#this is the funniest shit ive seen in ages
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whatyoutaughtwasfear · 1 year ago
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literallycryingggg · 2 years ago
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lesbianraskolnikov · 5 months ago
Have i not saved pickle rick rodya under a tag whats my problem
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h7p3r4ct1v3-h0rn3t2 · 18 days ago
1 2 5 + 8 for Spencer and/or Kevin NKotR
holy shit TWO characters to talk about youre so niceys to me .. ok first of all
1. What are your favorite headcanons for them?
Ok this might be inaccurate in like 2 days bc im bad at favouritse . Umm . for spencerr. One of my favourite hcs for her. and this is like kind of nothingburger but i like to think that she sort of engages with the world as if she genuinely believes she is fictional. DOES she believe that?? Maybe. It depends on what is funniest to me in the moment ☝️☝️ but as a rule i like to think that she kind of acts like she is on hit sitcom the office (ive never seen a single episode of the office i just know the camera is diagetic) . One of my favourite headcanons for kevin is that he's some sort of protestant christian. Probably calvinist. I don't know the idea is just funny to me This is a protestant man!!!!!
2. What’s a headcanon / characterization you’ve seen for them that you dislike?
I dont knowwwwwwwww.... NKotR fandom so small i havent seen like any characterizations that i DISLIKE. one thing that vaguely annoys me with characterizing Spencer specifically is like. this is just bc i have worms but she kinda gets that whole "character mentions food once and it becomes their whole gimmick" thing . sometimes it's funny but also the onion rings have genuine symbolism to me and nobody really gets it. wait.... nobody ..... say that again ☝️☝️☝️(<-Reference to book nine of the Odyssey in which Odysseus introduces himself as "Nobody" to the cyclops so that when they take out his eye he will say "nobody has harmed me")
5. What social media apps would they use most regularly?
ok . Obviously MySpace for spencer (ironically though, who do you think she is?) . Facebook for both of them but for different reasons. Spencer literally talks about using facebook like straight out so that's that. Kevin, technologically speaking, kind of has Old Person Vibes. i mean he literally didn't Know what a Video Game was until Computer Fighters. they had a whole gag about it. and facebook of course is the Old People social media. I think in the year of our cosmic angels 2025 Spencer would've loved xiaohongshu. like come on it's like the slightly less popular Tiktok. Come On!!!
8. What political views would they have?
[wearing shirt that says I <3 SPECULATING ON THE POLITICAL STANCES OF CHARACTERS I LIKE] So . Like. Hipsters as a Group are generally more left-leaning than the average bear and that's because a big part of hipsterism is (The appearance of) being counterculture. Spencer herself mentions the ideas of global warming and the Iraq war, both in seemingly negative contexts. I Think that she's. kind of liberal in an edgy way if that makes sense. Like she desires the shock value that comes with being radically against the current system but none of that really coalesces into a fully fledged political opinion. She's all for like gay marriage and legal weed. She Knows the terms proletariat and bourgeoisie. But it is kind of unclear whether this is another Ironic Bit or if she would actually put her money where her mouth is if given the chance (she wouldn't). Now. Kevin is a lot easier to parse a political opinion from because of The Money Tree. this political opinion of course is DIOS MIO!!!!! A LIBERALLLL!!!! but NOT in the same way spencer is at all. Kevin is actively in favour of america as an institution, he is a footballing, leather jacket wearing, Atomic Age American Man!!!!! But ☝️ He goes to pro-choice rallies and recycles his cans and jars. The conservatism is ok if it's not THAAAAT conservative!!! Some people want gay people dead. HE wants gay people to bootstrap or something??? I don't even remember the point i was trying to make. he's the whitest person who ever did the funky chicken. this is the longest fucking paragraph in this post because i cant make a point concisely to save my life but i hope you get the gist
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Can we get more Twins! Danny and Ellie
Maybe the accelerated aging from the cloning only fully stopped when Ellie’s age lines up with Danny’s. Maybe Danny gets de-aged as the phandom is wont to do. Hell maybe they’ve both been de-aged, Ive seen at least 2 fics where that happens. you’re kidding yourself if you think either one of them is less of a garbage dwelling chaos gremlin than the other, the only reason Danny might look more held together ( no pun intended) is because he’s tired! he’s fighting ghosts all day! Give this boy a nap and he’ll start stealing shoelaces. Let these two little shits be little shit twins!
(None of this is to shit on father - daughter Danny - Ellie, I love that too, but I crave the mayhem that follows on the spooky siblings heels.)
(I will also accept “our familial relationship is whatever would be funniest in any particular context” )
(write more fics about Ellie in general tbh)
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kirkwahmmett · 2 months ago
oh wow ive seen those anons and holy shit i dont think its cool to be that mean to someone your age.
wtf. i hope the anons leave you alone. picking on younger people is stupid
the funniest thing was that nothing that that anon assumed about me was actually correct.
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thegreenishhues · 1 year ago
THis is the FUNNIEST SHIT ive seen in ages IM DyING OmG AHHHH
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wulfums · 2 years ago
i apologize in advance for the influx of asks you are about to receive, but i have thoughts, anyways you mentioned that clone elementary/middle exist in your au, do you have any facts about how the schools were run or how the clones/wesley were at those ages ?
NOOO DO NOT AP OLOGIZE it means so much youre invested in my silly ch au. the au means the world to me and is the only thing i think abt and ive been developing it for almost 3 years!!!
i personally think clone elementary and middle school were just. run the exact same. the same teachers, same building, everything. theres only one age group of clones so there really isnt like....more than one class. i think they just modify the signage and stuff but that's about it. otherwise its the Same.
i think in elementary school they played the worlds most insane pretend games. i also think that like, the main g2 clone group specifically (harriet, frida, confucius, topher, wesley. sometimes other clones joined.) had like a lot of really specific games, and also had the worlds funniest soap opera plotlines with their dolls. like setting up elaborate death scenes and funeralds when a barbie was killed off elaborate.
wesley absolutely had an issue with Biting at elementary school age (it stopped around 3rd grade) and liked to chew on things. or people.
in general in elementary i think they were all just friends and liked to play funny games. i think this was also the objectivly easiest age to deal w them all as well.
the g1 elementary was mostly the same, though at the time people were Sadly more strict w gender shit so like. boys couldnt join in on the barbie soap operas sadly.
i also think elementary school age was literally the only age that any of the clones thought scudworth was Cool and Fun. but they always liked mr b and wulfington and still do.
since all the clones were Technically born the same day, they celebrate their birthdays on their cloneparents birthday! i think the faculty at clone elementary tried to always make the bdays special for the clones. i also think this was sheepman's favorite age to deal w the clones bcuz it was just. objectively easier and also they were very cute
middle school in contrast was uh. the worst. its always the worst for every ever. everyone in middle school is mean as hell and arguments start and school starts getting harder. i think a lot of the clones started acting out more, both g1 and g2(thought w the g2 clones, cyberbullying is a huge issue). i think in general this time period was so hard for the clones bcuz its when they were pushed more into being like their cloneparents and most of them just...weren't.
this is also when specific clones started being shitheads more. aka topher discovered reddit around this time and everything went downhill from there for him(his own fault). and is when he made everyone start hating him bcuz he was just. so convinced he was smart as hell for these opinions he read on reddit.
i think specific bonds were solidified and like, enemy relationships as well. like, the main clone group (frida, confucius, harriet, wesley) became besties for Life at this time. but this is also around the time wesley became a menace emotionally- like to be fair she is autistic and didnt really Get what she was doing wasnt funny, and thankfully when she went Too far, Harriet would be like "Take a breath bestie, that's a bit too far." Harriet and Wesley specifically are besties! This is also around the time Wesley started getting crushes on literally all her friends. you know, middle school things
i think clone middle school was the worst time, ever, for the faculty. like...have you ever tried to control or discipline a middle schooler? it doesnt work. they crave chaos. i think another huge issue is that this was when the clones Discovered homophobia and transphobia from the internet + Learned Slurs(middle schoolers love those. sadly.) and this is like. the only time they've EVER seen wulfington super mad. he + mr b + scuds had to sit them down and be like "yeah so, we're not doing this. it shouldnt have been acceptable with the first set of clones, and it DEFINATLY isnt now. Fucking stop it." and they went out of their way to make any of the students discovering they are lgbt+ feel safe and welcome- and like. even if middle schoolers are hell to deal w, they still liked and respected mr b and wulfington and having them feel dissapointed in them sucked, + the bullying policy regarding bigotry was extremely strict. so i think most of the kids stopped that shit quick, thankfully, and shut each other down when they heard it. this is why topher has no friends you see.
please note that a lot of the middle school stuff is. directly based on how middle school was for me. so if i seem like im being mean....no i promise thats just how middle school is. everyone is scared + conmfused + everything is getting harder + theyre noticing media pressure.
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bootycallofcthulhu · 1 year ago
In my ribbon master journey, im currently still in emerald where the old PokeNav, my beloved, exists. I love it but also hate it but the absolute funniest thing is the fact that the protags for this game are aged like 10-14 and this random hiker on mt. Chimney, a whole ass grown man, gives a child his phone number in case that small child finds his unicorn.
His unicorn is not a pokemon. This hikers unicorn is a mountain full of women.
Irl this would get his ass thrown in prison but in the context of this game its the funniest shit ive seen in these games
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boldtwisted · 1 year ago
Thanks for making that "I saw someone ship Hawks with Twice" copypasta ages ago because the op who got mad at you for doing that accused my buddy of fetishizing a completely harmless and innocent mlm ship as an mlm themselves. Op then proceeded to make that post simply because of their own personal non-canon headcanons and because they felt like being the mlm police I guess. Funniest shit Ive ever seen. I know this was like weeks ago but them getting angry over it put a smile on my face so thank you idk what a Hawks or a twice is but that was good.
LMFOAOO this is my first like, anon ask thing. AND IVE GOTTA SAY. I made it without a second thought, I didn’t think they’d get so upset abt it, but hey🤷🤷
Is what it is I say! They even went abt messaging me and looking at MYY PAGE and saying “by the looks of your reblogs you fetishized Mlm relationships” so like?? Whatevrr. I’m more interested in how you found out I was the maid of honor though‼️
For anyone unaware though, know that I didn’t mean any harm by the post, just thought it was funny, that’s all!
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thdrama2 · 1 year ago
holy fuck the michaverse drama is the funniest shit in the world. "Why are you, a 17 year old, sharing rape fanfic with a 16 year old?" TWO TEENAGERS? TWO TEENAGERS. THIS ISNT THE GROOMING STORY YOU WANT IT TO BE. also the fact that kono is sending michas apology posts WITH them talking about how much they hate the op is just. you cant write tv like this baby.
its the most child drama ive ever seen
Sweet Jesus in his Heavenly Manger.
charistu/michaverse said "Chibi" sent them incest fanfiction on Discord.
Chibi/HimejoshiHeart said that they did not and said michaverse is slandering them however note that Chibi was blocked by the thread's OP or Chibi blocked the OP so those comments are now gone.
Michaverse shows a screenshot of the fanfictions still in their Google Doc's history to prove they exist.
Michaverse's friend konokono said to Chibi: "Why are you, a 17 year old, sharing rape fanfic with a 16 year old?"
This is all being discussed in the comment section of a PSA about michaverse but the PSA content itself is totally unrelated.
I'm not sure anybody of any age wants to be sent incest rape fanfiction by a stranger on Discord.
The PSA on michaverse is a trainwreck on its own as well.
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wazohoo · 9 months ago
hold on let me chronicle the crazy ass way i met my boyfriend rq:
- starts out with me being in highschool theatre. i was a bit of a slut (positive) and there were two boys who had crushes on me (this is important)
- one of them adds me to a discord (???) in order to win my affections (both of them are in this discord so im not sure what the plan was)
- the discord is basically split into two houses: one part is mostly theater kids from my highschool. the other, by some miracle, consists of boys from the local private school in our area*
*note: these two groups DESPISE one another. im not sure how the discord even worked to this day.
- the first guy introduces me to the private school boys, who are generally pretty cool and we get on pretty well
- one of the private school boys and i were chatting it up in dms, getting to know one another over our shared love or phantom of the paradise. he then asks me to a dance thats being hosted by their bougie ass school and offers to pay for dinner.
- i recognize “ah! this is a date type ordeal” and suddenly make the decision that while this dude is pretty cool, im way not into him like that, so i decline. he totally gets it and drops the subject
- a few days after this rejection i begin to regret turning him down, seeing as hes not a bad dude but more importantly after finding out the dinner would be at red lobster, and i can really fuck up some cheddar bay biscuits
- and suddenly, like an angel sent on high, one of my friends from the theatre company im in posts on her story what is, with lack of a better term, an advertisement for another boy our age on her instagram. now, this guy i recognize is in the aforementioned discord and also from the same private school as the first guy. however! the advertisement includes three things:
- his name and details
- the fact that he’s not a creep
- and the fact that he will pay for dinner
- so naturally, i slide up and ask for the deets. she gives them to me and a hit him up on discord. hes pretty awkward, seeing as we’ve literally never talked before, but we come to a mutual agreement that he needs a date and i need cheddar bay biscuits
- chaos ensues. my friends learn that im going on what is essentially a blind date with a rich private school boy and they are in shambles. my dating life is insane. the men are fuming. meanwhile, im picking out what dress will best cover the food baby i plan to have after eating about 17 cheddar bay biscuits.
- fast forward to the night in question. im looking great, i have a chin length bob, a tan velvet dress, and the ugliest fucking chunky velvet heels youve ever seen. the ensemble was truly a product of its time.
- as was tradition, all of the girls got ready at my house. one by one, their dates arrive (also private school boys.) one of the dates was the guy that first asked me to the dance. everyone arrives but one- my date.
- im checking the clock frantically, thinking “oh shit. ive been stood up” when suddenly a black honda civic rolls in. suddenly i am filled with dread as another teenage boy in a suit steps out. this is the most attractive man at the party, and holy shit, thats my date.
- now im panicking. the photos didnt do him justice. this guy was hot! i remember thinking “he didnt text like a hot guy? how is this possible” as hes walking in the door. his friends all greet him, and hes chatting with them until he walks over to me. we kind of mumble some greetings to eachother, both pretty awkward. the tension is palpable and everyone else is making fun of us until my mom walks in and demands pictures.
- we proceed to take what is, to this day, the funniest photo i have ever seen. there are two other couples on the group/ both of them are hugged up and clearly romantic in the photo. meanwhile me and the mystery man? a solid 5 feet apart. i wish i was kidding. it was like something out of a movie.
- after taking some horribly awkward photos we all move to get into our cars and head off to dinner. im sweating at this point. as i get into the mystery man’s car im panicking. my anxiety has set in- this outing is going to suck. it’s silent in the car for a good 30 seconds, only to be interrupted by
- “do you like music?” the question catches me off guard. what the fuck. ‘do you like music?’ what kind of question is that? i try to keep it together but suddenly im laughing. this would be extremely inappropriate- except now hes laughing too. i ask him what kind of question is that? and he replies i dont know, maybe you hate music. we’re laughing again
- several conversations happen in succession. we talk about the music. then we start talking about red lobster. this of course leads us to the song rock lobster, which he plays. we begin to talk about lobster economics and society under the sea. this is the strangest man ive met in my fucking life.
- we get to the red lobster and its an absolute blast. the food was terrible but the biscuits and the company are good. these are some of the funniest people ive ever met. i misjudged them, this table full of private school kids wasnt as bad as their reputation led me to believe.
- the dance goes equally well. me and the boy dont slow dance or anything but we knew it wasnt a ‘date’. i began to wish that it was. he wasnt a bad guy. one of the guys is wearing a pillows shirt under his suit. my guy was wearing a weezer shirt. pillows guy is breakdancing. the orderbs were fucking terrible. theres a photo booth. the whole thing is hosted in our local art museum and it is beautiful.
- were driving home, chronicling the wvents of the night. it was superb. as were driving back to my house he gets silent. were about to turn into my driveway when he blurts out “do you want to do this again?” i say yes. our first date is, keeping in theme, olive garden. we have been dating since.
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arundolyn · 3 years ago
annoying as fuck and you're wrong about omegaverse shut the fuck up forever idiot.
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boypussydilf · 3 years ago
aw hey another relationships ask. how about sae and akechi? (platonically if thats not obvious,) vastly interested in hearing your opinion
OH MY GOD I HAD NOT EVEN CONSIDERED THEM. CAN WE TALK ABOUT SAE AND AKECHI IVE BEEN DYING TO TALK ABOUT SAE AND AKECHI “youre literally about to talk about them” I AM}!??!?!? SWEET!!!!! literally i saw i had an ask and i was like oh man I’ll probably have to save it for tomorrow and then i saw what it was and was Instantly restored to Full Health. my HP bar is massive and so is my brain. anyway this is once again gonna turn into kind of a big post so
describe their canon relationship/dynamic
They’re, like, coworkers, which is already incredible bc they’re like. a 27 year old woman and a 17 year old boy. i dont actually know how old sae is but you get the idea. can you imagine being sae and working so hard to earn a position & respect as a young female prosecutor and then theyre like. can you confer with this Teenage Prettyboy. shes so strong for not just walking out.
But It Gets Better. Every interaction they have is stellar. The very first time we see them interact, which is also The First Time We See Akechi, At All, is, god i dont remember the Actual conversation they have i only rememebe the end of it, the most important part: akechi trying to get sae to buy him sushi and looking so miserable and pathetic when she’s like “only the cheap stuff :/“. Fucking…. incredible. 10/10 introduction to their dynamic all on its own. I cannot remember if akechi ever asks her to get him sushi again in the game or if im recalling something that happened in the anime or a fanfic. but. god its so funny. akechi, AKECHI, trying to pester this adult woman he works with into treating him to food. and her refusing. its incredible i could talk in circles abt how good this is for years.
and then it gets even funnier bc of like. the scene where sae realizes that Her Laptop Has Been Tampered With, and she asks akechi if He did it because they had a Disagreement recently. sae thinks akechi is petty enough to like. illegally take important and classified case information from her computer. over some difference of opinion that like, i imagine we see in the game, but if we do its so Understated that ive never noticed it. and she goes Did you try to get revenge on me. you bitch. like its so so funny
AND IT STILL GETS FUNNIER. BECAUSE. makoto says like. she got the impression sae had more trust & respect for akechi than for her. Sae is like “this guy I work with can be annoying and full of himself but he’s genuinely smart and he gets the job done i respect that” and then the guy in question is A TEENAGE CELEBRITY.
I don’t think we ever get to see akechi talk about sae all that much but like. It seems like he does Genuinely Like Her. And also is constantly passive aggressive at her!
In conclusion i. They’re incredible. They’re coworkers, theyre enemies, theyre very good friends with deep respect and even a kind of admiration for each other, theyre one businesswoman and the weird as hell teenager she works with that she feels compelled to be nice to because she has a little sister his age.
your ideal/headcanon version of it? how does it differ from how it is in canon & why is this your favorite version? any other alternate versions of it you enjoy?
Again yet another case of like. ^ All That is just like. Their actual canon interactions. I cant improve on that. The only way it can be made better is by having More of it. GOD I wish we got more of it. Oh also I think they talk shit about other people theyve both worked with together. With the utmost professionalism.
what do you like about their relationship, why is it interesting or enjoyable to you?
theyre a combo of “GOD i want akechi to have friends. so bad” + “This is the funniest thing ive ever seen. in my life” i wish i was big brain enough to come up with something as riotously hilarious as their dynamic. the whole concept is so singularly unique. i dont know if that was even INTENTIONAL. its all There and it just gets skimmed over. just….. completely fascinating
what about the individual characters involved? what does this relationship mean to them, what makes it unique among their relationships?
*sobbing and blubbering* what if… goro akechi… had friends and people he cared about… even if he wont fully admit it or tries to avoid it… Like legit that’s. theyre. theyre like friends. i keep going to say They Get Along but they do not get along. but they are. friends. mostly in a Work Friends kind of way but still. & like. i think itsjust inevitable that as an Older Sibling sae will see people younger than her & feel Urge To Watch Over Them And Make Sure Theyre OK even without any like Personal Attachment. *sae voice* i guess i have to take care of this annoying fucking kid because NO ONE ELSE IS!!
of course agaun they also both just have Professional Respect for each other. as well.
favorite interaction they have in canon
favorite interaction they have in your head/a situation you want to put them in
ACTUALLY I HAVE NO IDEA. I JUST WANT TO SEE THEM INTERACT MORE FULL STOP. i think anything they did together would be funny
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simpforcatra · 3 years ago
Hey! I just finished watching she-ra for the first time, and I was wondering if you could recommend some blogs and/or fic writers to me?
first off, congrats. i hope you enjoy the extreme gayness that has now entered your life. just don't let it consume you.
second, oooooo boy do i have a bunch. sorry this list took me forever to compile. i literally sat on this for like a month and compiling the list took me maybe 30 minutes 🗿
tumblr users
radsity - art, really fucking pretty art
@swearyshera - she-ra abridged. its good. you probably already follow them.
@turtle-ly - good shitposts. has a lot of content and has 300+ shitposts stocked up, so expect content for a long time
kaereth - art, lots of older content but still doing shera stuff occasionally from kofis
miledibuja - art, comics, standalones, my profile pic :)
@catradoratwtgoodies - posts good content from twitter and or reblogs spop stuff
@ao3feed-catradora - literally just a bot that posts new fics from ao3 under the catradora tag. but ive found a lot of fics from it so its here
@incorrect-quotes-from-she-ra - i am gonna plug my best friend on tumblr here, leo, who has amassed a large amount of funny incorrect quotes for our favorite gang.
wingedcorgi - pretty artstyle and has published several great post/pre/during-canon fics
musenilla - has branched out to other content but still makes spop stuff, great comics and standalones with a cute art style
@nonbinarychaoticstupid - reblogs a shit ton of spop stuff. among other content. but they are still a good source of spop content. lol.
ao3 writers
laurenjauregui - wrote the love simon au. funny, well written, great fics and usually releases chapters consistently. currently releasing scream au
ceruleanstorm - their world building, characterization, and writing style is AMAZING! the upper west side series is 400k+ words and i feel like its half that.
petty_labelle - its always a good day when a new petty labelle fic drops. some of the funniest catradora stories ive ever read
driluth - has written several fics based on show aus
lesbianxcatra - has a bunch of fics under their belt, of varying content and age ratings
sevansevan - really good au long form fics, writes other ships as well like glimbow
DandyVela - break my leg is such a drama i love it.
chellethewriter - has multiple great fics.
ehj - prolific on twitter. also very good short fics, both au and in canon
n7punk - lots of variety when it comes to fics. very high quality writing.
i was going to include twitter users. but i am too lazy to go through those. probably the most important user ive seen in the fandom is el, @ okokcooool, their art is very prolific, pretty, and well followed for good reason. literally their art gives half the fandom life. if u have it, you can check my twitter out @ abssimpforcatra and take a look through my following list for some people to follow
hope this list is good! tried to get the best of what i could remember. a lot of the tumblr users are on twitter, and a lot of the ao3 writters can be found on tumblr/twitter at similar names. like petty_labelle can be found on twit @ pettiestlabelle. their socials will be in fic notes a lot. 🤷‍♂️
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secreteviltwin · 3 years ago
masterposting lost reactions even though exactly 1 of my mutuals has seen it because ive spent today binging season 5
every scene with richard in it is the funniest scene
the ep where locke goes around failing and then everyone and their mom points out that he's just lonely/delusional and then he tries to kill himself is 😶. literally so mean of them to give the believer a cruel death and the skeptic an unshakeable destiny
im glad they redeemed ben in the end, if they hadn't i don't think it would be lost. but i do enjoy it when he gets the shit beat out of him. watching him get played like a fiddle by MiB not so much
young!danielle is gorgeous
this is my first rewatch and it's so crazy how different the experience is when you Know things. especially all the shit with the temple and fake!locke. everything has a hidden meaning etc. but especially MiB impersonating alex to threaten ben was so funny. like watch 1 i was 😮 what's going on here??? and watch 2 is smokey throwing all subtlety out the window
kate is much less annoying in the late series to the point where im actually enjoying her arc quite a bit? the coming back for claire thing is such a solid motivation now that she's moved on from the love triangle bullshit
the throwaway "it's not a monster it's a security system for the temple" line had me 👀 especially after having seen the directors commentary for across the sea
penny and desmond having their first reunion in "the constant" and their second reunion in "the variable"... it's like poetry it rhymes etc.
the way they go out of their way to include everyone's individual reaction to richard not aging really does it for me
one thing this show does right is Masterful use of episode titles. top of the list this season is "he's our you" but top of all time remains "all the best cowboys have daddy issues"
ill be real i didn't catch the bit where jacob made the others learn latin until now. also does his name mean his mother was jewish or is it just anglicized?
richard should have clocked locke immediately. I-M-M-E-D-I-A-T-E-L-Y. huge L for him
the MiB and the dwarf in the flask from fma are the same character
the god-wont-intervene-but-the-devil-will thing they've got going on is actually so weighted and interesting especially combined with the very pointed compilation of jacob going around touching all the candidates. it really is all about the lighthouse scene
jacob spending his time weaving is something that can be so personal
the scene where the backgammon-bros sit on the beach looking at the black rock is a tv recreation of the beginning of the book of job
i don't think women can be blorbos so i guess richard is the closest thing i've got
s5 is definitely the best one. perfect mix of nonsense + interesting flashbacks + lore + no charlie (hate that guy)
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