  He asks her.  She’s lounging on a lounge chair, reading a book on basic private investigation.  She hasn’t told him, right or left, yet.  He doesn’t mind waiting.  He can live a long time on half a million dollars.  
“How long did you give her?”
“Twenty four hours.”
“Give her at least 48.  Maybe even 72.  She might have gotten caught up.”
He shakes his head.  “She got clear.  Her kid texted me.”
“Alright.  If we don’t hear anything, we’ll check out the day after tomorrow.”
“Sounds good.”  He captures some of the rose petals in his hand.
“Will you…will you be miserable, if she doesn’t come?”
He grins over his shoulder at her.  “No.  I won’t be miserable at all.”
She returns his smile, holds up the book.  “Left, then.”
Thanks to @sharkbait77 and everyone who commented and showed support.
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anotherhamiltonblog · 4 years
Foreign Touch ch 5
Chapter Summary: No summary sorry. I LOVE YOU ALL.
Warnings: Some fluff... then pure angst. I’M SORRY but not really.. BUT I’M SORRY. Character Death. our boys cry. (i cried) UH POV jump. me being a horrible person. oh and can’t forget, cursing as well. 
Word Count: 3k (holy cow.)
AN: So i’m posting this now because. 1, i love every single one of you who read this fic and actually enjoy it. and 2, to celebrate the fact I have over 160 followers. Like what? ILYSM THANK YOU. you are all so beautiful and I write for every single one of you.
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September turned to October, October to November and soon enough it was December.
Things for Y/N couldn’t have been better, sure there was the tension between Alexander and her, seeing as her soulmate was the one person Alex has claimed to be his mortal enemy. Not that he made any comment when Thomas was around, especially around their parents.
It had become a normal accordance for Thomas to have dinner with the Hamilton’s, just like Y/N would have Sunday lunch with the Jefferson’s. Things were going amazingly between the two.
Her group of friends were all happy, Lafayette had found his girl, Adrienne. Or Adri as everyone calls her who was in the Drama club and even Hercules found his soulmate who was from another school but the two met at a Halloween party.
Halloween Y/N had managed to get Thomas to dress up as Aladdin and she went as Jasmine. The two being what john kept muttering as ‘couple goals’ since Alexander went with a nametag with the words “Hello, my name is ‘The person who hates Halloween costumes’ “John, having been the one to write it out since he was annoyed with Alexander.
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In the end the night was amazing, ending with a bonfire with the friends all sitting around and relaxing in couples. Even James Maddison came with his girlfriend of one year.
By November, Y/N would wear Thomas’ hoodies and beanies. Claiming that they were a lot warmer than all her jackets and sweatshirts. Not that Thomas was complaining. He was happy to have his girl wear his clothes.
Thanksgiving came and went, Thomas spending the day with Y/N and her family before they went over to his house to spend the evening with his own family. The two thankfully always able to split the time between families. Especially since it was the holiday and they wanted to make sure that it was split equally.
By December, Christmas around the corner. Y/N almost cried at the start of Winter Break. Swamped with homework, college applications were thankfully all sent along with the videos of her Dancing then her playing the violin to the Art Schools, starting with Julliard. Y/N didn’t play for the school, not many even knew she played since it was something she picked up and it just stuck. So, the girl would just play in the basement of her home.
Life was perfect, at least for Y/N. She was happy and things felt like they were finally falling into place.
Date nights were her favorite, the picnics, movies then pizza, the small dinners after games. The two never went to parties, never needed to. They were happy with each other and the company of James or Lafayette every now and again with their girls for double dates.
Groaning, Y/N watched as Lafayette and Thomas were speaking in French. Glancing over at Adrienne, Y/N raised her eyebrow.
“Can you believe these assholes…” she whispered to the gorgeous Brunette who giggled and nodded.
“I say we get their attention…” she winked, and the two girls got up from the table. Not that their boyfriends noticed.
Walking over to the bar, pulling out their fake IDs, the girls managed to flirt their way to getting another cocktail and soon enough two guys came up to them to flirt.
It didn’t take long for Lafayette or Thomas to notice their girls at the bar talking to two strange men. They almost ran over, wrapping an arm around their girl and glared at the men until they backed off.
“Immigrants… we get the job done.” The two said at the same time and fist-bumping. Causing Y/N to give Thomas a ‘what the fuck are you ON?’ look.
“Thomas… you’re AMERICAN.” She laughed before looking at Adrienne who was also giggling.
The two sipped on their drinks. “Maybe next time, you’ll remember we’re at the table as well.” Adrienne teased, even though the two of them knew a bit of French. It still wasn’t enough to follow what those two were talking about.
It was a wonderful night afterwards.
Now with Christmas just a week away, Y/N was out with her parents. The three going to the post office to send the presents to the grandparents. The three laughing and singing Christmas songs, just having a good time. Alexander stayed behind to wrap up the last of his presents, though Y/N knew that John would be over five minutes after they leave the house.
Pulling out her phone from her jacket pocket, Y/N decided to message Thomas to pass the time, only to frown when seeing the battery on low. “shit….” She whispered.
“What was that sweetie?” her mom called from the front, turning her head to look at her daughter.
Catching her dads eye in the rearview mirror, the smirk he sent her way. Y/N knew he heard her and shit bit down on her lip. “Nothing mama…” she shook her head and went back to messaging her boyfriend.
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When her phone warned her that there was only two percent left, she said bye to Thomas and turned off the phone screen. Listening to her mom talk about the surgery she did the other night and the teenagers parents in the waiting room.
As her dad went to continue driving, the red light turning green before the car came to a complete stop. Y/N’s head whipped to look out her window at the sound of a loud car honk and she gasped. The headlights of the car shining brightly in her eyes. But she couldn’t do anything, a truck that was making a right turn collided with their car and sending the car skidding and crashing into a bus.
Y/N head hit the window and she passed out right afterwards, screaming being the last thing she heard.
»»-———— ♡ ————-««
Alexanders POV:
Sitting around the living room with John, the two watching the Harry Potter marathon on the ABC Holiday Special. They were wrapped up together in the blanket just enjoying the others company without any distractions. It wasn’t till Alexander’s phone rang did he groan and pick it up, seeing it was his grandma.
“Hey, MeMa… everything ok?” he asked the women, sitting up concerned since he could tell his grandma was crying and put the phone on speaker.
“Alex, Corazon. The hospital called me. Your parents and Y/N have been in an accident.” She said in a broken voice. “You need to get there as soon as possible. Pops and I are booking a ticket and are flying out there soon.”
Alexander could barely hear what his grandma was even saying anymore, John who sat up quickly, sent out a text to the group chat and picked up Alexander’s phone, talking to his grandma. Assuring her they would be at the hospital and that they would call them with any news.
John’s POV:
After hanging up, John noticed that Alexander was still in shock, so he rushed to grab their shoes, jackets and hats. The snow started to fall again.
“Come on babe… we need to go.” He said to Alex and coaxed him into putting his shoes on and jacket after getting himself ready first.
Picking up his keys, the two made it out to the car and John started to drive to the hospital.
“I know this isn’t something you want to hear… but you need to message Thomas.” John told his boyfriend, those words causing Alex to snap out of it.
“Why the FUCK would I do that? I need to focus on the fact that my SISTER and my PARENTS are in the hospital!” He almost yelled and John just remained calm.
Taking a deep breath as he stopped at a red light. John turned to look at Alex. “He’s her soulmate babe… he needs to know. I know you don’t like him, that’s fine. But he loves your sister. He deserves to know and to be there.”
Seeing that the words were sinking into Alexanders brain, John turned his head forward again and drove a few seconds after the light turned green.
Upon arriving at the hospital, John held Alexanders hand the whole time and watched as the man messaged Thomas. Rolling his eyes with a sad smile at the contact name. ‘Jeffershit’
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Once the messages were sent and they were told where to go, being told to wait for a doctor to come out to speak with them. John held Alex in his arms as they waited.
Thomas’ POV:
Forty-five minutes, that’s how long he had been waiting for Y/N to message him to go do the neighborhood tour of the house lights. He knew she was serious about it; he just didn’t know why it was taking so long to call him. Not that he was worried, Thomas was sure that Y/N was probably eating out with her parents or something.
Though he couldn’t help but feel a weird ache in his chest, but shrugging it off, he grinned at the small ‘ping’ coming from his phone. Indicating he had a message.
“Fucking finally babyg...” but he stopped muttering to himself when he saw it was Alexander. Seeing the messages, Thomas felt like all the air from his lungs left and he couldn’t breathe.
Jumping up from his bed and rushing to pull his sneakers, coat, gloves and hat. Thomas rushed from his room.
“Son, where’s the fire?” his dad chuckled from the living room, seeing his son in a hurry. But the laughter died when he saw Thomas close to tears. “Thomas? What happened?”
“I… I don’t know. She was just talking to me… now she’s in the hospital.” He said and looked from his mom to his dad and the two quickly got ready as well. Knowing that Alexander would be alone in the hospital waiting room.
“Give us a few minutes, we’ll go with you.” His mom said softly and pressed a kiss to his head and went to put on proper clothes.
Soon the Jefferson’s left their house and made it to the hospital in under 20 minutes due to the roads being fairly empty.
Once at the hospital, Thomas already knowing where to go thanks to John Laurens who messaged him where they were. They arrived and saw the waiting room already filled.
Lafayette with Adrienne and his uncle and aunt. George and Martha Washington. Hercules with his girl Meg, Alexander with John and when they saw Thomas, Lafayette was the first one to reach the boy. Who hadn’t been able to cry properly. His mind racing with what could have happened.
After an hour, a doctor appeared. Everyone waiting holding a cup of coffee thanks to Peter and Jane Jefferson who bought it for all the teenagers.
Alexander was the first one to jump up with John. Thomas wanted to go over and see. But he overheard that they were talking about Alexanders parents. An ache in his chest hearing the words ‘We did everything we could… I’m sorry son.’
“I’m not your… What about… Y/N? How is she?”
At that question, Thomas sat up and watched the doctor.
“She’s still in surgery. As soon as I know more. I’ll come talk to you all.” With that, doctor paid his apologies once more and left. His pager going off and he rushed.
That’s when Thomas felt it, the ache on his neck. Grabbing his phone and using the camera, he gasped. Catching everyone’s attention.
That’s when they all saw it. The mark on his neck, a small almost dainty handprint. But as quickly as it appeared, it was gone.
“What? Did she… did she die for a minute there? Is that what happened?” he asked standing up now panicking. Breaths were uneven and Thomas felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest. He couldn’t stand still. He couldn’t cry. He could only worry about the women he loves.
“I- I can’t lose her. I need her… fuck. She could have done so much better than me. Yet I was blessed to have her as my soulmate… I can’t fucking lose her.” He said and hung his head, squeezing his eyes shut. His shoulders starting to shake and that’s when arms wrapped around him.
Realizing it was Alexander, the two men hugged and cried as they waited news on the girl who was hanging on to her life.
After another hour, another doctor came back over to them. “Any relatives of a Y/N Hamilton?” she asked and looked over everyone. A. Schuyler written on the white coat and Both Alex and Thomas stood up.
She raised an eye at Thomas, only to nod when Alexander explained that the man was Y/N’s soulmate.
“So, I’m guessing you felt that she flatlined. I’m sorry about that.” And with that Thomas went to listen about what was wrong with his girl. “She hit her head against the car window pretty badly, she has stiches on the side of her head, that area is shaved. Her neck is in a brace, nothing broken. Simply cause she suffered whiplash and the brace Is to prevent her from moving her neck and letting it heal.” She sighed. “Her leg, that was broken pretty badly. Practically crushed from being stuck. We were able to put the bone back in place and there are some screws... She’s gonna need treatment once the cast comes off. To help her use her leg again. I hope she wasn’t a dancer. Because, it’s likely she won’t be able to put too much force on it.
“Now… the reason she flatlined was because of a broken rib that caused her to have some trouble breathing. But we got her back and she’s being transferred to the ICU now.” With a sigh, she looked between the two. “Once there, visitors will only be one at a time. Then everyone goes home and returns tomorrow. We can’t have anyone here. We need to keep a close eye on her to make absolute sure we didn’t miss anything.” With that, the doctor informed them she’ll come get them when Y/N was in her room.
Thomas felt like he was going to pass out. How could this even happen? Now Y/N and Alexander were orphans. God, how were they going to tell Y/N about her parents when she wakes up?
Walking away from everyone quickly, Thomas went outside and leaned against the brick wall of the hospital.
With eyes closed, he tried to control his breathing. Which Thomas found to be very difficult to do.
“Thomas?” a soft voice came from beside him and he turned to see John there. “Deep breaths… we don’t want to put you in a room from passing out before seeing Y/N now do we?” the freckled face man smiled sadly.
“How could this happen?” Thomas asked quietly. Almost not hearing his own voice. “We were talking about… about seeing those stupid Christmas lights in the neighborhoods ya’know?” he scoffed. “I wanted to say no, cause we’ve seen them three times before. But I could never say no to her. What Y/N wants; she gets.” He looked down at his hands. Reaching into his jacket pocket, he showed John the small silver ring with a double hearts.
“Was gonna give this to her, promise ring that once we finish college, that we’ll get married and have the perfect life together.” He sniffled. “Now she can’t dance anymore… she’s going to be so broken.”
John looked at the ring in shock. Only to frown and pat Thomas’ shoulder. “If she’s broken, you need to be her rock. She’s gonna need you more than ever now Thomas. She’s gonna mess a LOT of school, physical therapy, no more cheerleading. No more tutoring…” sighing, John frowned. “She… they lost their parents. You gotta be strong, but don’t shut down on your emotions. Ok?” he said and looked over to the door.
Thomas also looking up at someone clearing their throat. “We can go to her room now.” Hercules said to the two and the three men made their way back inside and everyone quietly walked down the corridors to the area where Y/N was laying in the bed in a coma induced sleep. Just so she could recover a little easier.
One by one, Thomas lets the boys go first. It was only right, they knew Y/N for years. He could wait to see her a little.
By the time it was his turn, Alexander stopped him. “There’s… lots of machines. Beeping, tubes attached to her… Her leg… I covered it up with a blanket.” His voice broke and Thomas nodded. “Just thought I’d warn you.”
With that, Thomas walked into Y/N hospital room and he felt like the floor disappeared from beneath him. Seeing Y/N in the bed attached to machines, hell. Alexander tried to warn him and still it was like he was punched in the gut.
Walking over to a chair, he sat down and softly grabbed onto her hand. Behind careful with the needle taped to the back of her hand. Small cuts covered her body, the stiches and small part of the side of her head that was shaved. Her left leg was held up but covered like Alexander promised. The hand without the needle was wrapped in a bandage.
Thomas felt like his throat closed up and he squeezed his eyes shut.
“I can’t lose you sweetheart… I’ll be with you with each step of the way. Ok? No matter what. I’m with you. I love you babygirl.”
Kissing her forehead, Thomas left the room after the nurse informed him his time was up. With a promise to visit Y/N every day. Thomas left, giving the guys a ‘bro hug’ they all parted ways.
Alexander going home with John so he wouldn’t be alone, at least until his grandparents arrived to help with funeral arrangements. Parting ways, everyone left the hospital with heavy hearts.
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                                                                                                    Next Chapter
*goes into hiding, shouts from under the bed* please tell me if there are any mistakes! This was a rollercoaster to write. omg.
Don’t forget to Like, Reblog and send Feedback! My asks are also opened and so is my IM! 
Much love from me to you!!  ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)
Taglist: @namethathasnotbeentaken @i-know-i-can @randomhunam @yes-i-know-im-weird @thebitchiestnerdtowalktheearth @exquisite-dreamers @ballerinafairyprincess @thefandomgirl03 @criminallyhamilton @1elysium @slytherinssssnake @youtxbemusic @i-honestly-dont-know-anymore @sabbrriiinnaa @yes-i-know-im-weird-blog @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon @wtfevenismypage @cubedtriangle @a-hopeless-fan @namelesslosers @ryjo-92 @lunariasilver​  
(please tell me if i got your username wrong! some of you i can’t seem to tag :/ )
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thatesqcrush · 5 years
The Christmas Date
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Rafael Barba x Reader.
CW: NSFW - it’s about to get smutty y’all.
AN: Prompt #15 (Red & White) from the @thefanficfaerie Christmas OTP challenge.
Tags: @madpanda75 @ottosuricato @dreila03 @sass-and-suspenders @theenchantedgalleryofstories @glimmerglittergirl @melsquared79 @mommakat32 @garturbo @southern-magnolia @niyashell @tropes-and-tales @imjustreallynosy @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @sweetsummertime99 @evee87 @scarletsoldierrr @cesarofangirl78 @zoeykaytesmom @redlipstickandplaid @kscarlett1
The instructions from Rafael were simple enough: Wear something fancy and pack an overnight bag for a weekend - pack warmly.
You finished packing the last of your toiletries in your small duffel bag before moving on to slip on a pair of white heels. You wore a red open back jumpsuit, that also had a deep neck in the front which showed off your décolletage. Your hair, which was normally up, was loose and delicate white marbled resin hoop earrings hung off your ears.
You spritzed some perfume on your wrist and rubbed it against your other wrist. You carefully applied your lipstick, which Your makeup was muted, save for a bold lip which complimented your dress.
There was a staccato knock on the door and you knew it was Rafael. You gave yourself a once over and approved of your appearance. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as you approached the door and nervous energy coursed through you.
You opened the door to find Rafael there. Though he wore a caramel coat, it was open. He wore dark charcoal suit, outfitted with a red tie adorned with tiny white snowflakes. Rafael let out a low whistle when he saw you.
“Y/N - you are stunning,” he complimented. You preened in response. “And I like what you did with your door.” Your door was decorated with silver and gold snowflakes, cutouts of a holiday village and a big green wreath with a red and white bow.
“Thank you. Do you want to come in or do we have to go?”
“We have to go - do you have your bag? I have a car waiting.”
You nodded and took a few steps just to grab it. You lifted it proudly and Rafael took the duffle from your hand and opened his arm, so you could link into his.
“Rafael when you said you wanted to wine and dine me, you weren’t kidding,” you exclaimed in a near-whisper as you waited to be seated at Rolf, a snug German restaurant and bar known for its elaborate Christmas decorations.
Rafael pecked a kiss on your cheek. “Merry early Christmas. I have much more up my sleeve,” he purred in your ear. His hand rested on the small of your back, as the two of you were led to a table. You looked at him and cocked your brow. Rafael winked in response and you blushed.
“Flat or sparkling?” asked a waiter.
“Sparkling please,” you requested.
“I know I said it already, but you look beautiful,” Rafael gushed, reaching over to take your hand into his.
You flushed pink. “Thank you. You look quite handsome yourself. I like the Windsor knot. Very classy.”
It was Rafael’s turn to raise a brow.
“You know knots?” He asked as he took a sip of water.
You nodded. “My brother was always messing with his ties in school. I had to constantly fix them.”
“Reminds me of when I was little and in Catholic School. If my tie was an inch out of place, Sister Maria would give me a demerit. And if I got a demerit, my father...” Rafael gritted the last part and unconsciously, balled his hand into a fist. You reached across and grabbed Rafael’s fist, breaking him out of his unhappy memory.
“Hey. Are you okay? I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to—“
Rafael blinked rapidly. “I should be the one apologizing,” he began, but you held up a hand shaking your head.
“Don’t. And if you want to talk about it, I’m here and if you don’t, that’s okay too.”
Rafael squeezes your hand. “Let’s discuss something else then.”
From there, the conversation flowed more easily, on more lighter topics as you two dined on roast duck, stewed kale, chicken schnitzel and potato cakes. You both washed the cozy comfort food down with hefeweizens.
Rafael was detailing a recent win when he noticed your foot was slowly climbing up his pant leg. You settled at the apex of legs, and slowly rubbed. Rafael coughed and shifted.
You cocked your brow once more, as you took a swig of your beer. The waiter approached once more. “Can I interest you in dessert?”
You shook your head no, and Rafael requested the check. “I’m interested in a totally different dessert,” you purred into Rafael’s ear.
Rafael turned you to face him. “I was hoping you’d say something of the sort.”
“Where are we headed to now?” you asked, as you climbed back into the car.
“It’s a surprise,” Rafael replied.
Twenty minutes later, you were at your destination: The Peninsula Hotel. Gold reindeers and red holly berries flanked the awning over the entrance. Multiple Christmas trees adorned the lobby. It was lavish and over the top. The suite was equally as lavish and opulent. Decorated tastefully in cerulean blue and ivory, the room had Art Deco features and stylish modern furniture. A large lacquered TV cabinet was set in one corner, a fluffy California king-size bed on the opposite side. The suite was large, with big windows which you knew would provide ample light during the day.
“Oh Raf, this is just magical!” you exclaimed, walking in.
Rafael pulled you close to him. He pushed your hair from your face, his soft fingers tracing down your cheek. He studied you intently, as if he were trying to memorize all of your features.
“It’s all for you,” he murmured before dipping his head to capture your lips with his. You sighed into the kiss, fervently kissing him back. Your tongue traced his bottom lip, seeking entrance to which he happily obliged. Rafael’s hands moved to the slope of your waist, drawing you even closer and instinctively you wrapped your arms around his neck. Large warm hands moved to your derrière, cupping and squeezing as your tongues battled against one another’s. You were flushed, and felt warm all over, especially at the core.
Rafael could sense he was quickly going into overdrive and he hesitantly broke the kiss, in a desperate attempt to regain his composure. You whined at the lost contact.
“Paciencia,” Rafael rumbled, low. He scanned the room and found the bar cart. “Can I get you something to drink?”
You shook your head. You noticed the room had a grand piano off to the side. As Rafael poured himself a drink, you sat at the bench. You cracked your hands before years of training settled over you. You sat straight and you gently caressed the keys. As the beginning notes of Liszt’s Liebestraum No.3 began to fill the room, Rafael turned around in stunned silence.
You swayed with the tune, your eyes closed and head bowed down as you concentrated. It had been awhile since you touched a piano but it was almost second nature.
You felt the bench dip with Rafael’s weight and he sat next to you, as you continued to play. After a minute or two had passed, you stopped playing and turned to Rafael.
“Please don’t stop playing on my account. That was beautiful.”
You turned to Rafael and pressed a small kiss on his lips. You hummed in appreciation. “Thank you.”
Rafael took the opportunity to return your kiss. The kiss quickly intensified, the two of you pawing at each other. You made quick work of removing his jacket, pushing it off his shoulders. You ran your hands up and down his arms, feeling the the solid muscles underneath your touch. Rafael’s kisses moved to the slope of your neck, causing you to shiver. Slowly you both stood, continuing to work at each other’s clothes. The two of you crashed against the piano, which let out a groan of cacophonous sounds.
Rafael’s hands trailed up your sides, to the soft swell of your breasts. You sighed contentedly into his touch as he cupped and squeezed.
You broke the kiss, so you could remove the straps of the jumpsuit, before hooking your thumbs into the waist, and pushing it down to let it pool at your feet. You were naked save for the white lace panties you wore. Rafael took your form in; his eyes were dark, and full of lust. He could feel his cock twitch in response. Wantonly, he rubbed himself through his pants.
You smirked and coquettishly bit your lip, before sinking to your knees. As Rafael removes his shirt and tie, you undid his belt and pants, pushing them down. You palmed his erection though his boxers, enjoying the groan that he emitted. You helped Rafael remove his boxers, and licked your lips at the sight before you. You could feel your desire dripping between your legs.
You ran your tongue over his length before taking him fully into your mouth. His cock felt heavy in your mouth. You could taste the salty pre-cum that leaked from the tip.
“Oh God, yes,” Rafael hissed. You sucked on the head of his cock before flicking your tongue at the spot where the head met the shaft. As you sucked Rafael’s cock, you feel your panties dampen more. It turned you on to suck his cock. You used a free hand to jerk him while you sucked and slobbered all over his cock.
You hummed and rubbed your hands up and down the inside of Rafael’s thighs. You scraped your nails gently on his thighs and you felt him twitch in your mouth. The sounds of your mouth slobbering all over his cock drove Rafael crazy.
“Mmmm,” you hummed, sending vibrations up and through Rafael’s body. Rafael tangled a hand into your hair, gripping your head tightly, guiding your movements on his cock.
You pulled away, a strand of saliva connected you to him and Rafael almost came alone at the erotic sight. You ran your hands along his thighs and then to his buttocks, gripping tightly. You relaxed your jaw to take him deeper.
Rafael’s thrusts became more erratic and you knew he was close to coming. Pulling him out of your mouth completely, you ducked your head to lick and suck at his balls gently. Rafael hissed and threw his head back, willing himself to not come - he was dangerously close. Stepping back, Rafael pulled you up and kissed you so hard you were positive your lips would be bruised. His hands cupped your buttocks, and he lifted you, laying you gently on the piano. One hand held you in place, while the other palmed the course of your body. Your nipples were hardened peaks - every fiber of your body was on fire. You could almost hear the erotic charge cracking in the room.
Rafael paused his movement right at your lower belly. Gently, he spread your legs. His breath was warm against your soaking cunt, and you were desperate to relieve the aching in between your legs. He cupped your clothed pussy with his palm. “You’re so wet,” Rafael noted, a pleased lilt in his voice. He pushed your panties to the side and slipped a finger in. You sighed in relief at the feeling of his finger stroke you.
“All for you Rafael,” you mewled.
Rafael slipped another finger inside of you, his tempo quickening.
“Is that what you like?”’ he asked huskily. “My fingers fucking you?”
“Yes,” you cried out, feeling your orgasm quickly build. Rafael chuckled low, before removing his fingers. “Or maybe you will like my tongue?”
You whined at the lost contact. Just as you were about to reply, his lips and tongue were on your most intimate parts, sucking, licking and swirling.
“Oh fuck,” you groaned, your back arching at the sensation. Rafael’s tongue lapped one long hard strip from your opening up to your clit, the wet, warm muscle circling your bundle of nerves before his lips closed around it. Rafael worked your orgasm alternating with his mouth and fingers.
You groaned, murmuring Rafael’s name with praise. You grabbed at your own flesh, pinching and tugging on your nipples, as you felt your orgasm begin to build.
Rafael paused his actions to take a breath. He looked at you and the sight was his near undoing: your wrecked face, your quivering body was flushed pink, and your breathing was shallow, uneven. He continued to finger fuck you, at one point scissoring his fingers. With the other hand free, he jerked himself, in an attempt to give himself some relief from his own ache, which was throbbing.
“Fuck me, please,” you begged, nearly sobbing. Rafael used the pad of his thumb to rub your swollen pink nub.
“Oh I will, cariño. First I want you to come for me,” he commanded with a grunt.
Your body commanded his request. You wailed his name as you fell apart, your pussy clenching over his fingers.
Slowly, Rafael removed his fingers. His cock was angry, red and weeping. Helping you off the piano, he kept you steady as your legs felt wobbly, as if they were made from jello. You kissed him once more, your lip nipping and tugging at his bottom lip. There was an large, arm-less over-sized chair off to the side of the piano and you sat Rafael down onto it. Rafael helped you climb onto his lap, and reaching down, you pulled your panties to the side and guided him into you.
“You sit back now; I’ll take care of you,” you cooed into his ear.
Rafael groaned into your neck as you sunk onto his cock. His cock fit you perfectly and you felt delightfully full; the stretch of his girth was delicious. Rafael had one hand on your hips, the other one you breast, pinching your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Your hands were on his shoulders, as you bounced on his cock. Rafael met you thrust for thrust.
“Fuck, you feel so good around my cock,” Rafael groaned.
The sounds of skin on skin and moaning from the two of you filled the room.
“Oh God, Rafael - I think I am going to —“ the words were caught in your throat.
“That’s it sweetheart. Cum on this cock, cream for me baby,” Rafael grunted, continuing to fuck into you with every ounce of his being. Beads of sweat dropped off the two of you.
“Don’t stop,” you gasped, your head lolling forward to rest against his.
“Never.” Rafael scooted forward so he was on the edge of the chair. He started to fuck you hard and fast. He was relentless, pounding you deeply; you were certain you would feel it the next day. You felt yourself clench around him, your orgasm exploding. You cried out Rafael’s name and squeezed your eyes so hard, you saw stars.
Watching you come completely undone was Rafael’s own undoing and he came with a roar, your name spilling from his lips as he came inside of you. Rafael coming made you come again once more; the walls of your pussy clenched around him tightly, milking his release.
You collapsed against Rafael, and he collapsed against the chair backing. You were both a sweaty tangle of arms and legs.
After a few minutes, you pressed a chaste kiss on Rafael’s cheek before peeling your sweaty self off of him. “Come on,” you outstretched your hand.
You made your way to the fluffy bed and climbed in, Rafael following suit. “Tonight was wonderful. Thank you,” you murmured sleepily.
“Rest cariño - I have more in store,” Rafael replied, holding you close. Snuggling up against Rafael, it wasn’t long before you both fell asleep, wrapped around each other.
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mayascherub · 5 years
WARNINGS: mostly angsty, but a littleeee 18+ :)
thanks too: @openheart12 @junggoku @sekizincimektup
*btw sry if there are any grammar mistakes etc. englsih is not my first language!*
Ethan had planned his day thoroughly, knowing the time he got off the job, planning to go to Whole Foods, already had made a shopping list, so he didn't have to spend too much time in the public. Of course dreading the fact, that he always ran into several of his colleagues and interns. 
He enjoyed planning, and enjoyed that Naveen had suggested that they ate dinner together once a week. It felt nice, catching up on their personal lives, instead of discussing cases like they always did. Today it was Ethan’s turn to cook.
7:01 pm. 
Exactly 59 minutes before i have to leave Ethan thought, looking up from his silver watch as he was strolling down the halls of Edenbrook. He passed many doctors, brilliant doctors who all admired him. All doctors wanting to stand out, be the first to diagnose a patient, fill the chart with the most correct information - all for nothing.
Ethan already knew which doctor’s work he was most indulged in. Hers. Dr. Valentine. Casey.  
She had wrecked his life, whirled his heart like an uncontrollable tornado - in an insufferable addicting way. Ethan have had girlfriends in the past, but no one like Casey. No one made him feel the way he felt, when he saw Casey’s eyes sparkle with joy at him. 
The warmth from her body he was addicted to feel, when she showed him a patient’s chart. Having to clench his jaw, not to embrace her. To feel her.  
“Why do you have that smirk plastered on?” Casey playfully said, when Ethan passed by her in the hall.
“I-” He looked at her, almost scared that she had read his mind. “I just-”
“Did you yell at an intern? I know it makes you happy to crash dreams” she took a step towards him, crossing her arms and smiling mischievously.
“Very funny, Rookie” he said, trying not to stare at her “I am having dinner with Navee-” he stopped himself, as he noticed the other doctors around them. “..with Dr. Banerji. In less than an hour”
“Oooh. That sounds nice” she took a strand of hair behind her ear. “I guess he will be the one cooking?” 
“No, today is my day.. so far he is the only one who have cooked, so i-” he stopped himself as he noticed Casey giggling. “What is so funny, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“It’s just.. you cooking?” she bursted out laughing “I mean.. no offense”
“It is kinda hard not to.. you are insulting my cooking skills immensely” a small smirk creeped on his lips. “I guess.. i never considered it” 
“Well it’s your lucky day, Dr. Ramsey” she put her hands behind her back “i am very good at cooking, and i’ll get off in and hour as well” Ethan considered her words.
“Meet me in the parking lot at 8:15 sharp” he continued his walk, looking back to see a huge grin on her face.
Casey had to stay in the car while Ethan went shopping, since they surely would run into fellow Edenbrook doctors. And they would start all sorts of rumours. 
Ethan usually wouldn’t care, but he knew Casey did. 
She didn't deserve to be so hard-working, only for people to think she slept with her boss to earn her place on the diagnostics team. 
The drive was surprisingly awkward. Just an hour ago they communicated like school girls, now it just felt too real. 
She was going to his apartment for the first time in more than 2 months. When he left Boston and went to the Amazon he promised himself to let her go.
To let go of his feelings for her, and never set a foot into her apartment, or let her into his again. But here they are. In front of his place, ready to ruin his promises to himself. 
Ethan pulled his key out, only to notice that his door was already open. “What..”
“Has there been a robbery?” Casey said, looking worried at Ethan. Only for the song “Afterglow” being played from his living room, inside.“Taylor Swift? What is happeni-”
“Naveen” Ethan shook his head, but clearly delighted by his mentor. “He has a spare key” Casey looked stunned at him.
“Well i know that! But.. NAVEEN IS A TAYLOR SWIFT STAN?” Ethan chuckled at her comment.
“I am.. so mind blown right now.. an old doctor.. listens to- oh god. I am so happy i decided to come tonight” 
Ethan opened the door, and quickly put the bags of groceries in the kitchen, where he met Naveen, sitting on a barstool at the kitchen island. Humming silently to the lyrics of the song.
“Good to see you, son. I am.. er.. very excited for dinner” Naveen said plaufully, clearly making a joke about Ethan’s cooking abilities. Am i really that bad? Ethan thought, but before he could answer, Casey walked up behind him.
“And now you should be even more. I was assigned to help Ethan” She patted Ethan friendly on his shoulder, letting a huge grin out. Naveen looked surprised at her arrival, yet happy to see her.
“What a lovely surprise, Casey!” Naveen took a long pleasant stare at her, and then at Ethan. 
“What is it?” Ethan said, knowing Naveen had his mind on something. 
“Well i am just surprised the two of you are dating without telling me first” Naveen scooped down from the stool, and went to the livingroom to turn off the Taylor Swift music and returned to them, finding them glaring at him uncomfortably. Casey had retreated her hand from Ethan’s shoulder, standing frozen. 
“Ah kids, that was simply a joke” he laughed loudly, holding a hand on his stomach. 
“You should see your faces!” He started unpacking the grocery bags.
“I- Naveen?” Ethan turned around to Naveen, a bright red color spreading on his cheeks. 
“Ahem. Well, should we all cook together?” he said, looking shyly at Casey, who clearly still were stunned by Naveen’s comment. 
“Yes. Yes I uh- yes. Dr. Ra- Eth- uh.. yes” Casey stumbled on her sentence, although it filled Ethan’s stomach with butterflies, pleased with her equal feelings for him. They both felt like little school children, getting caught by their teacher. 
They all started cutting out veggies and meat, as Naveen and Casey tried to learn Ethan how to roast chicken properly - ending in Casey taking over, leaving the men to set up the table. 
“You know” Naveen said in a low voice to Ethan, so Casey couldn't hear him “It wasn’t all a joke”
Ethan almost tripped, as he was holding three plates. He quickly balanced himself again, his face turning red again. 
“It would be.. inappropriate. And unprofessional” 
“So you’ve thought about it, boy?” Naveen smiled brightly, tilting his head to one side.
“I- no i- it was simply a fact, Naveen. You-” Naveen shook his head while maintaining the smile.
“I’ve never met a person who makes you speechless” he said as he returned to check on Casey. 
After dinner Naveen left, giving Ethan an obvious wink as he was hugging Casey. 
“You kids take care” he said, closing the front door behind him. Leaving Casey and Ethan alone together in Ethan’s apartment.
They looked at each other, as they both knew they shared a longingly feeling for them to connect again. Them both knowing they couldn’t, their eyes turning somber in sync.
Ethan cleared his throat. 
“Are your friends waiting for you?” 
“Yeah, i should probably..” 
“Of course” Ethan took her jacket of the hanger, handing it too her, only stopping in mid-air. “Wait you can’t go.. you can’t go home alone.. it's dangerous. And i can’t drive you, i had too many glasses of wine, and-”
“Uber? I can just call an Uber” 
“No. You can’t trust them” he said, trying to look sincere.’You can’t trust them?’ What are you, a conspiracy theorist? He thought, annoyed by his own comment. “You can borrow my car.. or” he leaned against the wall, looking at her with great insecurity. “You can.. stay here for the night”
It felt like the whole world gone silent - two adults clearly having feelings for eachother, both trying to restrict themselves - and then she broke the silence. 
“I would love to” Casey said, eyes smiling as she looked up at him. “And anyways, i would definitely dent your car. I am a terrible driver”
“Oh, i know” he said, smirking as she walked by him from the foyer to the living room. 
She stopped, and turned around to face him.
“So do you have any extra blankets or something?” Ethan almost didn’t hear her words, still being in a trance after her decision. “Ethan? Hellooo?”
“Oh, yeah of course.. but” he scratched the back of his head. “I’ll sleep on the couch, you can take my bed” 
Casey protested, but Ethan convinced her that he usually would fall asleep on the couch with a book - so he was used to it. He showed her the bedroom, both of them pretending that she never had seen it before. She gestured to his closet.
“Do you have any pj’s or old t-shirts or something i can borrow?”
“Yeah” he opened a drawer, and gave her a green t-shirt that said “World's finest doctor” written in pink.
Casey bursted out laughing. 
“Well, well, well Dr. Ramsey” she took the shirt and held it up to him. “Why have i never seen you wearing this?” 
Ethan smiled, enjoyed how much she enjoyed this moment. “It was a gift from Ines.. dont.. mention this to anyone.” 
Casey hugged the fabric, and went into the bathroom to change. She came out, the t-shirt reaching just her upper thigh, exposing a very little amount of her bottom. But for Ethan, it was just enough. He quickly looked away, and crossed his legs to hide his body’s response to her outfit. 
“Very well.. i’ll go to bed now” he said, trying really hard to think about anything else but his desire to share the bed with her.
“Okay, goodnight” she said, well-knowing of the look in his eyes. 
And there he was. Laying on the uncomfortable couch, both regretting his choices for letting her stay - and dreading the fact that he didn’t go further. 
That night he didn’t sleep. His mind was full. And to his own annoyance, jealous of his shirt for being so close with her. Absorbing her smell.
Of course he was planning to wash it the next day. Of course! But could he really get himself to do it? 
He knew that they had crossed a boundary. But now.. They could never go back. We will make it work. And he knew they would. Because his eagerness for her presence would only grow stronger.  
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pkg4mumtown · 5 years
Waiting for Love (request)
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Summary: See photo
A/N: I’m low key in love with Keanu’s short hair and leather jacket combo from a few years back, so forgive me ahead of time. I left some room to continue this just in case because I kinda fell in love with it, even if it took me forever to get rolling. Might be boring but I’m taking it slow for once, okay? (lol)
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Warning: Extreme adorable-ness from Keanu. Slow burn., female reader
I groaned as my alarm blared, telling me to get my ass up and ready for one of the biggest art shows I’ve ever done. It wasn’t big in terms of the quantity of work I was presenting, but big in the sense that this was a more ‘esteemed’ show. Not to mention, the other artists showing their work had been established longer than I have. I befriended one of the artists, Becca, while setting up for this show. She took me under her wing and helped me get over my fears of today, as she had done this show a few times before.
“Y/N, you can’t freak out too much. You deserve to be in this show. Some of the people attending this are just rich assholes who’ll be drunk and staring at pieces, so don’t be intimidated by them. You’ll know when a fellow creative mind shows up, I promise, some will show up.”
You can say I was overjoyed when I found out her exhibition would be next to mine but separated by dividers like everyone was. Something about having someone familiar around eased my nerves slightly.
I reluctantly got out of bed, showered, changed, and readied myself face today. I ate something small to hold me over until I could find food at the show, knowing my stomach wouldn’t enjoy being full while nervous. I leant down in front of my cat’s food bowl, shaking it so it filled up. The noise summoned him, the cat rubbing up against my pant leg and leaving a trail of gray fur. I brushed it off as best as I could before scratching his head.
“I’ll be back later, Sage,” I cooed at him, my nerves easing slightly as I watched him push his face into my hand.
I reluctantly got up, straightening the pantsuit I decided to wear. I was nervous enough about the show, I wasn’t going to make it worse by wearing a dress and fighting with it all day. I got an Uber to the show, slightly bummed that I couldn’t ride my motorcycle to the show because of my attire but I didn’t want to look like a hot mess when I got there.
I arrived extra early, like all the artists were supposed to so that we could make sure everything was in order. I killed time by sitting at the small table in my exhibit, where we had business cards and other takeaways set up. As I scrolled through my phone, I heard the soft click of heels as Becca rounded the divider and entered my exhibit. I stood up to greet her, smiling at her bubbly, excited expression.
“Very professional,” she greeted, admiring the pantsuit.
“I didn’t want to sweat through a dress and risk being uncomfortable,” I sighed.
“It wasn’t a knock, Y/N, you wear it well,” she smiled comfortingly. “Is there anyone you know coming to the show?”
“I invited a few family members, but I won’t hold my breath,” I shrugged.
“Well, I have a friend coming that I have to introduce you to. I think your work and his tastes align perfectly,” she stressed with a flash of her hands.
“He, huh?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“Hey, he’s a great guy but I’m taken,” she brought her left hand up to point at her wedding ring. “You could definitely give it a shot, though,” she winked.
“I think I’ll pass,” I blushed.
“You won’t be thinking that when you see him, promise,” Becca laughed behind her hand.
“I’m already not looking forward to it,” I shook my head at her.
“Trust me, I know he’ll love your work. He’s coming by around one I think. If you need food or something, I’ll send my assistant out to get you whatever you need,” she offered, knowing we couldn’t really leave our exhibits and that I didn’t have an assistant.
An hour later, the event opened, and people poured in. I watched these well-dressed people as they passed me, some bouncing aimlessly between exhibits and some following a strict order. I placed myself near the entrance of my exhibit, greeting people as they entered and viewed my work, but the exchange never lasted for more than that. Becca was right, either a lot of these people stared and pretended to enjoy themselves or they simply came for the works more than the artists. I didn’t mind, since I didn’t have to talk much, and the show would still look good for my experience.
Two hours later, I was growing increasingly bored as I had only found one person interested enough in my work to strike up a conversation. While it only lasted about five minutes, it still gave me a bit of confidence that someone had enjoyed themselves. I checked my phone, sighing when I realized I still had six hours left here. I secretly hoped Becca’s friend would be as interested as she said he’d be. I heard low volume screeching from Becca’s exhibit, before realizing it was Becca, herself, making the noise.
“I’m so glad you could make it!” I heard Becca shout excitedly.
“Of course, how could I miss it?” a deep voice responded, which I assumed belonged to her friend.
I tuned out the rest of the conversation to ease my nervousness about meeting this mysterious friend of hers. Her voice pulled me back out of my head again as she increased volume.
“Dude, I have to introduce you to Y/N! You’re gonna love her work!” she told him.
“So, you keep saying, but I haven’t even seen yours yet, Becca,” the voice chuckled.
“Please, Charlie, you know what my art looks like,” she huffed, grabbing his arm and tugging him out of the exhibit.
“I honestly regret telling you that I had a friend who called me Charles,” he sighed.
I had turned around as I heard their footsteps rounding the divider, making myself look busy.
My head shot up as Becca shouted my name. My eyes flicked over her excited face before landing on the tall man next to her. I recognized him immediately. He was dressed simply unlike many people here, donning a well-worn leather jacket, a V-neck t-shirt, jeans, and brown boots. His dark hair was on the short side, but long enough to tell he hadn’t done anything to tame it after taking his helmet off, the one he currently held in his hand. His facial hair was grown enough to look as equally as scruffy as the hair on his head after a run in with the helmet. This was one of the biggest names in Hollywood showing up to a prestigious art show in plain clothes, and he couldn’t look any more endearing. I blushed as I realized I had been silently staring at the pair.
“Keanu,” his face broke out into a shy smile and stuck his hand out, “it’s nice to finally meet you. Becca has been talking about you non-stop for weeks.”
“Y/N,” I responded, shaking his hand. My blush deepened at his words, “It’s uh, it’s an honor to meet you Mr. Reeves.”
“Please, Keanu is perfectly fine,” he corrected.
Yes, he is.
“I’ve gotta get back to my side, so have fun you two,” Becca announced her exit and left.
I cleared my throat as she disappeared, “Um, so, Becca didn’t tell me her friend was famous.”
“Sometimes it’s better that way,” he smiled almost sadly. “Tell me about yourself,” he requested and stepped closer to the hung artwork.
“I think I can tell you that through the art, might make it more interesting,” I answered, motioning him over to the first artwork on the wall.
Keanu squinted as he took the painting in, his eyes flicking over the title, Freedom, and back to the painting. A smile formed on his face, as he deciphered the swift strokes and textured landscape. I nervously wrung my fingers together before speaking.
“The landscape is actually—” I started.
“PCH,” he finished, finally looking back at me. “You ride, don’t you?”
I nodded, “I do. It’s just so freeing and liberating, hence the title.”
“I completely agree,” he agreed, his eyes lighting up as he held his helmet up. “I ride on PCH often when I’m home.”
From there, conversation flowed easily as we made our way through the rest of the works. Keanu insisted on going through every work I displayed, the delight evident on his face. I knew, then, what Becca had meant about knowing when someone genuinely loved your work. After what felt like no time at all, but what was actually almost two hours, we approached the last work I had displayed.
“Ah, yes,” he sighed happily as he took the painting in. “This captures the true essence of our modern society. We are always so concerned with watching the bustling of others from behind all types of barriers. Meanwhile, we sit alone and in silence as our existence becomes meaningless,” he blurted out with his voice filled with mock amazement. A grin appearing on his face and his hand, naturally, came up to hide it from view.
I laughed along with him, “Oh, yea, totally. Exactly what I was going for, Keanu.”
“Or, you know, it’s just a cat staring out of a window,” he chuckled and brought his hands up to gesture to the painting.
“Your interpretation was way better than my intention,” I was smiling so widely that my cheeks burned in embarrassment.
“Nah, I was just joking,” he waved his hand, his smile never fading.
“Art is meant to be interpreted by the viewer, no?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.
“I can’t argue with that,” he nodded, “So, what’s its name? I assume the cat is yours?”
I nodded, “His name is Sage, I rescued him from a kill shelter a few years ago.”
“That’s admirable.”
“It broke my heart to see that he was scheduled to be put down. I had to take him, and he’s been a blessing in my life,” I continued, staring fondly at the painting.
“Do you prefer cats?” he asked curiously.
“I love both cats and dogs, cats just happened to fit my lifestyle better,” I clarified. “You?”
“I think I’m more partial to dogs, but I love both, too,” he answered, his voice cracking slightly as we’d talked for so long.
“Would you like a water?” I offered and pointed to the small table I had been at earlier. I walked slowly over to it as I continued talking, seeing him follow me.
“I can grab us a couple drinks from…” he trailed off as he pointed into the walkways, where every other aisle of exhibits had its own bartender. Unlike a lot of characters he played, his voice and eyes contained hints of emotion.  
I understood what he meant but declined anyway, “These are free,” I nodded my head towards the water, biting back a smile. “Plus, I don’t think the artists are allowed to drink.”
“Right, of course,” he mumbled, his eyes dropping slightly out of embarrassment as I grabbed two water bottles. He didn’t let his body language show it, but his slightly crestfallen expression said enough.
“I’ll let you buy me one later, though,” I spoke cautiously as I handed a bottle to him, hoping I had read the situation correctly. His eyes snapped back up, meeting mine while taking the bottle from me. His fingers brushed mine, sending tingles up my hand and causing me to retract my hand quickly.
“I’d like that,” he answered softly, a blush creeping up to his cheeks but hidden partially by his beard. The corners of his mouth lifted as he brought the bottle to his lips, forcing me to tear my eyes away from the way his lips wrapped around the plastic. “We should ride some time,” he spoke again after pulling the bottle away from his mouth.
My throat hitched at his choice of words, making me cough as I drank my water. Luckily, I didn’t make a fool of myself and spray it everywhere, solving the problem with a simple clearing of my throat.
“Motorcycles. We should ride our motorcycles together, some time,” he clarified, the hint of a smirk from before more prominent now.
“Yea, yea that’d be awesome,” I nodded, flustered that he caught on to the reason I choked.
“Maybe after this?” he gestured to the art around him.
“Uh, it ends at seven, but I’d have to go home and change,” I waved my hand down across the pant suit and heels.
“That’s not a problem, I’ve got time,” he shrugged. “You don’t have to take your stuff down?”
“Nah, the show is on for the whole weekend,” I flapped my hand dismissively at the hung art.
“Well, I’d be happy to take you home afterwards,” he offered.
“No, no I can’t ask you to do that! I can take an Uber home,” I held my hands up, trying to quell any urge he had to help me.
“I mean, you’re not asking; I’m offering. Plus, unlike the Uber…I’m free,” he placed his hand on his chest, looking at me with raised eyebrows. His eyes were playful as he used my earlier excuse against me.
I took a deep breath through my nose, my mouth betraying me and curling into a smile as I released my breath, “Okay.” My voice was softer than intended, but I continued anyway, “I appreciate it, Keanu.”
He laughed, waving his hand at me, “I’m being selfish, honestly.”
“Yea, okay,” I snorted. “You should definitely check out the rest of the show, though. They have Rembrandts over there,” I directed, pointing to the other side of the building.
He feigned hurt, gasping dramatically, “Are you getting rid of me?”
“Yes, actually. There are a lot of great works here, too many to waste all of your time in my little exhibit,” I waved my hand out to the rest of the building.
“Oh, please,” he huffed, now understanding how other people feel when he deflects compliments onto other people. “The art isn’t what’s keeping me here, now.”
My face heated up fast under his gaze, but the blush quickly turned into a deep red out of embarrassment as my stomach growled loudly in the mild silence. My lips retracted into my mouth, hoping that he hadn’t heard it, or that he didn’t think it was something else.
“Hungry?” he questioned, trying to hold back a chuckle but failing.
“I’m fine, really.”
Keanu gave me the sassiest, most done look I’ve ever seen. He snatched my phone off the table, handing it to me, “Unlock it.” I hesitated. “Please,” he urged.
I did as he asked, then felt him slide the phone out of my fingers. I watched him type briefly, then bring the phone to his face and stick his tongue flat out of his mouth. He tapped on the phone again a few times before handing it back to me.
“I’ll go look at everything else, only if you promise to text me whatever you want me to pick up for you,” he stated smugly.
“Fine,” I half-groaned. This man and his kindness were going to be the death of me.
“Excellent,” he laughed, his adorable grin plastering his face again. This time, he didn’t hide his smile behind his hand and I was able to admire it, before he caught on and closed his lips while blushing at the appreciation. “Keep an eye on this for me, yea?” he asked, setting his helmet on the small table.
“Sure,” I nodded, placing my hand on top of the helmet in confirmation.
“Thanks,” he expressed as he moved to place his hand on the helmet, too, but stopped as he felt my hand under his. His hand lingered for a second, but it was withdrawn as he began stepping away, out of the exhibit. “You better text me,” he pointed my way, “or no drinks for you!”
Keanu disappeared around the divider and I heard him speak briefly to Becca. He must have told her about the potential drinks later because she gasped loudly and squealed at whatever he said. I bit my lip, smiling at the thought of what was to come. I hadn’t been out in a while, let alone on a date—if that’s what this even was. I just hoped that I wouldn’t do anything dumb or anything that would be unpleasant to him. I glanced down at my phone, unlocking it and seeing his contact as simply, Keanu, with the ridiculous picture he had taken. My fingers hovered over the screen before finally typing and sending an order.
“You got it,” was his only response before I made myself busy with the people around me.
I slid my phone in my pocket and waited patiently for him to come back, whenever he was done. These next four hours couldn’t go fast enough.
@cuttlefishcatfish @anita-e-taylor @samanthagraceg @futuristic-imbecile @beyondantares
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fanfictionized · 5 years
The Hating Game - Where It All Began (8)
Characters: Lance Tucker x Latina!OFC
Chapter Summary: The Reader has a hard time believing that people - especially Lance- can change. He’s about to prove her wrong...
Warnings: fluff, making out
Words: 3.4k
The Hating Game - Masterlist // Previous Chapter
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Lucy couldn’t stop squirming in her seat, getting home and taking a shower and getting all dressed and ready half an hour before he would come to pick her up.
She sat back in her chair, tugging at the burnt-sienna-colored dress with the low cleavage she had decided to wear (because he deserved that much), a denim jacket bound around her hips in case it’d get cold because she still didn’t know where the heck he’d be taking her and those dark brown, knee-high leather boots so that she wouldn’t be having any trouble with being a lot shorter than him and kiss him more easily-
Oh, but her mind didn’t just stop there, no. She wanted to do so much more than that.
She wanted to fucking destroy him in bed which was weird since he had been suggesting to do the same thing to her pussy ever since the day they met.
And she’d probably not even keep up with her expectations and his because it had been so fucking long. She wanted to cry.
Because she wanted him so fucking much.
Even though she was still just the tiniest bit wary of him, or more clearly, his intentions, she couldn’t believe how intense her lust for him already was.
The reason she had been able to read him like a book was because he had always been a very open one.
Told her unashamedly how much he was into her so there shouldn’t be any fears technically, but that still didn’t keep her anxiety from making her insecure, biting her lips nervously as she looked at herself in the mirror.
She hadn’t overdone it with her makeup, she wouldn’t want to seem desperate or like she gave that much of a shit or that she actually took longer to get ready than she actually did…
Nothing about that really made any sense in her head, but anyways…
There’d be thirty more minutes of waiting before she could walk out into the world and into Lance Tucker’s arms.
Fuck, she wanted to touch those arms again.
Calm your tits, Lucia.
The voice in her head chimed in and strangely it wasn’t her own. Neither was the smug grin she could see in front of her closed eyelids as she took a deep, calming breath.
Before the loud hum of a vehicle’s motor came to a halt in front of their house and pulled her out of her thoughts.
She walked over to the kitchen to spy through the window, seeing the black car from a few nights before standing across the street.
It was dark outside, but not dark enough to hide his silhouette through the windows of his car. Him, smoothing his hair back nervously and thrumming his fingers on the steering wheel.
She giggled when she saw him acting all nervous and it made her believe that it’d somehow make this whole thing easier when she wasn’t the only one fidgeting.
She decided to do a little something to mess with him, ease the tension because she wouldn’t get into the car until it had escaped at least a little.
She dialed his number into her phone. She’s had it for quite a while. Emergency purposes, considering Ana of cause.
The phone rang and she saw him reach for it from his back pocket, staring at the screen for a few seconds until he picked up.
“Hey” His voice was strangely collected, but she smiled through it anyway because she saw his reaction when he heard her voice; grinning silently into the receiver.
“Hi, Lance.”
“You miss me already, darlin’?” He tried to be so cocky and she found it adorable, knowing how excited he sounded as he was talking to her.
“I could ask you the same thing.” She retorted, biting her bottom lip to suppress another giggle “Since you’re parking in front of my house.” She saw his mouth fall open before his head whipped over to the side, searching for her until he spotted her looking at him through the kitchen window, waving at him while his cheeks grew hot.
“Fuck” He whispered and hung up, seeing her laugh and walk away so he got out of the car, straightening the white dress shirt before he crossed the street to get over to her house.
The door opened slowly.
“’M sorry, I thought you wouldn’t notice-” He began before he saw her standing in front of him in her full glory. He stopped halfway to reaching her door and held his breath as he let his gaze wander over her form, drinking it all in.
She looked so fucking stunning. The hair, the dress, the heels…
His dick twitched in those dangerously tight pants.
“I- You…” He started before she cut him off.
“You look handsome.” She smiled as she eyed him as well.
“You do. I mean, you don’t look handsome, you- you’re hot. I mean-” He stammered.
Oh my god, what’s wrong with you?
She walked closer until she closed the space between them to press a kiss to his cheek, halting his actions like she’d just pressed the shut-down-button.
She pulled away with the cutest grin, keeping her hand on the side of his neck and he hoped to god she wouldn’t feel his pulse fluttering underneath her touch.
“Let’s go?” She asked sweetly while all he could do was nod.
“What’re we doing here?” She asked, raising a brow as she looked out the window, eyeing the gym hall from outside.
“I forgot something earlier.” Was his only explanation as he got out of the car, getting around to open the door for her and she could almost swear that he didn’t even have to think about doing so before he’d already done it.
The word ‘Gentleman’ laid on the tip of her tongue before she thought of who she was actually with, smirking at the thought.
“Thanks.” She mumbled, getting out while she walked alongside him.
The gears in her head turned when he saw him fiddling with the keys in his hands, seemingly on edge.
Her grin only widened.
“And why exactly do you need me to come with you…?” She bugged and made him roll his eyes at her for the very first time. He knew he wasn’t kidding anyone, but admittedly, he had never done this sort of thing before.
Something with a moderate amount of thought behind it.
“Just… trust me with this, okay?” He chuckled before pushing the doors open, both of them walking through the office until he had found the light switch in the dark, illuminating part of the hall to reveal a table standing in the middle of the room’s space with two chairs pushed to each side of it and food waiting for… the two of them she realized.
She bit her lip as she turned around, facing his boyish grin when he looked down at her. He seemed so proud of it, she couldn’t hold in her giggle.
“I’m not even sure what I’m supposed to say right now. This is awesome.” She admitted as she walked into the gym, her heels echoing off the high walls and ceiling.
“Right?” He asked excitedly “I fuckin’ aced this.” He drawled and she shook her head.
“Don’t ruin the mood.” She muttered until he sneaked up behind her, pulling out the chair for her to sit on.
“And which one would that be?”
“One where you just take the freaking compliment and don’t act like you’ve invented date ideas.” She raised a challenging brow at him while he sat down across from her.
“Okay, ouch.” He pouted “How ‘bout you fix your attitude, princess?”
She inhaled a sharp breath at the sound of his pet name for her slipping past his lips.
He grinned. She glared back at him.
“How ‘bout you do it for me?”
The risky question had shot out of her before she had even had time to think about it, making her eyes go wide with realization a second later.
He looked equally stunned before he let out a disbelieving laugh.
“Deal, sweetcheeks.” He chuckled darkly, winking at her as he opened two beer bottles.
“But for that you’re gonna have to take me out for a drink first.” He said sarcastically, raising his own bottle.
She scoffed and clinked their glasses together.
“Oh, so this is what then exactly?” She retorted, raising the bottleneck to her smiling lips.
He leaned back in his chair, the cockiness never having left him.
“This is me enjoying the view, darlin’.” He replied before taking a few big gulps, his head leaning back slightly, still maintaining eye contact as he grinned.
“You’re such a pain in my ass, you know that?” And the second she realized it could also have a very different meaning, seeing him inhaling to comment on what she’d just said she blurted out “Don’t even, Tucker. I swear to god- “
To which he only suppressed a laugh and shook his head in embarrassment as if to correct himself or rather his naughty thoughts being the first ones to fill his head.
“Realized it the second you said it.” He chuckled, making a motion as if to zip his mouth shut.
“Seriously, don’t mess this up.” She began, fidgeting in her seat as she was desperately trying to get the rest of the words out.
“I’m really glad I’m here.” She admitted, biting the inside of her cheek as she awaited his reaction and his cocky smirk changed into something softer- something she had only ever seen a few, rare times since she’s met him. Only ever when he was with her.
“Me too.” He smiled brightly and it made her loosen up, smiling back and moving her hair behind her ears.
“So…” She started “What’s on the menu?”
He laughed.
“Only the best pizza in town.” He chuckled, opening the cardboard box to reveal the pepperoni pizza that was laying in front of them.
“Classic. Beer and pizza.” She chuckled.
“If it’s not from Stefano’s I’m going to be very disappointed.” She sighed, smelling the still-warm food.
He scrunched his face up as he looked back at her.
“Girl… the best one’s from that pizzeria down the street.” He stated, making her scoff.
“And I thought you could be trusted when it came to food.” She gasped.
“I’ll make you a deal” He smirked “You don’t like it, we go straight to Stefano’s right the fuck now.” He raised a challenging eyebrow at her.
“Fine” She pursed her lips before taking a slice and taking a bite, chewing for a moment before shrugging.
Lance almost jumped out of his chair outraged, hand gesturing wildly.
“Wh- What’s that ‘meh’? Do you not have any taste buds, woman?” He protested, making her grin as she continued eating. Making him the one lashing out once in a while was fun. She did that while chewing on the piece.
He only realized she was still eating when he was halfway through his clamoring. His mouth fell shut.
“You like it?” He asked, perhaps a little annoyed.
She nodded “It’s good.” She giggled with a full mouth, making him huff.
“But not as good as Stefano’s.” She shrugged after having taken another bite, making him let out a chuckle.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” He muttered as he took a bite out of a slice.
She smiled as she looked at him and perhaps it was a little bit of everything;
The dinner itself in the gym where they first met, the fact that he’d brought pizza and beer instead of steak and wine, the way he looked in that white shirt and how they could joke around and tease each other without making it awkward…
But in that moment she realized that she really liked Lance Tucker.
And that realization didn’t make her shudder like it would’ve a month ago. No.
It rather filled her stomach with an indescribable warmth.
“Hey, uhm…” She began, the two of them already having finished two slices each as she wiped her fingers on the napkin lying next to her.
“I just wanna say that-” She started but as soon as she’d begun to make her confession, he’d shushed her, looking somewhere behind her with eyes wide open and terrified.
“What?” She stopped, turning her head to look over her shoulder.
The light in the room behind the back entrance had switched on, yet she couldn’t see anyone there, assuming that maybe it had been on the entire time.
“Lance?” She turned back to him in confusion, but before she could say anything else he had stood up and grabbed her hand, pulling her from her chair in surprise and walking them both across the gym.
“Hey!” She whined as they stopped in front of the storage room, fiddling with his keys.
“I’m not proud to say this” He began, pushing the door open before pushing her inside, following her into the darkness.
“But we gotta hide.”
“What?” She hissed loudly, the door clicking shut and her eyes took a few seconds to adjust to the little light that shone in through the small window, fresh air pouring into the room along with the brightness from the street lantern, illuminating them just enough to keep them from bumping into the utensils, ladders and shelves.
“I’m so sorry, god-” He muttered, taking her hand into his and stepping between two shelves which sheltered them and prevented anyone who entered the room from seeing the two of them.
“It’s security outside, but the new guy who doesn’t know me and would think we’re here illegally and call the cops on us, it’s- “
He huffed, running a hand through his hair.
“We’re kinda…” He mumbled, looking around the small space “Not allowed to be here right now?” He tried an awkward smile but even in the almost complete darkness he could see that she wasn’t amused, rather shocked and speechless.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” She sighed, holding a hand against her forehead as she closed her eyes in annoyance.
“I wish I were.” He said before a small laugh burst out of him.
“Don’t fucking lie to me Tucker, I swear if-” She started, just as confused as she was frustrated but she couldn’t let out any more of her anger on him before he had pressed a hand against her mouth to shut her up, moving her back against the shelf as his eyes were trained on the door and the light that was pouring in from underneath it, seeing the shadow of the security guys’ feet moving closer until he had stopped right in front of it.
Lucy’s breath came quick and hotly against his hand, staring up at him with big eyes as his gaze was so focused, brows knitting together while his shoulders tensed up.
She barely noticed the sound of the man rattling the door handle from outside to prove that it was truly locked, the pulse of her core thrumming through her entire body, deafening any potential noise that could distract her from looking away from his gorgeous face.
God, he was so fucking hot. And he cared. For her not to get caught, turning his broad back instinctively to shield her from anyone who might waltz through the door and ruin the scenery she was already making out inside her head.
He cared for his little sister. She had never witnessed any man as concerned for her as he had been that night a few days back, clutching the steering wheel as he had raced through the city, risking to lose his license and sanity to get Ana to the hospital and make her feel well again. Even brought her flowers.
Those damn flowers.
She regretted not having put them up in her own room from the beginning, enjoying their smell and let them take her back to better times back when she lived outside the city without all its smog and garbage.
Fuck, she wanted him.
She wanted him so bad.
“I think he’s gone-” He whispered, his gaze softening before he looked down at her, seeing her already dark eyes glinting somehow mischievously, but not smugly like she was about to throw a snarky comment at his head- more like desperately because there was so much lust pooling behind those eyes the sight of it made him forget what he was about to say, looking at her with such wonder and also puzzlement he couldn’t think of anything else but her.
“I, uhm…” He breathed, voice faltering and only then did he realize how closely they were actually pressed together. Against each other.
His hands were resting to each side of her head, having shielded her body with his own somewhat automatically and if he hadn’t lost his ability to speak before, he surely did as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to meet his lips with hers.
His eyes shot wide open, seeing the slight furrow in her brow as she kissed him deeply, her hands holding the sides of his neck while he could only stand there like an imbecile, his brain not quite yet registering and catching up with the information of what the fuck had just happened- was still happening.
But once her hand went into his hair, tangling her fingers through the gel-stiffened strands to make it softer and easier to hold onto, his eyes fell close in an instant, stiff body loosening and sinking into her embrace as his arms immediately wound around her to pull her even closer. There was no way he was gonna fuck something up he’d been waiting to do since the minute he first saw her.
A small moan left her lips when his palm pressed into the small of her back urgently, driving her closer to him and making her arch her back as she opened her mouth for him- his tongue already having slid across her bottom lip to grant him access and so she did with just as much fervor.
Of cause he was battling for dominance, how could he not, but she had no desire to deny him that when he was just so- so- good at it.
You wouldn’t regret a night with me, babe.
His words had floated in her head ever since he’d said them out loud and in that moment, with his hands feeling over the fabric of her dress, moving lower to grab a handful of her ass and making him groan at the feel of it, she suddenly couldn’t wait to make those words come true fast enough.
She jumped up when his hands held onto the backs of her thighs, wrapping her legs around his waist and feeling her calves against his ass which was driving itself forward to rub his denim-clad erection against her dripping core.
His hands just couldn’t stop exploring.
Feeling the swell of her hips and ass underneath his touch was fucking amazing.
But what made his cock really twitch in his pants was running his fingers along her neck, grazing the pulse point to make her inhale a sharp breath before he’d bury them in her hair to tilt her head back and attack her throat with sucks and bites, nibbling and kissing until he’d reached her collarbone, already having her writhing and gasping in his arms.
“Lance…” She moaned and his pelvis involuntarily thrust forward at hearing his name fall from her plump lips so beautifully, his clothed cock rubbing against the thin layer of her panties which were separating him from driving himself inside her.
Her back was bumping into parts of the shelves’ metal behind her, making them rattle and shake until packages were raining down on them, landing on the ground with a dull sound.
Lucy pulled back long enough to break their kiss and gasp for air, making him listen to her as he was trying to catch his breath.
“You wanna… uhm-” He started, stealing her words. She grinned happily before she simply had to interrupt him.
“Your place or mine?”
Taglist: @culturespark
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starlightseb · 6 years
I Couldn't Be More In Love • Ruben Loftus-Cheek
A/N: Requested by the lovely @fuxkingzzle!  This is very loosely based on the song I Couldn’t Be More In Love by The 1975
Words: 2143 Warnings: none apart from the fact that this is EXTREME FLUFF!
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You are meant to hate your ex boyfriends, right? You are meant to blast IDGAF by Dua Lipa, Irreplaceable by Beyoncé and such songs until you are 100 percent over him and never want to see him again.
So why am I sitting next to my ex, in my favourite dress with candles littered across the table and my favourite meal in front of me?
Earlier that day
"Are you sure I look alright?" I asked Ruben for reassurance as I did a quick twirl, showing off my dress.
"Yeah, you look great." Ruben looked me over, causing me to clear my throat and divert his attention back to my face. It looked like he had been hit by a tonne of bricks. "When are you meeting him?"
I had a date night arranged with a friend of a friend, set up by one of my closest friends who claimed that this guy was "the perfect guy" for me. I wasn't too sure about the whole situation, but considering the fact that Ruben and I had broken up over a year ago and I hadn't been on a date since, I had decided there would be no harm in meeting new guys now.
Plus, Ruben and I had basically secured our relationship as friends these past months. With him back at Chelsea and me now graduated from University, we were now able to spend time with each other again. Time for the feelings once hidden away to resurface yet again. I had basically accepted that we were never get back to what we were before: two lovesick teenagers, joint at the hip and in a stable relationship.
"10 minutes or so." I answered casually, quickly checking my make up in the pocket mirror.
"Do you want me to drive you there?" He offered, twirling his car keys around his index finger.
"Yeah, that would be useful actually. If you don't mind?"
"You know I'm always here to help."
His words and his smile caused my stomach to twist and turn, that fuzzy feeling rising up. I try to ignore it as I tuck a piece of stray hair behind my ear and break the eye contact between us, my voice light and airy as I speak.
I said 10 minutes, but it ended up being nearer 20 minutes until I was making my way out of the house with a new colour of lipstick covering my lips. I decided that red was too bold for a casual first date. I ensured that the front door was locked before stuffing my house keys into my handbag and made my way to Ruben's car, parked in the drive.
As I opened the passenger door, Ruben's head shot up and the small smile that he had etched on his face remained as he looked up at me as I took my seat in his car.
"What instagram model are you DMing now?" I sarcastically asked, turning around to reach for my seatbelt.
"You have such low standards of me." I heard him laugh as he put his phone down and started the ignition.
"Well if you are smiling like an idiot at your phone like that, it can only mean one thing." -
"Excuse me," I raised my voice to get the attention of the waiter as he passed. "Did anyone show up for this reservation before I arrived?"
It had been half an hour since I arrived at the restaurant, expecting my date to already be there considering the fact that I was fashionably late already. However, I was met with a vacant table, which has been my only company for the past 30 minutes.
a) I had been stood up, which is just the most embarrassing thing as I sat amongst all the other couples who kept staring oddly at me.
or b) He thought I stood him up and only waited 5 minutes over the time we said to meet before rushing off again.
For the state of my self-confidence and self-esteem, I hoped it was option b. However, deep down I knew it would be option a.
"No, I don't think so. Sorry." The waiter said in a rush, but did not fail to give me a sympathetic look before rushing to a table across the restaurant. With that, I had enough of waiting and decided to get a taxi back home.
I was hardly through the door when my phone began to buzz and a familiar name popped up on my screen: Ruben. Hesitantly, I answered the call.
"Hey, how did it go? It seemed really quick?"
"How did you know that I'm back??"
"Snapchat maps, babe."
"Because that isn't creepy..."
"I was just making sure you weren't going to get kidnapped or something. You know, stranger danger?"
"Well you don't need to worry about that. He didn't even show up."
"He didn't??"
"Nope. No one."
"Yeah, but whatever. I'm just going to get changed into my pyjamas and watch some Netflix, I prefer that anyway."
"I mean no, don't ruin all the hard work you put into yourself tonight because of a dickhead. Come over to mine, we can watch some films."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, of course. You'll be over in 30?"
"See you then."
As soon as I stepped into the lounge of Ruben's house, my heart felt like sinking to the bottom of my chest. The lights were turned off and there was nothing giving light apart from the candles and the TV screen, already open on Netflix. Blankets covered the sofa and there was a strong, endearing smell coming from the kitchen. I placed my jacket over the sofa before strolling slowly into the kitchen to find Ruben dressed slightly smarter than before and fussing over a pan, stirring it with a wooden spoon.
"Ruben?" I raised my voice to get his attention, causing him to jump and turn around to face me.
"You're here!" he exclaimed before awkwardly smiling and turning back to the pan.
"What you making?" I asked, curious as I approached him, peeking over his shoulder.
"Pasta. That is your favourite, right?" He turned his head slightly to look at me. I nodded in response and bit my lip in an attempt to hide the smile threatening to make its way onto my face.
I picked up the fork and plunged it into the pan of pasta to pick out a piece to test it. Ruben watched carefully as I blew gently on it and took a bite.
"Mmm perfect." I mumbled before repeating the process but this time offering the piece to Ruben who hesitantly leaned forward and ate the pasta off of the fork I still held in my hand.
"Yeah, that is quite nice." he nodded in agreement, turning the hob off and getting out the plates. I stood back and watched him serve up the pasta with care, my heart fluttering at the sight. Do friends do this for each other?
"Parmesan?" he offered, holding up the tube of parmesan with a smile.
"Duh, of course." I laughed, watching as he was overly generous with the amount of parmesan he put on my pasta, knowing my love for the cheese.
"You can go and sit down in the lounge, I will be through with the pasta in a second." Ruben gestured towards the direction of the lounge. I nodded and slowly walked through to the lounge, taking my shoes off and making myself comfortable on the sofa. When I brought the blankets up to my face, I was overwhelmed with a familiar smell, indicating that these blankets were from his bed.
"For my lady." He finally walked through, a smile on his face as he presented me with the plate full of pasta. I smiled generously at him before he walked away again to get his plate. For the short time he was in the kitchen again, my hand went crazy over his words 'my lady' and that tingling, fuzzy feeling returned in my stomach.
I waited until he was back with his plate and sitting down comfortably beside me before I started to eat away at the pasta. He passed me the remote for the TV and nodded for me to choose whatever I wanted, which he instantly regretted with a groan as I pressed play on 'Pride and Prejudice', a favourite of mine and an annoyance to Ruben.
"Well you let me pick." I winked at him before returning to my pasta.
Soon, the end credits appeared on screen and empty plates and glasses covered the coffee table in front of us. I found myself snuggled into Ruben's side, his arm firm around my waist as my eyes began to get increasingly heavy and watery with tiredness. I unwillingly broke free of his grip as I stretched and let out a small yawn before turning to face Ruben, who looked equally tired, his eyes looking into mine before glancing down towards my changed outfit.
Half way through the film, my dress was getting increasingly uncomfortable with the amount of food I consumed. Ruben suggested that I help myself to his wardrobe, to find something more comfy and cozy to wear. I decided on one of his football shirts and a pair of his sweatpants which seemed to be grabbing his attention an unusual amount throughout the film, every now and then, glances at the back of his shirt on my body to see his name on my back. I decided not to confront him about it.
"Thanks a lot for tonight. Really, you have made my night 100 times better." I thanked him in a sincere tone, a genuine smile on my lips.
"It was what you deserved." Ruben simply shrugged, stretching his own arms out, showing off the muscles in his arms, causing me to bite my lip slightly.
"Well, thank you anyway. I don't know what I would do without you,"  I blurted out, my eyes meeting his as I utter the words. His eyes seemingly sparkling at my words. Scared of the intimate moment, I regretfully change the mood of the conversation. "I'm sure if you do this for the instagram model you were talking to earlier, she will fall head over heals in love with you." I joked, a false laugh escaping out of my mouth.
Ruben's look suddenly turned serious. His eyes narrowed as he reached over to grab his phone. "You want to know what I was smiling 'like an idiot' at in the car?" he didn't give me a chance to answer as he turned his phone around to my face and flicked through the several selfies that I took on his phone when he left it unattended earlier that day. They were all quite embarrassing actually, each of me pulling a different stupid face: tongue out; overdramatic pout; several chins; thumbs up. When he flicked past the one with me over enthusiastically smiling at the camera, he quickly flicked back, looking at it for a moment before showing it to me again.
"That one is my favourite." he chuckled, but by this time I was unable to speak. I could feel my cheeks turning a deep shade of red and by body heating up all over. "That smile is unmatched by any instagram model." he uttered quietly before turning the phone back off again and placing it beside him.
"Ruben... I..." I finally managed to mumble, albeit in the most quiet whisper I could. He looked back at me, our gazes locking. I opened my mouth to speak again but was interrupted as he began to speak again.
"The truth is," he started, nervously biting his lip and rubbing the back of his neck. "It's always been you. Always been you that I want to see in the crowds of my games, cheering me on. Always been you that I want to see smiling last thing at night and first thing in the morning. Always been you that I picture spending the rest of my life with. The reality is, I couldn't be more in love with you."
As his little speech ended, I could feel my heart beating frantically in my chest and my hand instinctively reach out for his, bringing his hand towards my mouth to press a kiss on it.
"You have no idea how difficult it was for me to be apart from you for a year, the only times I saw you was through the TV screen." I admitted as I mumbled into his hand.
"Then, it won't happen again. From now on, it will me you and me." He insisted, gently bringing me towards him again.
"Yeah," I smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek and then his lips. "You and me."
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crownedbyluke · 6 years
Suits and Leather Jackets (Ch. 1)
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Premise: Bryn’s first week at Catch Fire Advertising had been pretty simple, but when the CEO of the company, Luke Hemmings, asks her to dinner, she’s put in a position she’s unsure she wants to be in. With rumors swirling around them and Bryn wanting nothing more than to just be another employee, how long will it take before their bursting into light by each other’s company?
Word Count: 4,300
{Chapter One} {Chapter Two} {Chapter Three} {Chapter Four} {Chapter Five} {Chapter Six} {Chapter Seven} {Chapter Eight} {Chapter Nine} {Chapter Ten} {Chapter Eleven} {Chapter Twelve} {Chapter Thirteen} {Chapter Fourteen} {Chapter Fifteen} {Chapter Sixteen finale}
“You’re Bryn right?” I heard a male voice ask. I looked up to find a man in a suit staring me down. He looked important and that’s when it clicked, my boss.
“Yes sir,” I said quickly, not wanting to make him wait any longer in case he was in a hurry.
“The new intern?” he asked tilting his head to the side in focus.
“Um, I’m the new supervisor actually,” I said. I hoped my voice didn’t sound snarky or like I was talking back.
“Right right. Hazel hired you on to take care of the interns,” he said like it was all coming back to him.
“Correct. Can I help you with anything sir?” I asked, doing my best to not look back at my computer screen, emails constantly popping up.
“Yeah actually you can. I’m Luke,” he said, his name rolling off his tongue like it was supposed to make me swoon at the sound of it.
“Okay. What can I help you with Luke?” I asked, reminding myself not to bite my lip out of nerves. What could he possibly want from me?
“I’m taking you out to dinner tonight at six,” he said confidently, making it a statement and not a question.
“Oh, I-”
“I’ll see you at six,” he said, dropping his left eye into a wink before walking away. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. My boss, the CEO, the head of the entire company, just hit on me and is now taking me to dinner. I looked down, the office attire not being something I would typically wear on a date, but the only option since I wouldn’t be finishing work until five-thirty.
“What was boss man wanting?” Hazel asked walking over to your cubicle.
“Um, he’s taking me to dinner,” I said quietly, not knowing if it was supposed to be a secret or not.
“Wait, the Luke Hemmings, CEO of Catch Fire Advertising, is taking you out to dinner on a date?” she asked, the excitement clear in her voice.
“He didn’t say it was a date,” I said trying to keep my expectations low. I didn’t want to build this up in my head as something so exciting just to have it be a business dinner.
“Honey, he doesn’t go out to dinner with women unless it’s a date,” she said casually. It made me wonder how much she knew about his love life.
“He doesn’t? Not even for like business stuff?” I asked. There had to be another reason for him to be taking me out. He didn’t know me and had only seen me once. It was my first week. I hadn’t seen him mulling about the office until today.
“No. All business stuff happens here. I’ve heard he’s really good in bed though,” she said. My eyes widened.
“Why do you know all this?” I asked, my thoughts starting to move towards him sleeping with any girl in the office.
“His ex spread it all over the place. Tabloids, social media, the office. She was sad about the breakup, but she couldn’t deny how good the sex was,” Hazel said and from her voice, it sounded like she wanted it to be her.
“Gotcha. I’ll make sure I keep things professional then,” I said turning back to my computer, thirteen emails waiting for my response.
“Why would you do that? He’s hot,” she said making me roll my eyes. Was she the ex?
“Because it’s my first week here. I’m not about to make things awkward or jeopardize my job because my boss wants to have dinner,” I said, typing a reply to the one intern asking about spreadsheet approval.
“But he’s hot,” she repeated the fact like it should make me understand.
“And? I’m not here to be eye candy for him. I’m here to do my job,” I said locking my computer and grabbing my phone.
“I know he’s hot. Interns need me. See you later,” I said rushing off down the hall. I knew he was hot, that fact was obvious. I hadn’t seen a man look as good in a suit as he did. Not to mention, his golden curls were styled enough that it made them look like he didn’t even try. The confidence he had around him was something I wasn’t expecting, but should have from the CEO of a million dollar company. I was still surprised by his forwardness, but I had to keep in mind that I didn’t want to be one of those girls that was talked about. No matter how attractive he was, I had to keep my head clear of that.
I was just finishing up when I saw Luke walking towards me.
“Bryn, are you ready?” He asked, his eyes taking in my work clothes.
“Um, almost. I just have to email this intern back about some stuff so it’ll be like maybe five more minutes?” I said glancing over at him before looking back at my computer. I had caught the glimpse of what was a leather jacket, the material perfectly fit to his arms and showing off the muscles that had been hidden from me in the suit from earlier.
“Sure. The interns aren’t causing trouble are they?” he asked, a joking tone to his voice that I wasn’t expecting. I was starting to think that Luke would be surprising me in many ways.
“No. They just have a lot of questions that I don’t mind answering,” I said, my lip slipping between my teeth as I read over her email one more time.
“What questions?” he asked. I couldn’t tell if he was genuinely interested or if he wanted to know the thoughts of his employees.
“It’s usually what type of language should I be using in this proposal or does this spreadsheet look satisfactory. I get the basics too though. What projects have deadlines coming up and will you give approval before this gets sent out?” I said, my fingers flying over the keys while I thought of the best way to answer her.
“I’m so lucky I don’t have to do that then. I’d get annoyed,” he said and I could feel his presence in my space. I saw him from my peripheral sitting on the edge of my desk. It shouldn’t have been attractive, but here was Luke, making sitting on a desk hot.
“They’re not bad, just green,” I said sending the email off and shutting my computer down.
“See, I don’t think I could handle green ever again since I’ve been at this for so long,” he said, a slight arrogance to his voice that made me want to remind him that he was once green too. I refrained though and got up from my chair, grabbing my light jacket that I had brought this morning when it had been raining. I looked over at him, taking in the leather jacket in full this time, the slight red of his shirt peeking out from beneath it, his pants hugging his thighs and his black boots making me wonder how tall he was.
“Do you want to change?” he asked, his eyes now taking in my dress pants, button up and blazer.
“Nope. Why? Is the big boss man not pleased with my work attire?” I asked deciding to tease him for it. I never dressed for anyone but myself and I wouldn’t be starting because he was a bigshot.
“Was just wondering. Follow me,” he said standing up, the height difference minimal due to my heels, yet I knew it would be more without them. I followed behind him, not at all surprised when I saw a black SUV with a driver in it waiting for us outside. I stopped myself from rolling my eyes again. I wasn’t completely sure if he was trying to impress me by flaunting his wealth, but if he was, it wasn’t working. I didn’t care if he was rich. I cared more about his brain, the way he thinks, the reasons behind running his company the way he does. Money was the last thing I wanted to talk about tonight. We pulled up to a small restaurant with an outside seating area that seemed to be cozy. I took Luke’s hand when he helped me out of the car and let it go once I was on my feet. I caught the look of frustration from my actions flicker across his face and had to hold back a small smirk.
“Do you want to sit outside?” he asked, his eyes trained on me.
“Sure. It’s nice enough out tonight,” I said before following after him. He pulled my chair out for me and went to sit across from me.
“Mr. Hemmings. Lovely to see you again,” the waitress, her name tag showing off the word Georgia in scrawly handwriting, said giving Luke a big smile. I didn’t miss the way her eyes trailed over him.
“Good evening. What’s the special tonight?” he asked, not caring that she was looking at him in such a lust-filled way.
“The tenderloin steak with a choice of soup or salad,” she said proudly. I could tell that she had a thing for him and his lack of acknowledgement towards it was making me smile. I wondered if this was a typical thing for him, being checked out or hit on by women just to ignore their advances.
“Sounds fantastic. I’ll have a lemonade with that, steak done medium rare please and a salad with ranch. Bryn?” he asked looking up from his menu at me, expecting me to have an answer prepared. I flushed from being caught staring before looking down at my menu.
“I’ll have the chicken wrap with a side of carrots please and a mint water,” I said handing her my menu. I noticed how she grimaced when I spoke, but paid no mind to it. This wasn’t a date for me.
“Why did you want to work for my company?” Luke asked after there was a pause between the two of us. The question took me by surprise, not expecting him to have questions prepared.
“You’re one of the fastest growing companies in Chicago. You make headlines daily about your stock prices and equal pay. It was an easy job to apply for,” I said with a shrug. I had done some research before I had applied for the supervising position on him and the company. There was a smirk on his face at the mention of the headlines. One Google search of his name or the company name and there were millions of hits that popped up, most being news articles about how great the company was doing or how it was the first company in America to have a growing infrastructure that included equal pay for women in same positions as men.
“You knew about the equal pay?” he asked, seemingly surprised.
“Of course. It’s one of the main reasons I applied,” I said meaning it entirely.
“Wow. I hadn’t realized how many people knew about it,” he said, a glimmer evident in his eyes. I couldn’t tell what emotion it was, but I had a feeling it was pride.
“Why did you institute that policy? If you don’t mind my asking,” I asked. In the economy today, I was taken by complete surprise that a male run company would have such a thing.
“My mum used to struggle with it when I was growing up. Besides, most women do a better job than men anyways. I’d rather be running a company that rewarded such efforts than one that was sexist,” he said. A smile came over his face and I couldn’t help but smile back. He was incredibly intelligent, something I wasn’t expecting based off the articles that were written about just him. They never seemed to paint him as quite the visionary that he was on track to become.
“Why did you start your own company?” I asked wanting to turn the tables on him instead of keeping the focus on me. If Luke wanted me to like him, I needed to know more about him before I would be considering this a date of any kind.
“There needed to be someone out there doing business without anything being considered taboo. The market needed a company that would look out for the smaller businesses that were starting to pop up and represent them, their products, and their employees in a good light. It was time someone stepped up and it just happened to be me,” he said, the pride was evident in his tone. I started thinking about Luke in a different way that wasn’t just my boss or the bigshot CEO, but in the way that he was a person too.
“How’s your first week with us been?” he asked becoming the one to turn the tables. I had to admit though, it was only fair that I let him know a little about me after he was so forthcoming with answers to my questions.
“Good. I’m enjoying it. There hasn’t been a single day that felt like it was the same which is nice,” I said before taking a sip of my water.
“Why did you come to Chicago?” he continued. I laughed a little at the memory of moving to the city.
“I moved here with a guy originally. Yes, I know, pathetic, but I was just newly twenty and madly in love. Once we broke up, I moved into my own place, finished school, and just never left. There’s something about it, the vibe, the way that everyone moves here, I don’t know, just something, that I can’t get away from,” I said, the smile tugging at the corners of my mouth one I hadn’t felt come out in a long time.
“Must have been quite the man to get you to move with him,” Luke commented and I saw the jealousy in his eyes right away. It didn’t make sense for him to be jealous in my head though. We had just met today and I had no idea why he would feel that way about a guy I hadn’t thought about in years.
“He was. I had already been going to school here for two years when he asked,” I said deciding I could share this small part of my life with him. I was hoping it wouldn’t lead to something that meant I was another one of his girls.
“What happened between you two then?” he asked, his bottom lip going between his teeth. I had to admit that seeing him do it was a turn on. There wasn’t a man that made me think that before, but here was Luke proving just how hot it could be.
“He cheated on me. We were together for three years and then one day he decided that some sorority girl with fake boobs was more his speed than me,” I said bluntly. I wasn’t going to hide my past from him because there wasn’t a reason to. I was already a fairly open person and even though Luke was my boss, I didn’t feel the need to keep things from him.
“He was clearly stupid then,” he said before smirking at me. The smirk was growing on me and the more we talked, the more I realized just how much I was starting to like him.
Luke paid for our food despite my attempts to pay for myself. I noticed him staring at me as I felt the night coming to an end.
“What?” I asked tilting my head a bit to convey my confusion. A small smile started to come across his lips at my question before he bit his lip again, my eyes instantly being drawn to stare.
“Bryn, do you want to see what a penthouse apartment looks like?” he asked, my eyes still watching his mouth. I felt a shiver go down my spine when his lips formed my name. I tore my eyes away from his mouth to make eye contact with him. His blue eyes had a hint of mischief in them and his pupils were slightly dilated. I couldn’t deny that I did want to see that, but there was still hesitation on my part. I didn’t want to be another conquest, another notch in his belt and I worried that if I went home with him, I would be just that.
“Are you asking me to go home with you Luke?” I asked trying to remain calm, but my heart was racing. The idea of being at Luke’s apartment was very appealing to me and the other ideas swirling through my head were just as equally appealing.
“Just for a bit. I don’t want this night to be over just yet,” he said and there went his lip again. I held back the groan that I wanted to let out. I debated with myself for a moment before making a decision.
“Okay,” I said with the full confidence that I could keep myself under control if he were to pull anything.
“Let’s go then,” he said getting up and offering his arm. I looked over and saw the SUV at the curb like it had been outside the office. I took his arm, feeling the muscle underneath his jacket sleeve for a moment before focusing on walking again. When we entered the elevator of his apartment complex, I could feel the tension between us, both us wanting something from the other but unsure if it was the same thing. I kept glancing over at him while his eyes remained on the floor count going up and up. I took notice of the little scar on his lip, a remnant of something I didn’t know about yet. A piercing? Maybe a fight? I was intrigued all the same and became acutely aware of how attracted I had become to Luke over the course of the time we had spent together. There was something about him that was making me forget about how I was forcing myself to think this was just a business dinner, not a date. The thoughts running through my head all stopped when he looked over at me, his blue eyes meeting my green ones. It was like time had slowed down while we looked at each other. His tongue came out to wipe across his bottom lip and I knew my eyes watched as he did it. The need for having his lips pressed against mine became very evident to me as I watched his teeth take the same lip between them. I started thinking about what it would be like to have his lips on mine, his teeth biting at my own bottom lip, his hands holding me to him and then the elevator doors opened. I looked away from him, snapping out of my thoughts and being brought back into reality. I followed him into his apartment, immediately taking notice of the windows that overlooked the city. I could see Navy Pier’s ferris wheel from his windows, but there was a sneaking thought that was creeping into my brain about what it would feel like to have my skin pressed against the glass.
“Bryn?” I heard him call, taking my eyes away from the view. His leather jacket was gone now showcasing the red button down, half the buttons undone, he was wearing. My bottom lip found its way between my teeth as I stared at him. He was hot by all standards of the word. There was nothing about him that wasn’t attractive in this moment. His hair was falling in his face, rings glinting against the lights above him, chest showing off the small amount of chest hair he had, muscles practically straining against his shirt and his eyes seeing through me completely.
“Sorry, what?” I asked bringing my attention back to his face. The smirk that was on his face gave away that he had caught me checking him out.
“I asked what you were thinking about,” he said calmly. How was he so collected right now? Here I was wanting to pounce on him and he showed no signs of wanting to do the same.
“Oh, um, you have a great view,” I said nodding back towards his windows. He smiled and walked over to me, a hand brushing against my waist as he went to them.
“The ferris wheel is always the best part of the view. The water too,” he said looking back over to me. It was clear to me then just how badly I wanted him in whatever capacity he was willing to give me. Whether it was just sex or an actual relationship, I didn’t care at this point. I wanted, no needed to feel his lips against mine, his skin causing goosebumps against my own, leaving little marks wherever he wanted.
“Yeah, it’s really something,” I said noticing how my breathing had picked up. I needed to leave, to get out of his space before it was too late and I became just another girl on his list, but my feet were planted right where they were with no signs of moving towards the door in sight.
“There’s a better view in the bedroom,” he said, his eyebrows raising at his suggestion. He was causing a battle between my head and my body that I didn’t appreciate at this moment. There had never been a man that caused such torment to run through my head at once. Yet, here was Luke doing such things to me that I didn’t think were possible.
“Um, I, maybe, um,” I stuttered causing him to laugh at my lack of words. He didn’t say anything before he took my hand in his, leading me towards his room. My feet went with him, betraying me in the process and soon I was standing in a giant master bedroom with a view of Chicago that took my breath away. Again, I walked towards the windows, taking in every ounce of the view that I could see, the skyscrapers, the lights, the water, the greenery, all of it was beautiful in a way you couldn’t see from a third floor apartment in the city.
“Holy shit,” I breathed, not caring if Luke heard me swear anymore. I was in awe of the sight before me. I turned my head a little to find Luke watching me from beside his bed. His shirt was completely unbuttoned now, hanging loosely from his shoulders, his abs on full display for me. My breath hitched at the sight of him. He was something I had dreamed about once.
“Bryn, come here,” he said quietly, his voice soft but still commanding. My feet carried me until I was standing in front of him. His hands reached out so they were on my hips, his grip firm, but still giving me enough leeway to get out of it if I wanted to.
“Do you know how beautiful you are?” he asked, his thumbs rubbing against the fabric of my shirt. I blushed and looked away from him, unable to full comprehend that he was the one calling me beautiful.
“Now, now,” he said teasingly, his right hand coming up to tilt my chin back up so I was looking at him.
“I didn’t say you could look away yet,” his voice was full of something I wasn’t sure of. Lust? Intrigue? Desire? I couldn’t place it, but it still caused my body to start heating up.
“Luke, I-”
“Shh beautiful, we don’t need to talk about this just yet,” he whispered, his hand moving to cup my cheek. He was going to kiss me and I wanted him to. My brain came out of the haze it was in at the exact moment he was leaning in. I pulled away, taking a couple steps back. Luke’s eyes flew open in surprise at my actions.
“Was this not what you wanted?” he asked. He still had one hand on my waist, but his other hand that had been cupping my cheek was at his side.
“I won’t be another girl in your list of names,” I said finding my voice again. He blinked a couple times in recognition of what I was saying.
“What makes you think that I have a list?” he asked gently pulling me back into him. I moved away from him completely this time, his hand now back by his side.
“Because I’m sure you go around fucking all the girls you think are hot at the office. Hazel mentioned how good you are in bed. I won’t be one,” I said looking towards the door and making my way for it. I could hear him following after me against the hardwood flooring.
“Bryn, I can promise you that I haven’t done anything with Hazel,” he said watching as I grabbed my purse. I didn’t even remember setting it down. I hit the elevator button and it chimed like it was waiting for me to come back to my senses.
“That’s good to know. I’ll remember that the next time she mentions your sex life to me. Goodnight Luke,” I said, hitting the button for the elevator to close. I watched as he went to stop the doors, but it was too late. The elevator started its descent back down to the ground floor. I leaned against the cool wall, the temperature bringing me back to my full state of mind. I stepped out, finding my way to the train station easily. I couldn’t believe that I almost fell into him so easily, almost let myself feel things for him that I wasn’t supposed to be feeling. He was my boss after all and there was always a rule in my head, no work intermingling of any kind. Luke would just have to accept that fact and the small part of me that was falling into him would have to accept it too.
I got this idea at work the other day and after I told the Youngblood Defense Squad about it, they were all for it. So now, I present it to you. This was different for me seeing as I didn’t run it by my usual beta readers and didn’t even really tell anyone about it. I hope you all enjoy it and I can definitely say there’s more for Bryn and Luke ahead. Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list for more!
my tag babes: @thruheavenandhighwater @sweetcherrycal @bbycal @thebookamongmen @cartiercalum @lurhemmings @a-little-international @lu-fakebetch @tommossoccer @5second-slut @irwinsx
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iwonderwhenyousleep · 7 years
Teardrops On My Guitar
Hi! Merry Christmas @queenjmo! I'm your secret santa! This is the first part of my gift for you! I'm so excited to reveal myself so we can fangirl over cs and taylor swift together! This story just kind of popped up in my head and when I went to write it down it kind of took on a life of its own. When we were talking we discovered a mutual love of taylor swift so I wanted to do something with both cs and taylor! I really hope you like it! It actually ended up being very different from what I had intended. So, this was actually based on something that actually happened when I was in high school. I went to an all girls school, and on valentines day my calculus teacher's husband brought her flowers and it was the sweetest thing ever and for some reason I was thinking about it the other day and I thought that it just had to be turned into a Captain Swan AU! So, for the rest of the gift I'm going to post short one shots with references to other taylor songs with as many taylor references as I can get in!
Disclaimer: I do not own anything. If I did, I would probably just put a camera on Colin O'Donoghue, shoot forty minutes of him doing literally anything (preferably shirtless), and put it on TV. I would definitely watch that show.
Emma knew that not one of her students would be paying any attention to her the entire day. She taught literature at an all-girls school and it was the day of the prom. As the girls filed into the classroom, the pieces of conversation Emma caught all centered on the dance: hairstyles, limo pick-up and drop-off times, corsages, after-parties, pictures, the list went on.
Unless she put on a bright red ball gown and asked for hair-style tips, she wasn't even in the running for her students' attention.
Emma was sick of hearing about the stupid dance. It had been the only topic of conversation for the past week and a half. Mostly she was upset by this particular topic because she remembered what she was doing when she should have been going to her own prom. (Stealing a stolen car.)
But, she pushed that thought away. That part of her life was long past her. If only the emotional toll it had taken was completely in the past as well. Sometimes she feared it never fully would be. Of course, on nights when the bad memories kept her awake, she now had someone there to hold her and help her fall asleep through the tears.
As the three-minute warning bell rang out, signaling for students to get into their classroom, Emma realized that the conversation had shifted to another topic of conversation, blessedly free of prom-talk.
"Did you see the guy talking to Ms. Mills outside of the office?" Anne gushed to the girls seated near her desk. "He was so gorgeous! And I think I caught an accent!"
This simple statement had caught the undivided attention of every single person in the room, except Emma. She just chuckled under her breath. Whenever someone with a Y chromosome under the age of forty came within a thirty feet radius of the campus, it was major gossip and all other topics of conversation were quickly forgotten. Emma had thought that prom might overcome that particular quirk of an all-female education, but it would seem this boy was so 'gorgeous,' as Anne had put it, that he out-shined even the prom.
He must really be something, Emma thought with a silent chuckle.
"No way! Spill!" Diane cried with a huge smile and an eagerness only a teenage girl deprived of male contact for eight hours a day, five times a week could have. "What did he look like?"
"Well, I didn't get a great look at him, but he was tall. Maybe six feet. He had black hair and was wearing dark pants and a leather jacket." Anne told her tale with reverence, as if speaking of a deity and her audience was eating it up. "He looked maybe early 30s, not quite. He looked like a movie star!" Cue chorus of giggles.
While Anna lost some of her audience with the mention of his age, she had gained Emma's attention. The description of the man talking to their principal sounded a bit like the man that was in many of the pictures currently on Emma's desk. The bell signaling the start of class interrupted Emma's musings about who this 'movie star' look alike could have been.
"Alright, girls. I know since tonight is prom, your attention is never going to be all on me, so I thought we could just quickly go over the chapters you read for today, and any questions for your final essay which is due by the end of next week."
The already energetic room grew even more animated with this announcement. Julia's hand shot up and Emma called on her. "Ms. Swan, do you know who the handsome man Anne saw was?"
Before she could answer, the door to the classroom swung open and the entire room, minus Emma, gasped. Instead, she simply said, "Killian, what are you doing here?"
"Hello to you too, love." He greeted her in his lilting British accent with a soft chuckle. They walked towards each other until they met halfway between the whiteboard and the door. Killian gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as he always did and the entire class made a collective 'awwwwww.' An involuntary blush colored Emma's cheeks as she pulled away from her husband.
"Does a man need a reason to come see his beautiful wife whenever the need arises?" Emma rolled her eyes at the compliment, as she always did when he complimented her.
He looked around the room at the girls who were looking at him like he was the lead singer of whatever insufferable boy band was popular at the time. A few of the girls tear their gaze away from their teacher's husband to stare at Anne for confirmation that this was the man she saw, and Anne nodded her head furiously in affirmation. At all the attention he was receiving, Killian scratched the back of his ear in a nervous tick that Emma had always found equal parts endearing and adorable. However, she found it rather amusing that her usually cocky husband would blush under the obvious approval of a room of 17 and 18 year old girls.
"It's fine. We didn't have too much planned for today anyway. But are you sure you can take off in the middle of the day like this?" Emma asked, referring to Killian's job as harbormaster of Storybrooke Harbor.
"One of the perks of being your own boss. Plus, not much going on in such a sleepy town." He chuckled. "And I also wanted to give you this." From behind his back, Killian produced a single red rose, the same flower he had bought for their first date (after months of shameless flirting and innuendos). The resulting 'awwwwww' from her class is very loud, causing Killian and Emma to blush further. She was almost furious at him for making her feel this way. "Happy anniversary, Swan." He whispers in her ear so the whole class doesn't hear it.
He was rewarded by a huge smile from Emma, which was something he rarely saw when he first met her, but was becoming more frequent with each day that passed with them together. Emma sniffed the rose, taking in the wonderful scent which always reminded her of their first real date, and set it down on her desk until she could get a vase and some water.
Out of the corner of her eye, Emma caught one of her more outspoken students, Jill, violently raising her hand in the air. Emma took a step back from Killian, as she had unconsciously been stepping closer and closer to him.
"Yes, Jill?" Emma called on her.
"So, this is your husband, Ms. Swan?" Jill asked eagerly and many of the heads in the classroom quickly bob up and down in agreement with the question.
"Aye, that I am." Killian said proudly, making Emma blush harder.
As if to prove that he and Emma were indeed joined in holy matrimony, Killian put his hand up and showed the room his wedding band. Emma's heart did a little flutter whenever she saw that ring. She still couldn't believe that this amazing man had chosen her. She was never the girl anyone chose for anything. But, seeing that ring was a reminder that someone did choose her. And not just anyone. Killian Jones. Killian Jones had chosen her. And she had chosen him.
"Are you chaperoning prom tonight with Ms. Swan?" Another voice piped up, but Emma doesn't quite catch from where, as she was distracted by her musings on the deep meaning her husband's wedding ring held for her.
Killian smiled at the room full of eager eyes. No doubt every single girl was picturing him in a tuxedo, and Emma would be lying if she said she wasn't, too. Although the difference was that Emma actually had seen him in one before. And it was just as good as she had imagined. "I would love to, but Ms. Swan is not a chaperone for tonight's festivities. We have anniversary plans." He shot her a suggestive wink, and she slapped him on the arm. There was a resulting chorus of giggles from the students. Emma would have slapped him harder if this wasn't her senior class, so the majority of the students were over 18.
"Alright, you're going to give my entire class a heart attack if you say anything else." Emma playfully informed him.
His eyebrows shoot skyward as if she had just issued a challenge. But, before Killian can respond with the innuendo that is surely on his lips, Jill speaks up again. "I heard Ms. French is sick, so Ms. Swan is filling in for her at prom."
This was the first Emma was hearing of this. "What?" She was actually quite excited for her and Killian's plans tonight. They were going to have dinner at the restaurant where they had their first date, and then go home and watch a movie. (Or not watch a movie.) It was going to be low key and perfect. The other students nodded their heads in agreement with Jill, and Emma got a sinking feeling in her stomach.
She turned to Killian and said, "Can you watch them for a minute? I'm going to ask Regina if it's true." Killian looked just as nervous about it as she felt, but his nerves were probably amplified by being in the room alone with fifteen hormonal eighteen year old girls. However, he simply nodded his agreement, and the classroom did not miss him checking Emma out as she walked down the hallway.
Ten minutes later, Emma returned with a frustrated expression on her face. She had gone up to the principal's office and Regina confirmed the story. Emma had no choice, since poor Belle had needed an emergency appendectomy and would be in the hospital for another day or two. For her part, Regina had seemed to feel somewhat bad about it, and suggested that she bring Killian along so they could still spend their anniversary together.
While walking back to the classroom, Emma tried to think of ways to get out of it, but came up empty. Both the junior and senior proms were the same night, and it was a miracle that she was able to get out of chaperoning in the first place. (It had required letting Belle borrow her first edition copy of Wuthering Heights that Killian had gotten her for their six month anniversary to agree to do it, as Belle was the librarian and therefore not technically required to chaperone school functions.)
As Emma opened the door and walked into the classroom, Killian was sitting in the front of the classroom, completely absorbed in his conversation with the class. "Yes, but he had the opportunity to kill his uncle when he was praying and he delayed."
"Yes, but then he turned around and killed Polonius ten minutes later! The real root of the tragedy is actually traced back to Polonius's murder, not his delay of his revenge!" Kate responded. Emma hated to break up such a heated academic debate over the Bard, but she needed to tell Killian the news.
Frankly, she was a little surprised Killian got them to talk about anything not made of chiffon or tulle. But, these girls were extremely smart, and loved to be challenged. And Killian always loved a challenge. Plus, it looked like they were whooping his ass in their analysis. If Emma was a sappy person, which she most certainly was not, she might have cried at how proud she was. Maybe a few more minutes. She thought to herself.
"Yes, but his murder of the Polonius isn't the only time he acts impulsively without thinking." She used another point in the discussion to announce her presence, but not stop the debate.
"But it is the most extreme." Killian countered with a crooked smile. The girls continued their debate while Killian walked over to Emma. "Is it true, love?"
"Yeah, unfortunately." She looked extremely disappointed.
"Well, we can make lemonade out of these lemons yet, Swan." Killian smiled despite his own disappointment. He would be lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to that night for weeks. "We won't be home that late. All that's changed is where we're eating dinner."
Emma loved his optimism. While she saw the glass as half empty, he saw it as half full and he always encouraged her to see the same. She loved how he always helped her feel better when she was down. "Well, I'll get to see you in a suit..." She leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "And out of a suit."
Emma watched with satisfaction as Killian's eyes widened and he blushed just like her students. At this point, the discussion had stopped and all the eyes were on them. "I'll see you tonight, love." Killian kissed her on the cheek and walked out of the classroom with a wink.
It took her a full ten minutes, and telling the story of how she and Killian met, to get the class to stop asking questions about Killian and focus on their work.
When Emma got back to her house, the first thing she did was throw off her shoes. They'd been killing her feet all afternoon and taking them off felt like jumping into the ocean on a hot summer day. The relief brought a sigh of pleasure from her lips and her husband appeared from around the corner. "Oh, you know how I love it when you make that sound."
Emma just fixed her husband with one of her patented stares and rolled her eyes. That was when she actually saw what he was wearing. "Seriously?"
His best shit eating grin crossed his face and he looked down at the tuxedo t-shirt he was currently sporting. "You like it? Dave said it was very sporting."
"It's certainly…something." Emma couldn't help but smile at her husband's antics. She knew he was just making a joke and wouldn't actually wear that to her work event. "While I would love to see Regina's face if you wore that, I think your suit is in the back of our closet."
"It's already laid out on the bed."
A few hours later, they were both dressed and ready to go. David and Mary Margaret, their neighbors and best friends, rang their doorbell just as they were about to leave, which confused Emma. The confusion vanished when she saw Mary Margaret holding a polaroid camera and start to snap pictures of Emma and Killian in their prom attire.
When Killian thoughtfully put a corsage on her wrist, she wasn't suspicious. When David insisted that he drive them in his truck and Killian immediately agreed enthusiastically, she wasn't suspicious. When Killian pulled her into the traditional prom pose in front of the backdrop and photographer at the venue, she still wasn't suspicious. When they danced to "Enchanted" by Taylor Swift, which was their first dance at their wedding, she started to have some suspicions. However, the moment she knew wasn't until she realized that it had been some time since they had done any actual chaperoning that she realized what her husband was doing.
He was re-creating the prom that neither of them had ever gotten.
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bangtan-spells · 7 years
Hoseok Scenario: Be My Baby.
Request: (HS) Biker!JHope has a crush on Shy!Reader. Reader thinks he's bad news so pushed him away, but turns out he's the most cutest/fun person ever scenario??? (: love your work so much! Keep it up and Love y'all!!💕
Genre: Fluff / Romance
Hoseok took a deep breath, thankfully you couldn’t look through his helmet and see his nervousness, well, it wasn’t like you were looking at him per se, in fact, you weren’t looking at him at all, as always, and this was Hoseok’s biggest dilemma because he wanted you to look at him, to pay attention to him, to want to tell him good morning and ask about his day just like he wanted to do with you. He sighed, he didn’t know if he should give up his crush on you or what, but it was difficult since you worked at his uncle’s carwash and he had been going there for the past weeks part to help out his uncle, and part to see you.
He took off his helmet and went down from his bike trying to look like he’d not been thinking about you for ten straight minutes while sitting there and went inside to find you near one of the two offices. He gathered all his confidence and his best smile to stand in front of you.
–Y/N, morning –
You eyed him up for a full minute without saying anything, how did you pull off that boring black and blue uniform so well? –Good morning… excuse me –
You smiled politely and walked past him, Hoseok wanted to hit himself, would it be too desperate to go after you? He turned around before he thought properly about it and followed you. –I’m Hoseok – he added with another smile and you looked at him in that same way that he couldn’t decipher, he didn’t know if you were this silent normally or what.
–I… I know – you said softly and Hoseok wanted to throw a party. Well he was sure he’d said his name to you over five times, and maybe his uncle had talked about him to you too, you continued ordering some oil bottles and not paying much attention to him so Hoseok deflated a little, but he considered the fact of you remembering his name an advance, he was decided to stay positive. Then you looked at him again with a polite smile and he deflated a little more. –Um… I’m a little busy, do you need something from me? –
Hoseok tried to think fast, dammit he had nothing to ask for aside from your number out of the blue and he didn’t want to come off like a total creeper or greasy, so he just stared at you a little lost and denied. You nodded and then you were going away so he was only left to look at you doing so, observing your cute braid, the way you walked so nice, the blue shirt a little big on you but that somehow you managed to pull off and those black pants that were tight to the point of perfection on your equally perfect legs and he had to take a deep breath and look elsewhere. You were going to be the end of him without even knowing about it.
You looked warily outside the office, Hoseok was still there and you sighed. He made you nervous in a weird way, you supposed it was because of his look. You had observed him getting down from his bike, taking the helmet off with smooth moves and he was definitely like the typical bad boy of the movies, the one girls whispered about, with his leather jacket, his helmet under his arm and his scary looking bike outside, he had to be it and if there was something you knew about bad boys, was that they were trouble.
You’d tried to stay neutral about him, you weren’t the most talkative out there anyway or the most outgoing and Hoseok seemed to be the type of crashing from party to party and from girl to girl, his kind smile was just a facade, it had to be, you decided.
You didn’t even know why he always tried to talk with you despite you trying to maintain the contact to the minimum, he was after all your boss’ nephew and you needed the job to save the money. When you took a peek outside again, Hoseok had taken off his leather jacket, he was wearing a gray t-shirt that wasn’t exactly tight, but enough to outline his body really well, Hoseok was fit and lean and your cheeks heated up a little, he was attractive but that didn’t mean he was good for you.
He caught your eyes on him and a smile stretched on his lips, he waved at you and raised his chin a little and you looked away, dropping a few of the documents you’d been holding in the process.
Normally you had a lot of patience, but that day was being rough on you. Your boss wanted you to promote a deal you had going on for the week with a cartel and fliers outside the carwash, but it was hard, you didn’t really know how to make this a success, maybe it was that you were too shy for this to be easy, maybe you felt a little uncomfortable with the shorts you were wearing alone because the other girl working with you called in sick and you didn’t like guys staring at you the way they were doing, or maybe it was that the day was incredibly hot and humid and you were already getting annoyed.
You sighed, trying not to loose your cool when a pick up drove by and some greasy boys shouted some catcalls to you.
–Here, have this – you jumped on the spot, you didn’t heard Hoseok coming but he was standing next to you holding a freezing bottle of water and suddenly you noticed how thirsty you were. –take it Y/N, you must be melting here –
–Thank you…– you were surprised by him caring if you were melting or not and when you took the water, Hoseok smiled widely. He had an easy smile, that or he was just pretending to be nice to you.
–I brought you this too – he showed you a cap with the log of the car wash, dark blue just like the shirt from your uniform, why didn’t your boss give you one of those? Hoseok didn’t wait for you to say anything and placed it on your head with careful hands, fixing it on your hair as if nothing and you froze a little, he was super close and then he inspected you with attentive eyes. –You look good with it –
He said way too animatedly and you couldn’t help but laugh softly. –Good or terrible? –
–Good, definitely – Hoseok said nonchalantly and your heart beat a little faster with the way he looked at you. That day he was wearing a red snapback and a white T-shirt with the sides cut low, this time you definitely had a firsthand view of his muscles and you felt so flustered just for doing so, you dropped your eyes and fanned yourself a little with the fliers. –I’m here to help you out –
You frowned at that, your boss didn’t mention that an you’d been outside for about an hour and a half on your own already. –Really? –
–Really, we can do this together – Hoseok talked animatedly and his light mood was nice to be around with.
You ended splitting up the fliers and even if he’d said that you could do the work together, he was the one doing the most, he’d told you to stand by the cartel where you could so conveniently hide behind so there wasn’t any more guys being unnecessarily gross towards you, and there was also a little shadow by the place he told you to stand in, you weren’t even handing out the fliers because Hoseok was the one giving them to the passersby, stepping up to people of the sidewalk, walking over to the cars all smiles and charm.
You were amazed and glad, he had already given half of the fliers in less than thirty minutes all the way keeping a light chatter with you and you were starting to doubt about everything you’d thought Hoseok was before that day.
–How about we just send all these flying? Maybe we can cheat our way out – Hoseok laughed, he’d folded one of the fliers to make a plane that flew smoothly to your way and made you laugh as well.
–Are you sure we can do it with all the rest? – you caught the paper plane and Hoseok shrugged, your cheeks were tingling, Hoseok’s was funny and he’d been making you laugh a lot.
He’d gone back inside for more water for you and didn’t let you step away from the cartel, had he noticed you had been uncomfortable over there? You looked at him speaking between laughs and felt warm inside, but then bit your lower lip because he’d gone there only because his uncle told him to and you should stop thinking about Hoseok, but it was hard, like, you hadn’t expected him to have this personality, at all, then he was sharing a cookie with you with the third water bottle he brought you and you didn’t know what to think about that.
At the end, you finished the job way quicker than you would have done alone, all thanks to Hoseok and his help, he was carrying the big cartel for you while you were getting inside and when your boss saw him coming with you he looked at him confused.
–What were you doing outside? –
Hadn’t him sent Hoseok with you? Why was he even asking what was Hoseok doing there? You looked at Hoseok and he seemed a little nervous, then he laughed, letting the cartel down by the wall. –Uncle! I was… uh… come with me, see you around Y/N–
Hoseok dragged your boss away and suddenly you knew that he’d lied to you, so if your boss hadn’t sent him there why did he bother to do your work and endure all that heat? You waited until you saw him again and it was you this time the one speaking first to him.
–Hoseok? – he jumped a little when you called him but recovered quickly with his smooth smile. –Can I ask you something? –
–Yeah, of course – he nodded and you were shy to ask, but you had to do it.
–If the boss didn’t sent you there, why did you help me? –
–I… well…– Hoseok smiled, thinking the best ways to say to you that he didn’t like seeing you so uncomfortable outside, that he was going nuts when he heard other guys screaming catcalls at you, and that he didn’t want to see you suffering in the heat because of some stupid fliers. He shrugged, playing with the keys of his bike. –I just did it because it was you Y/N –
You didn’t know what to say after that and you were positive that your face was turning at least five different colors. Hoseok smiled as widely as always and winked at you while saying goodbye and you couldn’t move, you couldn’t decide whether to feel the butterflies or the agitated beating of your heart but you couldn’t ignore it, as you couldn’t ignore either the way knowing that made you feel.
  You stopped pushing Hoseok away after that day, and as a reward, you got to know him even more because now that you were giving him the opportunity, Hoseok took every little chance he had of talking with you or cracking some jokes that got you laughing cutely and making him fall deeper under the weight of his crush for you until he gathered the guts to ask for your number.
You’d stayed silent for so long when he did that Hoseok thought you were denying him, that maybe he had misinterpreted everything, that you wanted nothing to be with him, but then you giggled so much you turned red and started to stumble a little on your words until you asked him for his phone to type yours there. If he’d thought you were cute before, he thought you were even cuter then.
He was ecstatic because you were especial,  you just needed to be comfortable enough to let a bit of your shyness go and you had accepted going out with him that night, finally. He was going to pick you up at your house and he couldn’t wait for it.
When Hoseok said he was outside, you ran all the way to the door, taking a deep breath and fixing your hair a last time. You were nervous, you were so so nervous but you were also excited for going out with him. You’d chosen to wear high waisted jeans, ankle boots and a cool sweater and you were glad for your choice if judging for the way Hoseok looked at you when you got outside.
He had been sitting lightly on his bike and he stood up when he saw you, you felt his eyes on you and your face heated up a little while you made your way to him.
–You ready? – he asked with a smirk, he was wearing his leather jacket and his torn jeans, still looking like a bad boy on the outside but you knew what was beyond that and it got your heart racing.
–I think I am –You said with a giggle, you weren’t really sure of how ready you were and your eyes drifted to his bike.
Hoseok laughed softly, noticing how you looked at his beloved bike as if it was going to bite off your head at some moment. –Don’t worry, I haven’t broken anything on it – he smiled, dazzling and alluring. –Yet –
Both of you laughed at that and you nodded, taking the helmet he was offering you. –I’ve never been in one…–
–Then, let me take you for a ride – Hoseok did a sort of courtesy that got you giggling some more and helped you get on the bike. –Hold onto me –
He whispered, and you didn’t know where to put your hands, you placed them on his shoulders but with the first roar of the motor you surrounded Hoseok’s torso tightly, feeling butterflies and excitement mixing together. You started to move and you closed your eyes for a moment while Hoseok gained some speed, pressing your head on the middle of his back and feeling a little wild there holding onto Hoseok, feeling the roar of his bike through your body and you started to understand why he liked this so much.
You went for a chill dinner and then a ride around the city, stopping at a high viewpoint with him for a while. This night had a lot of firsts for you and it felt nice to have experienced them with Hoseok, you were standing side by side looking down at the city lights.
–So, how was your first ride so far? – Hoseok asked, turning on his side to you with curious eyes and his flirty smile. –Was it good? Was it bad? – he clutched his chest dramatically as if he was in pain with the last question and you laughed, feeling flustered, you hadn’t spend five minutes straight without laughing or smiling when you were with him.
–So far, so good – you laughed, covering your lips and meeting his eyes.
Hoseok nodded with his eyes still on you and you saw him getting closer, he held your hand and suddenly you couldn’t hold his eyes anymore and you giggled out of nervousness, was he going to kiss you? Did you want that?  Your heart was beating so fast you couldn’t focus, but you wanted it so Hoseok’s proximity even if it made you nervous it was also thrilling.
–I’m glad – he said in a husky whisper, caressing your knuckles tenderly, how could you have thought he was bad news? You almost wanted to laugh at your prejudices.
Hoseok was looking at your eyes and for a moment he focused on your lips, you noticed it and you knew he saw you looking at his lips the same way, then he smirked and moved his face closer to yours.
You closed your eyes, you were definitely trembling a little and Hoseok’s lips pressed against your cheek tenderly, then he was moving away and looking at you with that same pretty smile, caressing your cheek with his thumb and winking at you to have you laughing softly. If it was for him, he would have kissed you on the lips, but he didn’t want to rush it, you were nervous and he wanted you to want it as much as he did, maybe that was coming sooner than he thought. He gave you the spare helmet again and helped you on the bike , for that night at least, he could relish on the feeling of your arms around him while you rode back home.
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allskynostars · 7 years
Strong, Chapter 3; Birthday Blues
Thanks so much for all the support everyone! If you'd like to read on AO3 here you go x http://archiveofourown.org/works/11748321/chapters/26644179 (On mobile so sorry about the crappy links/no read break) * It was the Friday night before Jellybeans birthday party, and Betty was sitting with her at the dining table, trying to turn the young girls attention back to her English work. To no avail. "Do you think I'm too old to wear my hair in like, pigtails? Or maybe dutch braids?" JB was slumped back in her chair, her head thrown back as she watched the ceiling. The first dilemma was what she was going to wear, and once that had been settled she moved onto her hair. The pencil between her fingers was tapping against the table. Betty took in a deep sigh, closed the copy of Of Mice and Men that JB was supposed to be writing a chapter summary on and pushed it away. There was only so many times one could try to get JB's attention back before it was lost completely. Betty was aware she had lost. "How about," Betty turned to face JB in her seat, "I come a bit earlier tomorrow, and dutch braid your hair for you?" Betty smiled as JB straightened up in her own chair. "Oh, Betty, are you sure? I would love that." Jellybeans face broke out into a grin, showing nearly all her teeth, and with her eyes sparkling like that how could Betty say no. "Of course. I can give your Mum a hand with the set up as well. I do love a good party prep." She nudged Jellybean in the side with her elbow. "But, only if you finish this chapter summary." "Deal." Jellybean was smirking now, and in that moment the resemblance between her and Jughead was unfathomable, Betty was almost breathless. JB pulled her exersize book back towards her and started to read over her notes for what may have been the 4th time that afternoon. Betty picked up the copy of Of Mice and Men, flicking back through the pages to find the specific chapter Jellybean was writing about. Once she found the first page of the chapter, Betty pressed lightly on the spine to flatten it out. "Ouch, please, no book defacing under my roof Coop." Betty rolled her eyes before she even raised her head too look at him, leaning in the doorway from the hall, arms folded. He was a vision in all black, wearing that leather jacket like a cloak, beanie like a crown. Betty had only seen him without the beanie once, last week when he had been dressed in just a white towel. In stark contrast to the boy who was in the doorway now. She hadn't realised he was home. And now thinking about how low that towel had sat on his hips was making Betty blush. "No permanent damage, see?" She let the book go, watching it close with no issue. She shot him a sickly sweet smile. He just shook his head at her lightly, that damn smirk on his face. Even though it had been over a month since Betty had been coming here after school to tutor Jellybean, she still hadn't quite figured out Jughead Jones. He wasn't around an awful lot to begin with, although lately it seemed as though he was home more often. And apparently they knew each other well enough to be on a nickname basis. His eyes were still trained on Betty, even as he pushed himself from the doorway to walk behind the two girls. He reached a hand out to ruffle Jellybeans hair, which resulted in some squirming from her seat. "If you don't mind, Jones. JB is trying to finish this chapter summary." Betty snared, turning her head to glance up to where he stood behind them. And then, before even she even realised what was happening, Jugheads hand was out towards her and he was ruffling her hair. Jellybean erupted into giggles. "Hey!" Betty swatted his hands away, but she couldn't help but start to laugh herself at the sight of JB. Her hair was a mess, cheeks red, and her head thrown back in a giggle fit. And strangely enough, when Jughead took his hand back, she realised how warm she had felt when he touched her. Even if it was just her hair. She caught his gaze again, enjoying how his mouth was curved slightly in the corners. His eyes averted to Jellybeans open exercise book. "That quote is wrong, JB. It's 'A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody', not 'ain't got somebody.'" His eyes lazily trailed back to Bettys. "You're slacking, Coop." He teased. And there was that damn smirk again. Betty could feel her cheeks reddening. "Piss off, know all." Jellybean jested, poking him in the side. She picked up her pencil and began rubbing out the misquote. "Don't you have somewhere better to be?" "I do have somewhere to be, little Sister." Jughead remarked, before heading towards the front door, taking his keys from the hook. "But I don't know if it's better." He added, winking towards Betty. She quickly dropped his gaze in order not to burst into flames at the dining table. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Jellybean pick up a spare pencil from the table and fling it at Jughead. "Go away, you're gross." She yelled at him as he closed the door, his laughter still booming through the wood. Jellybean didn't look up from writing in her school book before she spoke. "I think he quite likes you, you know." Betty was surprised at the comment, and equally as grateful that Jellybean wasn't looking at her right now. She could feel the heat in her cheeks, could hear her heart beating in her chest. Somehow she managed to compose herself in time to answer. "He's like that with all the girls, JB. I have seen it." She assured herself, trying to shake the very thought of Jughead liking her from her mind. Betty wasn't sure how he had such an affect on her, but she put it down to the fact that he knew what he was doing and that she was a fool. "Well, I haven't." Jellybean shrugged. Betty watched her face, it didn't falter. She wanted to pry a bit further, but knew she shouldn't. "What, he's never had a girl here before?" But her tongue got the better of her. Jellybean just shook her head. "Nope." Her mouth popped the 'p'. "Never had a girlfriend." "Huh." Betty was slightly shocked for two reasons. One being that she has seen it first hand at Pops plenty, girls fawn all over him. It seemed a lot of girls like that self-deprecation vibe he's got going on. Although, when she thought about it, he never really tried with any of them. Not that she had seen. And reason two being the warmth of excitement she felt rising in her chest. Of which didn't cool, not even when Gladys came home moaning about the length of her day, or when Archie came and picked her up to take to her to Veronicas for the night. Only did it fade when she chose to bring it up with her friends. "You know, I spoke to my Dad about them. He said he used to work with that kids Dad, a long time ago. Before he got himself locked up." Betty's head snapped up. She was perched on the chair at Veronicas vanity, facing the couple spread across the bed. Veronica mindlessly filed her nails while Archie tossed a football in the air, catching it every time. "What?" She hadn't know about their Father being in jail. "Do you know why?" Archie just shrugged. "Nope. But he was in the Serpents too, what more could you expect?" He said it with such conviction, Betty couldn't help but be annoyed. Archie knew nothing of who he was speaking about, how could he judge. "They aren't all bad, you know." Betty muttered. "Oh, please." Veronica sat up, rolling her eyes at Betty in the process. "Being a tad biased, are we not, my dearest Elizabeth?" Betty gave Veronica a puzzled look. "Just because you've got an eye for the Serpent prodigy, right? Your my best friend, I notice things" "Wh-what?" Betty stammered, not realising she had been quite so obvious. Veronica smirked at her, knowing she had been caught. She sunk back against the headboard smugly. "I've seen you at Pops, looking at him like he was the cherry on top of your very vanilla milkshake." Veronica shrugged, her attention focused once again on her nail file. "Can't say I blame you, he's definitely easy on the eye." "Hey!" Archies head flicked towards Veronica, dropping his attention from the football long enough for it to fall back down into his gut. Betty stifled a laugh as Veronica lent over and kissed Archie lightly on the mouth. "Don't worry, Archiekins. You're more than enough to keep me occupied." Now it was Bettys turn to roll her eyes. Once his girlfriend pulled back away, Archies eyes fell to Betty. "Just, be careful Betty. Okay?" She appreciated his concern, but it was misplaced. Yeah, she acknowledged that Jughead was gorgoeus. But it's not like it would ever happen. "Guys, please. I just tutor his sister, that's it. We're civil." She shrugged, and she was very thankful that her friends didn't approach the subject for the rest of the night. -//- Jellybean was squirming in her seat, struggling to stay still while Betty finished the braids in her hair. She was so excited. "Oh, god.." Jb sighed as she brought her hands up to her face. "I hope Jug doesn't embarrass me." Betty let out a light laugh as she tied the last band around the end of the braid. She braced her hands on JB's shoulders and caught her gaze in the mirror in front of them. "I'm sure he'll behave." Betty thought about it for a moment before adding. "At least for today." That earned a warm smile from JB. "Thank you so much for doing my hair, it looks so nice Betty." She rose form the chair and took Betty in a tight hug. "You're the best." Betty squeezed her back. "Happy Birthday, Jelly." When they pulled apart, Jellybean grabbed for the necklace that hung around her neck. It was Bettys gift, a simple silver chain with two 'J' charms. "I'm going to go and see if your Mum needs a hand." There was still an hour before any of JBs friends were due to start showing up, but they had made a head start on decorating and making food. As Betty reached the bottom of the stairs, she could hear raised voices from the kitchen. Which was nothing new, but as she got closer she could almost feel the tension in the air. "No! Absolutely not." Betty stopped in the doorway to the kitchen. From her vantage point she could see Gladys and Jughead, in a stand off, but they could not see her. "Jesus, Mum. It's his Daughters birthday. Of course he wants to speak with her." Jughead had his back to Betty, but she could see the anger in the way his shoulders were set. Gladys was sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen, the house phone in her hands. The way she was looking at Jughead made Bettys breath hitch in her throat. No Mother should look at her Son that way. "Did you know he was going to ring? Did you give him our number?" So it was Jellybeans phone she had in her hand. Betty knew Gladys monitored it. When Jughead didn't respond, she slammed her hand against the counter. "Did you give him our fucking number or not?" "He is still our Dad, he deserves to know-" "Don't you dare. Don't you fucking dare tell me what that man 'deserves'." Gladys' face was burning, her eyes boring into Jughead. Betty was half surprised he didn't burst into flames where he stood. "Don't ruin JB's day." "Me ruin it?" Jughead threw his arms in the air. "She should be allowed to speak to her Father on her fucking birthday. Just because he's the one locked up and you like to act like you never- " "OUT!" Gladys yelled, pointing towards the doorway where Betty was hiding. Her heart jumped into her throat for a moment, thinking she had been spotted. But when Jughead stomped in her direction she realised he was being dismissed. Right into her direction. Fuck. She tried to make it look like she hadn't been spying by ducking her head, acting surprised when Jughead brushed past her. The look on his face told her he wasn't fooled. Betty took a deep breath and plastered on a fake smile before breezing into the kitchen, asking Gladys if there was anything she needed a hand with. Betty made no comment when Gladys wiped the tears from under her eyes, or when she told Jellybean it was the neighbors when she had come downstairs to see who was yelling. And she tried to ignore the pained look on JBs face when she knew she was being lied too. Instead she busied herself with setting out the plates of food, and tried to distract Jellybean with making a music playlist. Just a little over 2 hours later, and the living room was full with young teenage girls. They were all lovely, but there was only so much high pitched giggling that Betty could handle in one sitting. She excused herself out of the patio doors in the lounge. The Jones' garden was very well kept, Gladys had obviously made gardening a bit of a habit. One side was lined with lilies of all different colours, and tucked in the corner was a wooden gazebo. And there, leaning forward with his elbows braced on his knees, was Jughead Jones. A cigarette hung from his mouth. He didn't raise his head as she walked in his direction, he just glanced at her from the side of his eye as she sat beside him. He took a drag of his cigarette before putting it out against the table, something his Mother would surely disapprove of. He flicked the butt over the fence. "Love thy neighbor." Betty muttered, reminding herself that he probably did put it out for her benefit, and made no further comment. He ignored her anyway. "You look nice." He remarked, without looking at her. Betty looked down at the yellow floral playsuit. She would be lying if she didn't admit that she had thought of him when she put it on. Even she would agree her legs looked good in this thing. "Thanks," She looked back towards him, taking him in. He wasn't dressed different from any other day, except today his shoulders were braced with a fleece lined collar denim jacket. "It's nice to see you without that straight jacket sometimes.." She was testing the waters, slightly relieved to see the smirk playing on his lips. She nudged his shoulder with hers. "Just kidding." "Sorry you had to see that." He nodded towards the house. "Sometimes she just.. She drives me up the fucking wall." He laughed, humorlessly. Betty was watching his face, she could see the pain he was trying to mask in his face, evident in the brush of purple that dressed the skin under his eyes. "I get it." She assured, wondering just what is was about him that made her feel comfortable. He looked up over his shoulder towards her raising a brow. "I'm a lifetime member of the Crazy Mum Club. I know one when I see one." She shrugged. Jughead sat up, leaning back against the bench table. He sighed. "Any tips?" He joked. "I'll let you know, if I ever figure it out." Jughead held her gaze for a moment before his eyes flicked back towards the house. Betty could only just make out the song the screaming girls were all trying to sing. The light trace of a smile that had adorned his face a moment ago disappeared. Somehow Betty knew what he was thinking before he could mutter a word. The complete and utter love he has for his sister is something she admired about him from day one. "She's okay, Jug. She's a strong girl." His eyes flicked back to hers. "The way your Mum is with her, I've seen it before. I experience it every day, still. The pressure. We just have to make sure JB knows she can stand up for herself." We, had she really just used the term we for her and Jughead? "You're really great with her, Betty. You're like the sister I never was." He laughed, his eyes wistful as he held Bettys gaze. "Someone to look up to." Betty gave him a warm smile. "For what it's worth, I'm on your side. She's old enough to make her own mind about her Dad." She fought the heat she could feel travelling up her neck at the way he was looking at her, the intensity of his gaze as he tilted his head made her want to run and hide. Saw swallowed hard. "You don't even know what he's done." He questioned, but his voice was light. Like he was surprised. Betty just shrugged. "That's still her Dad, you know? Everyone deserves a chance to explain themselves. Besides.." Her eyes raked down Jugheads form, trailing back to his eyes as she bit hard on her bottom lip. "Not everyone is how they seem." And certainly not him. The double headed snake of the Serpents was ironic, she thought. There was one version of him that seemed to come with the leather, and another without it. She had kind of seen them both now, unintentionally. Jughead had to clear his throat before speaking. "We're not talking about my Dad still, are we?" He queried, making Betty throw her head back in a laugh. "Well -" "Betty!" Jellybean had interrupted Betty, she was stood across the yard at the patio door, waving them over. "We're gonna do the cake. You too, Jug!" Betty looked back at Jughead, and was certain the disappointment at being interrupted she saw on flash across his face was mirrored in her own. He sighed and gave Betty a knowing smile. "Come on, Coop." He nudged her as he stood up, reaching his hand out for her own to pull her up. "We've been summoned." And even though Jughead dropped her hand as soon as she had stood, she could still feel the burn of where he had touch her as they sang Happy Birthday and watched JB blow out her candles, and still even when she lay in her bed that night. *
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